十一月 / 十二月
青岛圣诞集市 圣诞礼物大推荐 姜饼搭成屋 养娃5个难不难 宝宝如厕训练艺术
带着孩子坐飞机 在华生子记 手工装饰圣诞
Flying With Kids The Art of Potty Training Giving Birth in China Xmas Crafts
红星时代广告DM 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号
CREATIVE TEAM Mark Oliver is a Canadian
living in Qingdao with his American fiancée and half-Chinese stepson. He is here working as a teacher at Qingdao No. 9 High School and as a freelance writer.
Mark Oliver来自加拿大,现已和美国的 未婚妻以及具有一半中国血统的继子居于青 岛。他现在任教于青岛第九中学,同时也是一位 自由撰稿人。
Ruth Greene moved to Qingdao
from the USA in 2008. Two kids and six years later, she recently repatriated to America for an extended stay with family and continuing education opportunities. She hopes to return in summer, 2015. After studying the Chinese language in order to birth her second child in a Chinese hospital without a translator, she is in the process of becoming a certified Doula. She hopes to be able to encourage and assist other expats who are pregnant in China. She is also a contributor for
Ruth Greene于2008年从美国移居青岛。六年之内,在青 养育了两个孩子。最近她返回美国,与家人团聚并继续学习提 升。Ruth希望能于2015年夏返青。为了在中国医院生产自己 的第二个孩子时不用翻译,Ruth苦学中文,现在正在努力成 为一名合格的导乐。她希望能够鼓励和帮助更多在华的外国孕 妇。Ruth同时还是HavingABabyInChina.com网站的撰稿人。
Natasha Tapley hales from
Australia, and has spent the last 12 years in China. Her and her husband have three boys. They love their international life here in Qingdao. Natasha is the Parent Teacher Organisation Co-President at ISQ, Moderator of the Qingdao Mamas Group, is a member of the Qingdao Expat Charity Group and runs the ISQ Bright Start Playgroup twice a week. Natasha来自澳大利亚,旅居中国已12年。她和她的丈夫有3个 孩子。他们很喜欢青岛的国际生活。Natasha是青岛MTI国际学校家 长教师协会的联席会长,青岛妈妈联盟的策划人,还是青岛外籍慈善 组织的成员。此外她还每周两次主持青岛MTI国际学校的“启明星” 幼教中心的活动。
Carrie Quinn-thorpe
Carrie and her family have lived in Qingdao for almost 5 years. Her husband Peter is the Upper School Principal at QISS and they have two beautiful boys, Maclean and Carson. They love their international life and all have a passion for traveling and all things outdoors.
Carrie来自加拿大,她和家人在青岛生活了快 五年了。她的丈夫Peter现担任山东省青岛第一国际学校高中部 的校长。他们有两个可爱的儿子,Maclean和Carson。他们喜 欢这种国际化的生活,而且都很喜欢旅游和户外运动。
Laura Roark, a long-term
China resident, a mother and currently Montessori Director at Qingdao Amerasia International School. A certified Parent Effectiveness training instructor, she has also coauthored two children’s books and regularly gives training workshops to rural teachers in the mountainous regions of Yunnan Province.
Jennifer Raskin is an Ameri-
can with a Chinese husband. They have a three-year-old daughter and a had their second child in July 2014. Jennifer loves reading, writing, cooking and shopping.
Jennifer是一位来自美国的洋媳妇。 如今,她的大女儿已经三岁了,第二个宝 宝也将于今年7月出生。闲暇之余,Jennifer 喜欢看看书、写写文章、做做饭还有逛逛街。
JOIN OUR FAMILY If you wish to contribute to the family guide email us at 有兴趣为我们的《家庭指南》撰稿?发送电邮至 editorial@redstarworks.com联系我们吧!
Laura Roark旅居中国多年,已为人母的她现为青岛美亚 国际学校蒙特梭利幼儿园的园长。作为一名具备认证资格的父 母效能训练师,她曾参与编写两本儿童书籍,并且定期地为云 南山区的乡村教师提供专业培训。
For a chance to be featured on the cover of next Qingdao Family please submit your “Spring Festival” themed painting before December 20. 想让自己的作品登上《青岛家庭》的封面吗? 快来投递你的绘画作品吧!下期的主题将是 “春节”,投递截止日为12月20日。
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Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401 Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401
CONTENTS COMMUNITY Where Would you Spend Christmas? 圣诞节想在哪里过?
十一月 / 十二月
EVENTS Christmas Markets Everywhere! 圣诞市场大杂烩
Kids on a Plane 带着熊孩子坐飞机
Giving Birth in China 在华生子记
Life with five kids 养育5个孩子的幸福生活
TRAVEL Hot Makeover Mum 潮妈变身记
Xmas Traditions from Around the Globe 世界各国圣诞传统一览
Gifted Christmas Ideas 圣诞礼物选购指南
The Art of Potty Training 宝宝如厕训练艺术
A Family in Cambodia 索普一家的柬埔寨之旅
ARTS & CULTURE Christmas Crafts 手工制作圣诞装饰
EDUCATION Western Ideas in Eastern Education 西方思维影响下的中国教育
LISTINGS How to make a Gingerbread House 姜饼屋是怎样做成的
Sights / Shopping / Dining / Education / Medical 旅游景点 / 购物 / 餐饮美食 / 教育 / 医疗
If you could travel anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas with your family, where would you go?
如果让你选择世界上的一个地方和家人一起 庆祝圣诞节,你会去哪? Butterfly Grade 6, QDGIS
Skylah De Boer Year 1, YCIS I would go to Norway because it snows there and snow is my favourite! Skylah De Boer, 一年级,YCIS 我想去挪威,因为那边圣诞 节的时候会下雪,我最喜欢 雪了!
James Thompson Grade 10, QAIS I would go to BC, Canada, because that’s home and because BC has some great ski mountains.
胡蝶儿,6年级,QDGIS Nozomu Koyama, 学前班,PKU
我想去加拿大的英属哥伦比 亚省,一是因为那是我的家 乡,二是因为那里有很多可 以滑雪的山峰。
我想去澳大利亚,因为那里 很漂亮!
我的首选地是赫尔辛基,它 是圣诞老人的出生地。我多 么希望和家人住在临湖或是 靠近森林的小木屋里。白 天,我们出门可以打猎,还 可以准备丰盛的晚餐。到了 晚上,全家人围在篝火旁, 讲述着关于圣诞老人的故 事,其乐融融。
Denisa-Maria Danalache Preschool, PKU Yuri Grade 3, QISS I would go to the North Pole because Santa is there.
I would go to Beijing because I have a lot of friends there!
Yuri, 3年级, QISS
Denisa-Maria Danalache, 学前班,PKU
我想去北极,因为圣诞老人 在那里!
我想去北京,因为那里有很 多我的朋友。
Panithi,7年级,QISS 我想回泰国去,在那里有很 多有趣的事情做,比如吃泰 国菜。
I would go to Australia because it is very beautiful!
James Thompson, 10年级,QAIS
Panithi Grade 7, QISS I would go back to Thailand because you can do a lot of interesting things, like eat Thai food.
Nozomu Koyama, Preschool, PKU
My first choice is Helsinki, because it is the birthplace of Santa Claus. I want to live in a cabin with my family nearby a lake and a forest. We could go out hunting some animals such as rabbits, and prepare for a great dinner. At night, we could lie by a warm fire while my parents are telling stories about Christmas.
Carson Kindergarten, QISS School! Carson,幼儿园,QISS 我想去学校!
Bobby Grade 6, QDGIS Australia is my best place to go. Christmas in on December 25, and at that time it is summer in Australia. Walking by the Golden Beach, enjoying the tender sand, letting feet and water kiss each other, hugging the warm sunshine, I was deep in lost of such happiness. 王颂钧,6年级,QDGIS 我会选择澳大利亚。因为澳 大利亚的圣诞节是夏天。 漫步在金黄色的沙滩上,踩 着柔软的细沙,感受海水拍 打着脚底,享受着阳光的温 暖,想想就觉得很幸福。
Janice Ong Jie Xuan Grade 10, QAIS Zsofia Bodnar Grade 11, QAIS Winter is so beautiful in Hungary, with lots of snow, winter festivals, and beautifully decorated cities; I’d like to go back and celebrate with other family members. Zsofia Bodnar, 11年级,QAIS 匈牙利的冬天很美,有很多 雪花,还有很多节日,城市 都张灯结彩的,非常漂亮, 我想回家去和家人团聚。
I hope that my friends in QAIS will come with me to my grandma’s house in Kuala Terengganu, and sing karaoke, play with me… I think it’s funny, funny weird ha-ha! Janice Ong Jie Xuan,10年级,QAIS 我希望我的朋友能够和我一 起去瓜拉丁加奴,去我奶奶 家玩儿,我们可以一起唱 卡拉OK,一起玩儿,虽然 有点怪,但是应该会很有 意思!
Matilda Mason Year 4, YCIS I would go to Scotland because a lot of my family live there and it would be nice to spend Christmas with them. Matilda Mason, 4年级,YCIS 我想去苏格兰,因为我的家 人都在那里,圣诞节我想和 他们一起过!
Daniel Kuykendall ISQ Juuso Savolainen Grade 9, QAIS I would like to go to Finland, because the winter in Finland is always worth seeing.
Ethan Post ISQ I’d want to go to Egypt to visit the pyramids. And it’s very warm.
Since my parents are working in another city, it doesn’t matter where in the world we spend Christmas just as long as I can spend it with them.
Carson Ulgenalp Year 5, YCIS I would choose Paris because I have always wanted to go there.
Daniel Kuykendall, ISQ Juuso Savolainen, 9年级,QAIS 我想去芬兰,因为芬兰的冬 天很美!
Ethan Post, ISQ 我想去埃及去看金字塔,正 好那里也比较暖和。
因为我父母都在另外一个城 市工作,所以我在哪过圣诞 节都一样,只要能和他们一 起过。
Carson Ulgenalp, 5年级, YCIS 我想去法国,因为我一直都 想去法国看看。
QISS Holiday Gala & Silent Auction
QISS 假日晚会曁 无声拍卖会 December 6 // 6pm // Shangri-La Hotel 12月6日 // 晚6点 // 香格里拉酒店
s one of the most important social events in the Qingdao Expat Community, QISS’s Holiday Gala and Silent Auction will be unveiled at the Shangri-La Hotel with plenty of entertainment. There will be cocktails, a fashion show, dinner, dancing and more. As it is a stylish occasion, all participants are requested to wear formal attire. Tickets are limited! So please contact Michelene Teston at mteston@qiss. to reserve your tickets now. Ticket prices are 275RMB/person.
The QIBA/QECG Christmas Market
为青岛外籍社交圈的年度社交盛 事,山东省青岛第一国际学校举 办的假日晚会曁无声拍卖会将于 12月6日在香格里拉酒店揭开神秘面纱。届 时将有慈善晚宴,时尚走秀,鸡尾酒舞会等 精彩节目。此次盛会为正式晚宴,请各位社 会各界人士着正装出席。 晚会票数有限,有兴趣参加的人士 请通过与Michelene Teston联系。票价275元/位。
please contact Olivia Zhang on 138 6985 6504 or email before November 21.
December 5-7 // Golden Street (next to Jusco) 12月5日-7日 // 金街,佳世客旁
rom December 5 to 7, QIBA and QECG have a Christmas Market ready for you. Located in Golden Street (next to Jusco) the International Christmas Market is a great place to connect with both local and international communities, promote your business, and most importantly make new friends. All of the profits from the market will be donated to Qingdao Women and Children's Hospital, whose various projects help the medical care of children living in poverty. The price per tent ranges from 4000RMB (5x5 square meters) to 3000RMB (3x3 square meters). If you wish to make your reservation,
12月5日至7日,青岛国际商务俱乐 部和青岛外籍人士慈善团体将开办一场圣 诞市集。此次圣诞市集设在金街(佳世客 旁),既是连接青岛当地人士和外籍人士 的桥梁,又是宣传公司和交朋友的舞台。 所有的收入将通过青岛国际商务俱乐部慈 善基金和青岛外籍人士慈善团体资助给青 岛市妇女儿童医院,用来帮助需要手术的 贫困儿童,改善他们的医疗条件。 市场的摊位帐篷价位不一,从3000元 到4000元不等。预约留位请在11月21日之 前联系Olivia Zhang,电话:13869856504 邮箱
The Kinder Club is Back! 幼儿俱乐部回来了! November 22 // 10am // QICC 11月22日 // 早10点 // 青岛国际社 区中心
eginning in November the QICC will host the kinder club for parents and kindergarten children. The club will engage children along with their parents in a variety of creative, fun, physical and enriching activities. These will include stories, crafts, cooking, outdoor games and much more. Each session will require pre-registration as well as a small fee (30RMB/child, adults are free) for the materials and other miscellaneous items. The Kinder Club will be hosted in English only and will be open to foreign passport holders. Please register before November 20 to secure your spot. For registration, please email:
11月开始,青岛国际社区中心将为家 长和幼儿园的孩子们定期举办聚会活动。在 QICC幼儿俱乐部,家长和孩子可以一起游 戏一起玩耍。活动内容丰富,包括讲故事, 做手工,烹饪,以及户外活动等等。每次 活动需提前预约,仅收取少量材料费(小孩 30元/人,大人免费)。俱乐部将打造全英 文环境,对持有外籍护照的人士开放。感 兴趣的朋友,请于11月20日电邮至Cynthia. Gammill@qd.ycef.com预约留座。
Christmas Bash! 圣诞狂欢
December 20 // 10am // PKU International Preschool 12月20日 // 早10点 // 北大公学国际 幼儿园
his Christmas, PKU International Preschool has an open house party for all the toddlers and parents to get together! There will be presents and prizes, games, performances, and plenty of great food! Admission is FREE and open to the public. For more information and R.S.V.P. Please contact 133 6126-9866.
个圣诞,北大公学青岛天玺国际 幼儿园将举办开放参观派对,欢 迎广大父母儿童参加。届时将有 表演和游戏环节,不仅有奖品和礼物惊喜送 出,还有美食可供品尝!该活动零门槛,对 公众开放。欲了解更多详情或预约留座,请 咨询13361269866。
The ISQ Christmas Fair ISQ 圣诞市集 December 6 // 10am // ISQ's Main Campus (see pg. 47) 12月6日 // 早十点 // 青岛MTI国际学校 主校区
his Christmas make sure you don't miss the ISQ Christmas Fair. With a huge variety of stalls, you will have a chance not only to taste all sorts of Christmas snacks and drinks, but also to find the most suitable gifts to give your loved ones.
A special Christmas raffle will be run from 1pm with more than 200 prizes including two iPhone 6, an iPad, international airplane tickets, coffee shop coupons and 5 star hotel restaurant vouchers to put under your Christmas tree. All this magic will be enriched by ISQ student's art, which will be on display during the fair.
个圣诞节可不要错过青岛MTI 国际学校的圣诞市集。届时将 摊点云集,不仅有好吃的圣诞 食物和饮料,还有很多精美小礼品可供 选购。 下午1点,将有一场特殊的抽奖活 动,奖品多达200多件,包括2部iPhone6,两部iPad,国际航班机票,咖 啡厅的咖啡券和五星级酒店的餐券。除 此之外,来自青岛MTI国际学校的学生 将会展出他们的习作,供大家欣赏。
Weekly Toddler Group 幼童交友会 Every Wednesday // 2pm // QICC
YCIS/QICC International Christmas Market YCIS/QICC国际圣诞市集 December 12-14 // Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach Hotel 12月12日至14日 // 青岛金沙滩希尔顿酒店
hat would Christmas be without Christmas markets? To recreate the special magic associated with Christmas, YCIS and QICC have organized a three-day Christmas market from December 12 to 14 at the Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach Hotel.
