Rebirth Magazine September 2022

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Edition 15 \ September 2022 YOUR GUIDE TO CONSCIOUS AWAKENING Astrology Sherriden Sloan RECIPE Kim McCosker NUMEROLOGY Amanda E Burgess Taroscopes Missy Rivers SPECIAL FEATURE Melissa Groom How I became a recognised leader with imperfect video Kaz Field Anderson Don’t call me resilient! Victoria Cochrane Face up to the truth and turn your life around

The online TV shows are designed to open minds and expand lives by providing FREE mind, body and soul educational content to audiences all over the globe. 9.30am-10.30am A Bite With Bron – The Truth About Trauma Healing with Bron Lea 7.15pm-8.15pm Psychic Readings with Michelle R Price 8.30pm-9.30pm Human Design with Katie TUESDAY 10.30am-11.30am Sitting with Spirit with Kerry 8.30pm-9.30pm The H.E.A.L. Show with Gwenda Smith 1pm-2pm Unfck Your Life Readings and Guidance with Rose Carter 6pm-7pm Readings, Reiki and withCleansingsTanjaSpadijer THURSDAY 10.30-11.30am Sitting with Spirit with Kerry 12 noon-1pm Name Readings with Jordie Janes 7.15pm-8.15pm Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton IF YOU’D LIKE TO HOST YOUR OWN SHOW EMAIL: OR CALL/TEXT: 0423 402 715 3pm-4pm Spiritual ReadingsBalancingHarmoniousandCardwithTracey 6pm-7pm Readings and Healings with Missy Rivers SATURDAY 12 noon-1pm Weekend Witchcraft with AlissandraPriestessMoon 7.15pm-8.15pm Messages from the Divine and Angel Healing with Ashley Nunez SUNDAY 8.30pm-9.30pm The Hearts Journey Show with Vicki Haspels View all LIVES SpiritualEventsDirectory/livehere: and get a reminder for your favourite show – all shows are AEDT MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Spiritual Events & Directory


publication, Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 3 05 Rose Carter A different perspective on psychic readings 06-11 Special Feature – Melissa Groom How I became a recognised leader with imperfect video 12-13 Feature Interview – Susanne Turner I Am Oils 14-15 Jessica Beard Own your labels, don’t be confined by them 16 Alissandra Moon Essential components of magick 18 Nadia Menichetti Your name reveals your Soul Plan in this lifetime 20 Gwenda Smith Move over and let miracles happen 21 Kaz Field Anderson Don’t call me resilient! 22 Adrianne Skye The simple secret to successful businesses! 23 Kim McCosker Satay Chicken 24 Victoria Cochrane Face up to the truth and turn your life around 25 Lynda Monopoli Lighting up the journey of menopause 26 Donnamarie Willett-Flockhart Peaceful parenting and soul conversations 28 Vicki Haspels My personal meditation journey and the foundation of my spiritual self 29 Hardik Joshi Using Circle of Influence in our daily lives 30 Terese Mudgway Good vibes 31 Mell Balment A step-by-step guide on how to amplify your intuition 32-33 Astrology – Sherriden Sloan 34-35 Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers 36 Marie Alessi Rob and I had a soul contract 37 Genevieve McMullen Why Yoga Nidra should be your new go-to meditation practice 38 Jordie Janes Perseverance 39 Jacine Greenwood-Drummond What is eczema? 40-41 Numerology – Amanda E Burgess 42-43 Classifieds Contents perception,BlissFeatheredAllMatrixyourself,discoveryonNFTFeatheredtheythetheBeautyBlissFeatheredNFTisineyeofbeholder,say.TheBlisstakesyouajourneyofabouttheandtheThatIs.elevatessharpens




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intuition and inspires a deep dive into a world of magic, where dreams are shaped into reality through the power of manifestation. You can manifest anything, as long as you believe, act, have faith and let go of the need to control the Theoutcome.Feathered Bliss NFT was created by Monika Mundell, a successful entrepreneur who has empowered thousands of women to create inspired lifestyles. As a hobby artist, she wants to create art that makes people happy. Claim this limited edition NFT by visiting: (only 22 are available). Visit Monika’s NFT store for more collectibles:

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Contributors Adrianne Skye Sherriden Sloan Missy Rivers Jessica Beard Greenwood

Your reading is also down to your chosen psychic’s perception, how they communicate the information and basically their opinion of how you should interpret this information.Readings without action actually interfere with your life lessons and higher path. Once you’re given information you can no longer be ignorant to it and it influences you. For example if I tell you, you’re going to meet a man who is everything you’ve ever dreamed of and that you’re going to have a heartfelt and soul connection. Now you could assume you don’t have to do anything, your soul mate is going to come skipping into your life and you will live happily ever after. Once we stop moving how we we’re moving in our lives our energy becomes stagnant, now the energetics that were channelled through that reading are different or completely stopped. So you will meet that man, but have you done everything you were planning on doing prior to the meeting? Personal/emotional/spiritual development opportunities? Or would you cease, believing you’ve already won and all you need to do is sit back and wait for yourSoprize?thisis why when you get a reading, you need to think about what you want and not get a reading from a place of scarcity.When you attend your reading, be open to what YOU need to do. What are you missing? What is your higher path or life lessons? Always gear it towards things that you have control over, things that involve personal, spiritual and physicalDon’tdevelopment.say,“When”,say, “How do I get there?”. “When will I meet my soulmate?” “When will I get a new job?” “When will I move?” “When will I feel better?”

She helps women who are ready to achieve deep healing through Daily Rituals, Psychic Readings and Shadow Work Mentoring


All of these questions are from scarcity, when you reframe them and ask, “How do I call in my soulmate?” “How do I work towards getting a new job?” “How do I accept and call in abundance?” “What can I do to invest in my Thinkinghealth?” in this way increases and maintains positive energetics in your life, keeping you on the path to your soul-aligned life. I believe that psychic readings are fantastic tools and windows into hidden opportunities but when they are used as a crutch to get comforting information they are extremely hurtful. If you’re guilty of using readings as comfort blankets instead of looking inwards into your own shadow and spirit you’re not alone, we all want to hear that things are going to get better without having to do anything painful. I empathise, but I’m here to tell you, you already own all the power, wisdom and strength to achieve whatever you desire. You just need to master your own energetics, become self aware and make a devotion to your personal and spiritual development. You are masters of your own creation. Nothing a psychic will tell you will give you a get-out-of-jail-free card for the nitty gritty of hard life lessons. To book one of Rose’s unique personal development readings, visit:

She offers a range of ritual boxes that have been locally sourced and lovingly chosen. Rosie has just launched the Ritual and Rise programme for women ready to transform their lives and who wish to have the tools to align with their soul purpose. For a free discovery call or to book a reading use the website link below: @mysticamagick E:

ARTICLE ROSE CARTER Mystica Magick is run and owned by Spiritual Healer and Pagan Witch Rose. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 5

In my opinion, psychic readings are intuitive channelled messages from your own energetics. Your hopes, dreams and desires are laced into the information you are given.

A different perspective on Psychic Readings

SPECIAL FEATURE Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 7

I stumbled across Gary Vee and Wine Library TV and was again astounded by the 40,000 views on one video where he shared what wine goes with particular foods/ meals.Isat on my bed and thought, “How can I start an online business and somehow help these parents at Ronald McDonald House who were feeling isolated and alone? If my son can do it and Gary Vee can do it, then maybe I could do it too and start an online Parenting TV Show.Ididn’t have any experience in producing a show, had never done a video and didn’t really know how to use YouTube, let alone edit a video. I put a post up on LinkedIn and asked who would like to join my panel of experts for Toddlers To Teens TV. I then interviewed the women and mentored them how to do videos with the little knowledge I had from my video marketing course. In November 2010 I launched the show with imperfect video and in a matter of weeks we were being viewed in 78 countries around the world, thanks to the power of YouTube. Disclaimer – I had never done a video before I did the one to launch our show. Have you ever felt overwhelmed with all the ways you can market your business online?

How I became a recognised leader with Imperfect Video


In 2010 at the age of ten, Nicholas had a successful kidney transplant. Whilst we were staying at Ronald McDonald House I would spend most of my time in the kitchen preparing meals and talking with the other parents. It was heartbreaking hearing their stories. Some of them didn’t know when or if they would be taking their children home. Nicholas asked me if he could start a YouTube channel as he wanted to do Toy Story reviews. I thought what a great way for him to pass the time. So I set his YouTube channel up and in a matter of weeks he came running in to our room, “Mum, mum! Check this out! There’s a kid in America doing a shout-out for me, he said, ‘Hey guys, go and check out Nick Shugg’s YouTube channel, he does Toy Story reviews and is a real cool kid,’ and look here’s another kid doing a shout-out for me in the UK!” I was astounded how quickly he was growing a global network of friends and followers. I thought to myself, “I better get out my video marketing course and learn how to use YouTube.”

Ihave found that video is the most cost-e ective way to grow your business. I have also found that videos don’t need to be perfect, polished or professionally filmed to grow your profile, influence and income. In fact imperfect video is relatable and works even better at converting.Research states that a landing page with a video has a conversion rate of up to 80% higher. Back in 2009 I received a phone call from my son’s specialist saying, “We need to start planning for Nicholas’s kidney transplant.” I knew this day would come one day, I just didn’t know when. It was nearly 10 years of waiting and wondering.Isatdown that night at the computer and googled –‘How to start an online business’. At the top of the first page there was a video of a lady, Janet Beckers, who said she was a Business Coach and taught people how to start an online business. A er watching her three-minute video I clicked buy now and bought her $2000 program. I attended an event she put on and met Pam Brossman who o ered a video marketing program which I purchased as I knew I would need to have an online business so I could be present whilst my son recovered from his transplant. Nicholas was born with both kidneys mis-shaped and very small. He only had 25% kidney function.

I sat on my bed and thought, “How can I start an online business and somehow help these parents at Ronald McDonald House who were feeling isolated and alone? If my son can do it and Gary Vee can do it, then maybe I could do it too and start an online Parenting TV Show.

The day of the launch I got dressed and did my hair and makeup and sat my laptop on top of my ironing board in the lounge room. I pulled down the white Holland blind and used that as my background. I didn’t have any lights so just used the natural lighting. I also didn’t have a lapel microphone. I didn’t write a script as I thought I would just speak from my heart. I didn’t think it would be di icult. I then spent the day avoiding doing the video and cleaned the house from top to toe and then I glanced up at the clock on the kitchen wall and saw that it was 2.30pm. “The kids will be home from school soon, I had better get this video done.” I turned my laptop on and walked towards it. My heart started pumping faster and faster and my breathing became shallow, I felt a tightening in my chest and I broke out in a lather of sweat. I thought to myself, “This is ridiculous! It can’t be that hard.” I eventually did my imperfect video and then uploaded it to YouTube. Looking back at it now it’s so amateur, but that’s not the point. The people who are struggling and need help don’t care if you do a professional video or not, they just want to know that you have the solution to their problem. We put out a show every week for two years and published eight imperfect videos a week. I then launched an online magazine Toddlers To Teens TV to go with the show. I have to say our videos were imperfect videos. They were not the perfect, polished or professionally filmed videos. The point is we just got ourselves out there to help people and started where we were at. As a result we all grew our profile, income and business. We filmed using our webcams or I used a flip mino video camera that cost me $100. I had to learn how to edit videos and

I would also have the media call me up and ask me for my opinion on topics such as one time the local paper called me up to ask what I thought about Kick Ass the movie being 15+ in Australia when it was MA in America.Didyou know that businesses who use video grow their revenue 49% faster than non-video users?

I started with a program called Camtasia. I eventually hired a virtual assistant from India who helped edit the eight videos every week and upload them to YouTube, our website and Facebook. I remember being shocked one day when someone came up to me at Pacific Fair and said, “You’re Melissa Groom from Toddlers To Teens TV!” At the time I didn’t realise that video was so powerful. But looking back now, my first realisation of how powerful video is, was from googling ‘how to start an online business’ and buying a $2000 program a er watching a 2-minute video from a lady I had never met or heard of, but a er watching her video I felt a connection with her, she was relatable, looked friendly and trustworthy. As they say, video builds the know, like and trust factor.

