REDSTAR Magazine May 2014

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The Truth about Trucking Where to Pick your Playlist Top Apps to Transit With Entrepreneurial in China

极限帆船赛迎风重来 于千年曲阜, 寻儒学智慧

卡车生活甘苦自知 自创你的乐单 交通应用多便利 在华创业

红星时代广告DM 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 8388-2269 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2012-0014号

Also by REDSTAR The Best of Qingdao -



Creative Services -

Qingdao Education Portal - The Extreme Sailing Series returns to Qingdao p.19

Get lost with Preben Kristensen in some of Asia’s magical gardens p.29



REDSTAR retreats to Qufu for some Confucian Wisdom p.46

Paul Finkbeiner interviews fellow truckies from the US and China p.52

China’s Live Music Monitor -


Sign up for weekly events/ promotions updates at Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat to keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other Redstar/ Qingdao related news. Use your Wechat QR scanner to scan this code. 关注红星官方微信账号,知晓岛城最新活动、促 销及其他岛城/红星相关资讯。快来用微信扫一扫 吧!

Creative Team 策划团队 Ian Burns, Aaron Bird, Jieling Liu, Apple Tan, Mika Wang, Zoe Zheng, David Chen, Teodora Lazarova, Rosanne Goedhart, Monica Pizzato, Preston Bu, Josh Martin, Justin Waulters, Mark Lewis, Lu Liu, Yue Zhou, Michelle Lu. Advertising Enquiries 广告征订 (+86 532) 8097-0521 / 8388-2269 Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询

Creative 100 Industry Park, Room 401 Building 3, 100 Nanjing Lu, Qingdao 266071 青岛市南京路100号 创意100产业园3-401

Cover Photo © Lloyd Images


FEATURES 文章 24 All Hail the

Transit Apps


Picking the Perfect Playlist



A comparison of clever mobile apps to commute with 对比几个便捷的打车公交应用

Great places to harvest music from 好音乐这里找

40 Be an Entrepreneur

54 Chinglish,


Stop working for the man - 8 steps to starting your own business in China 别再给别人干活了——8条贴士,助你在 华创业


Want or Do Not Want

中式英语, “要”还是“不要”

A beautiful lexicon that never dies 一种优美且永远不会消失的语言

56 Travel & Hotels 出行&酒店 66 Cafes & Bars 咖啡酒吧 61 Sights 旅游景点 70 Recreation 休闲娱乐 62 Dining 餐饮美食 71 Shopping 购物

/ CITY // 广告 • 城市



million is the average number of daily bookings that the taxihailing app Didi Dache received during March. Its coverage has expanded to include 178 cities with over 900,000 drivers registered and passenger accounts totalling up to 100 million.


billion is the number of SPAM text messages that mobile device users in China received last year. According to the People’s Daily, 65 percent of these texts were for unsolicited sales promotions while another 15 percent were for real estate advertisements.

“嘀嘀打车”应用 今年三月收到的日均订单 数(以百万为单位)。如 今,在全国178个城市均 可使用“嘀嘀打车”,已 有90万名出租车司机安装 了该软件,乘客账号数已 累计达到了1亿。

2013年中国手机用户所 收到的垃圾短信总条数(以十 亿为单位)。据《人民日报》 报道,其中65%为产品促销短 信,15%为房产售楼广告。

Follow REDSTAR's Official WeChat Keep up to date with Qingdao's daily promotions, upcoming events and other Redstar/ Qingdao related news. Use your Wechat QR scanner to scan this code. 关注红星官方微信账号,知晓岛城最新活动、促销及其 他岛城/红星相关资讯。快来用微信扫一扫吧!

Turtle Comedy Productions Presents

Chang Says What?



YOUR CHANCE FOR A FREE TICKET ON THE BOOZE BUS Do you know (or recognise) this guy?? If so, get a photo of you and him together and send it in to before Thursday May 15 and you’ll get the chance to win a free ticket to the eagerly anticipated REDSTAR Booze Bus Event in June.


你认得这个家伙吗?是的话,那就在5月15日前去找他拍张合照发至aaron@ 吧,你将会有机会赢取一张红星六月举办的畅游巴士活动门票一张! 06

s a teacher, I have to be ready to deal with all sorts of smart students. Once I was warning the class that they must come to sit the test the next day, unless they suffered from terminal disease, or a close family member died. Suddenly, a smart ass sitting at the back raised his hand and said: “what if I suffer from complete sexual exhaustion?” The class was reduced to laughter. After the class was quiet, I said to that student, “then write with your other hand.” 作为一名老师, 经常需要应对这样那样 故意找茬的学生。一次 我让学生们第二天必 须到校考试,除非得了 绝症或者有亲人过世。 刚说完,后排就有学生 开始向我挑战了:“要 是性衰竭可以不来考试 吗?”顿时,全班笑 成一片。等大家笑够

以后,我对那个学生 说:“那就用你另外一 只手写吧。”


he Chinese men are not treating their women right. Today, after a busy day at work, most Chinese women have to go back home and do the laundry. Being a working wife is tough! So I never let my wife do the laundry after work. She would be exhausted! So I tell her: “Honey, why don’t you do the laundry before you go to work in the morning.” 中国丈夫多数都 有些大男子主义。妻子 忙了一天,回家还得再 洗衣服,太辛苦了。 所以我从来不让自己老 婆下班后洗,那样会把 她累坏的。于是我对她 说:“亲爱的,你要是 上班前就把衣服洗了晚 上就不用那么累了。”

广告 • 城市



青岛世园会园区规 划总面积(以公顷为单 位)。本届世园会于4 月底正式开园,会期为 六个月,预计将吸引到 1200万游客入园参观。

中 国 大 陆 女 性 高管所占的百分比。 相 比 于 致 同 (Grant Thornton)2014《国际 商业调查报告》中公布 的世界女性高管比例 (21%)而言,该数据几 乎是其两倍。

is the number of hectares that the Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition will occupy. The expo opened at the end of April and will last until October. The organisers expect around 12 million visitors to attend.


// CITY /

The percentage of senior management positions taken up by women in Mainland China; almost twice the worldwide average of 21 percent according to this year’s Grant Thornton International Business Report.

Javier Benitez

Upload your photos to and if yours is chosen, you’ll win a 200 元 voucher for The Diner.

A day out in Fushan. 浮山一日闲游



/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V 伍,放飞着各种色彩鲜艳,大小形 状各异,风格独特的风筝。远远看 上去,天空变成了风筝的海洋。

Too Cool for School? 怕冷的同学看过来 Faking it for the World Cup 山寨“大力神杯” Chinese customs officers recently seized 1,020 fake World Cup trophies at a warehouse in Yiwu City in Zhejiang Province that were on their way to football fans in Libya. China’s Customs has recently been cracking down on fake goods ahead of the 2014 World Cup.

Runners who find the challenge of completing an ordinary marathon too passé have recently participated in the 2014 North Pole Marathon. This year saw 47 competitors brave sub-zero temperatures, soft snow, and grumpy polar bears.


Sunset Lounge (Old Observatory): Unlimited beef burgers + chicken burritos (Fridays), Mega-size steak night (Saturdays) Kaiyue Old Church Lounge: Two free selected cocktails for ladies (Sundays)

Loong Bar: Zhende Ladies' Night (Tuesdays), after midnight Zhende Happy Hour (Fridays and Saturdays)

Club New York: 7 - 9:30pm happy hours (Everyday), 2-for-1 drinks (Fridays)

Luigi's: HB draft 2 for 1 (Sundays) Himalayas: Aperitivo Happy Hour - 5 cocktails and 5 delicious canapés for 128元 Dutch City: English language corner plus drink specials for 25元 (Friday), 9-11pm 6 beers for 100元 (everyday)

最近,在对一批出口至利比 亚的货物开箱查验时,浙江义乌 海关截获了1020尊山寨世界杯奖 杯。据悉,世界杯在即,海关总署 加大了对侵权商品的整治力度。


Regular Events and Promotions

Old Jack's: Happy hour 4-7pm ssLPG: happy hour from 9-11pm (everyday) Angelinas: FREE FLOW selected Cocktails for all ladies from 9pm to midnight on Angel's Night (Wednesdays) 如今,一般的马拉松已经满 足不了选手们挑战极限的欲望,近 期在北极就上演了一场冰雪马拉松 比赛。共有47位选手参加了本次 比赛,他们不但要对抗零度以下的 气温,还要克服雪地行走的阻力, 更得提防北极熊的到访。

日落咖啡(奥博维特):无限牛肉汉堡和鸡肉卷饼(周 五);牛排之夜(周六)

凯越老教堂吧:女士特选鸡尾酒2杯(周日) Loong吧:“真的”女士之夜(周二),真的欢乐时光( 周五/周六)


A Tonne of Feathers 让羽毛飞 More than10,000 people enjoyed the International Kite Festival that was held at the end of April in Weifang, Shandong Province. Teams from over 40 countries filled the skies with multicoloured kites of all shapes, sizes and styles from the traditional to the bizarre. 2014国际风筝节于四月底在 山东潍坊举行,吸引了超过一万人 前来参加。来自40多个国家的队 08

Hundreds of people congregated in Hong Kong’s financial district, to enjoy the 8th annual International Pillow Fight Day. Rules were simple: bring a pillow, don’t hit anyone without a pillow and pick up after yourself. 第八届国际枕头大战在香港 中环如期开打,有数百人参加了当 日的活动。大家自备枕头,用它作 为“武器”相互击打,到处都是欢 乐和羽毛。

Luigi比萨•体育酒吧:HB生啤酒买一赠一(周日) 青岛证大喜玛拉雅酒店“Aperitivo”欢乐时光:5种鸡尾 酒和5种小食仅128元

达熹西缇:英语角+饮品特惠,25元/人/次(周五),晚9点 至11点,6瓶啤酒100元(每日)

老杰克酒吧:每天4-7点欢乐时光;老菲吧:每晚9-11点 欢乐时光

老菲吧:每晚9-11点欢乐时光 安吉丽娜咖啡酒吧:天使之夜,晚8点至午夜12点,女士 可免费畅饮指定鸡尾酒(每周三)

广告 • 城市

// CITY /

Mahjong vs Chess

中国麻将PK国际象棋 Amy Huang 黄一平

Nicole Wolt 吴佳妮 English Teacher Texas, America

Primary School Student Qingdao, China

英语老师 来自美国德克萨斯

What makes you want to learn Mahjong? 为什么会想到要去学麻将? I want to learn more about Chinese culture. Mahjong has a long history, and I am fascinated by Chinese history. 因为我想更深入地了解中国文化。我对中国历史非 常着迷,麻将也是历史长河中的一部分。

Was it difficult to learn? Why? 麻将难学吗?为什么? Yes, a little. Apart from learning the rules, you also have to learn characters as well as names of the tiles. As a foreigner, this is very difficult if you do not know much Chinese. 嗯,有点儿难。你不但要学规则,还需要认识上面 的汉字以及记住每种牌的叫法。对于不太懂汉语的外国 人来说,一下子要学这么多确实挺不容易的。

What’s your motivation? 学习麻将的动力是什么? I want to win, but I also want to build relationships and make new friends. 就是想胡,打麻将的同时,还可以结识新朋友,建 立关系。

Will you still want to play if money is involved? Why? 如果还会涉及到钱物输赢的话,你还会继续吗?为什 么? Yes, because it makes it more interesting, and even if you play for a small amount, it still makes the game fun.

小学学生 来自中国青岛

What makes you want to learn Chess? 为什么会想到要去学国际象棋? My first experience of playing chess was at the school chess program. I found it very helpful to improve my abstract and logic thinking abilities regarding strategy setting and situation evaluating. 通过学校开设的课程班,我接触到了国际象棋。我发现它能帮助我提高抽象和 逻辑思维能力。比如战术制定,局势判断等方面。

Was it difficult to learn? Why? 国际象棋难学吗?为什么? Not too difficult. There are only three things to learn: rules, strategies and tactics. If you know them well, then chess will be much easier. 我觉得不难,国际象棋有规则、战术和策略,只要学会了怎么运用这三种,它 就会变简单。

What’s your motivation? 下棋的动力是什么? First of all chess is one of my hobbies I like to play. Secondly, I think playing chess can develop my mental endurance and strength, which makes me more at ease when facing win-lose situations. Besides, I also think chess helps a lot with my math. Last but not least, I feel more confident after winning in chess competitions. 一是因为我本身就喜欢国际象棋,二是想通过下棋锻炼自己的心理承受能力, 摆正心态,正确面对输赢。再有就是国际象棋有助于学好自己喜欢的数学。最后, 在比赛中取得好成绩可以增强自己的信心。

Will you still want to play if money is involved? Why? 如果还会涉及到钱物输赢的话,你还会继续吗?为什么? I won’t. I think that’s kind of gambling, which is not very good. 如果涉及到钱物,我不会继续,因为那是赌博的一种,是不良行为。

嗯,如果输赢不大的话也未尝不可,这样玩起来会 更有意思。


/ CITY // 广告 • 城市

Hunter Klie 24 years / 24岁 USA / 来自美国 Watch: Fossil Shirt: Merona Vest: Tailor made in Taidong Pants: Old Navy Shoes: Dockers 不锈钢手表:Fossil 衬衫:Merona 马甲:于台东某服装店定制 裤子:Old Navy 皮鞋:Dockers

Want this look?

Taobao 98元

Tmall 380元







399元 Photo © Monica Pizzato

广告 • 城市

// CITY /



/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

Along the Boardwalk (Act 1) 漫步海滨栈道(上半部)


ne of the best things about living in Qingdao is to be able to simply put on your walking shoes, leave the house and head in the direction of the ocean for a breath of sea air. And chances are, if you walk long enough, you’ll eventually come across Qingdao’s famous Seaside Walk. One of Qingdao’s most underrated outdoor pleasures, the Seaside Walk begins west of Zhanqiao Pier and runs for a little over 40km along


Before you start your walk, I recommend fuelling up with a coffee and, what I think, are simply the best club sandwiches in all of Qingdao. You’ll find SPR Coffee located across Haikou Lu from the ‘Egg Rocks’ sculpture at Shilaoren Beach. I recommend the chicken club sandwich.

开始之前,我建议你在石老人边 上的SPR咖啡上,来杯咖啡充好电。依 我的标准看,他们做的三明治是岛城 最棒的。我推荐他们的鸡肉三明治。

the shoreline and finishes up at Shilaoren Beach. The surface of the path varies from gravel and dirt, to freshly cut wooden boards to worn grey paving stones and sandy earth. Admittedly there will be times when you will have to leave the shoreline and walk along the noisy and congested main road in order to avoid the rubble of construction sites. However, you can still enjoy many of the city’s sites along the way as well as enticing views of the sea.


Shilaoren Beach or Old Stone Man Beach is lovely to walk along and a perfect place to start your journey (walking east to west). Take my advice and linger here for a bit. 石老人是开始 海滨栈道之旅的最 佳起点。在这先晃 悠一会吧。


A fifteen-minute stroll along the boardwalk will take you to the Qingdao Sculpture Park where you can enjoy a selection of eclectic outdoor sculptures. My favourite sculpture is the silver people melting into the ground. Wonderfully random. 沿栈道走十五分钟左右,你会到 达青岛雕塑公园。这里你可以看到一 系列艺术感极强的户外雕塑作品。我 最喜爱的一尊是人形银塑,看起来就 像要融化到地面上了。奇思妙想啊! 12

广告 • 地方


The Qingdao Government has recently been upgrading a certain coastal boardwalk, and with the weather looking so fine, Mark Lewis decided to limber up and have a wander along it. As the walk is a long and scenic one, it will be showcased in two Acts. 岛城的海滨栈道最近又进行了一轮修缮。趁着阳光明媚,Mark Lewis决定去那里走一转。栈道绵延东西岸,深入浅出处,风光无 限。且看我们的漫步栈道之上半部。 住在岛城的其中一点好处是,你可以随时穿上悠闲的步行鞋,直奔海边,呼吸 几口带着海鲜味道的新鲜空气。如果你时间足够的话,还可以在海边长长的栈道上走 一圈。 岛城环境得天独厚,户外游乐项目众多,海滨栈道常常是被人们忽略的一处。 自西边栈桥起,栈道沿着海边一直绵延到东海岸石老人沙滩。有铺满木头的,也有粗 犷石头铺就的,还有几段是直接连到沙滩上的。不过也有一些地方因为在施工,需要 走回到公路大道上。不过总的来说,海滨栈道的风光还是十分迷人的。


After climbing a steep set of grey stone stairs you’ll come to a fairly ordinary looking exercise park (Haiyun Gardens) at the top. But if you look back over your shoulder at this point you’ll be rewarded with a stunning view of the coastline. Savour it.

从台湾路西边拾阶而上,你会看到一个其 貌相对不扬的公园(海韵园)。这时你转过身 来,你会看到东海岸蜿蜒迷人的曲线。


After a long walk past Ocean Park and Maidao Island (yes by now you’ve probably walked quite a few kilometres beside the noisy road side) you will reach Taiwan Lu Beach. A great place to refresh your weary self and cool your heels. Take a time out here.

