REDSTAR May 2016

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The Best of Qingdao

MAY 五月 2016

红星时代广告DM / 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 / 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 / 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号

Adventure Awaits: 五月冒险季: Extreme Sailing Series™2016 世界极限帆船系列赛 Shanghai Formula 1 上海 F1 的速度与激情 Fushan Tunnels 探秘浮山隧道

Also by REDSTAR The Best of Qingdao



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City 09

Features 12

What Lies Beneath Fushan 浮山之下 Adventurer Paul Mc Mahon seeks out the mysterious tunnels of Fushan. Paul攀登浮山,勇闯神秘隧道。

Street Food 美味路边摊 Qingdao’s best street eats according to our resident foodie Carolina Martins. 小吃货Carolina为您带来她的青岛路边摊美食之旅。

Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat to keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/ Qingdao related news. Use your WeChat QR scanner to scan this code. 关注红星官方微信账号,了解岛城最 新活动、促销及其他岛城/红星相关资 讯。快来用微信扫一扫吧!


Need for Speed 速度与激情 Joel Hassan recounts his first experience at Formula 1 in Shanghai. Joel和大家讲述一下他在上海观看F1赛车比赛的激情时刻。

Sailing Series™ 2016 20 Extreme 2016世界极限帆船系列赛 The Extreme Sailing Series™ comes to Qingdao’s shores early this May.

Creative Team 策划团队 Ian Burns, Teodora Lazarova, Christina Cao, Jasper Zhai, Ashley Fornaro, David Chen, Zoe Zheng, Mika Wang, Bobby Quan, Michelle Lu, Caddie Huang, Carolina Martins, May Hao, Dreamy Hao, Timothy Ulrich, Yue Zhou, Chloe Bi Cover Image © Lloyd Images Advertising Enquiries 广告征订 8388-2269 Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询

Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401 Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401


Food & Drink & Spicier 40 Spicy 没有最辣,只有更辣 Brace yourself for the spiciness of Hunan cuisine with Christina Cao. 和Christina一起欣赏湖南菜“辣”的艺术。

of the Month 42 Drink 每月鸡尾酒精选 Inspired by the city that never sleeps, start your night off right with this New York cocktail. 受不眠城市纽约启发而调制的“纽约”鸡尾酒,等你来尝。

Travel Bridges 36 Living 会生长的桥 Awe-inspiring living bridges await Christopher Law in Meghalaya, India. Christopher走进印度,亲眼目睹 了“会生长的桥”。

41 Top 100 百佳餐饮 44 Directory 资讯一览 46 Recreation 休闲娱乐 50 Hotels 酒店资讯 53 Services 服务 55 Classifieds 分类信息

/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V

Legless Young Man Proves Himself Through Extreme Sports A young man who lost his legs at the age of six in a traffic accident rebuilds confidence and finds a new life through extreme sports. 无腿少年用极限运动证明自己 通过极限运动,一名因 6 岁时因车祸失去双腿的年轻人重新找 回了自信。

Carp in a Flower Bath A carp swims under cherry blossom petals covering the Chidorigafuchi moat in Tokyo, Japan. 洗花瓣浴的鲤鱼 日本东京千鸟渊的内濠里,一只鲤鱼正在一片樱花瓣中“畅游”, 享受着顶级花瓣浴。


Barjot Run Costumed participants of the Barjot Run, a fun run with different obstacles, ran through the mud in Biere, Switzerland. Over 1,500 people took part in the event. 趣味跑 位于瑞士的 Biere 近期举办了一场别开生面的趣味跑活动,整 个赛程在泥土中进行,布满了不同的障碍。超过 1500 的人身 着奇装异服参加了这次活动。

Balancing on a Rainbow This one-in-a-million shot appears to show a tightrope walker balancing on a rainbow. It features thrill-seeker Riginaldo Gomes making his way across the line with the rainbow falling perfectly behind him. 彩虹上的平衡艺术 这张罕见的照片上,极限运动者正在一个彩虹旁展示平衡的艺 术。这位名叫 Riginaldo Gomes 正在走钢丝,恰巧彩虹出现在 了他身后的瀑布上。

广告 • 城市

// CITY /




10,000 is the number of people who gathered in front of the mausoleum of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor, to pay their respects to the legendary figure regarded as the creator of Chinese civilisation.

10000 人在黄帝陵前祭奠 黄帝,这位中国文明的缔 造者。

145 is the number of pets the Mintram family from the UK share their home with, redefining the meaning of animal mad!

来自英国的 Mintram 一家 在家里养了 145 个宠物, 重新定义了什么叫做真正 的“宠物发烧友”。

Downtime in Taidong Ancient Street 台东老街拾趣

Send your photos to david@redstarworks. com and if yours is chosen, you’ll win a 200 元 voucher for The Diner.

Jared van der Merwe Gopro Hero 4 silver

上传您的图片到, 一经选用即可获得 Diner 餐厅的 200 元代金券。


/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

SPOTLIGHT ALOHA! ALOHA, a cute new shop with a wide selection of ukuleles for sale, just opened in MixC Mall. Yoyo named her shop ALOHA— which means hello in Hawaiian—because these pint-sized instruments, originally from Portugal, were altered and popularised in Hawaii. Yoyo is a seasoned ukulele player, and her passion for ukulele music lead her to open this shop where she hopes to share her love of ukuleles as she introduces them to Chinese customers. She holds a weekly salon every Monday at 7:30pm at her shop where you can practice playing the ukulele and meet like-minded music lovers. ALOHA is a cozy shop that also sells creative design products including lunch bags, postcards, and more. 最 近,一 家 叫 作 ALOHA 的 尤 克 里 里小 店刚在万象城开业,店里各种精致可爱的尤克 里里等你来挑选!店主 Yoyo 之所以把它叫作

ALOHA, 是因为在尤克里里盛行的夏威夷, ALOHA 是“你好”的意思,取这个名字,正是 为了表达她的好客之情。店主 Yoyo 精通尤克 里里,她想把尤克里里带给她的这份快乐也传 递 给更多的人。每周一晚 7 点半,ALOHA 都 会定期举办音乐沙龙,你可以在此以琴会友, 切磋技艺。除此之外,他们还售卖各种创意设 计产品,如午餐袋、明信片等。

Address: Room 531, 5F, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu 地址:山东路 10 号万象城 5 层 531

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 青岛梦幻灯光节 In the beginning, God said: “Let there be light,” and there was light. But you haven’t seen lights like these before. Qingdao will shine as it hosts a Festival of Lights— and no we don’t mean Hanukah—every night between 1 and 14 May (from 6pm to 10:30pm). Enjoy this visual treat with your sweetheart or visit with your kids as people of all ages will be dazzled by the scope of the event. To purchase passes, go to the ticket office which opens at 5pm every night the event is open. “上帝说,要有光,世界便有了光。 ” 《圣经》 中这样写道。虽然这只是一个传说,但我们仍 可见光在人们生活中的重要作用。光不仅可以 指引我们穿越黑暗,它还象征着温暖和浪漫。5 月 1 日至 5 月 14 日晚 6 点至 10 点半,“青岛 梦幻灯光节”即将为为岛城人民你带来震撼灯 光效果,让您欣赏一场美轮美奂的视觉盛宴。 和心爱的人漫步灯光点缀的甬道,和孩子在一


片用灯铺成的草坪上玩耍,是不是想想就觉得 兴奋呢?感兴趣的朋友请在现场售票处购票。 (注意:灯光节期间,售票处于每天下午 5 点 开始售票。)

Address: 99 Songling Lu (Opposite the east gate of Qingdao Technology University) 地址:松岭路 99 号(青岛科技大学东门对面)

广告 • 城市

// CITY /

NIHAO MAY FILM LISTINGS NIHAO 五月影讯 Distance 再见 , 在也不见

2016.5.13 Mainland China 中国大陆 Stars 评分:4

Bunshinsaba 笔仙诡影

2016.5.13 Mainland China 中国大陆 Stars 评分:3

The Angry Birds 愤怒的小鸟

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR 《美国队长 3:内战》 2016.5.6 USA 美国 Stars 评分:5 After another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resulting in two camps... 与复仇者联盟有关的一场事故,引起了不 少麻烦。迫于政治压力,复仇者联盟急需建立 一个责任体系,由一个人来管理整个联盟。而 这一改变 , 让复仇者联盟内部逐渐分裂成了两 大阵营 ......

NIHAO is a FREE mobile app that aims to make life easier for expats in China. On NIHAO, users can find information on everything from restaurants, bars and nightlife to events, culture, and shopping. Users are able to connect with local services such as cleaners, language


2016.5.20 USA/Finland

2016.5.27 USA 美国 Stars 评分:5

The Divergent Series: Allegian

《爱丽丝梦游仙境 2:镜中 奇遇记》

When Alice wakes up in Wonderland she must travel through a mysterious new world to retrieve a magical scepter that can stop the evil Lord of Time before he turns forward the clock and turns Wonderland into a barren, lifeless old world.

美国 / 芬兰 Stars 评分:4

分歧者 3: 忠诚世界

2016.5.20 USA 美国 Stars 评分:4

当爱丽丝在仙境醒来之后,她必须穿过一 个神秘的新世界,重新拿回魔杖,才能阻止邪 恶的时间之王把仙境变成寸草不生的世界 ......

schools and medical centres, all with the ability to pay seamlessly from within the app. In addition, NIHAO acts as a central portal for news and social communication, while offering a number of other features such as instant translation, mobile phone top-up, forums, guides and more. Through

the English-only app, the Hangzhoubased company provides a platform where every user can meet, interact with and help others in the community. Buy your movie tickets easily online by downloading NIHAO. Just scan the QR code above!


/ CITY // 广告 • 城市


Anna 安娜 Head of Russian Association Qingdao, 31 青岛俄罗斯协会会长 31 岁 “Are you a superstar?”

Gaojie 高杰 Finance, 23 金融 23 岁 “Have we met somewhere before?” “我们好像在哪儿见过?”


人民的呼声 Qingdao’s Got Game 最佳搭讪“台词”

In the quest for love, having the best artillery in the arsenal is a crucial part of the approach—and this means having the best pickup line. Jasper Zhai and Timothy Ulrich went on the prowl for the best pickup lines in town. 为了攻下爱情这座城堡,你一定要有些“真 枪实弹”,其中,初遇时的搭讪技巧必不 可少。Jasper 和 Timothy 走上街头,为读 者朋友们搜罗了青岛人的搭讪秘籍。

Jenghiz 28 岁 “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” “这位天使,从天上掉下来的时候摔疼 了么?”

Zhu Zheng 朱正 Finance, 23 金融 23 岁 “I work for a magazine and I’m doing a street interview… Do you want to be involved?” “我在一家杂志社工作,现在正在做街坊, 你有兴趣参加一下吗?”


Nancy 南茜 Sales, 22 销售 22 岁 “The pickup line is not important—it's the man’s looks that really matter.” “怎么搭讪不重要,颜值才是王道!”

广告 • 城市

// CITY /

What Lies Beneath Fushan: The Tunnels of the Dead 浮山之下:地道与灵魂共存 Rumours abound of old tunnels carved through the granite of Fushan Mountain. In the quest for truth, Paul Mc Mahon recruited his friend Andy ‘Mountain Goat’ Daly and set off to unearth any inkling of factuality behind this hearsay.


ocal folklore tells of secret passages dug during the German occupation (1898-1914) as lookout posts to keep an eye out for the

British fleet approaching from Hong Kong. When the Germans left Qingdao, the Japanese took over the tunnels and used them for the same purpose: vigilance. After an hour of climbing, water and hope ran low, doubt diluted my resolve, and I suspected that the rumours of tunnels may have been false. We clambered up the highest peak—the beautifully named Dragon

Back Ridge—when, to my utter amazement, I found myself looking into the mountain. Our expedition had discovered a sentry’s turret. Apart from the two very small lookout points, however, there did not seem to be an entrance. Unless these soldiers were particularly slim there must’ve been another way in. If not, the entrances had being swallowed

up by the mountain. With peril, danger, and the shadow of death as our climbing mates, we scaled around to the back of the peak and unearthed an opening. In fact, we found a series of reinforced concrete doors to duck through and then, upon illuminating our torches, we were inside Fushan. The corridor was blasted through the rock and had

Photo © Ayan Molbayev


/ CITY // 广告 • 城市 occasional brick rooms on one side and small caverns on the other. We came to a T-junction and took a right, ducked past another series of blast doors that brought us to the base of the turret I had been looking into moments before. The lookout point required climbing up rusty rungs of an unstable ladder. Neither of us felt like breaking a leg there, so we went back to the T-junction and followed the other route down a steep flight of manmade steps, deep through the middle of the mountain. At the bottom were more rooms and a well full of filthy, stagnant water. There was a bend around which a shaft of light awaited us. We crouched

through another series of heavy doors (all designed to keep people out, but not two wily Indiana-Jones-types like us), and emerged back to the outside world, greeted by bemused looks from other climbers (who were clearly envious of our bravery). During Mao’s years the tunnels became a storage area for the military until they fell into misuse in the latter part of the 20th century. We had found one tunnel, but I knew that there were three, so I returned to Fushan a week later. The first tunnel I found on my second quest was the longest and seemed to be a sort of command centre for the others. There were no look-out posts, but there were the usual series of blast doors. The rooms in here were much bigger and there were old electrical fittings bolted into the rock. The electric cables had long since perished along with the one-time occupants of the tunnel. Therein was my new worry: There was no Andy with me that day and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was sharing this adventure with military ghosts, who were waiting around the corner in the pitch blackness, ready to jump out and make me soil myself. I began to sing for a bit of company—some nice, lively show tunes. I had no holy water or crucifix but my cat’s wailing vocals of Mr Cellophane from the musical Chicago seemed to keep the spirits away. These corridors were longer and took more time to explore. Each had its own rooms and I felt like I must look in every one, if only to make sure there were no phantoms. I came to one exit through the heavy doors, and I was a little relieved to be


outside. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to go except back inside. I enjoyed the natural sunshine for a moment and then returned to the cold lair of the dead. I found the other exit and felt pleased that I did not chicken out when I spotted the final tunnel. Having now conquered two caverns of blackness and survived unmolested by visitors from the afterlife, I headed in to the last one. I clambered up a steep set of stairs beside another stagnant well and into the dark. I experimented with turning the torch off and, oh my, it really was rather dark. I could not see my hand in front of my face. At the top of the steps, another passage with three more sentry posts cut through the rock. The day was perfectly clear and the sentry rooms gave an almost 360° view of Qingdao. I enjoyed the view from each one (I say that now, but what I really did was pretended that I was machine-gunning marauding invaders). There was no more to see, and I felt like the Marco Polo of 21st century Qingdao. I took my time going down and enjoying the cool, deathly quiet inside the granite passages. Nearing the exit, I clicked off the torch beam, ducked through the last of the heavy, reinforced concrete doors and left the ghosts to their rest. The spirit of adventure is alive and well on Fushan.

广告 • 城市

// CITY /

一起探险,而他们正在黑暗中的 某个角落等着我,随时都可能跑 出来,把我吓个半死。为此,我 开始哼一些轻松活泼的歌曲,试 图找寻一些慰藉。虽然我没有圣 水也没有十字架,但我发现,哼 唱 音 乐 剧《 芝 加 哥》 里 的《 Mr Cellophane》这首歌似乎效果不 错,我感觉鬼魂们都离我远远的。 这个地道的走廊也比上次的 长一些,所以我花了更长的时间 来探索。这里每条走廊里都有房 间,我又总忍不住往每个里都瞧 瞧,好确定没有幽灵的存在。推 开一扇沉重的大门后,我终于来 到了出口,出去之后也总算是能 舒一口气了。不巧的是,出门之 后外面也并没有通路,我不得不 顺着原路返回。短暂地享受了一 下自然光后,我又回到了冰冷阴 森的地道里。

听闻浮山有着旧时从花岗岩中 挖 凿 出 来 的 地 道, 为 了 一 探 究 竟,Paul 邀 上 爱 爬 山 的 好 伙 伴 Andy,一起踏上了传闻背后的求 真之旅。

岛流传着各种关于秘 密通道的故事:相传 在德据时期(18981914), 德 国 人 为 了监视从香港来的英国舰队而建 造了多条地道。德国人撤退以后, 这些地道又被日本人占领,仍作 警戒之用。 一 小 时 的 攀 爬 令 我 和 Andy 筋疲力尽,猛灌了很多矿泉水后, 我们对找到地道也越来越不抱希 望。疑惑让我打起了退堂鼓,我 开始怀疑,那些关于通道的传说 根本就是当地人的胡编乱造。然 而,当我开始俯视群山的时候, 我才意识到,我们已经登上了浮 山最高峰—龙背岭。我们发现了 一个哨兵的炮塔,但除了周围两 个很小的侦查哨外,我们并没有 发现任何入口。

要么所有的士兵都瘦到可以 直接从侦查哨通过,要么这里一 定还有其它入口。如果没有,那 一定是山体的移动把入口给缩小 了。浮山上山路崎岖,山上的每 一步都十分危险。我和 Andy 战 战兢兢地来到了山峰的背后,终 于找到了入口。事实上,我们发 现了好几扇加固的水泥门,弯腰 蹒跚穿过,再打开手电筒一照, 我们已然置身浮山内部了。 地道的走廊由岩石爆破而 成,一头是砖室,一头是小洞穴。 我们走到了一个 T 字路口,弯腰 穿过好几扇防护门,来到了前面 遇到的炮塔的基步,想要到达侦 查哨的话,我们还得爬过锈迹斑 斑、摇摇欲坠的梯子。我们俩可 都不想摔骨折,所以又返回到 T 字路口,走下前人砌好的陡峭的 台阶,一直向浮山深处走去。我 们发现,地道底部有一些房间, 还有一个满是脏水的枯井。我们 拐了个弯,看到了一束光透过地 缝照射进来。我们又屈膝爬过几 扇厚实的大门,返回到地面上。 (这些门设计的初衷都是想阻

挡人们的进入,但对于像印第安 纳·琼斯般狡黠的我们来说,估 计建造者也是无可奈何了。)迎 面而来的登山者们看到我们,无 不目瞪口呆,心里悄悄嫉妒着我 们的勇敢。 在抗战时期,地道被用作堆 放 军 用 物 品 的 储 藏 室。 直 到 20 世纪后期,它才被废弃。那天, 我们只找到了一条地道,但我知 道实际上有三个,所以,一周后 我又来到了浮山。 再次出征,我找到的第一条 地道是三条中最长的,我觉得它 应该是其它两条的指挥中心。它 没有侦查哨,但是有几扇常见的 防护门。里面的房间比之前见到 的要大得多,房间内石壁上还装 有电气配件。随着时间的流逝, 房间内的电缆也和曾经待在地道 的住户一样,逐渐消失了。 这 时 候, 我 又 产 生 了 新 的 担心:因为那天 Andy 并没有陪 我来,所以我一直担心,我会不 会是在和这些地道的军人鬼魂们

走了一会儿后,我发现了另 一个出口。当我看见最后一个地 道的时候,我为自己没有被吓破 胆感到无比骄傲。成功征服了两 个漆黑的洞穴,并且没有被鬼魂 骚扰的我,一头钻进了最后一个 地道。 接着,我爬上了另一个枯井, 走过几级陡峭的台阶后,我走进 了一片漆黑之中。我试着关掉了 手电筒,才意识到周围竟是如此 黑暗,简直伸手不见五指。台阶 的上方,岩石的中间,还有三个 哨兵站。那天天朗气清,站在哨 兵站上,我可以 360 度欣赏青岛 全景,并且无论从哪个角度我都 很喜欢。(嘴上虽是这么说,但 实际上那天我站在那里,却是装 成一个手扛机关枪的英勇士兵模 样,对着眼前的“侵略者”们一 路扫射。) 饱览了山顶美景后,我感觉 自己就像是生活在 21 世纪的马 可·波罗。慢悠悠地走下台阶, 享受着花岗岩通道内的凉爽和死 一般的寂静。靠近出口时,我关 上了手电筒的光,弯下腰蹒跚着 通过一扇扇加固的水泥门,让魂 魄们得以安息。 在浮山,探险精神生生不息。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑


众所周知,小吃小吃,上街吃才更好吃! Carolina 走上街头,为大家介绍青岛最常见的美味小吃。

eating binge to find this city’s greatest Carolina Martins went on a street food and tastes better when bought off a truck offerings, because everyone knows food enjoyed by the curb.

JIANBING GUOZI Chinese name: 煎饼果子 Photo © Ayan Molbayev



Chinese name: 铁板鱿鱼

Chinese name: (野)馄饨

Why we love it: I am a firm believer that food tastes better on a stick, and this pan pressed squid is no exception. Lightly seasoned with black pepper and salt, this is a simple dish that can be easily paired with just about anything.

Why we love it: Wonton soup is loaded with MSG and the carts haven’t been cleaned for at least a decade, but nothing beats a bowl of warm hundun at 4 am on a chilly spring night.

Where to get it: Head towards Beer City to find some of the best seafood stands in town. 爱它的理由:我个人觉得什么东西串 起来吃都会好吃百倍,这种竹签上的 铁板烧鱿鱼更是好吃得没话说。在铁 板上烤制的时候,撒上黑胡椒粉和盐, 这款简单的美味可以和任何酒水搭配。 哪里可以找到:啤酒城附近的铁板鱿 鱼摊,烤出的鱿鱼串味道最为好吃。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★


Where to get it: Most shaokao stands sell wonton, and some more established restaurants as well. The stand across from Qingdao University’s East gate sells especially large bowls and, during the winter, every 3rd bowl is free. 爱它的理由:满是调料粉味的馄饨汤, 和看起来十年没洗过的小吃车,虽然平 时看起来没什么吸引力,但春寒料峭的 凌晨四点,没有什么比它更暖心了。

Why we love it: This is the ultimate on-the-go Chinese breakfast. This crepe-like delicacy can be combined with different fillings and a crispy guozi in the middle, depending on your preferences—and ability to communicate in Chinese. If you want some excitement but don’t feel like venturing into the world of unusual animal meats or limbs, you can always order a veggie one with eggs and lettuce. Where to get it: Bing booths can be found lurking around most crowded areas from the wee hours of the morning up until dinnertime. 爱它的理由:这是最简单快捷的中式早 餐。这种煎饼形状的美味,里面的填馅 儿千奇百怪,可以根据你的需求随意调 配——你只需要会说汉语就行。要是你 对里面的肉不放心的话,你大可以加鸡 蛋和生菜,点个素的煎饼果子吃。

哪里可以找到:很多烧烤摊和餐厅都有 馄饨卖,而青岛大学东门对面的烧烤摊 更是有超大碗的馄饨。冬天的时候,第 三碗还免费呢!

哪里可以找到:煎饼果子摊到处都是, 从早到晚,你总是可以在人多的地方找 到它们的身影。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★

RATING 总体评价:★★★★

广告 • 特辑


HOW TO NOT GET FOOD POISONING It’s 2016. We have scientists working on things like space elevators and 3D printed organs, and yet no one has managed to invent a way to prevent food poisoning. Though there is no perfect science here are some tips on how to avoid it: 1. When looking for a place to eat, choose a crowded stall. If people have eaten there and survived, chances are you will too.

CONG YOU BING Chinese name: 葱油饼 Why we love it: Forget buttermilk pancakes, Aunt Jemima has got nothing on the ayis who make these delicious scallion pancakes. These savoury flatbread treats are the perfect mid-day pick-me-up and they cost a mere 1RMB each. As if that was not enough, they absorb alcohol like nothing else, so they double as a cheap hangover cure. Where to get it: Follow your nose and the huge line to any commercial area or assembly place to find these. Special shutout to the very cute couple on the corner of Zhangzhouyi Lu and Mingjiang Lu who feed me and my fellow drunks on our way home from the bars every weekend. 爱它的理由:忘记黄油牛奶煎饼吧, 路边的阿姨做的葱油饼可比它好吃得 多。这些美味的小饼可是午餐的最佳 选择,而且一块儿才一块钱。要是这 样对你的吸引力还不够的话,我只能 说,它们吸收酒精的能力超强,特别 适合解宿醉时服用,效果谁吃谁知道。 哪里可以找到:顺着香味的方向—— 在各大商业区,排着大长队的小摊准 是葱油饼摊没错。我和我爱喝酒的小 伙伴们最常吃的是在漳州一路和闽江 路交叉口摆摊的一对年轻夫妻做的葱 油饼,周末喝醉的时候,我们都是靠 着它充饥的。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★★

HONG DOU BING Chinese name: 红豆饼 Why we love it: The love child of a moon cake and a waffle, hong dou bings are crispy on the outside with a warm creamy filling–which, despite the name, does not have to be red bean based. These make the perfect on-the-go treat. Where to get it: As far as desserts go, we don’t see hong dou bing around half as often as tanghulu or egg tarts, but the carts that sell these are always crowded. Head to the food market across from Wanda Plaza in Taidong, and you are sure to find freshly baked hong dou bing after sunset. 爱它的理由:红豆饼就像是月饼和华夫 饼的结合体,外酥里嫩,填馅儿香甜软 糯。而且,它虽然名为红豆饼,但你不 一定要吃红豆口味的,还是有很多其他 的填馅儿可以选择,非常适合在逛街的 时候来上一个。 哪里可以找到:作为甜食小吃,红豆饼 不像蛋挞和糖葫芦那样满大街都是,但 一般卖红豆饼的小摊总是围满了人。天 黑之后,在台东万达对面的小吃街上, 你肯定能找到烤红豆饼的小摊。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★★

2. Wash all fruits. 12 times if necessary. Maybe in boiling water. 3. Find an ayi you can trust. Not that this will make their food any more sanitary but you are sure to feel better once she tells you just how cute you are. 4. If it tastes wrong, don’t keep eating it! Stale is not a kind of spice. 5. If you are brave enough to order seafood and/or dairy, brace yourself and prepare for potential aftermath.

如何防止食物中毒 ? 转眼已经到了 2016 年,科学家们都在 研究太空电梯和 3D 器官打印这样高深 的问题,但却没人发明出预防食物中毒 的科学方法。尽管没有任何科学证据, 但我还是给大家准备了以下几招,帮您 预防食物中毒: 1. 在选择小吃的时候,尽量选择人多的 摊位。要是别人吃这家小吃都没问题 的话,你吃应该也问题不大。 2. 水果一定要多洗几遍,可以的话洗上 个 12 遍,实在不放心的话,用开水 煮一下再吃。 3. 找一个你可以相信的阿姨的摊位,在 她家买东西吃。不是说这样吃的东西 就会更放心了,而是听她夸你多可爱 的时候,你的心情会好很多。 4. 尝起来味道怪怪的时候果断放弃,霉 味可不是什么“特别风味”。 5. 要是你勇气可嘉,点上海鲜和奶制品 来吃的话,请自求多福。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

HOW TO SURVIVE FOOD POISONING ROU JIA MO Chinese name: 肉夹馍 Why we love it: Rou jia mo are more than just Chinese hamburgers! You can pick the meat, veggies, and sauces yourself before the bun is steamed and stuffed with your filling of choice. When in doubt, the default meat and chili ones never disappoint. Where to get it: For some reason the beach area around Shilaoren is full of these stalls. 爱它的理由:肉夹馍可不仅仅是中式汉堡包!你可以在等 馍馍加热的时候,选择你想吃的肉、蔬菜和酱汁,稍后让 阿姨统统给你放上!要是实在选择困难的话,直接选原 味——青椒肉口味,绝对不会让你失望。 哪里可以找到:我推荐石老人附近海滩,肉夹馍堪称一绝。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★

SOUP DUMPLINGS Chinese name: 小笼包

Why we love it: Although messy, these soup dumplings are 5RMB joy in a bowl. Whether you are cold, hungry or heartbroken, xiaolongbao are probably the solution for your problem. Where to get it: The food market by Jimo Lu sells these by the bucket load. 爱它的理由:尽管看上去不是很养眼,但小笼包经 济实惠,5 块钱就能买好大一笼。不管你是冷了、 饿了、还是失恋了,小笼包都是你最佳的选择。 哪里可以找到:即墨路的菜市场,小笼包多得数不 清。

RATING 总体评价:★★★★★


In case the previous tips failed you and your insides are now knot in fiery torment, here are some tips on how to survive once you’ve contracted food poisoning. 1. Never eat street food unaccompanied. Suffering alone is no fun, but enduring food poisoning in good company is a true bonding experience—nothing says ‘love’ like seeing your significant other hurl in the toilet while you’re puking your brains out in the bathtub. 2. Unlike a hangover, food poisoning cannot be cured by consuming more of whatever made you ill. So, if you’ve got fluids coming out of you like hot lava, it might be a good idea to limit your intake of solids to saltine crackers and nothing else. 3. If you paid under 5RMB for your meal, you are not allowed to complain of any diseases it may have given you. 4. The Chinese swear by hot water as a cure for just about anything. Maybe give that a try. If that fails, try the more western approach of a can —or five—of Coke. If it’s good enough to unclog drains and exterminate lice, it’s good enough to kill whatever bacteria is inside of you. 5. You might have hypothesised this from your frequent trips to the bathroom, but whatever you had planned for today is no longer happening. So send whoever is expecting you a quick text mentioning your bout of food poisoning. Since just about every person living in China has endured this, there is absolutely no need to provide any further details. They’ll thank you later.

