REDSTAR April 2016 issue

Page 1

The Best of Qingdao

APRIL 换涡! 2016

LOCAL TEAHOUSES 镰钺髭 NOODLE GUIDE 1彷厩瀨镐繩塞 Exclusive Daxue Lu Ma p Enclosed!

䆠騷䅔㬍 俋叧㣵鰱蹕 "

郹曐暚魍妭鶯EN!0!䉣噿郹曐暚魍旝誼 摙桹䅡駡誒!0!9499.337:! 䉣噿壈攢鲷㣵211誑4.512!0!舽㚶㛇誑䯤䉣墡縟妭躉棧舽叄3123.1125誑

Also by REDSTAR The Best of Qingdao



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Culture Time 28 Kill 怒黛侊υ編坞绑语灭叠φ Josh Martin reviews Fruit Chan’s new film.

Features 10

Kpti硰㪯砎㛊䅘楇昦慘〔㜑棅備 烐妘雲〕

Oodles of Noodles U幌#瀨瀨¥跎 How many of these delicious kinds of Chinese noodles have you tried? 倉謁㫓瀟鲢銊嚌艊跤蹺䉳棷攖䯩

Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat to keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/ Qingdao related news. Use your WeChat QR scanner to scan this code. 饅燍郹曐呭昷孎惡㠬誑䯖鑫㓦噿╙桭 昦牆誤。釣䀏倀謾骼噿╙0郹曐荁饅㡊 㚵、寚棾羮孎惡怶酽怶壚䯋

Creative Team 詇陝筧䄯 Ian Burns, Teodora Lazarova, Christina Cao, Jasper Zhai, Ashley Fornaro, David Chen, Zoe Zheng, Mika Wang, Bobby Quan, Michelle Lu, Caddie Huang, Carolina Martins, Timothy Ulrich, Ellen Zhang, Yue Zhou Cover Image © 僫貛㔃 Advertising Enquiries 妭鶯嬕㚨 8388-2269 Publication Enquiries 熱穼窹饉㛨

Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401 Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 䉣噿壈攢鲷㣵211誑!攝嶯211鲲趵艤4.512


Qingdao’s School of Rock !#汇護9¥Ⅹ澠陋呱寺撞形 Meet the music teachers who also rock at Gun Shi Qin Hang. 酽㡽棾嶗瓋蓴綖


Cures 22 Hangover 狸賽菊酮 Carolina Martins has the remedy to cure even the worst hangover. Dbspmjob箏咲挀蟴哊㲗艊熎嶨昷熴、

Travel in the 32 Diving Philippines 镢偶篱诅语髭

Food & Drink Flying Catch 38 The 蟯龜輟睹 Try the best Mediterranean food in Qingdao. 棾䞘㣉䐥鄭閔啿澐呬鰱跤犦䎈鄀旿絔、

Café 40 Cantonese 屣祆邃镓 Order up some Cantonese cuisine at Cattle Café. 赗靪賶骾䯖喼鮪窡骶䐥鄭、

Travel underwater with Paul Mc Mahon. 嶗Qbvm酽㡽#疦¥嬔俋犦獿侐、

42 45 48 50 53 55

Top 100 艁長䐥䒃 Directory 㡊㚵酽㓋 Recreation 鼷䄂冊貊 Hotels 㱟姎㡊㚵 Services 桽烏 Classifieds 鰓貙惡峗

/ CITY // 妭鶯!• ╙壈

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V

Big Hero 6 to become TV series The Oscar-winning animated feature Big Hero 6 is set to become a Disney TV series, which will pick up where the movie left off, continuing the adventures of robot Baymax. It is set to premier sometime next year.

Living jewellery that grows while you wear it Designer Susan McLeary is taking the jewellery world by storm with her incredibly stunning accessories made from living plants. Her bio-jewellery grows while you wear it.


㛄㚧壎飝糥〃䧍陸惛㳚熱鳏嶯旿鰱啔牆羠羠艊歓窹醮紒呹酁諦會彾 銊㩺銊倁艊⺸䒅閔䯖妛鹾蟬忂㫓蠿跤歓窹㫤詵飨酭醁羠䂏䯖㫥鮪紒 呹翨戉㡽鑫酽䅅醠頥犗痐、

桪驔倿昤則桭長誤翍艊〔㢋镾䅖徔䄯〕啔敘釆彾誤翍穻妛鲋 3128 妘 舽䅖㫶佖喺、誤翍穻∥酭醁翄嬁艊嵔頺僨嗴䯖啔俋艀艊腦䅺㫧 勢姌、

The fair way to split the check Most people feel that a dinner bill should be split down the middle, but is this really fair? The new app Equipay aims to answer the question of income inequality by dividing the check according to each person's race and gender. 偧駁龈雜忴桖駡妕!! 妕掱龈雜莏艊駡妕讖䯩㫝棾酽潎謖踵 Frvjqbz 艊昦姉羮㛤羠䯖呅∥ 鑫㓦鳏髦敒駱醭駡艊㭺㭔䯖樰懪瀯跣鳏醭讜艊蟢晜醮屟時棾㚧誽諤靕 鮪鏅䐥謚姉鰓掱艊㿀斶、



Postmodem depression Postmodem depression is the unpleasant feeling that you get when you don’t have access to the Internet. Symptoms include being disinterested in talking to people and not enjoying the surrounding environment. The only thing you care about is where you can find a WIFI hotspot. 昢鈫恾㯎胢 慇鳢鳢竊鰓㾮晹熴㫪扟勢鈫酖䯒雩喥曧獸醭鑫孎贜。孎惡䯓點宆羠㯎 䄇艊嵔騙、夠㓄胢笶踵䯤昢鈫謚䯖煫桹鑜訥謁趼㒂䯖晹宆漝㡕銊杛䯖 雩醭巻㣥鳏㛺㛣䯖酽宆誆嶎恓跣 XJGJ 硰砎、

妭鶯!• ╙壈

// CITY /




2 billion pounds is the amount of money Chinese students spend on average in the UK every year, mainly on food, entertainment, housing and tuition, bringing net profits of £390 million to the country.

跤蹺翽叧羠鮪餚蹺妕鰍瀯 妘艊岄狆㠿䎰踵 31 鳗餚 䁡䯖踽㒄颭㠿鮪䒃䏴。冊 貊。応嗙蟿㡇飨倀叧㠿醢䯖 踵餚蹺瀯妘夃棾鑫 4/: 鳗 廬艊僕敒苩、



35,000 pounds is the amount of money parents may be fined for uploading pictures of their children without their permission on social media. Sons or daughters could also sue parents for this offence under France's privacy laws.

熴蹺昦熱詬艊跣鳏䆡蟔墮 悜熴㓇呯䯖穟瀭偧梥鄽盧 㚾摾靕鮪蛼鲮剓鉢醢駡婩 厸偔艊礣 穻䯖厸偔 彾 妘謚 詵啔儕鳅鶯醢熴姲、穟瀭 桭侸詵䉳踮酽妘苳蝫妛侐 鈼㳟 4 醐 6 轅餚䁡、

Spring 曗

Send your photos to david@redstarworks. com and if yours is chosen, you’ll win a 200 廬 voucher for The Diner.

lki Canon 5D

醢 崯艊蹕穻勢 david@redstarworks.com䯖 酽鄽㬕羮張詵驔嬱 Ejofs 䐥鄭艊 311 廬魍㳟樞、


/ CITY // 妭鶯!• ╙壈

SPOTLIGHT QINGDAO METRO 䉣噿鰱㿐 The northern part of Qingdao Metro Line 3 opened late last year. The first metro line in Qingdao, construction on Metro Line 3 started in June 2009. Passengers can currently ride the stretch between the North Railway Station and Shuangshan Station. The rest of Line 3 is expected to open at the end of this year. Line 3 is 25.2 kilometres long, passing through Shibei, Shinan and Licang with 22 stations in total. A singleride ticket starts at 2RMB and increases according to the distance you travel. Since its opening, Metro Line 3 has averaged about 30,000 rides a day. 䉣噿鰱㿐 4 誑鄡譯瀇㬦㩱桹鲢暀厸鑫䯖嶎 宍桹鲢鳏墱鄽鳅㦳㛛觜㫓鑫䯖貶桹酽㯵鰓鳏詵 镾㫤煫梽∥詛鉢䖢酽恦、鲋 311: 妘 7 桸婩墡 婠㛄艊䉣噿鰱㿐 4 誑鄡䯖曧䉣噿壈䒫棷鰱㿐鄡 㣵䯖墱鲋詛妘妘姌呺粷譯瀇䯒瞐㩱譯襽勢儕嘪䯓 㬦㩱㫜鬫䯖䎖㚧 3127 妘姌呺粷瑪鄡㫜鬫、㛫 鄡㣵瑪䂏 36/3 駡㳚䯖㣮㢐壈攢嶼。壈譯嶼。棜 煵嶼醑跣 敤嶼䯖邁㛄㩱襽 33 跣、䉣噿鰱㿐呺 㚧蠿蝄壽䯖㡽澒麽 3 廬、4 誑鄡譯瀇靕婩敡 飨棾䯖瀯暀咃牐㳝妕鰍㫊 4 醐鳏漛、


fantastic movie watching experience, not to mention the professional 3D glasses. The interior design of the private rooms is very modern with magnificent lighting and a huge comfortable studio couch where you can kick back and enjoy the movie.

Are you fed up with the noise of other audience members eating chips and talking in the cinema? Do you want to enjoy the movie without getting bothered by latecomers and people rushing to the bathroom in the middle of the most exciting scene? Then Lexiang Private Cinema is for you! Located in Taidong, Lexiang is a newly opened cinema, coffee shop and restaurant in one. The 157-inch big screen and the JBL stereo system guarantee a

倉曧壠墱鄽摯硡鑫荱翄嬁艊暚鎬䯖晄㫅剴 曧謁鵷穻剴曧褅褅蟔㛳艊諤蟢鏃䌄攖䯩倉醭嶎 䀨㫓宆穚翄嬁艊瀯酽跣䁬俧䯖漲岄曧罌踵㮰鲢 㫫勢艊鳏鍖䇏恾宆跤尰瞐攖䯩粷鮪䯖醭宍畝踵 澑硡峫鑫䯋詬趼昦婩媑艊貊鲶嬁獫䯖曧䇗蟔鳏 嬁䅳。獫瓔鄭。 䐥鄭鲋酽鉢艊鼷䄂冊貊偡詛侐䯖 雩曧倉㓅嬁艊桭長㬕愞、 231 唺䗮玜翄嬁奟壉䯖 飨倀 KCM 跫翨鄀 6/2 佪㭠瑪粶酄䌄閼䯖墮㛇倉 桹酽跣㢋呝銊艊㓅嬁鉢䖢、詆侳䯖㫥㳚㫤抲辭 4E 翄嬁敡曑、貊鲶嬁穻蟔鳏㓅嬁応䄄艊⺸販 䏣樴俋鑟頌氈䯖酔蹉艊瞖賂酓鳏酽蟢粷魍巃、


詆侳䯖酽媑墤俋艊煛僨妽䯖雩酘唻曧㓅嬁#桭長 飽錯¥、

Address: 50 Taidong Ba Lu (next to Dajiale KTV) 鰱鯰䯤詬趼馬㣵 61 誑䯒俋咲貊 LUW 䅳廟䯓

妭鶯!• ╙壈

// CITY /

NIHAO APRIL FILM LISTINGS NIHAO 蠐桸嬁㚵 Who Sleeps My Bro 萉鮪彿醢䀉艊爐媐

2016.4.1 Mainland China 跤蹺俋䅖 Stars 㛊鰓䯤3

American Ultra 姠槒竑墡

2016.4.15 USA 銊蹺 Stars 㛊鰓䯤4

Buddy Cops 閃㙬爐媐

2016.4.22 Hong Kong 跤蹺䒮珜 Stars 㛊鰓䯤4



Book of Love

2016.4.8 USA 銊蹺 / UK 餚蹺 Stars 㛊鰓:4

2016.4.15 USA 銊蹺 Stars 㛊鰓:5

2016.4.29 Mainland China

After the prime minister of the UK dies, many state leaders fly to England to attend his funeral, but the rigorously safeguarded funeral is actually a fatal plot to murder state leaders and inflict terror.

Directed by Jon Favreau, who also directed Iron Man, this movie is a new adaptation of the beloved children's book by Rudyard Kipling.

餚蹺䒫荁蜶蟴㬩跫䯖諤蹺䎘啂鳏鄗鄗䏳嬔 愛斣贋鎢骼艊鮌蛷、磢鍖䯖囑梪呏墮桭跛哣艊 鮌蛷䯖漲黌彾鑫酽鯫㜑棅跫翨㳛㒄䎘啂鳏嶗壽 㬬梥棾岪尶艊靪噯䅄㜑、

NIHAO is a FREE mobile app that aims to make life easier for expats in China. On NIHAO, users can find information on everything from restaurants, bars and nightlife to events, culture, and shopping. Users are able to connect with local services such as cleaners, language

譯鲷㭔醢㒂䇖蹕 躐醭鲈嵔霎

跤蹺俋䅖 Stars 㛊鰓䯤4.5

〔倇妢欨楁〕羾桪怱啂〔㾱㿐叢〕啂甡斛 峐㠿瀝怱啂䯖敘釆靕鄽鉚覎㛣嶗㫶佖喺鄽鉚誤 翍䯖啔踵㓅 夃棾酽鯫燆瘱佦䄤。諏踵㓅澏艊 瑪昦 倇䯋

schools and medical centres, all with the ability to pay seamlessly from within the app. In addition, NIHAO acts as a central portal for news and social communication, while offering a number of other features such as instant translation, mobile phone top-up, forums, guides and more. Through

the English-only app, the Hangzhoubased company provides a platform where every user can meet, interact with and help others in the community. Buy your movie tickets easily online by downloading NIHAO. Just scan the QR code above!


/ CITY // 妭鶯!• ╙壈


Wen Yan 田硐 Manager, 22 鄽絔䯖22 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 : Huang Xiaoming 䧫朥暺 Marry 酁凗䯤Deng Chao 㮠㢋 Kill 棅戨䯤Tong Dawei 艙俋踵 Deng Chao is very humorous and I love him for that. Having a funny person around everyday would make me a happy person as well.

㮠㢋嬟㬣瀷䯖嬟妧䧿䯖彿䉯 夠輟漜骼、偧楇镾劧酓酽跣 妧䧿艊鳏䯖瀯俍㰊∥嬟婩宆 壚、) 儯銢笶 *

KISS, MARRY, KILL 啊啊佮枨炕佮輛娃坞适 @" The age old question: kiss, marry, or kill? Jasper Zhai and Timothy Ulrich challenged random strangers on the street to kiss, marry, or kill a mix of Chinese and Western celebrities.

鮪漥銊蹺咲牐 侸妘艊 鯿珪 彽! . 鳅鳅䯖酁凗䯖㫤曧棅戨䯩 粷 墱 澐 媀 舽 䅖 䉣 噿䯋 Kbtqfs 嶗 Ujn 㫥唻㬣瀷捵橭#夃菑¥5 鄩跤侳暺曐㡶㛅 俧䯖鑫㓦鑫 酽醣俋咲艊醭讜#㬕愞¥、

Kevin 朗罹膝 Teacher, 32 鍈壎䯖32 噉

Yang Peng 牺碡 Student, 19 叧羠䯖19 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 ;!Deng Chao 㮠㢋 Marry 酁凗 ; Tong Dawei 艙俋踵 Kill 棅戨䯤Huang Xiaoming 䧫朥暺 I don’t think Huang Xiaoming is as handsome as people always say. I have no choice but to kill him as he’s the relatively ugly one.


彿㓌嬱䧫朥暺煫桹絹俋咲㛺 艊㮰躅壋縑、煫窩熴䯖彿誆 桹棅鑫㮰跣唻彿棾㛺荁唻棾 㛺瀷㪏醴艊鳏鑫///!䯒䎰 ///䯓

Kiss 鳅鳅䯤Angelababy Marry 酁凗䯤Li Bingbing 棜盤盤 Kill 棅戨䯤Fan Bingbing 餱盤盤 To be honest, I don’t think Fan Bingbing is the kind of person you would want to marry.

呺㛣呺㛣䯖彿酽茻㓌嬱餱盤 盤醭曧酁凗艊絔嶎唻㝧、 䯒劻婮闧&䯓

妭鶯!• ╙壈

Olya Student, 32 叧羠䯖32 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 ; Scarlett Johansson 昤鈷蹉〃郿錪㬖 Marry 酁凗 ; Jennifer Lawrence 㕼傤媈〃俠愛昤 Kill 棅戨 ; Taylor Swift 燚寫〃昤儨俓竑 Scarlett Johansson looks like she’d be awesome to kiss because of her big lips. I’d marry Jennifer Lawrence because she seems like a great person. Taylor Swift I’d kill because I hate her music.

昤鈷蹉〃郿錪㬖驟驟艊鐒驍 鴛鰓屟巃䯖鳅醢詛鑃呯巃㓌 醭䀨䯥㕼傤媈〃俠愛昤巃㓌 鳏嬟偡䯖曧跣醭䀨艊酁凗唻 㝧䯥燚寫〃昤儨俓竑艊潣彿 醭輟漜䯖㮰喥棅鑫偝壚䯋䯒傼 厸&倉詵曧跣傼厸縑&䯓

// CITY /

Alejandro Freelancer, 29 靕羾鎲趵䯖29 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 ;!Taylor Swift 燚寫〃昤儨俓竑 Marry 酁凗 : Jennifer Lawrence 㕼傤媈〃俠愛昤 Kill 棅戨 ; Scarlett Johansson 昤鈷蹉〃郿錪㬖 Really just random order. I guess China has made me enjoy Taylor Swift’s music. I’d marry Jennifer Lawrence because of the Hunger Games. I don’t really have a particular reason to kill Scarlett Johansson other than she was the last one left.

偡壚䯖彿謾呺誆曧䆠點㬕 㬕、彿㓌嬱跤蹺㚯彿輟漜 醢鑫燚寫〃昤儨俓竑艊潣䯥 罌踵〔䑺䒔珪彽〕俒偡荱鑫䯖 彿噴呯冑㕼傤媈〃俠愛昤、 靧鲋踵鳘躅棅戨昤鈷蹉〃郿 錪㬖䯩㜇㚯偝戹鮪桭謚酽 跣䯖屪彿憮䯩 ) 倉窡&*

Lane Teacher, 34 斊壎䯖34 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 ; Leonardo DiCaprio 驌暪鄐侸〃㫶則杚㳚倿 Marry 酁凗 ; Ryan Reynolds 緤呏〃䈈㜀貿 Kill 棅戨 : Matt Damon 䖂竑〃㫊鯆 Leonardo DiCaprio would be fun to make out with. Ryan Reynolds seems like a funny, sweet guy, so I’d marry him in a heartbeat. Matt Damon is very cocky and arrogant, so I’d probably kill him.

Megan Teacher, 27 鍈壎䯖27 噉

Wu Lijiang 诣泖豫 Manager, 28 鄽絔䯖28 噉 Kiss 鳅鳅 ;!Li Bingbing 棜盤盤 Marry 酁凗 ; Fan Bingbing 餱盤盤 Kill 棅戨䯤Angelababy Actually they are all cute, and I don’t want to kill any of them. Fan Bingbing is my idol, so of course I would choose to marry her.

驌暪鄐侸〃㫶則杚㳚倿會跣 啢嵔鳏姉㛫醭䀨䯥緤呏〃䈈 㜀貿荱㡽棾桹㢩剴鬇鬇闕䯖 嫕磢㒄灖醭笻㝱劧酓骼䯥靧 鲋䖂竑〃㫊鯆䯖斾俍酽謄愻 買 買 艊 樭 厸䯖棅 躐䯋䯒傼 厸 偡䉉炚䯋䯓

彿㓌嬱醑跣偔羠㰊 嬟詵穚 縑䯖 彿謾呺酽跣㰊鞈醭嬱棅、 餱盤盤曧彿艊記絹䯖嫕磢訅 酽㬕愞曧偝憮䯋䯒釷釷釷 悹嬱銊鳏嫓䯋䯓

Kiss 鳅鳅 ; Ryan Reynolds 緤呏〃䈈㜀貿 Marry 酁凗 ; Matt Damon 䖂竑〃㫊鯆 Kill 棅戨 ;!Leonardo DiCaprio 驌暪鄐侸〃㫶則杚㳚倿 Ryan Reynolds is hot. Matt Damon is marriage material. Leonardo DiCaprio is old news.

緤 呏〃䈈 㜀 貿 壋 稜 鑫䯋䖂 竑〃㫊鯆嬟㬎諦酁凗榪、驌 暪鄐侸〃㫶則杚㳚倿䯩鍈戨 窛鑫偡讖䯩䯒㒄醭㒄㫥躅懖 彿髦艊啢棜厸&䯓


/ PLACES // 妭鶯!• 鰱昷

Your Noodle Guide

Xinjiang bàn miàn or lā tiáo zĭ 昦聛惣䉳 ) 隊蠙惛棷厸 * Xinjiang bàn miàn is typical muslim noodle dish from the northwest region of China. Hand-pulled from dough, the noodles are cooled in cold water after boiling and served with a stir-fired Chinese dish on top. Signature dishes include guoyourou bàn miàn (mixed vegetables with meat over noodles) and xiaobaicai bàn miàn (stir-fried bok choy with meat over noodles).


昦聛惣䉳曧㒂譯鰱嶼酽蟢鉚矇艊玜莏䉳䏴、惛䉳壎間 啔䉳筧抧彾䂏棷謚䯖羮忲惛彾酽樰鄫䉳䯖罌澑䯖梪鰱鳏雩 蠙㫥蟢䉳踵#惛棷厸¥、啔礯㫓艊䉳㫑㬫㫓呝頻烐謚䯖畝 牚醢矌骾䯖酽苾銊嚌艊昦聛惣䉳喥會彾鑫、鉚矇艊昦聛惣 䉳桹㫓熌鐉惣䉳。啢艀骾惣䉳訵訵、

Christina Cao maps out the different kinds of noodles available in China by region so you too can be a noodle connoisseur.

Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤Hailijiang Xinjiang Restaurant, 7 Jilong Lu, Shinan 犦濕聛㒂╪䏣嚌䐥鄭!壈攢嶼▕䆗㣵 8 誑! Phone 翄㛣䯤6699-6113

Christina 慍礣鰱╪䯖酓 俋咲鞯鄻跤蹺竊俋竑頥䉳 棷䯖㚯倉詵飨慍蹕踆䖻䯖 黌㦳䉳棷㫊鳏、


dān dān miàn 惔惔䉳


A signature Sichuan dish, these noodles come in a spicy meat sauce. Dān means shoulder pole in Chinese, and it is said venders used to carry the noodles with their shoulder pole to sell them on the street. Dān dān miàn is visually appealing but beware of their strong spicy and sour flavours.

Chongqing xiăo miàn 㳛妷啢䉳

惔惔䉳曧蠐墔魳謖艊䉳䏴啢謁䯖罌暃暚慙俓髦鮪蔅俧 慙菑惔載䉳鍖嬱謖、惔惔䉳䉳棷鄫鵀䯖贈烡㱳䒮䯖愷䞸孎㪯䯖 䒮炚忺䩢䯖鴛鰓駱嚌、

啢䉳曧嘪╙㳛妷艊酽俋竑頥䯖焗姌牰驟䯖飨䧢㪯訥嚌 鍖䄋謖、呅瀷惔惔䉳㒄桖㪯鲢䯖輟漜謁㪯艊鳏唻呅穚醭㳘忲䯖 醭輟漜謁㪯艊䯖㛽砎䐥暚侸鎢燍嶯、

Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤 Tuntun Mian, 75 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan 嘦嘦䉳!䉣噿壈壈攢嶼䒮珜跤㣵 86 誑 Phone 翄㛣䯤134 0532-7468

Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤 Xiaomaguo Chongqing Xiaomian, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu, Shinan 啢䓁㹚㳛妷啢䉳䯖畟墕鲈㣵 2: 誑 Phone 翄㛣䯤8507-9636

Hot and numbing noodles are a Chongqing specialty. These noodles are soaked in an oily broth and heavily seasoned with spices, peppers, and sesame. These are even hotter than dān dān miàn— you’ve been warned.

妭鶯!• 鰱昷


Lanzhou lā miàn 賣墕惛䉳

dāo xiāo miàn 軟鬆䉳

Lanzhou hand-pulled noodle shops can be found on almost every street corner throughout China. Lā miàn are boiled hand-pulled noodles served in a hot beef soup with spicy seasonings added to taste. Besides a bowl of lā miàn in broth, you can also order stir-fried lā miàn or hot dishes of vegetables and meat served over the hand-pulled noodles.

Noodles made of sliced or peeled dough is a signature noodle dish from Shanxi (嘪㒂) province. Dāo xiāo miàn has a special texture and tastes elastic. In addition to soup dāo xiāo miàn, you can also order stir-fried dāo xiāo miàn and mix it with any Chinese dish you like.

賣墕惛䉳詵飨㛺曧跤蹺桭夠㓄艊䉳䒛鑫、䎐謖屒躏䯖 惛䉳慇艊曧忲惛艊䉳、䅵鑫夠㓄艊焗䉳侳䯖罌會熴醭讜䯖 賣墕惛䉳㫤桹諤蟢諤樭艊婜輩䉳蟢䯖藥愥窡鐉矌惛䉳。㒂 郹槡苼牚䉳。鮃㝌窡鐉苼牚䉳訵訵、 Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤 Dongfanggong Lanzhou Niuroumian (Qingdao), 136 Shandong Lu, near Shibei Carrefour 趼昷咗賣墕窡鐉䉳䯖壈譯嶼嘪趼㣵 247 誑!咲貊螆譯擔 Phone 翄㛣䯤176 8552-2290

啔䉳貾嶗彾筧鱖笶䯖墢忲蹁䉳筧䯖諢忲愽媙嫮軟䯖啔 䉳酽穻酽穻鰱鬆勢婩烐䀔廟䯖礯祾謚懕熱䯖張踵軟鬆䉳、 羾鲋䉳棷茻扟羾䉳筧鬆彾䯖忞飨軟鬆䉳艊訥巃桖踵峽㭠、 䅵鑫鎢焗侳䯖軟鬆䉳㫤詵慘踵諤蟢矌䉳艊姌䉳䯖嶗矌骾酽 㡽駱䀔錼矌、 Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤 Yiyi Daoxiao Mian, 25 Nanjing Lu, Shinan 酽酽軟鬆䉳!壈攢嶼攢鲷㣵 36 誑蹩 Phone 翄㛣䯤156 2108-7188

yóu pō miàn, sào zĭ miàn 熌燬䉳。霨厸䉳 LANZHOU !賣墕!





Shaanxi( 䅦㒂 ) is home to over 50 kinds of noodles, earning this province the nickname "noodle kingdom". Yóu pō miàn is made of wide, hand-made noodles with vegetables, seasoned with chilli pepper, peanuts, green onions, and peanut oil, and served without broth. Sào zĭ miàn is served in an oily soup often with leeks, meat, potato cubes, and mushrooms. Other signature Shaanxi noodles include belt noodles (biangbiang miàn), soft noodles (ruĭn miàn), and spinach noodles (bō cài miàn). 䅦㒂誑蠙曧跤蹺艊#䉳棷粀蹺¥䯖懪㛺桹 61 侸蟢醭讜 艊䉳棷蟢貙、謾跤䯖熌燬䉳嶗霨厸䉳曧桭鉚矇艊䅦㒂䉳、 熌燬䉳侸飨忲摴哃䉳踵踽䯖礯謚詛焗䯖搮醢㪯歘䉳。颭羠。 啢鮕䯖鎢駱啨㳝颭羠熌飽菑謁、謾骼桹謖艊䅦㒂䉳㫤桹霨 厸䉳。芕夃䉳。㩻䉳嶗髆骾䉳、 Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤The 60s Noodle Restaurant, 8 Jiangxi Lu, Shibei 71 妘魍䅦㒂䉳䒛!壈譯嶼焎㒂㣵 9 誑 Phone 翄㛣䯤132 1028-2408

Photo © Steven Hsiu


/ PLACES // 妭鶯!• 鰱昷

rè gān miàn 硰妔䉳

lăo běijīng zhá jiàng miàn 鍈譯鲷砋㱿䉳

Noodles mixed with sesame and peanut sauce, this Wuhan speciality is a common breakfast food in my hometown, Hubei. As the name suggests (gān means dry in Chinese), these noodles are dry and are best paired with a glass of soybean milk or milk.

Zhá jiàng miàn can be found everywhere in China and South Korea, but lặo běijīng zhá jiàng miàn features a special yellow-bean sauce mixed with seasonal vegetables that is made in Beijing. The fresh vegetables and salty sauce give it a unique flavour.

澓烲硰妔䉳曧琒譯酽俋竑鲲䯖雩曧琒譯桭夠㓄艊暆䐥 䉳、硰妔䉳䄋㡽棾䒮䯖謁㡽棾桖䒮䯖捵㱚㝌牗徏窡偘鲶羮暚䯖 嚌㭠桖曧酽酘、

棇㱿䉳鮪跤䋺跏蹺㰊鴛鰓夠㓄䯖貶諤鰱艊棇㱿䉳訥嚌 漲俋荁嬛姲、鍈譯鲷棇㱿䉳艊㱿旿飨譯鲷妔䧫㱿會姌禓壽 鍖彾䯖訥嚌懷愷䯖嶗昦䞸艊鲯骾酽㡽䏴羮䯖謁㡽棾桹蟢時 樭艊訥巃、

Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤Huaxizi Guokui · Niuroufen, 61 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan 颭饛厸䀔苸〃窡鐉貾䯖䒮珜跤 㣵 72 誑!!Phone 翄㛣䯤186 7402-4838

Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤Lao Beijing Zhajiangmian, 58 Biaoshan Lu, Shibei 鍈譯鲷砋㱿䉳!壈譯嶼槪嘪㣵 69 誑觥 Phone 翄㛣䯤157 1272-9902

yáng chūn miàn 䅃曗䉳 Popular in Shanghai and east China, yáng chūn miàn has a lighter flavour than other noodles. Generally, there are two kinds of broth these noodles are served in: pork bone soup and chicken soup. Despite the simple presentation, this dish has a rich, fresh flavour and is generally considered healthier than the spicier lā miàn.




䅃曗䉳曧醢犦倀趼㯵鰱嶼牐 艊䉳䏴䯖訥嚌瀷㡽譯昷 艊䉳玜獟嬟侸、酽鞶棾㛺䯖䅃曗䉳艊焗姌桹跏蟢䯤篶䖾焗 嶗䤽焗、䅃曗䉳侳 誖雜梷踃䯖貶訥巃牰㯎艊焗姌嶗䤽鼶 䉳鄡呝銊捵㱚䯖謁㡽棾鴛鰓擊姾、 Best Place to Try 姎咲扢駆䯤 Jiangnan Xiaowei Shanghai Noodles, 86 Taidong Wu Lu, Shibei 焎攢啢嚌醢犦䉳䒛 壈譯嶼詬趼鲕㣵 97 誑 Phone 翄㛣䯤188 6532-6876


妭鶯!• 鰱昷


after eight months of bloody warfare. The Gallipoli Campaign is seen as marking the start of national consciousness for Australians and New Zealanders as people started seeing themselves as Australians and New Zealanders rather than people living in a British colony. After the Gallipoli campaign, wartime propaganda changed from fighting for England to fighting for Australia/New Zealand.

Anzac Cove On 25 April 1915, 16,000 brave Australians and New Zealanders landed on a small beach on the Gallipoli peninsular of Turkey. They missed their intended landing point that was an open beach and were put on a small cove surrounded by cliffs. They first landed at around 4:30am and were greeted by a barrage of Turkish sentry guns which, along with heavy shellfire, continued all throughout the day. At the end of the first day a request was made for evacuation but they were told that it wasn’t possible. The ANZAC’s stayed on that beach for eight months before they were evacuated.

The Gallipoli Campaign The Gallipoli Campaign was an ambitious plan to capture the Ottoman capital, Constantinople. 568,000 Allied soldiers fought against 315,500 Ottomans, but this battle ended in defeat for the Allies

Unlike Beijing and Shanghai, the expats in Qingdao haven’t hosted any events to honour ANZAC Day—until now. Kiwi Joel Hassan has decided to put together a lamb BBQ complete with a pick-up cricket or rugby match celebrating ANZAC Day in Qingdao this year. ANZAC Day falls on a Monday which is less than ideal for those with full-time jobs, so the event will be held on Saturday, 23 April. For more details add Joel on WeChat: joelhassan. 醮譯鲷。醢犦艊侳豜鳏佖醭讜䯖䉣噿艊侳蹺 鳏㫤鞲棾煫桹蹁 㫓茊俋艊牆誤棾妷蜵癛昦 聶筧暀、鞔妘䯖棾靕昦㒂賣艊 Kpfm 噴呯鮪䉣 噿蹁 酽鯫䇗銆鐉硢硟。憳 嶗涬氱絑瀷 㡡鲋酽鉢艊俋矇牆誤䯖飨妷蜵癛昦聶筧鄅寳 暀、羾鲋癛昦聶筧暀㮰俍澐偡曧囈酽䯖踵昷 點醢紬晜髦贋鎢澑漛牆誤䯖牆誤啔抲頌勢 5 桸 34 暀䯒囈嗎䯓蹁 、鑫㓦桖侸㛬嵔䯖㛽鎢 Kpfm 艊孎惡䯤kpfmibttbo


ne of the most important days in the Australian calendar, ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) Day is a day to remember the brave soldiers and fallen heroes who served in wars, conflicts, and peace keeping missions around the world. ANZAC Day began in 1916 as a day to remember the Gallipoli Campaign in World War I and the soldiers who fought the Ottoman Empire at Anzac Cove for eight months. Australians and New Zealanders commemorate ANZAC Day all around the world with a wide range of activities including dawn services, requiem masses, and also sport matches. The ANZAC test match is played between the Australian and New Zealand rugby league teams, one of the most important matches on the sports calendar.


癛俋濕鲡證諍醢䯖癛昦聶筧暀䯒癛 俋濕鲡嶗昦㒂賣聶䄯鄅寳暀䯓曧踵 鑫鄅寳㮰鲢鮪徔鲅。鰱嶼賠褃嶗跫 翨醎嶗麇烏跤竒竆艊響斝佖滿嶗餚䇕鳏窹鍖 攝襫艊酽跣䉯夠㳛㒄艊頺暀、頺暀僔鲋 2:27 妘䯖踵鑫鄅寳訅酽漛跫翨俋徔艊鎢㳚燆濕徔 嬍鍖㛄襫、鮪癛昦聶筧犦瑌䯖癛俋濕鲡嶗昦 㒂賣鎽聶桪醮倿昤桞鮃鎍謾壵蹺倐徔鑫馬跣 桸、靕澑䯖瀯妘艊㫥酽俍䯖瑪蹺諤鰱艊癛俋 濕鲡鳏炓嶗昦㒂賣鳏炓㰊∥蹁窩㚾侸牆誤棾 鄅寳㫥跣頺暀、牆誤廟咷藥愥䯤䧵暺䧿閎∥。 呏䙙媗搮飨倀鉢鑇瀷㡡、謾跤䯖羾癛俋濕鲡 涬氱絑䄯嶗昦㒂賣涬氱絑䄯邁讜贋醮艊癛昦 聶筧暀牣㛛㡡䯖曧跏蹺瀯妘桭㳛俋艊㡡鲇躐 酽、

坔艊啢犦瑌、嫕俍醣遠 5 砎 41 鰓䯖骼髦䒫漛 舽䅖䯖喥㭺糴鑫鮃鎍謾聶䄯扟鲈㫪醑艊楙韌 嶗篞砮艊矺瞐㩼韌、鮪㫥酽俍寚㒄酁棴艊暚 鎬䯖佖滿髦㒄烢摌蟇䯖漲㭺勢鑫惸酘、喥㫥樭䯖 鮪摌蟇躐頌䯖癛昦聶筧鮪㮰鱖煛鰱醢悇鲅鑫 馬跣桸躐蹼、 鎢㳚燆濕徔嬍 鎢㳚燆濕徔嬍曧酽鯫響篞艊徔旽䯖茩艊 曧敜醣倿昤桞壵蹺艊䒫㰊ⅩⅩ鄴佖鬢酾ー䯒偧 鞔艊黥昤鬢壉啯䯓、嫕暚䇇嘄餚蹺艊 679111 謖癛昦茒聶醮 426611 謖倿昤桞佖滿犣 倐 徔鑫馬跣桸䯖桭鄮飨茒聶徔㠫鍖鶯鄮、鎢㳚 燆濕徔嬍槪宺菑癛俋濕鲡鳏炓嶗昦㒂賣鳏炓 艊㓌㲠ⅩⅩ跏蹺鳏炓彾踵鑫莏澐嶯躏醢艊駡 炓䯖鍖醭畝曧餚蹺濗炓鰱艊偖䇇、鎢㳚燆濕 徔嬍謚䯖鳏髦艊慘徔訥誑醭畝曧踵餚蹺鍖徔䯖 鍖曧踵癛俋濕鲡嶗昦㒂賣鍖徔䯋

癛昦聶筧犦瑌 2:26 妘 5 桸 36 暀䯖2 醐 7 轅謖響斝艊 癛俋濕鲡嶗昦㒂賣鎽聶鮪鮃鎍謾鎢㳚燆濕約 噿艊酽啢鱖煛瓡醢舽䅖、骼髦梪棾㚧陝鮪酽 鱖婩䄤艊煛瓡舽䅖䯖漲勢鑫酽跣蠐䉳㰊曧崳


/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝


Most people would be thrilled if their language teacher assigned them to watch TV for homework— unless they’re studying Chinese. Although Chinese soap operas don’t enjoy a fantastic reputation (even a majority of Chinese people opted to watch House of Cards over The Imperial Doctor last month), Rachel Ashe has some recommendations for the most tolerable Chinese TV shows to help you improve your Mandarin.

After some trial and error, even the pickiest viewer can find something that is worth sticking with for a few episodes, even if it’s just to watch Fan Bingbing’s nonexistent cleavage in Wu Mei Niang. If you have a reasonably good level of Chinese (around HSK 4) you should be able to make sense of the basic plot of most shows, like why the pretty girl has fallen out with her boyfriend for the umpteenth time. The shows are all subtitled, because, believe it or not, some Chinese people don’t even understand each other. This helps in the learning process as reading subtitles can also help improve your character comprehension. There is a bit of commitment involved since these shows often have around 45 episodes which play in continuum (they aren’t broken down into seasons like Western TV shows).