A er two years I really needed to get out of the house so I started a women’s networking group on the Gold Coast, Mums In Business Australia, which I ran every week for six years. I had to rebrand to Empowered Mums as we had a trademark issue. I also launched Mums In Business Magazine. We had over 400 speakers at our events and I met so many wonderful entrepreneurs but what I found is they were all struggling to market themselves online.

One day I wrote a blog post and shared it on my Facebook profile. I shared my story of the adversities I had overcome in my youth having been sexually abused by two of my mother’s boyfriends. It was a positive post to inspire others to speak up and use their voice and show that you can have a happy life a er major trauma when you get the right support. I shared the things that helped me overcome my challenges I experienced as a result of years of abuse. I received a phone call from my father who said, “Your mother is very upset by you putting up that post on Facebook. Why did you do that? Are you doing that for attention?”Ifelttotally gutted. Number one, because my mother had not phoned me to tell me she was upset and number two because my father was asking if I did it for attention. My father and mother had divorced when I was four but were still friends. I had le home at 14 a er the Department of Welfare and the police came to my school and told me I didn’t have to go home. A girlfriend’s mother who I had told what was happening to me had phoned the police, thank God. Anyhow, my father and step-mother supported me all throughout my court case which went from 14½ to 18 years old, during my final years of high school. My mother sided with her partner and testified against me in court to say I was making it up for attention as I was jealous of my baby I have to say our videos were imperfect videos. They were not the perfect polished or professionally filmed videos. The point is we just got ourselves out there to help people and started where we were at. As a result we all grew our profile, income and business.

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com8

Facebook was the tool I had used to build my business, but none of my family used Facebook for that purpose, only to connect and share photos with family

“I only shared my story to inspire others, Dad”. I tried to explain. He said, “That’s okay if you want to talk about it, but you don’t share that type of thing on Facebook.”

brother. It was gut wrenching to see her lying up there on the stand. I started trembling and broke down. I was crying uncontrollably and curled up into the foetal position. I felt so betrayed by my parents who had adopted me at the age of 17 months of age. They were supposed to protect me and support me. I felt so abandoned, so rejected, so alone. I wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep and never wake up. The pain was so excruciating. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 9

Connect with Melissa: Facebook - Melissa Groom - The Visibility Mentor LinkedIn - Melissa Groom I felt so heartbroken by my parents’ reaction. I really wanted to just close my eyes and not wake up. I had experienced this feeling before when I was younger.

and friends. My brother explained to me later that mum had commented on my post, but I didn’t see it, which meant that it went onto her page and her friends read it and then they started ringing her and asking her questions. I know she would have told them I was lying and trying to get attention. That day I went down to the beach, my happy place, the place I always went to when I was feeling down. I looked up to the sky and asked, “Is this pain ever going to end? I know I brought this on myself but I was only trying to help others. Why did I go through all of this if it wasn’t meant to help others. What is the point of it? How can I run a business encouraging others to share their story if I can’t share mine?”

It was so crystal clear. I then went inside and sat down on the lounge and started scrolling Facebook. I asked, “How will I teach people about video?” Every second post was 30-day butt challenge, 30-day ab challenge or some other 30-day challenge. The voice came again and said, “Start a 30-day video challenge.” I then asked “How will I market it?” The voice answered, “Post it on your profile and ask, “Who wants to join my 30-day video challenge?” O er it for free and get social proof and then upsell your mentoring, which I did.

I felt so heartbroken by my parents’ reaction. I really wanted to just close my eyes and not wake up. I had experienced this feeling before when I was younger. I know the signs of depression and I didn’t want to go down that track. I knew strategies to snap myself out of this type of thinking. I mostly prayed for strength, went to the beach, my happy place, I never go home from there feeling sad, you just can’t when you look around at the beauty and realise how lucky you are to be alive. to teach people what you know about video. There are so many amazing people who just don’t know how to grow their profile online and you can teach them what you know and how you did it.”

In 2020 I was asked to become a Facilitator and Coach for Speakers Institute where I teach Communication and Video Mastery. We are the leaders in Speaker Training and teach people to become confident speakers, influencers and share their story/ message globally. So today I want to teach you – No. 1: You have a story, a message, many life lessons that you can share with others to help them, get out there and share it, not everyone will like it or you, but that’s okay; No. 2: You don’t need expensive, professional equipment to do your videos; and No. 3: Imperfect video is relatable and authentic and can help you to become a recognised leader in your industry. Shine bright, the world needs you.

I know the signs of depression and I didn’t want to go down that track.

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com10

I ran that challenge for seven years and taught thousands of people to become confident on camera, all with imperfect video, and also mentored others how to start their own web TV show.

minute. ARTICLE and INTERVIEW MICHELLE R PRICE I Am Oils –Susanne Turner \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com12

for the Life Education Centre, which aims to empower young people. When she graduated from Year 12, she studied a Bachelor of Social Science in Human Services. Following that, she secured a role working for Family and Community Care Services. Aged in her 20s, Susanne found herself coming face to face with some very challenging youth. It was at this point that she started dabbing some orange or lavender-scented oil on


She said she has always been into wholistic healthcare, even as a kid. She admits she avoided taking medicine growing up, preferring to seek out alternatives. At the age of 17, Susanne developed epilepsy, but she admits she drove her specialist and Mum mad by questioning any drug he recommended. Eventually she grew out of it. During her schooling years she had a desire to work

Kinesiologist and Aromatherapist, Susanne Turner, proves you can do anything you set your mind to. The mother of four has created her own business from the ground up and is loving every

Susanne said the name of her range has special meaning to her, recalling how at the age of 14 or 15 she was told by a teacher that she couldn’t write like her sister. As a result, Susanne decided she ‘wasn’t enough’, and then she recognised that same feeling in the children she was seeing. Susanne also had to redevelop her children’s range for adults because they started asking for it.

‘I Am Oils’ is into its third year and is stocked in various outlets on the Sunshine Coast including a dental clinic in Maroochydore, Nurcha in Kawana and The Romantic at Peregian, but they are also available online! Each mood oil contains Australian grown Jojoba oil from rural Queensland and a collection of high quality essential oils selected for their therapeutic and energetic properties. Susanne has seen higher quantities of ‘I Am Focused’ selling during exam time and ‘I Am Loved’ on Mother’s Day.

Later in life, Susanne met husband Tim and the pair had four children together. Susanne made the most of being a stay-at-home mother, saying her kids grew up with crystals, bush flower essences, a good night’s sleep and quality nutrition. She used a lot of aromatherapy with her own children and would suggest a glass of water to get rid of a headache, as opposed to painkillers. She stresses that she would take her kids to see a GP if need“Whenbe. Media | Advertising | Promotions 0423 402 715 | SpiritualEventsDirectory | www.SpiritualEventsDirectory.comSERVICES: • Weekly show • Events calendar listing on website • Business listing on website • Social media promotions • Magazine advertising/contributor SED is a global media company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing.Spiritual Events & Directory Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 13

my fourth child was finishing kindy… I decided to do a Diploma in Kinesiology… [then I went back and did] Aromatherapy,” she said. Susanne added that she found her ‘true passion’ while studying Aromatherapy and admits these qualifications weren’t exactly ‘mainstream’ when she decided to study.

Susanne has since made a name for herself, creating the ‘I Am Oils’ range. She admits the collection was born from her love of children. She had been consulting with families who were regularly bringing in kids su ering from low self-esteem or who were afraid of starting school. Others she met were either having trouble focusing or finding the right balance. Based on this experience, Susanne started searching for a product she could o er young clients which could improve their lives. She kicked things o with bath soaps then asked her kids what they would like. The ‘I Am Oils’ range was born; her daughter helped out by drawing a flower design which now appears on the bottom of every bottle.

a cotton ball and popping it inside her bra to help her get through the day. During night shi she would dab some rosemary or basil on a cotton ball and carry them around with her. As a result, she said she never had a bad shi .

The imposter syndrome at its heart is the fear of owning a label. I have experienced this same fear with stepping up and becoming an entrepreneur.

But with the next breath they started telling me about aspects of themselves they loved and I didn’t have the heart to point out that they just gave themselves labels.This started me on a very reflective few days as I pondered what ‘labels’ are commonly seen as by people.Labels are the common terms we give each other: he/ she, gay/straight, sheep/conspiracy theorist, Aries/Virgo, atheist/Christian or, my favourite… archetypes. Mother, Father, Thief, Warrior, Entrepreneur, Judge, Student, Teacher – these are just a few archetypes.

If I said a more interesting archetype-like shaman, crone, mystic, priestess or healer for example, then they were more then happy to have those labels.


1. By having this label it will make us di erent. I can understand the fear we have about being di erent. Some of the worst atrocities in our history have been committed because we fear others di erent from ourselves. The Witch hunts, slavery and the holocaust for example.Eachof us at some stage in our lives have to face the fear of standing out, being di erent or facing rejection and abandonment from family, friends or society.

In the past I have rejected the label of Healer because I had self-worth issues and couldn’t believe that I could help heal someone.

I put Healers up on a pedestal and respected them but beneath the surface I also feared what people would think of me if I stood up and claimed this label.

The interesting thing I found when I talked to people about their di erent archetypes, each was happy until they started to feel confined and judged.

So why do we reject some labels and embrace others?Ilooked back through my own experiences and honestly looked at the labels I did not like and wanted to reject.Ialso observed others and I found we only reject a label if we start to perceive it falls into one of two categories:

I used to say all the time my greatest fear was being called normal and I meant it for a long time. But I learned that my version of normal is unique to me and most importantly I shi into the shadow Judge archetype when I do this.

The second category is the complete opposite to the first and it is when we don’t want to be like others. We want to be seen as individuals or maybe we don’t like some people and its horrifying to think that you could be similar.

What would people think of me, all the stories of failure and my fears of having to constantly prove myself to others.Thereis a safety in being like everyone else, this is why we see beauty and fashion trends take hold and we all want to look and dress similar.

Last week I had three people in one day tell me how much they hate labels and they refused to be defined by them. be confined by them

Own Your Labels, \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com14

2. We can reject a label because we want to rebel against what everyone else is doing.

Make peace with the past. Change your future DNA CELLULAR HEALING Recalibrate at cellular and DNA level so your organs, glands, joints and immune response can run off a healthier and harmonious blueprint. The principle is elegantly uncomplicated and works with different conditions, including • Coeliac • Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Endometriosis • Fibromyalgia • Eczema and • Other Inherited Illnesses or • Chronic and Auto Immune Conditions Contact or 0413 362338 to make an apptJULIA CHAI SESSION1.5-hour Only $200 Wise Woman Retreat BOOK NOW 0412 506 • 4 nights luxury accom, fully catered with high vibrational food • Daily yoga inc breathwork, mantra and meditation practices • Cacao Ceremony with 7 chakra crystal singing bowl sound immersion, medicine drum, chimes, guided breathwork, meditation and energy healing • Somatic Vocal Workshop: Rediscover the voice, release emotions and expand beliefs about your capacity to voice your truth, and allow authentic self expression • Wisdom Workshops to activate, set you free, unbind your heart and soul, and release limiting beliefs holding you back from your divine potential • Receive a Wise Woman Mini-Book and Inner Contemplation Journal • A sacred container held just for you, to enjoy time for silence, restoration, journalling, reflection, contemplation, dreaming, and self-loving! • A complimentary gift pack on arrival THURS 24 - MON 28 NOVEMBER, 2022 WOODY GROVE RETREAT, MAPLETON SUNSHINE COAST HINTERLAND with LIV BESSON Spiritual Teacher & Coach

Judging other people by their labels is the very thing I didn’t want them to do to me and I had to release this hypocrisy within me. The moment we go into judgment of another it is the most useless waste of our precious time and energy. People might think, “Oh, I am so much more then the labels you want to define me by.” I am a multidimensional, cosmic, co-creating sovereign being who works in the quantum realm. Those are all labels my friend.

