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Ice Cream Disaster by Amanda It’s the last day of school and I keep looking at the clock and then at my best friend, Jessie. There is only one minute left of school and I am bubbling with anticipation for Rrrriiiiinnnnggg! Well that just finished my sentence.

My name is Hazel and I live in Summerville with my mom, Lisa, and my dad, Ben. I have a older sister named Pearl ,she really doesn’t like pearls! I have lots of pets; I have a bunny named Sparkles, a dog named Coco, a sugar glider named Sugar, a chinchilla named Ginger, and a turtle named Shelly. My best friend’s name is Jessie, and we LOVE ice cream.

“Hey Jessie do you want to go to the ice cream shop?” “I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” Jessie told me. When we got to the ice cream shop I saw a sign on the door and I wanted to go see it. It read: Freezies will be closing soon :(

“WHAT!!!!!!!,” I screamed. “No they can’t close! This is a disaster!”, I kept freaking out and didn’t stop. “Hazel, calm down it’s not a big deal.” “Not a big deal?!!! What do you mean not a big deal???!!!! You’ve always loved Freezies!” “Hazel, you don’t even know what they mean by closing. For all I know they could mean that there just closing early for today, right?” Jessie told me. I guess she was right, once again I was over reacting and she was probably right. So we walked in calmly. “Maybe you should ask if they are really closing for good,” Jessie stated. I walked in and I saw the owner Ashley. “Hey Hazel!”

“Hi Ashley! Is it true that Freezies is actually closing?!” “Oh…um...well...I was kinda hoping you wouldn’t find out about that.” “How would I not find out about that ?! There is a huge sign on the door!!!" “Oh well I… I didn’t want you to find out because I know how much you love ice cream.” “Why is Freezies closing anyway?” “We have another offer from a different ice cream shop and they said we could work there for more money,” Ashley told me. “Is there any way that we could save Freezies?” “Well there is one way…” “What, What is it!?” “Ok,I’ll tell what. If you can get $1,000 then we’ll stay ,but you have to get the money by next Friday.” “Next Friday??!!!!! But that’s only one week to get $1,000 and my allowance is only $20!” “Sorry, we have to leave early Saturday morning. Do you want any ice cream?” “Yes please,”I said with a sigh. “Do you want your usuals?” “Yes please,” Jessie and I told her.

When we finished our ice cream we ran to my house and told my mom everything. She felt bad and told us if we were going to try to raise $1,000 we should probably start now. I told Jessie that we should go door to door, telling people that Freezies is closing and asking for donations. She agreed that we should try it. The first people we went to were my next door neighbors. They did not care at all! So, we we tried more people. At the end there were only 12 people who donated. We only raised 10 dollars.

My mom was very surprised when she saw only $10 in my hand. “Where is all the other money? How many people did you go to?” asked my mom. “We went to all our neighbors,”I told her that we also went to some of the other people that we know, but not that many people.

Later that day, Jessie had the idea to have a bake sale. We got out a table from my garage and Jessie got a big piece of paper that we wrote BAKE SALE on. We went inside to make all the goodies. I made the cupcakes and brownies. Jessie made the cakes and cookies. Luckily, my mom went to the store to get us the baking supplies. After we were done making them, my dad attached the sign to the table. A lot of people bought our goodies. At the end we were all sold out. Now our total was: $100.75.

I woke up feeling worried that I wouldn’t get enough money to save the ice cream store by next week. I asked my dad if he had any suggestions. He told me he would try to ask people at work for donations. A huge smile spread across my face. This could work!! Adults have a lot of money. Of course, they would want to save Freezies! It’s the best!

I ran over to Jessie’s house and told her everything. She was jumping up and down. We were sure my dad would raise at least the $900 we needed or maybe even more! We would not have to do a lemonade stand, or use our own money. Maybe we would have to use some of our own money just in case he only gets $800. For the rest of the day, we planned the party we would have when my father came home with the rest of the money. It was going to be huge!! There would be balloons and streamers, cake and of course, ice cream from Freezies!! When my dad walked in the door later that night, we tossed streamers in the air and they landed right on him. “What’s that for?” my dad asked.

“We are having a party!” He didn’t really understand why we were having a party, so we told him. “How much money did you get from work?” I asked, jumping up and down. “$200,” He told us like we would be excited about that to.o “ONLY $200!?!?!?! WHAT!!!!!” We yelled. “Now we are gonna have to use some of our own money and make lemonade stands all over town!” I kept going on and on like that I exploded with words. The next morning Jessie came over came over early ,so we could make the lemonade. We got the same table as last time and put it in front of our house. My mom gave us $5 to start our lemonade stand. After a couple hours we got $100. We packed up and my mom put the table in the car. Then my mom took us to Sunnyville.

When we were done with Sunnyville we had made $100. “We’re doing pretty good right now. We have $500.75!” My mom said to us. Then we packed up again and moved to Squashtown.

“This is a really weird name for a town,” I exclaimed. “They must grow a lot of squash.” When we were done we ended up with $100. The last town we went to was Storytown. It is HUGE!!!! We set up on a main street ,so we would get a lot of money. We ended up with $300. I counted up the money and was shaking when I saw only a $5 bill when I was at $900.75. “Our total is now $905.75 and we were done with selling lemonade. I was hoping we would actually make it,” I moaned. “Ya me too. I thought your dad was going to get us more,” Jessie told my mom and me. “Hey don’t be like that. You know what you two still have your own money you could use right? And I’ll give you $5 so you can both give the same amount. But you two might want to hurry up because it’s 7:30 and the ice cream shop closes at 8:00 tonight.” “What? 8:00? But I thought it closed at 10:00” I whined. “Yeah, but since they’re leaving tomorrow, they need to close early tonight”,my mom said. “Okay Jessie, let’s go get our money……...Wait… much money do we each need to get?” I confusedly said. “Well if we have $910.75 then we need $90…, so thats $45 each,” Jessie told us. I went upstairs and got my money. I already knew that I had enough because I don’t spend my money. After I counted up $45 it was 7:45! I had to hurry! Jessie rang my doorbell and I ran downstairs. Freezies isn’t that far ,but we still had to run there. When we got to Freezies some people who lived on their street were there.They told us that we just missed them but we could still make it. “Jessie, I’ll call my mom and tell her to meet us at the bus stop. Start running and I”ll catch up.” “Okay I hope this will work!” The plan was working. When we got to the bus stop my mom and the Freezies truck were there! “STOP!!!” I screamed. Luckily they heard me. I would be surprised if

they didn’t.

“I have the money,” I said as I handed Ashley the money. “Thank you.” “I thought you weren't leaving until tomorrow morning??” “Our flight got moved, but now we can cancel it!” “YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freezies is staying!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I exploded with joy and couldn't stop jumping up and down. That week I learned that if you try really hard and are determined then you might just get what you want. : )

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