Mo's Adventures

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Mo’s Adventure By: Ciara Gillen It was a warm summer day, the skies were clear and you could feel the ocean breeze on the beach. From anywhere you sat you could see the playful dogs chasing each other’s tails. One dog was watching them and wishing. Mo gets absolutely everything she wants, and she has the largest house in Cloudlandia. Mo lives in a mansion with her amazing owners Bianca and Liam. Mo’s mansion is 20,000 square feet. The back is

covered in vines, and the house is sparkly pink. The swimming pool is 1,000 square feet and indoor, the hot tub is the size of the Olympic pool. She even has her own butler and maid, and to top it off, a huge sparkly purple bow on top of her house. She is as happy as can be. There’s only one thing she can’t buy at her designer shop “Chasseur”. That one thing is FRIENDS. She wants friends, but nobody wants to be friends with her. All the other dogs in Cloudlandia bully her and call her mean names like “Princess” and “Brat”. She doesn’t like being bullied but she doesn’t share her toys and she doesn’t play like the other dogs. She always asks them things like “Would you want to play shine my shoes?” But in response they would say things like, “Why don’t you go back to your mansion you stuck­up brat?!?” One day a grungy dog had come scampering up to her. “Well hiya!!” Screamed Fifi, “You want to play shine your shoes with me?” Mo didn’t know what to say. She had all these thoughts racing around in her head like, “He is so gross, and, what’s that ugly thing on his face? Fifi was a black and brown shaggy dog with clumps of fur hanging off of his body. He also had these weird glasses. Mo especially didn’t know that dogs even wore glasses.

“Oh, gee nobody has ever asked me to play before. I would love to but you’re totally covered in dust and dirt, so maybe I could take you back to my mansion to get you cleaned up,” Mo suggested. “Would you really do that for me? Nobody ever wants to play with me cause they say I’m overwhelming and obnoxious ,” Fifi sobbed. “I think you're ugly, I mean I think you could use some cleaning up,” said Mo a little embarrassed. Right when she said that Bianca walked into the room. “AHHHHHHH,” Bianca screamed grimmly, “What is that hideous thing sitting in my living room?” Thats when Mo got really worried because Fifi was her first friend, and now she might lose him. So she came up with a plan and she told it to Fifi right in front Bianca. Of course Bianca could not understand what they were saying so all

she heard was, “BARK, BARK, BARK!!!” She chased Fifi out the door so Bianca wouldn’t call the dog catcher. She pretended to chase him all the way up the street. “So here’s the plan,” Mo said optimistically. “You need to go clean yourself up, but you’ll need my help. Once we get home and they see you they will hopefully think you’ve changed and they’ll maybe keep you. It might be challenging though.” “It’ll be stupendous!” yelled Fifi. Mo took Fifi to her favorite shop, “Chasseur”. Then they went to the hair salon to get cleaned and of course get their hair done. Once they got home Mo noticed something different about Fifi, but she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Then she knew it!!! His fur was actually white, not black and brown. Mo couldn’t even believe what she saw. She saw Fifi sitting in the living room looking like he was going to lunch with the Queen of England. Mo was so surprised to see what he had done to himself. She was expecting for him to look at least a little decent, but what she saw sitting in front of her was some gorgeous thing. “Honestly I can’t even believe thats you!!!” exclaimed Mo in excitement. He had a doggie tuxedo and he looked handsome. “You look gorgeous,” Mo started, “better than anything I’ve ever seen. Well except for me.” They were on Mo’s front lawn about to show Fifi off to Mo’s owners. They heard a car door slam. “I think thats Liam,” Mo groaned. Liam came bursting through the door, and he seemed angry, more angry than Mo’s ever seen him before. Both Bianca and Liam yelled their problems at each other at the same time. “There was a filthy dog sitting in my living room,” Bianca sobbed. She hadn’t noticed how clean Fifi was now. “I got fired from my job today,” Liam blurted. “WHAT?” they both said in amazement.

This day had been such an adventure for Mo. But during all this chaos Mo forgot about the second part of their plan, so right then she went storming out the door. Fifi was supposed to “save” Mo’s life and Bianca and Liam would be so grateful that they would decide to keep Fifi. Mo was running very fast for a small Chihuahua. In fact she was running so fast she could feel the wind on her face, and the ocean breeze was making her fur sway in the wind. Suddenly her designer collar fell into a muddy puddle, her designer collar said her name in pure gold and shiny diamonds. But she didn’t dare turn around because she could hear Liam and Bianca’s footsteps pounding on the pavement. She heard thunder. She could faintly hear Liam and Bianca yelling Mo’s name hopelessly. That’s when she decided to stop running, her legs were getting tired and she was hungry and thirsty. Eventually Bianca and Liam caught up to her. Bianca was so relieved to see Mo, and Liam was just going along with it. As they were talking, Bianca and Liam were talking too. They said that Fifi couldn’t stay. Since Liam lost his job they couldn’t afford another mouth to feed! They were going to take him down to the local animal shelter.

“I can’t believe this is goodbye,” Mo said sobbing. “Yeah,” replied Fifi “But this was meant to be, since we met and I actually became friends with you,” Mo said. She was trying to hold back her tears and she had huge lump in her throat.

3 Months Later On a warm July night Mo and her owners were driving to an animal shelter to adopt a dog. Once they walked in Mo saw Fifi and they all walked over there. Bianca and Liam both fell in love with Fifi and they decided to adopt him. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

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