Releasing the
Weight of the Past
You have been accumulating energy within your field and body from the day you were born. Even then, as a soul that has had many incarnations, you brought energy from your past lives with you. Every day of your existence you add to this energy, some of it conscious but most of it unconscious. This is done through your thoughts, actions, emotions, events, parents and all the social expectations from society and so on.
his energy over time, and sometimes very quickly, weighs you down. Unless you are conscious of it and are actively processing your life events and situations, this energy builds blocks in your energetic field and within your physical body and mind. These blockages show up as illnesses and diseases, mental illnesses, habits that are difficult to break and lack of motivation and abundance in specific areas of life. All of this takes you further away from your true self. The self that came to Earth to live, learn, experience and shed the confines of the human
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form. To be free, to express and to love with the greatest depths of your heart. Much of humanity is currently going through a ‘wake up’ phase. They are questioning their purpose, their existence and wondering ‘why’ and ‘what’ is all this about. Some are waking up for the right reasons and some are waking for a few moments and going back to sleep because they see the hard road ahead. These people are not seeing past the tip of their noses and have quickly turned away before the scent of freedom has hit them. Those that are awakening, and I would suggest you if you have read this far, are ready to step into the work of letting go, releasing all of the baggage of this life and the previous lives, and step into your full potential. How can you do this? First ask yourself why? What does it mean to you? What do you want? Once you have established this then it’s time to begin the work. And for those of you who don’t know what you want, that’s ok, make your intention a path of discovery. I highly recommend you find yourself an energetic healer that can assist you in clearing the debris of your life. Some areas you will need to address and recognise the lessons, others can just be cleared as they no longer serve a purpose. As the past is accepted, released and cleared you will begin to feel lighter, more connected to you. This is where you get to make a decision on what you bring into the space that has been cleared. Will it be joy, peace and love or will it be the same chaos you released just in a different form. It is all about choice and you are the only one that is responsible for you. Larissa Beattie, Saramatu is a High Vibrational Energy Master, Trance Channel and Spiritual Teacher.