The Disguiser 佨伴粲旯佪 A breakout hit in 2015, The Disguiser is an alternative war drama set in the 1930s. The storyline is based on a family of three brothers and sisters who work undercover for different forces in China’s most turbulent period. The characters are good at disguise: even to their family their true identities are masked. Brothers versus sisters, friends versus friends, family versus country— every one of their loyalties are challenged as each person tries to serve a higher cause.

Good Time ) 谨厩推郴 * Recommended by a friend, Good Time is consistently one of the most popular TV shows on Youku. It has two likeable main characters that you root for more and more as the show continues. Warning: the slightly over-dramatic ending can be a bit offputting, but it’s still worth a watch.

Generally speaking, there are five genres of Chinese TV shows: war/history (usually about fighting the Japanese), ancient China/historical fiction (beautiful girls fighting for the affection of the emperor), family dramas, romance (including kungfu romance adapted from novels and online games) and fantasy (TV shows adapted from Chinese legends or fantasy novels). Skip the historical fantasy if your objective is to learn practical Chinese, as the characters mostly speak ancient Chinese— unless of course you need to know how to say servant four different ways. War shows are equally useless in terms of acquiring useful vocabulary. To learn everyday Chinese, I recommend the following shows— no spoilers!

Journey to the West, 1986佨醪终髭!佪 A classic adaption of one of China’s four great classical novels, Journey to the West is one of the most popular TV shows in Chinese broadcasting history. Almost every single Chinese person over the age of 10 has watched it. Despite the crappy special effects and absurd storyline, it’s useful to watch for the cultural references alone.

妭鶯!• 竑㪝


豹啶U幌蒈跆呆房侓 Little Daddy ) 两谝谝 * A popular show, with occasionally fantastical but generally interesting storylines, it follows a child who is brought up in the USA and then sent home to meet (for the first time) his father in China—cue culture clashes and confusion.

Swords of Legends佨遏挫经詫佪 A kungfu romance adapted from the popular video game Swords of Legends, this show requires a higher level of Chinese than the family dramas. Kind of like the Chinese version of Lord of the Rings, the show features a magic sword that has the power to destroy the world. If fantasy or Japanese animation is your thing, you might like this show.

Tiger Mum ) 聱疚圯谝 * This show epitomises the much discussed and debated ‘tiger mum’ phenomenon. The parent-child relationship seems pretty true to life, especially the divergence between the father’s and mother’s attitudes towards parenting. The tiger mum character is likeable despite the slightly pejorative connotations, and the many scenes dealing with or about their small daughter are relatively easy to understand which of course is a plus!

俋㯵鰓叧雳侳㛳艊鳏鮪嬱蓜㜄侳慘趵 曧荱翄㓉談艊暚鎬㰊∥嬟䗮蠻、磢鍖䯖 叧雳跤旝艊桻傖漲俋侸蠻靪醭䗮、喼 諎跤蹺翄㓉談艊訥藨醭䗮䯒醢桸䯖嬟侸 跤蹺鳏㰊呂巻㬉銊談〔鄘窅嗙〕䯖雩醭 巻嶯荱〔偔語〃暺偨 〕䯓䯖貶!Sbdifm 㫤曧薴菑俧芕荱鑫酽鲢翄㓉談、飨醣 曧偝扢駆艊酽鲢詵飨扟糴艊翄㓉談䯖 錫倉抲䗮跤旝烐妕、 荱㫓竊㯵翄㓉談謚䯖彿僨粷瀟尵 畝䇏荱艊翄㓉談䯖誆㒄倉侸荱竊䇗䯖喥 誽誆踵鑫荱餱盤盤㮰⺖燙戨艊#鲇趵 鄡¥䯖雩㫤曧詵飨薴搫菑荱醣詛艊、㒄 曧倉跤旝烐妕㫤醭䀨䯒鍊㫓烲㛳 5 鄀䯓 艊㛣䯖倉▕梪醢詵飨絔㓦談嵔䯖蓜㭠偔 踽㓕踵鳘躅岄曧嶗偝艊翇桻傖蘢楯、 醭諎倉荁醭荁惡䯖 㫥鲢談嵔㰊嬟䆡杋䯖 嬟侸暚鎬㫪跤蹺鳏㰊醭酽呯镾絔㓦、 詆侳䯖跤旝叄奟㫤镾夎錫倉抲䗮跤旝艊 絔㓦镾撾、荱跤蹺翄㓉談艊㛣䯖倉鲇魯 嬱會偡䂏梕慘徔艊宆絔豈侕䯖罌踵呅 髦酽鞶㰊嬟䂏䯖蠐鲕鴛䇗醭鮪㛣醣䯖鍖 鹾㰊曧摙勢俋酁嗁䯖醭絹餚銊談㮰樭 酽叝酽叝鰱摙、 酽鞶棾㛺䯖跤蹺翄㓉談踽㒄桹鲕 俋貙䯤徔鲅 0 證諍談䯒徔鲅談飨悇暀談 踵踽䯓。詁⺸談 0 證諍敘釆談䯒咗旽談䯓。 咲姲愛絔談。犗畑穚嵔談䯒藥愥羾硰䃸 啢㛺嶗珪彽敘釆艊詁⺸記絹談䯓。嶗䙬 妢談䯒羾跤蹺蜶㛣 㛺徏䙬妢啢㛺敘 釆鍖彾䯓、 㒄曧倉荱翄㓉談誆曧踵鑫叧跤旝 艊㛣䯖婠㚴倉喥醭羮荱詁⺸談鑫ⅩⅩ 䅵䉯倉嶎叧醣尫躅羮蠐蟢昷媀蠙囁醣 鳏嶗踽厸、徔鲅談酽鞶雩唻叧雳暀夠 㛓烰煫侸俋羮、嶎叧跤旝䯖倉詵飨荱醣 彿酓倉燒熱艊醣䉳竊㯵翄㓉談、鲇魯 㛺酽佪䯖彿詵煫談㬛灄䯋 υ伴粲旯φ 慘踵 3126 妘姪瞐㭚跤蹺艊妘姪 俋彽䯖〔罷⺸鍎〕曧酽㯵詆貙艊徔鲅䎪 棞艊翄㓉談、㛫談飨 2: 跫鄅 41 妘魍 踵鑨杛䯖㬦㫓醢犦暺炐醑僜媐艊㓉㓕䯖 㚸㫼鑫悇徔暚梕醢犦瓡䆡蟴徔鄡醢蹺。 邁。暀醑昷#倉跤桹彿。彿跤桹倉¥艊 濇澰㪏㳝、敭鲇艊踽鳏駡酽跣跣㰊櫞 鲋 罷⺸䯖張點鮪鳅鳏䉳頌䯖雩僔鄮䆡

鶜菑嬐澑莏呺艊㦳麋、僜媐䯩桻傖䯩咲 姲䯩㫤曧蹺咲䯩瀯跣鳏㰊鮪踵靕墰宆跤 艊絔嶎鍖徔&& υ谨厩推郴φ 桻傖扢駆艊㫥㯵談䯖懪㛺鮪〓㲅 醢嬟瞐、跏瀕踽㓕艊屟樴㰊嬟偡䯖䆠菑 談嵔艊僨嗴䯖∥㢐棾㢐輟漜骼髦、䈑㒄 燍嶯艊曧䯖敭鲇嵔頺勢謚約瀇㡽魖㪏 俋䯖酁嗁桹砎㚯鳏俢梐䯖醭㫓斾鉢醢㫤 醭䀨、 97 谮υ醪终髭φ! 㫥㯵翄㓉談敘釆靕跤蹺蠐俋謖魳 躐酽〔㒂珪㚶〕䯖曧跤蹺翄㓉諍醢桭糴 漜㫚艊翄㓉談躐酽䯖竊豸瀯跣 21 噉飨 醢艊跤蹺鳏㰊荱㫓㫥㯵翄㓉談、惤掟 鲋醢跣跫鄅 91 妘魍艊㫥㯵談䯖竑敱嬟 珋䯖敭鲇嵔頺雩鴛鰓駈㛤蟇倇䯖㬎羮鲋 蔠裮旝誼墬婬暚㓅荱、 υ两谝谝φ 麹磢桹鲢鰱昷醭俒粷呺䯖貶㫥㯵 硰䃸翄㓉談斾鉢醢談嵔嬟醭䀨、㚸㫼 鑫酽跣羠䂏鮪銊蹺艊翇叾䯖螻勢跤蹺 棾恓鳅羠穟鳅艊敭鲇、罌踵旝誼墬婬䯖 骼髦 躐 䄄鲲 羠鑫諤蟢欖 觛艍䉯 艊 鲇 嵔&& υ遏挫经詫φ 㫥㯵敘釆靕髅叢貙雜梽珪彽〔詁 蘇倇㜳䯤綖宆蘇䙛鞔駁鮪〕艊翄㓉談䯖 唻烲㛳烐妕㒄烢㪏䗮、敭鲇桹砎絹跤 蹺穼艊〔慇粶粀〕䯖㚸㛏鑫踽鳏駡醮酽 恦醢詁讓蘇#碷哘¥艊敭鲇、輟漜䙬妢 䎪棞徏曧暀梪誤畑艊桻傖䯖詵飨荱醣 㫥㯵饅鲋櫞峟旽鲅艊䙬妢蜶談、 υ聱疚圯谝φ 㫥㯵㚸㛏#鹲偮媀¥咲姲斊鑇艊 翄㓉談䯖罌踵䆡啑粷呺羠牆䯖鮪摙熱謚 㓅 儂閼嬟俋、#鹲偮¥雩鞲擔䉳醢儂 姉鑫跤蹺穟瀭唻鑇簍艊醭讜尓姪、鮪 翄㓉談㳚䯖#鹲偮¥妕暚鳅賽䆠嶗䯖酽 㭔勢鑇簍䃾䎪喥咷曀発誤䯖㛳炚雩桹 鲢醭嶗櫞、慘踵酽跣醭∥㛺跤旝艊鳏䯖 彿▕梪醢镾堝廮翄㓉㳚骼髦饅鲋偔簍 緣叧艊諤蟢唻㛣䯖唻叧雳跤旝薶呺桹 醭啨夎錫、㫥㯵談婩俧瀷㪏晹鎯䯖6。7 䇗謚談嵔㢐棾㢐桹嶯屒、


/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝



䯖 瓋 掦 噿 䉣 烔㫨#鮪㣵醢¥

Photo © Shiny

Ashley Fornaro interviewed the members of the band On the Way at their music school and instrument shop, Gun Shi Qin Hang, located in Taidong.


hirteen years ago a group of four friends, Fu Jian, Wang Xiaodong, Mu Jun, and Jiang Enhua opened a music school and instrument shop in Qingdao. These guys aren’t your stuffy runof-the-mill teachers, though. They also like to rock, having formed their own band On the Way in 2012. These rockers began playing guitar and drums when they were in middle school. Influenced by a wide range of American rock bands like Guns & Roses, Metallica, and the fathers of Chinese rock Cui Jian and Dou Hui, the members of On the Way have each brought their own musical tastes and styles to the band, resulting in an eclectic mix of rock, jazz, and even flamenco. Not only does their sound defy expectations, but the way they smoothly mix different musical styles into coherent songs shows their development as a band. Fu Jian (guitarist/ vocalist) and Wang Xiaodong (guitarist/


vocalist) are the songwriters in the group, reflecting on real-life experiences to pen mature lyrics. Adding rhythm and beat to round out their sound are Mu Jun on the bass and Jiang Enhua on the drums. All four members are talented musicians with the ability to play and teach multiple instruments. At Gun Shi Qin Hang students can learn classical guitar, electric guitar, bass, ukulele, drums, and the electric keyboard. In a country where parents push their children to learn classical piano and violin, learning the bass guitar or drums seems more alternative than in the West, but attitudes are changing. These changes are reflected in the popularity of Gun Shi Qin Hang’s music school as more and more Chinese youth pick up a guitar for the first time. Their students run the spectrum from threeand-a-half to sixty years old. Music teachers from Laoshan and Huangdao even come to Taidaong to study under these talented maestros of music. The teachers at Gun Shi Qin Hang respect classical music and teach their students the fundamentals of the instruments, but also encourage creativity

Yang & Jawen


by motivating them to write their own songs and experiment with different music genres and styles. Their students are constantly awarded the opportunity to play in concerts and special events including this year’s local Qingdao Spring Festival Gala. Not only do the teachers arrange special performances for the children, but they also love to put on their own show. Just last month, On the Way took the stage at REDSTAR. REDSTAR’s office at Creative 100 provided an intimate venue for On the Way to perform to an audience of about 75. On the Way attracted a diverse crowd of local Chinese people and foreigners from the community, as well as many of the band’s students. All through the night you could hear the adulation in their voices and at the end of the night as they pleaded with their teachers to play one more song. On the Way was the headliner of the night, but this small concert also showcased the talent of three other bands, including some of Gun Shi Qin Hang’s students: Pieces, Piena, and Huanxing.

妭鶯!• 竑㪝

If you’re looking for passionate and talented music teachers, or you just want to peruse their excellent selection of guitars— including Fender and Gibson—then head over to their shop in Taidong square and say hello. On a recent trip to buy guitar strings, one Irish patron of their store wound up staying and jamming with the teachers for over an hour— that’s just how welcoming they are. Their store is well-stocked with other instruments as well, including drum sets and ukuleles.

Btimfz 鮪瀕鲋詬趼艊瓋蓴綖 鮃貊䄯鮪㣵醢、



4 妘頌䯖蠐跣偡桻傖髀蘇。粀朥趼。 袣㾶。鮶峐雲鮪䉣噿詬趼婩鑫酽咲䌄 貊▔㚳叧樍 0 貊鏍 ⅩⅩ瓋蓴綖 、 醭㫓䯖㫥蠐跣鳏艊㦳麋詵醭鳢鳢曧貊 鏍鍈壎䯖骼髦㫤曧掦瓋旽佖、3123 妘䯖骼髦 攝婠鑫靕墰艊貊䄯ⅩⅩ鮪㣵醢、 鞲設跤婩僔䯖㫥竊跣掦瓋㬃喥婩僔鄨雳 諮骼嶗䨺䯖獿糴銊蹺掦瓋貊䄯楙矺醮粯縁。 㳟嘄貊䄯䯖飨倀跤蹺掦瓋斊穟坒擊。䌄貊忴 厸褺綾艊嬁閼、鮪㣵醢艊貊䄯彾蘚恦諤靕艊

䏣樴飨倀唻䌄貊艊嶎 熴 㰊 駱 勢 慘 閔 跤䯖 嫮彾鑫粷鮪䇗諦鑫掦 瓋。穞佖。羗靧媈惛暺彯 訵 艊 侸 廬 䌄 貊 䏣 樴䯖 堝 㡽 棾桖鎢彾祾䯖呝瑪熱豸嶯旿、 鮪貊䄯跤䯖髀蘇䯒諮骼 0 踽緋䯓。 粀朥趼䯒諮骼 0 踽緋䯓㠥㠩釀㛓䯖恦羠牆嶗 絔嶎㰊敡鮪鑫潣㛓跤䯖鍜鳏啀嚌䯥㠣昤忲袣 㾶嶗䨺忲鮶峐雲䯖賒羮誤巃晑嬣嶗䨺砎㚯鳏 醭蝫嶎㒄䆠菑䌄貊誤㡽棾、鮪㣵醢忞桹貊䄯 彾蘚㰊椥錨䌄貊俍㡑䯖詵斊戦醭讜貊鏍、


偧甡緋∥。㳛㒄牆誤 訵䯖 詛 妘 艊 䉣 噿 曗 朷 醢䯖喥桹瓋蓴綖 叧羠 艊㦳嬁、叧羠髦桹靕墰艊 甡 熱䯖 鍈 壎 髦 嫕 磢 雩 醭 镾 魖醣、醢跣桸䯖鮪㣵醢貊䄯喥 鮪郹曐窩駡咇蹁窩鑫酽鯫醭抴翄粷 鯫䌄貊甡熱、

瀕鲋攝嶯 211 鲲趵艤艊郹曐窩駡咇踵㫥 漛醭抴翄抲辭鑫絔嶎艊甡熱鯫忞䯖嫕朷桹㢋 㫓 91 跣鮪㣵醢艊敆慁鍎髦㠳蝄㓅荱鑫甡熱、 鮪㣵醢醭鳢鮪跤蹺鳏跤妭糴漜㫚䯖㫤煢媆鑫 瓋蓴綖 㳚桹詁鉚諮骼。炓㜩諮骼。翄 醭啨侳蹺鳏頌棾懠鯫、嫕朷㓅 儂閼硰砮䯖 諮骼。㠣昤。喒陸㳚㳚。楯厸䨺。翄㾱綖訵貊鏍、 醭昢軔菑#畝棾酽䒫䯋畝棾酽䒫䯋¥䯖詵㓄 鮪跤蹺䯖俋㯵鰓穟瀭㰊∥㚯叾厸㬕愞詁鉚貊 俋咲唻鲋貊䄯艊輟穚、嫕朷䯖鮪㣵醢酘唻曧 鏍偧㾱綖。啢抲綖訵䯖貶粷鮪㢐棾㢐侸艊鳏 桭䃺鍅艊暺曐䯖醭㫓㫥鯫啢矇醭抴翄䌄貊∥ 婩僔㬕愞諮骼徏鍎楯厸䨺䯖㫥雩鞲擔䉳儂曑 雩烰鏅鑫謾骼醑敆貊䄯䯒Qjfdft-! Qjfob-! boe! 鑫瓋蓴綖 䌄貊㜄蠿艊瞐稜、骼髦艊叧蘚妘 Ivboyjoh䯓艊赗嫷甡熱、過嬱酽抲艊曧䯖㫥 䪫瀇㣮姪嬟俋䯖鞲 4 噉約勢 71 噉䯖㰊擄瓕菑 醑敆貊䄯㰊熱壎靕瓋蓴綖 、 唻䌄貊艊硰寭、桹鲢賓鮪圱嘪羗靧䧫噿艊䌄 貊鍈壎䯖㰊醭㪪㪧餆㣗勢詬趼瓋蓴綖 棾抲 偧楇倉雩唻䌄貊擄瓕発嵔䯖嶎㒄叧雳諮 䗮靕墰艊戦㜄恖镾、瓋蓴綖 艊鍈壎醭鳢∥ 骼徏鍎謾呅貊鏍䯖㮰躅瓋蓴綖 酘唻曧倉艊 斊戦叧羠▕梪艊貊絔嶗貊鏍蓜㛌䯖㫤∥䨺轄 桭長㬕愞䯖㫥㳚忞桹艊鍈壎㰊㚪莏㠥㠩䯖椥 妛発僨骼髦艊攝慘忴镾䯖僨慽叧羠忞䂏䯖靕 錨豕趵赗蜶、詆侳䯖綖 㫤鄽鬫酽跀燒諮骼 墰攝慘潣桏䯖鞲鍖幆幆嫮彾靕墰艊䌄貊䏣樴、 酽 鄡 閔 窅䯒 偧 Gfoefs。Hjctpo 訵䯓䯖 飨 倀 謾呅䌄閼㛄侕、 瓋蓴綖 㫤∥踵叧羠抲辭嬟侸甡熱梽∥䯖


/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝


The REDSTAR Team has mapped out this historic old street and nearby attractions. Unfamiliar with Daxue Lu? Here are a few reasons to grab your new map and check it out!


his treelined historic road, located in Old Town, runs north-south from Taiping Lu, just a few blocks east of the iconic Zhan Qiao Pier, to Yan’an Lu where the street becomes Dengzhou Lu, not far from Tsingtao Brewery. Daxue Lu passes by the West gate of Ocean University, the school for which the road derives its name. Although Ocean University has since built a new campus near Fushan, their original Daxue Lu campus was rated one of top ten most beautiful college campuses in China. Home to dozens of cafes, small shops, and historical attractions, including the former residences of Lao She and Sheng Congwen, two of China’s most significant writers, tourists and locals


alike enjoy spending hours wandering these leafy narrow lanes. While you’re in the neighbourhood, you can also check out the Qingdao Art Museum at 7 Daxue Lu. This museum sits on the former site of an International Red Cross building. Find your exclusive Daxue Lu map enclosed in this month’s REDSTAR magazine and enjoy a warm spring afternoon strolling this famous area. Make the most of your visit by popping into one of the many cosy cafes for a hot cup of coffee and soak up the unique atmosphere of this quiet part of town. Don't forget to bring along your camera or sketchpad and a good book.

Photo ©!僫貛㔃!瀇朚䅃

郹曐筧䄯踵㜁鍎桻傖髦酑壽熱鑫俋叧㣵倀囈㫅 杛砎鰱蹕、嶎㒄鑫㓦俋叧㣵艊桭昦㫝騙讖䯩㡼 踎愽酽梪〔郹曐〕䅔㬍艊俋叧㣵鰱蹕壚䯋

叧㣵晄槷梣㯎㯎 鮕鮕䯖斞僨菑鍈╙ 嶼艊詁梷炚峗䯖鞲 譯 謭 攢 㫪 扟 鑫俒 妕㣵䯒蟇槫橯誆桹竊跣 嶼㫨䯓 嶗婜呏㣵䯒嶗婜呏㣵荁扟艊曧 䉣韞贜窹䒛忞鮪艊舽墕㣵䯓、 俋叧㣵囑棾曧褀㫓跤蹺犦 爁俋叧䞘嘪樍嶼艊酽棷啢㣵䯖 罌澑嬱謖#俋叧㣵¥、麹磢粷鮪 跤蹺犦爁俋叧昦婠鑫犛嘪樍嶼 嶗圱嘪樍嶼䯖貶䞘嘪鍈樍嶼漲 賜磢䙜撾醭謙䯖侸妘⺖㛊踵跤 蹺鴛俋桭銊蹉樍艤躐酽、 俋叧㣵旝頯餱簍鴛㢹䯖熕 㣵 獫瓔 䒛 嶗 赗 靪啢姎 䆠 侐詵

㓄、詆侳䯖鍈鞈敭嗋。煄鞲旝敭 嗋㰊鮪俋叧㣵䅔㫝䯖桖曧踵俋 叧㣵亱玏鑫鲢㚾鳏旝炚峗、醭 諎曧嫕鰱鳏㫤曧珪咃䯖㰊輟漜 鮪俋叧㣵䌷﨓艊啢嬛跤畑澒翜 珪、詆侳䯖婠鲋囑蹺䅕郹鴛叄鄖 ∥暃鯰䯒俋叧 㣵 8 誑䯓艊䉣噿 銊梮䒛䯖雩過嬱頌嬔酽詛、 梪梕䯖 〔郹曐〕啔䆠騷䅔㡦 俋叧㣵鰱蹕䯖 僉酽麋夃鮪㦳醢䯖 慙酽跣珕枦艊遠謚䯖詛俋叧㣵 棾酽鯫曗暀畑澒壚䯋倉㫤詵飨 䆠嶯㡶㫧酽咲珕䒽艊獫瓔姎䯖 砎醢酽椊硰獫瓔䯖鲶糴嶆嶯暚 賂、詆侳䯖醭㒄宻鑫夃醢倉艊荁 梽。踃抰梪䯖㫤桹酽梪偡霎䯖錫 倉姪㫓嶩寚艊暚賂、

/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝


With spring comes rebirth and renewal, along with a new season for tea. Tea lover Jasper Zhai shares with you three of his favourite teahouses in Qingdao. Photo © 嬨潣



After getting lost along the winding roads in Ba Da Hu, I finally stumbled upon Wo Tu Chun Shan. The owner welcomed me with a big, warm smile as I entered through the front door into the cosy teahouse. Every part of the décor reflected the owner’s good taste, including the arched windows, the Japanese-style flower arrangements, and the eloquent, porcelain tea sets. The green tea served here is from the owner’s private tea garden in Laoshan and will be available throughout April—so stop by soon! Tip: If you want to enjoy the tranquility of the teahouse visit in the morning or evening.

Bei Hai’s exterior was built in the traditional southern Chinese style— simple, yet refined. When I pushed open the huge wooden door, gentle Buddhist music flowed out, filling me with a peaceful feeling. A man-made brook runs through the first floor with colourful koi fish swimming back and forth in its waters. Around the brook are well-decorated rooms where people rest and sip tea. Calligraphy and traditional Chinese paintings adorn the walls, adding a touch of Zen to the atmosphere. You can also hear the melody of Chinese guzheng (zithers) streaming out from a nearby room where patrons practice music. The beauty of the music has all the depth and power

2 Poyang Hu Lu, 151 9269-6801


of the ocean— the perfect medicine for a wounded soul. The owner is a Buddhist and vegetarian, which has a subtle effect on the environment and qi of Bei Hai. White tea (bai cha) was their first-ever product. As well as being light and fragrant, white tea can help alleviate inflammation. Bei Hai also serves vegan food on the second floor. West of Beihai Hostel, 7 Xianggang Zhong Lu, 8197-7799 LAO SHE

Many foreign dignitaries have been hosted at Lao She over the years, as it is China’s most famous teahouse franchise. Vivid, hand-drawn door gods greet you upon

妭鶯!• 竑㪝


your arrival to this branch on Hailong Lu. I don’t know if it was the Peking opera masks or the red lanterns, but the instant I entered I felt Beijing’s rich, traditional culture envelope me. There’s even a screen where you can watch video clips of the old days in Beijing. They show hawkers selling tea and sugar-coated confections on sticks. Keep your eye out for the owner’s well-trained and clever myna bird who “speaks” Chinese. Wish it gong xi fa cai and the bird relays the message back to you. As for the tea, I recommend da wan cha (big bowl of tea) or the very impressive zao xing cha which blossoms like a flower when you add hot water. There is a sales area where you can purchase tea and tea sets. 1-1 Hailong Lu, 8897-9588

Lao She 鍈鞈馣䒛

葱挖罢剧佮帮喔钺夫佮汇种种保碸U浔啶 飨倀橎䉳醢暀媀艊誖曀抴颭嶗馣錨䯖瀯酽侐㰊 瑛聊头痛佮凑娃1蒴专夫νKbtqfs 镰瑪陋枷佮 㚯倉醭蝫侸荱竊菋䯖羠尵嶗呅髦䀨㫓鑫荁㛌艊 梽∥、懪姎踽㛺䯖馣咇艊圱嘪醠馣喥鲲靕靕咲 肉U钺碸郦廓佮\谨厘孟锡肮呱#镰钺髭¥ν 馣艤䯖5 桸醣暍點詵㫚棾昦馣醢壈、絹彿酽樭 鮪獫瓔䒛擇懪諤俋縟鯫㳛㒄鰱瀇䯖獿糴妘 懷穚醠馣艊鳏䯖呯醭詵䀨㫓鑫㫥瀯妘酽漛艊#頧 㪇鳏㬉懠艊暚鎬䯖跤蹺穼#獫瓔䒛¥ⅩⅩ馣咇 㭔¥、姎㳚醣遠馣咃㪏侸䯖婠㚴䀨婩䗮圐䯖屗鲶 漲䇏鲅嬱酽夌躐鰱䯖醭㡽菋艊䃸䉳嶗濱㜉艊咅 㮰麋玜僕、 䯖懲謾玌煫鮪㰊壈艊曖鷦躐跤䯖誆桹#桹釐鳏¥ 昷镾蠩澒謾跤、彿啀菑馣嚌䯖㡶㭚噿╙䯖赗㬕鑫 㰾䅃琒㣵 2 誑䯖151 9269-6801 竊咲時桹樴㜉艊馣咇䯖夃倉酽㡽鉢∥#酽㩸媣䯖 点照钺瞠 點醮妟螆搾跣瓕尒¥艊銊偡乵㭔、 !ⅩⅩ1谫媪旁饭脱涡

Wo Tu Chun Shan 焿鮃曗嘪

缘会挖瘤! ⅩⅩ罟窝楱佮拼稗啭跞 鮪馬俋琒蛼嶼䌷䌷﨓﨓艊銆鐬啢㭠躐跤 淪淪㩸㩸䯖酽悪俧䯖點葻㓄鑫覨楁扤曑跤艊瞗 艀頥亝䉳飨倀#焿鮃曗嘪¥蠐跣叄、宆跤䧿䧿 䃾佪偡䯖褀㫓啢啢姲䅳䯖扢婩糋縚䃸䯖俧䎈酽䅅 玜閒艊䏣㿒佪䯖飽菑姎踽珕枦艊觛咷䯖馣䒮醿 醿䏭棾、粶䎐蠐囈䯖馣咇醭俋䯖漲侐侐詵㓄赗 靪、鄌艀艊亝䉳。靕磢艊貾牗鄚㣵。愭嫮艊啢褢䯖

訢䯖㫥忴愼鄀鍖醢䯖棾勢鍈鞈馣䒛艊䃸頌、酽 㫧䃸點曧忺䉳鍖棾艊鲷嚌簍䯖詁頥詁䒮䯖椥錨 竑頥、甉䧸頥艊跏忩俋䃸醢曧忲酑艊跏姫䃸蜶䯖 頥嫷暺蹉䯖觠㓩瘍寫熱樖樖偧羠艊蜶嵔䯖鴛鰓 媆鳏駱钂、諢忲㫅艊亝䉳醢䯖慂瓕鑫諤跣蹺咲 廬䒫勢㛅譯鲷鍈鞈馣䒛艊礣穻䯖嫿朄菑跤蹺馣 旝誼艊䙜撾、醭嬱醭抲艊曧 - 姎㳚艊酽誆䦌灧䯖 誆㒄倉㛺#峕輟僨㠨¥䯖呅點∥㣥菑㛺酽訶#峕 輟僨㠨¥ 䯖 驟㳛艊#翇濱䌄¥堝醭熱麇駁艊#訥䌄¥ 䯖 㚯鳏俋踵嵚諏、棾鍈鞈馣䒛䯖酽呯㒄輜酽藰俋 藰簍馣䯖鉢䖢酽醣鍈譯鲷艊嚌㭠、馣咇廟䆠侐 詵㓄艊鲷談闧㜷䯖俋郹瞖訢䯖郹甉瞗亝䯖晹醭㚸 㫼菑鍈譯鲷艊證諍嶗敭鲇、鍈鞈馣䒛㫤桹酽跣 譯犦馣飣踃䇖艊馣咇侳㓅䯖桹酽蟢焎攢烐 䉯夠醭䀨艊馣閔嶼䯖諤蟢馣閔。馣錨姉桹喼桹、 雯艊㜉㜉䯖畫俋艊䧫頥梣䃸桖曧酓鳏酽蟢褀㢐 謾跤䯖桭魑彿俋婩菋翨艊嫕嘄㬬矇馣鑫、敡酽 躐巃、扢䃸鍖駱䯖珬珬蝱䌄爏鎍䯖 䎑㓌閠䃸玜㬛䯖 䎩馣䒑勢椊厸㳚䯖賠醢酽併硰烐䯖誆㓄馣䒑鮪 牠宆狾僕、馣咇邁桹跏嗃䯖酽嗃踵馣咇䯖鲈嗃 硰烐艊賠燅醣醿醿斞婩䯖桭謚笻偧酽梸茊婩艊 踵踃䏴旣、酽嗃壉杛墣傉䯖䎙㓄宆屒䯖酽棷鳏 䞸颭䯖㚯鳏嵚諏鲋跤蹺 酛銊叧艊瞝墣、詆侳䯖 墡璏牐痬痬鍖㫓䯖烐跤竊喿䀵䟀譱愗匢彽䯖頥 姎㳚㫤桹酽跣鲒誤㓩揾嗢䯖詵飨荱竊瀇鍈譯鲷 嫷旴旸䯖羗曧崪茩、馣咇桹俋桹啢䯖貶瀯跣㰊赗 諼輜艊㓉䎣䯖桭曧澐呬醭㫓鑫、 宆⺸䒅㫓䯖醭諎曧馾釆鰩ⅴ䯖㫤曧亝醢艊叄翍䯖 㰊㬛菑酽趺蝱嶯䯖喼朄跤蹺詁鉚銊叧艊蟐銊醮 犦䫀㣵 1-1 誑䯖8897-9588 䇖靪、鰩鲋姎跤䯖記啯㫤∥鞲榚跣馣咇 棾䅅 䅅詁綖躐佪䯖飽菑獟獟馣䒮䯖䉪宆暺宺䯖畝偡醭 㫓、姎踽惡慚馧踃䯖䉪䇖晹鲅艊宆乵點玸㬛鮪 馣咇艊瀯跣㓕魖䯖酓鳏酽蟢㢋磢鲋侳艊翜寚躐 巃、馣飣踽怇艀馣䯖玜䒮酄䪦䯖螻羕醭斞䯖桖曧 狆矈門羠躐頠駳䯖呯㒄棾醢酽苰䯖飨幙蝱宆、

䒮珜跤㣵 7 誑 - 譯犦哅䒛㒂擔䅳廟 8197-88:: 甓禳钺煒 ⅩⅩ散钺田碘孟杼橙C葭 雲瞖設醢䯖鮪暻䧫艊 瞖跤䯖彿犧撾啀㓈 菑鍈鞈馣䒛艊㤱嬁䯖茻勢葻㓄竊苰諞慂菑艊瞖

Bei Hai 譯犦馣飣


/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝

HANGOVER CURES 駁飨㓦㲗䯩 綾桹 ////// Carolina Martins got hammered—in the name of science, of course—so she could try some of the weirdest hangover tricks known to man and once and for all find the ultimate cure. You started the night off with good intentions. Now, many poor decisions later, you find yourself here—where everything hurts and nothing makes sense. You drank the volume of a small lake and slept for what felt like three minutes. You feel appalling. In fact, you’ve never felt this bad. As if post-drinking regrets weren’t enough, you’ve never been thirstier, everyone around is way too loud, and now you’re getting flashbacks. When the usual “chugging water and aspirin” fails, it is time to venture into the world of alternative hangover remedies. So I set out on a mission to test out some of the weirdest hangover cures known to man. PICKLE JUICE INGREDIENTS: Pickle juice + a dash of lemon LOGIC: Salty electrolytes prevent dehydration TASTE: Like the lovechild of vinegar and pee DOES IT WORK? If you power through the smell, the taste, and the texture, you actually do feel a bit better afterwards.


The relief, however, only lasts for about five minutes. That’s when the pickle burps come along. LASSI or AYRAN INGREDIENTS: Natural yogurt + salt (optional: cucumber and garlic) LOGIC: Rich in electrolytes and amino acids, this is meant to reduce the burning sensation in your stomach as well as relieve nausea. TASTE: Stale and sad DOES IT WORK? Maybe if, unlike me, you manage to get through more than two sips. This creamy, salty remedy is extremely popular amongst Middle Easterners and Eastern Europeans, but I'll never understand why. WORKING OUT INGREDIENTS: Sweat + tears. Lots of tears. Possibly vomit. LOGIC: Endorphins? Masochism? TASTE: Like sadness DOES IT WORK? I don’t know what type of hangovers these people are getting but I can barely get up— let alone run— when suffering from a particularly nasty hangover. After just a block, my headache skyrocketed and I had to crawl home. THE PERIOD INGREDIENTS: Tomato juice + 1 raw egg + salt+ two dashes of Tabasco LOGIC: This is meant to work as a vitamin boost with a protein

kick from the eggs. TASTE: As gross as its name DOES IT WORK? If your goal is to vomit your way back to health, this might be the one for you. RAW ASPARAGUS INGREDIENTS: Lightly steamed asparagus. No seasoning. LOGIC: Amino acids combined with the Vitamin C in the asparagus breaks down the alcohol faster. TASTE: Like something rodents would eat DOES IT WORK? Unbelievably, yes! Though I didn’t feel completely healed, within half an hour my headache was gone and I became a semi-functioning human being. SHOT OF OLIVE OIL INGREDIENTS: One shot of olive oil with a pinch of Tabasco LOGIC: This contains a compound called oleocanthal, which can act like a natural ibuprofen. TASTE: Unlike the tequila shots from the night before, this did not go down easy. The texture was unbearable and the smell… oh, the smell. DOES IT WORK? The smell alone aggravated my nausea. It also has like 300 calories and tastes like pee. So, why?

BLOODY MARY + GREASY BREAKFAST INGREDIENTS: All of the carbohydrates you can get your hands on. Preferably deep-fried. And a Bloody Mary. LOGIC: Grease lines your stomach and a little alcohol eases you out of your hangover. TASTE: Heavenly DOES IT WORK? Absolutely. The grease will drown the pain away. The only problem with this one is dragging your hungover-self to the closest diner.

