Adrian de Groot
Photographic Exhibition
Adrian de Groot
Galerija Nikola Radošević
IZLOZBA FOTOGRAFIJA Photographic Exhibition
Pejzaži iz Snova “DreamScapes”
Adrian de Groot Photographer
Galerija Nikola Radošević
(front cover image: Panoramic Filmstrip 1)
To contact Adrian de Groot: adriandegroot@yahoo.com
Photo website:
Adrian de Groot's Photo Creations (smugmug.com)
NOTE: The image on the front cover “Film Strip 1” was made with a 35mm film camera using a special technique, whereby the film is being moved during exposure, which is (regretfully) impossible to replicate on a digital camera.
digitalnom fotoaparatu.
Izložba fotografija
03.-10. oktobra 2023.
Galerija „Nikola Radošević“
Delijska 3, Uskočka 5
Otvaranje 03. oktobra 2023. u 20h
Opening: October 3, 20:00hrs.
03. -10. 2023.
October 3-10, 2023
Note on this Exhibit:
For each print, a Certficate of Authenticity is provided. Except were not indicated specifically, all prints are on archival paper, using archival inks and should last 100 years or more without fading, provided it is not exposed to direct sunlight or to an excessively smoke filled atmosphere.
o ovoj izložbi:
00 da izblede, pod f
Pricing / Cena
Large 70x160cm panorama
Velika panorama 70k160cm
Panoramas up to ca. 1 meter
Panorame do ca. 1 metar
* T E ff w ’
old frame is included for free)
*(Stari okvir panorame Ajfelove kule je uključen besplatno)
Canvas print with white border on wooden frame
Štampa na platnu sa belim okvirom na drvenom okviru
€ 0
€ 00*
A2 formata (42x60cm) €2 0
A+ (B-Super) = ”x 9” = x48
Sold with clip-on frame rodaje se sa ramom za pričvršćivanje
Interview conducted by Mia Medaković
Adrian de Groot is a native of the Netherlands and has now been living in Belgrade since June 2017. Apart from his activities as a fine arts photographer, he is also a musician/musicologist and number theorist and considers himself a renaissance man. His past jobs have been as a photo editor, photo archivist, graphic designer, musicologist, organist, and author and conference lecturer on number theory, and loves preparing a delicious Thai shrimp or chicken curry. He holds a Ph.D. f C P f U y M ’ D from Boston University and the Catholic University of America in Washington DC, in the fields of art, music and culture.
As a photographer he is mostly self-taught and after f ’ 6x9 B w as a teenager bought his first camera around age 17. He was a photo editor for a monthly magazine for about a decade and later became photo archivist for United Press International (UPI). His first solo photo exhibit in Belgrade of scenes of the city took place at the Peter Lubarda Museum in Belgrade in 2021. Before that he exhibited in Washington D.C. in solo and group exhibits, including at the National Arboretum. A few of his photos of Belgrade at night are included in Belgrade Through the Eyes of Foreigners y I W ’ C (IWC) of Belgrade/RYL in 2020, for which he also served as editor for the English language portion.
Adrian de Groot, when did you realise that your creative side includes photography as well?
Although my first artistic adventures were musical from age 6, as a teenager I started playing around with y ’ 6x9 K B w /w 6 I q y w camera. Since then, my love for both music, as a part-time professional musician, and photography, as a fulltime professional photo editor and photo archivist have both been a lifelong adventure.
Black and white photography vs. colour photography?
I f y 90% w w y ’ print. But then I tried also some slide film, espec y y M f y f ’ w colour (on transparency slide film), but sometimes I find a b/w rendering more expressive and appropriate.
Sometimes a technically bad colour photo is rescued by converting it into b/w. But, today I can say that nearly 90% of my work is in color.
Your pieces are abstract, how did you come to abstraction?
One day I took a photograph of a simple Art Deco element of an old movie theatre that caught my attention when a beautiful play of light and shadow fell upon it. I soon turned it into a simple composite of six images turned into different directions. With this, the idea of working with one single photo and transforming it into a fantasy was born. But such simple composites could be done in just minutes.
Despite this type of inspiration, soon enough I wanted to things differently in a far more complex fashion than just a simple rearrangement or a kaleidoscopic approach. After photographing the rear light of a Honda Accord, I got the idea of really doing “ y” w P ; curve and trial and error, but I liked the result very much, and thus voilà, a eureka moment turned into a creative approach, mixed in with way more freedom of abstraction, requiring, at times, hours of work.
