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It was the second day of middle school. I basically knew everyone in my class especially Jessica since she’s my best friend. Ohhhhhhhhh here comes Jessica! “Hey, Kenzie, did you hear about Mr. Jacob giving us our first essay?” Jessica asked as she walked up to me. “I don't really listen to rumors um, but….Our first essay? Exciting! I wonder what its about?” I told her. “BRIIIIIIINNNGGG!” Off went the bell. I better get to class. . . . I sat down at an empty desk next to Jessica. On the other side of me sat Andrew, a boy who has glasses and is really smart. In front of me were these really popular girls. Their names are Grace and Ashley, gossiping how Andrew was sooooooooooo geeky. “Settle down, settle down. Did everyone check in… Good” “I always do a dream essay on the second day of school. As you can guess, it’s an essay about what your dream is. You can only choose one dream. You have 3 days and the weekends to work on the essay. This essay will show me what your dream is and what you need to work on. You will also receive a rubric to help you,” explained Mr. Jacobs. Everyone just started blabbering about their dreams to their friends. I heard Grace talking to Ashley about how her dream was to be a model. Ashley told Grace that she wanted to be an actress. I heard Mr.Jacobs trying to quiet everyone down. And then I heard voices in my head. “I want to be a baker,” said a voice in my head. “No, I want to be a figure skater,” said another voice, starting to shout. “No, you two are wrong. I want to be an actress,” a yelling voice. They started arguing in my head. Suddenly I heard a voice. “Kenzie?! KENZIE!!!!!???????? “What?????” I said as I was shaking off my thought. It was Jessica. “Wake up! Class is over, better get to your locker or you’re probably going to be late for your next period.” .



“SCHOOLS OVER!!!” I yelled! I never been so happy about school being over before. Then I started to think about the dream essay and then butterflies filled my stomach. I couldn't do it, I just couldn't! This was going to be my first impression, I was going to get an A … And now, I wouldn't have a good first impression like I did all those years and I wouldn't get an A! This was so frustrating! As I was trailing off... I saw a sign catch my eye. It was on the Bakery window it said : Bakers helper needed.

“OMG!!” A light bulb popped over my head. “I have to text Jessica!” I ran back to my room and asked my parents. “No honey, you can't sign up or do anything until you finish your chores.” Uggghhhh, parents = so annoying. I finished my chores and quickly signed up for figure skating lessons and Drama Club. I went outside and quickly went to the Bakery. Ding dong. The doorbell rang. “Welcome to the Bakery,” a lady said. “Hi, my name is Mackenzie, but I would prefer if you could call me Kenzie. I am interested in being the bakers…” I was about to finish my sentence but the lady interrupted me. “Wait, are you volunteering? This is GREAT. Thank you! THANK YOU! When would you like to start?” the lady asked excitedly. Then the lady just babbled on and on about times and duties and I lost her after the first sentence that came out of her mouth. “I’d like to start today and don’t worry I’ll be very responsible,” I told her. . . . I arrived home with flour smeared over my face and I don't think I baked one thing right. I washed up and flopped onto my bed. “Honey, you have one hour untill figure skating. Do you even have skates?” Asked my mom. “I’m going to rent them there, after all, I’m only going to take lessons for three days,” I told her. “Okay, but you should get ready.” My mom drove me to the rink. I rented some skates and waved good bye to my mom. “Good luck, my daughter,” My mom called. How embarrassing, everyone was looking this way. I quickly called Jessica. “Hey, Jess, coming?”I asked. “Almost there,” Jessica answered. I waited for Jessica. “I’m here,” she said as she was gasping for air. “You are 2 minutes late, since you need to get your skates on we would be 5 minutes late,” I said. “Sorry, you know you don't have to wait for me,” she suggested. “It’s fine. Hey thanks for taking this class with me,” I thanked her. We went inside the rink and went on the ice, although we were holding the railing Jessie and I fell a lot. I went home with Jessica with bruises and aches all over our body. We groaned as we fell onto my bed. “Kenzie and Jessica you're going to go to Drama Club in 30 minutes,” my mom called. We groaned. “Ugggggggggg! Now I regret signing up for all of this, it’s turning all wrong,” I was frustrated, I was angry at myself. “Calm down, Kenzie, calm down,” Jessica told me “Calm down? you want me to calm down? When we are covered in bruises and we

have less than 15 minutes to go to Drama club! You want me to calm down?” I shrieked at her “Sorry, I was mean to you,” I put my head down. “It’s okay I understand you, you were so frustrated, do you want some tea, we could go get some at Teaplace. Okay?” she asked. I'm so lucky to have such an understanding friend. “Sure!” I agreed with her. Some peach tea would cool me down. We quickly went downstairs and asked my mom if we could go to Teaplace on our way to Drama club. And of course my mom said yes, she is obsessed with Teaplace, I’m telling you. We quickly get some tea and I go to drama club with Jessica. When we arrived I notice two people, Ashley and Grace. “What are you doing here?!” We both exclaimed at the same time. “Do you know each other?” A lady asked, probably the instructor. “Yeah,” we said at the same time, this time glaring at each other. Me glaring at Ashley and Jessica glaring at Grace. Well, I guess we would have to be friends. After all this year is the first time being in class together. “Hi, so I heard, Ashley, that you wanted to be an actress,” I said trying to be nice. “Yeah so,” she said, clearly annoyed. “One of my dreams is to be an actress, that’s why I’m here,” I said failing to be nice. “Me too,” Ashley says. We have a long conversation then we became friends.




