Evansville Vanderburgh Co UDO

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Chapter 20.01 | Purpose and Scope

Chapter 20.01 Purpose and Scope 20.01.01 Title The provisions of Title 20, inclusive of any amendments, shall be known as the Unified Development Ordinance of Evansville-Vanderburgh County. For convenience, it may be referred to throughout this title as “the Unified Development Ordinance” or the “UDO.”

20.01.02 Authority This UDO is adopted by Vanderburgh County (“County”) and the City of Evansville (“City”) pursuant to their authority under the laws of the State of Indiana, IC 36‑7‑4 et seq.

20.01.03 Intent and Purpose


In general, this UDO is adopted to preserve, protect, and promote the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of residents, businesses, and property owners within Vanderburgh County and the City of Evansville. More specifically, the intent of the regulations within this UDO is to implement the goals and policies contained within the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Comprehensive Plan and to achieve the following objectives. A. Improve the built environment by promoting orderly, responsible, and beneficial development and growth within the City and County. B. Protect and promote community character.

C. Conserve and protect prime agricultural land, natural beauty, and cultural resources. D. Promote the conservation of energy, land, and natural resources.

E. Promote development patterns that support safe and efficient infrastructure and public services. Minimize personal automobile use by mixed uses, multi-modal transportation options, and compact community form.



G. Encourage innovations in use and design especially regarding residential development and renewal so that the needs of the community may be met by greater variety, type, and design.


H. Provide open space for mobility, habitat, light, air, and recreation. I.

Establish clear and efficient development review procedures.

20.01.04 Jurisdiction

The regulations contained within this UDO apply fully to all land, uses, and structures within the jurisdictional boundaries of Vanderburgh County and the City of Evansville. To the extent allowed by law, the provisions of this UDO apply to all land, buildings, structures and uses owned, leased or otherwise controlled by any district or agency.

20.01.05 Interpretation and Rules of Construction A. Interpretation of Scope 1. When interpretation is needed, this UDO shall be strictly construed in favor of the property owner. 2. The language of these regulations must be read literally and are no more or less strict than stated. 3. The provisions of this UDO are interrelated and cannot be interpreted in isolation. All provisions and regulations must be interpreted within the context and intent of the entire UDO. 8

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Evansville & Vanderburgh County UDO

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