To raise the curtain there will be an opening ceremony, followed, from 6 to 7pm, by outstanding performances by the YCIS Choir and violin students that you will absolutely love. Your children can also have fun by being chefs for a day in the cooking class held in the Hilton's kitchens, and express their wishes to Santa in person. Each booth will cost 500RMB for the three days, and all the proceeds will be donated to charity. The dates and opening hours of the event will be as follows: 12 December 3pm – 8pm
13 December 12am – 8pm 14 December 12am – 5pm For more information, you can email
诞节怎么能少了圣诞集市呢?为了 让圣诞氛围更浓,青岛耀中国际学 校和青岛国际社区中心特举办三日 圣诞集市活动,地点设在位于黄岛的青岛金 沙滩希尔顿酒店。 届时,从下午6点到7点,将是市集的 开幕晚会,由耀中学生合唱团和小提琴手为 大家带来精彩演出。孩子们可以在希尔顿的 厨房学习圣诞餐点,体验圣诞乐趣。 每个摊位租金500元,租金所得将全部 用于慈善事业。 市集开市时间如下: 12月12日,下午3点至晚8点 12月13日,中午12点至晚8点 12月14日,中午12点至晚5点 欲了解更多详情,请电邮至
每周三 // 下午2点 // 青岛国际社区中心
or expat parents who have a toddler or baby at home, you are not alone. There are also a lot of other parents going through the same things to raise those naughty angels as well. Every Wednesday from 2pm, you can bring your toddlers to QICC to have a small party with other parents and share your stories of raising your little baby. This is a chance for Expat mums living in Qingdao and Huangdao to meet and most importantly to also give their toddlers an opportunity to make friends. There is no fee for this group. So if you are interested in this, please email
于家有一宝的外籍家长来说,你可不 是一个人在战斗!还有很多其他的父 母,他们的孩子也正在牙牙学语或蹒 跚学步,一样调皮捣蛋又惹人怜爱。 每周三下午2点,你都可以把孩子带到青 岛国际社区中心,和其他的父母一起聊聊育儿 心得。这不仅是外籍妈妈们互动交流的平台, 还是孩子们广交朋友的天地。 该活动不收取任何费用,如果您对此活动 活动感兴趣,请电邮至info@qingdaocommunitycentre.com报名参加。
Little Kids Big Fashion
3 years old 3岁
Winter is coming, and time to put away your dress. Would you feel sad about it and why?
冬天就要来了,你所有的裙子就要收起来了,你会不会不开 心,为什么呢? Yes, I am a little sad about that. I love whirling in my dress. But it’s ok cause I love winter as well! There is snow in winter and the Christmas! 会有一点不开心啊!我最喜欢穿上裙子转圈圈 了!不过我还是很喜欢冬天,因为冬天会下雪, 还有圣诞节! How much time did you spend on choosing clothes to wear today?
你今天花了多长时间来选衣服穿? It took my mum 10 minutes to choose my clothes today. Isn’t it fast? I could put on clothes all by myself now and I really don’t need my mum’s help! 今天这身衣服妈妈帮我选了十分钟, 还挺快的吧?我穿衣服很快,我自己 会穿衣服了!而且一定要我自己穿, 不让妈妈帮忙! Who bought you these clothes and do you like it? 谁给你买
的这些衣服呢?你喜欢吗? My mum bought all my clothes. To be honest, I don’t actually like clothes. I prefer cars than clothes. My mum says I look like a boy. 我的衣服都是妈妈给我买的.我 不太喜欢衣服,我更喜欢小汽车!妈妈说我有点 像男孩子。
Kitty 董羚炜 2 years and 7 months old 2岁7个月
Winter is coming, and time to put away your dress. Would you feel sad about it and why?
冬天就要来了,你所有的裙子就要收起来了,你 会不会不开心,为什么呢? Who told you that? No way! My mum wouldn’t put them away! 谁说的,你怎么知道。妈妈不会收起来的。 How much time did you spend on choosing clothes to wear today?
你今天花了多长时间来选衣服穿? Not that long, but I did spend a lot of time choosing the right glasses. 没多长时间,主要是试了好多眼镜。 Who bought you these clothes and do you like it? 谁给你买的这些衣服呢?你喜欢吗?
My mum bought me these and of course I love them! 妈妈买的。我喜欢呀!
Hot Mum Makeover
Amy Divinagracia
A Sweet Winter Look 潮妈变身记
Hairstylist : Eric Fu Makeup artist: Andy Liu
美发师:付雄(Eric) 美妆师:刘海龙 (Andy)
It is a universal truth that different people have different opinions about beauty. Inner beauty is extremely important, but at the same time, a fashionable look can also show your positive attitude towards life. As winter is coming, the talented makeover team at TONI&GUY helps our beautiful mum Amy Divinagracia to have a warm sweet look for the cold weather. Christina Cao reports on how to become a beautiful mum from head to toe.
Amy who is American, was originally raised in Japan and has lived in Qingdao for eight years. She has three children, two toddlers and one two-month baby girl. She has light brown hair that is naturally curly. She likes to dress in either casual or sporty clothes and applies simple makeup. So she is quite excited by the new changes during the makeover.
每个人都有自己对美的看法,内在美固然十分重要,但时尚的 穿衣打扮则能彰显出你对生活的积极态度。在这个寒冷的冬 天,我们请来了汤尼英盖的资深美丽团队,为美丽的青岛妈妈 Amy打造了清新甜美的冬日造型。Christina为你带来Amy的美 丽蜕变。
从小在日本长大的美国妈妈Amy,来青岛已 经有8年了,目前有三个孩子(分别是3岁、2岁 和2个月大)。她的头发偏褐色,有些自然卷,日 常着装以舒适的休闲运动服为主,化很淡的妆。 所以,这次变身的尝试让她感到十分新奇。
Hair Design
Hairstylist Eric suggested a class 4 creative hair colouring method called “Shade Dying”, using one of their 2015 hair colour trends, to create a natural and smooth look to her hair. With the new dying plate, Eric mixed up two different hair colorants, to create a gradually shading colour from blond to light brown and to highlight her blue eyes. After hair colouring, the stylist blow dried her hair and applied some Lable.m mousse to her hair, making it curly from the top the ends. Lastly, L’Oreal Elnett hair spay was applied to make Amy’s hair shiner.
发型设计 发型师Eric给Amy推荐了T&G经典4代的“渐变晕染”创意染 发,选用2015年流行发色进行晕染,发根到发梢颜色自然渐变, 由深变浅,十分自然清新。在新型染发板的帮助下,Eric将两种 染发剂混合使用,营造出一种从浅棕色向金黄色渐变过渡的视觉 效果。染发完成后,发型师用吹风机把头发吹干,同时用定型的 lable.m摩丝把头发从上到下吹成卷曲的形状。在造型结束时,加 以欧莱雅的雅蝶发胶,使模特的头发瞬间散发亮泽。
Makeup Design
Natural and healthy was what Amy exuded when we first met her. She just uses mascara and eyeliner to highlight her eyes, and sunscreen to protect her skin. Makeup artist Andy chose a fuchsia-colour theme for her. He applied an earth toned eye shadow and a 3CE peach red lipstick to make her face even livelier. And to highlight her eyes while maintaining a natural look, Andy used mascara instead of an eyebrow pencil to match her eye and check colour.
妆面设计 突出自然,健康,给人活泼温暖的感觉。初见Amy,我们就 被她的自然爽朗所感染。平时的她也多以淡妆示人,仅仅采用睫 毛膏和眼线笔来勾勒出眼部的轮廓,涂以防晒霜保护皮肤而已。 为了展现出Amy活泼的一面,化妆师Andy主要采用桃红色的色彩 点缀来打造整套妆容,大地色的眼影让Amy本来就深邃的五官更 显精致,而3CE的亚光桃红色唇彩则是整个妆容的亮点,甜美范 儿十足。在眉毛方面,化妆师则是创意地采用了睫毛膏来替代眉 笔,简单地几笔勾勒,就和整个妆面完美贴合。
Christmas Traditions From Around the World How other countries celebrate the most celebrated holiday
圣诞节传统大不同 看世界人民如何庆祝圣诞节
Although many countries celebrate Christmas, each one has its’ own unique traditions. Now you can discover how people in other places celebrate the merriest holiday of all, and perhaps even incorporate some of their Christmas customs into your yearly festivities. 全世界很多国家都会庆祝圣诞节,然而每个国家庆祝的方式却大有不同。接下来我们就一起看看世界各 个角落的人是如何庆祝这个“年度佳节”的。另外,你也可以借鉴其中一二,丰富自己的圣诞佳节。 Japan 日本 In Japan, a traditional Christmas dinner consists of fried chicken. This will probably blow your mind, but KFC is so popular that on Christmas that you must make a reservation if you want to eat there! 在日本,炸鸡是传统圣诞节晚餐的必备菜 品。这就不难理解为什么每到圣诞节,日本的 肯德基就异常火爆。有时候,你得提前预定座 位才能在肯德基过圣诞节。
America 美国 Because of its multi-cultural nature, the US
has many different customs when celebrating Christmas. Most families enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner consisting of turkey or ham with cranberry sauce. Americans also like to decorate the outsides of their homes with lights and sometimes even life-size figures of Santa Claus, snowmen and reindeer. In Hawaii, Santa is called “Kanakaloka!” 美国文化多元,因此圣诞节传统也是多 种多样。大部分的美国人民会在圣诞节这天 享用传统的圣诞节晚餐,其中包括火鸡或者 蔓越莓酱火腿。美国人还喜欢把房子外面用 灯泡装饰一番,有时候还会看到真人大小的 圣诞老人、雪人以及驯鹿。在夏威夷,圣诞 老人被称为“Kanakaloka”。
France 法国 Yule logs made out of cherry wood are often burned in French homes. The log is brought into the home on Christmas Eve and is then sprinkled with red wine to make it smell nice while it’s burning. The log and candles are left burning all night with some food and drinks left out in case Mary and the baby Jesus come by during the night. 每到圣诞节,法国人便会在家里燃起樱 木。在圣诞节前夜,人们购买樱木,然后在 上面撒上红酒以便将其燃烧时有股淡淡的香 味。樱木和蜡烛会燃烧整夜,人们还会在旁 边放上吃的、喝的,这样圣母玛利亚和耶稣 在夜里到访的时候就不至于饿肚子了。
Spain 西班牙 Most families in Spain eat their main Christmas meal on Christmas Eve before attending a midnight mass or “La Misa Del Gallo” which translates as “The Mass of the Rooster” because a rooster supposedly crowed the night that Jesus was born. After the midnight service, people walk through the streets carrying torches, playing guitars and beating on tambourines and drums. One Spanish saying is, “Esta noche es noche-buena, y no es noche de dormir,” which means “Tonight is the good night and it is not meant for sleeping!” 在圣诞节前夜,大部分的西班牙家庭都 会和家人一起享用传统的圣诞节晚宴,之后 进行一场名为“La Misa Del Gallo”的弥撒, 字面意思是“公鸡弥撒”。因为他们认为耶 稣基督降临之时,公鸡整夜啼鸣不休。午夜 弥撒之后,人们涌至大街,手持火炬,怀抱 吉他,敲打手鼓,来庆祝佳节。西班牙还有 一句老话“Esta noche es noche-buena, y no es noche de dormir”意思就是“今夜美 好如斯,不枉彻夜无眠。”
Jamaica 牙买加 Christmas is a very special time in Jamaica. Many people paint their homes and hang new curtains and decorations for the holidays. Most people spend Christmas Day at home with friends and family. Jamaican red wine and rum fruitcake is traditional and is eaten in most homes. The fruits in the cake are soaked in red wine and white rum for months before Christmas. 圣诞节对于牙买加来说意义非凡。这一 天人们会把家里粉刷一新,挂上新窗帘,摆 上装饰品以增加节日氛围。多数人在这天会 待在家里和家人、朋友共度佳节。当然,每 家每户都缺不了牙买加红酒以及朗姆水果蛋 糕。蛋糕用的水果会提前浸泡在红酒和朗姆 酒中,酝酿数月之后,方能显出醇美味道。
Russia 俄罗斯 Here, Christmas is celebrated on January 7 because the Orthodox Church uses the old Julian calendar for religious holidays. People will fast, sometimes for 39 days until January 6 (the date they celebrate Christmas Eve) when the first star appears in the sky. Then they partake in a 12-course dinner to honour each of the twelve apostles. 与其它地方不同,在俄罗斯,人们会在 1月7日庆祝圣诞节,因为正统教会都会按照 罗马儒略历来计算节日。在圣诞节前夜(1月 6日)之前,人们会开始长达39天的斋戒,直 到第一颗星辰点亮夜空。之后,人们开始一 场传统的盛宴,由12道菜组成,象征着耶稣 基督的12个使徒。
Czech Republic
coconut, but is deemed too difficult to chew and is usually just swallowed. Another Christmas food is “kiviak,” the raw flesh of little auks (a type of arctic bird) which have been buried whole in seal skin for several months until they have reached an advanced stage of decomposition. Although it sounds strange, the people of Greenland consider it a delicacy. 好吧,或许你不想知道格陵兰的圣诞传 统,因为的确有点重口味。他们会吃一些诡 异的东西,“Mattak”便是其中之一,把鲸 脂放到鲸鱼皮里,就是“Mattak”了。据说 这种东西尝起来像是新鲜的椰肉,但因为不 好咀嚼,所以基本都是直接吞下去的。另外 还有一种“圣诞特供美食”叫作“kiviak”, 其实就是小海雀(一种北极鸟)的生肉。首 先人们会把海雀塞到海豹皮里,数月之后, 待海雀腐烂之后,就可以食用了。也许这听 起来有点奇怪,但当地人却把它视为美味。
Single women have a very unique ritual on Christmas Eve. To find out if they will marry in the following year, they stand with their backs to the door of their house and then throw one of their shoes over their shoulder. If the shoe lands with the heel toward the door, the woman will stay single for another year. But if the toe of the shoe is pointing toward the door, it means she will move out of her parents’ house and should start making wedding plans. 在圣诞节这天,捷克的单身女士们需 要做一件特别的事情。她们会背对着房门站 着,然后掠过肩膀扔一只鞋过去,如果鞋落 地之后跟儿冲着房门,那就意味着这位姑娘 明年仍会待嫁闺中。相反,如果是鞋头儿冲 着房门,就说明明年她将会离家出嫁,那么 也时候准备嫁妆了。
Greenland 格陵兰 Perhaps you’d want to skip the traditional Christmas dinner in Greenland. They eat some rather unusual foods there. “Mattak” is whale skin with a strip of blubber inside. It is rumored to taste like fresh
Germany 德国 December 6 is St. Nicholas' Day and "der Nikolaus" brings some small gifts, such as chocolates, to the children. He puts the presents into the shoes of the children, who usually place them by their doors on the previous evening. In some regions of Germany, there is a character who accompanies him called "Knecht Ruprecht" or "Krampus,” a big horned monster that dresses in rags and carries a birch. He will punish any bad children and give them a birch instead of a present. That doesn’t exactly sound merry, now does it? 12月6日是德国的圣尼古拉斯节,也就是 德版的圣诞节。传说,在节日前夜,der Nikolaus会把巧克力之类的小礼物装进孩子们 的鞋子里,然后放到房子门口。在德国一些 区域,人们还认为der Nikolaus还有一个随从 叫"Knecht Ruprecht" 或 "Krampus”,它是 一只长着角的怪兽,身上披着破布,手里拿 着桦木鞭。如果孩子们不听话,礼物就没有 了,而且还会挨上一顿毒打。好吧,这样一 来,圣诞节的气氛就完全被破坏掉了,你说 是不?
of the Without doubt Christmas is one ing. giv gift for most popular holidays a for gift t However choosing the righ ing um ons beloved one can be a time-c e. But rcis exe and sometimes excruciating sents pre you can relax now, as REDSTAR this id avo some select gift ideas to help dilemma. 但是,为心爱 毋庸置疑,圣诞节是送礼的好时机。 。不过,现在 事儿 的人选择礼物却是件令人头疼的 礼,从此…妈 多好 选众 不用再担心了,红星为您精 了! 礼物 妈再也不用担心为我选
趣味造型杯 25-60RMB
多功能玩具小屋 399RMB
A collection of thermoses in different shapes and sizes, from coke cans to cartoon characters. A good way to to keep hot liquids hot.
A multifunctional toy house that can help your baby learn songs and daily expressions while they play!
不同造型的杯子,充满童 趣,从可乐罐到小黄人,应有尽 有,还有卡通保温杯,让孩子随 时有热水可以喝!
多功能玩具小屋能帮助孩子 在玩儿的时候学会唱歌和一些简 单的日常表达。
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
Fisher-Price Playhouse
1st Floor Underground, East Square of Marina City, near McDonalds. 百丽广场东区,地下一楼
Jewellery Box
首饰盒 95RMB
A cute closet-shaped jewellery box to help your little princess store all her lovely accessories and also makes an attractive decoration for her dressing table. 衣橱形状的首饰盒,帮你的 小公主收纳饰品,放在梳妆台也 可做装饰。
Model Plane
飞机模型 298RMB
A beautifully made model airplane for lovers of aviation. 制作精良的飞机模型,放飞 孩子的飞行梦想。
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
Magnetic Dartboard
A magnetic dartboard can help you play darts safely with your kids without accidently hurting them or yourself.
Everyone's favourite character! With a USB charger, you can keep your kids’ hands warm everywhere they go.
磁性飞镖盘让你安心和孩子 们玩儿飞镖,不用担心被飞镖射 中受伤。
带USB接头的可充电暖手 宝,让孩子冬天手也暖暖的!
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
Hot Wheels Racetrack
机器人音箱 399RMB
This robot is actually a interactive loudspeaker. By speaking the name of thesong you want to listen to, it will play it automatically.
