Energy and Sustainability Africa - June 2024

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Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa researched and as you know,producedinNamibia!

Thismonth’seditionlooksatwaterandhowit impacts our lives. Of course, we have not disappointed you and topics such as drip irrigationanditsimpactinhelpingfightwater scarcity,climatechangeandfoodsecurityare examined Further,wehavetakentimetolook at the use of water in urban areas, as rural –urbanmigrationdrivesthedemandforwater.

Thanks to our researcher’s, a more holistic outlook on water digs into leveraging its benefits in providing more efficient and cheaper transport of people and goods Another key article looks at utilization of “smart water” systems to enhance water use through data and information exchange to tackle water scarcity via efficient use. Additionally, and what one would say is timely,summativecoverageofthe10thWorld Water Forum comes at the right time to give youatruesummaryofglobalconcerns

We thus hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informativeaswe

encourage you to follow us and engage with usonalloursocialmediaaccounts.Asalways, the conversation continues at


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NOTE2: EnergyandSustainabilityAfrica is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting ServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia.

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Did You Know?

Only0.5%ofwateronEarthis usableandavailablefreshwater. (WorldMeteorologicalOrganization,2021)

72% of all water withdrawals are used by agriculture, 16%bymunicipalitiesforhouseholdsandservices,and 12%byindustries(UNWater2021)

Water-related hazards have increased in frequency for the past 20 years Since 2000, flood-related disasters haveincreasedby134%,andthenumberandduration of droughts also increased by 29% (World MeteorologicalOrganization,2021)

Anestimated140millionpeopleinatleast70countries have been drinking water containing arsenic at levels above the WHO provisional guideline value of 10 μg/L (4,5) (WorldHealthOrganization,2022)

Drip irrigation is the most water efficient irrigation system with up to 90% efficiency at allowing plants to usethewaterapplied.(UniversityofRhodeIsland)



Water: at What Cost?

The debate over whether water should be considered a public good remains contentious A public good is defined as one that is available to all individuals

irrespective of payment. Given that water is a fundamental necessity for human survival, many advocate for its universal availability without cost barriers The United Nation has also since April 2011 proclaimed access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right On the other hand, others argue against categorizing water as a public good due to its finite nature and the fact that its use by one individual eventually affects the next person.

In a market economy, the allocation of scarce natural resources such as coal, oil, fish, crops, and timber is typically determined through commercial market trade However, water possesses unique characteristics that make traditional market mechanisms potentially inefficient and inequitable in its allocation. This further raises critical questions about whether water should be classified as a public or private good

Factors Influencing Water Cost

Regardless of its classification, water resources are finite and increasingly scarce in many regions This scarcity challenges the notion of water as a public good Moreover, the supply and management of water requires funds, and this justifies costing water. Below are a few factors that influence the cost of water supply, each playing a significant role in determining the overall expense of delivering clean, safe water to consumers

Infrastructure: Building and maintaining water supply systems such as reservoirs, treatment plants, and distribution networks, require substantial capital investment.

Geographic Variability: The availability of natural water sources varies. Regions with abundant freshwater sources have lower costs compared to arid areas where water must be transported over long distances

Quality and Treatment: The quality of raw water affects the extent of treatment needed to make it safe for consumption. Higher contamination levels necessitate

Economic Policies: Subsidies, tariffs, and government policies play significant roles in determining water pricing, reflecting differing priorities and economic conditions across regions

Water Pricing Differentials Between Urban and Rural Areas

In urban areas, water supply is typically managed by formal utilities operating under municipal or national jurisdictions Urban water pricing mechanisms are often well structured, characterized by metered billing, tariff structures, and subsidies. This is why it is standard to find urban water supply to be more expensive due to the cost of withdrawal, treatment and transportation of water to supply consumers In cases where countries undergo a period of water scarcity or drought,

restrictions on daily usage are implemented by the respective water utilities or regulatory bodies via increased tariffs, prohibition of water usage for activities such as irrigation or car washing, and other methods.

An example of this is Tunisia After five years of drought, the country raised its drinking water prices by up to 16% as of March 2024 Small consumers were not affected by this, however, those whose consumption exceeded 40 cubic metres faced about 12% increase (1.040 Tunisian dinars or $0.33 equivalent) per cubic metre, and those whose consumption ranged between 70 and 100 cubic metres per quarter paid 13 7% more (1 490 dinars equivalent) per cubic metre Meanwhile consumers who exceeded 150 cubic metres (including tourist facilities) faced up to 16% price increase per cubic metre (2 310 dinars equivalent).

In contrast, rural water supply systems are often less formalized and more community-managed, requiring minimal fees for maintenance These systems may involve community-based management, flat fee contributions per household, or subsidized/free water supply Rural residents frequently fetch water directly from sources like rivers, wells, or boreholes, incurring little to no cost.

For this, let us take the example of rural areas in Ghana where community-managed water systems supported by NGOs and government initiatives are common In these areas, water pricing is minimal, primarily covering maintenance costs Back in 2010, case study was carried out to find out the average cost of supplying water especially in rural areas of the country. The results showed that “the average annual cost (CapEx, OpEx,

CapManEx, and ExDS) for delivering water services from small town piped water systems ranges from US$ 10 to 14 per capita per year while that for water point sources is about US$ 4 per capita per year. The study revealed that CapEx per capita for the piped water systems is twice that of the boreholes with handpumps when a design population of 300 is used However, for piped schemes, the OpEx per capita increases by a factor of ten (10) and CapManEx by a factor of 100 compared to a borehole with a handpump The cost of water per m3 delivered by the water point source ranges from US$ 0 01 to 0 14 whilst that for the small towns water systems ranges from USD 0 05toUSD1 51”


The debate over whether water should be considered a public good is complex While the ethical argument for universal access is strong, practical considerations of scarcity and economic sustainability pose substantial challenges Effective water pricing strategies must balance affordability, cost recovery, and sustainability. Urban areas require well-structured tariff systems that protect vulnerable populations while ensuring utilities can maintain and expand services. The conversation continues.


https://www ircwash org/sites/default/files/Nyarko-2010-Cost pdf https://www tvcnews tv/2024/03/tunisia-increases-drinkingwater-tariffs-by-16-due-to-drought/ https://www un org/waterforlifedecade/pdf/human right to wat er and sanitation media brief pdf

Africa's Fragile States Are Greatest Climate Change Casualties

International partners must support the continent’s most vulnerable countries to adapt to extreme weather or spillovers could become more disruptive

JihadAzour,AbebeAemroSelassie August30,2023(FirstpublishedasIMFBlog)

Climate change poses grave threats to countries across Africa but especially fragile and conflictaffected states. As the continent’s leaders converge on Kenya for next week’s African Climate Action Summit, it is vital that they come up with solutions to support these vulnerable countries

From the Central African Republic to Somalia and Sudan, fragile states suffer more from floods, droughts, storms and other climate-related shocks than other countries, when they have contributed the least to climate change Each year, three times more people are affected by natural disasters in fragile states than in other countries Disasters in fragile states displace more than twice the share of the population in other countries.