I think it is far more powerful to reflect every time you feel like you are being confined or limited by a label and start asking, “Why am I really reacting?”. Is the truth of the matter that you have gone into category one and you are experiencing fear, doubt or self-worth issues. Or have you gone into category two and you are judging others and society for the label they have and you are rebelling against it. The most powerful things you can do, is own your labels and you choose how you want to be defined. How you want to be seen, heard and known.

I think that is the most powerful reflection I have had while pondering this topic. We are taught from a very young age to not talk about things we class as negative. We are told as children not to question, let things go and everything will be fine. We are not taught to face our fears, heal our doubts or how powerful we are at reprogramming our brains.

When I turned 18, I voted the same as my father who was very vocal on his political views. It took time to realise, I do not have the same views and values and I am going to have to change one of my labels. When I was healing my sabotaging patterns, I needed to look at the programs and archetypes that were causing me to remain stagnant. I had a terrible inner critic, imposter syndrome, martyr, shapeshi er, prostitute, procrastinator, perfectionist.Theseare a huge part of who I was and I still carry some of them and need to make sure I don’t fall into old patterns.Iamnot ashamed of them. They have made me who I am now and I love the person I have become. So I encourage you to own your labels, those you think are good and those you think are bad. If you find yourself uncomfortable with a label, that is where your higher self and Spirit is telling you to do some healing next.

Caroline Myss teaches us about the 4 Survival Archetype which are: Child, Victim, Saboteur and Prostitute.Partofmy purpose in this lifetime is helping people heal their traumas, patterns and programs in these 4 archetypes.Butthey are not pleasant-sounding labels. However, if we own them, heal our triggers and understand ourselves on a deeper level, we realise they are not bad. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 15

Timing: If you want to go all out, you can perform the spell on the correct day and at the correct time to gain extra planetary influence and power.

DO NOT talk about it or obsess or worry, because you pull back and scatter the energy. You send out mixed signals and basically ‘f’ it all up for yourself.Thisis one thing that many ‘Insta-witches’ don’t get. They post photos and brag. They may get SOME results, but certainly not what they COULD have had. Sadly it then encourages newer witches to do the same, which ruins their chances of achieving what they worked for and damages their confidence.

There are exceptions, like talking to a mentor, but they should explain what and when it’s ok. These are the ESSENTIAL components of successful Magick.There are other things that enhance your work, but they are not essential. If you want to take control of your life and step into your power, get in touch with Alissandra. Her transformational Witchcraft programs are second-tonone and DO CHANGE LIVES. Wise Witch –Essential Components of Magick

Emotion and will: You must be able to feel into the result and tap into the future emotion of already having what you desire. It must be something that you can see and feel, as if it has already happened. I call this a future memory.

Silence: When you are done, you must trust, without a doubt, that it has worked and then forget about it!!

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com16 or magick to be successful, it must contain these You must know without a shadow of a doubt exactly what it is you are wanting to achieve. Prior to deciding this, you must look at it from all angles and investigate possible consequences; what could go wrong and what will be affected by it. Also do a divinatory reading to learn whether the outcome will be favourable or not. This is where your work of self-discovery will come in extremely handy. For if you do not first know yourself, how can you know what you truly want and need?

Focus: It is absolutely imperative that you can focus your mind like a laser on the outcome and not waver, doubt or become distracted. When you have raised the energy and are directing it to create your outcome, you don’t want to risk thinking about something that you DON’T want, then end up making THAT happen instead or as well. This is why regular meditation and focus and visualisation exercises are so important; for new witches especially. Energy: This is the power that brings the spell to fruition. You must create a container (circle) to contain the energy and raise it up to a peak. You can do this by dancing, drumming, chanting, through trance, emotion, sexual energy or a number of otherThentechniques.yousend it out and direct it to where it needs to go to create your new reality. So, learning about energy and how to work with it, is one of the first skills that must be mastered.

It is often helpful to use certain items to represent and connect you to the outcome or whatever it is you wish to affect. Visualisation: This ties in with focus. Being able to see the outcomes in your mind. This does not happen the same for everyone and is rarely like watching a movie playing in your mind’s eye. Many of us have more of a ‘knowing’. A better word for ‘Visualise’ is ‘Imagine’.


Divine or spiritual assistance: Pretty self explanatory.

Once you have worked this out, you will develop a specific but concise intention for your working.

Kuve has helped her clients from around the world to live healthier happier She has supported her to successfully


THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND GENERALLY REQUIRES BETWEEN 22 AND 66 DAYS TO BE REPROGRAMMED The I Love Money Journal is a 60-day mindset journal to positively help you shift how you think, act, and feel about your Journallingmoney.for just 15 minutes daily allows you to rewire your subconscious thoughts, get honest with your feelings, become mindful about your money and happily track your progress. Available through: SECURE YOUR JOURNAL TODAY! MONEY Journal LEARN HOW TO GIVE AND RECEIVE PROSPERITY IN A CONTINUOUS FLOW OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE Published by SPIRITUAL EVENTS DIRECTORY I Love OUT NOW Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 17 If you were in control of your own destiny and could shape your reality at will, what would you change? Join Priestess Alissandra Moon in her Groundbreaking new program “The Witches Path” and discover how you can create the life of your dreams. Claim your power, live your purpose and shape your reality whilst walking the path of the Witch. DM “JOIN” to invite Magick, deep healing and transformation into your life today. Transforming lives by releasing your ancestral lineage from trauma and inherited patterns.


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services that combines energy and emotional healing techniques.


you, by combining innovative natural therapies for wellness and fertility, supporting you


“I’m Kuve and I am on a mission to help to find

Jansky Bradley Specialising in releasing ANCESTRAL PATTERNS and TRAUMA in a gentle and loving way

Kuve has created an effective and powerful fusion energetic

address stress, anxiety, abundance blocks and other emotional conditions.


THEY INCLUDE: The Emotion Code, Reiki, Seichim Hypnosis


It is a master letter, one of three letters that gives birth to all the others.


If a frequency can shape the sand into a geometric form, it goes by reasoning that the geometric form emanates the frequency that shaped it. So do the letters of the alphabet! They each have a specific frequency and emanate waves and specific vibrations that can influence our reality.

Jews have always considered the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet as the foundation and history of creation and the creative energies that each letter emanates are fully described in their ancient text the Sepher Yetzirah, from Aleph, the One, that created the second letter Bet, the dual world, to experience itself right through to the 22nd letter Tav which is the completion of creation. It is for this reason that the Soul Plan system (founded by Frank Alper around the 1980s) is based on the Hebrew Alphabet.

Your name and surname reveal the plan that your soul has for you in this lifetime. This is what the Soul Plan system is based on. It is the interpretation of the frequencies that the letters in your name emanate to reveal what challenges, talents, objectives and destiny your soul wants to experience in this lifetime. Through this awareness you can also activate these creative energies toward the realisation of all that you can be.

ymatics, which is the study of how sound influences matter, gives us an idea of how this is possible. Sand put on a sound box shapes into a geometric form when exposed to a specific frequency. When that frequency is changed the sand moves around on the sound box to form a different geometric shape. Cymatic experiments can be seen everywhere on the web.


The Soul Plan grid is a sixpointed star, the star of creation which is the symbol of the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth. The down-pointing triangle represents the material world and the up-pointing triangle represents our inner or spiritual world. Its centre is the meeting point of the two, the heart of the star and your soul destiny. The energies of your name are ‘wrapped’ around this star to reveal your soul plan. To know your Soul Plan you need to receive a full Soul Plan session but the first letter of your first name can already reveal something about what is important for you. Nothing is a coincidence in our life, not even our name. The Soul chooses our name through the subtle inspiration given to our parents or whoever has chosen our name for us. So let’s start with the letter A which in the Hebrew Alphabet is Aleph.

IF YOUR NAME BEGINS WITH A B Bet is the second letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and it means House, which is very important for you. If your first name begins with a B it is important that you go beyond your hypersensitivity and develop resilience. Learn from your mistakes and let your difficult experiences be an arrow to your bow through which you can grow in strength and help others to do the same. Go beyond duality, beyond judgment so that you can access your truest expression and your pure intuition. Bet in the Hebrew Alphabet means House. When the Father is in the House, when the One (A) is in the two (B) this world, duality, then true expression is born; which is the third letter of the Hebrew Alphabet Gimmel. So if your name begins with a B, find unity beyond duality to truly express yourself. IF YOUR FIRST NAME BEGINS WITH A G Gimmel is the third letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and it is all about expression. If your first name begins with a G it is very important for you to come out of your shell and express yourself, share your knowledge, communicate and teach. Gimmel is the ancient sage, the benefactor that likes to share its wealth of gifts. He ‘knows’ from the depth of its soul. More in the following issue…

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com18

It represents the One, power, leadership, healing and teaching. If your first name begins with an A, finding unity is very important for you. Unity within your internal family (subconscious, conscious and superconscious) and unity outside. It is imporant to lead toward unity in whatever you decide to do and to teach. It is also important not to abuse your power.


Your name reveals your Soul Plan in this Lifetime

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The honour of a life is a blessing. The blessing of a life is a gift. Before we become a physical being we make a soul agreement between our soul family, guides, and the Divine.

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com20 t is more a compilation of vows, to honour our soul’s journey of evolving and ascension. In following our agreement our life experience is purposeful and full of meaning.

Gwenda Smith

When we do what brings us joy, and when we do what lights us up we are honouring the blessing and gift of our life – that is the lived experience in the physical world. When we BE what lights us up; when we BE what brings us joy, we are in the highest alignment with the Divine Creator and our Soul. We are in our highest alignment to our vows.

Begin your day with a check-in of your thoughts and words.Write down the things that light you up. Write down what brings you joy.

GWEND A SM TH SPIRIT WOMAN Awaken the healer within, embrace the ways of living a soul-led life. Join Gwenda for live events every week, and receive simple, practical practices, tools, and

When we break our agreement and vows, we bring discord and imbalance to our daily life. We can adjust in an instant and bring the blessings and gift of our life into harmony again.

ARTICLE GWENDA SMITH Move over and let Miracles Happen H.E.A.L community – a place where you can be supported on your spiritual and healing journey I WELCOME YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AND JOIN OUR


And then choose which of those you will BE today. Embody and embrace the miracles when you move over and let your soul guide you. To be a master manifestor come on over and join the H.E.A.L. community: www.healwithgwenda.com

When we listen to our spoken words, when we check in on our promises to yourself and others, we can fine tune our harmony and happiness.

Kaz Field Anderson is a Trainer in Transpersonal Psycho therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Trauma & Clinical Resource Therapy at Hypnotherapy Training Australia.

Procrastination •

If you can relate to anything mentioned here, then please go to our website and look under ‘HTA Recommended Therapists’ and choose one of our trauma informed therapists to set you free.

For many years, those who have experienced major trauma have been called resilient… as if it were a compliment.

ARTICLE KAZ FIELD ANDERSON Hypnotherapy Training AUSTRALIA The Marilyn Newman Method Kaz Field Anderson Director of AustraliaHypnotherapyTrainingTraining

Join our Online Training Community for the experience of a lifetime! HTA is No. 1 in Australia for good reason –Clinical Psychotherapy,Hypnotherapy,ResourceTherapyandTrauma,allinoneDiploma!

The good news is… you are NOT broken as a whole… only the part of you that experienced that trauma is broken, and that part can be healed and brought back to normality in the right hands. We have many parts that make up the whole… we have parts that experience happiness, parts that experience anger, parts that experience frustration, parts that have experienced and are storing the trauma (watch the children’s movie – Inside Out to get a sense of this).

