Using oils to protect against illness and to
Build Immunity
I’m always about learning new things and sharing the knowledge with others so we can help, heal and experience this life more fully.
wo years ago and just prior to another flight I made to Sydney, this time for hypnotherapy training, I discovered something that was another pivot in my path. While I was preparing to leave for Sydney, the world stage was coming apart with a new virus. I didn’t think it would directly affect me but I still investigated and discovered something very interesting. It was to do with the Black Death Plague in Europe in the 1300s. It was very important to know what a group of thieves did during the Black Death because the world in 2020 was going into panic about the COVID outbreak or possible plague. What was I to do to protect myself from this strange new infection as I travelled interstate? My research led me to know what the thieves in the Middle Ages did to protect themselves from the germs and viruses as they entered decaying homes and around the deceased. They stole from the dead and didn’t get sick themselves. This fascinated me and naturally I wanted to know what nature had to say on this. It’s a fact that since the world began, all sorts of plants, herbs, spices, flowers, leaves and roots have been used for healing, health and cleaning as well as perfumery. A lot of the Pharma world has used plant medicine as the basis for synthetic production of the active chemicals in the herbs, leaves or roots, albeit with side effects or warnings. I’ve grown up knowing this. I have natural therapies at home and my mum grew her own veggies. I had studied chemistry and worked in laboratories or the food/pharmaceutical industry for years but NOW this was personal. Now, I was on a mission to discover just what specific oils were used to protect and guard against illness and to build immunity, and specifically to protect ME as I travelled to Sydney and into the unknown. 16
\\ MARCH 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
I researched, and I concocted my own blend of essentials oils. Armed with my own essential oils blend of antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties I boarded my flight with my scarf and protective oils. Some of these oils are so easy to obtain and I want to share and make them with you. I’m a fairly healthy person and prefer the assurance of what nature can provide for as long as possible. I also have family who have needed the remedies of Chinese herbs or naturopathy. I believe in the arts of plant medicines and the elements of the mindbody connection with the source of life and creation. I’m not only an Empowerment Results Coach, Counsellor, Holistic Hypnotherapist, Energy Practitioner, I’m a Results and Recovery Coach and a promoter of health and wellness. This includes the use of essential oils, healthy habits and lifestyle, the 7 Principles of Health and other spiritual practices. Our mind-body has such a powerful voice and is expressing itself loudly so that you will take the time to listen and change for the better. If you’d like to know more about any services, workshops or health products including doTerra please reach out. Leanne James loves helping women to reach their potential, overcome limits around anxiety and depression and how to have confidence in themselves. Strengthening the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing and supporting the human experience with wellness, healing, healthy habits and higher frequencies of learning, knowledge and mindset is her great passion. She brings intuitive synergy to the client experience with her unique blend of playful energy and knowledge working with the inside, outside and unlimited aspects of clients.