青岛红星时代广告 DM
承办:青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 (8388-2269) 青岛市南京路100号3-401 登记证号:青工商广固印登字2010-0010号
FEBRUARY 2010 2月
Clipper 09-10 Arrives in Qingdao 克利伯09-10帆船赛 登陆青岛
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For more information about the Scottish Castle experience, please visit www.treatyport.com
Creative Team 策划团队: 谭颖,魏克,陈伟,王丽美, Ian Burns, Eric Blocher, Neil Bhullar Translator 翻译: 陶文,郑艺,王丽美 Sales Director 市场总监: Arno Lee 李仁兵 Ad Management 广告经营: 青岛红星时代文化传播有限公司 上海纽影文化传播有限公司 青岛战车广告发展有限公司
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REDSTAR combines our years of experience in creative design with our love for Qingdao to bring you the very best that this city has to offer in entertainment, lifestyle and cultural destinations. We want to put our creative services to work for you! The brochures, catalogues and other marketing materials that we produce will help set you apart from others in your industry. For a creative services consultation, or to get yourself or your business onto these pages, contact us at info@ myredstar.com or call 8388-2269. REDSTAR凭借多年丰富的创意设计经验及我们对 青岛的热爱一直致力于为青岛市民提供最好的娱 乐、生活和人文景观信息。REDSTAR愿意为您和 您的企业提供最好的创意服务,相信REDSTAR充 满创意的企业宣传册、产品目录及其他的营销宣传 材料一定能帮助贵企业从同行业其他企业中脱颖而 出并成为最后的赢家。若想咨询REDSTAR创意服 务详情或期望与REDSTAR合作各类精美、富有创 意的高品质营销宣传材料,请发邮件至邮箱info@ myredstar.com或致电8388-2269。
Featured Promotions 宣传特稿
Listings 信息 Sights 景点 Chinese dining 中餐 Asian dining 亚洲餐 Western dining 西餐 Cafés 咖啡馆 Bars & Nightlife 夜生活 Recreation 休闲娱乐 Shopping 购物
Services 服务 Yu Xiang Fang 御香坊北京火锅 Da Vinci 达芬奇意大利餐厅 Player House 鸿巢会 Wines 彼德·利蒙酒庄 Face 疯狂的聚会
Beijing Opera
p31 p32 p33 p34 p35 p36 p37 p38
p33 p35 p37 p46 p48
京剧 P12
Great Sushi Joints 寿司 P14
Clippers 克利伯船队破浪而来
Body Art 文身 P18
P10 Sailing Programme 学帆船驾驶
Electronic Dictionaries
电子词典 P43
Pantomime 童话剧《灰姑娘》 P06
Jue Festival 觉 音乐艺术节 P08
dining 广告·日历 calendar
Cinderella Story Reading at The Book Nook 10-11am 灰姑娘讲故事, 新西华外文 书店
Frederick & Lubo Live at Old Church Lounge 8pm 弗雷德和Lubo现场演出,凯 越国际青年旅舍
Book Club at Luigi's 7pm 书优惠在一休哥比萨店
Irish Pianist Cathal Breslin at Concert Hall 7:30pm 古典钢琴演奏, 青岛音乐厅
German Stammtisch at Monnemer Eck 7pm 德意者西餐厅酒吧 Linux User Group at Coffee Spark 7pm Linux爱好者俱乐部
Women's Day 国际妇女节
Julie Doiron Concert Hall 7:30pm 加拿大女歌手音乐会, 青岛 音乐厅
Book & Film Club at The Book Nook 6pm 书影会 新西华外文书店
St. Patrick's Day 圣帕特里克节
La Biur and Al k Traxx Live La Biur和AlkTraxx演出
Business Book Club at The Book Nook 7pm 商务书友会 新西华外文书店
Frederick & Lubo, live at ssLPG You may have seen Frederick in one of his recent Qingdao appearances,
twirling his acoustic guitar and roving around the bar while belting out standards from greats like Johnny Lee Hooker, Jack Johnson and... Britney Spears. Fred makes the crowd go wild, singing in English, French or Chinese. Plus, ssLPG's a fun place to be.
法国音乐家弗雷德即将在青岛闪亮登场,届时,您将有幸欣赏弗雷德犹如天籁之音 的吉它弹奏和颇有众音乐大师之风的引吭高歌。弗雷德的音乐总能感染观众为之癫
Frederick & Lubo Live at ssLPG 9pm 弗雷德和Lubo现场演出,老菲酒吧
Story Reading (English speakers) at The Book Nook 10am, 1pm 讲英文故事 新西华外文书店
狂,不断演绎英文、法文、中文等原创和翻唱歌曲,路博此次将与弗雷德同台,素 以富有娱乐元素著称的ssLPG酒吧将为他们的演出再添生趣。
-14 Expat Pantomime 'Cinderella' Support your local thespians and charity by attending this hilarious
rendition of the classic fairy tale, told in riotous panto style with singing, dancing, jokes and transvestitism. Fun for all ages! Snacks and drinks available at the show! Proceeds go to saving children's lives in Shandong Province! Really, this is something you and your family won't want to miss. Tickets 125元 (75元 Child/Student with ID) includes hors d'oeuvre buffet provided by
HHH Crowne Plaza 2pm HHH 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店
Shangri-La Qingdao, coffee & soft drinks. Performances 13 March 1pm and 7pm; 14 March 1pm. Discounted advance tickets available at international schools and The
Cinderella Pantomime at QISS 1pm and 7pm 童话剧《灰姑娘》青岛第一国际学 校,松岭路
Story Reading (English speakers) at The Book Nook 10am, 1pm 讲英文故事 新西华外文书店
Cinderella Pantomime at QISS 1pm 童话剧《灰姑娘》青岛第一国际学 校,松岭路
Book Nook. 外国人慈善委员为岛城市民倾心打造经典童话剧《灰姑娘》,该剧载歌载舞的欢快气 氛、男女易装和闹剧不断的爆笑场面等常用的欢快哑剧表演风格一定会让现场的所有 观众捧腹大笑,笑掉大牙。届时,表演现场还出售各类饮料和小吃。演出的所有所得 都将用于山东省患病儿童的治疗费用。精彩尽在《灰姑娘》,欣赏表演+奉献爱心, 机会不容错过!
St. Patrick's Day As of printing, the only bar or restaurant to notify REDSTAR of a St.
Patrick's Day promotion is Latest Recipe at Le Meridien Hotel, offering Irish cuisine and Irish Coffee along with their excellent buffet. But when it comes to celebrating the holiday, we're looking for great deals on Guinness and Jameson. Club New York always has a great party, and there are sure to be more around town; sign up to receive the REDSTAR email newsletter (details below).
圣帕特里克节当日,青岛新开张的艾美酒店将为青岛市民倾心准备各类精美爱尔兰 风味的菜肴和咖啡饮品,还有一流的自助餐。岛城市民期待Guinness和Jameson
HHH at Crowne Plaza 2pm HHH 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店
Story Reading (English speakers) at The Book Nook 10am, 1pm 讲英文故事 新西华外文书店
等酒吧更精彩的庆祝活动,Club New York将会举办一次盛大的晚会迎接圣帕特里 克节,欲知最新相关信息,请订阅REDSTAR邮件简报(订阅详情见下文)。
Twisted Machine at sHooter's 8pm 扭曲的机器,猫头鹰酒吧 Story Reading (English speakers) at The Book Nook 10am, 1pm 讲英文故事 新西华外文书店
Francophone acts La Biur and Al K Traxx Live Very groovy electro-disco-house party with incredible beats from two
amazing acts, touring China courtesy of Alliance Française. Hosted by Paulaner, the massive underground joint at Music Square.
超炫的电子音乐之夜,尽在法语联盟! 漂亮的DJ-La Biur和AlkTraxx以其强烈的 节拍和朗朗上口的歌曲闻名海外,这将会是一场美妙的音乐派对。精彩不容错过, 让我们相约周五!(地点待定,更多详情请订阅红星的电子周刊。)
Don't miss out! 's Weekly Ezine sends upto-the-minute event announcements directly to your inbox every Thursday. Never let another concert, party or great family activity pass you by. To receive your REDSTAR ezine, or to have your event or classified listed, email neil@myredstar.com. 精彩不容错过!REDSTAR逢周四发出的电子杂志涵括各类音乐会、聚会等 最新活动消息,直接发送到您的邮箱。请发邮件到neil@myredstar.com申请收到我 们的电子杂志或通过本电子杂志来宣传贵公司的各类活动和分类信息。
events dining 广告 ∙ 活动 Cinderella
Saturday 13 March 1pm and 7pm Sunday 14 March 1pm Auditorium of QISS on Songling Lu (new campus; look for the balloons!) Admission 125元 (75元 children/students) includes hors d'oeuvre buffet courtesy of Shangri-La. Discounts available for advance purchase at international schools and The Book Nook. www.qingdaopanto.org
《灰姑娘》童话剧3月13至14日隆重上演 Cinderella strikes, 13-14 March In the UK, pantomimes are traditionally performed around Christmas time every year. They typically stem from well-known fairy tales or other familiar stories, twisted with local commentary and set to a racket of song, dance and transvestitism. The tradition is alive and well in Qingdao, too! For each of the past four years, Qingdao Expat Group has staged a massive community event, with performances throughout the weekend. The English-language panto is rife with jokes and the skewering of sacred cows, set to an orchestra of local minstrels. There are snacks and drinks available, and it's a terrific event for all ages. Funds from the performance go toward the Qingdao Expat Charity, providing medical care and school supplies for the underprivileged throughout Shandong Province. This year the performances will be at the new campus of Qingdao International School, Shandong on Songling Lu. The shows will be held 13-14 March. Come laugh and sing silly songs together! Food and beverage will be provided at the event.
童话剧是每年圣诞节前后上演的英国传统表演 剧目,童话剧一般由童话故事或社区内的一些家庭 发生的故事改编而成,比原来的故事更具趣味性, 表演中还穿插着很多歌唱和舞蹈的场景,在舞台上 互换服装的男男女女,通过歌舞和奇装异服来突出 人物形象是舞台童话剧表演的一大特色。
在青岛第一国际学校和新西华外文书店提前购 票可享受折扣。如想成为本次童话剧的赞助商或想 了解售票更多信息,请发邮件至qdpanto@yahoo. com进行相关咨询。
《灰姑娘》童话剧将于本月在青岛隆重上映。 多年来,青岛外国人慈善委员会一直致力于积极 举办各类大型社区活动(包括各类艺术表演和喜剧 表演等),丰富了青岛人特别是青岛小小居民的周 末生活。本月,青岛外籍人士慈善委员会更是倾心 为“青岛人”打造了这台集幽默、娱乐和欢笑于一 身的全英文童话舞台剧《灰姑娘》。届时,表演 现场还会出售各类饮料和小吃。精彩尽在《灰姑 娘》,机会不容错过! 本次表演筹集的资金将继续作为青岛患心脏病 儿童的手术费用和其他社区建设活动所用。 《灰姑娘》童话剧将于3月13日至14日在位于 松岭路的山东省青岛第一国际学校新校区隆重上 映,无限精彩尽在此处,让我们关注这部老少皆宜 的童话剧,在表演现场与演员们一起引吭高歌,与 身边的观众一起捧腹大笑,其乐无穷。
童话剧《灰姑娘》 3月13日下午1点,晚上7点 3月14日下午1点 门票125元 (学生票75元) (含由香格里拉提供的餐前自助)
regular 广告 ∙ 推荐
music 广告 ∙ 演出 dining
Julie Doiron
18 March, Qingdao Concert Hall 三月十八号,青岛音乐厅 This respected Canadian singer-songwriter started her musical career shortly after picking up a guitar, aged eighteen, with Eric's Trip, a Sonic Youth-influenced post-punk act from Moncton, New Brunswick, but the majority of her time as a recording artist has been spent solo, producing her own records of heartfelt and melancholic folk rock. Her lyrics, characterised by acute observations of everyday events, render the somewhat sparse musical background of her folkier numbers eerily permeating. The Broken Girl's (her former alter-ego) last album was 2009's I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day, on which she reunited with former band mate Rick White. The songs are more optimistic than her previous works as she returned to rockier roots, with songs such as Consolidation Prize, a stomping pop-punk number underpinned by sludgy, driving bass lines and dark, echoing guitar feedback, or folk tracks with a fuller feel provided by the introduction of other musicians, such as Borrowed Minivans. Performing with Constantine's drummer Will Kidman at Qingdao Concert Hall this month, Julie Doiron is likely to perform an exquisitely
intimate run through of her career's finest tracks. Contact yellowrockcn@gmail.com or call 136 6886-7325 for ticketing information.
加拿大创作歌手Julie Doiron,18岁第一 次触摸吉他,之后便与Eric's Trip(来自蒙克 顿的后朋克乐团)开始了她的音乐生涯。作 为一位录音歌手,她大部分时间是一个人做 自己的衷心、忧郁的民谣摇滚乐。歌词充满 了对日常生活敏锐地观察,让有点疏散的乡 村音乐出奇地渗透人心。 2009年灌录了最新专辑《I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day》,Julie跟以前 乐团的 Rick White 再度联袂合作。这些更摇 滚的歌曲相较她以往的音乐显得乐观,例如 流行朋克的Consolidation Prize 和更完整的 民谣音乐Borrowed Minivans。 本月 Julie和 Constantine 乐队的鼓手 Will Kidman一起在青岛音乐厅联袂演出。届 时, Julie 会演奏更多经典曲目献给岛城的 观众。 订票热线: 136 6886-7325。
Jue Festival 觉 音乐艺术节
12-29 March, Beijing/Shanghai/ Qingdao 3 月12-29日, 北京/上 海/青岛 Julie is visiting Qingdao as part of a much larger series of events comprising the Jue Festival. Organised by Shanghaibased promoters Split Works, the event is now in its third year, and is an all-encompassing creative extravaganza with musical, artistic and many other performance elements taking place across three cities. This year sees a plethora of musicians from a bafflingly eclectic range of genres... only one of which will come to Qingdao. But, since so many Qingdaonese spend quite a bit of time in both of the metropolises north and south, here is a selection of what you have to look out for if you're in the big cities during the three-week-long celebration. 由Split Works主办的第三届"觉"音乐艺术节将于3月 12-29日在北京上海同时举行。
广告 ∙ 演出 music reviews 此次活动将横跨音乐艺术两大范围,包含国内外外新老 艺术先锋,在京沪两地合计举行超过50场活动。Julie在青岛 的演出也是"觉"音乐艺术节的一小部分。 St. Vincent Experimental folk rocker and indie crush-object from Houston, Texas. March 12, Beijing, Yugong Yishan March 13, Shanghai, Yuyintang 来自德克萨斯州休斯敦的独立实验民谣摇滚乐手 三月十二号 北京 愚公移山 三月十三号 上海 育音堂 Optimo One of a set of UK dance music legends, based out of Glasgow, where they are resident DJs at Sub Club, spinning everything from electro to post-punk to ‘50s swing music. Shanghai, March 19, The Shelter Beijing, March 20, White Rabbit 他们是来自英国格拉斯哥的舞曲传奇,是 Sub Club 的驻场 DJ。搓的碟从电子到朋克到50年代的摇摆乐都有。 三月十九号 上海 庇护所 三月二十号 北京 白兔 Trippple Nippples Japanese synth-punk freakazoids. March 19, Shanghai, Yuyintang March 20, Beijing, 2Kolegas 日本的合成朋克乐团 三月十九号 上海 育音堂 三月二十号 北京 两个好朋友 Dead Elvis & His One Man Grave Zombie Rockabilly straight outta Disgraceland. March 12, Beijing, D22 March 20, Shanghai, LOgO 三月十二号 北京 D22 三月二十号 上海 LOgO Julie Doiron The fairy-godmother of Canadian indie rock, whose latest offering was the #1 album of 2009 on Canadian campus radio. March 17, Shanghai, Yuyintang March 18, Qingdao, QD Concert Hall March 19, Beijing, 2Kolegas 加拿大独立摇滚音乐的教母,2009年加国校园电台排名第 一的专辑的作曲歌手。 三月十七号 上海 育音堂 三月十八号 青岛 青岛音乐厅 三月十九号 北京 两个好朋友 http://www.juefestival.com for more information. 详情请登上 http://www.juefestival.com
Mirage -
Chinese progressive metal 10 April + The Dama Llamas 大妈辣妈乐队 Performance-hardened progressive metal act Mirage established in 1999, though it took the group three more years to settle on a lineup. With keys, guitar, bass, vocals and drums, and a virtuoso behind each of them, musically they've got their bases covered. Think Dream Theater or Symphony X. Spontaneous key changes and a lengthy wail might precede a standard classical chord progression or a melody line lifted from one of Mozart's lesser-known requiems, before the whole soundscape gives way to a dose of computer-aided Gamelan and tribal drumming. The one thread linking every song together is, like Dream Theater, the liberal application of echo-laden guitar solo magic. John Petrucci would be proud. Songs like Kong Beike De Xuhuan (Space inside Seashells is Illusory), with very oblique soundscape, and nu-metal-esque, chanted vocals that juxtapose with aberrant horns and harmonised guitar arpeggios provide the band's self-titled 2009 EP with its most defining moment. Seven minutes of music with upwards of seven thousand notes might be a bit much for the average listener, but other songs are more down to Earth, following well-worked classical chord progressions with strings and piano, particularly the steady and progressive title-track, Mirage (Haishi Shenlou 海市蜃楼) or rockier Jinqian 金钱. Tickets 30元 (15元 with student ID). 从1999年开始花了三年时间寻找稳定的队员,海市蜃楼,是一支前卫金属乐队。吉 他、键盘、低音吉他、鼓跟主唱都是十分出色的音乐人。 他们的音乐有点像 Dream Theater 和 Symphony X。音调的变化有点古怪-很强的 主唱部分后面会跟着古典乐的和弦或者是莫扎特似的旋律,然后以原始的鼓声结尾-非 常难以捉摸。他们的音乐唯一的共通点是频密、高技巧和有点回音的吉他独奏。JOHN PETRUCCI应该也会感到骄傲。 空贝壳的虚幻这首歌带点诡秘的气氛,也有点新金属的特点-反复的主唱部分加上号 角和吉他的和音急速弹奏,可能是2009年 Extended-Play 唱片里最突出、有趣的一刻。非 常生猛,很多音乐上的想法。其他歌曲比较适合不太喜欢重金属的听众,因为节奏比较简 单,又混合了新和旧的想法。例如海市蜃楼和金钱。 海市蜃楼乐队加上大妈辣妈乐队,二零一零年四月十号在红星办公室现场演出。门票 30元(持学生证15元)。
sailing 广告 ∙ 赛事 10 dining
Qingdao Clipper comes home 克利伯船队破浪而来“青岛号”扬帆回家 Along with nine other 68' yachts
Photo © OnEdition
“青岛号”在2009-2010赛季的克利伯环球帆船赛第6赛段中获得了第3名 的好成绩,在几千名青岛市民热烈的欢呼声中抵达青岛。航行中,“青岛号” 的全体船员以非凡的毅力和勇气完成了35000英里的环球航程。在前6赛段的比 赛中,澳大利亚的“精神号”荣登首位,牙买加的“闪电号”屈居第二。 当“青岛号”抵达青岛奥帆中心时,“青岛号”的船长Chris StanmoreMajor兴奋地向围观欢迎的人群介绍参赛的航程,这是历史上最伟大的一次赛 事,这次比赛不仅是一场毅力和勇气的较量,更是智慧和娴熟的航海技能的 比试。这次比赛中,还有一件有趣的事,领先的帆船和落后的帆船数目几乎 持齐。 穿越台湾海峡的那段赛程是我们本次赛事中最艰难的航程,六米高的海浪 和风速为100公里/小时的巨风极大地挑战了全体船员的技能和意志,不过我们 乐在其中,迎接挑战其乐无穷。越艰难,越斗志昂扬。 本次赛事是我们的首航,对我们来说意义非凡,在本次赛事中为青岛赢得 荣誉是我们的使命,也是一次绝妙的航海体验,我们取得的良好成绩是对热情 好客、积极支持和关心大赛的青岛市民的最好回馈。
At 1:07pm on 20 February, the 68' yacht Spirit of Australia crossed the finish line off the coast of Qingdao to win the most recent segment of the Clipper 09-10 Round the World Yacht Race. It was the first time the Australian boat had managed a first-place finish, but their string of second-place showings already had them leading the fleet in overall points. This victory confirms that Australia is the boat to beat as the crews head east across the Pacific to California, south and through the Panama Canal, and then back across the Atlantic to Hull, UK. Jamaica Lightning Bolt came in second, followed closely by the home favourite Qingdao. Both of those boats crossed the finish late Saturday afternoon, but stayed at sea for the night and motored in to the Olympic Sailing Center for their reception at 9am Sunday morning. Uniquely Singapore, California, Cape Breton Island and Hull & Humber had joined them by this time, and all seven of the boats could be seen holding positions just off the main breakwater. Fittingly, Qingdao's third-place finish put them on the podium for the first time since the race began in September 2009. Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is the world's longest amateur sailing event by far, covering 35,000 miles of ocean. The biannual event was founded by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, who in 1969 became the first person to sail solo, non-stop around the world. Many participants in the Clipper race have no prior sailing experience, but become seasoned veterans through preliminary training and weeks or months at sea. Whether they sign up for a single leg (for example, Singapore to Qingdao) or a full circumnavigation, all consider the journey to be life-changing. The fleet is scheduled to depart from Qingdao on 2 March. In the meantime the crews are experiencing full red carpet treatment in the city, including traditional Chinese Lantern Festival celebrations in the homes of local families.
当“青岛号”驶入奥帆中心码头时,迎接的人头攒动,爆竹声声,金鼓 齐鸣,各家媒体争相采访“青岛号”的英雄们并为他们拍照留念。船员们在由 热情的市民组成的舞龙舞狮队伍的簇拥下,沿着红地毯登上了位于奥帆中心大 剧场前的欢迎仪式舞台。人们争先恐后地向“青岛号”的船长和船员们敬献鲜 花,“青岛号”船长Chris Stanmore-Major身着虎头饰案的盛装,肩披红色天 鹅绒斗篷迎接中国的新年。 青岛市民一直热切关注着克利伯环球帆船赛的最新赛况,全体船员们以坚 强的意志、非凡的勇气和娴熟的航海技能,战胜大自然的挑战,在严酷的寒冬 里完成了这段艰难的航程,让青岛市民再次感受到世界顶级帆船赛事的精彩与 魅力。 作为全球规模最大的业余环球航 海赛事,克利伯环球帆船赛第三次来 到青岛恰逢中国虎年春节。克利伯青 岛站活动期间,热情好客的青岛市民 将举办一系列专题活动,与各位船员 共庆新春,让大家感受中国传统节日 的风采和岛城市民的友好。 2009/2010赛季克利伯环球帆船 赛于2009年9月13日在英国北部的汉 伯河(Humber)启航,将于2010年7月 17日返航英国。克利伯大赛是有史以 来第一个为业余帆船爱好者提供挑战 68英尺大帆船、参加周游世界这一良 好契机的航海大赛。
Clipper 11-12 is now accepting enrollment for crew! The city of Qingdao will again enter a boat, and crewmembers can choose to sail with Qingdao or one of the other nine yachts in the fleet. To sign up, visit www. clipperroundtheworld.com/ index.php/take_part. 2011-2012赛季的克利伯 环球帆船赛,船员招募火热进行 中!青岛仍会有一艘大帆船参 赛,且参赛船员可选择参加青岛 号,或者成为同时竞技的另九艘 帆船的其中一员。报名详情参阅 www.clipperroundtheworld.com/ index.php/take_part
reviews 11
culture 广告 ∙ 画集 12 dining
Beijing Opera
国粹经典--京剧艺术 High culture comes to Qingdao Alive and well in Qingdao, and performed on demand by Qingdao Beijing Opera Performance Troupe (青 岛市京剧院隆重推出), the two-hundred-year old art form has wowed audiences both domestic and international with its colourful and exaggerated take on events in China's history. But what, besides a fluent grasp of the Chinese language (including a few extinct dialects), does one need to understand in order to appreciate this undeniably unique form of theatre?
In a nutshell
China traditionally boasts 368 types of opera, of which Beijing opera is considered the most refined. It is a fusion of the best elements of these styles, and a constantly emerging and dynamic form of expression. However, it's commonly agreed that the Beijing opera we know orignated in southern Anhui/northern Hubei Provinces and arrived in Beijing in 1790 when the Four Great Anhui Troupes performed for the birthday of the Qianlong Emperor. It was another 100 years before the first women performers officially took to the stage, in Shanghai. It's not theatre that's taken literally (you didn't know?), but rather is supposed to employ a sparsely populated stage, with thoroughly talented and well-schooled performers whose every subtle move is indicative of something imperceptible to the untrained eye. The combination of vocal performance, mime, dance and martial arts, coupled with subtle gestures that can mean anything from the passage of time to the opening of a door ensure that nearly as much work goes into an audience comprehending the play as the performers acting it out.
The music...
Why sing like that? High pitch is very desirable in Beijing opera, and so singers pitch songs at the very top of their vocal range. Desirable too is a nasal tone with massive, rolling vocal vibrato. All of which we agree are not to everyone's taste... Lyrics come in paired lines with either seven or ten syllables in each line, and move to rhythms of 2-2-3 or 3-3-4. The primary instrument of the orchestra is the jinghu, almost identical to the erhu, but composed of bamboo. The jinghu plays the melody line linked to the vocalist on stage, usually an octave lower, and the player is expected to have established an intuitive relationship with the performers and be able to change passages, even when the actors improvise. The secondary instrument is the yueqin, a four-stringed, semi-circular lute. Percussion instruments include the daluo, xiaoluo and naobo. The conductor plays guban, the small clapping instrument. In various
performances other traditional instruments are added for effect. Overall, the music fits into two categories - Erhuang 二黄 and Xipi 西皮. Erhuang is used to make slower folk songs while Xipi is more upbeat and spontaneous, and used to produce unpredictable passages of music and tell positive stories. Jinghu strings are usually tuned to C and G in Erhuang and A and D in Xipi. Both styles have rigourously defined rhythms based on two notes per bar.
The masks...?
