USA|3NO31VOL Reunion Planners Notebook R EVISED
Stories waiting to be told? Solutions and education help. Lifetimes of memories?

REUNION PLANNERS NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 3 Table Of Contents Welcome to multimedia reunion planning! 1.0 Introduction to Reunion Planners Notebook . . . 4 1.1 Reunion social media: online index 1.2 Reunion planning timetable 2.0 Surveys ................................... 8 2.1 Family reunion survey 2.2 Class reunion survey 3.0 Leadership and governance ................ 10 3.1 Leadership roster 3.2 Committee responsibilities 3.3 Committee notes/progress 4.0 Budget ................................... 12 4.1 Budget form 5.0 Site Selection .............................13 5.1 Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB) 5.2 Request for Proposal (RFP) 5.3 Hotel negotiation 5.4 Site inspection checklist Fairfax County VA CVB ........................ 15 6.0 Promotion/communication/social media .....16 6.1 Membership Roster 6.2 Save-the-Date/invitations 7.0 Fundraising ............................... 17 7.1 Program book copy 7.2 Ad book order form 8.0 Registration ..............................18 8.1 Family reunion registration form 8.2 Class reunion registration form 8.3 Military reunion registration form 8.4 Optional order form 8.5 Reunion activity signup form 9.0 Food .................................... 20 9.1 Food/cooking plans 9.2 Menu planning 9.3 Picnic checklist 9.4 Potluck signup form 9.5 Questions to ask the caterer 10.0 Reunion Day ............................ _23 10.1 Reunion Day countdown 10.2 Reunion Days for the planner 10.3 Reunion Day volunteer list 10.4 Registration check-in/attendance roster Reunion Day Programs 10.5 Sample Banquet program 10.6 Sample Business meeting agenda 10.7 Sample Worship/memorial program 11.0 Evaluation/feedback ...................... 28 11.1 Reunion member event evaluation 11.2 Committee member event evaluation 11.3 Member long form evaluation Don’t Let Your Memories Fade by V I V I D -PIX® ... 29 Catalog of Reunion Resources ................. 42 Multimedia Reunion Planning Infographic ....... 44 Reunions magazine, Inc. (ISSN #1046-5s235), is published virtually 4 times per year. Send corre spondence, queries, submissions, subscriptions, advertising to Reunions magazine, PO Box 11727, Mil waukee WI 53211-0727. Written permission from the publisher is required for reproduction of any part of this book except pages which encourage sharing. Please explain your intended use when requesting permission to reprint. Email: Tear sheets of reviews and reprints required. Reunions magazine, Inc., will not be liable for information presented as facts contained in any of our advertising, byline stories or materials. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submit ted for publication. We solicit participation and take responsibility for submitted materials. Unless ac companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), submissions and photos will not be returned. All materials sent for purposes of publication become property of Reunions magazine, Inc. Advertis ing rate information available from Reunions magazine, Inc., PO Box 11727, Milwaukee WI 53211-0727; 414-467-8104 | e-mail | © 2022 Reunions magazine, Inc. 2022 Reunion Planners Notebook Volume 31 • Number 3 PUBLISHER Rick Voight EDITOR IN CHIEF Edith Wagner editor@reunionsmag.comEDITORIALASSISTANT Mary Catherine Stern ART DIRECTOR Jennifer Rueth SALES ACCOUNT MANAGER Roberta roberta@reunionsmag.comMcLoud WEB WIZARDS Mickel Arce • Howard Ehrenberg Chris Thompson Text in red indicates this is an actionable planning form. Forms can be printed at Scroll down and click on the link “Print blank reunion planning forms.” Richmond High School Ladies of the Class of 1967

Harrison Family Reunion centennial display.
elcome to Reunions magazine’s Reunion Planners Notebook, an online venture to make reunion planning accessible and interactive.Wealsoinvite you to discover variations on these same pages — in several additional formats — online for your reunionplanning convenience. Throughout this Notebook, you will find references and links leading you to extensive additional information online to aid your reunion planning. This Notebook is optimized for mobile, so you can access these pages on your mobile devices as well. All of these resources are available to you 24/7 whenever you want to work on your reunion plan.
In addition to the forms you’ll find in this Notebook, each page includes links to extensive information on our website and Pinterest pages. Announcements of news and additions to the web appear regularly on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and in our monthly e-newsletters. Reunions magazine has always been reader-driven, and we will continue to add reader contributions to the website and Pinterest boards and announce them on Facebook — all excellent reasons for you to be friends and fans online.
How to Use This Book
Planning forms and supporting documents, information, tips and discussion compose a collection of aids that will help you plan a successful reunion. The forms illustrated in this book will lead you through the reunion planning process, establishing the perfect groundwork for a first-time reunion planner as well as a valuable framework for even the most seasoned and experienced reunion planners. Once you’ve used and completed the forms for one reunion, they will be a priceless gift to your successive planners and committee chairs. Not only will they see what was done before, but your reunion’s documented history will come in very handy when the next reunion planner needs to demonstrate the value of your business to a convention and visitors bureau, hotel, resort or other place you may wish to have your next reunion.
Full size versions of reunion planning forms in this issue are available for FREE from uploads/2016/06/free_forms.pdf
Reunions magazine was established in 1990 when reunions were just beginning to dawn as a market for the hospitality industry. We like to think we helped that along with our commitment to provide an audience for the reunion marketplace where reunion planners meet reunion hosts and vendors! The magazine is reader-driven, and that — along with an extensive web and social media presence — has enabled us to engage with thousands of reunions over the years.
Outlines illustrated in this Notebook can be found at free_forms.pdf
. Scroll down to forms to print blank reunion planning forms. Forms are to share with your committees and to use as your planning blueprint.
About Reunions magazine
Edward Thomas Fuller Family Reunion
. Scroll down to forms to print blank reunion planning forms. Many of the forms can be filled in online. Use the forms so everyone is and always can be on the same page throughout the reunion planning process. Only careful planning and execution of the plan can decrease the chance of snafus, misunderstandings and disappointments.
4 REUNIONS v 1.0 INTRODUCTIONIntroduction to Reunion Planners Notebook
Welcome to multimedia reunion planning

REUNION PLANNERS NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 5 Stories you’ll share. MEMORIES YOU’LL KEEP. GREATER BIRMINGHAM CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU | 800 - 458 - 8085 A reunion is a chance to reconnect on a deep, personal level, sharing the stories and remembrances that make you who you are. And Birmingham is that special place to reminisce, laugh, and love being together. Whether it’s family, classmates, or a military reunion, you’ll find you want to stay just one more day…in Birmingham.