IT’S THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy. Maybe I could go shopping or I could even hang around the mall with my friends! Ugggggg but I have to finish my essay first. This is the worst possible way to wake up on the weekend. I get out of bed and get ready to be a baker’s helper. I hope today will be better than yesterday or I will probably get fired. I did not get fired. Today was looking better already! After my shift at the Bakery, I got ready for ice skating lessons. When I got back, my body ached but I probably only fell about ten times. Last time I fell so much I lost count. Now all I have to do is go to drama club and take notes on how I could do better on the last day like I did when I was a baker’s helper and when I was doing my figure skating. Maybe I could use these notes in my essay. I was time to get ready to go to Drama club with Jessica. “Hey, coming?” I ask “Almost,”she answers, as if nothing was wrong. Well, I guess nothing is wrong. .



YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to finish my essay today. I probably should get started since I know the answer to my essay. “My topic for the essay will be that my dream will be whatever my future holds. For now, I need to try everything I want to do and when my future comes, I will choose then. I decided on this because I realized that by taking many classes I am learning what interests me most.” “Hey, breakfast is ready,” mom calls. “Coming,”I call back. I quickly change and race downstairs. “Morning,” I say. “Morning. Can you get our mail?” she asks me. “Sure,” I say even though I hate getting the mail. I quickly get it and check for my mail. Yep, one piece of mail for me. I wonder who it’s from. It’s from my pen pal. I’ll read it tomorrow after school. After breakfast, I get ready to be a baker’s helper. I know how to be great and I will succeed my plan no matter what, I thought this determinedly. Whew, what a day.I got so many compliments. Maybe I could continue the job of being a baker’s helper. I need to get ready for ice skating lessons, I quickly changed into something other than jeans. Jessica and I were asked to go to a higher level class. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am definitely

going to that class. Well, only if Jessica says she’s going. Finally, it’s time for DRAMA CLUB! I’ll be back home in about 1 hour which means I would come home at 6:30­ just in time for me to finish my essay and revise it. “Home sweet home.” back from drama club and onto my essay. I write my essay and revise it a couple of times and make a final copy. 9:45, I’m sleepy. “Honey you need to sleep right now no matter what,” my mom shouts. I roll my eyes. Hey remember I’m in middle school I don’t need you to boss me around I thought. “I was going to brush my teeth,” I told her. I quickly brush my teeth and change into my pajamas. Tomorrow is a big day for me. . . . I woke up and started freaking out. what if I get an F. What if my first impression is horrible? What if… What if… WHAT IF I get an F for my entire life! “Kenzie, rise and shine time to go to school,” mom calls. “What? It’s just 7:00, I’m not even ready,” I say as I stare at the clock. “Just kidding, you have a half hour still. It’s the third day of school and don’t you have an essay to turn in?” Mom asks. I get up and get ready for school. “I’m ready,” I said “Already? Its just 7:25” she says while acting all surprised. “Lets go already,” I yell I’m already in the car. . . . I turn in my essay nervously. I wonder what my grade will be. What will Mr. Jacob think of it. What will Mr. Jacob think of me and my dream? The next day seemed endless. Jessica and I went to the mall. I could not stop thinking about my essay and my grade. The next morning I was ready to go to school by 7:00. Mom was curious. “What is going on?” “I am hoping to find out my grade for the Dream essay in Mr. Jacobs class.” “You know that no matter how early you are, you won’t know the grade until you get to school?” Homeroom seemed like hours. Finally, it was time for English class. Everyone settled into their seats and surprisingly got silent right after the bell rang. Mr. Jacobs held the stack of essays. He was going to leave it on his desk but stopped. “Everyone, I am so happy to announce that everyone got good grades. There is a student who got an A+ and there is a quote in her writing,” said Mr Jacobs. Her? It’s a girl, it could be me! “The quote is “If you choose a dream you can make it come true,” said Mr. Jacob. That’s my quote. “May Kenzie Dove, please come up.” I come up. People start applauding in my head. “You earned it girl,” said a voice “You worked hard on it,” said another voice.

“You should be proud of yourself,” I return to the real world. Everyone got up to get their essay. It was like a mob of flies trying to get their essay first to see their grade. I look at mine with the big A+ on it. Next to it has a little note, that said, “Please come to me and we will have a conversation. don’t worry you're not in trouble”. I wonder what this meeting would be about. At the meeting, I waited carefully with the teacher to hear what he had to say. “I only have one question for you. How in the world did you make this essay? I mean this essay is amazing. You know I have one request. Can you please write a book of how you wrote this essay?” Mr. Jacob talks while he holds the face of amazement. Later that night, I made the story and gave it to Mr. Jacob. He said that this was really good quality and that we should publish it. It was published and you're reading this book right now. As you know, I became a young author. I guess my dream was to be an author.

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