Indice / Index Gerente Activo Asset Manager
Nombre variedad:
Nombre varietal:
60 – 80 cm
Tamaño de botón: Productividad:
6,5 – 7,5 cm
1,0 – 1,1 tallos/planta/mes
Número de pétalos:
Fernando Sáenz
Zelalem Messele
Pag 4
Pag 6
El mercado Chino y sus desafíos
Cambio de matriz productiva
Pag 12
Pag 18
35 pétalos
Vida en florero:
15 días
Febrero 2015
Florevento Eventflower
Consejo Editorial Santiago Chiriboga Holguín Patricio Espinosa Francisco Sáenz F. Edición General Fernando Sáenz Fernández
IFTF 2015
Pag 22
Fotografía ECUADOR Y SUS FLORES Corrección de estilo Caridad Crespo Traducción Inglés: Patricia Tobar de Dávalos Diseño Editorial Roberto Gallo. Telf: (09) 87990170 ECUADOR Y SUS FLORES es una publicación que se distribuye gratuitamente en el mercado nacional. Por suscripción al mercado internacional. El contenido de los artículos, avisos publicitarios, reportajes y publireportajes son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores, incluido el material fotográfico. Se podrá reproducir el material, citando autor y fuente.
Calendario Calendar
Directorio Directory
Listado de productores y exportadores
Pag 30
Dirección: Jorge Aníbal Páez N47-331 y Gonzalo Salazar (La Concepción). Teléfonos: (593-2) 224-1131 • 224-0066 E-mail:
Revista Online
Pag 32
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Fernando Sáenz Fernández Director
“Sólo una crisis – real o percibida- da lugar a un cambio verdadero. Cuando esa crisis tiene lugar, las acciones que se llevan a cabo dependen de las ideas que flotan en el ambiente”. Milton Friedman. Una nueva oportunidad se le presenta al sector floricultor para corregir el rumbo de su negocio. La crisis generada por la caída del precio del petróleo que afecta al mercado ruso, nos obliga a retomar la idea de mantener y trabajar otros mercados para enviar nuestras flores; los países asiáticos son una alternativa a la cual debemos mirar, y buscar las mejores rutas para llegar con precios competitivos y con buena calidad. Reforzar el mercado americano es también muy importante y debemos seguir en esta línea aunando esfuerzos públicos y privados para lograr mayor penetración. La idea la dejó en el ambiente nuestro recordado amigo Roberto Nevado, que lamentando la limitación de espacios aéreos de los que dispone el Ecuador, vio la posibilidad de trabajar desde otros puertos en el Caribe. Allí llegan vuelos de todo el mundo, por el magnífico desarrollo turístico que han logrado y esto hace que las frecuencias aéreas sean mayores; esto permitiría buscar nuevas rutas para salir a Canadá, a los países de Asia, incluyendo China y Japón. Creo que las empresas que ofrecen servicios de transporte y carga deben buscar estas alternativas para ofrecer a las fincas o a los compradores, otras rutas para
sacar la flor del Ecuador a nuevos y diversos destinos. La capacidad empresarial de los floricultores está más que demostrada, y un nuevo reto hará que se trabaje en la línea de mantener el liderazgo mundial del mercado de flores, que con gran esfuerzo lo han logrado. En esta edición les presentamos un resumen de la feria IFTF 2014 y una entrevista a un floricultor de Etiopia con sus impresiones de la visita que hiciera a varias fincas ecuatorianas. También las expectativas del mercado chino, después de la visita que hicieran varios floricultores acompañando al presidente de la república. ¡Vamos para adelante! “Only a crisis - real or perceived- leads to a real change. When such a crisis occurs, the actions that are carried out depend on the ideas that float in the air “. Milton Friedman. A new opportunity is presented to the flower growing sector to correct the course of its business. The crisis generated by the fall of oil prices currently affecting the Russian market, forces us to again take up the idea of keeping and working other markets to send our flowers to; Asian countries are an alternative to which we look at, and finding the best routes to get there with competitive prices and good quality. Strengthening the American market is also very important and we must
continue in this line combining public and private efforts to achieve a greater access. The idea was left in the air by our remembered friend Roberto Nevado who, regretting the limited air spaces available for Ecuador, saw the possibility of working from other ports in the Caribbean. Flights arrive there from all over the world because of the magnificent tourist development they have achieved and this makes the flight frequencies greater; it will allow finding new routes out of Canada to countries in Asia, including China and Japan. I think companies that offer transportation and cargo services should look for these alternatives to be able to offer flower growing farms or buyers other routes to transport flowers from Ecuador to new and diverse destinations. The business capacity of flower growers has been more than demonstrated, and a new challenge will allow working on the line of maintaining world leadership within the flower market, which with great effort has been achieved. In this issue we present a summary of the IFTF 2014 Fair and an interview with a flower grower from Ethiopia with his impressions of the visit to several Ecuadorian flower growing farms; also about the expectations regarding the Chinese market after the visit made by several flower growers accompanying the President of the Republic. Let us keep on moving forward!