committee and volunteers REUNION DAY(S) ... Set up registration tables, rental equipment, displays, decorations Juggle details; volunteers, food, photographer, games, kids activities, entertainment, tours, ceremonies EvaluateEnjoy reunion AFTERWARD ... Reflect and evaluate — note what worked, what didn’t Complete bookkeeping; settle accounts Send thank you notes, pictures and videos to volunteers, hotel staff, caterers Add a reunion summary to your website and Facebook page Share with Reunions magazine Start planning your next reunion Reunion timetable = = Podcast
DAY BEFORE ... Determine hotel staff contacts assigned to your reunion Solve last-minute problems Review final
REUNION PLANNERS NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 7 REUNION TIMETABLE 1.2 24-18 MONTHS BEFORE YOUR REUNION... Determine interest Talk to other reunion organizers Attend a reunion organizing class, workshop or conference Start collecting mailing and email list Survey members to establish interest * Download Reunion Planners Notebook planning forms Form reunion committee(s) and establish responsibilities and schedules Keep records of everything Develop budget and bookkeeping system Contact convention and visitors or tourism bureau Podcast: How to ask for money Search for / visit locations, facilities Podcast: Hotels are looking for your reunion Set up social media presence! A website, Facebook and Twitter pages ONE YEAR BEFORE ... Set SenddatesSave-the-Date cards. Choose destination/location/venue Send first mailer; tentative reunion schedule and plans (tours, souvenirs, memory books), theme, approximate cost, and missing persons list. Podcast: Art of the loving invitation Begin souvenir directory/list of members, memory book Arrange or hire entertainment, caterer, photographer, videographer, printer, motorcoach for touring Podcast: How to hire a motorcoach Reserve picnic area in the park 9-6 MONTHS BEFORE ... Visit hotel, meet with staff Reserve block of rooms Use website and Facebook pages to send announcements and build excitement Send second mailer; include registration and souvenir order forms and cost Send announcement to Reunions magazine; Send reunion name, date, place and contact info to Schedule events and activities — program, speakers, awards ceremony, tours How to make a fundraising book 5 MONTHS BEFORE ... Confirm reservations, entertainment (band, DJ, comedian, magician, face painting), photographer, caterer Choose menu or make cooking/food plans Announce event to local news media, elected officials Request proclamations from elected officials Use social media regularly to update, who’s coming and what’s new to create enthusiasm 4-2 MONTHS BEFORE ... Meet with hotel staff, visit facility with reunion committee Reserve rental equipment; tents, bounce house, tables, chairs, Selectporta-pottiesdecorations, theme, signs and banners To ensure delivery before your reunion, submit personalized souvenir order (t-shirts, mugs, caps ...) and deliver directory/ memory book to the printer 6 WEEKS BEFORE ... Review committee assignments Write checklist for reunion tasks Designate assignments for reunion day volunteers Podcast: Don’t do it alone: recruit volunteers 2 WEEKS BEFORE ... Purchase last minute decorations and incidental supplies Reconfirm meeting, sleeping and eating accommodations Review final checklist
THE details with
It is essential to survey your reunion group to determine preferences which, when incorporated into the reunion plans, will guarantee higher attendance. former classmates/buddies how they imagine their reunion. Choose the majority answers even if it doesn’t include top choice. Be flexible. The goal is to encourage as many people as possible to get together.
Surveys2.2 Class reunion survey CHOOSING A DATE HOW TO PLAN A REUNION WHY HAVE A REUNION? SETTING THE DATE FOR YOUR REUNION 2.1 Family reunion survey Müllerleile Family Reunion
Purpose: to determine interest To learn who’s interested and how they’d be involved.
in a reunion.


• Finance/fundraising. Develops budget and long-range fundraising projects and plans. Stages reunion day fundraisers. Selects and purchases personalized souvenirs. Collects and organizes items to sell, auction or raffle at the reunion.
• Destination/location/site selection. Selects reunion destination and location. Makes site visits, negotiates contracts, makes reservations and site arrangements.
The following responsibilities also can be considered for assignment to a committee or an individual volunteer:
3.2 ResponsibilitiesCommittee
• Food. Plans, chooses and provides food, or works with a caterer or banquet manager. Chooses options such as a picnic or banquet, potluck. Determines whether to hire a caterer or have everyone pitch in to help in planning and cooking—or some combination of those. If both a banquet and/ or dance and a picnic/barbecue are planned, have a separate coordinator for each. Roster
3.1 Leadership
• Photography/videography. Hire professionals or designate reunion members to perform the duties of photographer, videographer, and/or memory album organizer.
Plans and coordinates reunion day activities (for all age groups) based on reunion members’ interests. Arranges event facilities or locations. Chooses and coordinates tours, entertainment, sports, games, ice breakers; books a band or DJ, and arranges for AV system, if necessary. Plans age-appropriate activities for kids throughout the reunion to fend off boredom and encourage participation.
• Signage. Produce clear, high-visibility signs that make the reunion easy to find and/or guide attendees to specific activities or areas within the reunion.
• (includingtappingmembers.attendancewebsitenewsletters,distributesattendance.mediaCommunication/invitation/social.PromotesreuniontoincreaseDesigns,producesandannouncements,invitations,follow-ups.Setsup/managesandsocialmedia.EncouragesandinvolvementamongThisisagreatcommitteeforthetalentsofyoungerpeople.•Program/entertainment/activitieskids’activitiesatfamilyreunions)
Volunteers or committees for the following responsibilities help to lighten the load.
• Worship/Memorial/Fellowship. Plans and presents service, rituals, ceremonies, memorials. Arranges clergy, speakers, music, activities, volunteers. Allocates time to remember births and passings, honor accomplishments and comings and goings.
Make a Organizationchecklist.isessential to planning a successful reunion. No detail is too small and keeping track of all the details is a must. All these steps are the foundation for hosting a successful event. A timeline keeps you on the calendar, a checklist makes sure you don’t forget anything. There are many details and it can be a lot to remember. Make a checklist in whatever format you’re comfortable with. Make sure everything is on that list; make copies. Give others responsibility for items on the checklist.
Planning a reunion should be a group effort. Volunteers and committees are crucial to a successful event. Committees share planning, set a timeline for completing tasks and assignments, generate and implement ideas, and inspire attendance. Family reunions should involve members from each branch and young family members. Commit tees add to the fun and “ownership” of reunion organizing. Committees meet as needed, in person or via Zoom!

REUNION DAY(S) VOLUNTEERS Opportunities for people who have had no other reunion planning responsibilities.
• Medic. Designating at least one person as a “medic” is wise, particularly for outdoor reunions. Clean-up. Time for everybody to pitch in so the planners can finally relax!
Family Reunion
• Set-up/decorations. Makes reunion site festive and welcoming. Sets up AV equipment, displays, decorations. Makes sure equipment and rentals are set up and functioning.
• Registration/greeters. Checks in new arrivals, distributes nametags and gift bags, collects money from last minute arrivals.
• Transportation. Does airport pickup and arranges to transport members during the reunion (hotel to picnic, tours, church).
• Registration. Recruits welcoming committee and makes nametags before the reunion.

12 REUNIONS v 4.1 - 3 OtherTaxesTips/gratuities Post reunion expenses Printing; reunion report/newsletter Pictures,Postage videos Other TOTAL EXPENSES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 NET INCOME $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 © 2016 Reunions magazine 4.1 - 2 OtherSuppliesPostage Down payments /deposits Rentals;PicnicVenuesAccommodationssiterentalA/V,tents, bounce house PrintingMementoes,MotorcoachPhotographer/videographerFoodCatererfortourst-shirts(newsletters,program … ) Other Purchases Name Awards;ActivityGamesDecorations/signs/bannerstagsexpenses(crafts,plaques,certificates, trophies, prizes, other awards Program and other special handouts Picnic supplies Other Reunion day expenses MealsVenues(# days x # meals) Transportation: Rides to/from airport Motorcoach for touring DJ,Photographer/videographerCatererbandorprofessionalstory teller 4.0 BUDGET Keep track of every penny … because someone at the reunion will ask how their money was spent. Try to arrange a separate checking account to keep a permanent, legal record of reunion income and expenses.Donot underestimate expenses or you’ll find yourself with reunion bills and no way to pay them. Add at least 10% for unexpected expenses to whatever you decide to charge. If there is money left over, it can go to the committee planning the next reunion.Ifyou’re just starting, ask for donations to help cover expenses. Then consider additional ways — such as dues or fees — to offset pre-reunion expenses. Dues or fees to cover your expenses can be set at several membership levels, including individual, young adult, family, sustaining, donating, and senior. The lowest covers essential administrative costs and a newsletter. Don’t price membership out of reach for those on fixedPubliclyincomes.recognize sustaining and donating members to encourage generous individuals. Mention their names in presentations at the reunion and publish their names in programs and newsletters. For family reunions, consider a membershipcomplimentarytoanymember over 70 who requests it. This budget, downloadable and fillable in Excel, does calculations for you, both for planning and for revising as you go. Use the spreadsheet to provide instant information and financial reports for committees and for members at the reunion. Excel allows you to track actual expenses to compare to your budget, and you also can generate income statements and final reports. 4.1 - 1 INCOME In kind* estimate actual Membership dues OnlineFees registration (% of charge) Fundraising *volunteerOtherVolunteersAuction/raffleToursFood/beveragesCookbooksPhotos/videos/CDsMementoes/keepsakesT-shirts/caps/totesSalesDonations/contributionstime,donatedgoods or services TOTAL INCOME $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 EXPENSESPrereunion expenses Bank Communicationfees Long distance/fax/email/web Promotion Online/web expenses Printing; mailings, programs (# of mailings x # on mail list) REUNION BUDGETReunion Date _________________ Contact _________________________________________________________________________ Reunion Name _____________________________________4.1 Reunion Budget Reunion planning forms are illustrated throughout these pages. Outlines illustrated in this Notebook can be found at Scroll down and click on the link “Print blank reunion planning forms.” SAVING $$ HOW TO ASK FOR MONEY