不小心食物中毒的话该怎么办 ? 以防万一以上几条对你都没用,此刻你的五脏六腑正翻江倒 海的话,以下是我推荐的食物中毒生存指南,请仔细阅读: 1. 吃小吃的时候记得结伴,一个人受罪的滋味不好受,但和 别人一起受罪的话,会莫名滋生一种“惺惺相惜”的革命 情感——没什么比“和你一起吐到地老天荒”更感人的故 事了。 2. 和宿醉不同,食物中毒不能“以毒攻毒”;所以,要是你 一直吐酸水的话,还是劝你尽量少吃点东西。 3. 要是这顿饭只花了你不到 5 块钱,你就别抱怨它让你拉肚 子了。 4. 中国人相信热水有“包治百病”的奇效,你不妨试试。要 是不管用的话,试试外国人的特效药——可乐,一罐不够 的话,喝它个五罐!要知道可乐威力无穷,既能疏通下水道, 又能清除虱子,我还不信它不能杀菌了。 5. 要是你开始频繁往厕所跑的时候,你就要注意了,这可不 是演习!你今天计划要做的事情多半不可能发生了。赶紧 给你约好的小伙伴发条短信,告诉他你“中招”了。因为 这在中国是常有的事情,所以接下来他们就知道该怎么办 了。相信我,他们事后会感激你提前告知的。

广告 • 特辑


A TASTE OF SPRING 舌尖上的春意 If you look at the Chinese character for tea, 茶 , you will see a man standing amongst vegetation. Isn’t that a poetic character? Chinese poets view tea as a pursuit that is detached from the realm of life, yet tea is also regarded as one of the seven daily necessities in China together with coal, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar. Tea is very down-to-earth, but also something as elegant as poetry and music. Suki Li explains. No matter where you go in China, your host will ask you to sit down for a cup of tea followed by a long tea ceremony before actually starting a conversation. To Chinese people, serving guests plain water is impolite. Whether the guests drink it or not, the host has to make some tea. I had a foreign friend visit my place, and when I made tea for him he complained that the process was too long and the tea cup too small. I tried to explain the wonders of tea

but he retorted, “I just want a drink. Bring me a bigger cup.” It was an interesting clash of cultures. I admit that the way Chinese people drink tea is sometimes too conventional. However, drinking tea any other way would come at the cost of the precious tea leaves. Drinking tea is an integrated art form combining tea, water, utensils, skill, and the environment that just might bring you inner peace. Let’s start with water: It is said that water is the body of tea, and tea is the soul of water. Without good water, good tea doesn’t exist. During the Tang Dynasty the “Tea Sage” Lu Yu (733-804) wrote the first book about tea and tea culture in the history of the world, The Classic of Tea. He suggested that spring water is the best kind of water for tea, followed by river water, then well water last. Allow me to add one more line:

(Chinese) tap water should only be used as a last resort. What could be expected from a wonderful soul attached to a sick body? According to an old saying: “Spring water makes tea taste better than usual, but if it’s from a waterfall in the mountains, the wonderfulness is a hundredfold, and if it’s snow water, that's the best.”


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In a famous story from one of China's Four Great Classical Novels A Dream of Red Mansions, the nun Miaoyu collects snow off plum blossoms and stores it in exquisite porcelain for tea. Shandong is home to one of the five most commendable springs: Baotu Spring in Jinan. For those who say that Jinan is too dull to travel to: You haven’t found the right way to experience the city. Almost everyone who visits Jinan goes to Baotu Spring but very few sit down and have a cup of tea there. There is a tea house near the spring, and although the interior is just so-so, sitting by the window, appreciating the beauty of the spring and enjoying the tea made from the spring water is an exceptional experience. As the saying goes: “Good water is more important than good tea.” The Baotu Spring gives tea a smooth and delicate taste. Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) always chose Baotu Spring water for tea every time he visited Shandong. Supposing we have the right water and tea, next we need to know how to make it. First,


rinse the pot with hot water. Then, pour the water in with the tea leaves once to wash the leaves and a second time to brew for drinking. When pouring the hot water into the teapot, make sure to pour it down the side of the pot and not straight into the centre as this helps the fragrance and the taste of the tea linger longer. Chinese call this step Guan Gong Xun Cheng, which means the famous general Guan Yu is patrolling the city. Fill the pot until it’s 80% full. Then pour every single drop of tea into a Fair mug (Gongdao mug), straining out the tea leaves until the remainder of the liquid falls out drop by drop. We call this step Han Xin Dian Bing, which means another famous general, Han Xin, is selecting his soldiers. These instructions may sound complicated, but they get easier with practice. Controlling the temperature of the water is actually the part that requires real skill. Westerners often add sugar, honey, or even ice cubes and lemon to their tea. However, according to Chinese people, adding other substances into your tea implies that your

tea is not good. In Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai provinces, there is a popular drink called Eight Treasures Tea (Babao cha) which in addition to tea leaves contains sugar, wolfberries, red dates, longans, walnuts, chrysanthemum, and raisins. I personally quite like this drink, but I have to agree with what the famous writer Jia Pingwa said: "They drink [eight treasures tea] because they can’t grow tea trees in those provinces.” Green tea is the tea for spring and summer because it is 'cold-natured' (according to traditional Chinese medicine) and not fermented. It is believed to clear away heat and dryness. Sipping green tea that was picked before Qing Ming or Grain Rain is perhaps the best way to relax and to integrate with nature. Chinese tea culture is profound, and it takes time to appreciate. If you still haven’t figured out the aesthetics behind the tea leaves, do not worry—just drink the tea slower, and even slower still until you get there.

广告 • 特辑


" 茶 " 之谓者:草木之中有一人。光字面上已 是诗意盎然。诗人多爱茶,作为一种淡泊超 脱的生活境界追求之。茶又为开门七件事之 一,和柴米油盐酱醋过日子的同时,也能与 琴棋书画诗酒发雅性,最是雅俗共赏。春阳 杲杲,Suki 与您细味茶事。 外国人对中国人爱茶的印象,可能来自: 无论拜访谁,主人都会先问你喝什么茶,然 后在茶席前摆弄半天,方入正题。此举实出 于礼貌,给客人喝白开水未免有失远迎。客 人喝不喝也泡上一壶,算是应酬。曾经一位 外国友人来我家作客,在我泡功夫茶的时候, 抱怨出汤慢杯子小,反觉怠慢了他。我尝试 解释品茗之妙,他反驳道,不就是一杯饮料 么!给我拿一个大点的杯子!我哭笑不得。 我承认中国人喝茶有时候是挺矫情的,但有 些茶不矫情地喝倒真感觉有负于那几片叶子 呢!茶艺是一门由茶、水、器、艺、境等构 成的综合艺术,使人清心、沉静、安详、通悟。 我们由水说起。所谓水为茶之体,茶为 水之魂,没有好水,那茶便魂不附体了。唐 代陆羽在《茶经》中指出,烹茶以泉水为上, 江水次之,井水为下。容许我加一句,用自 来水泡的话不如不喝,再美妙纯粹的灵魂附 于病体之上,也只能徒生遗憾。古人说,以 泉水沏茶,味胜于常;以深山瀑水烹之,芳 甘百倍;冬收积雪比泉瀑更佳。最著名的例 子当属《红楼梦》里的妙玉收梅花上的积雪 烹茗。山东人很幸运,茶客称道的五大名泉 之一:趵突泉,就在泉城济南。很多人说济 南不好玩,那是你不会玩啊。趵突泉是游济 南必到之地,但游人多来去匆匆,鲜有闲情 在泉边吃茶。泉边有一茶社,环境说不上清幽, 但倚坐窗边,在欣赏趵突泉之余,吃着泉水 沏的茶,亦是赏心乐事。所谓“好茶不如好水”, 趵突泉水口感柔滑细腻,沏的茶汤色明亮, 乾隆皇帝每到山东都要来这边品茗议政呢。 可惜的是该茶社依仗地利,不讲究茶叶、火候、 茶具,否则水、茶、景三者皆绝了。

假设好水好茶都有了,如何沏茶呢?用 开水把小壶涮热,放茶叶先沏一道水,是为 洗茶,第二泡方饮用。二冲水沿壶的四周环入, 不要直冲,以免冲破茶胆,倒茶对着杯子巡 行至八分满,谓 " 关公巡城 ",直至点点滴滴 最后滴下,谓之 " 韩信点兵 "。以上看着很复杂, 实际不难操作,倒是火候控制方面是真功夫, 尤其潮汕的功夫茶,火必以橄榄核焚烧。想 喝茶么?先把橄榄核找来! 讲究吃茶的人,不但讲究茶叶、泉水、 火候,还讲究茶具。说到茶具又是另一门学问, 这里只举出一点。你可能经常在茶具上看到 釉面开裂,那叫开片,原是瓷器烧制过程中的 失误造成,但人们觉得裂纹满布亦别具美感, 故研究釉面开裂的规则。宋代的汝窑、官窑、 哥窑都有这种开片作品,又以哥窑最著名。开 片釉按颜色分有鳝血、金丝铁线、浅黄鱼子纹; 按形状分有网形纹、梅花纹、细 碎纹等。要知道,开片

是需要 " 养 " 的,它们会随着你的使用而有所 变化,这亦增加了吃茶的趣味。 如果说中国人喝茶追求精神上的境界, 西方人喝茶则似乎更追求实在,配上方糖或 蜂蜜,有时候还有冰块和柠檬汁。中国人喝 茶是不掺糖和蜜的,那样会被理解为你家的 茶不好。至于流行于甘肃、宁夏、青海一带 的八宝茶,虽然我挺喜欢喝,但也不得不同 意贾平凹的一语道破:“实在是那里不产茶, 才陈茶变着法儿来喝罢了”。 春夏季宜喝绿茶,因绿茶属未发酵茶, 性寒,故能清热去火丶生津止渴。呷一口明前、 雨前绿茶,既可涤烦忘忧,亦是人与自然融 合的最佳方式。中国茶道文化博大精深,恰 如功夫茶,需慢慢品尝。如果您还没有搞清 楚这一片树叶喝出来的美学,别着急,慢一点, 再慢一点,就什么都明白了。


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上海 F1: 一场速度的较量

Never a motorsports fan, Joel Hassan was easily convinced to go to Formula 1 by friends who promised him a lot of beer and a great show featuring the fastest cars in the world driven by people with beautiful wives and cool sounding names.


Joel 虽然不是一个赛车迷,但他却经不起 朋友“啤酒”、“世界顶级赛车”、“炫 酷的赛车手”、以及“赛车手的漂亮老婆” 等各种“诱惑”,来到上海看了一场 F1 比赛。

广告 • 特辑



he Shed, an expat sports bar in Shanghai, organised breakfast, beers, and a bus to take people out to the Formula 1 track—all I had to do was manage to pull myself out of bed before 9 am. We started the day off in style, eating bacon and egg baguettes and sipping on icy Carlsberg pints, which, in my opinion, is a great way to start the day. After an hour and a half of eating and drinking like kings we loaded onto the bus and headed out to the track. It was good fun on the bus, however not ideal for me as I am cursed with a very small bladder and our bus driver wasn’t too keen on pit stops. After an hour of discomfort, I found a lovely tree to stand behind and all was good. When we arrived at the track we could hear the 850 break horsepower beasts warming up, and I suddenly became very, very excited. Of course I had heard this sound on TV but hearing it in person was so much more thrilling. I liked the sound so much that I actually recorded it so I could listen to it later. The line to enter the arena was long but a couple of friendly people pretended to be our friends and let us in with them. After a few minutes of standing in line and an uncomfortable fondle by an angry looking security guard, we were let in. First stop toilets, next stop beer stand, and finally

we arrived at our seats overlooking the final hairpin of Shanghai Formula 1. We got to our seats right before the race started, so we were able to watch the final few cars finish their warm up laps. Before long, the cars had lined up and we could hear the drivers revving their engines, eagerly waiting for the starting light to turn green. They were off with a roar from the crowd, followed by a collision between Vettel and his teammate, Raikkonen, and then silence. The stadium was so large that spectators watched the big screen as the cars buzzed around the corners. After about a minute and a half we could hear the quiet scream of engines getting louder and louder, and then they were at our corner. I was sitting at the end of a long straight so I could see the cars flying into the corner and decelerating so fast the drivers’ eyes could have popped out of their heads. After the hairpin, the drivers accelerated at whiplashinducing speed to the next corner. The race flew by faster than the speed of the cars and before I knew it Niko Rosberg had won. I’m not sure where anyone else placed, but to be honest, I didn’t care— the experience of going to the race and watching these amazing machines fly around the track was enough. I fully recommend anyone who loves F1 or just an adrenaline rush to visit the next time Shanghai hosts this amazing race.

海一家名叫 The Shed 的运动 酒吧提供早餐、啤酒,另外还 备有去 F1 赛场的班车,而我 唯一要做的事情就是早上九点 之前起床,其他的都不用我操心。早餐吃 培根鸡蛋和法棍面包,畅饮嘉士伯啤酒, 以此来开启美好一天,真是爽到爆。在享 受完早餐后,我们乘坐班车前往赛道。途 中倒是轻松愉快,谁曾想自己却突然想上 厕所,而司机又不想停车耽误时间,在经 历了一小时的不适之后,最终我在一棵树 下解决了问题,瞬间就觉得世界美好了。 当到达场地时,我们能听到 850 马力 的赛车热身的轰鸣声,瞬间就让我兴奋不 已。这远比我在电视上听到的要酷多了。 我因为太爱这声音了,便掏出手机录下音 来,想着以后没事儿的时候可以拿出来听 一听,过过瘾。 竞技场前排了长长的队伍,好在排在 前面几个非常热心人让我们装作他们的朋 友一起进入了赛场。经历了几分钟的排队 以及保安的“哭脸”安检之后,我们顺利 进入了赛场。为了避免车上出现的小状况 再次发生,我先去了趟卫生间,然后才拿 了啤酒,和朋友们坐下准备观看上海 F1 赛车的弯道总决赛。 我们刚刚找到座位坐下,比赛便马上 开始了。一开始,几辆车在做最后热身, 不一会儿,它们便排成一排。之后,赛车 手发动引擎,等待红灯变成绿色的那一刻。 在赛场上人们欢呼声中,比赛正式开始。 没多久,Vettel 和他的组员 Raikkonen 发 生相撞事故,全场观众没有预料到这个意 外的发生,瞬间变得鸦雀无声。体育场很 大, 所以现场观众只能通过观看大屏幕来 欣赏比赛。不到一分半钟,我们便听到引 擎声越来越大,赛车队马上就要驶入我们 这边的弯道了。因为我坐在一个长直道的 末端,所以能清晰地看到赛车在弯道的漂 移。由于减速太快,赛车手们的眼睛几乎 都要从头上爆出来了。弯道过后,赛车手 们便开始加速,直到下一个弯道。 比 赛 的 时 间 比 赛 车 跑 得 还 快。 最 终 Niko Rosberg 赢得了比赛,至于其他人的 名次我就不得而知了。 说实话,我真的不 在乎他们的排名,对我来说,能够去赛道 观看这场激动人心的赛车比赛,我已经心 满意足了。如果你喜欢 F1 赛车,或者想 要寻求一时的激情,明年一定要去上海看 场 F1 比赛!


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑


Photo © Lloyd Images

广告 • 特辑


EXTREME SAILING SERIES™ 2016 - ACT 2, QINGDAO 2016 国际极限帆船系列赛青岛站 The Extreme Sailing Series™ will be taking Qingdao by storm 29 April to 2 May 2016. Learn more about this exciting event and the teams who will be competing. 2016 is the tenth year of elite level Stadium Racing for the Extreme Sailing Series™ and the circuit returns to Qingdao (China) for Act 2 from 29 April to 2 May. In 2016, the award-winning World Sailing circuit will visit eight iconic host venues spanning three continents over ten months, stopping in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Russia, and Australia along the way. The first Chinese-flagged team to take part in a full season, Team One, competes this year with match racing champion and rising star Taylor Canfield at the helm and local hero Liu Xue (a.k.a. Black) as part of the crew. The full eight-team grid, representing eight nations, will line up in Fushan Bay like gladiators in an amphitheatre ready to do battle for the ultimate accolade of becoming the 2016 Extreme Sailing Series Champions, one of the most sought after achievements in the sport. The Extreme Sailing Series is a unique concept, pitting some of the very best professional sailing teams in the world against each other on identical ‘flying’ hydrofoiling GC32 catamarans, a concept that is brand new to 2016. The teams compete on short but extremely tactical courses metres from the shore, providing spectacular stadium-style entertainment for the public. The GC32s are the headline act and will be supported by other onshore entertainment including live commentary, a resident DJ, music, and a Land Rover Experience Zone, which can be found in the Race Village located at the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre and is free to enter.

THE PARTICIPATING TEAMS Team One (China) Skipper/Helm: Taylor Canfield (ISV) Tactician/Bowman: Chris Steele (NZL) Mainsail Trimmer: Hayden Goodrick (NZL) Headsail Trimmer: Shane Diviney (IRL) Floater: Luke Payne (AUS)/Liu Xue (Black) (CHN)

Alinghi (Switzerland) Skipper/Helm: Arnaud Psarofaghis (SUI) Tactician: Nicolas Charbonnier (FRA) Headsail Trimmer: Nils Frei (SUI) Floater: Timothé Lapauw (FRA) Bowman: Yves Detrey (SUI)

The first Chinese-flagged team to take part in a full season, Team One compete with match racing champion and rising star Taylor Canfield at the helm. Canfield is joined by a full crew of experienced sailors, including Shane Diviney, the only Irish sailor competing in this year’s Series. Team One will be joined by Liu Xue (or Black, as he is also known), who competes for the team for the first time in his hometown, Qingdao. Black raced onboard Dongfeng Race Team, the Chinese team that finished third in the last edition of the Volvo Ocean Race.

Two time America’s Cup Winner Alinghi is headed by skipper and helm, Arnaud Psarofaghis, who takes turns at the helm with the team’s Principal, Ernesto Bertarelli. Alinghi returns to the fleet in 2016 having won the Series in 2008 and 2014. Alinghi start the 2016 Series as strong contenders as they hunt for a third championship title.

Land Rover BAR Academy (Great Britain) Skipper/Tactician: Bleddyn Môn (GBR) Helm: Leigh McMillan (GBR) Headsail Trimmer: Ed Powys (GBR) Bowman: Neil Hunter (GBR) Floater: Adam Kay (GBR) As a new entry, the youngest team, and the only British team in the fleet, the 2016 Series will provide the perfect platform for the Land Rover BAR Academy to develop some of the UK’s hottest sailing talent this season.


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑 Following his record breaking success in the 2015 Series racing for The Wave, Muscat, Leigh McMillan will initially join the younger members of Sir Ben Ainslie’s America’s Cup team on the water.

2016 for their seventh Series with Red Bull Sailing Team. Skipper Hagara is Austria’s most successful summer sports star having competed in the Olympics a staggering six times, securing two gold medals for his country in the Tornado class along with Steinacher.

Oman Air (Oman) Skipper/Helm: Morgan Larson (USA) Mainsail Trimmer: Pete Greenhalgh (GBR) Headsail Trimmer: Ed Smyth (NZL/AUS) Bowmen: Nasser Al Mashari (OMA) & James Wierzbowski (AUS)

Sail Portugal (Potugal) Skipper/Helm: Diogo Cayolla (POR) Mainsail Trimmer: Bernardo Freitas (POR) Headsail Trimmer: Javier de la Plaza (ESP) Bowman: João Matos Rosa (POR) Floater: Luís Brito (POR)

Oman Air will look to make further improvements this year with former Series Champion Morgan Larson at the helm. Larson returns to the Series having raced in 2013 and 2014 for Alinghi, winning the 2014 Series. Nasser Al Mashari joins the team as bowman, having sailed for the 2015 winning team The Wave, Muscat.

For the first time in the Series’ history a Portuguese team, Sail Portugal, makes its debut, skippered by three-time Olympian Diogo Cayolla. The team roster boasts numerous Olympic and America’s Cup campaigns, with the elite sailors bringing vast amounts of sailing knowledge and experience to the table

provider SAP who is also the Series’ official technical partner, the team enters their fifth season in 2016.

Team Turx (Turkey) Co-skipper/Helm: Stevie Morrison (GBR) Co-skipper/Floater: Edhem Dirvana (TUR) Mainsail Trimmer: Cem Gözen Headsail Trimmer: Tom Dawson (GBR) Bowman: Tom Buggy (GBR) Returning to the line up for its second full Series following its 2015 debut, Team Turx is led by co-skipper and team founder Edhem Dirvana and British Olympian Stevie Morrison. Morrison joins Team Turx as coskipper and helm, having sailed last year with Oman Air.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 活动时间表 Friday 29 April/media day 14:00 – 17:00 – Open water racing Saturday 30 April to Monday 2 May 10:00 – Race Village opens 10:00 – 10:30 – Optimist Racing 10:30 – 12:30 – Corporate Sailing 14:00 – 14:30 – Pro Am Racing 14:30 – 17:00 – Stadium Racing 17:45 – Act 2 Prize Awards—on Monday only 19:00 – Race Village closes

Red Bull Sailing Team (Austria) Skipper/Helm: Roman Hagara (AUT) Tactician: Hans Peter Steinacher (AUT) Mainsail Trimmer: Stewart Dodson (NZL) Headsail Trimmer: Adam Piggott (GBR) Bowman: Brad Farrand (NZL) The double Olympic gold medal-winning Austrian duo Roman Hagara and HansPeter Steinacher are back with their crew in


SAP Extreme Sailing Team (Denmark) Co-Skipper/Helm: Jes Gram-Hansen (DEN) Co-Skipper/Tactician: Rasmus Køstner (DEN) Mainsail Trimmer: Mads Emil Stephensen (DEN) Headsail Trimmer: Pierluigi De Felice (ITA) Bowman: Renato Conde (POR) Match racing experts and co-skippers Jes Gram-Hansen and Rasmus Køstner front the only Danish-flagged team in the circuit— SAP Extreme Sailing Team. Backed by worldleading software and software-services

4 月 29 日(周五) / 媒体日 14:00–17:00 海面竞赛 4 月 30 日(周六)至 5 月 2 日(周一) 10:00 竞赛村开幕式 10:00–10:30 OP 帆船比赛 10:30–12:30 商务航行体验 14:00–14:30 业余 & 职业混合赛 14:30–17:00 极限场地赛 17:45 颁奖 只在周一举办 19:00 竞赛村闭幕式

广告 • 特辑

国际极限帆船系列赛将于 2016 年 4 月 29 日 至 5 月 2 日登陆青岛。一起来了解赛事 , 并看 看参赛的“海上健将”吧! 2016 年是国际极限帆船系列赛精英级别 赛 事的第 10 个年头 , 将于 4 月 29 日至 5 月 2 日回归青岛。今年的世界帆船巡回大奖赛将 持续 10 个月,横跨 3 个大洲,8 个国家,中途 停靠中东、 欧洲、 俄罗斯和澳大利亚。值得 一提的是,中国队(队名:Team One)将第一 次参加全程比赛,和冠军选手 Taylor Canfield 以及青岛本土帆船选手刘学(英文名 Black) 一起并肩作战,勇创佳绩。8 支队伍,代表着 8 个国家,将齐聚浮山湾,为争得 2016 年帆船 赛事最高荣耀——国际极限帆船系列赛的冠 军而乘风破浪。 国际极限帆船系列赛理念 独特,旨在把 世界顶级帆船赛选手聚集到一起,在飞驰的 GC32 水翼双体船上比试较量。参赛队伍在距 离较短,却极其需要部署策略才能顺利通行的 跑道上竞技,对看台的观众来说,是一场极具 观赏性的赛事。 GC32 比赛自然是此次赛事的重头戏,但 其它的娱乐活动也同样精彩。今年,位于青岛 奥帆中心的路虎体验区将免费对外开放,现场 将配有专业 DJ,用音乐为帆船比赛助兴。


参赛队伍 Alinghi ( 瑞士 ) 船长 / 舵手 : Arnaud Psarofaghis ( 瑞士 ) 战术师 : Nicolas Charbonnier ( 法国 ) 前帆调帆手 : Nils Frei ( 瑞士 ) 自由人 : Timothé Lapauw ( 法国 ) 球帆手 : Yves Detrey ( 瑞士 )

Red Bull Sailing Team ( 澳大利亚 ) 船长 / 舵手 : Roman Hagara ( 奥地利 ) 战术师 : Hans Peter Steinacher ( 奥地利 ) 主帆调帆手 : Stewart Dodson ( 新西兰 ) 前帆调帆手 : Adam Piggott ( 英国 ) 球帆手 : Brad Farrand ( 新西兰 )

Alinghi 曾 在 舵 手 Arnaud Psarofaghis 和 船长 Ernesto Bertarelli 的带领下两次勇夺美洲 杯的冠军。继 2008 和 2014 年赢得系列赛冠 军之后,Alinghi 于 2016 年再次回归极限帆船 系列赛,争取把第三个冠军收入囊中。

奥 运 会 两 次 金 牌 获 得 者二 人 组,来 自 澳 大 利 亚 的 Roman Hagara 和 Hans-Peter Steinacher 将 于 2016 年 再 度 回 归,带 领 Red Bull Sailing Team 参 加 第 七 次 系 列 赛。船 长 Hagara 是澳大利亚最有成就的夏季运动明星, 曾六次参加奥运会,并两次夺得冠军。

一号船队 ( 中国 ) 船长 / 舵手 : Taylor Canfield ( 美属维京群岛 ) 战术师 / 头桨手 : Chris Steele ( 新西兰 ) 主帆调帆手 : Hayden Goodrick ( 新西兰 ) 前帆调帆手 : Shane Diviney ( 爱尔兰 ) 自由人 : Luke Payne ( 澳大利亚 ) / Liu Xue (Black) ( 中国 ) 一号船队是首支挂着中国国旗参加整季 赛事的队伍,由冉冉升起的帆船手新星 Taylor Canfield 掌 舵。 另 外, 船 上 还 有 此 次 赛 事 唯 一一名爱尔兰选手 Shane Diviney,以及青岛本 土选手刘学(Black),这也是他第一次在故乡 参加比赛。刘学曾在去年效力东风队,并助团 队赢得了沃尔沃环球帆船赛的季军。

Land Rover BAR Academy ( 英国 ) 船长 / 战术师 : Bleddyn Môn ( 英国 ) 舵手 : Leigh McMillan ( 英国 ) 前帆调帆手 : Ed Powys ( 英国 ) 球帆手 : Neil Hunter ( 英国 ) 自由人 : Adam Kay ( 英国 ) Land Rover BAR Academy 是 2016 年 赛 季中唯一一支英国队伍,也是最年轻的一支队 伍,本赛季将是他们展现自己帆船技能的最佳 舞台。曾在 2015 年系列赛中表现优异的 Leigh McMillan 在 比 赛 开 始 前,还 加 入 了 Sir Ben Ainslie 的船队去参加美洲杯的比赛。

Oman Air ( 阿曼 ) 船长 / 舵手 : Morgan Larson ( 美国 ) 主帆调帆手 : Pete Greenhalgh ( 英国 ) 前帆调帆手 : Ed Smyth ( 新西兰 / 澳大利亚 ) 球帆手 : Nasser Al Mashari ( 阿曼 ) & James Wierzbowski ( 澳大利亚 )

Sail Portugal ( 葡萄牙 ) 船长 / 舵手 : Diogo Cayolla ( 葡萄牙 ) 主帆调帆手 : Bernardo Freitas ( 葡萄牙 ) 前帆调帆手 : Javier de la Plaza ( 西班牙 ) 球帆手 : Nuno Barreto ( 葡萄牙 ) 自由人 : Luís Brito ( 葡萄牙 ) 系列赛历史上第一支葡萄牙队伍,由有三 次奥运会参赛经验的船长 Diogo Cayolla 带 领出征,将于今年首次亮相。船上其他选手也 不容小觑,很多都曾获得过奥运会和美洲杯冠 军,为整支队伍提供了丰富的比赛经验。

SAP Extreme Sailing Team ( 丹麦 ) 联合船长 / 舵手 : Jes Gram-Hansen ( 丹麦 ) 联合船长 / 战术师 : Rasmus Køstner ( 丹麦 ) 主帆调帆手 : Mads Emil Stephensen ( 丹麦 ) 前帆调帆手 : Pierluigi De Felice ( 意大利 ) 球帆手 : Renato Conde ( 葡萄牙 ) 由 Jes Gram-Hansen 和 Rasmus Køstner 共同带领的 SAP Extreme Sailing Team 是系列 赛中唯一一支丹麦船队,由世界领先软件服务 提供商 SAP 提供赞助支持。同时,SAP 还是本 赛季的官方技术合作伙伴。这也是 SAP 队伍第 五次参加系列赛。

Team Turx ( 土耳其 ) 联合船长 / 舵手 : Stevie Morrison ( 英国 ) 联合船长 / 前帆手 : Edhem Dirvana ( 土耳其 ) 主帆调帆手 : Cem Gözen 前帆调帆手 : Tom Dawson ( 英国 ) 球帆手 : Tom Buggy ( 英国 )

自 2015 年首次参加系列赛全赛季比赛之 后,Team Turx 将于今年再次扬帆起航,由船 在前系列赛冠军 Morgan Larson 的带领下, 队组建者 Edhem Dirvana 以及英国的奥运选 预计 Oman Air 会在今年勇创佳绩。Morgan 曾 手 Stevie Morrison 共 同 带 领。Morrison 在 本 于 2013 及 2014 赛 季 效 力 Alinghi 船队,并赢 赛季作为联合船长效力 Team Turx 队,去年他 得了 2014 年的冠 军。另外,球帆 手 Nasser Al 曾代表 Oman Air 参加比赛。 Mashari 也曾于 2015 年助 The Wave 船队获得 冠军。 23

/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑 Photo © David Yao

孤帆远影碧空尽,浩荡帆船破浪 行。克利伯环球帆船赛青岛站刚 刚落下帷幕,英国驻华大使馆在 青举行了一场以“做你自己” 为 主题的讲座,邀请了青岛各界人 士与刚刚凯旋归来的海上勇者们 一同拥抱性别平等。英国驻华使馆 公使罗廷、人类史上首位完成单 人不间断环球海上航行的英国航 海家及克利伯帆船赛创始人罗宾 爵士,以及本次克利伯帆船赛中 来自青岛及英国的船员皆有出席。 Suki 带大家了解一下当天的盛况。 2016 年既是克利伯环球帆船 赛 20 周年,也是中国帆船之都青 岛与克利伯合作主办是项赛事的 第 12 个年头。这也意味着青岛成 为了与克利伯合作历史最悠久的 城市伙伴。

Legends of the Sea 海上英雄

Last month Qingdao hosted the 20th annual Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. This is the 12th year that Qingdao, China’s sailing capital, has hosted the event making it the longest running host of the race. To commemorate the event the British Embassy hosted a special panel discussion as part of the “Be Yourself” Gender Equality Campaign. The event was well attended by diplomats, legends from the world of sailing (including Sir Robin Knox-Johnson), and sailing enthusiasts. Suki Li reports. Sailing is a sport for brave men and women alike. The gender balance in sailing is improving as women made up 35% of this year’s yacht crews. Sir Robin KnoxJohnson, the first man to sail solo nonstop around the world and founder of the Clipper Race, said: “With more than a third of Clipper Race crew being women from all walks of life, ages and nationalities, it seems fitting to team up with the celebrations in Qingdao and host a discussion about gender equality in sports, and more broadly in high performing teams. We see the way our crews are empowered through their experience and this provides many insights


that can be shared beyond the race itself.” Martyn Roper, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Beijing, delivered an introductory speech supporting the aims of the campaign. The talk was attended by members of the culture and business communities as well as students and young aspiring sailors. “I am particularly inspired by the Clipper Race’s ability to connect us through the language of sport. Whatever our background, whatever our gender, whatever our nationality, we can all be inspired by sporting achievement. It brings together crew members from all walks of life. This is an ideal example of the core values that the British Embassy in China has been exploring with our "Be Yourself" campaign,” Martyn said. Melody Liu, the youngest of the 25 Chinese crew members this year reflected on her experience thus far: “After 55 days of sailing, I find my personality has become stronger. Be yourself and just do whatever you want to do. Don’t pity yourself. It is never to be done until it is done.”