9 - 25RMB
海贼王手办 798RMB
轨道车模型 399RMB
A selection of nice gift boxes in different sizes to help you wrap your lovely Christmas presents.
There are plenty of action figures in this store, from Japanese cartoon characters to movie figures for the avid collector.
This Hot Wheels Racetrack can help your kids develop their problem solving skills and think creatively.
大小不等造型各异的礼品盒 子,让你轻松包装好圣诞礼物。
Dejili, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,得吉利礼品店
尤克里里 150- 2000RMB Time to bring your little one to the world of music. With Ukuleles ranging from novelty to pro. 是时候为你的孩子准备一件 乐器,把他带到音乐的世界当中 来了。在这里你可以购买一把西 瓜造型的尤克里里,也可以多花 点银子,抱一把质量上乘的回家。
North door of Zhonglian Plaza (Next to Subway) 中联广场北门(靠近赛百味)
从日本经典动漫人物到电影 中的超级英雄,手办收藏爱好者 可以尽情在该店挑选。
Pirate Ship, 1st Floor, West Square of Marina City 百丽广场西区一楼,贼船
Picnic TABLE set for 4
户外藤编四人箱 150RMB
轨道车模型能开发智力,培 养孩子的创造性思维。
1st Floor Underground, East Square of Marina City, near McDonalds. 百丽广场东区,地下一楼
jewelLEry rack
这是一个智能音箱,它可以 和你直接互动。只要你说出SD 卡上的歌曲,它便会自动为你播 放。至于它能否听得懂英文我就 不得而知了。
1F, Bldg 3, Creative 100 创意100产业园3号楼
With a classic design, this convenient set is a good choice for any family picnic.
A graceful and neat appearance to make your jewellery more dazzling, even when you're not wearing it.
美观大方,携带方便,家庭 野餐必带装备。
优雅简约的造型,让你的珠 宝更加光彩夺目。
171 Minjiang Lu 闽江路 171号
171 Minjiang Lu 闽江路 171号
Teach your kids how to love and take care of the animals and start by giving them a turtle as a gift. 送给孩子一只小乌龟,让他 们学会如何去照顾小动物,同时 让他们懂得什么叫“爱”。
1388 Culture street, Minjiang San Lu 闽江三路1388文化街
n China I have experienced many “firsts” just as any foreigner probably has. One of my biggest lifestyle changes upon moving to China was giving up my house pets, my furry friends who I didn’t want to put through the hassle of boarding a plane to China. One of my best friends that I left home in America was a tortoise-shell calico cat named Henrietta (Henry for short). I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a pet cat. When my parents had me, they already had a big sister for me in the form of a fluffy black, long-haired cat named Mayday. I had several cats growing up, and until now, always had a cat in my residence and there were always a domestic companion for me. I am proud to call myself a purebred Cat Lady. When I left Henrietta, I tried to do the most responsible thing possible and make sure that she would be cared for by people who would love her just as I do. So I made sure that she was fully re-adopted into a home where she could thrive in her old age. And while Henry stays with my friend back in the USA, I have had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of many feral and friendly street cats of Qingdao.
Insights of a Cat Lady “猫女” 的自白 Mamie Schiller, a purebred “Cat Lady”, tells her story of her little flurry friends and the their well-being in Qingdao. 作为一名纯种的“猫女”,Mamie给大家讲述了她与这些 毛茸茸的小朋友之间的故事以及青岛猫咪的生存现状。
I thought that I would be very sad living without a cat, but what I’ve actually found is that without the responsibility of being home for my cat, I could venture out and about in Qingdao at leisure to go cat-spotting. Some of my favorite places to go searching for cats have been in the green tree-lined neighborhoods of Xianyou Road, inside the Qingdao University campus, or in my own neighborhood at the top of QingdaNo.1 Rd. If I remember to bring food, leftover meat from a street BBQ or affordable cat food, I can feed them and have a nice visit. However, there are some sanitary issues. These cats spend a lot of their time climbing in and around garbage cans looking for food. In fact, a very good place to spot a cat is near the trashcans of your neighborhood. So it is smart practice to protect yourself if you decide you want to be friendly with the street cats. My advice is to bring a pair of winter gloves that you can put on to pet the cats with and then place in a plastic bag until you can wash them later. You can also keep anti-bacterial hand gel (available at Watson’s) to rub on your hands after your visit with the cats.
FEATURES Though cat-sightingis always an enjoyable experience for me, there is a downside here that we must acknowledge. The truth is that cats are meant to be companion animals to people and most of these cats have been put out in the street due to human error or irresponsibility. In both cities and rural areas, animal control is very important because cats are not natural predators in our ecosystem. Feral cats are the main source of bird endangerment because they kill birds instinctually. By adopting cats into our home, we can actively help the local bird population. If you are not ready to re-home a cat and you would like to do something to help the cats, you can do a lot by implementing a trap-neuter-return program. This is a process that consists of cat-friendly people trapping a cat, taking it to the vet to have it neutered (or sterilized), and then returning the cat to its neighborhood. Many vets will perform this procedure for free. In this way, the cat can continue to live out its life in the cat colony where you found it without allowing it to contribute to the growth of the homeless cat population. Many animal control supporters also mark the sterilized cat after it has been through the TNR program with ear-tipping. This is a safe process animal specialists perform with an anesthetic to cut off a little bit of the top of the cat’s right ear so that it is easy to spot the cats who have been through the sterilization process. You can see this in the picture of my cat Henry, the rim of her right ear looks different from her left ear because it has been tipped by her vet. My experiences of petting and feeding the street cats have been so moving. I have met many like-minded people of Qingdao who enjoy feeding the street cats and providing them with shelter. I hope that if you are also moved, you can take part in the cat culture that has developed around Qingdao, and indeed around the world, by taking care of those cats who must live in the street and helping prevent the growth of the wild cat population.
朝夕相处时,我在青岛结识了很多可爱的野 猫、流浪猫,与他们共度了许多快乐时光。 原以为没有养猫的日子会很难过,结果 我意外地发现,没有家猫的束缚,我可以走 出去,悠闲地在青岛观察猫。我最喜欢寻猫 的几个地方包括青岛大学校园,绿树成荫的 仙游路街道,以及我所住的青大一路上面的 居民区。
The truth is that cats are meant to be companion animals to people and most of these cats have been put out in the street due to human error or irresponsibility.
猫咪本应该是人类的伴 侣,但是我所接触的这 些猫,大多却是因为人 类错误或者不负责任的 行为而被迫流浪街头。
其他外国朋友一样,我在中国 也体验了很多“第一次”。对 我来说,从美国移居到中国, 最大的变化就是在来之前,为 了避免登机时麻烦,我不得不告别了家里的 那群毛茸茸的小猫咪,其中包括家里最好的 小伙伴——小花猫亨丽埃塔(以下简称“亨 丽”)。 自打我记事起,我就开始与猫为伴。 我出生时,家里就养了一只猫,比我年纪还 大,她叫五月天,黑色的毛发又长又蓬松。 后来,有好几只猫咪伴随过我的成长。一直 到现在,只要是我住过的地方,总会养一只 猫。我很自豪地自封为纯种“猫女”。 知道自己要离开亨丽时,我竭尽全力地 为它找寻新主人,确保收养人会和我一样爱 她。临走前,我确信她已完全融入新家,能 在那里安享晚年。当亨丽和我的朋友在美国
只要我记得从街头小吃店带吃剩的饭 或肉、或是买一些实惠的猫粮,我就会去喂 他们,好好犒赏犒赏他们。但是,这也存在 一些卫生问题,因为这些猫整日在垃圾箱周 围爬上爬下寻找食物。事实上,居民区周围 的垃圾桶是最容易发现猫的地方。所以,如 果你想与流浪猫保持友好关系,保护自己还 是比较明智的。我的建议是当你要抚摸小猫 的时候最好带上一双厚手套,洗手套之前记 得把它们放到一个塑料袋里。你也可以携带 户外抗菌洗手凝胶(在屈臣氏连锁店可以买 到),与猫咪互动后,擦在手上消毒。 虽然看猫对我来说总是件乐事,但是有 一点我们必须承认,猫咪原本应该是人类的 伴侣,但是我所接触的这些猫,大多却是因 为人类错误或者不负责任的行为而被迫流浪 街头。无论是城市还是农村,控制动物数量 至关重要,因为猫在食物链中并非猎食者。 然而,因为野猫本能性地猎杀鸟类,也就成 鸟类濒危的主要原因。所以通过家养猫咪, 我们就能积极地帮助保持当地的鸟类数量。 如果你还没有做好带猫回家的准备,又 想为他们做些什么,你可以通过实施捕捉-节育--释放(TPR)三个步骤来尽可能多得 帮助他们。简单地说,就是与流浪猫友好相 处,继而捕获它,把它带到兽医那儿做绝育 (或消毒),然后将他送回去。许多兽医执 行绝育手术是免费的。这样一来,流浪猫可 以继续在其领地生活,而且不会增加数量。 通过TNR三个步骤,猫咪在节育手术 后,动物管制协会的人会在其耳朵上做上标 志。这个过程很安全,兽医将猫麻醉后,切 掉猫右耳上方一点点,用来区别节育过的 猫。从我的亨丽猫的图片你可以看到,她右 耳朵的边缘就被兽医切掉了一点,所以看起 来与左耳有些不同。 我抚摸和喂养流浪猫的经历一直让我 深有触动。在青岛,我见过不少志同道合的 人,他们也喜欢饲养流浪猫,为它们提供庇 护。我希望,如果你也为之感动,你也能通 过照顾那些无家可归的流浪猫,控制野猫的 增长数量,参与到青岛甚至全世界的猫文化 发展活动中来。
The Art of Potty Training: In Defense of Slitted Pants 宝宝如厕训练艺术:开裆裤的妙用 Expat parents often feel shocked and upset when they see a Chinese child dressed in slitted pants, however, Mark Oliver investigated this “absurd” way of Chinese potty training and found it quite useful. 外国父母对于中国的孩子“开裆裤”总是颇为震惊,难以接受。为此,Mark特意调查了“开裆 裤”和中国的儿童如厕训练,发现这种方法其实非常有用。
While American children are discouraged from trying until 18 months and rarely succeed until they’re three years old, Chinese children are usually potty trained within twelve months.
美国的孩子通常18个 月大的时候开始接受 如厕训练,但一般也 是在3岁左右才真正 学会自行大小便。然 而,中国人在孩子不 到1岁时就开始了这项 训练。
ost expats probably aren’t about to go out and cut a hole in their children’s pants, but it’s still worth looking at the Chinese system closely enough to learn from it. Quite simply, Chinese potty training works. While American children are discouraged from trying until 18 months and rarely succeed until they’re three years old, Chinese children are usually potty trained within twelve months. Compared to westerners, they skip over two years of wiping down dirty diapers and deep-cleaning stained pants. So, why does it work? The first reason is the pants. Nothing facilitates potty-training like direct action. When a child in a diaper pees, the parent usually doesn’t find out until changing time, and, by then, whatever discipline or encouragement you dole out then will be meaningless. When a child in slitted-pants pees, you know right away. You have the immediate opportunity to reinforce positive, potty-using behavior, quite simply because you know it happened. There’s more than just the pants, though. Acting after the fact can
give some positive results, but part of the technique comes from catching the baby before it’s too late. In the morning, before bed, and after every meal, the good Chinese mother sits her baby down on the toilet. Then she does it again after every warning sign – be that a sudden, unexplained distraction, a tightened face, or a slip of flatulence. The real trick comes when the baby’s on the potty. Chinese parents use a Pavlovian response to get their babies to pee on command. Nearly from birth, they will whistle a single note whenever they want the baby to pee or a grunt when they want him to poop, and reward him if he does. The effect is uncanny. Our son, who was raised on a whistle, can put up the biggest fuss he wants when we sit him on the potty – but if we hit an F-sharp, he’ll start peeing. Some of it might seem gross, but the technique legitimately works. And, after all, you have to question – is the Western-style of potty training really cleaner? Is it really better to have your child sit in his own filth for hours a day, developing diaper rash and infections?
地说,中国式的如厕训练还是很有效的。美 国的孩子通常18个月大的时候开始接受如厕 训练,但一般也是在3岁左右才真正学会自 行大小便。然而,中国人在孩子12个月大的 时候就开始了这项训练。和西方人相比,中 国的家长基本上要比外国家长少换2年的脏 尿布和脏裤子。 那么,问题来了,为什么中国式的训练 这么有效呢? 首先,开裆裤起了很大的作用。没有什 么比直接的行为更能训练好孩子的如厕习惯 了。穿着纸尿裤的孩子如果撒了尿,父母在 换尿片之前是浑然未知的。所以,就算事后 再打骂或是鼓励也是于事无补。但是,穿着 开裆裤的孩子要是拉了尿了,你肯定马上就 能知道,也可以马上做出反映,教孩子如何 大小便。 当然,仅仅是开裆裤远远不够,行为的 反应训练才是最关键的。在孩子想上厕所时 给予积极地疏导才能更好的训练孩子的如厕 反应能力。在早上起床或是吃完饭后,或者 在孩子发出想方便的讯号时——通常是孩子 突然无故走神,或是面部表情紧张,或是放 屁,训练有素的中国妈妈都会把孩子放在马 桶上,训练他们自己大小便。
Even without sending your children out with holes in their pants, there’s still a lot to be learned from the Chinese technique. In our case, our potty training regimen consisted of a three-day long pantless weekend, spent locked indoors. We never had the courage to send our child out exposed, but we managed to make some major progress by learning from our host country. In truth, no western child will ever learn as fast as a Chinese one, unless they’re willing to embrace the slitted pants. To turn back to Western wisdom, a child doesn’t develop that ability until 18-months. Without the willingness to pee outside, a child will always fall back on peeing in his diaper. Still, though, we can rapidly speed up the progress by letting go of a few cultural biases and embracing Chinese wisdom.
到中国,我相信一定有很多对 你来说意想不到的事情,能够 让你感受到中西文化的巨大差 异。其中,中国孩子穿开裆 裤,把我们认为应该遮住的部 位暴露出来;或者是孩子的父母把孩子抱在 垃圾箱上让他大小便,这些现象都绝对足以 让人跌破眼镜。 中国式的如厕训练让很多外国人觉得 很不可思议。来到中国的西方人对这种教育 方式很反感,批评之语不绝于耳。从认为这 种方式“很不卫生”到觉得“很恶心”,恐 怕正在阅读杂志的您也有过这样的想法。有 些思想过激的人甚至认为这种教育方式非常 的“落后”和“野蛮”。 然而,对中国人来说,西方人如厕训练 也很荒谬。和岳母过过招的人都知道,要是 把一个三岁的孩子送到日托时还要带尿布, 怕是要招人耻笑的。这个习惯问题,双方总 是各执一词,争执不下。但是,如果这个问 题在中西方文化下差异如此之大,不得不让 人反思:我们的方法真的要高明很多吗? 绝大部分的外国人估计是不会给孩子穿 开档裤的,但是深入研究下中国这一文化现 象,学习下它优胜的地方也未尝不可。简单
真正比较麻烦的是当孩子们已经坐在便 器上准备上厕所的时候了。中国家长会采用 条件反射的原理来训练孩子如厕。几乎是从 出生开始,他们就会吹口哨引导孩子撒尿, 或是发出一种嘟囔的声音引导孩子拉粑粑, 如果孩子做到了就会给予奖励。这种方法屡 试不爽,非常好用。我们也是用口哨来训练 我们的儿子。一开始,把他放到便器上他 就不耐烦,现在,只要我们一按马桶的冲洗 键,他就会开始尿尿。 这些也许听起来让人有点难以接受,却 是确实有效的方法。那么,你不禁要问了: 是不是西式的如厕训练更加干净呢?让孩子 几小时坐在自己的大小便上,捂出湿疹或是 感染是否真的比开裆裤要好? 其实,就算出门不给孩子穿开裆裤, 我们也还是可以从中国式的如厕教育里学 到很多有用的东西。就我们而言,一周花 上3天的时间,让孩子在家不穿裤子,进行 如厕训练也不失为一种好的方法。我们虽 然做不到给孩子穿着开裆裤就出门,但还 是可以学习中国妈妈们的训练方式,培养 孩子的如厕习惯。 说实话,没有一个外国小孩有中国小孩 学上厕所速度快,除非他们能抛下偏见,尝 试使用开裆裤。西方人普遍认为,孩子在18 个月之前是学不会自己大小便的。其实,要 是孩子一直没有尿到外面的意识,孩子就算 再大也还是会尿到纸尿裤里。所以,要想让 孩子早日独立大小便,还是应该放下偏见, 学习下中国人的智慧。
How to make a
Gingerbread House 亲手学做“姜饼屋” Ingredients 原料 Honey 蜂蜜 Sugar 糖 Water 水 Bread Flour 面包粉 Mix Spicer 混合辣粉 Ginger Powder 姜粉 Cinnamon Powder 肉桂粉 Baking Soda 小苏打 Milk 牛奶 1 Egg 鸡蛋
Christmas is around the corner and on this occasion wouldn't it be great to make your own Gingerbread house with Candy? Well Yoyo, aged seven, was lucky enough to build her own house under the guide of chef Wayne Sun from the The Westin Qingdao. 圣诞节就要到了,在这个幸福的季节 里,在家用姜饼搭建一座属于自己的糖 果屋岂不是美呆了?!年龄仅仅只有7岁 的刘馨媛小朋友就幸运地得到了这样一 次机会,在青岛威斯汀酒店大厨孙严亭 的指导下,完成了自己的糖果屋作品。 20
540g 450g 100g 1200g 30g 20g 12g 20g 200g 1个
In a stock pot put water, sugar and honey. Bring to a boil then let it cool.