Demonstrate the economic impact of your reunion spending habits (rooms, food, beverages, meeting space, shopping patterns). And, if you really want to impress them, estimate total monetary impact of your reunion on their community.
Whether you’re organizing a reunion to be held in your own area or elsewhere, once you’ve narrowed your destination choices your first contact must be the local convention and visitors bureau (CVB). They know the territory! They know what major events are coming up, what hotels are new or renovated, and the best value dates for your reunion. In fact, they may be your most helpful source of information during your reunion planning. Ask if there’s a reunion or small meeting specialist on staff.
5.2 Request for Proposal
UNDERSTAND SUPPLY AND DEMAND Ask hotels for dates / seasons when rates are low CAN
giveaways, door prizes 5.3
_ name badges _ banners _ children/spouse
CVBs provide a range of services. Most can help you develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain bids for accommodations and services. The information you supply about what your reunion needs is used to collect responses from vendors. The CVB is your ally and advocate, utilizing their extensive knowledge to help you and your reunion. Ask if they can help you get discounts and group rates for housing, attractions, entertainment and transportation. Can the CVB provide a familiarization (FAM) tour or on-site inspection? Can they provide a video tour and an inspection report, if a reunion member is unable to personally inspect a property? Can the CVB provide referrals to local suppliers for A/V equipment, tours and special events, motorcoaches, caterers, restaurants, entertainment, florists, photographers/ videographers and speakers?
5.1 Convention and Visitors Bureau
_ services
If you don’t negotiate, you will pay higher prices and receive very few extras. Negotiating is complex. Do your homework. Know the facts to get the greatest value for your reunion dollars. Be realistic. Careful negotiating can get you the best and most economical reunion. Keep in mind: hotel sales persons negotiate every day and they want yourWebusiness.usetheword “hotel” but the following should be used for whatever venue/property you are trying to secure for your reunion. This could be for a resort, inn, ranch, bed&breakfast, condos, villas or vacation homes, campgrounds or even a cruise ship. When you are negotiating for your unique group, consider these steps.
official greetings (mayor,
these: _ maps,
Ask whether the CVB can provide or help your reunion to obtain any of brochures help with large reunions) public officials) programs for special needs promotional Hotel negotiation
_ sightseeing tours _ souvenirs,
registrationmailingsassistance (for
DO FOR YOU continued on page 14
Reunion size. For a first reunion, err on the side of caution. Do not oversell your reunion. If your reunion has history, you have the hotel’s attention. Provide proof that you can and do fill the number of rooms you are asking for. And vow to save all this information for the next reunion chair to use for the next reunion.

14 REUNIONS v 5.0 SITE SELECTION and business is needed. These are called low, off or soft periods; they vary from location to location and can occur throughout the year. If your dates and season are flexible, you may be able to save 50% or more off published rates. LET THE HOTEL KNOW YOU’RE SHOPPING Do not select a hotel just because it offers the lowest price which may result in a low level of service. If you really like a hotel but the price is out of your range, say so. Ask if there is any way they can work with you. They may try hard to make it work. ASK FOR COMPLIMENTARY ITEMS If you don’t ask, complimentary items will not be offered. These can include early check-in/late check-out, storage for supplies sent in advance of the reunion date, hotel shuttle, free parking, wifi or use of a business center, banners or signs, welcome reception, hospitality suite, recreational activities, special menu items, decorations and more. Some things may be free, others may be available at reduced rates. If this is your first reunion, do not expect too much but later as you demonstrate the value of your reunion, you will get more. And now, THE CONTRACT YOUR NEGOTIATION WILL END IN A WRITTEN CONTRACT WHICH, ONCE SIGNED, IS LEGALLY BINDING ON BOTH THE HOTEL AND THE REUNION. Get everything in writing—from the smallest promised service to the type and number of rooms you agreed to. Total price must be clear, as well as taxes and gratuities. Review the contract very carefully. Ask questions, change what you do not agree with. Once the contract is signed, you are bound to its every detail. MAKE SURE THE FOLLOWING ARE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT. Total number of rooms held for your reunion _ Attrition clause: percentage of number of rooms you book versus number you contract for to avoid penalty _ Types of rooms and beds _ Complimentary rooms, suites _ Smoke-free rooms _ Handicapped accessibility _ Meeting space _ Deposits _ Cut-off dates _ Cancellation clauses _ Reservation instructions _ Check in/out times/dates _ Taxes _ Transportation _ Master accounts _ Services and equipment _ What happens if hotel is overbooked? _ What ever else was negotiated. Reunion Site Inspection Checklist Property name and address Date of ThingsContactvisitperson/infotoobserve ❑ how you're treated ❑ appearance (interior and exterior) ❑ overall cleanliness ❑ security and safety systems, including fire exits and sprinkler systems in rooms ❑ condition of all rooms (sleeping, dining and meeting) Yes / No /__ Do employees seem proud of their work? ___/___ Are they personable? helpful? ___/___ Are you comfortable with the hotel's decor? ___/___ Does the lobby have a welcoming appearance? ___/___ Are all areas wheelchair accessible? ___/___ Is there sufficient, convenient parking? ___/___ Is there access to public transportation? ___/___ Are ice machines conveniently located and do they work? 5 3 1 Does 5.4 Reunion Site Inspection HOTELS ARE LOOKING FOR YOUR REUNION BOARDS: REUNION DESTINATIONS, HOTELS & RESORTS, CRUISES, BED & BREAKFASTS, INNS, VACATION HOMES, RANCHES & CAMPING EXPLORE continued from page 13

Wonderful museums, world-class shopping, and lots of family-friendly restaurants? Check, check, and check!
As one planner who held her reunion here put it:
Why? It’s easy … Fairfax County has everything family groups need for a terrific get-together! Great hotels at great rates? activities?pools,Waterparks,Check.swimmingandoutdoorCheck.
When families are looking for the perfect place to get everyone together and hold a memorable reunion, more often than not they end up in Fairfax County, Virginia, right across the Potomac River from Washington, DC.
“We were able to get a great rate on lodging at the hotel; it happened that the hotel was newly renovated and the location really proved convenient for getting around. There was so much to do around the area … the outlet mall, the Air and Space Museum, the Zoofari. A group of us visited one of the many local wineries for a wine-tasting and getting reacquainted with one another.”
Come see for yourself why Fairfax County is the perfect gathering spot for your family … call or email Dean Miller at Visit Fairfax today and put him to work helping you get your group together. There’s never any charge for the award-winning service that Dean and Visit Fairfax provide. We can’t wait to have you and your group with us! (703) 752-9509 or
Any-sized family, any-sized budget, we accommodate both!

