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November 2015 Recipes On

16 Delicious Family Favourites Š

Welcome to my monthly recipes. Not everybody wants to read a recipe on a blog, some of us want them like a recipe ebook so that they can easily access them and print them off as they please. Each month all the recipes that I feature on will be carefully converted into a PDF ready for you to download with a quick click of the mouse. We hope that you enjoy these recipes and we are active on social media so please message us with your own results, or recipe suggestions you’d like to see on the blog. The November Recipes are sponsored by “Wholesome Kids Recipe Book”:

It is a fantastic selection of family recipes aimed at the typical family that wants to share with their kids amazing meals that they will not only want to make with you, but where they will get involved in the kitchen! You can download it by clicking here.

Crispy Air Fryer Potato Wedges Welcome to my first recipe on Recipe This. I must admit I gave it some thought over what would be the first and then decided it had to be something easy to make, quick and that the entire family adore. Enter my Air Fryer potato wedges…… The first time I ever tried potato wedges I was about 10 years old. My mum had taken me out for lunch at Pizza Hut and I must admit to being rather grumpy and wishing that they served chips. Instead we had potato wedges. I was the fussy child that always moaned and the thought of skin on my chips seemed to wrong. But I tried them and fell in love with them there and then. They tasted so crispy, had loads of spice on them and made a fantastic side for my pizza. Here in Portugal they don’t serve potato wedges at Pizza Hut and I must admit it’s the first thing I think about when I think of favourite sides when we are out for pizza. Nowadays, when we have potato wedges it will be at home as part of a Mexican food night. We will have potato wedges, chicken fajitas, salad and some spicy cauliflower rice. It is always delicious and there is never any left! For my potato wedges I have hated the fact that with us not having a grill, that they don’t end up as crispy as I would like in the oven so when I got my Air Fryer it seemed the perfect way to make them. That way they can be crispy and be super quick to make. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 2 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Ingredients:  4 Large Potatoes  1Tbsp Olive Oil

 1Tbsp Cajun Spice  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Chop of the potatoes into wedge shapes and place them in your Air Fryer. 2. Drizzle them with a tablespoon of olive oil and place them in your Air Fryer for 25 minutes on 190c. 3. Shake them three times during the cooking process so that they are all getting evenly cooked. 4. When cooked throw them into a bowl and add salt and pepper along with your Cajun spice. Until all the potato wedges are evenly coated. 5. Serve! Notes: We find that anything more than four large potatoes will over crowd the Air Fryer and stop it from cooking them evenly. If you have a large family we suggest you cook them in batches and then leave the cooked ones in the oven to keep their heat.

My Soup Maker Creamy Pumpkin & Garlic Soup Would you believe that up until a month ago, I had never even tried a pumpkin and didn’t even know what they tasted like. My upbringing is probably responsible for this. My mum is a Halloween baby and because she is always getting ready for a party, the usual Halloween traditions that kids do have never been a big thing. Then add to this the fact that I grew up in the UK where they really didn’t do Halloween and pumpkins and the whole thing had passed me by. But this year I wanted things to be different. It is our first Halloween as parents again (our daughter turns one the day before Thanksgiving) and it’s also our first Halloween in our new home. Well I say new, it is falling to bits because it is that old. But it is still ours and that’s what counts. So I asked Dominic to buy us a pumpkin to see what all the fuss was about. I had never chopped one; I had never eaten one and had just followed what everyone else did with them. Pumpkins are hard to get hold of here, just because it is not the done thing in Portugal but we had one. It was carved up and we managed to stretch it rather far. I am all for saving money and not over eating so our pumpkin made pumpkin pie, pumpkin biscuits, pumpkin chips and some pumpkin soup. What I thought tasted the nicest was the soup and that’s why I have decided to share it with you on Recipe This. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Ingredients:  200g Diced Pumpkin

 50g Onion  1Tbsp Garlic Puree  1Tsp Mixed Herbs  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. In your soup machine add your diced pumpkin and seasoning. 2. Peel and dice the onion and add it to the soup machine. 3. Cook on a medium heat for 25 minutes. 4. Then using the blend feature on the soup machine so that you have a lovely smooth soup. 5. Serve! Notes: We find that adding garlic to the soup can give it a lovely flavour. But if you prefer you can have mustard instead.