帆船是勇者的运动,但不分 男女。罗宾爵士表示:“克利伯帆 船赛的女性船员逐年增长,今年 更有三成五的船员是来自各行各 业、不同年龄及国籍的女性,这正 好带出了体育界性别平等的话题。 我们希望透过在青岛的这场讲座, 让大家更加关注航海勇士,尤其是 越来越多的女性勇者。我们的队 员通过自身的航海经历得到了许 多的历练与启发,而他们的体会 远远超越了帆船这项运动本身。” 英国驻华公使罗廷在致辞时 表示,“克利伯帆船赛通过体育 这种世界性的‘语言’把我们联 系起来,对此我深受鼓舞。无论 我们是什么背景、性别和国籍, 运动都能激发我们对生命的热忱。 体育让来自各行各业的选手团结 在一起,互助互爱。这也正好是‘做 你自己’系列活动的核心价值。” 今年的克伯利有 25 位中国船 员,其中年龄最小的仅 19 岁。“在 大海上航行了 55 天,我感觉自己 变得坚强了很多。做你自己,做 你想做的事。不要让自己有后悔 的机会。有些事情你不去做,那 它就永远不会实现。”“青岛号” 最年轻的船员刘明玥说。 你,做好了乘风破浪的准备 了吗?

/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑 MacBook at a fake Apple store. Upon asking for a receipt so her company would reimburse her, the store asked for an additional 400RMB. Real Apple stores seem more expensive, but this is because their advertised prices include tax.

Does China need real Apple stores?

中国需要官方苹果零售店吗? As Apple opens its 30th retail store in Mainland China, Timothy Ulrich weighs the pros and cons of frequenting those thousands of other “authorised” Apple stores that have proliferated over the years. When market demand for Apple products exploded in China a few years ago, the supply was limited to a handful of real stores, leading to the growth of imitation retailers that weren’t licensed, yet looked and felt genuine. Due to many issues on both sides of the ocean, Apple products seemed like they would never reach the Chinese market without the aid of these fake Apple stores. Recently


however, there’s been a surge of authorised stores opening across the mainland, including right here in Qingdao. Now that cities like Qingdao have the real deal, what will become of those unauthorised stores and repair shops? Do they still serve a purpose? Apple has had a hard time regulating their brand in China due to conflicting intellectual property right laws between the U.S. and China. Despite that, Chinese consumers still manage to be the world’s second largest market for Apple products— and those numbers aren’t for knock-off products either. Chinese consumer behaviour

has lead to a demand for the real thing. As a result, there have been a plethora of fake stores all across the mainland that have been able to buy products wholesale and create a supply chain for consumers. What is great about unauthorised Apple stores is the untaxed sales. Whether it’s because their merchandise was smuggled in from Hong Kong or overseas (avoiding an import tax), the stores fail to report the sales to the government, or a combination of both, fake stores are able to sell their products at a discount—as long as you don’t ask for a receipt. A friend of mine recently purchased a

With new (real) Apple stores opening across China, it is plausible that these smaller, unauthorised stores could become nothing more than a thing of the past. Tighter regulations may also help push out unauthorised shops. As for someone who just bought fake Apple parts through a seemingly satisfactory store, I’m certainly hoping this is the case. Maybe through new authorised distribution channels, genuine products and parts can become more common, leading to trustworthy shops. Unauthorised repair shops are equally trivial. When I had a hard drive failure, I took my MacBook into what I assumed to be a “legitimate” repair shop, within the loosest of terms possible. I knew that there weren’t any authorised stores in Qingdao that I could take it to, at least not at the time, but I took a chance anyway. For what it’s worth they gave me a warranty on the parts and performed the repair immediately, but they also gave me fake parts. The warranty, in other words, was just to provide more fake parts. It was fortunate that when the fake parts in my MacBook failed, an authorised Apple store had just opened in the MixC Mall. Upon taking my MacBook to the real Apple geniuses, I was informed that I had fake parts installed. The geniuses were able to fix the part that had broken, but I still have an unauthorised hard drive in my MacBook—a ticking

广告 • 特辑

time bomb that slowly counts down the time until I need to replace it once again. So far, not much good has come out of the unauthorised Apple stores in these two instances, but only time will tell if legitimate Apple stores in China will create a demand for equally as legitimate small businesses. 随着苹果公司在中国大陆的第 30 家 零 售 店 开 门 纳 客, 让 人 想 起了那些近几年如雨后春笋般遍 地开花的其它“授权”专卖店。 Timothy 为大家分析这些“冒牌” 苹果专卖店的利弊。 近 几 年, 中 国 市 场 对 苹 果 产品的需求呈爆炸状态,但正品 供货渠道却仅局限于少数正版商 店,导致一批无授权的苹果店数 量疯涨。由于中美两国间在贸易 来往的诸多问题,不借助这些“假 冒”苹果商店,苹果产品似乎永

远都到不了中国市场。然而,最 近,苹果终于打通中国内地市场, 越来越多的苹果店开始开张营 业,青岛就刚开了一家。那么问 题来了:像青岛这样有正店的城 市,那些未经授权的专卖店和维 修店将何去何从?他们是否依然 有必要存在呢? 由于中美之间的知识产权冲 突,苹果在中国很难实现品牌的 调控管理。尽管如此,中国仍然 是世界上第二大苹果产品消费市 场——而这令人咋舌的销售数字 还不包括那些山寨苹果店卖出的 产品。内地这些冒牌“苹果专卖 店”通过各种渠道,低价拿到正 品苹果产品,转手销售给消费者。 未经授权的苹果商店最大的 盈利点是不用交税。因为他们的 苹果产品从香港或海外(避免进 口税)走私入境,而这部分销售 额无需报给政府。因此,假苹果 店能够打折出售他们的苹果产品

(如果你不要发票的话)。我的 一位朋友最近在这样的店里购买 了一台苹果笔记本电脑。因需要 报销而索要增值税发票时,商店 要求额外付 400 元的发票钱。但 官方苹果零售店似乎更贵,因为 官方售价均为含税价。 随着新的(真正的)苹果零 售店在中国开业, 这些规模小、 未经授权的店看似合理的盈利模 式已逐渐成为过去。而更严格的 法规则有可能把这些未授权商店 挤出市场。对于刚刚在看似服务 周到的商店购买假苹果配件的我 来说,我当然希望大家不会再深 受其害。也许通过新的授权分销 渠道,这些值得信赖的官方苹果 零售店能够得到更多保护,苹果 产品和零件也可以变得更加普遍。 未经授权的维修店同样用处 不大。上次,因为硬盘发生故障, 我便带着我的苹果笔记本电脑去 了一家我认为是“合法”的维修

Since men aren’t the only ones who flirt, there’s also “ liáo hàn zi” (“hàn zi" meaning man), which refers to when a girl flirts with a boy. These new words have a generally lighter tone than ones used before and have gradually become a part of everyday speech.

liáo mèi 撩妹 “Liáo mèi” went viral on China’s social media as the hot new phrase following the popularity of the Korean drama Descendants of the Sun in China and South Korea. In this show, the main character is a good-looking captain who knows how to court his girl. He’s considered an “expert flirt”, or “liáo mèi gāo shǒu” in Chinese. “Liáo" means “flirt”, and “mèi" means “girl”, so “liáo

mèi” literally means “flirt with a girl”. Since China traditionally does not have a dating culture, flirtation ( “ 调戏 tiáo xì” in Chinese) had a negative connotation as it referred to a man misbehaving with women. However, the popularity of modern TV dramas and the influence of Western culture over the years has changed people’s minds, and made “liáo mèi” more of a fun word to describe a man who is flirting.

近两个月来,“撩妹”也许 是最火的网络热词了。随着电视 剧《太阳的后裔》在中韩两国同 步播出,“撩妹”这个词也成了 各大媒体头条的常客。剧中,帅 气的男主角在追求女主角时各种 花式调戏,让其成为不折不扣的 “撩妹高手”。 “撩”有“调戏、戏弄”之意, 而“妹”指的是女孩儿,“撩妹” 两字合在一起,组成了“调戏女 孩儿”的专有名词——“撩妹”, 指男性通过向女性示好以求获取 女方芳心的过程。在过去, “调戏” 一词大多带有不怀好意、戏弄的 意思。随着各种影视剧的播出和 西方文化的影响,人们也渐渐地 在改变观点。“撩妹”不再是一


店,不抱任何希望能修好。当时, 苹果的授权店并没有开张,所以 我抱着试试看的心态去了。还好 没有让我失望,他们对零件进行 了质保,并立即进行了修理,但 事后我发现,他们还是给了我假 零件。换句话说,虽然零件保修, 但保修的却是假零件。 值得庆幸的是,我的苹果笔 记本里的假零件出现故障时,正 版苹果专卖店刚刚在万象城开业。 我带着我的电脑去见了真正的“苹 果天才”,却被告知电脑里安装 有假零件。天才们修复好坏了的 部分,但还是有个未授权的硬盘 在我的苹果电脑里——这根本就 是个定时炸弹,早晚我还得换掉 它。到目前为止,在以上两种情 况下,未授权的苹果店并没有什 么优势。在中国内地,合法的苹 果专卖店是否也能像普通店铺一 样遍地开花,也只能等待时间去 证实。

种不合适的调戏行为,而变成 了一种追求过程的情趣。 而今,“撩妹”在网络上 风靡一时,又衍生出了“撩汉 子”等新网络词汇,语气较为 轻松,已逐渐成为人们的日常 用语之一。

Example 例如: I don’t want to be single anymore. Please teach me how to flirt (liáo mèi), so I can find a girlfriend fast. 例句:我不想再单身了, 快教我一些撩妹技巧,让 我赶快找到女朋友。 wǒ bù xiǎng zài dān shēn le, kuài jiāo wǒ yì xiē liáo mèi jì qiǎo, ràng wǒ gǎn kuài zhǎo dào nǚ pénɡ you.

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/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

Live Streaming




Everyone is jumping on the live streaming bandwagon, from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg who recently added this feature to his website used by over 900 million people worldwide to an Air China pilot who thought it would be a good idea to live stream from the cockpit (guess which one is no longer employed). Ashley Fornaro reviews some popular live streaming sights for you to peruse when boredom sets in at the office.

现在,人人都在追逐直播 的快车,不管是把这一功 能开放给平台上 9 亿用 户的“脸谱”总裁马克· 扎克伯格,还是“斗胆” 直播驾驶舱的国航飞行员 ( 目 测 此 人 已 失 业 ), 人 们对直播的热情只增不 减。 为 此,Ashley 给 大 家介绍眼下几个最受欢 迎的直播网站,给你无聊 的办公室生活添点乐趣。


Space 看地球

Las Vegas Weddings 看赌城婚礼

If you’re having some problems at work, put everything into perspective by watching a live stream of Earth from the International Space Station. You can watch the astronauts when they’re on-duty or video of Earth. Having just read the Chinese sci-fi bestseller The Three Body Problem, I’m only half joking when I say I’m waiting for aliens to appear. Seriously though, there is something majestic and humbling about this live stream.

Calvary Chapel Las Vegas is actually a church where they live stream sermons—but after a few more minutes of surfing the web I found the jackpot—Viva Las Vegas Weddings. On Viva’s website you can tune into those other Las Vegas chapels and catch a live shotgun wedding! Pop open a bottle of champagne or pop some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the Elvis Presley impersonator read the new couple their vows.

工作烦躁的时候,换个视角,从国际太空站上看地球直播 不失为一个转移注意的好方法。你不仅可以在该网站上看到地 球的高清无码直播,还可以看到宇航员值勤的画面。我能说刚 刚读完中国科幻畅销小说《三体》的我,随时都在期待外星人 的出现吗?话说回来,看着地球在眼前直播,让人不由地产生 一种对宇宙的敬畏感。


拉斯维加斯的小基督教堂也有直播,在网上搜索几分钟后, 我便找到了一个赌城婚礼网络直播直通车——只要登录 http://,你就可以随意调出各 个赌城小教堂的视频,观看正在举行婚礼的新婚夫妇们!开一 瓶香槟,或者微波些爆米花,找个舒服的姿势,你就可以欣赏 山寨“猫王”给新人证婚了!

广告 • 特辑

Pandas 看熊猫 The famous Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is a popular destination to visit China’s national treasures. If you haven’t been able to make the trip yourself, or after visiting you find yourself in need of another hit of cuteness, check out their website to live stream these adorably lazy creatures. There are ten live streams to choose from, including six that feature baby pandas. Watch the babies romp around or the adults lazily chomp down seemingly endless amounts of bamboo. Since we’re all living in the same time zone, the pandas are awake when you are! 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地是近距离观赏国宝熊猫的最佳 宝地。要是你还没有机会去那里亲眼见见熊猫,或者是看过它 们之后总是忍不住想起这些毛茸茸的小可爱,不如去熊猫频道 看看吧,那里有这些小家伙的直播视频。熊猫频道 上共有 10 条直播线,其中 6 条是直播小熊猫的日常生活。你 不仅能看到小熊猫在草地上打滚儿,还能看到大熊猫们不停地 吃竹子。好消息是,因为我们和熊猫们生活在同一个时区,所 以你起床的时候,熊猫们也都醒了,睁开双眼你就可以看到这 些小可爱们了!


Abbey Road 看粉丝在艾比路上胡闹

Crossing the street in China can be so traumatic, who knew I would find it hilarious to watch tourists obliviously reenact The Beatles' famous album cover while motorists blare their horns and swerve. Unfortunately Abbey Road is currently undergoing a bit of construction, but the tourists haven’t seemed to have gotten the memo. 在中国过马路总是让人很受伤,谁知道我还能在网上找到 这个鬼马直播网站,看一群游客怎么在披头士乐队拍过专辑封 面照的艾比路(Abbey Road)上模仿偶像,而路上的摩托车 骑手只得狂按喇叭急转弯。虽然艾比路最近正在整修,但游客 们似乎还不知道这件事,还是乐此不疲地在路上“致敬”偶像。

Amateur Hour 看网红

From the bizarre to the slightly pornographic, is a Chinese website where anyone with a microphone can broadcast to thousands of viewers. In just a few short minutes on I watched a cross dresser heckling people, a white guy rapping Eminem (3,797 viewers), break dancers, a young woman swinging from a rope suspended from the ceiling in nude-coloured clothing, and a number of Chinese girls with giant eyes singing and flirting with their viewers in childlike coos and revealing clothing. If mind numbing entertainment is what you’re after, delivers. YY 直播,这个任何人都可以做直播的中文直播网,里面有 各种各样的直播达人——有人直播唱歌,有人直播相声,有人 直播舞蹈,还有人直播脱口秀,画风之鬼畜,令人倍感凌乱。 我登陆网站才不过几分钟,就看到一个异装癖者对着镜头诘问 观众,还有个白人强暴“阿姆”(埃米纳姆),光这条直播就 有 3,797 个观众。我还看到有人在直播霹雳舞,有个年轻女孩 身着裸色衣服,在屋子里荡秋千;甚至还有很多画着大眼妆的 女孩,身着暴露的衣服,和观众们撒娇调情。要是你也对这样 无脑的娱乐感兴趣,就点击登录 吧。

Gaming 看游戏 Video gamers are so obsessed with gaming that it’s now in vogue to watch live streams of other people playing video games. At any given moment, hundreds of thousands of gamers are tuned in watching DOTA, League of Legends, or Call of Duty. I personally don’t get the appeal, but then again I only ever liked playing Mario Kart. 爱打游戏的人们对游戏的痴迷有目共睹,所以看别人打游 戏也变得流行起来。随时随地,网络上都有成百上千的游戏爱 好者在津津有味地观看别人打刀塔、英雄联盟和使命召唤。我 个人是不明白这些游戏直播的乐趣在哪儿,不过对于只爱玩儿 马里奥赛车的我来说,不懂游戏迷们的点也是在情理之中。




/ EVENTS // 广告 • 活动 MON
















Lecture by Pieter Fleury, Dutch documentary film director Beijing Film Academy Modern Creative Media College

Zhou Hui Concert 7:30pm Grand Theatre 周蕙演唱会 青岛大剧院

Mother’s Day Special Performance — Lullabies to Mom 7:30pm Grand Theatre

荷兰纪录片导演Pieter Fleury 讲座 北京电影学院现代创意 媒体学院

《青岛大剧院•亲子系列演 出——母亲节专场“献给 妈妈的摇篮曲”》 青岛大剧院







The Lost Tomb 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Dutch Bicycle Experience Hisense Plaza

Violin Lecture 7:30pm Grand Theatre

荷兰自行车体验装置 海信广场

Music Concert by The Juilliard School 7:30pm Grand Theatre

QAIS Family Fun Run Hyatt Regency Qingdao

盗墓笔记 青岛大剧院

Russian Classic Comedy -- I Love Office 7:30pm Grand Theatre

俄罗斯经典喜剧《办公室 的故事》 青岛大剧院

茱莉亚音乐学院弦乐钢 琴音乐会 青岛大剧院

QAIS家庭跑 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店

Charity Drama -- The Little Prince 2:30pm Ocean University Theatre

《从琴房里到舞台上 柴亮小提琴专场讲座》 青岛大剧院

慈善话剧《小王子》 海洋大学剧场(崂山 校区)




Disco PerformanceTodes 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Qingdao Family and Education Fair 10am-4pm Creative 100

Nihao Europe, Italian Dinner Nights 7pm Muranos, Crowne Plaza Hotel

魅惑极限TODES—俄罗 斯托迪斯舞蹈团中国巡演 青岛大剧院

2016首届青岛家庭&教 育展览会 创意100

哈罗欧洲意大利美食之夜 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店

Super Family Fun Day 10:30am YCIS 超级英雄家庭日 青岛耀中国际学校

Charity Drama--- The Little Prince 2:30pm SoBook Theatre 慈善话剧《小王子》 如是剧场 Photo © David Yao





Nihao Europe, Italian Dinner Nights 7pm Milano Restaurant

Nihao Europe, Italian Dinner Nights 7pm San Marco, Haiqing Hotel

Nihao Europe, Italian Dinner Nights 7pm Italiano Doc, Intercontinental Hotel

Van Gogh @Ginkgo Gallery 7pm Ginkgo Gallery

哈罗欧洲意大利美食之夜 青岛海情大酒店

哈罗欧洲意大利美食之夜 青岛海尔洲际酒店

哈罗欧洲意大利美食之夜 米兰诺意大利西餐厅

梵高@嘉木 嘉木美术馆

“I See You” Photo Exhibition SoBook “遇见·友人”摄影展 如是书店

31 Children’s Day Performance 7:30pm Grand Theatre 崂山实验小学庆六一演出 青岛大剧院

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广告 • 活动


Dreamscape Rock 惘闻 25 May // 8:30pm // Downtown Bar 5 月 25 日 // 晚 8 点半 // 裆烫吧

QAIS Family Fun Run QAIS 趣味家庭跑 14 May // 10am-1pm // Hyatt Regency Qingdao 5 月 14 日 // 早 10 点至下午 1 点 // 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 The 4th Annual QAIS Family Fun Run will be held Saturday, 14 May from 10am to 1pm at Hyatt Regency Qingdao! We’ll meet on the Hyatt’s seaside lawn, put on our free event t-shirts, and set off on a 5km by-anymeans run along Qingdao’s beautiful seaside boardwalk, past the sculpture garden and tidal pools, and back to the lawn at the Hyatt for games, food, and performances. Bring your scooter, bicycle, stroller, or running shoes; move at your own pace, or j ust enjoy the community on a Saturday morning. Over the past three years, the QAIS Family Fun Run has been a favourite Qingdao community event, bringing together hundreds of families for a gorgeous, fun-filled morning by the sea. Lunch concessions are provided by Hyatt, and there’s a raffle featuring trips, five-star dining, and hotel stays! The event is free and open to Qingdao’s international families. Please register at:

qais-family-fun-run. We look forward to seeing you at the Hyatt on Saturday, 14 May! 第四届青岛美亚国际学校 (QAIS)年度家庭跑活动,将于 5 月 14 日(周六)在青岛鲁商凯 悦酒店举办!届时,参赛家庭可 以一起聚集在酒店的海边草坪上, 穿上免费的活动 T 恤,沿着青岛 最美丽的海滨木栈道开始这场 5 公里长的慢跑。途中会穿过雕塑 园、潮汐湖,然后折回到酒店, 一起做做游戏,享受美食佳酿, 欣赏精彩演出。你也可以带上你 的滑板车、自行车、婴儿车来一 场趣味跑。不必在意名次,重要 的是和家人们一起享受周末美好 时光。 三 年 以 来,QAIS 家 庭 跑 一 直 深 受 大 家 的 喜 爱, 召 集 了 很 多家庭一起在海边享受生活的 快乐。青岛鲁商凯悦酒店将会提 供 午 餐, 并 安 排 了 抽 奖 活 动, 有机会赢得酒店餐券及住宿券 等。 活 动 面 向 所 有 青 岛 国 际 家 庭, 不 收 取 任 何 费 用。 请 登 录 进 行 报 名。 期待到时和您相见!

The radiated, apocalyptic, and disorienting sounds of postrock is alive and well with China’s own Wang Wen. Known as China’s hardest-working Indie band, Wang Wen has released an astonishing seven studio albums since 2002, one split vinyl with a Swedish instrumental band, PG.LOST, and has toured across China and Europe. Their discography includes a variety of vocal and instrumental tracks. A mix of English and Chinese, Wang Wen’s linguistic diversity is one of the reasons they are wellreceived across many crowds. The real magic of their mix of melancholic cacophonies comes from their live performances, which are said to be intense experiences. Wang Wen’s distinct music derives itself from the droning sounds of Velvet

Underground and art rock like The Refused. Even through the chaos, they still weave a unique dreamscape sound that’s truly worth recognition. Timothy Ulrich 后 摇 迷 离、 梦 幻、 扭 曲 的 声音在中国乐队惘闻身上表现得 淋漓尽致。作为一支中国独立乐 队,惘闻十分高产,自 2002 年 以 来, 共 发 行 了 7 张 专 辑。 同 时,乐队也与瑞典著名后摇滚乐 队 Pg.Lost 跨国合作,发行了一 张合作黑胶唱片。 他们的歌曲风格多样,人声 和纯乐器均有涉猎。另外,中英 双语歌词也让惘闻赢得了更多的 追随者。复合嘈杂的声音在他们 的现场演出中完全爆发出来,带 给歌迷一场难得的盛会。惘闻乐 队借鉴了地下丝绒乐队低沉的靡 靡 之 音 以 及 Refused 的 艺 术 摇 滚,极好地把二者融为一体,尽 管有些噪闹,但其辨识度极高的 声音仍会令你欲罢不能。

A thousand person party housing hundreds of artists. Dozens of shows and exhibitions await you. The Independent Art Festival 2016. See you on 9 June. 一场千人艺术大趴体 , 百余艺人齐聚现场 , 数十组演出和视觉展 尽在 2016 年几何聚相独立艺术节。6 月 9 日,我们不见不散!


/ EVENTS // 广告 • 活动

Celtic Music Concert

Multimedia 3D Stage Play - The Lost Tomb I


多媒体 3D 舞台剧《盗墓笔记Ⅰ》

15 May // 4pm // Hyatt Regency Qingdao

10 May // 7:30pm // Grand Theatre

5 月 15 日 // 下午 4 点 // 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店

5 月 10 日 // 晚 7 点半 // 青岛大剧院

Discover Celtic music on 15 May at the Qingdao Hyatt Regency Hotel. There will be a live concert featuring two bands, Touldrouz and BHT, both hailing from the Brittany region of France. The night will start off with games for both kids and adults, followed by dinner. The dinner will include some Breton specialties. Dancers will be there as well to liven up the night. Composed of six musicians and singers, Touldrouz is a group of traditional Celtic circle dancers. Joining them is BHT, a Breton electro music band. Their musical style is the result of a fusion between a beatmaker and some famous Breton musicians including some wellknown bagpipe bands. Entrance (concert+dinner): adults:140RMB; students: 75RMB; children under 12: 70RMB; children under 6: free. Please register before 10 May by emailing: christelle.rouault@bcr.


从布列塔尼而来的造声又袋 (Touldrouz) 乐 队 和 BHT 乐 队 将 在青岛鲁商凯悦大酒店共同举办 一场凯尔特人音乐会。演出还设 置了一些亲子游戏,活动含布列 塔尼特色食品。同时 , 一对来自 布列塔尼的舞者会带领您舞蹈 , 尽情享受这个夜晚。 “Touldrouz” 乐 队 由 6 位 音乐家和歌手组成 , 乐队专注于 圆圈舞。他们的音乐混合了简单 的音乐、充满活力的歌曲以及游 戏 , 使舞者能最大限度的通过使 用技巧和风格来展示布列塔尼舞 蹈。BHT 乐队是布列塔尼的一支 电子乐团,融合了布列塔尼地一 位节奏制作人和一些著名的音乐 家的风格,所有成员都是知名的 风笛演奏者、乐队成员 , 并经常 在大区的顶级音乐比赛中获奖。 入场费 ( 音乐会 + 晚餐 ) : 成 人 : 140 元,学生 : 75 元, 6-12 岁 : 70 元;6 岁以下 : 免费。 请于 5 月 10 日前发送邮件 至 : cn 进行报名。

Fifty years ago, a group of graverobbers from Changsha all died after finding a silk manuscript in a grave. Fifty year later, Wu Xie, a descendant of one of the grave-robbers accidentally found a fragment of the original silk manuscript and took it for a treasure map. Wu Xie gathered Sanshu, Men Youping, Panzi and Dakui and hit the road in search of treasure and this elusive grave. Unexpectedly strange things happen to them along their journey. Who is the owner of the grave? Can they find the treasures they are longing for? Come to the theatre to find out for yourself!

unprecedented theatre-going experience you won’t want to miss! Jasper Zhai

After the novel The Lost Tomb was first released, it quickly won millions of fans around the world. Now the novel is taking over the big stage! The incorporation of 3D technology and other special effects make you feel like you’re part of the action in this modern production. This is an

亿万粉丝,千万销量,百万 制作,网络神作《盗墓笔记》终 现舞台。此剧运用了大量的 3D 舞台技术,让你身临其境,和主 角们一起感受盗墓中的惊险和刺 激,给你一场绝无仅有的视觉体 验。盗墓中遇到的僵尸粽子、妖 魔鬼怪,以及其它灵异事物都将 会通过 3D 技术呈现在舞台上。 精彩演出,千万不要错过。

五十年前,一群长沙土夫子 因为挖到一部战国帛书,几乎全 部丧命。五十年后,当年土夫子 的后人吴邪意外获得一块帛书的 碎片,发现竟是古墓地图。于是, 他和一群经验丰富的冒险者—— 霸气的三叔、神秘的闷油瓶、干 练的潘子、睿智的大奎前去寻宝。 但谁也没有想到,这个古墓中竟 然有着许多诡异的事物,刺激的 冒险就此开始!神秘的墓主究竟 是谁?他们到底能不能找到真正 的宝藏?每个人背后又隐藏着什 么样的秘密?够胆,就来《盗墓 笔记》中寻找答案吧。

广告 • 活动



/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游

Living Bridges 桥上的勃勃生机 Christopher Law journeyed deep into the jungles of India to visit the famed living bridges of Meghalaya.