The goal of promoting your reunion is to attract the maximum number of potential members to the event. To achieve success, you will want to start early and be consistently persistent at clever reminders to build excitement and anticipation!
Social media can make your promotion efforts easier and attract younger members who are the future of your reunion. Save the cost of postage: use email and Facebook for invitations and updates as well as reminders. Include images and videos of group history and past reunions, and, of course, add to them after the reunion as well. Save the Date cards, emails, invitations, newsletters, website, Facebook posts and letters by snail mail … these are all ways to promote your reunion. There are also, of course, phone calls, which can be happily effective because these days they’re often a pleasant surprise. So if your reunion has members who love to talk on the phone, assigning them the personal contact responsibility is guaranteed to increase attendance. You’ll find ideas for many ways to communicate with your reunion members on our website and Pinterest boards. Examples of invitations and newsletters on our website and a Save the Date board on Pinterest, are full of inspiration. promotionIgnore at your own peril! Morris Family

Fundraising to help pay for reunions can be a major activity at the reunion and between reunions. The activities between reunions would include long-term projects such as a commemorative quilt or publish ing projects like cookbooks, calendars, history and ad books or reunion directories. Most require considerable time to collect, assem ble and produce. Fundraising activities between reunioins can also include progressive or theater parties, car washes, rummage sales, andActivitiesmore. at reunions must be planned and promoted ahead of time and include auctions (sometimes silent, sometimes loud!), raffles, food sales, t-shirt and memento sales. For auctions, members bring crafts, products, and often family heirlooms that can raise lots of money for their nostalgic and sometimes historic value.
Reunion/group photos throughout Back cover
Front WelcomeAcknowledgmentsWelcomecoverfromlocal officials Activities outline Banquet program
Reunion/group directory
Reunion/group ads, business cards and messages
If you decide to produce any kind of book for your reunion, it must be completed and to the printer early enough for delivery in time for your reunion. Working backward from the submission date, you must establish deadlines for ad sales, and finalizing copy.
7.1 Many reunions have money-making goals such as helping some members afford to attend the reunion, scholarships for all education levels, investments, group business enterprises and or money to cover some of the current reunion or to start the next reunion. And while this may sound serious, it’s the “fun” in fundraising that makes it a popular activity at many reunions.
Program Book Advertising Order Form DEADLINE A program book is one of our reunion fundraising projects. Please add your advertisement or message. The book will be shared at the reunion, but if you are unable to attend we will send you a copy. We encourage you to use ad space to sell products or services, express congratulations (for weddings, graduations, new jobs, promotions, retirements, special achievements), to extend condolences, or to share memories. Ad rates and sizes Color Black & Ad Size Dimensions W x H based on 8 ½ x White 11 inches $ $ Full page 7.5"W x 9.875"H $ $ ½ page Vertical 3.5"W x 9.875"H $ $ ½ page Horizontal 7.5"W x 4.75"H $ $ ¼ page 7.5"W x 2.375"H $ $ Business card NIA $ Special Message * Enter your message below * NIA $ Greetings * * Enter name as you wish it to appear. Ads must be submitted, print-ready, with payment. Enclosed is my check/money order for $ EmailYORPayPalournameAddressPhone•SPECIAL MESSAGE* A special message can consume any ad size. If you use a full page, it is approximately 500-550 words. You may also add a logo or picture. ** Greetings! Your name will be included in an alphabetical list of persons who want to salute the reunion. DEADLINE © 2022 Reunions magazine 7.2 7.2 Program Book ORDER FORM FREE STUFF @ PAYING FOR YOUR REUNION REUNION BOARD:HOWSEEAUCTIONSFUNDRAISING/T-SHIRTS&RAFFLESSAMPLEPROGRAMBOOKSTOPLANAREUNIONADBOOKFUNDRAISING
“In Reunion/groupMemoriam” history
Your fundraising goal for an ad book should be to sell enough advertising to cover your costs and make a profit. Interview printers early to determine their requirements and to get bids for your reunion budget. Decide whether or not to use color. How will the book be bound? Do you need to mail copies to advertisers who won’t be at the reunion?
Outline the anticipated contents to determine the number of pages you’ll need for “copy” — that is, for reunion information. Content for a typical program book includes:
Additional program book costs may include layout services, order form printing and distribution (email and snail mail). This will establish how much to charge for advertising units in order to cover your costs. Most program/ad book printing can be done by a local quick printer.
One potential project for raising funds before the reunion is to sell ad space in your program book. If you choose this form of fundraising, include soliciting and collecting ads to your pre-reunion responsibili ties. Reunion members, including young people, can provide ad sales and production talent. An ad book is a reunion souvenir, so do everything you can to make it a classy item members will be proud to show, share and save as a reunion heirloom.
Most program books measure 8½ x 11 inches. For ease of layout, sell ads sized as full page, half page and quarter page. Require that ads be laid out by the purchaser, or add layout services to the ad charges.

The purpose of registration is know not only who is coming to the reunion, but what want to do when they get there. This is a form that lists all the activities planned, and each member should sign up for the ones wish to participate in. If there are separate costs for some of the activities, the signup data will determine how much each member will pay for the reunion. want to collect the fees prior to reunion in order to cover pre-reunion expenses. activities will not cost still want a headcount know how many
extra, but you’ll
chairs to set up or grills to set out or supplies to buy for crafts for the kids. Military Reunion Registration Form Reunion Name Reunion Date(s) Contact Who will be attending the reunion? Military group member First name Last name (include nickname) CityAddressState Zip ContactFacebookEmailPhonein case of emergency Guest(s) Name(s) as it/they will appear on name badge(s). First Name Last name _____________________ Registration Circle Yes or No. Total Yes No Reunion fee* $______ x # $________ Yes No Meet and greet $______ x # $________ Yes No Tour(s) $______ x #_____ $_______ Yes No Banquet $______ x #_____ $________ Yes No Photo $______ x #_____ $________ Yes No Memory book $______ x #_____ $________ Yes No Donation $______ x #_____ $________ Grand total $________ 8.3 1 8.3 Military Registration Reunion Form Class Reunion Registration Form Reunion Name Reunion Date(s) _________ Contact Who will be attending the reunion? Class member First name Last name (include maiden name and nickname) CityAddressState Zip FacebookEmailPhone Guest(s) Name(s) as it/they will appear on name badge(s). First Name Last name Registration Total Yes No Reunion fee $______ x #___ $________ Yes No Meet and greet $______ x #___ $________ Yes No High school tour $__ free $________ Yes No Tour(s) $______ x #_____ $________ Yes No Banquet $______ x #_____ $________ Yes No Picnic $______ x #_____ $________ 8.2 1 8.2 Class Registration Reunion Form WHOREGISTRATIONBOARDS:REGISTRATIONREUNIONANDAREYOU? Family Reunion Registration Form Reunion Name _________________________________________________________________ Reunion Date(s) ______________________________________________ Contact ____________ Who will be attending the reunion? WhichBirthdateFacebookEmailLastFirst/middle/nicknamenameAddress_______________________________CityStateZipPhone____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________branchofthefamily______________________________________________ Who else from the same household? Please print names as they should appear on name badges First Name Last name Relationship Age ______________________ ____________________________ _________________ _______ ______________________ ____________________________ _________________ _______ 8.1 1 8.1 Family Registration Reunion Form 8.4 Optional forms for registration T SHIRT ORDER FORMS T SHIRT OPTION #1 T SHIRT ORDER FORM DEADLINE TO ORDER ADULT SIZESSmall Medium Large X Large 2 XX 3XXX 4XXXX Cost per t shirt $ $ $ $ $ $ $ # t TotalshirtsCostperSizeAdult QTY Total ______________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ______________ CHILDREN’S SIZESXsm Small Medium Large X Large $ $ $ $ $ OPTIONAL ORDER FORMS OPTIONAL PAYMENT METHODS REGISTRATION#1 FEES Under 2 3-11 12-20 21-64 Seniors 65 and older Total Cost personper $ $ $ $ $ N/A numberTotal Total # attendeesof Total cost per groupage Total Fees ONE#2 SINGLE FEE $____ _ includes Meet and greet, Tour(s), Banquet, Picnic, Photo and Memory book #3 Ages DOWNLOADFORMSFOR https://reunionsmag.FREEcom/free-stuff/ Scroll down and click on “Print blank reunion planning forms.”