Succulent Slow Cooked Spare Ribs I just mention slow cooked spare ribs and I have the boys going crazy. They just love succulent slow cooked spare ribs. Our son (who is currently 14) loves them and was absolutely disgusted with us that we had them while he was at school. You would have thought we had banned him from using his mobile phone for a year by the way he reacted. It got me thinking of when I used to have them as a teenager. They seemed a lot more interesting than the usual cans of pasta that was the norm in the early to mid 90’s. When we had them we would normally buy them from Marks & Spencer’s (a department store in the UK) and we would all fight over the last one. And who can blame us? The way the meat falls off the bone and paired with an amazing homemade sauce makes them legendary. I have struggled to make them the last few years because my slow cooker has always been a small one and most of the time I couldn’t fit more than six in. But thanks to my Lakeland family slow cooker I have enough space to make enough to feed a small army! Unfortunately I am not making them right now and wish I was as all this talk about them is giving me rib cravings! Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 6 hours Ingredients:  Rack Of Ribs  1 Large Onion  1Tsp Olive Oil  1Tbsp Garlic Puree

 1Tbsp Soy Sauce  1Tsp Coriander  1Tsp Chinese Spice  1Tsp Fennel Seeds  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Peel and dice the onion and place it in the slow cooker on a low heat. Add the olive oil, soy sauce and all the seasoning. 2. Mix the seasoning around so that the slow cooker contents are equal. 3. Chop up the rack of ribs until they are in single pieces. 4. Over at the slow cooker give each of the ribs a good coating of the seasoning so that you don’t have a highly spiced one and others that have no flavour. 5. Cook for six hours on a low heat. Notes: When I make slow cooked ribs I find the slower the cooking time the better the taste. Therefore it is better to cook them on low for six hours, rather than on high for two.

Air Fryer Party Meatballs These EXACT party meatballs are the same ones that I used to enjoy as a kid. I had a lovely aunt that used to come and visit us in England from America. She was my mum’s sister and lived near New York and as such she was always up to date on the latest food trends. You know how it is living in Europe, you’re always a good few years behind what is happening in the United States and food was very much like that. My aunt would visit for a couple of weeks and stay at my grandma’s house. It was a small house with a small kitchen and yet she would manage to make a huge amount of meatballs and then serve them with pasta and tomato sauce. I always felt honoured to be able to be part of her meatball moments. A lot of the time she would also serve them up on their own on sticks. Sadly she has since passed away and it is nice to bring her meatballs recipe back to life on Recipe This. Plus I am giving it a modern twist of cooking them in the Air Fryer instead of the frying pan like she would have done. Author: Serves: 24 Meatballs Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:  1lb Mince Beef  ¾ Cup Tomato Ketchup  1Tbsp Tabasco  21/2 Tbsp Worcester Sauce  ¼ Cup Vinegar  1Tbsp Lemon Juice  ½ Cup Brown Sugar  ½ Tsp Dry Mustard

 3 Gingersnaps (crushed) Method: 1. In a large mixing bowl place on your seasonings and mix well so that everything is evenly coated. 2. Add the mince to the bowl and mix well. 3. Form into medium sized meatballs and place them into your Air Fryer. 4. Cook them for 15 minutes on a 190c heat or until nice and crispy and cooked in the middle. 5. Place them on sticks before serving. Notes: When I am cooking in the Air Fryer I find that it doesn’t do a very good job if the contents are over crowded, so if you have a small Air Fryer I suggest you do them in batches of 12.

Slow Cooked Easy Sausage Casserole Did someone mention sausage casserole? Well I am there with bells on! I love warm casseroles in winter when it is really cold outside. Even better if they are served with warm crusty bread that you can dip into it. We are very lucky when it comes to our location. We live in a little village in the Portuguese countryside and wherever you go there are beautiful mountains and trekking areas. Three times a week the bread man beeps his horn down the lane so that we can go outside and pick some fresh bread. It feels so amazing to have fresh bread delivered to our front door, especially when I look at how cheaper it is compared to the supermarket. Because of this countryside perk we will often plan stews and casseroles around the bread man day so that we have some fresh bread to go with our main meal of the day. In this recipe I am sharing with you my favourite sausage casserole. Sausage casserole is probably not a correct term as it is cooked in the slow cooker stew is probably a better term of phrase. On of the first things I learnt to cook was sausages and tomatoes baked in the oven and this is how we prefer to have our sausages now. I suggest that you make a sausage casserole with whatever spare vegetables you have in. Start with a base of sausages and tinned tomatoes and then look at whatever vegetables you have. Root vegetables are best such as leeks, swede and carrots. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 5 hours Ingredients:  6 Large Sausages  1 Large Onion (peeled and diced)