Some of my photos are taken with the express intent to make a dreamscape, but I have also scoured my f D ’ w y w ’ y xperimentation can never escape being dependent on the original.
How would you describe your pieces, that you will exhibit in another independent exhibition at the Gallery “Nikola Radošević“ in Belgrade, titled DreamScapes.
Some of the pieces there are done in years past, and some were done very recently, when I had a flood of inspiration that literally lasted about a month and produced about 300 Dreamscapes (I was at my computer like night and day). Certainly way more pieces than we have room for at the gallery! How do you describe I yw ? T w y I “D amSc ”
I just hope they are unique enough to attract the artloving public and that they will understand that this was “P y” y f D w very involved high energy of creativity. So, I like to immediately add that I can only create such works during w I y T f w ’ f y secondary. Visionary ideas comes first.
What do you want to express with your photography?
My photography is decidedly non-political; all my life I have been trying to convey the beauty in nature, in landscapes and cities, in buildings like architectural details, and to be of an uplifting nature and composition. To show beauty, and with my Dreamscapes to be even a dreamer, a spiritualist if you will. To create visuals that inspire and even make the people curious how I put these abstracts together and what the original I ’ ement of surprise, playfulness, fun or even silliness in my work.
You have already exhibited in Serbia and in the USA; what is the difference between the audience that loves and appreciates photography?
Oh, this is very hard to say. The two cultures are quite different. The photos I exhibited in the USA were all super realistic, of nature, landscapes, etc. One exhibit at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C. was very well received by a well- w w “ ” f her favourite “ ”. A gallery of these photos was also published in a magazine, and was very well liked by the Arts
Editor, as well as by the Director of the Arboretum. But in a big city like Washington DC, which is mainly a political town, it is hard to get into one of the few galleries. I therefore exhibited mostly in group galleries in artsy old buildings.
Here in friendly and open Belgrade I focused first on architectural details at the Peter Lubarda Museum exhibit, while now I am having my first Dreamscapes abstracts exhibit which I am very happy about. How the audience will like it will be the great surprise and adventure. Apparently, there has never been an exhibit of this type of work in Belgrade; well, I also like to think of it as quite unique P ’ w è f this type?
You like to take photos of Belgrade, especially at night, what inspires you the most?
Belgrade, if you look closely, has many hidden treasures. Even a dilapidated building often still has some elements left of f y y w I y f “ ” A Belgrade takes on a whole new magic on its own, which is definitely worth photographing, but for more serious work, I need to upgrade to a camera that is better suited for night photography. So currently, this project is on hold. And covid and the energy crisis turned the lights off momemtarily.
You have been living in Serbia for a number of years, how do you see it as a Dutchman with worldwide life experience?
Number of y ? Y ’ six quickly passing years now and my first visits to Belgrade were eight and seven years ago. There are still many places in this city and all of Serbia to explore, and seeing and visiting new places is always inspiring. Since having been here, I not only went to many neighbouring countries, but in Serbia itself we have ventured out as far as Arilje, Č Mokra Gora, Oplenac, Subotica and several other cities and towns in Vojvodina. There are many gorgeous landscapes that should be photographed in panoramic format. The plan is to keep on exploring, camera(s) in hand.
Yes, perhaps I will always carry that Dutch background with me, but I have also lived in the USA for a long time, and have visited countries around the globe. Recently, looking through my many boxes of photographic prints, I did notice that I do have my own style, as I have basically been self taught, although the work of a few photographers did inspire me, like Geoffrey James, Gary Irving, Clyde Butcher, Georges Noblet, Sean Kernan, Martin Kers, and the art work of M.C. Escher and Victor Vasalery.
The most wonderful thing is my ongoing fascination with what I see and what vibrates with my inner spirit and sense of beauty. It is my sincere wish to have more exhibits in the future with many different possibilities from my sizeable collection of prints. My brother, Bastiaan de Groot, who is a professional sculptor in Groningen, t N f “A f A ’ ” I gues y w I ’ larger) images in the future.
Thank you for your kind attention
DreamScapes ( EJZAŽI IZ SNOVA)
Intervju vodila Mia Medaković
A G H 20 7 B
f f / R f f
. Doktorirao je na Univerzitetu Kolumbija Pacifik i ima diplome U B K u V
K f f 6x9 B w f6 Č f f rhivator fotografija za United Press International (UPI). Njegova f f B M P
L B 202 P V
N N f B Beograd očima stranaca M IWC B /RYL 2020 urednik dela na engleskom jeziku.
ada ste shvatili da vaša kreativna strana uključuje i fotografiju?
f -aparatom Kodak Brownie 6x9 cm, snima -bele fotografije, a kasnije, kad sam imao oko 16 godina, nabavio sam sopstveni aparat od 35 mm. Od tada, moja f f f zaposlenog profesionalnog urednika i f f
Crno-bela fotografija u poređenju sa fotografijom u boji?