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Gerente Activo Asset Manager
Interview Zelalem Messele Manager
Here is an interview with Mr.Zelalem Messele who kindly accepted to share his experiences and opinions with Ecuador y sus Flores at the IFTF 2014.
We would like to have an interview with you because we think it is very important for us in our country to know the impression people (who are in the flower business abroad) have, regarding Ecuador floriculture. What is your opinion about how the flower growing farms in Ecuador are being worked? Did you have the opportunity to visit some farms? Actually I had the opportunity to visit about five or six farms in Ecuador. Initially I was very impressed, I was extremely impressed when I saw the farms because the way they grow, the way they work, everything is completely different. If you take the way we grow, we bend the first shoot so that the bent plants would work as a factory to the new coming shoots, but in Ecuador they don’t, everything gets off from the floor and then they move the table from there and they do it that way and the post harvest is good, we don’t store our flower, we don’t have storages, you guys, are very very advanced Do you have your own farm? Where is it? Yes I have my own farm in Ethiopia and it is located in Debreziet.
And how do you work your land there? How is the harvest and the post harvest compared to what we do in Ecuador? You see, our market is completely different. Some farms, what they do,is they send to Holland, to the auction; it gets unpacked, put into a bucket and sent to the auction. Some percentage of the flower are sold directly in a box and then the clients themselves take it out of the box and put it in a bucket and send them to the florists and the wholesalers. In Ecuador what I have seen is that packaging and everything is almost a finished article, everything is done.., so what the client does is take it out of the box and then they sell it. Regarding the post harvest there is a lot to learn. There are some Ecuadorian growers or people who used to grow in Ecuador, now in Ethiopia. There are three or four of them. The first one was Sthepen Galica, a French guy, and he does exactly the same, after that, I went to see his farm and he does exactly the same as how you guys are doing it in Ecuador. The market and the industry are extremely mature in Ecuador, we are just starting out. But in Ethiopia as well as in Kenya we’ve had some places which we can grow the same quality flowers as in Ecuador but the difference is in the marketing and the post harvest, the post harvest and the marketing is completely different and the way of growing. We grow at least one hectare of the same variety but what I have seen in Ecuador is that in one hectare they have like eight, nine or ten varieties. If that is what the market needs, we
need to adapt to grow and sell premium products; we need them of different varieties to be able to sell. These are the things which we need to invest on to have a premium product as to learn from Ecuador. But, above from that, I have seen that labor is getting very expensive in Ecuador. I have heard from farmers that it has come up to 60% of the income, whereas in Ethiopia it represents 3 or 4 % of our earnings, and that is a great difference. Labor is extremely unreasonable. So the best to do is what I have mentioned to some Ecuadorian farmers. Maybe it is time for you guys to come and see if you can work in Africa. People in Ecuador have the knowledge, they have, the market, they have the know-how and the only challenge they have is labor that as I mentioned before labor is about 4 or 5 % of our revenue. What about logistics? About logistics what we do is we send the flowers by plane to Russia, it’s cheaper from Ethiopia. Now I think some people have realized all these facts and they are coming. This year two or three are already in and one is participating in a view to another farm, so people, you know, those who are smart enough to understand this and realize this, they don’t want to close the shops in Ecuador but they want to invest here best so that they can diverse by the risk. You know, you don’t put all your eggs in one place so if things get worse and then it becomes difficult in Ecuador, at least you have and income somewhere in Africa because since you have the
Gerente Activo Asset Manager
knowledge you can manage it. Some people have already done it and are very happy. Is it expensive to live there? Not at all, it is much cheaper than in Ecuador, that is for sure Where do you get your plastic from? We buy it from different parts. There are two Israeli companies. Politive and Ginegar, and then there is this Greek company Khrytis and we buy it from those. Some people here bought from Solplast a double layer plastic, but at the low altitude people go for a cheaper plastic,
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we don’t need that kind of plastic we have a mild weather because I grow in 2000 meters, but it’s not cold at night. Temperature is 10-12-14, but if you go higher, it goes down to 6-4-5. Maybe in those locations you need other kind of plastic.
level and you would have the same problem than in Ecuador if you want to grow in these locations, but you know how to handle those things, we don’t.
Which are your minimum and maximum temperatures in your greenhouses at night?
Aquí presentamos una entrevista con el Señor Zelalem Messele que gentilmente aceptó compartir sus experiencias y opiniones con Ecuador y sus Flores.
The minimum temperature is 5 or 6 and the maximum is 12 -15. We don’t have the problems of frost that you have in Ecuador. We don’t have it where I am but there are places in Ethiopia where you can have 3000 meters above sea
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us.