 1 Medium Courgette  2 Large Carrots  2 Large Leeks  400g Tinned Tomatoes  1Tbsp Parsley  1Tbsp Italian Seasoning  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Place the slow cooker on via the low heat option. 2. Start by slicing your sausages into medium chunks and placing them in the bottom of the slow cooker. 3. Peel your carrots and chop up your vegetables into medium slices. Place them in the slow cooker with the sausages. 4. Add your seasoning, mix well and then add your tinned tomatoes. 5. Cook on low for five hours or on high for two hours. 6. Serve! Notes: I recommend that you use thick sausages. They go much further and often have a lot more flavour in them.

Air Fryer Chinese Chicken Wings I have just had these for lunch. With it being November it is the perfect time of year to enjoy some chicken wings for lunch and for them to warm you up. I love chicken wings and by doing them in the Air Fryer they are lovely and crispy and are full of flavour. Today we had ours with some lovely cauliflower rice and it left us full for hours. I also love this because chicken can be expensive, yet chicken wings are incredibly cheap. We get them from a large cash and carry and pay about 18 cent per wing. When you add to this that all the ingredients we have with ours you already have in, it then makes a super cheap snack or main meal. We tend to have chicken wings more in winter, just because they fit in nicely in casseroles and cook well in the Air Fryer. However in summer we can’t resist a barbeque and they are just as nice then too. Though I do have to move the bones straight to the bin, as otherwise my puppy will have them straight away! Never mind talking about my Air Fryer chicken wings, read on for the recipe!!!! Author: Serves: 2 Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients:  4 Chicken Wings  1Tbsp Soy Sauce  1Tsp Mixed Spice  1Tbsp Chinese Spice  Salt & Pepper Method:

1. In a large mixing bowl add the seasoning. Stir well so that it is mixed in and evenly blended. 2. Add the chicken wings and mix the seasoning over the chicken. Massage the seasoning into the chicken until well coated. 3. Place some silver foil into the bottom of your Air Fryer, just like you put a baking sheet in the bottom of a baking tray. Place the chicken in it and then pour over any remaining seasoning. 4. Cook for 15 minutes on 180c. Turn the chicken over and cook for another 15 minutes on 200c. 5. Serve! Notes: I find that it is better to cook them on two different temperatures, in order for them to be lovely and crispy. I also use silver foil to line the bottom of the Air Fryer to save on the clean up job later!

Slow Cooked Creamy Chicken Fajitas Chicken Fajitas has to be one of my favourite meals. There is just something about the way they taste and how you can enjoy them no matter what the occasion might be. I have fond memories of a holiday in Lanzarote where we were sat outside at one of the cafes in the sunshine, while tucking into some delicious homemade chicken fajitas. They were so good that during a two week summer holiday we ended up going back twice for some more!!!! Then I look back to nice date nights. When the kids are in bed and it is just Dominic & I. It is the perfect time to enjoy some chicken fajitas together while watching a romantic movie. But that doesn’t mean that the kids don’t like them because they do. There have been many occasions where as a family we have sat down on a Saturday night to enjoy some chicken fajitas. From a serving point of view we love to have them with potato wedges, salad and maybe some coleslaw. Though a lot of the time we have to make up the fajitas for the kids because they don’t do the wraps tight enough and the contents always end up on the floor!!!! Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 5 hours Ingredients:  2 Chicken Breasts  120g Soft Cheese  50Ml Milk  1 Large Onion  1 Large Carrot  1 Green Pepper

 1 Yellow Pepper  1Tsp Olive Oil  1Cm Cube Ginger  1Tsp Garlic Puree  1Tsp Mixed Herbs  1Tsp Mixed Spice  1Tsp Paprika  1Tsp Coriander  1Tbsp Cajun Spice  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Heat up your slow cooker and place it on the low heat. Cut the cheese into bite sized strips, peel and dice the onion and then place both in the slow cooker. 2. Add the oil and now make the sauce. Add all the seasonings into the slow cooker along with the milk and cheese. Stir it well until it resembles a nice sauce. 3. Now prepare the vegetables. Create vegetable strips with the peppers and the carrot and then add them to the slow cooker. 4. Leave to cook on a low setting in the slow cooker for five hours. Stir a couple of times during the cooking process. Notes: If you need to have more milk to balance the cheese out, in order to make a thick creamy sauce. The way milk and soft cheese mixes together gives you a much healthier option than other traditional sauces. Also we are wimps when it comes to spicy food, so if you do want to have it hotter then I would suggest adding more Cajun.