U 90% f fizradu fotografija. A onda sam pr V f -belo fotografisanje P f f e spasiti pretvaranjem u crno-belu. Sada je skoro 90% mog rada u boji.
Vaša dela su apstraktna ako ste došli do apstrakcije?
Jednog dana sam snimio fotografiju jednostavnog art deko elementa starog bioskopa koji mi je privukao
f f fantaziju, ali takvi jednostavni kompoziti mogu se napraviti za nekoliko minuta.
A “ P - ovo je podrazumevalo voilà - eureka trenutak se
zahteva sate rada.
N f f f - f f N ispadne uvek dob originala!
ako biste opisali svoje radove koje ćete izloži na svojoj drugoj samostalnoj izložbi, u Galeriji Nikola Radošević u Beogradu, pod nazivom Dreamscapes (Pejzažiizsnova)? N 00
snova (sedeo sam za kompj
K ? T . Zbog toga sam ih P “
Nadam se da su dovoljno jedinstveni da privu P “
Dakle, takve radove mogu da stvaram samo u radi veoma sporedan. Vizionarske ideje su na prvom mestu.
Šta želite da izrazite svojom fotografijom?
Moja fotografija je f C
D . Da kreiram f f T . Dakle, u
Već ste izlagali u Srbiji i SAD oja je razlika između publike koja voli i ceni fotografiju tamo i ovde?
e fotografije koje sam izlagao u SAD bile su J N V “
fotograf “ G f f A U V B f
Muzeju Petra Lubarde, a sa
Dreamscapes (Pejzaži iz snova) B P B
Volite da fotogra šete Beograd, posebno noću Šta vas najviše inspiriše?
B Č N B f f f D
Već dugi niz godina živite u Srbiji ako je vi kao Holanđanin sa svetskim životnim iskustvom vidite? B U vom gradu i A Č N gradova i mesta u V T f f f P f -aparatom(ima) u ruci!
P f f f D f D G I K B D N K D Š K M K M C E V Vazarelija.
N f I f . Moj brat Bastiaan de Groot, koji j f G H
) fotografije
By Art Historian Bojana JovanovićAdrian de Groot, a versatile and highly educated artist, who expresses himself in the medium of photography, creates abstract templates from seemingly ordinary and imperceptible scenes from everyday life, which with their phantasmagorical aura create a unique world of a combination of colors, shapes and light. These landscapes, just like memories of dreams, create their own ecosystem through repetitive patterns. A dose of mysticism can be felt in these works, which the artist consciously places with the intention of emphasizing the beauty, spirituality and inspiration of not only nature but also urban landscapes such as architecture and infrastructure, not only in Belgrade but also in other cities around the world.
At first glance, these photos may seem like an optical illusion or some kind of memory game. However, the works leave enough space for the observer to recognize or guess the meaning in them based on personal sensibility and experience. The artist, whose oeuvre is currently dominated by color photographs, intentionally captures enticing scenes of objects from which he later produces abstracts and dreamy forms in post-production. The methodological approach, which long ago abandoned simple photo editing in some of the programs designed for it, turned into a complex scheme preceded by a long-term and meticulous thinking process and a kind of composing and upgrading of already existing elements.
Adrian de Groot in his cycle under the symbolic title DreamScapes creates a series of imaginary landscapes that are not framed by any temporal or spatial determinants. They can exist everywhere and anytime but also nowhere and never. The almost organic forms of de Groot's photographs evoke the artist's need to show the world from unconventional perspectives, and playing with perspective adds to the aestheticism of these works. Another aspect that should be highlighted in the context of de Groot's works is playing and fun. Driven by his own urge to implement, as he says, a silly spirit in his work, the artist manages to awaken the imagination and arouse the curiosity of the audience. De Groot, as an excellent colorist and connoisseur of perspective, manipulates the visual elements that make up the construction of the painting itself, but also its content, which takes on a multitude of different meanings. That is why it can be said that Adrian de Groot's photographs are like a dream, on the one hand elusive, unstable and mystical, and on the other playful, exciting and full of combinations of unexpected motifs.