And temperatures in fragile states are already higher than in other countries because of their geographical location By 2040, fragile states could face 61 days a year of temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius on average four times more than other countries Extreme heat, along with the more frequent extreme weather events that come with it, will endanger human health and hurt productivity and jobs in key sectors such as agriculture and construction.

A new IMF paper finds evidence that climate change indeed inflicts more lasting macroeconomic costs in fragile countries Cumulative losses in gross domestic product reach about 4 percent in fragile states three years after extreme weather events. That compares with around

1 percent in other countries Droughts in fragile states are expected to cut about 0.2 percentage points from their per-capita GDP growth every year. This means that incomes in fragile states will be falling further behind those in other countries

The more harmful effect of climate events in fragile states is not only because of their geographical location in hotter parts of the planet, but also because of conflict, dependence on rainfed agriculture, and lower capacity to manage risks.

Conflict undermines the capacity of fragile states to manage climate risks For example, in Somalia, the areas most severely affected by food insecurity and hunger due to the prolonged drought in 2021-22 were under the control of terrorist groups that thwarted delivery of humanitarian assistance.

Conflict and hunger

Climate shocks also worsen underlying fragilities, such as conflict and hunger, further exacerbating the effect they have on the economy and people’s wellbeing Our estimates indicate that in a high emissions scenario, and all else equal, deaths from conflict as a share of the population could increase by close to 10 percent in fragile countries by 2060. Climate change would also push an additional 50 million people in fragile states into hunger by 2060

The higher losses from climate events also reflect the dependence of fragile states on rainfed agriculture Agriculture represents close to one-quarter of economic output in fragile states, but only 3 percent of cultivated areas are irrigated with canals, reservoirs, and the like. Rainfed farms are especially vulnerable to droughts and floods Where irrigation infrastructure does exist, it is often poorly designed, left to crumble, or damaged by conflict

In central Mali, for example, floods along the Niger river are partly caused by farmers fleeing fighting and drainage ditches falling into disrepair Sudan’s Gezira irrigation scheme once covered 8,000 square kilometers of fecund farmland but has shrunk to less than half that area owing to poor maintenance

Finally, the higher losses from climate shocks are also because of the lack of financial means. With the financing needed for climate adaptation well beyond what fragile and conflict-affected countries can afford on their own, sizable and sustained support from international development partners both concessional financing and capacity development is urgent to avoid worsening hunger and conflict that can fuel forced displacement and migration.

Policy considerations

For policymakers in these countries, critical interventions include policies to facilitate immediate response to climate shocks, such as building buffers through more domestic revenues, lower public debt and deficits, and higher international reserves The paper indeed finds that fragile countries with such buffers see a faster recovery from extreme weather events. Strengthening social safety nets and leveraging insurance schemes are also key to financing recovery in the case of catastrophic events In addition, fragile countries need to implement policies to build climate resilience over time, including scaling up climate-resilient infrastructure investments

The IMF is stepping up support to fragile states dealing with climate challenges through carefully designed policy advice, financial assistance, and capacity development. Our strategy promotes a deeper understanding of the drivers of fragility, tailoring of programs, scaling up capacity development, and synergies with other partners that work in these countries We are also providing financial support through standard facilities, emergency financing and, more recently, our new Resilience and Sustainability Facility.

These efforts by the IMF and other ongoing initiatives by international partners are still a drop in the big effort needed across the entire international community to protect the most vulnerable The Africa Climate Summit could be a step forward towards generating effective solutions for mitigating the devastating impact of natural disasters and droughts on the continent’s people and economies.

This blog reflects research contributions by Laura Jaramillo, Aliona Cebotari, Yoro Diallo, Rhea Gupta, Yugo Koshima, Chandana Kularatne, Daniel Jeong Dae Lee, Sidra Rehman, Kalin Tintchev, and Fang Yang.

IMFBlog is a forum for the views of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff and officials on pressing economic and policy issues of the day. The IMF, based in Washington D.C., is an organization of 190 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation and financial stability around the world. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF and its Executive Board.

Readings: icas-fragile-states-are-greatest-climate-changecasualties

Flooding: Hydro Electricity as a Control Mechanism

Flooding, a natural disaster affecting millions globally each year, poses significant risks to lives, infrastructure, and economies With climate

change increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, the need for innovative and sustainable solutions becomes crucial Hydropower, traditionally viewed as a renewable energy source, is now emerging as a dual-purpose tool, not only generating electricity but also serving as a strategic control mechanism to mitigate flooding.

Despite goals for full electricity access in countries like Kenya and Rwanda by 2030, over 600 million Africans from across the continent lacked electricity in 2022, with 80% residing mostly in rural areas where national grid extensions are costly. For these populations, solar electricity via mini-grids and standalone systems are said to be the most viable alternative

However, recurring floods from known waterways prompt the question: “can these be leveraged for electricity generation?” The answer to this question is yes, through hydropower.

Defined by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), hydropower is energy derived from flowing water, which depends on the continuous water cycle to generate electricity In 2022, hydropower globally generated about 4,300 Terawatts hours (TWh) and was a leading renewable energy source. The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects hydropower to dominate until the 2030s

There are different types of hydropower systems which can be used to produce electricity Hydropower plants, particularly those with reservoirs, offer a unique advantage in flood control These reservoirs can store excess water during heavy rainfall and release it gradually, thus preventing downstream flooding. By managing the timing and volume of water release, hydropower facilities can significantly reduce the impact of floods on vulnerable communities while producing clean electricity

As a renewable energy source, the use of hydropower to control floods assist countries to achieve their Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which aims to achieve “affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy” for everyone Hydropower deployment as a flood control can also aid to reduce soil erosion and prevent the destructions of habitats Additionally, economically, the reduction in flood-related damages can save billions in infrastructure repair, agricultural losses, and disaster response costs.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Several regions have successfully integrated hydropower for flood management In China, the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, which become the world's largest hydroelectric power station in 2012, is also a critical flood control structure. During periods of heavy rain, the dam's reservoir absorbs surplus water, protecting millions of people living downstream.