Traditional Welsh Rarebit Air Fryer Style I have been eating cheese and toast since I was in the womb. It was my mums’ pregnancy addiction and she would eat cheese whenever she could and this addiction has clearly been passed on to me. I would go round for lunch at my aunts’ house and she would always be there with the cheese on toast. It was always so delicious. Then as I hit the teenage years I would have cheese on toast around at my friends’ house and he used to always say that he had never met someone so addicted to cheese on toast! Then came the cheese on toast at university. I should have avoided this because it was very high calorie and I was there eating it at least once a day. Maybe this is how people get fat when they go to university???? But my all time favourite cheese on toast was at Betty’s tearooms in the north of England. This place is famous for its luxury Welsh Rarebit and homemade baking and because it was a luxury place, it would cost a small fortune to go. But I loved it as a one off treat! So a few years ago after moving to Portugal and missing my tea room visits I decided to make my own at home. This recipe is the one we created and the only difference between now and when we first did it in 2010 is that it has been adapted for the Air Fryer. Author: Serves: 2 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:  3 Slices Bread  2 Large Eggs (separated)  1Tsp Mustard  1Tsp Paprika  120g Cheddar

Method: 1. Very lightly heat up the bread in the Air Fryer so that it is almost like toast. The best way to do this is to give it 5 minutes on 180c. 2. Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until they form soft peaks. 3. Mix the egg yolks, cheese, paprika and mustard in a bowl. 4. Then fold in the egg whites. 5. Spoon it onto the partly toasted bread and cook in the Air Fryer for 10 minutes on 180c. 6. Serve! Notes: For me I love to have my cheese on toast with some sliced tomato on top or some bacon. Add whatever toppings you like to make it your own.

Spicy Thai Bites In The Air Fryer You already know from this post that I have an addiction to meatballs. Well even though my aunts’ recipe for American style meatballs is fantastic, I also love different varieties of the mince balls and this recipe is another of my favourites. This is my Thai version. Not many people know this but not long after Dominic and I started dating, I was a kitchen assistant in a Thai restaurant. Up until that point I had never tried any Thai food at all. It was a really interesting experience and I got to watch the owner as she made lots of delicious Thai Food. Though the best bit was all the free tasting that I was doing. Since then I have made lots of Thai curries and sides and have become rather addicted to Thai food. I tend to serve them as a side dish for when we’re having tapas or with a vegetable Thai curry. Either way, it is delicious and it gives you something different to have while you’re having an evening in. You can also reduce or increase the spice depending on what your palate is like. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:  400g Pork Mince  1 Large Onion  1Tsp Garlic Puree  1Tbsp Soy Sauce  1Tbsp Worcester Sauce  2Tsp Red Thai Curry Paste

 ½ Lime (rind and juice)  1Tsp Mixed Spice  1Tsp Chinese Spice  1Tsp Coriander  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. 2. Shape into balls and place them in the Air Fryer. 3. Cook in the Air Fryer for 15 minutes on a heat of 180c. Notes: You can use beef mince if you prefer, if you do use beef mince then please add some breadcrumbs to improve the balance.

Thai Fish Cakes Air Fryer Style Welcome to my Thai Fish Cakes recipe. Done in the Air Fryer they are full of flavour and super crispy. Fish cakes and I were born to be together. My Grandad was a fisherman and even though he didn’t have much money he always had a LOT of free fish. I grew up with lots of fish stews, fish cakes, crabs, lobster and various other fish and seafood. One thing he did a lot was making me homemade fish cakes (don’t worry I will share the recipe at the weekend) he would make them for us girls on a Thursday night and they were absolutely delicious. Now I keep on with that tradition and I am making fishcakes whenever I get the opportunity. This is my modern version. Even though I loved his, I also wanted something modern and will have these either in buns (like meatballs) or as a traditional patty. Fishcakes are incredibly versatile and you can add whatever you like to them while keeping the starting ingredients the same. You can also make them cheaper with a cheaper type of fish, or make them more expensive for dinner parties with salmon. By adding a little bit of Thai spice to the recipe you’re giving an old recipe a new life and keeping your entire family happy at the same time. Serve it with some sweet chilli dip and you have your meal made!!!! So let’s get fishcake making  Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:  1 Cup Mashed Potatoes  2 Cups White Fish