Christopher 在印度丛林走

了一遭,见证了梅加拉亚 邦广负盛名的树根桥梁。

Photo © Christopher Law


n 2011, watching the BBC documentary Human Plant, I first saw the living root bridges of Meghalaya. Of all the incredible places and people featured in this series, it was this that really amazed me. I wished that one day I would be able to see it for myself. Meghalaya is not an especially easy place to get to, however. After flying to Kolkata, and a combination of trains, busses, jeeps, and walking, it was four days before I saw a living root bridge. The Indian Railways are worth the journey alone. My neighbours in the carriage included a Bhutanese gentleman returning home to his family for the new year celebrations, a group of Assamese women accompanying their daughters to a dance competition, and a middle aged Brit travelling overland to Bangkok. The twentyfour hour journey passed by quickly in a mix of friendly conversation, endless cups of


tea, and the constant procession of vendors selling everything from lemon squeezers to back scratchers.

In these particular valleys, the Khasi people have perfected the art of living root bridge building over generations.

Meghalaya—meaning “abode of the clouds”— is an appropriately named place that has one of the highest recorded rainfalls on earth. Living root bridges are found in the southern part of the state, in the East Khasi hills. The Khasi people who live here are a predominantly Christian, matrilineal society—a culture quite distinct from the plains of India.

Reaching the bridges means hiking down to the bottom of these ravines. From the last bus stop, a path wound through the jungle, occasionally punctuated by scenes of village life: Children playing under a water pump, chickens running underfoot, and groups of elderly Khasi men smoking ‘bidis’ under the shade of a tree. After an hour, I reached the river and caught my first sight of a living root bridge.

The town of Sohra sits on the top of the moors of the East Khasi Hills, overlooking the plains of Bangladesh, and on a clear day you can see the wide rivers snaking through towards the Bay of Bengal. Deep ravines cut through the moorland with sheer cliffs over which, during the monsoon season, waterfalls thunder into the jungle below.

The bridges are constructed from the roots of banyan fig trees. Bridge builders train the roots to grow across the river, eventually anchoring them on the opposite bank. Once the main spans are connected, the body is strengthened by weaving together more roots to form a walkway. As the tree

广告 • 旅游

ages, the roots thicken, and so the bridge becomes rigid and stable. One of the most remarkable examples is the double-decker bridge in the village of Nogriat. The lower deck has been in place for more than two-hundred years according to the tea seller who also took 20 rupees (about 2 yuan) to cross the bridge. The upper span was much younger, although constructed from the same tree. The final roots were still being trained across, guided through the centre of a betel palm trunk. Even in such a remarkable and remote place, I was still able to enjoy some of the comforts of home. An elderly couple sold tea and biscuits by the river—just like afternoon tea back home. I stayed in the village for several days at Serene Homestay—a place that truly deserves its name. Run by a former teacher, Biron, this place was the perfect escape


from city life. The terrace of his house looked out across the clouded jungle valley, framed by the trunks of betel nut palms. Biron prepared banana flowers and collected wild pepper from the jungle, while his children sang along to Frozen on their television. The jungle left a particular impression on me, both mental and physical. Walking back to the village in the evening, a small caterpillar fell on the back of my neck. It quickly became unbearably itchy, and a night of vomiting was followed by a fever that left me in bed for a day. Throughout this, Biron took care of me like a father by bringing me medicine from the town and taking me eggs and hot water—even tidying my messy bedroom. He said that in order to recover my health, I must be in a beautiful environment. The Khasi people of Sohra left me with a

renewed respect for the ability of people to work harmoniously with their environment. In a society that values short-term profits above all, the patience of people who must wait generations for their bridges to grow demands to be taken notice of. From the Khasi people, we can learn how to interact gracefully with our surroundings and consider the long term impact of our actions on the environment.


/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游


011 年, 我 在 英 国 广 播 电 视 台 (BBC)的纪录片《人类星球》中, 第一次看到了梅加拉亚邦的树根 桥。虽然《人类星球》系列纪录片 中报道了很多世界奇观,但唯独树根桥令我 印象深刻。当时我便立下志愿,希望有一天, 我能亲眼看到这些活着的桥梁。然而,要亲 身前往梅加拉亚邦可并不容易,我首先飞到 了加尔各答,在那边转了火车、汽车、吉普车, 又走了好几公里,终于在四天后看到了我心 心念念的树根桥。

西族,信仰基督教,属母系社会——这和印 度主体社会的文化十分不同。 乞拉朋齐小镇位于东卡西山之巅,俯瞰 孟加拉国的广袤平原,天气晴朗的时候,你 可以看到宽广的河流在一望无际的平原上蜿 蜒曲折,流向孟加拉海湾。河流将沼泽地割 裂开来,形成了独具特色的峡谷地貌。每当 雨季来临,河流水量迅速变大,如瀑布般一 泻千里,流入峡谷丛林之中。世代生活在东 卡西山的人们在这些峡谷中,利用天然的树 木,编制了令人称奇的树根桥。

印度的火车本身就是一景。车厢里,我 身边围绕着各种各样的乘客,有赶着回家过 年的不丹男人,也有陪女儿们参加舞蹈比赛 的阿萨姆女人,还有走陆路去曼谷的英国人。 在火车上,时间过得飞快,24 小时的旅程就 在谈笑和饮茶间匆匆而过。期间,不停地有 小贩挤在来往的乘客中,兜售千奇百怪的各 种东西,从柠檬榨汁机,到挠痒痒的“不求人”, 什么都有。

想要亲眼看到树根桥,意味着我必须爬 到这些峡谷底部。从巴士下车之后,我沿着 林中小路一直向前,途中偶尔停下来欣赏印 度乡村的风景。我看到孩子们在水泵下嬉戏 玩耍,脚下时不时有小鸡窜来窜去,一群卡 西族老人在树下抽着当地一种名为“bidis” 的烟。一个小时后,我终于到达河边,亲眼 看到了令我魂牵梦萦的树根桥。

梅加拉亚邦,意为“云层的住所”,因 年降水量世界第一而得名。而用树根编制出 的树根桥(living bridge)主要在梅加拉亚邦 南部的东卡西山附近。东卡西山居民多为卡

“树根桥”由当地人用辅助工具引导树 木向特定方向生长而成。他们将槟榔树干挖 空,将新长出不久的印度橡胶树树根用槟榔 树干包起来。随后,树根慢慢生长,从水面

经过,抵达另一端,在泥土中生根发芽。届时, 横贯河面的树根在自然环境下生长,最终造 出一座天然的树根桥,美丽、坚实、耐用。 其中,最令人称奇的,当属 Nogriat 村的 双层树根桥了。两层桥高度不一,较低的那层, 据桥边卖茶的老人(他花了两卢布过桥费才 得以过桥)透漏,是棵有两百多年树龄的树。 而较高的那层,则比较年轻,虽然它也是从 同样的树木上引建而来的。此外,人们依然 在培养引导树根剩下的一部分,让它们通过 一个槟榔树,来向对岸延伸。就算是在如此 偏远的郊区,我还是享受到如家一般的惬意 午后,因为桥边老人卖的茶和饼干,就和英 国的下午茶一样。 我在村里的 Serene Homestay 旅社 ( “安 静之家”)待了几日,那里“屋如其名”, 是个非常安静美丽的地方。屋主 Biron 之前是 名教师,所以把这个地方打造成了完美的逃 离城市之所。从房子的阳台上,你可以眺望 远方云雾缭绕的山谷,它们掩映在层层叠嶂 的棕榈树之间,神秘而美丽。在 Biron 收拾香 蕉花和采集野山椒的时候,他的孩子们则对 着电视上的《冰雪奇缘》主题曲,一起哼唱。 这一趟旅行,印度的丛林给我的身体和 心理都留下了深刻的印象。夜晚时分,从树 林里走回村子的时候,一只毛毛虫落在了我 的背上,顿时奇痒难耐。整个晚上,我都在 呕吐和发烧中度过,第二天又在床上躺了一 天。经过这场意外,Biron 像父亲一样精心地 照料着我,不仅为我从镇上买来了药,还给 我煮了鸡蛋和热水——甚至还帮我整理了凌 乱的床铺。他说,为了能让我早日康复,我 必须待在干净整洁的环境中。 乞拉朋齐卡西人与自然的和谐共生令我 印象深刻,敬意油然而生。现代社会,人们 往往都只追求眼前的利益,不会像他们一样, 有足够的耐心,花上几代人的时间,来建造 一座桥梁。从卡西人身上,我们能够学到如 何尊重自然,如何与我们周围的环境长期和 谐共处。


广告 • 青岛餐饮

Photo © Mango_Junling


beer, or if you really want to go all out, try their Loppers Meat Platter which features succulent pork knuckle, sausages, and pork ribs. Whether you’re out for dinner or just a drink, Malèna’s food and drink menus compliment each other so well, it’s hard not to indulge in both. Ashley Fornaro 位于海情大酒店二楼的比利时餐吧玛莲娜, 有着独一无二的啤酒精选。阅读下文,你会 知道为什么这是我们最近最爱逛的酒吧。

QD’S BEST BEER SELECTION IS AT MALÈNA 玛莲娜 : 岛城精选啤酒餐厅 Offering an unparalleled beer selection, Malèna, a Belgian beer bar and restaurant conveniently located in Haiqing Hotel, is the new favourite establishment of the REDSTAR team. Here's why.


ine years ago, Terry opened a small café in Jinan and named it after the famous Italian movie Malèna. From the beginning, everything came from Terry’s imagination and hard work—he even made the gelato himself. Now that Malèna has grown into two successful, large restaurants and bars, Terry no longer makes the gelato himself. Not to worry, however: Malèna still offers a rotation of around 20 different flavours of amazing homemade gelato and so much more at their spacious Qingdao location.

Leffe, Duvel, Chimay, and Delirium Tremens—is served in its own unique glass. If their seemingly endless beer options overwhelm you, don’t hesitate to ask one of the waiters for a recommendation—they haven’t steered me wrong yet. Belgian beer is fantastically food-friendly, and Malèna serves up an authentic menu of European favourites, including Belgian classics like their fresh and flavourful mussels. They also offer a wide range of Italian dishes. Their 12-inch thin crust pizzas come out of the brick oven smelling heavenly and are great for sharing. There’s a huge selection to choose from including Quattro Formaggi, Chicken Rome, Italian Sausage, and more.

Where Malèna really shines nowadays is their variety of Belgian beer. The staff offer excellent western-style service as they expertly pour 44 different kinds of bottled beer, not to mention the other 7 beers they have rotating on tap. The staff at Malèna is dedicated to creating the ideal beer drinking experience. In order to accentuate the appearance, flavour, and aroma of the beers, every brand of beer at Malèna—21 brands, to be exact including


年 前,Terry 在 观 看 了 电 影《 西 西 里 的 美丽传说》后,深受启发,在济南开了 一间咖啡馆,命名为“玛莲娜”。从那 时开始,关于玛莲娜的所有幻想,开始经由 Terry 的手,一一变为现实,他甚至自己亲手 做起了意式冰淇淋!现在,玛莲娜已经拥有两 家非常受欢迎的的餐吧,而 Terry 也有了专门 的人来做冰淇淋。不过,不用担心,玛莲娜宽 阔温馨的店内仍有 20 种不同风味的意大利手 工冰淇淋,供您随时品尝。 要说玛莲娜的特色,就不得不提她家品种 丰富的比利时啤酒了。玛莲娜共有 44 种不同的 瓶装啤酒,和 7 种不同种类的新鲜扎啤可供选择。 玛莲娜尽其最大的努力,带给岛城人民 最佳的饮酒体验。为了让大家全面感受啤酒 的色、香、味,在玛莲娜,21 个品牌的啤酒, 包 括 莱 福 啤 酒 (Leffe)、 杜 威 啤 酒 ( Duvel)、 智 美 啤 酒 (Chimay)、 粉 象 啤 酒 (Delirium Tremen) 等,将用不同的酒杯盛装。要是你 觉得啤酒的品种太多,让你眼花缭乱的话, 你大可让酒保们给你介绍一款适合你的啤 酒——这招百试不爽,到目前为止,他们介 绍给我的啤酒都还未令我失望过! 比利时啤酒非常适合配餐,因此,在玛莲 娜,你还可以品尝到各种正宗的欧洲风味美食, 包括经典的比利时莳萝蔬菜煮紫贻贝、意大利 面和拿波里披萨。他们的 12 寸披萨,在石砌 的壁炉中烤制,不仅香味四溢,而且十分适合 分享。此外,披萨的种类也很多,有四种芝士 披萨、罗马鸡肉披萨、夏威夷披萨、海鲜披萨、 意大利香肠披萨等等,任你自由选择。 喝到酒足饭饱之时,是时候来点玛莲娜的 零食了。他们新鲜烤制的椒盐卷饼和奶香浓郁 的面包棒都是啤酒的绝配。要是这还不能满足 你的话,不如点上一盘伐木工综合烤肉拼盘, 里面有德国猪肘、优选香肠、秘制猪肋排等等, 定能给你一场华丽的肉食盛宴。

If you’ve already filled up on beer—and it’s hard not to—sample Malèna’s snacks. Their fresh-baked pretzels, and buttery, crisp Italian breadsticks pair well with their

Address: 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Dong Hai Zhong Lu, Shinan 地址:市南区东海中路 11 号 海情大酒店 2 楼

Phone 电话 : 6678-0099


/ FOOD & DRINK // 广告 • 青岛餐饮

Photo © Mango_Junling

SPICY & SPICIER 辣味湘菜,越吃越辣 Christina Cao introduces you to China’s other spicy food—Hunan cuisine. Sichuan food has stolen the spotlight from lesser-known and slightly less spicy yet still delicious Hunan cuisine. Although they both have the ability to set your mouth ablaze, they do so in different ways. First, the look. Sichuan food both looks and tastes spicy. On the surface, red chilli peppers, oily broth, and Chinese pricklypepper-like herbs called huā jiāo ( 花椒 ) make Sichuan food look terrifying. Hunan cuisine looks deceivingly light and fresh— but don’t be fooled by its “innocent look”— Hunan food has a bite. While Sichuan food leaves you with a hot and numb feeling, Hunan food is purely spicy without the much-feared numbing effect, but watch out because the spiciness grows on you. The first bite feels okay, but the more you eat, the spicier the food gets until your mouth is on fire—or until you start guzzling some of the sweet plum juice that is often served complimentary at Hunan restaurants for just this very reason. I visited a Hunan restaurant in CBD Wanda Plaza called “Memories of Mao”( 毛家憶 ), named after China’s beloved leader Mao


Zedong who was born in Hunan. Featuring Mao’s favourite food and decorated with pictures of him, this restaurant features a huge selection of Hunan dishes, from steamed sticky rice wrapped short ribs to all kinds of dry-pot stir-fried dishes including chicken flavoured tofu with sweet red peppers. Their signature dish, the Double-pepper Fish Head, comes in a split dish with two fish heads seasoned differently: one with red chilli peppers and the other with wild peppers. The fish tasted tender and most importantly, the peppers did not take away from the fish’s original flavour, so you can still savour the freshness of the fish while also enjoying the taste of the peppers. Christina 给 大 家 介 绍 另 一 种 辣 味 中 餐 菜 系——湖南菜。 提起辣味中餐,人们往往首先会联想到 川菜。但其实,湖南菜(或湘菜)也同样辛 辣可口。虽然两种菜系均以辛辣著称,但辣 的方式却截然不同。 川菜的辣,辣在菜色上。从外表看,川 菜多有辣椒、花椒覆于菜品表面,配以浓油 的汤做底,所以看起来就辛辣无比。然而, 湘菜的辣,却多辣在菜中,有些菜甚至看起 来一点都不辣——但是,你可千万别被它们

“小清新”的外表所蒙蔽,它们可是能让你 辣出眼泪来。 川菜的辣,多为麻辣,食后让人唇齿发麻。 而湘菜的辣,则是纯粹的辣,它们可一点都 不麻。需要注意的是,比起一下子辣到底的 川菜,湘菜的后劲十足,越吃越辣。吃第一 口的时候,你觉得不算辣,但越往后,辣味 会越来越强,直到最后你觉得自己嘴巴都要 着火了!这个时候,不用担心,喝点湖南菜 馆里专供的酸梅汤吧,它们可是有减缓辣味 的奇效。 说了这么多,究竟在哪里能吃到正宗的 湘菜呢?由于中国人民的好主席毛泽东是湖 南人,所以我这次去了位于延吉路万达一家 名为“毛家憶”的毛主席主题湘菜馆。店里 挂满了毛主席的照片,菜单上有毛主席最喜 爱的家乡菜和一些湖南特色菜,从远近闻名 的臭豆腐、粉蒸排骨,到各色干锅热炒,包 括干锅茶树菇、干锅芦笋,捆鸡大红椒等, 应有尽有。 其中,店内的特色菜“双椒鱼头”令我 印象深刻。他们将鱼头一分为二,分别盛放 在双拼盘子的两侧,用酱红椒和野山椒分别 入味,尝起来虽然辛辣爽口,却不失其鲜美 的鱼味。

Address 地址 : 4F-10, CBD Wanda Plaza, 112 Yanji Lu 延吉路 112 号 CBD 万达 4 层 10 号 Phone 电话 : 186 6980-3671

广告 • 青岛餐饮


TOP 100

138 Art (138 yìshù xī cāntīng) B1, East wing of Lida Mall, 18 Qinling Lu (5878-2652) 138艺

Beijing 京味 Quan Ju De Beijing Roasted Duck (quán jùdéběi jīng kǎo yādiàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6677-7308) 全聚德北京烤鸭店 香港中路12号丰

7 Senses Located in the popular Tai Gu Square, 7 Senses is a modern three story bakery that actively tries to make café dining in Qingdao a classy experience. Their baked goods stand out from the standard fare. 136 Zhangzhou Lu (82838283) 漳州路136号 B1 Hisense PLaza (8282-0088)



Cantonese & Dim Sum

Café Mokka (mòkǎ kāfēi) 38-7 Daming Lu (Taidong Pedestrian Square) (8380-7317, 83807318) 莫卡咖啡 大名路38-7 210 2/F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (6606-1178) 澳门路86号

Din Tai Fung (dǐng tài fēng) Din Tai Fung specialises in delicious gourmet steamed dumplings. Stylishly upmarket with a touch of class, it’s a great place to take important out of town visitors or that special someone. You can even view the kitchen staff making dumplings through a transparent window. 118, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1319) 鼎泰丰 澳门路88号奥帆

This guide represents our readers’ and editors’ top 100 picks and includes some REDSTAR advertisers. Want to have a say in picking the best of Qingdao? To voice your opinion, send the name and location of your favourite place, as well as your review, to our REDSTAR WeChat account (redstarqd or scan the QR code below).

火锅 澳门路88号 百丽广场负1层


Haidilao Hotpot (hǎi dǐlāo) 2F, Darling Habour, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8631) 海底捞火锅燕儿岛路1

红星TOP100汇集了红星编辑 的热心推荐、红星的固定广 告商、以及最重要的,红星的 忠实读者们的想法!想让你心 仪的餐厅上榜,就为它写推荐 吧!请将您的餐厅酒吧推荐信 息(餐厅名、餐厅地址及推荐 理由)发送至红星微信平台, 助你心爱的餐厅上榜吧!(扫 二维码轻松关注红星微信)


Huangjihuang (huáng jìhuáng chuàng yìsān zhī huǒ guō) 107 Jiangxi Lu (8596-9555) 黄记煌创 意三汁火锅 江西路107号

Kao Xi Yu Fang (kǎo xī yú fāng) 107 Jiangxi Lu (8596-9555) 烤昔鱼坊 江西路107号 Weishuwu (wèi shǔwú) L557, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (137 0895-9828) 味蜀吾 山东路10号万象城 L557

Shandong 鲁菜 China Gongshe (zhōngguó gōngshè) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8077-6776) 中国公社 闽江三 路8号

Grandma’s Home (wài pó jiā) L515, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5377) 外婆家 山东路10号万 象城L515

Teahouses 茶室



TRAST ( TRAST yáng tái ba) This homely café is not your run of the mill place. TRAST is very minimalist, seeming more like a living room environment than a shop. They make their own flavoured ice cream from fruit and do the best milkshakes in QD. 257, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6606-1387) TRAST阳台吧 澳门

Delicious Hotpot (qiān wèi shuàn) L470, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5982) 千味涮 山东路10号


=english menu

Pinecone Dessert (sōng guǒ tián pǐn) Rm103, Yi 40, Daxue Lu (185 5325-6939) 松果甜品 大学路

Hotpot 火锅

Shanghai & Regions

Find ALL of Qingdao’s restaurants, bars & clubs online at our WeChat account! 关注红星微信账号,轻松在线查询 岛城餐厅、酒吧及夜生活资讯!

Namu (sēn kā fēi) 91-1 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8096-1516) 森咖啡 城阳区长

水饺 漳州二路39号


Sense Courtyard (xiāng bǎi cǎo táng) Located in the middle of the Binhai Dadao (Coastal Highway) (8861-1677) 香柏草堂 崂山区滨海大道 中段(枯桃附近)

Yunnan 云南菜 Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) 3F, CBD Wanda, 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 5556-3632) 印象风尚云南菜 延吉路112号青岛 CBD万达广场3层


=parking Check for menu, images and more

Donghai Zhong Lu (6678-0099) This homey pub and restaurant boasts the best selection of beers and some of the greatest European dishes Qingdao has to offer. 玛莲娜比利时啤酒餐厅 东海中路11号 海


San He Yuan Dumplings (sān héyuán shuĭjiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 三合园

Doulao Fang Hotpot (dòu lāo fǎng huǒguō) B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (8261-7777) 豆捞坊

Malèna Belgian Beer Bar (mǎ lián nà bǐ lì shí pí jiǔ cān tīng) Tower B, 2F, Haiqing Hotel, 11

情大酒店 B塔2楼

Chuange Fish Dumplings (chuān gē yǘ shǔi jiǎo) 57 Minjiang Er Lu (8077-8001) 船歌鱼水饺闽

皇冠2000主题酒店 江西路107号

星号为2015吃饭大奖的上榜 * 餐厅



Crown200 Theme Restaurant (huáng guàn 2000zhǔ tí jiǔ diàn) 107 Jiangxin Lu (8596-9555)



C’est la vie (sāi lā wēi kā fēi) 177 Chongyang Lu, Chengyang District (156-1005-5066) 塞拉威咖啡

Dumplings 水饺

Sichuan 川菜

Means winner of a 2015 Chi Fan award!

术西餐厅 秦岭路18号 丽达广场东区负一层


Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào) 149 Minjiang Lu (8577-1568) 粥全粥到 闽江路149 号111 Yanji Lu (8501-6818) 延吉路111号97


Cafés 咖啡


粤菜 & 甜品


CAFE T • C • W (fēi gōng chǎng) From 2010’s first session of the Qingdao coffee competition until now, the 2015 6th coffee carnival held at Marina City Mall, this year is the first time in Qingdao that three world-class competitions will be combined. Included are the China Barista Championship and China Master Bartender Competition. For further details on how to sign up or sponsor the competitions see the attached advertisement. 100m East from the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu (185 5328-1929) 啡工场精品咖啡生活馆 梅岭东路与松岭路交叉 口向东100米

Tucked away Coffee Land (lǐng dìkāfū) in the maze outside Marina City, Coffee Land is a spacious café that has an open loft like layout. They serve quality hand-dripped coffee and little cakes and tarts to go with it. No dishes here, it’s a dessert style café. 1-193, West area, Marina City, 86 Ao’men Lu (8289-1768) 领地咖夫 澳门路百丽 广场西区193号

Dreamgas Coffee (cuī mèng wǎ sī zhǔ tí kā fēi tǐ yàn guǎn) DreamGas Coffee has a variety of themed rooms available to meet every customer’s needs and fantasies, not to mention their coffee and desserts are all homemade. DreamGas is more than a coffee shop with high-end music equipment, books, records and cosmetics for sale. DreamGas Coffee店内设置了多个不同的独立主 题房间,让每一个消费者都能在体验专业咖啡的 同时寻找到一种自己喜欢的独特元素。另外,自家 烘焙咖啡和甜点作为根本,开展多种商品经营,其 中包含中高端音乐设备、书籍、唱片、化妆品等。59 Zhangzhou Lu (83950202) 催梦瓦斯主题咖啡体验 馆 漳州路59号


ZOO Coffee (dòng wù yuán kā fēi) L305, Mixc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5177) 动物园咖啡 山东路10 号万象城L305

Casual Western 西式简餐 Bagan Café (púgān) 9F, Unit2, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8285) 蒲甘 东海西路41号东 海世家2单元9层

Baker & Spice Located within the new MixC shopping mall on Shandong Lu, this is a Danish style bakery that offers an impressive choice of bread and pastries, plus healthy salads and fresh juice. 20% discount on select bread after 7pm. LG138 MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5738) Baker&Spice 山东路10号万象城LG138

Café Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔbā) This café is set in the grounds of what could well be an old manor house. Sit outside in the summer and enjoy a delicious sandwich while watching the beach goers come and go. 6 Zhanshan Wu Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 湛山五路6号87 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (85775398) 漳州路87号甲 Perhaps the most popular spot Déjà Vu on the east side of the city, Deja Vu is the perfect homestyle restaurant to enjoy a variety of delicious choices, such as burgers, sandwiches, hot dogs and spaghetti. Their menu also includes a list of coffee, juices, cocktails, wine and draft beer. 10-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (188 66268950) 云岭路10-3

JINNS Cafe(jǐn shí cān tīng)115C, 1F Wanda, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6500) 锦时餐厅李沧万达店 31 Jining Lu (8280-8544) 锦时餐厅济宁路店 Joo Coffee (zhī wū kā fēi) 46 Maidao Zhi Lu (132 1082-1150) 知屋咖啡 麦岛支路46号 LANG Café (làng kāfēi) West of Bar Street, Polar Ocean World, 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-1839) 浪咖啡 东海东路60号极地海洋世界 酒吧街西侧

Luka Garden Coffee (lùguò huāyuán kāfēi) 5 Hengshan Lu (185 0024-2420) 路过花园咖啡衡 山路5号

A MAAN Coffee (qīng dǎo màn kāfēi) spacious cafe that provides solid breakfast and brunch options. 129 Aomen Lu (8170-7355) 青岛漫 咖啡 澳门路129号

KiWi Café (qíyì kāfēitīng) Owner, chef and barista Danny Qian has 15 years experience in New Zealand and a strong passion for cooking and pleasing his customers with the best brunches and homemade desserts imported from New Zealand or Australia. 127 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-9986, 151 9201-6559) 奇异咖啡厅 漳州二路127号


/ FOOD & DRINK // 广告 • 青岛餐饮 authentic Italian food in town. Although a little pricier than other restaurants, the food quality is second to none. They also have an impressive selection of imported wines to choose from. 67 (Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛西餐厅 漳

Drink Of The Month 每 月 鸡 尾 酒 精 选


Japanese 日本料理


Isari Sushi (yú shòusī ) Some of the best sushi in Qingdao. 2F, Darling Harbour in the Olympic Marina 2F, Darling Harbour, Olympic Sailing Centre, 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8570) 渔寿司



Tairyo (dàyútiěbǎn shāo quán guólián suǒcān 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9366, 6688-9368) 大渔铁板烧 东海东路58



From Barcelona to the Maldives, Club New York’s new selection of city inspired cocktails will take you around the world, with a different drink for every night of the week. The house signature drink and Wednesday night’s special, The New York, was inspired by the city’s hectic and cosmopolitan feel. The blend of wine and white orange liqueur is tailored to create a contrast between sweet and tart flavours to evoke that New York City Korona Grill House (kěluójiā xī cāntīng) 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 可罗嘉西餐

buzz. Order yours and you’ll be just a sip away from a trip around the globe. Carolina Martins 从巴塞罗那到马尔代 夫,纽约吧的新品每日城 市鸡尾酒带你一周周游全 世界。本月我们推荐的鸡尾酒, 纽约吧的周三特饮——纽约,便 是以时尚摩登的纽约大都会为灵 感而调制的。红酒和白橙利口酒 恰到好处的搭配,给舌尖带来一 种酸酸甜甜的味觉体验,让人不 禁联想起这座梦幻之都的繁华与 精致。点上一杯以你心爱的城市

Yoshimune (Jízōng) Convenient place to grab a late night meal when everything else is closed and you don’t feel like street BBQ. Serving a wide range of Japanese food including sashimi and noodles. Their beer is always frosty cold and refreshing. 25 Datian Lu (6688-9922) 吉宗 大田路 25号 / 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6688-9921) 香港 中路65号 / 2 Yuexiu Lu(8077-8333) 越秀路2号

Korean 韩国料理 Photo © Ayan Molbayev

命名的饮品,一秒穿越到地球 的另一端吧!