Queremos tener esta entrevista con usted porque pensamos que es muy importante para nosotros en nuestro país conocer la impresión que se tie-
Gerente Activo Asset Manager
ne en el extranjero sobre la floricultura ecuatoriana. ¿Cuál es su opinión respecto a cómo se trabajan las fincas florícolas en el Ecuador? ¿Tuvo la oportunidad de conocer algunas de ellas? De hecho tuve la oportunidad de visitar entre cinco y seis fincas. Inicialmente estuve muy impresionado, extremadamente impresionado cuando vi las fincas por la manera en que cultivan y trabajan las plantaciones. Todo es completamente diferente. La manera en que nosotros trabajamos es doblando la planta (agobio) en su primer brote para que las plantas dobladas trabajen como una fábrica para los nuevos brotes. En Ecuador no lo hacen así. Todo nace desde el suelo y simplemente las mueven a las diferentes camas. La post cosecha es muy buena. Nosotros no almacenamos la flor. No tenemos esos cuartos fríos de almacenamiento. Ustedes están muy avanzados. ¿Usted tiene su propia finca? ¿Dónde esta localizada? Sí, tengo mi propia finca en Etiopía y está localizada en Debre Ziet. ¿Cómo se trabaja la tierra allí? Cómo funciona la cosecha y la post cosecha comparándola con lo que se hace en Ecuador? Mira, nuestro mercado es completamente diferente. Algunas fincas lo que hacen es enviar la flor a Holanda a la subasta. Es desempacada, puesta en baldes y enviada a subasta. Un porcentaje de la flor se vende directamente en cajas y los mismos clientes sacan de las cajas y en baldes envían a las floristerías y a los wholesalers. Lo que vi en Ecuador es que el empaque y todo el proceso se convierte casi en un producto terminado, de manera que todo está ya hecho desde la finca y el cliente final solo saca de las cajas y vende su producto. Del proceso de post cosecha tenemos mucho que aprender pero existen algunos productores ecuatorianos o personas que producían en el Ecuador que ahora están en Etiopía. Ya hay como tres o cuatro. El primero
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fue un productor francés, Stephen Galica que trabaja exactamente igual. Fui a visitar su finca y el proceso es igual al que vi en las fincas ecuatorianas. El mercado y la industria son extremadamente maduros en Ecuador, nosotros apenas estamos empezando. Pero en Etiopía como también en Kenya tenemos algunos lugares en los que podemos producir la misma calidad de flores que en Ecuador pero la diferencia está en el mercado, en la post cosecha, y en la manera de cultivar. Nosotros sembramos por lo menos una hectárea de la misma variedad, lo que pude ver en las fincas ecuatorianas es que en una misma hectárea tienen hasta ocho, nueve o diez variedades. Y parece que eso es lo que el mercado necesita entonces tenemos que comenzar a adaptarnos si queremos producir y vender productos premium. Necesitamos diferentes variedades para competir en el mercado y vender. Estas son las cosas en las que debemos invertir y aprender de Ecuador para tener un producto de alta calidad. Pero por encima de eso, lo que he visto es que la mano de obra en Ecuador es muy cara. Muchos productores me han dicho que la mano de obra ha llegado a representar el 60% de los ingresos mientras que en Etiopía nos representa el 3 o 4 % y eso es una gran diferencia. El costo de mano de obra para mi forma de ver es extremadamente irrazonable. Entonces lo mejor es lo que ya he mencionado a algunos floricultores ecuatorianos. Tal vez ha llegado el momento de que ustedes vengan y vean si pueden trabajar en África. La gente en Ecuador tiene el conocimiento, tienen el mercado, tienen el know-how y el único problema que tienen es la mano de obra que en África es extremadamente barata. ¿Y sobre logística? Nosotros enviamos las flores por avión a Rusia, es más barato desde Etiopía. Creo que hoy por hoy algunas personas se están dando cuenta de estas ventajas y están viniendo. Este año ya tenemos a dos o tres ecuatorianos trabajando en Etiopía y uno está participando en una visita de otra finca, así que aquellos lo suficientemente inteligentes para entender y darse cuenta,
los que no quieren cerrar sus negocios en Ecuador pueden invertir aquí para así diversificar el riesgo. Como sabes, no se ponen todos los huevos en una sola canasta. Si las cosas empeoran y se vuelve muy difícil el negocio desde Ecuador, por lo menos pueden contar con una entrada en algún lugar de África ya que tienen el conocimiento necesario y lo podrían manejar. Ya lo han hecho algunas personas y están muy contentas. ¿Es muy costoso vivir en Etiopía? Para nada, es mucho más barato que vivir en Ecuador, eso dalo por seguro. ¿De donde obtienen el plástico para sus invernaderos? Lo compramos de diferentes partes. Hay dos compañías israelíes Politive y Ginegar y también hay esta otra compañía griega Khrytis. Les compramos a ellos. Algunos han comprado el plástico español de Solplast, el plástico de dos capas, pero a bajas altitudes la gente prefiere uno más barato, no se necesita ese tipo de plástico. Tenemos un clima templado. Yo cultivo a 2000 metros pero no es frío en la noche. La temperatura es entre 10, 12 y 14 grados centígrados y en lugares más altos la temperatura baja hasta 6, 5 o 4 grados centígrados. Tal vez en esos lugares sí se requiera del otro tipo de plástico. ¿Cuáles son sus máximas y mínimas temperaturas en los invernaderos por la noche? La temperatura mínima es de 5 o 6 grados y la máxima es de 12 a 15 grados centígrados. No tenemos los problemas de granizo que tienen en Ecuador, aunque existen lugares en Etiopía en donde la altura llega a más de 3000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Seguramente si se quiere cultivar en esas locaciones existirá el mismo riesgo pero ustedes ecuatorianos saben cómo manejar esos problemas, nosotros no. Muchas gracias Señor Messele por haber compartido sus experiencias con nosotros. Gracias a ustedes.