 1 Small Onion  1Tsp Butter  1Tsp Milk (plus extra for poaching)  1 Lime (zest and rind)  3Tsp Chilli  1Tsp Worcester Sauce  1Tsp Coriander  1Tsp Mixed Spice  1Tsp Mixed Herbs  Breadcrumbs (from one slice of wholemeal bread)  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Place the white fish in a large pan and cover with milk. 2. Place the drained poached fish in a large mixing bowl. Add the seasoning and mash potatoes and mix well. Mash well until free from lumps. 3. Add the butter and milk and mix well. 4. Form into fishcakes and fridge for 3 hours. 5. Cook in the Air Fryer for 15 minutes on a 200c heat. Notes: When cooking the fish you can choose how to cook it. However we prefer to poach the fish rather than steam them. That way we can use the stock from the fish poaching for future fish meals.

Five Ingredient Super Simple Fisherman’s Fishcakes Welcome to my five ingredient super simple fishcakes. This recipe is my Grandads and when he was alive he worked for more than 60 years as the local fisherman. He was always out on a boat and did an amazing job of catching fish as well as cooking with it. It was down to this recipe that I was inspired to make my Thai Fishcakes (that I featured earlier this week on the blog) and had also inspired me in a lot of the fish dishes that I regularly make. When your kids have walked through the door from school, giving them something like fishcakes with some tomato sauce with some vegetables make a wonderful dinner. This fish cake recipe uses just four main ingredients and because you follow a simple ratio with it, you can easily increase/decrease your quantities depending on the occasion. For example I tend to make double what this recipe suggests, so that I can put some extra fishcakes in the freezer for a later date. I also find that because of the preparation time taken with making the mash, poaching the fish and then waiting for the ingredients to cool down, that it can often take the same amount of time to make double than it can to make some just for one meal. For me the best bit about this recipe (apart from eating them whenever I get the chance) is to allow my Grandad and his delicious fishcakes to live on as he passed away nearly 22 years ago. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 40 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients:  1 Cup Mashed Potatoes

 3 Cups White Fish (boned and cooked)  3Tbsp Milk  3Tbsp Butter  3Tsp Flour  1Tsp Sage  1Tsp Parsley  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. In a large mixing bowl add the potatoes, fish and seasoning and mix well. 2. Add the butter and then milk until you have a nice consistency. If you need to add less milk or more then do so. 3. Add a little flour and then make into patty cakes. 4. Place in the fridge for about three hours to help make them solid. 5. Cook in the Air Fryer for 15 minutes on 200c. 6. Serve! Notes: The key ratio with this recipe is always 75% fish to 25% potato. So remember this if you want to increase or decrease portion sizes. Also if you find that the mixture is not binding very well then add an egg to the mixture.

Indian Spiced Slow Cooked Pulled Pork Welcome to my Indian Spiced Pulled Pork. I will admit now that I hate barbeque sauce. I have just always found it to be way too rich and salty for me and whenever anything is prepared in barbeque sauce I am always running away! When I first discovered pulled pork (I think it was in 2010) I had seen a recipe in a magazine and gave it a go. It was with the traditional barbeque sauce and way too much brown sugar and I hated it. I then spent a good six months perfecting it until I had it spot on. Then I changed it around a bit and added a few more Indian spices and this is the version that I have now! I love this method and it’s really easy to make and unlike many versions doesn’t require an overnight marinade. The preparation time can take a while. This is because you have to measure out the different spices before you start cooking. The spice blend can be altered so that you can have more/less spice depending on how curry like you enjoy your pulled pork. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 6 hours Ingredients:  Medium Pork Shoulder  1Tbsp Pork Seasoning  1Tbsp Cumin  1Tbsp Coriander  1Tbsp Coriander Seeds

 1Tbsp Fennel Seeds  1Tbsp Paprika  1Tsp Mustard  1Tsp Mixed Herbs  Salt & Pepper  1Tbsp Olive Oil Method: 1. In a small bowl mix together all the seasonings until they are all mixed well. 2. Place the pork shoulder in your slow cooker on a low heat. 3. Rub the olive oil into the top of the shoulder and round the sides so that it becomes nice and sticky. 4. Rub in the seasoning to where you’ve added the olive oil so that you’re creating a nice layer of Indian spice. 5. If you have any left over put in the bottom of the slow cooker. 6. Cook on low for six hours and then serve. Notes: This pulled pork is lovely in wraps or with a salad. We usually have it with a salad and some cauliflower rice.

