What Is Soil?
An important part of soil is humus. Humus contains the remains of dead plants and animals and is often darker in color than other parts of soil. Humus adds nutrients to the soil which are essential to plants and other living things.
AB Activity 8.5
Think k Deeply
ca tio n
Soil is a mixture of weathered rock, minerals and other living and non-living things. In between the small pieces that make up soil are spaces that contain air and water.
When gardening, ardening, people often add extra ‘topsoil’ ‘top to gardens. How does this help plants grow? grow
Many plants need soill to survive. surviv ve. ve e Plan Plant antt roots grow down into take o the soil and a ta e in the nutrients, minerals inerals and water wat ater the e plants need to live grow. As plants ve and gro are the main source urce of food for or people and other animals, important nimals, soil is im ortant to all life on Earth. h. Many any animals, such suc as ants, worms and other burrowing animals also live in soil.