继续前进。经过海洋公园和麦岛公园之后,你会到 达台湾路沙滩。已经走了几公里路的你,在这里稍作休 憩,让脚后跟凉快一下,最好不过了。


Between Haiyun Gardens and Ruyi Gardens there is a nameless, quiet and lovely secluded beach at which many locals picnic. 在海韵园和 如意园之间,你 会看到一个相对 僻静的沙滩,很 多本地人都在那 里组织烧烤野餐。


/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方


The wooden boardwalk that hugs the shore will eventually lead you to the edge of the Olympic Sailing Center where you will be able to see the Lighthouse past the flags and the marina with all the yachts. Make sure you check out some of the coastal architecture on the way. 木栈道延续到奥帆中心边上,这时你可以到插满 各国国旗的奥帆中心逛一圈。大大小小的游艇渐次停 泊在两边,看起来挺酷的。记得注意一下周围的新奇 时尚的海滨建筑。


Walking a bit further you will now be able to see the unmistakable fiery crimson of the May 4th monument. Don’t get distracted by the ice cream at Marina City or Starbucks. But if you really have to… 再往前走,你就到了这座火红的、充满活力又时尚优雅的雕塑 跟前。没错,这里就是五四广场。可别被百丽广场冰冻鲜甜的雪糕 减慢了你的步伐…


You’ve walked a long way, so reward yourself with some solid food at THEDINER, a short walk from May 4th Square. Grab one of their burgers; you won’t regret it. 两三个小时下来,你 也该走累了。这时,到五 四广场的DINER餐厅,点 上一份烤香四溢的汉堡, 好好慰劳一下自己吧。 14

Angelina’s Coffee & Pub

广告 • 地方


安吉丽娜 咖啡酒吧 Angelina’s Coffee and Pub is the newest addition to Qingdao’s café and nightlife scene. 作为咖啡酒吧界的新秀,安吉 丽娜的出现,为岛城的夜生活 增色不少。

The Restaurant 餐厅

In fact there are plenty of reasons to linger at Angelina’s as they’ve also just started serving a variety of dishes in their upstairs café including pasta, steak, ribs, pizza, burgers, sandwiches and salads. What’s not to like? 除了咖啡吧和酒吧外,一楼同样还是餐 厅,别忘了吃一顿再走。餐厅提供意面、牛 排、披萨、汉堡、三明治和沙拉等各色美食,定 会让你流连忘返。

The Café 咖啡吧

Conveniently located under the Hisense buildings on Aomen Lu, Angelina’s has a cozy comfortable atmosphere with its wooden interior and where they serve different blends of coffee and sweet desserts. 安吉丽娜咖啡酒吧位于澳门路海信公寓 外,交通便利,环境舒适。坐在全木制内饰的 咖啡吧里,喝着各式咖啡,品尝着冰淇淋以及 甜品,既休闲又惬意。据店主介绍,他们拥有 全青岛最昂贵最专业的咖啡机。

The Pub 酒吧

In the basement of the café, you will find a hidden bar that is a great mixture of Western style and Chinese flashiness and where they serve a variety of quality affordable drinks: signature cocktails, mixed drinks, imported wines, top shelf spirits and boutique beers. During weekends, it is the perfect venue for friends to party in or simply hangout at. Their DJ Jboy spins a great mix of Funk, Disco, 80's and Electronic Dance Music. On weekdays, it provides a great atmosphere for people to relax in after the busy workday. Make sure you don’t miss their regular ladies night and soon they will be hosting a regular happy hour. Rosanne Goedhart 穿过咖啡吧的内门拾级而下,便来到了位于 负一层的酒吧。在融合了霓虹元素的西式酒吧里, 不仅可以品尝到各色价格合理、品质上乘的酒水: 特色鸡尾酒、进口红酒、顶级烈酒以及精品啤酒 等,更有专业DJ Jboy为大家表演,音乐风格多 样,既有朋克、迪斯科舞曲,又有80年代经典音 乐和各种电子舞曲。每到周末,这里便成为了好友 聚会和各种派对的绝佳场所。即便不是周末,来这 里放松心情、朋友小聚或者情侣约会都是不错的选 择。不要错过每周三的女士之夜,而且酒吧即将推 出每日酒水特惠,让大家欢乐畅饮。


/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

The Westin

Qingdao Dining 缤纷美食, 尽在威斯汀 With the scaffolding finally cleared away, the newly refurbished Westin is looking better than ever and has even opened up a snazzy new restaurant. REDSTAR’s Rosanne Goedhart samples their bounteous buffet. 随着最后一层面纱的揭开,青 岛威斯汀酒店璀璨登场,其新 开的餐厅同样引人注目。红星的 Rosanne第一时间体验了丰盛的 自助午餐,为大家带来最新的美 食资讯。

Seasonal Tastes Signature Restaurant


The Westin’s newly opened restaurant Seasonal Tastes is located on the hotel’s 5th floor and offers an all-day innovative combination of Asian and International Cuisine and provides nutritious and delicious dishes with SuperFoodsRX™, imported and locally produced. The restaurant’s modern yet casual design takes full advantage of the abundance of natural light and features a pleasant view of the city. Their friendly chefs keep people entertained with delicious made-to-order dishes from their interactive kitchen. 16

The breakfast buffet features nutritious SuperFoodsRX™, eggs, waffles, baked goods, fresh fruit, cereals, and much more. From fresh sashimi to roasted lamb, lunch and dinner buffets include a generous selection of classic comfort foods, local cuisine, and wholesome choices for health-conscious guests. Breakfast: 168元 per person Lunch: 198元 per person Dinner: 268元 per person Free for Children 1-5 years 88 元 for Children between 6-12 years 威斯汀新开的知味标帜餐厅位于酒店五 层,它集亚洲菜系和无国界料理精髓,采用进 口活力食品为原料,全天候提供营养美味的菜 品。 阳光透过窗玻璃投射进现代简约的餐厅 里,一边品尝着美味,一边欣赏着繁华的街 景,既轻松又惬意。一旁的开放式厨房里,热 情的大厨们正忙着按照订单为顾客现场制作。 自助早餐营养丰富,各种活力食品让你活力倍 增,有鸡蛋、华夫饼、烘焙点心、新鲜水果、 麦片等。自助午餐和晚餐,分量十足,种类丰 富,营养健康。从生鱼片到烤羊肉,经典菜品 到风味美食,应有尽有,即便是注重养生的顾 客也可以从容选择,尽兴而归。 自助早餐:168元/位 自助午餐:198元/位 自助晚餐:268元/位 儿童1-5岁:免费 6-12岁:88元/位净价

Bubblicious Brunch


Seasonal Tastes also brings their famous Bubblicious Brunch to Qingdao. This brunch was so popular in other cities that you often had to make a reservation a month in advance. It is an ideal way to spend your Sunday afternoon and enjoy cuisines from all over the world with a Sparkling wine or Champagne. Bubblicious Brunch Prices: 268元 per person with free flow of Sparkling Wine 328元 per person with free flow of Champagne Free for Children 1-5 years 88 元 for Children between 6-12 years All prices are subject to 15% surcharge 同时,知味标帜餐厅也将其风靡全球的周 日“泡泡”早午餐带到了青岛。轻松、愉悦的 氛围,丰盛、高端的美食,让“泡泡”早午餐 席卷了中国各大城市,甚至需要提前几个月订 座。周日带上家人来威斯汀共享世界美食是一 个绝佳的选择,还有起泡酒和香槟助兴。 “泡泡”早午餐价格: 含起泡酒畅饮:268元/位 含香槟酒畅饮:328元/位 儿童1-5岁:免费 6-12岁:88元/位净价


广告 • 地方



/ PLACES // 广告 • 地方

Delights Begin with the Sea 咸风吹,海味鲜 LUCCA 西餐咖啡厅

With initial hesitation, Jieling Liu opens an oyster and dips it into fresh lemon juice; but it is with solid conviction, she reassures you how good it is to live in a city filled with beer and seafood. 带着犹豫和好奇,Jieling打开 了这只生蚝,沾上鲜柠汁尝了 一口。此举一发不可收拾。现 在她可以肯定地告诉你,在一 个充满啤酒和海鲜的城市,生 活是有多可爱。


aving a vibrant cosmopolitan population living in and around the Fushan University district has slowly led to the opening up of a number of quality restaurants that exude a simple comfortable vibe. Lucca Western Restaurant & Café, hidden behind the bushes at the junction of Xianggang Dong Lu and Qingda Yi Lu, is one of these establishments. Straight from the market that same morning, oysters have been harvested from the sea, washed, their shells removed, iced and meticulously prepared for your enjoyment. Seeing their grey and jade colours, you'll once again be amazed by the artistry of nature. Now take a bite - soft, smooth, creamy - it melts in your mouth right from the very first moment, while the taste of fresh lemon juice and sea-salt continues to linger on your palate. We enjoyed six of these super fresh sea delicacies for only 38元.


Photo © Jieling Liu

While still pondering this fresh deliciousness between our lips, we were served Seafood Paella. Red and steaming, I stirred it and discovered its various ingredients - squid, prawns, mussels, scallops, clams, dry shrimps, chicken and a bunch of vegetables. The rice absorbed everything so that each grain was full, round, savory and chewy. 88元 for a fulfilling 2-person portion – so you’d better bring a friend. But even if you're not a fan of seafood, that's fine. Here they also provide pizzas, pastas and salads at reasonable prices. We tried the Tuna Pizza with Onion and the Vegetable Pizza – thick toppings, layers of tuna, generous portions of cheese - 68元 for each 10 inch pizza. The Beef Lasagna with Bolognese Sauce (40元) and Grilled Beef Salad (48元) are all solid meals. A few unusual dishes such as the Baked Snails with Cheese, soaked in a rich texture of cheese, olive oil and herbs, made a perfect addition to the menu. 两所大学的浮山校区一带,常年居住着国 籍多元化而又充满活力朝气的人群,因此,质 量上佳的餐厅层出不穷。像位处香港东路和青 大一路交界处的Lucca咖啡西餐厅,环境简单 舒适,菜品新鲜味美,值得一去。 仅在一个早上,这里的生蚝就已经从海里 被打捞上来、清洗干净、去壳、冰镇好,等着 你前来尝鲜。这些生蚝呈浅灰黄色,表面光滑 饱满,像精雕过的美玉。一口咬下去:柔软、光 滑、奶油般的质感,入口即溶。新鲜的柠檬汁和 海鲜的天然鲜味不断挑逗着你的味蕾…我们尝了 六个新鲜、饱满又肥硕的家伙,才38元。

我们还在舔嘴回味生蚝的新鲜感时,一 盆热气腾腾、五颜六色的瓦伦西亚海鲜饭已经 被端上来了。搅拌均匀,饭里的食材一一露出 来:鲜鱿鱼、鲜海虾、海虹、扇贝、蛤蜊、鸡 肉和虾仁,还有各种新鲜蔬菜。饭粒充分吸收 了海鲜的鲜味,每一粒都非常饱满、圆润,充 满嚼劲。菜单上标明这是个两人份的菜式,88 元——建议你最好再带上一个朋友。 要是你对海鲜不太感冒的话,也没问题。 这里的披萨、意面和沙拉都做得相当厚道。我 们尝了奶酪金枪鱼披萨和鲜蔬披萨:原料充 足,金枪鱼厚厚的一层,芝士也相当饱满,10 寸,两种都是68元。牛肉芝士千层面(40元) 和岩火烤牛肉沙拉(48元),牛肉做得颇为扎 实。另外还有一些稍罕见的菜式,比如法式奶 酪烤蜗牛:用进口法国蜗牛与橄榄油、香草、 奶酪混合焗烤,浓香四溢,层次感丰富,也是 菜单上的亮点之一。

广告 • 特辑


Over time Qingdao has become a mecca for competitive sailing and this year is no exception with its hosting of the 2014 Extreme Sailing Series™. REDSTAR investigates this breathtaking sport. 如今的青岛已成为了各类帆船比赛的圣 地,2014国际极限帆船系列赛当然也不例 外。红星为大家揭秘这项极具观赏性的运动。 Photo © Lloyd Images


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑 The Extreme Sailing Series™ 2014 sees the eighth year of the elite level Stadium Racing for the Extreme Sailing Series™ return to China with the next stage to be held in our very own Qingdao. The award winning ISAF Special Event circuit will visit eight iconic Host Venues and span three continents over eleven months with stopovers in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Russia and Australia. What a hard life. Makes you want to give up your day job and become a professional yachtee doesn’t it…? The Extreme Sailing Series™ will also pit some of the very best crews in the world against each other over several hair-raising courses and which will be held close to shore. The closeness of which will provide spectacular entertainment for the public who will be able to see the rapt (or depending on the sailing) panicked expressions on the sailor’s faces as they sail by. For those who feel seasick from watching, there will also be on-shore entertainment including live commentary of the race, children’s activities, entertainment and food and drink, ensuring that the competition can even be enjoyed by landlubbers.

The Teams 2014 also sees one of the most exciting and competitive line-ups in eight years of competition. The team rosters include world-renowned sailors from a multitude of countries. These include Alinghi (Switzerland), Emirates Team (New Zealand), Team Extreme Qingdao (China – the local boys), GAC Pindar (Australia), Gazprom Team (Russia), Groupama sailing team (France), J.P. Morgan BAR (Great Britain), Oman Air (Oman), Realteam (Switzerland), Red Bull Sailing Team (Austria), SAP Extreme Sailing Team (Denmark) and The Wave (again Oman). Coming from one of the driest regions in the world it’s impressive that the Omani have entered two crews, a testament to the long-term sustainability of the series.

The Extreme 40 Boat The designers of the Extreme 40 are, not to down play it, adrenaline-fuelled junkies on a serious caffeine binge. The reason being that they took the biggest, fastest sailing boat class in the Olympics (the Tornado class), and then made it twice as big and over twice as fast. The Extreme 40s are made of a honeycomb core trapped between two carbon fibre skins, which makes it strong yet

Photo © Lloyd Images 20

very light. The overall shape of the Extreme 40 is a “rectangle” sitting on the water and while it does provide reasonable stability this changes very quickly when the wind picks up and one hull ‘leaves’ or ‘flies’ off the waterline. An interesting challenge. So…crews not only have to maintain the balance of a huge boat whilst harnessing its raw speed and power but also navigate the shortest course around the other huge boats without colliding. Oh yes, nearly forgot to mention: its generous sail area allows Extreme 40s to sail ridiculously fast; in just 15 knots of wind; an Extreme 40 is capable of travelling up to 25 (or more!) knots.

Vital stats and facts • 60 World-class sailors, 12 teams • Year long annual global circuit in its eighth year • 5 crew per boat plus a ‘guest sailor’ • Top speed - 30 knots (56 kmh / 35 mph) • It’s possible to “fly a hull” in 8 knots (14 kmh / 9 mph) and the hull often flies over 3 metres above water • Length 40ft (12.2m) • Height of mast 62ft (18.9m) • Weight: 1,400 kg (the same as a Mini Cooper)

Act 3 in Qingdao The Land Rover Extreme Sailing Series™ Act 3 Qingdao, for the 'Double Star Mingren' Cup is being held from May 1-4. Twelve teams with 60 of the world’s best sailors from 11 nationalities will line up on the starting grid on the first of May for four days of intense knuckle biting competition. The fleet will start racing from 2pm every day and from May 2, the event will be open to the public for free. The Race Village which is located at Fushan Bay is free entry for the public (yes…free) and there will be a host of entertainment provided throughout the day including a resident Qingdao DJ, live commentary in Chinese and English on the winners and losers, a spectacular evening light show as well as a children’s play area. The on-water entertainment will include Optimist and Splash (similar to the Laser class of sailing boats) as well as a remote controlled boat regatta. A great opportunity for model enthusiasts and want-to-be sailors to embrace their inner child.

To follow the on water action Log on the official Series website www., go into ‘Race Mode’ and you can get the latest updates from the racecourse. The racing can also be followed live on Qingdao TV on Friday and on pptv. com and and you can also follow this event on: Twitter: extremesailingseries Facebook: extremesailingseries YouTube: Weibo: Youku: search for 极限帆船系列赛

广告 • 特辑

国际极限帆船系列赛 2014年已是极限帆船系列赛迈入的第八个年 头,作为国际帆联的一项特殊赛事,本届比赛将历 时11个月,横跨三大洲八大标志性城市,经停亚 洲、中东、欧洲、俄罗斯和澳大利亚。今年五月 初,选手们将抵达奥帆中心,开启青岛站的比赛。 今年的参赛阵容十分强大,来自世界各地的顶 尖选手将在难度极高的近海竞技场一决高下。由于 是近海比拼,观众们可以零距离体验到帆船比赛的 冲击感。要是觉得过于刺激,一下子感受不了,也 可在岸边听现场解说。除此以外,岸边还有为孩子 们准备的趣味活动,并提供小食和饮料,即便是旱 鸭子也能乐在其中。

参赛阵容 2014将迎来赛事举办八年来最振奋人心、最 具竞争力的阵容,参赛船队包括瑞士阿灵基队、新 西兰酋长队、极限青岛之队、澳大利亚盖克品达 队、俄罗斯天然气工业公司队、法国安盟队、英国 摩根大通队、阿曼航空队、瑞士锐挺队、奥地利红 牛队、丹麦SAP极限帆船队、阿曼浪潮马斯喀特 队。让人眼前一亮的是,本届比赛有两支阿曼船队 参赛,要知道阿曼是世界上最干旱的地区之一,这 充分体现了该项赛事经久不衰的吸引力。

极限40帆船赛 极限40帆船赛是一项极其惊险刺激的赛事, 灵感源于设计师们对这项运动的激情。极限40帆 船的设计借鉴了奥运会上速度最大最快级别(龙卷 风级)的赛船,在此基础上将船体扩大至原来的2 倍,速度比2倍还快。蜂窝状内芯结合碳纤维的设 计使船身既轻便又坚固。双体船的结构让帆船的横 向稳定性有了一定的提高,远远望去就像趴在海面 上一样,不过如果风浪大的话,帆船一侧的单体会 向上翘起,对选手来说是一个不小的挑战。由此看 来,船员们不仅需要掌控好船速,保持好平衡,制 定最短路线的同时还需要考虑到不与其它船只相 撞。差点儿忘了:竞赛水域的宽广使船速达到了极 致,在风速仅15节(28公里每小时)的情况下,极 限40帆船赛的船速可达25节(46公里每小时),甚 至更快。

Qingdao is to me one of the iconic sailing cities in the world. Champions in Olympic sailing, Volvo Ocean Race and Extreme Sailing Series have been crowned here in front the always-enthusiastic crowd. We look forward to come back for a exciting week of racing with SAP Extreme Sailing Team." - Rasmus Kostner, co-skipper of SAP Extreme Sailing Team who came third in Qingdao last year. 在我看来,作为一座帆船城 市,青岛在世界的影响力越来 越大,无论是奥帆赛、沃尔沃 环球帆船赛,还是国际极限帆 船赛,每次比赛都盛况空前。 非常期待和SAP极限帆船队 的其他队员们一起,再次来青 岛比赛。”——SAP极限帆 船队的船长兼战术师Rasmus Kostner说道。该船队去年在 青岛站获得了第三名。


赛事数据及亮点 • 60名世界级帆船运动员,12支精英船 队 • 该项每届周期为一年的环球帆船赛事已 连续举办了八年。 • 每个船队有5名队员和“第六人”(经 过选拔招募到的航海爱好者) • 最高船速30节(56公里每小时/36英里 每小时) • 当风速达8节(14公里每小时/9英里每 小时),单侧船体就可能翘起,翘起高 度超过三米。 • 船身长:40英尺(12.2米) 主桅杆高度:62英尺(18.9米) • 船身重量:1400公斤(相当于一辆甲 壳虫汽车的重量)

国际极限帆船系列赛青岛站 路虎2014国际极限帆船系列赛青岛 站"双星名人"杯比赛将在5月1日至4日举 行。将有来自11个国家的60名顶级帆船运 动员参赛,进行为期四天的激烈角逐。比 赛于每天从下午两点开始,5月2日起免费 对公众开放。 竞赛水域主要为浮山湾,公众可免费 观看,届时还将有青岛当地的DJ助阵、双 语现场评论、灯光表演以及儿童活动区。 此外,组委会还精心策划了一些水上娱乐 活动,比如遥控帆船赛、OP帆船(类似于 激光级帆船)展演。对于模型发烧友和航 海爱好者来说是一个绝好的机会。

关注实时动态 访问赛事官网www.extremesailingseries. com,点击‘Race Mode’即可了解最 新动态,你还可通过青岛电视台的现场直 播、pptv和乐视网来观看。此外还可通过 下方链接关注该项赛事:

Twitter: extremesailingseries Facebook: extremesailingseries YouTube: extremesailingseries Weibo: Youku: 搜索“极限帆船系列赛”


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑



going home 阔别多年归故里… Most foreigners that are new to China experience some level of culture shock from language barriers to different foods to a somewhat chaotic lifestyle. But once they get used to being here, it can be another feeling going back home. Jordan Eckenrode interviews people with the experiences of reverse culture shock.