REUNION PLANNERS’ NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 19 REGISTRATION 8.0 REUNION ACTIVITIES ICE GAMESBREAKERSREUNIONS PLAY HOWKIDSSTUFFTOFILL A REUNION GOODIE BAG DO KIDS LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR REUNION? REUNION AWARDS AND PRIZES BOARDS: REUNION ACTIVITIES, GAMES, THINGS KIDS DO AT REUNIONS 8.5 Reunion Activity Signup Include activities in your registration form’s section for tallying up fees. Transfer information from the registration forms you receive to this Reunion Activity Signup form so you will have a running count of how many people want to participate in each activity. It will provide a summary at a glance while registrations are coming in so you can determine the activity status at any time. The range of activities is bound only by your imagination! Find thousands of ideas on our website and Pinterest boards. From sports like ball games, hiking and biking, to crafts and games like Bingo and many re-created TV games like Jeopardy and Amazing Race. Reunion planners are very cleaver people. Reunion fun awaits! 2016 Jolly Reunion Nash Family Reunion USS Sellers Group

Several meals together at the hotel, the rest at restaurants
Camping/grilling/campfire s’mores Everyone is on their own for meals CONFIGURATIONS
20 REUNIONS v 9.0 REUNION FOOD REUNION FOOD EVENTS Meet and OftenMealSnacksRefreshmentsgreetonFriday: fish fry ReunionRestaurantBanquetPotluckDinnerCocktailPicnicLunchBrunchBreakfastreceptioncooks WAYS TO ORGANIZE REUNION MEALS
All reunion food is included in a fee including at the meet and greet, banquet, picnic and lunch after church on Sunday; breakfasts included in accommodation cost.
These are suggestions for reunions that are more than just one meal (a banquet or picnic on just one day).
can be found at Scroll down and click on the link “Print blank reunion planning forms.” REUNION FOOD BOARDS: REUNION FOOD, BREAKFASTS, APPETIZERS AND MUNCHIES, DRINKS, DESSERTS AND SWEETS
Picnic in a park that is part potluck and part catered Meals catered at a meeting place, church, someone’s home, a park Banquet at hotel or offsite hall
All meals eaten together at a hotel or resort or ranch Breakfasts included in hotel cost, other meals planned as part of the reunion program.
Potluck for one or many meals with everyone providing equal shares.
If you decide to cook your own meals, consider these configurations. Have a schedule ahead of who cooks when and do the shopping before the reunion.•Organize cooking teams to
introducefamilies/generations/interests/talents.mix•Usecookingasanopportunitytoandteachaboutethnicfood. this Notebook
Reunion members do their own cooking in a lodge/condo/villa kitchen
9.1 plansFood/cooking 9.2 Reunion Menus Reunion planning forms are illustrated throughout these pages. Outlines illustrated in

You will want to make your picnic plans well in advance in order to secure the picnic site you most desire. Every area jurisdiction has its own rules, so find out right away who to contact and the requirements for reserving your spot. Do you want a city or county park site?
9.3 Picnic Checklist BOARD:
Use the Potluck Signup Form to ensure that members contribute a variety of food. Request a small per-person contribution to cover the cost of meat or a main dish, and ask members to bring side dishes, salads and desserts. Every reunion has its own cooking superstars and favorite recipes. Ask cooks to bring and share printed recipe cards for the special dishes they’ve prepared.
Potluck Sign Up
on “Print blank reunion plan-
forms.” Slagle Family Reunion
Popular sites often are distributed by lottery on a certain date (first day of business in the new year, for example). Your reservation and any deposits must be submitted before that date in order to be included in the drawing. Don’t be disappointed. Do your picnic homework well in advance. REUNION Scroll down click ning

Can we order special meals? How much advance notice is needed?
COST Can special menus be created within our budget? Is there a minimum guarantee to use the facility? Total dollar amount or number of meals? Is there a room-rental charge? Can we receive a discount if we order the same menu as another group you’re catering at the same time? Can credit be established?
Do you do your own baking? What is the portion size of each entree? Can a food tasting be arranged?
When are deposits expected? When is payment expected? What is the tax rate? What is the service charge/gratuity percentage? Is service charge/ gratuity taxed? Are there any other costs (e.g., overtime, setup or labor charges)?
Can we bring in our own liquor? Is there a corkage fee? How many ounces are in your bottles, glasses, drinks? How many ounces of liquor per drink? How many ounces is your juice glass? Is decaf coffee brewed or instant? Can partially full open bottles from the hosted bar (paid for by the bottle) be removed from the property? Can the hotel store open bottles of liquor from one reception for our next event?
How is leftover food disposed of? Can it be donated to a food kitchen to feed the needy? What linen colors are available at no additional charge? Are table numbers available? What size table rounds are available? How many will each be set for? (8 guests at 60-inch rounds; 10 guests at 72-inch rounds.) How will buffet tables be decorated?
MENU QUESTIONS Can we order vegetarian, Kosher, gluten-free meals or menu items? What combination plates are available? Can guests be given a choice of entrees? How far in advance are counts required? How do we handle last-minute requests?
When is attendance guarantee due?
What items can be available on short notice, if attendance increases unexpectedly? What time will the tables be set up so we can bring in decor and centerpieces?Whattime do we need to be out of the room? Are there overtime charges?Identify facility staff person who will be in charge during our function.Whatgroup is using the room prior to our function? Can we share decor or audiovisual equipment to reduce labor charges?
Do liquor-by-the bottle prices include set-ups (mixes, ice, glasses, barIsfruit)?there a bartender charge? If so, what is the dollar volume of liquor or wine required to waive the charge? What are your house, call and premium wine brands? Is wine that is no longer on the wine list available?
(Attendance guarantee is the number of servings paid for, whether or not they are consumed. Typically required 48 to 72 hours in advance. The guaranteed number can be increased, but not decreased. The number of hours may be negotiable.)
Does property have decorations, votive candles, hurricane lamps, bud vases or mirrors available at no charge? Will a microphone be provided at no charge? Can the facility store our centerpieces for use the next day? What are your emergency procedures?
9.5 Questions to ask the caterer Moores at McElroy Family Reunion
Who supplies equipment rental (e.g., stoves, grills, tables, chairs, dishes, linens, flatware)? Are facility permits needed? Who gets them? Is there a cost? Can a certificate of workers compensation and liability insurance be provided?Howmany wait staff will be provided? Is that cost included in the bid? How will they be dressed? Who will dispose of trash? What are overtime charges? Please supply references. Are tips and gratuities included?
Is food purchased fresh, canned or frozen?
What is the over-set policy? (Over-set policy is the percentage of places set, over guarantee, which the kitchen is prepared to serve.) What is the server-to-guest ratio? (Standard server-to-guest ratio is one wait staff per 20 guests.)

Advance planning is critical. Write down every task that must be done before the reunion.
Confirm all reunion vendors. Vendors have multiple bookings and can overbook or forget about a job. Double-check with vendors to confirm arrangements and agreements that have been made in advance including arrival and setup time, length of stay, what will be provided, andCheckcost. and double-check everything. Don’t leave things until the last minute only to find yourself fighting fires on Reunion Day. Everything that can be completed in advance should be done ahead of time. Pack supplies (pens, masking tape, staplers, etc.). Have everything ready, along with a packing list to make sure you don’t leave anything behind.
Visualize how your reunion will look. Walk through the event site with hotel staff and committee chairs. Decide where things will be set up continued
on page 24 10.1 Reunion Day Countdown 10.2 Reunion Days for Planner page 1 page 2 page 3 REUNION DAY 10.0
Reserve the day before and Reunion Day for tackling only those tasks that must be handled at that time. This will free you to address unexpected situations.

10.4 Reunion Day Check-In Attendance Roster 10.3 Reunion Day Volunteer ListVOLUNTEERS CAN MAKE A REUNION VOLUNTEERS WILL GET IT DONE Libation at Banks Hill Outlaw Family Reunion
2410.0 REUNION DAY continued from page 23 and take into account the flow of foot traffic. This process may reveal problems you can solve before reunion members begin arriving. Effective communication with volunteers is critical. Explain everything in detail so that everyone is on the same page about how to handle issues and situations that are their responsibility. VOLUNTEER HELPERS
Have a pre-reunion run-through with your volunteer team to make sure everyone knows what is expected of them. Review everything that is required to make your reunion a success. AN ATTENDEE yourself in your members’ shoes and consider the whole reunion from their perspective. Have you covered everything to make their experience smooth and Is anything potentially confusing? Are there last-minute gaps in your planning? sure to have clear signage. Display adequately sized, easy-to-read and easy-to-understand signs. Better to go overboard than have your members lost, bewildered and asking for directions. Happy Reunion Day! out as much of this form as possible before the reunion to remind people what they’ve volunteered to do. Fill in names of persons in charge and contact info/cell phone. Leave a copy at the registration table for everyone to see volunteers and to recruit reunion day clean up volunteers!