In the United States, the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River demonstrates another successful application The dam's ability to generate electricity and control water flow has mitigated the risk of flooding in the lower basin, serving electricity needs of at least 8 million people while safeguarding agricultural lands and urban areas alike.

The IEA recommends that countries adopt "climateresilient hydropower stations" to achieve uninterrupted electricity supply, development, climate goals, and minimized socio-economic costs from climate impacts like flooding Therefore, investing in improved reservoir and generation efficiency can help African utilities reduce recovery costs and losses from underutilized hydropower systems.

Despite its benefits, the use of hydropower for flood control is not without challenges Reservoirs must be carefully managed to balance water storage for flood control and water release for energy production Additionally, the construction of large dams can disrupt local ecosystems and displace communities. Innovative designs, such as multipurpose dams and small-scale hydropower systems, aim to minimize environmental impacts while maximizing benefits

African countries currently experiencing floods, such as Angola, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia, can assess their hydropower stations and implement some of the IEA's highlighted hard measures to maximize their station output while making them climate resilient These measures include strengthening and redesigning hydropower infrastructure, such as increasing dam

height, modifying canals or tunnels, optimizing turbine types, enhancing spillway capacities to flush silted reservoirs, and increasing flood defences to protect power stations Moreover, they can explore strategies and regulations that will enhance hydropower stations' resilience

In conclusion, the strategic integration of flooding and hydropower as a control mechanism presents a promising pathway for sustainable energy management. By harnessing the natural flow of water and employing advanced technologies, we can mitigate the impacts of floods while generating clean, renewable energy. This dual approach not only addresses immediate environmental challenges but also contributes to longterm resilience and sustainability. As we face increasing climatic uncertainties, such innovative solutions will be crucialinshapingasustainableandenergy-securefuture

Readings: ica hazard pdf

https://www iea org/reports/africa-energy-outlook-2022/keyfindings

https://www irena org/Energy-Transition/Technology/Hydropower

https://www energy gov/eere/water/how-hydropower-works https://www iea org/reports/climate-impacts-on-africanhydropower/measures-to-enhance-the-resilience-of-africanhydropower

https://eros usgs gov/earthshots/three-gorges-dam-china https://eros usgs gov/earthshots/big-dam-big-changes https://sdgs un org/goals/goal7



The Urban Context of Water Use

There are constant discussions of the rural – urban migration phenomena But frankly, what is really urban and why is water use in such an

environment of concern or even importance?

Characterised by modern infrastructures, improved technology and organized service systems, the hallmarks of what constitutes as ‘urban’ far underwhelm the economic emancipation one migrates from the quiet, livestock farming of the small rural settlements to the noisy, densely populated, clustered settlements often found in the townships of the suburbs for

Why are urban areas important?

Generally urban areas are considered to be the centre for political, social and economic decision-making, due to the presence of important government, municipal,

political etc facilities and play an important role in shaping economic, civil and social dynamics both national and internationally With the World Bank estimating more than half of the global population residing in urban areas, it stands to reason that the increased urban population puts a strain on municipal service delivery. Several cities around the world have reported water constraints varying from limited supply, increased costs, poor sanitation and an overall scarcity of water, leading to experts calling it a water crisis Given the crucial role water plays in the social, commercial and industrial structures of urban society, its paramount we explore the urban context of water use, the economic impact of water supply shortages and explore mechanisms that offer solutions to the common water supply challenges plagued by urban areas around the world

Water use across various sectors

Common uses for water in urban areas pivot around residential, commercial and industrial consumption and utilization.

Residential families commonly utilize water for indoor and outdoor purposes, ranging from household chores, personal care rituals, culinary activities to gardening (vegetable and flowering etc ) and washing of cars amongst other things. These activities are essential for the day-to-day maintenance of a household and their water demands vary depending on family size, geographical location, time and water tariffs The average daily water consumption by a United States citizen was approximated to be around 337 litters per person a day in 2010, and has stayed relatively the same at an approximately 341 litters in 2021 In South Africa, this number is reported to range just above 230 litter.

Commercial water consumption includes canteen use, public convince, leisure offerings such as pool parks etc The commercial use of water within this sector is significantly higher than residential homesteads and the structure of businesses range from micro operators such as street food vendors to relatively large hotel chain establishments. Water consumption in this realm often manifests as a cost for businesses rather than private purposes

Some industries consume more water than others, those within the commercial food and beverage as well as infrastructure productions consume relatively more water than service operating industries. Where water enables the production of a good or service.

The impact of the water crisis in cities

The residents of Johannesburg spend days without running water, and often have to rely on the municipal water trucks deployed to manually supply water around the neighbourhoods With complaints of limited drinking water, inhibited household maintenance and exposure to

diseases borne out of the lack of consistent water supply, water leaks as a result of aging infrastructure, shrunk reservoirs due to draught and climate change, as well as the recurring electrical power outages (load shedding) that aid the water pumping station(s), consequently hinderpersonal,socialandeconomicdevelopments

However,noneisascomparableastheconditionscreated bythelocalpoliticalclasswithinthecommunitiesof Nairobi, where the water shortages reached extreme highs, it led to the creation of a black-market for water services, most affecting the poor. With dirty borehole water being sold to residents and often not fit for either humannorplantconsumption.

The economic impact of the state of water shortages present risks to individuals, important services such as health care and underpin the social wellbeing of local residents

Howdowebesttacklethechallenges aroundwatersupply?

Water is fast becoming a scarce resource, and with the urban population of some 56% - 4 4 billion in 2023 expected to double by 2050, mechanisms aught to be put in place to prevent the shortcomings presented by the unsustainablelinearmodelofwaterconsumption

The World Bank offers an integrated circular strategy that captures the full value of water through the World Bank’s GlobalWaterPracticedesignedtopreservewatersources, improve supply infrastructure and offer sustainable & inclusive services with its Water in Circular Economy and ResilienceFramework


http://pubs usgs gov/circ/1405/

https://www neefusa org/story/water/home-water-use-unitedstates

https://www rainbowtanks co za/water-usage/

https://www youtube com/watch?v= jVZhMQkTtU

https://www youtube com/watch?v=5Wz1j5fcRXY

https://www worldbank org/en/topic/water/publication/wicer

Water for Shared Prosperity: 10th World Water Forum


The World Water Forum is the largest international gathering in the water sector involving various stakeholders, which has been co-hosted by the

World Water Council and a host city The Forum is held every three years and has been taking place since 1997

The World Water Forum is not just a conference: it includes a three-year preparation phase (preparatory phase), a one-week event (event phase), and a presentation of the results (synthesis phase) with ongoing support for collective action.

