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The Misadventure of a Little Boy By Jacob Fishman

“Sam, that will never work,” said Josh. Josh was Sam’s favorite companion. Sam was annoyed because he was not getting what he wanted. Sam really wanted to go on a rollercoaster but his parents had said “ NO NO NO!’’ Sam’s parents had abolished his idea on his first try. Josh and Sam were in Sam’s room planning out attempts to convince his parents to take to take him on a roller coaster. They started by rehearsing a play called, Take Me On A Rollercoaster, It’s SAFE! Their play was about a little boy who wanted to go on a rollercoaster more than anything in the world. Sam was really confident that with his play he was going to get what he wanted.

Sam played the main character, Sam. Josh played Josh, his best friend. They had also put together an essay. They

typed it. They had a problem printing but after a while they got the printer to work. They also tried to do a powerpoint presentation but, powerpoint was hard for them. Josh was a tech wiz and didn’t give up. He didn’t want to upset his friend. Josh got on the computer and worked on the powerpoint program. Sam wrote the script by hand, but the writing got to be too much for him. The boys decided to take a break and went downstairs for a snack of chocolate. The chocolate had a strong aroma and it filled the kitchen bringing in Sam’s mom. “What are you doing?” asked Mom. “Nothing!” exclaimed Sam. Then Sam pleaded, “Can I go on a roller coaster?” “NO YOU’RE TOO YOUNG!’’ his mom harshly responded. “How many times do I have to tell him?” she thought. Josh sighed and put his head on the counter. The boys went back up to Sam’s room and played. Then Josh went home. The next day it was Sam’s birthday. At the party Josh and Sam performed the play, then showed the powerpoint and read Sam’s essay. Mom and Dad were shocked. Their jaws dropped when they heard what Sam and Josh had done. That night they went out to dinner at Sam’s favorite restaurant Joe’s American Bar and Grill. At the restaurant they gave him presents. When Sam opened his presents he was shocked at what he saw. He found amusement park tickets

in his parents’ box. He was REALLY REALLY excited.

The next day after school they drove up to Canobie Lake Park. You could smell the popcorn and caramel in the air. “MMM” thought Sam. He picked the biggest roller coaster, Untamed, to go on first. Not knowing what was expected they got in line and waited and waited and waited. Sam was bored out of his mind and a little annoyed too. Josh was mostly nervous. After half an hour they played on Sam’s parents’ phone until they got to the front of the line. Finally it was Sam and Josh’s turn. Sam took the front seat. He did not know what to expect. Josh backed down and didn’t go on the coaster so Sam’s dad had to go with him. Sam shivered like crazy but acted brave. He was becoming really scared. He kept shivering with fear. When the rollercoaster got to the to the top of the first hill Sam was still shivering with fear. “Maybe this was not a good idea’’ thought Sam. Sam started crying “GET ME OFF THIS THING!”

“YOU CAN’T GET OFF NOW” screamed his father. Loop de loop and down the drop they went. People were screaming, little kids were crying, and tears were running. It was bad. At last, the rollercoaster finished. Sam continued crying “wawawa.” The day looked grim. All at once he stopped crying. His parents were confused. What they didn’t know was that he had a second obsession, waterslides. “What about the waterslides?” Sam whispered excitedly and hopefully.

THE END . . . . . or IS IT?

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