The characteristic face of the art, like the art itself is ever-changing and evolving. Masks might be described as the Six-tenths Red or Green-pointed Three-tile or Red Flowered Three-tile face or ... ad infinitum. Colours and lines signify important attributes of the character that is wearing them, and many famous historical or mythological figures have specific mask designs for plays that they are involved in. Red Devotion, courage, bravery, uprightness and loyalty. Black Rough, fierce, bold, impartial and selfless. Yellow Fierceness, ambition, coolheadedness. Purple Uprightness, sophistication and cool-headedness, just and noble. Sometimes used for immediate subordinates to royalty. Green Stubbornness, impetuosity, impulsiveness, lack of self-restraint or violent tendencies. Blue Staunchness, fierceness and astuteness. White Sinisterness, treacherousness, suspiciousness and craftiness. Usually the colour of the villain. Gold Usually used for gods and spirits.
Who's who...?
Sheng 生 The sheng is the male role, and there can be a laosheng (old man character), xiaosheng (young male character) or wusheng (military character). The infamous Monkey King is a wusheng role.
Dan 旦 The female role. Comprised of the laodan (older women), wudan (martial), daomadan (young female warriors), Qingyi (virtuous and elite), Huadan (vivacious, often unmarried). Some recent operas employ some blending of the roles, such as combining Qingyi and Huadan. Jing 净 The painted face role. The actor playing this role must be extremely gifted, with a strong voice and excellently exaggerated gestures. The Jing is divided into three main types of roles: Tongchui (more singing), jiazi (more physical performance) or wujing (more martial arts and acrobatics). Chou 丑 The clown role is always a male character and his actions are linked to the guban, the drums and clapper played by the conductor of the musical ensemble. He also wears unique face paint called xiaohualian, which has a small patch of white chalk around the nose, indicating mean and crafty attributes. This role features a lot of improvisation. The Stage The stage is usually square, with the audience sitting at the south end facing north. All characters enter from the east and exit from the west. There are very few props, and the props that are there are symbolic. For example a chair and table may represent a bed, a whip may represent a horse or an oar may represent a boat. Beijing opera, more than most theater, requires the audience led their imagination run wild.
广告 ∙ 画集 reviews culture 13
青岛市京剧院让岛城的中外人士,再次 重新领略了拥有两百多年历史的国粹京剧的 魅力所在。 除了要能听懂中文,包括几种已失传的 方言,我们还需要什么知识才能真正明白这 种无疑是独一无二的戏剧? 简单来说,京剧被认为是368种中国传统 戏曲中最精细的一种。它融合了不同艺术的元 素,是一种新兴、活跃的表达形式。 现在为人所知的京剧其实是源自安徽南 部/湖北北部省份的。来自南方的四大徽班于 1790年来到北京为乾隆王庆生。百年以后, 第一个有女性参与的戏班在上海登台了。 “念做唱打”,就是念白、做表、行 腔和武术,加上表演者的细微的动作就是京 剧的艺术形式。台上演员的每一个细微的动 作都带着意义,没有学过的很难可以看得出 来。动作能代表时间的流逝或是一道门被打 开了。观众欣赏一场京剧要下的功夫不比演 员少。 音乐... 为什么这样唱呢?高音在京剧中非常可 取,演员都会把歌曲调到音域内的最高音。 好的歌声还要是带着鼻音的颤音。大家应该 都明白不是每个人都会喜欢... 歌词是一对对 的,每句带七或十个音节,还会配着2-2-3 或3-3-4的节奏。 京剧伴奏乐队中最主要的乐器是京胡。 除了是用竹子做的以外,跟二胡一模一样。 京胡负责弹奏演员的旋律,通常比演员的歌 声低八度。弹奏者必须跟演员建立默契,即 使歌手即兴演出也要能及时改变曲调。 次要的是月琴。月琴是一种木制,带四 根弦,音箱为圆形或八角形的乐器。打击乐 器有大锣、小锣和铙钹。司鼓,相当于乐队 的指挥,演奏檀板和单皮鼓,是掌握音乐节 奏的人。不同的演出会加入不同的传统乐器 来加强效果。
字 正 腔 圆
zì zhèng qiāng yuán Words should be expressed accurately and melodies should be round and fluid! 吐字要准确,唱腔要圆熟。
Qingdao Beijing Opera Theatre
总之,京剧的音乐以二黄腔和西皮腔为 主。二黄腔用于较慢的民谣歌曲,而 西皮腔则较快、乐观和自发,用于 演奏不可预测的曲目和讲正面的故 事。弹二黄腔时京胡的弦通常会 被调成 C 和 G ,弹西皮腔时则是 A 和 D。两种腔都严谨地利用每 节两个音符去界定不同的节奏。
The little theater of Qingdao Peking Opera Theater is located in Yan'an 1 Lu, in the middle of Qingdao Red Wine Street, close to an idyllic waterfront park. The theatre, with a capacity of 100, is the only place in town where you can schedule private viewings of this legendary art form in Qingdao.
脸谱 脸谱跟京剧一样,在不停地 改变和发展。脸谱的色彩运用和线 条结构形成的图案有无限的可能。颜 色和线条能介绍人物的特点,不少历史 或神话人物都有自己独特的脸谱设计。
Its troupe has a staff of 86, including a number of outstanding young actors, specialising in each of the key operatic roles, as well as literary drama, martial drama and myth, and have put on more than 100 performances. Witnessing their performance is an education in singing, speaking, acting and acrobatic fighting. The troupe of Qingdao Beijing Opera Theater has toured South Korea, Japan, Russia, Britain, Norway, Canada, the United States and other countries.
红色 忠心、 勇气、忠义、耿直、忠诚 黑色 粗鲁、威武有力、性格严肃、公正、 豪爽 黄色 气势汹汹、抱负、冷静 紫色 耿直、稳重、肃穆、富有正义感、高 贵。有时候用于皇族的直属。 绿色 固执、性急、浮躁、莽撞 蓝色 坚定、气势汹汹、敏锐 白色 阴险、奸诈、多疑、狡猾。大多用于 奸角。 金色 威武庄严。大多用于神仙。
If you've ever wondered what you would look like in full opera regalia, the actors and make-up crew will be happy to oblige! Costuming, lessons in singing and acting and acrobatic fighting are all available.
四类角色 生──男子,又分老生,小生,武生。 西游记里的孙悟空就是一个武生。 旦──女子,又分老旦,武旦,刀马旦 (年轻女将),青衣 (正旦),花旦(未婚)。最近 有京剧把不同的旦融合,例如将青衣和花旦 结合。 净──花脸。演这个行当的演员必须十 分有才华,拥有雄厚的声音和非常夸张的动 作。又分铜锤花脸(较多唱歌的部分),架子 花脸(较多肢体表现),武净(较多武术和杂技 的表演)。 丑──丑角,常常由男生担演。他的动 作跟司鼓的鼓板连着。他的脸谱很特别,叫 小花脸,鼻上有一小片粉笔画的白色,代表 人物阴险和奸诈的特点。这个行当有很多即 兴的演出。 舞台 舞台通常是方形,观众坐在南面,面向 北面。 所有人物从东面上台,在西面下台。道 具很少,而且都是带象征意义的。例如凳子 跟桌子可以代表床,一只马鞭就代表了胯下 坐骑,桨代表了船。京剧比其他戏剧更需要 观众的想象力。
The Qingdao Beijing Opera Performance Troupe has performed a number of works, including post-1950s pro-revolution productions such as Cuckoo Mountain Doujuan Shan 杜鹃 山 and Capturing Great Tiger Mountain 智取威虎山, and continues to do such performances on demand at their facliities on Yan'an Yi Road. They will be organising a selected showing in late March. Call 135 8320-6332 (En/中文) for ticketing information. 青岛市京剧院演出过上世纪五 十年代的革命戏目杜鹃山和智取威虎 山,往后继续在延安一路的剧院里 按需演出。院团将于三月底筹备一 次表演。有关门票的查询清致电 135 8320-6332 (En/中文) 。
青岛市京剧院小剧场,坐落 于延安一路,红酒一条街中段, 处于靠山临海环境优美的黄金 旅游地带。剧场可容纳100位观 众,是岛城唯一可以观摩国粹艺 术——京剧的场所。青岛京剧院 现任职演员86名,生、旦、净、 丑各个行当有着诸多优秀的中青 年演员,可为观众提供文戏、武 戏、神话戏100余场演出,使观众 在欣赏国粹艺术的过程中,领略 其中的唱、念、做、打多方面知 识。有兴趣的朋友在观看完演出 后可与演员合影留念,演职人员 还可为观众化妆、穿服装、教唱 段,使观众亲身体验京剧艺术。 青岛京剧院曾多次出行韩国、 日本、俄罗斯、英国、挪威、加 拿大和美国等国家。朋友们,美丽 的青岛欢迎您,国粹京剧艺术欢迎 您,愿在节假日和休息日能在青岛 京剧院小剧场见到您! 76 Yan'an Yi Lu 延安一路76号 8273-2612
14 dining 广告 ∙ 餐饮
Fish Fix, Fast 青岛寿司店 Great sushi in Qingdao Sofi Liu, Song Qi Yun and Eric Blocher Photos © Eric Blocher
Sushi has been a rising star of Japanese cuisine in recent years. A humble food, it starts from a base of specially prepared vinegar rice, complemented with other fresh ingredients, mostly seafood. But the cuisine has come to be loved in all of its many varieties, most famously nigiri sushi (fish or another item over pinched rice), chirashi-zushi, maki (sushi rolls) and hand rolls. Sushi has a long history, dating back at least to the 4th century BCE in Southeast Asia. In the Hei'an period, sushi spread from the Southeast Asia to Japan but didn’t take off for several centuries. In the Edo period of early 19th century Japan, nigiri sushi became prominent and most of the fish that were
used as ingredients were caught in Edo (around Tokyo Bay) after which the style is called ‘Edomae sushi’. When the massive Kanto Earthquake hit Tokyo in 1923, many sushi makers left that area and returned to their homes in the countryside, spreading the art of sushi making throughout Japan. Sushi was originally considered high cuisine, used for rituals and feasts. But as the price of ingredients has fallen, and innovations like conveyor belt sushi brought the cuisine into the industrial age, it became a mainstay of convenience-diets in Japan. As a generally low-fat, fresh food, good sushi has won fans throughout the world. In places like California, ingredients like avocado and cream cheese show up in rolls alongside roasted eel, salmon and scallops. Of course, there are other types of maki sushi, with only daikon or cucumber rolled inside. In Japan, sushi restaurants are not necessarily large, but there will be a long bar; diners can watch the delicate preparation while sampling the delicious taste treats. In recent
years, Qingdao’s Japanese offerings have soared in quality and become more diverse, with a few restaurants catering specifically to a sushi fix. Check these places out!
寿司,是近年来为大家所熟悉的日本美食之 一。是指把各种新鲜的食材(一般是海鲜)放到加入 醋的饭团上的一种食物,有大家所熟悉的手捏寿 司、散寿司,以及用海苔把醋米饭及食材卷起来的 手卷寿司等。 其实,寿司这种食物是在纪元前4世纪左右在 东南亚诞生。而传播到日本的时间是日本的平安时 代。当时只是被作为一种保存食物来食用,然而到 了江户时代末期(19世纪初左右),手捏寿司开始出 现在各个路边小吃店,用的通常都是江户前(也就是 东京湾附近)所捕到的鱼类,所以也叫江户前寿司。 然而因为发生在1923年的关东大震灾的发生,东京 的寿司制作者们都回到了各自的家乡,从而寿司也 被广传到日本的全国各地。 寿司作为日本的传统美食,自古以来被用于各 种宴会及庆祝活动等喜庆场合,本来是一种高级料 理。但是最近随着价格普遍为大家所接受的回转寿 司店的出现,大家在日常也可以随意食用。当然也 有只采用纳豆或者黄瓜之类的寿司。 在日本,寿司店不一定要很大,但一定会有一 个长长的吧台,而且要可以看到寿司制作,这样就 可以一边品尝美味,一边观赏寿司制作。
广告 ∙ 餐饮reviews dining 15 Sushi Slinger Sushi Shop 板前寿司屋 4 Yan’an Er Lu (across from Gome Electronics) 延安二路4号 131 7320-0758 We talked to former Texas, USA-based sushi chef Mr. Xie at his tiny, new sushi joint in Taidong, near the intersection of Yan’an Er Lu and Dengzhou Lu.
How did your time in the US influence your sushi making? My experiences in the US helped me develop an overall talent for sushi making, but as a sushi chef, I have to be creative, to think about how to improve and try something new constantly, and then make my customers feel satisfied. How do the Chinese customers' tastes differ from your customers in Texas? There is a big difference. For example, the Texas customers prefer sweet flavour and fried food, while the Chinese customers enjoy the variety of the ingredients, fillings and toppings, and their taste is relatively light. Now the majority of my customers are young folks who tend to care a lot about nutritional balance, but aim for sushi and rolls with unique tastes. What kinds of flavours do you use a lot in your rolls? I use tuna, salmon and grilled eel very often, and as to the flavour, it fits the tastes of most diners, if they would like it to be a salty, or sweet, I prepare a few flavour options for them. In China, there are certain ingredients that can hardly be found but are very popular in the US, such as cream cheese and avocado, which are generally a lot more expensive over here. What’s your personal favourite roll? Do you have one that you particularly like to make? Dragon Roll, Rainbow Roll and The Shaggy Dog are my favourites and they’re very different from what’s on offer in other sushi shops. Dragon Roll, for example, is a combination of grilled eel and several other scrumptious ingredients. The final step is to
douse it with the fresh grilled eel sauce and then roast it. This roll has been a hit, juicy and yummy as it is. The Shaggy Dog is cutest by far, and has a lot of fans. Do you do requests? We’ll do anything customers would like us to! Bring your own ingredients, cream cheese or avocado or anything else, and I’ll give it a shot. Also, I have come across some customers who don’t like one or two indegrients, and I’m happy to switch those out as they prefer (as long as it will not undermine the nutritional balance, of course).
Sushi and its accompaniments 既然寿司是一种高级传统食物,所以在食用 时有各种各样的专门用语以及配菜及调料: Most popular nigiri ingredients 一般寿司会采用以下几种食材: •• Maguro young pacific bluefin tuna金枪鱼(又 分为白身、赤身) •• Samon salmon, less common in Japan than in China and other markets 三文鱼(在中国使用 比较广泛) •• Saba blue mackerel 鲭鱼 •• Tai seabream snapper 鲷鱼(又称为加吉鱼) •• Hirame flounder 碟鱼 •• Uni sea urchin; it may come in different colours 海胆 •• Kani imitation crab 螃蟹 •• Ebi boiled or raw shrimp 虾 •• Tako octopus 章鱼 •• Ika squid 鱿鱼
料理名厨解增平的“板前寿司屋”,曾在美 国的日本料理学校学习寿司制作,并在美国从业八 年。学到手的东西不会因所在的国家或是地域的不 同而受到影响,只能说是在原有的基础上去不断的 探索,去改进,去创新,尽一切可能让客人感觉到 满足。中国客人和美国客人在寿司口味上存在很大 的不同,美国人喜欢吃甜食和油炸的食物,而中 国人喜欢吃特色,希望材料多样,口味比较素。年 轻人更注重营养均衡,多挑选口味独特的寿司和手 卷,也喜欢尝鲜。如客人有不喜欢吃的配料,可以 给予更换,但是如客人的要求超出了合理配料而破 坏了营养结构的情况下,板前寿司屋一定会耐心的 解释;当然有些客人有自己的口味,希望“定制” 自己的寿司,板前寿司屋也是欢迎的。 龙卷,大彩虹和狗毛毛,是板前寿司屋的特 色,也算是独门绝活,别的店都没有。就说龙卷, 它的制作工艺就很独特,先是取自新鲜的鳗鱼配 料,包好后,在寿司上淋一层鳗鱼汁,之后再进行 一轮的烘培,这里就得掌握火候了,火候不能早也
•• Ikura salmon roe 鲑鱼籽 •• Awabi abalone 鲍鱼 •• Hotate scallop 扇贝 •• Syari sushi rice シャリ指做寿司用的米 •• Gari sliced sweet, pickled ginger eaten with sushi to both cleanse the palate and aid in digestion ガリ(gari),指用甜醋腌制过的切成 薄片的生姜(因为寿司多用各种生的海鲜制 作,而生姜有抑制细菌繁殖的效果) 不能晚,得恰到好处,要等味道渗进去,这样闻起 来香气扑鼻,吃起来汁浓鲜美。 手卷是一个寿司师傅最基本的制作手艺,所 以在手卷的制作本身上,并没有什么特色,只是说 每个寿司师傅在配料选材上有所差别。在中国,的 确是有一些寿司配料比较难买到,比如说好的奶酪 和奶油果,即使偶尔碰到过一次,价格也是非常昂 贵,而且硬的硬,软的软,不是很好用。
•• Agari green tea, served after sushi dishes to refresh the palate アガリ(agari),指茶,食用 完之后用于调整口中味道 •• Murasaki soy sauce ムラサキ (murasaki),指 酱油。一般使用寿司时用于调味 •• Namida wasabi, which has an extremely strong flavour ナミダ(namida),指绿芥末。 好的芥末通常会非常呛鼻
16 dining 广告 ∙ 餐饮
すし壱番 寿司壹番 6 Yanerdao Lu 燕儿岛路6号 8571-8859
Yamazen 山前 Corner Yanerdao Lu and Xiaoyao San Lu 燕儿岛路逍遥三路交叉口 8592-0138
Try this place (pronounced Ichiban, but don’t go looking for an English sign!) behind Crowne Plaza for their 100元 all-you-can-eat lunch. As is common in Japanese restaurants, there is a central sushi bar with small rooms radiating off of it. On order are the standard nigiri varieties (though tuna is limited to one serving per person), maki rolls like eel & cucumber, and small accompaniments like chicken in egg whites, skewers and more. A plate of sashimi (fish, no rice) is also available with the all-you-caneat.
Very highly rated among local sushi aficionados, Yamazen is known for its terrific and authentic Japanese cuisine including the excellent fish used in sushi preparations. But what stands out the most, perhaps, is the condiments - their wasabi is homemade.
There certainly are cheaper places to get your fish fix, but the major difference here (other than it being a great place to grab lunch) is quality and value. The tuna melts in your mouth. The rice is done right - just sticky enough, not grainy or gummy. And the location is convenient to offices throughout the Central Business District.
山前寿司日式料理深获寿司爱好者好评,以地 道精美的日本料理著称,以鱼寿司闻名,佐食用的 调味品是本店的又一大特色。这里手工调制的日本 芥末一定会让你味觉大开,垂涎三尺。
寿司壹番价格合理、食品精美,食超所值。金 枪鱼寿司(限量)入口即化,米饭团香粘可口。位于 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店后,地理位置靠近中央商务 区,就餐十分方便。提供消费额为100元的自助午 餐。小隔间的寿司吧是寿司壹番的主要经营特色。 寿司种类繁多,麻吉卷品种有鳗鱼和黄瓜卷等,自 助午餐还佐以鸡蛋汤、烤肉串等开胃小吃,各类鱼 生寿司(全鱼无米)也是应有尽有。
This is a great place to try if you want some great sushi but are rolling with some people who shy away from succulent raw meat. Yamazen won’t disappoint!
“山前寿司日式料理”是您享用美味寿司的好 去处,更是那些喜欢荤腥食物清淡烹饪食客的不二 选择。
Akebono 曙-日餐厅 Le Meridien Qingdao Hotel 112 Yanji Lu 青岛万达艾美酒店, 延吉路112号
For a full evening of entertainment with a sushi centrepiece, may we recommend Akebono at Le Meridien? This is really a five-star take on standard sushi favourites, with mouth-wateringly innovative nigiri presentations like seared salmon with a caper
and onion sliver. With platters of sushi available for 2-4 people, it’s best to meet a few friends in the swank Latitude 36 bar downstairs and head up to the second floor once the hunger overtakes. Crack into one of the many sakes on offer along with your meal - they have bottles and sizes to fit every appetite and budget! Manjyu, anyone? March is a terrific time to include sushi in a classy night out, with Le Meridien’s fantastic Akebono Japanese Cuisine offering all-you-can-eat nigiri, hand rolls and over 100 Japanese appetisers all for just 198元 (beer included). If you’re looking for entertainment after dinner, Wanda Plaza next door has a beautiful new cinema, KTV parlour and shopping. 曙,提供五星级标准的寿司和新式的烤鲑鱼, 撒有续水子酱和洋葱段的寿司是餐厅的招牌菜。 楼下时尚的北纬36大堂酒吧可供2-4人消费的 寿司拼盘是您邀朋携友或者浅酌慢饮的不错选择。 当您饥肠辘辘时,不妨信步上楼光临细节至上的 曙,这里各类美食佳肴一定会让您大朵颐快,此外 餐厅还为您提供可为您美食助兴、价格合理的各类 酒品。 阳光明媚的三月是享受美好的寿司之夜的最佳 时节,曙为您倾心提供最精美的自助餐,餐品包括 各类手握寿司和100余种日本的开胃小吃,自助餐 费仅为198元(青岛啤酒随意畅饮)。 享受美餐之后仍有继续娱乐的雅兴,万达广场 的新影院、KTV包房和名店汇集的商业区都是您休 闲、娱乐和购物的不二选择。
广告 ∙ 餐饮 dining 17
18 culture 广告 ∙ 宣传
Dong Tang Tattoos 东堂文身, 张秦 Dong Tang Tattoos and Body Art, with Zhang Qin
The art of tattooing seems to be undergoing something of a surge in popularity in China. Recently, was it associated with darker pockets of society? No, this is a frustrating misconception! Not at all, both in ancient and modern times in China, tattoos have been used for identification purposes. In ancient time tattoos were given to 16-year olds as part of their entering-adulthood ceremony, and seen as a device for separating men from other creatures. They can also express what you're feeling – from the design you choose to mark your body, people can get a glimpse of your personality. It is superficial but sadly not uncommon for people to associate tattooing with gangsters and triads. In Japan, the only place in the world that triads can be legal organisations, the most prominent gang is the shankouzu 山口组. The initiation ceremony includes cutting off a finger and getting a tattoo. The pain suffered by the new member shows his determination and devotion in joining the gang. But this is just a tiny part of the tattooed population. Unfortunately, it is so overly publicised by the media that the public thinks people who have tattoos must have some connection to gangsters. Additionally, some rock fans put satanic symbols on their body. This has also contributed to the misunderstanding. Tattooing practices in China's mass and minority cultures have existed for centuries. The female members of the Drung minority of southern China practice facial tattooing for examle, as a means to mark mature members of society. In Chinese the word wenshen (文身) is often used to refer to tattoos, though It actually is a broader term that includes make-up and scars amongst it. The correct word for tattoos is ciqing (刺青). Recently, tattooing has been an increasingly popular trend amoung the youth in Asia, and Qingdao is home to a handful of enthusiasts. We caught up with Zhang Qin, proprieter of Dongchang Tattoos in Taidong and quizzed him about his art form. Educated we were.
What does the art of tattooing mean to you? The attitude that tattoo shops are dark and always in the dark corner is wrong. Getting a tattoo is an experience for the mind – your skin is an organ, your tattoo becomes part of it and eventually it becomes an organ on its own, to you, just as important as your heart. Tattoo designs can be positive and make your life happier. For couples who mark their bodies with the name of their lover – a tattoo is permanent, whereas a ring could mean nothing once you take it off. For me personally I have tattoos for several reasons, just like a lot of people – today I see a pretty girl or
beauty in some other form, and that could inspire me to learn something about it, then I begin to like it and eventually mark it on my body. Tattoos can be a record of your experience in life. Sometimes it has no meaning at all, just for decoration. The book that I have been working on for three years is about the ethics of and reasoning behind tattooing in China. Lots of people in the business do not know half of what they're doing. I used to be one of them. I hope my book can help me share my knowledge with them. What discoveries about China's history of body painting did you find when researching your book? I want to tell the world why the Chinese are the children of the dragon. The dragon carries with it the characteristics of the 56 minorities, it is the result of all these minorities melting together through the ages. The first dragon was from the combining of the yanhuang 炎黄 tribe and another tribe that it was in war against. Yanhuang bore the symbol of the snake, the other tribe bore the pig. The Yanhuang defeated the other tribe and usurped the use of the pig imagery. This became the first dragon - a snake with the head of a pig. In different dynasties, it has taken different images as a result of the continual cycle of authority and of tribes and civilisations taking on the characteristics of others. Up until the Qing Dynasty, it evolved to what it is today. Emperors call themselves Longzi or dragon children, and it shows that the people's power comes from heaven. The dragon was used to frighten people, that's why it has been illustrated as a very fierce animal. Now, in the days of the Republic the dragon should change again. something less fierce and more auspicious. The one thing I learned above all else is that assumptions people make about the course of Chinese history are usually wrong.
广告 ∙ 宣传 culture 19 Perhaps the most renowned instance of tattooing in Chinese history is that in the life of Song Dynasty General Yue Fei 岳飞, whose name has come to stand for loyalty in China. Yue Fei was born into a poor farmer's family in Anying, Henan Province in 1103. Historical records state that he was educated in an array of martial arts including archery, military and combat tactics by legendary teacher Zhou Tong 周同 and spear technique by Chen Guang 陈广, and attained supreme martial arts knowledge by the time he was 19 years of age. His military career was spent driving the Jurchen armies out of northern China.