Address 地址 : 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu 香港中路 41 号 华 侨国际饭店 2 层 Phone 电话 : 8573-9199

Zur Bierstube (bǎi sītú) 10-1 Yunling Lu (8889-7600) 柏斯图 云岭路10-1号2 Guantao Lu (8099-2739) 馆陶路2号

8699) 尚井 燕儿岛路1号奥帆基地内心海广场2层

厅 彰化路5号

LUCCA Restaurant & Café (lú kǎ xī cān tīng) 60 Xianggang Dong Lu 8889-1377, 8866-3376 卢卡西

Global Cuisine 无国籍料理



Qingdao University International Cuisine & Lounge (qīngdǎo dàxué guójì xī cāntīng) The first Floor, Bldg Minxing, Qingdao University (8871-0080) 青岛大学国际西餐厅 青岛大学西院 敏行楼一层

Sauce Kitchen 117 Yanji Lu (181 5320-6160) 延吉 路117号-30-2网点(锦绣华城徐州路入口旁)

Sunset Café (rìluò kāfēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (186 6394-2253) 日落咖啡 观象二路21号

L422, MixC, 10 Asia Table (yàzhōu tǔdì) Shandong Lu (5557-5077) 亚洲土地 山东路10号 万象城L422

Happy Valley (xiǎo quèxìng) Seaview branch, Rm.2102, 1 Unit, Donghai Shijia, 41 Donghai Xi Lu (0532 8573-9008) 小确幸(海景店) 东海西路41号东 海世家一单元2102室

Le Living (lè zī shēng huó) L456, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5699) 乐姿生活西餐厅 山东路 10号万象城L456

The Canvas (fānbù xī cāntīng) Family-run, family-friendly restaurant serving hearty and delicious American comfort foods and international fusion dishes since 2010. A great place to enjoy a huge selection of fine wines, cafe drinks, and classic cocktails in a comfortable and stylish atmosphere. 63 B, Zhangzhou Lu (85655688) 帆布西餐厅 漳州路63号B 东100米

SPARK咖啡和酿酒坊 东海西路35号

The Diner 22 (èr shíèr hào kāfēi tīng) 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Central Plaza) (8577-1222) 贰 The Diner Marina (dān ná băi lì) Rm205, 2F, West Area, Marina City (8577-2011) 丹拿百丽 百 丽广场西侧205室(靠汉堡王二楼)

French 法餐 La Villa (lāwéilā) Unique spot in Qingdao, French food (and so much more) hosted in an old German style villa. Also Strong Ale Works brewery on-site. 300m West of the Shangri-La. 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 拉维拉法国餐

Lisas Bistro (lì sà xiǎo cān guǎn) Established for over 10 years, Lisa’s has won a great reputation among its patrons. Specialties include pizza, Spanish paella and German food. 8 Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 力萨小餐馆 澄海一路8号 Tampa (tǎn pà) Tampa offers daily fresh vegetable salad, nutritious soup, pizza, fettuccine, spaghetti, beef, chicken, pork, seafood and home made dessert. You will be entitled to enjoy the half price for the second beer. 坦帕供应每日新鲜沙拉、

Fatema (fădìmă yìndù cāntīng) 10 Gutian Lu (137 3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐厅 古田路10号丁 Ganges Indian Restaurant (gān jí sī zhèngzōng yìndù gālí liàolǐ ) 4F, Rock City, 1 Xiazhuang Lu 甘吉斯正宗印度咖喱料理 夏庄路1 号伟东乐客城4层

Italian 意大利菜 Casanova 5F, Hisense Plaza, 117 Aomen Lu (6678-8558) Casanova意大利餐厅 澳门路117号

Thai Me Up Authentic dishes such as Pad Thai, Spring Rolls and Green Curry (vegetarian version also available) plus Thai Singha bottled beer and Tsingtao on tap. Nice duplex interior and decent service. Located across the street from Trattoria Verde. 20-6, Yan’erdao Lu (8503-8579) Thai Me Up泰国餐厅 燕儿岛路20-6号 Mango Tree (mángguǒ shù) L356, MixC, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5676) 芒果树 山东路10号 万象城L356

AnNam (ān nán) L312, MixC, 6 Shandong Lu (5576-8625) 安南 山东路6号万象城L312

Pizza 披萨 Luigi Pizza (lùyìjī pīsà) The first place to get a decent pizza in Qingdao, Luigi started in 2002 from humble beginnings and is now a must-eat spot on the Western dining scene. Friday and Saturdays they offer an all-you-can-eat buffet for a set price, with a good selection of pizza and toppings. 20-3 Yan’erdao Lu (8062-8999) 路易基披 萨 燕儿岛路20-3号

Sorrento Pizza (sà lái duō bǐ sà) 216 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang District (8772-4221)

La Cantina Italian Restaurant ( jīn xiàng yìdàlì xī cāntīng) Hidden behind green trees, this restaurant is an exquisite spot to taste the most authentic Italian recipes, meticulously prepared by the skilled hands of Chef Romano. Indulge in the pleasure of their pesto pasta or their creamy tiramisu’. 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (8062-5678) 金 橡意大利西餐厅 香港东路138号

La Luna Rossa Italian Restaurant (La luō nà yìdàlì cāntīng) 46 Shanghang Lu (6688-9957) 啦 罗纳意大利餐厅 上杭路46号

San Marco Italian Doc (shèng mǎ kě yì dà l ì jiŭ ba xī cān tīng) 2F,Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8589-0526) 圣马可意大利酒吧西餐厅 东海中 路11号海情大酒店A座2层

Brotzeit (bó càn) L355,Mixc,10 Shandong Lu (5557-5266) 博璨 山东路10号万象城L355

Shangjing (jīng shàng jǐng) 2F, Daling Harbor, Olympic Marina,1 Yan’erdao Lu (6867-8839, 6867-

Trattoria Verde (běi lǜdǎo xī cāntīng) Trattoria Verde produces what is arguably the best

Thai 泰国菜


German 德餐



Xin Mapu (xīn má pú) 55 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8592-7222) 新麻蒲 漳州二路55号

Milano Italian Restaurant (mǐlán nuò yìdàlì xī cāntīng) A cosy spot filled with red and white checked tablecloths, Milano represents the homemade side of Italian restaurants in Qingdao. Here Italian Chef Claudio always knows how to surprise you with recipes that taste like home. 舒

营养汤品、披萨、意大利宽面条、意面、牛肉、鸡 肉、猪肉、海鲜及自制甜点等。现店内第二杯啤酒 半价优惠。158 (wu) Jiangxi Lu, next to LPG (85870772) 坦帕 江西路158号戊(靠近老菲酒吧)

厅 香港中路5号

Neolithic Barbecue (xīn shíqìkǎo ròu) B246, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5576-8720) 新石器烤肉 山

Vietnamese 越南菜

Indian 印度菜

适的环境和红白格子的餐布,会让米兰诺给你一 种家般的温暖。这里的意大利主厨Claudio会用他 特制的家庭配方给你带来一场意式美食之旅。30 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0058) 米兰诺意大利西餐厅 闽江二路30号 Inside Villeinn, 2 Donghai Xi Lu 东海 西路2号天林花园21号美墅假期酒店内

The Diner | Spark Brewcafe (dān níměi shì cāntīng | SPARK kāfēi héniàng jiǔfāng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅|

拾贰号咖啡厅 漳州二路19号 (中环广场)

Wangpin Taisu Steak (wáng pǐn tái sùniúpái) LG123, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5576-8606) 王品

Chunchuan Tiebanji (chūn chuān tiě bǎn jī ) 2-6 Miaoling Lu,(8889-6839) 春川铁板鸡料理店( 崂山老店)苗岭路2-6号

=english menu

萨来多比萨 城阳区长城路216号


酒吧 & 夜生活

Find ALL of Qingdao’s bars & clubs online on our WeChat account! Below are those with the highest reader rating. 关注红星微信账号,轻松在线查询岛 城酒吧及夜生活资讯!以下是排名最 靠前的酒吧一览。 Angelina’s (ānjílìnà kāfēi jiǔba) Looking for a late night feed of authentic Western food? Come to Angelina’s at the main gate of Yandao Mansion on Aomen Lu, Shinan District where food is served until 3am. 136 Ao’men Lu (6872-7999) 安 吉丽娜咖啡酒吧 澳门路136号

Bar Rouge (yān zhī jiǔ guǎn) 3F, Block F, Zhonglian Plaza, Nanjing Lu (8825-9898) 胭脂酒馆 南京路中联广场F栋3层


Cape 3/One Way Ticket

2 well established

=parking Check for menu, images and more

广告 • 青岛餐饮


JIA ZU TING 家族亭 By Brian Tideman

In the Hong Kong Garden neighbourhood (near Mykal), there’s a fabulous gem of a Japanese restaurant known to foreigners as “JZT.” With a highly decorated interior and excited wait staff, the eatery is a feast for the eyes, ears, and stomach. The menu boasts delicious and reasonably priced dishes–in vibrant colour– including noodles, rice, curries, salads, snacks,


I didn’t expect to find a good burger so far away from the hub of western restaurants downtown, but for the plethora of expats and students living near Fushan, Lucca is a divine treat. Raging hunger made me first try Lucca and now I am a regular. As well as the burgers (among the best in Qingdao) Lucca will feed you pizza, seafood, fancy coffee and beer among many other choices, but so far I have stuck with these as I am

Qingdao bars that have recently merged and opened just opposite Book City. Live music every night.65-6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (186 6399-7807) 香港中路65-6

167 Jiangxi Lu Charlie’s Bar (chálǐsī jiǔba) (8589-7919) 查理斯酒吧 江西路167号 Club New York (niŭyuēbā) Perhaps Qingdao’s longest running live music venue, with house-band performing all your favourite tunes every night. 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-9199) 纽约吧 香港中路

香港花园小区附近(麦凯乐背后)有一家很 有格调的日本料理店,老外都管它叫“JZT”。 精致的装修风格和热情的店员带给你的不仅是味 蕾上的满足,更是视觉与听觉的享受。菜单上尽 是美味而又价格合理的面条、米饭、咖喱、沙拉 还有其他各种小零食。简直是物超所值!打折套 餐和定食每次都能征服我的味蕾。

Address 地址 : 95 Zhangzhou Er Lu 漳州二路 95 号 Phone 电话 : 8587-2156

我万万没想到会在这样一个远离市中心的地 方找到一家这么好的西餐店。对于像我这样的老 外和浮山校区的学生来说,卢卡餐厅简直就是一 个天赐的好地方。当时因为饿得饥肠辘辘吃了一 次卢卡的我,现在差不多已经成为了这里的常客。 除了汉堡 ( 差不多全青岛最好的 ),卢卡还提供披 萨、海鲜、咖啡、啤酒以及其他各种选择。目前 为止,我可以说已经彻底爱上了它们,因为它们 实在是太美味了。另外,我还积极推荐我的朋友 们去那里用餐,他们也是赞不绝口。

Address 地址 : 66 Xianggang Dong Lu 香港东路 66 号 Phone 电话 : 8889-1377

from 5pm to 1am daily, as well as a wide selection of beer and cocktails. 81 Zhangzhou Lu (66001907) 小LPG酒吧 漳州路81号 Always playing the best music Loft Bar from around the world, expect good beats, cheap drinks, dancing and table football. A hot-spot for foreigners and a great place to meet new friends, this is the place to be if you want to let your hair down. Zhangzhou Lu (133 5686-8822) Loft Bar 漳州路35号

Loong Bar

21 Donghai Xi Lu (8386-2667)

Loong Bar 东海西路21号

Donbass Club (dùn bā sī jù lè bù) 128-10,Yanji Lu (6698-9998) 顿巴斯俱乐部 延吉路128号-10

Freeman (zìyóu rén kāfēi) One of Qingdao’s very best bars-centrally located, with well-made, strong cocktails and a very cool, laid back atmosphere. They’ve got a stage with electric drums and live music set up, and big screen too. Try the Hendrick’s & Tonic. 163 Jiangxi Lu (158 5321-1877) 自由人酒吧 江西路163号

Joy’s (juésè jiǔbā) Opposite Fanhai Mingren Square, 25 Minjiang Er Lu (6688-6667) 爵色酒吧闽 江二路25号泛海名人广场对面

Livingroom (kè tīng) 69 Aomen Lu (135 89343467) 客厅 澳门路69号 Little LPG (xiǎo LPG jiǔbā) This neighbourhood, Western-style bar broadcasts live sporting events and serves awesome bar food

想不想在红星留下你的笔迹?感兴 趣的话,将你的就餐体验(含餐厅名 字和地址)写下来,发送至红星微信 公共账号,把心得体会变成铅字!

and more. The portions are hefty and come at a great value. Discounted combinations/set meals tease my taste buds.


Downtown Bar Deserving a medal for bringing the best of China’s music scene to our own fair city. Check the REDSTAR events calendar for details. 1-6 Sangzi Lu, Shibei District (186 6170-6950) 裆烫吧 市北区桑梓路1-6

Send us your recommendation (name and location) to REDSTAR红 星 via WeChat message.

so impressed. I have started taking my friends here and they have also fallen in love with it.


By 爱尔兰的Paul


A constant in Qingdao’s Muse (Muse jiǔbā) ever-changing nightlife scene, Muse offers a great clubbing atmosphere with dancing stages, incredible decorations (including a huge chandelier and massive waterfall) and performances throughout the night. Definitely the place to start or end a night out. 89 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6886-0888) Muse酒吧 香港中路89号 Mix Club (hún hé tǐ jiǔ ba) 117 Liaoning Lu, Behind EGO Digital Market, 混合体酒吧,市北区

辽宁路117号,颐高数码后侧颐中银街下沉式广场 MAST俱乐部内

Old Jack’s (lăo jiékè jiǔbā) One of Qingdao’s oldest bars, this legendary bolt-hole is opposite Crowne Plaza / Book City. Old Jack’s never disappoints, especially if Jack himself is in the house. Yan’erdao Lu, opposite Book City (85781207) 老杰克酒吧 燕儿岛路 (书城对面) ssLPG (lǎofēi jiǔbā) Perfect spot for when you have a sudden late night craving for some good quality bar food. There you can indulge in a game of foosball while listening to music. Their fajitas are particularly nice and sizzling hot on a cold night. It also has won the 2015 REDSTAR Chifan Awards, which shows its popularity amongst bar animals. 162 Jiangxi Lu (0532 8593-6566) 老菲酒吧 江西路162号 The King’s Head English Pub (guówáng tóu xiàng yīnggélán bā) Although a little out of the way from everything, this bar provides a homey environment, a pool table, and a good selection of cocktails and drinks on tap. They occasionally have acoustic open mic nights. 11 Xinyi Lu (8583-9898) 国王头像英格兰吧 新沂 路11号

Tsingtao1903 Pub (qīng pí shè qū kè tīng) Room104, 213 Nanjing Lu (137 9199-9189) TSINGTAO1903社区客厅(汇富广场店)市北区南 京路213号网点104室

VENU+ Lounge Bar 21F, Block B, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (8579-9898) VENU+ Lounge 澳门路98号海尔洲际酒店B座21层 Vivi Bar (vivi jiǔbā) Bldg G, Zhonglian Plaza, 112 Nanjing Lu (8365-9898) Vivi酒吧 南京路112号中 联创意广场G座



China Mobile Service Hotline (yí dòng tōng xùn fú wù diàn huà) (10086) 移动通讯服务电话 China Telecom (diàn xìn zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10000) 电信综合服务电话 China Unicom Service Hotline (lián tōng zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10010) 联通综合服务电话 China Post Service (zhōng guó yóu zhèng kè hù fú wù) (11185) 中国邮政客户服务 Directory Inquiries (diàn huà hào mǎ chá xún) (114/116114) 电话号码查询 Electricity Help (gòng diàn jí xiū) (8008601188) 供电急修 Fire (huǒ jǐng) (119) 火警


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页 Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, Chengyang (qīng dǎo chéng yáng fú péng 271 Wenyang Lu, xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Chengyang District (6696-8888) 青岛城阳宝龙福 朋喜来登酒店 城阳区文阳路271号



or’s Pi dit

China Spice Restaurant 聚味中餐厅

Eatery Signature Restaurant



Lobby Bar 大堂吧

Fitness Center 健身中心

Outdoor Tennis Court 网球场

Grand Mercure Qingdao Nanshan Resort (qīng dǎo nán shān měi jué dù jiǎ jiǔ diàn) 46 Wenquan Lu, BinhaiLu, Jimo (8505-6888) 青岛南山美爵度假酒店 滨海大道温泉二路46号

Sunshine Global Restaurant 阳光海岸西餐厅

Linghai Chinese Restaurant 嶺海轩中餐厅

Blue Bay Restaurant

Fitness Center 健身中心

SPA 水疗

Indoor Heated Pool 室内恒温泳池


Cigar Bar 雪茄吧

Blue Bar 蓝吧

Phoenix coffee shop 凤岛咖啡厅

Tea Lounge



Grand Regency Hotel (lì jīng dà jiǔ diàn) 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大 酒店 香港中路110号

泰美,食美,心美 From the outside, Inzone (on the corner of Nanjing Lu and Xianggang Zhong Lu) looks like another generic shopping mall, but if you venture up to the 6th floor, you’ll find a great selection of new restaurants including Tai Mei. To judge whether or not a Thai restaurant is good there are two dishes you must try—Tom Yum Soup ( 冬 阴功汤 ) and Curry Prawns ( 咖喱虾 ). The chefs at Tai Mei have mastered the art of the sour and spicy combination. This dish feels quite spicy when you first try it, but the spicy flavour soon gives way to a slightly sour taste that stokes your appetite. Curry Prawns is another of Tai Mei’s First Aid Centre (jí jiù zhōng xīn) (120) 急救中心 Labour security policy advice (láo dòng bǎo zhàng zī xún) (12333) 劳动保障咨询 Police (bào jǐng) (110) 报警 Publice Service Hotline (gōng yòng fú wù rè xiàn) (12319) 24 hour. Including water, gas, heating etc 公用服务热线 Qingdao Cable Networking (qīng dăo yŏu xiàn diàn shì) (96566) 青岛有线电视 Red Cross (hóng shí zì huì) (95598) 红十字会 Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù) (12328) 出租


Taxi Reservation Hotline (chū zū chē yù yuē rè xiàn) (9600-9797) 出租车预约热线


specialities. Five large prawns come served with potatoes in a thick and fragrant curry sauce. Their Fried Shrimp Cakes ( 虾饼 ) and Grilled Pork ( 碳烤猪颈肉 ) are also very popular dishes. To guarantee the taste and quality of their food, Tai Mei imports all of their seafood. Go early to avoid a long wait. 银座开了有段时间了,一起 开门纳客的还有位于 6 楼的一众 餐饮品牌。其中,我想在这里推 荐一家名叫泰美的泰式餐厅。一 般情况下,想要评判一家泰国餐 馆的优劣,你必须要先品尝两道 菜——冬阴功汤及一道咖喱菜肴。 这里的冬阴功汤完美诠释了辣与 酸的调味艺术,刚入口时略显辛 辣,但随着时间的推移,辣味会 在口中慢慢散去,随之而来的是 Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (122) 交 通事故



Find ALL of Qingdao’s Listings on our WeChat account! 关注红星微信账号,轻松在线查询岛 城生活资讯!

一股淡淡的酸爽,顿时让人胃 口大开;另外,这里的咖喱虾 更是我的心头爱,5 只大红虾和 土豆块浸在香气四溢的咖喱浓 汤之中,让人口水直流。这里 的咖喱由店里大厨亲自调制, 口味独特纯正。除此之外,虾 饼和碳烤猪颈肉也要点上一尝, 绝不会令你失望。店里所有的 海鲜均进口自国外,以保证菜 品的口感及健康品质。这也不 难解释,为什么一到饭点儿, 食客们便会排起长队等位了。 下班和周末的时候,早点儿来 抢个座儿,和亲朋好友一起享 受一顿美味的泰式大餐吧!





Himalayas Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo zhèng Hotels & dà xǐ mǎ lā yǎ jiǔ diàn) Communities is a deluxe lifestyle hospitality brand that blends a contemporary vision and traditional Chinese culture within integrated urban communities. The first landmark hotel in the Himalayas Hotel portfolio is Himalayas Qingdao Hotel. 证大喜玛拉雅酒店品牌代表着一种生活时 尚,力求设计与功能的完美结合,提供最佳私密空 间和精致服务。青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店位于青岛 崂山区CBD中心,紧邻石老人海水浴场,是证大喜 玛拉雅酒店品牌在中国的第一家酒店,也是青岛 首家时尚生活酒店。880 Tong’an Lu (6672-9999) 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒 店 同安路880号

Z1 Restaurant

Fitness Center



Z1 Lounge

SPA (managed by 3rd party)


水疗(由第三方 管理)

Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao (qīng dǎo jǐng 306 Xingyang Lu yuán jià rì jiǔ diàn) (8096- 6888) 青岛景园假日酒店 兴阳路306号 KR-Fine Korean & Japanese Cuisine

Etcetera 秀吧


Café JOT “味”咖厅

Address: 6F, Inzone, 31 Xianggang Zhong Lu

Qin Chinese restaurant

地址:香港中路 31 号银座 6 楼 Phone 电话:6600-9867

5 Star 五星 Crowne Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiŭ diàn) 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) www. 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 香港 中路76号


Holiday Inn Qingdao City Centre (qīng dǎo 1 Xuzhou Lu zhōng xīn jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) (6670-8888) 青岛中心假日酒店 徐州路1号 Ocean Café

Cafe Inn



Hyatt Regency Qingdao (qīng dǎo lǔ shāng 88 Donghai Dong Lu kǎi yuè jiǔ diàn) (8612-1234) 青 岛鲁商凯悦酒店 东海东路88号

BEBA Restaurant and Bar

Bay Lounge 观海酒廊


Fitness Center


Fitness Center



Dong Hai 88 Private Dining

Qing SPA

Café Asia

Indoor Heated Pool




Lobby Lounge

Dong Hai 88 Specialty Restaurant





Safari Bar


Squash Court



Indoor Heated Pool

Market Café 咖啡厅全日自 助餐厅

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more

广告 InterContinental Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi ěr 98 Ao’men Lu (6656zhōu jì jiǔ diàn) 6666) 青岛海尔洲际酒 店 澳门路98号

Tian Xia Yi Pin

Fitness Center

天下一品尚膳·茗坊 中餐厅


SPA 水疗


Indoor Heated Pool


Big Cake

YUE Chinese Restaurant 采悦轩中餐厅

Feast All Day Dining Restaurant 盛宴标帜自助 西餐厅

Lobby Lounge 大堂吧

Sheraton Club Lounge 喜来登行政俱 乐部

Sheraton Fitness 健身中心

Shine SPA for Sheraton




Le Meridien Qingdao (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài Ideally located in the heart měi jiǔ diàn) of Qingdao, Le Meridien Qingdao offers ample meeting space, an array of world-class cuisine options and Le Méridien’s signature programs designed to offer a journey of discovery in Qingdao. Only 30 minutes from the airport. 地处 青岛城市中心,隶属于喜达屋酒店与度假村国际 集团的青岛万达艾美酒店以宽敞时尚的客房及会 议空间、世界级美食以及独具特色的艾美服务,在 青岛开启了创意无限的探索之旅。酒店距离青岛 流亭国际机场仅30分钟车程,距青岛著名景点、 海滩等仅10分钟车程。112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888) 青岛万达艾美酒 店 延吉路112号

Le Mei

Fitness Center




Latest Recipe



Indoor Heated Pool

Akebono 曙日本餐厅


Ocean Spring Resort (Qingdao) (gǎng zhōng lǚ hǎi quán wān dù jiǎ qū) Aoshan Bay Jimo (8906-8888) 港中旅(青岛)海泉湾度假区 即墨鳌 山湾蓝色硅谷核心区

Pullman Qingdao Ziyue (qīng dǎo zǐ yuè bó 277 Chongqing Bei Lu, ěr màn jiǔ diàn) Chengyang District (5866-9777) 青岛紫玥铂尔曼 酒店 城阳区重庆北路277号

Le Cafe

Fitness Center

乐咖啡全日制 西餐厅


Fengfu Chinese Restaurant

The Westin Qingdao (qīng dǎo wēi sī tīng jiǔ 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1888) diàn) 青岛威斯汀酒店 香 港中路8号

Five Sen5es




Seasonal Tastes 知味标帜餐厅

Heavenly Spa 天梦水疗

Lobby Lounge 大堂吧

4 Star 四星 Ariva Qingdao Hotel & Serviced Apartments

(qīng dǎo ài lì huá jiǔ diàn jí fú wù gōng yù) 135 Yan’an San Lu (8197-8777) 青 岛艾丽华酒店及服务公寓 延安三路135号

Copthorne Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo guó dūn 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu dà jiǔ diàn) (8668-1688) 青岛国敦大酒店 香港中路28号 Central Grill

Fitness Center



Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海情大酒店 东 海中路11号

Economy Hotel 经济型酒店 Fuxin Mansion (fǔ xīn dà shà) 5 Minjiang Lu (8591-1009) 府新大厦 闽江路5号 Grand Mercure Qingdao Airport (qīng dǎo kuài tōng yǎ gāo měi jué jiǔ diàn) 89 Minhang Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6777) 青岛快通雅高 美爵酒店 城阳区民航路89号


Jinjiang Inn (jǐn jiāng zhī xīng) 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-7999) 锦江之星 南京路100号

Jinfu Shanxi Restaurant 晋府山西餐厅

Qingdao Holiday Inn Expo (qīng dǎo shì yuán 2 Tianshui Lu, Laoshan jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) District (6675-7888) 青岛世 园假日酒店 崂山区天水路2号

Hillside Cafe

Swan Lounge 天鹅吧

Overseas Chinese International Hotel (huá qiáo guó jì fàn diàn) 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8572-5666) 华侨国际饭店 香港中路41号 Orange Hotel (jú zi jīng xuǎn jiǔ diàn) 32 Donghai Xi Lu (8573-6161) 桔子精选酒店 东海 西路32号

Trio Restaurant

Shanglin River View Hotel (shàng lín háo jǐng shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 228 Yan’an San Lu (8090-3333)


上林濠景商务酒店 延安三路228号


Sea View Garden Hotel (hǎi jǐng huā yuán dà 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777) 海景 jiǔ diàn) 花园大酒店 彰化路2号

Outdoor Swimming Pool 室外泳池

Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo xiāng gé 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu lǐ lā dà jiǔ diàn) (8388-3838) 青岛香格里拉大 酒店 香港中路9号

Shang Palace

Fitness Center



The Flying Catch Mediterranean Restaurant


CHI The Spa Children’s Club (Every Sat & Sun inside Café Yum)


Café Yum

儿童俱乐部(每周 六日一品堂内)


Lobby Lounge 大堂酒廊

Hostels 青年旅馆 YHA Old Observatory (qīng dǎo ào bó wéi tè guó jì qīng nián lǚ shè) A popular hostel with an incredible cafe on the rooftop, on top of the world, enjoys unbeatable skyline view. Great venue for private events. 广受欢迎的青年旅舍,楼 顶有俯视老城的咖啡厅。特别适合包场办私人派 对。这里有各国背包客和本地的时尚达人。Hostel: 0532 8282 2626, Cafe: 188 5429 2236 青岛奥博维 特国际青年旅舍 观象二路21号

Big Brother Guest House (bēn zhī lǚ qīng nián lǚ guǎn) Two locations in Qingdao - all mod cons for budget or mid range travellers. www. 31 Jiangxi Lu (82873888) 奔之旅青年旅馆 江西路31号 6 Baoding Lu (8280-2212) 10 mins walk from train station. Cosy, clean and affordable. 奔之旅青年旅馆 保定路6号 Nordic Osheania Youth Hostel (cháo chéng qīng nián lǚ shè) 28 Guantao Lu (8282-5198) 巢城 青年旅舍 馆陶路28号

Q Bar 炫吧

Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel (qīng dǎo lǐ 678 cāng lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Jinshui Lu (close to Yanchuan Lu), Licang District (8813-8888) 青岛李沧绿城喜来登酒店 李沧区金水 路678号(靠近延川路)

Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel (qīng dǎo jiāo zhōu lǜ chéng xǐ lái dēng jiǔ diàn) 271 Beijing Dong Lu, Jiaozhou New Distinct (8228-9999) 青岛胶州绿城喜来登酒店 胶州新城

=english menu




Qingdao Kaiyue Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè guó jì qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 31 Jining Lu (82845450) 青岛凯越国际青年 旅馆 济宁路31号 Qingdao 960 Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo jiǔ liù líng qīng nián lǚ shě) May Fourth Square Branch, 32 Donghai Xi Lu (6667-9733) 青岛960青年旅舍 五四广场店 东海西路32号 Badaguan Auditorium Building Branch, 49 Rongcheng Lu, The Youth Hostel is on the east side of Badaguan Auditorium Building (6667-9733) 青岛960青年旅舍八大关写 生基地店 荣城路49号 八大关小礼堂东侧

=parking Check for menu, images and more


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页 Apartel 复式/酒店公寓

Qingdao Farglory Hotel (qīng dǎo yuǎn xióng yuè lái jiǔ diàn) 26 Xianggang Zhong Lu (55717177)青岛远雄悦来酒店 香港中路26号 YUE 悦餐厅

Thumb Plaza Apartel Qingdao Sunland (qīng dǎo dà mǔ zhǐ guǎng chǎng shēn lán fù shì gōng yù) Building No. 1, Sunland, 880 Tongan Lu (156-1005-6188) 青岛大拇指广场深蓝复式公寓 同 安路880号深蓝公寓1号楼

Boutique Hotels 艺术酒店 Laozhuancun China Community Art and Culture Hotel (lǎo zhuàn cūn china gōng shè wén huà yì shù jiǔ diàn) 8 Minjiang San Lu (8576-8776) 老转村China公社文化艺术酒店 闽 江三路8号

The Castle Boutique Hotel (qīng dǎo yí bǎo jīng pǐn jiǔ diàn) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111) 青岛 怡堡精品酒店 龙山路26号 德国总督府院内

