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Friends by Doan

One boring Sunday morning Monkey was laying down on the floor, thinking about what to do, but Mom kept on saying “No” to what Monkey was saying, like going to the other side of the jungle. At dawn Monkey got tired so he fell asleep. Mom was relieved, because Mom thought that Monkey was never going to sleep. Mom carried him to his room and then she tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead. After an hour Monkey woke up. He brushed his teeth with a cloth on a stick. Mom asked him before he went back to bed, “Do you want to hear a bedtime story?” Monkey jumped up and said, “Yay!” “One day the hunters came to the jungle,” said Mom. “Their feet were loud

as an elephant stomping hard on its feet. One foolish Monkey with his group of friends were messing around and messing with the hunters. Then the foolish Monkey made one of the hunters, the chief, slip on a banana.” Monkey gasped and said, “What happens next?” Mom said, “The foolish Monkey and his friends were never seen again.” Monkey asked what happened to the foolish Monkey and his friends. Mom said, “It’s a mystery. That’s why the hunters are dangerous. We don’t know what they did to the foolish Monkey.” Monkey said, “What’s the foolish Monkey’s name?” “Henry. Ok it is time to go to sleep now. Goodnight,” Mom softly said. “Goodnight Mom,” said Monkey. The next day Monkey sat up, rubbed his eyes, yawned, and then gave a little scratch on his back. Mom came in the room to say “good morning” to Monkey. Monkey yawned “good morning” back. Monkey hopped out of bed, went to the bathroom, grabbed his toothbrush, and then started brushing side to side slowly. He rinsed his mouth and got dressed. Monkey was hungry so he went downstairs and right at that moment he smelled his favorite food in the entire world. That savory smell made Monkey’s mouth so full of water that the water was dripping. Right at the moment that he stepped in the kitchen he grabbed a chair and then started munching on the banana pancakes. Mom said, “You look hungry,” giggling at Monkey eating. By the time Monkey was done Mom said, “It is time to go to school.” “Ok Mom thanks for the delicious breakfast.” Monkey opened the door and then jumped off the tall tree. The last time he did that he got hurt but he does not care. Monkey is an adventurous type of animal. Monkey spotted his best friend Fly. “Wait for me,” Monkey yelled. Fly stopped and waited for a minute for Monkey to catch up. Monkey started to talk about going over to Fly’s house

tomorrow and his parents were leaving on Thursday. Monkey and Fly’s parents are going next week to vacation and their babysitters will watch them. Then he asked Fly, “What do you want to do while our parents are out of town and our babysitters are watching us?” Then Monkey and Fly thought for a second. Then Monkey gasped, “Uhhh!” and said, “The other side of the jungle!” When the Monkey went to school, he put his stuff away. He stuffed his stuff in the locker like he just didn’t care because he was daydreaming about his parents leaving. He imagined his parents leaving him and he felt like everything was a dream. And then everything turned white except the parents, and then the even parents faded away. He pictured himself skipping on a rainbow and dancing through a field of cupcakes, and everything was delicious and fun. Suddenly, everything faded away and he was staring at the lockers. He rubbed his eyes and went inside the classroom. At recess, Monkey was playing hide­and­seek with Fly. Monkey was the one to hide because Fly was the boss at hiding because he was so small. Then, by the time Fly counted to 100, he said “Ready or not, here I come”. He thought for a second, “Where would Monkey hide? Maybe behind a tree or under the slide. Or the other side of the playground.” He searched all those places, but there was no sign of Monkey. Then recess was over. Everybody went back to the classroom, but then Monkey came back. Fly asked him, “Where were you?” “In the boy’s bathroom, I really needed to go,” said Monkey. “Next time, tell me when you go to the bathroom” said Fly in a grouchy voice. Next was science. Monkey loves science. He always listens, but when it comes to the other subjects, no. They were studying mystery powders that day. Ever since he went to 3th grade, science got fun. The time school was over

