Rebecca Wants a Pony

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Rebecca Wants a Pony! By Sage Autumn Winkler

Rebecca Juliet Sephora is seven years old. Her birthday is August 4th. Thats three days away. For Rebecca’s birthday, she wants a pony more than anything in the world. Right now, Rebecca is making a birthday list at the kitchen table next to her mom on her mom’s brand-new sewing machine. Rebecca’s mom owns a “sewing, knitting and much more” shop downtown. She makes lot of things at home and sometimes she gives them as presents to Rebecca. Rebecca’s dad is a cook. He owns “Sephora Serves You right.” He cooks all the meals at home too because her mom would burn their food and the house. Mom’s sewing machine is light pink with bright white polka-dots. Those were Rebecca’s favorite colors, but Rebecca’s favorite thing is ponies. Rebecca has been wanting a pony ever since last month when she visited her grandparents in Los Angeles, Nevada. Rebecca lives in Houston, Texas. Her grandparents gave her a “Horses and Ponies” magazine when she was there visiting them. “Can I have a lollipop?” asked her little sister Charlotte Katie Sephora. “Not right now,” said her mother while she was still sewing. “But I really want one,” Charlotte said whining. “Charlotte if you keep asking you will have to go to your room,” her mom said about to start getting mad. “Fine,” Charlotte said. Charlotte and her twin Jack Luke or Jack Sephora were both six years old. They just learned how to speak and she knows her mother wished they hadn't. I get it. Last night, Charlotte came in and said she would scream if I didn’t let her sleep with me. I didn’t want to take that chance so I let her stay. Jack isn't bad. He does what he’s told and doesn't whine. The only thing he does is steal. He loves stealing from me because he knows mom and dad think I would be lying but I know I‘m too perfect to lie. I don’t tell on him

as much now because I know that would cause me not to get my pony for my birthday. I finished writing my list with sparkly bright pink marker on perfect plain white paper. It only took me one minute.

“A new record,” I said. Charlotte came running next to me. “Thats because you only wrote one thing,” she exclaimed. “Nice counting but I already knew that,” I exclaimed. Charlotte ran out of the room. “Thank you Sweetie for not being so mean to Charlotte,” my mom said putting her hand on my shoulder. “Thank you,” I said using my super big smile. I ran to my room and put the paper on my bed. I looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was already 7:30 pm. That means I had to go to bed in 30 minutes. My bedtime is 8:00. I hate it when I have little time to get ready when I haven't even had dinner yet. I took out my soft and squishy pony pj’s. There my favorite pj’s ever. When I finished getting my pj’s on, I went out to the kitchen. “Dinner,” my dad yelled. I could smell the seasons soaking into the sizzling steak. I also could hear my brother and sister running down the stairs as fast as they could to get the best seet. I sat in the seat and by the time they got there, they didn’t even notice me. They were too busy fighting about who gets the seat. But I could see that Jack had just saw me. “Never mind. You can have the seat,” he finally said. “Thanks,” Charlotte said. Jack sat next to me. “What? Really? How come Rebecca gets that seat?” she said very mad, while she sat down on the other side of Jack. “Because I got here first,” I answered. “Not cool Rebecca! Not cool!” “Girls and Boys, dinner is served,” my dad sang cheerfully. “So,” Mom said. “ How was everyone's day?” Jack and I said nothing. But like Charlotte always does, she went all blabber mouth talking about her new notebook, and how it was so special to her. “Christina gave it to me because I...” I cut Charlotte off. “I can’t wait for my birthday!” I almost yelled. Everyone stared at me like I was supposed to say something else or I said a horrible thing. “Thats very nice Rebecca,” my mom answered. “Charlotte what were

you saying?” I can’t believe that! Does she know Charlotte talks too much? “Did you know that the biggest snake in the world is a …” I interrupted Charlotte again. “For my birthday I have been thinking very hard on what I want. I have even made a one page list on what I want. I have been thinking about a certain animal for our house. Perhaps you could look at it and see if it’s reasonable,” I said trying to use some of my best vocabulary. “Yes I do agree we could use a pet but, I don’t think we are ready for a pet yet,” my mom said. What was she saying? Did she want me to get mad? Does she even love me? Well of course she loves me. That was a little overboard. …...............


