Julie Parker:
The Beautiful You
Founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Julie Parker, passionately trains and supports heart-centered people to become life coaches. This modern day priestess with a focus on her Celtic, Balkan, Iberian and Greek lineage, is committed to contributing to a world where qualities of intuition, presence, social justice and service are honoured. The Editor in Chief of COACH Magazine, a published author and in demand speaker, Julie is the recipient of numerous leadership and women’s business awards and is also the CoFounder of Priestess Temple School and host of the top ranking Priestess Podcast. Soulful Business couldn’t wait to sit down with Julie to find out how she manages such a full plate and how she maintains balance. “Hand on my heart; I don’t balance things well all of the time. When you are a business woman with so many things on your plate, there will be times when things are off balanced, and that’s ok. Our pursuit of keeping things in
balance all of the time can sometimes contribute to the pressure, which throws us off balance,” Julie says. She is beautifully supported by a team, which enables her to hold space and do the work she does, she also contributes her ability to keep it all together with tapping into her exceptional “left-brain” skills. “This may not sound very sexy, but I am deeply planned and organised. I love flow, creativity, intuition, imagination all of those things, but the unsexy thing is, if I wasn’t as planned and organised in my business, I wouldn’t achieve what I do.” When we have are focused on achieving a goal, it’s so important understand your “why” (or your purpose). It will serve as a point of reference for all your actions and decisions and allow you to measure your progress and know when you have met your goals. We wanted to find out what drives Julie. “I feel as though my life and my business is a combo of ancient wisdom and lineage that comes through from the women in my family, through many generations, who have always had a 27