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One foggy morning, in Riverstream City (which was more of a town), Hop the bunny was stirring his cupcake mixture together. He was making cupcakes for his mom’s birthday, the most perfect cupcakes ever, and this time it was perfectly planned. His brother, Skipp skipped into the kitchen just as Hop took them out of the oven. “Oooh, can I have one?” Skipp asked eagerly, his eye’s following the fluffy vanilla cupcakes as Hop placed them down. “At dinner, I haven’t even put the frosting on” Hop replied busily cleaning up. “OK, fine.” he said and leaped out of the room. Hop waited for 5 minutes and got the frosting ready. This was going to be the most perfect birthday ever.

The swift smell of warm, just baked, fluffy cupcakes filled the living room air and brought Hop’s attention back to the cupcakes. The scrumptious smell that lured him to the kitchen, faded into the fresh morning air, it got fainter and fainter by the second and was soon gone. “What? Where are the cupcakes?” Hop asked utterly confused. “I swear I left them here!” He whined as he searched the countertops, cabinets, and fridge. This was going to be a challenge he thought, and looked at the clock. It was already 12:00! His mom would be here in one hour, and he still had to find the cupcakes, frost them, decorate the cupcakes AND decorate the house! Well, he better get started. He was done searching the kitchen but had no luck. He had to think, hard. His brother wanted some, maybe he took them! He tiptoed to his brother’s room and scanned it. No cupcakes, of course. Maybe it’s in my sister’s room, he thought with a lot of doubt in a whispered voice, and tiptoed over to Ruby’s room. As he was searching the room his sister interrupted. “Hop, what are you doing?” she asked mildly annoyed. “Oh, I um, didn’t see you. The cupcakes I made for mom are missing, have you seen them?” He replied hoping for a yes. “I think I saw Skipp heading outside with them, but I’m not sure. You could go look there,” she answered while going back to brushing a tangled blob of doll hair. “OK, thanks!” Hop exclaimed, now it’s pretty much been confirmed Skipp has them. Now all he has to do is find SKIPP. He scurried down the steps and headed back to the kitchen, still no sign of the cupcakes. Where could Skipp have gone? He th0ught, he had no idea where to look. Suddenly he slipped and hit the floor. “Ow!” He screamed. Hop landed on the tile floor in a split second, but luckily didn’t get hurt. Ruby heard the loud smack and hurried down.

“Hop?” she asked worriedly. “I’m right here,” he replied in a feeble voice. “Hop! Are you okay? What happened?” she asked and helped Hop up. “I don’t know I just slipped on... frosting! Skipp must have brought the cupcakes and the frosting outside!” He yelled excitedly. Now all he had to do was follow the frosting! It couldn’t be that hard, he thought. “Can I help you find the cupcakes? I have nothing else to do.” “Sure, come on! I’ll probably need the extra help.” Hop replied happily and started following the frosting route. Ruby gingerly followed him out to the sunny backyard and payed close attention to the frosting path. “Wait, it disappeared!” Hop exclaimed, looking around the yard. “Over there, “ Ruby squealed with excitement, “This is fun!” Hop and Ruby skipped over to the frosting dot and both stepped in a big puddle of thick mud, splattering mud all over them.

“ick!” Ruby and Hop cried and stepped out of the goo. “I’m changing my dress!” Ruby shrieked and before Hop turned around she was already in the house stomping her way into the house Great now I have to do this by myself, he thought. As Hop was studying the splotches of frosting, he noticed footprints, skipp’s footprints in the mud! Why did they have big gaps in between, which probably means he was taking big leaps to get away fast! This was getitng more exciting now, he had it! All he had to do was follow the tracks!

Splat, splat, splat, the mud was spashing around all over him as each jump he made landed in the muck. Splat splat splat. The tracks stopped, wow his plan was ruinedad no hope in finding the cupcakes in time, great. Now he was desperate.

“Skipp! Skiiiipp! Skipp where are you?! Where are the cupcakes? Do you have them?! Come on! Please tell me!” “I’m right here, gosh, I didn’t know you cared so much, sorry” Skipp finally said sheepishly. “SKIPP! Why would you do that! You knew they were for mom!” “I was only planning on eating one!” Skipp yelled back and showed the mess he made under the courtyard bench. Frosting was dripping everywhere, and the fluffy mixture was gone not any leftovers. “You ate ALL of them! You would’ve gotten some anyway!”

