Looking backwards With the world of interior design leaning more towards modern and sleeker looks these days, a little bit of retro can be all it takes to make a home stand out from the rest. A retro style can date back as far as conscious designing was established, but people often associate the style with designs from the 1950s to the 1970s. This era of design played heavily on large shapes, vibrant colors and zany wallpapers. Some examples include large neon square frames hung on walls, bright blue circular rugs under coffee tables and floral wallpaper covering entire kitchen walls. Rooms seemed less spacious as a boisterous mixture of colors
The retro style of furnishing is popular in Guam.
and patterns filled them. In Guam a majority of the older homes embrace retro styles, as they take on a more traditional appearance. However, some newly built homes also opt for a dated look with modern elements. Vicky Baldonado, sales manager of Furniture Outlet, said although customers mainly come into the story looking for modern style furniture, some customers also inquire about traditional style wooden bed frames with posts at the corners. “They feel it’s more elegantlooking,” Baldonado said. Bright-colored fabric sofas also convey an older look, she said,
although people opt for more subtle colors nowadays. Leather or vinyl sofas have a retro feel to them as well, but they are not ideal for Guam’s climate. Vintage pieces can also work as fine accents in a home. Alan Torrado, an independent design consultant, had previously stated in the Journal that memorabilia can be used as accents and decorations for a home. For a retro look, memorabilia can come in the form of vintage comic books, sports jerseys and even signed autographs of celebrities from back in the day. These can be displayed on floating shelves or hung on walls. An interesting take on retro
styles is that although they are influenced by past aesthetics, they can also be equipped with modern elements. Digital record players, for example, can have the functionality of today’s technology while still taking on the appearance of an older device. Large chandeliers can have LED lighting in its fixture to conserve electricity. A Victorianera bed frame can be filled with memory foam. With endless combinations of past styles and modern technology, coupled with the nostalgic Millennial market, the retro aesthetic may become the new trend soon enough. p