Now more than ever, people have old wounds and battle scars needing to be healed. PTSD/C-PTSD, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are at epidemic levels, fear is paramount, and Situational PTSD is on the rise. It seems that in our fast-paced world and busy lives, we’ve forgotten how to slow down and take a breath and look after ourselves and others around us. Phone: 0466 043 611 Photo by JAYDON DALY

Coming from a very traumatic background myself, I cringe every time I hear that word. Call me a Warrior, call me Wonder Woman, call me a powerful Goddess… but never call me resilient! Resilience feels like a trivial buzzword from the Manyuninformed.whohave experienced trauma have most definitely ‘therapist shopped’, trying to find a therapist that not only understands trauma… and its usual companions – PTSD and anxiety, but who is empathic and committed to helping them out of the darkness. Being hyper-vigilant and ‘on alert’ is built into our system as a survival mechanism, so we know in that first session if it’s going to help. When we don’t feel the intuition, connection or empathy, then it’s onto the next therapist… until just having to tell our story one more time can be retraumatising and we give up! As a trauma therapist and trainer myself, so very many that have graced my clinic with their presence, were not even aware they had PTSD; they just thought they were irreversibly broken.Some of the symptoms may be perplexing, and perhaps steered them in the wrong direction for help, thinking each symptom was another nasty clue that we are broken, such as: Chronic Anxiety • Irrational Fear • Hyper-Vigilance Hopelessness Sweats for No Reason Insomnia Self-Harm Easily Startled • Social Phobia An Innate Feeling of Being Unable To Answer the Phone/Text/Email Extreme Depression (well why wouldn’t you be depressed with all these symptoms!).

Unsafe •

Each part has its own unique personality, function, agenda and purpose. We start with the DeTrauma Technique™ to desensitise the emotional charge from the trauma.Then we allow that part that experienced the trauma to have a voice, feel safe, feel supported, loved and nurtured and allow it to be removed from the hyper-vigilant lead role in the conscious, with the knowing that a stronger, more mature part will take that lead role, then healing can happen very rapidly… almost instantaneously.

Don’t Call Me Resilient!

• Nightmares/Terrors • Self-Defeating Criticism • Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 21

It wasn’t until I was looking for a trauma therapist for one of my children who experienced a severe trauma, that the stark truth hit me… they are as scarce as hen’s teeth. So, as a trauma therapist myself, it is an honour to assist a fellow human being through their trauma, so I created my own trauma program – the DeTrauma Technique™, and I have trained over 300 therapists in this technique with amazing results. Most traumas are desensitised in one session, with one or two follow-up sessions to reframe the trauma response. C-PTSD (chronic long-term trauma –Complex PTSD) may take between three to six sessions.


The simple secret to Successful Businesses!

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com22

continue that counts”. I spent summer of 2021 analysing all my Analysingbusinesses.the points of failure and great success, the process I used each time in setting up businesses and the mindset at the time. Seeking additional mentoring but still just not feeling jackpot. And then there it was… staring me in the face! Seventeen years for me to finally see the forest AND the trees, something so common across all successful businesses.Something so simple YET pivotal… If only I knew how easy the ‘formula’ was… if only someone had written a blog on the ‘secret’ I would have saved myself time and money over the years. The fact; I was looking too hard for that ‘secret’ in becoming successful. It was right with me all along. I implemented my findings immediately. BOOM, within a week my first customer. Within a month I had 5 customers. By mid 2021 I co-authored an international best-selling book, my chapter… was the secret that in fact was NO secret! My chapter was titled ‘FEARLESS IN BUSINESS BLENDING STRATEGY WITH SOUL’. The characteristics of a successful entrepreneur were clear as day in not only myself, but all those around me. The revelation… there was NO secrets. We in fact all harness these qualities, the question is, do you execute them? 1. To be FEARLESS.

A diamond is not created overnight but rather over time, a journey of extreme pressure and heat. Likewise, my story consists of incredible pressures, heat, and lengthy time that created the esteemed business and educational mentor I am today.

2. To have STRATEGY.

Ihave learnt an immense amount about business and the success comes from owning multiple businesses over the last 17 years. It took epic failures, epic wins, tears, laughs and A LOT of money lost in ill-informed choices. It also resulted in major financial gains and being present in our three sons’ lives from birth, allowing freedom that I desired, something unattainable pre-children in my leadership position, SA education department. It wasn’t until I decided to take another massive PIVOT in my life in 2020, making steps to leave the public education sector (for a second time I might add), commencing on a journey with my own name as the business… eek! I knew I harnessed ALL this wisdom of business and with extreme passion to save others wasting money from poor business choices, I set on a path of business and educational mentoring. Yet the secret to success I still had not discovered, as I thought the secret was just knowing what you don’t know, seek the answers and2020presto!passed with my business slow and as I look back now, I lacked direction regardless of ‘seeking’ the answers to the online business mentoring world! The number three (3) has always been my go-to. I have always been able to flip a house in 3 months, commence a business in 3 months, yet ‘Adrianne Skye’ was entering 2021, three months after official registration with ASIC and NOT ONE CUSTOMER… crickets literally inhabited my PayPal account!2021I returned for the second consecutive year teaching and although a magical year teaching Kaurna at my youngest two sons’ bush school, I felt a sense of failure in my new business. I knew this feeling all too well, yet I knew the strength I harnessed and set it as my motivation to once and for all to seek the secret to my success from previous years in biz. With Winston Churchill as the voice in my head, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to

3. To be guided by our SOUL. Only ourselves can release our fears and be guided by our soul, strategy can be passed on and learnt. The secret lies in your intuition and belief in oneself. The secret is blending these together simultaneously that creates magic! Stay shining.

SERVES Ingredients:4 • 1 tbsp red curry paste • 500g chicken breast fillets, chopped • 2 tbsp crunchy peanut butter • ¾ cup (180ml) cream Satay Chicken RECIPE KIM McCOSKER – Author of ‘4 Ingredients’ cookbooks In a non-stick frying pan, heat the red curry paste. Add the chicken and seal, stirring to cook evenly, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the peanut butter and cream and stir to Reducecombine.heat and simmer until chicken is cooked through, and the sauce is slightly reduced, 8 to 10 minutes. Optional: Serve on a bed of rice, garnished with freshly sliced spring onions, capsicum and coriander leaves. Add a few crushed peanuts for texture. Recipe supplied from 4 Ingredients The Easiest One Pot Cookbook Ever! Now available for just $24.00 including FREE POSTAGE Australia wide.

Living on Earth has always been a struggle, but over the past decade the hardships that many are facing at present may seem to have become increasingly worse.

How present am I? Are you grounded? Are you living in the present moment or is your body in your place and your head elsewhere? You cannot manifest consciously if you live your life on automatic pilot or halfway into the etheric Am I in integrity and in my own truth? Are you being completely honest with yourself about what you want, what you need and even what you have done in the past that has not served you or others well? (Do you blame others instead of claiming responsibility for the part you have played and the choices you have made?) Are you able to reveal your true self to yourself, let alone to others? Do not expect honesty and integrity from others if you do not

If you are facing hardship, you must ask yourself what the lesson you are learning is, because there absolutely will be one! Doing so, although it may be confronting, will actually begin the process of turning your life around. Everything that happens in your lifetime is a lesson or as a result of choices you have made in a cause-and-effect sequence. It may also be as a result of karma that needs to be repaid or that has been inflicted upon you. Whatever it is, you must always bring it back to you; blaming other people will only serve to perpetuate the situation and the flow of events, preventing you from learning the lesson and moving forward in your spiritual growth. Try asking yourself some questions and be absolutely truthful with yourself. Here are a few to start with.

Do I love and respect myself? If you don’t, you are giving others permission to disrespect you. Do I have an attachment to money? If you do, you are blocking the flow of abundance.

It is also a fact that issues from the past needing to be resolved will continue to arise until they have been faced, forgiven and put to rest. It’s kind of like being slapped in the face on a regular basis until you start listening! Spirit is loving but it is also quite pushy at times!

More often than not now I come across many people who feel their pleas for help from the universe have gone unheeded, and many feel abandoned by God altogether. This is actually not the truth, but it is a fact of the ways of the universe, and of universal law, that we believe what we create and that, by thinking negatively, we are actually perpetuating the problem.

Why am I always sick? If you are continually ill, your body is out of balance. The cause of your illness may, indeed, not even be physical. There is always an emotional or traumatic basis to physical illness. Start looking for emotional trauma from the past and review the previous question about forgiveness!

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com24

Finally, am I grateful for what I have, instead of complaining about what I don’t have? Gratitude will bring abundance and Divine Flow, whereas complaint of lack will merely attract more of the same! So, take up the challenge and be honest with yourself about your beliefs, behaviour and thought patterns. It could literally change your life!

ARTICLE VICTORIA COCHRANE Face up to the truth and Turn Your Life Around

Victoria Cochrane 2019 Psychic of the Year COPY ONLY $24.00


Am I carrying hatred, bitterness and the need for revenge? If this is so, you will keep attracting people and events with the same vibration into your life and repelling those who can help you. Have I forgiven past transgressions against me? Refusing to forgive others will only fester feelings of anger and resentment that can cause physical illness, holding you back from moving forward into the future. OR ALL ONLINE BOOK SELLERS ORDER YOUR



Change starts with you, not someone else. Start having the so-called ‘uncomfortable’ conversations with your sons and daughters. Do it often enough that it becomes the norm. Talk to other women, get together to share the love and wisdom, not trauma bonding over how terrible it all is… we already know how hard it can be. We need to gather with the intent to support, heal and share our knowledge and embrace the goddess that we are.

safely and permanently. •


your own hours • Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 25

In place, we often hear phrases like, “Periods are disgusting”, “Gotta love the pain and mess of periods” or “Can’t wait until I never have to have a period again”. The focus is removed from the miracles taking place inside and replaced with the aesthetic changes on the outside, like “My boobs are too small, my hips are too big” etc, or simply “How pleasing we are to potential partners”. Then we celebrate becoming pregnant with gender reveals, baby showers and the birth itself. We want the world to know of our upcoming birth, sharing the love with all, as it should be, creation of life is indeed a miracle. Then in a blink of an eye, the fertile phase of our life is coming to a close and all is silent (just the sound of crickets), no love being shared here. There doesn’t seem to be celebrations or conversations about this phase. It’s like some dark secret that is forbidden or too embarrassing to discuss. Before we know it, our body starts changing, we don’t feel the same anymore, and we put all these ‘things’ down to ageing because frankly, women seem to be in the dark about menopause. Some women experience so many symptoms and have in fact started peri-menopause and have no idea until it seems like a tidal wave has hit them and feel like they are going mad. If they are lucky, their doctor might have a clue and have a conversation about these changes, perhaps even suggest some ways that may support their journey. However, general consensus from the women I have spoken to, they feel that HRT is the only option available to them, and if you are not sure that’s the road you want to travel, then you are on your own. Google becomes your best friend and the expensive journey of trial and error starts. This journey called menopause can be a very lonely, isolating and expensive one. Many generations gone by, women used to gather to discuss ‘women’s business’, to offer support, and herbal remedies. Women were actually celebrated when they transitioned into their ‘crone’ phase (I like to call it the goddess phase) because of the wisdom they had accumulated throughout their lives that can now be shared with the rest of the tribe. The goddesses shared their wisdom and passed it down to the younger generations so women knew what was happening to their bodies throughout their life cycles. There were ceremonies and celebrations for these phases, not silence and ignorance. Unfortunately, the silence has left women illprepared, without knowledge and left floundering through theseIt’stransitions.timetolight up the darker unspoken side of menopause. Embrace and acknowledge what an amazing job our body has done all these years. Change the negative ideology handed down to us from generations past. This is life, not some dirty little secret we don’t talk about especially in front of men. God forbid they know what we are going through and even worse, help and support us. Ladies… let’s light the way, be the beacon, the wayshowers for our next generation of men and women.

options to

It seems we are joyful over becoming a ‘woman’ when menstruation finally graces us (or our mothers are!). We admire and celebrate the changes in our external body, however for a lot of girls, the internal state isn’t really discussed positively, accepted or celebrated. LYNDA MONOPOLI you tired of inconsistent cashflow and the nagging uncertainty of where your next booking is coming from? Want to fill your appointment calendar with raving fan clients and word-of-mouth advanced, innovative hypnotherapy techniques, tools help clients overcome symptoms of complex childhood ancestral trauma, quickly, Work virtually from home Determine Enjoy consistent, passive and recurring income range Scale without stress and burnout, with increase impact AND having client contact complimentary call with STARR Founder Bron Lea, up Journey of Menopause

income, without



of programs •

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with our unique

to add more

She is a certified member of the International Psychics’ Directory and regular presenter of The Spiritual Wisdom Hour on Spiritual Events and Directory’s Facebook page. Victoria Cochrane (M ED. HONS) was named the

A psychic channel, medium, energy reader, spiritual healer and tutor, Victoria is available via appointment in person in Wynyard, Tasmania, via phone or video call. She is also available as an inspirational speaker and workshop presenter.