东堂文身 文 身 是古代、现代中国文化的一 部分。从古到 今,刺青都是一种表明身份的方法。刺青是古代成年 礼的一种方式。人们一到十六岁就会被刺上图案, 以分辩人、兽。文身也能用以表达人的感觉 – 你所 挑的图案,能让别人看到一点你的性格。在南部的独 龙族,女性会在脸上刺上图案以表明其部族。中文里 的“纹/文身”其实也包括化妆和疤痕。正确的说法应 该是“刺青”。 文身是一个精神上的经历。皮肤是人的一个器 官。在上面刺上图案后,它就成为这器官的一部份。渐 渐它会变成一个独立的器官,一个跟心脏一样重要的 器官。文身也可以很正面-有的图案能让你的生活变 的更美好。爱侣在身上刺上爱人的名字,这比戒指更 能表达彼此的爱-文身是永恒的,戒指脱下来就什么 都不是。 跟很多人一样,东堂文身张秦的文身都有几个理 由。遇上美的人或物会给张灵感,渐渐会喜欢上它, 最后把它刺到身上。文身也能记录张在人生中的经 历。有时候文身只是为了美观,什么意义都没有。
Tattooing is a way of expressing artistic value 文身是最能表达艺术价值的 方式。
这三年来,张秦在写一本有关文身的道德书,希 望这本书能把张所学到的跟其他人分享。写书期间, 关于文身在中国的历史的新发现有“文心雕龙”。我希 望通过这本书告诉世界中国人自称炎黄子孙、龙的传 人。龙,中国的灵魂,拥有中国五十六个民族的特征。 它是多个民族融和的成果。最初的龙是炎黄部落的 符号-蛇,跟另一个部落的猪结合而成的猪头蛇身的 生物。在不同的朝代,龙有不同的形象。一直到清朝它 才演变成现在的模样。皇帝自称龙子,表示皇位天注 定。龙被用来震胁百姓,封锁思想。现在,龙也应该有 所转变,变得祥和,不再是凶恶的代名词。通过研究 文身图案和中国文化的演变,我发现我们都错了。
Yue Fei had the four characters 精忠报国 jingzhong baoguo tattooed across his back. The words mean, "With boundless loyalty serve the nation." The Story Of Yue Fei - a fictionalised account of his life -states that after the young soldier rejected an offer to become the general of a bandit army, his mother congratulated him on his willingness to endure a life of hardship, but fears that further on in his life he will be swayed. Convinced by this fear, she wrote the four characters on his back, and tattooed them in permanance using a needle, ink and vinegar. The general was executed after capture on false charges by Chancellor Qin Hui 秦桧, who is said to have been responsible for entering a new phrase into the Chinese language via his assertation that, "While we are not sure that Yue Fei betrayed the dynasty, maybe he did." The fragment, maybe [someone] did, 莫 须有 moxuyou, has come to refer to made-up allegations against someone. Yue Fei's tomb is at the West Lake in Hangzhou. He died in 1142, aged 39. 中国历史上最有名的刺青莫过于宋代将军 岳飞。他的名字是忠心的代名词。1103年,岳 飞出生在河南省安营的一户穷人家。根据历史 纪录,他对射箭、兵法、战术、矛、武术都有 研究。其中,兵法是跟周同学的,而矛是陈广 教他的。十九岁的岳飞已经精通武术。女真族 被他从中国北部赶走了。 岳飞背上刺“精忠报国”四字。一个虚构 的说法是当年轻的岳飞拒绝当匪军的将军後, 他妈妈怕他以后会动摇,于是用一根针,墨水 和醋把这几个字刺上。 岳飞被奸臣秦桧所还屈死牢中。当秦桧被 问及凭什么抓岳飞时,他说:“岳飞给张宪的 信,虽然没有证据,但是这件事莫须有。后人 以‘莫须有’三字借代「诬陷的冤罪」。岳飞 的遗骨葬在杭州西湖边栖霞岭上。他死于1142 年,享年39岁。
广告 ∙ 购物 dining 20 shopping
More Than Words 词典推荐 Electrified dictionaries and iPhone apps Francis Bull, Victor Fic, Michael Smith and Linde Underwood
No matter what language you study, you are likely to spend a lot of time trying to use a dictionary. This gets even harder when you try to learn a language with a writing system different from your own. However, some electronic dictionaries can provide a lot of help. These gadgets can save a lot of time and be a real boost to language learning if you use them well. The ability to look up Chinese characters and English words by writing them on the screen of an electronic dictionary is a great deal faster than using a paper dictionary, and allows users to check words they encounter in everyday life with ease. Words can also be searched by pronunciation. If you go to look at a display of electronic dictionaries, you will probably notice that reliable bilingual dictionaries start at around 1300元. Most bilingual dictionaries cheaper than this may be only Chinese-English, and will not have handwriting functions, so are not a great deal of use to those starting to learn one of these two languages. The higher priced models will have dictionaries which are capable of translating both ways, and allow you to write characters.
只要学语言,一定要查字典,特别是在学一种与自己的 母语完全不同的外语时更是这样。电子词典将会助您一臂 之力。 熟练使用电子词典不仅能节省很多时间,而且对语言学 习大有裨益。在电子屏幕上书写英汉词语查词法远比使用传 统字典快速省时,通过书写可以毫不费力地查出日常所需的 词语,还可通过词的发音查到相关词语。 在看过众多的电子词典后,您会注意到一个适用的双语 字典起价约为1300元。比1300元低价的电子词典大多数是 没有手写功能的中英字典,因此并不适用于语言的初学者。 更高价的电子词典还具有双语翻译、手写的功能。
Purchase Pointers
Going to look at electronic dictionaries can be an overwhelming experience, with a lot of kinds available, and often very enthusiastic sales staff ready to push their products on anyone. The following steps can help you make sure you don’t miss anything important, and really do get an accurate impression of the products you’re looking at:
面对各类热心的推销人员和众多品牌的 电子词典,关于如何选购自己适心的产品确 实有时让人感到茫然。以下步骤一定会让您 把握选购的关键,慧眼识“电子词典”。
Always have a try yourself – salespeople will give demonstrations that will make the models look very impressive, but they likely have never had to use one before. See if it is suited to your usual needs.
一般情况下,推销人员一定会展示产品 引人注目的特点,但这些功能可能在平时很 少用到。因此,最主要是要看看产品是否符 合您常用的功用需要。 一定要仔细查看词的释义,应注意释义 的细节内容和例句的数目。还应注意的是有 些电子词典只有单语释义功能。
Have a careful look at the definitions, paying attention to the level of detail and number of example sentences given. Also, be aware that some included dictionaries may only give definitions in one language.
一定要检查词典是否有发音功能。许多 型号的电子词典具有发音功能,这对初学者 的语言学习大有帮助。但对已经掌握一些语 言功底的学习者们来说,该项功能的作用不 是很大,仅有音标注释就足够了。
Check if the dictionary has a speaking function. Many models are able to pronounce words to you, and this may be particularly helpful to beginners. However, to those who have been learning for a little longer, this may not be so important, as the phonetic alphabet should suffice.
试着往字典内输入一些比较著名的名称 或科技术语,这样您可以了解到该电子词典 词汇容量的大小,一般词汇容量大的电子词 典都应该能翻译这些比较著名的名称和科技 术语。
Try inputting a few famous names or technical terms. This will give you a good idea as to the size of the dictionaries included, as only larger dictionaries will translate these. If you’d like to start browsing electronic dictionaries, Book City on Hong Kong Middle Road has a good selection and very helpful staff. However prices there are a little high, so if you’re looking to buy, the best place to go is the ‘Buy Now’ building (百脑汇) on Technology Street (科技街). The second floor has a lot of outlets selling dictionaries, many at competitive prices. You may need to be prepared to have a look around and do some negotiating, but you should be able to come away with a good price.
如果您打算购买电子词典,香港中路的 书城拥有众多品牌的产品可供选择,是您不 错的选择,但这里的价格可能有些偏高。综 合考虑性价比之后,科技街的百脑汇应该是 您不二的选择。百脑汇的二层有许多销售电 子词典的经销机构,价格极具优势。但需要 提醒您的是,在百脑汇购物,一定要多看几 家、货比三家,并要学会讨价还价,这样您一 定会以低廉的价格购买到适意的产品,满意 而归。
书城 燕儿岛路与香港中路交叉口 8587-5440
百脑汇 青岛市辽宁路127号 8666-3759
reviews 21 广告 ∙ 购物 shopping Smart Buys
Besta Super-9988 This is Besta’s top model, and features in most displays of electronic dictionaries in Qingdao. It includes fairly standard Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionaries with a modest number of example sentences given, a Xiandai Hanyu Cidian, Encylopedia, Classical Dictionary, Chengyu Dictionary and rudimentary European language dictionaries. Other features include a built-in MP3 player, SD card slot and sentence translator (but avoid using this). The Super-9988 is very attractively presented and has a large, clear screen, without being too bulky. The interface is intuitive and helpful, with the excellent ability to be able to highlight unknown words in any context and search for definitions and examples. The handwriting function is excellent. The Besta is very pleasant to use, but a little overpriced for the actual useful content it offers, usually retailing at around 2950 元.
Besta Super-9988 这是目前好易通电子词典的最高 型号,是青岛电子词典市场的 一朵奇葩。该词典包含标注 最佳 例句的标 准汉英和英 汉词典,包括《现代汉语词 典》《百科全书》《成语字 典》和 各 类 初 级欧 洲语言 字典;其他功能还包括一内 置MP3播放器、SD卡插槽、 句子翻译功能(应避免使用该 功能)。Supper-9988造型美观, 手写屏幕虽大,但又不失精致典雅。 屏幕界面直观、操作容易,能挑选出文中未知 的字词并搜寻其相关的释义和范例,功能优 越。此外,该型号还具有超强的手写功能且屏 幕清晰。简单易操作使Supper-9988颇受用 户的欢迎。唯一美中不足的是价格略高,一般 零售价在2950元左右。
Casio E-SF200 / E-SF99 While rather large and not as attractive as some other dictionaries on the market, the Casio is a very good value for money for most language students. The E-SF200 and E-SF99 generally retail at around 2500元, but can both be bought for 1800 元 on the second floor of the ‘Buy Now’ building in Taidong. The Casio has an impressive selection of English and Chinese dictionaries, and the ‘Jump’ function allows the user to check one word in multiple dictionaries with ease. There are a good number of example sentences and phrases given, and set conversations are also included for learners. One of the dictionary’s best features is its ability to record searched words to a vocabulary list in the click of a button, and create flash cards for new words, which can be tested. One potential downside, particularly for beginners, is the handwriting pad, which is relatively small and does require good stroke order. iBook U2 The iBook U2 is a popular choice with students, and can be found for the ‘reduced’ price of 1980元 in Book City, although Taobao searches produce websites selling it for as little as 1450 元. The model has a lot of content, although the Russian, Italian, German, French and other language dictionaries may not be useful to some users. The range of Chinese and English dictionaries is good and the product specifications promise that there is a wide range of dictionaries available for free download. However, it is the iBook’s range of learning tools that really set it apart from other models: interactive dialogue and listening exercises, stroke order demonstrations, translation exercises, pronunciation evaluation and other tools could be highly valuable to students. Unfortunately, the iBook’s interface is a little bit unreliable and not straightforward, and the handwriting pad is very difficult to use. This is definitely one to try before you buy.
Casio E-SF200 / E-SF99 虽然个头较大且外表普通,但卡 西 欧 产品却 凭 借其价 格 优 势 在 市 场中取 胜 。E- S F 2 0 0 和 E-SF99 一般零售价约 为 2500元,在台东百脑汇 二层的售价仅为1800元。 卡西欧 英 汉 双语电子 词典 系列产品众多、功能齐全。 值 得 一 提 的 是 ,使 用 其 中 的“Jump”功能可以让用户轻 松地穿梭于众多字典中查寻同一 个单词,且字典中每一个词条都给出 了大量的相关例句、短语和对话。该品牌电子 词典的卓越功能就是能够通过相应按键在字 典词汇总表中记录查寻到的单词,创建新的单 词表,该单词表可以检查拼写对错。卡西欧产 品唯一的瑕疵点是手写板过于窄小,且需要书 写工整,不利于语言学习者的使用操作(对初 学者来说尤为如此)。
iBook U2 快译典电子词典iBookU2 最 受学生欢迎,书城折扣价为 19 0 0元,淘宝网仅售14 50 元。该型号词典内容繁多, 所包含的俄语、意大利语、 德语、法语和其他一些语言 字典对一些使用者来说并不 常用。词典中所选汉英字典质 量一流,语言地道。此外,该产品 规则说明承诺还可免费下载很多字 典。但是,iBook U2与众不同、使其能从众 多电子词典中脱颖而出的是互动对话、听力练 习、笔顺演示、翻译练习、发音评估和其它对 学生语言学习大有裨益的工具功能。存在的潜 在缺点是,快译典电子词典的界面功能有点不 稳定且不是很直接,手写板不易操作,因此在 购买前一定要多试试该操作功能。
Pleco - on your phone! If you just splashed out on a smartphone and would sooner avoid buying another new device soon, you may be in luck. Pleco started developing Chinese-English dictionaries for Palm devices ten years ago, and in December they released a cool new interface for iPhone and iPod touch. There's even something for Windows Mobile users! Many people who have used other Chinese-English dictionaries on these devices find themselves switching between applications to get all of the functionality they need. Not so with Pleco. When you look up a word, click on other characters within the definition, and a window will pop up with a link to the definition of those characters. Select compound-character words and phrases to see their definitions, which helps to reinforce the words you are trying to learn. Entries can then be bookmarked for later reference. Tapping on an individual character within a definition will allow you to link to a page with details about the character, such as word frequency and grade level. You can also find related words, either starting with or containing the character. The free version comes equipped with several dictionaries for English and German speakers, and additional dictionary packages (including the Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary) can be purchased from anywhere between $50-$150 for more serious Mandarin students. Also worth mentioning is Pleco's own handwriting recognition system, which does away with the need for correct stroke order upon input and is much more effective than Apple's own system. It can be purchased either in a dictionary bundle or by itself for $15. With this feature, Pleco can even recognize characters written in cursive, which is rare among dictionaries. Another useful add-on is their document reader, which can take Chinese characters out of web browsers and other applications and paste them into Pleco. Pleco's many features rate it high above other Chinese-English dictionary apps out there, and it is a great tool for students of any level. Visit www.pleco.com for download information.
iPhone电子字典 如果已经拥有智能手机且不想再买其他的电子词典,可以试试本功 能软件。十年前,Pleco公司就开始研发掌上系列的中英电子字典软件。 十二月,该公司开发的适用于iPhone手机、iPod播放器和移动版Windows的新型电子字典软件正式投放市场。 与其他类似的电子字典相比,Pleco产品不存在功能转换的问题,所 有的字典功能都编写在同一程序内,这是一款最适合学习中文的电子字 典软件,使用该字典软件,可以很容易地找到中文词的英文解释。 在查找某个中文词时,可以敲击与该词相关的其他衍生词,屏幕会 显示出这些衍生词,然后可以选击这些复合衍生词或短语查看相应的英 文解释,这样会大量增加学习者的词汇量。同时,用户还可把这些查到 衍生词条放到收藏夹内以便将来使用。 如果敲击了词条中的某个单字,该电子词典会显示出该单字的相关 详细信息,诸如该词的使用频率和难度级别等。另外,字典还会显示相 关的词条,这些词条或以该单字开头,或包含该单字于其中。 除了该免费字典版本的软件外,如果您还需要其他更多的语言学习 功能,该免费字典版本软件还可附加其他几种英语和德语学习字典和其 他字典套餐(包括Tuttle学汉英字典)的功能,这些不同的语言套餐字典软 件在青岛的各个书店均有出售,售价在50美元至150美元之间。 在这里值得一提的是,Pleco的产品的书写辨认功能极强,这一点 对外语的学习者非常有用。使用Pleco的产品,不需要工整规范的笔画 书写,相比之下,其他的电子字典对书写的要求要相对更苛刻挑剔些, 因此使用时会很不适手。市面上有字典和书写软件的套餐软件出售,另 外,您还可以单买书写软件,单售价为15美元。另一个有用的附加功能 是文件阅读软件,该软件可从网页中挑选出所需的中文字粘贴到Pleco字 典中,当然还一些其他的功能。 Pleco产品众多的产品功能决定了其不菲的价格,价格高于其他的同 类英汉电子字典软件的价格。Pleco字典是不同水平段外语学习者必不可 少的语言学习工具。 关于Pleco产品更多详情,请登录www.pleco.com网站查讯。
广告 ∙ 购物 dining 22 shopping Old school Of course, for more casual students a printed dictionary still represents a solid investment and great value for money. Illustrated versions can aid with memory and reference, and a well-crafted text dictionary lets you set your mind wandering over interesting words and phrases. An excellent example of the illustrated type is the Mandarin Chinese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Penguin DK). Find it in Qingdao’s Book Nook store. Its plentiful sections focus on concrete subjects such as the body, a typical house, foods, sports and even abstractions such as emotions. One views pictures of the relevant items, e.g. arms and legs, chairs, a basketball or a smiling face labelled in pinyin with tone markers. This “see-say-learn” mnemonic benefits those suffering from weak conceptual recall who need hints and associations. Kids might enjoy the creative pictures of happy, frowning or excited people. Teachers can craft enjoyable vocabulary games such as showing the picture alone and asking the student to recall the adjective. However, although they cost as much as a text dictionary, such illustrated ones teach fewer ideas because the pictures soak up page space. A leading, recent text type is the Chinese-English Dictionary from publisher Tuttle that Li Dong edited. It covers a whopping 18,000 words idiomatically. Li’s explanations are exact, even progressively topical. For instance, for the word diqiu or Earth, we read: renlie zhi you yi ge jiayuan – diqiu. It means "mankind has only one home – Earth." The print is handsome, contrasting blue-black ink with strong tone markers. Boxed grammar explanations engrain meaning. Maybe one can casually flip through the illustrated dictionary on a rainy afternoon and use the print version during travels or serious study.
传统字典 当然,对更多的并没有专门致力于语言学 习的学生来说,一本传统字典可能更有意义。图 解字典可以帮助记忆、方便查阅,一本设计精巧 的字典会使单词和词组变得形象生动,增添读 书的兴趣,使浏览字典的过程变得有趣。 在 这 里强 力推荐 M a n d a r i n ChineseEnglish Bilingual Visual Dictionary (Penguin DK),这本由企鹅集团出版的普通话中英双语图 解字典在青岛新西华外文书店有售。字典内容 丰富,主要介绍一些具体名称,如身体、房屋、 食物、各类体育运动项目等,甚至还包括一些抽 象名词,如各类情感等。字典中所涉及的内容都 附有相关的典型图示,如标有拼音和声调的手 臂、腿、椅子、篮球或一张笑脸等的相关图解。 该字典“看、说、学”的设计风格对那些需 要提示和联想记忆的读者的语言学习会大有帮 助。小孩们会喜欢书中富有创意的图像;老师也 可以使用书中的图片做各类有趣的字词游戏(如 拿出一幅插图来让学生们说出其相关的形容词) 。图解字典和普通字典价格相同,但由于插图会 占据大量页面,其中文字内容会相应减少。 现在市面上最受欢迎的传 统普通字 典是 Tuttle Chinese-English Dictionary,该字典词汇 量宏大,涉及18,000个习语字词,许多习语的例 句都是现今最流行的时尚用语,如对地球的例句 是, “人类只有一个家园”,意思是“地球是我们 人类唯一的家园”。该字典印刷美观典雅,标有 音调、拼音的字体为蓝黑色。另外,语法注释框 中的内容对读者理解词的释意有一定的帮助。 阴雨天的下午随手翻阅一下图解字典会一 定会给您一种不错的学习感觉。旅游途中或认 真钻研语言的学习过程中,传统字典一定会对 您大有裨益。
Interview with Li Dong, editor of Tuttle ChineseEnglish Dictionary and Tuttle Learner's ChineseEnglish Dictionary What training, talent or credential best prepared you for your editing? I had 45 years’ experience teaching English or Chinese at universities in four countries - China, UK, US and New Zealand. In the early ‘80s I had two years’ lexicographical training at Oxford University Press Lexical Research Unit, based at the University of Leeds, England. How do you decide which Chinese or English words to include, e.g. which are outdated, new and important? For Chinese I follow Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Graded Word Lists. Tuttle Learner’s Chinese-English Dictionary covers Levels A and B, while Tuttle Chinese-English Dictionary includes all the four levels of HSK -- about 3,000 Characters (zi) and 9,000 words (ci) as headwords, and altogether 18,000 vocabulary items. On top of these I added quite a number of neologisms (new words) to reflect latest development. For English, there is no such standard, official word list. I searched the internet for a number of latest vocabulary lists, asked my Englishspeaking colleagues for advice and used my own judgement. I believe Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary contains all the vocabulary items -- words, idioms, common collocations, etc. -- that most English speakers need not only for everyday conversation but also for basic business and professional communication. What is the hardest Chinese word or phrase to translate into English and vice-versa? The more frequently used a word is, the more meanings and usages it has, and the more difficult it is to translate. (How do you translate 'to take'?) Besides, it does not help much if you only know how to translate individual words; you should learn words in contexts, i.e. in sentences. That’s why I provide as many example sentences as the space allows. What strategies or study techniques that simplify learning can you share with students of Chinese or English? To be as immersed as possible. Learning a language does take extraordinary talent, though it does requires some aptitude. Then you need lots of time, attention, motivation and interest -- if you find it fun, congratulations! Your success is ensured.
reviews regular 广告 ∙ 推荐 23 thriller Le cercle rouge. Woo went back to China instead, which worked out nicely for him. To made the French-backed Vengeance, with aging rocker Johnny Hallyday as chef François Costello; deplaning in Macau, he sets about avenging a mob hit on his daughter's family.
Directed by Johnnie To
《复仇》 导演: 杜琪峰
Both John Woo and Johnnie To were attached, at different times, to a doomed American remake of Jean-Pierre Melville's
The Most Influential Peking University Speeches
Eve Brower (Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2009).
《影响你一生的北大演讲》 作者:Eve Brower (北京 : 外文出版社 , 2009).
In fall, 2008, when the US Supreme Court justice Anthony M. Kennedy addressed the students and faculty of the University of Beijing, or Beida, he profoundly bridged East and West. Kennedy cited Meng Zi'a tale in which a traveller sees someone else's child fall into a
Hallyday's admittedly limited performance at least projects a single-minded focus - an obsession with setting and fulfilling a task, even when it doesn't make sense. Costello has amnesia (a blatant lift from Memento) and can barely remember why he wants to kill, much less who. Three local hitmen (Anthony Wong, Lam Suet, and Lam Ka-tung) agree to help this weird gweilo without a moment's thought. Like their counterparts in Exiled and Melville's key films, Vengeance's characters exist through their work, paid or otherwise. It's a stark worldview, leached of the moralising and high emotions of Woo's heroes.
hyper-choreographed battlefields. But the uninviting determinacy of the characters and plot (genre existentialism, to use a term coined for Melville) makes it seem moot. In 'going international', To creates one of his most circumscribed films to date, pursuing a theme to exhaustion and hinting at a fresh start ahead (as he did in the mid-'90s, or as Woo has done at any number of points). 在不同的时期,杜琪峰和吴宇森都曾经 陷入法国导演让·皮埃尔·梅尔维尔情结, 缘于对梅尔维尔的缅怀和致敬,对其冷峻风 格与影片英雄的喜爱,他们曾先后与美国制 片公司合作翻拍梅尔维尔昔日惊险大片《红 圈》。后来,吴开始涉足中国大陆影坛并一 举成名。为了制作由法国投资的国际大片《 复仇》,杜启用了法国摇滚传奇歌手暨演员 约翰尼·哈里出演昔日曾是冷血杀手的法藉 厨师卡斯塔罗,影片一直围绕卡斯塔罗为远 嫁澳门的爱女一家惨遭灭门而展开复仇行动 为主题。
The action is baroque by comparison, with imaginative hooks like a moonlit gunfight timed to the movement of clouds. To's formalism is less intimidating than in Exiled, where small rooms became
约翰尼·哈里在影片中饰演了一个冷峻 的杀手,这样的表演处理极有助于刻画、展 示主人公一心复仇的心理。老年的卡斯塔罗
well. Is the stranger obligated to assist? Kennedy answered that even if no law require it, "Morality does." The learned jurist additionally told his audience that many American law schools use the Socratic method, i.e. a mutual challenge between teacher and student, "to promote a rational dialogue and illuminate" the truth. Isn't that exactly the reform that stodgy Chinese schools require? Kennedy's speech is one of a dozen contained in this edifying book of addresses that eminent visitors have delivered at Beida, the university at the tip of the educational pyramid. The volume displays what international dignitaries have told the cream of China's youth - and its future elite - in the dialogue that the rising superpower must hold with the world. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took the floor earlier that spring. Rudd recalled how he started to study Chinese in 1976, a skill that the Chinese press highlighted when he won office. He also told the Chinese that a "harmonious world depends on China being a participant [and] along with others acting in accordance with the rules [as a] responsible stake holder." Former US president Jimmy Carter faced the crowd in 2003. Apparently trying to disarm them, he recalled that he first came to China in 1949 as a young submariner. He also lionised Beida students' patriotism during the May 4th, 1919 movement. Carter then declared that "Democracy is not a scary thing" because it meshes with stability and rule of law. Vladimir Putin graced the podium the year before. He complimented Russia and China as "Two unique world unique
civilisations." The ex-KGB man then declared that their "real interests" had led them from stereotyping to a "genuine strategic partnership, "i.e. the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation," signed in 2001. The Russian flatterer should know that given the bitter Sino-Soviet split, Beijing suspects Russia, even as ties improve.
