Daisy’s rescue

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Daisy’s Rescue By Grace

“Lily you're it ,I tagged you!” Daisy yelled excitedly. They were playing lily pad tag which was their all time favorite game. They jumped from lily pad to lily pad trying to catch each other. They didn’t seem to mind that their mother said it was much too dangerous to be out in the open. Just as Lily turned around to tag Daisy she heard a splash and the next thing she knew a huge human hand scooped Daisy up in a net. Lily couldn’t believe her eyes, Daisy would never survive she was too little and helpless. Lily was usually brave, and daring, but humans were the one thing she had always been afraid of, they were gigantic and could easily crush her. She was reluctant, but she loved her

sister and she knew she would have to go after her. Without thinking, she hopped after the human, but she was much too fast for her. Finding her sister was going to be a challenge and she was going to need a plan. She just hoped the human didn’t hurt her. *** Lily must of dropped off, because she found herself in a clearing right near the pond. Lily went to the pond and caught a few flies. She knew she had a long day ahead of her. She set out for her journey right as the sun was setting. She had absolutely no idea where she was going, the only thing she knew was that she was determined to find her sister. Riverdale was a small town with only two neighborhoods, but for a little frog that was a lot to search. She decided to start on Weedville Avenue. She hopped to the first house and jumped up as far as she could to look in the window, but it was to high. She decided to go look for a place to go in. She saw a glass door was open a tiny bit and she squeezed herself in. She found herself in a large room that had a weird aroma. She looked all around the house, but she didn’t see any sign that Daisy was there. “Ahhhhhh there's a a a frog,” Daisy heard someone shout. She heard footsteps behind her and she knew she had to get out of there. She jumped as fast as she could. Her heart was beating so hard she thought it might burst. She went out the back door, which was conveniently open. She jumped into the woods as fast as she could. She collapsed to the ground totally out of breath. Daisy almost never cried, but it was dark and she was tired, thirsty,hungry and lost. She started to sob. She cried, and cried, and cried, and then she just laid there thinking. She heard a buzzing sound. When she looked up she saw a dragonfly.

“Hi my name is Skyler, I couldn’t help noticing that you might be in need of some company,” She said looking concerned. “Oh yeah I’m looking for my sister she was taken by a human,” Lily said wiping her eyes. “What's your name,” Skyler asked. “Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Lily.” “Wait!” Skyler said as she dashed away. As quickly as she had left she appeared again. “I knew it! All the dragon flies have been talking about it one of them saw a frog get taken by a human and followed them,” Skyler said with a big grin on her face. “You mean you know where my sister is?” Lily said gaping at her. “Yeah, come on,” Skyler said leading the way. Lily jumped as fast as she could behind Skyler.

Suddenly, Skyler came to an abrupt stop at the edge of the woods just as the sun was rising . “That’s the house,” Skyler said glancing at Lily. Lily tried to answer, but the lump in her throat was keeping Her from from speaking. As she hopped towards the house she could feel her heart was beating so fast. Without thinking she jumped through through the open window and landed with a thud on a hardwood floor. She got up and found herself looking right into the eyes of a big orange fat cat. She let out a big loud croak and jumped away as fast as she could. She looked back and saw the cat trudging behind her. She had the advantage given that the cat was so fat he could barely walk. The cat must of gotten tired of chasing her, because when she looked behind her the cat was no where to be seen. She was breathing so fast she thought she might faint. “Psst over here,”a familiar voice called. Lily’s face lit up “Daisy is that you?” “Yeah, come here,” she whispered. Lily climbed up the couch and leaped to the table Daisy cage was on.

“Daisyareyouokaywhathappenedwhatdidtheydotoyouareyouhurtareyouhun gry,” Lily was talking so fast Daisy could barely understand her. “I’m fine, but you have to get me out of here before the humans wake up,” Daisy said anxiously. “How do I get it open?” Lily said starting to fidget with the lock but it wouldn’t budge. Lily didn’t know what to do the humans would wake up any second now. “I’ve seen the humans do it, I think you push the red part and then pull it out,” Daisy answered. THUMP THUMP THUMP! Daisy and Lily froze they knew that was the sound of footsteps on the stairs. THUMP THUMP THUMP! Everything seemed like it was in slow motion. THUMP THUMP THUMP! Lily saw a shadow descending down the stairs. THUMP THUMP THUMP! Lily pushed the lock with all her strength and pulled it out. THUMP THUMP THUMP! The cage door swung open and they hopped off the table just as a human stepped to the floor. Daisy and Lily jumped as fast as they could towards the open window. They jumped as fast as they could out the window, but didn’t stop until they were well into the woods. They collapsed to the ground. When they caught their breath they looked into each other eyes they couldn’t believe they were finally together and safe. “Lily I don’t know what I would do without you I’m so lucky you’re my sister.”

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