Soulful Business Magazine

Page 18


Cycles Of The Moon

By Nerida Weaver

Many of us Soulful business owners started out with a strong passion, a calling that could no longer be ignored and a beautiful vision of creating a lifework balance. The dream of balance can over time become a nightmare of overwhelm, to-do-lists and all-nighters so that you can work around the kids. The familiar push-push energy we vowed we’d never do again becomes a default state and all of a sudden we find ourselves a long way down the fatigued track, feeling completly disconnected from the inspirational seed and burning desire to make the world a better place that made us start in the first place. Or is that just me? Actually, that was me up until a few years ago. I have built several very successful companies but with each of them, wound up at the point of burn out and exhaustion.


And then... I made a discovery that turned everything around! Lunar Abundance by Dr Ezzie Spencer found its way into my awareness. A system of working with nature’s rythms (such glaringly obvious wisdom that I’d completely missed in the context of how I worked!) The sun doesn’t shine 24/7, the flowers don’t bloom consistently, the moon waxes and wanes. Many of us are raised with a very masculine work ethic which unconsciously plays out as us pushing to be “on” and achieving every working moment. It’s no wonder that females being cyclic by nature, inevitably find ourselves at burn out point. Tuning into the cycles of the moon opened a whole new way of working my business that felt amazing! Following nature’s rhythms and applying the Lunar Abundance system allowed for a balance of yin and yang energy (where

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