患有失忆症,几乎记不清他要复仇的原因和 复仇的对象。为了在未忘记仇人之前尽快完 成复仇,他找来了三位职业杀手,鬼 (黄秋 生 饰)、柱 (林家栋 饰) 及肥乐 (林雪 饰) 协助 其复仇计划。与杜摄制的《放逐》和梅尔维 尔代表影片中的其他人物塑造风格相似,电 影《复仇》中的人物通过行动来塑造银幕形 象,这与吴宇森影片中具有高度道德观和高 尚情操的英雄主义风格大不相同。 采用对比的手法使复仇行动复杂化,本 片最精彩的影像要属那幕雨夜霓红闪烁的紫 色街头,那种蓝色、红色、紫色的点状色块 犹如古典油画点彩法的画面应用,华丽、神 秘、深邃,月夜下的枪战,动作戏颇似枪林 弹雨中的舞蹈。电影场景没有选择《放逐》 中比较正规的房间场景作为战场,而是选择 了其他更随意的战场背景,但由于剧情和人 物塑造并没有推陈出新,仍沿用昔日的老套 路,所有剧情背景的选择并没有对影片效果 起到很大的提升作用。除却初来乍到的法国 歌神约翰尼·哈里戴突显了本片的国际化线 路外,影片的大多数表演都在重复杜的昔日 导演手法和风格,并过于强调开场的悬念(这 种手法杜曾在九十年代中期使用,吴也曾在 多部影片中使用)。
-Josh Martin
The very next day, Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yodhyono took the stage and predicted that, "What happens to China determines what happens to Asia, and the world." He called upon Beijing and Jakarta to cooperate to stabilise the region during the world economic crisis. Isn't this a remarkable turnaround? In the past, Indonesia and China were rivals after the former accused the latter of promoting revolution in the island nation. Racial tensions also flared. Key words in the speeches are italicised and defined in Chinese at the margins, rendering it a useful learning aid. Victor Fic (vfic@hotmail.com) is a veteran commentator on East Asia based in Seoul. 2008年秋天,美国联邦最高法院大法官 安东尼·肯尼迪赴北大给北大师生演讲,对 促进中西文化交流功不可磨。演讲中,在引 用了《孟子》中旅行者看到有小孩掉到井中 的故事时,肯尼迪就旅行者作为一个与小孩 素不相识的陌生人是否该营救提出了问题, 并接着给出了该问题的答案:“即使法律没 有规定,从道义上来讲,旅行者也应该营救 落入井中的小孩。”随后,这位博学的法官 还告诉他的听众在美国很多的法学院都使用 这种苏格拉底提问教学方式,因为该教学方 式可以提出质疑,引起师生间的互动,从而 推动他们之间的理性对话,更易于阐明事 理。提问教学法的确是一种绝妙的互动教学 方式。
《北大著名演讲集》是一本汇集世界各 国著名人士在中国最高学府北大所做著名演 说演讲荟萃专辑,该书籍颇具教育和启发意 义,肯尼迪的演说是其中的一篇。本书展示 了这些国际名人对中国这个日益崛起的超级 大国最优秀的学生的一些教诲,开阔他们的 视野,帮助他们与世界对话。 澳大利亚总理陆克文也曾于2008年初赴 北大演讲。在演讲中,陆回忆了他于1976年 开始学习中文的经历,在他当选就职时,中 国新闻界反复强调了他会中文的这一事实。 陆还告诉北大的学生,建立一个和谐的世界 取决于中国的参与及这个大国恪守各项国际 条例的承诺和行为。 美国前总统吉米·卡特曾于2003年在北 大学府演讲。卡特追忆了在1949年其作为一 名年轻的潜艇队员初访中国的昔日往事。同 时,他还表扬了北大学生在1919年五四运动 中的爱国壮举。最后,卡特还反复强调了法 律在维护社会和谐中的重要作用。 弗拉基米尔·普京于2007在北大演讲。 普京称赞中俄两国是两个拥有独特的文明的独 具特色的国家。这个前克格勃特工发表声明称 正是中俄两国休戚相关的利益促使两国建立战 略性伙伴关系,并于2001年签署了《睦邻友 好合作条约》。 就在普京在北大发表演说的第二天,印尼 总理苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺登上了北大的演 讲坛并且做出这样的预言,“中国的未来将决 定亚洲和世界的未来”。他还号召北京和雅加 达建立合作关系以促进世界金融危机下的区域 稳定,这代表一个寓意过去的前三十年两国关 系不断加强改善的重要里程碑。 英文版演讲中的关键词都用斜体表示, 且在页边空白处附有相应的中文注释,这对 学习中文大有裨益。 附注:本书在中国的各大新华书店均有出售。
-Victor Fic
岛城外文书籍专卖The Book Nook 南京路100号创意100产业园022室 8097-1935
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Essential Numbers Directory Inquiries (diàn huà hào mǎ chá xún) (114/116114) 电话号 码查询 Fire (huǒ jǐng ) (119) 火警
Police (bào jǐng) (110) 报警 Qingdao Cable Networking (qīng dăo yŏu xiàn diàn shì) (96566) 青 岛有线电视 Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù) (82817777) 出租车投诉 Taxi Reservation Hotline (chū zū yù yuē rè xiàn) (9600-9797) 出租 预约热线 Tourist Help (lǚ yóu tóu sù zhōng xīn) (8591-2000) 旅游投诉中心 Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (122) 交通事故 Electricity Help (gòng diàn jí xiū) (800-8601188) 供电急修 Publice Service Hotline (gōng yòng fú wù rè xiàn) (12319) 24 hour. Including water, gas, heating etc 公 用服务热线 China Mobile Service Hotline (yí dòng tōng xùn fú wù diàn huà) (10086) 移动通讯服务电话 China Unicom Service Hotline (lián tōng zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10010) 联通综合服务电话 China Telecom (diàn xìn zōng hé fú wù diàn huà) (10000) 电信综合 服务电话 Wanneng Locksmith Services (Qingdao Shi Wanneng Kaisuo Zhongxin) (8868-7772) 青岛市万能 开锁中心
Getting Around Air
07:50 07:55 10:00 13:20 15:40 15:45 18:40 20:00 20:50 21:40
09:00 09:20 11:15 14:30 17:00 17:00 20:00 21:10 22:05 23:00
SC4651 CA1526 CA1572 SC4655 CA1570 MU5193 MU526 SC4659 CA1576 CA1556
Beijing to Qingdao
07:50 08:50 09:05 09:55 10:55 13:45 15:30 16:45 21:00 22:05 21:05 22:00
09:15 10:05 10:15 11:10 12:15 15:05 16:40 18:00 22:15 23:15 22:15 23:15
CA1569 MU535 CA1559 MU525 MU5194 CA1575 SC4656 CA1571 MU5196 SC4660 MU5196 SC4660
Qingdao to Shanghai Hongqiao (Puxi) Depart 08:00 08:00 13:10
Arrive 09:20 09:20 14:30
SC4665 FM9198 CA1535 MU5512 MU5514 SC4669
Depart 08:00 16:20 17:10 17:40
Arrive 09:20 17:40 18:25 18:50
No. MU5550 CZ6225 FM9232 HO1116
CAAC Booking Office (zhōng guó mín háng dìng piào chù) 30 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-5555 24 hrs domestic flights, 8577-4249 international flights) 中国民航订票 处 香港中路30号 Qingdao International Airport
(qīng dǎo guó jì fēi jī chǎng) (8471-
1877, 96567) 青岛国际飞机场 · 40 minutes drive from CBD (¥80-100) · 13 international destinations · 7.87 million passengers p.a. · 116,000 tons of cargo p.a.
Rail Type Day Day Day Day Day Day Night
Depart Arrive No. Hours 07:00 08:00 11:00 13:05 14:30 17:10 20:07
12:48 13:38 16:38 18:37 20:06 22:48 05:38
D60 D58 D62 D54 D52 D56 T26
~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~9.5
Beijing to Qingdao
Type Day Day Day Day Day Day Night
Depart Arrive No. Hours 07:05 08:30 11:15 13:25 16:05 17:05 22:48
12:42 14:02 16:47 19:02 21:43 22:41 07:40
No. SC4663 MU5550 MU5536
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Where to Stay 5 Star Crowne Plaza Qingdao (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiŭ diàn). 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店 香港中 路76号 Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao (qīng dǎo xīn jiāng xī ěr dùn yì lín jiǔ diàn) 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (80988888) www.doubletreebyhilton.com 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店 黑龙江 中路220号 Grand Regency Hotel (lì jīng dà jiǔ diàn) 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85881818) 丽晶大酒店 香港中路110号 Haitian Hotel (hǎi tiān dà jiǔ diàn) 48 Xianggang Xi Lu (8387-1888) 海天 大酒店 香港西路48号 Huiquan Dynasty Hotel (huì quán wáng cháo dà jiǔ diàn) 9 Nanhai Lu (8299-9888) 汇泉王朝大酒店 南 海路9号 InterContinental Qingdao (qīng dǎo hǎi ěr zhōu jì jiǔ diàn). 98 Aomen Lu
Qingdao to Beijing
D51 D53 D55 D57 D59 D61 T25
~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~5.5 ~9
Train Tickets Agency (huǒ chē piào dài shòu diǎn) 33 Nanjing Lu (inside Fushan Bay Hotel) (8069-0077) 火车 票代售点 南京路33号(浮山湾宾馆 内) 5元 booking fee per ticket. Qingdao Railway Station (qīng dǎo huǒ chē zhàn) 2 Tai An Lu (9510-
Qingdao to Beijing
17:05 17:15 17:20 17:50 19:00 23:05
Qingdao to Shanghai Pudong
First Aid Centre (jí jiù zhōng xīn) (120) 急救中心
15:50 16:00 16:05 16:30 17:40 21:50
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5175) 青岛火车站 泰安路2号
Road Huangdao Long Distance Bus Station (huáng dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Changjiang Xi Lu, Huangdao (86889217) 黄岛长途汽车站 黄岛长江 西路2号 Qingdao Long Distance Bus Station (qīng dǎo cháng tú qì chē zhàn) 2 Wenzhou Lu (8371-8060) 青 岛长途汽车站 温州路2号 Shenzhen Lu (8891-0011) 青岛长途汽车东站 深圳路 Feixian Zhi Lu (8267-6842) 青 岛长途汽车站 费县支路
Sea Huangdao Ferry (huáng dǎo lún dù) Liugong Island (8685-6949) 黄岛轮 渡 刘公岛 Qingdao Ferry (qīng dǎo lún dù) 21 Sichuan Lu (8261-9279) 青岛轮渡 四川路21号 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (6688-9177) 东海中路30号 Xuejiadao Ferry (xuē jiā dǎo lún dù) Xuejia Island Travel Dock (8670-5247) 薛家岛轮渡 薛家岛旅游码头
(6656-6666) 青岛海尔洲际酒店 澳 门路98号 Kilin Crown Hotel (Best Western) (qí lín huáng guàn dà jiǔ diàn) 197 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1888) 麒麟皇冠大酒店 香港东路197号 Le Meridien Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo wàn dá ài měi jiǔ diàn) 112 Yanji Lu (5556-3888) 青岛万达艾美酒店 延 吉路112号 Sea View Garden Hotel (hǎi jǐng huā yuán dà jiǔ diàn) 2 Zhanghua Lu (8587-5777) 海景花园大酒店 彰 化路2号 Shangri-La Hotel (xiāng gé lǐ lā dà fàn diàn). 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838) 香格里拉大饭店 香港 中路9号
4 Star Blue Horizon Hotel Qingdao (lán hǎi dà fàn diàn) 18 Qinling Lu (West of Municipal Exhibition Centre) (88996666) 蓝海大饭店 秦岭路18号 (会 展中心西邻) Blue Horizon Hotel Huangdao (lán hǎi dà jiǔ diàn) 66 Changjiang Xi Lu, Huangdao (8698-6666) 黄岛蓝海大 酒店 黄岛长江西路66号 Copthorne Hotel Qingdao (qīng dǎo guó dūn dà jiǔ diàn). 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688) 青岛国敦大酒 店 香港中路28号 Haidu Hotel (hǎi dū dà jiǔ diàn) 218 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-9888) 海都大酒店 黄岛长江 中路218号 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海 情大酒店 东海中路11号 Harvest Hotel (shì jì hǎi fēng dà jiǔ diàn) 459 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-6666) 世纪海丰大 酒店 黄岛长江中路459号 Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao (qīng dǎo jǐng yuán jià rì jiǔ diàn). 306 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8096-6888) 青岛景园假日酒店 城 阳区兴阳路306号 Oceanwide Elite Hotel (fàn hǎi míng rén jiǔ diàn) 29 Taiping Lu (8299-
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6699) 泛海名人酒店 太平路29号 Oriental Hotel (dōng fāng fàn diàn) 4 Daxue Lu (8286-5888) 东方饭店 大 学路4号 Sanfod Hotel (shān fú dà jiǔ diàn) 96 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8399-3888) 山 孚大酒店 香港中路96号 Studio 52 (wǔ shí èr píng fāng guó jì gōng yù) 10 Haifeng Lu (8667-8818 ext.157, 8325-3975) 52平方国际公 寓 海丰路10号
3 Star Beach Castle Hotel (hǎi tān gǔ bǎo jiǔ diàn) 23-25 Changzhou Lu (8289-3666) 海滩古堡酒店 常州路 23-25号 Cinema Hotel (yǐng shì dà jiǔ diàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-5768) 影视大酒店 香港中路65号 Fuxin Mansion (fǔ xīn dà shà) 5 Minjiang Lu (8591-1009) 府新大厦 闽江路5号 Haixiang Hotel (hǎi xiáng shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 8 Zijin Shan Zhi Lu, Huangdao (8689-0666) 海翔商务酒店 黄岛紫 金山支路8号 Jinjiang Inn (jǐn jiāng zhī xīng) 438 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (86828999) 锦江之星 黄岛井冈山路438 号 100 Nanjing Lu (8310-7999) 南京 路100号 Lu Hai Feng Hotel (lǔ hǎi fēng dà jiǔ diàn) 128 Alishan Lu, Qingdao Kaifaqu (8699-2211) 鲁海丰大酒店 青岛开 发区 阿里山路128号 Marco Polo Hotel (mǎ kě bō luó shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-7999) 马可波罗 商务酒店 黄岛井冈山路636号 Overseas Chinese International Hotel (huá qiáo guó jì fàn diàn) 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8572-5666) 华 侨国际饭店 香港中路41号 Qingdao City Home Business Hotel (qīng dǎo chéng shì jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 7 Xianxia Ling Lu (8870-0888) 青岛城市家商务酒店 仙霞岭路7号 Qingdao Hotel (qīng dǎo fàn diàn) 66 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-1888) 青岛饭店 香港中路66号 Qingdao Renjia Business Hotel (qīng dăo rén jiā shāng wù jiǔ diàn) 99 Nanjing Lu (8610-2222) 青岛人家商 务酒店 南京路99号
Boutique Hotel
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Clearsea Arts Hotel (hǎi qīng wén jié yì shù jiǔ diàn) 26 Longshan Lu (8869-1111) www.clearsea.cn 海青 文杰艺术酒店 龙山路26号 德国 总督府院内 Laozhuancun China Comuunity Art and Culture Hotel (lǎo zhuàn cūn China gōng shè wén huà yì shù jiǔ 8 Minjiang San Lu (8576diàn) 8776) 老转村China公社文化艺术 酒店 闽江三路8号
Resort Ariva Qingdao Hotel & Serviced Apartments (qīng dǎo ài lì huá jiǔ diàn jí fú wù gōng yù) 135 Yan'an San Lu (8197-8777) www.stayariva.com 青岛艾丽华酒店及服务公寓 青岛 市市南区延安三路135号 Asana Executive Apartments (qīng dǎo jiā shàng huī tíng xíng zhèng gōng yù). 15 (Yi) Donghai Xi Lu (The Sail @ Olympic Bay Apartment B) (8091-5151) 青岛嘉尚辉庭行政公寓 东海西路15号乙 (东海路9号B栋) Baden Village (bā dōng xiǎo zhèn) Located in Jimo (8657-9997) 芭东小 镇 即墨市 Latour Laguens International Resort Hotel (lā tú lā gān guó jì dù jià jiǔ diàn). 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (88966969) 拉图拉甘国际度假酒店 香港 东路316号 SPR Resort (SPR nòng hǎi yuán jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (88893422, 8889-0394) 青岛SPR弄海园酒 店 香港东路316号
Hostels Big Brother Guest House (bēn zhī lǚ qīng nián lǚ guǎn) Two locations in Qingdao - all mod cons for budget or mid range travellers. www. bigbrotherguesthouse.com 31 Jiangxi Lu (8287-3888) 奔之旅青年旅馆 江 西路31号 6 Baoding Lu (8280-2212) 10 mins walk from train station. Cosy, clean and affordable. 奔之旅青年旅 馆 保定路6号 Qingdao Kaiyue Youth Hostel (qīng dǎo kǎi yuè guó jì qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 31 Jining Lu (8284-5450) yhaqd@ yahoo.com.cn 青岛凯越国际青年旅 馆 济宁路31号 Hotel Ibis (yí bì sī jiǔ diàn) 178 Changjiang Lu, Huangdao (8698-9888) 宜必思酒店 黄岛长江路178号 YHA Old Observatory (qīng dǎo ào bó wéi tè guó jì qīng nián lǚ shè) www.hostelqingdao.com 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (8282-2626) 青岛
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奥博维特国际青年旅社 观象二 路21号
Sights Beaches No. 1 Bathing Beach (dì yī hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 14 Nanhai Lu (8286-6305) 第一海水浴场 南海路14号 No. 2 Bathing Beach (dì èr hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Inside Taiping Bay (East of Huiquan Bay) 第二海水浴场 汇泉湾东侧太平湾内 No. 3 Bathing Beach (dì sān hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) 6 Taiping Jiao Lu 第 三海水浴场 太平角路6号 Shilaoren Beach (shí lǎo rén hǎi shuǐ yù chǎng) Haikou Lu 石老人海 水浴场 海口路
Churches & Temples Lutheran Church (jī dū jiào táng) 15 Jiangsu Lu (8286-5970) 基督教堂 江苏路15号 Qingdao International Christian Fellowship Intercontinental Hotel, 3rd Floor, Auditorium, 98 Aomen Lu, www.qicf.org, info.qicf@gmail.com St. Michael’s Cathedral (tiān zhǔ jiào táng). 15 Zhejiang Lu (8286-5960) 天 主教堂 浙江路15号 Zhanshan Temple (zhàn shān sì) 2 Zhiquan Lu (8386-2038) 湛山寺 芝 泉路2号 Taiqing Palace (tài qīng gōng) Inside Laoshan (8288-9888) 太清 宫 崂山内
Museums Chengyang Buddhism Culture Museum (chéng yáng qū fó jiào wén huà yì shù zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 城 阳区佛教文化艺术展览馆 夏庄街 道源头社区 Haier Museum (hǎi ěr kē jì guǎn) Middle section of Nanling Lu. (88899855) 海尔科技馆 南岭路中段 Laoshan Tea Culture Museum (láo shān chá wén huà bó wù guǎn). Xiaowang Living Area, Wanggezhuang Street Scene, Laoshan District 崂山 茶文化博物馆 崂山区王哥庄街道 晓望社区 Huangdao Traditional Culture Museum (huáng dǎo qū mín sú zhǎn lǎn guǎn) 1001 Zhujiang Lu, Huangdao 黄岛区民俗展览馆 珠江 路1001号 Qingdao German-style Prison Site Museum (qīng dǎo dé guó jiān yù jiù zhǐ bó wù guǎn) 21 Changzhou Lu (8286-9773) 青岛德国监狱旧址博物 馆 常州路21号 Qingdao Library (qīng dǎo shì tú shū guǎn) 109 Yanji Lu (8501-2112) 青岛市图书馆 延吉路109号 Qingdao Municipal Gallery (qīng dǎo shì měi shù guǎn) 7 Daxue Lu (82888886) 青岛市美术馆 大学路7号 Qingdao Sculpture Museum (qīng dǎo shì diāo sù yì shù guǎn) 66 Donghai Dong Lu 青岛市雕塑艺术 馆 东海东路66号 Tianhou Palace (tiān hòu gōng) 19 Taiping Lu (8287-7656) 天后宫 太 平路19号
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Tsingtao Brewery Museum (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ bó wù guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒博物馆 登 州路56号
Parks & Gardens Baihua Park (bǎi huā yuàn) 11 Jingshan Lu (8286-0584) 百花苑 京 山路11号 Botanical Park (zhí wù yuán) 33 Yunyang Lu (8386-1179) 植物园 郧阳路33号 Little Fish Hill Park (xiǎo yú shān gōng yuán) 24 Fushan Zhi Lu 小鱼山 公园 福山支路24号 Lu Xun Park (lǔ xùn gōng yuán) 1 Qinyu Lu (8286-8479) 鲁迅公园 琴 屿路1号 Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (shí lǎo rén guān guāng yuán) 1 Laoshan Lu (8883-2599) 石老人观光 园 崂山路1号 Signal Hill (xìn hào shān gōng yuán) 18 Longshan Lu (8279-4141) 信 号山公园 龙山路18号 Zhong Shan Park (zhōng shān gōng yuán) 28 Wendeng Lu (8287-0564) 中山公园 文登路28号
Various Attractions 1388 Culture Street (1388 wén huà jiē) Minjiang San Lu 1388文化街 闽江三路
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Tian Mu City (tiān mù chéng) Between Dengzhou Lu and Liaoning Lu 天幕城 登州路和辽宁路间
Zhan Qiao Pier (zhàn qiáo) 12 Taiping Lu (8286-8575) 栈桥 太平 路12号
The East is Red (dōng fāng hóng) 10 (Jia) Shandong Lu, Qingdao(beside Navy Submarine Academy) (85018016) 东方红青岛市山东路10 号甲(潜艇学院旁) 1 Jincheng Jie, Zhongshan Square, Zhongshan District, Dalian 大连市中山区中山广 场金城街1号
Chinese Dining BBQ Handiyuan BBQ (hán dì yuán kǎo ròu) 20 Zijin Shan Zhi Lu, Huangdao (8688-2389) 韩帝园烤肉 黄岛紫金 山支路20号 HBR Music Kitchen (hǎi biān rén yīn yuè chú fáng). 8 Haimen Lu (83888711) 海边人音乐厨房 海门路8号 Jiuxianfang BBQ (jiǔ xiān fāng) 316 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8689-0377) 玖鲜坊 黄岛紫金山路316号 Kylin French Teppanyaki (yù qí lín fǎ shì tiě bǎn shāo). 69 Aomen Liu Lu (8579-6116) 玉麒麟法式铁板烧 澳 门六路69号 Teng Wang Ge (téng wáng gé jiǔ diàn) 10 Zhanshan San Lu (8386-6997) 滕王阁酒店 湛山三路10号 True Color (qīng dǎo běn sè pí jiǔ bā) 26 Yan Er Dao Lu (8302-5078) 青岛本 色啤酒吧 燕尔岛路26号
Badaguan (bā dà guān) Wushengguan Lu 八大关 武胜关路
De Heng Beijing Roast Duck (běi jīng dé héng kǎo yā diàn) 49 Nanjing Lu (8578-2956) 北京德恒烤 鸭店 南京路49号
Hua Shi Villa (huā shí lóu) 18 Huanghai Lu (8387-2168) 花石楼 黄 海路18号
Jinghualou Beijing Roast Duck (jīng huá lóu běi jīng kǎo yā) 11 Fuzhou
Huadong Winery (huá dōng jiǔ zhuāng) Huadong Baili Winery, Nan Long Kou (8881-7878) 华东酒庄 南龙口 Laoshan Scenic Area (láo shān fēng jǐng míng shèng qū) (8889-5695) 崂 山风景名胜区 Little Qingdao Island (xiăo qīng dǎo) 26 Qinyu Lu (8286-3944) 小青岛 琴 屿路26号 May 4th Square (wǔ sì guǎng chǎng) 35 Donghai Xi Lu 五四广场 东海西路35号 Music Square (yīn yuè guǎng chǎng) Aomen Lu 音乐广场 澳门路 Qingdao Guest House (qīng dǎo yíng bīn guǎn) 26 Longshan Lu (8288-9888) 青岛迎宾馆 龙山 路26号 Qingdao Polar Ocean World (qīng dǎo jí dì hǎi yáng shì jiè) 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8590-9999) 青岛 极地海洋世界 东海东路60号 Qingdao TV Tower (qīng dǎo diàn shì tǎ) 1 Taiping Shan Lu (8365-4020) 青岛电视塔 太平山路1号 Qingdao Underwater World (qīng dǎo hǎi dǐ shì jiè) 1 Laiyang Lu (82878218) 青岛海底世界 莱阳路1号 Qingdao Zoo (qīng dǎo dòng wù yuán) 102 Yan An Yi Lu (8287-2970) 青 岛动物园 延安一路102号 Seashore Sidewalk (bīn hǎi bù xíng dào) The route runs from Tuandao (Old Town) via Badaguan to Shilaoren in the east. 滨海步行道 从 太平路到东海路
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Dumplings (jiaozi) Da Niang (dà niáng shuǐ jiǎo) Taidong Pedestrian Area 大娘水饺 台 东步行街 Da Qing Hua Dumplings (dà qīng huā jiǎo zi) 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-3697) 大清花饺子 香港 中路56号 Laobian (lǎo biān jiǎo zi guǎn) 39 Nanjing Lu (8577-9938) 老边饺子 馆 南京路39号 San He Yuan Dumplings (sān hé yuán shuĭ jiăo) 39 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-2008) 三合园水饺 漳州 二路39号
Homestyle Hao Hao Xiao Chu (hào hào xiǎo chú) 7 Xianxialing Lu (8870-0889) 浩 浩小厨 仙霞岭路7号 Haiyiyuan (hǎi yí yuán) 95 Fuchun Jiang Lu, Huangdao (8688-5066) 海怡 园 黄岛富春江路95号 Jin Shan Restaurant (jīn shān dà jiǔ diàn) Middle section of Shenzhen Lu 金山大酒店 深圳路中段 Ju Xiang Ju (jù xiàng jū jiā cháng cài guǎn) 10 Chenghai Yi Lu (8589-8217)
Bei Lu (8575-7811) 京华楼北京烤鸭 福州北路11号
聚相居家常菜馆 澄海一路10号
Ping’s Beijing Duck (xiǎo wáng fǔ fàn diàn) 20 Yan Er Dao Lu (85750208) 小王府饭店 燕儿岛路20号
Le Tai Yuan (lè tài yuán kuài cān diàn) Zhangzhou Er Lu 乐泰园快餐 店 漳州二路
Quan Ju De Beijing Roased Duck (quán jù dé běi jīng kǎo yā diàn) 1-2F, Bldg. A, Fenghe Square, 12 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6677-7308) 全聚德北京 烤鸭店 香港中路12号丰合广场A 区1-2层
Yucong (yù cōng jiā cháng cài guăn) 147 Minjiang Lu (8577-0222) 毓 聪家常菜馆 闽江路147号
Cantonese It is often said Cantonese people will eat “anything with legs except a table, and anything that flies except an aeroplane.” Don’t let this put you off - the cuisine is one of China’s greatest, and includes the delicate dim sum snacks Hirun Old Restaurant (hǎi rùn lăo fàn diàn) 43 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-8868) 海润老饭店 香港中 路43号 Moon (yuè) Chinese Restaurant. 2F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1588) 月 青岛海尔 洲际酒店2层 澳门路98号 Kowloon Tong (jiǔ lóng táng guǎng dōng cài guǎn) 37 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8578-0198) 九龙塘广东菜馆 漳州 一路37号 Lotus (lián yuán) Dim Sum 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8500) 莲园 香港中路28号 青岛国 敦大酒店2层 Zhongshanyuan (zhōng shān yuán bào chì dùn pĭn diàn) 33 Fuzhou Lu (8577-3333) 中山园鲍翅炖品店 福
Zhi Le Jia (zhì lè jiā) 1F, Bldg.A, Fenghe Square (inside May 4th Square) (6677-7368) 至乐家 丰合广 场A座一楼(五四广场内西侧) Zhou Quan Zhou Dao (zhōu quán zhōu dào cài guăn) 120 Minjiang Lu (8577-8656) 粥全粥到菜馆 闽江 路120号
Hotpot Central Hong Kong Hotpot (zhōng huán xiāng gǎng huǒ guō) 39 Zhangzhou Lu (8077-7789) 中环香港 火锅 漳州路39号 Donglaishun (dōng lái shùn) 400 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (86899998) 东来顺 黄岛井冈山路400号 Dou Lai Shun (dōu lái shùn fàn diàn) 232 Minjiang Lu (8571-7676) 都来顺 饭店 闽江路232号 Tanyutou Hotpot (tán yú tóu huŏ guō) 14 Minjiang Lu (8583-9076) 谭鱼 头火锅 闽江路14号 Xiao Fei Yang (xiǎo féi yáng) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (inside Yinhai Marina) (8592-1000) 小肥羊 东海中 路30号(银海国际游艇俱乐部内) Yaoyao Hotpot (yáo yáo huǒ guō) 55 Furong Lu (8363-8118) 瑶瑶火锅 芙蓉路55号
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
Porridge Lao Man Ke (lǎo mǎn kè zhōu diàn) 113 Jiangxi Lu (8576-8625) 老满客粥 店 江西路113号 Dawanlai Porridge (dà wǎn lái zhōu diàn) 344 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8697-5888) 大碗来粥店 黄岛紫金 山路344号 San Bao (sān bǎo zhōu diàn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-0119) 三宝粥店 闽 江路158号
Seafood Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant (ā yī bào yú jiǔ jiā) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8659) 阿一鲍鱼酒家 香港中路 76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 Dunhuang (dūn huáng hǎi xiān jiǔ lóu) 106 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-7556) 敦煌海鲜酒楼 香港中 路106号 Four Season Restaurant 26 Longshan Lu (8288-5308, 8288-5801) www.clearsea.cn 龙山路26号德国 总督府院内 Golden Sea Corner (jīn hǎi jiǎo dù jià cūn) 27 Taiping Jiao Yi Lu (8386-0188) 金海角度假村 太平角 一路27号 Guang Kai Seafood Restaurant
(guǎng kāi hǎi wèi dà jiǔ diàn) 316
Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-6835) 广开 海味大酒店 香港东路316号 Haidao Seafood Restaurant (hǎi dǎo yú cūn dà jiǔ diàn) 40 Yunxiao Lu (8572-0846) 海岛渔村大酒店 云 霄路40号 Harbor Seafood Chinese Restaurant
(huá rùn hǎi gǎng zhōng cān tīng)
Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Middle Road (8098-8888 ext.2241) 华润海港中餐厅 黑龙 江中路220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿 逸林酒店 Hai Meng Yuan (hǎi mèng yuán) 3 Yan Er Dao Lu (8592-8488) 海梦园 燕 儿岛路3号 Jinshan Restaurant (jīn shān dà jiǔ diàn) Mid Section of Lishandong Lu (8889-0088) 金山大酒店 李山 东路中段
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Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn shān dōng cài guǎn) 112 Minjiang Lu (8575-3776) 老转村山东菜馆 闽 江路112号 Qingdao Restaurant (qīng dǎo cài guǎn ào mén lù diàn) 17 Aomen Lu (8388-0098) 青岛菜馆(澳门路店) 澳 门路17号 Steven Gao’s Restaurant (gāo shì sī 20 Zhuhai Lu (8589fáng cài) 3899) 高氏私房菜 珠海路20号 Yuansheng Haigang Haorizi (yuán shèng hǎi gǎng hǎo rì zǐ fàn diàn) 5 Yunxiao Lu (8573-5733) 源盛海港好 日子饭店 云霄路5号
Shanghai Da Shanghai Restaurant (dà shàng hǎi fàn diàn)1F Hai Tian Hotel, 48 Xianggang Xi Lu (8387-1888) 大上 海饭店 香港西路48号 海天大 酒店1层
Sichuan Famed for its bold flavours of chili and huajiao, Sichuan food in Qingdao is nothing like the ‘Kung Pao Chicken’ that you’ll find in other parts of the world. Boiling Fish Township (fèi téng yú xiāng) 1F, C Tower, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8591-9917) 沸 腾鱼乡 香港中路6号 (世界贸易中 心C座1层) Dieqiao (dié qiào shí shàng chuān cài cān tīng). 111 Zhangzhou Lu (8571-7123) 蝶俏时尚川菜餐厅 漳 州路111号 Lao Sichuan (lǎo sì chuān jiǔ jiā) 105 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-9667) 老四川酒家 黄岛紫金山路105号 Lao Zhuan Cun (lǎo zhuàn cūn) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-2776) 老转村 闽江路158号 Qin Ji (qín jì xiāng là shí fǔ) 230 Minjiang Lu (8575-7599) 秦记香辣食 府 闽江路230号 Shan Cheng Chilli Pepper (shān chéng hóng là jiāo) 109 Minjiang Lu 山城红辣椒 闽江路109号
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House (qīng shuǐ lián sù shàn míng fāng) 6 Yanerdao Lu (8077-9116) 清水莲素膳茗坊 燕儿岛路6号
Xinjiang Xinjiang Red Guava Restaurant (xīn jiāng hóng shí liú) Rm. 701, Tian Mu City, 80 Liaoning Lu (8202-8018) 新 疆红石榴 辽宁路80号 天幕美食 城内701号
Fusion Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚 洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层 Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) 1F, Valley Wing, Shangri-La Hotel. 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(8388-3838 ext. 6478) 一品堂自助餐厅 香港中路9 号 香格里拉大饭店盛世阁1层 Flavours (pǐn xiāng yuàn) 3F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666 ext.1555) 品香苑 青岛 海尔洲际酒店3层 澳门路98号 Hong Kong 97 (xiāng gǎng jiǔ qī) 90 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-3388) 香港97 香港中路90号 Hong Kong 97 VIP (xiāng gǎng jiǔ qī VIP) 1-2F, Huanhai Apartment, 22 Yan Er Dao Lu (8597-1112) 香港97VIP店 燕儿岛路22号 环海公寓1、2层 Liang You Catering (liáng yǒu guó yàn chú fáng) 18 Ninghai Lu (Beer Street) (8380-9888) 良友国宴厨房 宁海路18号
Fatema Indian Restaurant (fă dì 10 Gutian Lu mă yìn dù cān tīng) (137-3099-4178) 法蒂玛印度餐厅 古 田路10号丁
海鲜大世界 台湾路6号
Tian Lu Yuan (tiān lù yuán dà jiǔ diàn) 20-24 Yanerdao Lu (8577-9879) 天禄园大酒店 燕儿岛路20-24号
Flavors Pizza & Cafe (měi wèi kā fēi xī cān tīng) No. 10, Bldg. 29, Tiantai
Yiqinglou (yí qíng lóu hǎi xiān) 80 Ningxia Lu (8582-5888) 怡情楼海鲜 宁夏路80号
Xiao Shao Xing (xiǎo shào xīng) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (86897777) 小绍兴 黄岛井冈山路636号
Yu Ma Tou Seafood Restaurant (yú mǎ tóu hǎi xiān fǎng) 24 Yunxiao Lu (8573-3583) 渔码头海鲜舫 云 霄路24号
Shandong Characterised by the use of vinegar and strong aromatics, Shandong cuisine is one of China’s most famous varieties and is particularly prominent here in Qingdao. China Gongshe (zhōng guó gōng 8 Minjiang San Lu (80776776) 中国公社 闽江三路8号
Taiwan Autumn Town (qiū tiān xiǎo zhèn) 27 Dayao Er Lu (8578-8349) 秋天小镇 大尧二路27号 Bellagio (lù gǎng xiǎo zhèn) Aomen San Lu (8387-0877) 鹿港小 镇 澳门三路 La Zuyette Restaurant (fǎ yē cān tīng) 53 Yunxiao Lu (8578-8368) 法耶 餐厅 云霄路53号
Vegetarian Crystal Lotus Vegetarian Diet & Tea
Riemy Wan
Asian Dining
South Beauty (qiào jiāng nán) 1F, Ariva Hotel, 135 Yan An San Lu (81978877) 俏江南 延安三路135号 艾丽 华酒店1层
Yijinglou (yí jǐng lóu hǎi xiān dà shì jiè) 6 Taiwan Lu (8592-9138) 怡景楼
Shu Xiang Yuan (shǔ xiāng yuàn) 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8591-0688) 蜀 香苑 香港中路6号
Kilin Crown Hotel) (8889-0285) 金梦 大酒店 香港东路316号 (麒麟大 酒店对面)
Yu Xiang Fang Beijing Hotpot
Impression (yìn xiàng fēng shàng yún nán cài) Rm. 307, 3F, Bldg. A, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502-8706, 8502-8708) 印象风尚云 南菜 香港中路10号颐和国际A座 三层307 3F, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (5556-3631, 5556-3632) 延吉路116 号青岛CBD万达广场三层
Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚 洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层
Jinmeng Restaurant (jīn mèng dà jiǔ diàn) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (oppo.
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Apartments, Lushan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9140) 美味咖啡西餐厅 黄岛 庐山路 天泰小区29座
Japanese Aka-Noren (chì de shān shuǐ/chi nuan lian) 19 Chenghai Yi Lu (85935719) www.chinuanlian.com/jieshao. html 赤的山水 澄海一路19号 Ajisen Noodle (wèi qiān lā miàn) 1F, Carrefour, 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8580-6375) 味千拉面 香港中 路21号 家乐福1层 2F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-3351) 香 港中路72号 佳世客2层 Daochuan/Inagawa (dào chuān rì běn liào lǐ)10 (Jia) Gutian Lu (85895418) 稻川日本料理 古田路10号甲
Individual hotpots make for a much cleaner dining experience than their communal cousins. Yu Xiang Fang on Taiwan Road, just south of the Regency Hotel makes this case aptly. I've dined there several times over the recent weeks; the scrubbed veneer and reasonable prices will make sure I return. Service is quick and efficient usually, and now that I'm a regular, sometimes comes with a smile too. You can choose from either the wei la (chilli pepper) or ma la (Sichuan peppercorn) pots and neither are particularly overpowering, much of the flavour coming from your own addition of chopped coriander, spring onions or birds-eye chillis. The peanut sauce always an integral part of the hotpot experience - comes in an ice-cream scoop-sized ball of viscous peanut sauce with crushed peanuts dotted throughout, and sits in a small pool of sesame oil - making it the oiliest ingredient on the table, though still not quite as excessive as at other hotpot places around town. Overall, this is a much more civilised take on the wintry classic, suited to those who like their vegetables al dente and don't want their whole dining experience based around a sloppy mess of over-cooked cabbage and little bits of fish ball. Additionally, the individual, water-based hotpot is more vegetarian-friendly. A vegetarian feast for two runs in the order of 40元 per person, carnivores can expect to pay around 50-60元. 位于台湾路(丽晶大酒店南)的御香坊,价位经济合理、服务亲切热情、用餐环境温馨 清洁。 吸引着无数的回头客的光顾。 火锅的汤底辣度有微辣或麻辣之分。两种味都不会太重,还可任意加香菜、葱和辣椒 进行调味。清单飘香的花生酱是本店一大特色,雪糕球大小的花生浆,配以芝麻油和花生 粒。清淡的汤底也很适合素食人士的口味。 二人用餐,50-60元/位(全素价位约40元/位) 7 Taiwan Lu 台湾路7号
34 qingdao listings 广告 ∙ 黄页 myredstar.com
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
Dozo Gourmet Food Gallery (dozo liào lǐ měi shù guǎn) Polar Ocean World Venue: 60 Donghai Dong Lu (8909-5999) dozo料理美术馆 极地 店:东海东路60号 Hisense Venue: 052, B1 Hisense Plaza, Ao'men Lu (6678-8008) 海信店:澳门路海信广 场负一层052 Gepeng Fushi Japanese (gē pēng fù shì) 263 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9916) 割烹富士 黄岛武夷山 路263号 Honghua Village (hóng huā xiāng gǔ) 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8700) 红花香谷 香港中路28号 青 岛国敦大酒店2层 Kuji Kuji Asian Dining and Sweets
(yīng qiáo)110 Shanghang Lu (8592-
1830) 樱桥 上杭路110号 MANCHIO (mǎn zhào xīn gài niàn rì běn liào lǐ) 26 Longshan Lu (82885690) www.clearsea.cn 满兆新概念 日本料理 龙山路26号 (德国总督 府官邸院内)
=wireless internet
Korean With up to 100,000 Koreans calling Qingdao home, Korean restaurants abound throughout Hong Kong Garden and other neighbourhoods. Some great dishes include: •p ào cài 泡菜 (kimchi) - spicy pickled vegetables, often an appetizer (v) • t ǔ dòu bǐng 土豆饼 - potato pancake with onion •b àn fàn 拌饭 (bebimbap) - bowl of rice with vegetables, egg and usually meat • hán guó shāo kǎo 韩国烧烤 Korean barbecue An Shi Stove (ān shì huǒ lú) 82 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8593-6869) 安氏火 炉 漳州二路82号 165 Minjiang Lu (8575-9429) 二店 闽江路165号 Ba Gong Shan (bā gōng shān) 23 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8575-5346) 八公山 漳州一路23号 Don Korea (dōng gǔ lái) 87 Donghai Dong Lu (8097-8899) 东古来 东海 东路87号
Niuchang Japanese (niú chǎng rì běn liào lǐ) 192 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8610-9731) 牛场日本料理 黄岛武 夷山路192号
Han A Reum (dà róng shù) 2F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8867-8080) 大 榕树 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大 酒店2层
Noboru (shēng jiā) 150 Jiangxi Lu (8588-8007) 昇家 江西路150号 2F, Bldg. A, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai 昇家 东海中路11号 海 Zhong Lu 情大酒店A座2层
Hengbo Restaurant (hēng bó míng jiā) 12 Jianfei Garden, 87 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-1080) 亨伯 名家 香港东路87号 建飞花园12号
Qian Shi (qiān shí) 7 Taiwan Lu (8590-0966) 千石 台湾路7号
Huo Lu Qing Charcoal BBQ House (huǒ lú qíng tàn huǒ shāo kǎo wū) 14 Gutian Lu (8588-6773) 火炉情炭火 烧烤屋 古田路14号
Qingshuiwu Japanese (qīng shuǐ wū rì běn liào lǐ) 370 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8697-3783) 清水屋日本 料理 黄岛武夷山路370号
Jingfugong (jǐng fú gōng) 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-2449) 景福宫 香港西路43号
Skewer (hǎo hé) 88, Shanghang Lu (8593-1129) 好和 上杭路88号
Korean-Restaurant (hàn jiāng hán guó liào lǐ) F2,Doubletree by Hilton
Sumo and Sushi/Tamakairiki (yù hǎi lì) 12 Gutian Lu (8587-6001) 玉海 力 古田路12号
Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (8098-8888 ext.2283) 汉江韩国料理 黑龙江中路220号 青岛鑫江希尔 顿逸林酒店2层
Tairyo (dà yú tiě bǎn shāo quán guó lián suǒ cān tīng) 201, Bldg. E, 58 Donghai Dong Lu (6688-9366, 66889368) 大渔铁板烧全国连锁餐厅 青 岛市东海东路58号E座201极地金 岸娱乐港
Kumsu Kangsan (jǐn xiù shān hé hán guó cān tīng) 4F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8690) 锦绣山河韩国餐厅 香 港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒4层
Takewaga Japanese Resstaurant (zhú ruò rì běn liào lǐ) 4F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8680) 竹若日本料 理 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假 日酒店4层 Tengshan Japanese Restaurant (téng shān rì běn liào lǐ) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8592-2477) 滕山日本料理 澄 海三路6号 Xiangyin Japanese (xiāng yīn rì běn liào lǐ) 368 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8697-3948) 乡音日本料理 黄岛武 夷山路368号 Yamazen Japanese Cuisine (shān qián) Cnr. Yan Er Dao Lu & Xiao yao San Lu (Opposite Yanerdao Lu Elementary School) (8592-0138) 山前 燕儿岛 路逍遥三路交叉口(燕儿岛路小 学对面) Yinshui Japanese Restaurant (yín shuǐ rì běn liào lǐ) 279 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9050) 银水日本料 理 黄岛武夷山路279号 Yu Shen Hu (yù shén hù) 11 Yan Er Dao Lu (8592-5470) 御神户 燕儿 岛路11号
=redstarcard accepted
萨哇帝咔 福州北路鼎城169-23号
Western Dining American Korona Grill House (kě luó jiā xī cān tīng) 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 可罗嘉西餐厅 彰化 路5号 The Diner (dān ní měi shì cān 33 Donghai Xi Lu (8577-2051) 丹尼美式餐厅 东海 西路33号 tīng)
Brazilian Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚 洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层 Golden Hans (jīn hàn sī) 139 Ningxia Lu (8580-0636) 金汉斯 宁夏路 139号
French 1903 (139 0532-3300) 滨海花园 La Villa (lā wéi lā fǎ guó cān tīng) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 拉维拉法国餐厅 香港 中路5号 Le Bang (lè bāng fǎ guó xī cān 21 Chenghai Yi Lu (85935279) 乐邦法国西餐厅 澄海一 路21号
Fusion 1953 Sailing Club Bar & Restaurant (fēng zhī fān háng hǎi jù lè bù) 6 Nanhai Lu (8090-5788) 风之帆航海 俱乐部 南海路6号 Cafe Asia (yà zhōu kā fēi) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888) 亚 洲咖啡 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇 冠假日酒店2层 Café Yum (yī pǐn táng zì zhù cān tīng) 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu(83883838 ext. 6478) 一品堂自助餐厅 香港中路9号 香格里拉大饭店盛 世阁1层
Meng Family Korean Restaurant
The Oriental Express 126 Lushan Lu, Huangdao (134 6829-9634) 黄岛庐 山路126号
Kaixuan Garden, 1-4 Xianxia Ling Lu (8896-3382) 孟家韩国餐厅 仙霞岭 路1-4 凯旋家园1层
Spring (fǎ ěr chūn tiān zhŭ liú cān bā) 8 Minjiang Lu (8580-8889) 法尔春 天主流餐吧 闽江路8号
Mix Mix (mǐ shì mǐ shì) 202 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Qingdao Kaifaqu (8699-5566) 米世米世 青岛 开发区 长江中路202号
Sunshine Grill (yáng guāng xī cān tīng) 2F, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38
(mèng jiā hán guó cān tīng) 1F,
Tudari (tŭ dà lì)131 Minjiang Lu (8577-3011) 土大力 闽江路131号 Yicun Korean (yì cūn cān tīng) 1325 Zhujiang Lu, Huangdao (8699-0199) 艺村餐厅 黄岛珠江路1325号 Hamheaung Korean Cold Noodles (zhèng ān yī wèi) 10 Gutian Lu (8589-2055) 正安一味 古田路10号
Thai Bamboo Bar & Thai Restaurant (shuǐ àn tài guó cān bā) 34 Shanghang Lu (8589-5152) 水岸泰国 餐吧 上杭路34号 Sa Wa Di Ka (sà wā dì kǎ) 169-23 Fuzhou Bei Lu, Toptown (8598-2608)
Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7190) 阳光西餐厅 香港中路38号 阳光 百货2层 Taste Music Restaurant (mù zĭ yōu pǐn) 8 Aomen Qi Lu (8381-1111) 木子 优品 澳门七路8号 Wildfire (míng yàn) 1F, InterContinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666-1566) 明焰 青岛海尔 洲际酒店1层 澳门路98号
German Monnemer Eck (dé yì zhě xī 173 Jiangxi Lu cān tīng jiǔ bā) (8592-1096) 德意者西餐厅酒吧 江 西路173号
Italian Ainido (ài ní dǎo xī cān · jiǔ bā huì suǒ) 7 Huiquan Lu (besides Donghai
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
International Mansion) (8368-5555) 爱尼岛西餐·酒吧会所 汇泉路7号 (东海国际大厦旁) 90 (Yi) Cassani (kǎ sà nī) Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽 江路90号乙 Clover (gǔ luó bā yì dà lì liào lǐ diàn) 31 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-3839) 古罗芭 意大利料理店 漳州路31号 Da Vinci Restaurant & Lounge (dá fēn qí yì dà lì cān tīng) Valley Wing Level 3, Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao, 9 Xianggang zhong lu (8388-3838 ext. 6900) 达芬奇意大利餐厅 香 港中路9号 青岛香格里拉大饭店 盛世阁3层 Murano’s (mèng lā nuò) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8650) 梦拉 诺 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假 日酒店2层 Napoli Italian Wine Bar & Restaurant (ná bō lĭ yì dà lì jiǔ bā cān 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (oppo. tīng) Haitian Hotel) (8386-2200) 拿波里意大利酒吧餐厅 香港西路 43号(海天大酒店对面) Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore Italian Restaurant (shā huá duō lì yì dà lì cān tīng) 1F, Nth. Tower, Huangjin Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (85025647) 沙华多利意大利餐厅 香港中 路20号 黄金广场北楼1层 Trattoria Verde (běi lǜ dăo yì dà lì míng cài cān tīng) 67(Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛意 大利名菜餐厅 漳州路67号甲
Delivery Big Pizza (bǐ gé) 384 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-9599) 比格 黄岛 井冈山路384号 Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90, (Yi) Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽江路90号乙 Flavors Pizza & Cafe (měi wèi kā fēi xī cān tīng) Bldg. 29, Tiantai Apartments, Lushan Lu, Huangdao (8699-9140) 美 味咖啡西餐厅 黄岛庐山路 天泰 小区29座 Genoa Pizza (jí nuò wǎ bǐ sà) 2F, 76 Weihai Lu (8380-9022) 吉诺瓦比萨 威海路76号2层 8 Lisa’s Pizzeria (lì sà bǐ sà) Chenghai Yi Lu (8588-8839) 力萨比萨 澄海一路8号 Aomen Lu (8577-7723) 力萨比萨 澳门路 Luigi's Pizzeria (yī xiū gē bǐ sà diàn) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (inside Jusco next to McDonalds) (8596-1209 EN) 一 休哥比萨店 香港中路72号(佳世客 一层麦当劳对面) Napoli Italian Wine Bar & Restaurant
(ná bō lǐ yì dà lì jiǔ bā cān tīng) 43,
Xianggang Xi Lu (8386-2200) 拿波里 意大利酒吧餐厅 香港西路43号 Pizza Hut (bì shèng kè) 1F, 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-2988) 必胜客 台东三路63号1层 B1, Yihe Mansion, 10 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8503-0088) 必胜客 香港中路10号 颐和国际 B座1层 Pizza JJ (dì dì bǐ sà) 10 Gutian Lu (8592-3033) 帝帝比萨(青岛店) 古田 路10号 361 Heyang Lu, Chengyang (8796-8680) 帝帝比萨(城阳店) 合 阳路361号 Sorrento Pizza (sà lái duō bǐ sà)
=wireless internet
萨来 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8592-8282) 多比萨 漳州二路50号 Xianxialing Lu 仙霞岭路 216 Changcheng Lu, Chengyang (8772-4221) 萨来多比萨 城阳长城路216号
Russian Kalinka Russian Restaurant (kǎ lín 52 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8589-1185) 卡琳卡俄式酒吧 漳州 二路52号
kǎ é shì jiǔ bā)
Turkish Istanbul (yī shì tǎn bù ěr) 2F, Food Court, iGo Mall, Hong Kong Gardens (8118-0888) 伊士坦布尔 古田路 18号 爱购时尚百货商城2层 美 食广场
Cafés etc. Cafés Alexander Coffee (yà lì shān dà kā 36 Daming Lu (Weihai Lu Pedestrian Area) (8381-1663) 亚历 山大咖啡 大名路36号 (威海路 步行街)
Amy’s Bakery (ài mì ér dàn gāo 19 Minjiang Lu (8501diàn) 7332) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 闽江路19 号 Weihai Lu, Pedestrian Walk (83816356) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 威海路步行街 一期 42 Shanghang Lu (8588-5015) 艾蜜儿蛋糕店 上杭路42号
=redstarcard accepted
Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽 江路90号乙 Cisco Coffee Club (xī kě kā fēi) 1F, Lobby, Qingdao University International Center for Academic Exchanges (85895220 ext.8077) 西可 咖啡 青岛大学(西院)国际学术交 流中心一层大堂
Coffee Spark 35 Donghai Xi Lu (inside May 4th Square) (8578-2296) 东海西路35号(五四广场内) Couleur De Cafe (gǔ lè kā fēi wū) 32 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8077-9877) 古乐咖 啡屋 漳州一路32号 Cream Coffee (kè lì mǎ kā fēi tīng) 8 Zijin Shan Lu, Huangdao 客利玛咖啡 厅 黄岛紫金山路8号 Dio Coffee (dī ōu kā fēi) 636 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8098-5500) 迪欧 咖啡 黄岛井冈山路636号 Double Cafe 43-3 Minjiang Er Lu (8966-9666) 闽江二路43-3号
Bei An Cafe (běi àn kā fēi guǎn) 69 Ao Men Lu (8577-3337) 北岸咖啡馆 澳门路69号
Enjoy Time Tea House 322 zijinshanlu, Huangdao (150 2005-1717) 紫金山 路322号
Bossa Coffee (bā sà kā fēi) Inside Izunco Inn, 2 Donghai Yi Lu (8387-6136) 巴萨咖啡 东海一路2号 (爱尊客商务酒店)
EZ Life Cafe (lì kā fēi) 385 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (8117-1807) 力 咖啡 城阳区兴阳路385号
(8896-7653) 咖啡达彬斯 香港东路 308号C2 83-9 Cafe Koco (kā fēi kù kè) Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-3620) 咖啡 酷客 香港东路83-9 Café Kona (kā fēi kòu nà) 21 (Jia) Minjiang Er Lu (8573-5300) 咖啡 蔻纳 闽江二路21号(甲) Laoshan Beijiushui (8705-3257) 咖啡蔻纳 崂 山北九水 Café Maru (kā fēi mǎ lǔ) Open at 08:00 28 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8575-6668) 咖啡玛鲁 漳州一路28号
Four Seasons Café (sì jì kā fēi tīng) 5F, Sunnyworld Cyberport (entrance next to Haagen-Dasz), 40 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-8297) 四季咖啡厅 香港中路40号 数码港旗航5层 Happyday Coffee (měi rì kā fēi) 32 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5951) 美日咖 啡 真爱店 闽江二路32号 9, Aomen Lu (8597-1179) VIP会所 澳门路9号 Hausbrandt Italian Café (hào shì kā 31 Minjiang Er Lu (8571-6861) fēi) 浩世咖啡 闽江二路31号 Hehe Cafe & Books Ideamarket (hé hé kā fēi hé shū) Zhangzhou Yi Lu (139 0542-1185) 和合咖啡和书 漳 州一路 Iona (ài nà kā fēi) 158 Jiangxi Lu (8589-0768) 爱纳咖啡 江西路158号
Cafe Mingjia (kā fēi míng jiā) Inside Shilaoren Sightseeing Garden (8883-2566) 咖啡明家 石老人观 光园内
Java Coffee/Deli (Java kā fēi wū) 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8899) Java咖啡屋 香港中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店1层
Cafe Mokka (mò kǎ kā fēi) 38-7 Daming Lu (Taidong Pedestrian Square) (8380-7317, 8380-7318) 莫卡 咖啡 大名路38-7 (台东威海路步 行街广场)
Mamahuhu Café (mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ kā fēi) 21 Guanxiang Er Lu (located in an observatory, inside of Guanxiangshan Park) (8282-2626) 马马虎虎咖啡 观 象二路21号 (观象山天文台内)
Cafe Solo (suǒ lún kā fēi) 1 Hua Qing Huayuan (Hai Meng Yuan Duimian) 6 Yanerdao Lu (8577-8000) 索伦咖啡 燕儿岛路6号 华青花园1号楼 (海 梦苑对面)
Ming Tien Coffee Language (míng diǎn kā fēi yǔ chá) 22 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-0317) 名典咖啡语茶 闽 江二路22号 376 Jinggang Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-0000) 名典咖啡语 茶 黄岛井冈山路376号
Cassani (kǎ sà nī)
90 (Yi)
Coffee Mingjia (kā fēi míng jiā) 55 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5152) 咖啡名家 闽江二路55号
Bäckermeister (bèi mài sī tè) 151 Minjiang Lu (8077-0123) 贝麦斯 特 闽江路151号
Cafe Davinne’s (kā fēi dá bīn sī) C2, 308 Xianggang Dong Lu
Da Vinci Reinvents Prices
Coffee of Dream (kā fēi dòu lín) 38 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8576-7895) www. coffeemba.com 咖啡豆林 市南区漳 州二路38号
Drip Drop Coffee (dī dī fāng) 4F, Harvest Hotel, 459 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-6666 ext. 8556) 滴滴坊 长江中路459号 世纪海丰 大酒店4层
Cafe Alley (áo lì kā fēi) 24 hour seaview cafe. 35 Donghai Xi Lu (66776797) 敖丽咖啡 东海西路35号
myredstar.com 广告∙ 黄页 qingdao listings 35
A recent trip to Da Vinci Italian Restaurant inside the Shangri-La afforded a terrific surprise - virtually all of the pastas, risottos and pizzas have fallen in price to the very reasonable range of 58-78元 per dish. For this daring restaurant, whose other fare tends to be a fusion of Italian preparations and local Qingdao flavours, this bold step into generally-affordable pricing on traditional favourites is very welcome indeed. Make an evening of it with a stop in their cocktail bar, and enjoy a bottle from their extensive wine list. But if you really want to take advantage of Da Vinci's designer cuisine, may I recommend the dessert menu? Shangri-La eateries lead the way when it comes to confections, and the tiramisu is truly to die for. Normally prepared in a single dish with lady fingers on the bottom, this masterpiece is presented as a champagne flute of chocolate and mascarpone, with the lady fingers on the side for dipping. It's not just delicious; it's absolutely decadent. If you're there on a Monday night, head to Q Bar after dinner to dance away the calories with the award-winning team from Salsa Q!