In a mixing bowl place all the dry ingredients and mix.
Add milk, egg and boiled water and knead well. 加入牛奶、鸡蛋和沸水,然后揉成面团。
Cut into the desired shape and place into a baking tray.
Squeeze cream on the edges to join the pieces together.
With a rolling pin roll the batter on a floured surface until desired thickness.
Bake in the oven at 185C for 20 minutes. 烤箱调成185度,预热后放入烤盘烤约20分钟。
Construct the gingerbread house with cream and decorate it with jellybeans.
Flying With Kids 带着孩子坐飞机 Here is what Cindy Post calls “9 Tips from The World’s Worst Parent”. 以下是Cindy的“不良父母的9大飞行秘籍”。
iving overseas means that long flights with little ones becomes an unavoidable reality. After 11 years of flying with kids at various ages, my strategy for a successful flight is simple – Survive. It’s really your only goal. If even one kid gets an hour’s worth of sleep, you can smilingly tell the relatives waiting on the other side that it was “a delightful flight and the kids managed beautifully”.
attendant, and she recommended that we offer a nice box of chocolates to the flight crew at the beginning of the flight. It’s a small gesture that communicates you are not at war with the flight crew. In return, mid-flight, when everyone else is starving, you will find extra bags of pretzels and full cans of Coke coming your way.
Here are my favourite tips for sanity and survival.
As parents, we have many daily opportunities to teach our children good habits and inspire them intellectually. However, the days we fly are likely not the days we are going to mold them into model citizens.
1. Shamelessly bribe the flight attendant My husband’s mother was a flight
2. Leave your perfect parenting at the Check-In
Remember, no one on-board will be judging you if you allow your child to play electronic games the whole time. They may, however, judge you if your child is running Olympic hurdles over the seats. Throw your limits on “screen time” out the window, plug them into the electronic babysitter and enjoy your flight. 3. Stack the deck in your favour Most families travelling together request to sit in a row, side-byside. Our family values sanity over togetherness. We request that my husband (or one of our kids) gets the seat immediately in front of my toddler. I’ve waved the white flag.
You must never awaken anyone for an airplane meal. The food is never worth the interruption. My kids rarely eat the airplane food. Even so, I try to pre-order the kids’ meals, as I often enjoy their ham sandwiches.
在飞机上,千万不要 为吃饭把人叫醒,因 为飞机餐可不值得。 我的孩子就很少吃飞 机上的食物。即便如 此,我会提前预定儿 童餐,因为儿童餐的 三明治要比成人餐里 夹着熟菜的要好。
I know he’s going to kick the seat in front of him. It just makes a world of difference when he’s violating the civil rights of his father, not a total stranger. 4. Less is more After carrying around an entire toy store for the first 5-6 years, I now simply throw a few meaningless McDonald’s toys into a bag and enjoy lighter luggage. The advantage of these cheap, uninspiring plastic toys is that I no longer have to perform contortionist acrobatics to find a favourite toy under the seat. Use them, lose them, and walk away unencumbered. 5. In Flight entertainment These days, for kids over the age of three there are plenty of options for entertaining your kids on board. At
most, older kids need to have something to get them through take-off and landing, when electronics are not an option. For the younger travelers, the airline actually provides a number of distractions that you don’t have to pack ahead of time. I find the seat-pocket magazine usually provides a chance to create stories, find all the animals, make up silly names for the people in the magazine, or whatever. Also, after you’ve bribed the flight attendant, you are well positioned to see if the airline provides a kid’s activity pack. 6. Eat right You must never awaken anyone for an airplane meal. The food is never worth the interruption. My kids rarely eat the airplane food. Even so, I try to pre-order the kids’ meals, as I often enjoy their ham sandwich-
es more than the adult version of over-cooked vegetables. I pack a few healthy snacks, ready for whenever they express hunger. I avoid sugary snacks, as I’ve found sugar-overdose leads to tummy-turbulence. Also, I usually syphon a roll from the un-eaten dinner plates. These rolls come in handy around hour 10, when it’s been hours since you’ve last seen a flight attendant. 7. Unpleasant Upheavals Sadly, one of our traveler’s often falls prey to airsickness. The mere smell of the airplane reminds him of indigestion. So, I carry a little bottle of nice-smelling lotion to distract his brain from the airplane smell. Of course, I have a generous supply of wet wipes, and clean clothes handy, just in case. 8. Divide and Conquer My husband and I have pre-determined roles we play when we fly. He manages all the ticketing, he lugs all the bags, and he handles any bodily disasters that require airsickness bags or a change of clothes. While he dozes-off, watching a movie, I distract our toddler and keep the two older boys from wrestle-mania. Having these pre-specified roles makes us less annoyed with each other, and we are generally still on speaking terms at the end of the flight. 9. Get ready for landing I approach days that we fly as “work days”. There is a beginning, and eventually an end. Your job is to get through the middle. And maybe, if you are lucky, you’ll actually get to watch a movie, which rarely happens during a regular workday. Remember, the goal is to survive, not to magically become Pinterest’s Parent of the Year. In reality, the key to successfully flying with kids is to have an “audience of one”. Focus on what your kids need and don’t get distracted by the potentially unfriendly stares of fellow passengers. Come prepared, and to the best of your ability, take the advice given by the flight attendant to “sit back, relax and enjoy your fight”.
My husband’s mother was a flight attendant, and she recommended that we offer a nice box of chocolates to the flight crew.
我的婆婆曾经是名空 姐,她就建议我在上飞 机的时候准备一盒美味 的巧克力贿赂空姐。
外定居意味着带小孩坐飞机不可 避免。11年间,我曾带着不同 年龄的孩子坐过飞机,可谓是见 过“各种风浪”。我的飞行策略 只有一条,那就是——活着就好!说真的,除 了这个,你还能期盼什么呢?就算只有一个孩 子睡了一小时,你也可以微笑着跟接机的亲戚 朋友说:“旅途很愉快,孩子们都很乖。” 接下来便是我的“防止精神错乱飞行生存 指南”: 1. 死皮赖脸地贿赂空姐 我的婆婆曾经是名空姐,她就建议我在上 飞机的时候准备一盒美味的巧克力贿赂空姐。 虽然只是一个很小的举动,却能很好地向空姐 空少们传达你不想给他们添麻烦的意思。作为 回报,在午夜梦回,大家都饥肠辘辘的时候, 你会发现自己可能会有饼干或是可乐送上门 来。 2. 家里的好规矩不用带上飞机 为人父母,很多时候都要严守一些原则, 以培养孩子良好的兴趣爱好,帮助他们成才。 然而,坐飞机可不同于在家里,需要培养守规 矩的好孩子。你要知道,飞机上的人可不在 乎你的孩子是不是不学无术,一直在玩电子游 戏。他们在乎的是,你的孩子是否在机舱里上 蹿下跳。所以,上了飞机就别管孩子是否一直 玩游戏,只要他们不捣蛋,就让他们尽情地玩 儿吧,你也落得个清净。 3. 让孩子骚扰自家人 很多全家出游的人喜欢坐在同一排相邻
的位置。但是,我们家却希望能尽量不叨扰到 别人。我一般要求我丈夫或是年长的孩子坐在 小朋友的前面,因为我已经放弃纠正他的想法 了,我知道他肯定会踢前面的椅子。既然他总 是要骚扰到别的乘客,那让他骚扰他爸爸吧, 这总比骚扰别人强。 4. 行李越少越好 开始5、6年,我总是带一整箱的玩具给 孩子们玩儿,现在不这样了,顶多带个麦当劳 送的小玩意儿上飞机,行李也是越少越好。这 样做的好处就是,这些玩具没什么特色,又便 宜又好带,弄丢了也不心疼;换做他最心爱的 玩具,弄丢了我还得爬到机舱的椅子缝儿里面 摸半天。孩子想玩儿的时候拿给他玩一会,不 想玩儿弄丢了也没关系。 5. 在飞机上找点乐子 现在,在飞机上随手都能给3岁以上的孩 子找点好玩的东西。对大孩子们来说,在飞机 起降的时候,是不能玩电子设备的,这时候需 要给他们找点事情做。飞机上的东西就足足够 用了,不需要提前准备。我发现飞机座位上的 杂志就是很好的素材,可以用来编故事,找 动物,或者是帮上面的人物取名字,怎么用都 行。还有,要是你向我前面说的那样贿赂好了 空乘人员,还有机会拿到飞机上专门给孩子玩 儿的东西呢。 6. 吃东西要注意 在飞机上,千万不要为了吃饭把人叫醒, 因为飞机餐可不值得。我的孩子就很少吃飞机 上的食物。即便如此,我也会提前预定儿童 餐,因为那里面的三明治要比成人餐里面夹着
煮熟的蔬菜的要好。我一般会自己带点小零食 在身上,保证孩子们饿了的时候有的吃。我通 常不会准备甜食,因为吃甜的东西孩子们容易 兴奋。还有,晚饭吃不完的话,我也会把它包 成卷,这样在10点多的时候会很有用。因为离 晚餐时间已经有好一会儿了,孩子们多半会有 饥饿的感觉。 7. 防止晕机 要知道坐飞机最怕晕机。飞机上的味道会 不时的让人反胃。所以,我都会随身带一瓶好 闻的润肤露来分散注意力。当然,我也会准备 湿纸巾和干净衣服,以备不时之需。 8. 分工明确 我丈夫和我通常都会提前协商好飞行期间 各自负责的工作。他负责机票和行李的安置, 以及身体突发情况。我呢,就负责在他睡觉和 看电影的时候看孩子。因为事先都有明确的分 工,所以我们在飞行过程中很少吵架,基本上 到最后都还是和和气气的。 9. 准备降落 我把坐飞机旅行的日子称为“工作日”它 有开始,也就有结束。任务就是把握过程。你 要是走运的话,看场电影就结束了。但这情况 发生的概率非常低。你要记住,你的首要任务 是活下来,不是入选模范妈妈。 事实上,带孩子坐飞机最关键的是“心中 有数”,你应该关注的是孩子,而不是陌生人 可能会投来的审视的目光。做好准备,尽力做 好它。就像登机的时候空姐说的那句话:“向 后坐,放松,享受旅途。”
My Chinese Birth Experience 我的在华生子记 They say every birth is different. Just like every person is different. So what it was like as a foreigner to have a baby in China, Jennifer Raskin shares her labor experience with you. 常言道,每个生命的诞生各具特色,就像每个个体也不尽相同。那么,在中国生产又会有什么不 同呢,听Jennifer讲诉她的在华产子经历吧。
hen my first daughter was born, she ruptured my water at 38 weeks; causing it to burst everywhere just like in the movies, which in actuality, is extremely rare. After nearly 24 hours of excruciating labor and my baby turning around inside me, I was sent in for an emergency C-section. For my second child, I was eligible for a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section) but I still chose to plan a C-section this time. Judge all you want but the success rate for VBAC
is about 63% (according to www., which meant I could very well still be stuck with another long, painful labor and then be sent in for another emergency C-section. We scheduled the C-section for July 24th and I figured that was that, until I started having Braxton Hicks contractions on July 14th. I knew it wasn't baby time because they kept disappearing when I'd get up and move around. They also came with no regularity or increase in frequency. The only thing that
ever remained the same was the duration of each contraction: just one minute. It was unpleasant and uncomfortable but before I could really complain, it would vanish. That night, I took a nice, hot shower and tried to relax. I figured my body was gearing up for the big moment and I should take it easy. I went to bed early but around 1am, I woke up to a contraction. And this one was very different. It was more painful than the others had been, but again, it only lasted one minute. I fell back asleep and thirty or so
minutes later, I felt the same thing. I thought about waking my husband but I wanted to be sure before I set us into pre-baby-panic-mode. So I watched the clock and noticed that my contractions were becoming regular. It was now 3am. I knew was that if we did go to the hospital right then, they'd only tell me to try to get some sleep first. So I tried to get some sleep in the comfort of our home. It was a futile attempt but my contractions only became 25 minutes apart and didn't increase in length or pain so I knew we had time. At 6am, I told my husband and he called the hospital to let our doctor know. We were told to start heading to the hospital as soon as we could. Once at the hospital, my husband was excited because our room was a lucky number in Chinese: 618. He said this was a very good sign. I just cried and cried because I was scared and excited all at once.
For the record, giving birth is horrible, but it’s worth every bit of pain and discomfort once you get to hold your baby in your arms.
我想说的是,生产的过程很可怕,但当你用胳 膊抱住自己的小宝贝的那一瞬间,你会发现, 一切的疼痛和不适都是值得的。
Soon, I’m taken to the operating room. It doesn’t help that I’ve never much liked hospitals. It also doesn’t help that I’m in a hospital in a different country and my Chinese language skills are dreadful. I beg to have my husband come in but my doctor was worried he might faint during the surgery. She speaks English fairly well and once she comes into the room, I feel safe and much less anxious. For the record, giving birth is horrible, but it’s worth every bit of pain and
There's a large canvas draped over the rest of my body. I can't see anything that is happening to me, which is a huge relief. I can only feel a slight little tugging. It doesn't hurt. It just feels very strange.
我身上盖了一块巨大的手术布,看不见手术刀在 身上飞舞对我来说成了一种莫大的安慰。我能感 到一丝丝的牵引,不疼,只是觉得很奇怪。 discomfort once you get to hold your baby in your arms. The epidural takes effect and I cannot feel my legs. They also have a mask ready in case I need to be knocked out completely. There's a large canvas draped over the rest of my body. I can't see anything that is happening to me, which is a huge relief. I can only feel a slight little tugging. It doesn't hurt. It just feels very strange. And suddenly, I heard a loud, wailing cry and realized that was my baby! When my first child was born, I was knocked out but I still remember hearing her first cry. For this child, I had been praying for another daughter. Now I ask them if it’s a girl and to my tremendous relief, it is. I begin to relax now. My baby is alive and well. They stitch me back up and then it was over. Out I went on a gurney to see my husband, overjoyed and crying with relief. In our room, I was moved into my bed and had my vital signs checked out yet again. I was told that I had to lay flat for six hours on this hard, awful hospital bed. But the good news was they were handing me my beautiful little baby. And that is how I became lucky enough to be a mom of two while living in China.