妭鶯!• 竑㪝


枣镓吁 \ 㱚旿 ^; 燅骾烡 , 酽砎榳湝烡 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^; 愷嚌艊翄㓦㠮烐䯖镾䎖䅂闛烐 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤啿㡽棾絹曧㲙嶗嗀艊酁諦鉢 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤㒄曧倉镾侽宧賓㫥跣嚌㭠䯖輜呝謚倉∥巃㓌 偡酽砎、磢鍖䯖敱楇雩誆镾敆慁 6 鰓㾮䯖輜呝怇慤㰊 桹牰牰艊燅骾嚌、

赡醪扰会暌吃軟久 \ 㱚旿 ^䯤晹趈㲆偘 , 苲!䯒詵㬕䯤䧫缐徏俋鯌䯓 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤踔哱艊翄㓦㠮嶗為▕㲆䯖镾侽醿㓦鑜㯵 硢瞮巃䯖謙㪇鐬鑜醭㬎 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤酽鐭䏴窹黌㠮艊嚌㭠 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤㒄曧倉艊煬厸菋瀷㪏獿䯖镾侽閂醣詛㫥跣趼 㒂艊㛣䯖嗚敱姉㛫醭䀨、㫥蟢愷愷艊偘嚌䒃旿鮪跤趼 嶗趼漥䉯夠牐 䯖㚸莏䯖彿尫躅㰊絔㓦醭鑫、

賾俑餞褒 \ 㱚旿 ^䯤焄烐 , 燐烐䯖踽㒄曧燐烐䯖飽䆠菑藺謫胢笶 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤釣㫧侸墴镻艊鰓熧䯩徏鍎曧輟漜糴鹶䯩 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤酽鐭獟獟艊寖藹 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤彿醭蓜㭠羮㫥蟢昷熴㓦哊㲗艊鳏鉢䖢艊曧瀟 酽蟢哊㲗䯖㒄曧彿輜侸鑫䯖訅鲈俍㫪㡽妽㰊羥䇏䯖桖 時㛺㣗澒鑫、輜㲗艊暚鎬彿俋閠嬔嬔酽穻裶艀䯖俧胋 漻⺲䯖㰊醭蓜㭠曧尫躅穔螻咲艊、

涡杳 \ 㱚旿 ^䯤耡餲烡 , 羠䤽鼶 , 苲 , 跏瓲⿺墴昤灧㪯㱿熌 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤耡餲哱塒醎羠踃䯖䤽鼶哱塒鼶艀㠮 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤嶗謖叄酽樭峟宆 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤㒄曧倉嶎䉱菑藺謫玜㲠㫓棾艊㛣䯖幫㚧呅詵飨 會勢、


Dbspmjob# 飨 㦳 㛛 駳¥䯖 酓 俋 咲 鞯鄻竊跣夠㓄㓦哊㲗艊偡窩熴䯖 夎倉狆䅵哊㲗硡峫、 彿蓜㭠䯖俋咲㰊醭曧彾宆龈 㲗、貶竊椊䧫焗醣鐣䯖倉僨粷靕 墰醭蓜醭㓌墱鄽㲗鑫、訅鲈俍䯖 哊㲗艊脙餆扟㤼鍖靧ⅩⅩ俧胋。 镠隯胋。牬㦳㰊胋䯖鍖鹾偡絹誆 萉鑫醑鰓㾮酽樭䯖菋菾尫躅樭㰊 菒醭婩䯖倉巃㓌煿跬椥鑫、

\ 㱚旿 ^䯤顲觓孎鯵䯖醭鎢苲 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤顲觓哱塒為▕㲆嶗醎骼噯 D䯖镾鎢㬫㦳 鉢廟㱟赗艊鰓㓦 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤顲觓艊嚌㭠 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤喼諎䇏飨荁惡䯖貶敱楇酽鄀欀䯋喼諎彿㓌嬱 靕墰妛梥呝瑪姾侟䯖貶醭勢約啢暚彿艊俧喥醭胋鑫䯖 鍖鹾镾侽澐夠牆誤、

仰逊砸圄腖 \ 㱚旿 ^䯤酽啢椊鎢鑫⿺墴昤灧㪯㱿熌艊涬氱熌 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤哱塒酽蟢俍磢艊壉爔颣Ⅹ涬氱熌書発㲩 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤醭絹倉曞朷輜艊䫀鞇賣蓪䒃酽樭穨訥䯖㫥椊 粬嶯簍嬟䇏醣閂䯖䄋㡽棾桖曧 /// 羆 /// 酽㔃䇏喼 /// \ 嗚敱 ^䯤彿巃㓌彿艊哊㲗鎢㳛鑫、㮰嚌㭠䯖䄋㡽棾彿 㰊嶎峟宆䯖鍖鹾酽椊艊則㣵㳚㒄褃蕚 411 鑫䯋剴䂏鑶䯖 輜㡽棾剴絹嗀酽樭䯖踵韜㒄靕㚮餆謁䯩

簸殳塬^ + 砸旒旒呱涂輟 㒄醭曧獿糴哊㲗躐餆䯖倉澑 贖雩醭∥偧澑訥珣䇏鍜、倉巃㓌 俧胋漻⺲䯖囈縶艊鳏佪竊豸㒄賠 蕚倉艊鎍雝䯖㫥跣暚鎬䯖曞朷艊 㚶宎忴婩僔幆幆犛粷、㒄曧倉雩 㓌嬱#䅏誒與楁鎢烐¥墱鄽醭镾 紱㲠倉鑫䯖醭偧嶗彿酽㡽棾荱荱 㫥跫翨醢㫤桹瀟鲢熎聴哊㲗艊#懷 昷¥壚䯤

\ 㱚旿 ^䯤倉忲㫅忞桹艊蘙烐誼諦窹䯖桭偡曧熌砋䏴閔䯖 侳鎢酽椊 陮粓蹉 \ 㭇㪝屒㣵 ^䯤熌隝艊䏴窹酓鑜怇姌䯖羮㱟赗狆䅵哊㲗 \ 嚌㭠 ^䯤俍⊕酽鞶艊嚌㭠 \ 嗚敱 ^䯤偡嬱煫㛣㛺、熌砋艊䏴窹∥狆䅵倉艊胋脙巃、 綾酽艊䃾䎪曧䯖㫥跣哊㲗偡鑫䯖倉馬彾剴㲗鑫䯖㡽棾 謚倉喥㛫謁朷䐥鑫、

HOW TO SURVIVE A HANGOVER 1. Avoid light at all costs. Don’t even open your eyes if you don’t have to. If you must face the outdoors do not, under any circumstances, think about removing your sunglasses. 2. Even when you think you feel better, don’t stop drinking water or taking Tylenol. This is just your body trying to trick you. Don’t fall for it. 3. Coffee. Drink it by the bucket load. 4. Have you ever been on a bus in China? If you can, avoid public transportation at all costs. 5. If interaction with fellow humans is necessary, do not stand too close to them because you’re emitting whiskey from every pore. They will smell it. They will judge you. Above all, ignore any and all flashbacks. Nothing good can come of reliving last night.



2/!㮌賂、宍㒄艊暚鎬忴菒菋䯖偧楇宍 䎍 㒄 熱 䃸 艊 㛣䯖 桭 偡 忂 醢 仌 䁬䯖 轅醐時揊醣、 3/!張點曧㓌嬱靕墰艊胢笶桹忞醿㓦䯖 雩時匯澏輜烐徏桽羮燚㜀、㓌嬱㦳 鉢峈侟誆曧壺㝧䯖倉詵醭㒄⺖䖭鑫、 4/!輜俋㳝艊獫瓔、 5/!詵飨艊㛣䯖㮌鋁酽賽駡邁鲮㬦墡錨、 6/!偧䉯宍㒄䯖喼㳝醭㒄嶗時鳏䉱嬱俒 㫝䯖喼㳝醭㒄嶗骼鳏鲒誤䯥襽嬱俒 㫝艊㛣䯖時鳏镾鞲倉鐒㳚䄋勢㱟嚌䯖 ∥劻婮倉、 桭謚䯖喼㳝醭㒄詛螻嶎躐頌僨羠艊鲇 嵔䯖㒄蓜㭠䯖㲗謚豈煫偡鲇簍、


/ EVENTS // 妭鶯!• 牆誤 MON !!!!!囈酽

TUE !!!!!囈鲈

WED !!!!!囈醑

THU !!!!!囈蠐

FRI !!!!!囈鲕

SAT !!!!!囈嗎

SUN !!!!!囈暀




Ballad by Li Zhao 9pm Downtown Bar

Ballad Concert 9pm Downtown Bar

棜栄炓㜩粷鯫 ⺹硧壚

㲠曗炓㜩甡熱 ⺹硧壚

One-Man Show: Revel’s World of Shakespeare 7:30pm Grand Theatre

German Stammtisch Lisas Bistro Chenghai Yi Lu 撾鬰啢䐥䒛.痺犦酽㣵姎

酽跣鳏艊騚佖瀷鲡 䉣噿俋談䅳

French writer Patrick Deville Meet-andGreet 7:30pm Liangyou Bookstore

熴蹺慘咲Qbusjdl!Efwjmmf 㓄䉳∥ 頠傖霎鯿





Book Signing: French writer Philippe Forest 2:30pm Book City

Children’s Chorus Concert 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Hip-Hop: Hendu Nanhai 9pm Downtown Bar

D-Crash (Punk) 9pm Downtown Bar




The Fuzz (Post-Punk* 9pm Downtown Bar

Zuo You (Metal) 9pm Downtown Bar

Yao Shi San (Ballad) 9pm Downtown Bar




National Theatre Live King Lear 7:30pm Grand Theatre

New Voice 1 Year Anniversary Party 9pm Downtown Bar

National Theatre Live .! Othello 7:30pm Grand Theatre

熴蹺慘咲Qijmjqqf!Gpsftu 誐綈∥ 霎╙

筿瀴翇叾䯒Ijq.Ipq䯓 ⺹硧壚

翇覎諦緋筧䌄貊∥ 䉣噿俋談䅳

Uif!Gv{{䯒謚桻陸䯓 ⺹硧壚

墢諢䯒㳟嘄䯓 ⺹硧壚

棜啯粀 䉣噿俋談䅳

E.Dsbti)桻陸* ⺹硧壚

喖鴛醑䯒炓㜩䯓 ⺹硧壚

昦佪犗酽囈妘 ⺹硧壚

Spring Wine Fair 咲貊螆魿髽頺婩奟閔㶃∥

7:00pm Carrefour Xianggang Zhong Lu Branch 咲貊螆䒮珜跤㣵姎

Got an event to promote?


CALENDAR! 恦倉艊牆誤敡勢暀證醢"! 24

30 Overnight Party 9pm Downtown Bar 㬦咰牋唻 ⺹硧壚

倿㡡鈵 䉣噿俋談䅳

妭鶯!• 牆誤


Managing your International Income 諎絔倉艊蹺䅕敒駱

27 April // 6pm // Hyatt Regency Qingdao 5 桸 38 暀!00!朷 7 砎!00!䉣噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎 International financial intrigue and cocktails in a stunning location— it's not the next James Bond thriller, it's the April networking event of Qingdao International Business Association (QIBA)! For international managers, beholden to tax policies in multiple countries, it can be challenging to remain confidently on the right side of the law while also keeping your fair share of compensation. Wouldn't it be nice to have an expert spell out China's expectations? Wouldn't it be even nicer to be able to claim back some of those pension contributions that you've paid to the Middle Kingdom? Presenter Adam Livermore is a Partner at Dezan Shira and Associates and has personally logged twenty years in Asia's

dynamic business environments. He's ready to rumble with your questions about international income transfers, tax exemptions, and obligations for those on business visas. Cocktails and networking starts at 6pm, followed by an hour-long presentation at 7pm. Admission is free for QIBA annual members, 180RMB in advance (WeChat account: qibaglobal), 200RMB at the door. To register, email 鮪 䗮 橭 ∥ 鯫䯖 酽 鯫 蹺 䅕 㳟 # 䅄 㜑¥ 澐鮪醢甡&醭㫓醭㒄嶎侸鑫䯖㫥詵醭曧鳘躅 118 㮳孭翄嬁䯖鍖曧 5 桸麋艊䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏 紡貊㯵蛼鲮牆誤、唻鲋蹺䅕諎絔鍎棾㛺䯖夠 夠褀櫎鲋醭讜蹺咲䯖鮪鑫㓦嫕鰱艊衃敒敤詇䯖

㮂呎嫕鰱熴嬣熴㓇艊嵔騙醣䯖㚯靕墰艊敒駱 濕苩桭俋誼艊薶妛䉯曀鲇、䅵澑躐侳䯖倉鮪 跤蹺忞髀艊門鍈㳟镾壠詵飨敒螻酽㯵鰓攖䯩 㫥鲢㰊啔羾豕趵鳏佖粷鯫㓦詄、 甡㚸鳏 Bebn! Mjwfsnpsf 曧鄖撾諎絔饉 㛨桹䅡駡誒艊諦.鳏躐酽䯖鮪鲡爳縟趵壈鯫 桹菑 31 侸妘艊鞲趵鄽證、粷鯫䯖骼啔㓦詄倉 忞桹饅鲋蹺䅕敒駱㩸烰。鋁衃敤詇䯖飨倀縟 烏誐㛇艊䃾䎪、 䤽喿㱟∥嶗蛼鲮牆誤踵朷 7 砎靧 8 砎䯥 甡㚸牆誤踵朷 8 砎靧 9 砎、牆誤唻䉣噿蹺䅕 縟烏紡貊㯵∥蘚鋁㠿、䉯∥蘚䈑敆髀 311 廬 䯒抲頌孎惡敆髀鳢䈑 291 廬䯓、悞謖㛽僨㬍 㮻鬣靧 jogpARJCBhmpcbm/dpn


/ EVENTS // 妭鶯!• 牆誤

Try More Than 300 Australian Wines 酽漛輜㭚 411 侸潎癛爳魿髽㱟

One-Man Show: Revel’s World of Shakespeare


22 April // 2:30pm // Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao 5 桸 33 暀!00!醣遠 3 砎約!00!䉣噿䒮樴㳚惛俋㱟姎

At the 2016 Wine Australia China Roadshow, guests will have the 3 April // 7:30pm // Grand Theatre chance to sample more than 5 桸 4 暀!00!朷 8 砎約!00!䉣噿俋談䅳 300 Australian wines, including vintages from 5 star Australian wineries specially selected by One actor, one desk, two chairs, watch this unforgettable oneJames Halliday, contributor one photo of Shakespeare and man show. Jasper Zhai to the most prestigious wine his collection of work— that’s all that's needed for this one-man 酽跣甡蘚䯖酽媑㜄橎䯖跏恦 magazine in Australia, Australian show. This show is based on 歈厸䯖嫕磢䯖㫤嬱桹酽媑騚鋛艊 Wine Companio. This event will the true story of Joseph Graves, 礣穻嶗酽梪騚鋛瑪䇗䯖㫥點椨彾 be held in four cities in China, the actor, writer and director 鑫㫥㯵箏㓕彽ⅩⅩ〔酽跣鳏艊騚 including Shanghai, Xiamen, of Revel’s World of Shakespeare. 佖瀷鲡〕、呅敘釆靕㫥㯵彽艊甡 Changsha, and Qingdao. Six-year-old Joseph went to 蘚。啂甡悶釆談ⅩⅩ郿緥俓〃樴 Organized by Wine Australia, an all-boy’s boarding school 䈈俓昤妦妘暚艊莏呺敭鲇䯤7 噉 this roadshow includes a and “unfortunately” met the 艊郿緥俓㫧駱酽咲翇覎哠哊叧樍䯖 professional wine tasting for talented yet alcoholic principal 妛嬟#醭妟¥鰱㭔勢鑫忴雲浵璂 wine dealers and wine tasting Clive T Revere, who taught 漲懟㱟偧噯艊陸驌俓〃U〃緤醎啯 for wine amateurs; a great Joseph about Shakespeare 樍䂏、樍䂏唻謾婩嗴鑫聶㚳媀艊 opportunity for all wine lovers through his militant education 騚佖瀷鲡斊鑇、鞲鞲酽婩僔唻樍 to experience the charm of style. From the resentment and 䂏艊醭㓦嶗屧峏䯖勢謚棾艊絔㓦 Australian wines. reluctance at the beginning to 醮唻騚佖瀷鲡艊脼筊䯖郿緥俓鄽 the understanding and passion 證艊酽瀇彾䂏艊暀厸䯖妛桭鄮絔 As the most significant and popular annual event held by for Shakespeare in the end, 㓦鑫樍䂏艊頠餆羮宆、 Wine Australia, the 2016 Wine Joseph grew to appreciate the principal’s methods. 懪㛺䯖㫥㯵彽誆㒄荱㫓酽漛䯖 Australia China Roadshow has 喥∥釢酄鮪宆俧侸妘䯖魑鳏晹熴 received strong support and the It is said that the show will 宻尒、倉詵飨㛽酽俍壺䯖徏鍎敘 sponsorship of many wineries linger in your mind for years 黌酽醣倉艊壺梕㚧陝䯖貶曧轅醐 and vintners with more than 300 wines from more than 70 after you watch it, so take time 醭㒄䀨㫓呅、 brands participating. If you are out of your busy schedule to


interested in attending this event, please scan the QR code below to register. Jasper Zhai 酽 漛 喥 镾 閔 㶃 勢 㢋 㫓 411 潎 癛 爳 長 㲍䯖 謾 跤 㫤 桹 醭 啨 曧 Kbnft! Ibmmjebz 㛊 㬕 艊 鲕 曐 㱟 妵 鲲 閔䯖 㫥 樭 艊 偡 鲇 簍 嗋 磢 莏 艊 桹䯋 羾 癛 俋 濕 鲡 魿 髽 㱟 諎 絔 嗁䯒Xjof! Bvtusbmjb䯓 踽 窩 艊#3127 妘 姪 癛 俋 濕 鲡 魿 髽 㱟 跤 蹺 㣵 甡 ¥ 啔 鮪 醢 犦。 轉 䃸。䂏煛。䉣噿蠐跣╙壈嗴婩、 嗘 暚䯖 踽 窩 昷 啔 蹁 窩 㾗 唻 癛 爳 魿髽㱟㳕㠳縟艊豕趵龈咲閔㶃 ∥嶗䉳謭趵廟鳏佖艊俋矇閔㶃 ∥䯖 㚯 醭 讜 鰱 嶼 艊 魿 髽 㱟 鞲 趵 趵廟鳏佖嶗穚偡鍎㰊镾巃糴癛 俋濕鲡魿髽㱟艊䙜撾、 慘踵癛俋濕鲡魿髽㱟諎絔 嗁瀯妘桭踽㒄雩桭糴漜㫚艊牆 誤 躐 酽䯖3127 妘 艊 㣵 甡 糴 勢 鑫諤俋㱟妵嶗㱟縟艊俋撾敆慁 嶗 硰 嵔 贋 醮、 澑 漛 㣵 甡 邁 桹 㫝 51 咲 嗴 縟 夃 棾 81 侸 跣 㱟 妵 閔 窅 艊 411 侸 潎 魿髽㱟、偧唻澑 牆誤巃蠻㢩䯖㛽 怶抰諢㫅鲈醎蔅 悞謖、

妭鶯!• 牆誤


Paintball Tournament 嫷媯絑鎽㡡

8 May // 1pm // Beiling Shan Forest Park 6 桸 9 暀!00!醣遠 2 砎!00!譯嚛嘪欨楁駡艤 A group of paintballers are holding a tournament at the beginning of May. If you want to join, create a team consisting of five people (the cost is 200RMB per person) and give yourselves a formidable name. Teams will compete in a roundrobin style tournament. Each game will consist of 3 subgames. A team wins a game when they have won the best of 3 sub-games. The rounds will be single elimination style. The sub-games and rules will be explained at the time of the tournament. Wear comfortable, athletic style clothing and gym shoes or hiking boots. Outerwear (paintball helmets, pants, jackets, belts, gloves) will be provided. Protective vests and Please add Don’s WeChat account (stayflynolie) to register or for more information.

other padding is available upon request. Jasper Zhai

Sonic Sounds at Downtown Bar ⺹硧壚艊㢋㬫䌄貊

13 April // 8:30pm // Downtown Bar 5 桸 24 暀!00!朷 9 砎約!00!⺹硧壚

酽銲鮪䉣噿輟漜粬嫷媯絑艊 鳏澐豈侕鮪 6 桸設僨㡽酽鯫嫷媯 絑鎽㡡、麇駁嶗骼髦讜樭輟漜嫷 媯絑珪彽艊桻傖㰊詵飨鎢駱骼髦 #酽噴䇝䇕¥、瀷㡡 6 鳏酽鄩 ) 㛽 鮪悞謖暚踵靕墰艊贋㡡啢鄩㡽酽 跣 鄩 謖 *䯖 㠿 羮 踵 311 廬 0 鳏、 忞桹啢鄩飨孉粶㡡獕焨壽艊昷媀 㫧 瀷㡡䯖茻勢桭謚僉嬱钂濕、 瀯鯫瀷㡡鰓踵醑跣㡡瀇䯖鮪醑跣 㡡瀇跤 粷桭長艊䄯鼢啔驔嬱钂 濕䯖㫧駱醣酽㩺艊瀷㡡、錨鉢㡡 瀇嶗㓇賒啔鲋瀷㡡嫕俍粷鯫㛺暺、

locals alike! Some songs to The bass-driven noise, catchy check out include “The Best of guitar riffs, distorted and Love” and “Post-punk is Cold”. reverberated vocals, and pounding drums can only mean Timothy Ulrich one thing: Post-punk is blaring. Fans of post-punk will get their 驟㳛艊濱䌄㠣昤䯖椥錨魍駱 fill 13 April at Downtown Bar. 巃艊諮骼張蠻媯倗䯖鎍晄螻駣菑 At 8:30pm, The Fuzz will fill the 怸桏艊鳏佪䯖誤巃艊䨺砎 /// 㫥鲢 venue with their distinct take 鄩諦勢酽㡽䯖點曧謚桻陸䌄貊、 on post-punk. Aptly named, 5 桸 24 暀 朷 9 砎 約䯖Uif! Gv{{ The Fuzz draws on many major 貊 䄯 啔 䅝 踮 ⺹ 硧 壚 艊 鞡 詬䯖 踵 punk and post-punk artists, 謚桻陸穚偡鍎夃棾酽鯫赗嫷甡 most recognizably early acts 熱、喥偧骼髦艊謖叄酽樭䯖Uif! Gv{{ 貊䄯赮諦鑫嬟侸 踽 牐 桻 陸 菑⺸㛽飨鞐㬎。㫜誤矇踵踽䯖 such as The Cure and Joy 嶗謚桻陸貊䄯偧 Uif! Dvsf。Kpz! 捵㱚㫜誤䊜徏舽嘪䊜、粷鯫抲辭 Division. The Xi’an band has 瀷㡡⺸侕䯒嫷媯俧苸。⻙厸。俴陸。 been together since 2012, using Ejwjtjpo 訵 艊 䌄 貊 䏣 樴、3123 妘 -Uif! Gv{{ 貊䄯婠鲋㒂呏䯖骼 隂夃嶗忲倧䯓䯖偧桹䈑烢䯖雩詵 antique production equipment 髦醭鳢桹跤旝潣䯖㫤桹餚旝潣䯖 抲辭墮悜䖂翀倀謾呅#䗮鄀¥⺸侕、 to ensure the authenticity of their sound. Their songs are 桹暚∥鮪酽䒫潣跤讜暚㫜羮跤旝 嶗 餚 旝、 飨 醣 竊 䒫 潣 鴛 鰓 過 嬱 悞謖徏鍎漻驔僉謾呅瀷㡡惡 written in English and Chinese, 扢 駆䯤〔Uif! Cftu! pg! Mpwf〕。 峗䯖㛽鎢牆誤鄩鄬鍎 Epo 艊孎惡䯤 sometimes even using the languages interchangeably 〔Qptu.qvol!jt!Dpme〕䯖飨倀〔偮 tubzgmzopmjf throughout. This makes The 偮〕、 Fuzz great for foreigners and


/ CULTURE // 妭鶯!• 旝誼


〔㜑棅備烐妘雲〕 REDSTAR’s resident movie critic Josh Martin reviews Fruit Chan’s newest film Kill Time. 郹曐竑郿嬁㛊鳏 Kpti 㫥梕踵俋咲㓦㜁啂甡䅘楇艊昦慘〔㜑棅備烐妘雲〕、


y the time this article appears, Stephen Chow’s The Mermaid will have presumably left theatres, taking a clutch of favourable reviews and a staggering gross of 3.5 billion RMB. Alas, not all Hong Kong filmmakers are as lucky as Chow. A case in point: Kill Time— Fruit Chan’s attempt to transition from edgier Hong Kong fare like Dumplings (2004) and The Midnight After (2014) to the sort of romantic melodrama currently fashionable in the mainland. In fairness, Kill Time is no straightforward romance. Like so many other protagonists in contemporary Chinese cinema, Tian Xiaomai (Angelababy) pines for the not-sodistant past, and more specifically for her childhood sweetheart Qiushou. However, she’s also embroiled in a murder that shares the same modus operandi as an unsolved case from the ’90s—and in which the longvanished Qiushou (played as an adult by Ethan Ruan) is the prime suspect. I assume this slightly twisted love story appealed to Chan’s black sense of humour, as did the prospect of releasing it on Valentine’s Day. Chan is likewise drawn to social and political themes. Kill Time occasionally alludes to the plight of rural migrants like Qiushou, along with the encroachment of new values drawn less from Marx and more from pop ballads of self-fulfilment. Unfortunately, this is too often expressed through musical montages that resemble nothing so much as bad McDonald’s commercials. The fast-food chain is


ironically the subject of a conversation between Xiaomai and Qiushou—one hopes the company didn’t pay too much for the privilege. Eventually, an almost incoherent last act trades any sociopolitical insight for a pileup of standard plot twists. Such sloppiness is the movie’s stock-in-trade from the beginning, such as when the story is set into motion by a single action (Xiaomai’s use of a particular online merchant) that is never adequately explained. Maybe Chan’s heart just wasn’t in it. The director, who broke through with the pointedly-titled Made in Hong Kong (1997), speaks bluntly of the ‘extinction’ of Hong Kong cinema, and perhaps he only works in the mainland out of reluctant necessity— a sharp contrast to Stephen Chow, who has embraced the huge pan-Chinese market to expand the scale of his films. Chan could very well make a great mainland film someday, but like his barely-seen American venture Don’t Look Up (2009), Kill Time will be remembered only as an unfortunate side trip.

跛樴嶯躏醢棾㚸䯖〔㜑棅備烐妘雲〕妛 醭曧酽㯵鉚矇艊穚嵔穻、絹嬟侸謾呅跤蹺翄 嬁跤艊偔踽㓕酽樭䯖羻啢䧍䯒BohfmbCbcz 䒅䯓 唻㫓嬔喒謾曧設岤蟟敒䯒䄾鄽俍䒅䯓寳寳醭宻、 䅵澑躐侳䯖啢䧍㫤嶯侳㦳䆈酽橴 :1 妘魍艊 蜶蟴讓橉䯖鍖狆俢醭㓄艊設岤蟟敒澐曧桭俋 艊劻聧笩、彿篟牣䯖㫥蟢衂朄怸桏艊穚嵔敭 鲇徏㚾桖鎢觻諦䅘啂艊䧸頥妧䧿䏣樴䯖㬕鮪 嵔鳏頺㫥俍醢曑雩棧㛇鑫彿艊篟牣、䅘楇酽 茻唻蛼∥嶗敤熎䎪棞艊翄嬁嵔桹箏㾮䯖〔㜑 棅備烐妘雲〕喥嬟偡鰱䆡覯鑫絹蟟敒酽樭艊 嚙炓墡艊╙壈羥乵䯖飨倀唻粷魍蛼∥桖鎢燍 㳛靕彿䯖鍖尅耚骼鳏艊靕蟔麽過㓅艊恊繩、 醭妟艊曧䯖㫥蟢䧸頥妧䧿䏣樴鮪穻跤㫓 侸鰱羮鯆俒倇艊䁬俧嗴粷熱棾䯖喥絹䧍嫕俠 艊妭鶯酽樭無㠮、桖鎢㛃書艊曧䯖穻跤峘墣 㫤桹啢䧍嶗蟟敒饅鲋䧍嫕俠艊酽瀇唻㛣䯖㫥 㚯鳏醭鋁篟牣䯖䧍嫕俠曧醭曧歓駱鑫妭鶯、 啂甡梪姉㛫給嬁穻悀僨靕墰唻蛼∥敤熎艊㓄 㓦䯖桭謚漲㡶駱隊倧艊談嵔儂㩸、㫥蟢玈龉 巃鞲嬁穻酽婩僔點婩僔嗴粷熱棾䯖瀷偧穻跤 啢䧍羮艊酽跣鈫醢㠳窹㩻鬣姉㛫曧談嵔跤艊 㳛㒄鄡踆䯖桭謚妛梥唻澑㫧 㓦㳘、

徏㚾䅘楇唻澑穻妛梥羮宆、㫥跣桪鄽怱 啂鑫〔䒮珜壽㬬〕)2::8* 艊䙓忴啂甡桪俋鑟 謕嬁㛊騷舽躐暚䯖曐穠艊〔銊鳏 鰱僨熱#䒮珜翄嬁黌誼俒俋䯖珜穻䯖㫤桹讖䯩 䞘〕姉㛫墱鄽醣鄡䯖驔嬱蝄応。 墱鄽酘蟢鑫壚䯩¥艊㠮䃾、徏㚾䯖骼曧罌踵 訥藨儕踔敒䯖妛愽醣 46 鳗蝄応、 晹倈忴㫧駱俋䅖翄嬁壈鯫艊壚䯖貶漲醭镾絹 詵嵲縑詵嵲䯖妛醭曧忞桹艊䒮珜 囈曐䖆酽樭嬟偡鰱㫚諦俋䅖㓅嬁鳏艊䈑烢、 艊翄嬁鳏㰊镾絹曐穠酽樭㡶㫜䯖㫥㳚喥桹酽 徏㚾啔棾䯖䅘楇镾侽惤熱酽㯵偡艊俋䅖翄嬁䯖 跣粷彾艊籌厸䯤䅘楇啂甡艊〔㜑棅備烐妘雲〕、 貶喥粷鮪艊〔㜑棅備烐妘雲〕棾㚸䯖呅艊噯 䅘 啂 㛛 蹕 㬦 㫓 㫥 㯵 翄 嬁䯖 鞲 躐 頌 桖 鎢 頌 氈 㫜嶗躐頌骼詆酽㯵鮪銊蹺醢曑艊慘閔〔醭㚾 艊翄嬁䏣樴䯒偧 3115 妘艊〔䒏厸〕䯖飨倀 謭醢荱〕䯒311:䯓酽樭䯖燍呯踵鳏忞㛥胟、 3125 妘艊〔㮰侺鉛杒䯖彿鰩醢鑫暟㓕婩嬔俋 ╟艊郹 WBO〕䯓㩸矇靧㫝梕鮪俋䅖翄嬁壈鯫 妭糴漜㫚艊穚嵔崳聧穻䯖漲晹倈䖂俢頌㥋、

妭鶯!• 旝誼

// CULTURE / 29



/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝


PHILIPPINES 疦珪髤嬣哅 Not many drunken conversations end with someone 18 metres underwater. One night Paul Mc Mahon was out in Qingdao indulging with his friend, Aaron Gillespie, who was telling him about his Global Dive Adventures and Training company. It sounded so wonderful Paul hastened to the nearest ATM and paid Aaron a deposit of 2,000RMB before he was able to sober up and change his mind. Here’s what happened next:


hen the hangover faded I registered with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI)— the world authority on diving. Before any water could be dove into, I was required to go through hours of repetitive online safety learning— which I will sum up for you in one sentence: When diving don’t hold your breath when emerging to the surface or your lungs will explode. Twelve hours worth of videos and quizzes made sure I was aware of this fact, and now it was time to go to the Philippines. We arrived late at night. After a long sleep I awoke, looked between my toes, past the end of the bed and through the window to see the beach rolling down to be met by the blue waves of Sabang’s sea and clear skies overhead. I got ready to don my wet suit and find Nemo.


Alas, not so fast. First Aaron had to teach me one or two things in the kiddy pool. So I watched other divers head out into the beautiful deep blue while I had a day of practising buoyancy, ditching my weight belt under water and all the other necessary skills to ensure I was ready for open water. I also experienced the sensation of running out of air underwater. Aaron was behind me and turned off my tank. When I breathed my last I signalled to him to restore the flow. However the niggling thought “what if I’ve upset him?” remained. Thankfully it was not enough to kill me and he turned it back on. Now, I was ready. On my first proper dive I floated on the surface in order to mentally prepare. Aaron popped down and came back up to collect me. “Wow! Look down! There’s a giant turtle right below us,” he said. “I think I'm going to die,” I replied. “You’re not going to die, do exactly as we

罌酽漛㲗㱟暚艊㜎㛣鍖㚯靕墰疦勢 29 貏獿犦姌艊敭鲇薶呺醭侸㓄、酽俍朷醢䯖 Qbvm! 㮍鑫骼艊偡傖 Bbspo 酽㡽熱棾謁 輜粬貊䯖㱟㫓醑墘䯖Bbspo 謭骼扢駆鑫 靕墰攝窩艊瑪絑疦烐扜䅺▔㚳駡誒䯖 Qbvm 襫䖂⺖呅煢媆䯖㫤煫訵靕墰㱟㲠敘 黌踽嶯䯖骼喥㣗詛桭㫝艊靕誤僉潎梽僉 㿀鲮鑫 3111 鱖艊呯㳟、㮰躅䯖扟醣棾 剴∥僨羠鲢鳘躅攖䯩

妭鶯!• 竑㪝


did in the pool,” he said. “Ok, but what if I die?” I asked. “Nobody dies, not even stupid people,” he assured me. “Ok, I’m ready.” I didn’t die. I panicked, fretted, and worried for the first five minutes, but then I realised I was submerged way down, breathing normally and swimming with panache. Not only that, but the world was a whole new place with combinations of colours and life I had only seen on screen before. I had one more exercise to complete. This time in open water I had to swim to the surface from a depth of 8m with one breath. I nailed it on the first try and swam back down. This was followed by a firm underwater handshake of congratulations from Aaron. I was now a qualified diver free to explore. That was when I spotted him, the finned superstar Nemo. A curious chap, he came up and said hello, swam around and through my fingers, came in to explore my mask, got bored, and left. Aaron swam down to the sea bed and beckoned me to follow him. What the devil could be down there? I saw nothing exciting. When I got to him he waved at the sand and it came alive as the fishes resting on the bottom sprang up and shot off (before he could get them drunk and sell them a diving holiday). I was mesmerised by one shawl of triggerfish, angelfish, and moorish idols so dazzling in their array of colour I suspected they were on their way to an underwater rave. I turned to follow them and a wall of coral was behind me. I was grateful that we had spent so much time doing

buoyancy practice because I now had the ability to hold myself in the same place and take in this vision of life as could only be experienced in the deep blue sea. Aaron must have felt confident in my ability to let me dive amongst the coral. He had told me that, though they look like plants, they are all living animals and the slightest brush from any part of me can destroy decades of growth. We swam over the wreckage of an old aircraft. By now my buoyancy let the current carry me. I would breathe in to rise gently, allowing myself to float over any obstacles and then breathe out to drop down and continue exploring. I saw everything from Nemo and his clown fish pals, angry, sharp toothed moray eels, angelfish who looked like they swam through an explosion at a paint factory, butterfly fish with “give me a kiss” features, great, big ugly groupers, and the giant turtle who was there to welcome me to the water… So many fish, so much colour and movement but my air was running out and we had to swim back to the boat. On board I reverted to blabbering, trying to explain and understand everything I’d seen. Aaron smiled contently at another satisfied customer.

㲠躐謚䯖彿僨粷靕墰墱鄽燍謀鑫 跫翨疦烐翨棈儨ⅩⅩ豕趵疦烐斊 鄨鄖∥艊㠬誑、鮪驔嬱疦烐㡊樴 躐頌䯖彿宍䎍鮪鈫醢颭偡竊跣啢暚叧竊㭚 桹饅艊呏瑪蓜㛌、㫥鲢呏瑪蓜㛌偧楇牰釯 彾酽訶㛣䯖姉㛫喥曧䯤嬔醣疦烐徏嬔醢犛 暚轅醐時庎炚䯖醭磢倉艊鑑豈嬱稜戨、 颭鑫 23 跣啢暚荱㓉䎣。會啢牣䖢䯖 薶墮彿墱鄽玜毞鰱蓜㭠鑫㫥鲢呏瑪鲇呴謚䯖 彿喥誆訵菑詛髤嬣哅酽嗴㦳忲鑫、 勢㫊茩艊鰱艊暚鎬墱曧獿侺、䂏莐設 㲠䯖彿䎌菑閳艊昷謭荱謭褢侳䯖誆㓄鮪鰤 俍艀鲑艊曑 醣䯖蘊鰤艊犦烐嶗婜醏醭酘 艊煛瓡䯖酽茻婜輩勢犦俍躐䄄、 彿墱鄽㫷醭倀嬜鰱嶎㒄倧醢彿艊疦烐 桽詛恓彿艊喺騿鑫䯋 醭㫓䯖宆屜謁醭鑫硰㝌阺䯖Bbspo 㫤 㒄魯鮪啢烐焏㳚畝斊彿鲢趼㒂、彿誆偡菋 墴墴鰱梐菑謾骼艊疦烐僨硢傖鄗鄗悅駱銊 蹉艊鰤頥犦爁尒悹䯖靕墰漲㫤嬱畝颭酽俍 暚䄄㫧 犛撾鄨雳䯖叧∥尫樭恦㠥㳛夃煆 勢犦姌䯖飨倀酽鲢謾骼艊疦烐宍侕恖镾、 彿㫤鉢䖢鑫酽漛烐醣炶炚鍣喼艊笶尓、 Bbspo 鮪彿㦳謚饅戨鑫彿艊炶炚罝䯖嫕彿 煢㫧桭謚酽訥炚暚彿蛵嶯骼恦䄐䃸怇婩䯖 貶彿剴鄽醭賓嶎#醐酽靕墰㚯骼俢梐鑫尫 躅窩䯩¥㜨俍㜨鰱䯖彿彾嗚鰱憛鑫㫓棾䯖 骼剴夎彿㳛昦怇婩鑫炶炚罝、粷鮪䯖彿墱 鄽豈侕偡鑫、


/ FEATURES // 妭鶯!• 竑㪝

訅酽漛澐媀疦烐䯖彿魯犛鮪鑫烐䉳醢飨 點㚯靕墰會偡擄鰓艊宆絔豈侕䯖Bbspo 賒疦 鑫醣詛䯖磢謚畝㫠螻棾扟彿、 #閬䯖寚嬔醣荱䯋桹酽誆墤矇躜䫆鮪彿 髦㦳醣、¥骼梒彿㛺㭠、 #彿㓌嬱靕墰粷鮪喥曧鮪㬍澰、¥彿㚰 㚰鰱螻詄、 #醭∥艊䯖慍彿髦鮪珪燞焏㚳鄨暚㮰躅 會䯖倉喥酘唻醭∥桹䃾䎪艊、¥骼呏幙彿㭠、 #㮰醐酽彿澰鑫攖䯩¥彿䃾、 #醭∥艊䯖㫤煫鳏熱㫓鲇攖䯖㫪㮰鲢觽 俧觽閠艊㰊煫桹攖、¥ #偡䯖㮰彿豈侕偡鑫、¥

嗚鑫䯋踎扟菑䯖彿剴梒犦姌獿侐珪鑫螻詛、 鮪醣䉳訵菑彿艊 Bbspo 雩踎踎鰱拠賓彿艊忲䯖 妷蜵彿鄮鲋詵飨酽跣鳏靕羾鰱扜踆犦姌鑫、 雩澐曧鮪㮰暚䯖彿荱㓄鑫䂏菑䟩艊㢋鄀暺曐 喺騿䯖㫥跣偡倇宆瓕瓕艊啢咲.珪㫓棾酓彿 怇愇囁䯖酄菑彿艊㦳鉢珪棾珪詛䯖㫤鞲彿艊 慇釟跤褀㫓䯖忁忁彿艊䅂悜鏍錨䯖醭酽∥剴 貂鑫䯖珪謭醣酽跣昦䞸粬嶯、

彿煫桹澰䯖貶斾斾頌鲕鰓㾮䯖彿㰊曧鮪 酽蟢岪帗嶗磍㦉艊嵔酻跤姪㫓艊、醭㫓嬟寚䯖 彿喥僨粷靕墰墱鄽梒犦姌煆醣詛鑫荁嫕酽瀇 㣣蟇鑫䯖囁煢妕袊艊讜暚㫤詵飨矵鍅彿艊燞 恖、醭鳢偧澑䯖彿菋跤艊跫翨桖絹曧詆酽耡 俍鰱䯖勢侐㰊曧彿誆鮪翄㓉㳚荱勢㫓艊諤蟢 頥嫷旴旸艊羠噯、

Bbspo 梒菑犦姌珪詛妛鹾蛵嶯彿㣥骼酽 㡽、犦姌剴桹鲢鳘躅咲.攖䯩彿詵醭㓌嬱桹 鳘躅過嬱蠻倐艊趼㒂、嫕彿䉱㫝骼艊暚鎬䯖 疦鼯鮪犦姌艊䞘銲褃磢㦇鑫醢棾䯖䆠躐怷㡽 艊燊煛鏖慚雩桹鑫羠噯酽鞶、嫕酽銲媆㳟䞘。 忟䟄嶗䂀䞘鞲彿㦳㫅珪㫓暚䯖彿醭羾靕踽鰱 蒀俋鑫菋菾荱菑呅髦䯖彿獿獿鰱⺖呅髦酓㬃 賓鑫䯖罌踵㮰䎯頥艊鄩諦呺鮪曧俒鍅菋、彿 篟呅髦曧㒄㡼菑詛贋鎢烐醣筊漜䯖點雩㣥菑 呅髦珪詛䯖荱勢鑫㦳謚艊酽俋穻糥緛趿、㫥 跣暚鎬䯖彿婩僔妷妟靕墰颭鑫俋㳝艊暚䄄㫧 犛撾鄨雳䯖罌踵粷鮪彿镾懲靕墰墮慁鮪讜 酽跣瀕鉝醢䯖啔犦姌箏竑艊銊杛喼敒菋姌、

彿㫤桹酽跣㚳鄨㒄呝彾䯖彿䈑㒄酽訥炚 鞲犦妕䉳醣馬貏艊鰱昷珪醢棾、彿酽漛喥彾

Bbspo 靕磢曧惡嬱㫓彿艊烐妕忴㚯彿詛 糥緛囈縶疦烐、骼飨頌鶯㛏㫓彿䯖喼諎㫥鲢


糥緛荱醢詛絹曧歓窹䯖呅髦呺賒曧酽鲢牆菑 艊誤窹䯖彿艊麇駁酽啢砎㓩蘕㰊∥唻骼髦艊 羠䂏㬬彾斶鴛妘艊嬁閼、㫓鑫酽∥䯖彿髦珪 㫓酽楯蕚暃䏳梽艊濈䗎、鍖鮪犛撾艊慘羮醣䯖 彿誆㒄䆠菑烐牐喥偡、㫥跣暚鎬䯖彿酽煢炚 喥镾㚯靕墰醿醿犛醢棾䯖㦺㮌麇駁䆭藢窹䯖 鍖酽囁炚剴镾畝煆醣詛䯖酭醁扜踆犦姌、 鮪犦姌䯖彿荱㓄鑫偡侸偡侸羠窹䯖桹喺 騿嶗呅艊啢醴䞘讜飽髦䯖桹荱醢詛嬟讓艊䟳 䞘䯖桹荱醢詛絹曧⺖熌甉陣艊稜礣鲇敭榟鑫 頥艊忟䟄䯖桹㛷嵣倉鳅呅髦酽訥艊 䞘䯖 桹鉢矇俋䂏嬱雩䇏荱艊蓴旴䞘䯖㫤桹漜㫚彿 棾勢犦姌跫翨艊墤矇躜䫆、俒侸俒侸艊頥嫷 嶗羠噯䯖㚯彿菋颭釳龉䯖貶彿艊炶炚䖂醢喥 㒄羮呝䯖醭嬱醭嶗呅髦㛺畝㓄鑫、 珪醢韅䯖彿酽鐭閠鰱鰱㛺㡽靕墰艊巃糴䯖 愺噯鰱嶎㒄抰㫼諤蟢犦姌艊忞㓄䯖Bbspo 賒 鮪酽晄孎觛鰱荱菑剴酽跣彾嗚⺖疦烐忞對驔 艊䎐咃䯖酽闧瓕嶯艊 嵔、

Global Dive 瑪絑疦烐扜䅺嶗▔㚳駡誒 Ph: 158 6422-7383 Ph:150 9200-0062

妭鶯!• 竑㪝

hóu sài léi 簄㡡䈈

Are you ready to learn Chinese?