初来乍到中国时,很多外国人都感受到了不同程度的文化冲击,从语言障碍到截然不同的食物,再到 鲜活忙乱的生活方式。但当他们习惯了这里的生活方式之后,回到祖国又是另一种感觉了。Jordan采 访了一些有过反向文化冲击经历的人。

Aniel Zhongshan, Guangdong, China 广东中山 I recently returned from Australia, and there the culture is quite different but one thing I noticed was the buses in Australia seemed crazy for me. I never knew where they would take me. And in my hometown the bus system seemed more organised. I go to school in Qingdao but my hometown is Zhongshan. Oh course the language and food is quite different. Also in my hometown people often have yin cha, which is like a brunch. It means drink tea but it’s not only that. We eat some small local dishes with friends and family at a restaurant. It’s like a very long lunch where you can catch up with friends and just chat. It’s great to do this on a weekend or day where you have nothing to do. I guess I miss this when I’m in Qingdao, but it’s nice to do when I go back home. 我最近刚从澳大利亚回来,那儿的文化真不一样。澳大利亚的公交系统 令我抓狂,我从来不知道他们要带我到哪里去。而在我的家乡,公交系统更 加条理有序。我在青岛上学,但是家在中山。两个地方的语言和食物当然很 不一样。在我的家乡,人们会约上三两亲朋好友一起,上茶餐厅饮早茶,食 点心。在周末或是无事可做的日子里,饮茶真是一个好选择。在青岛时我会 想念这些;回到家乡叹早茶是一件多美好的事情。


广告 • 特辑


Todd United States 美国

When I go back home to visit and I talk to Chinese people, cashiers or shop clerks and instead of saying ‘thank you’ I drop a ‘xie xie’ or during conversation I will say ‘dui’ instead of yes. I noticed how when I’m in China I’m in my own world, I can’t read any signs and I don’t understand the TV or news, but when I’m home it’s strange to understand everything. In China I carry out my routine and when I’m back in the States I want to operate like I’m in China. Like here it’s ok to drink a beer walking down the street but in America that wouldn’t fly. It’s weird to go back home and be limited.

回到美国时,和中国人、收银员或超市员工说话的时候,我会说“ 谢谢”而不是“thank you”;和别人交谈的时候,我会说“对”而不 是“yes”。我意识到当我在中国时,我活在自己的世界里;我读不懂标 语,也看不懂电视新闻。但是当回到祖国,能理解任何东西真是一种奇怪的 感觉。在中国,我有自己的作息习惯,我想在美国保持同样的生活规律。在 中国,你可以边在大街上走边喝酒,但是在美国却不能这样随心所欲。回家 反而觉得受限制,这真是奇怪。

Aaron New Zealand 新西兰 It was during my first trip home in 3 years when it really hit hard. My first thoughts were, white people, white people everywhere! I had this urge to gravitate towards the nearest Asian, grasping for air as if they could somehow save me from this western overdose. As I passed through the familiar yet somewhat alien suburbs of my hometown a more sobering thought arose, what ever happened to so and so? While I was off playing international vagabond, many people I once connected with had moved out of town, started families and simply settled down. Makes me think, that could have been me if it were not for a series of chance encounters that lead me to where I am now.

Annie Australia 澳大利亚

离家三年后第一次回家的我真是饱受文化冲击。我的第一个想法是:这 里怎么有这么多的白人。白人无处不在!我渴望着去靠近周围的亚洲人,紧 紧跟在他们周围,就好像他们能够拯救我,让我在这充斥着西方人的地方能 够喘息一样。当我走过熟悉却又有些陌生的家乡的郊区时,一个更加清醒的 意识浮现在脑海。这里究竟发生了什么?当我离开故土远走他乡的时候,很 多曾经的友人已经搬离这座城镇,组建家庭定居下来。这让我觉得,如果没 有那一系列的偶然的机会,我也会过着这样的生活终了一生。

Here when walking in a crowd you fend for yourself, you push in and take space that’s available and not worry too much what other people are doing, but in Australia that’s really rude. So I guess I got used to that. I still however prefer the Australia way. Also the fact you can go out here anytime of day and buy anything you need. However in Australia the hours are ridged, 9 to 5 on non-shopping days. 在这里,走在大街的人群中,你会努力捍卫 自己的权益,涌进人群并占据自己的位置,不必担 心别人会怎么看。但在澳大利亚,这真的是很粗鲁 的行为。所以我猜我已经习惯了拥挤的人群。不过 我还是更喜欢人们在澳大利亚的做法。此外,在这 里你可以在任何时候买到你需要的任何东西。但在 澳大利亚,营业时间是有限制的,在非购物的日子 里,商店只是在朝九晚五之间开门营业。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

All Hail the Transit Apps 打车神器 The use of Taxi Hailing and Bus apps are the latest tech to be making the rounds in the smart phone community. Glenn Davie and Mark Lewis give us the run down on what’s being used by Qingdao’s commuters. 今天,我们的手机上最繁忙的几个应用,肯定都与打车和坐公交有关。Glenn Davie和陆海文给大家解析 一下这几个岛城生活智能化的工具。


his time last year, taxis were fair game for anyone. All you had to do was stand on the street and wait until a willing driver came your way. If you had to travel a far distance, your best bet would be to simply hop in a cab and feign ignorance until they gave in. Peak hours were especially competitive and not without altercation. Long-term Qingdao expats would be familiar with the Chinese method of ‘taxi theft’ head down - no shame.

these sorts of apps are here to stay. Can you remember the last time you were in a cab that didn’t have a cellphone mounted above the dashboard?

All that changed, with the introduction of the taxi-hailing apps Didi Taxi and Kuaidi Taxi, backed by Tencent and Alibaba respectively. The current market is dominated by these two apps and together contributed to almost 90 percent of daily taxi orders in 2013. However the increased use of these apps has led to divided opinion in China, with Shanghai introducing bans during peak hours and fining drivers who refuse to pick up streetfairing customers. It’s clear, however, that

We’ve used the Kuaidi Taxi app to demonstrate. Make sure you get the client version of the app and not the one intended for taxi drivers.


If you’ve never used Didi Taxi or Kuaidi Taxi before, you should definitely give it a go (both are available to download for Android and iPhone). You’ll also need a basic grasp of Chinese, but if you’re already catching taxis around Qingdao it’s not much of a leap.

去年的今天,计程车师傅对所有乘客都 还是公平对待的。你只需要站在街边等着就行 了。如果是去远途的话,假装听不懂,直到师 傅投降,愿意开车送你去就行了。尤其是交通

高峰期时,计程车更是可遇不可求。在青岛待 久了的外国人都知道“抢的族”是什么意思, 而且学起来一点都不费劲。 自从两大互联网巨头腾讯和阿里巴巴分别 推出了嘀嘀打车和快的这两个打车应用之后, 这种情况就改变了。如今,打的市场十有九成 都由这两大软件收入囊中。这些打的应用热度 迅速上升,引发了人们两种截然不同的意见。 上海就在交通高峰期时禁止司机用打的软件挑 选乘客。不过很明显,这两款打车应用都不会 就此收兵。你还记得上次打车时纯粹靠站街边 招手就能把车招来的情景吗? 如果你从没用过嘀嘀打车或快的打车的 话,快试试吧。两种软件均可在苹果或安卓系 统下载。用这些软件当然还得懂点中文,不过 如果你已经是青岛的计程车常客的话,不会中 文问题也不大。 我们用快的打车做了应用测试。有一点要 注意:要搞清楚你下载的是乘客版,而不是司 机版。

广告 • 特辑


After you open the app, you’ll see a map with the real-time location of the taxis in your area. Your 3G network should pinpoint your location fairly accurately, but I usually find the nearest intersection and type my location into the 从哪出 发 box.

打开程序之后,你看到的将 是你所在地区的实时地图,上面 标有该地区所有计程车的位置, 如果你使用的是3G网络的话,你 的所在位置应该能准确显示在司 机的显示屏上。不过我的惯常做 法是走到一个离我最近的十字路 口,然后在“从哪出发”一栏输 入我的位置。


Hit the green


button and type in your destination. 点击“ 现在打车”按 钮,输入你的 目的地信息。


The app will take you back to the map, and you’ll need to press the green 确定打车 to confirm. Your location will then be broadcast, and you can even add money to the fare if no one’s biting. 现在它会回到地图界 面上,你只需要按绿色的“ 确定打车”按钮来确认就行 了。你的所在位置会通过广 播,传送到周围所有的空计 程车上。要是没人接你的单 子的话,你还可以加点钱作 利诱。

If you use Kuaidi Taxi enough you’ll get leveled up and have a crown placed beside your username. There are also incentives, such as discounts for using Alipay as a method of payment, and you get points for each successful journey which you can later spend on discounted movie tickets or phone credit.

如果你用的是快的打车, 并且已经用了一段时间的话,你 的用户星级会提升,并且在你的 用户名旁边会出现一个小皇冠的 标志。这款应用也有奖励使用的 制度,比如使用支付宝结账可打 折等。每成功打车一次,你会得 到相应的积分;这些积分可以用 来打折购买电影票或冲话费。

There’s actually nothing stopping you from jumping in another cab after you’ve already hailed one as most drivers are pretty relaxed and understand if you leg it. However, be aware that doing this too often can get you banned. I’ve got one friend who can’t use his app for a year, thus reducing him to ‘chump’ status.

要是约了车没等到司机 来,爽约了搭上另一辆车的话, 问题也不大,因为大多数司机都 很通情达理。不过要确定你有足 够理由再这样做,否则,爽约次 数太多的话,你的账号会被封 掉。我有一个朋友就是因为爽约 太多次而被封号一年。

Finally, it’s extremely satisfying when someone tries to steal your cab only to be told off by the driver and booted out. This alone is reason enough to start using the app. Glenn Davie

再有就是,有了打车软 件,遇上“抢的族”也不怕啦! 因为司机马上会把他们赶下车。 这真是太棒了!就这一个理由, 就足够让你开始用打车软件了。



After they accept your job, the driver will call you directly to confirm your location. The app will show the taxi’s location, distance and estimated time of arrival as they close in. It’ll also display its license plate number so keep an eye out for it. Once you’re aboard, hit the green button again to confirm and you can give your driver a thumbs-up (in the app) if they deserve it. You can pay via Alipay if you’ve got an account set up. There’s also an option to book a cab in advance.

司机接了你的单子之后,会马上给你打电话确认 你的位置。这款应用会显示出计程车的位置、距离以 及大约到达时间。此外他们的车牌号码也会被显示出 来,所以你得留意一下。上车之后,记得再次按下绿 色的按钮确认。你还可以给司机一个大拇指,以评价 他的服务水准。要是账号设置成功的话,你还可以用 支付宝付钱。还有一个功能是提前预定计程车。

Qingdao Gongjiao Chaxun

青岛公交 查询


he Gongjiao Chaxun app is just one of several apps that focuses solely on bus routes. Similar to the taxi apps, a reasonable command of Chinese will be an advantage as there is no English available.


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑 Different options are listed on a pull out menu on the left side of the screen. With the first option you input the bus number to list its schedule as well as display a basic map of the route its stops. Tapping on each bus stop gives the ETA of the next bus that will stop there. Very useful if you’re waiting around wondering if ‘that bus’ will ever arrive. The second option allows you to type in a destination and then lists the closest bus stops. It does tell you how far the stop is, which stop you get off and how far you need to walk to your final destination. All good. However, there are no maps or directions for you to find the bus stops, which I found frustrating. The third option gives you news about any changes or delays in traffic while the fourth option allows you to join an online forum where you can exchange travel tips with fellow commuters.

The last menu option allows you to change app’s look or if you’d like to contact the developers to either praise or admonish them. Overall I found that the app does what it does well…but still…would love to see a map added in the next update for the directionally challenged. Mark Lewis

其停留的站名。点击其中一站,你会看到下一 辆公交车大概到达的时间。如果你刚好站在站 台上等车,这个功能会显得特别实用。 第二栏里你可以填写目的地名称,界面上 会显示出最近的几个公交站。这款应用会告诉 你公交站离你所在位置有多远,那一站你应该 下车,之后还要走多远才到达你的目的地。这 些功能都挺好的。不过,它不能将你所要走的 路线显示在地图上,也不能提供个大概方向。 这一点挺让人迷惑的。 第三栏你可以看到最新的交通状况,你的 公交车有没有延迟或堵在路上等等。第四栏你 可以与同样使用该软件的乘客进行讨论、分享 公交换乘经 验等。

款公交查询软 件只是众多交 通软件之一, 不过关注的是 本地公交实时到站及线路 换乘等资讯。跟上面的打 的应用类似,这款应用也 是没有英文的,所以,掌握一定水平的中文相 当重要啊。 界面左侧详尽列出了应有的操作选择。 在第一栏,你可以输入想乘坐的公交车的线路 号,就可以看到这一路公交的行驶时间,以及

最 后 一栏,你可 以变换该应 用的界面显 示风格,或 者联系开发 者,表扬或 投诉他们。 总的来说, 我觉得这个 应用还是执 行了它应尽 的职责的, 不过要是能 出 个 更 新 版,加上地 图显示那就 更棒了。

How to LaKaLa

拉卡拉咋用?! Ruth Greene shows you an easier way to charge your Taobao account without going through the hassle of linking it to your bank account. Ruth教你一个无需捆绑银行卡就能给淘宝账 户充值的简单方法。 26

广告 • 特辑


Step 2 / 第二步:

The next page informs you that you will receive your pin by cell phone. You can see the characters for “cell phone” in the middle, press “enter” to confirm.

LaKaLa (拉卡拉)

Located in many convenience stores around Qingdao, such as your nearest Hao Yi De or You Ke, they are designed to be accessible and easy to use. 拉卡拉机随处可见,且使用方便、操作简单。很多便利店 里都有,比如离你最近的好易得或者友客。

Step 1 / 第一步:

Approach the machine. Notice the third option is for “Recharge your Taobao Alipay account”. Taobao uses Alipay to make transactions, so when you pay on Taobao, you’re actually using Alipay. Select this option by pressing the number “3” on the keypad. For “Charge by Alipay Code”, press the number “2” on the next screen. 走到拉卡拉机前。欢迎界面如上图所示 : 选择第三个选项“淘宝支付宝充值付钱”。淘宝使用支付 宝来完成交易,所以,当使用淘宝付款的时候,你实际上是在 使用支付宝。在键盘上按下3号键选择这一选项。 在下一个显示界面上按下数字2,来购买支付宝充值码。

Here you will enter your phone number twice, pressing enter after each time to confirm it is correct. You will need your cell phone later to receive your pin by text and it is also your identification number for the transaction. 下一页会提示你,你的手机将会收到一条验证信息。你可以在屏幕中 间看到“手机”的字样,按下ENTER键确认。 你需要输两遍手机号码,每次检查正确后按下ENTER键。稍后你要用 手机接收验证码短信,该号码也是你本次交易的识别码。

Step 3 第三步: Enter how much money to charge your account, and press enter. It will bring up a screen to confirm your information is correct. Press the green button again to confirm. There’s a 1% charge to use the machine. Finally, you should briefly see 现 在连接中心 which means “Right now we are contacting the center”. It will automatically progress to the next screen.

下一页,使用键盘输入你要往账户中充值的金额,按下ENTER键。这时 候会出现一个确认信息是否正确的界面。再次按下绿色的按钮确认。 下一步拉卡拉机会告知你使用本机器会收取1%的手续费。最后“现在 连接中心”,界面将会自动跳转。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

Step 4

It will take you to your Alipay dashboard.

第4步: Almost there! Now you are ready to pay. Swipe your card and enter your password. Enter your bankcard pin and press the green button to complete the transaction. You will see a few screens flash by which means it’s contacting your bank for the transfer. Finally, you should see the confirmation screen! Lastly, press “enter” to confirm and print out your receipt. Do not lose your receipt. You will need it to put the money on your Alipay account at your computer. Okay. You’ve now used your bankcard to send money to the LaKaLa company. How does LaKaLa know which Alipay account to add it to?

