Real Estate Journal - October 4, 2021

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Drying out When living on an island, it is difficult to escape humidity. Dehumidifiers can fix that. High humidity means more moisture, and for a home, this can mean growth of mold and mildew on walls, bathrooms and kitchen sinks. Excessive moisture can also weaken the house’s structure, which can lead to sinking roofs and curving walls. But low humidity can be a bad thing, too. With little to no moisture, the cold air can make skin dry and crack. A good dehumidifier is one that can maintain a healthy level of humidity in the home. There are several factors to determine which one is right for you, according to the customer support desk at The Home Depot. “It’s almost like buying an air conditioner. You need to think about the size of the room, what the room is being used for, and how frequently people go in and out,” according to The Home Depot team. If a room has noticeable signs of excessive moisture, like water stains on walls or a musty smell, it may need a dehumidifier. This is how The Home Depot rates capacity: • For damp rooms that are 500 to 1,500 square feet, use a 30pint dehumidifier. • For damp rooms that are 1,000 to 2,500 square feet, use a 50pint dehumidifier. • For very damp rooms that are 1,500 to 2,500 square feet, use a 70-pint dehumidifier. The number of pints indicates how much moisture is removed in a day. Depending on the severity of humidity damages, the pint number may vary. For naturally humid climates like on Guam, The Home Depot recommended overestimating the number of pints, as it may be more than the standard amount. For example, If the space of a home is sized for a 30-pint dehumidifier, consider purchasing capacity that is closer to 40 pints. The Home Depot also suggested adding more pints to the dehumidifier’s capacity if a room is frequented, has multiple windows or is used for laundry. These areas are prone to develop more moisture. If there is too much moisture to the point where a homeowner sees floor puddles or large mold growths on walls, a dehumidifier may only be a temporary fix. Residents are advised to seek a professional if they notice severe moisture damage. p

Choosing the right dehumidifier is important for optimal moisture control in the home.

“For naturally humid climates like on Guam, The Home Depot recommended overestimating the number of pints.”

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