A reunion banquet is a formal gathering, usually in the evening — an opportunity for everyone to dress to impress! It’s rarely a time for t-shirts. Banquet activities lean toward the nostalgic, a time for honoring and remembering, but mostly for celebrating. A printed program should be available at the banquet, either individual copies or one for each table. It should include a list of banquet activities, indicating assigned times and who is responsible. A banquet program helps ensure everything planned is delivered. Program activities might include speeches about the group history, remembering members, poetry readings and musical performances, slideshow, talent show, a dance, worship, induction of new members, even karaoke.
Reunion banquet program program
Banquet programs are, of course, personalized for each reunion. Every program will be unique, but the example included here features items you might want to consider.
Sample reunion banquet
Name of reunion Date Time Location Program Time Activity Speaker/performer 5:30 PM Cocktails/reception 6:30 PM Introductions:Welcome planner, committee, special guests 6:45 PM Blessing/grace 7:00 PM Dinner 7:15 PM Music during dinner 8:15 PM Speech,Programperformance, slideshow 9:30 PM Thanks/Benediction 10:00 PM to … Music, dancing, visiting USS Sellers Reunion

DAY10.6 Reunion business meeting
SAMPLE REUNION BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA Reunion name Location:Time:Date AGENDA • Call to order • Minutes
Reunions who are incorporated are required to hold annual meetings, and reunions are the perfect opportunity to do so, with the largest number of members present. If you have a suggestion box, check it before the meeting for discussion possibilities. from previous meeting Treasurer’s report and publicly thank committee members and others who helped with the reunion. Discuss date(s), location(s) and frequency of future reunions. Enlist volunteers to work on upcoming reunion committees. Discuss/decide other family business.
The business meeting also can be a time for speakers, awards and presentations, and announcements (births, graduations, honors, marriages, milestones, promotions and retirements). It is also a time to memorialize those who have passed away since the last reunion. time for taking suggestions from the group regarding ideas to incorporate into the next and/or future reunions. Ideas you have never thought of may arise that can enhance your reunion and increase attendance. Or discuss ideas for reunion projects: repair ancestral grave sites and headstones, establish a scholarship fund, create an investment club, make an heirloom quilt, or produce a cookbook.
• Recognize
A (formal) business meeting can be a very useful part of your reunion program. Gather everyone while they’re together to make decisions such as when and where to have your next reunion. Recruit the chairperson and volunteers right on the spot!
The business meeting is also a great time to distribute and collect evaluations. Ask members to complete them while the information is fresh in their minds and submit them before leaving the reunion! These will be the most valuable evaluations you will receive. Family Reunion

REUNION PLANNERS NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 27 REUNION DAY 10.0 10.7 Worship or Memorial Service program A Worship or Memorial Service is the solemn part of any reunion. It is a time for reflection, remembering, giving thanks and praise. SAMPLE ORDER OF SERVICE Time Presentation Presenter Greetings Spokesperson or Clergy person BlessingSpecialwords of thanks Special message, purpose of celebration and gathering Optional prayer, scripture or poem Musical selection: vocal or instrumental Special Remembrances for those lost since the last reunion At a military ceremony, after reading names of the deceased from the unit an Honor Guard can post Colors and a bugler can play Taps. Special prayer or verse Recognition: new members, elder birthdays, special significances Benediction / Conclusion OPTIONAL Presentation of Family Tree and/or Family Bible Agenda for Family Dedication Celebration (also for Baby Dedication) Join CandlehandsLighting Ceremony MILITARY MEMORIALS BOARD: REUNION MEMORIALS USS Hopewell Memorial

28 REUNIONS v 11.0 EVALUATION Reunion Name _________________________________________________________________ Reunion Date Contact ____________ Member Long form 1. Is this the first time you 2. How did you g 3. WereA.City/location ___yes ___no B. Hotel/lodging ___yes ___no C. Reunion activities ___yes ___no If not, please explain problems you had. 4. How con Not at all 5.1 How convenient was the DATE for you? Not at all 6.1 Were fees for reunion registration an A. Registration fees were Not at all 1B. Reunion activity fees were Not at all 1 11.3 Member Long Form 11.2 Committee Form A crucial step at the end of all reunions is an honest, objective evaluation of the entire reunion. Present and explain the evaluation to your members and stress that opinions and ideas are important to help plan future reunions. Ask members to be candid. Stress that responses can be confidential. Tell them where to return completed evaluations.Itiswiseto conduct the evalua tion while you’re still at the reunion, when observations and ideas are still fresh. If, on the other hand, you send evaluations after the reunion, do so right away and expect fewer responses. Stress the importance of learning how members feel about the reunion and their suggestions for future reunions. We are sharing three evaluation examples. The first, pictured here, is a very simple questionnaire for members. An alternative, more detailed evaluation for members to complete will be with the download able forms. Finally, there is an evaluation of the reunion to be filled out by committee members as well. 11.1 Member Evaluation Form WRAPPING UP YOUR REUNION Powell Moody Family Reunion

Worried about fading memories? Don’t let your memories fade Worried about fading memories?

30 REUNIONS v My photos are everywhere – I don’t know where to start.

DON’T LET YOUR MEMORIES FADE 31 We’re downsizing – we all need a copy and/or digital access. Black & WhiteSepia Color

32 REUNIONS v Scan / Store / Restore / Record / Share Review memories Record audio memory Share memory

DON’T LET YOUR MEMORIES FADE 33 We digitize … just about anything … in the USA Photos, albums, documents, slides, negatives, movies, videos, and audio tapes • Scan 8mm, Super 8 or 16mm film movies in 2K resolution. • Receive editable MP4 files or DVD movies with each frame captured in High Definition. • Video and audio tape as editable MP4 and MP3 formats. • Photos, albums, documents, slides, and negatives, in JPEG or TIFF format, from 600 to 9600 dpi.

34 REUNIONS v Patented artificial intelligence provides 1-click improvements. Fine-tune with simple controls. KENYATTA BERRY AUTHOR & HOST - GENEALOGY ROADSHOW “I used it for my own book” LISA LOUISE COOKE GENEALOGIST - GENEALOGY GEMS “RESTOREamazing!”is DREW SMITH AUTHOR & PODCASTER - GENEALOGY GUYS “Game-changingsoftware” RecordsColor Black & MemorabiliaWhite DocumentsSepia Simple and Affordable software improves Select Pick Save A picture says a thousand words

DON’T LET YOUR MEMORIES FADE 35 International Standards EXIF and IPTC metadata compliant. ALLISON DEPREY SINGLETON GENEALOGY LIBRARIAN - ALLEN COUNTY LIBRARY “I love it” DAVID ALLEN LAMBERT AUTHOR & SPEAKER - CHIEF GENEALOGIST “Brings yesteryear back to life” MAUREEN TAYLOR THE PHOTO DETECTIVE® “I use it every day” Fix Transcribe Notate – Tag – Save Metadata Words are important

36 REUNIONS v Mom/Grandma isn’t remembering things as well … photos to spend better time together.

Use photos to provide professional services.
When reminiscing with old photos she says a thousand words …
Reminiscence Therapy (RT) involves the discussion of past activities, events and experiences with another person or group of people, usually with the aid of tangible prompts such as photographs, household, and other familiar items from the past, music and archive sound recordings.
Using prescribed photos that ranged from six to 58 photos throughout the fiveweek session, we noticed a stronger emotional pull and increased engagement with personal photos that captured the actual people and events of the residents own life.
Challenge your brain … the more you stimulate and challenge your brain — and the earlier you begin that stimulation — the more of a buffer you’ll create against the detrimental effects of aging.