To the right of your current balance you will see a button that says 充值 which means recharge. Click on it. 使用电脑登录。在淘宝的每个页面顶端你都会看到几个 下拉的按钮。点击“我的淘宝”按钮。它会要求你登录,然后进入你的淘宝主 页。在页面右边,你会看到一个代表你的灰色头像。在头像下方,你可以找 到“我的支付宝”选项。 点击进入支付宝的主页,如图所示 在账户余额的右边有一个 “充值”的按钮。点击它。

Step 6: 第六步: 快完成了!现在你可以付钱了。屏幕上会出现“请按卡 槽提示刷卡”。接下来,你会看到“请输入密码”。输入银 行卡密码,按下绿色的按钮完成交易。你会看到连接银行的 几个界面一一出现,直到拉卡拉机提示你交易成功。 最后,按下ENTER键确认并取出你的凭条。千万别把凭 条弄丢,在电脑上给支付宝充值时需要用到。好了。现在你 已经通过银行卡把钱付给拉卡拉公司了。拉卡拉怎么知道把 钱添加到哪一个支付宝账户上呢?

Click the tab at the top says 充值码. Select the LaKaLa option and press the orange button below to progress. Now it will ask you to enter your 16-digit confirmation number from your receipt. Look at the example above to help you locate the correct number, then press the orange button. 屏幕会提供给你不同的选项来充值支付宝。确定所选项目最顶端显示的名 称为“ 充值码”,选择拉卡拉,按下橙色的按钮继续。

Step 5: 第五步: Go to At the top of any Taobao page you will see several drop down tabs. Click on the one that says 我的淘宝 (My Taobao). Log in, and you’ll see your Taobao home page. On the right of it, you can see a grey avatar representing you. Underneath it, you can find the option for 我的支付宝, which means “my Alipay”.

现在你需要输入凭条上的16位确认数字。看一下右边的例子,找到16位 确认数字。然后按下橙色按钮。

Step 7: 第7步: It will text a 6-digit pin number to your phone. Enter the pin number press the orange button again. That’s it! Your account is charged and you’re ready to start shopping. 几秒钟之内,你的手机会收 到6位验证码短信。输入验证码点 击橙色按钮。 完成了!你的账户充值完 毕,可以开始网购啦。


Did you know that you can also use LaKaLa to recharge your phone, pay your gas bill, and much more? Give it a try on your own, ask the store employee, or go to Taobaofieldguide. com to find more useful tips for shopping on Taobao. 你知道吗,拉卡拉还可以充 话费,交煤气费,提供很多其他 的服务。赶快自己亲自试一下。 如果有不明白的地方,可以向便利 店的店员寻求帮助,最后,回到 Taobaofieldguide.com找寻更多淘宝 网购的小窍门吧。

广告 • 特辑


Gardening in Asia


With the International Horticultural Expo in town, we decided to branch out and explore some of the most beautiful gardens in Asia. Photographer Preben Kristensen gives us a glimpse of some of these profoundly beautiful and spiritual creations. 恰逢世园会正在岛城北部 灿烂绽放,红星带领大家将游 园的视野放大至亚洲地区。看 看德国摄影师Preben的镜头 下各种各样的花园景观吧。


/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

Villa Bukit, Ubud, Bali 巴厘,乌布,Bukit庄园 Set in a lush valley, potted palms, ferns and bougainvillea merge with the natural landscape. 郁郁葱葱的山谷,盆栽棕榈树、蕨类植物和 九重葛层叠相成的自然景观。

Japan 日本

The Japanese believed that spirits called Kami inhabited almost every natural object. Gardens therefore have spiritual associations and are full of elaborate symbols and imagery. 日本人普遍认为,每一种大自然的物 体身上都寄附着神灵。因此,花园也是通 灵的,并且充满复杂的符号和意象。


广告 • 特辑


Villa Tjampuhan Ubud, Bali 巴厘,乌布,Tjampuhan庄园 Moss covered walls, variegated plants and statuary are combined with indigenous trees to provide a sense of luxuriant abundance.

Bali Hyatt, Sanur, Bali 巴厘,萨努尔,巴厘岛凯悦酒店 Australian Landscape Designer Michael White transformed these 36 acres into hanging gardens, lotus ponds, a "white" garden with a fern court and a palm avenue. 澳大利亚景观设计师Michael将这36英亩 空地变成了空中花园、荷花池、蕨类植物花 园和棕榈大道。

苔藓覆盖的墙壁;斑驳陆离的植物和雕塑与当地的 树种缠绕在一起,给人一种枝繁叶茂的感觉。

If you enjoy exotic flora, Preben’s collection of photographed orchids can be viewed at www. Or if interested in ordering a copy of any of his photographs he can be contacted at 如 果 你 喜 欢 异 域 植 物 的 话 , 不 妨 上 w w w.浏览Preben的兰花系列照 片。若有兴趣购买照片,请发送电邮至kristensenps@。


/ EVENTS // 广告 • 活动


广告 • 活动



EVENTS 活动 International Labour Day 国际劳动节

01 02 03 04

World Cosplay Summit Qingdao 1919 Creative Industrial Park

MON 一 China (Qingdao) Garments & Textiles Export Fair International Convention & Exhibition Center 5-7th May



Ballet Dance: Le Corsaire 7:30pm Grand Theatre

Death Metal band Norcelement 9pm Downtown Bar


青岛WCS世界COSPLAY峰会 1919创意产业园


Friday Lawn Concert 2 -11pm Zhongshan Park


草地音乐弹唱会 中山公园


Buyi Band 9pm Downtown Bar

World Red Cross Day 世界红十字日


Mother’s Day 母亲节

The Mother’s Day Salon & Concert 7:30pm Grand Theatre

05 06 07 08 09 10 11

国际纺织服装服饰出口 交易会


Adult Pottery Class 1:30 - 3pm QICC Hunagdao

芭蕾舞剧《海盗》 青岛大剧院

Pirates' Night Angelina's 安吉丽娜吧

Great River Hill Winery Tour 11:30 - 6pm


大好河山酒庄参观 DJ Howie Lee 9pm Downtown Bar

献礼母亲节讲座音乐会 青岛大剧院

Kids Pottery Class 10am - 12pm QICC Hunagdao

QISS Admissions Open House 9am (Reservations required)

B Vocal (Spain) Choral Concert 7:30pm, Grand Theatre

西班牙B Vocal奇妙人声组

Zhou Yunpeng’s New Folk Album 7:30-10pm SY Experimental Theatre




Cirque du Soleil Presents 7:30pm, Qingdao University Gymnasium

Qingdao Auto show 15-20 May International Convention & Exhibition Center


“暗黑诱惑”之旅 青岛大学体育馆


Qingdao Cherry Festival 18 May – 10 June Beizhai, Laoshan


青岛樱桃节 崂山北宅

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 QIBA International Networking

QAIS Family Fun Run



28 May // 6:30-8:30pm Wildfire, InterContinental Hotel Free for annual members; ¥180/guests

10 May // 10am-1pm // Hyatt Regency Qingdao

5月28日 // 晚6点半-8点半 明焰西餐厅,青岛海尔洲际酒店 // 会员免费,非会员180元/人


or their May meeting, QIBA is inviting members and guests to join Qingdao’s international chambers of commerce and trade representatives for an evening of outreach and networking at Wildfire Grill! Think of it as two hours swapping cards and big ideas with the city’s most dynamic business network, featuring wines provided by WinItaly paired with canapés specially prepared by the InerContinental’s Executive Chef (6:30-7:30pm), and an elite raffle to raise funds for QIBA’s charitable work. If you are interested in developing your business in Qingdao, this event will be time well spent. If you want to enrich your life through building connections to other residents of this dynamic city,

you should not miss this opportunity! For details, email 五月的交流会上,青岛国际商 会将邀请来自青岛国际商贸会的代表 们,在明焰西餐厅和大家一起交流探 讨。两个小时的交流会上,你将有机 会结识岛城最活跃于商业社交网络的 精英们,并和他们交流心得,共同探 讨发展计划。威尼达利红酒公司将为 本次活动提供美酒,还有海尔洲际酒 店大厨为各位精心准备的开胃冷盘( 供应时间为晚上6点半至7点半),以 及慈善抽奖活动。 如果你打算在青岛发展自己的事 业,那么参加本次交流会绝对物超所 值!如果你想通过和其它业界朋友交 流来丰富自己的生活,也一定不要错 过这次机会!了解更多详情,请发送 邮件至。

5月10日 // 上午10点至下午1点 // 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店


ast Spring, over 300 people set off from the Hyatt’s beachfront lawn and spent the morning walking, running, biking, blading, and scooting along the Yellow Sea boardwalk! After finishing the 5km ‘by-any-means’ circuit along the rock pools and sculptures, families enjoyed activities and soaked up sunshine on the lawn. It was a spectacular day, for the international family of QAIS and for the many others who turned up for the fun. This event is open to Qingdao’s international families (adults must be accompanied by a child). Reservations are requested for an event t-shirt - please email by Monday, May 5th to confirm your attendance. 去年春天,超过300人参加了青岛国际美亚学校的这场自 由跑活动,既有来自青岛国际美亚学校的国际家庭,也有其他 户外运动爱好者。大家从酒店门前的草坪出发,或走或跑,还 有骑车的、滑轮滑和骑滑板车的,沿着海滨木栈道,途经礁石湾 和雕塑园,完成全程5公里的环形自由跑。活动结束后,大家躺 在草坪上,尽情享受阳光。 欢迎外籍家庭参加(请至少带上一个孩子)。本次活动将 为大家准备统一的T恤,请发送电邮至Info@QingdaoAmerasia. org提前预定,并于5月5日前确认。

五月 MAY El Escenario de Fuego 7:30pm Grand Theatre

QISS Admissions Open House 9am (Reservations required)

Carsick Cars 9pm, Downtown Bar

西班牙舞蹈《燃情似火》 青岛大剧院


Dad and Daughter Night Out 5-9pm La Villa Restaurant

Carsick Cars乐队

19 20 21 22 23 24 25




QISS Admissions Open House 9am (Reservationsrequired)




我和爸爸有约 拉维拉餐厅


World No Tobacco Day

Got an event to promote? Get it on this calender!


Reflector 9pm, Downtown Bar

26 27 28 29 30 31 QISS招生开放日

FREE Demo class for HR/Training Managers and L&D professionals 8.30 - 11.30am. ShangriLa hotel in Qingdao

Tailor Your Party! 你的派对, 你做主!


he Loong Bar located near the Music Square at 21 Donghai Xi Lu is, quite simply, the perfect place for all kinds of situations. Yes…situations! With the opportunity to choose your favorites songs for the night, it can be a great venue to kick back and relax while listening to some Reggae or Jazz. Or, it can be a place that makes a lot of noise with some Latin tracks or even Rock’n’Roll. On Tuesdays, ladies can enjoy free drinks. But if you are more into the live music scene, you should try their Wednesday nights. On Fridays and weekends, you can enjoy their “Zhende” Happy Hours with great prices for drinks.



Wang Feng 2014 National Tour 7:30-10:30pm Guoxin Gymnasium 汪峰2014巡演 国信体育场

And that’s not all: you can even watch this year’s World Cup matches in comfort and style along with World Cup themed activities. So, like we said, the Loong Bar can accommodate all kinds of “situations” so it can be your place. Monica Pizzato Loong吧位于东海西路21号, 毗邻音乐广场,在夏天可以最近距离 的感受海风。如果你想定制属于自己 的专属派对,联系Loong吧就没有错 了!在这里每位到场的朋友均有机会 点自己喜欢的音乐播放,既可在雷鬼 和爵士乐中尽情放松,也可和好友一 起随着拉丁舞曲或摇滚乐欢聚起舞。 一切音乐随你而定! 每周二,所有女士均可享受指定 饮品免单。如果您喜欢现场音乐,一 定不要错过周三的驻唱歌手表演。除 此以外,每周五以及周末,“真的” 畅饮时光酒水特价,不见不散。 精彩继续:世界杯期间,还可一 边喝酒一边看球赛,并可参与各种世 界杯主题活动。

Dad and Daughter Night Out 我和老爸有个约会 24 May // 5-9pm La Villa Restaurant 5月24日 // 下午5点-晚9点 拉维拉餐厅


irls of all ages, come for an evening of sparkle, dazzle and bling with just you and your dad at La Villa Restaurant! There will be dinner, music, karaoke, photo booth, games, prizes, crafts, goody bags and more. This event is hosted by the Qingdao Expat Group for the first time and open to every daughter and dad in town! Fee for entry: 300元 including father and daughter; 50元 per additional daughter. Dress code: semi-formal attire. Seatings are limited, please contact Kelly at for RSVP.

女孩们,带上你的老爸,来拉维拉度过一个只属于父女 俩的美好夜晚吧! 不仅有美食和音乐相伴,还可登台献唱,在 拍照墙前留影,参加游戏,更有各种大奖、手工艺品和礼包 等你来拿。本次活动由青岛外籍社团首次举办,岛城的父女 们均可参加。入场费:每对父女300元,如带一位以上女儿参 加,每位多加50元。着装要求:半正式服装。座位有限,请 发送电邮 kelly.l.l.mcginnis@gmail.com联系Kelly提前预订。

/ EVENTS // 广告 • 活动

Downtown Bar aMayzing Features 裆烫吧五月强档 A bunch of live events are taking place at the Downtown Bar throughout this May: rock, punk, electronic, remix…just to name a few. Jieling Liu beats the drum in tracking the latest gigs down. For more info or to RSVP please call 186 6170-6950. 这个五月,裆烫吧带来了多支阵容强大的乐队和音乐个人,摇滚、朋克、 电子、混音…风格多样,电音不断。Jieling为你提前揭秘。提前报名请电 联186 6170-6950。

Chill with Buyi 跟着布衣淡定地嗨

DJ Howie Lee


17 May, 9pm // 5月17日 晚9点


owie Lee is a producer/DJ from Beijing who produces experimental bass music while dabbling in multiple genres. With a selection of discovered sounds and field recordings, Howie Lee has a unique approach to his dance-floor-bass-driven beat and doesn’t feel limited to any particular production style. In 2013, he signed with renowned UK music publishers, Trapdoor Records and released several singles and remixes. In early 2014, he released his first major EP Borderless Shadows along with a live audiovisual show. Tickets: 20元 (plus one free drink). Howie Lee的风格跨越并融合了Trap、Dubstep、Jungle以及Grime。通 过精心采样和场地录音,Howie Lee通过其独特的方式,将声音变化 为驱动舞池的巨大能量,同时不受限于任何制作风格。2013年签约英 国顶级厂牌Trapdoor Records,发行若干首单曲,并于今年1月推出 EP《Borderless Shadows》。门票20元(含一杯免费饮料)。

10 May, 9pm // 5月10日 晚9点

stablished in 1995 in a city by the Yellow River, Buyi’s 18 years of practice and playing has led to eight solid albums with their latest album Departure having been released last October according to their relaxed and chilled vocalist Ningyue Wu. Cooperating with Modern Sky Records for their national tour is undoubtedly another milestone for their performances. Tickets: 70元 for early birds; 90元 for on site; 120元 for early bird + 80元 worth CD. 九五年成立于黄河岸边的vv玩的是摇滚风,18年的风雨历程 中出版8张唱片。去年10月,乐队发行新专辑《出发》,专辑保 持了布衣的明亮爽朗、淡定朴实的本色。这次巡演跟摩登天空合 作。门票预售70元/现场90元/预售+价值80元CD:120元 。

Carsick Cars 咆哮的优美 24 May, 9pm // 5月24日 晚9点


his Chinese indie rock trio formed in March 2005 and announced their presence at the Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Sino-French Diplomatic Relations. Their new album 3 is accurately named and straightforward: the 3rd full-length studio album recorded in March by their 3-man team. Tickets: 50元 for early birds; 60元 for on site. 今年伊始,CarsickCars乐队就作为中国首支受邀的摇滚乐 队在中法建交50周年庆典上演出。新专辑《3》以简单的数字命 名,对他们来说是最合适不过的表达了:由3个人组成的乐队于3 月录制的第3张全长录音作品。门票:预售50元/现场60元。

Reflector’s Punk 反光镜玩转朋克 Migration 洄游乐队 & Orange Ocean 18 May, 9pm // 5月18日 晚9点


igration is a young but talented four man band which formed in 2012. Passionate and hardworking they have been influenced by Experimental, Noise and Post-rock styles, while forming their own music style. Orange Ocean, the other band that is also performing on this date, is intimately called “best gay friends” by Migration. Obviously their musical tastes are alike! 洄游的四位成员于2012年相识。他们深受实验、噪音、后朋克等风格 影响。排练时常是晚归早起,不惧邻居投诉报警…洄游正处在一点点厚积 并试图发挥自己创意的时候。另一支乐队Orange Ocean被洄游亲切地称 为“好基友”,两者的音乐默契可见一斑。


31 May, 9pm // 5月31日 晚9点


eflector’s Punk has been around for over 16 years with their music growing more and more popular. Last December they released a new album, Our Songs, and not long after, they started their 2014 tour. Fans of Reflector’s Punk should psyche themselves up with the loudest and craziest energy in preparation for their dynamic and vigorous punk music and vivid performances they are bringing this May! Tickets: 100元 for early birds; 120元 for on site. 反光镜乐队成军16载,音乐越来越趋向成熟。去年12月发 行新碟《我们的歌》;3月开始踏上2014上半年巡演之旅。乐迷 们,准备好你最真实的呐喊、最狂热的能量,迎接反光镜带来的 视听冲击吧!门票预售100元/现场120元。

广告 • 活动

Discover the World’s Finest Estates at LPS Beijing 2014 2014LPS北京探寻 国际高端房产奢华 之旅 16-18 May The Legendale Beijing

5月16-18日 北京励骏酒店


rom historical chateaux to private islands, vineyards, ski resorts, mansions, tropical villas, and stateof-the-art apartments. From May 16 - 18 LPS Beijing 2014 will unveil some of the world’s most outstanding properties. With over 100 countries and cities on showcase, LPS Beijing 2014 will allow Beijing’s elites to browse unique properties located in the world’s most desirable locations, including Venice, Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Paris, Monaco, New York, and Dubai… EUROPE’S ELITE CITIES. Browse unique properties located in Europe’s most vibrant and exclusive cities: Venice, London, Paris, Barcelona, Milan, Geneva, Monaco… TROPICAL PARADISES. Explore Asia’s most breathtaking tropical destinations: Koh Samui, Bali, Phuket, Sanya, Boracay, Penang, Lijiang… HISTORICAL CHATEAUX & VINEYARDS. Discover rare and outstanding historical properties in Italy, France, Spain, England, Germany… THE AMERICAN DREAM. The pinnacle of North-American properties will be showcased: New York City, Toronto, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Houston…