达芬奇意大利餐厅的菜品主要有两种,即传统 的意大利菜肴和迎合青岛当地人口味的融合式料 理。达芬奇餐厅传统风格的意大利菜肴味道地道 正宗,且价格合理,是您大快朵颐的不二选择。 餐厅的酒廊更是您渡过良宵美夜的好去处,在酒吧中 细品浅酌各式价格并不昂贵的美酒不失为人生最惬意的享受。 推荐菜肴有创新吃法的提拉米苏。将巧克力和马斯卡泊尼乳酪一起装入香槟坏内,用 饼干蘸着食用,吃法新颖,口味上佳。餐厅菜品(包括餐厅招牌饭意大利千层面)的价格在58 至78元不等。 享受完美食,再去香格里拉炫吧一展舞姿以消耗多余的卡路里,获奖者(仅限周一)可获 得青舞时光的免费课程和指导。
Da Vinci Italian Restaurant 3F Shangri La 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu 8388-3838 ext. 6900
达芬奇意大利餐厅 香港中路9号香格里拉大饭 店盛世阁3层 8388-3838 转 6900
Salsa Q 青舞时光 漳州路132号 139 6971-2083
36 qingdao listings 广告 ∙ 黄页 myredstar.com
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
=wireless internet
=redstarcard accepted
Mr. Cola Coffee (kòu lè kā fēi) 3-2, 17 Yan'erdao Lu (6887-2666) 蔻乐咖啡 燕儿岛路17号3-2#
Baskin Robbins 66 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8587-3131) 漳州二路66号 1F, Jusco 佳世客1层
Catch 22 On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel, Huangdao (8699-6163) 黄岛 海都酒店后面酒吧街
Narcissus Coffee (nà kā suǒ sī kā fēi) 69 Haimen Lu (B1, Rui Na Kang Du) (8388-3325) 那喀索斯咖啡 海门路 69号(瑞纳康都负一楼)
Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90 (Yi) Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽 江路90号乙
Charlie’s Bar (chá lǐ sī jiǔ ba) 167 Jiangxi Lu (8589-7919) 查理斯酒 吧 江西路167号
Haagen-Dazs (hā gēn dá sī) 1F, UnitB1, Sunshine Dept. Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7230) 哈 根达斯 香港中路38号 阳光百货 1层B1单元 B1, Hisense Plaza, 50, Donghai Xi Lu 东海西路50号 海信 广场负一层
Club New York (niŭ yuē bā) 2F, Overseas Chinese Hotel, 41 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-9199) 纽约吧 香港中路41号 华侨国际 饭店2层
Piazza D’oro 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8610) 香港中路76号 青岛颐中 皇冠假日酒2层 Red & Black Coffee Club (hóng yǔ hēi kā fēi guǎn) 223 Haikou Lu (85886916) 红与黑咖啡馆 海口路223号 Riverside Cafe (shuǐ qīng kā fēi yuàn) F1, Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (8098-8888 ext.2269) 水青咖啡苑 黑龙江中 路220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林 酒店一层 Sadless Cafe (wú shāng kā fēi) 43-2 Minjiang Er Lu (6688-6898) 无伤咖啡 闽江二路43-2号 Second Lounge (èr lóu jiǔ láng) 2F, Crowne Plaza Qingdao, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext. 8610) 二楼 酒廊 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠 假日酒店2层 Shangpin Coffee Terrain (shàng pǐn kā fēi) 149 Minjiang Lu (8578-5626) 尚品咖啡 闽江路149号 Snail Coffee Bar (wō niú kā fēi bā) 22 Dagu lu, near zhongshan Lu 蜗牛咖啡吧 大沽路 22号(中山 路旁边) SPR White House (nòng hǎi yuán Surf Plaza, bái gōng huì suǒ) 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1237) 弄海园白宫会所 香港东路316 号 弄海园 Starbucks Coffee (xīng bā kè kā 1B, Hisense Plaza Shopping fēi) Centre, 50 Donghai Xi Lu 东海西路 50号 海信奥运广场1B 1F Sunshine Plaza, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (86678766) 星巴克咖啡 香港中路38号 阳光百货1层 1F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-2991) 星巴克咖 啡 香港中路72号 佳世客1层 1F, Huangdao Jusco, 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-6530) 黄 岛长江中路419号 佳世客1层 UBC Coffee (shàng dăo kā fēi) 158 Minjiang Lu (8577-9106) 上岛咖啡 闽江路158号 Yan Yu Cafe (yàn yù kā fēi) 198 Nankou Lu (8612-9676) 艳域咖啡 南 口路198号 Yogurt Princess (yōu gé gōng zhǔ kā fēi diàn) 3F, Xintiandi (next to SPR), Hong Kong Garden (8589-7161) 优格公主咖啡店 香港花园 新天 地商场3层
Confections Loco Roko (lè kè lè kè mó huàn dàn gāo fāng) 17, Daming Lu (8383-5651) 乐克乐克魔幻蛋糕坊 大名路17号 46 Minjiang Er Lu (8575-8196) 闽江 二路46号 198, Yan'an San Lu (88006030) 延安三路198号 B1 Leader Plaza, Qinling Lu (6671-8092) 秦岭路 丽达百货负一层 Selenes Chocolate Bar (sī lín qiǎo kè lì bā) 5F, 135 Yan An San Lu (8388-8988) 丝琳巧克力吧 延安三 路135号 北群楼5层
Ice Cream Shops
Icy Delight Ice Cream (ài sī dí lái bīng qí lín) 12 Taidong San Lu (83802835) 爱斯迪莱冰淇淋 台东三路 步行街12号 Toscani Eiscafe (tuō sī kǎ ní bīng qí lín kā fēi guăn) 22 (Bing) Shanghang Lu (8596-8686) 托斯卡尼冰淇淋 咖啡馆 上杭路22丙 1F, Jusco 佳 世客1层
Tea Houses Zijinlian Tea House (zǐ jīn lián chá yì guǎn) 98 Jiangxi Lu (8578-1993) 紫金 莲茶艺馆 江西路98号
Bars & Nightlife Happy Hours 10pm-Midnight 2-for-1 beer and cocktails at ssLPG 5:30-8:30pm 2-for-1 at Q Bar Mondays Latin Night at Q Bar Tuesdays Student-Teacher night at ssLPG Ladies Night at Cassani Wednesdays Ladies Night at Q Bar Sunday Jiaozi-making at Old Church 6pm
Coco Club (coco jiǔ bā) 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8596-9898, 8389-9898) Coco酒吧 香港中路71号(恒丰 银行东侧) Corner Jazz Bar (jiē jiăo jué shì bā) 153 Minjiang Lu (8575-8560) 街 角爵士吧 闽江路153号 Feeling Club (gǎn jué jù lè bù) 83-85 Xianggang Zhong Lu (opp. Sanfod Hotel) (8593-2929) 感觉俱乐部 香港 中路83-85号(山孚大酒店对面) Feeling VIP (Feeling VIP jiǔ bā) 3F, Wukuang Mansion, 32 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8888-2046) Feeling VIP酒 吧 香港中路32号 五矿大厦3层 First Class Bar (tóu děng cāng) 6F, Home Inn, 89 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8575-4530) 头等舱 香港中路89号 如家酒店6层 163 Freeman (zì yóu rén kā fēi) Jiangxi Lu (158 5321-1877) 自由人咖 啡 江西路163号 Garden View Lounge (mù huá jiǔ láng) Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (80988888 ext.2265) 木华酒廊 黑龙江 中路220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林 酒店大堂
1953 Sailing Club Bar & Restaurant (fēng zhī fān háng hǎi jù lè bù) 6 Nanhai Lu (8090-5788) 风之帆航海 俱乐部 南海路6号
H3 Bar (H sān jiǔ bā) H-305, Zhonglian Square, 122 Nanjing Lu (8079-5777, 8079-5999) H3酒吧 南 京路122号中联广场 H-305
Aier (ài ěr jiǔ bā huà láng) 15 (Jia) Zhejiang Lu (8289-1919) 爱尔酒吧画 廊 浙江路15号甲
Holiday KTV (hǎo lè dí) 71 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8589-1777) 好 乐迪 香港中路71号
Allen Story (ā lún gù shì kā fēi jiǔ bā) 206 Minjiang Lu (8573-3757) 阿伦
Hooters (měi guó māo tóu yīng jiǔ bā) Bar Street, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre 美国猫头鹰酒吧 青岛 奥帆中心酒吧街
故事咖啡酒吧 闽江路206号 Amor VIP 3F, Wu Kuang Mansion (West of Sunshine Plaza, opp Carrefour) Xianggang Zhong Lu (15020074974) 香港中路五矿 大厦3楼 Angel Bar & Club (tiān shǐ jiǔ bā jù lè bù) 18 Aomen Lu (west of May 4th Square) (8385-9898) 天使酒吧俱乐 部 澳门路18号 (五四广场西侧) bar@central.com 1F, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext. 8400) 大堂酒吧 香港 中路28号 青岛国敦大酒店1层 Bobo House 78 Xianggangzhong Lu (8566-5678) 香港中路78号 Cafe Roland (lǎng yuán jiǔ bā) 9 Taiping Jiao Er Lu (8387-5734) 朗园 酒吧 太平角二路9号 Cafè Solo Bldg. 1, Huaqing Garden, 6 Yanerdao Lu (oppo. Haimengyuan) (8577-8000) 燕儿岛路6号 华青花园 1号楼(海梦苑对面) 90 (Yi) Cassani (kǎ sà nī) Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽 江路90号乙
INTO (yīng tú jù lè bù) B1,North of Jindu Garden, Donghai Xi Lu (Haifeng Lu, behind Sunshine Dept. Store) (8598-9898/8597-9898) 英图俱乐部 东海西路金都花园北面负一层(阳 光百货后面海丰路) Jack’s Bar and Restaurant (jié kè xī cān bā) 108 Shanghang Lu (85922968) 杰克西餐吧 上杭路108号 Kaili’s Club (shēng huó jǐ hé xiū xián bā) On the Bar Street, Behind Haidu Hotel, Huangdao (132 1082-9846) 生 活几何休闲吧 黄岛海都酒店后 面酒吧街 La Villa (lā wéi lā fǎ guó cān tīng) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 拉维拉法国餐厅 香港 中路5号 Le Bang (lè bāng fǎ guó xī cān 21 Chenghai Yi Lu (85935279) 乐邦法国西餐厅 澄海一 路21号 tīng)
Lennon Bar (liè nóng jiǔ bā) 20 Zhuhai Lu (8589-3899) 列 侬酒吧 珠海路20号
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
Liliang Bar (lì liàng jiǔ bā) 2 Dagu Lu, near Zhongshan Lu 力量酒吧 大沽路 2号(中山路旁边) 162 Jiangxi Lu LPG Bar & Cafe (8593-6566) 江西路162号 Moly.S (mò lì wǔ jù lè bù) 24-25 Bar Street, Qingdao Olympic Sailing Centre (8575-0055) 茉莉5俱乐部 青岛奥帆 中心酒吧街24-25号 My Place Pub (chén lù xiū xián bā) 289 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (1367884-6884) 晨露休闲吧 黄岛武夷 山路289号 Night·Trend (yè cháo) 2F, Bldg.E, Zhonglian Square, 122 Nanjing Lu (8280-1111) 夜潮 南京路122号中联 创意广场E栋2楼 No.88 (qīng dǎo 88 jiǔ bā) 33 Shanghang Lu (8363-8898) 青岛88酒 吧 上杭路33号 Old Jack’s Bar (lăo jié kè jiǔ bā) Yanerdao Lu, opposite Book City (8578-1207) 老杰克酒吧 燕儿岛路 (书城对面) One Way Ticket Bar (dān chéng piào jiǔ bā) 26 Yanerdao Lu (8578-5153) 单 程票酒吧 燕儿岛路26号 Old Church Lounge 31 Jining Lu (8284-5450) yhaqd@yahoo.com.cn 青 岛凯越国际青年旅馆 济宁路31号 Paulaner Bar (pǔ lā nà jiǔ bā) 12 Aomen Lu (next to Music Square) (8386-7796) 普拉那酒吧 澳门路12 号 (音乐广场附近) Player House Music Club (hóng cháo huì) G-302, Bldg.F, Zhonglian Square, 122 Nanjing Lu (6865-8678, 81901118) 鸿巢会 南京路122号中联创 意广场F栋G-302空中酒吧区 Q Bar (xuàn bā) 1F, Shangrila Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext. 6468) 炫吧 香港中路 9号 香格里拉大饭店1层 Remember Bar (ruì màn bó xiū xián bā) 52 Shunxing Lu (131 5326-7737) 瑞曼伯休闲吧 顺兴路52号 Richael CEO Club (lì chí qīng dǎo CEO huì suǒ) Unit 1, Bldg.81, 316 Xianggang Dong Lu (Behind SPR Whitehouse) (8897-3888) 丽池 (青岛) CEO会所 香港东路316号81号楼1 单元 www.richael.net Room Lounge 1F, Haihua Building, Binhai Garden, 1 Shandong Lu (8666-3559) 山东路1号 滨海花园 海华楼1层 Safari Pub (fēi zhōu bā) 2F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8670) 非洲吧 香港中 路76号 颐中皇冠假日酒店2层 Salsa Q (qīng wǔ shí guāng) 132 Zhang Zhou Lu (139 6971-2083) 青舞 时光 漳州路132号 Sailing Bar (xī hǎi guó jì jù lè bù) Resident Square, Huangdao (81691117) 西海国际俱乐部 黄岛市 民广场 Scotland Bar (sū gé lán jiǔ bā) 9F, Killin Crown Hotel, 197 Xianggang Dong Lu (8889-1888) 苏格兰酒吧 香 港东路197号 麒麟皇冠大酒店9层 Simple Days Bar (jiǎn dān rì zi bā) 126 Xianggang Dong Lu (8592-8881) 简单日子吧 香港东路126号
=wireless internet
Soho Bar (sū hé jiǔ bā) Hip-hoppin’ on a nightly basis with the tunes turned up to 11. 162 Jiangxi Lu (85929898) 苏荷酒吧 江西路162号 The Lounge (quán láng). 1F, Intercontinental Qingdao, 98 Aomen Lu (6656-6666-1561) 泉廊 青岛海尔 洲际酒店1层 澳门路98号 The King’s Head English Pub
(guó wáng tóu xiàng yīng gé lán bā)
11 Xinyi Lu (8583-9898) 国 王头像英格兰吧 新沂路11号 The Oriental Saloon 217 Wuyi Shan Lu, Huangdao (8688-3073) 黄岛武夷 山路217号 Tsingtao Brewery Bar (qīng dǎo pí jiǔ pǐn jiǔ guǎn) 56 Dengzhou Lu (8383-3437) 青岛啤酒品酒馆 登 州路56号 Vegas Disco (lán dié huì su) 37, Donghai Xi Lu (8597-1212) 蓝蝶会所 东海西路37号(金都花园负一层)
Recreation Bowling Crowne Plaza Hotel Bowling (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn bǎo líng qiú zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛 颐中皇冠假日酒店保龄球中心 香 港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日 酒店2B层
Cycling Giant (jié ān tè) 158 (Jia) Jiangxi Lu (8587-2858) 捷安特 青岛大有乐骑 户外运动俱乐部 江西路158号甲
Equestrianism Gold Rider Club (jīn qí shì mǎ shù jù lè bù) Corss of Songling Lu and Liaoyang Dong Lu (Near Qingdao International Golf Club) (8896-3166) 金骑士马术俱乐部 松岭路和辽 阳东路交叉口 (青岛国际高尔夫 俱乐部旁)
Fitness Crowne Plaza Health Club (qīng dǎo yí zhōng huáng guàn jià rì jiǔ diàn jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 2B, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8268) 青岛颐中皇冠 假日酒店健身中心 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店2B层 Copthorne Fitness Centre (guó dūn dà jiǔ diàn kāng lè zhōng xīn) 4F, Copthorne Hotel, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8668-1688 ext.8900) 国敦大酒 店康乐中心 香港中路28号 国敦 大酒店4层 DAKANG (dà kāng jiàn shēn) 14-1 Taizhou Lu (8581-1117) 大康健身 泰 州路14-1号 4 Jilong Lu (8889-8858) 大康健身 基隆路4号 Etsong VIP Club East King Fitness Centre (yí zhōng .VIP huì suǒ - yī sī kǎi ēn qí jiàn diàn) Yinchuan Xi Lu (8861-1011) 颐中.VIP会所-伊斯凯 恩旗舰店 银川西路 Health Club (jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) B1, Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (8098-8888 ext.2708) 健身中心 黑龙江中路 220号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒 店负一层 Impulse Total Fitness (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù) 26 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8578-1388) 英派斯健身俱乐
=redstarcard accepted
部 福州南路26号 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (8801-0199) 英派斯健身俱 乐部 香港东路67号 12 Haikou Lu (8890-0990) 英派斯健身俱乐部 海 口路12号 Shangri-La Health Club (xiāng gé lǐ lā jiàn shēn zhōng xīn) 3F, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-3838 ext.6631) 香格里拉 健身中心 香港中路9号 香格里拉 大饭店3层 Sunny Fit Fitness Club (yáng guāng hǎi jiàn shēn huì suǒ) 200 Minjiang Lu (8575-6161) 阳光海健身会所 闽 江路200号 Weider-Tera Fitness Club (yī zhào wěi dé jiàn shēn) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0800) 一兆韦德健身 香港中路69号 麦 凯乐8层
Golf Big5 (dà wǔ gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) 123 Zhangzhou Er Lu (8588-2075, 8588-7075) 大伍高尔夫练习场 漳州 二路123号 Four Seasons Riverside Golf & Resort (táo yuán jiāng jǐng gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Chengyang District, 204 National Road (8115-0010) 桃源江景 高尔夫俱乐部 城阳区204国道段 Golf Driving Range (xīn jiāng gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (8098-8888 ext.2719) 鑫江高尔夫俱 乐部 黑龙江中路220号 青岛鑫江 希尔顿逸林酒店 Huashan International Country Club
(huá shān guó jì xiāng cūn jù lè bù)
Huashan Township, Jimo City (84560888) drew_821132@hotmail.com 华山国际乡村俱乐部 即墨市华山 镇烟青路 Qingdao International Golf Club (qīng dǎo guó jì gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Hi-Tech Industrial Park, 118 Songling Lu (8896-0001) golf@public.qd.sd.cn 青岛国际高尔夫俱乐部 松岭路 118号 高科技工业园 Tiantai Holiday Hot Spring Golf Club (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán gāo ěr fū jù lè bù) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 天泰假日 温泉高尔夫俱乐部 即墨温泉旅游 度假区内 Elite Golf Practice Course (yì lái tè gāo ěr fū liàn xí chǎng) Jinling New Village, Yinchuan Dong Lu (8899-7307) 易来特高尔夫练习场 银川东路 金岭新村
Kayaking Qingdao Discoverer Kayak Club (qīng dǎo shì tàn suŏ zhě pí huá tǐng jù lè bù) Middle section of Haier Lu (east of etsong stadium) (8885-7957) HQL1212@yahoo.com.cn 青岛市探索 者皮划艇俱乐部 海尔路中段 (颐中 体育场东面)
Outdoor Pursuits Aotai Outdoor Store (ào tài hù wài) 44 Zhangzhou Lu (8888-5628/66886998) 奥太户外 漳州路44号 Sunbelt (shàng pài) A-101, 122 Nanjing Lu (8793-3439) 尚派 南京路 122号(中联创意广场) A-101
Billiards Billiards Utopia (tái qiú wū tuō bāng) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (Inside Yinhai International Yacht Club) (8888-
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How to be a Player 鸿巢会
One of the city's new bar districts is the roof level at the new Zhonglian Plaza. H3 is the bar that you'll see from Nanjing Lu, but you can make a night of it hopping across the rooftops, looking out on the overpass, and otherwise enjoying life at a higher level. Thankfully, the bars and rooftops are connected by bridges, and you can swing into one or more of these hip nightspots for a cool night out. At the very back of the plaza, close to an elevator, is the Player House Bar (鸿巢会) and music club. We visited on a cold February evening, and warmed up as soon as we got in the door. The staff were quick with our bottle and dice (this isn't a beer bar, but it's there if you want to pay for it), and the music was a fresh hip-hop mix. But the awesome thing was the dancing - this relatively small, intimate bar is designed with a runway and pole in the centre, and a few other platforms as well, so the focus stays fixed on groovy mei nüs and b-boys with performances throughout the evening. The other patrons were mostly fashionable Qingdao folks who had come to relax with friends and coworkers for the evening, and probably at least as many women in pantsuits as there were men. For a Chivas-by-the-bottle kind of place, this is a welcome alternative to the bigger joints downtown. The only thing we could hear through the music was laughter from folks nearby. I recommend finding this place with a few friends, enjoying some bottles of liquor, and dancing along. 青岛酷炫时尚酒吧群新近在中联创意广场顶层闪亮登场。以垂直观光梯、空中廊桥横 纵贯联的交通体系,将桌游吧、雪茄吧等10余家特色酒吧梦幻般相联贯通,互为呼应,构 筑城市夜色一道靓丽的风景,为岛城增添一份别样的风情,是夜生活的又一大好去处。 青岛粤广风格音乐酒吧鸿巢会位于中联创意广场后座近电梯处,酒吧内温暖如春、服 务周到热情、音乐动感优美。酒吧亮点是空中漫舞,温馨且充满浪漫情调的酒吧内设计有 伸展舞台和舞池,舞者成为全场瞩目的中心,欣赏舞蹈的顾客也从观舞中获得很多意趣。 鸿巢会是青岛时尚族在浅酌漫舞中放松身心,亲叙友情的好去处。这里,其情融融, 其景宜人,人们在优美的音乐声和欢笑声中享受人生最美好的夜生活,惬意之情油然而 生,这里的各色美酒和放松身心的漫舞更是让人留连忘返,久久不想离去。
Player House Zhonglian Plaza 122 Nanjing Lu Central Bar Area G-302, 6865-8678
鸿巢会 中联创意广场 南京路122号 F栋G-302空中酒吧区 6865-8678
38 qingdao listings 广告 ∙ 黄页 myredstar.com
=featured in REDSTARGUIDESTM Qingdao =english menu
0553) 台球乌托邦 东海中路30号 ( 银海大世界内) Bobo House 78 Xianggangzhong Lu (8566-5678) 香港中路78号
Sailing 1953 Sailing Club Bar & Restaurant (fēng zhī fān háng hǎi jù lè bù) 6 Nanhai Lu (8090-5799) 风之帆航海 俱乐部 南海路6号 Qingdao Jida Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jì dá háng hǎi jù lè bù) Rm. 503, Bldg. 3, 2 Changle Lu (8286-7962) 青 岛际达航海俱乐部 昌乐路2号3 号楼503室 Qingdao International Yacht Club (Qingdao Olympic Marina) (qīng dǎo guó jì yóu tǐng jù lè bù) 1 Jinhai Lu (6656-0061) 青岛国际游艇俱乐部 金海路1号 (奥林匹克帆船中心内 媒体中心) Qingdao Jufeng Sailing Club (qīng dǎo jù fēng háng hǎi jù lè bù) Rm. 501, 30 Qutang Xia Lu (8501-2115) 青 岛飓风航海俱乐部 瞿塘峡路30 号501室 Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center
(qīng dǎo ào lín pǐ kè fān chuán zhōng xīn) 1 Yan Er Dao Lu (8309-
2020) 青岛奥林匹克帆船中心 燕 儿岛路1号 Qingdao Zou Sailing Club (qīng dǎo zōu jiā fān chuán jù lè bù) Rm.101, Bldg 2, Ruishi Garden, 6 Hailong Lu (139-0532-3160) 青岛邹家帆船俱 乐部 海龙路6号 瑞士花园2号 楼101室 Yinhai International Yacht Club (yín hǎi guó jì yóu tĭng jù lè bù) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8588-6666) 银海 国际游艇俱乐部 东海中路30号
Scuba Diving Qingdao Qin Hai Diving Club (qīng dǎo qín hǎi qián shuĭ jù lè bù) 5 Huiquan Lu (8387-7977) 青岛琴海潜 水俱乐部 汇泉路5号
Squash Grand Regency Hotel Squash Court (lì jīng dà jiŭ diàn bì qiú shì) 3F, Grand Regncy Hotel, 110 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8588-1818) 丽晶大酒店 壁球室 香港中路110号 丽晶大 酒店3层 Hai Qing Hotel (hǎi qíng dà jiǔ diàn) 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888) 海 情大酒店 东海中路11号 Impulse Total Fitness Squash Court (yīng pài sī jiàn shēn jù lè bù bì qiú shì) 67 Xianggang Dong Lu (88010199) 英派斯健身俱乐部壁球室 香 港东路67号
Swimming Flying Fish Swimming Club (xiǎo fēi yú yóu yǒng jù lè bù) Rm. 303, Bldg 2, Dushi Jiari, 82 Jiangxi Lu (133 06427777) 小飞鱼游泳俱乐部 江西路82 号都市假日2-303 Gym and Swimming Pool (jiàn shēn yóu yǒng zhōng xīn) 1F, Haiqing Hotel, 11 Donghai Zhong Lu (8596-9888 ext 7255) opening hour 6:30am-0am 健身游泳中心 东海中 路11号 海情大酒店1层 Yinhai Spa and Sports (yín hǎi jiàn kāng xiū xián huì guăn) 30 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-9000) 银海健康休闲 会馆 东海中路30号
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Zaishuiyifang Seashore Club (zài shuǐ yī fāng xĭ yù zhōng xīn) 9 Huanghai Lu (8388-6886) 在水一方 洗浴中心 黄海路9号
Wushu Qingdao Bright Mountain Wushu Club (bèi méng tè wǔ guǎn) 55 Hunan Lu (138 0895-7112) 贝蒙特武 馆 湖南路55号
Yoga 42℃ Healthy Private Space (sì shí èr dù jiàn kāng sī shǔ kōng jiān) B1, South gate of Sunshine Dept, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8909-0977) 42℃健康私属空间 香港中路38号 阳光百货南门B-1
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Lu (8382-3513) 旧货古董市场 昌乐 路 文化市场 Sanshengyuan Artworks Shop (sān shēng yuán) 67 Aomen Lu (8579-7833) 三生缘 澳门路67号 Metisse Souvenir Shop (yī fēi jīng diǎn) 2F, Jusco 伊霏经典 佳世客2层