20%. achi's Caching
Build meaningful relationships
Fulfill a new social role as a teacher by imparting wisdom to young adults
Fulfill a new social role as a teacher by imparting wisdom to young adults
MEMORIES PROGRAM MAKING THE MOST OUT OF TIME c o m PACKAGES Providing connection for individuals in both facilities and in home care. Meet & Great 3 Facilitated Sessions $149 Vignette 8 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $495 Keepsake 12 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $649 Heirloom 16 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $795 Build
ACHI'S CACHING MEMORIES PROGRAM MAKING THE MOST OUT OF TIME w w w . a c h i s o l u t i o n s . c o m PACKAGES Providing connection for individuals in both facilities and in home care. Meet & Great 3 Facilitated Sessions $149 Vignette 8 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $495 Keepsake 12 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $649 Heirloom 16 Facilitated Sessions 1 P i t d M C $795 achi’s Caching Memories program
Build meaningful relationships
Loneliness has been found to increase the risk of developing dementia by as much as 20%. achi's Caching Memories program was designed to help socially isolated or lonely older adults stay engaged, ultimately improving their health and well being. Older adults connect weekly with trained younger adults (Reminiscence Guides) for virtual conversations based on photo reminiscence focused curriculum, including segments from the Vivid Pix educational program featuring memory care expert Joshua J. Freitas, PhD(c), M.Ed, B.A.Sc, BC DEd. Through these multigenerational conversations, our non pharmacological approach will provide older adults with the opportunity to: The photo and story elements shared are culminated in a Memory Cache Book. This book creates a ripple effect of continuous connection, increasing the older adult’s social engagement as they share it with friends, family, and caregivers resulting in improved long term well being.
risk of
The photo and story elements shared are culminated in a Memory Cache Book. This book creates a ripple effect of continuous connection, increasing the older adult’s social engagement as they share it with friends, family, and caregivers resulting in improved long-term wellbeing. Build meaningful relationships Reminisce on their life
Older adults connect weekly with trained younger adults (Reminiscence Guides) for virtual conversations based on photo reminiscence focused curriculum, including segments from the Vivid-Pix educational program featuring memory care expert Joshua J. Freitas, PhD(c), M.Ed, B.A.Sc, BC DEd. Through these multigenerational conversations, our non pharmacological approach will provide older adults with the opportunity to: The photo and story elements shared are culminated in a Memory Cache Book. This book creates a ripple effect of continuous connection, increasing the older adult’s social engagement as they share it with friends, family, and caregivers resulting in improved long term well being.
Loneliness has been found to increase the risk of developing dementia by as much as 20%. achi's Caching Memories program was designed to help socially isolated or lonely older adults stay engaged, ultimately improving their health and well being.
to help
Reminisce on their life
Share their story using photos and
ACHI'S CACHING MEMORIES PROGRAM MAKING THE MOST OUT OF TIME c o m PACKAGES Providing connection for individuals in both facilities and in home care Meet & Great 3 Facilitated Sessions $149 Vignette 8 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $495 Keepsake 12 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $649 Heirloom 16 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $795
Engage more fully with their family, friends caregivers Loneliness has been found to increase the developing dementia by as much as Memories program was designed socially isolated or lonely older adults stay engaged, ultimately improving their health and well being.
Older adults connect weekly with trained younger adults (Reminiscence Guides) for virtual conversations based on photo reminiscence-focused curriculum, including segments from the Vivid Pix educational program featuring memory care expert Joshua J. Freitas, PhD(c), M.Ed, B.A.Sc, BC DEd. Through these multigenerational conversations, our non pharmacological approach will provide older adults with the opportunity to:
Fulfill a new social role as a teacher by imparting wisdom to young adults Share their story using photos and mementos Engage more fully with their family, friends and caregivers
Share their story using photos and mementos Engage more fully with their family, friends and caregivers
Loneliness has been found to increase the risk of developing dementia by as much as 20%. achi's Caching Memories program was designed to help socially isolated or lonely older adults stay engaged, ultimately improving their health and well being.
ACHI'S CACHING MEMORIES PROGRAM MAKING THE MOST OUT OF TIME w w w a c h i s o l u t i o n s c o m PACKAGES Providing connection for individuals in both facilities and in home care Meet & Great 3 Facilitated Sessions $149 Vignette 8 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $495 Keepsake 12 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $649 Heirloom 16 Facilitated Sessions 1 Printed Memory Cache Book $795
Reminisce on their life
Older adults connect weekly with trained younger adults (Reminiscence Guides) for virtual conversations based on photo reminiscence focused curriculum, including segments from the Vivid Pix educational program featuring memory care expert Joshua J. Freitas, PhD(c), M.Ed, B.A.Sc, BC DEd. Through these multigenerational conversations, our non pharmacological approach will provide older adults with the opportunity to: The photo and story elements shared are culminated in a Memory Cache Book. This book creates a ripple effect of continuous connection, increasing the older adult’s social engagement as they share it with friends, family, and caregivers resulting in improved long term well being.
ACHI'S CACHING meaningful relationships Reminisce on their life Fulfill a new social role as a teacher by imparting wisdom to young adults Share their story using photos and mementos Engage more fully with their family, friends and caregivers

DON’T LET YOUR MEMORIES FADE 39 Give your pics Vivid-Pix Prints Photo Books Wall Decor Gifts

40 REUNIONS v Family History and Genealogy Solut ions for Home, Library, Community Center and Adult Living Locations Family and Professional Courses $799.95* only (*Computer and furniture not included) • Scanner and RESTORE Software • Photo / Document Reminiscence, Oral / Written Storytelling, Photo Taking / Organization / Scanning / Improvement Education Hardware, Software & Education Bundle MadeOrganizingPhotoEasyCathiNelson$49.99 only Select Pick Save Family and Professional Courses Printed Photo Organizing Made Easy – Cathi Nelson Tell Your Stories –Laura Hedgecock Photo TherapyReminiscence– 10,000a$Basic7month$70ayearuptoFiles Plus 20,000$13amonth$130ayearuptoFiles 50,000$Essential30amonth$300ayearuptoFiles Professional$70amonth$700ayearupto200,000Files • SECURE, ENCRYPTED CLOUD STORAGE • IMPORT FILES FROM YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER AND CLOUD STORAGE ACCOUNTS • RECORD AND ATTACH VOICE RECORDINGS TO FILES • SHARE FILES VIA A PRIVATE WEBSITE JUST BY DRAGGING FILES • DIRECT INTEGRATION WITH VIVID-PIX® RESTORE AND FUJITSU® SCANSNAP® SCANNERS • ADVANCED FILE CONTENT SEARCHING, TAGGING AND AUTOMATICALLY OCR SCANNED PDF FILES • AUTOMATIC OBJECT TAGGING FOR PHOTOGRAPHS • MAC®, WINDOWS®, IOS, AND ANDROID APPS File Archive Plans Include