STYLISH SKI RESORTS. LPS Beijing 2014 will bring to Beijing the world’s most elite ski resort destinations: Whistler, Courchevel, St Moritz, Zermatt, Aspen, Jackson Hole… THE VERY BEST OF AUSTRALIA. Unveiling the very best of Australian properties, from the Gold Coast to Sydney, from Melbourne to Perth, from modern condominiums to oceanfront villas and private islands…. BOOK YOUR INVITATION NOW To apply for an invitation to visit LPS Beijing 2014, please register here: 历史城堡到私人岛屿、葡萄园、滑 雪胜地、私人府邸以及热带别墅等高端建 筑,2014LPS北京国际高端房产盛会将于 5月16-18日为您拂去世界顶级房产的神秘 面纱。与来自北京的精英人士共同品鉴位 于威尼斯、洛杉矶、伦敦、悉尼、巴黎、 摩纳哥、纽约和迪拜等世界100多个国家 和城市绝佳地理位置的奢华房产。 欧洲经典城市地区:品鉴欧洲最富魅 力地区的高端房产:威尼斯、伦敦、巴黎、 巴塞罗那、米兰、日内瓦以及摩纳哥等。 热带天堂:游览亚洲杰出的热带旅 行目的地:苏梅岛、巴厘岛、普吉岛、三 亚、长滩岛、槟榔屿以及丽江…… 历史城堡和葡萄园:畅悦意大利、法 国、西班牙、英格兰和德国等在世界上享 誉盛名的历史建筑。 美洲梦天堂:来自北美地区的顶级 高端房产:纽约、多伦多、迈阿密、洛杉 矶、旧金山、温哥华、休斯顿…… 时尚滑雪度假胜地:2014 LPS 北京 为您献上来自惠斯勒、库尔舍韦勒、圣莫 里兹、策马特、山杨、杰克逊霍尔等地的 优质滑雪目的地。 澳大利亚房产的精华所在:从黄金海 岸到悉尼,从墨尔本到佩斯,从现代化建 筑、海滨别墅到私人岛屿,2014LPS北京 为您献上澳大利亚最精彩的房产。 申请入场邀请函:参与2014LPS北京国际 高端房产盛会,请点击以下链接:

Qingdao Girls

Advertising Posters 青岛女孩个人画展 16 May // 6:30pm 138 Art Coffee & Flowers

5月16日 // 6点半 138ART花神咖啡


he Qingdao Girls Posters is a collaboration between American Painter Jorge Perez Rubio and Chinese Designer Isabella, who wanted to pay tribute to the vintage advertising style (commonly known as the “Shanghai Girls” or “Shanghai Lady Posters“ of the 1920’s and 1930’s). Jorge and Bella hope to capture the spirit of this golden age of advertising and internationally recognized art style by combining his portrait work and her keen graphic design experience to celebrate companies and business in Qingdao. The exhibition highlights Qingdao based companies like Taishan Tobacco, Laoshan Cola, Hisense and many more.

还记得20世纪的“大上海”吗?那你一定记得 百乐门唱歌的女孩、老电影里的帮派争斗,还有被 称作“摩登”的上海姑娘们。时间过去了近一个世 纪,人们依然记得他们,记得他们的故事,记得华丽 妩媚的旗袍,还记得那个时代令人羡慕之极的一个 词——POSTER。今天,在不同的时间——21世纪, 不同的地点——青岛,美国画家眼中的青岛女孩是什 么样子呢? 5月16日,去138ART花神咖啡看看美国画家乔 治佩雷兹·卢比奥和中国设计师赵佳鑫合作的画展 “青岛女孩”吧。


/ EDUCATION // 广告 • 教育

Learn Chinese

轻松学 with the “Sports Method” 汉语 Not a natural linguist? Trying to avoid using hand-puppet gestures to communicate? Help is here, as Gav Farmer walks you through a crash course in everyday Chinese. 还在为语言不通而烦恼?不想只靠肢体语言交流? Gav Farmer本期就教大家一些简便实用的学汉语妙招。


Learn “zhe-ge dongxi” and “na-ge dongxi” – which are “this thing” and “that thing” respectively. When combined with suitable arm waving you can now indicate that you want to look at, buy or eat all kinds of different “dongxi” (things) both near and far away.

学会“这个东西”和“那个东西”。如果 想看一下,吃一下或者买某样东西,用上这两 个短语,再配合相应的动作就行了。


Add some simple terms – “hao” (good), “wo yao” (I want), “kwai” (fast), “ruh” (hot). All of these terms can be negated by addition of the universal negating word “bu”, for example “bu hao” means “not good”. Now you can describe how you feel about items “zhe-ge dongxi hao” (this thing is good), properly request an item “wo yao na-ge dongxi” (I want that thing) and begin to pose simple questions “zhe-ge dongxi kwai bu kwai?” (Is this thing fast or not?). A great ice breaker when sitting in a taxi and adds to the thrill of the ride. 在第一条的基础上再用几个“好”,“ 我要”,“快”,“热”之类的词或短语。如 果要表示否定的话,在前面加一个“不”就好 了。对某个东西满意的时候可以说“这个东西 好”,想得到的话可以说“我要那个东西”。 还可以问一些简单的问题,比如“这个东西快 不快?”(就冲这句话,的哥的姐们肯定会打 起精神,让你早一点儿到)。


Now increase to the intermediate level noun set. Most objects can be classified as: “cai-liao” (material), “she-bei” (equipment/machine), “gong-ju” (tool), “ren” (people) and “donxi” (thing).

下面需要储备一些难度高一点儿的名词。 根据我的经验,大概可以分为下列五类:材 料、设备、工具、人和东西。

It would also be good to add “che” at this point (vehicle). For some reason calling a car “she-bei” (machine) doesn’t quite cut it. Anyway “che” is useful because so many kinds of vehicles are “che” including “chi-che” (car), “chu-zu-che” (taxi), “sai-che” (race car).


Nodding and saying “ahhh” in different ways...will enable you to bluff your way through any part of the conversation you don’t understand, until such time as something you do understand comes along. 对了,还可以再多学一个词“车”,区分 于其它设备。各种各样带轮子的都可以叫车, 比如汽车、出租车和赛车。


Now this is where you start to impress your mates. The introduction of the all-powerful comparing word, “bee”. First a word of warning: this is one of the very rare occasions when a tonal error will cause extreme offence, so get a native Chinese speaker to help you with your pronunciation. “Zhe-ge dongxi bee na-ge dongxi hao” (This thing is better than that thing).

下面要介绍的这个字一定会让你的朋友对 你刮目相看——“比”。不过在使用前,最好 找个中国朋友帮你纠正声调,要是说错了,麻 烦可就大了。例句:这个东西比那个东西好。


Nodding and saying “ahhh” in different ways. Perfecting this will enable you to bluff your way through any part of the conversation you don’t understand, until such time as something you do understand comes along. In practice, you only need to know about 1020% of what happened on a given evening.

点头并用各种语调语速说“啊哈”。体会 到“啊哈”的精髓后,各种场合都不会再紧张 了,对于自己听不懂的,“啊哈”几下准不会出 错。应酬的时候,听懂一成到两成已经足够了。


You’re good to go. With the basic skeleton of the language mastered, you may continue to add a word or two each day until one day people will describe you as “being fluent” (mainly by people who can’t understand Chinese of course). When you don’t know a word, don’t be afraid to build one out of what you do know. If you need to borrow a tape measure for example, most Chinese people will know that a “da-bu-da de she-bei”, meaning “big or not big equipment” will be some kind of measuring device.

掌握了以上几条,基本上就可以和进行简 单交流了。在原来的基础上,每天再多学多用 几个新词,就离“流利”不远了,当然只能糊 弄一些完全不懂汉语的外国朋友罢了。当遇到 自己不会说的词时,可以大胆地用现有的词汇 来造。如果你要借一把卷尺,可以说有没有一 个“大不大的设备”,相信大部分中国人都会 想到是一种测量大小的东西。


You might end up with a few gaps. For example not so long ago on a rare clear night in Shanghai, I suddenly felt the need to point to the moon and ask “na-ge shi shenme dongxi?” (What’s that thing?). It had just occurred to me that in ten years I had never felt the need to know what the thing was called. Of course it confirmed Chinese opinion that it’s foggy in London and this poor foreigner had never seen the moon before. 不过按照这种方法学到的汉语,可能无法 形成完整的体系。记得不久前在上海的一个晚 上,我和朋友正聊着天 ,突然间,我抬头望着 天上的月亮,才发现自己在中国呆了十年,居 然连月亮怎么说都不知道,我便指着问“那个 是什么东西?”。当然,这也更加肯定了中国 人对伦敦多雾的看法——可怜的老外连月亮都 没见过。

Turns out the word for moon “yue” is just the same word they use for month. I would have guessed that anyway. Learning Chinese is just that easy. 后来才知道,“月亮”的“月”和“月 份”的“月”是同一个“月”。我估计也会猜 得到。看吧,学习汉语并没有多难。

广告 • 教育


Chinese Restaurant Survival Guide (Level 1)



earning how to say xilanhua (broccoli), shuijiao (dumpling) and saying them out loud when you order food in a Chinese restaurant is pretty exciting isn't it? But then trouble brews when the waiter asks: how would you like us to make it? To order the right ingredients is one thing but to ensure your food comes out as crispy as you prefer rather than floating in a bowl of soup is another thing. Jieling Liu portions out some basic Chinese cooking terms and methods.

1. Zhá

炸薯条 (Fried Potato Chips) Deep-frying Deep-frying full or partial immersion of ingredients in hot cooking oil or fat.

2. Jiān

煎牛排 (Fried Steak) Pan-frying Cooking in a pan with a light coat of oil or liquid and allowing the ingredients to gently brown.

3. Ch o

蛋炒饭 (Fried Rice with Egg) Stir frying or Sauté over heat Ingredients are sautéed in hot oil and quickly stirred until cooked. This technique uses more heat than regular sautéing.

4. Bào

葱爆牛肉 (Oil-Fried beef with Onion) Stir-frying over high temperatures Cooking with large amounts of hot oil, sauces, or broth at very high temperatures and then tossing the ingredients in the wok until completely cooked through.

5. Zhēng

干蒸烧卖 (Dry-Steam Siu Mai) Steaming Steaming food over boiling water.


So you think these cooking methods are easy to do? Well then why not prove it by sending us a picture of you making one or more of these dishes, or make a sentence using one of these five cooking terms! Not only will your submission(s) be in our next issue, you will also be enrolled to win a 10-hour free Chinese language course provided by International Chinese Teacher Certification Center, Qingdao Branch!


These initial cooking terms are just the first level. Follow our Level 2 terms in the next issue to further improve your Chinese food ordering skills!

gǒu pì bù tōng 狗屁不通



his is a story about the Zodiac animal the Dog and an idiom that uses ‘Dog’. Both the Cat and the Dog had a very close relationship with human beings; and they both wanted to become a Zodiac animal. The Cat thought that the Dog had a big stomach and didn’t really do anything for human beings; while the Dog thought the Cat was a glutton and all he ever did was to frighten mice, which doesn’t do anything useful for the humans. They both pointed fingers at each other and wanted the Emperor of Heaven to be the judge. So the Emperor of Heaven asked the Dog, “How much do you eat for one meal?” The dog said, “I’m a door guard for the human beings. And I eat a full pot for one meal.” The Emperor of Heaven then asked the Cat the same question. The Cat said, “My job is to catch mice, but I only eat the quantity of an oil lamp.” What the Cat really meant was that he only ate what he was able to earn so it would sound more modest to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven summed up his conclusions. He thought the Cat consumed less but made a greater contribution to the human beings. The Dog thought the Cat was just being tricky so he has hated the Cat ever since. While the Cat was busy avoiding him, the Dog went ahead and became a Zodiac animal so the cat missed out. Still the Dog wouldn't forgive the Cat. So every time he sees the Cat, he jumps up and chases the Cat’s back.

猫和狗同人类的关系十分密切,因 此都想当上生肖动物。猫认为,狗吃得 太多,成天趴在门口,没什么贡献。而 狗则认为,猫成天只吃好的,只是吓唬 吓唬老鼠,也没什么贡献。于是他们一 同到玉帝面前评理。 玉帝问狗:“你一顿吃多少?”狗 说:“我每天看门守园,一顿一盆。”玉帝 问猫:“你一顿吃多少?”猫说:“我会抓 老鼠,每顿吃一灯盏。”猫只是想巧妙地 告诉玉帝自己会自食其力,抓老鼠吃, 那么,他的贡献就比狗大了。 玉帝断定,猫吃得少干事多,贡献 比狗大。狗觉得猫用谎言胜了自己,便 一边骂,一边追咬猫。猫自知理亏,东 躲西藏,不敢出来。 趁着猫躲避他,狗上天宫抢先当上 了属相,猫结果与属相无缘。狗虽然当 上了属相,但诚实的他始终不原谅猫, 见了猫就追,直到今天也还是这样。

A common idiom of the Zodiac Animal the Dog: 生肖“狗”的常用成语: gǒu pì bù tōng 狗屁不通 Literally means “bullshit”or “doesn't make any sense”. 顾名思义,指别人说话或文章极不 通顺。 Example 例句: Xiaoming is not taking his study seriously, that’s why his articles are always “gǒu pì bù tōng”. 小明学习不努力,每次写的文章都狗 屁不通。 xiǎo míng xué xí bù nǔ lì, měi cì xiě de wén zhāng dōu gǒu pì bù tōng 。

Tianyan Chinese Language Centre International & Professional 135 8927-8775 See listings for address


/ BUSINESS // 广告 • 商务

Be an Entrepreneur in Qingdao/ China 在华创业

Here are some practical tips and advice from British business owner James McTavish. 英国企业主安泰先生给大家提几条对于在中国自己创业做生意的 实用建议。


ave you thought about starting your own business in China? Most foreigners that have been here for up to five years decide to give it a try. I personally started a corporate training firm here last year. While this article is aimed at foreigners in Qingdao looking to start their own business, the tips apply to all of China and some are useful for Chinese people looking to become their own boss.

See below 8 tips for starting your own business in china 1. Pick your agent/lawyer and accountant very carefully Get recommendations from people you trust and follow your instincts. You may be able to meet some people at the monthly QIBA (Qingdao International Business Association) networking events who can give you some advice. Registering a foreign company in China is not a 5-minute job; you must choose someone you can rely on. Furthermore, be careful not to choose your lawyer/agent only on their ability to speak English, make sure they really know what they are doing. 40

2. Do your research very carefully Like anything in life if you prepare well then you will have more chance of being successful. Before I started my company I spoke to the local representative at a British trade organization that helps UK firms to do business in China and they gave me some useful advice. Contact your local chamber of commerce or government trade organisation and ask them what they think of your business idea. I also recommend speaking to other friends or acquaintances that have significant business experience in China (5+ years) to ask them what they think of your business plan. If you’re lucky you could also get yourself a mentor. You should also speak to some of your potential clients before launching your business to check there is a demand for what you plan to offer.

3. Guanxi While relationships or contacts/connections are very important anywhere in the world they are maybe 10 or 20 times more important in China. It makes life so much easier if you have a network of people that can help you to solve problems, get things done or introduce you to influential people or potential clients. Guanxi is not magical you can build it and nurture it

both on and primarily face-toface by meeting as many people as you can.

4. Culture There are clearly big cultural differences between China and The West. Therefore, it is important to do your homework – read plenty of business books and blogs about China and talk to people that have already done business here for several years. I highly recommend a book called Where East Eats West: The StreetSmarts Guide to Business in China - by Sam Goodman. His book is extremely easy to read and very practical.

5. Be patient and persistent Generally it takes more time to do business with the Chinese that it does with people from The West. The Chinese have a habit of first of all making friends first to build trust. This may involve dinners and sometimes karaoke. Don’t worry if you aren’t discussing business at these dinners as long as you are building the relationship.

6. What’s your USP? A USP is a very common expression in the UK meaning Unique Selling Point. You must think carefully about what is special and innovative about your product or service. Why will potential clients buy from you rather than the competition? You need to be able to articulate your USP in one clear and easy to understand sentence or slogan.

广告 • 商务 //

想过在中国创业吗?很多在中国待 了五年以上的外国人都会想尝试自 己创业。我个人就是在去年开了一 家培训公司。

尽管这篇文章是为想在青岛开公司的外 国朋友们服务而写的,不过,这些小贴士在整 个中国都适用,对于想自己开公司的中国人来 说,也会很有帮助。

想在中国创业,请看以下8条贴士: 1. 谨慎选择中介、律师以及会计 向你信任的人寻求建议,并相信你的直 觉。如果去参加青岛国际商业协会的每月活 动,你可能会遇见一些可以给你提供好建议的 人。 在中国注册一家外资公司,不是5分钟就 能完成的工作,你必须选择靠得住的人。此 外,在选择律师或代理时,不要只看重他们的 英语能力,要确认他们确实是懂行的人。

2. 提前做详细调查 7. Budget/time – double or triple what you think you need Like starting a business in any country the time it takes to bring your plan to fruition and start earning money often takes a lot longer than you would expect. Therefore it’s very important to have a buffer of investment to keep you going and it’s critical that you plan your cash flow very carefully.