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Gerente Activo Asset Manager
El mercado chino y sus desafíos Iván Salazar Vegaflor
Hace 10 años un grupo de 8 fincas ecuatorianas hicieron un viaje exploratorio para llegar con las mejores rosas del mundo a un país que crecía y ha venido creciendo de manera acelerada hasta estar a poco de ser la primera economía del mundo al cerrar el 2014. Recuerdo que participé en un interesante estudio de mercado donde las principales conclusiones fueron. 1. Existe un alto número de consumidores llamados nuevos ricos y se está formando una gran clase media y media alta que tendrá poder adquisitivo para comprar productos exclusivos, como las rosas ecuatorianas. 2. La gente apreció en alto grado los tallos largos con cabeza muy grande y estarían dispuestos a pagar altos precios. 3. Los colores que más llamaron la atención fueron rojo, blanco, rosado y amarillo. 4. No sabían dónde estaba el Ecuador, pero algunos identificaban las Islas Galápagos.
Recuerdo muy bien que se hicieron varios intentos por mandar rosas pero por la logística de aquel entonces resultaba imposible y la buena demanda del mercado ruso hizo que este proyecto se quedara en buenas intenciones y ambiciosos sueños que se guardaron para futuro. Iniciando el 2015, afrontando la perdida de competitividad por depreciación de monedas en destino, contracciones de mercado, problemas internos con el costo de la mano de obra, inflación acelerada del negocio, etc., nos encontramos con un interesante reto, volver a ver a la China y en general al continente Asiático como destino alternativo. En enero de 2015, cuatro floricultores fuimos invitados en la delegación que el presidente Correa llevó a China para su visita oficial. Estuvimos 28 empresas relacionadas con la comercialización y venta de camarón, banano, café, cacao, frutas y flores. Fue un viaje muy largo y cansado pero sí que valió la pena; pudimos palpar el avance de esa nación, su planificación, sus logros, sus planes a futuro, estrategias e incluso lo majestuoso de su historia y monumentos, pero sobre todo algo que nos llamó la atención, su humildad y a la vez sa-
gacidad para los negocios. Pro Ecuador como organismo de promoción de exportaciones del estado, organizó una eficaz rueda de negocios tanto en Beijing como en Shanghái y pudimos entrevistarnos con más de 12 empresas grandes y pequeñas que trabajan con rosas ecuatorianas. Algunas utilizan nuestras rosas largas desde 60 cm hasta 2 metros, otras, rosas frescas, tinturadas y preservadas y para nuestra sorpresa, en lo que todos coinciden es en que la rosa ecuatoriana es la mejor del mundo y así lo tratan de transmitir a sus clientes. Sin embargo también pudimos concluir que en un país con 1400 millones de habitantes donde unos 200 millones pueden llegar a ser mercado objetivo, necesitamos total apoyo para posicionar nuestra marca país en rosas. A la fecha apenas han importado 2 millones de dólares en el 2014, entre flores cortadas donde la rosa fresca y tinturada es la favorita y han complementado con la eternizada que tiene una alta demanda y que hoy por hoy ese nicho de mercado está atendido en su mayoría por rosa colombiana. Visitamos un mercado mayorista de flores, un centro comercial de prestigiosas marcas y varias floristerías donde comenzamos a entender que hay tres cosas básicas en que el sector floricultor debe trabajar: 1.- Impulsar un posicionamiento de marca en medios para regar el concepto de la mejor rosa del mundo, nuestros colegas de camarón y banano lo comenzaran a realizar con sus productos
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Gerente Activo Asset Manager
e incluso se puede compartir publicidad país ya que el costo de esta campaña es muy alto y solo el Estado con nuestro gremio puede lograrlo.
mos ganar. He aquí un gran reto para nuestras autoridades en buscar cupos comerciales para incentivar productos de exportación sin arancel.
2.- Se debe cambiar la forma de venta en destino y desarrollar e-commerce en buscadores conocidos en China (Alibaba p. ej.) como lo hacen la mayoría de productos top que importan en dicho mercado como aguacates, cerezas chilenas, etc. El consumidor objetivo chino maneja todo desde su celular y su computador y necesita que le muestren productos que lo diferencien de las personas comunes, solo hay que admirar la cantidad de carros Audi o Mercedes Benz que transitan por las calles.