To be the best version of our Self is the ultimate goal and that includes our approach to life that is our approach to parenting.Unconditional love, unconditional love, unconditional love.Learning and becoming aware of what keeps us from being our truth, the true self that we are born as, is key. Parenting is the ultimate choice and opportunity for self-development, self-healing, and shining our light in our world.Kindness is a barometer. Practising kindness to self and all of life, particularly our children, is a gift to rebirth and liberation of you. It is an ultimate space of love that ripples out to everything and everyone.



As parents to children, this is a large part of our mission, our modelling, our role. As is the case with all of life, when we choose to learn a subject, whether it be something that we love, e.g. a dance style, a language, painting styles, a science, a way of being, or something that is necessary for living a beautiful life of choice, then we practise it and then it becomes habit. Dr Marshall Rosenberg’s book, ‘Non-Violent Communication’, is a great place to start. There are many organisations following his lead and sharing his teachings.

ello there, readers. I am excited for this opportunity to be here with you and share some information and guidance to support you in your parenting (for those who are parents) and in your choices, for all of us navigating the We are that part of us that is speaking to us. The observer. The commentator of our thoughts. Knowing that nothing – no thing – happens ‘to us’ and that all happens ‘for Weus’. are not the roller coaster of emotions. That is a reflection that is part of the illusion of our (yours, mine, all of humanity’s) soul in a physical form experiencing human ways of being. We are where we are to be at this point in this space with our collective tribe. And from there, I speak to those gifted with the pleasure, the journey, the joy of having been chosen as parents in their current lifetime. Parents, you do nothing wrong. Every choice, and every action is a step to choose a different action and different choice. Our children choose us as the perfect choice for the life they are here to experience as souls in physical bodies having human experiences.

And when choosing to become a parent, that is where the journey of parenting choices starts. That is when our choices are to be guided by maximising the potential of a beautiful life for our soon-to-be-born child to ensure that they have the best life possible and grow into the unique gift they are to the world and as our best teacher. In the current stage of human evolution and the evolution of our larger environment and beyond, we are to be releasing violence and abuse in all of its energetic states.

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HUGE gratitude, unconditional love, and fun and freedom, healing, happy hugs. From me to you. The LOVE Light. For individual sessions and guidance on peaceful parenting and soul conversations, you can contact Donnamarie via text on 0424 837 806 or email at We are navigating big shifts. In humanity. In our Universal communications. Externally. And with all mirrored in our minds.

Peaceful parenting and Soul Conversations

The Conscious Mystic Exciting news for 2022: The Conscious Mystic Community. “Mentoring, Guidance and Healing” a portal for education and support.

Visit for details

In the 90s my heart was opening to the Spirit world. I was learning a new way of being and messages came in many different ways. I didn’t fully understand what was happening to me so I sought gurus, read books and, most importantly, found meditation.


At the time my reason for seeking meditation was not to connect with the world of Spirit. I thought I was there to chill out when something wonderful happened. I discovered this was a way to effectively communicate with my guides and my Soul. I’d read about this phenomenon and now it was happening to me. Life took on a deeper meaning and it made a big difference that I had someone, my meditation teacher, to help me feel normal about the changes that were happening to me and around me. It was fun and empowering and it was life changing. Then the wheels came off and I came crashing down. I had found a peace, deep in my soul, that I’d never known before. And… big disruption. The first couple of years were some of the most traumatic I’ve ever experienced. I thought I was being punished. I stuck with it though. I had so much love and support around and I knew deep down that this disruption was vital to my physical survival. I learned a couple of valuable lessons. Disruption comes when the lies we are telling ourselves are exposed and “this too shall pass” (as the saying goes). There is a happy ending, lovely reader. I found my purpose, a real passion to deep dive into the Soul and the bruises it carries to protect itself. It showed me my skills as a psychic and healer to help others and pointed me to a life, while not always easy, where I live my true path and I am a much better person for it.

It is my belief that the disruption meditation causes is why so many people abandon it. When things do get tough, though, it is vitally important to continue and face the unknown. The level of disruption and apathy is a direct correlation to the level of healing required.

Join Vicki each Thursday for regular meditation practice. She has been leading groups since 2001. Use coupon code FREETRIAL for one free sitting.

My personal meditation journey and the Foundation of my Spiritual Self

*At this juncture I must state that some trauma must be honoured and not forced. At all times, listen to the Self for direction.So,find your perfect meditation guide and group. The right fit is important and don’t be afraid to move on if you have moved on from the group. Regular meditation practice and the support of your community will transition you into a healthier and stronger connection to your intuitive Self. You will be confident that your guides walk with you with complete certainty that you are living your Soul Purpose. You will never doubt again.

The Circle of Concern includes a wide range of things – including global warming, finances, national debt, government, family, the attitude of the society, what you feel like cooking tomorrow, etc. The actual list depends on the individual. These are the things we have no control over – and there is almost little to nothing we can do about it. In other words, they are outside our influence. So why invest our time, energy, and efforts in such things that we can’t even control?

As we go about our life, we often feel overwhelmed by people, situations, circumstances, and even the environment. Distressed by situations, we take the responsibility on ourselves to take care of everything – only to realise we are just a fragmented part of the whole equation. And then?


Proactive people focus on the Circle of Influence –because they know this is the area they know they have complete control over. This decreases their stress level, and they lead a more happy and content life.

) Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 29

3. Start putting the right things in, and wrong things out. Before you go… You always have a choice – you must choose consciously where to direct your valuable energy and time. Remember, energy flows where attention goes? And honey, your energy is expensive – invest it mindfully!

1. The outside is a mess – and you have no control of what is going on out there. However, you shape the world that’s inside you – so design it consciously. Don’t let the outside noise break your potential.

ARTICLE HARDIK JOSHI in our daily lives

Using Circle of Influence

We end up repeating the old cycles, “Life is so unfair”, “Oh! It’s all his fault”, “Because of this I couldn’t do that”. It seems like we are always blaming something else for the results we get. I’m not saying life is not hard. But it is only as hard as you make out of it! The truth is – YOU have complete control for the results you get ! Nothing outside of you has the power to influence you, your inner peace, and the outcomes you envision. It all depends on how you react! And this is precisely what Stephen Covey talks about in his bestselling book ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. In his book, Covey explains this with the concept of Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence – a complete life

Whereas reactive people focus on the Circle of Concern – and as a result, they waste their energy and potential thinking of the things they have no control over. But now you know better! “At the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the end of my life, I want to say that I contributed more than I criticized. It is that simple.” – Brené Brown 3 WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE AND IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE

On the other hand, comes the Circle of Influence which includes things that are within your control – things that you can do something about. Firstly you must understand: energy and time are limited. And once spent can never be reused.Sothe energy you focus on the Circle of Concern is negative. It depletes our mental health. And often, we are so much concerned about our Circle of Concern (or negativity) that we often neglect the Circle of Influence – which is our trueAndpotential.added with our feelings of stress and helplessness amplified, the Circle of Influence gets smaller.

Hardik Joshi worked for India’s largest IT company TCS before the entrepreneurial bug bit him. His love for raw, unadulterated honey, his eagerness to help everyone discover and enjoy pure honey, and his passion for sustainable farming practices led to launching HoneyVeda. Today, HoneyVeda works with farmers across five Indian states to harvest raw honey and deliver it to consumers. As a founder, Hardik travels a great deal but always finds time for meditations, workouts, and music. Bee healthy, bee productive, and bee happy is the mantra HoneyVeda follows today!

2. “Don’t get lost chasing rabbits when you’re hunting elephants.” Know what’s important and focus your energy on that!

Circle of Control Circle of Influence Circle of Concern

As much as I love discussing the extraordinary intricacies of kinesiology, the quintessential aspect to understand is; in shifting our energy we shift our vibration. Firstly though I deliver this with the caveat found in the second paragraph of this article… it is an oscillation. Don’t fall into the trap of looking for happiness, or any other form of good vibration, as a destination. It is not a journey to an end point – bank it and tick that box. Energy/vibration by mere definition is movement. Constant movement. The intention of the movement toward a vibration of alignment with our heart and soul. The good ‘stuff’. I often use the analogy (alongside my crude white board drawings) of a hot air balloon. Imagine you are in the basket and with only a whisker of space between yourself and the ground. There are plenty of sandbags anchoring down to the ground, with the endless possibilities above and beyond over the hills and the horizon before you. We know the moment the balloon begins to rise, so does the scope of your vision, and in turn, the vastness of your choices.

So how does one ensure ‘good vibrations?’ Well, if we consider vibration relates to oscillations of motion about an equilibrium point, then understanding the movement of energy is key… and in steps kinesiology. Directly translated, kinesiology means the study of movement. In other words it’s all about energy. As a kinesiologist, energy is close to my heart and at the centre of my world (well quite literally and figuratively). It’s the foundation of my work, my purpose, and the common link connecting all existence in the universe. You could say I ‘vibe’ on all things energy.

So what does all this have to do with kinesiology and the work I do? Quite simply, kinesiology assists in identifying and releasing a client’s ‘sandbags’ (blocked energy), whilst raising their vibration through cultivating and encouraging the flow of energy into a state of homeostasis. The results? A happier, healthier more aligned you… let the good vibes roll. Following a successful career in marketing and communications, Terese found herself seeking an avenue with greater meaning and purpose. In stepped kinesiology and a steep learning curve. That was 20-plus years ago and Terese continues to enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling career. Having built three successful practices across Australia and New Zealand, Terese has worked with individuals and organisations and is now a leader in her field. She has contributed to a variety of publications including magazines such as Viva, Russh, MindFood, and Marie Claire to name a few. She has also featured on radio shows, and as a speaker at both industry specific and corporate events. More recently Terese joined forces with long-time friend and colleague Sarah Gilmour-Mayne to create a kinesiology college, The Nidana Collective. ‘Vibe’ is often thrown in conversation relative to music, connection or feelings, and usually with a positive or upbeat reference. An abbreviation of the word ‘vibration’, vibe entered our world back in the 1960s. It was a ‘vibing’ time, not to mention a time of change. MUDGWAY Good Vibes

I have been in private practice for over 20 years now, including working with organisations and teams in facilitating change across all facets of what it is to be human. Fundamentally I am facilitating a change in their energy; said another way, I am assisting them in raising theirMostvibration.clients come through my door looking for a ‘fix’, a reason and a solution. What most don’t initially understand is that the pure nature of kinesiology is about energy. Yes, we work with the physical structure of the body, emotions, thoughts, beliefs and bio-chemistry, but this is all done through shifting energy.


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There are two elements involved in transforming the balloon’s position: Relieving the weight of the sandbags whilst altering the vibration of the air in the balloon itself. at a level which raises the basket off the ground.

The real cost of not listening to your gut feeling is that you end up missing out on what’s best for you.