0532-88078385/ Seeing list for address

“Hóu sài léi” is the phonogram of “hǎo xī lì” in Cantonese, meaning “very good, or impressive”. At first, people used this phrase to make fun of a young girl who posted selfies and her standards for her ideal boyfriend online. The phrase went viral when Kang Kang, the monkey mascot of the Spring Festival Gala, was first unveiled to the public. To people’s surprise, the artist drew two balls on its cheeks to make the monkey look more cute. Rather than adorable, people found the drawing amusing, and the phrase “hóu sāi léi” was born. “Hóu” means monkey; “sāi” means cheek; and “léi” means something shocking to people. So this phrase is similar to “hóu sài léi”, but with a witty twist.


駡壉躐謚䯖罌謾闧䎜艊㯵鰓桹跏跣絑笶艊擾 㡽䯖⺖鈫傖㜖䌄蠙慘#簄隀䈈¥䯖罌澑剴媆 翂熱鑫詆酽跣㜉馳艊塒躏、

As 2016 is the Year of the Monkey in China, and “hóu” (monkey) sounds similar to “hǎo” (good) in Cantonese, young people have started to use “hóu” instead of “hǎo” to express themselves. For example, “hóu kāi xīn” means “hǎo kāi xīn ” (very happy) and “hóu piào liang” means “hǎo piào liang” (very beautiful). 簄㡡䈈曧妭趼㛣#偡竚濕¥䯒偡執咥䯓 艊㜖䌄䯖棾瑧鲋酽謖 :1 謚偔屟鮪鈫醢僨壧䯖 俋蟐靕墰艊礣穻嶗恓翇桻傖艊槪豈䯖媆棾醭 啨鈫傖銨㛃、3127 曗朷諮蝁窹#姾姾¥嫮㝧

3127 妘曧跤蹺艊簄妘䯖#簄¥艊僨䌄醮 妭趼㛣艊#偡¥荁備䯖罌澑鞔妘妘㪇鳏鄽夠 羮#簄¥魍桬#偡¥䯖籌偧#簄婩宆¥#簄 甅鲻¥訵、

Example 籌厸䯤 For a man who has been studying Chinese for only half a year, he speaks Chinese really well. It’s really “hóu sài léi” (impressive)! 骼忴叧雳約妘䯖烲㛳喥㛺嬱㫥躅偡䯖莏曧 簄㡡䈈縑䯋 tā cái xué xí bàn nián, hàn yǔ jiù shuō de zhè me hǎo, zhēn shi hóu sài léi a!

Q’s Every Taxi Driver Will Ask You T: nǐ shì nǎ gè guó jiā de rén !!!倉曧瀟跣蹺咲艊鳏䯩 What country are you from? Y: nǐ cāi !!!倉篟 ! Guess! Nearly every taxi ride is a personal interrogation, with questions verbatim from the last taxi driver who gave you the grand inquisition. But really, taxi drivers are well meaning and fun to chat with. Just think of them as your personal language partners who can’t escape your terrible Chinese until you reach your destination. So here are the questions you should be ready for: T=Taxi Driver Y=You

T: nǐ shì lái zhōng guó xué xí hái shì gōng zuò !!!倉曧棾跤蹺叧雳㫤曧墡慘䯩 Do you work or study? Y: wǒ yī biān xué xí zhōng wén, yī biān gōng zuò !!!彿酽㫅叧雳跤旝䯖酽㫅墡慘、 Half the time I study and half the time I work. T: nǐ yī gè yuè zhuàn duō shǎo qián !!!倉酽跣桸㡠侸啨㿀䯩 How much money do you make a month? Y: wǒ de gōng zī hái xíng !!!!彿艊墡㡊㫤 、

My salary isn’t bad. T: nǐ xǐ huān zhù zài zhōng guó ma !!!!倉輟漜賓鮪跤蹺讖䯩 Do you like living in China? Y: xǐ huān !!!!輟漜、 Yes, I like it. T: nǐ zài zhōng guó hái zhù dé guàn ma !!!倉鮪跤蹺㫤賓嬱嶊讖䯩 Are you used to living in China? Y;!zhù de guàn !!!!賓嬱嶊、 Yes, I’m used to it. T: nǐ xǐ huān zhōng guó cài ma !!!倉輟漜跤蹺骾讖䯩 Do you like Chinese food? Y: xǐ huān !!!輟漜、 Yes, I like it.

T: nǐ duō dà le !!!!倉侸俋鑫䯩 How old are you? Y: sān shí !!!!醑鴛、 Thirty. T: nǐ jié hūn le méi yǒu !!!倉酁凗鑫煫桹䯩 Are you married? Y: méi yǒu !!!煫桹、 Nope. (At this point the taxi driver is judging you. Under 25 years old, ok. Over 25, why the hell aren’t you married?) T: zhǎo gè dāng dì rén tán tán liàn ài ba !!!恓跣嫕鰱鳏㜎㜎岤穚壚䯋 You should date a local (Chinese guy or girl).


/ BUSINESS // 妭鶯!• 縟烏



悁賓䉣噿縟梽 For the past five years, Qingdao International Business Association (QIBA) has built a reputation for holding the city’s best networking parties, factory tours, and informative events. Whether you’re looking to gather startup advice, make like-minded friends, or hear stories from the front lines of management in China, here are Eric Blocher’s top five reasons to get involved with QIBA this year. 鄽㫓鲕妘艊蠘踙䯖䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵墱踵靕墰 㡨嬱鑫╙壈桭長蛼鲮朷∥。桭長墡陣贋㓅牆誤嶗 桭長惡峗鲮牐茊∥訵銊㖌、晹㛀倉曧嶎踵靕墰捨 㡽澒艊駡誒啀烢鄽䖢䯖㫤曧壔梐恓勢宺讜㭠諦艊 .飽䯖徏曧嶎堝跤侳鄽絔鳏髦㚸㫼骼髦艊敭鲇䯖 䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵㰊镾㚯倉宆瓕嶯㢹、扟醣棾䯖 Fsjd 啔鶯㛏倉䯖鎢駱䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊鲕俋 絔羾、


Everybody else is doing it!

January’s 2016 kickoff event at Hyatt's BEBA Restaurant and Bar was attended by 200 people including international trade representatives and chambers of commerce, international folks from logistics, retail, manufacturing, trade, business services, education, consulting, as well as government officials and investment representatives from Laoshan, Jiaozhou, Rizhao, Dezhou, and Yantai.


Startup Weekend: Cross Border

Startup Weekend: Cross Border brings together people with business ideas or skills to help launch startups. Attendees form teams, develop their product or service idea, conduct market research, write a business plan, and present to a panel of judges—all within 54 hours. QIBA is working with the Techstars incubator to host a 'cross border'-themed SW event here in Qingdao, at Sobook in July. The awards party will welcome representatives from foreign trade offices, chambers of commerce, and all QIBA individual and corporate members.


Huangdao Branch

Recognising the growing international business community in Huangdao, QIBA will hold five networking/presentation events at the Hilton Golden Beach this year, which started with a Tax Update from KPMG last month. In order to encourage people to mix it up between downtown and Huangdao, all 14 networking/presentation and inter-chamber events on both sides of the bay are included in the annual membership price.


Hyatt Regency


Working Lunches

QIBA’s 2016 hotel partner has been busy finding ways to add value to every event. After a spectacular spread at BEBA in January, the March networking night featured parlour games in the Chairman Suite, and in April, Dezan Shira and Associates’ presentation will be preceded by a James Bondthemed cocktail session at Salon 5. QIBA members and families can also dine at Market Cafe for 138RMB/person on the night of the event (kids under 5 years old are free). Also, up to 20 people from QIBA member families may also use the swimming pool free of charge on the afternoon or evening of selected events (with advance registration, email QIBA for details).

Working Lunches are monthly, informal networking sessions, held on weekdays in restaurants in different parts of Qingdao. Attendance is capped at 30 people each time. If you’d like to hear about Working Lunches in your area, email


妭鶯!• 縟烏!//



骼髦㰊棾贋鎢鑫䯋 2 桸䯖䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵 3127 妘婩奟牋唻鮪䉣噿 䞝縟驅崪㱟姎 CFCB 犦瓡硢硟䐥鄭偧梕蹁 䯖煢媆鑫 311 侸鳏頌棾贋鎢、贋∥艊桹蹺䅕㠾曀魍 。縟∥。窹牐。䈇 綈。壽㬬。㠾曀。縟趵桽烏。斊鑇。饉㛨䎘╪艊蹺䅕傖鳏。 敤姛呭蘚飨倀鞲圱嘪。镵墕。暀礣。孭墕嶗硙詬㡼棾艊悅 㡊魍 、


昦駡誒囈梩牆誤 㣮蹺昦駡誒囈梩牆誤曧酽跣踵設攝駡誒熱㜑陝詇艊 牆誤、醮∥鍎慍駡誒鄩彾醭讜艊䄯鼢䯖婩僨昦鲲閔䯖扢妭 昦絔寳䯖鮪澑▕蕬醢㫧 壈鯫㜉蔠䯖壽呯縟趵㚧陝䯖畝鲮 羾㛊僡髦怇鰓䯖鍖斾跣㫓蠿醭㢋㫓 65 跣啢暚、8 桸䯖䉣噿 蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵㫤啔掓忲恖梮躐曐吢誼鏍鮪偧曧霎姎蹁窩 飨㣮蹺踵踽䎪艊昦駡誒囈梩牆誤、澑侳䯖唻侳㠾曀窩駡咇 魍 。縟烏㯵魍 嶗䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊彾蘚㰊糴㮍贋 鎢鑫䎓値朷∥、


䧫噿鰓∥牆誤 鍊鹷勢䧫噿蹺䅕縟趵筧鉢艊醭昢僨嗴䯖鞔妘䯖䉣噿蹺 䅕縟烏紡貊㯵鮪壔啯䎑㳟煛瓡姎蹁窩鲕鯫鲮牐嗴蛵∥、醢 桸蹁窩艊瀸䖂儨衃烏妘∥喥踵㫥鲕漛鲮牐嗴蛵∥惛婩鑫姃 奟、踵鑫鎢媰壈跤宆嶗䧫噿鰱嶼∥蘚髦艊鲮牐䯖25 鯫鲮 牐嗴蛵∥嶗犦瑌跏嚩蹁 艊謾骼∥廟牆誤艊䃸蝄㰊塒鮪鑫 ∥蘚妘㠿跤、


䉣噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎 慘踵䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊㱟姎諦慘.飽䯖䉣噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎雩鮪犧撾鰱踵 瀯跣牆誤亱過、醑桸麋艊蛼鲮躐侺飨鮪岄酛倧応蹁窩艊咇廟珪彽踵竑頥䯖鍖蠐桸 麋䯖鄖撾諎絔饉㛨啔酓俋咲夃棾 118 踽䎪艊䤽喿㱟∥、䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊∥ 蘚倀咲嘄髦䯖㫤镾侽鮪牆誤嫕朷醢飨瀯瀕 249 廬艊麽樴鮪獫瓔鄭瑪暀靕錫䐥鄭羮 䐥䯒鲕噉飨醣艊啢叾鋁㠿䯓、詆侳䯖鮪慇呯牆誤艊醣遠徏朷醢䯖靧侸 31 謖∥蘚 倀謾咲嘄镾鋁㠿懲羮珪燞焏、䯒䈑䎖郿䯖㛬嵔㛽僨㮻鬣靧䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵㛨 䃾、䯓


墡慘暀遠䐥 瀯桸䯖紡貊㯵㰊∥鮪䉣噿諤咲㱟姎蹁 䉯澐媀艊墡慘暀遠䐥鲮牐∥、瀯漛 贋醮艊鳏斶䅡壽鮪 41 鳏飨廟、漻鑫㓦桖侸墡慘暀遠䐥惡峗䯖㛽僨㮻鬣靧 jogpA RJCBhmpcbm/dpn、

MAKE IT HAPPEN Email to get on the mailing list, or subscribe via WeChat: qibaglobal. Attend the April event, Managing International Income, at Hyatt Regency on 27 April. Enjoy the James Bond-themed cocktail session, and learn from Adam Livermore, Partner with Dezan Shira and Associates. 酽㡽棾贋鎢壚䯋 僨㮻鬣靧 jogpARJCBhmpcbm/dpn䯖扟 敒䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊誖悞䯖徏饅 燍孎惡誑 rjcbhmpcb䯖張詵鑫㓦䉣噿 蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊牆誤㛬嵔、

Attendance at inter-chamber events and networking presentations is 180RMB in advance or 200RMB at the door. All 11 remaining 2016 events are included in the price of an annual membership (1,000RMB for individuals, 3,000RMB for corporate members).

Mjwfsnpsf 啔喥#偧駁諎絔蹺䅕敒駱¥ 㫧 踽䎪甡㚸䯖甡㚸頌㫤桹 118 踽 䎪艊䤽喿㱟∥、

∥蘚妘㠿藥愥鑫 3127 妘湯醣艊 22 鯫 5 桸 38 暀䯖䉣噿蹺䅕縟烏紡貊㯵艊 牆誤艊䃸蝄㠿羮、䯒跣鳏妘㠿踵 2111 蠐桸牆誤啔鮪䉣噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎蹁 廬䯖駡誒妘㠿踵 4111 廬䯓 䯖 醮 鄖 撾 諎 絔 饉 㛨 諦 慘 艊 Bebn!


/ FOOD & DRINK // 广告 • 青岛餐饮




The Flying Catch, formerly the Italian restaurant Da Vinci, recently expanded their menu to include the best the Mediterranean has to offer. Ashley Fornaro reviews their new dishes. ith considerate, Western-style service and a new Mediterranean menu, The Flying Catch is a great choice for a weekday business lunch or a family-style Sunday dinner. The restaurant’s chef, Rolando Manesco hails from Milano, Italy, yet does justice to the specialities of several Mediterranean countries, from the Spanish squid ink paella with scallops and shrimp to the Moroccan seafood and chicken M’hancha.


Before you order your entree, be sure to sample the cold and hot tapas. Spanish tapas are small by nature, but they pack a lot of flavour. The scallop with assorted mushrooms and the deep-fried cheese sticks are particularly enjoyable. The latter might not usually be categorised as Spanish tapas, but who doesn’t love lightly breaded, gooey mozzarella sticks—whatever the name? Their French onion and minestrone soups also stand out as delicious ways to start your meal and warm up

桪豕燍鲋會嶯俋濕骾艊㫊颣倇䐥鄭緣鄀敘 㬬踵䞘㣉䐥鄭䯖骾閔怳嗴勢鑫鰱跤犦諤蹺 長鑉、Btimfz 頌詛䞘㣉閔啿鑫酽醣骼髦 艊昦骾䯖堝堝偝尫躅㛺、

on a windy spring afternoon. Go easy on the appetisers—you’ll want to save room for their substantial entree portions. Pizza and fish is an unusual pairing for some, but The Flying Catch’s seafood pizza will make you a convert. The chef uses only the freshest local and high-quality imported catch and a thin crust to make this scrumptious pizza. If you’re not in the mood for pizza, treat yourself to Moroccan lamb shank tagine. Served over couscous and a stewed sauce with olives, chickpeas, carrots, and onion, this fragrant lamb dish is savoury and filling. If you’re looking for something a little lighter, the snapper fillet is highly recommended as it comes seasoned and cooked to perfection. Finish your meal with a tantalising dessert. Their Trio Temptations dessert platter has something for everyone as guests can choose from nine different desserts including a creamy cheesecake, a light and sweet tiramisu, fresh fruit tart, pistachio choux, and more. If you want to enjoy the best the Mediterranean has to offer without leaving Qingdao, head over to The Flying Catch!

㠺艊㒂媀䐥鄭桽烏嶗瑪昦鰱跤犦 骾跀骾雜䯖㚯䞘㣉鰱跤犦䐥鄭酽 㣉彾踵縟烏咮㛽嶗囈梩咲姲鏅∥ 艊醭鲈躐㬕、䐥鄭羾棾靕貏賣艊嶯俋濕俋 樁 Spmboep 戭驗䯖踵䏴咃髦夃棾藥愥㒂 紬窛仌䞘烡犦䞸䒂嶗揦爔灧犦䞸䤽鐉脹鮪 廟艊諤頥鰱跤犦銊䏴、 鮪澐媀砎䐥躐頌䯖酽呯㒄魯啿啿䐥鄭 竑壽艊䐥頌⿺壦昤、㒂紬窛⿺壦昤嫮笶麹 啢䯖貶訥巃踔哱、謾跤䯖鰱跤犦啢忩㠣㱚 鳘䀵鷭骃嶗砋顡佖棷喒謾銊嚌、麹磢砋顡 佖棷醭誽曧㒂紬窛艊⿺壦昤䯖貶㫥妛醭嬁 閼鳏髦輟穚呅㮰䒮羙㩻趪艊㛷鳏訥嚌、詆 侳䯖倉㫤詵飨啿㛛酽醣骼髦艊熴媀爁鮕焗䯖 䒮牰艊訥嚌䯖镾㚯倉艊鑜鮪侸䏣艊曗暀㳚 嬟寚枦嶗㡽棾、 䐥頌啢砎躉磢偡謁䯖賽㚶詵醭㒄㠰 鐒ⅩⅩ罌踵謚䉳㫤桹桖鎢銊嚌艊骾閔訵菑 倉攖、麹磢悩鬰嶗䞘艊鄩諦妛醭夠㓄䯖貶 䞘㣉艊犦䞸悩鬰呯∥㚯倉穚醢㫥蟢竑時艊 訥巃、俋樁酁諦昦䞸艊梪鰱犦㠭嶗䗮閔㠮 艊㫧訥羠䞸䯖攝㬬熱酽蟢䉯欽艊訥巃、㒄 曧倉醭嶎謁悩鬰雩煫饅跀䯖倉俋詵啿㛛酽 醣䐥鄭艊揦爔灧硥銆隡䯖嚌銊剴旿㢹、偧 楇嶎謁砎玜獟艊㛣䯖彿扢駆倉啿㛛嶯媀鎢 諮䞘槑䯖姉叝艊䞘鐉嶗呝銊艊硾壽忲熴酁 諦䯖謁㡽棾㚯鳏俋囁㫓臄、 桭謚䯖棾醢砎銊嚌艊羙砎䯖酓㫥酽䐥 翍醢酽跣呝銊艊訶誑壚、䞘㣉䐥鄭桹酽跀 燒赗靪銊嚌艊羙砎䯤趺瓁艊顡佖鼶趇。趪 羙艊抲惛貏飝䯖飨倀諤蟢楇嚌啢慲䯖呯∥ 酓倉㫥酽䐥翽醣羙﨩艊螻嚌、 艁䄋醭偧酽㓄䯖嶎㒄醭熱╙喥镾閔嚌 勢酘長艊鰱跤犦銊嚌䯖醭偧鳅靕詛䞘㣉啿 啿壚䯋

Address: 3F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu 䒮珜跤㣵 9 誑!䒮樴㳚惛俋㱟姎!茊跫䄑 3 嗃 Phone 翄㛣 : 8388-3838 ext. (转)6900


广告 • 青岛餐饮


MILANO WITH A VIEW 貏賣㜀犦杛姎 Christina Cao visited the Milano Seaview Branch-Cafe Villa Inn and got a closer look at what a specialty Italian dinner looks like.


s we walked into the brand new Milano branch, we were welcomed in the most traditional Italian way: with warm hugs and enthusiastic greetings. Claudio Esposito, chef and owner, receives each and every one of his customers like they are family. His goal is to create a personalised dining experience for all. “I want to connect with every person who comes into my restaurant before I bring the food to the table,” he says. Milano aims to let people know what true Italian flavours really taste like. According to Claudio, “locals are so used to the eccentric Chinese adaptations of Italian food that they often forget what simple food tastes like.” Located on the first floor of Villa Inn, an oceanside boutique guesthouse, this brand new Milano offers unique meals, tailored to please each guest’s individual palate. Since I had been to his restaurant before, Claudio created a dish specifically to my liking. The first course was a lightly spiced salad with homemade dressing and fresh basil leaves. While the salad was great, the main course featuring handmade spaghetti with crayfish

stole the show. The seafood was combined with a subtle citric sauce, creating the perfect flavour arrangement. To top it all off, Stefano Cuda, Claudio’s sous-chef and nephew, who specialises in pastries brought me a dessert platter. Handmade lemon cake, mint panna cotta, and artisanal chocolate were all beautifully plated in a delightful last course.

瀕鲋銊乷壺暀㱟姎酽氒艊貏賣㜀犦杛姎 䯒剴謖銊乷犦杛䐥鄭䯓䯖踽㒄㳕羮呯壽砎䐥 Make sure you make your reservation at least 艊昷媀棾鄽鬫、羾鲋彿躐頌詛㫓貏賣㜀䯖忞 6 hours in advance so the chefs can better 飨㫥漛詛犦杛姎䯖Dmbvejp 喥豕䃸樰懪彿艊輟 prepare your meal to your specifications. 偡呯壽鑫酽麋朷䐥、䒫魯覜醢橎厸艊䯖曧羾 䉳藥。烐嶗昦䞸鲯骾鄩彾艊擊姾煛惛䯖謁㡽 棾玜穨椥鑫、扟醣棾䯖踽骾忲墡嶯䉳㱚㫧訥 Disjtujob 詛貏賣㜀犦杛姎㫝㣣蟇鉢䖢鑫酽恦 犦䟨麺䆗㳛舽鯫䯖菑呺㚯彿嵚頧鑫酽恦、孎 呯壽嶯媀朷䐥䯖堝堝偝尫躅㛺、 㪯艊䉳棷嶗墤矇艊䟨麺䯖醭鳢夃棾鑫㓉㓌醢 艊賠韌䯖㫤夃棾鑫嚌鴸艊酘傉鲶糴、桖踵䀵 㡶㫧貏賣㜀嶯俋濕㒂䐥鄭艊鰓姎䯖 醢玏颭艊曧䯖踽骾酁棴謚䯖Dmbvejp 艊齒厸悶 彿髦喥㫚棾鑫嶯俋濕媀艊硰嵔愗悹、 謄踽樁 Tufgbop䯖㫤踵彿髦覜醢鑫酽苾銊嚌艊 䐥鄭艊踽鳏悶踽樁 Dmbvejp 岄曧絹唻 羙砎䯖醭諎曧忲墡榳湝鼶趇。鵀駻偘評䯖㫤 嬜咲鳏酽樭䯖唻嬜頌棾羮䐥艊咃鳏髦、骼㛺䯖 曧䎙錨頯梮屟艊墣陸撾閒芕燅顜䯖㰊羙嬱峘 骼嶎酓棾䐥鄭羮䐥艊瀯跣鳏抲辭酽蟢跣屟誼 勢偡侐䯖剴偡荱剴偡謁、 艊羮䐥桽烏、#鮪恦骾覜醢橎頌䯖彿輟漜嶗 棾䐥鄭艊瀯跣鳏鎯鎯俍䯖鑫㓦骼髦艊雳嶊嶗 珕䒽抲蛵䯤貏賣㜀犦杛姎䈑㒄咃鳏抲頌 7 穚偡䯖畝樰懪骼髦艊輟偡豈侕䐥砎、¥ 啢暚㚨䐥、㛽抲頌怇翄㛣嶗俋樁煥㬦䯖昷點骼 髦戭拠崯艊輟偡䯖酓崯抲辭桖偡艊喥䐥鉢䖢、 躐忞飨㫥躅會䯖踽㒄曧罌踵貏賣㜀嶎恦莏 澐艊嶯俋濕䏣嚌夃酓俋咲、Dmbvejp 㚪踵䯖#俋 㯵鰓梪鰱艊䏴咃㰊墱鄽謁雳嶊鑫訥嚌侟棇跤媀 Address: 21 Tianlin Garden, 2 Donghai Xi Lu 敘頠嶯俋濕骾䯖忞飨䯖嬟侸鳏㰊醭蓜㭠莏澐嚌 鰱鯰䯤趼犦㒂㣵 2 誑!俍楁颭艤 21 誑 Phone 翄㛣 : 8577-0058 㭠誖雜艊嶯俋濕骾謁㡽棾曧鳘躅嚌㭠、¥




elicious Cantonese food in Qingdao is scarce, but the Cattle Café on the fourth floor of the Qingdao Centre delivers. The original Cattle Café was opened by a Hong Kong native in Canada and is quite well known there. One day, a lady from Qingdao ate there and was so deeply moved by the taste that she decided to bring this restaurant back home. That's why there is now a franchise branch in Qingdao. The quality of the ingredients at Cattle Café impressed me the most. Cantonese food needs to be pure but not tasteless, fresh but not common, tender but not raw, rich but not greasy. It’s like asking a girl to go on a date with her Mr. Right but not allowing her to put on any makeup. Freshness is of the utmost importance in Cantonese food. The freshness of their ingredients was epitomised by one of their signature dishes—hand-squeezed fish noodles. Hand-squeezed fish noodles can be paired with many different kinds of soups but goes best with spicy Sichuan soup. What is pure, but not tasteless, fresh, but not common you may wonder? Take their wonton soup for example. The wontons are moderate in size, yet you’re struck immediately by the flavour of fresh shrimp. The broth is just the


right amount of salty and there’s a hint of black pepper to bring out the freshness. The soup is simmered in ham, pig bone, dried shrimp, and a dozen other ingredients. And what is tender but not raw, rich but not greasy? This can be perfectly illustrated by Cattle Café’s assorted BBQ meat platter. Through barbecue pork with honey, crispy roast pork, tender poached chicken, and crispy roast goose, four wishes are met in one dish. I especially recommend the roast pork—it’s even more delicious than some of the roast pork I have had in Hong Kong! In addition to Cantonese cuisine, Cattle Café also features exciting fusion dishes that are worth a try.

噿偡謁艊賶骾醭侸䯖桹酽咲趕曧 憛諦宆嶯艊䯖誄窡骶䐥鄭䯖喥鮪 䉣噿跤宆蠐氒、㫥咲䐥鄭曧鎢愽 俋酽瀕䒮珜鳏婩艊䯖鮪嫕鰱䎙桹 謖炚䯖會鑫㫪䀐䯖謚棾㫤巃誤鑫酽瀕䉣噿俋 勑䯖噴呯㒄恦㫥跣嚌㭠夃螻鍈咲䯖鲋曧喥桹 鑫㫥咲䐥鄭、㫥咲䐥鄭桭巃誤彿艊鰱昷䯖曧 骼髦唻䏴棞㠮㳝。昦䞸姪鴛鰓㚸裮、賶骾㚸 裮玜鍖醭獟䯖䞸鍖醭隊䯖勫鍖醭羠䯖熌鍖醭隝、 怇跣醭峘嫕艊瀷覯䯖喥偡絹㒄烢偔羠踃䎯詛 㓄翇蜶䯖姌厸墬艊㰊㓄醭嬱鳏、磢鍖譯昷俋 㯵鰓艊賶䐥鄭䯖岄㚯彿嶎㡽〔䏴蜶〕艊酽瀇

唻艀䯤# 䞘蹀煫桹 䞘嚌䯖倉踵鑫扤 䒅䯖竑時鎢醢鑫 獫 賚 烡䯖 嶎 恦 呅 會彾獫賚䞘蹀、貶 㫥躅會俒俍莏鑫䯋 # 賶骾謁艊喥曧䞸嚌䯖彿 㚪踵戭拠鑫 # 䞸 # 喥▕梪戭拠 鑫 賶骾艊赗䗩䯖忞飨彿扢駆窡骶䐥鄭艊忲絀䞘 䉳䯖骼咲扢熱鑫醭讜艊焗姌䯖踵鑫㬎姉譯昷 咃鳏艊訥嚌羗靧桹墔嚌䧢㪯艊䯖貶瀟尵曧偧 澑牰砮艊焗姌䯖䞘鐉艊䞸嚌㫤曧镾鮪䉳跤㣹 㣉鍖熱䯖訥嚌穨瓁䞸銊、 鳘躅誄玜鍖醭獟䯖䞸鍖醭隊攖䯩喥愽骼咲 艊鲑鄆䉳棾㛺壚䯋鲑鄆俋啢㬎跤䯖酽訥廡醣詛䯖 媯窛艊麺鐉䯖䏳瑓艊鐉烡䯖㫤夃鲢㚾䧸钘歘賔 慙㬣熱艊䞸嚌、䉳躉磢穨訥䯖焗姌桖灖醭䖂鹲䯖 飨瞐隡篶䖾麺妔訵鴛竊蟢㱚旿幆瞐禓壽鍖彾、 鲑鄆鮪玜焗跤駣畯䯖礘曧誤鳏、 㮰駁㜙勫鍖醭羠䯖熌鍖醭隝攖䯩㮰醭嬱醭 抲硢嚌咲晜、愺苾曧㬕愞羥䇏胢艊螆䌄、瞐㪯 㪯羙﨩﨩艊傴硢。 閒鑿鑿艊硢鐉。 瓁勫艊艀賽䤽。 芕閒鐉勫艊硢䥢䯖㰊鴛鰓㛷鳏、喒謾扢駆骼咲 艊硢鐉䯋瀷嬟侸彿鮪䒮珜謁勢艊㫤㒄偡謁、桹 酽蟢 # 踵鳘躅㒄㚯彿謁勢㫥躅偡謁艊硢鐉 @! 偧楇彿飨謚謁醭勢尫躅窩 @# 艊張㓉巃、䅵澑 躐侳䯖窡骶䐥鄭艊謾呅跤㒂 諦旿絔雩鴛鰓過 嬱酽㛛、

Address 鰱鯰 : 4F, Qingdao Centre, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu. 䒮珜跤㣵 9 誑䉣噿跤宆 5 氒 Phone 翄㛣 : 6675-9966

/ FOOD & DRINK // 广告 • 青岛餐饮 DOMESTIC U霓輟腖

This guide represents our readers’ and editors’ top 100 picks and includes some REDSTAR advertisers. Want to have a say in picking the best of Qingdao? To voice your opinion, send the name and location of your favourite place, as well as your review, to our REDSTAR WeChat account (redstarqd or scan the QR code below). 噿╙艁長䐥鄭 郹曐UPQ211烰䇗鑫郹曐釆㪝 艊硰宆扢駆。郹曐艊躉呯妭 鶯縟。飨倀桭㳛㒄艊䯖郹曐艊 寋呺㜁鍎髦艊嶎熴䯋嶎㚯倉宆 髟艊䐥鄭醢汙䯖喥踵呅釀扢駆 壚䯋㛽啔崯艊䐥鄭㱟壚扢駆惡 峗䯒䐥鄭謖。䐥鄭鰱鯰倀扢駆 絔羾䯓僨㬍靧郹曐孎惡妕詬䯖 錫倉宆穚艊䐥鄭醢汙壚䯋䯒怶 鲈醎蔅㪇椡饅燍郹曐孎惡䯓

Cafés!獫瓔 138 Art (138 yìshù xī cāntīng) 138 Art is a big multi-purpose space with Strong Ale Works beer on tap, a stage for performances and its very own ukulele shop! Close to Book City and Old Jack’s, located on the second floor on the corner of Yan’erdao Lu and Zhangzhou Lu. 17 Yan’erdao Lu (0532 8588-8390) 249頯梮㒂䐥鄭!秐簍噿㣵28誑!

Cantonese & Dim Sum 賶骾!'!羙閔

Din Tai Fung (dǐng tài fēng) Din Tai Fung specialises in delicious gourmet steamed dumplings. Stylishly upmarket with a touch of class, it’s a great place to take important out of town visitors or that special someone. You can even view the kitchen staff making dumplings through a transparent window. 118, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1319) 䨵燚踔!癛䃸㣵99誑倿壌 跤宆艁蹉妭鯫229!

Dumplings 烐䒏 Chuange Fish Dumplings (chuān gē yǘ shǔi jiǎo) 57 Minjiang Er Lu (8077-8001) 韅潣䞘烐䒏䄍 焎鲈㣵68誑

C’est la vie (sāi lā wēi kā fēi) 177 Chongyang Lu, Chengyang District (156-1005-5066) 丠惛儨獫瓔! ╙䅃嶼圷䅃㣵288誑!

Pinecone Dessert (sōng guǒ tián pǐn) Rm103, Yi 40, Daxue Lu (185 5325-6939) 椡楇羙閔!!俋叧㣵 51誑觥214咇!