“I know, but they were just so tempting! They’re so good! YOu should be a baker when you grow up, I’m serious!” Skipp yelled back, smiling brightly with a hint of guilt. “Now, I have to make another batch!” Hop yelled and stormed inside. “No, Hop I’ll make them, even though they won’t be as good I still have one of your cupcakes, maybe we could give it to mom?” Hop thought about this for a moment. If he let Skipp make cupcakes he’ll have more time for cupcakes, but then mom will think it was his idea and give him all the credit! But... she’ll taste my scrumptious cupcake and think mine was better AND I’ll tell her it was my idea and that Skipp took them and ate them and then he’ll get in trou... “Hop?” “What!” Hop said suddenly on alert. “Nothing, you just looked like you were in your own world and I thought maybe you should come back to ours.” “OK, anyway you can bake the cupcakes while decorate the house, I’m not giving you any of my special baking tips though so good luck!” Hop rushed to the store and picked out some pink and blue streamers, rainbow colored balloons, happy birthday candles, wrapping paper, and a cupcake charm for her charm bracelet. Meanwhile Hop was collecting all of the decorations, Skipp was mixing together all the cupcake together, actually I should say throwing all together.


When Hop arrived back at the house he made a terse explaining to

“As soon as you put the cupcakes in the oven start cleaning up it’ll save time, if your done which you probably won’t be because you got flour all over the walls, and you! Anyway, just clean the flour with water, when you’re done with the cupcakes come and help me decorate if I’m not done, ok? Skipp nodded strictly. “Don’t fool with me young man! Let’s get started!”

Hop had just finished the decorating when the phone rang. “I’ll get it!” Hop exclaimed, as he was pratically already at the phone. “Hello?” Hop asked. “Hi Hop! It’s mom!” Hop exclaims, the palms of his hands started to sweat because of his nerves. Hop froze for a second. “Mooom?” He asked wondering why she was calling so early. “Yes, I’m going to be home in a minute, I decided I’ll get the groceries tomorrrow,” “Um okay, take your time! Bye!” Hop quickly said and slammed the phone down. “Skipp we’ve got to hurry, mom’s going to be home any minute now, she’s going grocery shopping tomorrow! Come on, let’s get going! Are the cupcakes done yet?” Hop exclaimed, running to the kitchen. “Almost, I just need to put the frosting on a few more cupcakes,” Skipp said calmly. “Well hurry I’ll go get Ruby,” Hop leaped to the stairs just as Ruby skipped down the stairs with a yellow and pink polkadotted sundress.

“Hi! is mom here yet?” Ruby asked. “Almost, I was just about to tell you and you never came back outside.” “Oh yea... I kinda forgot, woops!” She replied and rushed past Hop.\ “OH MY GOSH! What happened in here?” Ruby screamed. Skipp was licking the frosting spoon and and sitting in the middle of the flour covered room like nothing was wrong. “What? It’s hard baking cupcakes!” Skipp replied very defensive. “Okay I have a plan,” Hop said. “Ruby, you love decorating, so you put the cupcakes on the plate, Skipp you, um, help me clean got it?” “Got it!” Skipp and Ruby replied in harmony. Hop, Skipp, and Ruby all finished cleaning just in time to get in there places. “On the count of 3!” Hop whispered “1... 2... 3!!!!!!!” Mrs. Brooke, Hop’s mom opened the door to a house full of screams. “SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!” They all yelled. “Ahhh!” Mrs. Brooke screamed and everyone laughed. “Oh my goodness! You scared me! Thank you! Did you all plan this yourself?” she asked. “No, Hop did.” Ruby said. “I helped!” Skipp added. “I’m sure you did,” Mrs.Brooke said and turned to Hop. “Did you really do all of this? I love it!” “ya...” Hop replied sheepishly. “Thankyou Hop, I really do love it.” Mrs. Brooke said and gave Hop a big hug, following with a big pile when Skipp and Ruby joined in. “C’mon! Let’s eat!” Hop squealed and ran to the kitchen. “Well someone’s in a bubbly mood!” Mrs. Brooke whispered to Ruby. “NOW. You should have seen him before!” Ruby whispered back. “What?” Mrs. Brooke asked. “Um... Nevermind! C’mon!” Ruby said and skipped into the kitchen to meet Hop and Skipp. Mrs. Brooke sighed followed Ruby into the kitchen.

“Try some cupcakes!” Hop squieked with excitement. “Sure, I am hungry!” Mrs.Brooke exclaimed and placed a fluffy cupcake onto her plate. “Did you makez this Hop?” Mrs.Brooke asked. “No, actually Skip made them, but I have one of mine! You can try it after!” Hop said “I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat it by I will try!” She munched on the cupcake while everyone was waiting for her response. “What, are you guys in a competition?” She asked raising her eyebrow. Everyone laughed and Hop gave his mom his cupcake. “This is delicious! Both of you are very good cooks!” She said and hugged Hop and Skipp.

They played games like twister, and card games, they even played capture the flag. “I had the best time today, thank you so much. Now who wants to tellme what happened with the cupcakes?” Before anyone could answer, Skipp interrupted. “Um, we’ll explain later!” He barely made out and he ran to the bathroom. “Skipp, why are you holding your stomach?” Mrs. Brooke asked with a worried look on her face. “He might’ve eaten a lot of cupcakes...” Hop said and looked away. “What?” She asked to deciding whether to be mad or confused. Hop and Ruby leaped out of the room before their mom could say anything else. “Oh Skipp!” She yelled and rushed to help.

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