The Forum brings together participants from all levels and areas, including politics, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and the private sector, among others. On 18th to 25th of May 2024, the heads of state, the heads of international organizations, high level government officials, experts, scholars, entrepreneurs

and economists from all over the world will share their knowledges, experiences, and practices regarding a wide range of topics related to water.

Water Circulation Engineering to Mitigate Hydrological Disaster

Several speakers [at the Forum] outlined concrete measures to implement water circulation engineering for the community. Eva Plannes, an architect and researcher from the Netherlands, recounted the success story in Chennai, India. The speaker stated that the "City of 1000 Tanks" project, which is located in this area with a population of 7 1 million, employs water circulation engineering to mitigate the risks of drought and flooding caused by rainfall

The water balance concept is an engineering model designed to ensure the sustainable circulation of water in accordance with the population's needs This engineering utilizes Decentralized Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), which identify the convergence of natural water sources with interconnected water holes. The water will then be distributed or collected through online monitoring.

"The inspiration was drawn from the irrigation system at Hindu temples, which regulates the availability of water, whether it is plentiful or scarce," said Plannes, who is engaged in a collaborative project with the local government and the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Meanwhile, another speaker, Prof. V. Srinivas Chary, explained that the City of Hyderabad in India is now initiating the adoption of eco-friendly structures that utilize recycled water Used or unclean water will be processed with purifying technology before being stored with rainwater and other water sources Chary stated that the clean water recycling technology is calculated based on the occupant capacity or usage level, such as in industries. Therefore, the solution for fulfilling water requirements does not just depend on the freshwater supply from natural sources

Forum Formulates Priorities in Four Regions

Speakers present at the session included Alain Meyssonnier, President of the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME); Benedito Braga, CEO of Sabesp; Rashid

Mbaziira, Executive Secretary of the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW); Changhua Wu, Chair of the Governing Council of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF); and Eelco Van Beek from the Asian Development Bank(ADB)

The 10th World Water Forum has produced a four-point Ministerial Declaration, which was adopted at the end of the Ministerial-Level Meeting on Tuesday, 21 May. The declaration was attended by 106 countries and 27 internationalorganizations.

Firstly, the establishment of a Center of Excellence for water and climate resilience to develop capacity, knowledge sharing, and the utilization of superior facilities.

Secondly, the Ministerial Declaration highlights the promotion and emphasis on integrated water resource management in small islands Although surrounded by vast water bodies, Indonesia still requires effective management systems to address the challenges of water qualityandavailability

Thirdly, the proposal of World Lake Day to raise awareness about the significance of lakes as a water supply source that sustains human life and serves important social and economic functions World Lake Day should not be merely symbolic but serves as a key component in preserving lakes worldwide (Ayu Sulistyowati/TR/ElviraIndaSari/SW/MB)

Youth's Tangible Role Needed in Maintaining Water Security, Sustainability

The young generation could make a real contribution to maintaining the security and sustainability of water resources The simplest ways were keeping plastic waste out of the ocean and saving water usage

This was said by Cinta Laura, the Communications Ambassador for the 10th World Water Forum, at the Media Center in Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Bali, on Monday, 20 May

The commitment to host the 10th World Water Forum from 18 to 25 May showed that Indonesia is determined to promote equal access to water for everyone.

"Everyone’s involvement in water resources protection and conservation will bring a positive impact on the environment and of course the climate," she said

The youths could also help water preservation by spreading positive information about clean water conservation and disaster mitigation through various communication channels.

Meanwhile, Andy Bahari, the volunteer leader from World Clean Up Day Indonesia, underscored that water preservation and conservation from waste is a shared

responsibility to ensure water sustainability for future generations

"Waste that accumulates in rivers pollutes the quality of the water It has an impact on humans and the environment because it is contaminated by dangerous substances," hesaid

The 10th World Water Forum is taking place in Nusa Dua Bali from 18 to 25 May under the theme "Water for Shared Prosperity" with six sub-themes, namely Water Security and Prosperity, Water for Humans and Nature, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Governance, Cooperation and Hydro-diplomacy, Sustainable Water Finance, and Knowledge and Innovation. (Ridho Syukra/TR/ElviraIndaSari/WS/Flo)

This article is a compendium of key matters via Press Releases of the recently concluded 10th World Water Forum held in Bali, Indonesia from May 18 – 25, 2024. RDJ Publishing has used editorial licence to condence andmodifyforreaderenjoyment.

For further details, the Forum can be contacted at




Food Security: The Impact of Drought and Floods

There is no question that agriculture is an essential sector that significantly contributes to the global economy and food production However, it is also

a major consumer of water resources According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), agriculture accounts for approximately 70% of global freshwater withdrawals. With increasing water scarcity and the need to ensure food security, there is a growing interest in water-saving irrigation methods One such that has gained widespread popularity is drip irrigation

According to Shareef et al. (2019), drip irrigation is referred to as a technique aimed at distributing water near the roots in small quantities in a concentrated and hesitant manner to maintain the soil moisture needed for

the plants It involves dripping water onto the soil at very low rates (2-20 litres/hour) from a system of small diameter plastic pipes fitted with outlets called emitters or drippers placed at specific intervals to release water slowly and directly to plants

Contrary to popular belief, drip irrigation is not a recent innovation. Its roots can be traced back to ancient China, where the ‘’Fan Shengzhi Shu’’ - an agricultural text created by Fan Shengzhi during the Han Dynasty, described similar method Drip irrigation is suitable for most soils, adaptable to any farmable slope, and can be used for a variety of crops including fruits, vegetables, trees, and vine crops planted along contour lines.

According to the FAO, regions like Tsumeb, Kavango East, Kavango West and Omusati in Namibia have implemented drip irrigation system. This method allows farmers to provide the exact amount of water required for the plants. There have also been other successful examples of drip irrigation implementation, such as at the Mondo farms - an emerging Zambian agribusiness venture owned and operated by Chisha Folotiya Mondo Farm specializes in vegetables but originally started with timber plantation of pine.

Besides saving water, drip irrigation offers several environmental benefits It reduces the leaching of nutrients and contaminants into groundwater by delivering water directly to the root zone It also promotes efficient use of water, up to 80% compared to flood sprinkler and centre pivot systems. Drip irrigation can mitigate many diseases transmitted by contact with vegetation through spray, reducing plant diseases and leading to better growth and health

One of the main drawbacks of drip irrigation can be its cost The equipment and labour required to install the system correctly are expensive, and the system requires more maintenance due to the clogging of emitters primarily from water quality issues.