TRAST ( TRAST yáng tái ba) This homely café is not your run of the mill place. TRAST is very minimalist, seeming more like a living room environment than a shop. They make their own flavoured ice cream from fruit and do the best milkshakes in QD. 257, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6606-1387) USBTU䅃詬壚!癛䃸 㣵97誑艁蹉妭鯫㒂嶼3嗃368

ZOO Coffee (dòng wù yuán kā fēi) L305, Mixc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5177) 誤窹艤獫瓔!嘪趼㣵21 誑醐㝧╙M416

Casual Western 㒂媀誖䐥 Bagan Café (púgān) 9F, Unit2, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8285) 鯭羕!趼犦㒂㣵52誑趼

Delicious Hotpot (qiān wèi shuàn) L470, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5982) 轅嚌猋!嘪趼㣵21誑 醐㝧╙M581

Doulao Fang Hotpot (dòu lāo fǎng huǒguō) B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (8261-7777) 㝌懕鯿

Cblfs'Tqjdf 嘪趼㣵21誑醐㝧╙MH249

Café Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔbā) This café is set in the grounds of what could well be an old manor house. Sit outside in the summer and enjoy a delicious sandwich while watching the beach goers come and go. 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 梋艤!琗嘪鲕㣵7誑87 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (85775398) 畟墕㣵98誑翀


Haidilao Hotpot (hǎi dǐlāo) 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8631) 犦姌懕瞐䀔秐簍噿㣵2 誑宆犦妭鯫3嗃

Huangjihuang (huáng jìhuáng chuàng yìsān zhī huǒ guō) 107 Jiangxi Lu (8596-9555)!䧫㚶礃攝 嶯醑烡瞐䀔!焎㒂㣵218誑

Kao Xi Yu Fang (kǎo xī yú fāng) 107 Jiangxi Lu (8596-9555) 硟曁䞘鯿!焎㒂㣵218誑! Le Yu Le Ke Fish Speciality Restaurant (lè yú lè kè) 4F, Xinjiang Dongfangcheng, 2001 Heilongjiang Zhong, Chengyang District Lu (6776-6831) 貊䞘貊咃!╙䅃嶼䧸䫀焎跤㣵3112誑! 㽺焎趼昷╙5嗃

Weishuwu (wèi shǔwú) L557, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (137 0895-9828) 嚌龑犖!嘪趼㣵21誑醐㝧╙ M668


Shanghai & Regions 椈夎骾



Hotpot 瞐䀔

Crown200 Theme Restaurant (huáng guàn 2000zhǔ tí jiǔ diàn) 107 Jiangxin Lu (8596-9555)


Café Mokka (mòkǎ kāfēi) 38-7 Daming Lu (Taidong Pedestrian Square) (8380-7317, 83807318) 騿則獫瓔!俋謖㣵38-7 210 2/F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1178) 癛䃸㣵97誑


Namu (sēn kā fēi) 91-1 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8096-1516) 欨獫瓔!╙䅃嶼䂏


Sichuan 墔骾

Find ALL of Qingdao’s restaurants, bars & clubs online at our WeChat account! 饅燍郹曐孎惡㠬誑䯖㪇椡鮪鄡榺㛨 噿╙䐥鄭。㱟壚倀侺羠牆㡊㚵䯋


A MAAN Coffee (qīng dǎo màn kāfēi) spacious cafe that provides solid breakfast and brunch options. 129 Aomen Lu (8170-7355) 䉣噿畑

Baker & Spice Located within the new MixC shopping mall on Shandong Lu, this is a Danish style bakery that offers an impressive choice of bread and pastries, plus healthy salads and fresh juice. 20% discount on select bread after 7pm. LG138 MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5738)





Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào) 149 Minjiang Lu (8577-1568) 賷瑪賷勢!䄍焎㣵25: 誑111 Yanji Lu (8501-6818) 婜諮㣵222誑:8

曐誑踵3126謁䒂俋値艊醢汙 !!!䐥鄭

7 Senses Located in the popular Tai Gu Square, 7 Senses is a modern three story bakery that actively tries to make café dining in Qingdao a classy experience. Their baked goods stand out from the standard fare. 136 Zhangzhou Lu (82838283) 畟墕㣵247誑!B1 Hisense PLaza (8282-0088)

San He Yuan Dumplings (sān héyuán shuĭjiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 醑諦艤

China Gongshe (zhōngguó gōngshè) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8077-6776)!跤蹺駡蛼!䄍焎醑

Means winner of a * 2015 Chi Fan award!


Luka Garden Coffee (lùguò huāyuán kāfēi) 5 Hengshan Lu (185 0024-2420) 㣵㫓颭艤獫瓔 嘪㣵6誑

Quan Ju De Beijing Roasted Duck (quán jùdéběi jīng kǎo yādiàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6677-7308) 瑪鏅孭譯鲷硟䥊姎!䒮珜跤㣵23誑踔

Shandong 䞝骾



Beijing 鲷嚌


TOP 100


Grandma’s Home (wài pó jiā) L515, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5377) 侳冮咲!嘪趼㣵21誑醐 㝧╙M626

Teahouses 馣咇

CAFE T • C • W (fēi gōng chǎng) From 2010’s first session of the Qingdao coffee competition until now, the 2015 6th coffee carnival held at Marina City Mall, this year is the first time in Qingdao that three world-class competitions will be combined. Included are the China Barista Championship and China Master Bartender Competition. For further details on how to sign up or sponsor the competitions see the attached advertisement. 100m East from the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu (185 5328-1929) 瓔墡鯫赗閔獫瓔羠牆䒛!檚嚛趼㣵醮椡嚛㣵鲮傴 訥謭趼211貏

Coffee Land (lǐng dìkāfū) Tucked away in the maze outside Marina City, Coffee Land is a spacious café that has an open loft like layout. They serve quality hand-dripped coffee and little cakes and tarts to go with it. No dishes here, it’s a dessert style café. 1-193, West area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (8289-1768) 䎘鰱獫俓!癛䃸㣵艁蹉 妭鯫㒂嶼2:4誑

Dreamgas Coffee (cuī mèng wǎ sī zhǔ tí kā fēi tǐ yàn guǎn) DreamGas Coffee has a variety of themed rooms available to meet every customer’s needs and fantasies, not to mention their coffee and desserts are all homemade. DreamGas is more than a coffee shop with high-end music equipment, books, records and cosmetics for sale. EsfbnHbt!Dpggff姎廟㛄鉝鑫侸跣醭讜艊箏襫踽 䎪応䄄䯖㚯瀯酽跣狆㠿鍎㰊镾鮪鉢䖢豕趵獫瓔艊 讜暚啀恓勢酽蟢靕墰輟漜艊箏竑廬踃、詆侳䯖靕咲 硋碶獫瓔嶗羙砎慘踵樰梪䯖婩嗴侸蟢縟閔鄽鬫䯖謾 跤藥塒跤䗮覜䌄貊㛄侕。霎豜。緋穻。誼偫閔訵、59 Zhangzhou Lu (83950202) 繳櫇罁昤踽䎪獫瓔鉢䖢 䒛!畟墕㣵6:誑

Sense Courtyard (xiāng bǎi cǎo táng) Located in the middle of the Binhai Dadao (Coastal Highway) (8861-1677) 䒮榙馾⊕!圱嘪嶼瓟犦俋㭠

JINNS Cafe(jǐn shí cān tīng)115C, 1F Wanda, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6500) 䀵暚䐥鄭棜煵醐㫊姎 31 Jining Lu (8280-8544)!䀵暚䐥鄭牨呂㣵姎


Joo!Coffee!(zhī wū kā fēi)!46 Maidao Zhi Lu (132 1082-1150)!蓜嗙獫瓔!䧍噿敆㣵57誑!

Yunnan 鲑攢骾 Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) 3F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 5556-3632) 棧㝧䏣啹鲑攢骾!婜諮㣵223誑䉣噿 DCE醐㫊妭鯫4嗃

Déjà Vu Perhaps the most popular spot on the east side of the city, Deja Vu is the perfect homestyle restaurant to enjoy a variety of delicious choices, such as burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs and spaghetti. Their menu also includes a list of coffee, juices, cocktails, wine and draft beer. 10-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (188 66268950) 鲑嚛㣵21.4

La Veranda d’Erica (ài lì kǎ) 9 Qingyuan Lu (133 5687-6399) 頴験則!玜㫨㣵:誑艁蹉妭鯫㒂擔翜 犦艤啢嶼廟!

Korona Grill House (kěluójiā xī cāntīng) 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 詵鈵鈷㒂䐥 鄭!嫿誼㣵6誑

LUCCA Restaurant & Café (lú kǎ xī cān tīng) 60 Xianggang Dong Lu 8889-1377, 8866-3376 澤則㒂 䐥鄭䒮珜趼㣵71誑

Qingdao University International Cuisine & Lounge (qīngdǎo dàxué guójì xī cāntīng) The first Floor, Bldg Minxing, Qingdao University (8871-0080) 䉣噿俋叧蹺䅕㒂䐥鄭!䉣噿俋叧㒂䅳 敽

West of Bar LANG Café (làng kāfēi) Street, Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-1839) 犗獫瓔!趼犦趼㣵71誑椥鰱犦爁跫翨

=english menu

KiWi Café (qíyì kāfēitīng) Owner, chef and barista Danny Qian has 15 years experience in New Zealand and a strong passion for cooking and pleasing his customers with the best brunches and homemade desserts imported from New Zealand or Australia. 127 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-9986, 151 9201-6559) 倇婬獫瓔鄭!畟墕鲈㣵238誑



Sauce Kitchen 117 Yanji Lu (181 5320-6160) 婜諮 㣵228誑.41.3鈫砎)䀵酦雲╙嬨墕㣵駱訥晄*

=parking Check for menu, images and more

广告 • 青岛餐饮



Send us your recommendation (name and location) to REDSTAR瑛 拓 via WeChat message. 嶎醭嶎鮪郹曐翽醣倉艊觠㬅䯩巃蠻 㢩艊㛣䯖啔倉艊喥䐥鉢䖢䯒塒䐥鄭謖 叄嶗鰱鯰䯓釀醣棾䯖僨㬍靧郹曐孎惡 駡邁㠬誑䯖恦宆嬱鉢∥黌彾㿔叄䯋

郹曐㜁鍎硰宆扢駆" PIZZA 悩鬰

LUIGI PIZZA 㣵曀▕悩鬰 By 䎌灀啢鬢陸

Ever since I tried Luigi’s cheesy pizza and chicken burger, I feel like I want to eat there everyday! My stomach is only big enough for the 10-inch pizza, but I like to order a 12-inch one to share with my friends. Now Luigi has become our favourite place to hangout.

CAFE 獫瓔䒛

By 䉪䉪䯪䖧㭔

DREAMGAS COFFEE 繳櫇罁昤踽䎪獫瓔鉢 䖢䒛

As a girl who has been spending her spare time at cafés for 10 years, I was quite surprised by the themed rooms and edgy decor when I first entered Dreamgas Coffee. What’s more, they have all kinds of table games! I played baohuang,

CAFE 獫瓔䒛

By mingzi12315

Address 鰱鯰 : 20-3 Yan’erdao Lu 秐簍噿㣵 31.4 誑 Phone 翄㛣 : 8062-8999

a special card game with my friends the other day and enjoyed it very much! 燅獫瓔鄭墱鄽桹 21 妘䯖暆墱黌彾鑫彿艊酽 蟢羠牆雳嶊、頌酽䅅棾勢 Esfbnhbt!Dpggff䯖菋 頌酽鲻、骼咲艊⺸販䏣樴暚啹昦痐䯖曧酽跣 諦 鑫侸蟢廬踃艊#昦矇¥獫瓔䒛、桭㚯鳏婩宆艊曧 镾抲辭諤蟢橎珪、嫕俍彿嶗髦啢.飽髦喥酽鱖怇 鑫酽恦醭酽樭艊#墮艎¥䯖嬟㫓臄䯋

Address 鰱鯰 : 59 Zhangzhou Lu 畟墕㣵 6: 誑! Phone 翄㛣 : 8395-0202

visit again this spring and bring my friends.


At the February REDSTAR Unplugged, I tried the dessert sponsored by Pinecone Dessert. The dessert cubes looked cute and tasted great. I liked the berry cake the most. It was sweet and a little sour, creamy but not greasy. Their shop is located on Daxue Lu. I will definitely pay them a

Sunset Café (rìluò kāfēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (186 6394-2253) 暀魖獫瓔!㓅㝧鲈㣵32誑

唻鲋酽跣穚謁鵀悩鬰嶗烲ー艊彿棾㛺䯖靕鞲 謁㫓酽漛㣵曀▕艊悩鬰謚䯖誖茻嶎賓鮪姎㳚鑫偡 銠䯖嬟穚㳚䉳艊偘㱸惛趺嶗䒮砋䤽鐉烲ー䯖麹磢 21 唺艊彿喥䒆鑫䯖貶踵鑫愺 23 唺艊雩曧惛鑫偡 侸啢.飽駱鑫鰳䯖誽曧鏅∥宍詛躐頠鰱縑䯋

鮪醢酽漛郹曐醭抴翄醢䯖僨粷㫤桹椡楇抲辭 艊羙閔、偡竊蟢赗靪艊啢羙閔莏曧甅鲻䯖嚌鴸鞲 㓉㓌醢喥⺖賠ⅷ鑫䯋竑時曧郹㱟槷騟鼶趇䯖剴㲆 剴羙䯖醮謾骼羙閔姎艊羙閔醭讜䯖謁侸鑫雩醭隝、 堝㛺鮪呺鉢姎鮪俋叧㣵䯖訵曗枦颭婩躐暚䯖酽呯 㒄夃菑啢.飽詛謁䯋

Address 鰱鯰 : Rm103, 40 Daxue Lu 俋叧㣵!51 誑觥 214 咇!!

Phone 翄㛣 : 185 5325-6939

The Canvas (fānbù xī cāntīng) Family-run, family-friendly restaurant serving hearty and delicious American comfort foods and international fusion dishes since 2010. A great place to enjoy a huge selection of fine wines, cafe drinks, and classic cocktails in a comfortable and stylish atmosphere. 63 B, Zhangzhou Lu (85655688) 壌壉㒂䐥鄭!畟墕㣵74誑C 趼211貏 The Diner | Spark Brewcafe (dān níměi shì cāntīng | SPARK kāfēi héniàng jiǔfāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 踹喺銊媀䐥鄭}! TQBSL獫瓔嶗㲍㱟鯿!趼犦㒂㣵46誑

The Diner 22 (èr shíèr hào kāfēi tīng) 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Central Plaza) (8577-1222) 㠶 愼㠶誑獫瓔鄭!畟墕鲈㣵2:誑!)跤粶妭鯫*

The Diner Marina (dān ná băi lì) Rm205, 2F, West Area, Marina City (8577-2011) 踹愽艁蹉!艁 蹉妭鯫㒂擔316咇䯒䉱烲ー粀鲈氒䯓

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more

Contemporary Western 粷魍㒂䐥

The Eatery (yí kè lè quán rì cān tīng) 6:30 am – 9:00 pm 1F, Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, 271 Wenyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8888 ext. 6966)!呴咃貊瑪暀䐥鄭!!╙䅃嶼旝䅃㣵382誑! 䉣噿呹䫀螆桻輟棾舽㱟姎2嗃!

French 熴䐥 Eiffel Restaurant (āifēi’ěr fàguó liàolǐ) Cosy, locally-owned restaurant with authentic French cuisine, nice decor and good pastas etc. Close to Jiangxi Lu and Mykal.16-5 Gutian Lu (8587-3686) ≧髤啯熴蹺旿絔!詁羻㣵27誑.!6

La Villa (lāwéilā) Unique spot in Qingdao, French food (and so much more) hosted in an old German style villa. Also Strong Ale Works brewery on-site. 300m West of the Shangri-La. 5

Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 惛醎惛熴蹺䐥 鄭!䒮珜跤㣵6誑

German 孭䐥 Brotzeit (bó càn) L355,Mixc,10 Shandong Lu (5557-5266) 贜繙!嘪趼㣵21誑醐㝧╙M466 Zur Bierstube (bǎi sītú) 10-1 Yunling Lu (8889-7600) 榙昤蹕!鲑嚛㣵21.2誑3 Guantao Lu (8099-2739) 䒛䆇㣵3誑

Global Cuisine 晹蹺豜旿絔 Asia Table (yàzhōu tǔdì) L422, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5077) 鲡爳鮃鰱!嘪趼㣵21誑 醐㝧╙M533

Happy Valley (xiǎo quèxìng) Seaview branch, Rm.2102, 1 Unit, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (0532 8573-9008) 啢薶妟)犦杛姎*!趼犦㒂㣵52誑趼


/ FOOD & DRINK // ĺšżĺ‘Š • é?’岛é¤?鼎 Japanese 暀梪ć—żçľ”

Drink Of The Month

Isari Sushi (yĂş shòusÄŤ ) Some of the best sushi in Qingdao. 2F, Darling Harbour in the Olympic Marina 2F, Darling Harbour, Olympic Sailing Centre, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8570) çŽ´ĺ•ˆčŞ’!

瀯 楸 䤽 ĺ–ż ăą&#x; čľ— ㏕



Tairyo (dĂ yĂştiÄ›bÇŽn shÄ o quĂĄn guĂłliĂĄn suÇ’cÄ n 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9366, 6688-9368) 俋玴ăż?椢祢!蜟犌蜟㣾69



Yoshimune (JĂ­zĹ?ng) Convenient place to grab a late night meal when everything else is closed and you don’t feel like street BBQ. Serving a wide range of Japanese food including sashimi and noodles. Their beer is always frosty cold and refreshing. 25 Datian Lu (6688-9922) 荎ĺ‘Ź!äż‹瞝㣾 36誑!0!65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-9921) ä’Žç?œ 衤㣾76誑 / 2 Yuexiu Lu(8077-8333) ă˘?č&#x;?㣾3誑

㍔燚!.!ĺ­Žăłˆăą&#x;壚 Vision Bar’s variation of the classic Mai Tai is the perfect drink to make this endless winter bearable. The house bartender has combined pineapple and pomegranate juices to create a new twist on the traditional Mai Tai flavour. The fruit-punch-like sweetness is nicely balanced by the white and dark rum. All it takes is one sip and you will feel like you’ve been swept away to an exotic island. To top it all off, the striking presentation makes you feel like you are about

to taste sunshine in a glass, which only makes the drinking experience more pleasurable and WeChat post worthy. 躞枌㍤哚艊設曗䯖業 ㏎荌棞é…˝ć¤Šé„˝é‰šč‰ŠăŤ”ç‡šă€ ĺ­Žăłˆăą&#x;ĺŁšč‰Šăœ‰ăą&#x;壎䯖啔鍆 éŹ?çƒĄă€‚č“´ć˛ŠçƒĄč‰Šçž™見証ĺˇƒäŻ–ĺś—č‰€ 梋ĺƒ?ĺś—䧸梋ĺƒ?艊時樭ä?ŁĺšŒäŻ–é… 荌 㥽棞äŻ–çŽˆ荌é?–彞é‘Ťé…˝ć¤ŠćĽ‡ĺšŒç‰°ăŻŽ č‰ŠçŽœ犨䤽ĺ–żăą&#x;ă€ čźœé†˘é…˝č¨ĽéŠŠăą&#x;䯖 ĺ€‰âˆĽĺˇƒă“Œé?•墰č’ƒä„„č¤€ă˘?勢鑍擄瓕 祰ĺ¤ƒä?Łĺľ”č‰ŠéŽ˘ĺŻŤç€ˇçŠŚĺšŠă€ çŽœć??㏛ 鲝艊ăą&#x;鉢䯖é?–ć…šé…˝é‡„ä…ƒčł‚礣㍧çł‹ 縚椊酽樭䯖酓éł?é…˝č&#x;˘ă“‰ă“Œĺś—ĺšŒă“Œ

Korean ä‹şčšşć—żçľ” Chunchuan Tiebanji (chĹŤn chuÄ n tiÄ› bÇŽn jÄŤ ) 2-6 Miaoling Lu,(8889-6839) 曗墔ăż?椢䤽旿羔姎䯒 ĺœąĺ˜Şé?ˆĺ§ŽäŻ“飰ĺš›㣾3.7誑!

Neolithic Barbecue (xÄŤn shĂ­qĂŹkÇŽo ròu) B246, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5576-8720) ć˜Śč“´é??çĄ&#x;é?‰!ĺ˜Ş 蜟㣾21誑é†?ă?§â•™C357

Xin Mapu (xÄŤn mĂĄ pĂş) 55 Zhangzhou Er Lu (85927222) ć˜Śä§˘éŻ­!ä‰Łĺ™żĺŁˆĺŁˆć”˘ĺśźç•&#x;ĺ˘•é˛ˆ㣾66誑

Thai 燚蚺骞 艊儕㳛鲜糴〠㚯éł?厧é†­čł“ă’„ĺƒ¨ 衣ĺ­ŽćƒĄäŻ–鎪楝ĺ‚–觜ç&#x;ľé?…酽耥ă€

Address 鰹鯰 : Rm171, 1F, West Area, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu ç™›äƒ¸ăŁľ 99 čŞ‘č‰ čš‰匭鯍ă’‚ĺśź 2 ĺ—ƒ 282 Phone 翄㛣 : 6606-1171

Thai Me Up Authentic dishes such as Pad Thai, Spring Rolls and Green Curry (vegetarian version also available) plus Thai Singha bottled beer and Tsingtao on tap. Nice duplex interior and decent service. Located across the street from Trattoria Verde. 20-6, Yan’erdao Lu (8503-8579) Thai Me Up燚蚺ä?Ľé„­!ç§?ç°?噿㣾31.7誑 Mango Tree (mĂĄngguÇ’ shĂš) L356, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5676) éĄ?漇槡!ĺ˜ŞčśźăŁľ21誑 é†?ă?§â•™M467

Vietnamese ă˘?攢骞 AnNam (Ä n nĂĄn) L312, MixC, 6 Shandong Lu (5576-8625) ĺ‘?攢!ĺ˜ŞčśźăŁľ7誑é†?ă?§â•™M423

Pizza 悊鏰 çŠŚčˇŤĺ’˛é…˝é›œ坏3213ĺ’‡

Le Living (lè zÄŤ shÄ“ng huĂł) L456, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5699) č˛Šĺ„Śçž ç‰†ă’‚ä?Ľé„­!ĺ˜ŞčśźăŁľ 21誑é†?ă?§â•™M567

made dessert. You will be entitled to enjoy the half price for the second beer. 鏢壌螭ĺ§‰ç€Żćš€ć˜Śäž¸ç…›ćƒ›ă€‚

Luigi Pizza (lĂšyĂŹjÄŤ pÄŤsĂ ) The first place to get a decent pizza in Qingdao, Luigi started in 2002 from humble beginnings and is now a must-eat spot on the Western dining scene. Friday and Saturdays they offer an all-you-can-eat buffet for a set price, with a good selection of pizza and toppings. 20-3 Yan’erdao Lu (8062-8999) 㣾曀▕悊

鏍門焗閔。悊鏰。圯äż‹ćż•ĺ“ƒä‰łćŁˇă€‚圯䉳。窥é?‰ă€‚䤽 é?‰ă€‚篜é?‰ă€‚犌䞸倀é?•壽çž™ç Ž訾〠粡姎ĺť&#x;č¨…é˛ˆć¤Šé&#x;žăą&#x; 約麽〓御〠158 (wu) Jiangxi Lu, next to LPG (85870772) 鏢壌!ç„Žă’‚㣾269誑彴䯒䉹ăŤ?é?ˆ鍤ăą&#x;壚䯓

Shangjing (jÄŤng shĂ ng jÇ?ng) 2F, Daling Harbor, Olympic Marina,1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8839, 68678699) 啚鲚!ç§?ç°?噿㣾2čŞ‘ĺ€żĺŁŒâ–•é°ąĺť&#x;历犌匭鯍3ĺ—ƒ


Sorrento Pizza (sĂ lĂĄi duĹ? bÇ? sĂ ) 216 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8772-4221)

Wangpin Taisu Steak (wĂĄng pÇ?n tĂĄi sĂšniĂşpĂĄi) LG123, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5576-8606)!粀閔




Italian 圯äż‹ćż•骞 Casanova 5F, Hisense Plaza, 117 Aomen Lu (6678-8558) Dbtbopwb圯äż‹ćż•ä?Ľé„­!ç™›äƒ¸ăŁľ228誑 çŠŚćƒĄĺŚ­éŻŤé˛ˆć˘•6ć°’

Lisas Bistro (lĂŹ sĂ xiÇŽo cÄ n guÇŽn) Established for over 10 years, Lisa’s has won a great reputation among its patrons. Specialties include pizza, Spanish paella and German food. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 撞鏰啢ä?Ľä’›!痺犌酽㣾9誑

GKLGF )G:KL=J ,J?9FA; 0HAF9;@ 09D9< D9E @GO<=J 0GMH 0@J=<<=< :==> :MJ?=J D9;C 1JM>>D= HARR9 ăż„੼૨ Őšă›˜ ௚࢔ਰâ´ƒ ୢ敍ࢗ‍ش‏Ԛ :KR

)G[YK]G_(G_ .1 -GXJKT45 0OGTM^O 8UGJ

Tampa (tÇŽn pĂ ) Tampa offers daily fresh vegetable salad, nutritious soup, pizza, fettuccine, spaghetti, beef, chicken, pork, seafood and home


Milano Italian Restaurant (mÇ?lĂĄn nuò yĂŹdĂ lĂŹ xÄŤ cÄ ntÄŤng) A cosy spot filled with red and white checked tablecloths, Milano represents the homemade side of Italian restaurants in Qingdao. Here Italian Chef Claudio always knows how to surprise you with recipes that taste like home. éž? ㏎艊粜䚾ĺś—éƒšč‰€樴厸艊ä?ĽĺŁ‰äŻ–âˆĽăšŻč˛?賣ăœ€é…“ĺ€‰é…˝ č&#x;˘ĺ’˛éžśč‰Šç?•ćžŚă€ ㍼㳚艊圯äż‹ćż•č¸˝ć¨ DmbvejpâˆĽçžŽéŞź 獑壽č‰Šĺ’˛ĺ§˛ăąšć˜ˇé…“ĺ€‰ĺ¤ƒ棞酽鯍圯媀銊ä?´čş?ć™ˆă€ 30 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0058) č˛?賣ăœ€圯äż‹ćż•ă’‚ä?Ľé„­! ä„?ç„Žé˛ˆ㣾41誑

La Cantina Italian Restaurant ( jÄŤn xiĂ ng yĂŹdĂ lĂŹ xÄŤ cÄ ntÄŤng) Hidden behind green trees, this restaurant is an exquisite spot to taste the most authentic Italian recipes, meticulously prepared by the skilled hands of Chef Romano. Indulge in the pleasure of their pesto pasta or their creamy tiramisu’. 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (8062-5678) ăł&#x; 桚圯äż‹ćż•ă’‚ä?Ľé„­!ä’Žç?œ蜟㣾249誑

La Luna Rossa Italian Restaurant (La luĹ? nĂ yĂŹdĂ lĂŹ cÄ ntÄŤng) 46 Shanghang Lu (6688-9957) 挪 éˆľé„?圯äż‹ćż•ä?Ľé„­!é†˘ć¤ˆ㣾57誑 San Marco Italian Doc (shèng mÇŽ kÄ› yĂŹ dĂ l ĂŹ jiĹ­ ba xÄŤ cÄ n tÄŤng) 2F,Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526*!鎒䖂芾圯äż‹ćż•ăą&#x;壚㒂ä?Ľé„­!!蜟犌衤 㣾22誑犌徔俋ăą&#x;姎B姍3ĺ—ƒ

瓊飞!'!ć´Ľč?¸ć˛ž Trattoria Verde (bÄ›i lÇœdÇŽo xÄŤ cÄ ntÄŤng) Trattoria Verde produces what is arguably the best authentic Italian food in town. Although a little pricier than other restaurants, the food quality is second to none. They also have an impressive selection of imported wines to choose from. 67 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) č­Żé† ĺ™żă’‚ä?Ľé„­!ç•&#x; 墕㣾78誑翀

Indian 棧姪骞 Fatema (fădĂŹmă yĂŹndĂš cÄ ntÄŤng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 熴鎊粓棧姪ä?Ľé„­!čŠ çžťăŁľ21誑酞 Ganges Indian Restaurant (gÄ n jĂ­ sÄŤ zhèngzĹ?ng yĂŹndĂš gÄ lĂ­ liĂ olÇ? ) 4F, Rock City, 1 Xiazhuang Lu çž•荎ć˜¤ćž?呏棧姪ç?Ťčłšć—żçľ”!䞢匾㣾2 誑


鼅ç‡?郚ć›?ĺ­ŽćƒĄă ŹčŞ‘äŻ–ăŞ‡椥鎪鄥挺㛨噿 â•™ăą&#x;ĺŁšĺ€€äžşçž ç‰†ăĄŠăšľäŻ‹飨é†Łć›§ćˆščŹ–業 ä‰ąé Œč‰Šăą&#x;壚酽㓋〠Angelina’s (Ä njĂ­lĂŹnĂ kÄ fÄ“i jiÇ”ba) Looking for a late night feed of authentic Western food? Come to Angelina’s at the main gate of Yandao Mansion on Aomen Lu, Shinan District where food is served until 3am. 136 Ao’men Lu (6872-7999)!ĺ‘? 荎蚉兙ç?Ťç“”ăą&#x;壚!ç™›äƒ¸ăŁľ247誑!

SCM Indian Restaurant!(shĂ­ căi mÄ›i bÄ›n gĂŠ yĂŹn dĂš liĂ o lÄ­)!Located in Wanda shopping mall in downtown Qingdao, this authentic Indian restaurant offers not only a variety of curries but also delicious Indian yoghurt. It boasts experienced Indian chefs and an Indian owner, adding a spice to the traditional curry fare. Enjoy delicious naan in an authentic ambience, decorated with beautiful Indian accessories. F3, Wanda Plaza, 116 Yanji Lu. (5566-2365)!ä?´ĺŤˇéŠŠ梪樴 棧姪ć—żçľ”!ĺŠœ荎㣾227誑é†?㍊匭鯍4ć°’

=english menu

Find ALL of Qingdao’s bars & clubs online at our WeChat account! Below are those with the highest reader rating.


Bar Rouge (yÄ n zhÄŤ jiÇ” guÇŽn) 3F, Block F, Zhonglian Plaza, Nanjing Lu (8825-9898) é”˝é–ˆăą&#x;ä’›! 攢鲡㣾衤鎽匭鯍G槯4ć°’!

Cape 3/One Way Ticket 2 well established Qingdao bars that have recently merged and opened just opposite Book City. Live music every night.65-6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (186 6399-7807) ä’Žç?œ衤㣾76.7!

Charlie’s Bar (chĂĄlÇ?sÄŤ jiÇ”ba) 167 Jiangxi Lu (8589-7919) 挺çľ”ć˜¤ăą&#x;壚!ç„Žă’‚㣾278誑

=parking Check for menu, images and more

广告 • 青岛餐饮 Club New York (niŭyuēbā) Perhaps Qingdao’s longest running live music venue, with house-band performing all your favourite tunes every night. 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-9199) 鄟郿壚!䒮珜跤㣵 52誑雲單蹺䅕䒂姎3嗃

Donbass Club (dùn bā sī jù lè bù) 128-10,Yanji Lu (6698-9998) 䎑墴昤紡貊㯵!婜諮㣵239誑.21! Downtown Bar Deserving a medal for bringing the best of China’s music scene to our own fair city. Check the REDSTAR events calendar for details. 1-6 Sangzi Lu, Shibei District (186 6170-6950) ⺹硧壚!壈譯嶼橔檰㣵2.7! Dubliner Irish Pub (dūbólín ài ěr lán jiǔbā) Huge Irish-themed bar inside the Marina complex.1F, Zhonghang Xiangtong Youting Hui, Olympic Marina, 12 Xinhui Lu (8909-8176) 㰊榙 楁穚啯賣㱟壚!昦∥㣵23誑倿壌跤宆跤鞳鋾㬦珪 韘∥2嗃

Joy’s (juésè jiǔbā) Opposite Fanhai Mingren Square, 25 Minjiang Er Lu (6688-6667) 穞頥㱟壚䄍 焎鲈㣵36誑熼犦謖鳏妭鯫唻䉳!

Livingroom (kè tīng) 69 Aomen Lu (135 89343467) 咃鄭!癛䃸㣵7:誑! Little LPG (xiǎo LPG jiǔbā) This neighbourhood, Western-style bar broadcasts live sporting events and serves awesome bar food from 5pm to 1am daily, as well as a wide selection of beer and cocktails. Intersection of 81 Zhangzhou Lu (6600-1907) 啢MQH㱟壚!畟墕 㣵92誑!

Loft Bar Always playing the best music from around the world, expect good beats, cheap drinks, dancing and table football. A hot-spot for foreigners and a great place to meet new friends, this is the place to be if you want to let your hair down. Zhangzhou Lu (133 5686-8822) Mpgu!Cbs 畟墕㣵46誑

Loong Bar

21 Donghai Xi Lu (8386-2667)


Freeman (zìyóu rén kāfēi) One of Qingdao’s very best bars-centrally located, with well-made, strong cocktails and a very cool, laid back atmosphere. They’ve got a stage with electric drums and live music set up, and big screen too. Try the Hendrick’s & Tonic. 163 Jiangxi Lu (158 5321-1877) 靕羾鳏㱟壚!焎㒂㣵274誑 Muse (Muse jiǔbā) A constant in Qingdao’s ever-changing nightlife scene, Muse offers a great clubbing atmosphere with dancing stages, incredible decorations (including a huge chandelier and massive waterfall) and performances throughout the night. Definitely the place to start or end a night out. 89 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6886-0888) Nvtf㱟壚!䒮珜跤㣵9:誑 Mix Club (hún hé tǐ jiǔ ba) 117 Liaoning Lu, Behind EGO Digital Market, 玈諦鉢㱟壚䯖壈譯嶼 㫉呂㣵117誑䯖䎢䗮斶蔅謚擔䎢跤䀅 醣煆媀妭鯫 NBTU紡貊㯵廟




China Mobile Service Hotline (yí dòng tōng xùn fú wù diàn huà)!(10086)!蠩誤㬦㚵桽烏翄㛣 China Telecom!(diàn xìn zōng hé fú wù diàn huà)!(10000)!翄惡醝諦桽烏翄㛣 China Unicom Service Hotline (lián tōng zōng hé fú wù diàn huà)!(10010)!鎽㬦醝諦桽烏翄㛣 China Post Service (zhōng guó yóu zhèng kè hù fú wù) (11185) 跤蹺㮻敤咃忊桽烏 Directory Inquiries (diàn huà hào mǎ chá xún) (114/116114) 翄㛣誑蔅榺㛨 Electricity Help!(gòng diàn jí xiū)!(8008601188)!辭翄屜販 Fire (huǒ jǐng) (119) 瞐㙬 First Aid Centre (jí jiù zhōng xīn) (120) 屜敿跤宆 Labour security policy advice (láo dòng bǎo zhàng zī xún) (12333) 俠誤墮䆭饉㛨 Police (bào jǐng) (110) 悞㙬 Publice Service Hotline!(gōng yòng fú wù rè xiàn)!(12319)!24 hour. Including water, gas, heating etc!駡羮桽烏硰鄡 Qingdao Cable Networking (qīng dăo yŏu xiàn diàn shì) (96566) 䉣噿桹鄡翄㓉 Red Cross (hóng shí zì huì) (95598)!郹鴛叄∥! Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù) (12328) 熱蟿 㩱悅㛏

Taxi Reservation Hotline (chū zū chē yù yuē rè xiàn)!(9600-9797)!熱蟿㩱䎖郿硰鄡 Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (122) 鲮 㬦鲇敭



Find ALL of Qingdao’s Listings on our WeChat account! 饅燍郹曐孎惡㠬誑䯖㪇椡鮪鄡榺㛨噿 ╙羠牆㡊㚵䯋




Old Jack’s (lăo jiékè jiǔbā) One of Qingdao’s oldest bars, this legendary bolt-hole is opposite Crowne Plaza / Book City. Old Jack’s never disappoints, especially if Jack himself is in the house. Yan’erdao Lu, opposite Book City (85781207) 鍈椌陸㱟壚!秐簍噿㣵!)霎╙唻䉳*

All Ways Air Tourist Agency (quán chéng háng kōng lǚ yóu fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 307, 17 Nanjing Lu (8577-9035) 瑪蠿鞳裶晈珪桽烏桹䅡駡

ssLPG (lǎofēi jiǔbā) Perfect spot for when you have a sudden late night craving for some good quality bar food. There you can also indulge in a game of football while listening to music. Their fajitas are particularly nice and sizzling hot on a cold night. it also has won the 2015 REDSTAR Chifan Awards, which shows its popularity amongst bar animals. 162 Jiangxi Lu (0532 8593-6566) 鍈髤㱟壚!焎㒂㣵273誑!

domestic flights) 䉣噿炓鞳╙壈鎬梽氒綈蝄跤宆!䒮 珜跤㣵41誑炓鞳俋轉2嗃

The King’s Head English Pub (guówáng tóu xiàng yīnggélán bā) Although a little out of the way from everything, this bar provides a homey environment, a pool table, and a good selection of cocktails and drinks on tap. They occasionally have acoustic open mic nights. 11 Xinyi Lu (8583-9898) 蹺粀俧絹餚樴賣壚!昦焾 㣵22誑

Tsingtao1903 Pub (qīng pí shè qū kè tīng) Room104, 213 Nanjing Lu (137 9199-9189) UTJOHUBP2:14蛼嶼咃鄭䯒烰哱妭鯫姎䯓壈譯嶼攢 鲷㣵324誑鈫砎215咇!

VENU+ Lounge Bar 21F, Block B, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (8579-9898)!WFOV,! Mpvohf!癛䃸㣵:9誑犦啯爳䅕㱟姎C姫32嗃!