The Castle 怡堡中餐厅

Resorts 度假村 Ariva Qingdao Hot Spring Resort (chéng tóu • ài lì huá wēn quán dù jià jiǔ diàn) 2997 Datian Lu, Jimo (8656-1058) 城投·艾丽华温泉度假酒店 即墨大田路2997号

Kunlun Gloria Seaview Resort Qingdao (qīng dǎo kūn lún kǎi lái hǎi jǐng dù jià jiǔ diàn) 6 Jinwan Lu (6656-6868) 青岛崑崙凯莱海景度假酒 店 金湾路6号

Latour Laguens International Resort Hotel (lā tú lā gān guó jì dù jià jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8896-6969) 拉图拉甘国际度假酒店 香 港东路316号

Q&X Hot Spring Resort (xiāng gēn wēn quán dù jiǎ jiǔ diàn) 377 Laiqing Lu, Wenquan Town, Jimo (6802-0333) 香根温泉度假酒店 即墨市温泉

Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112) 青岛市图书馆 延吉路 109号

Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (8288-9996) 青岛市美术 馆 大学路7号

Qingdao Municipal Museum (qīng dǎo shì bó wù guǎn) 51 Meiling Dong Lu (8889-6286) 青岛市 博物馆 梅岭东路51号

Beaches 海水浴场 No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南海 路14号

No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海水 浴场 汇泉湾东侧太平湾内

No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第三海水浴场 太平角

Parks & Gardens 公园 Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 百花苑 京山路11号

Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479) 鲁迅公园 琴屿路1号 Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石老 人观光园 崂山路1号

Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信号山公园 龙山路18号 Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号

Dance Kungfu Crew (wǔ gōng táng jiē wǔ jù lè bù) 18 Xinqi Lu (186-7861-2561) 舞功堂街舞俱乐部

业园, 3号楼102室

Fitness 健身 Aishang Fitness (ài shàng jiàn shēn) 151 Wuxing Lu (8566-0178) 爱尚健身 吴兴路151号 14 Taizhou Lu (6666-7756) 爱尚健身 泰州路14号 Impulse Total Fitness (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù) 26 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-1388) 英派斯健 身俱乐部 福州南路26号 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 香港东路67号 New Power Johnson Fitness (xīn lì qiáo shān jiàn shēn huì suǒ) Room 001, 4th Floor, Qingdao

Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八大

新力乔山健身会所 香港中路8号青岛中心广场A 塔4层001



Haiyun Taoist Temple of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi yún ān) 1 Haiyun Street, Sifang District (0532 8373-8617) 青岛海云庵 青岛四方区海云街1号 Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 花石楼 黄海路18号 Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂山风景名胜区 Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴屿路26号 May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号 Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Ao’men Lu 音乐广场 澳门路

Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青 岛极地海洋世界 东海东路60号

St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng) 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天主教堂 浙江路15号

Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平

Museums 博物馆


Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (8287-8218) 青岛海底世 界 莱阳路1号

Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从太平路 到东海路

Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路和 辽宁路间

Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (82868575) 栈桥 太平路12号

Jinling Golf Practice Course (jīn lǐng tè gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) Jinling New Village, Yinchuan Dong Lu (8899-7307) 金岭高尔夫练习场 银川东 路金岭新村

Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) cn 青岛国际高尔夫俱乐部 松岭路118号 高科技 工业园

Tiantai Hot Spring Golf Club (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 天泰温泉高尔 夫俱乐部 即墨温泉旅游度假区内

Sailing 航海

Dancing Clubs 舞蹈

Various Attractions

Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号


Salsa Life Club (sà ěr sà shēng huó jù lè bù) 102, Bulg.3, Creative100, 100 Nanjing Lu (137-30931972) 萨尔萨生活俱乐部 南京路100号创意100产




Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山公园 福山支路24号

Churches 教堂

物馆 常州路21号

号 (近邮电博物馆旁斜上坡)


Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆

Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-8820) 青岛德国监狱旧址博

馆 香港东路138号

Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 植物园 郧阳路33号

Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海水浴场 海口路


138 Warehouse (138 yì shù shēng huó guǎn) 138 Xianggang Dong Lu (6869-1888) 138艺术生活

ZAN Art Museum (zàn yī měi shù guǎn) 1F,bldg.3, 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-1989) 赞一美术馆


Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn) Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District (8791-5676) 崂山茶文化博物馆 崂山区王哥庄街

Art 艺术&展览

Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒 博物馆 登州路56号

Qingdao Century Park (qīng dǎo shì jì gōng yuán) 318 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (87757733) 青岛世纪公园 城阳区兴阳路318号

Haier Technology Musemun( hăi’ěr kē jì guăn) 10 Miao Ling Lu 海尔科技馆 崂山区苗岭路10号


Sculpture Art Museum (diāo sù yì shù guǎn) Donghai Dong Lu (8287-0471) 雕塑艺术馆 崂山

Fantawild Dreamland (qīng dǎo fāng tè mèng huàn wáng guó) Huaqiang Cultural Industrial Base, Hongdao Street, Aodong Nan Lu, Chengyang District 青岛方特梦幻王国 城阳区红岛街道岙东南


Township, Jimo City (8456-0888) drew_821132@ 华山国际乡村俱乐部 即墨市华山

Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 天后宫 太平路19号

关 武胜关路



Van Gogh Paint Café (fàn gāo yì huì kā fēi) 5 Juxian Lu (185 5322-6953) 梵高艺绘咖啡 莒县路5


TenTimes Golf & Hotspring Resort (tiān tài wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hot spring Resort Village, Jimo (8657-9888) 天泰温泉高尔夫俱乐部

Huashan International Country Club (huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù) Huashan

Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu (86783547) 青岛市雕塑艺术馆 东海东路66号

Sound of Ocean Hotel (tīng hǎi shí guāng jiǔ diàn) Wanggezhuang Community, Laoshan District (8791-9789) 听海时光酒店 崂山区王哥庄 会场社区


Centre Plaza, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1088)

Qingdao Beihai Fitness Club (qīng dǎo běi hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 7 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Beihai Hotel) (5566-1999) 青岛北海健身会所 香 港中路7号(北海宾馆西侧)

Fishing 钓鱼 CHN Expert of Angler Society (míng diào huì diào yú jù lè bù) 69 Ao Men Lu (8260-0000) 名钓会钓鱼俱乐部 澳门路 69号(大公海岸)

For Kids 儿童 Bojia Robot Club (bó jiā jī qì rén jù lè bù ) 2F, Leader Shopping Plaza, Laoshan District (80952200) 博佳机器人俱乐部 崂山区丽达购物中心二 楼 3F, Book City, 67 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan District (8588-5068) 香港中路67号书城三层 Fun Club (fēng wán ér ér tóng jù lè bù) 1 floor,Darling Harbour, Yanerdao Lu (6867-8900) 峰 玩儿儿童俱乐部 燕儿岛路1号心海广场1层

Family Box ( jiā hé zi) L476, MICX, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5673) 家盒子 山东路10号万象城L476 The Little Gym (xiǎo xiǎo yùn dòng guǎn) L402, MICX, 10 Shandong Lu 小小运动馆 山东路10号

Flyingfish Sailing Club (fēi yú fān chuán jù lè bù) 3F, West Area, Marina City, 86 Aomen Lu (6885-3611) 飞鱼(青岛)帆船俱乐部 奥帆中心百 丽广场西区3层

Qingdao Furi Yacht And Marina Club (qīng dăo fú rì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 1 Yan’er Dao Lu (Olympic Sailing Centre) (5555-5555/5566-3333) 青岛福日游 艇俱乐部 燕儿岛路1号(青岛奥帆中心)

Qingdao Jida Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jì dá háng hǎi jù lè bù) 18 Nanhai Lu (137 89867525) 青岛际达航海俱乐部 南海路18号 Qingdao International Yacht Club (Qingdao Olympic Marina) (qīng dǎo guó jì yóu tǐng jù lè bù) 1 Jinhai Lu (6656-0061) 青岛国际游艇俱乐部 金海路1号 (奥帆中心内媒体中心)

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre (qīng dǎo ào lín pǐ kè fān chuán zhōng xīn) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (8309-2020) 青岛奥林匹克帆船中心 燕儿岛路1号 Qingdao Sinan Sailing Club (qīng dǎo sī nán fān chuán jù lè bù) 1 Jinwan Lu (152 8898-7909) 青岛司南帆船俱乐部 金湾路1号

Scuba Diving 潜水 Global Dive Adventures and Training (quán qiú qián shuǐ tàn xiǎn hé péi xùn gōng sī) 40 Ningxia Lu (158 6422-7383 150 9200-0062) 全球潜 水探险和培训公司 宁夏路40号 Qingdao Qin Hai Diving Club (qīng dǎo qín hǎi qián shuĭ jù lè bù) 1-6 Wendeng Lu (8388-1170) 青岛琴海潜水俱乐部 文登路1-6号

Squash 壁球 Impulse Total Fitness Squash Court (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù bì qiú shì) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 英派斯健身俱乐部壁球室 香 港东路67号

Swimming 游泳 Yinhai Spa and Sports (yín hǎi jiàn kāng xiū xián huì guăn) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-9000) 银海健康休闲会馆 东海中路30号

Wushu 武术 Qingdao Bright Mountain Wushu Club (bèi méng tè wǔ guǎn) 55 Hunan Lu (8286-9566) 贝蒙 特武馆 湖南路55号


Yoga 瑜伽

Football 足球

Daniel 42 Degree Hot Yoga & Massage (sì shí èr dù rè yú jiā zú liáo) 74 Minjiang Lu (89090977) 42度热瑜伽&足疗 闽江路74号

Great Football United (wěi dà zú qiú lián méng),, Phone:158 6307-0867 伟大足球联盟 Tsingtao United FC (qīng dǎo guó jì lián duì), website: http:// 青岛国际联队

Gymnastics 体操

Dinghui Yoga Studio (dìng huì yú gā lǐ liáo gōng zuò shì) Rm305,Building2,69Haimen Lu(130 7082-6906) 定慧瑜伽理疗工作室 海门路69号瑞纳 康都B座305室

Han Xiang Yi Yoga (hán xiāng yí) Rm. 102, Bldg. 1, Changhai Garden, 9 Qingyuan Lu (8572-2257) 涵 香怡 清远路9号 畅海园1单元102

Almighty (qīng dǎo ào mài tǐ tǐ cāo yùn dòng jù lè bù) F1, District D, Qingdao International Trade Mall, 555 Dunhua Lu.(6698-2829) 青岛奥迈体体操

Jingyue Yoga & Crossfit (jìng yuè yú jiā) 1F, Bldg. 6, Pacific Centre, 35 Donghai Xi Lu (138 8496-6312) 静悦瑜伽 东海西路35号太平洋中心

运动俱乐部 敦化路555号 青岛外贸城D区一层


Golf 高尔夫

Jinzhu Yoga & Crossfit (jīn zhū yú jiā jiàn kāng huì suǒ) Hainiu Xincun, 6 Yinchuan Xi Lu (155 5320-8781) 金珠瑜伽健康会所 银川西路6号

Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 大伍高尔 夫练习场 漳州二路123号

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广告 Pilates & Personal Training (159 5480-0102)


Sobook (rú shì shū diàn) 1Floor, East Squire of Guoxin Stadium, 3 Yinchuan Dong Lu (8272-5567) 如是书店 银川东路3号 国信体育场东广场M区1层



SONO SPACE (bú shì shū diàn) 1F Bldg 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8080-9565) 不是书店 南京路100号创意100产业园3号楼1层

Electronics 数码产品

Cinemas 影院 Broadway Cinemas (bǎi lǎo huì) 3F Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1155) 百老 汇 澳门路88号百丽广场3层

CGV Cinema (xīng jù huì yǐng chéng) L529, Mixc, 10 Shandong Lu (5556-5757) 星聚汇影城 山 东路10号万象城L529

Huachen Cineplex (huá chén yǐng chéng) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0700) 华臣影城 香港中路69号 麦凯 乐8层

Huacheng Cinema International (qīng dǎo huá chéng guó jì yǐng chéng) 18 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (8909-8200) 青岛华诚国际影城 崂山区秦岭路18号

Wanda International Cinema City (wàn dá guó jì yǐng chéng) 4F, Wanda, Taidong San Lu (8362-5656) 万达国际影城4层 台东三路63号 3F, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5556-3939) 延吉路116 号万达广场3层

Music Halls 音乐厅 Qingdao Concert Hall (qīng dǎo yīn yuè tīng) 1 Lanshan Lu (8287-7050) 青岛音乐厅 兰山路1号 Qingdao People’s Auditorium (qīng dǎo shì rén mín huì táng) 9 Taiping Lu (8289-7229) 青岛市 人民会堂 太平路9号

Private Cinema 私人影院 Be Together Private Cinema (zài yī qǐ yǐng ba hōng pā guǎn) Rm 2301, Block C, Pengcheng Gardan, 16 Yanerdao Lu (151 5425-9314) 在一起影 吧轰趴馆 燕儿岛路16号鹏程花园C座2301. Rm 410, Leikedun Business Centre, 111 Yanji Lu (185 6256-5546) 延吉路111号雷克顿商务中心四楼410

Theatres 剧场

Apple Store (pín guǒ qí jiàn diàn) MIXc Mall 10 Shandong Lu, Shinan District 青岛万象城 市南 区山东路10号

Computer City (diàn zǐ xìn xī chéng) 226 Liaoning Lu (8382-2536) 电子信息城 辽宁路226号 Yongsheng Camera Store (yǒng shèng shè yǐng qì cái) 9 Tianjin Lu (8285-8859) 永盛摄影器 材 天津路9号

Fashion 时尚 Darling Harbour Qingdao (xīn hǎi guǎng chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-7888) 心海广场 燕 儿岛路1号

Qingdao MIXc (qīng dǎo wàn xiàng chéng) 10 Shandong Lu, Shinan District 青岛万象城 市南区 山东路10号

iGo Mall (ài gòu shí shàng bǎi huò shāng chéng) 18 Gutian Lu (8118-0888) 爱购时尚百货商 城 古田路18号 Hisense Plaza (hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng) 50 Donghai Xi Lu (6678-8888) 海信广场 东海西路 50号

Jimo Lu Market (jí mò lù xiǎo shāng pǐn pī fā shì chǎng) Jimo Lu 即墨路小商品批发市场 即墨路

Leader Plaza (lì dá gòu wù zhōng xīn) 18, Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 丽达购物中心 秦岭路18号 Lion Mall (jīn shī guǎng chǎng) Yi, 195 Xianggang Dong Lu (5572-5799) 金狮广场 香港东路195号乙 Longshan Underground Shopping Centre (lóng shān dì xià shāng chéng) 29 Jiangsu Lu (8286-8902) 龙山地下商城 江苏路29号 LOAFFER Shoe Room 802, Guolong Tangchao, 16 Gaoxiong Lu (155 8866-8877) LOFFER乐福鞋 高 雄路16号国隆唐巢1单元802

Qingdao Beijing Opera Theatre (qīng dǎo shì jīng jù yuàn) 76 Yan’an Yi Lu (8273-2612) 青岛市京 剧院 延安一路76号

Qingdao Grand Theatre (qīng dǎo dà jù yuàn) 5 Yunling Lu (8066-5555) 青岛大剧院 云岭路5号 Qingdao Song and Dance Theatre (qīng dǎo shì gē wǔ jù yuàn) 15 Xing’an Lu (8271-4673) 青 岛市歌舞剧院 兴安路15号

Marina City (bǎi lì guǎng chǎng) 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1666) 百丽广场 澳门路88号 Marks & Spencer (mǎ shā bǎi huò) 1F, Licang Wanda Plaza, 178 Jufeng Lu (6770-6026) 马莎百货 李沧区万达广场店 巨峰路178号大商业1层

MUJI (wú yìn liáng pǐn) F2-0203, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1388) 无印良品 澳门路88号百 丽广场2楼0203

Qingdao Olympic Centre (ào fān zhōng xīn dà jù chǎng) 1 Yan’erdao Lu (6656-8666) 奥帆中心大 剧场 燕儿岛路1号

MYKAL (mài kǎi lè) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666) 麦凯乐 香港中路69号

Qinghua Theatre (qīng huà xiǎo jù chǎng) 12 Linqing Lu (8281-8181) 青话小剧场 临清路12号

Sunshine Department Store (yáng guāng bǎi huò) 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 阳光百 货 香港中路38号


Food & Beverage 食品

Antiques 古董 Antique Market (jiù huò gǔ dǒng shì chǎng) Wenhua Shichang, Changle Lu (8382-3513) 旧货古 董市场 昌乐路 文化市场

Sanshengyuan Artworks Shop (sān shēng yuán) 67 Aomen Lu (8579-7833) 三生缘 澳门 路67号

Art 艺术 Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924) 博雅 画廊 闽江二路 52号

Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery (qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3 Changle Lu (8380-2977) 青岛当代艺术家画廊 昌乐路3号 Yi Pin Tang (yì pǐn táng) 2-3 Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166) 逸品堂 昌乐路市场2-3号

AEON (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85719600) 永旺 香港中路72号 B1, Marina City, 88 Ao’men Lu (6606-1528) 澳门路88号百丽广场负1层 Abbica Coffee (qīng dǎo ā bì kǎ jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4 (Ding) Jingguo Er Lu (85712323) 青岛阿璧卡进出口有限公司 宁国二路4号丁 Carrefour Xinxing Store ( jiā lè fú xīn xìng diàn) 128 Shandong Lu (8508-9156) 家乐福新兴 店 山东路128号 Carrefour Mingda Store (jiā lè fú míng dá diàn) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8584 -5026) 家乐福

名达店 香港中路21号

Casa-Mia Gourmet Shop (kă sà mĭ yà shí pĭn zhuān yíng diàn) 卡萨米亚食品专营店 Search on Tmall for卡萨米亚食品专营店 Daichi Farm (dà dì nóng chǎng) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-5151) 大地农场 香港东路67号 Debauve & Gallais (fǎ guó dài bǎo jiā lái) 501, Unit 2, Bldg.3, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1807) 法国黛

Bookstores 书店

堡嘉莱 东海西路51号3号楼2单元501

Momicafe (māo de tiān kōng zhī chéng) B151, MIXc, 10 Shandong Lu (5557-5360) 猫的天空之城

DEFA Inside Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8253-0686) 东海西路50号 海信广场内


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/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页



每周餐厅以及酒吧促销活动 Every Monday 每周一

Korona Grill House Ribs Night Pork ribs dinner only ¥79/person. 青岛可罗嘉西餐厅 猪排之夜 猪排只需79元/位

Every Tuesday 每周二

Canvas Taco Dinner Mexican style dinner buffet for only ¥58/person. 帆布西餐厅 墨西哥风味自助 晚餐 墨西哥风味自助晚餐58元

Milano Teacher & Student Night Students and teachers who show their tags or ID cards will get 20% off their meal. 米兰诺 老师&学生之夜 老师和学生分别出示教师证和 学生证便可8折享受美餐。

Every Wednesday 每周三 Angelinas Angels Night All ladies can enjoy free cocktails from 8pm till 1am.

安吉丽娜 天使之夜 8点到凌晨1点,女士可畅饮 精选鸡尾酒。

Club New York Ladies’ Night All ladies can enjoy free selected cocktails all through the night. 纽约吧 女士之夜 所有到场女士,整晚可畅饮指 定鸡尾酒。

Milano Tango & Drinks Special Free tango lessons. Buy 1 get 1 free glasses of wine or Efes beer. 米兰诺 探戈&畅饮之夜 免费教授探戈;葡萄酒及艾菲 斯啤酒买一赠一。

Q Bar Ladies Night Ladies enjoy 5 varieties of free cocktails available until midnight. 炫吧 女士之夜 女士可畅饮5款免费鸡尾酒直 到午夜。


Loong Bar Ladies Night Free select drinks for ladies from 10:30pm to 3am. Gin, Vodka and Rum are buy 1 get 1 free and all beers are buy 6 get 2 free. Loong Bar 女士之夜 晚10点半至凌晨3点,女士可免 费畅饮特选鸡尾酒。金酒、伏特 加及朗姆酒买一赠一,所有啤酒 买六赠二。

Every Thursday 每周四

Lisa’s Bistro Half Price Day All pizzas are half price at the Changhai Yi Lu branch. 力萨小酒馆 半价日 澄海一路店,所有披萨半价。

138 Art Mexican Night Every Thursday from 5:30 through 9:30pm enjoy an all you can eat Mexican Buffet for only ¥59. 138艺术餐厅 墨西哥自助晚餐 下午5点半至晚9点半,墨西哥自 助餐仅需59元/位。

Canvas Rib Thursday Enjoy a portion of ribs for ¥64/ person. 帆布餐厅 猪排之夜 猪排套餐仅需64元/位

ssLPG’s Open Bar For ¥100 you can drink selected cocktails and Tsingdao beer from 9pm till 12am. 老菲酒吧 开放吧日 晚9点至12点,仅需100元,便 可畅饮精选鸡尾酒及青岛啤酒。

BEBA Restaurant and Bar Ladies Night Ladies enjoy selected cocktails, soft drinks, sparkling wine and Qingdao wheat draft beer for free from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am. Gentlemen can enjoy the same drinks, free flow, for ¥120 net per guest. BEBA海滩烧烤餐厅 女士之夜 晚上9点至凌晨12点,所有到场 女士可免费畅饮指定鸡尾酒、气 泡酒、软饮与青岛全麦扎啤。男 士尊享相同饮品畅饮,仅需120 元净价/位。

Little LGP’s Quiz Night Bring a team or join one at the bar. Free with prizes. For dinner, ¥50 Chicken Parma with a free Carlsberg draft beer. 小LPG 知识竞答之夜 自己组队前来应战或者现场加 入其它小组,赢取免费奖品。 晚餐特惠:帕玛鸡肉+一杯嘉 士伯扎啤,仅需50元。

Every Friday 每周五

REDSTAR Cinema Kick back and watch a classic movie at the REDSTAR office. 红星电影之夜 由红星或读者选出经典电影, 一起在红星办公室观看。

Sunset Café BBQ Hamburger Special 日落咖啡 烧烤汉堡特惠

Angelinas Demons Night Gentlemen who dress to impress will be eligible for one free drink and one free surprise gift. 安吉丽娜 男士之夜 当晚所有到场的男士,只要穿 着得体时尚,即可以享用免费 酒水一杯及惊喜礼物一个。

Milano Ladies Night Ladies get a glass of wine and a dessert for free. 米兰诺 女士之夜 到场女士可免费获赠一杯红酒 及一份甜品。

Every Saturday 每周六 The Westin Qingdao Cocktail Madness Night 威斯汀 鸡尾酒之夜

Enjoy cocktails all through the night, ¥80 (net) / person 乐享鸡尾酒无限畅饮,80元 (净)/位。

Every Sunday 每周日

Reggae Sunday at J&Z Live performances and DJ remixes of the best of reggae music from 10 pm through 2am. 酒藏 雷鬼之夜 晚10点至凌晨2点,现场DJ将 精选雷鬼音乐在店内播放。

Little LPG Bloody Mary ¥20 Bloody Marys all day.

New York Bar Acoustic Night The house band plays acoustic versions of the best musical hits. 纽约吧不插电之夜 驻唱乐队将演绎经典热歌的不 插电版本。

Daily 每日促销活动

Club New York Every night buy one get one free for whisky cola, rum coke, gin tonic and vodka orange. 纽约吧 威士忌可乐、朗姆可乐、金汤 力及橙味伏特加鸡尾酒,每日 买一送一。

Freeman All night long: Jager shots ¥10 and Moscow Mules 3 for 2. 自由人酒吧 野格短饮仅需10元,莫斯科 骡子买2得3。

Angelinas Happy hour from 6pm till 10pm. Tsingtao Beer for ¥5, Tequila and Kamikaze shots 10 for ¥100. 安吉丽娜酒吧 晚6点至10点,青岛啤酒仅需 5元/瓶,龙舌兰及神风短饮 10个/100元。

Malena Buy 1 get 1 free on all draught beers daily from 3pm until 7 pm. 玛莲娜 下午3点至晚7点,所有扎啤 买一赠一。

Milano From 10am through 4pm enjoy a set lunch menu including one soft drink, bread, garden salad and pasta for ¥78. 米兰诺 早10点至下午4点,78元便可 享用美味午饭套餐(1份软饮 +面包+蔬菜沙拉+意面)。

Loong Bar All you can drink shots of Tequila, Kamikaze, B 52 and Bacardi, daily from 11pm to 2am for ¥80/person. 每日晚11点至凌晨2点,仅需 80元/人,便可畅饮龙舌兰、 神风、B52、和百加得短饮。

小LPG 血腥玛丽日 血腥玛丽当天仅售20元/杯

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广告 Double espresso co.Ltd (qīng dǎo bèi nóng kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 28 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-6325, 156 0532-1652) beinongcoffee@126. com, 青岛贝浓咖啡有限 公司 香港西路28号

Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 汉柏麦香 东海西路50号 海信广场 负1层超市

Maqui Berry (mǎ jī méi) 81#201,Jianan Meidi,Tiantai City (8965-3697) 马基莓 城阳区天泰 城迦南美地72-1602

Maui International (máo yī guó jì) (8575-3390) 毛伊国际 Metro (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888, EN 8089-9880) 麦德龙 重庆南路 116号


欧卡咖啡 梅岭东路与松岭路交叉口向东100米

RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529) 大润发 宁夏路162号 Swissmooh (ruì shì ruì mù shí pǐn) B1-37/38, Marina City, 99 Aomen Lu 瑞士瑞慕食品 澳门路88 号 百丽广场B1-37/38

SAW Strong Ale Works (qiáng mài pí jiǔ) 12 Daxue Lu (136 0896-4700) strongaleworks@gmail. com 强麦啤酒 大学路12号 Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银都花 园购物商场 彰化路1号 银都花园12号翠柏阁1A Watsons (qū chén shì) 1F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 屈臣氏 香港中路38号 阳光百货1层 1F, Gome, 37 Taidong Yi Lu 台东一路37号国美大卖场1层 21 Xianggang Dong Lu 香港东路21号

Home Goods 家居 B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安 居 山东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽 阳西路188号 138 jia Haier Lu (8891-6611) 百安居 海尔路138号甲 BM Ultra Top quality mattress with affordable price (English - Cathy 132 5555-6553, Korean Song 186 7890-0384, Chinese - Lee 156 0542-6234) Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦 化路28号 Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) The professional coffee roaster and coffee equipment supplier. Gourmet coffee, roasted fresh in Qingdao. Ten years of coffee roasting experience, professional coffee technology training and after-sales service have made us a unique brand in Qingdao. 专业咖啡豆烘焙厂及咖啡设备销售 商。10年的咖啡豆烘焙经验,专业的咖啡技术 培训、售后维护团队,造就了岛城著名的咖啡品 牌。Exclusive store: 49 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈森咖啡 专卖店 东海西路49号 Taste: 5#102, Fanhai Mingren, Minjiang Er Lu (8090-2281) 体 验店 闽江二路泛海名人广场5#102 Factory: 35 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 5325-3732) 工厂 漳州一 路35号

My Glow Juice (měi kē) 220, 2nd floor, West Area, Marina City, 88 Aomen Lu (close to bank of China) (6606-1089) 美棵 澳门路88号 百丽广场西 区2层220甲

OK Korean food store (ōu kě hán guó shí pǐn pī fā líng shòu shāng diàn) Jia 8 Quanzhou Lu (8588-3644) 欧可韩国食品批发零售商店 泉州 路8号甲

Pure Inc. (chún jìng yuán guó jì shāng mào yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 808, 19 Bldg C, Zhonghuan Plaza, Zhangzhou Er Lu (80860615) Email: 纯净源国际商贸( 青岛)有限公司 漳州二路19号中环国际C座808

Westin Shop (wēi sī tīng shāng diàn) 1F, The Westin Qingdao, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6777-1866) 威斯汀商店 香港中路8号青岛威斯 汀酒店1层

Musical Instruments 乐器 Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 鲍德温钢琴专卖店 江西路91号乙 Guitar For you (jí tā zhuān mài) (139 6396 -1061) 吉他专卖 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 28 Huangshan Lu (8272-6977) 吉他平方 黄山路28号

Pets 宠物 Angora (ān gē lǔ chǒng wù diāo zhuān mài diàn) 32 Nanjing Lu (150-6616-7688) 安哥鲁宠物

貂专卖店 南京路32号

Petdog Health and Well-Being (pài duō gé chǒng wù shēng huó huì guǎn) Rm.19 Hua Hao Yue Yuan,138 Shandong Lu (186 6198-8205/130 7087-7963) 派多格宠物生活会馆 山东路138号花 好月圆19号网点

Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198-7701),

Sporting Goods 运动 Decathlon (dí kǎ nóng) 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (Below Fuliao Overpass) (8561-7788) 迪卡侬 辽阳 西路188号 (福辽立交桥下)

ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) ORCAFFE has trained a large number of baristas who are now working at renowned coffee shops where they can showcase their talent. ORCAFFE has invited Wei Lingpeng, Senior Examiner of SCAE (Specialty Coffee Association of Europe) to provide a 4 day professional barista training course. Tuition is ¥6800 if you sign up before 1 March. Time: 11-14 April (training- 3 days, examination- 1 day); Location: Qingdao ORCAFFE College (100m east of the intersection of Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu) 欧卡为青岛咖啡行业培 养了大量的优秀人才并在各大知名咖啡店就职,为 咖啡师们搭建了展示自我的平台。现青岛欧卡精品 咖啡学院特邀SCAE资深考官魏凌鹏带来SCAE( 欧洲精品咖啡协会)培训认证课程。3月1日前报 名可享6800优惠价。课程时间 :2016年4月11 日—14日(3天培训1天考试);上课地点:青岛欧卡 精品学院 (青岛市崂山区梅岭东路与松岭路路东 100米)。100 metres east from the intersection of

Sanfo (sān fū hù wài) 52 Donghai Xi Lu (85786628) 三夫户外 东海西路52号

Tailors 制衣 Honghong Tailor (hóng hóng zhì yī) 6 Xuzhou Lu (8580-2086) 红红制衣 徐州路6号 Jin Yuan Zhi Yi (jīn yuán zhì yī) 2F, 1-118 Chuandai Da Shijie, 86 Taidong San Lu (8907-0172) 金源制衣 台东三路86号穿戴大世界二楼1-118号

Wine 葡萄酒 Buller Wines (ào dà lì yà bù lè jiǔ zhuāng) Rm.603, 63 Xianggang Xi Lu (189 5329-2706) 澳大 利亚布乐酒庄 香港西路63号603室

Dong Zhou Fu Long World Wines (dōng zhōu fù lóng jiǔ yè) 2 Yuexiu Lu (6656-7999, 66568888) 东洲富隆酒业 越秀路2号

Meiling Dong Lu and Songling Lu. (400-600-5751)

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页




France Bacchus Bldg 9, 3 Xuzhou Lu (85898830) 徐州路3号9号楼 La Cave a Didier (dí jié jiǔ zhuāng) 135 Marina City West Zone, 86 Ao‘men lu (6606-1059) 狄杰酒 庄 澳门路86号 百丽广场西区135号

Latour Laguens World Fine Wine Cellar (lā tú lā gān guó jì jiǔ jiào) Unit 2, 31 Yan’an Yi Lu (6669-1111, 8325-3333) 拉图拉甘国际酒窖 延安 一路31号

B-2302, Guohua Bldg, 2 Minjiang Lu (8079-5256) 派达格进出口有限公司 闽江路2号国华大厦B-2302

Qingdao Wine Culture Street (qīng dǎo hóng jiǔ jiē) Yan’an Yi Lu 青岛红酒街 延安一路


WinItaly Room 2557, Zhongshang Mansion, 100 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8592-6326) 香港中路



开中学国际部 城阳区天河路1号

Hyatt Regency Qingdao 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店

Ming Yu International Beauty Studio (míng yú guó jì měi yán gōng zuò shì) 10 Shandong Lu (186 6165-1377) 铭妤国际美颜工作室 山东路10号

Z1 Restaurant Buffet Coupons All-day Z1 Restaurant surprises guests with gourmet local and international cuisines. In the dining area, the long vertical crystal droplights, French Le Creuest pots, and the open kitchen ensure you have a tasty night out.