Finalmente quiero dejar una reflexión para varios actores de la cadena del negocio, a quienes veo deseosos por llegar primeros como que el negocio se acabaría en la China. Los mercados y los clientes están a la mano de todos, el sector flores ha abierto mercados por 30 años a base de ingenio y determinación. No permitamos que intereses particulares frustren este gran reto, trabajemos unidos Gobierno y sector floricultor; la China y Asia en general tienen millones de habitantes con capacidad adquisitiva como para desarrollar un mercado para nuestras rosas, si las cosas se hacen con generosidad. Este mercado no se desarrollará en el corto plazo, tomará un mediano plazo, pero no olvidemos que así se empezó con Rusia en los 90 y llegamos a donde llegamos a pesar de que ahora Rusia está pasando por serios problemas. Todo en la vida es cíclico y lo importante es diversificar y crear nuevos retos y oportunidades para todos los floricultores ecuatorianos.
3.- La venta a la china es CIF hasta que el mercado se desarrolle, por lo que las cargas consolidadas entre fincas pueden ser una salida inicial. Aquí es vital entender que la rosa larga y de cabeza grande es sólo la ecuatoriana y en este caso la competencia no debería empezar entre nosotros sino que hay que aprovechar los atributos superiores frente a los países competidores como Colombia, África, incluida la misma China que tiene miles de hectáreas de rosas cortas que auto consumen y que los nuevos ricos o clase acomodada no comprarían para distinguirse. Muchas empresas ahora hablan de la China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Corea del Sur, Japón, etc. y todas tienen el mismo objetivo, diversificar, mantener precios altos para subsistir, pero lo primero que debemos hacer es cambiar nuestra mentalidad de manejo de la flor, debemos crear valor agregado y sobre todo tener una política de precios acorde a la realidad de las economías mundiales donde siempre se mantengan márgenes interesantes de ganancia para todos. La China está dispuesta a pagar precios buenos y adecuados para la flor de alta calidad y así debemos conservarlos por el alto costo de producción que todos conocemos, pero más allá de eso, la clave estará en el manejo del precio de la carga y de los aranceles e impuestos en destino que pueden ser determinantes para que todos poda-
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3. The colors that received the most attention were red, white, pink and yellow. 4. They did not know where Ecuador was, but some identified the Galapagos Islands. I remember very well that several attempts were made to send roses but the logistics at that time were complicated and good demand from the Russian market made this project remain no more than as good intention and an ambitious dream to be saved for the future. Starting 2015, facing the loss of competitiveness due to the depreciation of currencies at destination, market contractions, internal problems with the cost of labor, the rapid inflation of the business, etc., we face an interesting challenge, to again perceive China and the Asian continent in general as an alternative destination point.
10 years ago a group of 8 Ecuadorian flower growing farms made an exploratory trip in order to take the best roses in the world to a country that was growing and has been growing at an accelerated pace up to a little bit from being the world’s largest economy when closing 2014. I remember that I participated in an interesting market research survey of which the main conclusions were: 1. There are a high number of new consumers, the so called new rich. A large middle and upper middle class are forming which will have purchasing power to buy exclusive products, such as Ecuadorian roses. 2. People highly appreciated the long stems with large heads and are willing to pay higher prices for them.
In January 2015, four flower growers were invited as part of the delegation that President Correa took on his official visit to China. Among which there were 28 companies related to the marketing and sale of shrimp, bananas, coffee, cacao, fruits and flowers. It was a very long and tiring trip but it was well worth it. We were able to evidence the progress of that nation, its planning, its achievements, its plans for the future, its strategies and even the magnificence of its history and monuments, but above all something that caught our attention,
Deep Purple Explorer Iguazu Moody Blues Orange Crush Pink Floyd Santana Se単orita Stardust
Gerente Activo Asset Manager
its humbleness and at the same time its sagaciousness for business. Pro Ecuador as an export promotion agency of the state, organized an effective business conference in both Beijing and Shanghai and we were able to have meetings with more than 12 large and small companies who work with Ecuadorian roses. Some use our long roses from 60 cm to 2 meters; others rather use fresh, dyed and preserved roses. To our surprise, in what everyone agreed on is that the Ecuadorian rose is the best in the world and that is what they try to show to their customers. However, we were also able to conclude that in a country with 1.4 billion people, where some 200 million may become target market, we need full support for positioning our country brand for roses. To this date, they have just imported $ 2 million during 2014, including cut flowers where fresh and dyed roses were the favorites and were accompanied by the perpetuated ones that also have a high demand and for which this niche market is currently being taken care of mostly by Colombian roses. We visited a wholesales flower market, a shopping center which held prestigious brand names, as well as several flower shops where we began to understand that there are three basic things on which the flower growing sector must work upon: 1.- Promote a brand positioning through the media in order to spread the con-
