Roller Coaster Rascal

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ROLLER COASTER RASCAL Aden O’Beirne Jack is a six year old boy with dirty blond hair and a 49ers jersey. Jack’s going on his first plane ride with his family to Disney Land. He was so excited to go on the Hail Mary,” said Jack. “The Hail Mary is craziest roller coaster in the U.S.A. It has a 100 foot drop, it goes 0 to 60 mph in less than a second! “JACK! Wake up its time to get off the plane!” said Jack’s mom. Jack woke up with the happiest look ever. He jumped out of his seat, grabbed his stuff, and sprinted off the plane, leaving his mom in the dust. An hour later they arrived at the hotel with a sleepy little boy ready for bed and a crazy day the next day. “Jack wake up… wake up... WAKE UP!!!”, screamed Jack’s mom. Jack woke up in a flash. He jumped out of bed, brushed his teeth, showered, washed his face, and got dressed. “You ready for a big day Jacky boy?” said Jack’s dad.

“You bet I am!” Jack said excitedly. Jack’s family left the hotel and got on the shuttle bus to Disney Land. “Good morning everybody. We have just arrived at Disneyland. Thank you for riding with us and we hope your day is filled with excitement,” went the loud

speaker. The moment had come. Jack was finally at Disney Land and the first thing he wanted to do was go on the...

“HAIL MARY!!!!”, Jack screamed. He jumped off the bus, ran past the ticket man, almost knocked over a cotton candy stand, and finally got into line for the Hail Mary. He was finally there. He finally was in line for a very, very long wait. Screaming voices filled the air as he was still waiting. “Yeah! Only five more people and then I’m up!” shouted Jack after what seemed to be hours of waiting. “Next in line please,” called the roller coaster attendant. Jack sprinted to the measuring stick and waited for the deciding moment. A rush of nervousness went through Jack’s entire body. Butterflies were going 100 miles and hour in his stomach. Then IT happened. The moment had arrived. And... “Sorry Buddy. You’re just a little too short,” said the coaster attendant. Jack was flaring mad. He couldn’t believe it. He came all this way, so far, for nothing.!

As Jack walked to the end of the line and back to his parents, he was already thinking of ways to get on that ride. “Mom,” Jack began. “Is there any place that we can buy stilts?” “I don’t know sweetie. There might be.” Mom responded. Together they went off to look for stilts. Luckily Mom didn’t ask why! Hat Harbor - nope. Hot Dog Halleluiah - nope. Stilt Stall - nope.... oh wait. YES! Mom and Jack went in and found a pair of stilts that fit Jack perfectly. “Now I’ll definitely get onto that ride!” Jack said excitedly pumping his fist. “What ride?” Mom asks curiously raising her eyebrows. “Oh nothing,” Jack said as he walked straight for the roller coaster. Jack got right back into the colossal line and...waited...and...waited to get to the daring measuring stick. Strap, strap, went the stilts as Jack strapped on his stilts. “Next!” said the coaster attendant. “Now I’ll definitely get on and nobody can stop me Hahahahahaha!”, said Jack

in his head confidently. As Jack walked up to the coaster attendant he knew that nothing could go wrong until... “Trip” went the Jack as he fell.

Clink Clank Thud Boing Bang CRASH!!!!! Jack got up and couldn’t believe it. He was so close! As Jack walked back to his parents in sorrow he was already thinking about what he could do to get on that ride. “It’s ok honey. Don’t worry,” said Jacks mom sympathetically. And then it hit him the best idea ever. “Hey Joey look it’s a bird,” said Jack quickly to his older brother. “What?”said Joey.

Swipe,went the fake I.D. And Jack was off to the races like a horse in a hurry. This time Jack was the horse and he was going to get on that ride. “ few we I’m finally in line...AGAIN!” shouted Jack. And Jack waited...and waited...and waited...and waited until Jack was finally there at the front of the line. “Now I will never fail with this fake I.D. HA HA HA cc-ccc in-in-haler hooooo ahhhhhhh,” went Jack. “Next,” went the coaster attendant. “Well you're a little fella aren’t you?” “ Hey don’t call me little I’m 16 and this I.D. proves it so let me on !” said Jack in a bratty tone to the coaster attendant. The coaster attendant let Jack past the rope until another tragedy happened. “Jack Jack wait have you seen Joeys I.D we can’t find it anywhere?”screamed Jack’s mom. “ Wow wow wow wait a minute! I thought this little fella was Joey,”said the coaster attendant in a puzzled tone. “Hold it! I’m Jack that’s Joey. Easy as that. Now let me in!” screamed Jack impatiently.

“Not so fast Mr.Heroic I think you're just too short, so Next!” said the coaster attendant. And the next thing you know Jack was walking back in sorrow once again. Once Jack got back to his mom they went to the gift shop to find something to cheer Jack up. “Now honey, I’ll be in the clothing department. You can spend $20 on anything you want.,”said Jacks mom. Jack explored the store looking for the perfect toy. He had basically given up on the ride until he found the best toy of all, A FAKE MOUSTACHE! As Jack was walking back to his mom, he found a boy about the same age as him looking for something. He looked pretty desperate. So Jack walked over, and said “Hi!” to the boy. The boy introduced himself and said his name was Timmy. They became fast friends. “Are you looking for a certian toy?” questioned Jack. “Yea! I am looking for a toy that can help me get on to the Hail Mary, the

craziest ride in the world!” “Well, I have just the toy for you!” And the perfect toy was The fake moustache!!! They soon walked over to their parents and bought the fake moustaches. As soon as they got them, they sprinted to the Hail Mary. But this time, there was no wait. As soon as they got to the front of the line, they walked up proud, and with their moustaches held high up. The deciding moment came. They were allowed to go on! Jack and Timmy sprinted on to the front of the ride. They buckled in, and the ride took off. Swish! Swoom! They went up HIGH and down low Loop-de-loops And crazy spins Jack and Timmy finally got the moment they had been craving, and it was fifteen minutes of pure glory.

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