Dragon Boat Festival Special Gift Packages To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival Hyatt Regency Qingdao is offering nicely designed gift boxes of rice dumplings. Guests can invite their families to dine on rice dumplings at the hotel or present the dumplings to relatives and friends to celebrate this happy occasion. There are nine kinds of dumplings to choose from including red bean paste rice, preserved vegetable with meat rice, lotus paste rice dumplings and more!

Sleeping Lotus SPA (shuì lián yǎng shēng měi róng guǎn) A3, 26 Donghai Zhong Lu (inside Langqin Garden) (8593-6007/08) 睡莲养生美容馆 东海中路26号A3 (浪琴园内)

Z1 餐厅现推出自助晚餐套票,尽享自助晚 餐最优折扣。价值 RMB198 元的 Z1 餐厅自助晚 餐,现购买套票 10 张仅需 RMB1280 元! Z1 餐厅请你用最优的折扣去感受绿色有机的食材、 独特创新的烹调手法。让你的家人、朋友,尽情 享受 Z1 餐厅的美味时刻。

BOOKINGS 预订电话:6672-9999 ext. 转 8333

悦礼佳节 粽情端午 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店推出福粽礼篮 “四时花竞巧,九子粽争新”。又是一年端 午时,青岛鲁商凯悦酒店精心准备了福粽礼篮: 入口润滑细腻,柔软粘稠,齿颊留香。传递浓浓 的节日温情,是您馈赠亲友的佳品。 福粽礼篮 人民币 199 元 豆沙粽、梅菜鲜肉粽、碱水莲蓉粽、燕麦杂粮粽、 黑米杂粮粽、百合枸杞粽、板栗鲜肉粽、桂花蜜 藕粽、咸鸭蛋 领取日期:2016 年 5 月 23 日至 6 月 9 日上午 9:00 至下午 6:00 领取地点:青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 3 楼沙龙厅 6

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8612-0656

Tian Bei’s Beauty & Health Care Salon (tián bèi měi róng bǎo jiàn huì suǒ) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓美容保健会所 闽江路203号

Hairdressers 美发 FRANCK PROVOST (ruì shì ruì mù shí pǐn) L320, MixC, 10 Shangdong Lu (5576-8528) 梵珀巴黎法式 发艺 山东路10号万象城L320

Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 1 (Jia) Xianxia Ling Lu 李嘉子形象设计

校 崂山区海青路16号

Qingdao Amerasia International School (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào) Catering to the needs of international learners from Toddler through Grade 12, QAIS is the first IB World School in Shandong Province and is the first school in Asia to be accredited by the American Montessori Society. Their commitment to holistic, inquiry-based education is unique in preparing students for the challenges of our century, creating internationalminded citizens who work for peace. The IB Diploma Program, offered at QAIS, is the highest international standard for pre-university education, and opens doors to universities and careers around the world. 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900) info@ QingdaoAmerasia. org,


Pleasantress Ladies Hair Salon (bó fēi sī nǚ zǐ měi fà huì suǒ) 30, Donghai Zhong Lu (East gate of Yinhai Yacht Club) (8592-6188) 柏飞丝女子美发 会所 东海中路30号-银海游艇俱乐部东门内

Steve is ‘The Hair Doctor,’ a British hairstylist with over 28 years of experience in all aspects of hairstyling, offering a full range of professional hairstyling services. By appointment only; high quality and personalised hairstyling service. Full nail services by ‘The Nail Nurse.’ For appointments call 136 8145-3740 http://www.hairdoctor-steve. com.

十里春风,甜蜜假日 青岛景园假日酒店于 4 月 13 日,一口气 推出了 30 多款新品西点。色彩缤纷的糕点如春 日百花争艳,每一款都独具特色,给人以视觉 味觉的全新体验。随时接受您的提前预定,个 性化定制。打打牙祭?那就赶紧去位于酒店一 楼“秀”吧-西点屋柜台逛逛吧。

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8096-6888 ext. 转 8221


TouchHair (yí zūn měi fà) Vidal Sassoon Academy graduate, student of Japanese hair stylist Kawasaki -An expert in hair treatment. 颐尊美发

Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao 青岛香格里拉大酒店 Diva’s Day Promotion Ladies can enjoy a special and elegant present from Shangri-La from May. The first 30 female WeChat followers dining at Cafe Yum will enjoy “Buy One get One Free” on Tuesday for buffet lunch or dinner. Additionally, from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm, ladies are eligible to have a free massage and manicure. 女王尊享日 一品堂每周二推出“女王尊享日”,每餐 前三十位预订的酒店官方微信女粉丝尊享自助午 餐或自助晚餐“两人同行 , 一人免单”;下午 2 点至 5 点半间,更有免费肩背按摩和美甲护理, 伴您共度芳菲温婉好时光。


Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际学

ME (ME měi fā) 5F, The Westin Qingdao, 8 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8611-1885) ME美发 香港中

路12号 中航翔通游艇会6层

Sweet Holiday, Yummy Inn On 13 April, Holiday Inn Parkview added more then 30 different desserts to their menu. The colourful desserts are just like spring flowers, offering you a grand visual feast. You can also customise your desserts by adding a photo or a logo of your company. Go to Etc Bar to start a palatable journey!

Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bilingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Admission Office, Bldg.7, 36 Laoshan Lu, Laoshan District (88800003) 青岛耀中国际学校 青岛招生办公室 崂山区

中心 仙霞岭路1号甲

DONG Hairdressing (DONG měi fā shā lóng) 6F, 12 Xinhui Lu (5897-5222) DONG美发沙龙 新会

Holiday Inn Parkveiw Qingdao 青岛景园假日酒店

International School of Qingdao (mti) (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Starting at pre-school and rising to grade 12 (2-18 years of age), ISQ follows a US based curriculum, is WASC and NCCT accredited and offers an extensive range AP courses. The school also offers honours courses in all core subjects. In addition, away from the classroom, ISQ has an extensive MUN program, Student Council and Leadership Development. Throughout, its educational focus is on university preparation. Baishan Compus, Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www. isqchina. com 青岛MTI国际学校 崂山区沙子口东姜白珊 Guokai International School (guó kāi zhōng xué guó jì bù) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (8471-6288, 137 9323-3392, 187 6425-8880) www. Wechat 官方微信:guokaiguojibu 国

Himalayas Qingdao Hotel 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店

Z1 餐厅请你最优折扣吃自助啦! 时尚的饮食理念,色彩缤纷的精致甜品, 品种多样的多国籍料理,坐享顶级酒店奢华气质 的 Z1 餐厅,带给你的远不止如此。美味、折扣, 双重惊喜,体验更加愉悦的美食之旅。

International Department of Qingdao Galaxy School (qīng dǎo yín hé xué xiào guó jì bù) 47 Tongchuan Lu, Licang District (8880-8315)

100 号中商大厦2557

Spas 美容养生

Pick up time: May 23 to June 9, 9:00 - 18:00 Pick up Location: Salon 6, Level Three

International Schools


青岛银河学校国际部 李沧区铜川路47号

Pentagon Enterprise Co., Ltd (pài dá gé jìn chū kǒu yǒu xiàn gōng sī)

Sunshinry Wine Cellar (lǎng yí jiǔ háng) 43 Minjiang Er Lu (6677-6999) 朗怡酒行 闽江二路

Z1 Restaurant provides a modern decor where guests can indulge in a delicious feast. Buy ten dinner buffet coupons for just RMB1280 (Z1 dinner buffet: RMB 19 net/ per person) and enjoy a delicious dinner buffet with your family and friends.


师从日本发艺巨匠川崎大师,进修于沙宣美发学 院。主修专业:经典剪裁。3F Le Meridien Qingdao

Hotel, 112 Yanji Lu (5557-0403 Suki 186 6028-9276) 延吉路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3层

Massage 按摩 LiShui Tang (lì shuǐ táng) 1 Xinzhu Lu (159 0899-2971) 丽水堂

青岛美亚国际学校 山东头路68号

Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) Accepting students from pre-K to grade 12 (5-17 years of age), QISS utilizes a US curriculum (Common Core), and is WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited. In addition, Advanced Placement courses are available on-site in 13 subjects. We offer AP Studio Art, Chemistry, Biology,Environmental Science, Economics, World History, Comparative Government, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Chinese, Language Arts, Human Geography. The school is licensed by Qingdao Bureau of Education. 232 Songling Lu (6889-8888) 山东省青岛第一国际


学校 松岭路232号

Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (chuán tǒng zhōng yī àn mó) Is there anything more relieving than getting a rub down from a professional masseur? We can’t think of anything, and this place comes recommended for delivering truly salubrious as well as relaxing massages. 没有

Qingdao Chungwoon Korean School (qīng dǎo qīng yún hán guó xué xiào) 1 Tianhe Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8686) 青岛青云韩国学 校 城阳区天河路1号

什么比按摩能更好的舒缓压力。建议来此享受一 下真正有益健康的放松按摩。Get rid of suffering.

Home visit service provided (150 9229-7893) 传统中医按摩

BOOKINGS 预订电话:8388-3838

=english menu


=parking Check for menu, images and more




/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页 Chinese Language 汉语

New Channel·International Education for Young Learners (xīn háng dào ·qīng shǎo nián guó jì jiāo yù xué ) 19th Floor, Flagship Building, Sunshine Department Store (8667-8833) 新航道· 青少年国际教育学院 阳光百货旗舰大厦19层

Qingdao International Language Institute (Global IELTS) (qīng dǎo guó jiāo wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào (huán qiú yǎ sī)) Bldg.6, 35 Jiangxi Lu (8581-9871) 青岛国交外语培训学校(环球雅 思)江西路35号6号楼

Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-5469 ) 华尔街英语 香港中路20号 黄金广场2层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华尔街英语 漳州路79号 中环国际 广场1层19号

Chinese Language Centre - XMandarin (xīn huán qiú hàn yǔ) Mandarin Chinese training, IPA/PAT Chinese Language Teacher Training Programs XMandarin Chinese Language Centre provides a wide variety of courses (small group/ private) and best customer service (student visa, introducing jobs, relocation) for international students who are going to learn Mandarin Chinese during their Qingdao residence. 汉语言培训,IPA/ PAT国际注册汉语教师培训。www.0532study. com, Rm. 1605, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8807-8385, 135 8927-8775) 新环球汉语 漳州二路19号中环国际广 场A座1605室

Han Xing Chinese College (hàn xing shū yuàn) Han Xing Chinese College can do custom made classes for each student. Teacher Cui has more than 10 years Chinese teaching experience for foreigners. After study, every student can get a graduation certificate of Chinese Traditional Culture Classes. Our features Classes: - Business Chinese - Travel Chinese - Words and Expressions for Daily Life - HSK Class Traditional Chinese Culture Classes: - Tea Culture - Aroma Culture - Guqin - A traditional Chinese instrument - Calligraphy F11, Bldg 6, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (136 5532-6948, 178 6421-5383) (Eng) WeChat: chaxiang_ yinyun 汉兴书院 宁夏路288号 市南软件园6号楼

French Language 法语 Alliance Francaise (qīng dǎo fǎ yǔ lián méng) 3F, Zone H, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (Ocean Uni) (8590-6232) 青岛法语联盟 香港东路23号中国海洋大学H区3层

For Kids 幼教 Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn ) South entrance at 16 Donghai Xi Lu, Floor 5 (8388-7176) 青 岛国际交流中心 东海西路16号南门5楼

Kindergartens 幼儿园 Bright Start Early Childhood Center (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào yòu jiāo zhōng xīn) 1st Floor, Building 15,Yamai Shan Cheng, Qingdasan Lu, Laoshan District (86 532) 6865 2268 admissions@ 青岛MTI国际学校幼教中心 崂山区 青大三路 亚麦山城15 号楼1层

CHERIE HEARTS No.1 International Kindergarten of Qingdao (xīn jiā pō tóng xīn guó jì qīng dǎo dì yī yòu ér yuán tóng xīn guó jì) 232 Songling Lu, Laoshan District (Inside Qingdao Chengtou International Education Park) (6889-8555 / 8889) 新加坡童心国际青岛第一幼儿园童心国际 青岛市 崂山区 松岭路232号 青岛城投教育园


Goldencareer Training School (jīn qián chéng péi xùn xué xiào) Chinese training, English training, TOEIC, Translation outsourcing service. www.goldencareer. cn, 12F, Bldg. G5, 288 Ningxia Lu (8597-5725, 8597-5726, 8597-5728) 金前程培训学校 宁夏路 288号G5楼12层

Nichibi Foreign Language School of Qingdao (rì měi wài yǔ zhuān xiū xué xiào) Rm.1206, F12, Bldg. A, Zhonghuan Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8570-8571, English: 8570-8130) info@, URL: 日 美外语专修学校 漳州二路19号 中环国际广场A 座12层1206

Qing Zhi Zijin Chinese Language Training Centre (qīng zhī zǐ jīn hàn yǔ péi xùn zhōng xīn) Rm.1112, Bldg.A, Hongkong Garden, Quanzhou Lu (135 8322-4253) Conversational course, HSK---all levels, Traditional culture &poem, University literature entrance works, Business course. Promise education! caopingesther@163. com 青之子衿汉语培训中心 泉州路3号香港花园 A座1112室

English Language 英语 Gnlight of Mine English Training (qīng dǎo lù guāng měi yīn wài yǔ péi xùn xué xiào) 3F, Xutai Garden4, 20 Yan’er Dao Lu http://www.glmine. com/ (400 6018-133/6677-5122) 青岛绿光美音外语 培训学校 燕儿岛路20号旭泰花园4号楼3层

Ivy English School (cháng chūn téng yīng yŭ) 18 ShuangYuan Lu, , Chengyang District, Zhuoyue Weilan Archipelago (139 6964-0564) 常春藤英语 学校 城阳区青岛双元路18号卓越蔚蓝群岛

Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu cn (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130 号1-2层


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Montessori Children’s House at QAIS (qīng dǎo měi yà guó jì xué xiào méng tè suǒ lì ér tong zhī jiā) 68 Shandongtou Lu (8388-9900), www. 青岛美亚国际学校 蒙特梭 利儿童之家 山东头路68号

Qingdao WISBABY International Preschool (xī huá bǎo bèi yòu ér yuán) Qingdao WISBABY International Preschool is accepting applications now! Fully qualified teaching staff, 2 male international teachers and a choice of bilingual, international and school holiday programmes! Contact us to come and take a look! Be in quick to receive a special discount for our international class!青岛西华宝贝幼儿园现在招生了!我们拥有 资深教学团队,两名男性国际老师。另外还有双 语、国际以及假期项目可供选择!赶快联系我们 吧!早期报名者还可以享受国际课程优惠喔!87 Laoshan Lu (8801-9050, 155 5424-6662) 西华宝贝 幼儿园 崂山路87号

PKU College Qingdao Tianxi International

Perschool (běi dà gōng xué qīng dǎo tiān xǐ guó jì yòu ér yuán) 1 Donghai Dong Lu ( 68062777) 北大公学青岛天玺国际幼儿园 东海东路1号

Korean Language 韩语 Tianyan Korean Language Centre (tiān yán hán guó yǔ péi xùn) 20th Floor, Bldg A, Central International (Zhonghuan) Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (Bank of China’s upstairs) (8589-9336) 天言韩国语培训 漳州二路19

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广告 号 中环国际广场A座第20层

German Language 德语 Goethe-Sprachlernzentrum an der Qingdao Universität (qīng dǎo dà xué gē dé yǔ yán zhōng xīn) 5F, Bldg D (west), Qingdao University, 9 Xianggang Dong Lu (8595-0060) 青岛大学歌德 语言中心 香港西路青岛大学香港东路9号青岛大学 科技园D栋西楼5楼

Music Schools 音乐学校 Baby Mozat Music School (xiǎo xiǎo mò zhā tè yīn lè guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-7918) 小小莫扎特 音乐馆 延吉路109号

Classic Guitar Training (gǔ diǎn jí tā péi xùn) 8 Zhangping Lu (139 6396-1061) 古典吉他培训 漳 平路8号

Jiawentang Guqin Club (jiā wén tang gǔ qín shè) Room.201, unit 2, bldg.1, Tianlin Gardan, 2 Donghai Xi Lu (8382-6339) 嘉文堂古琴社 东海西 路2号 天林花园1号楼2单元201室

International Academy School 国际公学 Okma International Academy Qingdao (qīng dǎo hàn měi gōng xué) 瀚美公学青岛 Campus Address: Crossing of Jialing Jiang Lu and Changjiang Lu, Huangdao. Admission Office: 44-A007, Wanbang Center, Qingdao. (8675-3277, 6602-7210) 学校地址:黄岛嘉陵江路和长江路路 口。办公室地址:青岛万邦中心44-A007

Confucius International School Qingdao (niú jīn gōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8000) 青岛

孔裔(牛津)国际公学 松岭路232号

Qingdao United Family Hospital (qīng dǎo hé mù jiā yī yuàn) Shilaoren Community, 319 Hongkong East Road, Laoshan District (4008919191, www. Our hospital delivers comprehensive international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Eye Clinic, and ENT services, as well as other specialties. Qingdao United Family Hospital is staffed by an international team of physicians who serve the city’s multinational patients with experience, compassion, and dedication. Our mission is to provide high-quality medical and healthcare services to the expatriate and Chinese populations throughout Qingdao and Shandong province. 设置全科、内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、 眼科、耳鼻喉科、口腔科等门诊及住院服务。经验 丰富的国际医护团队将为居住和工作在青岛的多元 文化患者提供悉心优质的医疗及保健服务。青岛和 睦家医院 崂山区香港东路319号石老人社区

Qi Lu Hospital (qí lǔ yī yuàn ) 758 Hefei Lu (96599) 齐鲁医院 合肥路758号 Waiter Medic (wéi tè ěr yī liáo) Rm.109, bldg.3, 63 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-1199) 维特尔医疗 香港中路63号3号楼109室

Dental Clinics 齿科 David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯旋家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8572-1822) 滨海花园F3-1A(五四广场内)

Malvern College Qingdao (qīng dǎo mò ěr wén zhōng xué ) 77 Tieqi Shan Lu, Chengyang District (5865-9999) 青岛墨尔文 中学 城阳区惜福镇铁骑山路77号

Fu-Jen Dental Group (qīng hé kǒu qiāng mén zhěn bù) 15 Jintai, 109 Shandong Lu (next to Ping-an Bank) (8091-3950) 青合口腔门诊部 山东 路109号璟台15号

Southlands Schools China (měi guó suǒ sī lán zhōng xué) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8998) 美国索斯 兰中学 松岭路232号

Private Schools 私立学校 Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (88815851) 白珊学校 崂山区 沙子口东姜

Qingdao Laoshan New Century School (qīng dǎo láo shān xīn shì jì xué xiào) 232 Songling Lu (6889-8898) 青岛崂山新世纪学校 松岭路232 号 4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 逍遥三路4号

Gentle Dental (zhēn zǐ chǐ kē) Specialising in joint pain/clicking, bite and bite related problems orthodontics and dental restorations. Dr. Olive Liao DDS. MS trained in Roth Williams (3 year course) Orthodontic Education Centre; Bioesthetics (2 year course) Education Centre; Korean Orthodontic Research Institute; Kygpook University, Korea. She has over ten years clinical experience. Fluent English, Basic Korean and Japanese. 提供头面部疼痛相关的正畸和牙齿修复 治疗。廖医生曾在多家口腔正畸培训中心和研究 机构学习培训,拥有十余年诊疗经验,英语流利, 韩语日语基本会话。3-10 Maidao Lu (8860-2820,

8588-1055, 138 5423-2410 EN) www.qddentist. com, 真予齿科 麦岛

Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学校 东海东路16号



Leaders Dental Clinic (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) 4 Donghai Zhong Lu, intersecting Yan’er Dao Lu (8069-0275/8077-8666) 瑞德口腔 东海中路4号(燕 儿岛路与东海中路交界) 聿明口腔国际部

Hospitals 医院 Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) They offer 24/7 medical care service, direct billing and accept international medical insurance policies. The staff can speak both English and Chinese. They have special departments dedicated to internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, oral medicine and more. 提供全年无休的24小时医疗 服务,可直接使用海外保险,员工可直接进行英 语沟通。医院提供内科、外科、儿科、口腔科等科 室。Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (81117118) 贝利尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银都花园49座

Cham Shan Int’l Medical Centre (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) Always care for your health. 24h x 7days’ calling. Direct billing for oversea insurance.English Speaking Staff. Free pick up service. Family Doctor Pediatric. OB/GYN. Physical check-up. 一如既往地关注您的健康,为 您提供全年无休的电话咨询服务。在这里可以直 接使用海外保险。员工均可讲英文。提供免费接 院服务。医院配备家庭儿科医生及妇产科医生。另 外医院还提供体检。Rm.102, Bldg.C, 25 Donghai 1

Lu (inside Cham Shan Sanatorium) (131 6501-3251 EN/JP, 136 2639-9601) 湛山国际医疗中心 东海一路 25号C楼102室

International Clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Not open on Sundays, 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院 东院区国际门诊 东海西路5号

Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, 6778-5190, Plastic Surgery (整 形); 8077-8666, Dental (牙科) 青岛永缘韩美整形 崂山区香港东路137号

Surgery Clinics 医学美容 Evercare Qingdao Cosmetic Surgery Hospital

(qīng dǎo yī měi ěr zhěng xíng yī yuàn) 20 Xianggang Xi Lu (8378-6188) 青岛伊美尔整形医 院 香港西路20号

Qingdao LORD hospital (qīng dǎo nuò dé zhěng xíng měi róng yī yuàn) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8801-0022) 青岛诺德整形美容医院 青 岛崂山区香港东路69号凯旋山庄35栋

Qingdao Yongyuanhanmei Medical Group (qīng dǎo yǒng yuán hán měi zhěng xíng) 137 Xianggang Dong Lu, (6778-5190, Plastic Surgery ( 整形); 8077-8666, Dental(牙科) 青岛永缘韩美整形 崂山区香港东路137号(韩国领事馆东200米)

Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓美容医学中心 闽江路203号

SERVICES 服务 Automotive Services 汽修 Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 青岛市银川西 路136号 369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 青岛

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Qingdao Women & Infants Hospital Int’l Medical Center (qīng dǎo fù yīng yī yuàn guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn) 19 Zhongshan Lu (153 76796880) 青岛妇婴医院国际医疗中心 中山路19号

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座1209 室

Business 商务

Qingdao Expat Service Centre - One Stop Service We are providing 24 hours free hot line Service for Qingdao Expat! Call us if you need help or anything’s in Qingdao. Our services are below:√House Rent √Car and Vehicle Rent √Taxi Service √Orientation Service √Corporate service √Driver service√ School Search √Maid Service √Visa and work Permit service √Export and Import Tel:0532-80806832; Cell Phone:86-13687697428; Email: Website:www.