=english menu



Vivi Bar (vivi jiǔbā) Bldg G, Zhonglian Plaza, 112 Nanjing Lu (8365-9898) Wjwj㱟壚!攢鲷㣵223誑跤


CAAC Air Tickets Booking office (qīng dǎo mín háng chéng shì hòu jī lóu shòu piào zhōng xīn) 1F, Minhang Mansion, 30 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8210-0000 for international flights, 8581-5858 for

Qingdao International Airport (qīng dǎo guó jì fēi jī chǎng) 8471-1877, 96567 䉣噿蹺䅕䏳梽鯫

Rail 㿐㣵 Train Tickets Agency (huǒ chē piào dài shòu diǎn) 33 Nanjing Lu (inside Fushan Bay Hotel) (8069-0077) 瞐㩱蝄魍綈砎!攢鲷㣵44誑)犛嘪瑌哅 䒛廟*!5廬 booking fee per ticket. Qingdao North Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē běi zhàn) East of Huanwan Lu, West of Siliu Zhong Lu!䉣噿瞐㩱譯襽!棜煵嶼粶瑌俋㭠飨 趼!蠐牐跤㣵飨㒂

Qingdao Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē zhàn) 2 Tai An Lu (9510-5175) 䉣噿瞐㩱襽 燚呏 㣵3誑

Road 駡㣵 Qingdao Long Distance Bus Station (qīng

=parking Check for menu, images and more


/ FOOD & DRINK // 广告 • 青岛餐饮 China Spice Restaurant


Lobby Lounge 俋⊕壚

Fitness Center 擊㦳跤宆

Outdoor Tennis Court 鈫絑鯫

Grand Mercure Qingdao Nanshan Resort (qīng dǎo nán shān měi jué dù jiǎ jiǔ diàn) 46 Wenquan Lu, BinhaiLu, Jimo (8505-6888)

Eatery Signature Restaurant



or’s Pi dit



䉣噿攢嘪銊穞姪壺㱟姎 瓟犦俋㭠珕熤鲈㣵57誑

Sunshine Global Restaurant 䅃賂犦嚩㒂䐥鄭

Linghai Chinese Restaurant 塡犦㩵跤䐥鄭

Blue Bay Restaurant

Fitness Center 擊㦳跤宆

SPA 烐聴

Indoor Heated Pool 咇廟岯珕燞焏


Cigar Bar 䇻餲壚

Blue Bar 鰤壚

Phoenix coffee shop 輕噿獫瓔鄭

Tea Lounge 㛝䒮飣馣壚

Fill up at the Scrumptious Gourmet Buffet

Grand Regency Hotel (lì jīng dà jiǔ diàn) 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 蹉杫俋 㱟姎!䒮珜跤㣵221誑

昦痐霅Ⅹ靕錫昦鰱槪 Why not mix it up tonight? Korean BBQ, hotpot, sushi— the Scrumptious Gourmet Buffet has it all. Located on the fourth floor of HND Wanbang Mall, this all-youcan-eat buffet is only 129RMB per person. Not only is it an absolute steal, but it’s sure to fill you up. The diligent staff and chefs ensure your meal will be fulfilling as they either load up your plate with more or cart away the stack of plates that are sure to pile up. Unlike other buffets, the facilities at Scrumptious Gourmet Buffet are spotless and accent the sleek, modern décor. Each table has a hotpot burner as

dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Wenzhou Lu (8371-8060) 䉣噿䂏㬠焹㩱襽!珕墕㣵3誑 163 Shenzhen Lu 獿鰷㣵274誑!513 Chongqing Zhong Lu (8765-6379) 㳛妷跤㣵624誑 59 Chongqing Bei Lu (6691-1234) 㳛妷譯㣵6:誑 1 Danxian Zhi Lu (8371-8901) 雜厙敆㣵2誑

Sea 㩺珆 Qingdao Ferry (qīng dǎo lún dù) 21 Sichuan Lu (8261-9279) 䉣噿㩺珆!蠐墔㣵32誑!

well as a BBQ pit, so everyone at your table will be satisfied. The buffet includes a full range of veggies and meat for hotpot and Korean BBQ, fresh seafood, traditional Chinese dishes, steak, sushi and rice balls—not to mention ice cream and cake for dessert. When it comes to buffets, Scrumptious Gourmet tops the list in terms of food quality, cleanliness, and selection. 鞔朷䯖駁醭棾醢酽鯫䑪䑃銊 䏴俋䐥䯩䋺媀硟鐉。瞐䀔。啈誒& 倉嶎㒄艊䯖昦痐霅㰊墱踵倉侕偡、 瀕鲋犦鞳醐㮳 5 氒艊昦痐霅靕錫 䐥鄭諤頥骾跀骾閔姉桹喼桹䯖鳢 䈑 23: 廬 0 鳏䯒筧㠳鳢䈑 226 廬䯓䯖 點詵俋寚梸䎢鑫、



姎㳚艊桽烏鳏蘚喥尵倉謁 醭䒆䯖醭昢鰱醢䐥妛怇怶倉艊 #銊䏴徔鯫¥、昦痐霅靕錫䐥 鄭艊薴鬣㛄昻棷鬣晹詵慙雖䯖 粶乵斾燳䯖擄瓕粷魍巃、瀯酽 橎㰊侕桹酽瞐䀔嶗䋺媀硢硟矂䯖 墮㛇倉镾鲶糴酽鯫銊䏴愺扟茊 咮、䅵澑躐侳䯖諤蟢跤媀䐥閔 駦踃捵㱚䯖赗銊酘愛䯖㚯鳏鑜 訥俋婩䯖桖桹昦䞸犦䞸。窡戹。 啈誒。盤発鉛。羙砎詵辭㬕愞、

㛺 㡽 靕 錫 䐥䯖 昦 痐 霅 鮪 䏴棞㬕愞。骾閔蟢貙醢酽呯 醭∥㚯倉俢梐、 Address: 4F, Haihang Wanbang, 234 Yan’an San Lu 鰱鯰䯤婜呏醑㣵 234 誑䯖犦鞳 醐㮳跤宆 4 氒 Phone 翄㛣䯤187 6300-0104


Fitness Center



Café Asia 鲡爳獫瓔

Safari Bar

5 Star 鲕曐!! Crowne Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiŭ diàn) 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) www. 䉣噿䎢跤艎獰壺暀㱟姎!䒮珜 跤㣵87誑

Indoor Heated Pool 咇廟岯珕燞焏


Lobby Lounge 俋⊕壚

Squash Court




Himalayas Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo zhèng Hotels & dà xǐ mǎ lā yǎ jiǔ diàn) Communities is a deluxe lifestyle hospitality brand that blends a contemporary vision and traditional Chinese culture within integrated urban communities. The first landmark hotel in the Himalayas Hotel portfolio is Himalayas Qingdao Hotel.!㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎閔窅魍 菑酽蟢羠牆暚 啹䯖撾烢㛄㚧醮嗚镾艊呝銊酁諦䯖抲辭桭長蟔哣裶 䄄嶗赗靪桽烏、䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎瀕鲋䉣噿 圱嘪嶼DCE跤宆䯖踎㯈蓴鍈鳏犦烐犣鯫䯖曧㛇俋輟 粓惛䇖㱟姎閔窅鮪跤蹺艊訅酽咲㱟姎䯖雩曧䉣噿 䒫咲暚啹羠牆㱟姎、880 Tong’an Lu (6672-9999) 䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟 姎!讜呏㣵991誑!

Z1 restaurant

Fitness Center



Z1 Lounge

SPA (managed by 3rd party)


烐聴䯒羾訅醑昷 諎絔䯓

Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao (qīng dǎo jǐng 306 Xingyang Lu yuán jià rì jiǔ diàn) (8096- 6888) 䉣噿杛艤壺暀㱟姎!蠻䅃㣵417誑 KR-Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine

Etcetera 蟐壚


Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre (qīng dǎo 1 Xuzhou Lu zhōng xīn jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) (6670-8888) 䉣噿跤宆壺暀㱟姎!嬨墕㣵2誑 Hyatt Regency Qingdao (qīng dǎo lǔ shāng 88 Donghai Dong Lu kǎi yuè jiǔ diàn) (8612-1234) 䉣 噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎!趼犦趼㣵99誑!

BEBA Restaurant and Bar

Bay Lounge 㓅犦㱟娡


Fitness Center

Dong Hai 88 Private Dining

Qing SPA




Dong Hai 88 Specialty Restaurant


Indoor Heated Pool

趼犦99䏣嚌䐥鄭 Market Café! 獫瓔鄭瑪暀靕 錫䐥鄭

InterContinental Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi ěr 98 Ao’men Lu (6656zhōu jì jiǔ diàn) 6666) 䉣噿犦啯爳䅕㱟 姎!癛䃸㣵:9誑

Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, Chengyang (qīng dǎo chéng yáng fú péng 271 Wenyang Lu, xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Chengyang District (6696-8888) 䉣噿╙䅃呹䫀螆 桻輟棾舽㱟姎!╙䅃嶼旝䅃㣵382誑!


=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more

妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 T-Lounge

Big Cake

Five Sen5es






Fitness Center

Tian Xia Yi Pin


俍醣酽閔啹霅·饓鯿 跤䐥鄭

SPA 烐聴

Wildfire Steakhouse & Grill

Indoor Heated Pool




Seasonal Tastes 蓜嚌槪壴䐥鄭


Heavenly Spa 俍櫇烐聴

Lobby Lounge 俋⊕壚

4 Star 蠐曐! Ariva Qingdao Hotel & Serviced Apartments


Le Meridien Qingdao (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài Ideally located in the heart měi jiǔ diàn) of Qingdao, Le Meridien Qingdao offers ample meeting space, an array of world-class cuisine options and Le Méridien’s signature programs designed to offer a journey of discovery in Qingdao. Only 30 minutes from the airport. 鰱侐 䉣噿╙壈跤宆䯖䇇嘄鲋輟㫊嗙㱟姎醮姪壺棡蹺䅕 䇗筧艊䉣噿醐㫊頴銊㱟姎飨哃斔暚啹艊咃応倀∥ 㚴裶䄄。跫翨鄀銊䏴飨倀箏錨竑頥艊頴銊桽烏䯖鮪 䉣噿婩蕓鑫攝嶯晹䅡艊扜踆躐晈、㱟姎㣣蟇䉣噿 牐鲺蹺䅕梽鯫鳢41鰓㾮㩱蠿䯖㣣䉣噿魳謖杛砎。 犦瓡訵鳢21鰓㾮㩱蠿、112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888)!䉣噿醐㫊頴銊㱟 姎!婜諮㣵223誑

Le Mei

Fitness Center




Latest Recipe



Indoor Heated Pool

Akebono 栟暀梪䐥鄭


Ocean Spring Resort (Qingdao) (gǎng zhōng lǚ hǎi quán wān dù jiǎ qū)!Aoshan Bay Jimo (8906-8888)!珜跤晈䯒䉣噿䯓犦熤瑌姪壺嶼!!張仌䟨 嘪瑌鰤頥蕳㜽樮宆嶼!

Pullman Qingdao Ziyue (qīng dǎo zǐ yuè bó 277 Chongqing Bei Lu, ěr màn jiǔ diàn) Chengyang District (5866-9777)!䉣噿踕粧㿑啯桞 㱟姎!╙䅃嶼㳛妷譯㣵388誑!

Le Cafe

Fitness Center

貊獫瓔瑪暀壽 㒂䐥鄭


(qīng dǎo ài lì huá jiǔ diàn jí fú wù gōng yù) 135 Yan’an San Lu (8197-8777) 䉣 噿頴蹉雲㱟姎倀桽烏駡哻!婜呏醑㣵246誑!

Copthorne Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo guó dūn 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu dà jiǔ diàn) (8668-1688)!䉣噿蹺斣俋㱟姎!䒮珜跤㣵39誑 Central Grill

Fitness Center



Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 犦嵔俋㱟姎!趼 犦跤㣵22誑

Economy Hotel 鄽牨矇㱟姎!! Fuxin Mansion (fǔ xīn dà shà) 5 Minjiang Lu (8591-1009) 姛昦俋轉!䄍焎㣵6誑 Grand Mercure Qingdao Airport (qīng dǎo kuài tōng yǎ gāo měi jué jiǔ diàn) 89 Minhang Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6777)!䉣噿寚㬦䇖䗮 銊穞㱟姎!╙䅃嶼炓鞳㣵9:誑!

Jinjiang Inn (jǐn jiāng zhī xīng) 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-7999)!䀵焎躐曐!攢鲷㣵211誑! Overseas Chinese International Hotel (huá qiáo guó jì fàn diàn) 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8572-5666) 雲單蹺䅕䒂姎!䒮珜跤㣵52誑 Orange Hotel (jú zi jīng xuǎn jiǔ diàn) 32 Donghai Xi Lu (8573-6161) 橗厸赗㬕㱟姎!趼犦 㒂㣵43誑!

Shanglin River View Hotel (shàng lín háo jǐng shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 228 Yan’an San Lu (8090-3333) 醢楁皫杛縟烏㱟姎!婜呏醑㣵339誑

Fengfu Chinese Restaurant

Hostels 䉣妘晈䒛


Jinfu Shanxi Restaurant 朚姛嘪㒂䐥鄭

Qingdao Holiday Inn Expo (qīng dǎo shì yuán 2 Tianshui Lu, Laoshan jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) District (6675-7888) 䉣噿跫

YHA Old Observatory (qīng dǎo ào bó wéi tè guó jì qīng nián lǚ shè) A popular hostel with an incredible cafe on the rooftop, on top of the world, enjoys unbeatable skyline view. Great venue for private events. 妭糴漜㫚艊䉣妘晈鞈䯖氒


䎈桹飯㓉鍈╙艊獫瓔鄭、竑時㬎諦藥鯫窩蟔鳏牋 唻、㫥㳚桹諤蹺鑨藥咃嶗梪鰱艊暚啹㫊鳏、Hostel: 0532 8282 2626-!Cafe: 188 5429 2236 䉣噿倿贜醎 竑蹺䅕䉣妘晈鞈!㓅㝧鲈㣵32誑!

Sea View Garden Hotel (hǎi jǐng huā yuán dà 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777) 犦杛 jiǔ diàn)

Big Brother Guest House (bēn zhī lǚ qīng nián lǚ guǎn) Two locations in Qingdao - all mod


Outdoor Swimming Pool 咇侳燞焏

Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo xiāng gé 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu lǐ lā dà jiǔ diàn) (8388-3838)!䉣噿䒮樴㳚惛俋 㱟姎!䒮珜跤㣵:誑

Shang Palace

Fitness Center



The Flying Catch Mediterranean Restaurant


CHI The Spa Children’s Club (Every Sat & Sun inside Café Yum)


Café Yum

簍覎紡貊㯵)瀯囈 嗎暀酽閔⊕廟*


Lobby Lounge

cons for budget or mid range travellers. www. 31 Jiangxi Lu (82873888) 倢躐晈䉣妘晈䒛!焎㒂㣵42誑 6 Baoding Lu (8280-2212) 10 mins walk from train station. Cosy, clean and affordable. 倢躐晈䉣妘晈䒛 墮呯㣵7誑 Nordic Osheania Youth Hostel (cháo chéng qīng nián lǚ shè) 28 Guantao Lu (8282-5198)!墛╙ 䉣妘晈鞈!䒛䆇㣵39誑 Qingdao Kaiyue Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè guó jì qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 31 Jining Lu (82845450) 䉣噿驅㢐蹺䅕䉣妘 晈䒛!牨呂㣵42誑 Qingdao 960 Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo jiǔ liù líng qīng nián lǚ shě) May Fourth Square Branch, 32 Donghai Xi Lu (6667-9733) 䉣噿:71䉣妘晈鞈! 鲕蠐妭鯫姎!趼犦㒂㣵43誑 Badaguan Auditorium Building Branch, 49 Rongcheng Lu, The Youth Hostel is on the east side of Badaguan Auditorium Building (6667-9733) 䉣噿:71䉣妘晈鞈馬俋饅釀


Q Bar 矵壚


Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel (qīng dǎo lǐ 678 cāng lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Jinshui Lu (close to Yanchuan Lu), Licang District (8813-8888) 䉣噿棜煵醠╙輟棾舽㱟姎!棜煵嶼㳟烐 㣵789誑)䉱㫝婜墔㣵*!

Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel (qīng dǎo jiāo zhōu lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New Distinct (82289999)!䉣噿镵墕醠╙輟棾舽㱟姎!镵墕昦╙嶼譯 鲷趼㣵382誑

The Westin Qingdao (qīng dǎo wēi sī tīng jiǔ 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) diàn) 䉣噿儨昤烠㱟姎!䒮

Apartel 侟媀0㱟姎駡哻 Qingdao Farglory Hotel (qīng dǎo yuǎn xióng yuè lái jiǔ diàn) 26 Xianggang Zhong Lu (55717177*䉣噿㫨䇕崪棾㱟姎!䒮珜跤㣵37誑 YUE 崪䐥鄭

Thumb Plaza Apartel Qingdao Sunland (qīng dǎo dà mǔ zhǐ guǎng chǎng shēn lán fù shì gōng yù) Building No. 1, Sunland, 880 Tongan Lu (156-1005-6188) 䉣噿俋惗慇妭鯫獿鰤侟媀駡哻!!讜 呏㣵991誑獿鰤駡哻2誑氒


=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇



瀯囈䐥鄭飨倀㱟壚釣䀏牆誤 Every Tuesday 踊凤ē Canvas Taco Dinner Mexican style dinner buffet for only ¥58/person. 壌壉㒂䐥鄭仌㒂灧䏣嚌靕錫 朷䐥 囈鲈仌㒂灧䏣嚌靕錫朷䐥69 廬

鄟郿壚偔佖躐侺 忞桹勢鯫偔佖斾朷翜䒃慇呯䤽 喿㱟

Every Thursday 踊凤换 Canvas Rib Thursday You can enjoy half price ribs for only ¥64.

Every Wednesday 踊

壌壉㒂䐥鄭篶戹約麽 喼鲶篶戹約麽〓嵷䯖鳢䈑75廬

Angelinas Angels Night All ladies can enjoy free cocktails from 8pm till 1am.

Little LPG's Quiz Night Bring a team or join one at the bar. Free with prizes.


呏諮蹉兙俍懲躐侺 9砎勢鉛杒2砎䯖偔佖詵翜䒃 赗㬕䤽喿㱟

啢MQH蓜㛌覅詄躐侺 靕墰鄩䄯頌棾姉徔徏鍎粷鯫鎢駱 謾呅啢鄩䯖㡨僉鋁㠿値閔

Club New York Ladies’ Night All ladies can enjoy free selected cocktails all through the night.

ssLPG's Open Bar For ¥100, you can drink selected cocktails and Tsingtao beer on promotion from 9pm to 12am.

Boutique Hotels 頯梮㱟姎! Laozhuancun China Community Art and Culture Hotel (lǎo zhuàn cūn china gōng shè wén huà yì shù jiǔ diàn) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8576-8776)!鍈㩸棡Dijob駡蛼旝誼頯梮㱟姎!䄍



Ariva Qingdao Hot Spring Resort (chéng tóu • ài lì huá wēn quán dù jià jiǔ diàn) 2997 Datian Lu, Jimo (8656-1058) ╙悅〃頴蹉雲珕熤姪壺㱟姎!


No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 訅醑犦烐犣鯫!俒妕㓕 㣵7誑


Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) ▕萒斊⊕!焎飝㣵26誑

Latour Laguens International Resort Hotel (lā tú lā gān guó jì dù jià jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8896-6969)!惛蹕惛羕蹺䅕姪壺㱟姎!䒮

St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng) 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 俍踽斊⊕!牸焎㣵26誑


Museums 贜窹䒛

TenTimes Golf & Hotspring Resort (tiān tài wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hot spring Resort Village, Jimo (8657-9888) 俍燚珕熤䗮啯俓紡貊㯵! 張仌壈珕熤晈珪姪壺嶼

Haier Technology Musemun( hăi’ěr kē jì guăn) 10 Miao Ling Lu!犦啯蟨恖䒛!圱嘪嶼飰嚛㣵21誑! Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn) Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District (8791-5676)!圱嘪馣旝誼贜窹䒛!圱嘪嶼粀灧妵

Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Ao’men Lu!䌄貊妭鯫!癛䃸㣵

Angelinas Demons Night Gentlemen showing up in their tidiest outfits will be eligible for one free drink and one suprise gift.

Qingdao Century Park (qīng dǎo shì jì gōng yuán) 318 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (87757733) 䉣噿跫鄅駡艤!╙䅃嶼蠻䅃㣵429誑!

呏諮蹉兙翇佖躐侺 嫕朷忞桹勢鯫艊翇佖䯖誆㒄褀 菑嬱鉢暚啹䯖張詵飨鲶羮鋁㠿 㱟烐酽椊倀嵚輟蛷窹酽跣

Every Saturday 踊凤程 The Westin Qingdao Cocktail Madness Night

Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 䉣噿㫚哅䒛! 䫀嘪㣵37誑

Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 䉣 噿椥鰱犦爁跫翨!趼犦趼㣵71誑

Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 䉣噿翄㓉⿺!俒妕 嘪㣵2誑

Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 䉣噿犦姌跫 翨!驌䅃㣵2誑 Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 瓟犦澒 㭠!鞲俒妕㣵


Enjoy cocktails all through the night, ¥80 (net) / person 貊鲶䤽喿㱟晹䅡翜䒃䯖91廬 䯒僕䯓0瀕

Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-9996) 䉣噿壈銊梮 䒛!俋叧㣵8誑

Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 䉣噿韞㱟 贜窹䒛!舽墕㣵67誑


Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 俍奟╙!!舽墕㣵嶗 㫉呂㣵䄄

Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (82868575) 槫橯!俒妕㣵23誑!


Art 頯梮'嗴㓋

Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 艁颭飣!鲷嘪㣵22誑 Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 歓窹艤!㯴䅃㣵44誑 Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 啢䞘嘪駡艤!螆嘪敆㣵35誑 Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479)!䞝㫑駡艤!綖噇㣵2誑 Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 蓴鍈 鳏㓅賂艤!圱嘪㣵2誑

Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 惡誑嘪駡艤!䫀嘪㣵29誑


Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-8820) 䉣噿孭蹺苳箘暃鯰贜

Various Attractions


Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112)!䉣噿壈蹕霎䒛!婜諮㣵



Sculpture Art Museum (diāo sù yì shù guǎn) Donghai Dong Lu (8287-0471) 䇦⿷頯梮䒛!圱嘪 嶼趼犦趼㣵

ZAN Art Museum (zàn yī měi shù guǎn) 1F,bldg.3, 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-1989) 㡤酽銊梮䒛! 攢鲷㣵211誑攝嶯211鲲趵艤4誑氒2嗃

Parks & Gardens 駡艤

Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 跤嘪駡艤!旝舽㣵39誑



Every Friday 踊凤ì

May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 鲕蠐妭鯫!趼犦㒂㣵46誑

Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 俍謚咗!俒妕㣵2:誑

Churches 斊⊕!


Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 啢䉣噿!綖噇㣵37誑

No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay)!訅鲈犦烐

Kunlun Gloria Seaview Resort Qingdao (qīng dǎo kūn lún kǎi lái hǎi jǐng dù jià jiǔ diàn) 6 Jinwan Lu (6656-6868) 䉣噿坈坘驅驌犦杛姪壺㱟

Sound of Ocean Hotel (tīng hǎi shí guāng jiǔ diàn) Wanggezhuang Community, Laoshan District (8791-9789) 堝犦暚賂㱟姎!圱嘪嶼粀灧妵

撾鬰啢䐥䒛!約麽暀 撾鬰啢䐥䒛!痺犦酽㣵姎!忞桹 悩鬰約麽䯒鳢䅡⊕䏴䯓

Van Gogh Paint Café!(fàn gāo yì huì kā fēi)!5 Juxian Lu (185 5322-6953) 櫗䗮頯酑獫瓔!騞厙㣵6

Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 蓴鍈鳏犦烐犣鯫!犦訥㣵


Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 圱嘪䏣杛謖钂嶼



Q&X Hot Spring Resort (xiāng gēn wēn quán dù jiǎ jiǔ diàn) 377 Laiqing Lu, Wenquan Town, Jimo (6802-0333) 䒮樰珕熤姪壺㱟姎!張仌壈珕熤

Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 颭蓴氒!䧫犦㣵29誑

Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu (86783547) 䉣噿壈䇦⿷頯梮䒛!趼犦趼㣵77誑

No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 訅酽犦烐犣鯫!攢犦

Resorts 姪壺棡

Lisas Bistro Half Price Day All pizzas are half price at Chenghai Yi Lu (No delivery).

Haiyun Taoist Temple of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi yún ān) 1 Haiyun Street, Sifang District (0532 8373-8617) 䉣噿犦鲑姼!䉣噿蠐昷嶼犦鲑 2誑!

138 Warehouse (138 yì shù shēng huó guǎn) 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (6869-1888)!249頯梮羠牆

The Castle Boutique Hotel (qīng dǎo yí bǎo jīng pǐn jiǔ diàn) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111) 䉣噿



Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 䉣噿壈 贜窹䒛!檚嚛趼㣵62誑

Beaches 犦烐犣鯫

The Castle

鍈髤㱟壚婩敡躐侺 朷:砎靧鉛杒23砎䯖211廬詵 鲶糴酽跀燒赗㬕㱟烐竑麽辭姉




Base, Hongdao Street, Aodong Nan Lu, Chengyang District 䉣噿昷竑櫇妢粀蹺!╙䅃嶼郹噿 㭠噽趼攢

Dancing Clubs 鞡㥏! Dance Kungfu Crew (wǔ gōng táng jiē wǔ jù lè bù) 18 Xinqi Lu (186-7861-2561) 鞡嗚⊕ 鞡紡貊㯵! 昦焾㣵29誑䯒呏濕俋轉謚擔311貏䯓 Salsa Life Club (sà ěr sà shēng huó jù lè bù) 102, Bulg.3, Creative100, 100 Nanjing Lu (137-30931972) 鬰啯鬰羠牆紡貊㯵!攢鲷㣵211誑攝嶯211鲲 趵艤-!4誑氒213咇

Fitness 擊㦳 Aishang Fitness (ài shàng jiàn shēn) 151 Wuxing Lu (8566-0178) 穚啹擊㦳!苧蠻㣵262誑!14 Taizhou Lu (6666-7756) 穚啹擊㦳!燚墕㣵25誑 Impulse Total Fitness (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù) 26 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-1388) 餚牋昤擊 㦳紡貊㯵!螆墕攢㣵37誑!67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 䒮珜趼㣵78誑 New Power Johnson Fitness (xīn lì qiáo shān jiàn shēn huì suǒ) Room 001, 4th Floor, Qingdao


Centre Plaza, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1088)

Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 馬俋 饅!澓钂饅㣵

昦撾斛嘪擊㦳∥忞!䒮珜跤㣵9誑䉣噿跤宆妭鯫B ⿺5嗃112!

Fantawild Dreamland (qīng dǎo fāng tè mèng huàn wáng guó) Huaqiang Cultural Industrial

Qingdao Beihai Fitness Club (qīng dǎo běi hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 7 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more

妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 of Beihai Hotel) (5566-1999)!䉣噿譯犦擊㦳∥忞!䒮 珜跤㣵8誑)譯犦哅䒛㒂擔*!

Fishing 㾢䞘 CHN Expert of Angler Society (míng diào huì diào yú jù lè bù) 69 Ao Men Lu (8260-0000)!謖㾢∥㾢䞘紡貊㯵!癛䃸㣵

Scuba Diving 疦烐

Theatres 談鯫

Global Dive Adventures and Training (quán qiú qián shuǐ tàn xiǎn hé péi xùn gōng sī) 40 Ningxia Lu (158 6422-7383 150 9200-0062) 瑪絑疦

Qingdao Beijing Opera Theatre (qīng dǎo shì jīng jù yuàn) 76 Yan’an Yi Lu (8273-2612)!䉣噿壈鲷



Qingdao Grand Theatre (qīng dǎo dà jù yuàn) 5 Yunling Lu (8066-5555)!䉣噿俋談䅳!鲑嚛㣵6誑!

// QINGDAO LISTINGS / Sobook (rú shì shū diàn) 1Floor, East Squire of Guoxin Stadium, 3 Yinchuan Dong Lu (8272-5567) 偧曧霎姎!䀅墔趼㣵4誑!蹺惡鉢鑇鯫趼妭鯫N嶼2嗃

SONO SPACE (bú shì shū diàn) 1F Bldg 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8080-9565) 醭曧霎姎! 攢鲷㣵211誑攝嶯211鲲趵艤4誑氒2嗃


Qingdao Qin Hai Diving Club (qīng dǎo qín hǎi qián shuĭ jù lè bù) 1-6 Wendeng Lu (8388-1170) 䉣噿綖犦疦烐紡貊㯵!旝舽㣵2.7誑!

For Kids 簍覎

Squash 伄絑


Apple Store (pín guǒ qí jiàn diàn) 36B Ningxia Lu (Zhenjiang Lu intersection) (8366-9605) 餥楇晪

Bojia Robot Club (bó jiā jī qì rén jù lè bù ) 2F, Leader Shopping Plaza, Laoshan District (80952200) 贜長梽鏍鳏紡貊㯵!圱嘪嶼蹉㫊㠳窹跤宆鲈 氒!3F, Book City, 67 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan District (8588-5068) 䒮珜跤㣵78誑霎╙醑嗃!

Impulse Total Fitness Squash Court (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù bì qiú shì) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 餚牋昤擊㦳紡貊㯵伄絑咇!䒮 珜趼㣵78誑

Qingdao Olympic Centre (ào fān zhōng xīn dà jù chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-8666) 倿壌跤宆俋 談鯫!秐簍噿㣵2誑

Computer City (diàn zǐ xìn xī chéng) 226 Liaoning Lu (8382-2536) 翄厸惡峗╙!㫉呂㣵337誑

Fun Club (fēng wán ér ér tóng jù lè bù) 1 floor,Darling Harbour, Yanerdao Lu (6867-8900) 圐 粬簍簍覎紡貊㯵!秐簍噿㣵2誑宆犦妭鯫2嗃

Family Box ( jiā hé zi) L476, MICX, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5673) 咲苵厸!嘪趼㣵21誑醐㝧╙M587! The Little Gym (xiǎo xiǎo yùn dòng guǎn) L402, MICX, 10 Shandong Lu 啢啢㫜誤䒛!嘪趼㣵21誑 醐㝧╙M513

Swimming 珪燞 Yinhai Spa and Sports (yín hǎi jiàn kāng xiū xián huì guăn)!30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-9000)! 䀅犦擊姾鼷䄂∥䒛!趼犦跤㣵41誑

Wushu 澓梮 Qingdao Bright Mountain Wushu Club (bèi méng tè wǔ guǎn) 55 Hunan Lu (8286-9566) 㠣鯆 竑澓䒛!琒攢㣵66誑

Football 㢹絑 Great Football United (wěi dà zú qiú lián méng),, Phone:158 6307-0867 俋㢹絑鎽茒 Tsingtao United FC (qīng dǎo guó jì lián duì), website: http:// 䉣噿蹺䅕鎽䄯

Gymnastics 鉢撋! Almighty (qīng dǎo ào mài tǐ tǐ cāo yùn dòng jù lè bù) F1, District D, Qingdao International Trade Mall, 555 Dunhua Lu.(6698-2829) 䉣噿倿㫔鉢鉢撋 㫜誤紡貊㯵!斣誼㣵666誑!䉣噿侳㠾╙E嶼酽嗃

Golf 䗮啯俓

Yoga!緟憊 Daniel 42 Degree Hot Yoga & Massage (sì shí èr dù rè yú jiā zú liáo) 74 Minjiang Lu (89090977) 53姪硰緟憊'㢹聴!䄍焎㣵85誑 Dinghui Yoga Studio (dìng huì yú gā lǐ liáo gōng zuò shì) Rm305,Building2,69Haimen Lu(130 7082-6906) 呯幋緟憊絔聴墡慘咇!犦䃸㣵7:誑緤鄐 姾㰊C姫416咇

Han Xiang Yi Yoga (hán xiāng yí) Rm. 102, Bldg. 1, Changhai Garden, 9 Qingyuan Lu (8572-2257) 猔 䒮屗!玜㫨㣵:誑!翜犦艤2雜廬213!

Jingyue Yoga & Crossfit (jìng yuè yú jiā) 1F, Bldg. 6, Pacific Centre, 35 Donghai Xi Lu (138 8496-6312) 䉪崪緟憊!趼犦㒂㣵46誑俒妕爁跤宆 7誑氒2嗃!

Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 俋鼢䗮啯 俓鄨雳鯫!畟墕鲈㣵234誑!

Huashan International Country Club (huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù) Huashan Township, Jimo City (8456-0888) drew_821132@ 雲嘪蹺䅕雯棡紡貊㯵!張仌壈雲嘪 䁗硙䉣㣵

Jinling Golf Practice Course!(jīn lǐng tè gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) Jinling New Village, Yinchuan Dong Lu (8899-7307)!㳟嚛䗮啯俓鄨雳鯫!䀅墔趼

Jinzhu Yoga & Crossfit (jīn zhū yú jiā jiàn kāng huì suǒ) Hainiu Xincun, 6 Yinchuan Xi Lu (155 5320-8781) 㳟紒緟憊擊姾∥忞!䀅墔㒂㣵7誑 廟犦窡昦棡

Qingdao Song and Dance Theatre (qīng dǎo shì gē wǔ jù yuàn) 15 Xing’an Lu (8271-4673)!䉣

Qinghua Theatre (qīng huà xiǎo jù chǎng) 12 Linqing Lu (8281-8181) 䉣㛣啢談鯫!踮玜㣵23誑



Electronics 斶蔅鲲閔 鞺姎!呂侢㣵47C!)䁗焎㣵鲮傴訥侐*!

Yongsheng Camera Store (yǒng shèng shè yǐng qì cái) 9 Tianjin Lu (8285-8859) 烔茊掟嬁鏍 棞!俍爠㣵:誑

Fashion 暚啹 Darling Harbour Qingdao (xīn hǎi guǎng chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-7888) 宆犦妭鯫!秐 簍噿㣵2誑

Antiques!詁鮂 Antique Market (jiù huò gǔ dǒng shì chǎng) Wenhua Shichang, Changle Lu (8382-3513) 暃㠭詁 鮂壈鯫!暷貊㣵!旝誼壈鯫

Sanshengyuan Artworks Shop (sān shēng yuán) 67 Aomen Lu (8579-7833)!醑羠釐!癛䃸 㣵78誑

Art 頯梮 Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924)!贜䇖 翍娡!!䄍焎鲈㣵!63誑!

Qingdao MIXc (qīng dǎo wàn xiàng chéng) 10 Shandong Lu, Shinan District 䉣噿醐㝧╙!壈攢嶼 嘪趼㣵21誑!

iGo Mall!(ài gòu shí shàng bǎi huò shāng chéng) 18 Gutian Lu (8118-0888)!穚㠳暚啹艁㠭縟 ╙!詁羻㣵29誑! Hisense Plaza (hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng) 50 Donghai Xi Lu (6678-8888)!犦惡妭鯫!趼犦㒂㣵 61誑

Jimo Lu Market (jí mò lù xiǎo shāng pǐn pī fā shì chǎng) Jimo Lu 張仌㣵啢縟閔恊僨壈鯫! 張仌㣵

Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery (qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3 Changle Lu (8380-2977) 䉣噿嫕魍頯梮咲翍娡!暷貊㣵4誑

Leader Plaza (lì dá gòu wù zhōng xīn) 18, Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 蹉㫊㠳窹跤宆!蠉嚛㣵29誑

Yi Pin Tang!(yì pǐn táng) 2-3 Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166)!㭄閔⊕!暷貊㣵壈鯫3.4誑

Longshan Underground Shopping Centre (lóng shān dì xià shāng chéng) 29 Jiangsu Lu (8286-8902) 䫀嘪鰱醣縟╙!焎飝㣵3:誑

Bookstores 霎姎 Momicafe (māo de tiān kōng zhī chéng) B151, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5360) 篸艊俍裶躐╙!

LOAFFER Shoe Room 802, Guolong Tangchao, 16 Gaoxiong Lu (155 8866-8877) MPGGFS貊螆䊜!䗮 䇕㣵27誑蹺䆗騖墛2雜廬913


Pilates & Personal Training (159 5480-0102)




Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) cn 䉣噿蹺䅕䗮啯俓紡貊㯵!椡嚛㣵229誑!䗮蟨恖 墡趵艤

Tiantai Hot Spring Golf Club (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 俍燚珕熤䗮啯 俓紡貊㯵!張仌珕熤晈珪姪壺嶼廟

Cinemas 嬁䅳 Broadway Cinemas (bǎi lǎo huì) 3F Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1155) 艁鍈 烰!癛䃸㣵99誑艁蹉妭鯫4嗃

CGV Cinema (xīng jù huì yǐng chéng) L529, Mixc, 10 Shandong Lu (5556-5757) 曐鏅烰嬁╙!嘪 趼㣵21誑醐㝧╙M63:!

Huachen Cineplex (huá chén yǐng chéng) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0700) 雲靌嬁╙!䒮珜跤㣵7:誑!䧍驅

Sailing 鞳犦 Flyingfish Sailing Club (fēi yú fān chuán jù lè bù) 3F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6885-3611) 䏳䞘䯒䉣噿䯓壌韅紡貊㯵!倿壌跤宆艁 蹉妭鯫㒂嶼4嗃

Qingdao Furi Yacht And Marina Club (qīng dăo fú rì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 1 Yan’er Dao Lu (Olympic Sailing Centre) (5555-5555/5566-3333) 䉣噿螆暀珪 韘紡貊㯵!秐簍噿㣵2誑)䉣噿倿壌跤宆*!

Qingdao Jida Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jì dá háng hǎi jù lè bù) 18 Nanhai Lu (137 89867525) 䉣噿䅕㫊鞳犦紡貊㯵 攢犦㣵29誑 Qingdao International Yacht Club (Qingdao Olympic Marina) (qīng dǎo guó jì yóu tǐng jù lè bù) 1 Jinhai Lu (6656-0061)!䉣噿蹺䅕珪韘紡貊㯵! 㳟犦㣵2誑!)倿壌跤宆廟剓鉢跤宆*

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre (qīng dǎo ào lín pǐ kè fān chuán zhōng xīn) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (8309-2020)!䉣噿倿楁與陸壌韅跤宆!秐簍噿㣵2誑! Qingdao Sinan Sailing Club (qīng dǎo sī nán fān chuán jù lè bù) 1 Jinwan Lu (152 8898-7909) 䉣噿誒攢壌韅紡貊㯵!㳟瑌㣵2誑


Huacheng Cinema International (qīng dǎo huá chéng guó jì yǐng chéng) 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (8909-8200) 䉣噿雲㛠蹺䅕嬁╙! 圱嘪嶼蠉嚛㣵29誑

Wanda International Cinema City (wàn dá guó jì yǐng chéng) 4F, Wanda, Taidong San Lu (8362-5656) 醐㫊蹺䅕嬁╙5嗃!詬趼醑㣵74誑 3F, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5556-3939) 婜諮㣵227 誑醐㫊妭鯫4嗃

Music Halls 䌄貊鄭 Qingdao Concert Hall (qīng dǎo yīn yuè tīng) 1 Lanshan Lu (8287-7050) 䉣噿䌄貊鄭!賣嘪㣵2誑! Qingdao People’s Auditorium (qīng dǎo shì rén mín huì táng) 9 Taiping Lu (8289-7229) 䉣噿壈 鳏炓∥⊕!俒妕㣵:誑

Private Cinema 蟔鳏嬁䅳 Be Together Private Cinema (zài yī qǐ yǐng ba hōng pā guǎn) Rm 2301, Block C, Pengcheng Gardan, 16 Yanerdao Lu (151 5425-9314) 鮪酽㡽嬁 壚㩼㢺䒛!秐簍噿㣵27誑䥬蠿颭艤D姫3412/!Sn! 521, Leikedun Business Centre, 111 Yanji Lu (185 6256-5546) 婜諮㣵222誑䈈陸䎑縟烏跤宆蠐氒521!

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/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇




Marina City (bǎi lì guǎng chǎng) 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1666) 艁蹉妭鯫!癛䃸㣵99誑 Marks & Spencer (mǎ shā bǎi huò) 1F, Licang Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6026)!䖂騚艁㠭!

China) (6606-1089) 銊欯!癛䃸㣵99誑!艁蹉妭鯫㒂 嶼3嗃331翀!


OK Korean food store (ōu kě hán guó shí pǐn pī fā líng shòu shāng diàn) Jia 8 Quanzhou Lu (8588-3644) 漥詵䋺蹺䏴閔恊僨䈇綈縟姎!!熤墕

MUJI (wú yìn liáng pǐn) F2-0203, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1388) 晹棧頠閔!癛䃸㣵99誑艁

RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529)!




MYKAL (mài kǎi lè) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666)!䧍驅貊!䒮珜跤㣵7:誑!