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cept of the best rose in the world. Our colleagues from the shrimp and banana businesses will begin to carry out promotions for their products, and even share country advertising since the cost of this campaign is elevated and only the State together with our trade can accomplish it. 2.- The way sales at target point are made must be changed and we must develop e-commerce in popular search engines in China (Alibaba p. for example) as the majority of top imported products do in this market, such as avocados, Chilean cherries, etc. The Chinese target consumer handles everything from their cell phone and their computer and they need to see products that allow them to distinguish from ordinary people, one just has to see the amount of Audi or Mercedes Benz cars passing through the streets. 3.- Sales to China are CIF until the market develops, so consolidated shipments among flower growing farms can be a starting point. Here it is vital to understand that the long stem, largeheaded rose is only the Ecuadorian one, and in this case competitiveness should not begin among us, rather, we must take advantage of the superior attributes of our product compared to that of competitor countries such as Colombia, Africa including China itself which has thousands of hectares of short roses that are of self-consumption and which the new rich or the wealthy classes would not buy in order to distinguish
themselves. Many companies now talk of China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, etc. and all have the same goal: diversify, maintain high prices in order to survive. But the first thing to do is to change our mentality regarding the handling of the flower; we must create added value and above all hold a pricing policy according to the reality of the world economies where interesting profit margins are always kept for all. China is willing to pay good and suitable prices for high quality flowers and we must preserve it that way because of the high production costs which we all know about; but beyond that, the key will be in the management of freight prices, tariffs and taxes on the destination point which may be decisive so we can all win. Here is a great challenge for our authorities to seek commercial quotas to provide incentives for export products without tariffs. Finally I want to leave a reflection for the various actors involved within the business chain, which I see eager to arrive first as if the business would end in China. Markets and customers are at hand for all, the flower growing industry has opened markets for 30 years now based on resourcefulness and determination. Let us not allow personal interests thwart this great challenge. Let us work together, government and flower grower sector; China and Asia in general have millions of people with purchasing power to be able to develop a market for our roses, if things are done with generosity. This market will not develop in the short term, it will in the medium term. Let us not forget that with Russia it began like this in the 90s and we got to where we are now despite that Russia is now experiencing serious problems. Everything in life is cyclical and what is important is to diversify and create new challenges and opportunities for all Ecuadorian flower growers.
Gerente Activo Asset Manager
Cambio de matriz productiva Expoflores
Desde la década de los 80, el sector florícola se ha convertido en un verdadero motor productivo en las áreas usualmente dedicadas a la agricultura y ganadería, cambiando así sustancialmente, la realidad del agro en la sierra ecuatoriana y la vida de sus habitantes a través de la generación de empleo. El uso de tecnología y nuevos conocimientos dentro de la cadena productiva, hace que la floricultura sea un sector dinámico, capaz de responder rápidamente a la demanda externa generada, colocando su producto en más de 108 destinos de exportación, diversificando su oferta e incrementando sus exportaciones. El esfuerzo diario por perfeccionar procesos de producción, ha logrado que las flores de Ecuador sean caracterizadas como exclusivas y de alta calidad a nivel internacional, ganando competitividad en el exigente mercado externo. Todos estos factores convierten al sector floricultor en un verdadero ejemplo de desarrollo económico local, a través del cambio estructural. No obstante, las exportaciones de flores cerraron el 2014 con un decrecimiento del 1,2% en valor FOB, impulsado principalmente por una caída de las exportaciones en el segundo semestre en 17%. Particularmente, el mercado Ruso ha sido el mercado con una mayor afectación, en el balance final del año, las exportaciones de flores han caído en dicho mercado en un 9% en valor FOB y un 6% en toneladas. Europa por su
parte, ha presentado un saldo final en el año con una disminución del 2% en toneladas y un crecimiento del 5% en valor FOB. A pesar de las cifras, la floricultura ecuatoriana apostará en el 2015 a continuar siendo un sector que impulsa la innovación agrícola, la generación de empleos y la diversificación de mercados para superar las dificultades del mercado como lo han hecho en años anteriores.
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Florevento Eventflower
Holanda 2014 Holanda es el centro del comercio de las flores en el mundo, si bien su volumen de transacciones ha disminuido con relación a años anteriores, por la comunicación directa entre productores y compradores, esta plaza sigue siendo muy importante para el sector floricultor mundial. Durante los
días 12, 13 y 14 de Noviembre del 2014 en Vijfhuizen, Holanda se realizó la feria IFTF 2014. Ecuador estuvo presente con un stand institucional de PROECUADOR, y varias fincas estuvieron también participando con sus propios stands.
El equipo de HPP
Armin Eber y Alessandro Ghione
Francisco Sáenz con un cliente
Jacqueline Males y Ricardo Canelos
Enrique León y Adrián Moreno
Florevento Flowerevent
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IFTF 2014
Katherine Díaz y Jacqueline Males
Claudia Sáenz, Karina Andrade y Caridad Crespo
Juan del Pozo, Ramiro Peñaherrera y Ricardo Delgado
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Florevento Flowerevent
Julio Hidalgo y Marcelo Carrera con clientes
IFTF 2014
Juan Patricio Navarro y Paul Poelstra promoviendo las flores de Ecuador
Bernardo Beate con una cliente
Juan Pablo Rengifo y Lorena JimĂŠnez
Nadezhda Grigorieva, Deborah Ghione, Elena Zarubina
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Florevento Flowerevent
Oscar Peters y Matthijs Plas con el equipos de Druiter
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Florevento Flowerevent
Milco Rikken, Anna Horvath y Claudia Sáenz
Santiago Ayala, Deborah Ghione y Alessandro Ghione
Ole Jensen y María Clara Correa
IFTF 2014
Jorge Garces, David D Hass y Gastón de la Porte
Special selection for Europe
Deep Purple
Cherry Be
High Intenzz
Pink Floyd
Mody Blue
New Flash
Cherry O
Also you may become acquainted with other of our varieties Freedom, Mondial, Alba, Fiesta, Fusion, High & Magic, Iguazu, Limbo, Magic Lips, Mint, Mohana, Mondial, Nina, Perla, Pink Martini, Proud, Riviera, Sparkle, Stiletto and more.