The next day, Charlotte and I were going to do some makeovers. Mom was letting us because last summer I went to the beauty parlor with my cousin Jackie. She’s awesome! She’s seventeen. I walked out of my room and into Charlotte’s room. “Charlotte! Are you ready?” I asked. “Yep,” she answered. We walked into the playroom and I took out all the supplies we needed. I sat down on the floor with Charlotte. “So, can you help me with something?” I asked while I layed out some nail polish colors and lip gloss. “What do you need?” she said as she took the blue nail polish and light pink lip gloss. “I need you and Jack to help me give hints to mom and dad about getting a pony for my birthday.” I exclaimed. “What? A pony? Okay, but only if I can ride it whenever I want.” she said excited while making me promise. “Fine.” I told her not really promising.


I heard Charlotte and Jack talking and talking and talking. Later, I

could hear mom and dad talking about getting me a doll! I don’t want a doll! The only exception was a glass, china doll from Japan! Of Course I won't get one but what about a pony! I was terrified! This was impossible! What could I do? I couldn't think! I couldn't talk! I was getting very dizzy. Was I going blind? I don’t feel so well. My legs were wobbly. I started to sweat and I couldn't breathe. I was shivering and I was so scared. I could only get one thing out of my mouth. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, running in my room and jumping flat face on my bed. “Rebecca!” my parents screamed running in my room. “Are you okay Rebecca?” my mom yelled. “Are you hurt?” my dad yelled louder. “No,” I mumbled turning my head to look and them. “Then what happened?” my mother asked looking worried. “I just... I just...” I didn’t know what to say. I couldn't tell them I was snooping on their conversation. “You just what Rebecca?” my dad said getting a little mad. “I thought a spider was about to bite me and jump on me.” I blurted out, unsure of what I had said. “Honey, that got your father and I very worried. There was no need to scream like that.” my mom said calmly but strict. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled. I felt ridiculous. Why did I do that? Getting a doll wasn't that bad of a deal. Why did I had to scream!?


I hope I get a pony! I hope I get a pony! I hope I get a pony! Ugg! I’m never gonna get a pony! I’m never gonna get a pony! I’m never gonna get a pony! It’s all my parents fault because they won't get me one and my birthdays tomorrow!

I have an idea! I ran out of the playroom. Up all 15 stairs. Down the hall, and to the right. And right into my bedroom. I opened a box that held my “Horse and Pony” magazine. “How could they not get that I want a pony now?” I said joyfully. I cut out a picture of my favorite pony on page 56. It was a brilliant plan. I ran into my parents bedroom and taped the picture in the TV. I ran back to the playroom to watch some TV in the light pink chair with white polka-dots. “Now all I have to do is sit and wait,” I exclaimed thankfully. …..............

Today was the day. Everyone was here to celebrate me. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Rebecca! Happy birthday to you!” cheered my parents, twins, Jackie, and Mimi my grandma. “Happy birthday Darlin,” replied Mimi. “Time for presents!” Jackie said almost in a yell clapping her hands together. She handed me a box wrapped with silver wrapping paper. “This is from me,” she said. I opened the beautiful paper. “Wow! Thank you! A glass china doll from Japan! How did you get it?” I asked. “I purchased it from my summer trip to Tokyo,” she replied. “Wow! Thank you!” I answered. “Here,” Mimi said as she gave me something little wrapped in gold wrapping paper. I tore it apart. “Nice! Two tickets to the big pony fiesta show!” I yelled. “Calm down Sweetie” mom said. She handed me a blue box. “This is from Charlotte and Jack”. I opened the blue paper and to my surprise I found some more dolls. “Twin glass china dolls from Japan!” I yelled again. “Jackie helped us get it,” Jack replied. “Thank you,” I told them. And then my hands started to sweat. I was scared about what my parents got me. Oh no. I can’t live if I don’t get a pony. I will cry and drown in tears. What would happen? I can’t live another full year without a pony. I would be a disaster. What if I fell out of my seat in surprise and everyone was laughing? On my birthday I should get what I want! Dad started to handed me a large box that was light pink with white polka-dots on it. I don’t think a live pony could fit in there! Well on second thought, I did tell Charlotte it didn’t have to be a real pony. Maybe it was a pony coloring book? But I want a huggable pony! One that understands me when no one else does! One that can help me through my bad nightmares! “Are you okay Rebecca?” my dad asked. “Fine. Why?” “You look like you just got the worst birthday present in the world or

you didn’t get what you wanted”. “Oh, well I loved all my presents. Hehe, uhhh... I guess I should open your present to me now?” I said as I started open the present. I gulped. “A box?” I said. “Open it,” my dad replied. I opened it very carefully and quickly.. “Ahh!” I screamed. “A huge stuffed animal pony!” I could not believe that! I was full of jubilation. I guess I could hug this pony. And it could understand me when no-one else does. And it could help me get through my nightmares in bed. “Happy birthday Rebecca!” everyone yelled. The End

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