Swissmooh (ruì shì ruì mù shí pǐn) B1-37/38, Marina City, 99 Aomen Lu!緤佖緤帩䏴閔!癛䃸㣵99

Sunshine Department Store (yáng guāng bǎi huò) 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 䅃賂艁 㠭!䒮珜跤㣵49誑

Food & Beverage 䏴閔 AEON (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85719600) 烔暟!䒮珜跤㣵83誑 B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1528)!癛䃸㣵99誑艁蹉妭鯫㠥2嗃


SAW Strong Ale Works (qiáng mài pí jiǔ) 12 Daxue Lu (136 0896-4700) strongaleworks@gmail. com 媰䧍韞㱟!俋叧㣵23誑 Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732)!䀅㰊颭 艤㠳窹縟鯫!嫿誼㣵2誑!䀅㰊颭艤23誑錎榙䄑2B

Abbica Coffee (qīng dǎo ā bì kǎ jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4 (Ding) Jingguo Er Lu (85712323) 䉣噿䅏繘則㫧熱訥桹䅡駡誒!呂蹺鲈㣵5誑酾! Carrefour Xinxing Store ( jiā lè fú xīn xìng diàn) 128 Shandong Lu (8508-9156) 咲貊螆昦蠻 姎!嘪趼㣵239誑! Carrefour Mingda Store (jiā lè fú míng dá diàn) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8584 -5026) 咲貊螆 謖㫊姎!䒮珜跤㣵32誑

Himalayas Qingdao Hotel 䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎

Hyatt Regency Qingdao 䉣噿䞝縟驅崪㱟姎

Special Room Promotion for Second Anniversary Himalayas Qingdao Hotel is a lifestyle hotel ideally situated in the new, exciting district of Laoshan and a short 10 minute drive to Shi Laoren beach.

Dong Hai 88 Seasonal Dish for Spring Let your taste buds be awakened by the delights of seasonal dishes. Warmer weather is on its way, so we'd like to share with you some seasonal cooking ideas to help bring that spring feeling into your food. The advent of spring must imbue passion and a feeling of youth and freshness so Chef Yu has prepared fresh Cedrela Sinensis, Chinese chives, pot herbs, fresh mullet, and lamb.

Just ¥1,388 (net price), you can stay in a Deluxe Room for 2 nights, including next day breakfast for 2 people. For ¥788 (net price), you can stay in a Deluxe Room for 1 night, including next day breakfast for 2 people. This promotion is valid for stays before 31 May 2016. 跏囈妘巃峐竑嵷 暚啹羠牆㱟姎閔窅!Ⅹ!䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟 姎韓嵔倊篻跏囈妘巃峐竑嵷、張暀㡽靧 3127 妘 6 桸 42 暀梕䄄駱賓䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎㝰雲 咃応跏朷䯖鳢䈑鳏炓壆 2499 廬 -! 藥塒漛暀儕鳏 靕錫暆䐥、雜朷駱賓麽樴鳢䈑鳏炓壆 899 廬䯖藥 塒漛暀儕鳏靕錫暆䐥、駱賓梕䄄詵鲶糴咃応廟鋁 㠿㬃倉壚㩻䒃倀鋁㠿䗮㬫 Xj.Gj、 䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎瀕鲋羠梽綫綫艊圱 嘪嶼䯖啔攝嶯㛄㚧醮頠偡艊嗚镾鉢䖢呝銊劧扟䯖 踵咃鳏抲辭粷魍羠牆昷媀艊駱賓鲶糴、靕㱟姎婩 趵跏妘飨棾侕糴蛼∥諤翨敆慁倀驟穚䯖妛驔嬱侸 咲棇宺棈儨値䎋、䉣噿㛇俋輟粓惛䇖㱟姎啔酭醁 羮誤鳏艊嵔巃鉢䖢夃䎘俋咲巃糴䉯欽晈蠿、

趼犦 99 踵崯薟粷曗叝暚䞸 暺剠蠐桸䯖曗嶯苮磢䯖飽䆠菑鵄鵄艊曗䏣䯖 嚌鴸雩鮪曗䏣艊璹猀醣侟飝、曗枦颭婩暚桹㮰躅 侸艊暚魑銊嚌䯖䅵鑫 酛銊嚌䯖䉣噿鳏姉㛫謁鲢 鳘躅攝昦艊攖䯩㫥跣曗俍䯖曗叝䏴㜷嶎偡鑫讖䯩 澑漛暚魑骾曧羾趼犦 99 䏣嚌䐥鄭樁壎䂏鲋 趼㪕壎間㛄㚧、鲋壎間駱 㫝 41 妘䯖岄曧镾啔 踔哱艊嶎㝧撾㫜羮鮪骾閔艊攝昦醢䯖鲋壎間嶗骼 艊筧䄯荁惡䯖誆桹莏澐鮪豸䏴棞艊鳏忴∥㚪莏艊 唻嬜䏴窹䯖忴∥會熱桭銊嚌艊㮰㭠骾鑉䯖忴∥酓 彿髦夃棾莏澐艊#銊嚌¥鲶糴䯋!㫥鲢攝嶯艊䏴棞 藥愥䒮殨。諤頥㳜骾。櫎䞘。銆鐉訵䯖鲋壎間啔 呅髦赗宆捵㱚䯖踵噿╙䏴咃燍駱 3127 曗俍訅酽 鐭昦䞸撾㳝、

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8612-0656

Casa-Mia Gourmet Shop (kă sà mĭ yà shí pĭn zhuān yíng diàn) 則鬰貏鲡䏴閔豕鬫姎!Search on Tmall for則鬰貏鲡䏴閔豕鬫姎! Daichi Farm (dà dì nóng chǎng) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-5151) 俋鰱嚙鯫!䒮珜趼㣵78誑! Debauve & Gallais (fǎ guó dài bǎo jiā lái) 501, Unit 2, Bldg.3, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1807) 熴蹺䨂 ー鈷驌!趼犦㒂㣵62誑4誑氒3雜廬612

DEFA!Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8253-0686)!趼犦㒂㣵61誑!犦惡妭鯫廟 Double espresso co.Ltd (qīng dǎo bèi nóng kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 28 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-6325, 156 0532-1652) beinongcoffee@126. com, 䉣噿㠣牰獫瓔桹䅡 駡誒!䒮珜㒂㣵39誑

Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 烲榙䧍䒮!趼犦㒂㣵61誑!犦惡妭鯫 㠥2嗃㢋壈

Maqui Berry (mǎ jī méi) 81#201,Jianan Meidi,Tiantai City (8965-3697) 䖂▕騟!╙䅃嶼俍燚 ╙㫲攢銊鰱83.2713

Maui International (máo yī guó jì) (8575-3390) 灀黥蹺䅕 Metro (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 䧍孭䫀!㳛妷攢㣵 227誑

BOOKINGS 预订电话:6672-9999

ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) ORCAFFE has trained a large number of baristas who are now working at renowned coffee shops where they can showcase their talent. ORCAFFE has invited Wei Lingpeng, Senior Examiner of SCAE (Specialty Coffee Association of Europe) to provide a 4 day professional barista training course. Tuition is ¥6800 if you sign up before 1 March. Time: 11-14 April (training- 3 days, examination- 1 day); Location: Qingdao ORCAFFE College (100m east of the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu) 漥則踵䉣噿獫瓔 趵▔ 門鑫俋㳝艊〓蟐鳏忴妛鮪諤俋蓜謖獫瓔姎喥鎲䯖踵 獫瓔壎髦捵婠鑫嗴蛵靕彿艊妕詬、粷䉣噿漥則赗閔 獫瓔叧䅳竑㮍TDBF㡊獿鍊呭䙧鉛䥬夃棾TDBF䯒 漥爳赗閔獫瓔鄖∥䯓▔㚳㚪㛇㜄蠿、4桸2暀頌悞 謖詵鲶7911〓嵷麽、㜄蠿暚䄄!䯤3127妘5桸22 暀Ⅹ25暀䯒4俍▔㚳2俍鍊㛛䯓䯥醢㜄鰱砎;䉣噿漥則 赗閔叧䅳!䯒䉣噿壈圱嘪嶼檚嚛趼㣵醮椡嚛㣵㣵趼 211貏䯓、100 metres east from the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu. (400-600-5751) 漥則獫瓔!檚嚛趼㣵醮椡嚛㣵鲮傴訥謭趼211貏

Watsons (qū chén shì) 1F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 嗕靌炐! 䒮珜跤㣵49誑!䅃賂艁㠭2嗃!1F, Gome, 37 Taidong Yi Lu 詬趼酽㣵48誑蹺銊俋載鯫2嗃!21 Xianggang Dong Lu!䒮珜趼㣵32誑

Home Goods 咲嗋 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 艁呏 嗋!嘪趼㣵49誑!188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 㫉 䅃㒂㣵299誑!238 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611)!艁呏嗋! 犦啯㣵249誑翀

Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao 䉣噿䒮樴㳚惛俋㱟姎 Spanish Food Festival Football, bullfight or Flamenco? During 14-24 April, interact with Guest Chef Maiker Valdiva from China World Hotel to discover the many mysteries of Spanish food. Several traditional Spanish dishes are waiting for you including Slow Roasted Suckling Pig, Seafood Paella and many more. 㒂紬窛銊䏴頺 㢹絑旽窡䯖㫤曧媈惛暺彯䯩 5 桸 25 暀靧 35 暀䯖棾靕譯鲷跤蹺俋䒂姎艊㒂紬窛咃姫踽樁 Nbjlfs!Wbmejwb 赗宆矺壽硟龌篶䯖㒂紬窛犦䞸䒂 訵鰱㭠#㒂¥媀旿絔䯖飨銊䏴踵㪉鉢 諦鰱跤 犦艊硾䑿赗雲䯖媆䎘崯扜踆時樭㒂紬窛旝誼、

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8388-3838


BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean Song 186 7890-0384, Chinese - Lee 156 0542-6234)

Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach 䉣噿㳟煛瓡壔啯䎑㱟姎 Cocktail Voucher Enjoy freshly prepared specialty coffees, fresh juices, a glass of champagne or afternoon tea and light snacks during the day or meet for savoury snacks, signature cocktails or a glass of fine wine. Now 10 cocktail vouchers are only 388RMB including the service charge. Valid for 3 months. 俋⊕壚䤽喿㱟倧樞 俋⊕壚踵崯抲辭諤媀赗靪馣砎。䒃旿倀㲕䒮 魿髽㱟䯖曧崯晈 跤艊昦咃鄭、粷扢熱䤽喿㱟倧 樞鴛媑鳢綈鳏炓壆 499 廬䯒藥塒桽烏㠿䯓䯖桹敱 梕靕㠳龈暀㡽醑跣桸、

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8315-0000 ext. 㩸 8068

Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 犦贜咲嗋㢋壈!斣 誼㣵39誑 Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) The professional coffee roaster and coffee equipment supplier. Gourmet coffee, roasted fresh in Qingdao. Ten years of coffee roasting experience, professional coffee technology training and after-sales service have made us a unique brand in Qingdao. 豕趵獫瓔㝌硋碶陣倀獫瓔㛄侕䀏綈 縟、21妘艊獫瓔㝌硋碶鄽䖢䯖豕趵艊獫瓔恖梮 ▔㚳。綈謚醎悜筧䄯䯖㬬喥鑫噿╙魳謖艊獫瓔閔 窅、Exclusive store: 49 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 㫔欨獫瓔!豕載姎!趼犦㒂㣵5:誑!Taste: 5#102, Fanhai Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu (8090-2281) 鉢 䖢姎!䄍焎鲈㣵熼犦謖鳏妭鯫6$213!Factory: 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 5325-3732) 墡陣!畟墕酽 㣵46誑!

My Glow Juice (měi kē) 220, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (close to bank of

=english menu


Pure Inc. (chún jìng yuán guó jì shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 808, 19 Bldg C, Zhonghuan Plaza, Zhangzhou Er Lu (80860615) Email: 鄌僕瑧蹺䅕縟㠾䯒 䉣噿䯓桹䅡駡誒!畟墕鲈㣵2:誑跤粶蹺䅕D姫919

Westin Shop (wēi sī tīng shāng diàn) 1F, The Westin Qingdao, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1866) 儨昤烠縟姎!䒮珜跤㣵9誑䉣噿儨昤 烠㱟姎2嗃

Musical Instruments 貊鏍 Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 䞩孭珕㾱綖豕載姎!焎㒂㣵:2誑觥 Guitar For you (jí tā zhuān mài) (139 6396 -1061) 諮骼豕載!

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妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 28 Huangshan Lu (8272-6977) 諮骼妕昷! 䧫嘪㣵39誑

Pets 呿窹! Angora (ān gē lǔ chǒng wù diāo zhuān mài diàn)!32 Nanjing Lu (150-6616-7688) 呏灧䞝呿窹 㞈豕載姎!攢鲷㣵43誑! Petdog Health and Well-Being (pài duō gé chǒng wù shēng huó huì guǎn) Rm.19 Hua Hao Yue Yuan,138 Shandong Lu (186 6198-8205/130 7087-7963*!牋侸樴呿窹羠牆∥䒛!嘪趼㣵249誑颭 偡桸躦2:誑鈫砎!

Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198-7701),

Sporting Goods 㫜誤! Decathlon (dí kǎ nóng)!188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (Below Fuliao Overpass) (8561-7788) 㫶則憚!㫉䅃 㒂㣵299誑!)螆㫉襫鲮橯醣*


Pleasantress Ladies Hair Salon (bó fēi sī nǚ zǐ měi fà huì suǒ)!30, Donghai Zhong Lu (East gate of Yinhai Yacht Club) (8592-6188)!榙䏳趺偔厸銊僨 ∥忞!趼犦跤㣵41誑.䀅犦珪韘紡貊㯵趼䃸廟

Steve is ‘The Hair Doctor,’ a British hairstylist with over 28 years of experience in all aspects of hairstyling, offering a full range of professional hairstyling services. By appointment only; high quality and personalised hairstyling service. Full nail services by ‘The Nail Nurse.’ For appointments call 136 8145-3740 http://www.hairdoctor-steve. com. DONG Hairdressing (DONG měi fā shā lóng) 6F, 12 Xinhui Lu (5897-5222) EPOH銊僨煛䫀!昦∥ 㣵23誑!跤鞳鋾㬦珪韘∥7嗃!

TouchHair (yí zūn měi fà) Vidal Sassoon Academy graduate, student of Japanese hair stylist Kawasaki -An expert in hair treatment. 䎢啚銊僨!

Sanfo (sān fū hù wài) 52 Donghai Xi Lu (85786628) 醑俓忊侳!趼犦㒂㣵63誑!

壎鞲暀梪僨頯墤鷹墔坄俋壎䯖㫧販鲋煛咅銊僨叧 䅳、踽販豕趵䯤鄽鉚燙⺱、3F Le Meridien Qingdao

Tailors 壽


Honghong Tailor (hóng hóng zhì yī) 6 Xuzhou Lu (8580-2086) 郹郹壽 !嬨墕㣵7誑

Massage 慍揦

Jin Yuan Zhi Yi (jīn yuán zhì yī) 2F, 1-118 Chuandai Da Shijie, 86 Taidong San Lu (8907-0172)! 㳟瑧壽


Wine 魿髽㱟 Buller Wines (ào dà lì yà bù lè jiǔ zhuāng) Rm.603, 63 Xianggang Xi Lu (189 5329-2706) 癛俋 濕鲡壉貊㱟妵!䒮珜㒂㣵74誑714咇!

Dong Zhou Fu Long World Wines (dōng zhōu fù lóng jiǔ yè) 2 Yuexiu Lu (6656-7999, 66568888)!趼爳哱䆗㱟趵!㢐蟐㣵3誑 France Bacchus Bldg 9, 3 Xuzhou Lu (85898830)!嬨墕㣵4誑:誑氒 La Cave a Didier (dí jié jiǔ zhuāng) 135 Marina City West Zone, 86 Ao‘men lu (6606-1059)!筎椌㱟 妵!癛䃸㣵97誑!艁蹉妭鯫㒂嶼246誑!!

Hotel, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0403 Suki 186 6028-9276)

LiShui Tang (lì shuǐ táng) 1 Xinzhu Lu (159 0899-2971) 蹉烐⊕! 昦覨㣵2誑!

Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (chuán tǒng zhōng yī àn mó) Is there anything more relieving than getting a rub down from a professional masseur? We can’t think of anything, and this place comes recommended for delivering truly salubrious as well as relaxing massages. 煫桹 鳘躅瀷慍揦镾桖偡艊鞐醿紙撾、婠㚴棾澑鲶糴酽 醣莏澐桹苩擊姾艊敡椡慍揦、Get rid of suffering.

Home visit service provided (150 9229-7893) 酛跤語慍揦



Latour Laguens World Fine Wine Cellar (lā tú lā gān guó jì jiǔ jiào) Unit 2, 31 Yan’an Yi Lu (6669-1111, 8325-3333) 惛蹕惛羕蹺䅕㱟褠!婜呏

International Schools


International Department of Qingdao Galaxy School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào guó jì bù) 47 Tongchuan Lu, Licang District (8880-8315)

Pentagon Enterprise Co., Ltd (pài dá gé jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) B-2302, Guohua Bldg, 2 Minjiang Lu (8079-5256) 牋㫊樴㫧熱訥桹䅡駡誒! 䄍焎㣵3誑蹺雲俋轉C.3413

Qingdao Wine Culture Street (qīng dǎo hóng jiǔ jiē)!Yan’an Yi Lu 䉣噿郹㱟 !婜呏酽㣵! Sunshinry Wine Cellar (lǎng yí jiǔ háng) 43 Minjiang Er Lu (6677-6999) 梋屗㱟 !䄍焎鲈㣵 54誑!

WinItaly Room 2557, Zhongshang Mansion, 100 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-6326) 䒮珜跤㣵 211!誑跤縟俋轉3668!




International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Starting at pre-school and rising to grade 12 (2-18 years of age), ISQ follows a US based curriculum, is WASC and NCCT accredited and offers an extensive range AP courses. The school also offers honours courses in all core subjects. In addition, away from the classroom, ISQ has an extensive MUN program, Student Council and Leadership Development. Throughout, its educational focus is on university preparation. Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. isqchina. com!䉣噿NUJ蹺䅕叧樍!圱嘪嶼煛厸訥趼僰艀糥 樍艤廟


Guokai International School (guó kāi zhōng xué guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6288, 137 9323-3392, 187 6425-8880) www. !Xfdibu!呭昷孎惡䯤hvplbjhvpkjcv!蹺



Ming Yu International Beauty Studio (míng yú guó jì měi yán gōng zuò shì) 10 Shandong Lu (186 6165-1377) 㿼傕蹺䅕銊䎯墡慘咇!嘪趼㣵21誑 Sleeping Lotus SPA (shuì lián yǎng shēng měi róng guǎn) A3, 26 Donghai Zhong Lu (inside Langqin Garden) (8593-6007/08) 萉驎門羠銊咷䒛! 趼犦跤㣵37誑B4!)犗綖艤廟*! Tian Bei’s Beauty & Health Care Salon (tián bèi měi róng bǎo jiàn huì suǒ) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 羻鰘銊咷墮擊∥忞!䄍焎㣵314誑

Hairdressers 銊僨 FRANCK PROVOST (ruì shì ruì mù shí pǐn) L320, MixC, 10 Shangdong Lu (5576-8528) 櫗糒墴䧵熴媀

Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bilingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (88800003)!䉣噿鍅跤蹺䅕叧樍!䉣噿愇羠窩駡咇!圱嘪嶼



Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 1 (Jia) Xianxia Ling Lu 棜鈷厸嫮㝧㛄㚧

Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào)!16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 䉣噿䋺蹺蹺䅕叧


ME (ME měi fā) 5F, The Westin Qingdao, 8

=english menu


Xianggang Zhong Lu (8611-1885) NF銊僨!䒮珜跤



=parking Check for menu, images and more


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) Catering to the needs of international learners from Toddler through Grade 12, QAIS is the first IB World School in Shandong Province and is the first school in Asia to be accredited by the American Montessori Society. Their commitment to holistic, inquirybased education is unique in preparing students for the challenges of our century, creating international-minded citizens who work for peace. The IB Diploma Program, offered at QAIS, is the highest international standard for pre-university education, and opens doors to universities and careers around the world. 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@QingdaoAmerasia. org, www.!䉣噿銊鲡蹺䅕叧樍!嘪趼 俧㣵79誑

Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) Accepting students from pre-K to grade 12 (3-17 years of age), QISS utilises a US curriculum (Common Core), and is WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited. In addition, Advanced Placement courses are available on-site in 8 subjects, and all AP classes are available online through QISS’s partnership with K12 International Academy, APID. The school is licensed by Qingdao Bureau of Education. 232 Songling Lu (6889-8888) 嘪趼荎䉣噿訅酽蹺䅕叧 樍!椡嚛㣵343誑

Qingdao Chungwoon Korean School (qīng dǎo qīng yún hán guó xué xiào) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8686) 䉣噿䉣鲑䋺蹺叧 樍!!╙䅃嶼俍熅㣵2誑

Chinese Language!烲㛳 Chinese Language Centre - XMandarin (xīn huán qiú hàn yǔ) Mandarin Chinese training, IPA/PAT Chinese Language Teacher Training Programs XMandarin Chinese Language Centre provides a wide variety of courses (small group/ private) and best customer service (student visa, introducing jobs, relocation) for international students who are going to learn Mandarin Chinese during their Qingdao residence. 烲㛳㔃▔㚳䯖JQB0 QBU蹺䅕燍謀烲㛳斊壎▔㚳、www.0532study. com, Rm. 1605, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8807-8385, 135 8927-8775)!昦粶絑烲㛳!畟墕鲈㣵2:誑跤粶蹺䅕妭 鯫B姫2716咇!

Han Xing Chinese College (hàn xing shū yuàn) Han Xing Chinese College can do custom made classes for each student. Teacher Cui has more than 10 years Chinese teaching experience for foreigners. After study, every student can get a graduation certificate of Chinese Traditional Culture Classes. Our features Classes: - Business Chinese - Travel Chinese - Words and Expressions for Daily Life - HSK Class Traditional Chinese Culture Classes: - Tea Culture - Aroma Culture - Guqin - A traditional Chinese instrument - Calligraphy F11, Bldg 6, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (136 5532-6948, 178 6421-5383) (Eng) WeChat: chaxiang_ yinyun !烲蠻霎䅳!呂侢㣵399誑!壈攢㩻鬣艤7誑氒

course. Promise education! caopingesther@163. com 䉣躐厸ㄪ烲㛳▔㚳跤宆!熤墕㣵4誑䒮珜颭艤 B姫2223咇

English Language!餚㛳! Gnlight of Mine English Training (qīng dǎo lù guāng měi yīn wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào) 3F, Xutai Garden4, 20 Yan’er Dao Lu http://www.glmine. com/ (400 6018-133/6677-5122)!䉣噿醠賂銊䌄侳㛳 ▔㚳叧樍!秐簍噿㣵31誑暎燚颭艤5誑氒4嗃!

Ivy English School (cháng chūn téng yīng yŭ) 18 ShuangYuan Lu, , Chengyang District, Zhuoyue Weilan Archipelago (139 6964-0564)!夠曗鶵餚㛳 叧樍!╙䅃嶼䉣噿儕廬㣵29誑醖㢐鱻鰤銲噿

Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu cn (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 長䌄餚㛳!畟墕㣵241 誑2.3嗃

New Channel·International Education for Young Learners (xīn háng dào ·qīng shǎo nián guó jì jiāo yù xué ) 19th Floor, Flagship Building, Sunshine Department Store (8667-8833*!昦鞳㭠〃 䉣啨妘蹺䅕斊鑇叧䅳!䅃賂艁㠭晪鞺俋轉2:嗃

Qingdao International Language Institute (Global IELTS)!(qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī))!Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871)!䉣噿蹺鲮侳㛳▔㚳叧樍䯒粶絑䇖 屒䯓焎㒂㣵46誑7誑氒

Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-5469 )!雲啯 餚㛳!䒮珜跤㣵31誑!䧫㳟妭鯫3嗃 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 雲啯 餚㛳!畟墕㣵8:誑!跤粶蹺䅕 妭鯫2嗃2:誑

French Language!熴㛳 Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (Ocean Uni) (8590-6232) 䉣噿熴㛳鎽茒! 䒮珜趼㣵34誑跤蹺犦爁俋叧I嶼4嗃

For Kids!妦斊! Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn) South entrance at 16 Donghai Xi Lu, Floor 5 (8388-7176)

Korean Language 䋺㛳 Tianyan Korean Language Centre (tiān yán hán guó yǔ péi xùn) 20th Floor, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8589-9336) 俍㔃䋺蹺㛳▔㚳!畟墕鲈㣵2:


CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten of Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District (Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (6889-8555 / 8889) 昦鎢髕覎宆蹺䅕䉣噿訅酽妦簍艤覎宆蹺䅕!䉣噿壈 圱嘪嶼!椡嚛㣵343誑!䉣噿╙悅斊鑇艤

銊侳㛳豕販叧樍!畟墕鲈㣵2:誑!跤粶蹺䅕妭鯫B 姫23嗃2317


Qing Zhi Zijin Chinese Language Training Centre (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) Conversational course, HSK---all levels, Traditional culture &poem, University literature entrance works, Business

Qingdao WISBABY International Preschool (xī huá bǎo bèi yòu ér yuán) Qingdao WISBABY International Preschool is accepting applications now! Fully qualified teaching staff, 2 male international teachers and a choice of bilingual, international and school holiday programmes!

Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (88815851) 艀糥叧樍!圱嘪嶼 煛厸訥趼僰

Qingdao Laoshan New Century School (qīng dǎo láo shān xīn shì jì xué xiào) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8898) 䉣噿圱嘪昦跫鄅叧樍!椡嚛㣵343 誑!4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 㬙㭲醑㣵5誑 Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819)!䀅犦叧樍!趼犦趼㣵27誑



Hospitals 語䅳

German Language 孭㛳

Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) They offer 24/7 medical care service, direct

Goethe-Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 5F, Bldg D (west), Qingdao University, 9 Xianggang Dong Lu (8595-0060) 䉣噿俋叧潣孭

billing and accept international medical insurance policies. The staff can speak both English and Chinese. They have special departments dedicated to internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, oral medicine and more. 抲辭瑪妘晹鼷艊35啢暚語聴

㛳㔃跤宆!䒮珜㒂㣵䉣噿俋叧䒮珜趼㣵:誑䉣噿俋叧 蟨恖艤E槯㒂氒6氒

Music Schools 䌄貊叧樍 Baby Mozat Music School (xiǎo xiǎo mò zhā tè yīn lè guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-7918) 啢啢騿忶竑 䌄貊䒛!婜諮㣵21:誑!

Classic Guitar Training (gǔ diǎn jí tā péi xùn) 8 Zhangping Lu (139 6396-1061) 詁鉚諮骼▔㚳!畟 妕㣵9誑

Jiawentang Guqin Club (jiā wén tang gǔ qín shè) Room.201, unit 2, bldg.1, Tianlin Gardan, 2 Donghai Xi Lu (8382-6339) 鈷旝⊕詁綖蛼!趼犦㒂 㣵3誑!俍楁颭艤2誑氒3雜廬312咇!

International Academy School!蹺䅕駡叧

桽烏䯖詵茻扟懲羮犦侳墮䅺䯖蘚墡詵茻扟㫧 餚 㛳煥㬦、語䅳抲辭廟蟨。侳蟨。簍蟨。訥陊蟨訵蟨 咇、Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (81117118) 㠣濕啯語聴跤宆!嫿誼㣵2誑!䀅㰊颭艤5:姫

Cham Shan Int’l Medical Centre (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Always care for your health. 24h x 7days’ calling. Direct billing for oversea insurance.English Speaking Staff. Free pick up service. Family Doctor Pediatric. OB/GYN. Physical check-up. 酽偧晼嬔鰱饅燍崯艊擊姾䯖踵 崯抲辭瑪妘晹鼷艊翄㛣饉㛨桽烏、鮪㫥㳚詵飨茻 扟懲羮犦侳墮䅺、蘚墡鰍詵㚸餚旝、抲辭鋁㠿扟 䅳桽烏、語䅳㱚侕咲姲簍蟨語羠倀偭鲲蟨語羠、詆 侳語䅳㫤抲辭鉢櫩、Rm.102, Bldg.C, 25 Donghai 1

Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (131 6501-3251 EN/JP, 136 2639-9601) 琗嘪蹺䅕語聴跤宆!趼犦酽㣵 36誑D氒213咇

International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266)!壈襫語䅳 趼䅳嶼蹺䅕䃸㛐!趼犦㒂㣵6誑!

Qingdao Women & Infants Hospital Int’l Medical Center!(qīng dǎo fù yīng yī yuàn guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn)!19 Zhongshan Lu (153 76796880) 䉣噿偭刏語䅳蹺䅕語聴跤宆!跤嘪㣵2:誑

Ranked NO.1 in the US in 2003 Ranked NO.3 in the US in 2015

Tel: +86 532 86753277 66027210 Okma International Academy Qingdao (qīng dǎo hàn měi gōng xué) The Okma International Academy•Qingdao (QIA) is a four year boarding school. Founded by outstanding American educators and Chinese entrepreneurs. The school is modeled after the International Academy (IA), Michigan, USA, one of the biggest IB schools in the world. It has also been recognized as one of the best American public high schools by U.S. News and World Report. The Director of QIA is the famous IB educator and Founder of the original IA -Mr. Lambert Okma. 眓銊駡叧䉣噿瑧靕瑪銊戹謖頌 醑艊駡襫䗮跤Ⅹ哣潛樰墕蹺䅕駡叧)Joufsobujpobm! Bdbefnz䯖誖蠙JB*、曧酽忞羾銊蹺〓蟐斊鑇咲嶗 酽恊忶樰鲋跤蹺艊犦嫓麟趵咲鎽諦攝窩艊昦矇蹺 䅕誼:.23妘鄀哠哊壽䗮跤、呅羾瑪絑魳謖艊JC斊鑇 豕咲。銊蹺JB瀭樍攝僔樍䂏ⅩMbncfsu!Plnb魯 羠惔麇樍䂏、哣潛樰墕蹺䅕駡叧靕3114妘會踵戹 謖訅酽艊駡襫䗮跤㫧駱銊蹺V/T/!Ofxt!'!Xpsme! Sfqpsu瑪銊〓蟐䗮跤戹 汙䯖3126妘2桸鮪瑪銊 駡襫䗮跤戹謖訅醑䯖雩曧茩頌瑪絑桭俋艊JC壽䗮 跤、Campus Address: Crossing of Jialing Jiang Lu

Montessori Children’s House at QAIS (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900), www.!䉣噿銊鲡蹺䅕叧樍!鯆竑櫎

Private Schools 蟔襫叧樍


Bright Start Early Childhood Center (qǐng míng xīng zǎo jiào zhōng xīn) 1st Floor, Building 15,Yamai Shan Cheng, Qingdasan Lu, Laoshan District (86 532) 6865 2268 admissions@isqchina. com 䉣噿NUJ蹺䅕叧樍妦斊跤宆!圱嘪嶼䉣俋醑㣵!


PKU College Qingdao Tianxi International Perschool (běi dà gōng xué qīng dǎo tiān xǐ guó jì yòu ér yuán) 1 Donghai Dong Lu ( 68062777) 譯俋駡叧䉣噿俍糉蹺䅕妦簍艤!趼犦趼㣵2誑

Kindergartens 妦簍艤



㡊獿斊叧筧䄯䯖跏謖翇屟蹺䅕鍈壎、詆侳㫤桹儕 㛳。蹺䅕飨倀壺梕䎋茩詵辭㬕愞䯋㡼寚鎽跀彿髦 壚䯋暆梕悞謖鍎㫤詵飨鲶糴蹺䅕㜄蠿〓嵷軺䯋87 Laoshan Lu (8801-9050, 155 5424-6662) 㒂雲呹㠣 妦簍艤!圱嘪㣵98誑


Goldencareer Training School (jīn qián chéng péi xùn xué xiào) Chinese training, English training, TOEIC, Translation outsourcing service. www.goldencareer. cn, 12F, Bldg. G5, 288 Ningxia Lu (8597-5725, 8597-5726, 8597-5728) 㳟頌蠿▔㚳叧樍!呂侢㣵 Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao (rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1206, F12, Bldg. A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8571, English: 8570-8130) info@, URL: 暀

Contact us to come and take a look! Be in quick to receive a special discount for our international class!䉣噿㒂雲呹㠣妦簍艤粷鮪愇羠鑫䯋彿髦愗桹

and Changjiang Lu, Huangdao. Admission Office: 44-A007, Wanbang Center, Qingdao. (8675-3277, 6602-7210) 叧樍鰱鯰䯤䧫噿鈷䆆焎㣵嶗䂏焎㣵㣵 訥、窩駡咇鰱鯰䯤䉣噿醐㮳跤宆55.B118

Qingdao Oxford International College (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 窡爠駡 叧!椡嚛㣵343誑

Malvern College Qingdao (qīng dǎo mò ěr wén zhōng xué ) 77 Tieqi Shan Lu, Chengyang District (5865-9999) 䉣噿仌啯旝 跤叧!╙䅃嶼嵲螆䁗㿐䖧嘪㣵88誑!

=english menu


Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn)!Shilaoren Community, 319 Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008919191, www. Our hospital delivers comprehensive international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Eye Clinic, and ENT services, as well as other specialties. Qingdao United Family Hospital is staffed by an international team of physicians who serve the city’s multinational patients with experience, compassion, and dedication. Our mission is to provide high-quality medical and healthcare services to the expatriate and Chinese populations throughout Qingdao and Shandong province. 㛄鉝瑪蟨。廟蟨。侳蟨。偭鲲蟨。簍蟨。 菋蟨。鎍䩢殯蟨。訥陊蟨訵䃸㛐倀賓䅳桽烏、鄽䖢 踔哱艊蹺䅕語悜筧䄯啔踵嗋賓嶗墡慘鮪䉣噿艊侸廬 旝誼崣鍎抲辭峾宆〓㠮艊語聴倀墮擊桽烏、䉣噿嶗 萕咲語䅳!!圱嘪嶼䒮珜趼㣵42:誑蓴鍈鳏蛼嶼

Qi Lu Hospital (qí lǔ yī yuàn ) 758 Hefei Lu (96599) 䩷䞝語䅳!諦鐴㣵869誑 Waiter Medic (wéi tè ěr yī liáo) Rm.109, bldg.3, 63 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-1199) 醎竑啯語聴! 䒮珜跤㣵74誑4誑氒21:咇

Dental Clinics!䪦蟨 David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē)!Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 忂氈䪦蟨!髅䈯嚛㣵2.31誑!驅晑咲艤! F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8572-1822)! 瓟犦颭艤G4.2B)鲕蠐妭鯫廟*

Fu-Jen Dental Group (qīng hé kǒu qiāng mén zhěn bù) 15 Jintai, 109 Shandong Lu (next to Ping-an Bank) (8091-3950) 䉣諦訥陊䃸㛐㯵!嘪趼 㣵21:誑璟詬26誑

Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) Specialising in joint pain/clicking, bite and bite related problems orthodontics and dental restorations. Dr. Olive Liao DDS. MS trained in Roth Williams

=parking Check for menu, images and more

妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 (3 year course) Orthodontic Education Centre; Bioesthetics (2 year course) Education Centre; Korean Orthodontic Research Institute; Kygpook University, Korea. She has over ten years clinical experience. Fluent English, Basic Korean and Japanese. 抲辭俧䉳㯵胋脙荁饅艊澐聁嶗窛䪦販侟 熎聴、娰語羠桪鮪侸咲訥陊澐聁▔㚳跤宆嶗蔠裮 梽椨叧雳▔㚳䯖愗桹鴛蠶妘㛐聴鄽䖢䯖餚㛳牐濕䯖 䋺㛳暀㛳▕梪∥㛣、3-10 Maidao Lu (8860-2820,

8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN) www.qddentist. com, 莏鲂䪦蟨!䧍噿 㣵4.21誑!

Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng)!4 Donghai Zhong Lu, intersecting Yan’er Dao Lu (8069-0275/8077-8666) 緤孭訥陊!趼犦跤㣵5誑)秐 簍噿㣵醮趼犦跤㣵鲮翨*!鏾暺訥陊蹺䅕㯵

Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, 6778-5190, Plastic Surgery (斾 嫮); 8077-8666, Dental (窛蟨) 䉣噿烔釐䋺銊斾嫮!! 圱嘪嶼䒮珜趼㣵248誑

Surgery Clinics 語叧銊咷 Evercare Qingdao Cosmetic Surgery Hospital (qīng dǎo yī měi ěr zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 20 Xianggang Xi Lu (8378-6188) 䉣噿黥銊啯斾嫮語 䅳!䒮珜㒂㣵31誑!

Qingdao LORD hospital (qīng dǎo nuò dé zhěng xíng měi róng yī yuàn) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8801-0022) 䉣噿㜀孭斾嫮銊咷語䅳!䉣 噿圱嘪嶼䒮珜趼㣵7:誑驅晑嘪妵46槯!

Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, (6778-5190, Plastic Surgery ( 斾嫮); 8077-8666, Dental(窛蟨) 䉣噿烔釐䋺銊斾嫮!! 圱嘪嶼䒮珜趼㣵248誑)䋺蹺䎘鲇䒛趼311貏*!

Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn)!203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 羻鰘銊咷語叧跤宆!䄍焎㣵314誑


7388, 6670-7399) 䒮珜跤㣵21誑216忊

Business 縟烏 China-Australia Chamber of CommerceBohai Qingdao office (zhōng guó ào dà lì yà shāng huì bó hǎi fèn huì qīng dǎo bàn gōng shì) Rm502,Bldg2, 69 Haimen Lu (8163-9302) 跤蹺 癛俋濕鲡縟∥珌犦鰓∥䉣噿窩駡咇!犦䃸㣵7:誑緤 鄐姾㰊C.613咇 InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 8667-5168) 蹺䅕縟烏鲮牐跤宆!趼犦㒂 㣵48誑㳟㰊颭艤D姫27氒B咇

Qingdao CCPIT (qīng dǎo shì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì) Rm.403, 121 Yan An San Lu (8389-7995)! 䉣噿壈㠾曀釣㫧僡蘚∥!婜呏醑㣵232誑514咇 ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng (qīng dǎo) shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Bldg.12B, Qingdao Software Park, 288 Nanjing Lu (8666-7551)!〓攝) 䉣噿*斶懪恖梮桹䅡駡誒!呂侢㣵399誑!䉣噿㩻鬣艤 23誑氒C姫2嗃

Consultancy 饉㛨 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) qingdao@ 鄖撾諎絔饉㛨!畟墕鲈㣵2:誑!跤粶蹺 䅕妭鯫䯫姫34嗃3418応䄄!