In summary, the potential water saving with drip irrigation is substantial. Compared to flood irrigation, which can result in water loses of up to 50%, drip irrigation can save up to 30-70% of applied water. In arid regions like the Sub-Saharan Africa where water scarcity is a major concern, this can be a game-changer for sustainable agriculture Drip irrigation results in significant water savings compared to sprinkler or furrow irrigation methods and may be a viable option for resource-poor farmers in many water-scarce African countries


https://sdgs scout org/project/low-cost-drip-irrigation-systemssmall-scale-farmers-minimize-hunger-tanzania

https://www fao org/one-health/areas-of-work/water https://namibianfarming com/drip-irrigation-gaining-momentumin-namibia

https://www modernjournals com/index php/ijma/article/view/656/576 https://www scirp org/journal/paperinformation? paperid=94955az1392-2016 0 pdf (arizona edu) https://www aquahubkenya co ke/drip-irrigation-inkenya/#:~:text=Farms%2C%20commercial%20greenhouses%2C%2 0and%20backyard,citrus%2C%20strawberries%2C%20and%20sug arcane

https://www scirp org/pdf/JWARP 2019091015345918 pdf


Leveraging Waterways: A Strategic Imperative for Transport

Africa's extensive coastline of approximately 30,000 plus kilometres and navigable waterways such as the Congo, Niger, Ogooue, Zambezi and Nile rivers

for example, present a largely untapped potential for enhancing the transportation sectors across the continent The ability to move people and goods is impossible without transport infrastructure, in other words; transport is a necessity and so water-based transport systems offer a sustainable and, in an energyefficient manner of moving bulk commodities and people, which can significantly bolster economic growth, reduce road congestion, and minimize the environmental impact of air-based cargo movements (African Development Bank, 2021)

Water transport, particularly shipping by cargo vessels, is widely regarded as more energy efficient per ton-mile compared to land transport, especially over long distances This efficiency stems from ships' ability to carry substantial quantities of goods in a single voyage, effectively distributing the energy cost across a larger volume of cargo. Moreover, ships benefit from lower

rolling resistance compared to trucks and trains, further enhancing their efficiency

Technological advancements are poised to significantly impact the energy efficiency of water transport. Developments in more fuel-efficient engines, the adoption of alternative fuels such as ammonia produced from green hydrogen, and improvements in ship design collectively contribute to reducing the energy consumption of maritime shipping. These innovations not only enhance operational efficiency but also align with global sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint of water transport

As Africa explores its future transportation strategies, integrating water transport into its multimodal transport system is not only a strategic imperative but also a pathway to sustainable development. This integration is particularly vital given the objectives of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to create a single market for goods and services, promoting intra-African trade, economic integration, and

Courtesy: Freepik(Aigenerated)

sustainable development (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 2020). Efficient and reliable water transport becomes even more critical in this context, providing cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to road and air transport (African Union, 2019)

The AfCFTA Agreement is expected to increase intra-African freight by 28% and demand for maritime freight by 62%.

To fully harness the potential of water transport, Africa must invest in developing and modernizing its maritime and inland waterway infrastructure This includes expanding and upgrading ports, improving navigational channels, and establishing efficient inland waterway systems (World Bank, 2022). Such investments are essential for reducing logistics costs, enhancing trade competitiveness, and stimulating regional integration (International Transport Forum, 2019) Efficient water transport systems facilitate the seamless movement of goods and people, thereby contributing to the overall economic development of the continent

Moreover, water transport can play a crucial role in connecting landlocked countries to coastal ports, promoting regional trade and economic integration (African Union Commission, 2021) Formulating policies that integrate water transport with other modes of

transport to create a seamless multimodal system is essentialformaximizingthesebenefits(UNECA,2020)

In conclusion, by enhancing connectivity, reducing transport costs, and promoting sustainable practices, water transport modes can play a pivotal role in boosting inter-Africa trade Strategic investments in maritime infrastructure, coupled with supportive policies, can unlock significant economic benefits and drive the continent's integration into the global economy Further spin-offs accrue as the expansion of water transport can create jobs in shipbuilding, port operations, logistics, and related industries. These employment opportunities can spur economic development and improve livelihoods in coastalandinlandregions.


African Development Bank (2021) "African Waterways and Maritime Transport."

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2020) "The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) " African Union. (2019). "AfCFTA and its Implications for Transport." World Bank (2022) "Investing in Africa’s Maritime Infrastructure " International Transport Forum (2019) "Water Transport in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges."

African Union Commission (2021) "Enhancing Regional Integration through Water Transport " UNECA. (2020). "Policy Integration for Multimodal Transport Systems in Africa "

https://unctad org/press-material/review-maritime-transport2023-facts-and-figures-africa https://unctad org/press-material/afcfta-could-boost-maritimetrade-africa


The Role of Smart Water Management Systems


Iguess there is no need to convince you that water is essential for various aspects of life, including energy generation, food production, and

biodiversity With climate change impacts affecting precipitation patterns and resulting in extreme weather conditions, making the need for water conservation crucial.

UNWater (the United Nations agency providing a “coordination mechanism”), says access to water and sanitation is a human right According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), about 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and over two-thirds of the global population experience water shortages for at least one month on average annually.

Utilities worldwide are adopting smart water management systems to enhance water operations and accessibility The International Water Resources

Association (IWRA) defines smart water management (SWM) as the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) and real-time data to address water management challenges Digitalization, through the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), plays a pivotal role in various sectors, including water management, through smart water management systems. SWM systems improve water quality, quantity, irrigation efficiency, and manage issues such as leaks, pressure, flow, floods, and droughts

Water scarcity is a significant issue in Africa Urban populations face these challenges even on a greater scale and with urban populations growing rapidly globally, the issue is even more stark. IWRA notes further that urban centres have changed the way that the traditional water cycles occur and impact, resulting in an “Urban Water Cycle”

National utilities therefore need to consider adopting smart management systems to ensure sustainable water management. This adoption will support their mandates and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims for the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Key Components of Smart Water Management Systems

Meters and Sensors: These tools collect and transmit real-time information, providing critical data for effective water management.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems: SCADA systems process information and remotely optimize systems and processes, enhancing service delivery

Geographic Information System (GIS): GIS technology stores, manages, manipulates, and analyzes spatial information essential for water utilities.