Must Try Slow Cooked Ham Welcome to my must try slow cooked ham. I always thought of ham as being rather boring. It was something that was always added to a cheese sandwich to give it extra depth. Plus for many years I was a vegetarian and I always hated the fact that whenever you bought a cheese sandwich that someone had stuck some ham in it! Then I met Dominic and he showed me a brand new love for ham. He showed me that there were many really tasty ways to prepare it. Some simple and some not so simple and I soon fell in love with it. I think part of my hatred for it growing up, was the fact that it was often smoked. This is something I still hate now, so as long as it is unsmoked variety then I am happy. In this recipe (which is super simple to make) it is flavoured mainly with mustard and peppercorns with a few other seasonings thrown in. We like to have this in the summer with some salad and then in winter with some roast potatoes and steamed vegetables. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 20 minutes Cooking Time: 6 hours Ingredients:  Medium Ham Joint  2 Large Carrots  3 Large Celery Sticks  50g Peppercorns  4Tsp Mustard  2Tsp Mixed Herbs  Salt & Pepper

 1Tbsp Olive Oil Method: 1. Place the ham joint in the slow cooker on a low heat and add the olive oil around the sides of the meat. 2. Mix the seasoning in a bowl and then rub into the olive oil covered ham. 3. Chop the carrots and celery into medium pieces and stick down the side of your ham. 4. Cook for six hours on a low heat. 5. Serve! Notes: When you’re chopping up the carrots no need to peel them as they keep their flavour when unpeeled.

Air Fryer Meatloaf Flavoured With Black Peppercorns Welcome to my Air Fryer meatloaf. The first time I discovered meatloaf was when I was visiting my aunt and uncle in America. I always thought meatloaf was this over complicated dish and when I saw my uncle make it with a herb mix, some breadcrumbs and some mince, I suddenly realised that I needed to try it and the sooner the better. So after returning home I was cooking it with my own herb mix and that was three years ago. Fast forward to when I got my Air Fryer it was one of the first things that I thought this will work really well in here. I have always done my meatloaf in the traditional way. Put it in an oven proof dish, bake for half an hour and then I have cooked meatloaf. I would then serve it with potatoes and vegetables. But here I am with my new Air Fryer and I wanted to make meatloaf in the Air Fryer because I loved how crispy it made dishes and how quickly they cooked. Plus with the oven it is not practical in summer due to the fact that a warm oven makes the house way too hot. So here I was making Air Fryer meatloaf and I soon discovered that it tasted a lot better in the Air Fryer than it did in the oven. Though, because it works on air the normal lovely kitchen odours were not present. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Ingredients:  2 Kilos Minced Beef  1 Large Onion (peeled and diced)

 3Tbsp Tomato Ketchup  1Tsp Worcester Sauce  1Tbsp Oregano  1Tbsp Basil  1Tbsp Parsley  1Tbsp Mixed Herbs  Salt & Pepper  Breadcrumbs (made from one slice of wholemeal bread) Method: 1. Place the mince in a large mixing bowl. 2. Add the onion, herbs, tomato ketchup and Worcester sauce and mix well. 3. Aim to spend about five minutes massaging and mixing the ingredients as it is horrible if you end up with one slice of meatloaf that has too much spice on, or you get one slice with no seasoning. 4. Finally add the breadcrumbs and mix well again. 5. Place in a small dish and cook in the Air Fryer. Cook at 180c for 25 minutes. 6. Serve! Notes: I like to mix it up sometimes and use different minces. Here in Portugal we use a nice blend of pork and beef and it is delicious. Try to avoid turkey though as it can be very dry when cooked in the Air Fryer.