1. Pay attention if you have a strong feeling about something, especially when out of the blue.

Intuition isn’t about being impulsive or irrational; in fact, it’s the a gut feeling is actually about processing information faster than we can consciously comprehend and by removing the logical part of our brain, we could in effect, be much more efficient and productive. It’s the egoic mind that slows us down. Ruminating and tossing ideas and thoughts around our heads is the biggest cause of self-doubt and regret. In fact ‘Human Doing’ is the biggest problem affecting the western world. Rather than being present in the now and trusting ourselves we rely too much on the past or focus on the future. When faced with a decision or challenge, many people search for answers. Oftentimes the answer can be located by simply consulting their intuition.

3. Follow through on inspiration, even if it goes against what others are saying.

This sense of knowing comes from your subconscious mind. You can experience it whenever you want, but especially when making decisions. Your intuition should inform every aspect of your personal and professional lives. Yet, many of us choose to ignore it in favour of logic, data and other rational ‘proven’ methods.When was the last time you ignored your inner wisdom and regretted it?

Also known as your gut instinct, it can give insight into new ways of thinking and behaving to achieve your goals. When you trust your instincts, you can often achieve something beyond what you initially thought possible.

2. Listen to your heart and emotions, they are often the best indicator of what we truly want.

5. Play with it, take action on a hunch, and pay attention to how it works out. It’s critical to reinforce anything that becomes a win. By acknowledging it, you are telling and encouraging yourself you are open to receiving more helpful insights.

4. Practise meditating or other relaxation techniques. This can help quiet the mind and allow our intuitive thoughts to speak more clearly to us.

Additionally living life without listening to inner wisdom can be brutal on our mental health and sense of selfconfidence, it can cause us to end up making bad decisions that can cost us dearly down the track. We might choose a partner who’s not good for us, or take a job that’s not a good fit. We might make financial decisions that end up costing us money, or we might miss out on opportunities that could have changed our lives for the better.

So next time you’re feeling unsure about something, take a step back and listen to your intuitive instinct. It will never steer you wrong. We hope this blog post has helped you reflect on the importance of listening to your instinct and the many ways that you can use your inner wisdom in your life. You can find more helpful tools and resources on my website.


Whether you’ve fully accepted it or not, we are guided by our inner wisdom, often referred to as our intuition.



A step-by-step guide on how to Amplify Your Intuition


The cardinal sign folk (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will have it the easiest and should take this time to work through any personal issues they’ve been putting to the side throughout 2022.




Mars in Gemini is a particularly powerful astrological transit at the best of times. Communication is white hot! Over-thinking and fast-talking will be general business. Given the Mars disposition to aggression or anger, we might all be well-advised to keep our lips zipped during the retrograde – especially with our bosses and loved ones. Mars retrograde 2022 will be a time for change for the folk born under the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and most beneficial for those born under the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

Now is the time for thinking, not for action. Take a step back and assess your situation. To the best of your ability, surround yourself with those people who bring out the best in you and want the best for you. It might seem like you’re being stymied at every move but it’s just the Universe telling you to put o now what you can do tomorrow. Plot your best course of action and come 2023, you will be raring to go.

Aplanet in retrograde is o en described as going ‘backwards’. It’s just an illusion, of course – planets don’t move in reverse! The illusion occurs because of the di erence in the speed of other planets orbiting the sun in comparison to Earth. A planet is in retrograde when they are at their closest approach to Earth which is why their e ect is so powerful at this time. Mars is the planet of energy, desire, action and ambition. Mars rules our natural instincts for survival, aggression, anger and drive. Mars retrograde occurs about once every two years and lasts for a couple of months. At the end of October and lasting right through to midJanuary 2023, we may all be feeling the energy slump it inevitably brings with it.

GEMINI Growth is the key word for you during this period of time, Gemini. Spiritual, emotional, professional or financial. It’s not dependant on the healthy relationships you have with your bosses, partners or friends, but it will certainly be enhanced by them. In fact, many investments you have put in the time with and made a point to nurture have potential for reward right now. The only thing potentially standing in your way is your scattered attention.


Retrograde 2022

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LEO You are not at your best when things are slow-moving, Leo. Despite your best e orts to hurry it all along, it’s going to take as long as it takes. If career progression is on your agenda, Leo, you can relax. It’s coming! Professional targets will be met with ease and recognition is highly likely. Just have a wee bit of patience and cooperate with others. Not everyone has your levels of energy or ambition and charging ahead on your own won’t bring you the rewards you’re a er.

Your concentration will be ten-fold during this time and your perseverance at an all-time high. Use this focus to plan and explore any leads in all areas of your life. While you might face some challenges in the workspace with any egodriven personalities, focussing on clear communication or simply zipping your lips will be an easy remedy. Money matters will be front and centre – now is not the time to splurge.

The folk with Sun in Aries or an Aries rising sign will feel the Mars retrograde quite profoundly. Your natural competitive energy will turn inwards and can result in some fairly harsh self-criticism or negativity. The best advice I can give a fiery Aries during this time is to relax. I mean, really relax. Don’t take on any extra tasks or responsibilities and try to un-busy that hectic schedule you keep.



AQUARIUS Money, money, money. Although the retrograde isn’t going to get under your skin Aquarius, you may have a lot of niggling issues in relation to the dollar. People asking you for a loan? Lots of paperwork? Bills to sort through? None of it will be a bad experience, just annoying. Keep your expenses to a minimum if you can. Take note of any genius ideas! Your creative side is vibrant right now but time to action these ideas is upcoming. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 33


Using her various tools and abilities Mandy can assist you to get the answers you are seeking and some guidance and direction for your future. She has been working with, and talking to, spirit since she was 4 years old when her sister passed over.

@mandymoodmakeovers@MoodMakeoversmoodmakeovers@yahoo.com618 WORKSHOPS ~ RETREATS ~ EXPOS

VIRGO No one likes a bossy-boots, Virgo. Be the leader your friends or colleagues need, not the domineering tyrant you occasionally want to let loose. Any attitude less than this will only trip you up and thwart your success. Take the time to clarify what people need and endeavour to provide that. The Mars retrograde isn’t likely to get under your skin, lucky you, but you’re probably dealing with people who are a ected by it. Your resourcefulness and good sense will be sought a er, and you are in a good position to help.

MANDY IS AND WITH AND ASIA. 978 Mandy is a third generation Psychic Clairvoyant, with a passion for helping others to help themselves. She has been professionallyreadingformore than 30 years across Victoria and Qld.



LIBRA Your biggest challenge for the rest of 2022 will be that you are misunderstood. Use that knowledge to get ahead of the curve. Take time for clear and concise conversations and understand everyone has di erent priorities. There is more than one path to the solution. Look at the bigger picture and figure backwards. Determine exactly what it is you want to achieve and make sure everyone understands their part in creating it.

SAGITTARIUS OK Sag, time to take one for the team. You’re probably the hardest hit out of all the signs this retrograde. It’s not like there is doom and gloom awaiting you, but moderation and remembering that all things pass will be in your favour right through until January. Don’t bottle your emotions and thoughts up if or when things change, just don’t let loose a tirade you might regret later. Moderation. Measure. Calm. You can do it!

CAPRICORN You have a lot to do, and it seems like every little thing is getting in your way. How about, instead of exploding every other day, you focus on the resources available to you and take any ‘down time’ as an excuse for some self-care? You’re in a good position to achieve your goals in the work arena but a short temper will alienate those people who can further your cause. Just a little patience is all you need.

PISCES With e ort comes reward. Your finance and career section are in focus for the rest of the year. The Mars retrograde might force changes or a seemingly unstable ground, but you’ve laid the foundation, Pisces, and you will begin to reap the rewards. It might be a monetary payo , it might be recognition, it might even be new opportunities to progress. Whatever form it takes, keep a level head and distance yourself from any negativity.

SCORPIO Even though you’re likely to breeze through the Mars retrograde unscathed, now is not the time to force progress in anything work or money related. In fact, neutrality will be your best bet in succeeding at this time. Discuss plans and any changes that might be occurring so that you know everyone is on the same page. Focus on ‘going with the flow’ or simply being there for people and you will keep an even keel.

GENERAL: 8 OF WANDS (JUMPER 9 OF PENTACLES) Blink and you'll miss it, this month delivers a great deal of opportunity and information with expedience. As with any new information there is excitement, anticipation and vulnerability. Being in a position to act on financial matters with autonomy and in your own best interest would be advisable. Singles will be owning their own personal power and loving the ability to create new and rewarding situations in life. Prepare to take swi action to set yourself up or you might find an almost 'blind sided' energy taking you by surprise. Be assertive, decisive and confident to take full advantage of what's about to come. Fortune favours the bold? Or Fortune favours the prepared? Time will tell… RIVERS

Congratulations in advance! Prepare to be acknowledged on the career front. Your e orts will rising up through ranks. Set your sights high on the next venture or project – it's time for the next development. Your leadership skills will deserve praise, be sure to reward yourself even if it's just a dinner with friends, when you celebrate your achievement, it makes the ones to follow that much sweeter! Money meets e ort and you've got the e ort!



October 2022 Reading

For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

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Alas, there is always next month… Love isn't always roses and butterflies unfortunately and this month brings an interesting theme of opposing energies within intimate connections. This will require compassion, compromise and the ability to choose your battles. For the sake of harmony in relationships, be sure to communicate with empathy and understanding to navigate your way through. A lesson to accept our loved ones for who and how they are rather than how we want them to be is about learning it quickly to enjoy the rewards of unconditional love on both sides.

end of financial year hangover, it's not surprising the energy that is for the collective this month is all about the 3 Rs. Readjusting, Redirecting and Refinancing. Not only will you find yourself feeling the impulse to work smarter not harder, but this time some real changes will be made that will lay the foundations for the rest of your life. Be sure to make smart, wise, choices. The time for impulsive risks that have not been well researched is gone. Practicality will pay o in more ways than one –this is your time to shine and become the creator of your destiny!

FAMILY/DOMESTIC: 6 OF CUPS (JUMPER – THE HERMIT) Did anyone order a night in? How about 30? The need to create a bubble on the home front is very present. Wanting to hold things close and even more exclusive in your circles will be called for. Expect the desire to turn inward, and channel your energy into making the house and home life everything you've ever wanted. Creating what might feel like a 'zone of comfort' for yourself could be a reality. This comes at a sacrifice to the social life – but one you're more than willing to make. Enjoy this sense of domestic bliss and indulge yourself with simple moments.

Time to take care of you! As you move forward and find what your new 'routine or normal' means to you, don't forget to rest, recalibrate and recharge. If you find yourself back into a monotonous cycle that isn't working for you, there will be serious consequences to your health and wellbeing. We've all been through something that has NEVER been experienced before in humanity, so moving to smoother waters is inevitable, but the journey of how you arrive to smoother waters will depend on your own individual actions. Ask yourself – am I listening to my body? Am I meeting my own needs? Do I need to make sustainable changes for my future? It's now or never!


LOVE/ROMANCE: THE DEVIL We all crave connection, a ection and intimacy on some level, it's a part of our DNA, but issues are born when there are no boundaries around how the aforementioned feelings are acquired. Be wary of falling into any depression or hopelessness regarding your love life. When people find themselves feeling that way, a sense of desperation and lack of standards is accepted and this only leads to more destruction of oneself. In these confusing modern times we've lost the ability to meet organically and build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. Hang in there, broaden your horizons and keep the standards high. Ask the universe to bring you only the best of the best, until such time you will be content. Stay strong and avoid being tempted by any low vibrations o ering immediate but limited gratification.

FAMILY/DOMESTIC: JUDGMENT Big decisions will dominate your home life this month, with the need to keep a level head, do research and keep the lines of open communication going. Being gentle with yourself and with others close to you will be especially important. Whatever choices are before you, remember they may have implications for others and vice versa, those around you make choices that impact upon you. Be gentle, kind, compassionate and hold a strong sense of empathy to get the best outcome for all involved. If a situation is no longer bringing you happiness then now is also the time to re-evaluate it and address it with assertiveness, no longer are you the landing point of the debris of other's explosions. Stand strong and be kind.