Software Solutions: These solutions store, use, and report water data They are also used for modelling infrastructure and environmental systems to improve design, decision-making, and risk management

AI applications in water management assist with supply optimization and decision-making. AI tools help in

designing optimal water monitoring and control networks, detecting water losses, defining contingency plans, forecasting water demand, and managing network expansions. AI also aids in locating aging water assets, addressing capital and operational expenditure limitations,andcontrollingwatertariffincreases

Smart water management systems, driven by digitalization and AI, offer promising solutions to global water challenges By leveraging advanced technologies, utilities can enhance water efficiency, ensure sustainability, and improve service delivery, thereby addressing both current and future water management needs


https://www iea org/commentaries/energy-is-vital-to-a-wellfunctioning-water-sector

https://www unwater org/news/iwra-call-abstracts-smart-watermanagement

https://development asia/explainer/what-smart-watermanagement ial-intelligence-smart-water-management-systems pdf


Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and Maintenance

GIZ-Green People's Energy Project (GPE)

Interview with Ms. Anna Ndapanda Hainghumbi

In today's rapidly evolving energy landscape, l stands out as a beacon of sustainability and inn guideusintothistransformativefield,wearethr

Ms Anna Hainghumbi who recently attended the GIZ-Green People's Energy Project, Five-Day Training Program on Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and Maintenance This comprehensive training covered crucial aspects of solar energy systems, equipping participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to the renewable energy sector.


Anna Ndapanda Hainghumbi is a final-year Electrical Power Engineering student at the University of Science and Technology (NUST) She is an alumna of the 2023 WomEng Southern Africa Fellowship (WomHub) and a dedicated member of several professional organizations, including the Namibian Society of Engineers (NASE), the NUST SEED Society, and Namibian Women in Engineering (NAMWIE) Additionally, Anna is a certified solar installer, having received training under the GIZ-Green People's EnergyProject Sheiscurrentlygainingpracticalexperienceasan Electrical Engineer intern at the City of Windhoek's Electricity Department

1.WhatmotivatedyoutoparticipateintheFive-DayTraining Program on Solar and Solar Water Pump Installation and MaintenanceconductedbyGreenPeople'sEnergy(GPE)?

“My strong dedication to renewable energy motivated me to enrol in the five-day training program. The idea of networking with women from diverse backgrounds for future collaborations aligns perfectly with my career aspirations. The training being for free and specifically for women, provided us with a unique opportunity to get trained and become skilled solar installers. It was a great opportunity for women to gain hands-on experience and required skills to get opportunities in the emerging Green Hydrogen Era.” Ms Hainghumbisaid

Cleaning the solar panels on a regular basis helps to increase the efficiency of the Solar PV water pumping system allowing for reliable water supply

Ms. Anna Hainghumbi.

2. Based on your experience from the five-day training program, how can solar water pumps contribute to sustainableagriculturalpractices?

“According to my experience from the five-day training program, solar water pumps contribute to sustainable agricultural practices by using clean renewable solar energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels such as diesel, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions This provides a reliable water supply in remote and offgrid areas, which helps farmers save money by cutting out the need for fossil fuels and lowering their operating costs ” Ms Hainghumbi replied

3. What are the key considerations for selecting the appropriatesolarwaterpumpforaspecificapplication,such asirrigationordrinkingwatersupply?


• Daily and seasonal water needs to ensure that the capacity of thesolarPVarray,controllerandpumpingsystemmeetthewater demand

•Watersourcetodeterminethetypeofsolarwaterpumpneeded (submersible,surfaceorfloatingpump)

• The amount of sunlight energy that the chosen site receives eachmonthandthroughouttheyear

4. What safety protocols should be followed during the installation and maintenance of solar water pumps? Additionally, how can regular maintenance ensure the longevityandefficiencyofthesystem?


Safety Protocols:

Ensure that one has Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect against potential hazards. To prevent electrical shocks, one should abide by electrical safety regulations by grounding equipment properly and not working on live electrical circuits. A safe workplace requires adherence to safety procedures.

Regular Maintenance:

Cleaning the solar panels on a regular basis helps to increase the efficiency of the Solar PV water pumping system allowing for reliable water supply Inspection of physical damages such as cracks and loose connections is important for the prevention of the system malfunction Monitoring the system output continuously to uncover issues at an early stage, allows for quick fault finding and repairs Replacing worn parts, such as bearings and lubricating moving components, like pump motors ensures longevity and optimal performance of the solar water pumping system This proactive maintenance helps in sustaining the system’s reliability and efficiency over time

5.Inconclusion,howdoyouplantoapplytheknowledgeand skills gained from the Five-Day Training in your current or futureprojects?

“I plan on opening a solar installation company in every region through training, mentoring and creating job opportunities for people in my community in the Renewable Energy sector In addition to that, I plan on collaborating with the government and private sectors to offer trainings in schools and training centers such as vocational schools and creating awareness through public engagements and panel discussions at Renewable Energy events.” MsHainghumbiconcluded.


Harnessing Agriculture Production in Off-Grid Areas

Interview with Mr Steven Mungongi -Featuring Mungongi Agriculture Project

Interview by Chilombo (Olga)

Drivenbyaprofoundpassionforagricultureinstilledbyhis grandmother, Mr Steven Mungongi embarked on an ambitiousprojectin2015thatwouldsoonrevolutionize

the agricultural landscape in his community which is located about 500 metres from the Kavango River, in Musese village, Kavango West region of Namibia The Mungongi Agriculture Project, named after its founder, began as a heartfelt tribute to the days spent planting and harvesting tomatoes with his grandmother. Over the years, it has grown into a substantial horticulturalventure,harnessingthepowerofmoderntechnology and renewable energy. This project not only produces a wide array of crops such as cabbage, onions, tomatoes, watermelon, and carrots but also supports the local economy by supplying producetoretailshops,schools,andthecommunityatlarge.

The cornerstone of the Mungongi Agriculture Project is its innovative mobile irrigation system, which employs solar energy to efficiently irrigate crops. Dritoven Engineering, a local solar photovoltaics system design and installation company was appointed as the service provider and partner for the design, procurement, and installation of the mobile solar-powered irrigation system. This system, composed of a trailer equipped withfivesolarpanelsandapowerfulGrundfospump,representsa significant advancement over traditional diesel-powered generators By utilizing the consistent flow of the Kavango River throughwaterextractionpermits,thismobileunitcanpumpupto 20000litersofwaterperhour,ensuringasteadyandsustainable watersupplyforirrigation


“the mobile irrigation system consists of solar panels integrated into a river pump mounted on a trailer When water needs to be pumped, the trailer with the pump is driven to the river There, the submersible pump is immersed in the water, which has a pumping capacity of 20 cubic metres per hour The pumped water then enters the water network, which irrigates the fields via drip and sprinkler systems and feeds an 80,000-litre elevated tank Once the pumping process is complete, the trailer is returned to the farm for safety reasons ”

The implementation of this technology, facilitated by a subsidy from GIZ, through its Green People’s Energy (GPE) Project, has markedly improved the project's productivity and environmental footprint.Therefore,joinusinthisinterview,whereMr.Mungongi

sheds light on his journey, the innovative mobile solar irrigation systemhehasdeveloped,andtheprofoundimpactofhisworkon local communities and the broader Namibian agricultural landscape

To begin, kindly provide a brief bio inclusive of your education, professional background and experience in the field of solar irrigation and agriculture and explain what motivatedyoutofocusinthisarea.

