Goin’ Virtual. To be honest, our agents have had the option to go virtual for years, but they never really needed to. After all, agents are people-people! Fortunately, our tech department already had the platform in place to support virtual marketing. Our tech team hosts webinars that walks our agents through all virtual activities from hosting open houses/showings to managing the entire transaction digitally via zipTMS. It’s so easy to use that our training sounded a bit like this, “See that button? Click it and you’re DONE!”
Agents learned different ways to create virtual slideshows with free software like Animoto and upload to Reinhart’s Home Tours YouTube channel.
TECH TITAN AWARD WINNER for our technological achievements
Presented to individuals transforming the industry by integrating new forms of technology into their companies to improve and enhance overall consumer experience.
Preferred listing status, leads go directly to the agent +more!