When we're out of balance, the mental and emotional turmoil can seep in. Let's stop this before it begins, keep your balance in your work space while you hold space for yourself. Self sacrifice is not going to be rewarded. Give what you can and then rest that mind of yours.

WORK/CAREER: 5 OF SWORDS Balance is not just a word, it's a way of life. Balance means you have the ability to keep things in your life where they need to be. You have the ability to hold space for others as well as yourself. You know when and how to fill your own cup up before and a er others take from it. Balance relates to every area of our lives. Keeping a balance in our career is an absolute must in this modern world, with everything moving faster and being required faster, this slowly and subtly erodes our work/life balance.


Missy Rivers is a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher.

Do you have the capacity to self advocate? You may find yourself in a bit of a pickle this month regarding your health and wellbeing. Realising what your needs are, is step one, putting a plan into place in order to rectify those deficits is the second. Having assistance in order to undertake that plan and health journey might prove to be the fork in the road. You'll be le with two options, one, coming as far as you have and knowing your requirements but surrendering to being given what you get. Or two, you trust yourself, know what to do and choose the path that will have you being better than ever before despite anyone's help or hindrance. Trust yourself, there is a test coming. You've got this!


process and more... NeedsAllPastPsychicHealingsReadingsDevelopmentLivesyourMetaphysical MissyRivers11@gmail.com0422www.MissyRivers.com144156 /channel/UCR7sESm9dJ_GdfI6BgF1z2g/missyriverspsychic//missyriverspsychic EMPOWERING YOUR FUTURE Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 35

Meet Missy Rivers, Psychic Medium who predicted the the stock market crash, Trump’s Impeachment


This is where many stories go downhill. Deepest grief, emotional turbulences, falling apart.

I wanted to leave a Love Legacy for Rob – and also thought, maybe it could give some people hope and show them that there’s a different way to live with grief.

I didn’t expect ‘Loving Life after Loss’ becoming an Amazon No. 1 bestseller and ranking in the top 100 of Australia. I was blown away. Everything felt so surreal.

A couple of weeks later we embarked on our trip around the world. I chose to take our boys away from all the first milestones to come. I remember sitting in my mum’s apartment in Vienna, musing through my reflections on our past six months, how far we had come as a family of three. I thought about the book and suddenly felt I had something the world needed: Hope – in a time where you expect it the least and need it the most. Upon returning to Australia, I founded the movement ‘Loving Life after Loss’. I started creating healing journeys, programs and retreats from my very personal experience and my background in mindset coaching. It became an upwards healing spiral, bringing in more and more people who needed what we offered. I trust we offer a well-needed space to allow healing in a safe environment.

Marie Alessi is a mother to two boys, a bestselling Author, Legacy Coach and TEDx Speaker. After her husband passed from a brain aneurysm, she actively created her way back to joy. She instinctively knew it was the only path worthy for their young boys. Rob had taught her the concept of two choices – and this one was made in his honour; to continue his legacy. Marie has become a shining example of choosing Love over fear and sadness. In her movement ‘Loving Life after Loss’, Marie offers hope, healing and happiness to the world, when people expect it the least and need it the most. For more info, please visit:

Rob and I had a Soul Contract

My husband died unexpectedly at the age of 45. We were at the prime of our lives, with so many plans – we always thought we’d be like that couple from the retirement brochures, wearing white, walking the beach hand in hand, enjoying our life together… After all, we were ‘that couple’. Still happily in love after 12 years of marriage, two young boys at the age of 10 and 8 – and then I received ‘the’ phone call: “I’m sorry to inform you that your husband deceased in a hotel room in Perth this morning.” Silence.

I didn’t see it straight away, yet going through the process of trying to comprehend Rob’s passing, it all came together, it all started to make sense. We had chosen this – on a soul level, this was our plan. Realising this was such a gift, as I also felt once more how much Love it took to choose the part Rob played in this.

I experienced all of those too – and I decided to choose happiness as our North Star. I had promised Rob if anything was to ever happen to him, I’d take the boys and create the happiest life possible. This is what I would’ve wanted him to do if the roles were reversed. Yet this was our contract.

Four months after my husband died, I decided to write a book about it, as it became more apparent by the day how we addressed grief so differently to what society expected.

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I love seeing our boys strive throughout, feeling the effect my decisions have on them – it fills my heart with so much joy, and I can feel how proud Rob would be of us right now!


If you dedicate yourself to practising Yoga Nidra regularly, keep an open mind and are genuinely interested in understanding the method behind the meditation, you will gradually find:

• Mental clarity Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 37 Find balance with the perfect combination of mindfulness, relaxation and self-realisation. GENEVIEVE McMULLEN

Why Yoga Nidra should be your New Go-To Meditation Practice

• Regular and improved sleeping patterns

• Self-awareness and realisation

Yoga Nidra takes dedicated practice, and by working at it, even when you would rather scroll mindlessly on Instagram, you will reap the benefits and improve your general wellbeing, find self-satisfaction and be genuinely glad you started this meditative journey.

• Decreased anxiety • Reduced stress

Yoga Nidra is a combination of the two Sanskrit words Yoga ‘union’ and Nidra ‘sleep’ that was born in the spiritual movement of the 70s. Adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, its techniques are derived from the tantras (Hindu and Buddhist scriptures). Funnily enough, the golden rule in Yoga Nidra is that you should not, under any circumstances, fall asleep during the practice. Relaxation and healing begin in the transitional period between waking and sleep, all while remaining conscious.YogaNidra’s power lies in the ability of the mind and body to deeply relax, receiving intuitions from the unconscious mind, connecting with your true self and combating the negatives of our modern minds to find enlightenment.Youbeginby stating your Sankalpa, or resolve, a short clear phrase repeated each time you practise, aimed at unlocking your innermost desires and potential.

Roll out your yoga mat and for the love of the higher being you believe in, lock the kids and the dog out of the room.Head over to Youtube to find some great guided practices – just type Yoga Nidra into the search.

It’s no secret that to reap the benefits of meditation and to see the results of continued practice come to fruition, you need to be consistent. I tried my hand at meditation during my final year of high school, hoping it would relieve some of the pressures that come with such a stressful environment. Being a teenager with little knowledge of meditation, my understanding lay somewhere between thinking it was only for bald men in robes or meant I had to run away and join a hippie commune. It wasn’t until my Grandma handed me a grainy recording of a Yoga Nidra practice on a battered cassette tape that I was hooked and have been practising for almost 10 years.Sowhat is Yoga Nidra and what are the benefits? Yoga Nidra is a meditative practice that is done in a quiet room, lying down in savasana, void of distractions. It focuses on turning attention inwards and rotating consciousness throughout the body. Led by a practitioner, the participant is guided through a series of mantras as well as breathing and awareness exercises. All that is needed is to follow the instructions given. Practices range anywhere from 15 minutes to a longer 45 minutes and are fantastic for all age ranges.

• Release of emotional and physical tensions

• Focused direction I want to highlight the word practise. Like anything in life, benefits won’t come from doing something sporadically, just like you don’t walk out of the gym for the first time sprouting a six pack or pick up the piano and be able to play with the flair of Chopin.

• Sense of inner peace

Genevieve writes via her blog on Medium about a range of personal development topics including Yoga Nidra, a wellness meditation practice that she’s been practising for over 10 years and would love to share with readers as it’s great for beginners and anyone looking for a relaxing guided mediation.

Traditionally meditation is used to calm the mind or block thoughts. Yoga Nidra differs from this as it focuses on finding true self and purpose. Your physical awareness, mental awareness and spiritual awareness is actively working through the layers of energy in the mind.

Perseverance is when we get knocked down and get back up again and again and again. It is all a part of the learning and the evolving we need to do; what we are born to do. Being a medium I wonder how the beautiful souls on the other side of the veil persevere, when they are trying to get the message through and sometimes the medium loses the message in translation, they persevere with the medium and go about it in a different way to get the message through no matter how long it takes. As a medium working in the industry since 2012 roughly, I look back and realise how much perseverance my mentors had with me as I didn’t have the confidence that I was a medium at the start, but with their perseverance I am now a professional Psychic Medium, teaching and mentoring others into believing and to have faith that they too can do this beautiful work. So, in closing please never give up on what you would like or what you’re after, as with perseverance comes the rewards. When we work on ourselves, we need to know each step takes you to the life you would love to have. Never let go of the wonder or excitement and persevere with every little step. started her journey with spirit in 2010 when she and her mum went for a weekend up to the Gold Coast in 2010 to do a workshop with Lisa Williams. It was supposed to be an intimate weekend but there was about 1000 people at this conference. That weekend Jordie was pushed into the deep end with spirit and did her first ever mediumship reading for a lovely couple and brought through their daughter. From that day forward Jordie has honed her skills and extra sensory muscles to bring clarity, love and hugs from loved ones in spirit. Coming from a family of natural mediums and universally connected, she was sort of pushed into working with spirit by spirit. Jordie loves working as a platform Medium to groups of people and also one-on-one. Over the last 4 years Jordie has been teaching others to hone their abilities as she runs development circles and mentoring Jordie connects with compassion and humour to bring the essence of your loved one and how they are still around us watching over us and leaving messages and signs when we need them. She has been working professionally as a Psychic Medium since 2012. She has also been connected to spirit since a very early age. is a word that comes up quite regularly when working as a Psychic Medium, although in the last couple of weeks it was a focal word for me.

s I have just turned 50 and for my birthday present, I got a gorgeous tattoo for my grandmothers. Now you say what sort of tattoo, well it took 7 hours of sitting still, going through pain like razor blades in the middle of my upper arm, as it goes from my elbow to my shoulder. Let’s just say perseverance was a word I wouldn’t use lightly. Although looking back on the day I realise I really persevered with the pain for a beautiful outcome. The same goes for learning new things, opening to the spirit world and your own natural abilities; it can play a little on the mind and always asking yourself is it worth it, is it where I am meant to be???? Well, I am here to tell you that your whole life you have persevered in some way, shape or form to get to where you are now. Especially over the last couple of years of what I call universal hibernation. I for one know that I can get frustrated when things don’t go to plan, but I persevere knowing the universe and my guides have my back. (Makes me think of the meme of the thinking statue with the quote, “This is what my guide is doing right now.” Hehe.) Perseverance

ARTICLE JORDIE JANES Perseverance SOUL MENDER Car a Werth PSYCHIC | MEDIUM | SOUL WHISPERER | SPIRITUAL ARTIST Carola connects and receives messages from Spirit and Spirit Animals – over 30 years’ experience Designer of the Soul Mender Oracle Deck which will be published mid-year, one of her gifts is channelling Light Beings and Ascendant Masters and working with Merlin Energy and Archangel Michael. Phone: 0449 732 952 \\ Email: AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT: • Oracle and Tarot Card Readings • Mediumship • Private Readings • Couple Readings • Chakra Balancing • Soul Mending • Angelic Reiki • Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki • Soul Unhooking • Vortex Energy Drawings

\\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com38



An intensely hydrating moisturiser soothes and restores the skin by relieving the inflammation that leads to dry, irritated, sore skin. WHY DO WE THINK IT’S SO SPECIAL?