8. People – you need Chinese staff To be successful you will need to hire one or more Chinese employees sooner or later (especially if you don’t speak enough Chinese). Also, when registering a company in China you almost always need to have a Chinese person to sign various documents and undertake several other procedures. It’s not easy to find motived staff that want to work for a small company and will stick around so again use your network and if that doesn’t work then pay for an ad on www. or or www. Finally, if you have thoroughly researched your idea and you feel confident you can make it work then I advise you to go for it! As Confucius said “ Where there’s a will there’s a way! “

生活中任何事情都是一样的,机会只垂青 于有准备的人。开公司前,我曾经跟一个英国 贸易组织的驻地代表谈过,他们通常会帮一些 英国企业在中国做生意,我从那里得到了很多 有用的建议。你可以与自己国家在本地设立的 商会或政府贸易组织取得联系,并向他们征求关 于你经营理念的意见和想法。 另外我也建议向你在中国待了五年以上并 且有商务工作经验的朋友寻求建议,问一下他 们对你商业计划的看法。如果够幸运,你还可 以为自己找到一个很好的导师。你也可以在业 务开始运转之前,与一些潜在客户进行沟通, 以确认你将要做的产品是否有市场需求。

3.“关系” 人脉关系到哪都很重要,但在中国会比 其他国家重要得多!如果你关系网中的人可以 帮你解决问题、完成工作甚至把你介绍给有影 响力的人或潜在客户的话,你就感受得到,人 脉可以让你的生活简单很多。关系不是什么魔 法,你可以自己有意识地建立和培养。这个主 要可以通过领英网或与尽可能多的人面对面会 谈来实现。


4. 文化 显然,中西方文化之间有很大差异。因 此,做好功课非常重要。多读一些有关中国的 书和博客,多跟已经在当地做了几年生意的人 交流。另外,我强烈推荐大家读一下萨姆·古 德曼写的书:《Where East Eats West: The Street-Smarts Guide to Business in China》。 他的书通俗易懂又非常实用。

5. 耐心和毅力 通常情况下,与中国人做生意要花费的时 间远比与西方人做生意要长得多。中国人的习 惯是先交朋友、建立信任。要达到这点有时就 需要出去应酬,一起吃饭唱歌等。即使饭桌上 没有关于业务的讨论也不用担心,因为你正在 与客户建立关系。

6. 你的独特卖点是什么? “USP”即是“独特卖点”的意思。你必 须仔细思考你的独特卖点是什么,并对自己的 产品或服务加以创新。为什么顾客要从你这里 购买而不是你竞争对手那里?你需要用一个简 洁明了的句子或口号阐明你的独特卖点所在。

7. 预算/时间—把你认为你需要的量 乘以2或乘以3 在任何一个国家开公司都同样需要一个过 程。从完成计划到公司开始盈利所花费的时间 往往比你预期的要长。因此,重点是要有投资缓 冲以使你的业务保持运转。周全仔细地计划资 金流动也是至关重要的。

8. 人——你需要中国员工 想要成功,你早晚需要雇佣一个或多个中 国员工(如果你不懂中文,那这一点将更为重 要)。另外,在中国注册公司时,一定需要一 个中国人签署各种文件和进行一些其他程序的 操作。要发现一个愿意为你的小公司工作并且 忠诚度很高的员工,不是一件易事。你需要多 次动用你的人脉关系。如果行不通,那么你也 可以花点钱在智联招聘、前程无忧和中华英才 等网站上登个招聘广告。 最后,如果你对自己的想法有过深入研究, 并且对自己未来的成功有足够信心,那么我建 议你:立马开始行动吧! 就像孔夫子说过的:“有志者事竟成!”

James McTavish is the Managing Director and Lead Trainer at Captivate Training & Consulting. If you’re interested in finding out more about becoming an entrepreneur in China, email James at: businessenglish88@ 安泰是青岛凯泰尔(英国)培训咨询管理有限公司的总 经理兼高级培训师。如果你对本文的话题有更多想法,不 妨发送电邮至businessenglish88@hotmail.com与安泰一 起讨论。





路 江

东 路

to Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口

路 江西 U漓

to Golden Beach 金沙滩





雀 石

路 滩

Qingdao 青岛






路 里山




阿 LU

51 5552 55 53 53


路 山





LU 萧




路 中 江 53 长 U



路 里山

山 武夷








51 52



南路 江山









Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口




路 西 江 漓


Huangdao 黄岛

200 400 600 800 1000m

Golden Beach 金沙滩

© REDSTAR Times Media

山路 峨嵋

山路 昆仑


to Rizhao

to Silver Sands Beach










银沙 滩路


江西 路





For residents and visitors, Huangdao activity orbits Jusco and Mykal, both located at the very centre of Changjiang Zhong Lu. Both have a decent selection of consumables for Western and Eastern tastes.



银 沙 滩 路 YIN SH AT AN


53 54 55

51 52 53 54 55

Catch 22 Kaili’s Club The Oriental Saloon Sailing Bar Knuckles

International Dining


54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Qingshuiwu Japanese Hotels 51 Haixiang Hotel Xiangyin Japanese AO 52 Harvest Hotel Niuchang Japanese ND A HU 53 Haidu Hotel Yicun Korean 54 Jinjiang Inn Luigi's Pizza 55 Marco Polo Hotel Big Pizza 56 Hotel Ibis Flavors 57 Blue Horizon Golden Hotel The Oriental Express 58 Motel 8 Henri's Pizzeria&Bakery 59 Kempinski Hotel Qingdao Carme Rino 60 H India-Thai Restaurant oward Johnson Kangda Plaza Qingdao 环 岛路



Rona Café

Shopping 51 52 53 54



LU 银沙 滩路

闹中取静的黄岛拥有岛城最好的沙滩,近年来 也是忙碌、繁华、新兴的商业城市中一处不那么紧 要的安静角落。然而最近,随着城市基础设施的建 设,这一寂静的郊区正在逐渐迈入新纪元。 黄岛地区现在有了一座连接青岛市中心的海 底隧道,将旅途时间缩短了大约20多分钟,或多 或少取代了轮渡码头的地位。黄岛南通胶南,胶 南由世界上最长的跨海大桥(41.58.5公里,建成于 2011年6月)与东部的市中心相连。 当地最具吸引力的无疑是金沙滩景区和银沙滩 景区,这里沙质好、天然未经破坏、绵长延展,是 青岛市中心任何一个沙滩景区都无法比拟的。 对于当地居民和外来游客,黄岛的繁华区环 绕着坐落在长江中路的佳世客和麦凯乐。两座大 型购物中心充分满足了中西方人士的购物需求。

Dawanlai Porridge Jiuxianfang BBQ Donglaishun Haiyiyuan Lao Sichuan

UAN DA OL U环 岛 路

The top tourist attractions are without doubt Golden and Silver beaches, each with longer, sandier and less-spoilt stretches than any of those in Qingdao's downtown.

51 52

Help us improve this map, send your listings to

Silver Sands Beach Bar & Nightlife银沙滩 Cafés

Chinese Dining


The district now has a direct link to Qingdao's old town - the Jiaozhouwan tunnel has cut journey times to around 20 minutes and more or less put the old ferry terminal out of business. Jiaonan, to the north, is linked to the eastern municipality by the longest bridge in the world (41.58km, completed in June 2011).



Despite boasting the best beaches in Qingdao Municipality, Huangdao has for recent years played a quiet second fiddle to the hustle, bustle and commercialism of the downtown area. Recently however, changes in the city's infrastructure are set to fling this sleepy suburb into the 21st century.

交通旅游信息: 过桥费: ¥50 (七座以下);过隧道: 20元 (七座以下) 乘坐公交2元 隧道公交1路: 山东科技大学黄岛校区到青医附院 (05:00-20:00) 隧道公交2路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到天泰体育场 (薛家岛 05:30-21:00,天泰体育场 06:05-21:35) 隧道公交3路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到利津路客运站 (薛家岛 06:20-21:30,利津路 05:50-21:00) 隧道公交4路: 薛家岛公交枢纽站到四方长途 汽车站(薛家岛 06:20-21:30,四方长途 汽车站05:50-21:00)

环 岛 路

Travel info: Bridge toll: ¥50, tunnel toll ¥20 (or bus it for ¥2) (passenger car ≤7 seats)



江路 U三







56 53





山 紫金 LU





路 行山




春 富


LU 井冈




60 GL

江 浦 黄


山路 峨嵋 江路





55 AN U




55 52



金山支 路


N LU 庐



I LU 紫



G LU 钱












LU 香 江




青岛大学医学院附属医院 QIA NTAN



LU 五

to The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College


to Xuejiadao Ferry

陵江 西 路


to Metro Cash and Carry

LU 榕




嘉陵 江







渥太华 路





路 上海


山路 U 太行




U江 山 路



Liqun Baililai Market Jusco Jiajiayuan Huacai Violin Studio

Recreation 51 52

Huangdao Art Centre Shiyou Daxue Stadium

QICC contact: 72 Tai Hang Shan Lu Huang Dao Qu 经济技术开发区太行山路72号



NG 江

LU 漓 路 东



江 东 路


江东 路

/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游

Comfort of the Sages

圣贤之地,修学游乐 For the past 2500 years, Qufu has been one of the most venerated places in China and an important symbolic place for Chinese wisdom due to the influence of Confucius. In March, REDSTAR's staff visited this traditional city in order to glean some inspiration from one of China’s greatest ideologists and educators. Article by Jieling Liu, photos by Teodora Lazarova. 过去两千五百多年以来,因为孔夫子的圣贤之光,这里一直是游客络绎不绝拜 访、前来学习传统儒家智慧之地。刚过去的这个三月份,红星全体员工也去游览了 这座传统的城市,希望能受到这位千古智者的熏陶,感受他故乡的智慧余晖。


fter two and a half hours on the bullet train from Qingdao (or two hours from Beijing) you will arrive at the hometown of Confucius – Qufu. Over two thousand five hundred years of history has cultivated an earthy and modest temperament in this historically significant destination. The dazzling array of monuments and buildings from the different dynasties founded here has given a unique charm to this ancient city. From 1994, the Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion have been recognised as World Heritage sites by UNESCO. Every year, events and festivals related to Confucianism are held in Qufu, such as the World Confucian Conference and the Nishan Forum while tourists from different cultural and religious background visit Qufu in order 46

to pay their respects to the great philosopher. The biggest public event in Qufu is the annual International Confucius Culture Festival, which is held from September 26 to October 10. 坐高铁自青岛北上两个半小时,北京南 下仅两小时,儒学创始人孔子的故乡曲阜就到 了。两千五百多年的历史,赋予了这座城市古 老朴实的气质;琳琅满目的受保护古迹和历朝 历代的建筑,使这座城市独具风韵魅力。自 1994年来,孔庙、孔林和孔府已陆续被列为联 合国教科文组织世界遗产。 每年,与孔子或儒学有关的节日大事,诸 如孔子文化节、世界儒学大会、尼山论坛等, 都在曲阜举办。常年也有来自不同背景、拥有 不同信仰的人前来到曲阜,学习和探索孔子学 说的哲理。国际孔子文化节在每年9月26日至 10月10日举办,是曲阜最盛大的、也是对孔夫 子最敬重的活动。

REDSTAR in Qufu an experience of modern comfort and traditional beauty

Our trip to Qufu was for a three-day company retreat and included one day of team building (game playing), one day of meetings and one day of visiting the Confucius sites. We resided at the brand new Shangri-La Hotel that is located right in the city center and next to the meandering Yi River. The design is based on the Six Arts of Confucian philosophy, with a style that perfectly blends both traditional and modern elegance. The rooms were spacious and comfortable and the balconies bright and filled with spring scenery. The same day we arrived, we were recommended to visit a laser-tag game range on the outskirts of Qufu. After we arrived, we were divided into two groups and then battled against each other over three different venues. It was interesting to see how relaxed and friendly we were just before the instructor shouted "Start!” and how “In the Zone” we became the very next instant. The game ended with everyone happy but exhausted as dusk fell.

广告 • 旅游



感受现代舒适与古典美学的结合体 红星此行是要进行为期三天的公司活动。包括 一天的峰会、一天的团队游戏以及一天游览孔夫子圣 地。我们的下榻之地是曲阜香格里拉大酒店。该酒店 位于城市中心,与蜿蜒的沂河相依相偎;设计基于儒 家六艺哲学,其风格完美地融合了传统古典和现代优 雅;房间宽敞舒适,阳台外春色一片明媚。

Woken up by the warm springtime sunshine; we started our activities for Day 2. As a good day starts with a good breakfast, we treated ourselves with the diverse bounty of a buffet breakfast – hot and fresh – served in the bright and spacious Café Kong. The dining area of Café Kong is only a few steps away from the lovely outdoor gardens. Afterwards we relocated to a well-equipped meeting room upstairs and started our one-day intensive summit under the guidance of professional trainer Andy Clayton. For our evening meal, a range of authentic Confucius and Cantonese cuisine dishes prepared by the chef of Shang Palace was waiting for us. Culture was the theme of our third day in Qufu. The numerous pavilions, ancient trees, monuments, stones and bricks buoyed our imagination and our respect towards the great scholar of China and Qufu’s traditional culture increased. Our tour guide told us amazing stories of Confucius and his disciples with names like Yan Hui, Zi Lu, Zi Yuan, Bo Niu, Zhong Gong.

到达的第一天,我们在曲阜郊外玩了一场刺激的 CS真人游戏。所有红星员工被分成两组,先后在不 同的场地中相互厮杀。有意思的是教官喊“开始!” 的前一秒,我们还是三两之间有讲有笑,下一秒大家 立马“变友为敌”。玩到黄昏时分,尽兴之余,大家 也都筋疲力尽了。 第二天,在斜照的春日暖阳中,我们苏醒过来, 开始了一天的活动。孔咖啡的用餐区与外面葱郁的园 景花园只有一扇落地玻璃隔开,在那里,我们享用了 品种丰富、新鲜热辣的早餐。之后转移到商务中心, 在培训师安迪·克莱顿的指引下,开始了一天紧凑而 又集中的公司峰会。脑力紧张劳动了一天之后,香宫 大厨给我们准备了一桌正宗的孔府菜和粤菜。一天的 劳顿,在觥筹交错之中一扫而光。 第三天是我们的文化熏陶之旅。孔庙里,幢幢 古老典雅的庙宇、建筑,一梁一木之间,无处不透露 出孔子两千多年来受到的尊崇。这里供奉着许多令人 尊敬的思想家和历史人物,历代皇帝的石碑林立。颜 回、子路、子渊、伯牛、仲弓… 这些名字和他们与这 位伟大哲学家之间纷繁传奇的故事相继从导游的口中 讲说出,备显生动,令人感悟良多。 短暂三日眨眼便过。这座城市的风貌、香格里拉 酒店的装潢和氛围以及孔府孔庙的古典建筑风格,无 处不透露出孔儒文化里的谦逊、礼道与学问之渊源悠 久,博大精深。绝对是你与亲朋好友值得一探究竟、 谦受中国传统儒学礼节熏陶的好地方。

Our three-day trip to Qufu passed like the Spring breeze. Yet it was such an amazing experience – the earthy vibe of this historic city, the aesthetic décor and the friendly welcoming environment of the Shangri-La Hotel, the traditional and culture soaked buildings of the Confucius mansion…all of these showcased the modesty, knowledge and manner of the great Confucius Family, deeply, profoundly and indelibly. Qufu is definitely worth a visit for every one of us, anytime either with friends or families.

REDSTAR Staff said…

红星人想说… Mika Wang Another memorable RS retreat. Thanks to everyone’s support and cooperation as well as the Shangri-La for being such a generous and thoughtful host, our Qufu trip turned out a great success. I learned a lot from the summit, and also wanted to thank Andy for taking his time to join us. Look forward to the next retreat and hope to get more feedback from everyone to make our next trip even better. 又是一次难忘的公司活动。 红星大家庭的曲阜行圆满结束, 离不开大家的配合与支持,也离 不开曲阜香格里拉酒店的全程协 助。峰会过程中受益匪浅,感谢 Andy百忙之中加入我们。期待下 次公司活动,也希望大家多提意 见。

Teddy Lazarova Loved it. Qufu was better than I expected and quite convenient to get to from BJ and also from QD. Shangri La Hotel was very nice and staff was very helpful. REDSTAR activities were superb and feel we all got to know each other better and bond. Also I feel we are all now pulling the same direction. Very excited about the future and our next retreat :) It was interesting to learn more about Confucius and see where he lived. The historic monuments were very interesting as well. I liked the way everything has been kept quite authentic and not so polished like other sites around China. 太喜欢了!曲阜比我想象 中的还要好,而且无论是从北京 还是青岛出发,去那儿都十分方 便。曲阜香格里拉设施一流,服 务周到体贴。真人CS、峰会、酒 会等一列精彩活动,让大家变得 更团结,彼此之间也有了更深的 了解。我真切地感受到,曲阜之 行将大家的心连到了一起,朝着 同一个目标努力。对红星今后的 发展信心满满,期待下一次公司 活动。此外,能去孔府孔庙转转 也很不错,大大小小的石碑,保 存完好且原汁原味的建筑,让我 既开了眼界又长了不少见识。


/ TRAVEL // 广告 • 旅游

Jieling Liu My first time to Qufu, filled with amazing experiences - the dignifying and charming Shangri-La Hotel, the exciting laser tag game, the fruitful and mind-blowing summit, the enchanting Confucius Temple… It definitely exceeded my expectations. The hotel is brand new; the design is perfectly matched with the solemn and traditional vibe of the Confucius hometown, and at the same time filled with delicate modern elements. The staff in the hotel were all so friendly, smiling all the time. Andy’s professional guidance on the summit was refreshing and very educational. The trip was so short and so sweet. I’m definitely going to miss it. 这是我第一次去曲阜,体验非常之棒。端 庄典雅的香格里拉酒店、刺激的CS真人游戏、 硕果累累的峰会、古朴传统的孔庙… 这一切 远远超过了我的期待值。香格里拉酒店焕新开 张,装潢设计与孔子故乡曲阜传统庄严的气质 完好地结合于一体,同时细节处又不失时髦的 元素。酒店的员工非常之友好,时时都带着甜 美的微笑。Andy专业的分析和引导,让我们在 这次公司峰会上颇有建树,成效甚丰。短短三 天,既惬意又有丰富收获,值得怀念。

Zoe Zheng I’ve benefited a lot from our Qufu trip. I’m stunned by Shangri-La’s luxurious facilities and world-class services. Look forward to the next RS retreat. 受益匪浅的曲阜之旅。曲阜香格里拉的各 项设施、服务,绝对一流水准。期待下次的公 司活动。