Bojana Jovanović (24.08.1997.) is Belgrade based art historian and curator, who works at the Graficki Kolektiv Gallery, with a special focus on feminist theory and gender studies, as well as political, geographical, ecological, racial and gender power relations. She is especially interested in unusual, hybrid and imaginary scenarios.
ejzaži iz snova
A G f f f N f B N f f M u njima prepozna ili nasluti
U f f
objekata od kojih kasnije u postprodukciji proizvodi apstraktne i sanjive f M f f
A G ejzaži iz snova
odrednicom. Oni postoje svuda i stalno ali i nigde i nikada. Gotovo organske forme de Grootovih fotografija
perspektivom ovim delima dodaje na esteticizmu.
J G gra i zabava. Podstaknut sopstvenim luckastog
D G f f A G
razigrane, uzbudljive i pune kombinacija
Tekst: B J
Bojana Jovanović (24. 8. 1997) je beogradska istoričarka umetnosti i kustos. Radi u Galeriji Grafičkog kolektiva, sa posebnim fokusom na feminističku teoriju i rodne studije, kao i političke, geografske, ekološke, rasne i rodne odnose. Posebno je zainteresovana za neobične hibridne i imaginarne scenarije.
How this all got started?
One morning I was walking around downtown Bethesda (Maryland, USA) and spotted this Art Deco element at an old movie theatre, which I later just playfully combined into a simple abstract. I liked the results so much that it inspired me to try many more and increasingly complex compositions and alterations. And the rest is history as they say.
Kako je sve počelo?
J B M AD element, koji sam kasnije samo zaigrano kombinovao u jednostavanu apstrakciju. Toliko su mi se A
And later, I went from this (a portion of the rear light of a Honda Accord): A kasnije sam krenuo od ovoga (deo zadnjeg svetla Honda Accord):
To complex designs like this: : (The blue lines indicate the different sections that make up the final composition) (Plave lin ) See page 46
The Eiffel Tower
Glasses in the Light
Dutch Windmill
RECTANGLES Pravougaonici
The City
Study in Green and Red
Belgrade Tree
(Can be hung vertically as well) M
Belgrade Graffiti
St. Eustache, Paris
Sevenfold Swirls
Also available as a triptique panorama, or as individual images:
Peacock in Rose
Also available in green (and blue/not pictured): T / :
5 clouds, 8 windows
DC Stairs
Cathedral Elements 1
Cathedral Elements 2
Not a Fence
Black and White Lights
Palace Lanterns
19 windows
SQUARES Kvadrata
Once a Church
Other available photos (not exhibited):
Ostale dostupne fotografije (nisu izložene):
Many variations available
Dostupne mnoge varijacije
Fried sensor
Very electric
Cupcakes in Red and Blue
Cupcakes in blue
Other versions availab
Cupcakes in orange
Dostupne su i druge verzije
The tiny car
Rooftop universe
Istanbul Blue Mosques
Mama Mia’s round flowers
Other colors available
Dostupne su i druge verzije
Film strip panorama 1
Film strip panorama 2
Film strip panorama 3
Other versions available
Dostupne su i druge verzije
Palace Lanterns
Other versions available Dostupne su i druge verzije
Cathedral Fantasy
Quilt 2
(Note these quilts were created from scratch)
(Napomena: ovi jorgani su kreirani unutar softvera)
Quilt 3
Quilt 4
Quilt 6
Fancy fishnet
DC Shadows
Two versions available Dostupne su dve verzije
Tree bark
Other versions available
Dostupne su i druge verzije
Duke University Arches
Glasses in the light 1
Glasses in the light 2
Glasses in the light 3
Light Funnels
School bus ceiling
Other versions available
Dostupne su i druge verzije
Blue and Brown Sections
Other colors available
Druge boje dostupne
Blinding lights
(can be hung horizontally)
Nicola Tesla’s Steps to Greatness
Oplenac Window 1
Oplenac Window 2
Oplenac Window 3
Golden Waves
Fence at night
Belgrade Balcony
Note: Many images can be configured via software into panoramas, squares, etc., as well as with different colour schemes and saturation levels, or even as black and whites.
Napomena: Mnoge slike se mogu kon gurisa preko so vera u panorame, kvadrate, itd , kao i sa različi m šemama boja i nivoima zasićenos , ili čak kao crnobele.
Send inquiries to: adriandegroot@yahoo.com
ošaljite upite na: adriandegroot@yahoo.com
Izložba fotografija
03.-10. oktobra 2023.
Galerija „Nikola Radošević“
Delijska 3, Uskočka 5
Otvaranje 03. oktobra 2023. u 20h
Opening: October 3, 20:00hrs.
03. -10. 2023.
October 3-10, 2023