Monkey and Fly raced home. Fly’s house was closer to school than Monkey’s house was so Monkey had to walk home by himself . While he walked home, he thought “I can’t wait until I’m home alone on Thursday!” Thursday, in the morning Mom was packing to go out of town. She said, “While I’m out of town there are rules. You will listen to the rules very carefully. When I come home on Sunday, this house has to be clean. Not messy, not anything. Nothing broken in this house. And most of all listen to Mrs. Ostrich. And if she get’s hurt because of you, you have to stay in your room for one week! One more thing, she’s very old. So take care of her.” The door rang, and she opened the door and it was Mrs. Ostrich. Mrs. Ostrich came in and pinched Monkey’s cheek. Mom took her bags and left. Monkey stayed home. Mrs. Ostrich asked, “Aren’t you supposed to go to school?” Monkey said, “No, it’s Saturday, there’s no school.” “Okay, then go play outside,” said Mrs. Ostrich. The door rang and it was Fly. Fly asked Monkey if he wants to come over to his house. Monkey yelled over to Mrs. Ostrich “I’m going over to Fly’s house.” She said, “Okay! Bye!”. “So what do you want to do when I come over?” said Monkey. “We are not really going to my house,” Fly whispered. “What are you say” yelled Monkey. “ We are going to the jungle did you forget,” whispered Fly. “ Oooh yeah I totally forgot,” shouted Monkey. “Shhh will are close. Check if anybody is looking,” Fly said. “Ok, nobody is looking, ” Monkey whispered. “Ok charge inside of the jungle”! After wandering through the jungle for an hour, they found a chair. “Cool

chair.” Monkey wondered to himself, “Why is a chair in the middle of the jungle?” It was a big chair made out of wood decorated with golden straw. Monkey asked Fly, “Do you hear anything?”. Fly said, “No.” “Well, whatever. Let’s keep on looking around.” Monkey heard breathing sounds, and he asked Fly if that was him. “That was not me,” said Fly. Monkey looked back at Fly, and there was a lion behind him! The lions were chasing him and growling, and then caught Monkey. Fly flew back to town. Monkey yelled, “No, don’t leave me!” The lions took one of the nets on the floor, trapped him inside, and then hung it on a tree. One of the lions said, “What do you want to do with him boys?” They huddled up and all started talking at once. Monkey had a chance to escape, because they had a hole in the net! He dropped down and didn’t make a sound. The lions looked back at Monkey and saw he was trying to escape. So the lions ran and caught Monkey. They took the net and tied him to the chair with it.

Monkey thought all was hopeless, but he didn’t know Fly was getting help. He thought Fly was running away like a baby. Fly was really getting their friend Crocodile. Crocodile went and got some friends too. They all gathered up in this place, and Fly told them the plan. Monkey was afraid of what the lions were going to do to him. All he kept thinking about was getting eaten by the lions and how he should have listened to his Mom. All of a sudden, a bird came down. He was breathing hard and said,

“Hunters! The hunters!” Then he gave a wink to Monkey. Monkey started acting crazy and then he told the lions to let him go so he could get away from the hunters. The lions said, “That’s it this is what we are going to do to you. We are going to leave you in the chair until the hunters come and get you!”. The Monkey yelled, “No!! You have to help me!” Then, they heard a big giant ka­boom sounds. When they heard the big boom, the lions panicked. Then they looked up to the sky and saw the bird flying. They heard another BOOM and saw the bird fall to the ground. The lions panicked even more. “Let’s leave this place!” said the lions. The leader said, “No, this is our place.” Then, booming sounds were everywhere. Then they saw a tall person in a coat with this weird thing that they never saw before. And then they said, “The hunters are here!” The lions ran away and said, “We’re never coming back!” The person walked to Monkey and took off the coat and said “Surprise! It was me, Fly and Crocodile the whole time! All of our friends helped!” Monkey said, “I’m so lucky to have friends like you guys! Especially you Fly.” Then they all went home and had a good celebration. A few days later, Mom came home. Monkey didn’t tell her about his adventure, but he makes up a lot of stories for her. He did tell her that he has great friends and he played with his friends.

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