Dear Home, We Should Hang Out More 2021 Home Trends By Kali Holdstock
With trends evolving and new textiles, patterns and fabrics making their way to us this spring, let’s take a look at the top trends for 2021 to make your home your personal retreat.
fter a year that guided many of us to spend more time at home, going back to basics such as baking, extra DIY projects and more, 2021 is an opportunity to bring comfort and creativity to our living spaces. Let’s see what works for you in and outside your home!
Plenty of Plants In 2020, plants were on trend and there is no end in sight. Let’s keep the trend of ‘plenty of plants’ going strong. Houseplants are good for your health— and not just for their visual beauty. They do the opposite of what we do when we breathe. Plants release oxygen and
absorb carbon dioxide. This not only freshens up the air, but also eliminates harmful toxins. Sign me up for anything that is aesthetically beautiful and keeps my lungs healthier.