It’s often caused by a genetic fault where the skin’s protective barrier is not formed correctly, leaving the skin vulnerable to airborne allergens and environmental stress. The skin’s protective barrier comprises ceramides, free fatty acids, cholesterol lipids and the protein filaggrin, which is vital for the robust formation of the uppermost layer of the skin to protect from environmental stressors. Eczema skin often has a ceramide deficiency and a genetic fault in the uptake of filaggrin, the essential protein for building a resilient protective skin barrier. Changes in the protein and lipid composition of the protective skin barrier cause micro-cracks in the skin allowing environmental allergens and irritants to enter the skin, causing an immune response leading to skin inflammation.Acompromised protective skin barrier is a critical factor in the onset of eczema. When the skin’s protective barrier is impaired, it doesn’t retain adequate moisture. Many who suffer eczema are in a constant state of dehydration, resulting in weakened and fragile skin and unable to function correctly. Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 39



The most common symptoms of eczema are chronic dryness, redness, inflammation and irritation and itchiness, and can be mistaken for dry skin. Unlike eczema, which is a skin condition, dry skin is a skin type which does not secrete adequate natural oil flow through sebaceous glands in the skin. Even though dry skin is a symptom of eczema, there is a difference, and not all dry skins suffer eczema, although dry skin is prone to symptoms that resemble eczema. Dry skin is typically tight and dry, with a tendency to redness when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. In contrast, eczema can become dry, irritated, itchy with rash-like bumps and can become very inflamed and raw. Along with the eczema symptoms we’ve described, eczema sufferers may also have food allergies and hay fever.

If you suffer from eczema and struggle to keep your skin calm and hydrated, this product is the perfect solution to healthy, glowing skin. It’s never easy coping with eczema or dry skin, but we believe Roccoco Botanicals’ calming skin solutions give it the support it needs when under stress. Visit us in Clinic to find out more.

RESTORING AN IMPAIRED PROTECTIVE SKIN BARRIER Protecting and repairing the skin’s protective skin barrier will minimise the triggers that cause an eczema flare-up.Thegood news is that the skin’s barrier can be corrected by restoring ceramides and lost proteins and lipids to improve how eczema skin copes with allergens and environmental stress. Ingredients such as glycerine, sunflower oil, pomegranate sterols and specialised sugar molecules can assist in giving the skin the necessary protective barrier repair it needs.

Our Rescue Balm provides soothing relief while providing all the benefits of Backuhiol. WHY DO WE THINK IT’S SO SPECIAL?


What is Eczema?


Our CPR Cream is an ultra-hydrating body moisturiser with a unique formula containing sugar molecules and ceramides that bind to the amino acids in the uppermost layer of the skin to improve barrier function.

It’s a rich balm that enhances and reinforces the skin’s natural protective barrier function and provides antihistamine-like effects to keep the skin calm and soothed while providing super resilience. It allows the skin to protect itself from environmental stress naturally.

Eczema is a form of atopic dermatitis that causes dry, itchy, irritated, and sometimes allergic skin.

Our Intense CPR acts as a natural steroid by suppressing the inflammation response, rapidly calming the skin, and reducing irritation as it hydrates the skin and prevents moisture loss. The skin is left soft, calm, and relieved within minutes of application.


CPR stimulates the genes involved in skin barrier improvement by upregulating the essential protein filaggrin and hyaluronic acid to improve the skin’s natural moisturising factors.


NOWSubscribetoMark’snewsletterand get 3 chapters FREE

When you are ready to move forward in life and yet blocked or stuck with what is going on, a Soul reading/healing can provide you with what’s going on from your present life and/or past lives.

Just knowing that small incident from your past can change everything for you to move forward. Mark also offers a range of services tailored to each individual to assist in moving from life’s rollercoaster to an empowered life.

NUMEROLOGY ARTICLE AMANDA E BURGESS \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine www.spiritualeventsdirectory.com40

BOOK A SESSION ONLINE TODAY under this number. This month, take a step back and consider what is best for you as well as the greater good of all involved have to make decisions where someone closest to you is concerned. This can involve having to end a relationship or showing some tough love. Alternatively, you might need to give more consideration to yourself or a loved one during this period, nurturing and being nurtured can go a long way throughout September. Keep your nose out of people’s business and try to avoid being emotionally influenced; the latter can be achieved by taking the higher ground – the outcome of any given situation depends on how you react. Legal dealings or anything to do with the law should be managed with integrity because the truth will prevail under this vibration. Any changes made now where your family and friendships are concerned – even di icult changes – have a greater chance of benefiting you in the future. Make decisions that align with your highest purpose and long-term happiness during this period. Music and practices involving stretching the muscles can be beneficial during September and a good chat with a trusted friend or family member can be just what the doctorFavourableordered.endeavours to undertake throughout this cycle are genealogy, renovating or revitalising the interior of your home, preparing vegetable gardens, maintaining established gardens, acting on moneysaving ideas such as building a polytunnel so that you can grow food year-round, installing solar panels (on a payment plan if you cannot a ord it outright), and replacing old whitegoods with power saving products. If you are entitled to government rebates, check out what they can o er you.

Mark Anthony Hamilton SOUL MEDIUM & AUTHOR

Take a look at Mark’s website and link to his YouTube channel for more details and bookings:

Michelle’s intention is to help people she figure

Make sure you get plenty of sleep and try to avoid or limit any indulgences such as alcohol, gambling, medication, stimulants, etc. Unnecessary gratifications and luxuries will only lead to unhappiness. A nice quiet trip away to the country, some time alone near the water, or relaxing quietly with an enjoyable book will help to cope with life’s stresses. It’s all about finding a happy balance that works for you this month.

all things spiritual

changes? What is it that you would like to pursue or deepen? Guided meditations, automatic writing, and journalling can help you find answers to the questions you are pondering. If you have any type of divination tools, these can be of immense help to you during this cycle, otherwise, you could seek the advice of a professional who knows how to gaze at the future to help with your decisionmaking. If divination isn’t your thing, some other options to consider include leaning on your faith, speaking to a counsellor or a psychologist, or even a friend. This isn’t the right time to rush things, rather, follow your gut feelings and allow for life to unfold and show you where you need to go. If something doesn’t feel right or doesn’t add up, listen to that inner voice. Important documents should be read thoroughly and if you don’t understand what you’re reading, it would be wise for you to seek professional advice.

Amanda E Burgess is the author of Numerology & Your House.

THE LIGHTWORKER Michelle is passionate about and has been seeing and communicating with since she Michelle has a knack for getting to the root confirmation

Michelle R Price

reads for, and

Again, we add the Universal month to the current calendar year. October is the 10th month, and the year is 2022, so we add those numbers together 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 which equals 7. So, this month, we will be under the influence of the base number seven. What do you want to enhance or achieve? Where do you see yourself heading? These are just some questions you might entertain throughout the month ahead. The number seven asks us to be more analytical about our choices and to listen to our intuition when making decisions for ourselves. Research, discuss your options, and rely on your gut instincts before making any final commitments.Studyandeducational pursuits come under this number. If you are interested in learning a trade, go for it! You might be keen to acquire new talents or strengthen an area of expertise that you already practise, now is the time to add to your arsenal. Spiritual influences can be of great benefit to you under this vibration, so if you’re keen on developing these skills, investigate what courses and options are available to you. This can include religious, metaphysical, or psychological studies. During a seven cycle, many tend to withdraw and seek solace within. Go with the flow and if you feel a little more introverted, use this time to think about all the aspects of your life that may not be working for you. What areas of your life do you need or want to make

October Forecast



out how to live their best life possible. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic Energy Healer • Reiki Master • Mentorship P 0408 984 219 | FB michellerprice76 E Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 41

from the spirit world.

of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through

can remember.

Founder of Roccoco Botanicals, Anticity, The Skin Herbalists and Educated Therapist Jacine is an award-winning Cosmetic Chemist and is the founder of the fastest growing beauty brand in the Asia-Pacific, winning many awards for her formulas and business growth. Jacine is intuitively guided with her formulas and has a love of natural ingredients. W E FB


been studying and practising the healing modalities and philosophies of many



Zahra Jones – Heartcore Living Heartcore Living is the Creation of Master Healer, Medicine Woman Medical Intuitive, Zahra Jones Zahra has ancient since Zahra’s1990.unique approach her ancient Shamanic Reiki, Theta,


Jacine Greenwood-Drummond

own psychic abilities with

and other modalities including sound and crystalline frequencies. W Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine Special Events & Directory SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneurs through various media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing. P 0423 402 715 | FB /spiritualeventsdirectory W Carmel Anne – Soulfully Guided Tarot and Oracle Readings Soulfully Guided provides a spiritual analysis and exploration into oneself using Intuition and Tarot and Oracle Cards. My goal is to work with you to answer any of those questions on your mind. People from all walks of life are welcome. Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer Accurate, Passionate, Life Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields. P 0417 581 107 | W E FB /victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator YT /channel/UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg Jess Beard – Inner Alchemist It is my greatest passion to teach people how to use archetypes to understand their sabotaging patterns and to re-language them. When we understand our archetypes we can completely transform our lives and also those around us. It’s incredibly powerful. W Vicki Haspels Psychic Readings, Reiki Mas ter Healings, Past Life Regres sion Therapy, Coaching, Eso teric Counselling, Education My mission, as a teacher of Tarot and the psychic arts, is to break down any preconceived ideas and fears around readings that is holding the reader back from realising their own dream of becoming a confident, successful Vicki 0421 649 Kim McCosker Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event as a keynote speaker or MC please contact Melinda: E

CLASSIFIEDS /rebirthmag/ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine \\ SEPTEMBER 2022 \\ 43 Soul Star Skin & Body Michelle R Price Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. Angel Card/Intuitive Readings MichellePranicPastMediumshipLifeConnectionsEnergyHealerhasaknackfor getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health – and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world. P 0408 984 219 | FB /michellerprice76 E Gwenda Smith Spirit Medicine Woman and Mentor If you’re looking for simple practical ways of living a peaceful, free abundant life, then I invite you to call me for a chat to see how I can make that happen for you. Sage Drums Tasmania has been lovingly created by Medicine Woman Jane Anderson who has been training and offering drum making and drumming for over 22 years. Jane completed an Advanced Diploma in Sacred Arts from 2007-2009 with the School of The Feminine Divine NZ. She offers an online course called Awareness Studies ( The course includes mentorship, 48 weekly worksheets of nature-based teachings, audio and video content and meditations which are designed to bring healing, plus a 6-month Earth Medicine Course and 12-month Teacher Training Course. Details can be found here: W Missy Rivers Psychic Medium and Astrologist Missy Rivers is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer, offering authentic guidance, support and useful, satisfying information along with many other services. W E FB /missyriverspsychic IG /missyriverspsychic Kuve Jansky Bradley ‘RADIANTE’ – Amazon # 1 International Best-Selling Author Kuve specialises in identifying and releasing Ancestral Patterns and Trauma in a gentle and loving way. Helping transform the lives of adults and children and future generations to blossom from within. • The Emotion Code • Reiki • Seichim • Hypnosis W P 0434 005 205 | FB /kuvejanskybradley E

SPIRITUAL EVENTS & DIRECTORY (SED) IS A GLOBAL MEDIA COMPANY SPECIALISING IN SHOWCASING CONSCIOUS LEADERS THROUGH VARIOUS MEDIA PLATFORMS. Rebirth engages spiritual leaders and innovators to inspire readers and encourage them to expand their awareness and make inspirational changes in their own lives. Each contributor is encouraged to provide tips and tricks to help readers learn how to follow their heart’s desires; covering everything from heart and mind meditation to Blessing Way ceremonies for mums-to-be, astrology and delicious mouthwatering recipes provided by 4 Ingredients celebrity cook and regular contributor, Kim McCosker. SUBSCRIBE TO ONLINE MAGAZINE FREE: BUY PRINT COPY – SINGLE $14.44 – 12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION (6 COPIES) $88: CONNECT WITH US: /rebirthmag /spiritualeventsdirectory @rebirthvademecum @Spiritualeventsdirectory Please email or call/txt Sarah 0423 402 715 for all advertising enquiries. THE SPIRITUALITY SHOW HOSTS: Bron MichelleLeaR Price Katie TanjaGwendaBatemanSmithSpadijer Jordie Janes Kay TraceyMissyRoseHamiltonCarterRivers Kerry VickiAshleyAlissandraLindsayMoonNunezHaspels REBIRTH MAGAZINE, WITH ITS EYE-CATCHING BRIGHTLY COLOURED COVERS, IS AVAILABLE BI-MONTHLY Spiritual Events & Directory ISTOBROUGHTYOUBY

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