Here we are in 2022. Kids back at school and life trying to regain some kind of normality. Stress is plaguing many of us, so I thought a simple spell for peace and tranquillity would be helpful. You can do this spell at any time. ANTI-STRESS SPELL YOU WILL NEED:
• A glass of water • Lemon or lemon juice • A stick or spoon to stir with • 1 candle (light blue or white) and lighter 1. Sit in a quiet place and light the candle. 2. Breathe to relax and clear your mind. 3. Bring your attention to your centre and focus on pulling in all the stress, tension, anger, worry and unhelpful energy. 4. Collect it together in a ball in your belly. 5. Now take the glass and lemon and put three squeezes of juice into the water while saying with the first squeeze: “One to calm.” 6. Second: “Two to relax.” 7. And third: “Three brings power to this magickal act.” 8. Stir sunwise (anti-clockwise for southern hemisphere, clockwise for northern hemisphere. 9. Now holding the glass, focus on the ball of unhelpful emotion and energy in your belly and take a deep breath. 10. Slowly bring the ball up and out as you exhale into the water. You may need to do it a few times. 11. See the ball of stress transferring from your body to the water, turning it a dirty colour. 12. Continue until you have cleared yourself. 13. When the water is saturated with your problems and unhealthy energy, hold the glass in one hand and hold the hand you write with over the top. 14. Chant, “Changing one of time and grace, All stress and pain, please now erase, Transform this mix into a potion, Filling me with peace and positive emotion.” 15. Raise the glass up and see it being filled with divine light from above that gradually transforms the murky, putrid liquid into a glowing crystalline white. 16. When it has completely transformed and you can feel the beautiful divine energy of peace, tranquillity, love and joy, drink it all. 17. Feel it fill you with these wonderful feelings and know that it will help shield you from further stress. You can do this any time you need to, but remember that you always have the choice to NOT allow yourself to get upset, angry, stressed etc…
If you focus on gratitude and seeing good in things, you will continue to attract MORE good things. Plus it’s impossible to feel sad when you are in gratitude. Even if it’s just being grateful for the smallest thing… a warm bed, a nice cup of tea… there is always SOMETHING you can find if you look. Energy flows where attention goes. Make the decision to feel good and stop being a victim of circumstance. If you are ready to claim your power, live your purpose and shape your own reality, let’s talk. When learned properly, Witchcraft is the ultimate in spiritual and personal development. Transform your life from the inside out. Allisandra Moon is a Priestess, Psychic Healer, Shamanic Witch and Spiritual Coach. Contact her via messenger:
If you were in control of your own destiny and could shape your reality at will, what would you change? issandra Moon Join Priestess Al king new in her Groundbrea itches Path” program “The W you can and discover how your dreams. create the life of Claim your power, live your purpose and shape your reality whilst walking the path of the Witch. DM “JOIN” to invite Magick, deep healing and transformation into your life today. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ MARCH 2022 \\