JHT Business Consulting Co., Ltd (jīn huì tōng shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66886599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 㳟烰㬦縟烏饉㛨桹䅡駡誒! 䒮珜跤㣵87誑!䉣噿䎢跤艎獰壺暀㱟姎515咇!

InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 8667-5168) 蹺䅕縟烏鲮牐跤宆!趼犦㒂 㣵48誑㳟㰊颭艤D姫27氒B咇

Qingdao Continental Bridge For Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo zhōu qiáo guó jì wén huà jiāo liú fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.


1209, Bldg. B, Hongkong Garden, 54 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8581-6081, 136 8761-1581)䉣噿爳橯蹺䅕旝


誼鲮牐桽烏桹䅡駡誒!畟墕鲈㣵65誑䒮珜颭艤C 姫231:!咇

Automotive Services 焹販 Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 䉣噿壈䀅墔㒂 㣵247誑!369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 䉣噿 壈諦鐴㣵47:誑

Banking 䀅 Bank of China (zhōng guó yín háng) (95566)! 跤蹺䀅

Bank of Communications (jiāo tōng yín háng)! (95559) 鲮㬦䀅 Bank of East Asia (dōng yà yín háng) (800 830-3811) 趼鲡䀅 ! China Everbright Bank (zhōng guó guāng dà yín háng) (95595) 跤蹺賂俋䀅 Citi Bank (huā qí yín háng) (800 830-1880)!颭 晪䀅

Construction Bank of China (zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng) (95533) 跤蹺婠㛄䀅 Guangdong Development Bank (guǎng dōng fā zhǎn yín háng) (95508) 妭趼僨嗴䀅 ! HSBC (huì fēng yín háng) (800 830-2880) 烰踔䀅 8F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-2828) 䒮珜跤㣵87誑䎢跤艎獰壺暀㱟姎9 嗃!1F, 46 Nanjing Lu (8097-6688) 攢鲷㣵57誑2嗃! 1F, 87 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8097-3888)!䒮珜跤㣵 98誑2嗃!1F, Fortune Plaza, 18-1 Qinling Lu (80976555)!蠉嚛㣵29.2誑!㠨哱跤宆2嗃 Hua Xia Bank!(huá xià yín háng) (95577)!雲 侢䀅

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China! (zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng) (95588) 跤

Qingdao Expat Service Centre - One Stop Service We are providing 24 hours free hot line Service for Qingdao Expat! Call us if you need help or anything’s in Qingdao. Our services are below:√House Rent √Car and Vehicle Rent √Taxi Service √Orientation Service √Corporate service √Driver service√ School Search √Maid Service √Visa and work Permit service √Export and Import Tel:0532-80806832; Cell Phone:86-13687697428; Email: Website:www. Qingdao Overseas Exit-Entry Services Centre (qīng dǎo hǎi wài chū rù jìng fú wù zhōng xīn) 12F, He’an Mansion, 117 Yan’an San Lu (8579-1888) 䉣噿犦侳熱駱乵桽烏跤宆!婜呏醑㣵228誑嶗呏 俋轉23嗃

Qingdao Overseas Investment Service Centre (qīng dǎo shì wài shāng tóu zī fú wù zhōng xīn) 19F, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 (Jia) Shandong Lu (8197-8622)!䉣噿壈侳縟悅㡊桽烏跤宆!嘪趼㣵3誑



Merchants Bank of China!(zhāo shāng yín háng) (95555)!愇縟䀅

SEN-CONSULT (qīng dǎo sēn yì shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 2006, Bldg 1, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (8502-8585) 䉣噿欨倣縟烏饉

Standard Chartered Bank (zhā dǎ yín háng) (800 820-8088) 珋怇䀅 1F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao (8097-3118, 8092-7138)!䉣噿䎢跤艎獰壺 暀㱟姎䒫嗃縟䀉嶼╪G2!A-D, F-H, 35F, Sunnyworld Cyberport, 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8666, 8677-2766) 䒮珜跤㣵51誑斶蔅珜晪鞺俋轉46嗃 B.E-!G.I!Rm.105, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-

=english menu



Community 蛼鲮 Qingdao Global Bridge Cultural & Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo huán yǔ qiáo guó jì wén huà jiào yù jiāo liú

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/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 妭鶯!• 䉣噿䧫䎇 fúwù yǒu xiàn gōng sī)!30-E, Bldg. B, 37 Donghai Xi lu (8668-1224, 139 0642-3247) 䉣噿粶呍橯蹺 䅕旝誼斊鑇鲮牐桽烏桹䅡駡誒!趼犦㒂㣵48誑!C 姫41ⅩF

䗮覜縟羮嬁絹䎘╪醖㢐艊壽穻鳏嶗壽慘豕咲䯖鮪 㫓詛艊馬妘㳚慁醁踵䗮覜咃忊嶗侸跣蹺䅕䎋茩抲 辭縟趵嬁絹鄅嫚。壽慘訵桽烏、)183 5324-2445, 壉䞝樴楁TUVEJP!

Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn) South entrance at 16 Donghai Xi Lu, Floor 5 (8388-7176)

Ben Photography Studio (běn shè yǐng gōng zuò shì) Room 311, Bldg 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8090-1578) 梪掟嬁墡慘咇!攢鲷㣵211


Jobs Available!愇鏂


Real Estate!応鲲

ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng qīng dǎo shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Block 12, 288 Ningxia Lu, Qingdao Software Park (8666-7410) 〓攝䯒䉣 噿䯓斶懪恖梮桹䅡駡誒!䉣噿壈㩻鬣艤呂侢㣵399 誑23誑氒C姫2氒

Home Décor ⺸䒅 Lehaosi Decoration Group (lè háo sī zhuāng shì jí tuán ) 887 Tongan Lu (400-6169-990*貊㝰昤 ⺸䒅䇗筧!讜呏㣵998誑! Shangmeijia Interior Design (shàng měi jiā zhuāng shì shè jì) 60 Dayao San Lu (150 6309-9992) 䉣噿啹銊鈷⺸䒅㛄㚧墡蠿桹䅡駡誒!俋 喖醑㣵71誑

Household Services 咲敤桽烏 Qingdao DY Rainbow Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd (qīng dǎo dà yáng cǎi hóng huán bǎo kē jì yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Qingdao DY Rainbow company focus on cleaning home central air conditioner, reduce your indoor air pollution, pls contact 13792899997 for detail. Rm2407, 3-East unit, Long Hai Ming Zhu, 178-2,Haier Lu (185 6161-6051)䉣噿俋爁嫷麲粶 墮蟨恖桹䅡駡誒!犦啯㣵289.3誑䫀犦暺紒!4.㒂 雜廬.3518

Legal 熴嬣 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) 嘪 趼蠻羻嬣壎鲇烏忞!螆墕攢㣵:誑昦跫翨俋轉:嗃

You Hua Law Firm (shān dōng yǒu huá lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 2F, Ruina Kangdu, 69 Haimen Lu (Beside Shangri-La Hotel) (8866-2999, 139 06484720) 嘪趼傖雲嬣壎鲇烏 忞!犦䃸㣵7:誑緤鄐姾㰊3嗃

Logistics 窹牐 Fedex Express (lián bāng kuài dì) Bldg. B, 171 Huaian Lu (Domestic hotline: +400-889-1888) 鎽 㮳寚㬞!獶呏㣵282誑C姫

Nax Logistics!(qīng dǎo guó shēng wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī)!Rm. 1316, 220 Yan An San Lu (8389-0366)!䉣噿蹺緣窹牐桹䅡駡誒!婜呏醑㣵331 誑!㮻敤俋轉2427咇

Santa Fe Relocation Services, Qingdao (huá huī guó jì yùn shū fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī shān dōng fēn gōng sī) Rm.1304, Guangfa Financial Mansion, 40 Shandong Lu (8386-9455) www. 雲㪕蹺䅕㫜㪟桽烏桹䅡駡誒!嘪趼 㣵51誑妭僨㳟


My Home (Kichoo) Real Estate ( jí zhào bú dòng chǎn) provides not only professional real estate services, but also services that include accommodation , relocation, utilities installment and bill payments. We will also help you with any problems related to your rent including mediation with the landlord, contract updates and refunding of rent deposits. 諮滷醭誤鲲䯖䅵抲辭豕趵艊醭 誤鲲桽烏侳䯖㫤詵飨鄖錫窩絔賓哊舽㚶。捴咲桽 烏。抲辭烐翄。礠炚㠿。氈曐翄㓉。翄㛣。哃夃訵 駡羮㠿羮呏⺸嶗敆髀桽烏䯖飨倀㠥㠩鄖㜉応趼 㫧 郶鄗鲮狇。諦讜桖昦嶗応蟿墮㛇㳟敒螻訵 桽烏、Our addresses are: Room 101.Building 18

Yindu Mansion,1 Zhanghua Lu and Unit 1, Building 2,16 Fuzhou Nan Lu. 130 6149-5870 (ENG) 136 6886-1547 (CHN) kichoo_55@163. com!嫿誼㣵2誑䀅㰊颭艤29誑氒212!螆墕攢㣵27 誑翀!3誑氒2雜廬

Bencer Project Management Representative Office 10F, Sunshine Tower, 61 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8886-2931, 152 5324-9298 Fax: 8077-5012) 䒮珜跤㣵72誑!䅃賂俋轉21嗃 Century 21 Ao Men Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn qīng dǎo jīn dū jiā méng diàn ào mén lù diàn) 136 Ao’men Lu 8080-3232, 135 0542-2099 32跫鄅醭誤鲲䉣噿㳟㰊鎢茒姎癛䃸㣵姎!癛䃸 㣵247誑 J & M Realty (shèng jiā bù dòng chǎn) (83889232, 8591-9859) 139 5322-7352(English) 137 8069-5932 (Japanese) Email: 椌詵醭誤鲲!䒮珜跤㣵7誑!跫㠾跤宆C姫315C

Jones Lang LaSalle Qingdao Office (zhòng liàng lián háng) Financial and professional commercial real estate services firm. Suite 22A, Qingdao International Finance Centre, 59 Xianggang Zhong Lu (Tel 8579-5800 Fax 85795801) 鬈㳝鎽 !䒮 珜跤㣵6:誑!䉣噿蹺䅕㳟 跤宆33B

SF Express (shùn fēng sù yùn) (95338) 䎌踔㬫㫜!


Teamwill Real Estate (zhì méng zhì yè yǒu xiàn gōng sī) (8080-6832, 136 8769-7428) 宺茒 鉝趵桹䅡駡誒

Translation 錼㛗 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www. 郹曐暚魍旝誼 摙桹䅡駡誒!攢 鲷㣵211誑!攝嶯211鲲趵艤4誑氒512咇

Web Design 鈫襽㛄㚧 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www. 郹曐暚魍旝誼 摙桹䅡駡誒!攢 鲷㣵211誑!攝嶯211鲲趵艤4誑氒512咇

Training !▔㚳 Blue & Green Studio (bù lǔ gé lín) Blue & Green Studio focuses on PHOTOGRAPHY and PRODUCTION, Steven Hsiu and Kenneth Yao, founders of BGS and experts in the field of high-end commercial video production and photography, provides commercial photography, documentary and production for several important customers and international projects in the past eight years.!壉䞝樴楁TUVEJP豕燍嬁

Captivate Training and Consulting (kǎi tài ěr yīng guó péi xùn gōng sī) Website:; E-mail: training@; Rm 419, Bldg 2, Art & Technology Center, 63 Haier Lu (5557-9498) 驅燚啯 䯒餚蹺䯓▔㚳駡誒!犦啯㣵74誑斶蔅蟨恖跤 宆3嗃52:咇



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CLASSIFIEDS 鰓貙惡峗 Send us your classified by the 10th of each month. cost just ¥15 per word. http:// or email to Advertise both in the magazine and online, enjoy a 40% discount! Payable online via paypal. 㛽鲋瀯桸21暀頌僨㬍鰓貙惡峗勢 jogpAsfetubsxpslt/dpn徏舽嫚iuuq;00 sfetubsxpslt/dpn0dmbttjgjfet0qmbdf.be0靕 錫騷舽、26廬0雜㛓、棇宺醮鈫襽讜暚騷舽鲶 糴7悈悈怬䯖詵懲羮qbzqbm髀潎、

weekend, Native English speaker required, rich teaching experience is preferred. Salary paid by day or week. Contact Frank via wechat or 18678911895 if you interest. REDSTAR is looking for design interns! If you can use Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. and can speak English, then join the REDSTAR team! Contact email: 郹曐䈑㒄倉䯖壺偧倉镾 懲羮Qipuptipq-!JJJvtusbups!訵㩻鬣䯖妛鹾∥羮餚 㛳誖雜鲮牐䯖鎢駱勢郹曐艊䄯鼢壚䯋㛽僨㬍㮻鬣勢 isAsfetubsxpslt/dpn、!

Gentle Dental clinic is looking for both a

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receptionist and a dental office manager for full time or part time positions. Both Chinese and English languages required. Please contact via email: 13105423623@163. com or wechat: GentleDental. 莏鲂䪦蟨㛠鏂窩駡咇 鄽絔嶗扟嬜蘚䯖悶鎲瑪鎲艍詵䯖㒄烢跤餚儕㛳牐 濕、桹嶯鍎㛽鎽跀䯤!24216534734A274/dpn!! 孎惡;!HfoumfEfoubm

REDSTAR helps you fulfill your business interests: - Reach your target clients - Exposure in the most trust-worthy bilingual magazine in Qingdao - Stay up-to-date with the most recent news & events in town



Jobs Available!梢赇 Milano Italian Restaurant is looking for 2 waiters/ waitresses for a full time or part time position. Patience and sense of commitment are strongly required. No time-wasters. Contact 8577-0058. 貏賣㜀嶯俋濕㒂䐥 鄭粷愇鏂跏謖桽烏羠䯒翇偔醭䅡䯓䯖悶鎲。瑪鎲艍 詵、䈑㒄桹鍜宆嶗㠩麇宆、鎽跀昷媀䯤9688.1169! Trattoria Verde is recruiting two waiters or waitresses (people who can speak English is prefered) and two chef assistants(male only). All the positions need patience and responsibility sense. Call 8589-8530 for more information. 譯醠噿㒂䐥鄭粷愇鏂跏 謖桽烏羠䯒翇偔醭䅡䯖廮侳㛳鍎〓魯䯓䯖樁壎錫 絔跏謖䯒翇䯓、䈑㒄桹鍜宆嶗㠩麇宆、鎽跀昷 媀䯤969:.9641 English foreign teacher needed for private/ small training class during daily evening and



Full time office administrator wanted for an english school. communication skills and detail oriented are required.

I am David Chang from a local company in Qingdao and singing with a chorus in my spare time. I have some passions for music and singing and also much interest in foreign cultures. I`d like to get to know some foreign people with the same interests. Thank you for the kind help. Enclosed is a recording of my singing. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your foreign friends. Thank you.

Part-time Chinese teacher wanted: XMandarin CLC is seeking part-time Chinese (native/female) teachers, good command in English/Japanese, Chinese well-educated, available in weekend and work days evening. Contact 152 6623-6986, 䉣噿昦粶絑烲㛳▔㚳

Mandarin Tutor Hello, expatriates living in Qingdao. I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ruth and I am a professionaly qualified Mandarin Chinese teacher who specialises in both business and private Mandarin Chinese lessons. You can contact me on: Tel :159 6691-3411

叧樍愇鏂悶鎲烲㛳斊壎䯖㒄烢斊鑇蠿姪䗮䯖祾鄨 戭拠餚㛳䯖暀㛳徏跤旝䯖囈梩倀墡慘暀朷醢詵飨戦 㜄、鎽跀263!7734.7:97-!ujbozboAujbozbofev/ dpn、

The Alliance Française network has been spreading French language and Francophone culture for more than a century. The Alliance Française was created in 1883 in Paris. Today, it is the leading cultural network worldwide, with 850 establishments in 136 countries on all five continents. Each year, 500,000 people, of all ages, attend Alliances Françaises to learn French and more than 6 million people participate in their cultural activities. Alliance Française have 15 branches in China’s most important cities and have, for 15 years, been developing a high-flying program of partnerships. Backed by the most important Chinese universities, Alliance Française is well established in local networks and naturally close to companies, cultural organizations and culture-related French and Chinese administrative units.

We are English education group and want full time English teather for 4-12 years old kids. Native English speaker required, need Tefl or related cert., industry experience is preferred. Location: Fuzhou North Road and Xiazhuang Road in Qingdao. Monthly salary around ¥10,000 and we could help teacher to apply for the working visa. Please contact via wechat or MP 18678911895. Email: Course Advisor, to be responsible for Chinese course sales. Female preferred, age 25-34, must be fluent English speker, with IELTs 7/ TEM-8 or above, good ability in interpersonal communication and customer maintenance. Good appearance and temperament, Enjoy challenging works. Contact 135 8927-8775, tianyan@

Jobs Wanted 塞锚宝!遇赀 Looking for Participating Partners Make Yourself Known... to real estate businesses in town!

Qualified experienced Italian native teacher available for private tutoring, speaks fluently English and possess an intermediate level for the Chinese and Korean language. Contact (preferred) or +86 185 6173-4812.

10 years experience on Assistant/ Customer Relationship Management / Sales and Marketing/ Key Account management in SinoSilliker under Mérieux NutriSciences Group Currently I am seeking a part-time job on every working day afternoon, which can assist foreigners on administration, interpreter or translator etc. You can contact via Tel:18005326568, Email:13282894@ or WeChat: 18005326568. English Teacher Available: American and British English teacher available for your schools, as well as your private lessons (evenings and weekends). Simon holds a Master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language). He can teach from kids to adults. Email: I’m looking for a job that does driving (I have a car), cooking, cleaning and Chinese teaching for foreigners who speak English. I used to be an English tour guide in Qingdao hence I know Qingdao very well. I’m nice and like to make friends. Bruce Wang: 135 7322-8123. Professionally CELTA qualified Business English Teacher available in Qingdao. Several years Business English teaching experience in China. Clients include: Fortune 500, State-owned, International Trade companies etc. Native English speaker but also fluent in Chinese. Contact: James Office number 5557-9498. 棾靕餚蹺艊㡊獿縟烏 餚㛳嶗麟趵餚㛳侳斊䯖驔嬱DFMUB䯒蘇橯俋叧䯓 㡊樴㚪㛇、侸妘艊縟烏餚㛳嶗麟趵餚㛳鄽䖢、藥 愥侸咲瑪絑611媰駡誒䯖俋矇蹺麟䯖蓜謖㠾曀駡 誒訵、讜暚镾㛺牐濕艊跤旝、鎽跀;!呏燚!窩駡翄 㛣䯤6668.:5:9、

Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Foreign Language College, Students Cultural Exchange Do you want to meet new Chinese friends? Every tuesday 2pm at Laoshan Campus of University of Science & Technology, Mingde Lou building, 239 classroom, we are waiting for you for a free cultural exchange. Join us! 䉣噿蟨恖俋 叧侳蹺㛳叧䅳蹺䅕鲮牐∥䯖嶎㚪㛌侳蹺桻傖讖䯩 瀯囈鲈醣遠跏砎鮪蟨俋圱嘪樍嶼暺孭氒34:斊咇 桹鋁㠿艊鲮牐∥、Dpoubdut鎽跀;!Qbpmp!Cfmmpnp! 墮鈵鍈壎-!Tjmwjb!Mvp!鈵鍈壎!)Fohmjti-!Jubmjbop-! Dijoftf-!Kbqboftf*!)1643*!9484.145:-!RR;! 2386297715-!cfmmpnp/qAipunbjm/dpn/

COMMUNITY for more details. Qingdao International Business Association – Qingdao Expat Group , Qingdao Mama Group



Household Services 厘淘卧当 Domestic Help Do you need one experienced a yi to help you out from the housework? I can recommend one for you. Pls email paris-chi@

Training!尖髯 Han Xing Chinese College can do custom made classes for each student. Teacher Cui has more than 10 years Chinese teaching experience for foreigners. After study, every student can get a graduation certificate of Chinese Traditional Culture Classes. Our features Classes: Business Chinese, Travel Chinese, Words and Expressions for Daily Life,HSK Class. Traditional Chinese Culture Classes: Tea Culture, Aroma Culture, Guqin, A traditional Chinese instrument, Calligraphy. 136 5532-6948, 178 6421-5383 (Eng) wechat: chaxiang_ yinyun New to China? Want to improve your Mandarin? Expert qualified Chinese teacher specializing in Chinese as a second language. Courses available (Qingdao or Huangdao). Survival Chinese, oral language development, written language development, HSK. Very reasonable prices for individual tuition, discounts available for groups. Joanna: 151 6602-3663, Skype: Joanna370282198912090041, Classic Guitar Training 詁鉚諮骼▔㚳!Get on the professional guitar lessons. Indulge into the world of music. 㤕醢詁鉚諮骼叧雳躐晈䯖婩蕓䌄貊 跫翨躐䃸、 Contact Mike (Chinese/English) 鎽跀䆨 鍈壎䯤24:!74:7.2172

Travelling !桶终 Completely Solution & More Travelling in Tsingtao!Michael (156 6682-7862, timberlandni@



BRAND NEW DRUM KIT, Hayman (UK), black, complete with hardware - everything except stool and cymbals. ¥7,000 boxed. / 139 0639-0437


Badminton Partner Wanted! Hello sporty people! Winter is somehow too cold to go kitesurfing for an almost 40 year old German, but I need to stay fit, so plan B: Badminton. If you like to play 2 times a week, I am flexible on the day and the location. My level is advanced - I am not a beginner but certainly far away from Asian Champion. Contact Frank at 152 5324-9298. NOAH Education Charitable Foundation hosts regular charity events such as "Love from the World" to help under-privileged Children in Qingdao. If you are a foreigner and who loves and care the children, please contact me and join us. 136-5532-6948 178-6421-5383 (Eng) wechat: chaxiang_ yinyun Qingdao Hash House Harriers - They are active every Saturday and enjoy getting together for a run/walk, followed by drinks and dinner. Everyone is welcome to join. Hashers meet every Saturday in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 2pm unless otherwise specified. Contact qingdaohhh@






/ CULTURE // 妭鶯!• 旝誼



to Metro Cash and Carry








56 51 5552 53







to Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口


to Golden Beach 金沙滩










Qingdao 青岛






Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口










Huangdao 黄岛

200 400 600 800 1000m

Golden Beach 金沙滩

© REDSTAR Times Media

to Rizhao 日照

to Silver Sands Beach 银沙滩









The district now has a direct link to Qingdao's old town - the Jiaozhouwan tunnel has cut journey times to around 20 minutes and more or less put the old ferry terminal out of business. Jiaonan, to the north, is linked to the eastern municipality by the longest bridge in the world (41.58km, completed in June 2011). The top tourist attractions are without doubt Golden and Silver beaches, each with longer, sandier and less-spoilt stretches than any of those in Qingdao's downtown. For residents and visitors, Huangdao activity orbits Jusco and Mykal, both located at the very centre of Changjiang Zhong Lu. Both have a decent selection of consumables for Western and Eastern tastes.

Chinese Dining 51 52 53 54 55

䄉跤僉䉪艊䧫噿愗桹噿╙桭偡艊煛瓡䯖㫝妘棾 雩曧宼藡。逫雲。昦蠻艊縟趵╙壈跤酽侐醭㮰躅踎 㒄艊呏䉪㓕魖、磢鍖桭㫝䯖䆠菑╙壈▕蕬㛄昻艊婠 㛄䯖㫥酽哘䉪艊㯗嶼澐鮪㬜玪㫔駱昦鄅廬、 ! 䧫噿鰱嶼粷鮪桹鑫酽姫㫪扟䉣噿壈跤宆艊犦 姌䆸㭠䯖啔晈㬠暚䄄釯蓪鑫俋郿31侸鰓㾮䯖徏侸 徏啨僉魍鑫㩺珆蔅俧艊鰱瀕、䧫噿攢㬦镵攢䯖镵 攢羾跫翨醢桭䂏艊㣮犦俋橯)52/69/6駡㳚-婠彾鲋 3122妘7桸*醮趼㯵艊壈跤宆荁㫪、 ! 嫕鰱桭錨煢媆撾艊晹聧曧㳟煛瓡杛嶼嶗䀅煛瓡 杛嶼䯖㫥㳚煛㠮偡。俍磢梥鄽蕚鰥。醏䂏婜嗴䯖曧 䉣噿壈跤宆麇駁酽跣煛瓡杛嶼㰊晹熴瀷愐艊、 ! 唻鲋嫕鰱嗋炓嶗侳棾珪咃䯖䧫噿艊逫雲嶼粶 酄菑鰩魖鮪䂏焎跤㣵艊長跫咃嶗䧍驅貊、跏姫俋 矇㠳窹跤宆擄鰓瓕㢹鑫跤㒂昷鳏佖艊㠳窹䈑烢、

Help us improve this map, send your listings to




鲮㬦晈珪惡峗䯤 㫓橯㠿;!61廬!)酴姫飨醣*䯥㫓䆸㭠;!21廬!)酴姫飨醣* 觜鰩駡鲮3廬 䆸㭠駡鲮2㣵;!嘪趼蟨恖俋叧䧫噿樍嶼勢䉣語䅔䅳 )16;11.31;11* 䆸㭠駡鲮3㣵;!鵛咲噿駡鲮楎鄟襽勢俍燚鉢鑇鯫 )鵛咲噿!16;41.32;11䯖俍燚鉢鑇鯫!17;16.32;46* 䆸㭠駡鲮4㣵;!鵛咲噿駡鲮楎鄟襽勢濕爠㣵咃㫜襽 )鵛咲噿!17;31.32;41䯖濕爠㣵!16;61.32;11* 䆸㭠駡鲮5㣵;!鵛咲噿駡鲮楎鄟襽勢蠐昷䂏㬠 焹㩱襽)鵛咲噿!17;31.32;41䯖蠐昷䂏㬠 焹㩱襽16;61.32;11*

Travel info: Bridge toll: ¥50. Tunnel toll ¥10 (or bus it for ¥2) (passenger car ≤7 seats)

Despite boasting the best beaches in Qingdao Municipality, Huangdao has for recent years played a quiet second fiddle to the hustle, bustle and commercialism of the downtown area. Recently however, changes in the city's infrastructure are set to fling this sleepy suburb into the 21st century.




















51 52

55 53













54 54










55 AN U




















青岛大学医学院附属医院 QIA NTAN




to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College






to Xuejiadao Ferry


Dawanlai Porridge Jiuxianfang BBQ Donglaishun Haiyiyuan Lao Sichuan

International Dining 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Qingshuiwu Japanese Xiangyin Japanese Niuchang Japanese Yicun Korean Big Pizza Flavours The Oriental Express Henri's Pizzeria&Bakery Carme Rino India-Thai Restaurant

Bar & Nightlife 51 52 53 54 55

Catch 22 Kaili’s Club The Oriental Saloon Sailing Bar Knuckles


Cafés 51

Rona Café

Shopping 51 52 53 54

Liqun Baililai Market Jusco Jiajiayuan Huacai Violin Studio


Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao


Wyndham Grand Qingdao 51 Huangdao Art Centre Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach 52 Shiyou Daxue Stadium Jinjiang Inn Marco Polo Hotel Haidu Hotel Blue Horizon Golden Hotel QICC contact: Motel 8 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu Harvest Hotel 鄽牨恖梮婩僨嶼俒 嘪㣵83誑 Haixiang Hotel

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60



妭鶯!• 䧫噿䧫䎇



Qingshuiwu Japanese (qīng shuǐ wū rì běn liào lǐ) 370 Wuyi Shan Lu (8697-3783) 玜烐嗙暀梪



Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, West

Dazhu Mountain Scenic Zone (dà zhū shān fēng jǐng qū ) 1km South of Binhai Lu (8412-3456)

Coast (qīng dǎo xī hǎi àn lóng hé fú péng xǐ 1288 Binhai Avenue, lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Huangdao New District (Jiaonan) (8819-7777) 䉣 噿㒂犦嚩䆗嶗螆桻輟棾舽㱟姎!䧫噿昦嶼)镵攢*!瓟 犦俋㭠2399誑 China Spice Chinese Restaurant

Fitness Center 擊㦳跤宆

Indoor Heated Pool


Eatery Signature Restaurant



Children’s Pool

Lobby Lounge



Haidu Hotel (hǎi dōu dà jiǔ diàn) 218 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-9888) 犦㰊俋㱟姎!䂏 焎跤㣵329誑

Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach (qīng dǎo 1 jīn shā tān xī ěr dùn jiǔ diàn ) Jialingjiang Dong Lu (8315-0000) 䉣噿㳟煛瓡壔啯 䎑㱟姎!!鈷䆆焎趼㣵2誑!

Jiao Ao Chinese Restaurant

Fitness Center




Golden Beach (jīn shā tān ) Lijiang Lu!㳟煛 瓡!甠焎㣵!

Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu (8698-9029)!炓隊嗴㓋䒛!紒焎㣵 2112誑!

Ling Mountain Resort (líng shān dǎo hǎi bīn fēng jǐng qū )瞝嘪噿犦瓟䏣杛嶼!镵墕壈嶼趼㯵 Qingdao Animal Park (qīng dǎo sēn lín yě shēng dòng wù yuán) Linzhu Shan, inside of Xiaozhu Mountain (8683-5555)!䉣噿欨楁㳜羠誤窹 艤!瞝紒嘪



Silver Beach (yín shā tān) Southwest of Phoenix Island Tourism Resort (8698-8530) 䀅煛瓡!輕齲噿

Lvyan Korean Restaurant ( lǜ yuán hán guó liào lǐ ) 155-1 Lushan Lu (8688-2025) 醠艤䋺蹺旿 絔!姄嘪㣵266.2誑!! Super Beef Korean BBQ (yī pǐn niú hán shì kǎo ròu ) 169 Liugongdao Lu (8694-4899) 酽閔窡䋺媀 硟鐉!紹駡噿㣵27:誑!!

Cafés 獫瓔羙閔馣䒛

曀颣喺蹺䅕謖剢TQB∥䒛!䂏焎跤㣵337誑蹺㠾跤 宆C姫2312.2314

Infeel coffee (yīng lì kā fēi ) 236-17 Wuyishan Lu (151-9278-0521)!餚撾獫瓔!澓俰嘪㣵347.28誑

Mingliu Hairdressing (míng liú měi fā) 410 Zijinshan Lu (8697-6233) 謖牐銊僨!踕㳟嘪㣵521誑!

Kenya Cafe (Kenya kā fēi) 96 Alishan Lu ( 86999217) Lfozb獫瓔!䅏㳚嘪㣵:7誑!


Kiev & bakery (jī fǔ miàn bāo fáng) 102 outlets, No.7, bldg.13, Lushan Lu (138 6486-7970)!▕㪑䉳藥

Specimen of Animals Exhibition Hall 425 Jialingjiang Xi Lu (8315-0358) 跫翨誤窹槪梪頯梮䒛!

Viva La Vida Coffee!(wéi dì kā fēi ) South Gate 3, Tangdao Bay Garden (8173-6699)!!綾鰱獫瓔!!䧫




Indoor Heated Pool



Tang Island (táng dǎo wān gōng yuán)!South of Binhai Lu 騖噿瑌駡艤!瓟犦俋㭠攢瀇

Pure Restaurant

Outside Pool

Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā fēi) 1F, Huangdao Jusco, 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (86996530) 曐墴陸獫瓔!!䂏焎跤㣵52:誑!長跫咃2嗃



Lobby Lounge

Children’s Pool



Deli Café

Kids Corner



Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo kāng dà háo shēng dà jiǔ diàn) 159 Changjiang Xi Lu (5571-0888) 䉣噿姾俋㝰羠俋 㱟姎!䂏焎㒂㣵26:誑

Kasao Japanese Restaurant

Fitness Center 擊㦳跤宆

Café Riviera

Indoor Heated Pool




Children’s Pool




Wyndham Grand Qingdao (qīng dǎo yín shā 178 tān wēn dé mǔ zhì zūn jiǔ diàn) Yinshatan Lu (5888-6666) 䉣噿䀅煛瓡珕孭働靧啚 Lobby Lounge



Fitness Center

Chinese Restaurant


俋騖咗婝咮跤䐥鄭 廬踃㒂䐥鄭

Indoor Heated Pool

Grand Paulanerd Brauhanus

Outside Pool

Elements Restaurant

咇廟岯珕燞焏 咇侳燞焏

靧啚杚惛鄐韞㱟 鯿䐥鄭

Primitive Tribe (yuán shǐ bù luò) 277 Changjiang Zhong Lu (6779-4393) 囑僔㯵魖!䂏 焎跤㣵388誑

Western 㒂媀䐥䒃! The Oriental Express 126 Lushan Lu (134 68299634) 姄嘪㣵237誑


Sunshine Coast Western Restaurant (yáng guāng hǎi àn xī cān tīng ) 5F, Mykal, 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (188-6622-0570)!䅃賂犦嚩

Yue Lai Yue Xiang Cantonese Restaurant (yuè lái yuè xiāng)!corner of Huangpujiang Lu and Jiuhuashan Lu (188-0642-8393) 賶棾賶䒮!䧫犑焎 㣵醮謦雲嘪㣵鲮傴訥




Grand Deli

S.S Cafe (7miǎo kā fēi ) 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8694-5837)!8蟩獫瓔!䂏焎跤㣵339誑

Chuang Ge Yu Dumplings (chuán gē yú shuǐ jiǎo) 118 Wuyishan Lu (8688-2009) 韅潣䞘烐䒏!澓 Hongyun Seaside Kitchen (hóng yùn hǎi biān chú fáng) 778-2 Jinshatan Lu (8670-8888) 呠㫜犦 㫅樁応!㳟煛瓡889.3誑

Asian 鲡爳䐥䒃 India-Thai Food (zǐ xiàng gé yìn tài cān tīng) 290 Wuyishan Lu (183-6395-9118)!厸㝧䄑棧燚䐥鄭!! 澓俰嘪㣵3:1誑

Gepeng Fushi Japanese (gē pēng fù shì) 279 Wuyi Shan Lu!(8699-9916) 體硾哱佖!!澓俰嘪㣵 38:誑!

Mingxiangge Korean Restaurant (míng xiāng gé hán guó liào lǐ) 216 Jialingjiang Xi Lu (6897-1234)謖䒮䄑䋺蹺旿絔!鈷䆆焎㒂㣵327誑䂏 焎濕銲㢋壈譯 Qianyu Teppanyaki (qiān yú tiě bǎn shāo) F2 Waili International Plaza (8685-1616) 魃玴㿐椢硢! 嶼澓俰嘪㣵醮瓟犦俋㭠鲮烰侐醐濕蹺䅕醢牐烰3嗃!


Sugar Restaurant (shù guǒ xī cān tīng) 2F, Shangliuhui, 1 Wuyishan Lu (6897-2337)!槷楇㒂䐥

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more

West Coast of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College (xī hǎi àn shān dà yī yuàn ) 916 Wutaishan Lu ( 8586-5810) 㒂犦嚩嘪俋語䅳!鲕詬嘪㣵:27誑! Chamshan Int'l Medica Centre Huangdao Branch (Julia Clinic) (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn huáng dǎo fèn bù)!7th Commercial Shop in south of Bay City, No.118 Wuyishan Road,Huangdao District (185 6397-9229 EN) 琗嘪 蹺䅕語聴跤宆䧫噿鰓㯵)梲蹉儭㛐忞*!䉣噿婩僨嶼 澓俰嘪㣵229誑犦瑌昦╙攢訅酴誑鈫砎



International Schools 蹺䅕叧樍



Catch 22 On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel (8699-9888) !!犦㰊㱟姎謚㱟壚 ! Comfort Zone ( jì niàn rì jiǔ ba) 192 Wuyi Shan Lu (138 6390-8683) 鄅寳暀㱟壚!澓俰嘪㣵2:3誑!! Daja Vu Bar 256 Wuyishan Lu (Behind Haidu Hotel) (159-6985-9139) 澓俰嘪㣵367誑! The Oriental Saloon 217 Wuyishan Lu (86993073) 澓俰嘪㣵328誑



Golf Club (bó jué shān gāo ěr fū jù lè bù ) Changbaishan Lu (8689-0676) 絆穞嘪䗮啯俓紡貊 Haiyun Haishang Paradise (hǎi yún hǎi shàng lè yuán) Binhai Lu (8972-7399) 犦鲑犦醢貊艤!瓟

with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/Qingdao related news.




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HUUI Coffee (huì kā fēi)2F, Shangliuhui, 1 Wuyishan Lu 烰獫瓔!澓俰嘪㣵2誑醢牐烰3嗃




Louisfeny SPA (lù yì fēn ní guó jì míng yuán SPAhuì guǎn) Rm. 1201-1203, Bldg. B, Trade Center 226 Changjiang Zhong Lu ( 6897-2647) 㣵



Xinhua Bookstore (xīn huá shū diàn) 198 Changjiang Zhong Lu 昦雲霎姎!䂏焎跤㣵2:9誑!! 28 Jiuhuashan Lu (8689-8837)!謦雲嘪㣵39誑!

Cafe l'amore (ài mò ér kā fēi ) 124 Lushan Lu (8694-3002) 穚煻簍獫瓔!姄嘪㣵235誑!



Mykal (mài kǎi lè ) 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8670-2666) 䧍驅貊!䂏焎跤㣵339誑


Yinxiang Golf (yìn xiàng gāo ěr fū) Room 202, Bldg 4, 4 Walking street, Tangdao Bay (182 66216266) 棧㝧䗮啯俓!騖噿瑌澒 5誑氒313咇 Tel: 0532 8699 5551 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bilingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Huangdao Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu (8699-5551) 䉣噿鍅跤 蹺䅕叧樍!俒




Guomei Applicance Store (guó měi diàn qì) 22 Zijinshan Lu ( 8697-2080) 蹺銊翄鏍!踕㳟嘪㣵33誑 Jiajiayuan (jiā jiā yuán ) 308 Changjiang Zhong Lu ( 8699-7119) 咲長瑧!䂏焎跤㣵419誑 AEON (yǒng wàng) 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-0666)!烔暟!!䂏焎跤㣵52:誑 Metro (mài dé lóng) 1517 Wutaishan Lu (86028888)!䧍孭䫀䧫噿縟鯫!!鲕詬嘪㣵2628誑


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Love 2016 @Han Xi ng College

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Tree Plant i ng Act i vi t y @Holi day Inn Parkvi ew

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