| Visit:Email:lneimeyer@bransoncvb.com417-243-2105or ALABAMA GREATER BIRMINGHAM CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 950 22nd St. North,
CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO on I-55 between St. Louis & Memphis. Perched on the Western banks of the Mississippi River, Cape Girardeau is a small city with a big heart and something for everyone, from families to history buffs, outdoor adventurer and everyone in between. Consider us the prime location for your Callreunion.VisitCape at 1.800.777.0068 or visit us online at
The Chicago Northwest region is conventionally located on the edge of O’Hare Airport and Chicago. Outstanding attractions for all ages to gather together for fun and memories. Our team is ready to assist in finding your reunion the perfect spot to rest, eat, and play while building stories that will last a lifetime. Connect with us today and take advantage of our free services!
MISSOURI EXPLORE BRANSON in Southwest Missouri, surrounded by the beauty of the Ozark Mountains. For helpful information call the Branson Convention & Visitors Bureau to assist you in securing the perfect lodging for your next reunion in this ideal destination at the center of America’s heartland! Faith, Family and Flag are honored every day in Branson! Plus the breathtaking scenery, world-class entertainment and exciting attractions for all ages are served up with a generous side of authentic southern hospitality that will create memories worth re-living! Whether your reunion is family, military, or graduating class, request our Complimentary Welcome Bags and/or our comprehensive Branson Reunion Planner Kit: Lenni Neimeyer, CTIS, CSTP Suite a collection of Alpharetta at 800-294-0923 visit at time find at Box 11727, 53211-0727. by all means,
LOUISIANA NATIONAL WWII MUSEUM Make your family or military reunion a unique and memorable occasion at The National WWII Museum! Ranked the #1attraction in New Orleans, this remarkable venue is an incomparable experience for all generations. Customize your reunion with a guided group tour, live BB’s Stage Door Canteen lunch or dinner show, and more!; PO
The National WWII Museum 945 Magazine Street, New Orleans LA 877-813-3329group.sales@nationalww2museum.org70130x222
The Hocking Hills are Ohio’s natural crown jewels and the perfect location for reunions. World class hiking, eco-adventure tours and more than 50 ziplines. Luxury lodges provide private resort amenities for groups of two to two hundred. Located just 50 miles southeast of Columbus. Have your reunion in Hocking Hills, Ohio. Contact Karen 740-385-2750kraymore@explorehockinghills.comRaymore,|fax740-385-1146
tours@ExperienceColumbus.com1-800-354-2657 SOUTH CAROLINA HILTON GREENVILLE 45 West Orchard Park Drive, Greenville, SC 29615 d: +1-864-248-1942 t: +1-864-232-4747 f: +1-864-235-6248 Reunite,www.greenvillesc.hilton.comRelax,Reconnect Ideal location
Milwaukee WI
OHIO EXPLORE HOCKING HILLS 13178 State Route 664 S, Logan, OH 43138
LAKE COUNTY CVB Plan an unforgettable reunion in Lake County, Illinois – We’ll work together to help you plan a family experience that lets you explore all of the excitement of Lake County. From entertaining attractions like Six Flags to our convenient, centralized location close to Chicago, there are so many reasons to choose Lake County for family-friendly fun. For free Reunion Planning Assistance call or email us with your reunion planning questions. 5465 West Grand Avenue Suite 100 Gurnee, IL 60031 | kimberly@lakecounty.org847-662-2700
insider tips from our reunion planning specialist. Contact
any info that is inaccurate or e-mail or web links do not work, notify us immediately CATALOG OF REUNION RESOURCES Welcome to Reunion Resources! We encourage you to tell the listings you contact that you learned about them from Reunions magazine. And if
headquarters. Located
the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, only 8 miles from Greenville-Spartanburg Airport and easily accessible to interstate 385/85 located between Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA. TENNESSEE PIGEON FORGE DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM PIGEON FORGE, TENNESSEE -- We’re a gold mine for reunions. Need attractions? Try Dollywood, Titanic Pigeon Forge, mountain coasters and the action-packed Parkway. Want nature? Great Smoky Mountains National Park is next-door. Want entertain ment? More than a dozen theaters await you. Hungry? We’ll feed you well. Details: 1-800-251-9100 or visit TEXAS PEARLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 11200 Broadway Street #1390, Pearland TX 77584 Contact Teri Mazhar, pearlandcvb@pearlandtx.gov281-997-5970 Rebekah Burns, Marketing Manager Pearland Convention & Visitors Bureau City of Pearland | 11200 Broadway Street, Suite 1390 | Pearland, TX 77584 Phone: 281.997.5971 | Mobile: 832.492.3161 Sign up for E-newsletterReunions
feel free to comment and/or suggest changes and additions you’d like to see in this section. Reunions magazine will not be held liable for information presented as facts in these ads. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submitted for publication.
42 REUNIONS v ILLINOIS MEET CHICAGO NORTHWEST 1933 N. Meacham Rd. Suite 210 Schaumburg IL 60173 1-800-847-4849 |
Columbus is full of unforgettable experiences, distinct neighborhoods and one-of-a-kind tours. As a leader in experiential tourism, Columbus knows that getting groups in the middle of the action and behind the scenes is important. We put your well being first with the Live Forward Safety Pledge. Whether you’re planning a group activity or giving individuals time to explore on their own, Columbus’ neighborhoods groups in own special way. Tourism Sales team at for Reunion in
CHICAGO SOUTHLAND CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Reunions of all kinds, including family and military, can find superior facilities located conveniently to anywhere in the Midwest – and across the country. With our true Midwestern hospitality, the Chicago Southland feels like family. We offer complimentary services to ensure your reunion’s success. Visit or call 888-895-3211.
Contact the
550, Birmingham, AL 35203 Birmingham is becoming one of the most celebrated reunion cities in the southeast. The success of your reunion depends on its early groundwork. The Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau is here to help. For more information regarding reunion services, please contact the Convention Bureau at 205-458-8000 800-458-8085 | Email info@ SEE OUR DISPLAY AD ON PAGE 5. FLORIDA GREATER MIAMI CVB 701 Brickell Ave, Suite 2700, Miami FL 33131 305.539.3000 | 800.933.8448 Whether family, class, alumni or military, Miami is perfect for your reunion any time of the year. Let us help you create the best reunion that people will be talking about for years to come. Play in the sun and sand, visit historic heritage churches and other locations, find fun parks and recreation areas or specialized venues to hold your family reunion or other get together. With diverse multicultural jewels and robust outdoor activities, Miami lets you find your roots and reunite with the past. Reconnect today in Greater Miami and the Beaches. Visit to see our special Plan Your Reunion page. PANAMA CITY BEACH CVB VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER 17001 Panama City Beach Pkwy Panama City Beach, FL 32413 Phone: 850-233-5070 | Toll Free: 1-800-722-3224 GEORGIA ALPHARETTA CVB Want to plan an AWESOME reunion in metro Atlanta? Don’t know where to begin? Worry no more and gather your group in Alpharetta! Attend our free workshop for
reunion! Call 307-587-2339 WYOMING DUDE RANCHERS’ ASSOCIATION 1122 12th Street, Cody WY 82414 Helping people find quality Dude and Guest Ranch vacations since 1926. Let us
distillery, wineries and breweries, outdoor adventures, parks and more. Make memories with your family, classmates, and CATALOG OF REUNION RESOURCES NOTES
The Fredericksburg Region is known for its Colonial and Civil War History, arts community and year-round group-friendly offerings.
Just 50 miles south of WDC, the Fredericksburg Region boasts an award winning
meeting spaces for your guests. The area can accommodate meetings and budgets of all sizes with more than 5,700 hotel rooms including boutique, limited and full-service hotels and plenty of meeting + exhibit space. When in downtown Tacoma, stroll across the Bridge of Glass displaying artist Dale Chihuly’s work. Visit world-class history and art museums, take a glass blowing class at a local hot shop and see collector vehicles at the largest automotive museum in North America: LeMay—America’s Car Museum. In the evenings, check out the self-guided craft beer crawl or stroll along Tacoma’s waterfront, enjoying regional 253-830-6606cuisine.| help find next |
REUNION PLANNERS NOTEBOOK v REUNIONS 43 military buddies in the Fredericksburg Region. To book your reunion, contact Victoria Matthews: (540)372-1216 | vamatthews@fredericksburgva.gov1-800-260-3646 Video: NEWPORT NEWS – Get closer to ships, history and the great outdoors with one central destination: Newport News, Virginia. Get all this, plus Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, too! Whether getting together with old classmates, shipmates or relatives, Newport News provides the perfect location and services to make your reunion a success. We offer the best value and plenty to see and do. Let Newport News make your next reunion a memorable one. Call Cheryl Morales at 757-926-1428 or e-mail her at to book your reunion today! WASHINGTON TRAVEL TACOMA-MT RAINIER TOURISM & SPORTS 1516 Commerce St. Tacoma WA 98402 Our region serves up an array of activities and VIRGINIA FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA 10560 Arrowhead Drive Suite 350 Fairfax, VA 22030 Enjoy everything that Northern Virginia has to offer. From the monuments and memorials of nearby Washington, DC to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center to George Washington’s Mount Vernon, Fairfax County is the ideal location for your military or family reunion. The spectacular new National Museum of the United States Army is now open and welcoming visitors. Call Visit Fairfax at 703-752-9509, and Dean Miller, our reunion specialist, will go to work for you! | SEE OUR DISPLAY AD ON PAGE 15.
the perfect all-inclusive location for your