着我大女儿的时候,羊水居然 在待产的第38周破了,还像 电影场景般的四处飞溅。这种 情况在现实生活里其实极少发 生。经过大约一天一夜疼痛不堪的自然分娩 后,我又不得不进行了紧急剖腹产。
后,他马上又把情况反映给了医生,医生要 求我们尽快赶往医院。到了医院,得知我们 的病房号是颇被中国人喜爱的幸运数字618 后,丈夫就显得十分兴奋,说这是一个极好 的征兆。而又害怕又兴奋的我只是在一旁哭 个不停。
第二胎的时候,我本可以选择自然分 娩,但最终还是选了剖腹产。无论别人怎么 想,但剖腹产后自然分娩的成功率仅为63% (数据来源:,一 旦失败,我在经历完另一个漫长而疼痛不堪 的自然分娩后还要再做一次剖腹产。
我很快就被推进了手术室。要知道我一 直都不喜欢医院,加上现在的我还在异国他 乡的病床上躺着,说着蹩脚的中文,所以我 很害怕。我嚷嚷着希望我的丈夫能陪我一起 进去,但我的主治医生却担心他会在手术的 时候昏倒。好在医生的英语说得十分流利, 她进来后便给了不少安全感,我也不再那么 焦虑。我想说的是,生产的过程很可怕,但 当你用胳膊抱住自己的小宝贝的那一瞬间, 你会发现,一切的疼痛和不适都是值得的。
鉴于我在7月14号就开始假性宫缩, 我和家人便把剖腹产手术时间定在了7月24 号。我知道孩子还不会马上出生,因为宫缩 在我起床和到处走动的时候就停止了,并且 没有规律,频率也没有增加。但每次宫缩的 长短都是一致的,仅仅只有一分钟。这使我 心情不佳,身体也出现了不适。但每次我正 准备大吐苦水的时候,疼痛感就全无了。 临盆的那晚,我泡了个舒舒服服的热 水澡来让自己放松,也让身体为接下来的重 大时刻做好充分准备。 我早早地上了床, 但实际上那时已是凌晨1点来钟了。后来我 被一阵宫缩惊醒,这次的阵痛和以往大相径 庭,它更加猛烈,但却也只持续了1分钟, 之后我便昏昏沉沉地睡了过去,但在30来 分钟后又是一阵宫缩。我本想叫醒我的丈 夫,但又希望在我们全家进入生产备战状态 前确认好情况。我看着钟,发现我的宫缩开 始变得有规律起来。 凌晨3点的时候,我知道如果我们赶到 医院,他们也只会让我先睡一小会儿,我倒 宁愿让自己在温暖舒适的家中多睡一会儿。 我的宫缩变成每25分钟一次,很有规律, 所以我知道还不用着急。
麻醉针开始生效,我的双腿渐渐失去 了知觉。医生们也戴上了口罩以防我需要全 麻。我的身上盖了一块巨大的手术布,看不 见手术刀在身上飞舞对我来说也成了一种莫 大的安慰。我能感到一丝丝的牵引,不疼, 只是觉得很奇怪。 突然间,听到一声响亮的啼哭,我马上 意识到那是我最最亲爱的小宝贝!生第一胎 的时候,医生给我做了全麻,但她的第一声 啼哭我仍然记忆犹新。我曾经祈求这次降临 的会是一个小女孩,当我从他们口中得知确 实是时,我感到了前所未有的欣慰跟自豪。 现在的我终于可以放松了,我的小宝 贝活波可爱,发育良好。他们帮我缝好伤口 后,手术就结束了。在被推去去见我丈夫的 路上,我安心地喜极而泣。进入病房后我就 躺在了自己的病床上,又做了一次检查。医 生告诉我,我还需在这张硬邦邦又不怎么舒 服的病床上躺上6个小时才能回家。好消息 是,我可爱的小家伙可以一直陪着我。就这 样,我在中国生下第二个活泼可爱的孩子, 升级成了两个孩子的妈妈。
Hannah (Age 4) loves riding her bike and doing puzzles. Talkative and learning to share.
Judah (6 months) Loves kicking his legs and giggling. Cuddly and delighted to be talked to.
What is it like to have FIVE kids? 养娃五个难不难? Under the Chinese one-child policy, it is rare to see people raising two or more children in China. Olga Brimacombe talks about her experience of being a Mum of five. 在中国“独生子女”政策之下,很难看到养5个孩子的人家。现在Olga就将和大家分享一下养5 个孩子是什么样的感觉。
o, what’s it like to have five kids? How I answer this question depends on a lot of things: my mood, who is asking, how my kids are behaving at the time, how much sleep I’ve had, how much exercise I’ve gotten recently, if my kids’ socks match, if my socks match…I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I was going to say that the short answer is that it is fun, but actually, it’s
complicated, and there isn’t really a short answer to that question. It’s like asking a frog what it’s like to be a frog now and not a tadpole, or asking a butterfly what it’s like to no longer be a caterpillar and they, like me, don’t remember either. Being a mom of five is a vocation I’ve grown into and am continually growing into. For whatever reason, I have more and more trouble remembering and relating to my past (adult)
selves; especially my single self and my married-without-children self that I used to be. It seems these stages occurred a million years ago and at the same time only lasted a few minutes. Interestingly enough, I do remember more and more snippets from my own childhood however. But I have morphed into my present state and there isn’t any going back, even if I wanted to.
One thing I can say for sure is that at the end of any given day, no matter how the day went (mostly) I am very grateful for my job as Mom of many.
无论如何,我只想说, 不管日子过得怎么样, 每天结束的时候,我都 很庆幸能有他们陪伴在 我身边。 Elijah (AGE 9) Loves to run and read. Wiry and ready to wrestle. 喜欢读书和跑步,瘦而结实,喜欢摔跤。
Being a mom of five is a lot of work but it is not like it is precisely five times as much work as being a mom of one. Being a mom period is a lot of work, (I can hear the hearty agreement from my readers, thank you!). Thankfully, it is a gradual process. It’s not like one day I woke up and suddenly had five children to be responsible for. I had them one at a time, with a minimum of 23 months between births and the age span from oldest to youngest is nine years. This makes for a busy, bustling household no doubt. Another reason I can wake up and put a genuine smile on my face most days is because I have a house-helper. My ayi comes five days a week and is a real help to me in every way. She works her magic, infusing time, energy, and sanity into my life as well as providing a chance to converse face-to-face with another adult (albeit using my poor, limited Chinese, but this extrovert will take what she can get!). More affordable than therapy, I might add. In the past, I have felt sheepish about the fact that I had hired house-help especially when talking to other Canadians back home.
However, when my friend so astutely pointed out that a lot of westerners use the television or other screened device as a babysitter, I thought to myself, “How much better to have an ACTUAL human babysit my kids from time to time instead of some form of cold, unfeeling technology!” It was just the vindication I was waiting for. When I am out and about with my kids, there are certain questions I get asked a lot. I have replied with some of my more creative responses to them. Them: “Are these all YOUR kids?” Me: [turning to look at kids as if for first time] “No! [incredulous wide-eyed fear] Aaaghhhh! Where did they all come from?” “No, some random white kids of different ages just followed me home one day and since they were cute I decided to keep them.” “I think so…Wait! [talking to kids] Let me see your passports!”
“Let me count….1..2..3..4..5.yep, that’s all of them!” Them: “Aren’t you tired?” Me: “Well sure, but I’m better off tired than bored.” Them: “Does the government give you money when you have a child?” Me: “Yes, so having kids is a lot easier for me than going out and getting a regular job.” One thing I can say for sure is that at the end of any given day, no matter how the day went (mostly) I am very grateful for my job as Mom of many. Every single day is different and every single day is interesting. So if I’ve had a particularly difficult (okay, crappy) day, there is a 99.9% chance I will not have a repeat of that day. In how many other jobs can that be said? The kids are changing all the time and therefore I am too. I have to stay on my toes, rethinking, retraining, reframing my original method, thought or assumption and squeezing in all the naps I can in the meantime. Olga Brimacombe
“Yes and there are 2 at home still.”
PARENTING 人说说话(尽管我的汉语很糟糕,但还是 可以沟通的)。比起花大把银子去看心理 医生,这的确是实惠多了。 过去,对于雇佣保姆这件事我总是难 以启齿,尤其是和我远在加拿大的朋友们 聊天的时候。后来朋友们告诉我现在很多 西方人用电视或者其它屏幕设备来照看孩 子,我不禁在想,“有个真正的保姆时不 时地陪伴在孩子左右,而不是冰冷、没有 人气的所谓高科技,是件多么幸运的事情 啊。”这说明我请保姆其实是请对了。 当我和孩子们一起出去时,经常被问 到各样的问题。在这里给大家整理了几个 放在下面,当然还附有我机敏的回答喔! 问题1:这些全都是你的孩子吗? 回答1:当然不是,我老公也有份! 回答2:(望向这些孩子们好像第一 次看到他们一样)当然不是!(做惊恐质 疑装)天哪!他们从哪里钻出来的?
Dana (age 7) Loves to jump and do crafts. Dependable and raring to help.
Matteo (Age 2) Loves riding his scooter and pointing at buses and airplanes. Pensive and willing to be read to.raring to help. 喜欢滑
It’s not like one day I woke up and suddenly had five children to be responsible for.
五个孩子到底是什么感觉?如果 现在让我回答这个问题的话,我 不能马上给出答案,因为这得视 情况而定:比如,我现在的心情 如何,谁问的我这个问题,孩子们现在的表现 如何,我的睡眠够不够,我最近有没有运动, 我的发型有没有乱,我和孩子们的袜子是不是 成双的…其实我还可以继续说下去,不过不用 我说,你应该也已经能够想象出那些场景了。 好吧,简单来说,还可以,不过这件事 的确是比较复杂,不能用简单几句话来概括养 五个孩子的感受。就好比你问一只青蛙,现在 不做蝌蚪,感受如何?问一只蝴蝶,现在不做 毛毛虫,请发表感言。毫无疑问,它们会像我 一样一时语塞,因为我根本记不住为人母之前 的那些日子了。养五个孩子的经历的确让我成 长了不少,而且我会一直成长下去。不知为什 么,有孩子之前的那些日子对于来说越来越模 糊,尤其是单身以及二人世界的时候。这些日 子像是已经过去了很久,在我的人生旅途中仿
佛如几秒钟般短暂。然而,有趣的是,虽然我 的童年时光更加久远,但我仍能记起些片段。 既然选择这条路,不管我多想重来一遍,也再 没有返回的余地了。 养五个孩子的任务量其实并不是养一个孩 子的五倍那么多。做母亲的日子的确是工作繁 多(感谢读者们的支持,我已经听到你们的发 自内心的赞同之声了!),好在这是一个循序 渐进的过程,工作会越来越多,并不是一下子 全压到你的肩膀上。所以并不必害怕早上一睁 眼就有五个孩子嗷嗷待哺。我一次生一个,两 个孩子最短的时间间隔也要23个月,五个孩子 中老大和老小相差9岁之多。但五个孩子的家 务活让我一刻不得闲。 我之所以现在能够在每天起床时不至于一 脸愁容还得益于我有一个保姆分担家务活。她 每周工作5天,对我来说的确是帮了大忙。她 时间充裕、精力充沛、头脑清醒,让我的生活 变得轻松起来。另外,她还能让我能有个成年
问题2:这些全都是你的孩子吗? 回答1:不是的,这些白人娃子们大 大小小的都跟到我家门口,我看他们也挺 可爱的,就心想,算了,一块养着吧! 回答2:我觉得应该是吧…等等!( 转身对孩子们说)把你们的护照拿来给我 瞅瞅! 问题3:这些全都是你的孩子吗? 回答1:是啊!家里还有俩呢! 回答2: 这样,让我数数,… 数对了!都在这里了! 问题4:你不觉得累么? 回答1:当然累,但比起无聊来,忙 点儿也挺好的。 回答2:的确很累。但是你生活不累 吗?累不累和有几个孩子没啥关系。 问题5:你生孩子政府给不给补贴? 回答1:会的。所以说生孩子比出去 找个工作要合算多了! 回答2:是的。在加拿大当个妈妈可 是要花费政府不少钱的! 无论如何,我只想说,不管日子过得 怎么样,每天结束的时候,我都很庆幸能 有他们陪伴在我身边。我的每一天都是完 全不同的,我也享受着每天他们带给我的 乐趣。这样一来,如果我真的要过极其困 难的(好吧,糟糕的)一天,我也可以确 定这天绝不会再次重演。身在各行各业的 人们,你们又有谁敢说出这样的话呢?孩 子们一天天渐渐长大,我也跟随着他们的 脚步慢慢老去。但我仍然需要为了孩子们 坚强地走下去,不断重新思考、提炼、规 划我的教育方法和理念,另外,在闲暇之 余,偷个小懒,打个盹儿也成了件十分幸 福的事情。
After a long week of work, people feel so tired and exhausted. And when they arrive home, they often only have the prospect of another busy week ahead of them to look forward to. So is there any way to relax and refresh in such a short time? Yes there is! As Christina Cao discovered, nothing is more relaxing than a good spa.” 漫长的一周工作过后,人们往往是身心疲惫。 有没有一种方法,可以让人很快从这种疲累中 恢复过来?当然,Christina就发现,“没有什 么比一次舒爽的水疗更让人放松的了。”
A Gentle Touch of Heaven 来自天堂的温柔触摸
can still recall my massage on the day. The soft hands of the masseuse were as gentle as a mother’s caress. The rose essential oil smelled like fresh flowers in the forest, making me fall into a deep sleep without even noticing. I dreamt about blue sky, marshmallow-like clouds and grassland on which I was running happily with my family and friends. It was such a sweet dream and I was completely relaxed after the session. That is what I call “The magic of spa”, it brings you peace and tranquility when you are exhausted both inside and out. The best masseuse will discover your sore muscles and release their tension for you quickly and efficiently. Their hands can be as gentle as a touch from your beloved ones, and as tough as chef rolling bread dough. Both ways can be relaxing for your body. During the massage, your body experiences both comfort and pain at the same time, while your mind can relax in the peaceful environment. Afterwards your body and its senses will be as refreshed as when you first discovered them as a child.
Here at the spa room of the Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel the same touch that I felt on that day is also available for you to experience. So be good to yourself, leave your problems behind and enjoy the gentle ministrations of the masseuse and you too will feel like you’ve had a gentle touch of heaven.
今我仍然记得那天的水疗,理 疗师柔软的双手就像母亲的抚 摸。弥漫在水疗室的玫瑰精油 闻起来就像丛林里新鲜的花 香,让我在不知不觉中沉沉睡去。我梦见蓝 天白云,绿草茵茵,我和家人朋友在草地上 愉快地追逐玩耍。那梦境如此美妙,在醒来
的时候,我感到了从未有过的轻松。 这就是“水疗的魔力”,它给身心俱疲 的你带来平静。好的理疗师能发现你酸疼的 肌肉,迅速释放你身体的压力。她们灵巧的 双手,有时候柔软地像是爱人的抚摸,有时 候又力道十足,像大厨揉弄面团时一样张弛 有度。刚与柔的结合,能让你的身体得到彻 底地放松。水疗过程中,你的身体能感受到 舒适和痛苦并存的交错体验,而精神则在静 谧的环境里归于平和。水疗过后,你会发现 自己身与心都得以焕然重生。 在青岛李沧绿城喜来登酒店的水疗室, 你也可以体验到我经历的一切。今天,对自 己好一点,去哪里感受下理疗师温柔的触 碰,你会发现自己已然身在天堂。
Thorpe Family Cambodian Adventure 索普一家的 柬埔寨之旅 In April this year the Thorpe Family planned a family trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Despite the challenges of travelling with two young children they were still keen to go and explore this exotic city. 今年三月份,索普一家计划着去柬埔寨的暹粒 来一场家庭旅行。虽然当时并不确定带着两个 年幼的孩子旅行会是什么样,但最终他们还是 踏上了旅程……
e arrived at the airport and were met by a kind and welcoming driver that had been arranged by our Bed and Breakfast. We were also pleasantly surprised when we exited the airport and were led immediately to a waiting tuk tuk. Our Cambodian adventure was already off to a great start! After a bumpy but exhilarating tuk tuk ride through town we arrived at The Rose Apple Bed and Breakfast, a clean and quiet reprieve from the chaotic streets of Siem Reap. Knowing we had a lot to see and only a few days to do so, we got started bright and early the next day. Our Bed and Breakfast owners recommended that we buy a three-day pass to visit the temples. I’ll admit I was a bit naïve when it came to the temples around Siem Reap and questioned if we really needed a three-day pass. Is there really that much to see? Won’t my kids die of boredom? Well the answer is yes… and no. Yes, there really is that much to see, and no, your kids will not die of boredom. Why you ask? Because the temples are vast and varied beyond your imagination. So off we went, with a three-day pass in hand and our trusty tuk tuk driver who chauffeured us around
and also acted as our tour guide for the week. Not realizing the vastness of the temple area, I was surprised when we zipped past temple after temple, and I was downright shocked when our driver merely slowed down to point out Angkor Wat. What!? Isn’t that what we were here to see? He quickly explained that Angkor Wat is merely the most famous of the many temples that make up Angkor. As we continued on we were utterly amazed at all that we saw. Each and every one of the temples we visited were awe inspiring and completely different from one another. We couldn’t help but feel like we were in an Indiana Jones-like adventure, and the boys absolutely loved exploring the maze of corridors and playing amongst the ruins and gnarled, ancient trees. Trying to describe the temples in detail would be an entire article itself but a few of our favourites were; The Bayon where 216 enormous faces peer out at you from every direction, Ta Prohm where centuries old trees vie with the ruins to survive, often growing over, through and beyond the temples themselves, and of course the splendid and remarkably well preserved Angkor Wat with its 190m wide moat and multiple towers reaching up to touch the sky. Aside from the temples, an abso-
lute highlight of our trip was a “Day in the Life” tour we participated in, which promotes sustainability and education in rural Cambodian villages. Our first stop on the tour was a village about an hour outside of Siem Reap where we spent time with a family who taught us how to weave palm fronds for the walls of their outdoor kitchen, all the while learning about daily life in the village. To this day I am not sure what was more fascinating to me - seeing my 5 year old happily weaving palm fronds in the midday sun or watching my 3 year old excitedly play hide-andseek with a little boy with whom he had never before met and shared no common language or culture with. Next we moved on to another family, stopping along the way at a local market to buy items for our lunch, where we helped a lovely mother and her grown daughter prepare an absolutely divine meal complete with freshly fried fish cakes (with sugar cane handles!) and a chicken and vegetable curry that was indescribably tasty. From here we visited a rural school which offers education to all and any village children free of charge. Ingeniously, the school walls are built of discarded plastic water bottles filled with recycled non-organic garbage
collected from the nearby littered fields, an immense problem in Cambodia. As if that weren’t enough, onsite was also a sewing room where local women could sew and sell stuffed animals at fair trade prices as an alternative to the far too prevalent sex trade industry that occurs in many South East Asian countries. I could go on and on about how much I enjoyed this tour and the respect I have for the NGO that organizes it, so please visit for more information. All in all we loved our trip to Cambodia. The people, the food, the culture, the landscape, the temples and the tour were all beautiful and amazing experiences. So, can you do Cambodia with young children? Yes you can. And you should.