Visit us at: Please contact us by any of the following client service attention channels (+593) 99 4156 333 (Mobile) - (+593) 2 395 75 63 ext. 106 / Quito - Ecuador salesrdc
Calendario Calendar 2015 - 2016
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Directorio Directory
AAASACORPORATION S.A E-mail: Phones : (593)2 2119 130 (593)2 2119 183 Fax: (593)2 2119 184 Web:
VARIETIES: 3d, Alba, Attaché, Big Fun, Bikini, Blizzard, Blueberry, Blush, Cabaret, Chanson, Cherry Brandy, Cherry O!, Circus, Confidential , Cool Water!, Corazon, Cream de la Cream, Cumbia, Deep Purple , Dejà Vú!, Emilia, Escimo, Esperance, Explorer, Faith, First Lady, Forever Young, Free Spirit, Freedom, Garden Spirit, Geraldine, Green Tea, Hallelujah, Hearts, High & Candy, High & Exotic, High & Intenzz, High & Magic, High & Yellow Flame, Hummer, Iguana, Isabel, Jade, Janeiro, Jessica, Latina, Lemonade, Mayra Citric,Mayra Green, Mayra Pink, Malibu, Mohana, Mondial, Moody Blues!, Nina, O´Hara , Ocean Song, Orange Unique, Panama, Pink Corazon, Pink Floyd, Polar Star, Priceless, Proud, Purple Haze, Purple Cezanne, Queen Berry, Quicksand, Red París, Roseberry , Rosita Vendela, Scarlatta, Santana, Señorita, Skyfire, Skyline, Solitaire, Sophie, Soulmate! , Stardust, Sunmaster, Sweet Unique, Sweetberry, Sweetness, Tara, Tibet!, Tiffany!, Topaz, Turtle, Voodoo!, White Chocolate !, White O´Hara, Wimbledon, Yellow Coral.
AGROCOEX S.A Email: Phones: Web: (593)9 9970 3005 (593)2 2460 183
Agrocoex has 35 hectares in production. We have 3 different farms located in Ecuador, in the Cotopaxi and Machachi areas, two at approximately 3000mt and one at 3200mt above sea level. A unique altitude that allows us to produce roses of the best quality, with long and strong stems, big heads, and strong colors. We offer more than 80 varieties of roses. We update our varieties every year bringing you the newest varieties in the market according to demand. You will always have something new to choose from! We are focused on quality and consistency of the product all year round. We care about our workers and the environment, placing emphasis on the social development of our people while supporting our surrounding community with different social projects for their benefit. Our management integrates environmental practices. All these aspects placed together have allowed us to obtain important certifications such as: Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, Flor Ecuador and Basc. Our aim is to satisfy the needs of our clients and to establish long term business relationships.
E-mail: Phones: (593) 9 940 0022 4 (593) 3 271 0241 (786) 5338 419 Web:
E-mail: Phones: (593 3) 2719 879 ext 111 Mobile: (593 9) 9337 9 785 Web: facebook/agrogana Skype:
AGRINAG, ALWAYS INNOVATING! Agrinag is a 37 hectares Premium Rose Grower group located in Cotopaxi, Ecuador; at an altitude of almost 3000m. Mastering more tan 100 varieties of ROSES enable us to satisfy the most demanding client at any market worldwide.
W .
Agrogana is a family owned business dedicated to the production of high quality roses, ranunculus and eryngium. We started business back in 1997, and now our flowers travel around the world showing their beauty. Located at the Cotopaxi valley in Ecuador and with an altitude that exceeds 3000 thousand meters above sea level our flowers count with unique characteristics regarding stem length, head size and bright colors.