I decided to start this agriculture project back in 2015 because of the passion for agriculture that my grandmother planted in me from childhood. My grandma and I would plant tomatoes in the mahangu field since I was five years old and we would irrigate them and harvest them together, our home was never in a lack of fresh produce such as tomatoes, onion and carrots and that is when I developed the love for agriculture, she is the one who poured it into me and then took it upon myself to turn the passion into a commercial entity and that is when the Mungongi agriculture project was born.


a) Can you give us a brief overview of the mobile solar irrigationandhorticultureprojectyouareheading?

The Mobile irrigation system is actually a trailer that has five solar panels mounted on it that produce a total of 3000 watts and it has a grundfos pump that is connected to a switch that works directly on and off and the pump is fixed onto a float that holds it whilst in the water so as to avoid the pump getting swept away by the water current upon being put into the water source. The trailer then pumps water at a rate of 20 000 liters per hour and this is because of the strong capacity of the grundfos pump. The project I’m doing is a horticulture project that produces products such as cabbage,

onion, tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, pumpkin and other crop products and this we do by harnessing water from the ever-flowing Kavango river for irrigation We supply to retail shops and to AgroMarketing and Trade Agency (AMTA), a school hostel, kindergarten, church, and the community at large In recognition of my work and contribution, the traditional authority rewarded me with more land to the tune of 1480 hectares for the sole purpose of agriculture

b)Brieflyexplainhowthemobilesolarirrigationsystemcame to being, and the role that the Green People’s Energy (GPE) Projectplayedinit.

The mobile system came into being after we realized the fact that using diesel generator pumps which costed N$800 per week and it did not pump sufficient water as needed – leading to inefficient production. After receiving a visit from GIZ-GPE Project team, which left them impressed by our work, they proposed supporting us with a subsidy of 50% payment to move from using generators to renewable energy that is solar energy. This led me to designing a mobile solar system that would be anti-theft as there is a high risk of losing the equipment if it was kept stationery in the river. Hence, we developed a trailer to keep it mobile so that it pumps from anywhere and is kept at home for safekeeping.


a) What are the main components and technologies used in yoursolarirrigationsystemandhowdotheydifferfromother solar and traditional irrigation systems in terms of reliability andefficiency?

The main technology used by my solar system is the fact that it is mobile and can be used to extract water from anywhere instead of the traditional solar systems that are placed stationery in the ground and are then vulnerable to theft and vandalism.

GPEfurtherreportsthenotablebenefitsbroughtaboutoptingfor amobileirrigationsystemforthisagricultureprojectas:

Flood protection: Unpredictable flooding of the Kavango River can threaten solar panels installed near the riverbank A mobile irrigation system allows the modules to be positioned further away to reduce the risk

Flexibility in water collection: The mobility of the system means that the water extraction point can be chosen flexibly depending on the season This allows the system to operate more efficiently and ensures optimum access to water

Anti-theft: Due to increasing theft and vandalism of solar panels and pumps in the region, a mobile system was introduced. It can be easily moved and placed in a safer location to reduce the risk of theft and damage.

b) Due to its dry conditions and erratic rainfall patterns, Namibiaisnostrangertodrought.Whatsustainableirrigation methodsdoyouusetoensurethatwaterisusedsparingly?

We have a total of 12 water tanks that are each 10 000 liters –making a total of 120 000 liters of water in our water reservoirs. This is more than adequate to be used for irrigation and also to supply the school and the community with water for a full two weeks. On the field we use both the sprinkler and the drip irrigation system which is very effective in the sense that I am able to keep the soil moisturized for a very long time This therefore ensures that the soil is fertile for smooth growth to take place


a) What are the major challenges you have encountered in implementing your solar irrigation system, and what innovativesolutionshaveyouemployedtoovercomethem?

The challenges that we have had to experience is the fact that the system is extremely powerful, and it pump so much water in surplus that when the weather is very hot, it has the potential to break the water pipes, and this is something we have no control over


a)Inwhatwayshasyourprojectensuredthatthecommunity is engaged and what socio-economic and environmental benefitshasthisresultedin?

The community is involved in the sense that we train local members of the community to do their own back yard gardening projects, and this is part of our corporate social investment of giving back to the community In the same vein we supply free running water to the community and this in its raw form has been very instrumental in averting the issues of human wildlife conflict as locals from the village no longer have to walk long distances to and from the river to have access to clean fresh water Community members come to our project site and are given access to water at no cost This act has seen us received widespread recognition and applause from the entire region

b) Can you share a memorable experience or success story fromyourworkthathashadasignificantimpactonyou?

We have so many success stories to tell but the one that is the cream on the cake for us is the fact that we have had the then Honorable Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa Amadhila visit our project After having seen the mobile solar irrigation system on NBC news, she took it upon herself to pay us a visit personally in order to familiarize herself with our operations but most importantly to come and see how this groundbreaking innovation solar system works, that had put us on the map!


a) How do you foresee the role of solar irrigation evolving in thenextdecade,especiallyinoff-gridareasofNamibia?

The solar system will be the biggest source of power supply in the future across all spheres be it for personal use or for productive use The solar system comes in handy because of the fact that it has zero carbon footprint on the environment and the fact that it is cheaper to operate in the long run

b)Whatareyourfutureplansforexpandingorimprovingyour project, and what advice would you give to other young professionalslookingtofollowinyourfootsteps?

Our immediate plans are to expand and to utilize the 1480 hectares of land that we have in order to scale up and go into mass potato production and maize then process the maize into maize meal on site and supply the SADC market, which we look to achieve in the next 2-3 years. My advice to young professionals is that they should work hard as there is no substitute for hard work in this world. They should be prepared to go the distance and take the heat if they ever want to realize their dreams because it is possible.