们一抵达机场便有旅馆安排的司 机过来接机。随后,他领我们 出了机场,来到一辆嘟嘟车旁 边,看到这样的交通工具,我 们又惊又喜。看来我们的柬埔寨探险之旅开 局不错!虽然路途颠簸,但乘坐嘟嘟车的经 历却让人感觉十分愉快,不久我们遍抵达目 的地——玫瑰苹果旅馆。比起暹粒的嘈杂街 道,这里安静整洁,算是偷得片刻闲适了。 我们深知这趟旅行时间比较紧张,需要 在短时间内游览很多地方。因此,第二天天 一亮我们便起身出发。旅馆老板建议我们买 一张为期三天的票。对于庙宇这些东西,我 承认当时自己的确是有点儿无知,心里一直 在盘算着,不就是一些庙宇么,需要用三天 时间看完吗?我的孩子会不会无聊死啊?答 案是肯定的...也是否定的。肯定的是的确会有 很多东西值得一看,否定的是你的孩子们不 会无聊死。你肯定会问为什么?因为这些庙 宇的规模之大、种类之多完全超乎想象。 手里拿着三天联票,乘着嘟嘟车,便开 启了庙宇观光之旅。嘟嘟车司机不仅负责开 车,还充当整周旅行的向导。由于之前没有
预料到这片庙宇区是如此之大,所以当嘟嘟 车从一座又一座庙宇开过之后,我感到十分 惊讶。当嘟嘟车司机只是减速并把吴哥窟指 给我看的时候,我更是震惊了,搞什么?这 就是我们此行游览的重要景点吴哥窟吗?他 赶快向我解释道,吴哥窟只是整个吴哥城中 众多庙宇中最著名的一座而已。随着嘟嘟车 的继续前进,我们被一波又一波的景象完全 折服。每座庙宇都让人肃然起敬,而且各具 特色,不会重样儿。我们不禁感觉自己仿佛 来了趟“夺宝奇兵”般的探险之旅,男孩们 在走廊组成的迷宫中探险,在古树、废墟中 嬉戏,玩得不亦乐乎。想要把所有的庙宇都 详细介绍一遍就够写篇大文章了,所以在这 里简单列举我们最喜欢的几座庙宇。巴戎寺 里你会看到有216张巨大的脸从各个角度注 视着你;塔布隆寺中则是百年老树的生长之 地,树枝盘绕在残垣破壁之间,趁势而出, 越过庙宇,一直延伸到庙宇之外。当然还有 名声在外的吴哥窟,这里的一切都完好保 存,护城河有190多米宽,整座寺庙层层叠叠 直入天际。 除了这些寺庙之外,我们此次旅行的亮 点还在于参加了一次名为“生命中的一天” 的项目,此项目旨在推动柬埔寨农村的可持 续发展以及教育水平的提升。我们的首站是 距暹粒城约一小时车程的一个小村子。在那 里我们和当地的一户人家度过了一段美好的 时光,他们教我们如何把棕榈树叶编织成 墙,然后在院子里搭建出一个厨房。我们一 整天都在体验当地人的生活。那一天,看着 我5岁的孩子在炎炎烈日下满心欢喜地编织着 棕榈叶;而3岁的孩子则和他之前从没见过,
甚至语言都不通、文化背景不同的小男孩能 开心地玩捉迷藏。那时,我就在想,还有比 这更令人欣慰的事情吗? 之后,我们去了另一户人家,途中停下 到当地一家超市买了些午餐用的食材。抵达 那户人家之后,我们和可爱的女主人以及她 的女儿一起做了一顿圣餐,有鸡肉、鲜炸鱼 蛋糕(还有糖棍儿!)以及无比美味的咖喱 蔬菜。 在那里,我们还访问了一所当地的学 校,任何来自农村的孩子都可以免费在这里 就读。学校别出心裁地用遗弃的塑料水瓶建 成校墙,水瓶里填充着从附近垃圾场搜集来 的垃圾,这样也算是减轻了柬埔寨垃圾泛滥 的问题。如果你还没看过瘾的话,这里还有 一个缝纫房,当地妇女们可以在这里制作毛 绒玩具,然后把它们卖出去用以维持生计, 这比在东南亚国家十分盛行的卖淫交易要圣 洁得多了。我非常喜欢这个非政府组织以及 他们组织的这个项目。如果对此感兴趣,读 者朋友可以登录他们的网站获取更多信息。 (网址 ) 总而言之,我们对于这场柬埔寨之旅十 分满意。这里的人们、食物、文化、景观、 庙宇以及我们向导都让这场美丽的奇幻之旅 中十分难忘。那么,还是那个问题:能不能 带孩子去柬埔寨旅行呢?答案当然是肯定 的,而且我强烈建议你去一趟!
Early Treatment ? 早期矫治 的目的和意义 Dr. Olive @ Gentle Dental
Early treatment ? what is the significance? t is often said that tooth extraction can be avoided if treatment is started early. It is not impossible to align all erupted teeth with modern orthodontic appliances. The main goal here is to align all teeth. However, there may be little consideration whatsoever to facial esthetics, harmony between the joints and tooth fit, periodontal harmony, functional occlusion or dental esthetics. This would likely lead to a poor prognosis. What happens afterwards is more important. Indications for early treatment include 1) increasing difficulty of treatment with time and 2) increasing stress on chewing function, particularly the TMJs (Temporo Mandibular Joints), if left untreated.
早期治疗? 有什么意义? 很多人认为早期治疗可以避免以后拔 牙,其实早期治疗的意义并不是为了 避免拔牙,因为现代正畸技术几乎能 将所有冒出的牙排列整齐—不拔牙也 可以。但是,不拔牙并不是矫正牙齿 的目的。因为如果为了不拔牙而排齐 所有的牙齿,就会忽略面型和美观, 关节和牙齿咬合的和谐,牙周健康以 及功能咬合等,会导致预后不良。所 以适合早期治疗的情况如下:1)预 估到病情会恶化,会增加以后治疗的 难度;2)如果不治疗,咀嚼功能尤 其是关节的损害会日益加重。
Unstable bite 不稳定的咬合
In some patients, the transverse dimensions of the upper and lower posterior segments are uncoordinated, the upper and lower midlines are off, and the mandible is deviated to one side in the frontal view. One cause of this problem is the teeth that are tipped lingually (towards the tongue) or buccally (towards the cheek). Another cause is a discrepancy in size between the upper and lower arches, causing the mandible to deviate to one side upon closure. Recent data also suggests mandibular deviation towards the side with disc displacement. When these problems exist, treatment should be initiated early to reduce stress on the TMJs and prevent underdevelopment of the mandible. 有些患者的上下后牙段宽度不调,中线不 对齐,下颌偏向一侧。导致此情况的原因之一 是牙颊或舌倾。另一个原因则是上下牙弓宽度 不调,导致咬合时,下颌移向一侧。最近的研 究表明下颌会移向关节盘移位的那一侧。如果 有这样的问题,需要早期治疗以减轻关节负重 从而预防下颌发育不足。
Underdevelopment of the maxilla 上颌发育不足
The mandible is forced into an anterior crossbite because of the position of the anterior teeth. The patient with this dental condition has to shift the jaw to bring the teeth together, increasing stress on the TMJs. It also inhibits maxillary growth. The maxilla is through growing earlier than the mandible. This necessitates early intervention since treatment at a later stage would make the guidance of maxillary growth difficult.
This type of treatment temporarily causes instability of jaw position, so it is necessary to avoid overloading of the TMJs with the use of a splint. 前牙的位置不对容易导致前牙反颌。这 样患者不得不前移下颌让牙齿咬在一起,不仅 加剧了关节的负担,也抑制了上颌的发育。上 颌发育比下颌结束的要早。因此上颌须早期干 预,如果晚的话,很难引导上颌发育。而且这 种临时的治疗也会导致颌位的不稳定,因此有 必要用splint来避免关节的负荷过重。
Open bite
Open bite may cause wear of the posterior teeth and parafunction. It needs treatment before the joints become overstressed. 开式咬合会导致后牙的磨耗,影响下颌的 咬合功能。因此,患者需要在关节过度负荷之 前接受治疗。
Extreme Overjet 门牙严重前突
Severely protruded upper anterior teeth are susceptible to trauma. Since many of these cases have discrepancies in the joints, excessive stress is exerted on the joint structures during function. 严重前突的门牙很容易受到外伤。而且很 多这样的病例关节多有不调,下颌运动时关节 结构负荷过度。
Rudolf Popsicle Sticks 冰棒棍做出鲁道夫
Items you will need
he teachers from YCIS helped and guided their students to make cute Rudolfs with Popsicle sticks. Let's see how they did it!
所需材料: • • • •
来自青岛耀中国际 学校的小朋友在老师的 帮助下,用冰棒棍做出 可爱的鲁道夫,大家一 起来学习下吧!
3 popsicle sticks 2 wiggle eyes (or white stickers) 1 small red pom pom (or red sticker) Craft tacky glue or white school glue
• • • •
3支冰棒棍 两只眼睛 (或者白色粘贴) 一个小的红色塑料条(或红色粘贴) 手工胶水贴或白色胶棒
Glue the first two Popsicle sticks in a V shape.
Glue the third popsicle stick to close the V and make a triangle, but do this about an inch down from the top so the tops of the V stick up (like antlers) and the sides of the third popsicle stick stick out (like ears).
将两只冰棒棍黏贴 成V形。
将第三根冰棒棍黏在V形的顶端,形 成三角形。但要确保离V形顶端向下一寸 (像鹿角)这样第三根冰棒棍的两段延伸 到了V形外(像耳朵).
Glue wiggly eyes onto either side of the V just under the third popsicle sticks. 将眼睛黏贴到V形状 的两边(在第三根冰棒棍 的下方)。
Poinsettia Paper Plates 一品红纸盘工艺 3.
Let it dry. 放置晾干。
Materials 所需材料:
green cardboard 绿
• • • • • •
red paint 红色颜料 paint brush 油漆刷 glue 胶水 scissors 剪刀 pencil 铅笔 Optional (可选): yellow construction
Paint one hand using the red paint.
Cut out. 沿着手掌印边缘剪下。
Glue them in circles around the plate.
paper, felt or pom poms
• 黄色磨砂纸,毛毡或彩色 塑料条
Optional (可选): gold or silver glitter or glitter glue 金色/银色 闪粉或闪粉胶水
Using yellow construction paper, pom poms, felt or glitter make a circular center to your poinsettia.
用黄色磨砂纸,彩色塑料 条,毛毡或闪粉胶为一品 红做一个立体的圆心吧。
把一只手涂上 红色油漆或是 颜料。
Use your painted hand to stamp the green cardboard in a circular direction.
用沾有颜料的手在 绿色卡纸上呈环形 按压。
A Chinese Proverb 中国谚语
Principle Mori Hidetoshi from Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao talks about his passion for Chinese characters. 青岛日美外语专修学校校长森豪利先 生和大家谈一谈他对中国汉字及谚语 的喜爱。
very single Chinese character is a unique work of art with the structure of each character formed with six basic strokes. They are, Heng (horizontal stroke), Shu (vertical stroke), Pie (curved stroke), Zhe (angular stroke) and Gou (hooked stroke). These simple strokes give Chinese characters their unique meaning and charm. Other than China, Japan is the only other country that uses Chinese characters as part of its national language. Chinese characters date back as far as 1300B.C and the evolution of characters has helped develop the language we know today. I’m personally fond of Chinese proverbs and in the near future I hope I could share some of my life experiences here with the help of some ancient Chinese proverbs. Now I’d like to share one such proverb that I believe is still relevant today. It takes ten years for an acorn to grow into a tree, but a hundred years to raise a responsible generation. This proverb comes from Quanxiu written by Guan Zhong, a great thinker in the early ages of the Spring and Autumn Period (770B.C.476B.C.). It tells us that if you want to harvest wheat then you need to plant your grain one year in advance. If you want to harvest fruit then you need to plant your tree ten years in advance. If you want to raise a
responsible generation then it will take a hundred years. This helps us to realize the importance and value of proficient people. Also when it comes to education we really need to prepare for a long-term plan. Human beings are a crucial element for developing a society, from the family unit to a great country. If a country has plenty of well-educated people, then there is little doubt that this will lay the foundation for a flourishing country. By the same token, if a society lacks educated people then it will have little chance to develop into something great. Takeda Shingen (1521-1573), the great general from the Japanese Warring State Period, said “Man is the city, wall and moat.” (From the Kōyō Gunkan) In the time of rebellion and when family members were turning on each other, General Shingen had already realized the importance of man. The establishment of any greatness is inseparable from its “people”. It is not far to say, who firstly recognizes “The importance of developing proficient generation.” will reap greatness in the future.
一个汉字都是一件独立的艺术 品。看似简单的“横、竖、撇、 折、钩”,组成一个个方块儿体, 具有各自独特的意义和魅力。 除了中文以外,大概就只有日语中还保留着 汉字。
汉字最早可以追溯到公元前1300年。自 诞生以来,汉字经历各时代的不断演变,陶成 精品,冶成箴言,最终形成了简洁、精辟的语 言形式——谚语。我个人对这种简短精悍的文 字情有独钟,以后会在这个专栏里,通过对成 语的讲解,分享人生经验和感悟。 “十年树木,百年树人。” 此成语出自管子《权修》的“一年之 计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身 之计,莫如树人”。意思是“如果计划1年内 收获,就种植谷物;如果计划10年内收获, 就培育大树;如果有100年的规划,就培养人 才”。就是说“谷物从播种、培育到收获仅需 要1年的时间;把小树苗培植成参天大树需要 10年的时间,而要把一个人培养成栋梁之才则 需要100年之久。”可见,培养人才是长久之 计,并非一朝一夕就可完成的易事。花费100 年的时间才能育得人才,足见人才的重要性。 小到家庭, 大到国家和社会,“人”都 是最基本的单位。一个人才济济的国家必然 会繁荣富强,反之,一个人才匮乏的国家毫 无疑问会走向衰落。 日本战国时代的武将—武田信玄 (1521-1573)说过“人是一座城,人是 一面石垣,人是一条护城河(出自『甲阳军 鉴』品第三十九)”。在那个臣民叛乱、亲 族间反目成仇的混乱年代,只差一步就取 得“天下统一”的名将——信玄,就已经认 识到“人”的重要性了。 任何伟大功绩的建立都离不开“人”。 可以毫不夸张地说,谁能先认识到“培养人 才的重要性”谁就能紧紧握住开启各个领域 成功之门的“钥匙”。
中文:芦亚凤 英语:曹毅 / Jenay
Ideological Shifts in Chinese Education and Development of the Western “Ego” 中国教育观念的转变和日渐崛起的 西式“自我”思维 There is a growing trend where established international schools are taking on more and more Chinese students. Sarah Gillette investigated this phenomenon and discovered the western influence behind it..