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Directorio Directory
CAMPTEC-FLORECOT “FLORECOT GROUP” YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS CAMPTEC E-mail: Phone: (593) 2-2119 147 / 2119 139 Web: FLORECOT E-mail: Phone: (593) 2 225 3803
We are a group of 3 farms owning more than 40 hectares of different flowers for export. Our farms are located in Tabacundo, Cotacachi and Guayllabamba. Altitude and luminosity in these areas contributes to produce high quality products. We have Flor Ecuador and Basc Certifications. Our offer is the following: Summer Flowers
BELLAROSA BELLARO S.A. Sales: (593) 2 236 5667 Email: CEO: Gonzalo Luzuriaga, Email us to:
Gypsophilia Mirabella Hypericum Magical (green, burgundy, peach, red, cream and red) Eryngium Magical Purple Roses Aubade, Alba, 3d, Blush, Cabaret, Carrousel, Cartagena, Cherry Brandy, Cherry O, Checkmate,
BellaRosa is located in the Ecuadorian Andes, in a beautiful valley surrounded by volcanoes, at an altitude of approximately 3.000 meters (9.800 feet) above sea level, 16km. (10 miles) north of the equator line, and just one hour north of Quito, Ecuador´s capital. These conditions, plus the natural spring water, temperature, luminosity and our production technology allow us to grow the biggest blooms in Ecuador! We also believe that no product is complete with an outstanding customer service, which is why we strive to satisfy our customer´s needs. We are honored to be recognized as a nature and community friendly company who has been a pioneer in good environmental and social practices. We focus on integrated management of quality, environment, health, occupational safety and social responsibility. In addition, we have qualified for important certifications such as Rainforest Alliance, FlorEcuador, BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce) and Ecuadorian & Green.
Cool Water, Desire, Deep Purple, Engagement, Esperance, Euphoria, Explorer, Faith, Freedom, Hallelujah, Hermosa, Fusion, High & Peace, High & Yellow Flame, High Magic, High Orange, Hot Lady, Iguana, Iguazu, Jupiter, La Perla, Lemonde, Malibu, Manitou, Mondial, Moody Blues, Nina, Movie Star, Nina, Paloma, Pink Floyd, Polar Star, Purple Cezanne, Quicksand, Rosita Vendela, Senorita, Sexy Red, Shocking versilia, Skyfire, Stardust, Sweetness, Tibet, Topaz, Vendela, Zazu.
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DIFIORI E-mail: Phones: (593) 2236 0771
Mobile: (593) 9993 11779 Skype: patricioespinosa44
Varieties: Amelia, Alba, Aleluya, Attache, Cabaret, Carrousel, Friendly, Honney Mustard, La Perla, Leonidas, Lindsay, Orange Unique, Osiana, Cherry Brandy, Sahara, Dakkar, Deep Purple, Yellow Sunset., Esperance, Hot Lady, Polar Star, Rock Star, Sweet Elegance, Vendela, Glow Girl, Manitou, Matilda Nena, Orange Crush, Tutti Frutti, Latina, Sweetness, Tiffany, Tibet, Mohana. Freedom, Pink Floyd, Sexy Red, Samourai, Cherry Love, 3d.
Ecoador Floral
Foliages for bouquet makers and designers Tropical flowers and bouquets Hydrangeas, Callas and Agapanthus Pot Plants Bamboo Crafts Contact - Francisco Sáenz Phone: 593 2 2434564 Mobile: 593 9 99929499 e-mail: Skype: saecaflor1
EDEN ROSES Contacto:María Fernanda Rodríguez Skype: rosasdeleden Address: Vía Hcda. Ancholag. Sector Orongoloma. Cayambe - Pichincha-Ecuador Phone: 593 22792469 / 2792173 E-mail: Web:
E-mail: USA Phone: 1-(305) 6703228 1800-719-6396 Web: Fernando X. Donoso Executive President
EQR Roses is located in Lasso, Ecuador at the skirts of the Cotopaxi Volcano. We have been solely dedicated to the production and export of the finest fresh cut roses for over 20 years. Our main purpose is to produce and sell the best roses in the market under a strict and permanent control of every process maintaining quality throughout the year. ROSES:REDS: Classy, Devotion, Forever Young, Freedom, Hearts, Lotus, Sexy Red, Red Unique, Red Paris. YELLOW: Bikini, Dejavu, Gold Strike, Idole, Hummer, Kerio, Mohana, Skyline, Sonrisa, Tara, Yellow Timeless, Yellow Coral. WHITE: Amelia, Blizzard, Escimo, High & Peace, Mondial, Mt. Eveerest, Polar Star, Polo, Proud*, Snowy Jewel, Tibet, Vendela, White Chocolate. PINK: Anna, Art Deco, Pink Farfalla, Nena, O’Hara, Rosita Vendela, Secret Garden, Senorita, Something Different, Sweet Akito, After Party, Cotton Candy, Dark Engagement, Priceless, Sweet Unique, Cherry O!, Hoy Lady, Hot Party, Malena, Pink Floyd, Shocking Versilia, Topaz. PEACH: Azafran, Carpe Diem, Cossima, Cumbia, Engagement, Fado, Imagination, Monyna, Peckoubo, Romance, Sirocco, Tiffany, Versilia. ORANGE: Marjan, Cherry Brandy, Chillis, High & Intenzz, Orange Unique, Twilight, Voodoo, Wild Spirit. BI-COLOR: Aubade, Big Fun, Bengala, Blush, Cabaret, Caribbean, Carrousel, Classic Cezanne, Corrida, Climax, Desire, Duett, