Rebirth Magazine July 2022

Page 18

Better questions for a


Better You!

As human beings we often get stuck in patterns of thinking because of our daily routines and habits. Some research suggests that typically we have 95% of the same thoughts again tomorrow as what we had today, which suggests that there is very little room for new thought or indeed change. In this article I’d like to highlight why we should be concerned about our thinking and most importantly will provide some thoughts as to what we can do about it.


ur thinking is absolutely paramount to our success, yet very few people realise the significance of our daily thoughts and how they are influencing our lives. The diagram below, I hope, will demonstrate to you why this is something we must give our attention to:


Creates... FEELINGS

Determines... BEHAVIOURS

Achieves... RESULTS I personally think that this diagram is quite profound in that it shows us how our thoughts influence everything about what we feel and do and ultimately determines the results that we get in our lives and work. Quite simply – everything starts with a thought! 18

\\ JULY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

So immediately I hope that you will recognise that being stuck in patterns of routine thinking will mean that we are most likely to keep getting the same results that we have always gotten. Of course you can say there may be nothing wrong with this, but if you are on a journey of wanting to be the best that you can be I’d like to humbly suggest that this simply isn’t good enough! So what can we do about it? The topic that I am most passionate about in the world is that of asking Better Questions in the knowledge that when I ask people Better Questions I am giving them the gift of some new thought. Maybe prior to reading this article you might not quite have seen the idea of new thought as a ‘gift’ but I hope that you can now see that it is indeed a gift given that new thoughts open up possibilities for change. Better Questions can unlock thinking and when our thinking changes, THINGS change. So my invitation to you as the reader, is to start to become more conscious of your own thinking and what you can do to create new thought. One option is to simply ask yourself some Better Questions particularly in relation to areas of our lives where we are stuck. Asking “How can I” rather than “Why” is a great first step, and challenging beliefs can also be powerful, e.g., “If I believed I could, what would I do?” Please remember that bringing the gift of Better Questions to conversations with others as well as your own internal dialogue can be life-changing!

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Articles inside


pages 42-43

Numerology – Amanda E Burgess

pages 40-41

Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

page 38

Lee Harold

pages 36-37

Christina Fletcher A conscious guide to the tools to support you through your spiritual awakening journey!

page 39

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Sarah Jayd

page 29

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Vicki Haspels Why did I start my business? My story

page 28

Victoria Cochrane We are what we believe

page 24

Bron Lea What if it’s more than ‘just’ the baby blues?

page 25

Kim McCosker Nachos

page 23

Marina Lovasz

pages 26-27

Adrianne Skye HEY! Where ya’ all going? It takes a VILLAGE

page 22

Alissandra Moon The Wise Witch – Self-Love Spell

pages 16-17

Lindsay Tighe Better questions for a better you

pages 18-19

Special Feature – Alissandra Moon

pages 6-11

Kaz Field Anderson Anxiety – the modern day pandemic

page 21

Rose Magick Shadow work and the power of self-awareness

page 5

Feature Interview – Ingrid Arna How one woman lost it

pages 12-13

Jess Beard

pages 14-15

Gwenda Smith Your keys to the magic of manifesting

page 20
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