越来越多的国际学校落户中国并接收中国学生就读,已然成为一种流行趋势。Sarah研究了这项 趋势,发现这其中蕴含着中国教育观念的转变和西式教育的影响。
he historical importance of education in China is long-standing and deeply rooted. After all, China is the home of Confucius and Mencius, recognized as some of the world’s greatest teachers. We know with some certainty that an official state-wide institute of education was officially established during the Han dynasty around 124 BC. Back then, Confucian education was the end-all, be-all in Chinese education and it offered a path of upward mobility to anyone who could pass the civil service examinations, no matter their background. And so it went until China hit a bump and like a sudden blip in the screen, an interesting circumstance that placed the late twenty-some-
thing new Chinese parent into a uniquely awkward situation. Out of the current generation of Chinese grandparents, only a handful would have had the opportunity to go to university. In fact, from 1966-1976 it was impossible to attend university and institutions of lower and higher learning alike were forced to shut down. In 1977, the Gao Kao finally returned and by 1978 Zhou En Lai’s “Four Modernizations” were finally realized through Deng Xiao Ping’s process of opening and reforming the country. And so, education once again came to the forefront of Chinese society. But its purpose had evolved very little over the centuries and still focused on rote memoriza tion, examinations, and scores. But the pressure to study was on again, and
this time it was more important than ever as parents realized the preciousness of the opportunity to study. Since the return of the Gao Kao in 1977, the number of people graduating with undergraduate and specialized degrees in China, as illustrated in the graphs, has skyrocketed. And by 2020, the Chinese government expects to have a total of 195 million college graduates in the labor force. The result of this dramatic increase in an educated workforce has not been surprising. It has caused higher unemployment rates and lower wages for Chinese grads as they rapidly exceed demand. As a result, many graduates and “ant people” feel dissatisfied with their plight, and beginning around 2010, when this generation began having their own children, the emphasis in education rapidly began shifting from emphasis on examina-
ing, and character development. For example, placating a crying toddler with a new toy or a piece of candy may stop the behavior momentarily, and it may save you some face in a public place, but what it does even more is construct a far more serious and longterm problem of solving emotional or physical pain with material objects. Later on in the child’s life they may experience problems with emotional eating or materialism. Therefore, although we should respect the child wishes, but we must also guide and train them.
tions to more concern about the child’s happiness and freewill in learning. That’s where we come in. Western education is recognized in China, sometimes falsely, as a laid-back fun approach to learning where kids sit on the floor and high-five their teachers while playing waste bin basketball. However, it still remains that there is a giant disconnect between the current generation of new parents and their own parents. A huge portion of the generation that was born during the 1980s was pressured, pushed, and prodded into university, their parents dragging them every inch of the way. For them, class never ended when the school bell rang at the end of a very long day. There were cram classes late into the evening and even all day on the weekends.
Now that they have graduated, they feel as though their childhood was wasted being unhappy, forced into subjects or jobs that they didn’t like. And now, as many of them can’t even find work, they feel that perhaps none of it was even worth it at all. And for their own children’s sake, they want education to be different. They want their children to be happy and independent but to also learn, and to discover on their own terms. But this is a concept that is literally foreign and in direct conflict with these new grandparents notions of parenting, education, and discipline. Of course, this new style of education also has its drawbacks. Some misunderstanding of western education is that happiness overrules training and development of the self. Short-term happiness seems to supersede longterm goals of self-reliance, self-sooth-
Western education taught outside of its pure form, is also being mixed with aspects of Chinese culture. Confucian thought still rules the roost in terms of knowing ones role within the family and society. In fact, filial piety may keep many new parents from stepping out on the ledge of collectivist thought and letting their children develop as an independent unit, without being defined by her family or society. However, as standards of living, access to education and information increase there will be more and more willing to take that leap into the western world of “ego”. There is no doubt that China is changing. It’s changing in so many ways and so rapidly that most of us, including many Chinese, don’t even know what to make of it. But one thing is sure. Whether for better or for worse, Chinese youths are going to have the option to experience the same kind of childhood life and education that their Western peers do, and to no lesser standard.
As standards of living, access to education and information increase there will be more and more willing to take that leap into the western world of “ego”. 随着生活水平的提高,人 们能接触教育的渠道更 广、信息量更大,因而比 较容易接受西方的 “自 我”教育思维。
古至今,中国人都十分地重视教 育,教育事业可谓是源远流长, 根深蒂固。毕竟,作为孔孟故乡 的中国,曾诞生过很多世界闻名 的优秀老师。 公元前124年,尚处在汉朝时期的中国就 建立了全国性的教育组织——太学。 在那时,儒学是教育的核心,检验学习 效果的科举制度也为各个阶层的人考取功名 铺设了道路。 教育思维就这样沿袭下来,直到受到 新世界的冲击。当今的局势让二十几岁的年 轻父母开始不知所措。这一辈的中国祖父母 们,只有很少的一部分上过大学。1966年至 1976年间,所有的中国高等学府都被叫停, 上大学可以说是几乎不可能的。 1977年,中国恢复了高考制度。在邓小 平倡导的改革开放的大环境下,周恩来提出 的“四个现代化”也渐渐地被人们所熟知。 与此同时,教育再次进入中国人的视 线,成为社会热议的话题。虽然,教育的 目的就之前来说有所进步,但教育方式却还 是以死记硬背和考试为主。与教育受重视并 行的,是学生日益增长的学习压力。由于中 国父母比以往更加珍视这来之不易的教育机 会,所以,孩子们所受的压力也是空前的。 从1977年恢复高考以来,中国的大学和 专科的毕业生人数飞速增长(如图所示)。 截止到2020年,中国政府预计将有1.95亿大 学毕业生进入劳动力市场。
去信心, 有的甚至沦为“蚁族”。2010年伊 始,这一批毕业生也开始结婚生子。他们的 教育观念开始从一味的追求分数转向关心孩 子的学习兴趣和爱好。 这也是为什么西方教育能够进入中国。 在中国,越来越多的人开始知道西方教育, 虽然有时候也难免会有些偏差。比如,有人 就认为西方教育比较散漫,孩子可以坐在地 上一边玩垃圾桶一边和老师互动。 然而,当代的年轻父母和自己的长辈之 间,仍然存在教育思维上的巨大鸿沟。80后 的孩子在父母的逼迫下走进了大学,事业生 活都是父母安排好的。对他们而言,上课永 远没有尽头,就算是上了一天的课放学后, 还是要背着书包赶往补习班去上课,就连周 末也是在补习班度过。 现在,80后的孩子都已经毕业。对他们 而言,整个童年都是不开心的,他们被迫学 习各种不喜欢的科目,从事着自己不热爱的 工作。很多人甚至都找不到工作,因为他们 瞧不起那些工作。 在他们看来,自己的孩子一定不能像自 己一样,他们需要接受不同的教育。他们希 望孩子能够开心地成长,有独立意识,会学
习有主见。但是这种西式的教育观点和老一 辈的截然不同,因而很容易在育儿、教育以 及管教孩子上和祖父母们发生直接冲突。 当然,这种新式的教育方式本身也有它 的缺点。很多人对西式教育有误解,认为我 们只重视玩乐而不强调学生的训练和自我发 展。认为我们用短期的愉悦来换取长期的自 我约束和性格塑造。 例如,面对哭闹的孩子,给他一个玩具 或是糖果可以马上让他停止哭泣,也可以让 你在公共场合挽回颜面,但是却有可能对于 孩子长期的情绪处理产生不良影响。孩子后 来可能会因此借食物和物品来逃避自己的情 感问题。所以,尽管我们需要照顾孩子的情 绪,但还是应该积极地引导和训练他们。 在中国,西方的教育也不再纯粹,更多 是和中国文化相结合起来。而在儒家文化扎 根的中国,人们对自己在家庭社会中的角色 把握仍然十分清楚。事实上,受到孝道的熏 陶,这些年轻的父母也难免会受到长辈的影 响,在教育孩子时注重培养其在家庭和社会 中的角色,而不是培养孩子的独立意识。 然而,随着生活水平的提高,人们能接 触教育的渠道更广,了解的信息量更大,因 而比较容易接受西方的“自我”教育思维。 毫无疑问,中国正在改变,这种改变涉 及的方面之广,速度之快,让始料未及。就 连中国人也对此感到困惑,不知如何是好。 不过,有一点可以确定,无论是好是 坏,中国的孩子都将有机会和西方的孩子们 一样,享受单纯快乐的童年和优质的教育。
短时间内,受教育的劳动力人数增长如 此之迅猛,难免会产生一些负面的后果。毕 业生人数的激增,造成了大学生失业率的增 长和工资水平的下跌。很多毕业生对生活失
Get your face in the the Qingdao Family, send photos to by December 20
Beaches 海水浴场 No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南 海路14号 No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海 水浴场 汇泉湾东侧太平湾内
No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第三海水浴场 太平 角路6号
6 789
Sights 景点
Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海水浴场 海口路
Churches & Temples 教堂&寺庙 Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号
St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng) 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天主教堂 浙江路15号 Taiqing Palace (tài qīng gōng) Inside Laoshan (8288-9888) 太清宫 崂山内 Zhanshan Temple (zhàn shān sì) 2 Zhiquan Lu (8386-2038) 湛山寺 芝泉路2号
Museums 博物馆
Chengyang Buddhism Culture Museum (chéng yáng qū fó jiào wén huà yì shù zhǎn lǎn guǎn) Yuantou Community, Xiazhuang Street, Chengyang District 城阳区佛教文化艺术展览 馆 夏庄街道源头社区
Haier Technology Musemun( hăi’ěr kē jì guăn) 10 Miao Ling Lu 海尔科技馆 崂山区苗岭路 10号
15 16
Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu, Huangdao District (8698-9029) 黄岛 区民俗展览馆 珠江路1001号 Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn) Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District (8791-5676) 崂山茶文化博物馆 崂山区王哥庄 街道晓望社区
Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum
(qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn)
21 Changzhou Lu (8286-8820) 青岛德国监狱旧 址博物馆 常州路21号 Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112) 青岛市图书馆 延吉 路109号
游戏说明: The clues are in Chinese Hanzi and Pinyin. Find the English translation to fill in the answer squares, and then use what you learned next time you go to the markets!
3. 天使 Tiānshǐ
1. 家人 Jiārén
5. 上帝 Shàngdì
2. 希望 Xīwàng
7. 愿望 Yuànwàng
4. 爱 Ài
9. 庆祝 Qìngzhù
6. 圣诞老人 Shèngdàn lǎorén
11. 包起来 Bāo qǐlái 13. 传统 Chuántǒng 14. 平安 Píng'ān
根据提供的汉字和拼 音找出对应的英文单词, 将单词按标号填入空格。 下次去市场的时候,就可 以活学活用了。
Answers on page 46
16. 恩慈 Ēncí 17. 耶稣 Yēsū 19. 长筒袜 Chǎng tǒng wà
8. 节日 Jiérì 9. 圣诞节 Shèngdàn jié
Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-9996) 青岛市美术 馆 大学路7号 Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 青岛 市博物馆 梅岭东路51号 Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu (8678-3547) 青岛市雕塑艺术馆 东海东路66号 Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 天后宫 太平路19号 Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤 酒博物馆 登州路56号
Parks & Gardens 公园 Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 百花苑 京山路11号
10. 婴儿 Ying'ér
Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 植物园 郧阳路33号
12. 玩具 Wánjù
Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山公园 福山支路24号
15. 礼物 Lǐwù 18. 雪 Xuě
Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479) 鲁迅公园 琴屿路1号 Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石 老人观光园 崂山路1号
LISTINGS Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信号山公园 龙山 路18号 Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号
Various Attractions 文化景点
Food & Beverage 食品 Abbica Coffee (qīng dǎo ā bì kǎ jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4 (Ding) Jingguo Er Lu (8571-2323) 青岛阿璧卡进出口有限公司 宁国二路4号丁 Carrefour (jiā lè fú) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8582-6666) 家乐福 香港中路21号 128 Shandong Lu (8508-9999) 家乐福 山东路128号
Alpaca Carnival (yáng tuó jiā nián huá) The corner of Changning Lu and Tailiu Lu 羊驼 嘉年华 青岛市常宁路与台柳路十字路口东 300米(黑龙江路海尔工业园5号门斜对面 四方啤酒街)
Daichi Farm (dà dì nóng chǎng) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-5151) 大地农场 香港东路67号
1388 Culture Street (1388 wén huà jiē) Minjiang San Lu 1388文化街 闽江三路
DEFA Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8253-0686) 东海西路50号 海信广场内
Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八 大关 武胜关路
Double espresso co.Ltd (qīng dǎo bèi nóng kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 28 Xianggang Xi Lu (83866325, 156 0532-1652), 青岛贝浓咖啡有限公 司 香港西路28号
Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 花石楼 黄海路18号 Huadong Winery (huá dōng bǎi lì jiǔ zhuāng) Nan Long Kou (8881-7878) 华东百利酒庄 南 龙口 Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂山风景名胜区 Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴屿路26号 May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号 Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Ao’men Lu 音乐广场 澳门路 Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆 龙山路26号 Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青岛极地海洋世界 东海东路60号 Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平 山路1号 Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 青岛海底世 界 莱阳路1号 Qingdao Zoo (qīng dǎo dòng wù yuán) 102 Yan’an Yi Lu (8287-2970) 青岛动物园 延安一 路102号 Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从太平路 到东海路 Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路 和辽宁路间 Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (82868575) 栈桥 太平路12号
Shopping 购物 Art 艺术 Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924) 博 雅画廊 闽江二路 52号 Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery
(qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3
Changle Lu (8380-2977) 青岛当代艺术家画廊 昌乐路3号 Yi Pin Tang (yì pǐn táng) 2-3 Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166) 逸品堂 昌乐路文化市 场2-3号
Books 书籍 Hao Xue You Book Market (hǎo xué yǒu tú shū cài shì) 10 Quanzhou Lu 好学友图书菜市 泉州路10号 Kids Happy Reading Center (lè zhī tóng shū ba) 3 / 13 Taizhou Lu (5557-1157; 137 9181-0611 EN) 乐知童书吧 泰州路3号/13号 Xinhua Bookstore/Book City (xīn huá shū chéng) 40 Gaomi Lu(8281-3237) 新华书城 高 密路40号
Debauve & Gallais (fǎ guó dài bǎo jiā lái) 501, Unit 2, Bldg.3, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1807) 法国 黛堡嘉莱 东海西路51号3号楼2单元501
Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 汉柏麦香 东海西路50号 海信广 场负1层超市 JUSCO (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-9600) 佳世客 香港中路72号 B1, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (6606-7878) 佳世客 延吉 路116号 万达CBD广场负1层 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao District (8699-0666) 佳世 客 黄岛区长江中路419号 B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1528) 澳门路88号百丽广 场负1层 Lagom (lè huó jiā) Fu Run Shan Zhuang, 3 Hailong Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7039) 乐活家 崂山区海龙路3号福润山庄 Marks & Spencer (mǎ shā bǎi huò) 1F, Licang Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6026) 马莎 百货 李沧区万达广场店 巨峰路178号大 商业1层 Maui International (máo yī guó jì) (8575-3390) 毛伊国际 Metro (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 麦德龙 重庆南路 116号 1517 Wutaishan Lu, Huangdao District (8602-8888) 麦德龙黄岛商场 黄岛区五台山 路1517号
Mikkaworks (MikMik yǒu jī bǎo bǎo) 97 Bing Nanjing Lu (8587-5751) MikMik有机宝宝 南京 路97号丙 Peek-a-Boo (bǔ kāng fù yù yīng zhuān mài diàn) 31 Yan’erdao Lu (8593-1283) 哺康富育婴专 卖店 燕儿岛路31号
Home Goods 家居 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安居 山东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽阳西路188号 138 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611) 百安居 海尔路138号甲 BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean - Song 186 7890-0384, Chinese - Lee 156 05426234) Fit -all natural, antibacterial, fruit & vegetable cleaner (shuǐ guǒ shū cài qīng jié jì) (159 0071-5180) Fit-水果蔬菜清洁剂 Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦化路28号 Leo’s Antique Furniture (lì ōu gǔ diǎn jiā jù) (139 6988-7788) 立欧古 典家具 Plus Tree (qīng dǎo mù zhī jiā shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1-1 Hai’an Lu, Laoshan District (8870-7512) 青岛木之家商贸有限公司 崂山 区海安路1-1
Musical Instruments 乐器 Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 鲍德温钢琴专卖店 江西路91号乙 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 28 Huangshan Lu (8272-6977) 吉他平方 黄山路28号 Rolling Stone Instruments (gǔn shí qín háng) 38-5 Daming Lu (8383-1385) 滚石琴行 大名 路38-5号 Xin Yi Zhou Instruments (xīn yì zhōu qín háng) 74 Yan An San Lu (8365-4582) 馨艺洲琴行 延安三路74号
Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) Exclusive store: 49 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈 森咖啡 专卖店 东海西路49号 Taste: 5#102, Fanhai Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu (8090-2281) 体 验店 闽江二路泛海名人广场5#102 Factory: 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 5325-3732) 工厂 漳州 一路35号
Petdog Health and Well-Being (pài duō gé chǒng wù shēng huó huì guǎn) Rm.19 Hua Hao Yue Yuan,138 Shandong Lu (186 6198-8205/130 7087-7963) 派多格宠物生活会馆 山东路138 号花好月圆19号网点
RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529) 大润发 宁夏路162号
Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198-7701),
Saeco (xǐ kè) 446 Nanjing Lu (8502-3637, 85022676) 喜客 南京路446号
True Friend Animal Hospital (zhēn péng yǒu dòng wù yī yuàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west
Sense of herb (xīn dì xiāng cǎo) Our company is professional in the herb and salad vegetable. We supply organic and fresh herb like basil, mint and artichoke. 为您配送新鲜香草、精加工配 菜蔬菜。本公司供应有机健康、味美新鲜 的香料、精细加工切片菜、时蔬沙拉等。33 Kangning Lu (150 0658-5777中文, 186 5325-0039 EN) 馨蒂香草 康宁路33号 Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银 都花园购物商场 彰化路1号 银都花园12号 翠柏阁1A ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) No. 12U3-201, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8380-1399) orcaffe@ 欧卡咖啡有限公司 东海西路51 号华青园12号楼3单元201 Walmart (wò ěr mǎ) 63 Taidong San Lu (83675600) 沃尔玛 台东三路63号 Xinkuai (xīn kuài) 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8389-2941) 新快 香港中路10号 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-1729) 香港中路71号
Education 教育 International Schools 国际学校 Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (88815851) 白珊学校 崂山区 沙子口东姜 Guokai International Department (guó kāi zhōng xué guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6288, 137 9323-3392, 187 6425-8880) Wechat 官方微 信:guokaiguojibu 国开中学国际部 城阳区 天河路1号 International Department of Qingdao Galaxy School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào guó jì bù) 47 Tongchuan Lu, Licang District (8880-8315) 青岛银河学校国际部 青岛市李沧区铜川 路47号 International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. 青岛MTI国际学校 崂山区 沙子口东姜白珊校园内 Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际 学校 崂山区海青路16号 Malvern College Qingdao (qīng dǎo mò ěr wén zhōng xué ) 77 Tieqi Shan Lu, Xifu Town, Chengyang District (5865-9999) www. 青岛墨尔文中学 青岛城阳 区惜福镇铁骑山路77号 Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@ QingdaoAmerasia. org, www.QingdaoAmerasia. org 青岛美亚国际学校 山东头路68号 Qingdao Chungwoon Korean School (qīng dǎo qīng yún hán guó xué xiào) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (0532 6696-8686) 青岛青云 韩国学校 城阳区天河路1号 Qingdao Galaxy International School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào) 47 Tongchuan Lu (87668087) 青岛银河学校 铜川路47号
Pets 宠物
of Book City) (8578-0365) 真朋友动物医院 香港 中路65号(书城西侧)
Dining 餐饮美食 La Veranda d' Erica (ài lì kǎ kā fēi) 9 Qingyuan Lu, Shinan District (185-63953353) 艾莉卡咖啡 百 丽广场西侧 清远路9号 畅海园小区内 Luka Garden Café (lù guò huā yuán kā fēi) 5 Hengshan Lu (185 0024-2420) 路过花园咖 啡 衡 山路5号 The Westin Qingdao (qīng dǎo wēi sī tīng jiǔ diàn) 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) 青岛威斯汀酒店 香 港中路8号 THEDINER | SPARK CAFE & BREWERY (dān ní měi shì cān tīng | SPARK kā fēi hé niàng jiǔ fāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹 尼美式餐厅 | SPARK咖啡和酿酒坊 东海 西路35号
Qingdao No.1 International School of
Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8888) 山东省青岛第一国际学校 松岭 路232号 Qingdao Oxford International College (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 牛津公 学 松岭路232号 Xinshiji School (xīn shì jì xué xiào) 4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 新世纪学校 逍遥三路4号 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao
(qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) Huangdao
Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu, Huangdao District (8699-5551) 青岛耀中国际学校 青岛经济技术 开发区太行山路72号 Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (8880-0003) 青岛 招生办公室 崂山区崂山路36号好望角7号楼 Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学校 东海东路16号
For Kids 儿童 MIHO Mart (ér tóng lè yuán) 2F, Weifeng Supermarket, Fuqing Lu (8866-5638) 儿童乐园 福清路味丰超市2层
Music Schools 音乐学校 Classic Guitar Training (gǔ diǎn jí tā péi xùn) 8 Zhangping Lu (139 6396-1061) 古典吉他培 训 漳平路8号 Park 12 Culture Media Co. Ltd (pà kè yé wén huà chuán méi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 504, Bldg 1, Bobo Apt Complex, 115 Jiangxi Lu (8577-5987) 帕 克爷文化传媒有限公司 江西路115号Bobo 公寓1号楼504
Chinese Language 汉语 Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao (rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1206, F12, Bldg. A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8571, English: 8570-8130) 日美外语 专修学校 漳州二路19号 中环国际广 场A座 12层1206 Akiyama Chinese Classroom (qiū shān zhōng guó yǔ jiāo shì) Basic Chinese, Oral Chinese, HSK and Chinese Culture Rm. 2404, Bldg. 1, Maidao Jiayuan, 33 Haikou Lu (158 6309-0439) 秋山中国 语教室 海口路33号麦岛家园1号楼2404室 Chaoyin Foreign Language & Culture Training School (Practical Chinese/HSK/BCT/ YCT) (chāo yín wài guó yǔ wén huà péi xùn xué xiào) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu, Qingdao Chaoyin Primary School 超银外国语文化培训学校 ( 实用汉语/HSK/BCT/YCT) 镇江支路2号 超 银小学内 Chinese Language Centre - Qingdao New
Global School (Tianyan) (tiān yán hàn yǔ yán zhōng xīn - qīng dǎo xīn huán qiú xué xiào) Rm.1606, Bldg.A, Central International
(Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (135 8927-8775) www.0532study. com 天言汉语言中心-青岛新环球学校 漳州 二路19号中环国际广场A座1606室 ECO Chinese School (ECO Zhōng Guó Yǔ Xué Xiào) Floor 7, Unit 1, 5 Minjiang Lu, Shinan District (TEL: 15966913411)青岛市南区闽江路5号7层 Goldencareer Training School (jīn qián chéng péi xùn xué xiào) Chinese training, English training, TOEIC, Translation outsourcing service. sch@, 12F, Bldg. G5, 288 Ningxia Lu (8597-5725, 8597-5726, 8597-5728) 金前程培训学校 宁夏路288号 G5楼12层 Haiyuan International Language School (hǎi yuán guó jì yǔ yán xué xiào) 1 Donghai Dong Lu (8593-5066) 海源国际语言学校 东海东路1号 Qingdao Continental Bridge For Educational
Exchange Services (qīng dǎo zhōu qiáo guó jì wén huà jiāo liú fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.
1209, Bldg. B, Hongkong Garden, 54 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8581-6081, 136 8761-1581) ACI International Registered Chinese Teacher Shandong Exam Centre 青岛洲桥国际文化交流服务有限公司 漳州二路54号香港花园B座1209 室 ACI 国 际注册汉语教师山东省考务中心 Qingdao Huaxing Chinese Language School (qīng dǎo huá xīng zhōng guó yǔ xué xiào) 13F, Wangjiao Mansion, 73 Xianggang Zhong Lu (CHN: 15063008971, ENG: 13061212779) 青岛华兴中 国语学校 香港中路73号 旺角大厦13层 Qingdao Purechinese Language School (qīng dǎo chún hàn yǔ yǔ yán xué xiào) Rm608, BldgB, 75 Fuzhou south Lu (158 5325-3676, Email:, www.purechinese4u. com) 青岛淳汉语语言学校 福州南路75号 B座608室 HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) / BCT (Business Chinese Test) / YCT (Youth Chinese Test) Training & Test Centre (hàn yǔ kǎo shì péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu, Qingdao Chaoyin Primary School (HSK/BCT/YCT) 汉语考试 培训考务基地 镇江支路2号 超银小学内
Xianggang Dong Lu (8090-4049, 133 5687-9239) OK!语言培训学院 香港东路66号3号楼1单 元301室 Qing Zhi Zijin Chinese Language Training Centre (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) 青之子衿汉语培训中心 泉州 路3号香港花园A座1112室
English Language 英语 Chaoyin Foreign Language & Culture Training School (English GESE Training and Exam Centre) (chāo yín wài guó yǔ wén huà péi xùn xué xiào - yīng guó shèng sān yī kǒu yǔ péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 ZhenJiang Zhi Lu (Chaoyin Primary School) (8582-2632) 超银外国语文化培 训学校 (英国圣三一口语培训考务基地) 镇 江支路2号 Dr.Linda American Education Academy (Lín dá bó shì yīng yŭ zăo jiào zhōng xīn) Facilitated with indoor playground.中心配备室内游 乐场。 3rd Floor, SEAO International Tower-A, 63 Xianggang Zhong Lu (5567-1322) 琳达博士英语早教中心 香港中路 30号甲 世奥国际大厦3层 Gnlight of Mine English Training (qīng dǎo lù guāng měi yīn wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào) 3F, Xutai Garden4, 20 Yan’er Dao Lu http://www.glmine. com/ (400 6018-133/6677-5122) 青岛绿光美音 外语培训学校 青岛市市南区燕儿岛路20号 旭泰花园4号楼3层 Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130 号1-2层 Lvy English School (cháng chūn téng yīng yŭ) 18 ShuangYuan Lu, Zhuoyue Weilan Archipelago, Chengyang District (139 6964-0564) 常春藤英语 学校 青岛城阳双元路18号卓越蔚蓝群岛 Qingdao Chaoyin Weekend Singapore Bilingual Education Elective Course (G7,G8) (qīng dǎo chāo yín zhōu mò shuāng yǔ xìng qù bān) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu (inside Chaoyin Primary School) (8563-0332) 青岛超银周末双语兴趣班 (G7,G8)镇江支路2号(超银小学内) Qingdao International Language Institute (Global IELTS) (qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī)) Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871) 青岛国交外语培训学校(环球 雅思)江西路35号6号楼 Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85025469) 华尔街英语 香港中路20号 黄金广场2 层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华尔街英语 漳州路79号 中环 国际广场1层19号 \French Language 法语 Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (Ocean Uni) (8590-6232) 青岛法语联 盟 香港东路23号中国海洋大学H区3层 Qingdao New Global School (qīng dǎo xīn huán qiú xué xiào fǎ yǔ bù) Rm. 1606, Bldg. A, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8589-9336) fr.xhqschool. com 青岛新环球学校法语部 漳州二路19号 A座1606室
German Language 德语 Goethe Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 1F, Minxing Building, Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Lu (8378-0778) www. 青岛大学歌德语言中心 宁夏路 308号青岛大学敏行楼一层
For Kids 幼教
IPA- International Professional Certification Association Training and Exam Centre for CLT -Chinese Language Teacher (IPA guó jì zhù cè hàn yǔ jiào shī zī gé zhèng péi xùn kǎo wù jī dì) 2 Zhenjiang Zhi Lu (8502-7797) IPA国际注册汉 语教师资格证培训考务基地 镇江支路2号
Dr.Linda American Education Academy (Lín dá bó shì yīng yŭ zăo jiào zhōng xīn) Facilitated with indoor playground.中心配备室内游 乐场。 3rd Floor, SEAO International Tower-A, 63 Xianggang Zhong Lu (5567-1322) 琳达博士英语早教中心 香港中路 30号甲 世奥国际大厦3层
OK! Language Training College (OK! yǔ yán péi xùn xué yuàn) Rm. 301, Unit 1, Bldg.3, 66
Gymboree (jīn bǎo bèi) 2F, Century Tower, 39 Donghai Xi Lu (8907-0606)
cn 金宝贝 东海西路39号世纪大厦2层 Kindyroo International Early Childhood Development Academy KindyROO (qīn qīn daì shǔ guó jì zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 7F Mykal, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu ( 6670-0788) 亲亲袋鼠国 际早教中心 香港中路69号麦凯乐7层 My Gym Qingdao Center (meǐ jí mǔ zǎo jìao zhōng xīn) 8 Nanjing Lu (400 029-0997 ext. 6238) 青岛美吉姆早教中心 南京路8号 Teletubbies (tiān xiàn bǎo bǎo) Jinxiu Huacheng, 117 Yanji Lu (0532 5567-2877) 天线宝 宝 延吉路117号锦绣华城裙楼
Kindergartens 幼儿园 Aixin Kindergarten (ài xīn yòu ér yuán) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8588-3933) 爱心幼儿园 澄 海三路6号 Bright Start Early Childhood Center
(qǐng míng xīng zǎo jiào zhōng xīn) 1st Floor, Building 15,Yamai Shan Cheng, Qingdasan Lu, Laoshan District (86 532) 6865 2268 admissions@isqchina. com 启明星早教中心 崂山区青大三路,亚
麦山城15号楼1楼 Big Apple Sino-America Bilingual Preschool (zhōng měi hé zuò qīng dǎo dà pín guǒ shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 中美合作青岛大苹果双语 幼儿园 Laoshan branch: inside Yihe Xingyuan, 87 (Geng) Laoshan Lu (8801-6811) 崂山分园: 崂山路87号庚颐和星苑小区内 Huangdao branch: inside Mingjia Cheng, Changjiang Xi Lu (8699-3527) 黄岛分园:长江西路名嘉城小区 内 Licang branch: inside Fulin Yuan, 618 Qingshan Lu (8762-2500) 李沧分园:青山路618号福林 苑小区内 Licang branch: inside Fulin Wanjia, 265 Qingshan Lu (8797-1222) 李沧分园:青山路 265号福林万家小区内 CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten OF Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District (Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (68898555 / 8889) 新加 坡童心国际青岛第一幼儿园童心国际 青岛 市崂山区 松岭路232号 青岛城投教育园 Joy Children’s Language School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) 130 Zhangzhou Lu (8572-6752, 138 64254050) 佳音英语 漳州路130号 Little Harvard Bilingual Kindergarten (xiǎo hā fó shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 7 Yangkou Lu
Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) 4 Donghai Zhong Lu, intersecting Yan’er Dao Lu ( 8069-0275/8077-8666) 瑞德口腔 东海中路4号 (燕儿岛路与东海中路交界) 聿明口腔国际部 Rm.319, Bldg.4, 151 Zhengyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-0275) 城阳区正阳路151号银发 大厦4号楼319 Tooth Home Dental Clinic (yí shì jiā chǐ kē) 34 Minjiang Lu (8583-7506) 宜世家齿科 闽江 路34号 Qingdao Stomatological Hospital (qīng dǎo shì kǒu qiāng yī yuàn) 17 Dexian Lu (8282-1870) International Clinic 青岛市口 腔医院 德县路17号
Hospitals 医院 Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8111-7118) 贝利尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银 都花园49座 Cham Shan Int’l Medical Centre (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Rm.103, Bldg.10, 25 Donghai 1 Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (8598-7341, 131 6501-3251 EN) 湛山国际医疗 中心 东海一路25号10号楼103室(湛山疗 养院内) International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院东院 区国际门诊 东海西路5号 Qingdao Municipal Hospital (qīng dǎo shì lì yī yuàn) 1 Jiaozhou Lu (8282-6313) 青岛市立医 院 胶州路1号 The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College (qīng dǎo dà xué yī xué yuàn fù shǔ yī yuàn) 16 Jiangsu Lu (8291-1847) 青岛 大学医学院附属医院 江苏路16号
Surgery Clinics 医学美容 Evercare Qingdao Cosmetic Surgery Hospital (qīng dǎo yī měi ěr zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 20 Xianggang Xi Lu (8378-6188) 青岛伊美尔整形 医院 香港西路20号 Sino-kor (International) Medical Aesthetic Hospital (qīng dǎo huá hán zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 101 Yan’an San Lu (6888-8899; 400-7089-500) 青 岛华韩整形医院 延安三路101号
(8386-0526) 小哈佛双语幼儿园 仰口路7号
Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu
Montessori Children’s House at QAIS
(8077-7792) 田蓓美容医学中心 闽江路203号
(qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu
(8388-9900), www. 青岛美亚国际学校 蒙特 梭利儿童之家 山东头路68号 PKU College Qingdao Tianxi International
Perschool (běi dà gōng xué qīng dǎo tiān xǐ guó jì yòu ér yuán) 1 Donghai Dong Lu (05326806277) 北大公学青岛天玺国际幼儿园 东 海东路1号 Qingdao Huguang Shanse Kindergarten
(qīng dǎo hú guāng shān sè yòu ér yuán) 49
Tongle San Lu (Inside Huguang Shanse Residental Area) (8878-6611, 8979-5799) 青岛湖光山色幼 儿园 同乐三路49号 湖光山色小区内 Qingdao Ivy Kindergarten (qīng dǎo cháng chūn téng yòu ér yuán) 3 Hailong Lu (inside Jianfei Garden) (8870-8997, 8277-6908) 青岛常 春藤幼儿园 海龙路3号建飞花园内
Crossword Puzzle Answers 12
Medical 医疗 Dental Clinics 齿科 David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯 旋家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8572-1822) 滨海花园F3-1A(五四广场内) Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) 3-10 Maidao Lu (8860-2820, 8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN) www., 真予 齿科 麦岛路3-10号
F 5 A G M 78 91 W I S H C L O H 11 Y L W R I I D S 13 T R A D I T Y M 15 G A 16 K I N D N E S F 19 S T O C K I N
H A N O D P 0 E L E B R A A P B Y 12 T I O N 14 Y P E S G
G E L O S V A T E N T A C L A C E U 17 18 J E S U S N O W 6