Art Boya Art & Framing Gallery (bó yǎ huà láng) Art and Photos 52 Minjiang Er Lu (8577-5924) 博雅画廊 闽江 二路 52号 Qingdao Modern Artists Gallery
(qīng dǎo dāng dài yì shù jiā huà láng) 3 Changle Lu (8380-2977) 青岛
当代艺术家画廊 昌乐路3号
Daniel 42 Degree Hot Yoga & Massage (sì shí èr dù rè yú jiā zú liáo) 74 Minjiang Lu (8909-0977) 42度 热瑜珈&足疗 闽江路74号
San Xi Tang Gallery (sān xī táng huà láng) 100 Nanjing Lu (8097-0589) 三
Han Xiang Yi Yoga (hán xiāng yí) Rm. 102, Bldg. 1, Changhai Garden, 8 Ao Men Liu Lu (8572-2257) 涵香怡 澳门 陆路8号 畅海园1单元102
Yi Pin Tang (yì pǐn táng) Rm. 202, Bldg. 2, Changle Lu Culture Market (8381-5166) 逸品堂 昌乐路文化市 场2楼202号
Salsa Q 2F, 132 Zhangzhou Lu (139 6971-2083) 漳州路132号二层
Stage & Screen Cinemas Haiyi Cinema (hǎi yì yǐng chéng) 1B, Chuandai World, Taidong Pedestria Area (8361-6688) 海逸影城 台东三 路步行街 穿戴大世界负一层 Huachen Cineplex (huá chén yǐng chéng) 8F, MYKAL, 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0700) www.dlfilm. com 华臣影城 香港中路69号 麦 凯乐8层 Hui Quan Cinema (huì quán diàn yǐng chéng) 15 Nanhai Lu (8286-7219) www.huiquanmovies.com 汇泉电影 城 南海路15号 Wanda International Cinema City (wàn dá guó jì yǐng chéng) 4F, Wanda, Taidong San Lu (8362-5656) 万达国 际影城 台东三路63号万达商业广 场4层 3F, CBD Wanda, 185 Xuzhou Lu (5556-3939) 超五星影院 徐州路185 号万达CBD广场3层
Music Hall
希堂画廊 南京路100号
Books Hao Xue You Book Market (hǎo xué yǒu tú shū cài shì) 10 Quanzhou Lu 好学友图书菜市 泉州路10号 Rm 022, Creative The Book Nook 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (8097-1935) thebooknookqingdao@gmail.com 南 京路100号创意100产业园022室 Xinhua Bookstore/Book City (xīn huá shū chéng) Cnr. Yanerdao Lu & Xianggang Zhong Lu (8587-5440) 新华书城 燕儿岛路和香港中路 交叉口 Xue Yuan Bookstore (xué yuàn shū diàn) 22 Quanzhou Lu (8592-7703) 学 苑书店 泉州路22号
Electronics Apple Center Flagship Shop (píng guǒ diàn năo qí jiàn diàn) 2F, Jusco, 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8366-9605) xwx@sinomac.com 苹果电脑旗舰店 香港中路72号 佳世客2层 Computer City (diàn zǐ xìn xī chéng) 226 Liaoning Lu (8382-2536) 电子信 息城 辽宁路226号
Qingdao Concert Hall (qīng dǎo yīn yuè tīng) 1 Lanshan Lu (8287-7050) 青 岛音乐厅 兰山路1号
Guomei Appliance Store (guó měi diàn qì shāng chéng) 80 Nanjing Lu (8580-5870) 国美电器商城 南京 路80号
Qingdao People’s Auditorium (qīng dǎo shì rén mín huì táng) 9 Taiping Lu (8286-5232) 青岛市人民会堂 太 平路9号
Life’s Good (LG diàn zǐ zhuān mài) 1-1 Xianxia Ling Lu (8896-3308) LG电 子专卖 仙霞岭路1-1
Theatres Qingdao Beijing Opera Theater (qīng dǎo shì jīng jù yuàn) 76 Yan'an Yi Lu (8273-2612) 青岛市京剧院 延安 一路76号 Qingdao Song and Dance Theater (qīng dǎo shì gē wǔ jù yuàn) 15 Xing'an Lu (8271-4673) 青岛市歌舞 剧院 兴安路15号 Qinghua Theatre (qīng huà xiǎo jù chǎng) 12 Linqing Lu (8281-8181) 青 话小剧场 临清路12号
Shopping Antiques Antique Market (jiù huò gǔ dǒng shì chǎng) Wenhua Shichang, Changle
Su Ning Appliance Store (sū níng diàn qì) 3 Nanjing Lu (8362-2666) 苏 宁电器 南京路3号
Fashions Brise Marine (hǎi yùn míng diàn) 1F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8928) 海韵 名店 香港中路76号 青岛颐中皇冠 假日酒店1层 iGo Mall (ài gòu shí shàng bǎi huò shāng chéng) 18 Gutian Lu (8118-0888) 爱购时尚百货商城 古 田路18号 Hisense Plaza (hǎi xìn guǎng chǎng) 50 Donghai Xi Lu (6678-8888) 海信广 场 东海西路50号 Jimo Lu Market (jí mò lù xiǎo shāng pǐn pī fā shì chǎng) Jimo Lu 即墨路
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小商品批发市场 即墨路
Leader Plaza (lì dá gòu wù zhōng xīn) 18, Qinling Lu (6671-8018) 丽达购物 中心 秦岭路18号
Metro Cash & Carry (mài dé lóng) 116 Chongqing Nan Lu (8566-8888) 麦德 龙 重庆南路116号
Lottemart (Qingdao) (lè tiān mǎ tè) 510 Chongyang Lu, Chengyang District (6696-8008) 乐天玛特 (青岛) 城阳店 城阳区崇阳路510号 27, Xian Xia Ling Lu, Laoshan District (west of Exhibition Centre) (8395-8008) 崂 山店 崂山区仙霞岭路27号 (国际 会展中心西侧)
Mission Coffee Roasting (mài sēn kā fēi) 49C Donghai Xi Lu (8572-8539) 迈 森咖啡 东海西路49号
Longshan Underground Shopping Centre (lóng shān dì xià shāng chéng) 29 Jiangsu Lu (8286-8902) 龙 山地下商城 江苏路29号 Masterton Park (jīn lǐng · shàng jiē) 17 Qinling Lu, Laoshan District (88967927, 8885-7977) 金领·尚街 崂山 区秦岭路17号 My-Mai (mǎi mài) 1F, La Villa, 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu 买卖 香港中 路5号拉维拉法国餐厅1层 www. my-mai.com MYKAL (mài kǎi lè) 69 Xianggang Zhong Lu (6670-0666) 麦凯乐 香港 中路69号 Parkson (bǎi shèng) 44-46 Zhongshan Lu (8202-1085) 百盛 中山 路44-46号 Printemps Mall (bā lí chūn tiān guǎng chǎng) 9 Shandong Lu (85811588) 巴黎春天广场 山东路9号 Sky (tiān kōng) 11 Zhangzhou Yi Lu (8577-1276) 天空 漳州一路11号 Sunshine Department Store (yáng guāng bǎi huò) 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 阳光百货 香港中 路38号 Van’s Dept. Store (wàn qiān bǎi huò) 118 (Jia) Yanji Lu (Inside Wanda CBD) (5556-3866, 5556-3600) 万千百货 延 吉路118号甲(万达CBD广场内) Wanda Shopping Centre (wàn dá gòu wù guǎng chǎng) 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-3638) 万达购物广场 台 东三路63号 Zhongshan Commerce City (zhōng shān shāng chéng) 113 Zhongshan Lu 中山商城 中山路113号
Food & Beverage Baeckermeister E (bèi mài sī tè shí pǐn) 151 Minjiang Lu (8077-0123) 贝麦斯特食品 闽江路151号 Carrefour (jiā lè fú) 21 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8582-6666) 家乐福 香港 中路21号 128 Shandong Lu (85089999) 家乐福 山东路128号 Hanbur German Bakery (hàn bǎi mài xiāng). Supermaket, B1, Hisense Plaza, 50 Donghai Xi Lu (8572-6865) 汉柏麦 香 东海西路50号 海信广场B1超市 DEFA Eldo View Garden Shopping Centre, 1 Hai An Lu (8253-0686) 海安 路1号 银都景园 景园福购物中心 JUSCO (jiā shì kè) 72 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-9600) 佳世客 香 港中路72号 B1, CBD Wanda, 116 Yanji Lu (6606-7878) 佳世客 延吉 路116号 万达CBD广场负一层 419 Changjiang Zhong Lu, Huangdao (8699-0666) 佳世客 黄岛长江中 路419号 Liqun (lì qún) 79 Changjiang Lu, Huangdao (8688-8686) 利群 黄岛长
ORCAFFE Ltd (ōu kǎ kā fēi yǒu xiàn gōng sī) No. 5U1-102, 51 Donghai Xi Lu, (8382-8699, 8380-1399) orcaffe@ hotmail.com 欧卡咖啡有限公司 青 岛市市南区东海西路51号 No. 5U1-102 Qingdao Zhongtang Import & Export Co. Ltd. (zhōng táng jìn chū kǒu shāng mào). 81 Xuzhou Lu (8581-8719) 中糖进出口商贸 徐州路81号 Saeco (xǐ kè) C3-1A, 32 Donghai Xi Lu (8502-3637, 8502-2676) 喜客 东海西 路32号C3-1A Silver Garden Grocery Shop (yín dū huā yuán gòu wù shāng chǎng) 1A Cuibaige, Bldg. 12, Yindu Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8589-7732) 银都花园 购物商场 彰化路1号 银都花园12 号翠柏阁1A RT Mart (dà rùn fā) 162 Ningxia Lu (8578-0529) 大润发 宁夏路162号 Walmart (wò ěr mǎ) 63 Taidong San Lu (8367-5600) 沃尔玛 台东三 路63号 Watsons (qū chén shì) 1F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7166) 屈臣氏 香港 中路38号 阳光百货1层
Wine Dong Zhou Fu Long World Wines (dōng zhōu fù lóng jiǔ yè) 89 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Cellar 东洲富隆 酒业酒窖 香港中路89号 Latour Laguens World Fine Wine Cellar (lā tú lā gān guó jì jiǔ jiào) Unit 2, 31 Yan'an Yi Lu (6669-1111, 8325-3333) 拉图拉甘国际酒窖 延 安一路31号 Qingdao Wine Culture Street (qīng dǎo hóng jiǔ jiē) 青岛红酒街 延 安一路 Scottish Castle Ltd (sū gè lán jiǔ bǎo yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Mulangou, Daxindian, Penglai, Shandong (0535571-9388)苏各兰酒堡有限公司 山 东省蓬莱市大新店镇木兰沟 Wine World (wàn wò dé jiǔ yè) 1F, Holiday Inn Parkview Qingdao, 308 Xingyang Lu, Chengyang District (5556-5556) 万沃得酒业 城阳区 兴阳路308号(景园假日大酒店1楼)
For Kids Children’s Club (ér tóng jù lè bù) 2F, Shangri-La Hotel, 9 Xianggang Zhong Lu (Inside Café Yum) (8388-3838 ext. 6478) 儿童俱乐部 香港中路9号 香 格里拉大饭店2层 (咖啡苑内) Peek-a-Boo (bǔ kāng fù yù yīng zhuān mài diàn) 31 Yan Er Dao Lu (8593-1283) 哺康富育婴专卖店 燕 儿岛路31号 Victory Club (wěi kě wěi ér tóng jù lè bù) Rm.103, Top Yihe, 10 Xianggang
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Weifeng Supermarket, Fuqing Lu (8866-5638) 儿童乐园 福清路味丰 超市2层
Gifts & Accessories Ou Jin Jiang Silver Ornaments (ōu jīn jiàng yín shì) A6, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (134-5520-8855) 欧金匠银饰 东海西 路51号A6座 Secret Garden (mì yuán huā yì guǎn) 62 Shanghang Lu (139-6988-0404) 秘 园花艺馆 上杭路62号 Zang Yuan Ge (zàng yuán gé) 1 Yangkou Lu (8387-6093) 藏缘阁 仰 口路1号
Home Goods B&Q (bǎi ān jū) 38 Shandong Lu (8580-6611) 百安居 山东路38号 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (8566-1000) 辽阳 西路188号 Haibo Furniture Market (hǎi bó jiā jū chāo shì) 28 Dunhua Lu (8308-5739) 海博家居超市 敦化路28号 Joes (qiáo dé jiā fǎng) 80(Jia) Minjiang Lu (8580-3350) 乔德家纺 闽 江路80号甲 Modern Gallery (mó lì kōng jiān shí shàng jiā jū guǎn)181 Min Jiang Lu (8578-7947, 8577-6911) www. moderngalleryqd.com.cn 摩力空 间时尚家居馆 青岛市南区闽江 路181号
Musical Instruments Baldwin Musical Instruments (bào dé wēn gāng qín zhuān mài diàn) 91 (Yi) Jiangxi Lu (8573-4599) 鲍德温 钢琴专卖店 江西路91号乙 Guitar Square (jí tā píng fāng) 128 Biaoshan Lu (8272-6977) www. guitarsquare.cn 吉他平方 标山路 128号 Rolling Stone Instruments (gǔn shí qín háng) 17 Ruiyun Lu (8383-1385) 滚石琴行 瑞云路17号 Xin Yi Zhou Instruments (xīn yì zhōu qín háng) 74 Yan An San Lu (83654582) 馨艺洲琴行 延安三路74号 Yao Yi Instruments (yáo yì qín háng) 18 Rehe Lu (near Jiaozhou Lu) (1370898-8375) 摇艺琴行 热河路18号( 靠近胶州路) Dian Ji Instruments (diǎn jì qín xíng) Offer guitar and sax etc lessons. 23 Beizhong Lu (137 9287-0392) 典冀琴 行 北仲路23号
Pets Qingdao Free Cat Adoption (137 9198 7701) qdcats@126.com, www. qdcats.com Quill Dog Club (kě lǔ chǒng wù měi róng yuàn) 126 Xianggang Dong Lu (8592-8885) 可鲁宠物美容院 香港 东路126号 True Friend Animal Hospital (zhēn péng yǒu dòng wù yī yuàn) 65 Xianggang Zhong Lu (west of Book City) (8578-0365) 真朋友动物医院 香港中路65号(书城西侧)
Sporting Goods
Zhong Lu (8502-7616) 伟可伟儿童 俱乐部 香港中路10号 颐和国际 大厦103室
Decathlon (dí kǎ nóng) 188 Liaoyang Xi Lu (Below Fuliao Overpass) (85617788) 迪卡侬 辽阳西路188号 (福 辽立交桥下)
MIHO Mart (ér tóng lè yuán) 2F,
Tan Lu Zhe (tàn lù zhě) 66 Yanji Lu
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(8302-9006) 探路者 延吉路66号
sī nǚ zǐ měi fà huì suǒ) 30, Donghai
X-Game Sports (kù pài zú) 148 Zhangzhou Lu (8577-3543) 酷派族 漳 州路148号
Zhong Lu (East gate of Yinhai Yacht Club) (8592-6188) 柏飞丝女子美发 会所 东海中路30号-银海游艇俱 乐部东门内
Honghong Tailor (hóng hóng zhì yī) 6 Xuzhou Lu (8580-2086) 红红制衣 徐州路6号 Jin Jian Tailor Shop (jīn jiǎn shí zhuāng diàn) 2F, Taidong San Lu (8907-0165) 金剪时装店 台东三路 利群对面2楼 Jin Yuan Zhi Yi (jīn yuán zhì yī) 2F, 1-118 Chuandai Da Shijie, 86 Taidong San Lu (8907-0172) 金源制衣 台 东三路86号穿戴大世界二楼1 -118号 Yongzheng Tailor Shop (yǒng zhèng cái féng diàn) 1F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-8888 ext.8961) 永正裁缝店 香港中路76 号 青岛颐中皇冠假日酒1层
Beauty Bath Houses Tiantai Holiday Hot Spring (tiān tài jià rì wēn quán) Inside Jimo Hot Springs Tourist Resort (8657-9888) 天泰假日温泉 即墨温泉旅游度 假区内
Beauty Centres Betty's Beauty & Health Care Salon (bǎi tè yī měi róng bǎo jiàn huì suǒ) Rm. 311, Bldg. B, Tian Sheng Yuan, 21 Donghai Xi LU (8387-9317, 8387-9318) 百特伊美容保健会所 东海西路21 号 天晟苑B座311 Panco (fán gē guó jì měi róng měi tǐ shā lóng) 20 (wu) Donghai Zhong Lu (8506-5155) 汎歌国际美容美体沙 龙 东海中路20号戊 Runjiang SPA (rùn jiāng shuǐ huì) Doubletree by Hilton Qingdao, 220 Heilongjiang Zhong Lu (8098-8888 ext.2766)润江水会 黑龙江中路220 号 青岛鑫江希尔顿逸林酒店 Sleeping Lotus SPA (shuì lián yǎng shēng měi róng guǎn) A3, 26 Donghai Lu (inside Langqin Garden) (8593-6008) 睡莲养生美容馆 东海 路26号A3(浪琴园内) Sunning International Health SPA (xīn jīn lì měi jiàn shuǐ liáo guó jì jù lè bù) 19 Haimen Lu (8389-2227) 鑫金利美健水疗国际俱乐部 海 门路19号 Touch SPA Qingdao (yí zūn shuǐ liáo) 3F, Le Meridien, 112 Yanji Lu (55563888 ext. 0401/0402) 颐尊水疗 延吉 路112号 青岛万达艾美酒店3楼
Hairdressers Leekaja Hair Biz (lǐ jiā zǐ xíng xiàng shè jì zhōng xīn) 3F, Sunshine Department Store, 38 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8667-7022) 李嘉子形 象设计中心 香港中路38号 阳光 百货3层 Lida Wigs & Hair Extensions (lì dá jiǎ fā) 2nd Floor in iGo Department Store (135-5305-5605) 利达假发 爱购商 城二楼扶梯口 Natural Law Hairdressing (zì rán fǎ zé) 17 Yanerdao Lu (8572-6975) 自然 发则 燕儿岛路17号 Pleasantress Ladies Hair Salon (bó fēi
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Shin-A Education Group (xīn yà yŭ yán zhuān xiū xué xiào) 9F, Jinguang Mansion, 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8573-1790) 新亚语言专修学校 香 港中路56号 金光大厦9层
English Language
Lovely Nails (ài shǒu ài jiǎo měi jiǎ huì suǒ). 36 Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (Opposite Seaview Garden Hotel) (8588-7871) 爱手爱 脚美甲会所 彰化路1号 银都花 园36号 Nail Care Treatment. D008, 2F, iGo Mall, 18 Gutian Lu (behind Mykal shopping mall) (150-9226-4373) 爱购时尚百货商城二层D008
Massage China Yuquan Cupping Therapy International Department (zhōng huá yǔ quán guàn liáo) 201, 3 Hailun Yi Lu (8507-7057, Lucy: 138 54271855) www.chinacupping.com 中华 宇泉罐疗 海伦一路3-201 Renming Foot Massage Centre (rén míng zú bù bǎo jiàn zhōng xīn) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (opp. World Trade Centre) (8387-9188) 人名足 部保健中心 香港中路5号(世贸 中心对面) Traditional Chinese Medical Massage (chuán tǒng zhōng yī àn mó) Get rid of suffering. Home visit service provided (8865-6700) janexu160@163. com 传统中医按摩
Education Chinese Language International Business Exchange Centre (guó jì shāng wù jiāo liú zhōng xīn) 16A, Bldg 3, Jindu Garden, 37 Donghai Xi Lu (8667-5167, 86675168) 国际商务交流中心 东海西路 37号金都花园C座16楼A室 Qingdao Jinghua Language Training School (qīng dǎo jīng huá yǔ yán péi xùn xué xiào) Rm. 8166, Qingdao University International Communication, 308 Ningxia Lu (8595-0758) 青岛京华语言培训学 校 宁夏路308号 青岛大学国际学 术交流中心8166室 Qingdao Tianyan Chinese and Korean Language School (qīng dǎo tiān yán zhōng guó hán guó yǔ yǔ yán xué xiào) Rm. 307, Bldg. A, 3 Quanzhou Lu www.0532study.com.cn liyanjjie00011@hotmail.com 青岛天 言中国韩国语(语言)学校 泉州路3 号A座307室
Joy Children’s English School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) F1-2, 130 Zhangzhou Lu www.joyfamily.com.cn (8571-5991, 8572-6752) 佳音英语 漳州路130 号1-2层 International House Qingdao (qīng dăo yīng háo yŭ yán zhuān xiū xué xiào) 883 Tong An Lu (8891-7120) 青岛英豪语言专修学校 同安路 883号 Wall Street English (huá ěr jiē yīng yǔ) 2F, Golden Plaza, 20 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8502 5469 ) 华尔街英 语 香港中路20号 黄金广场2 层 Rm. 19, 1F, Zhonghuan Plaza, 79 Zhangzhou Lu (6677-5858) 华尔街 英语 漳州路79号 中环国际广场 1层19号
French Language Alliance Francaise du Shandong Qingdao (shān dōng fǎ yǔ lián méng - qīng dǎo zhōng xīn) 5F, Hi-Tech Centre, 23 Xianggang Dong Lu (85906232) 山东法语联盟青岛中心 香港 东路23号 高新技术创业中心5层
International Schools Baishan School (bái shān xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5851) www. baishanschool.cn 白珊学校 崂山区 沙子口东姜 NSWE International Department of
Qingdao Tianshan School (qīng dǎo tiān shān shí yàn xué xiào guó jì bù) 18 Anqing Lu (8800-1880) (Chinese) (159 6689-9105)(English) 青岛天山实 验学校国际部 安庆路18号 Qingdao MTI International School (qīng dǎo MTI guó jì xué xiào) Dong Jiang, Sha Zi Kou, Laoshan District (8881-5668) www.qmischina.com 青岛MTI国际学校 崂山区沙子 口东姜 Qingdao American International School (qīng dǎo měi guó guó jì xué xiào) 33 Taipingjiao Yi Lu (8388-9900) info@qais.cn 青岛美国国际学校 太 平角一路33号 Qingdao No.1 International School
of Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng qīng dǎo dì yī guó jì xué xiào) 70 Songling Lu (Inside No.2 Middle School) (8890-9802) 山东省青岛第 一国际学校 松岭路70号 (青岛第
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International Clinic of Qingdao
二中学内) Xinshiji School (xīn shì jì xué xiào) 4 Xiaoyao San Lu (8592-0954) 新世纪学 校 逍遥三路4号 Yew Chung International School of Qingdao (Prep) Admission Office (yào zhōng guó jì xué xiào zhāo shēng bàn shì chù) enquiry@ycef. com (8687-1122) Bldg 7, 36 Laoshan Lu 耀中国际学校(筹)招生办事处 崂山路36号7号楼 Bldg 1, Shique Villa, 1 Shiquetan Lu, Huangdao 耀中 国际学校(筹)招生办事处 开发区 石雀滩路1号 石雀小筑1号楼 Yinhai School (yín hǎi xué xiào) 16 Donghai Dong Lu (8668-5819) 银海学 校 东海东路16号 Korean International School of Qingdao (qīng dǎo hán guó guó jì xué xiào) 16 Haiqing Lu, Laoshan District (8801-5765) 青岛韩国国际学 校 崂山区海青路16号
For Kids Gymboree (jīn bǎo bèi) 2F, Century Tower, 39 Donghai Xi Lu (8907-0606) www.gymboree.com.cn 金宝贝 东海 西路39号世纪大厦2楼
Kindergartens Aixin Kindergarten (ài xīn yòu ér yuán) 6 Chenghai San Lu (8588-3933) 爱心幼儿园 澄海三路6号 Big Apple Kindergarten (dà píng guǒ yòu ér yuán) 260 Haikou Lu (8801-6811) 大苹果幼儿园 海口 路260号 Joy Children’s Language School (jiā yīn yīng yǔ) 130 Zhangzhou Lu (85726752, 138 6425-4050) 佳音英语 漳州 路130号1-2楼 Little Harvard Bilingual Kindergarten (xiǎo hā fó shuāng yǔ yòu ér yuán) 7 Yangkou Lu (8386-0526) 小哈佛双 语幼儿园 仰口路7号 New Horizon Kindergarten (xīn guì dōu (zhōng ào hé zuò) yòu ér yuán) Bldg.16,2 Xuzhou Lu (8581-7237) 新 贵都 (中澳合作) 幼儿园 徐州路2 号16号楼
Art School Jingyang Art Studio 139 6971-2083
Medical Dental Clinics David Dental Clinic (dài wèi chĭ kē) Kaixuan Jiayuan, 1-20 Xianxialing Lu (Behind Beer City) (8896-0913) 戴卫 齿科 仙霞岭路1-20号 凯旋家园 F3-1A Binhai Garden (May 4th Square) (8575-4843) 戴卫齿科 滨海花园 F3-1A(五四广场内) Leaders Dental Hospital (ruì dé kǒu qiāng) Unit F, Bldg. 16, 51 Donghai Xi Lu (8077-8666) hasun999@hanmail. net 瑞德口腔 东海西路51号16 栋F单元 3F, Bldg.4, Sejung Arian, Chengyang (6696-0275/0276) 城阳分 院 城阳区正阳路151号世正爱丽 安4号楼3层
Hospitals Bellaire Medical Centre (bèi lì ěr yī liáo zhōng xīn) Bldg. 49, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (8111-7118) 贝利尔医疗中心 彰化路1号 银都 花园49座
Municipal Hospital (East) (shì lì yī yuàn dōng yuàn qū guó jì mén zhěn) Regular clinic hours: 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm (Mon-Sun) Emergency Service: 24 hours slyy@qingdaonews. com 5 Donghai Zhong Lu (8593-7690 ext.2266) 市立医院东院区国际门诊 东海中路5号 Qingdao Haici TCM Hospital (qīng dǎo hǎi cí yī yuàn) 4 Renmin Lu (8377-7066) 青岛海慈医院 人民 路4号 Qingdao Municipal Hospital (qīng dǎo shì lì yī yuàn) 1 Jiaozhou Lu (8282-6313) 青岛市立医院 胶州 路1号 Qingdao 401 Navy Hospital (hǎi jūn qīng dǎo sì líng yī yī yuàn) 22 Minjiang Lu (8582-4460) 海军青岛 401医院 闽江路22号 The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao
University Medical College (qīng dǎo dà xué yī xué yuàn fù shǔ yī yuàn) 16 Jiangsu Lu (8291-1847) 青岛大学 医学院附属医院 江苏路16号 You & Me Family Planning Clinic (nǐ hé wǒ qīng shào nián jiàn kāng zhōng xīn) 106 Shanghang Lu (85927606) 你和我青少年健康中心 上 杭路106号
Surgery Clinics Tian Bei Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery (tián bèi měi róng yī xué zhōng xīn) 203 Minjiang Lu (8077-7792) 田蓓 美容医学中心 闽江路203号
Services Automotive Services Grease Monkey (yóu hóu qì chē kuài xiū) 136 Yinchuan Xi Lu, Qingdao(8501-9111) 青岛市 银川西路136号 369 Hefei Lu, Qingdao(8598-1916) 青岛市合肥 路369号 Haibin Nan Lu, Economic development area, Weihai (06315967686) 威海市经济开发区海滨 南路 Guanhai Lu (opp.Jusco), Laishan District, Yantai (0535-6883711) 烟台 市莱山区观海路(佳世客对面)
Banking Agricultural Bank of China (nóng yè yín háng) (95599) 农业银行 Bank of Communications (jiāo tōng yín háng) (95559) 交通银行 HSBC (huì fēng yín háng) 8F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 76 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8578-2828, 800 830 2880) 汇丰银 行 香港中路76号 颐中皇冠假日 酒店8层 Bank of China (zhōng guó yín háng) (95566) 中国银行 Merchants Bank of China (zhāo shāng yín háng) (95555) 招商银行 Construction Bank of China (zhōng guó jiàn shè yín háng) (95533) 中 国建设银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China (zhōng guó gōng shāng yín háng) (95588) 中国工商银行