Sophie D’Agostino A highlight of visiting Qufu for me was the fantastic hospitality we received from the Shangri-La staff; the hotel was beautifully decorated taking inspiration from traditional 48

Chinese style, an extremely relaxing and peaceful place to get away from Beijing for a few days. The proximity to Confucius' temple was very convenient, I enjoyed walking there from the hotel and seeing a little of Qufu on the way. 这次曲阜之行让我印象最深刻的就是曲阜 香格里拉的盛情款待。酒店的装潢既富有现代 感,又透着几丝古代皇宫气质,雅致惬意。除 此以外,从酒店到孔庙也十分便捷,步行之余 还可感受一下沿途的风土人情。

David Chen I still have the scene of us playing drinking game in my mind. It was a relaxing, pleasant and productive trip. If there is one word I can think of, it must be ‘perfect’. I will give full points to every part of this retreat. 直到现在,我的脑袋里还会浮现出15、20 (划拳)的画面 :-) 难得的一次舒适、愉快又 充实的活动。用一个词表达,那就是“圆满” !如果有评价系统,各项必须都是满分。

Lowie Cuypers Wednesday March 26, we went from Beijing all the way down to Qufu for our company retreat. I’m an intern at REDSTAR Works and I finally got to meet all the employers of the other office in Qingdao. In only 3 days I got to know a lot of them so much better. We stayed in this astonishingly wonderful Shangri-La hotel. There also was an amazing service I already miss. I was so delighted that I had the opportunity to experience all this. We also had activities like laser shooting and went to see the Confucius Temple, which was wonderful. 3月26日,星期三,我和北京的同事们一 路南下,开启了本次曲阜之行。我刚到红星实 习不久,这是我第一次见到青岛办公室的同 事,短短三天的接触,让我对大家有了更深的

了解。香格里拉太棒了,我现在已经有点想念 那儿体贴周到的服务了。能参加本次团队活 动,我感到非常荣幸和愉快。真人CS很给力, 孔府孔庙等也都很有意义。

Charles Zhang The summit sorted out my thoughts and future planning; Laser Tag brought us all together; the trip to Confucius Temple gave me more understanding of Chinese culture; and I can still feel the taste of the local food in my mouth. In conclusion, it was a very constructive trip and memorable experience for me. 峰会让我理清了工作思路和未来规划; CS既提高了团队凝聚力,又增进了友谊; 三孔 让我对中国悠久的古老文化有了更进一步的了 解; 曲阜当地美食让我流连忘返; 这次旅行我 学到很多东西,增加了人生体验。谢谢大家。

Preston Bu The retreat was relaxing, fulfilling and inspiring. Thanks to the hard work of our colleagues as well as Shangri-La’s great courtesy, the whole trip was so well organized and pleasant. I felt the vitality and team spirit of RS through Laser Tag, also got to know everyone better through the summit, cocktail party and Confucius trip. 放松、愉快,满载正能量而归。一路上的 顺利,香格里拉的惊艳,体会到了同事们在组 织策划方面的用心。CS真人游戏中,感受到 了大家的活力和团队凝聚力。讨论会、酒会和 孔府之行,对平时很少交流的同事有了新的认 识。

Aaron Bird What struck me most about Qufu was its air of peacefulness and how the teachings of Confucius seem to have shaped the feel of the city, as well as its people. The Shangri-La Hotel was lavish, a contemporary take on traditional

广告 • 旅游 architecture that felt right at home in Qufu. It’s the small touches that always amaze me. Personalised hand written notes about the manner in which they clean your room and exotic complimentary morsels make the whole experience that much sweeter. Highly recommendable for anyone or any group looking to Qufu in style. 让我感触最深的是弥漫在曲阜大街小巷的 那份宁静,孔子的思想已经深入到了这座城市 的方方面面。香格里拉奢华大气,并融合传统 建筑风格,与整座城市配合得天衣无缝。酒店 不仅可按照手写的便条打扫房间,还赠送甜品 和小食,十分贴心。如果想去曲阜转转,首选 香格里拉。

May Hao I’ve experienced lots of first –time-in-my-life during the whole trip, which helped me to learn more and improve. Shangri-La was very thoughtful, Laser Tag was enjoyable and Andy’s lecture inspired me a lot. I’m motivated to work harder and get better. 每一次公司活动都会有所提升,通过这 样的活动,我经历了很多以前没有经历过的事 情,生命中有了很多第一次。香格里拉的服务 非常贴心,CS游戏很刺激,Andy的财务知识 让我有所学习。希望以后更上一层楼。

源都深深吸引着中外游客。感谢香格里拉酒店 对“红星”的盛情。你们的设计巧妙地结合了 古香古色与华丽高贵,你们的美食满足了中西 方不同口味,你们的服务更是贴心周到,是你 们完美了“红星”的曲阜之旅。

Yannick Van Hauwe As a new intern at REDSTAR I didn’t knew what to expect from the retreat, but it exceeded my expectations! Three days with a great company, nice atmosphere and a wonderful hotel. The Shangri-La Hotel was one of the best I have seen in my life. Three amazing days of my short stay in China. 作为红星的实习生,这是我第一次参加团 队活动,带着几分好奇和期待踏上了去往曲阜 的列车。同事们都非常友好,入住的酒店也非 常舒适和周到,香格里拉是我住过的最好的酒 店之一。三天令人难忘,充满惊喜的经历。

Ian burns It was my first time to go to Qufu and it far exceeded my expectations. The Shangri-La hotel was pure luxury (amazing Confuciusinspired design); the fast train journey there very convenient (2.5 hours from Beijing, 3 hours from Qingdao); and our company activities (Laser Tag and 1 day Strategy Summit) got the whole of REDSTAR aligned and focused for the coming months. I highly recommend a trip to Qufu. The people are great and Confucius Temple is well worth seeing. 这是我第一次去曲阜,大大超出了期望 值。香格里拉源于孔子理念的设计让我惊叹, 没想到坐高铁到曲阜只需2-3个小时。真人 CS、峰会等活动把大家连到了一起,为今后几 个月的目标共同努力。强烈推荐去曲阜看看, 孔庙孔府都值得一去,当地人也十分朴实和友 好。

Emma Lv Qufu, an ancient city, used to be the capital of Lu. Nowadays it is a city that beautifully combines old architecture with modern elements. The old city wall is well known as the Eastern Jerusalem and the Confucius temple is the symbol of Chinese culture. People from all over the world are attracted to the city. The Shangri-La hotel in Qufu made our stay even more perfect. The hotel itself is the combination of ancient and elegant, the food is delicious and was enjoyed by both Chinese and westerners. The service from the staff was wonderful, thank you for making our REDSTAR Qufu trip a great success! 千百年前的鲁国之都曲阜,如今已成为一 座现代化都市。古老的城墙以及儒家文化的起


Justin Walters Our trip to Qufu was an amazing time. We had many fun activities, and stayed in luxury at the Shangri-La Hotel. The service was wonderful, and I ate some of the best western food I've had since leaving America. The trip was a great opportunity for everyone to learn about each other in ways that we otherwise would not, thanks to the casual environment. In addition, our alignment meeting (guided by Andy) has helped us immensely in our efforts to get the team working toward the same goals. The team is better and closer than before, as well as relaxed and refreshed. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen! 这次曲阜之行太美妙了!参加了很多有意 思的活动,体验了一回顶级酒店。香格里拉的 服务超一流水准,自离开美国以来,我第一次 吃到这么正宗、美味的西式菜肴。轻松愉悦的 氛围,让大家彼此间有了更深的了解。还要感 谢Andy为我们主持峰会,让红星团队更加团 结,目标更一致。通过这次活动,团队成员之 间的配合变得更加默契,大家的精神面貌也焕 然一新。感谢大家的支持和努力。

ApPle Tan I learned a lot from this Qufu trip. I really like the interior design of Shangri-La, which is a great mixture of modern and local style. Laser Tag was really fun, the summit was very productive and inspiring, and the cocktail party was awesome. Look forward to the next retreat. 曲阜之旅收益匪浅!香格里拉装潢结合当 地特色很是喜欢,CS比拼时在土地上的摸爬滚 打,峰会过程中大家的各抒己见,晚间酒吧里 的畅快淋漓,很期待下次的公司活动!

Rosanne Goedhart From the moment I arrived in Qufu I was amazed that despite the small size of the village, it is the birthplace of perhaps one of the greatest men in Chinese history. Qufu is almost entirely concentrated around the Confucius temple. The temple complexes are covered in red traditional buildings and beautiful courtyards. The courtyard has influences from every dynasty and it really felt like I stepped back in time. What made the trip complete was the Shangri La hotel. Not only was the service extremely good, I also liked the Chinese design element, it really matches the serenity feeling of Qufu. 刚到曲阜,对这座小城的敬意便油然而 生,这可是孔子的出生地。孔庙几乎是整座城 市的中心,大大小小的建筑环庙而建。孔庙中 的随处可见朱漆栏槛的殿庑,历朝历代的帝王 都留下了自己的印迹,让我觉得自己仿佛回到 了古代。为本次活动锦上添花的要数香格里拉 酒店了,不仅是因为其超高的服务水准,还因 为其中国风的装潢,和曲阜的风格浑然一体。

Dreamy Hao It was a fun and surprising trip for me. I had a great time in Qufu, and got to know my colleagues better. All of these would never happen without Shangri-La for being so thoughtful and helpful, definitely a wise choice to stay. 这是一次别开生面并且非常有趣的公司活 动。在曲阜的三天两夜过的很充实,愉快,也 让我感受到了红星人不一样的精神面貌。当然 这也离不开曲阜香格里拉的周全舒适的服务, 如果还有机会去一次,曲阜香格里拉应该是不 二之选!


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化

Snowpiercer 《雪国列车》

Picking the Perfect Picnic Playlist 野餐 音乐汇

Directed by Bong Joon-ho // 导演:奉俊昊


nowpiercer is a Korean production with a mostly Anglo-American cast, and takes its outlandish premise adapted from the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige. The human survivors of a new ice age live aboard a high-tech, globe-crossing train. Curtis (Chris Evans), a resident of the train's squalid tail section, leads a revolt to seize the engine and overthrow the mysterious "Wilford." The story has a straight forward progression—from the back of the train to the front—and plays almost like a reductionist version of a Hollywood action movie, with the hero plowing through obstacles on his way to the final confrontation. At times it's a bit too obedient to action-film cliches, as with the inclusion of a relentless (and pointless) hitman character. But director Bong Joon-ho also includes the sort of bizarre touches that livened up his earlier films (The Host, Memories of Murder); in the post-apocalyptic future, children's songs apparently boast lyrics like "What happens if the engine stops?/We all freeze and die." Despite its stripped-down narrative and single location, the film might well be too ambitious. The last act seems unbalanced, cramming an entire movie's worth of revelations into about 20 minutes. Still, it also raises some pointed critiques of Curtis' "revolution," particularly how his fixation on toppling the boss blinds him to 50

the intractability of the system. It won't be mistaken for a $100 million blockbuster, but Snowpiercer is more thoughtful and entertaining than the similarly-themed Elysium, at only a fraction of its scale and cost. Josh Martin 《雪国列车》是一部由韩国出品,英美 演员主演的电影。影片改编自法国同名漫画作 品,将背景设定在新冰河时期,一列承载着最 后幸存者,靠着永动机环球行驶的火车上。生 活环境的恶劣,迫使末节车厢社会底层的民 众们在柯蒂斯(克里斯·埃文斯饰演)的带领 下,掀起了一场控制发动机,推翻维尔福德统 治的“革命”。 剧情的发展直截了当——冲破层层障 碍,从末节车厢向车头进军。一路上的打杀场 面,让《雪国列车》几乎成为了一部减弱版的 好莱坞动作片。暴力硬汉角色的加入,使得本 片的动作片套路过于明显。不过,奉导还加 入了自己早期电影(《汉江怪物》,《杀人回 忆》)中起到点睛作用的黑色幽默元素;比如 这样的场景:在世界末日过后的新时代,孩子 们唱着“如果发动机停止转动会怎样?我们都 将被冻死。”的歌词。 尽管全片的取景仅仅是一列局限封闭的 火车,《雪国列车》无论从制作到阵容都超出 了外界对它的预期。虽然影片结尾似乎过于 仓促,把整部电影的启示硬生生地塞进了20 分钟的剧情中,不过还是让“克里斯式革命” 的弊端一针见血,他只考虑了推翻维尔福德统 治,却忽视了自己是否能驾驭整个列车体系。 虽说如此,《雪国列车》绝对配得上100万美 元的票房,而且相比于类似题材的《极乐空 间》,更有深度和观赏性,也没有那么烧钱。

8tracks - What they claim: 8tracks is handcrafted Internet radio. It offers a simple way for people to share and discover music through an online mix, a short playlist containing at least 8 tracks. What we think: Great place to find or create the perfect playlist for almost any occasion. Just type in a mood, artist, or genre and boom there you go! A downside is that you can only play, skip, or repeat a song a limited number of times per session. 网站特色:8track是一家纯手工的网络 电台。它提供一个在线网络曲库,方便人们发 现并分享音乐。每个小歌单里至少含8首歌。 上榜理由:你在该网站找到适用于任何 场的音乐,也可以自己动手制作歌单。只需 输入心情、歌手名,或是音乐流派,你就能 找到你想要的音乐。唯一不足在于,在每个 歌单里,每首歌曲的播放、快进和重播次数 都有限。

广告 • 文化

The recipe for a good picnic is pretty straightforward: combine delicious food, drinks, a beautiful location, nice weather, and good people. However, many people forget the secret ingredient…the right music. JD Holtrop recommends some of the best places to find the right music for making your own custom playlist to enhance a spring picnic or any other occasion. 准备一顿完美的野餐其实很简单:晴 朗的午后,带上家人,约上三五个好 友,配上美食、美酒、美景即可。然 而,人们总是忘记,完美的野餐其实 还缺一味秘密食材——音乐,合适的 音乐会让野餐锦上添花。以下是JD给 大家推荐的一些网站,大家可以在这 些网站上制作自己的春游野餐乐单。

Grooveshark What they claim: Grooveshark is a community that brings together music fans, bands, music labels, and brands. With more than 30 million users sharing over 15 million files, Grooveshark is one of the largest on-demand music services on the Internet. Along with providing free streaming music for users, Grooveshark is also an instrument for artists, labels, and brands to develop new revenue sources from their music. By placing music directly in the hands of the listeners, Grooveshark aims to diminish piracy while strengthening the relationship between listener and artist. What we think: It seems that Grooveshark is taking the lead where 8tracks left off, 8tracks used to be the best site for quickly finding the perfect mix to match your mood, however, with all of their new policy changes it seems

Grooveshark is taking over by allowing users the freedom to easily search and create custom playlists and play songs as many times as they like. 网 站 特 色 : Grooveshark是 一 个 集 合 了 乐迷、乐队和唱片公司为一体的网络生 态系统。作为最大网络点播音乐服务器之 一 , Grooveshark有 3 0 0 0 多 万 用 户 和 一 个 拥 有1500多万首歌的曲库。用户可以通过 Grooveshark收听免费音乐,同时歌手和唱片 公司也可以通过该网站扩大自己音乐的影响 力,间接创收。由于没有第三方介入,既避免 了作品侵权带来的麻烦,又可以增进作者与听 众之间感情。


网站特色:SoundCloud是世界上最大 的社交音乐平台。在这里,任何人都能够 创作和分享音乐。只要轻轻点一下鼠标, 用户就可以把在SoundCloud上录制或者本 地上传的歌曲,轻松分享给好友,或链接到 Twitter,Tumblr, Facebook 和 Foursquare等平 台上。另外,还可通过手机版SoundCloud, 收听自己的歌单以及SoundCloud平台上的所 有音乐。

上榜理由:8tracks之所以能够稳居行业的 领先地位,是因为听众可以根据自己的心情快 速搜索到合适的歌曲。然而,随着Grooveshark 新政策的施行,大量的用户开始迁移。因为它 允许用户在网站内自由搜索并建立私人歌单, 而且每首歌你想听多少遍就听多少遍。

上 榜 理 由 : 在这里,你可以找到你喜欢 的任何一种类型的音乐,包括舞曲、house舞 曲、嘻哈、流行等等,并且分享给其他人。在 网站原创音乐的栏目中,还有一些网友原创或 改编的歌曲。网站的缺点在于,除非你知道自 己要找的歌曲名,否则你很难找到自己想要的 音乐。不过,这个网站有一点很有特色:听众 既可对歌曲进行实时评论,也可以查看别人的 评论。这样方便了歌曲创作者与听众的互动: 创作者们能得到听众对音乐的反馈,听众在找 到乐趣的同时,还有可能获得参与歌曲创作的 机会。


The Hype Machine

What they claim: SoundCloud is the world’s leading social sound platform where anyone can create sounds and share them everywhere. Recording and uploading sounds to SoundCloud lets people easily share them privately with their friends or publicly to blogs, sites and social networks. It takes just a click to share sounds to Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Foursquare. SoundCloud can be accessed anywhere using the official iPhone and Android apps, as well as hundreds of creation and sharing apps built on the SoundCloud platform.

What they claim: Hype Machine keeps track of what music bloggers write about. We handpick a set of kickass music blogs and then present what they discuss for easy analysis, consumption and discovery. This way, your odds of stumbling into awesome music or awesome blogs are high.

What we think: Great place to share and find specific types of music that you like such as dance, house, hip-hop, pop, etc. There are also lots of user made songs and remixes that add to this sites originality factor. The downside is that unless you know what you are looking for, it will probably be pretty difficult to find it. One cool feature is that you can comment/ read comments on songs in real time, which allows artists to easily get feedback on songs and listeners a chance to have a little fun and potentially be part of the music making process.