Slow Cooked French Pot Roast Welcome to my slow cooked French pot roast. This brings together my love for traditional French cooking and their amazing pot roast. I just love French cooking. As a teenager I spent about two weeks every year in France. This was because my mum and dad had a motor home and we would go travelling for up to four weeks. Two of these weeks were always spent in France. I got the opportunity to eat out at a lot of amazing French restaurants. As well as this we also had many meals from cafes and enjoyed lots of street food. Along with this were trips to large supermarkets when the choices of fresh fruit and vegetables were truly amazing. Ever since then (it was 1997 when I was last on holiday with my parents though I have been back since) I have loved to cook and to eat French food. In this recipe for a slow cooked pot roast, I am enhancing a lot of the flavours of France including red wine. I am not a fan of drinking red wine but love cooking with it as it gives an amazing flavour to your cooking. This pot roast recipe would also make a brilliant option for when you have friends or family round for dinner and I am sure they will want seconds, so make sure you have a big enough roasting joint! Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 6 hours Ingredients:  1Tbsp Garlic Puree  2 Medium Onions  2Cm Cube Ginger (peeled and grated)  2Tbsp Olive Oil

 Medium Sized Beef Brisket  250Ml Red Wine  400g Tinned Tomatoes  200Ml Beef Stock  4 Sticks Celery  6 Medium Carrots  1Tsp Oregano  3Tsp Basil  2Tsp Paprika  1Tsp Chilli  3Tsp Parsley  2Tsp Mixed Herbs  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Place the olive oil in the bottom of your slow cooker on a high heat. Allow to warm up for about 10 minutes. 2. Chop and peel your onion and add your onion, grated ginger and garlic puree to the olive oil. 3. Season the slow cooker ingredients with salt and pepper. Then once the onions have cooked for five minutes add the brisket. Give it five minutes on each side so that it is getting a nice coating of the ginger and garlic. 4. Remove the brisket from the slow cooker and set to one side. 5. Pour in the red wine into the slow cooker and mix well. 6. Then add the tinned tomatoes and the herbs and stir well. 7. Place the brisket back in the slow cooker and then cover the sides of the brisket with the celery and carrots. 8. Cook for a further 5.5 hours on a low heat setting.

9. Serve! Notes: If you would like it to be richer, then I would suggest doubling the red wine and reducing the tinned tomatoes by a third.

Crockpot Beef Bourguignon Recipe Give me Beef Bourguignon right now….I mean right this instant as it is a truly amazing meal. It has to be the thing that crockpots and slow cookers were made for. If it wasn’t for Julia Childs I doubt the majority of the world would even know what Beef Bourguignon actually was. It originates from Burgundy in France and involves a delicious beef casserole with lots of red wine and is flavoured with a variety of seasonings. Because I have always been a follower of French food it is something that I have had a lot over the years. First trying it via my aunt and her slow cooker in the early 90’s to having it on holiday in France towards the late 90’s. Plus now cooking it for the family it still fills me with joy. It is not the kind of dish that you can have all the preparation done in five minutes, but the time you put into it, you get back in the amazing end taste. Then once it is cooked serve it with some fresh crusty bread, which is just like how it is served for you in France. Author: Serves: 4 Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 6 hours Ingredients:  1 Medium Onion  1Cm Cube Ginger (peeled and grated)  250Ml Red Wine  2Tbsp Olive Oil  250g Stewing Steak (diced into medium pieces)  1Tbsp Tomato Puree  1Tsp Mustard

 ½ Medium Courgette  1 Medium Leek  3 Medium Carrots  2 Large Potatoes  1 Small Broccoli  100g Frozen Peas  250Ml Beef Stock  150g Soft Cheese  1Tbsp Basil  1Tbsp Parsley  1Tbsp Mixed Herbs  1Tbsp Garlic Puree  Salt & Pepper Method: 1. Chop and peel the onion and add it to the bottom of your slow cooker with the garlic puree and grated ginger. Add the olive oil and allow to brown on a high heat setting of your slow cooker. 2. Add the beef, tomato puree, mustard and a third of the red wine. 3. Allow the beef to be cooked on each side so that you can seal the beef. Five minutes on each side is fine. 4. While the beef is cooking on each side you can prepare the vegetables. Peel and chop them all into nice bite sized pieces. 5. Put the beef to one side (once you’ve sealed it) and place all the vegetables in the slow cooker. Allow them to go golden and leave them in on a high heat setting for about 10 minutes. 6. Add the rest of the wine and the stock. 7. Add the seasoning and mix in the soft cheese.

8. Place the beef back in the crockpot (so that the beef is on top of the vegetables) and cook on a low heat for 6 hours. 9. Serve! Notes: I always find that I alter this recipe for whatever vegetables are in season. Also because potatoes only have nutritional value in their skin, I often prefer to make it with new potatoes. Thanks again for reading. And don’t forget to connect with us on social media:

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