Business Hanrong Consultant Co., Ltd. jordan.ju@chinahanrong.com, jordan. ju@hotmail.com or 139 6392-9799, www.chinahanrong.com
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Qingdao CCPIT (qīng dǎo shì mào yì cù jìn wěi yuán huì) Rm.403, 121 Yan An San Lu (8389-7995) 青岛市贸易 促进委员会 延安三路121号403室
Consultancy Ger-Lin Consulting (gé lín zī xún qīng dǎo yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 612, 6F Jinguang Mansion, 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8597-9039) 格琳咨询青 岛有限公司 香港中路56号 金光大 厦6楼612室 Qingdao Overseas Investment Service Centre (qīng dǎo shì wài shāng tóu zī fú wù zhōng xīn) 19F, Huaren Int’l Mansion, 2 (Jia) Shandong Lu (8197-8622) 青岛市外商投资服 务中心 山东路2号甲 华人国际 大厦19层 Qingdao Transocean Exit & Entry Service (qīng dǎo yuè yáng chū rù jìng fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.2802, Bldg.A, Jinhua Apartment, 100 Nanjing Lu (8865-1937) 青岛越洋出入境服 务有限公司 南京路100号金华公 寓A座2802
Decoration Crystal Creation Decoration (jīng chéng zhuāng shì) 19F, Fulin Mansion, 87 Fuzhou Nan Lu (82107089) 晶城装饰 福州南路87号 福 林大厦19层
Legal Qingtai Law Firm (qīng tài lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Leading Law firm of Whole China, awarded by National Ministry of Justice. 8F, Kaixuan Business Center, 265 Haikou Lu (88979713-8351, 1370899-3183) yuliangs@gmail.com 清泰 律师事务所 海口路265号凯旋商 务中心8楼 Shandong Hsinten Law Firm (shān dōng xīng tián lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) 9F, New World Plaza, 9 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8587-8469) www.lawyer.sd.cn 山东 兴田律师事务所 福州南路9号新 世界大厦9层 QILU (Qingao) Law Firm (qí lǔ lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Bldg. 6, 87 Donghai Dong Lu (8162-7762) qiluqd@qilulawyer. com 齐鲁(青岛)律师事务所 东海东 路87号6号楼 You Hua Law Firm (shān dōng yǒu huá lǜ shī shì wù suǒ) Suite 1603, Unit 2, 17 Haimen Lu (Beside ShangriLa Hotel) (8866-2999, 139-0648-4720) david@youhualaw.com 山东友华 律师事务所 海门路17号二单元 1603室
=wireless internet
DSL Qingdao Worldwide Mover (dà xīng wù liú) Provides professional international, domestic, local moving and storage service. Rm.1101, Bldg.8, 21 Haier Lu (Paul Paik: 133 2500-7300) 大星物流 海尔路21号世纪华庭8 号楼1101室 Nax Logistics (qīng dǎo guó shēng wù liú yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 1316, 220 Yan An San Lu (8389-0366) 青岛 国升物流有限公司 延安三路220 号 邮政大厦1316室 Santa Fe Relocation Services,
Qingdao (huá huī guó jì yùn shū fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī shān dōng fēn gōng sī) 502B, Fulin Building, 87 Fuzhou Nan Lu (8386-9455) www. santaferelo.com 华辉国际运输服务 有限公司山东分公司 福州南路87 号福林大厦502B
Organisations Qingdao International Christian Fellowship Intercontinental Hotel, 3rd Floor, Auditorium, 98 Aomen Lu, Near the Olympic Sailing Center www.qicf. org, info.qicf@gmail.com
Postal Fedex Express (lián bāng kuài dì) Bldg. B, 171 Huaian Lu (+800-98818888) 联邦快递 淮安路171号B座 Post Office (yóu jú) 56 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8571-2182) 邮局 香港中 路56号 121 Nanjing Lu (8573-4247) 南京路121号 Zhanliu Gan Lu (Near Jinguang Mansion) (8571-2182) 湛流 干路 (靠近金光大厦) 100 Xuzhou Lu (8581-5643) 徐州路100号
Real Estate Bencer Project Management (SH) Co, Ltd Office 2006, Building 1, Shinan Software Park, 288 Ningxia Lu (152 5324-9298) Century 21 Zhangzhou Yi Lu Branch (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn jīn dū zhāng zhōu yí lù diàn) 50(Jia) Zhangzhou Yi Lu (6677-5888, 6677-5208, 159 63224215 EN) 21世纪不动产金都漳州一 路店 漳州一路50号甲 J & M Realty (shèng jiā bù dòng chǎn). Bldg. B, 204B, World Trade Centre, 6 Xianggang Zhong Lu (83889232, 8591-9859) info@jmrealtyco. com 盛嘉不动产 香港中路6号 世 贸中心B座204B Century 21 Ao Men Shop (21 shì jì bù dòng chǎn qīng dǎo jīn dū jiā méng diàn ào mén lù diàn) 136 Aomen Lu 8080-3232, 135 0542-2099 21世纪不 动产青岛金都加盟店澳门路店 澳
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门路136号 Maggie Expat’s Real Estate Bldg 1, Silver Garden, 1 Zhanghua Lu (135-8325-0736) 彰化路1号 银都 花园1号楼
Translation REDSTAR Times Media Co. Ltd (hóng xīng shí dài wén huà chuán bō yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm.401, Bldg.3, Creative 100, 100 Nanjing Lu (83882269, 8097-0521) www.myredstar. com 红星时代文化传播有限公司 南京路100号 创意100产业园3号 楼401室
Trading Apparel Quality Inspection Services China (qīng dǎo ào zé qīng mào yì yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 2403, Bldg. C, Jinhuan Masion,114 Yan An San Lu 青 岛澳泽卿贸易有限公司 延安三路 114号 金环大厦C座2403 Appex International (HK) Ltd (ài pǔ guó jì xiāng gǎng yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 2-404, Bldg 10, 3 Xuzhou Lu (8501-7163) www.appex.cn 艾普国 际(香港)有限公司 徐州路3号10 号楼2-404 COOMEX Source Co. Ltd (qīng dǎo měi huá dà tōng mào yì gōng sī) Rm 701, Bldg. B, Guohua Mansion, 2 Minjiang Lu (8501-5080) Professional global supplying chain service provider. Products group includes fabric, apparel,home wear, sports wear, accessories. www.coomex.com 青岛美华大通贸易公司 闽江路2号 国华大厦B座701 Qingdao DKK Glassware Co, Ltd. Rm 523, Saina Business Center Building, 111 Yanji Lu (8588-6885) 青岛活力工 艺品有限公司 延吉路111号
Travel All Ways Air Tourist Agency (quán chéng háng kōng lǚ yóu fú wù yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Rm. 307, 17 Nanjing Lu (8577-9035) 全程航空旅游服务有限 公司 南京路17号307室 Dragonair (gǎng lóng háng kōng) GF, Copthorne Hotel Qingdao, 28 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8577-6302) www.dragonair.com 港龙航空 香港 中路28号青岛国敦大酒店大堂 Mauritius Travel (máo lǐ qiú sī lǚ yóu) Luxurious tour. Affordable price.1F, 110 Nanjing Lu (150 9226-4373,158 53239503) crim_son18@yahoo.com 毛里 求斯旅游 南京路110号1层
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Sailing Lessons 全民齐上阵 勤学帆船驾驶技能忙 It's time to get back on the water
With the sailing weather being at its best in April and May, the National Community Sailing Project (NOCSP) and Yew Chung International School (YCIS) Qingdao will host the International School Sailing Festival for children and adults to develop their sailing skills. The programme will be held every weekend from 17 April to 31 May at Qingdao International Yacht Club. NOCSP and YCIS have been successfully coordinating sailing programs in Qingdao for over three years. On many weekends during sailing season, the great majority of sails that you see on Fushan Bay are from the NOCSP Optimists, built locally in Qingdao by Zou Intermarine. Through its involvement in the ISAF 'Connect-to-Sailing' programme, NOCSP has trained over 1500 young sailors in China. The boats are safe, and the instructors have loads of experience. The programme is open to youth and adults alike. Young sailors will be in the Optimist and Splash boats, and adults will learn how to sail a Club 420. Club 420 techniques will be taught Saturday mornings, and Splash will be taught Sunday afternoons within the programme's timeframe. The festival will culminate in a regatta and community picnic, to be held on 31 May. Registration for the program is 1100元 per person, which includes insurance. Registration forms can be downloaded from www.sinansailing.com. For more information, email vicky.song@sinansailing.com. 四五月是帆船航海运动的佳季,国家青少年奥林匹克航海项目和青岛耀中国际学校将 于4月17日至5月31日的每个周末在青岛国际游艇俱乐部举办青岛国际学校帆船节活动,以 加强青岛帆船驾驶技能培养工作。 国家青少年奥林匹克航海项目和青岛耀中国际学校在青岛已有三年协办各类帆船运动 的成功经历。在航海旺季的无数个周末, 浮山湾附近扬帆的帆船大多是国家青少年奥林匹克 航海项目OP级帆船,这些帆船由青岛本地的邹志船艇有限公司制造。 青少年和成人都可以参加该帆船节活动。其中,青少年可以学习驾驶OP级和悦浪级帆 船,而成年人可以学习驾驶420级帆船。在帆船节期间,周六早晨将教授驾驶420级帆船的 知识,周日下午将教授悦浪级帆船知识。 5月31日即将举办的帆船比赛和野餐将把本次帆船节活动推向高潮。 报名参加该活动的费用为1100元/每人(含保险费)。报名表可登陆网站www. sinansailing.com下载。更多的详情请发邮件至vicky.song@sinansailing.com进行相关咨 询。
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46 dining 广告 ∙ 餐饮
Barossa Valley is Australia's most famous winemaking region. Great wines are made from great vineyards and herein lies the secret to the Barossa Valley’s success - a 160-year unbroken history of winemaking with the oldest vines still thriving on their original rootstocks, making them amongst the oldest in the world. Peter Lehmann Wines emerged in 1979, crafting fine wines with grapes purchased from the region’s top vineyards. Lehmann is one of Australia’s most respected and innovative premium wine producers, and is the only Barossa winemaker to be awarded International Winemaker of the Year twice and Best Australian Producer of the Year three times. Each range presents consistent quality at a great price as well as the Lehmann family’s passion for winemaking. Barossa Art Series Eden Valley Riesling The cooler slopes of the Barossa’s Eden Valley consistently produce many of Australia’s great Rieslings. As young wines, these Rieslings show floral aromatics with fresh, crisp and bracingly tangy flavours on the palate, while further bottle maturation marries fresh lime with more complex toast and honey characters. Barossa Art Series Shiraz This is Peter Lehmann’s foundation wine, the very first wine to be released bearing the Peter Lehmann name and testament to their belief that Barossa Shiraz is truly Australia’s greatest red wine style. The Shiraz is a deeply coloured, rich and fullbodied wine with intensely concentrated fruit flavours mellowed to a soft finish by small oak maturation. Clancy’s Shiraz Cabernet Merlot Clancy’s blend has become a firm favourite with wine lovers around the world. Peter Lehmann follows the pioneering Australian tradition of blending Shiraz with Cabernet Sauvignon, but gives it its own touch with the inclusion of Merlot to deliver a soft, approachable and richly enjoyable red wine.
Peter Lehmann is exclusively distributed by ASC Fine Wines in China. For more information, please visit: www.asc-wines.com, or call 400-883-2299.
Fine Wines
彼德·利蒙酒庄-巴罗莎山谷 葡萄酒神话的缔造者 Peter Lehmann - Legend of Barossa “优质的葡萄酿造优质的葡萄酒”,这就是彼 德·利蒙酒庄久负盛名的成功秘诀。拥有160年葡萄 酒酿造历史的彼德·利蒙酒庄一直选用优质葡萄作 为生产原料,酿造出世界上独特的葡萄酒品种。 彼德·利蒙酒庄始创于1979年,以当地葡萄园 生产的优质葡萄为原料酿造出世界优质的葡萄酒。 作为澳大利亚久负盛名、乐于创新的优质葡萄酿制 商之一,彼德·利蒙酒庄两次摘取“年度国际酿酒 商”荣誉及三度获得“年度澳大利亚最佳酿酒商” 称号。彼德·利蒙酒庄酿造的葡萄酒每一款都能体 现出不俗的品质和价值,倾注了利蒙家族多年来对 葡萄酒制造业的无比热爱之情。 巴罗莎艺术系列伊登山谷雷司令白葡萄酒 气候寒冷的巴罗莎伊登山谷是澳大利亚雷司 令品牌葡萄酒的产地。年轻的雷司令呈花香型,芬 香,口感清新、爽口、沁人心脾。更长的贮藏时间 会使酒品呈现混合清新酸橙、烘烤和蜂蜜香味的复
杂香型。 巴罗莎艺术系列西拉红葡萄酒 这是彼德·利蒙酒庄出产的第一款葡萄酒,是 澳大利亚久负盛名的一款红酒系列。红酒西拉酒色 深红、芬芳醇厚,主要呈水果香型,混杂的成熟的 橡木气息使酒味芳醇柔和。 克兰西西拉赤霞珠梅洛红葡萄酒 克兰西系列深受世界各地葡萄酒爱好者的钟爱。 在应用澳大利亚传统的西拉与赤霞珠的同时,彼德· 利蒙酒庄酿造的克兰西葡萄酒颇有创意地加入了梅洛 以增加红葡萄酒的柔软与细腻。这是一款口感柔滑、 酒味芳醇、颇能给人带来快意和享受的酒品。 彼德·利蒙酒庄在中国专销圣皮尔精品葡萄酒 系列。详情尽在网站www.asc-wines.com,或请致 电400-883-2299。
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Creative Studio inside ged at Yuyan ug pl n! un io r ss ta Reds book a se 5421-8850 to 100. Call 1380彧颜工作室
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y at Qingdao me ceremon ry Clipper welco er, 20 Februa nt l Sailing Ce Internationa 典礼
奥帆中心 克
非常感谢美食大奖对我的奖励,向 其他的获 奖者表示由衷的祝贺!感谢八年来 各位对我 衷心的支持和帮助!敬请光临其任 主厨的 Biscotti索菲特银座大饭店意大利餐厅! Dears Friends of Qingdao ... a warm greeting to all of You! First of all I want to thank everyone for the recognition obtained at The CHIFAN AWARDS 2009 organized by REDSTAR, and congratulations of course to all the winners. I want to take this opportunity to thank , though a bit late, all the customers, friends, collea gues, the Etsong Owner, the management team and entire staff of the Crowne Plaza Qingdao for the suppo rt, friendship and co-operation shown me during my eight years in Qingdao, a beautiful and memorable period of my life that I surely will not forget! I really hope to meet all of you if in transit to Jinan where I am currently employed by the SOFITEL SILVER PLAZA HOTEL, where I will continue my Chinese adventure and where he will contin ue to promote the Great Italian Cuisine that in my heart at the BISCOTTI Italian Restaurant. I embrace you all! Yours Sincerely, Giancarlo BIACCHESSI Executive Chef SOFITEL SILVER PLAZA JINAN (China) bgiancahrb@hotmail.com 156 6696-0026
Get your face in the redstar, send photos to face@myredstar.com by 15 March! 请于3月15日前发送照片到 face@myredstar.com 사진을 face@myredstar.com로 보내 주세요
50A-Z dining Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant 32 Ainido 34 Ajisen 33 Aka-Noren 33 Autumn Town 33 Ba Gong Shan 34 Bamboo 34 Bellagio 33 Boiling Fish Township 33 Cafe Asia 32, 33, 34 Café Yum 33, 34 Cassani 34 Central Hong Kong Hotpot 32 China Gongshe 33 Da Niang 32 Da Qing Hua Dumplings 32 Da Shanghai Restaurant 33 Da Vinci Restaurant & Lounge 34 De Heng Beijing Roast Duck 32 Don Korea 34 Dou Lai Shun 32 Dunhuang 32 Fatema Indian Restaurant 33 Genoa Pizza 35 Golden Hans 32 Golden Hans Buffet 32 Golden Sea Corner 32 Guang Kai Seafood Restaurant 32 Haidao Seafood Restaurant 32 Hai Meng Yuan 33 Hamheaung Korean 34 Han A Reum 34 Hao Hao Xiao Chu 32 HBR Music Kitchen 32 Hengbo Restaurant 34 Honghua Village 33 Hong Kong 97 33 Hong Kong 97 VIP 33 Hong Kong Old Restaurant 32 Huo Lu Qing Charcoal BBQ 34 In the Kitchen/Top 33 Istanbul 35 Jingfugong 34 Jinghualou Beijing Roast Duck 32 Jinmeng Restaurant 33 Jinshan Restaurant 33 Jin Shan Restaurant 32 Ju Xiang Ju 32 Kalinka Russian Restaurant 35 Kowloon Tong 32 Kuji Kuji 33 KumsuKangsan 34 Kylin French 32 Laobian 32 Lao Man Ke 32 Lao Zhuan Cun 33 La Villa 34, 36 La Zuyette 33 Le Bang 34, 36 Le Tai Yuan 32 Lisa’s Pizzeria 35 Lotus 32 Meng Family 34 Monnemer Eck 34 Murano’s 34 Napoli 34 Pasta Fresca Da 34 Ping’s Beijing 32 Pizza Hut 35 Pizza JJ 35 Qingdao Restaurant 33 Qin Ji 33 San Bao 32 San He Yuan 32 Shan Cheng Chilli 33 Shu Xiang Yuan 33 Sorrento 35 South Beauty 33 Spring 34 Steven Gao’s 33 Sumo and Sushi 34 Sunshine Grill 34 Tanyutou 32 Taste Music 34 Teng Wang Ge 32 The Diner 34 Tian Lu Yuan 33 Trattoria 34 Tudari 34 Xiao Fei Yang 32 Yamazen 34 Yaoyao Hotpot 32 Yijinglou 33 Yiqinglou 33 Yuansheng Haigang 33 Yucong 32 Yu Ma Tou 33 Yu Shen Hu 34 Zhongshanyuan 32 Zhou Quan Zhou Dao 32
Classifieds 分类信息 Send us your classified by the 10th of each month. Most are completely free, categories marked with '*' cost just ¥300 for 20 words. info@myredstar. com 8388-2269.
Real Estate* Apartment For Rent Cool little studio apartment in Hong Kong Gardens available in January. Close to a variety of restaurants and night life! Under 2k per month, includes a kitchen and bathroom and couch. A convenient place for a student or someone who wants to live downtown. Contact chicanohek@live. com for details. Sunshine Villa Two-tier semi, split-level, garage, courtyard with fruit trees, heated floor, air conditioner, quality decoration, optional furniture. Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining room, study and cloakroom. Near Laoshan. Rent to be negotiated. Contact Ms. Cui, 139 6398-5207 Apartment to Share 135m² near Haier Lu. Big garden, 12th floor, fully furnished, newly completed. 2br 2 bath 1 living room 1 kitchen, terrific views of Fushan. One bedroom and bathroom still available! Please call Sally 137 0895-9181. 公寓靠近 海尔路。135m²,位于12楼,家 具齐全。2室2卫1厅1厨房,可以 欣赏到浮山美景。目前还有一间 卧室和浴室可供使用!详情咨询 Sally 137 0895-9181 A penthouse for rent on the eastern seaside of Qingdao. Five minutes walk to the sculpture park. Three storeys. 320 M2, fully furnished with premium quality details. European contemporary style. Panoramic ocean view with roof garden. Very unique home along Qingdao coastline. Ms. Ji: 137 92894196 or Ms. Zhao 0011 604 7646959 (Canada)
Job Market Jobs Available* Full-time English teacher wanted! Must be a native speaker,can teach science or IBT course. Contact:159 6986-1901 lesley_juanqui@hotmail. com Wanted! Part-time English teacher.
Must be a native speaker and patient, enthusiastic. Students are pre-school/ primary school age (4-12 years). Must be able to work for 2 hours Saturday and/or Sunday. Contact qdoutlook@126.com. Qingdao SIS.L Photo Agency is now seeking an assistant for post production, basic knowledge of fashion preferred. Please send a portfolio to liuyi1225@hotmail.com Are you a recent design/programming graduate or university student looking for work experience with an international company? We are seeking motivated, enthusiastic, creative web designers for multiple web design projects. Send your resume to info@myredstar.com today! 你是设计专业的应届或在校学生 吗?想在国际公司积累工作经验 吗?我们诚邀积极、热情并富有 创造力的网站设计人员参与我们 的网站设计。即刻发送你的简历 到 info@myredstar.com Seeking salesperson Commission-based pay, lucrative product for motivated young person interested in international media/ culture. Flexible working hours. Please contact 8388-2269. Intern with REDSTAR Are you a recent graduate or university student looking for work experience with an exciting international company? Our interns come away with experience in Marketing, Graphic Design, English Writing, Event Planning, Photography, Marketing and much, much more, depending on their interests. Send your resume to info@ myredstar.com today!
Language Exchange New arrival in Qingdao. Want to meet Chinese friends to help me in QD, practice Chinese (I am intermediate level) and English while sharing activities. Contact beilibj@gmail.com Seeking Japanese or Korean fellows who to exchange some introduction to the languages for some Spanish immersion from a native. Please contact purastini@gmail.com Open minded 24-year old Qingdao girl, graduate of Melbourne Institute of Finance and Management provides personal chinese tuition
(with experience) to foreigners. Other services include translation, tourist guide and shopping. Wanwenwen725@msn.com, 138 5422-4587 I teach Chinese language, culture, characteristics, customs and habits. My name is Cici-Le. I can speak English, Japanese,and Chinese exchange and I want to talk with you, to make friends and practice English and Japanese. Please contact 159 6301-7975. I need a Native English Speaker to help me improve my Business English. You can improve your Mandarin in the meantime. Shilaoren area is most convenient for me to meet. I am available during weekends and after working hours. If you are interested, please email qdanna@gmail.com
Community Alcohol destroying your quality of life? Would you like support and help dealing with your alcoholism? YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN QINGDAO! Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings are at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights, in the Laoshan area of Qingdao. If interested, email the following address for information and location of the first Tuesday night meeting of AA. bobwenger42@hotmail.com
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