What we think: If you only like top 40 pop songs, then you better stick to the bigger websites, this site is more for people that truly like to explore different kinds of music and be a little more open minded. However, if you are lucky and don’t mind exploring a bit, you might find some amazing songs here that you may never hear anywhere else. Happy hunting! 网站特色:Hype Machine关注音乐博主 们的动向。网站精心挑选出了一些知名博主的 音乐博客,把他们的对歌曲的理解和发现呈现 给音乐爱好者们,找到好音乐的概率也比盲目 寻找要高得多。 上榜理由:如果你喜欢音乐排行榜榜单音 乐的话,你最好去逛大网站。这个网站是为了 那些思维比较开阔,喜欢追求不同音乐类型的 人而设的。如果不介意自己动手的话,幸运的 你也许会在这里发现很多与众不同的歌。祝大 家搜歌愉快!


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化

Truckers: China vs. America 走近中美 卡车司机


espite being the backbone of Chinese and American economies, truck drivers are often underappreciated and ignored by others. Curious about the differences between the two countries in truck driving, Paul Finkbeiner interviewed Lanke Jing and Steve McCune, married 40-somethings who have transported goods from one end of their country to the other. 无论是在中国还是在美国,卡车 司机都对其经济发展作出了重要的贡 献,尽管如此,他们常常被忽视,也得 不到应有的认可。到底中美两国卡车 司机的境遇有何不同?好奇心驱使Paul Finkbeiner 采访了两位分别来自中国和 美国的卡车司机:LanKe Jing和Steve McCune,他们都是四十岁左右的已婚 人士,走南闯北好多年。 Photo © Steve McCune

How did you get into the truck driving business? 当初是怎么入行的? Lanke: "I was curious about truck driving and thought it would be a noble job. I started driving trucks in 2002 and have done it ever since." Steve: "In the 1970s, a song called Convoy started a CB radio craze. My parents bought a CB radio for me, and I would use it to talk to truckers when I was a little kid. When I taught in Texas one of my student's fathers was a truck driver, and he made double what I did. Since I was bored with teaching and wanted a new experience, I applied to a truck driving school. I failed the driving test the first time. But the next time I passed and began driving trucks." LANKE:我那时候对卡车运输比较感兴趣, 觉得这工作不错。2002年我开始跑运输,之后 就一直在做这份工作。 52

STEVE:上世纪70年代,有首叫《大车队》 的歌掀起了大家通过民用电波对讲的风潮。小 时候,父母给我买了一个,那时我经常用它和 卡车司机们聊天。后来我在德州的一所学校教 书,班上有个孩子的爸爸就是卡车司机,他赚 的钱是我的两倍。后来我厌倦了当老师,想尝 试一些新鲜的事物,就去驾校报名学习开卡 车。第一次驾考的时候我没通过,不过第二次 我就通过了,从那时起,我就开始开卡车了。

Do you drive alone or with another person? 你通常自己开车还是和别人一起? Lanke: "I drive alone." Steve: "I've done both. With a partner, I made more money. When I was by myself, I made less money, and it was lonely." LANKE:我一般自己开车。 STEVE:两种都尝试过。和别人一起开车的

时候,我挣的钱还多些。一个人开的时候,赚 得少一点,而且比较孤独。

Have you had any interesting experiences out on the road? 路上有没有什么有趣的经历? Lanke: "I've traveled from Inner Mongolia down to Chongqing, and from Qingdao to Ge'ermu in Qinghai Province. Ge'ermu was especially unique because of the people there who practiced Tibetan Buddhism. Some were on a pilgrimage, crawling on their hands and knees toward a sacred city." Steve: "When I was driving in Wyoming, where it was exceptionally windy, I watched a truck in front of me flip over repeatedly until it landed on the shoulder. The driver survived, but I was quite shaken. Honestly I was terrified the same thing would happen to me. Thankfully we made it through safely."

广告 • 文化 LANKE:我曾经从内蒙古一路开到过重庆, 也从青岛开到过青海省的格尔木。那是个非常 特别的地方,那里的人们信奉藏传佛教。一路 上看到很多人在朝圣,向着圣城虔诚地跪拜。 STEVE:有一次我在怀俄明开车,那天的风 异常的大,我亲眼看到我前面的车在空中翻了 几个跟头,之后撞到了护栏上。虽然司机活下 来了,但还是很惊险。说实话,我很怕自己也 会遇到这样的事情。谢天谢地,我自己走那段 路的时候还算安全。

Have you ever fallen asleep? How do you fight against sleep deprivation? 有没有开着开着睡着了的经历?要是开车时 困了你怎么办? Lanke: "Yes, I have. One time I nodded off and woke up to discover I had smashed my side view mirror against another truck. When I need to stay awake, I mentally will myself to stay awake, or I stop at a service center to take a short nap." Steve: "No, I haven't. In order to stay awake, I will hit myself, shine a light in my face, blast music on the radio, or stop on the side of the road to exercise." LANKE:有过。有一次我开车时打了个盹 儿,一觉醒来发现我跟别的卡车碰到了,一边 的后视镜都碎了。需要保持清醒的时候,我会 用意志力让自己保持清醒,实在不行的话就在 路边的休息站眯一会儿再上路。 STEVE:不,我没有。为了保持清醒,我试 过各种方法,包括打我自己,用灯光照照自 己,把收音机声音调大,或者把车停在路边, 下来做做运动。

What's the most dangerous ride you have done? 你最危险的一次开车经历是什么? Lanke: "When I was driving to Zhangzhou in Fujian Province, the top of my trailer hit some telephone wires and dragged them onto the road. I paid over 8,000 RMB to the local government for the damages I caused." Steve: "When I drove from Reno, Nevada to California, the highway passed through Donner's Pass, which often had heavy snowfalls. One time I was driving through the pass during a snowstorm, and the snowdrifts on both sides of the road were higher than my truck. Let's just say I was glad to be in California after that drive." LANKE:有一次我开车去福建漳州,我的车 顶刮到了电话线,把电话线拖到了地上。为 此,我赔了当地政府8000多块钱。

STEVE:从内华达的里诺市开车去加利福尼 亚,高速公路要经过唐纳山口,那里经常下暴 雪。有一次,我开车经过山口的时候,正值暴 风雪天气,路两边的雪堆比我的卡车还高。只 能说,我很高兴自己那次还能平安到达加州。

When I was driving to Zhangzhou in Fujian Province, the top of my trailer hit some telephone wires and dragged them onto the road. I paid over 8,000 RMB to the local government for the damages I caused. 有一次我开车去福建漳州,我 的车顶刮到了电话线,把电话 线拖到了地上。我因此赔了当 地政府8000多块钱。


What do you like least about your job? 你最不喜欢这份工作的哪一点? Lanke: "The hours are long, and the salary is low. It's only 6,000 RMB each month." Steve: "The loneliness. I often drove 14 hours each day, 7 days each week. Usually I would listen to satellite radio talk show hosts like Howard Stern. They became my friends." LANKE:工作时间太长,工资太低。我每个 月才挣6000元。 STEVE:孤独。我经常一天开14个小时的 车,一周7天都在工作。我经常听卫星广播节 目,像霍华德·斯特恩主持的脱口秀节目我就 经常收听,觉得这些主播就好像朋友一样。

If you could go back in time, would you choose to drive a truck again? 如果时光倒流,你还会选择当卡车司机吗? Lanke: "No, any job would be better than this one." Steve: "Yes I would. It was a great experience for a single guy." LANKE:不会,我觉得什么工作都比这个 强。 STEVE:我还是会。对单身的人来说,这是 一段难得的经历。

What do you enjoy most about your job? 你觉得这份工作哪里让你最满意? Lanke: "I don't like my job, but it's the only one I can do. I never graduated from college. And I have to provide for my family. If I could do another job, I would." Steve: "Seeing a new place every day. I got to see some of the most beautiful places in America: beaches in California, arches in Utah, canyons in Arizona, and snow-capped mountains in Colorado. I was always more than willing to visit a ski resort in Colorado after a fresh snowfall." LANKE:我不喜欢我的工作,但是我只会干 这个。我没上过大学,还得养家糊口。如果我 能转行我一定转。 STEVE:我最喜欢这份工作的一点是,每天 可以看不同的风景。托工作的福,我能到全美 最漂亮的地方走一圈:加州海滩,犹他州的拱 桥,亚利桑那州的峡谷,以及科罗拉多州的雪 山,我一直都很想下雪的时候去一趟那儿的滑 雪胜地。

How would you encapsulate the life of a truck driver? 请简单概括下卡车司机的生活? Lanke: "It's a lonely, boring job. But that's the job I have, and I must provide for my family. So I drive trucks." Steve: "It paid well and sometimes gave me a rush like when you're skiing down a black diamond. We truck drivers are often a grumpy, irritable people who are exhausted physically, isolated socially, and drained mentally. But without truck drivers, there would be no America. Truckers transport all kinds of matter and energy in America, and without them, America wouldn't be America.” LANKE:卡车司机是一份孤独、乏味的工 作。但这就是我的工作,因为我得赚钱养家。 所以我还是得干下去。 STEVE:卡车司机的收入不错,而且给我一 种冲劲,就像从高山急速滑下一样刺激。卡车 司机一般脾气都不好,暴躁易怒,身心疲惫, 没有朋友,精神空虚。但是,没有卡车司机也 就没有美国的今天。卡车司机们把各式各样的 货物和能源运送到全国各地。没有他们,美国 就不会像现在这样富强。


/ CULTURE // 广告 • 文化

Chinglish, Want or Do Not Want? 闲话笑聊 中式英语 Tomás Engle takes a looksee at an oft derided, but natural evolution of the English language, OK 了? 中式英语的出现,常常令人捧腹发 笑。不过它们都是语言约定俗成的结 果。Tomás来给我们举几例。


ash recycling machine. Slip carefully. Deformed man toilet. These are just a few of the mangled Chinese to English translations one can encounter on a daily basis in China. While giggled at by recent arrivals and begrudgingly accepted by long-term residents, Chinglish (or grammatically incorrect Standard English in a Chinese context) is hardly a new phenomenon. Its precursor, Chinese Pidgin English, was originally devised as a way for Chinese and English merchants to communicate in 17th century Guangzhou. This highly simplified version of English with limited vocabulary enabled trade between partners that didn't share the same language. Though fading away in the early 1900s as Standard English instruction began to take hold in China, CPE's influence worked both ways. For example, “long time no see” is commonly thought to be a word-for-word translation from Mandarin's haojiubujian (of the same meaning) into American English, a certain possibility considering the simplified grammatical structure.


These loanwords, also known as calques, fill a need in a language where a native word just won't suffice. For example, the American English word for a “very tall multistory building” (skyscraper) has been directly translated into 45 other languages (Mandarin's motianlou included) where native words were lacking.

Other calques that jumped into English from this early exchange are “look-see” (an informal way to take a look) as a direct translation of the Mandarin kanjian and “chop-chop” (to be quick; hurry up), which is most likely a bastardisation of the Cantonese gap1 (urgent) that is repeated like the Mandarin kuai kuai. A more recent Chinese calque is the American English “gung-ho,” used to describe anything done in a successful or unthinkingly zealous manner. Introduced by United States Marine officer Evans Carlson in 1942 as a training slogan, the word actually derives from an abbreviation Carlson overheard while serving in the Pacific during WWII: gongye hezuoshe (cooperative). This noun was abbreviated by his Chinese colleagues in the traditional manner by taking the first character from each word and combining them into gonghe. Carlson may not have mangled the pronunciation as the Cantonese gung1 hap6 is fairly similar to gung-ho, but he did the meaning, as it morphed into a phrase popular with American military personnel.

The divergence between Mandarin and Cantonese becomes even more pronounced when considering China's most infamous beverage: tea. Much like the Indian proverb involving three blind men and an elephant, location matters when you're trying to describe something. From a Western country that uses the words tea, the or thee? Then your country was first introduced to the drink from Dutch shipping routes which started in Fujian province, where the word for tea in the local Amoy dialect is tê. From a country that pronounces it chá, but with a softer ch- sound? Then your country first tasted tea from Portuguese merchants based in southern Chinese localities like Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, where Cantonese is spoken and tea pronounced caa4. And if you're from India, Russia, Turkey, Iran or somewhere else that pronounces tea like chai, chay or shai, then your ancestors first encountered tea from the overland Silk Road and have Mandarin's cha to credit as an influence. So it's not so much that this mingling and melding of languages is new, it's that this interaction is happening faster and in much larger numbers than ever before. Where before it took generations for a new loanword to make its way into a language, it can now take just a matter of weeks if it goes viral online.

广告 • 文化 An example of this happened when screenshots of a Chinese bootleg DVD of Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith were posted by blogger Jeremy Winterson on June 7, 2005 which contained a lot of Chinglish in the English subtitles. In one of the more famous scenes where leading antagonist Darth Vader yells out “no,” the bootlegger translated the


金循环机”、“小心地滑 行”、“残废的人的马桶” ,这只是我们常见的几个汉 英错译的例子。这些中式英 语频频会引得老外们会心一笑,尤其是刚来 中国时。中式英语(或者受汉语语法影响的 英语)已经不是什么新鲜事物了。

只大象的印度谚语想要反映的那样, 你所在的位置决定了你会如何表达。

它的前身是洋泾浜英语。其被发明时, 洋泾浜英语给十七世纪在广州的中外商人提 供了一种沟通交流的方法。这种高度简化的 英语,令语言不通的合伙人能够进行商业合 作。随着标准英语教学在中国扎根发展,这 种英语在十九世纪初期逐渐衰落,不过它还 是影响了中英两种语言。

把“茶”读作“chá”的国家(ch-的 发音相对弱一些),他们第一次尝到茶的 味道,是通过中国南部(如广州、香港、 澳门等地)的葡萄牙商人,因为那里的 人讲粤语,他们把“茶”读作“caa”。

普遍认为,“Long time no see” 是从普通话的“好久不见”逐字翻译成 美式英语的。考虑到它简化的语法结 构,这种看法的确是一种可能。 这些外来词汇亦称“语义转借” ,满足了本国家语言词汇不足以解释 外国词汇的需要。举个例子,美语 中描述“非常高的多层建筑”的单词 是“skyscraper” ,该词被直接翻 译成45种语言( 普通话中的“摩天 楼”也包括在内) ,因为它国语言中 没有与此语义相同 的词。

subtitle buyao a bit too directly into “do not want.” Within weeks the phrase became a simplistic and silly way to say “no” within certain internet subcultures, but over the course of a year it evolved into a well-accepted meme often accompanied by a picture to display the level of “yes” (Do Want) or “no” (Do Not Want) a netizen wished to convey towards a certain idea or concept. While it's difficult to guess what the next Chinese loanword to English will be in the offline world, it's safe to assume it will describe something that either doesn't have an English equivalent or is a shorter version of it. With that being said, my top three candidates for the next Chinese calques to enrich English and make it more colourful are: guanxi (exchange network of favours • and influence based on personal relationships) • mafan (person or thing that is extremely inconvenient, bothersome, troubling or annoying) shanzhai (counterfeit goods, but also • other taboo activities outside of official supervision)


像“looksee”(不太正式 地看一下)作为 普通话“看见” 的直接翻译,还 有“chop chop”( 快一点)很有可能是 粤语“gap”(急) 的音译,就像普通话 中的“快快”一样。 这些都是早期交流时 出现在英语中的语义 转借。

使 用 “ t e a ” 、 “ t h e ” 或 是“thee” 的西方国家,是第一批从福建通过荷兰 航路引进茶叶的国家,因为厦门当地的 闽南方言中,“茶”的发音是“tê”。

如果你来自印度、俄罗斯、土耳其、 伊朗这些国家,你会把“茶”读作“chai” 、“chay”或是“shai”。那么也就是说, 你的祖先是通过陆上丝绸之路了解茶叶的。 因此,语言融合并非一件新鲜事, 只是这种互动发生得越来越快,跟以前相 比数量也愈发庞大。之前,一个外来词汇 融入一门语言需要几代人的时间,现在只 需你到国外学习一个暑假。如果要让它在 网上流行开来,甚至只需要短短数周。

While it's difficult to guess what the next Chinese loanword to English will will describe something that either doesn't have an English equivalent or is a shorter version of it.

下一个带到西方的中文词汇是 什么?很难猜测。不过有一点 可以肯定,那就是:它形容的 事物要么很难在英文中找到语 义相同的词,要么就是该中文 词缩短后的版本。

一个较新的中 文语义转借是美语中 的“gung-ho”,它 被用来描述人们齐心协力完成某事、或不计 成本地积极行动的同义词。由美国海军中尉 Evans Carlson在1942年作为一种训练口号引 进采用。实际上,该单词来自他在二战太平 洋战场上偶然听到的词汇“工业合作社”。 他的一位中国同事将该词缩略成 了“gung-ho”。这是英语中传统的缩略 方式,即从每一个单词里取出第一个汉字, 组成“工合”这个新词。Carlson或许并 没有读错音,因为粤语中的“gung hap” 和“gung-ho”的发音非常相似。他使 这个单词最终成为美国军人间的流行语。 提及中国最家喻户晓的饮品——茶 的时候,普通话和粤语之间的差异 更加显著。就像关于三个盲人和一

后者的一个例 子是,2005年6月 7日,博主Jeremy Winterson发布了 《星战前传3:西 斯的复仇》的中文 盗版DVD屏幕截 图,在其英文字幕 中就有很多中式英 语。其中最著名 的镜头之一是, 当敌人头目Darth Vader喊出“不” 的时候,制作盗版 DVD的人把中文字 幕中的“不要”翻 译得太直接了,直 接翻译成了“do not want”(不想 要)。

几周之内, 这个短语在网上迅 速演化成了一种简 单但又愚蠢的说“ 不”的方式;一年之后它更发展成为了一个 被普遍接受的文化因素,常常和一幅展示“ 是”(想要)或“否”(不想要)程度的图 片一同出现。网民希望通过这一想法或是概 念传达出他们的声音。 下一个带到西方的中文词汇是什么?很 难猜测。不过有一点可以肯定,那就是:它 形容的事物要么很难在英文中找到语义相同 的词,要么就是该中文词缩短后的版本。本 人认为,最有可能出现在英语中的三个新晋 中文词是: 关系:以人际关系为基础的互惠互利的人际网 麻烦:极其不方便、令人讨厌的人或事物 山寨:冒牌货,以及其他官方禁止的活动


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