China-Australia Chamber of Commerce-

Bohai Qingdao office (zhōng guó ào dà lì yà shāng huì bó hǎi fèn huì qīng dǎo bàn gōng shì) Rm502,Bldg2, 69 Haimen Lu (8163-9302) 中国 澳大利亚商会渤海分会青岛办公室 海门路69号瑞 纳康都B-502室 InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 8667-5168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西 路37号金都花园C座16楼A室

Qingdao CCPIT (qīng dǎo shì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì) Rm.403, 121 Yan An San Lu (8389-7995)

青岛市贸易促进委员会 延安三路121号403室

ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng (qīng dǎo) shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Bldg.12B, Qingdao Software Park, 288 Nanjing Lu (8666-7551) 优创( 青岛)数据技术有限公司 宁夏路288号 青岛软件 园12号楼B座1层

Consultancy 咨询 Dezan Shira & Associates (xié lì guǎn lǐ zī xún) Rm 2307, 23F Bldg A, Central International Plaza, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu (6677-5461) qingdao@ 协力管理咨询 漳州二路19号 中环国 际广场A座23层2307房间

JHT Business Consulting Co., Ltd (jīn huì tōng shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 4F Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (66886599; 138 5325-6997 EN) 金汇通商务咨询有限公 司 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店404室

InternChina (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 8667-5168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西 路37号金都花园C座16楼A室

Qingdao Continental Bridge For Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo zhōu qiáo guó jì wén huà jiāo liú fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 1209, Bldg. B, Hongkong Garden, 54 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8581-6081, 136 8761-1581)青岛洲桥国际文 化交流服务有限公司 漳州二路54号香港花园B

Qingdao Overseas Exit-Entry Services Centre (qīng dǎo hǎi wài chū rù jìng fú wù zhōng xīn) 12F, He’an Mansion, 117 Yan’an San Lu (8579-1888) 青岛海外出入境服务中心 延安三路117号和安 大厦12层

Qingdao Overseas Investment Service Centre (qīng dǎo shì wài shāng tóu zī fú wù zhōng xīn) 19F, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 (Jia) Shandong Lu (8197-8622) 青岛市外商投资服务中心 山东路2号 甲 华人国际大厦19层

SEN-CONSULT (qīng dǎo sēn yì shāng wù zī xún yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm 2006, Bldg 1, Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (8502-8585) 青岛森奕商务咨 询有限公司 宁夏路288号软件园1号楼2006

Community 社交 Qingdao Global Bridge Cultural &

Educational Exchange Services (qīng dǎo huán yǔ qiáo guó jì wén huà jiào yù jiāo liú fúwù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 30-E, Bldg. B, 37 Donghai Xi lu (8668-1224, 139 0642-3247) 青岛环宇桥国 际文化教育交流服务有限公司 东海西路37号 B 座30—E Qingdao International Community Centre (qīng dǎo guó jì jiāo liú zhōng xīn) South entrance at 16 Donghai Xi Lu, Floor 5 (8388-7176) 青岛国际交流中心 东海西路16号南门5层

Jobs Available 招聘 ReSource Pro (yōu chuàng qīng dǎo shù jù jì shù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) 1F, Block 12, 288 Ningxia Lu, Qingdao Software Park (8666-7410) 优创(青 岛)数据技术有限公司 青岛市软件园宁夏路288


/ QINGDAO LISTINGS // 广告 • 青岛黄页 Home Décor 装饰

J & M Realty (shèng jiā bù dòng chǎn) (83889232, 8591-9859) 139 5322-7352(English) 137 8069-5932 (Japanese) Email:

Lehaosi Decoration Group (lè háo sī zhuāng shì jí tuán ) 887 Tongan Lu (400-6169-990)乐豪斯 装饰集团 同安路887号

Jones Lang LaSalle Qingdao Office (zhòng liàng lián háng) Financial and professional

Shangmeijia Interior Design (shàng měi jiā zhuāng shì shè jì) 60 Dayao San Lu (150 6309-9992) 青岛尚美嘉装饰设计工程有限公司 大 尧三路60号

commercial real estate services firm. Suite 22A, Qingdao International Finance Centre, 59 Xianggang Zhong Lu (Tel 8579-5800 Fax 85795801) 仲量联行 香


Household Services 家政服务 Qingdao DY Rainbow Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd (qīng dǎo dà yáng cǎi hóng huán bǎo kē jì yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Qingdao DY Rainbow company focus on cleaning home central air conditioner, reduce your indoor air pollution, pls contact 13792899997 for detail. Rm2407, 3-East unit, Long Hai Ming Zhu, 178-2,Haier Lu (185 6161-6051)青岛大洋彩虹环 保科技有限公司 海尔路178-2号龙海明珠 3-西 单元-2407

Legal 法律 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) 山

杰可不动产 香港中路6号 世贸中心B座204B

港中路59号 青岛国际金融中心22A

Teamwill Real Estate (zhì méng zhì yè yǒu xiàn gōng sī) (8080-6832, 136 8769-7428) 志盟 置业有限公司

Translation 翻译 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www. 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南 京路100号 创意100产业园3号楼401室

Web Design 网站设计 REDSTAR Works Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8388-2269, 8097-0521) www. 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南 京路100号 创意100产业园3号楼401室

东兴田律师事务所 福州南路9号新世界大厦9层

Training 培训

Allbright (jǐn tiān chéng) F22, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 Shandong Lu (8866-2999, 139 06484720) 锦天城 山东路2号华

Captivate Training and Consulting (kǎi tài ěr yīng guó péi xùn gōng sī) Website:


Logistics 物流 Fedex Express (lián bāng kuài dì) Bldg. B, 171 Huaian Lu (Domestic hotline: +400-889-1888) 联 邦快递 淮安路171号B座; E-mail: training@; Rm 419, Bldg 2, Art & Technology Center, 63 Haier Lu (5557-9498) 凯泰尔 (英国)培训公司 海尔路63号数码科技中 心2层419室

Photography 摄影

Nax Logistics (qīng dǎo guó shēng wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 1316, 220 Yan An San Lu (8389-0366) 青岛国升物流有限公司 延安三路220 号 邮政大厦1316室

Santa Fe Relocation Services, Qingdao (huá huī guó jì yùn shū fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī shān dōng fēn gōng sī) Rm.1304, Guangfa Financial Mansion, 40 Shandong Lu (8386-9455) www. 华辉国际运输服务有限公司 山东 路40号广发金融大厦1304室

SF Express (shùn fēng sù yùn) (95338) 顺丰速运

Real Estate 房产 Ayan’s Photography We’re a team of professional, international photographers. We’ll take photos of anything—anytime, anyplace, anywhere. Contact us: WeChat: a87016587051 (Ayan)

My Home (Kichoo) Real Estate ( jí zhào bú dòng chǎn) provides not only professional real estate services, but also services that include accommodation , relocation, utilities installment and bill payments. We will also help you with any problems related to your rent including mediation with the landlord, contract updates and refunding of rent deposits. 吉兆不动产,除提供专业的不 动产服务外,还可以协助办理住宿登记、搬家服 务、提供水电、煤气费、卫星电视、电话、宽带等 公用费用安装和支付服务,以及负责协调房东 进行纠纷交涉、合同更新和房租保证金收回等 服务。Our addresses are: Room 101.Building 18

Yindu Mansion,1 Zhanghua Lu and Unit 1, Building 2,16 Fuzhou Nan Lu. 130 6149-5870 (ENG) 136 6886-1547 (CHN) kichoo_55@163. com 彰化路1号银都花园18号楼101 福州南路16 号甲 2号楼1单元

Bencer Project Management Representative Office 10F, Sunshine Tower, 61 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8886-2931, 152 5324-9298 Fax: 8077-5012) 香港中路61号 阳光大厦10层 Century 21 Ao Men Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn qīng dǎo jīn dū jiā méng diàn ào mén lù diàn) 136 Ao’men Lu 8080-3232, 135 0542-2099 21世纪不动产青岛金都加盟店澳门路店 澳门 路136号


=english menu


Blue & Green Studio (bù lǔ gé lín) Blue & Green Studio focuses on PHOTOGRAPHY and PRODUCTION, Steven Hsiu and Kenneth Yao, founders of BGS and experts in the field of high-end commercial video production and photography, provides commercial photography, documentary and production for several important customers and international projects in the past eight years. 布鲁格林STUDIO专注影 像制作,创始人Steven Hsiu和Kenneth Yao是 高端商用影像领域卓越的制片人和制作专家,在 过去的八年里持续为高端客户和多个国际项目提 供商业影像纪录、制作等服务。(183 5324-2445, 布鲁格林STUDIO

Ben Photography Studio (běn shè yǐng gōng zuò shì) Room 311, Bldg 3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8090-1578) 本摄影工作室 南京路100 号创意100产业园3号楼311

=parking Check for menu, images and more

CLASSIFIEDS 分类信息 waitresses for a full time or part time position. Patience and sense of commitment are strongly required. No time-wasters. Contact 8577-0058. 米兰诺意大利西餐 厅现招聘两名服务生(男女不限),兼职、全职皆 可。需要有耐心和责任心。联系方式:8577-0058

Send us your classified by the 10th of each month. cost just ¥15 per word. http:// or email to Advertise both in the magazine and online, enjoy a 40% discount! Payable online via paypal.

Trattoria Verde is recruiting two waiters or waitresses (people who can speak English is prefered) and two chef assistants(male only). All the positions need patience and responsibility sense. Call 8589-8530 for more information. 北绿岛西餐厅现招聘两 名服务生(男女不限,懂外语者优先),厨师助 理两名(男)。需要有耐心和责任心。联系方 式:8589-8530

请于每月10日前发送分类信息到 info@redstarworks.com或登录http://自 助刊登。15元/单词。杂志与网站同时刊登享 受6折折扣,可使用paypal付款。

REDSTAR Alerts 红星推广

Don’s miss your printed copy of REDSTAR magazine each month! 200元 gets you a 12 month subscription, covering postage to your home or office address. Scan the QR code below to subscribe or email to subscription@redstarworks. com. We can even come and collect payment what could be easier?

English foreign teacher needed for private/ small training class during daily evening and weekend, Native English speaker required, rich teaching experience is preferred. Salary paid by day or week. Contact Frank via wechat or 18678911895 if you interest. REDSTAR is looking for design interns! If you can use Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. and can speak English, then join the REDSTAR team! Contact email: 红星需要你,假如你能 使用Photoshop, IIIustrator 等软件,并且会用英 语简单交流,加入到红星的队伍吧!请发送邮件到。

friends. Bruce Wang: 135 7322-8123. Professionally CELTA qualified Business English Teacher available in Qingdao. Several years Business English teaching experience in China. Clients include: Fortune 500, State-owned, International Trade companies etc. Native English speaker but also fluent in Chinese. Contact: James Office number 5557-9498. 来自英国的资深商务 英语和企业英语外教,获得CELTA(剑桥大学) 资格认证。多年的商务英语和企业英语经验。包 括多家全球500强公司,大型国企,知名贸易公 司等。同时能说流利的中文。联系: 安泰 办公电 话:5557-9498。

Qualified experienced Italian native teacher available for private tutoring, speaks fluently English and possess an intermediate level for the Chinese and Korean language. Contact (preferred) or +86 185 6173-4812.



Gentle Dental clinic is looking for both a receptionist and a dental office manager for full time or part time positions. Both Chinese and English languages required. Please contact via email: 13105423623@163. com or wechat: GentleDental. 真予齿科诚聘办公室 经理和接待员,兼职全职皆可,要求中英双语流 利。有意者请联系: 微信: GentleDental

Full time office administrator wanted for an english school. communication skills and detail oriented are required. Visit for ezine sign up. REDSTAR Magazine online: myredstar. com/category/magazine/ Follow us on WeChat ID: redstarqd Facebook: Redstar Instagram: redstarqingdao Sina Weibo: REDSTAR红星 Douban: REDSTAR

Part-time Chinese teacher wanted: XMandarin CLC is seeking part-time Chinese (native/female) teachers, good command in English/Japanese, Chinese well-educated, available in weekend and work days evening. Contact 152 6623-6986, 青岛新环球汉语培训 学校招聘兼职汉语教师,要求教育程度高,熟练 掌握英语,日语或中文,周末及工作日晚上可以授 课。联系152 6623-6986, tianyan@tianyanedu. com。

We are English education group and want full time English teather for 4-12 years old kids. Native English speaker required, need Tefl or related cert., industry experience is preferred. Location: Fuzhou North Road and Xiazhuang Road in Qingdao. Monthly salary around ¥10,000 and we could help teacher to apply for the working visa. Please contact via wechat or MP 18678911895. Email:

Looking for Participating Partners Make Yourself Known... to real estate businesses in town! REDSTAR helps you fulfill your business interests: - Reach your target clients - Exposure in the most trust-worthy bilingual magazine in Qingdao - Stay up-to-date with the most recent news & events in town

Course Advisor, to be responsible for Chinese course sales. Female preferred, age 25-34, must be fluent English speker, with IELTs 7/ TEM-8 or above, good ability in interpersonal communication and customer maintenance. Good appearance and temperament, Enjoy challenging works. Contact 135 8927-8775, tianyan@


Jobs Wanted 找工作 求职

Jobs Available 招聘

10 years experience on Assistant/ Customer Relationship Management / Sales and Marketing/ Key Account management in SinoSilliker under Mérieux NutriSciences Group Currently I am seeking a part-time job on every working day afternoon, which can assist foreigners on administration, interpreter or translator etc. You can contact via Tel:18005326568, Email:13282894@ or WeChat: 18005326568.


Part-time Male and Female Models Needed Requirements:


Across shoulder(cm)



98-101 86-89



165-172 174-179



German size Female Model 38 Male Model





Company: Otto International Qingdao Office Phone: 8388-7260 (Lily-Yang) Email: 18/F Everbright International Finance Center, 67 Xianggang Xi Lu Milano Italian Restaurant is looking for 2 waiters/

English Teacher Available: American and British English teacher available for your schools, as well as your private lessons (evenings and weekends). Simon holds a Master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second or Other Language). He can teach from kids to adults. Email: I’m looking for a job that does driving (I have a car), cooking, cleaning and Chinese teaching for foreigners who speak English. I used to be an English tour guide in Qingdao hence I know Qingdao very well. I’m nice and like to make

I am David Chang from a local company in Qingdao and singing with a chorus in my spare time. I have some passions for music and singing and also much interest in foreign cultures. I`d like to get to know some foreign people with the same interests. Thank you for the kind help. Enclosed is a recording of my singing. I hope you enjoy it and share it with your foreign friends. Thank you. Mandarin Tutor Hello, expatriates living in Qingdao. I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ruth and I am a professionaly qualified Mandarin Chinese teacher who specialises in both business and private Mandarin Chinese lessons. You can contact me on: Tel :159 6691-3411 The Alliance Française network has been spreading French language and Francophone culture for more than a century. The Alliance Française was created in 1883 in Paris. Today, it is the leading cultural network worldwide, with 850 establishments in 136 countries on all five continents. Each year, 500,000 people, of all ages, attend Alliances Françaises to learn French and more than 6 million people participate in their cultural activities. Alliance Française have 15 branches in China’s most important cities and have, for 15 years, been developing a high-flying program of partnerships. Backed by the most important Chinese universities, Alliance Française is well established in local networks and naturally close to companies, cultural organizations and culture-related French and Chinese administrative units. Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Foreign Language College, Students Cultural Exchange Do you want to meet new Chinese friends? Every tuesday 2pm at Laoshan Campus of University of Science & Technology, Mingde Lou building, 239 classroom, we are waiting for you for a free cultural exchange. Join us! 青岛科技大 学外国语学院国际交流会,想认识外国朋友吗? 每周二下午两点在科大崂山校区明德楼239教室 有免费的交流会。Contacts联系: Paolo Bellomo 保罗老师, Silvia Luo 罗老师 (English, Italiano, Chinese, Japanese) (0532) 8373-0349, QQ: 1275186604,

regular charity events such as "Love from the World" to help under-privileged Children in Qingdao. If you are a foreigner and who loves and care the children, please contact me and join us. 136-5532-6948 178-6421-5383 (Eng) wechat: chaxiang_ yinyun Qingdao Hash House Harriers - They are active every Saturday and enjoy getting together for a run/walk, followed by drinks and dinner. Everyone is welcome to join. Hashers meet every Saturday in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 2pm unless otherwise specified. Contact qingdaohhh@ for more details. Qingdao International Business Association – Qingdao Expat Group , Qingdao Mama Group



Household Services 家政服务 Domestic Help Do you need one experienced a yi to help you out from the housework? I can recommend one for you. Pls email paris-chi@

Training 培训 Han Xing Chinese College can do custom made classes for each student. Teacher Cui has more than 10 years Chinese teaching experience for foreigners. After study, every student can get a graduation certificate of Chinese Traditional Culture Classes. Our features Classes: Business Chinese, Travel Chinese, Words and Expressions for Daily Life,HSK Class. Traditional Chinese Culture Classes: Tea Culture, Aroma Culture, Guqin, A traditional Chinese instrument, Calligraphy. 136 5532-6948, 178 6421-5383 (Eng) wechat: chaxiang_ yinyun New to China? Want to improve your Mandarin? Expert qualified Chinese teacher specializing in Chinese as a second language. Courses available (Qingdao or Huangdao). Survival Chinese, oral language development, written language development, HSK. Very reasonable prices for individual tuition, discounts available for groups. Joanna: 151 6602-3663, Skype: Joanna370282198912090041, Classic Guitar Training 古典吉他培训 Get on the professional guitar lessons. Indulge into the world of music. 踏上古典吉他学习之旅,开启音乐 世界之门。 Contact Mike (Chinese/English) 联系隗 老师:139 6396-1061

Travelling 旅游 Completely Solution & More Travelling in Tsingtao Michael (156 6682-7862, timberlandni@



BRAND NEW DRUM KIT, Hayman (UK), black, complete with hardware - everything except stool and cymbals. ¥7,000 boxed. / 139 0639-0437



Badminton Partner Wanted! Hello sporty people! Winter is somehow too cold to go kitesurfing for an almost 40 year old German, but I need to stay fit, so plan B: Badminton. If you like to play 2 times a week, I am flexible on the day and the location. My level is advanced - I am not a beginner but certainly far away from Asian Champion. Contact Frank at 152 5324-9298. NOAH Education Charitable Foundation hosts





渥太华 路









路 江

路 江西 U漓

to Golden Beach 金沙滩



雀 石

路 滩

Qingdao 青岛







路 西 江 漓


Huangdao 黄岛

200 400 600 800 1000m

Golden Beach 金沙滩

© REDSTAR Times Media

山路 峨嵋


Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口




山路 昆仑


to Silver Sands Beach


岛路 环






银沙 滩路


江西 路





For residents and visitors, Huangdao activity orbits Jusco and Mykal, both located at the very centre of Changjiang Zhong Lu. Both have a decent selection of consumables for Western and Eastern tastes.

53 54 55

银 沙 滩 路 LU

Dawanlai Porridge Jiuxianfang BBQ Donglaishun Haiyiyuan Lao Sichuan


52 53 54 55

International Dining

54 55 56 57 58 59 60

51 环 岛路

LU 银沙 滩路


Qingshuiwu Japanese Xiangyin Japanese Niuchang Japanese Yicun Korean Big Pizza Flavours The Oriental Express Henri's Pizzeria&Bakery Carme Rino India-Thai Restaurant

Catch 22 Kaili’s Club The Oriental Saloon Sailing Bar Knuckles




51 52


闹中取静的黄岛拥有岛城最好的沙滩,近年来 也是忙碌、繁华、新兴的商业城市中一处不那么紧 要的安静角落。然而最近,随着城市基础设施的建 设,这一寂静的郊区正在逐渐迈入新纪元。 黄岛地区现在有了一座连接青岛市中心的海 底隧道,将旅途时间缩短了大约20多分钟,或多 或少取代了轮渡码头的地位。黄岛南通胶南,胶 南由世界上最长的跨海大桥(41.58.5公里,建成于 2011年6月)与东部的市中心相连。 当地最具吸引力的无疑是金沙滩景区和银沙滩 景区,这里沙质好、天然未经破坏、绵长延展,是 青岛市中心任何一个沙滩景区都无法比拟的。 对于当地居民和外来游客,黄岛的繁华区环 绕着坐落在长江中路的佳世客和麦凯乐。两座大 型购物中心充分满足了中西方人士的购物需求。



Help us improve this map, send your listings to

Silver Sands Beach Bar & Nightlife Cafés 银沙滩


51 52




53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

UAN DA OL U环 岛 路

The top tourist attractions are without doubt Golden and Silver beaches, each with longer, sandier and less-spoilt stretches than any of those in Qingdao's downtown.

Chinese Dining


The district now has a direct link to Qingdao's old town - the Jiaozhouwan tunnel has cut journey times to around 20 minutes and more or less put the old ferry terminal out of business. Jiaonan, to the north, is linked to the eastern municipality by the longest bridge in the world (41.58km, completed in June 2011).



Despite boasting the best beaches in Qingdao Municipality, Huangdao has for recent years played a quiet second fiddle to the hustle, bustle and commercialism of the downtown area. Recently however, changes in the city's infrastructure are set to fling this sleepy suburb into the 21st century.

交通旅游信息: 过桥费: 50元 (七座以下);过隧道: 10元 (七座以下) 乘坐公交2元 隧道公交1路: 山东科技大学黄岛校区到青医附院 (05:00-20:00) 隧道公交2路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到天泰体育场 (薛家岛 05:30-21:00,天泰体育场 06:05-21:35) 隧道公交3路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到利津路客运站 (薛家岛 06:20-21:30,利津路 05:50-21:00) 隧道公交4路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到四方长途 汽车站(薛家岛 06:20-21:30,四方长途 汽车站05:50-21:00)

环 岛 路

Travel info: Bridge toll: ¥50. Tunnel toll ¥10 (or bus it for ¥2) (passenger car ≤7 seats)

Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao


Rona Café

Shopping 51 52 53 54 55

Liqun Baililai Market Jusco Jiajiayuan Huacai Violin Studio


Wyndham Grand Qingdao 51 Huangdao Art Centre Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach 52 Shiyou Daxue Stadium Jinjiang Inn Marco Polo Hotel Haidu Hotel Blue Horizon Golden Hotel QICC contact: Motel 8 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu Harvest Hotel 经济技术开发区太行山路72号 H aixiang Hotel


东 路


to Rizhao



路 里山




阿 LU

53 54







路 中 江 长 56 51 5552 53

to Tunnel Entrance

LU 萧


路 山

山 武夷







路 里山






LU 长




南路 江山



江路 LU 三


51 52





55 53






山路 峨嵋



LU 井冈




春 富


山 紫金 LU



江 浦 黄


路 行山




LU 太

55 AN U








I LU 紫







N LU 庐






G LU 钱






to Xuejiadao Ferry




青岛大学医学院附属医院 QIA NTAN

XI L U 嘉 陵 江


LU 五

to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College

LU 榕



to Metro Cash and Carry


嘉陵 江














路 上海


U江 山


山路 U 太行


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化






Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, West

Dazhu Mountain Scenic Zone (dà zhū shān fēng jǐng qū ) 1km South of Binhai Lu (8412-3456)

Coast (qīng dǎo xī hǎi àn lóng hé fú péng xǐ 1288 Binhai Avenue, lái dēng jiǔ diàn) Huangdao New District (Jiaonan) (8819-7777) 青 岛西海岸隆和福朋喜来登酒店 黄岛新区(胶南) 滨 海大道1288号 China Spice Chinese Restaurant

Fitness Center 健身中心

Indoor Heated Pool


Eatery Signature Restaurant



Children’s Pool

Lobby Lounge



Haidu Hotel (hǎi dōu dà jiǔ diàn) 218 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-9888) 海都大酒店 长 江中路218号

Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach (qīng dǎo 1 jīn shā tān xī ěr dùn jiǔ diàn ) Jialingjiang Dong Lu (8315-0000) 青岛金沙滩希尔 顿酒店 嘉陵江东路1号

Jiao Ao Chinese Restaurant

Fitness Center

大珠山风景区 滨海街道南1公里

Golden Beach (jīn shā tān ) Lijiang Lu 金沙

滩 漓江路

Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu (8698-9029) 民俗展览馆 珠江路


Qingshuiwu Japanese (qīng shuǐ wū rì běn liào lǐ) 370 Wuyi Shan Lu (8697-3783) 清水屋日本 料理 武夷山路370号

Lvyan Korean Restaurant ( lǜ yuán hán guó liào lǐ ) 155-1 Lushan Lu (8688-2025) 绿园韩国料 理 庐山路155-1号 Super Beef Korean BBQ (yī pǐn niú hán shì kǎo ròu ) 169 Liugongdao Lu (8694-4899) 一品牛韩式 烤肉 刘公岛路169号

Cafés 咖啡甜品茶馆

易芬尼国际名媛SPA会馆 长江中路226号国贸中 心B座1201-1203

Infeel coffee (yīng lì kā fēi ) 236-17 Wuyishan Lu (151-9278-0521) 英力咖啡 武夷山路236-17号

Mingliu Hairdressing (míng liú měi fā) 410 Zijinshan Lu (8697-6233) 名流美发 紫金山路410号

园 灵珠山街道小珠山风景区

Kenya Cafe (Kenya kā fēi) 96 Alishan Lu ( 86999217) Kenya咖啡 阿里山路96号


Silver Beach (yín shā tān) Southwest of Phoenix Island Tourism Resort (8698-8530) 银沙滩 凤凰岛

Kiev & bakery (jī fǔ miàn bāo fáng) 102 outlets, No.7, bldg.13, Lushan Lu (138 6486-7970) 基辅面包

Ling Mountain Resort (líng shān dǎo hǎi bīn fēng jǐng qū )灵山岛海滨风景区 胶州市区东部 Qingdao Animal Park (qīng dǎo sēn lín yě shēng dòng wù yuán) Linzhu Shan, inside of Xiaozhu Mountain (8683-5555) 青岛森林野生动物


房 庐山路102号13号楼7号网店

Specimen of Animals Exhibition Hall 425 Jialingjiang Xi Lu (8315-0358) 世界动物标本艺术馆

Viva La Vida Coffee (wéi dì kā fēi ) South Gate 3, Tangdao Bay Garden (8173-6699) 唯地咖啡 黄 岛区唐岛湾公园南岸3号门内

Strand 金沙滩全日制餐厅


Tang Island (táng dǎo wān gōng yuán) South of Binhai Lu 唐岛湾公园 滨海大道南段

Pure Restaurant

Outside Pool

Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā fēi) 1F, Huangdao Jusco, 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (86996530) 星巴克咖啡 长江中路419号 佳世客1层



Lobby Lounge

Children’s Pool



Deli Café

Kids Corner



Kasao Japanese Restaurant

Fitness Center 健身中心

Café Riviera

Indoor Heated Pool




Children’s Pool




Wyndham Grand Qingdao (qīng dǎo yín shā 178 tān wēn dé mǔ zhì zūn jiǔ diàn) Yinshatan Lu (5888-6666) 青岛银沙滩温德姆至尊



Chuang Ge Yu Dumplings (chuán gē yú shuǐ jiǎo) 118 Wuyishan Lu (8688-2009) 船歌鱼水饺 武


Hongyun Seaside Kitchen (hóng yùn hǎi biān chú fáng) 778-2 Jinshatan Lu (8670-8888) 宏运海 边厨房 金沙滩778-2号 Yue Lai Yue Xiang Cantonese Restaurant (yuè lái yuè xiāng) corner of Huangpujiang Lu and Jiuhuashan Lu (188-0642-8393) 粤来粤香 黄浦江 路与九华山路交叉口



酒店 银沙滩路178号

Grand Deli

Lobby Lounge



Fitness Center

Chinese Restaurant


大唐宫廷宴中餐厅 元素西餐厅

Indoor Heated Pool

Grand Paulanerd Brauhanus

Outside Pool

Elements Restaurant

室内恒温泳池 室外泳池

至尊普拉纳啤酒 坊餐厅

Primitive Tribe (yuán shǐ bù luò) 277 Changjiang Zhong Lu (6779-4393) 原始部落 长 江中路277号

Asian 亚洲餐饮 India-Thai Food (zǐ xiàng gé yìn tài cān tīng) 290 Wuyishan Lu (183-6395-9118) 子象阁印泰餐厅 武夷山路290号

Gepeng Fushi Japanese (gē pēng fù shì) 279 Wuyi Shan Lu (8699-9916) 割烹富士 武夷山路 279号

Mingxiangge Korean Restaurant (míng xiāng gé hán guó liào lǐ) 216 Jialingjiang Xi Lu (6897-1234)名香阁韩国料理 嘉陵江西路216号长 江利群超市北 Qianyu Teppanyaki (qiān yú tiě bǎn shāo) F2 Waili International Plaza (8685-1616) 仟渔铁板烧 区武夷山路与滨海大道交汇处万利国际上流汇2层

S.S Cafe (7miǎo kā fēi ) 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8694-5837) 7秒咖啡 长江中路228号

Western 西式餐饮 The Oriental Express 126 Lushan Lu (134 68299634) 庐山路126号 Sunshine Coast Western Restaurant (yáng guāng hǎi àn xī cān tīng ) 5F, Mykal, 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (188-6622-0570) 阳光海岸 西餐厅 长江中路228号麦凯乐5层

Sugar Restaurant (shù guǒ xī cān tīng) 2F, Shangliuhui, 1 Wuyishan Lu (6897-2337) 树果西餐

with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other REDSTAR/Qingdao related news. =wifi

=parking Check for menu, images and more

West Coast of the Affiliated Hospital of Qing-

dao University Medical College (xī hǎi àn shān dà yī yuàn ) 916 Wutaishan Lu ( 8586-5810) 西海岸山大医院 五台山路916号 Chamshan Int'l Medica Centre Huangdao Branch (Julia Clinic) (zhàn shān guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn huáng dǎo fèn bù) 7th Commercial Shop in south of Bay City, No.118 Wuyishan Road,Huangdao District (185 6397-9229 EN) 湛山 国际医疗中心黄岛分部(朱丽娅诊所) 青岛开发区 武夷山路118号海湾新城南第七号网点



International Schools 国际学校



Catch 22 On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel (8699-9888) 海都酒店后酒吧街 Comfort Zone ( jì niàn rì jiǔ ba) 192 Wuyi Shan Lu (138 6390-8683) 纪念日酒吧 武夷山路192号 Daja Vu Bar 256 Wuyishan Lu (Behind Haidu Hotel) (159-6985-9139) 武夷山路256号 The Oriental Saloon 217 Wuyishan Lu (86993073) 武夷山路217号



Golf Club (bó jué shān gāo ěr fū jù lè bù ) Changbaishan Lu (8689-0676) 伯爵山高尔夫俱乐 Haiyun Haishang Paradise (hǎi yún hǎi shàng lè yuán) Binhai Lu (8972-7399) 海云海上乐园 滨

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厅 武夷山路1号 上流汇2层

部 长白山路

=english menu


HUUI Coffee (huì kā fēi)2F, Shangliuhui, 1 Wuyishan Lu 汇咖啡 武夷山路1号上流汇2层



酒店 长江西路159号


Louisfeny SPA (lù yì fēn ní guó jì míng yuán SPAhuì guǎn) Rm. 1201-1203, Bldg. B, Trade Center 226 Changjiang Zhong Lu ( 6897-2647) 路

Indoor Heated Pool

Howard Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo kāng dà háo shēng dà jiǔ diàn) 159 Changjiang Xi Lu (5571-0888) 青岛康大豪生大

Xinhua Bookstore (xīn huá shū diàn) 198 Changjiang Zhong Lu 新华书店 长江中路198号 28 Jiuhuashan Lu (8689-8837) 九华山路28号

Cafe l'amore (ài mò ér kā fēi ) 124 Lushan Lu (8694-3002) 爱沫儿咖啡 庐山路124号



Mykal (mài kǎi lè ) 228 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8670-2666) 麦凯乐 长江中路228号


Yinxiang Golf (yìn xiàng gāo ěr fū) Room 202, Bldg 4, 4 Walking street, Tangdao Bay (182 66216266) 印象高尔夫 唐岛湾步行街4号楼202室 Tel: 0532 8699 5551 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào) YCIS accepts students in the Kindergarten to Year 13 (2-18 years old) age range and follows an international curriculum based on the schemes of work and framework of the National Curriculum for England. Students progress towards IGCSE and A Level external examinations. Within this framework, the school aims to provide students a unique opportunity to embrace bilingual learning, leading to proficiency in the world’s main languages and entry in to some of the world’s top universities. Huangdao Campus, 72 Taihangshan Lu (8699-5551) 青岛耀中 国际学校 太行山路72号



Guomei Applicance Store (guó měi diàn qì) 22 Zijinshan Lu ( 8697-2080) 国美电器 紫金山路22号 Jiajiayuan (jiā jiā yuán ) 308 Changjiang Zhong Lu ( 8699-7119) 家佳源 长江中路308号 AEON (yǒng wàng) 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu (8699-0666) 永旺 长江中路419号 Metro (mài dé lóng) 1517 Wutaishan Lu (86028888) 麦德龙黄岛商场 五台山路1517号


Wedding show @ Four Points by Sheraton Qingdao, West Coast

Qingdao Old Time – The Westin Qingdao 2nd Anniversary Party

BEBA Ladies Night on Thursday

Autistic or Artistic @ Himalayas

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请于5月15日前发送照片到红星官方微信平台 (微信号:redstarqd)

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