The Mungongi Agriculture Project exemplifies how sustainable practices and community engagement can drive agricultural success,positioningitasaflagshipinitiativeintheKavangoWest regionandamodelforfutureprojectsacrossNamibia.

IMy Energy Life Series

Scaling Up Solar Power: Leading EPC Project Development Across West Africa

Interview with Samuel Landry Zinsou

contributed by: presented by:

n this episode, we meet Samuel Landry ZINSOU, ICEMBA(USA)®, IAHPO® HPM , a Project Manager - Solar PV Solutions&EnergyEfficiencyatARICSA Samuelshareshis

story of how he got started in the energy industry, detailing his initial challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionalsseekingtheirpathinthisdynamicindustry.


I am an energy sector professional with 9 years of experience in theenergysector HavinggraduatedwithaBSc inElectricaland EnergeticEngineering,Iwasequippedwiththeknowledgetohold the position of Energy Project Manager for 5 years within a dynamicIvorianSMEcalledS-TEL

Subsequently,ImovedtoENGIEWestAfricaGroupasaTechnical Sales Support for the Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Solar Energy operations before joining the Bouygues Construction in 2022 to manage the development of a Business Unit, specializing in the development of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) for solar energyprojectsatdifferentscales.

I recently joined EDF Group's subsidiary, ARIC SA. ARIC has a strong background in climate engineering, and I'm excited to be part of their transition towards new ventures in renewable energiesandenergyefficiency.

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

I'm in charge of the development of Solar PV & Energy Efficiency department for ARIC SA, a subsidiary of the EDF Group on target markets (Ivory Coast, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo, Benin, Cameroun).Myroleinvolves:

•BusinessDevelopmentManagementofkeyactivities:SolarPV& EnergyEfficiency

• Oversee projects from start to finish, from bid to handover for constructionofEPCtenders

•EPCcontractnegotiationandsupportingbusinessdevelopment onkeymarkets

In this role, I oversee projects from start to finish, from bid to handover for the construction of EPC tenders. I also handle the EPC contract negotiation for C&I PV Solar plants, on economic, technical,andcontractualaspects.

Inadditiontothese,IassisttheSalesTeamofEDFWestAfricaat any phase of project development by costing and providing technical support. My role also includes the promotion (internally/externally)ofourexpertiseandreferences,


My extroverted personality thrives in a collaborative work environment I enjoy the flexibility of managing my schedule, which allows me to connect effectively with colleagues Once I arriveatthedepartment,Ihaveabriefupdateonprojectactions with my supervisor and then set about coordinating a list of activities to be carried out in conjunction with the sales department i.e. customer meetings, offers to submit, meetings, etc.Accordingtotheestablishedorderofpriority,Iimplementthe activitiesaccordinglyfortheday.

"Myjoballowsmetomeetnewpeople,andbuildcontact withthecustomersandthesetomearefun.”


Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?

Côted'Ivoireisconfrontedwithtwomajorchallengesinitsenergy industry. One is the slow establishment of the legal framework adapted to the development of projects and the second is the relativelylowpriceofconventionalelectricityinIvoryCoast.This


Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

Myjoballowsmetomeetnewpeople,andbuildcontactwiththe customers and these to me are fun I am able to broaden my network


BymakingsureIgivemyselfthenecessaryresttimeeachtimemy body demands it I stand with the principle that I would never benefitfrombeingproductivewithatiredorevensickbody The key is therefore having physical rest but also recharging your batteries emotionally and psychologically through a regular physicalactivities.

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

Inadditiontoexpertiseinelectricalgridsizing,PVsystemdesign, and operations, proficiency in business software like PVSyst, Helioscope,andHomerProisavaluableasset Strongprojectand businessmanagementskillsarealsoessential

SamuelatasitevisitatKaelsolarplant(Sénégal)withteam ofEngie&EQUANS(GroupBOUYGUES)

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

It is very important to know how to work autonomously, have good adaptability, be results-oriented, and know how to impact andinfluence



Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

AsignificantcareerhighlightwasjoiningBouyguesConstruction& ServicesasaBusinessUnitManager.Thisrolegrantedmeaccess to crucial company data and exposed me to the weighty responsibilitiesofseniormanagement.Leveragingthisnewfound perspective, I actively participated in shaping the company's commercial and operational strategies, directly supporting the ManagementCommitteeinitsdecision-makingprocesses.

"Myworkhelpsinthedirectdeliveryofgreenerandmore environmentallyfriendlyenergy."




Certainlysportandfootballinparticular,Iknoweverythingabout footballanditshistory.

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

My work helps in the direct delivery of greener and more environmentally friendly energy. It also, in most cases, helps lower the energy costs of industrial or tertiary customers. Therefore, it has a positive impact on the costs of finished productsonthemarket,attheendofthevaluechain.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

To strive to learn to master technical tools to perfection and to developfunctionaltechnicalskills.

If you enjoyed reading this, do not hesitate to follow

See you in the next article!


UNDP-NGA - Nigeria

Description: Solar Borehole Drilling and Reticulation to the Model Farm Center Sokoto State.

Bid Closing date: 05 Jul 2024 at 05h59 PM (New York time) negotiation.cfm?nego id=20852

Federal Government of Somalia Ministry of Finance

Description: Procurement of Farm equipment (Tractors and Implements & Farm and Post-Harvest Tools)

Bid Closing date: 15 Jul 2024 at 11h00

Ministry of Mines and Energy - Namibia

Description: Discrimination of Natural Seismicity and Mine Blasting in Erongo Region

Bid Closing date: 19 Jul 2024

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Zambia Postal Services Corporation

Description: Tender for Supply and Delivery of Twenty (20) Electric Motorbikes.

Bid Closing date: 29 Jul 2024 at 10h00

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Kenya Electricity Generating Company

Description: Continuous Onboarding of Strategic Investors to the KenGen Green Energy Park In Olkaria Naivasha Kenya

Bid Closing date: 30 Jul 2024 at 10h00

Botswana Power Corporation (BPC)

Description: EOI: Registration for Inclusion in the BPC Supplier Database 2024-26

Bid Closing date: 31 Jul 2024

https://www bpc bw/services-site/tenders/Pages/show%20of%20interest aspx

Department of Minerals Resources and Energy – South Africa

Description: Request For Qualification and Proposals (RFP) under The Gas Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (GASIPPPP) Bid Window 1

Bid Closing date: 30 August 2024 at 11h00 AM

https://www dmr gov za/Portals/0/adam/Simple%20ParentChild%20with%202%20pages/GjTECViI90yiOQ5oxNLzMQ/DocMulti/RFP-Advert-GASIPPPP pdf
















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