The Missing owners

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The Missing Owners by Kyla Fraser

Ok kittens, only 1 more bedtime story, then it’s bedtime. Jet and Honey never knew me, but we all had something in common- longing for an adventure, especially me, a caring kitty who loved my owners more than everything. I wasn't allowed out of my back yard, but I never tried to escape, despite my longing. I never tried to be out in the open where Jet and Honey were. Until that evening... when I had no choice.

This is my story about how I live here, with my best friends, living in the best place ever. It goes back a long time ago, when I was a young cat. I longed to go out in the wild, but I never tried... until late fall 2149 , when my owners moved away because of something like “too much taxes!” “Take me with you!!!” I yowled with all my might. “I knew it was no use, they were gone, I would never see them again,” I thought while my eyes filled with tears. “NO I will not think that way,” I scolded myself. “I will find them!” I scampered into the woods, but of course, silly me I crashed into 2 cats! Their names were Jet and Honey. “What the heck is your problem?” hissed the black burly cat. “You hurt Honey!” I guessed he was referring to the creamy yellow and white elegant cat. “I, I'm sorry,“ I stammered, I knew I sounded like a kitten meeting a dog. “What are you doing out here?” growled the black cat. “It’s only 28˚.” “I said I was sorry, and I'm only out here to find my owners. They just left in a

big van.” “That means they moved. Look, I will make a deal with you. We will help find your owners, if when we get there, you give us a nice, warm, dry place to live, where we will get food that cats who live with humans eat.” said the cat named Honey. “Ok, just let me go get my fake mouse,” I said. I could feel myself getting happier. “My name is Fudge,” I told the 2 cats. “Oh, my name is Jet, and this is Honey,” said the black cat. I ran into my owners old home. I ran to my favorite sleeping spot and got Mousey, but I would no longer call him Mousey around Jet and Honey. That would be too embarrassing! I scampered out of the house. It was a bit chilly when I got outside. It was a cloudy evening. “It is almost night. We will teach you how to hunt, and we will start our journey tomorrow,” said Honey. So they taught me how to hunt, and I caught on after a few minutes. So we had a big feast that night. Even though it was winter, there was still a lot of prey. Then our adventure started...

I woke up because of the morning sun. “Come on we should go now,” growled Jet. So we started on our adventure. Halfway through the day, when the sun was supposed to be high in the sky, we saw clouds coming. They were dark and scary. All of a sudden it was pouring. We needed to find shelter. “Look,” said Honey, “a cave.” We leaped to the cave, as fast as our legs could carry us. We were about to drift off to a nice pleasant sleep when I heard a


“Wha-what was that?” I stammered. I knew what they were, robot foxes, that the dogs made. The evil dogs, who made robot foxes to attack cats. The only way to destroy them was to cut off their wire that was connected to the cave wall. “Honey, go get the wire, Fudge and I will distract the foxes,” said Jet. I could smell fear from his fur. We started to attack when... “AHHHHHHHHH!” wailed Honey! She was almost there, but the fox had her crouching in the corner. “I’ll go save Honey, and you get the wire,” shouted Jet. So I ran, blocked out all the senses. I didn't want to be scared. I didn't want to flee, then the fox went after something. It wasn't me but MOUSEY!!! With the fox distracted I bit through the wire, and the fox fell right smack on the ground. I saved myself, Jet, Honey, and surprisingly

even Mousey was O.K. We were too tired to talk, so we slipped into sleep .

We continued our adventure. Then I heard them, HUMAN VOICES!!!! I looked for them. They were so faint, when Jet said, “Look across the lake, human homes!” He was right, there were human homes. “Let's go!!!” I squealed, but you see, I have this thing, where I don't think when I get excited. I ran across a lake made out of thin ice. I felt the ground drop, slower and slower I sank. I was woozy and tired. I knew I would die. I would sink to the bottom of the earth, and never wake. Thank you for being such good friends Honey and Jet. I'm sorry I didn't get to find you my owners. Then I felt teeth against my neck. Everything went black...

I woke up, I couldn't open my eyes. I wondered if I was alive, maybe I was. Then I heard voices, I couldn’t move. I felt dead, wait those were human voices. My thought were covered up by Honeys voice, “Come on, I think he’s waking up. We're almost at the barn.” NO, I thought, we are going the wrong way, the voices are the other way! The human voices were getting quieter, quieter, quieter, and then silence. Jet put me down on the hay. I tried to move. I heard footsteps coming. Then I heard the human voices again, and they were so familiar. Their scents were so sweet. I tried to move, but I couldn't move my paw, because it hurt too much. I still tasted the lake water. I felt cold, tired,and wet. I was nervous, wondering if I would make it. Then I felt sleep pulling me. The voices were getting closer and closer and closer and closer and closer....

When I woke up I Jet and Honey weren't awake yet, but I was warmed up. I wondered who the humans I had heard were. Did they have to do with me getting warmer? Then I heard the humans coming. Were they my owners? They fed me nice warm milk, just like my owners used to do! They stroked my ears just like my owners did. I thought it had to be a dream. The people couldn't be my owners. I knew all along I would never find them! Now knew it had to be a dream, but then they said, “WOW! I can't believe we were looking for Fudge at our own home! He was here the whole time!” I couldn't believe my ears, the dream was real! So call me lucky, that I have 2 great friends, who have 5 superior kits, and I have my owners back. Well it ends up they rent a house now, and the house owners

don't allow cats. Jet Honey and I,and you 5 kits live in the barn NEXT to their house. We keep our deal. When prey runs low, they get some of my food. I'm sure you kittens will grow up to be great cats like your mother and father. Now its time to go to sleep. I can tell by her face, your mother Honey doesn't approve of you staying up this late explaining our adventure for the 10th time. If you stay up any later your father Jet will yell at me for keeping you up too late. Its bed time. Dream of catnip and milk, and we will have a mouse ready for each of you in the morning. Now go to sleep ,its time to go to bed. No more stories, goodnight you kittens. That was your last bedtime story.

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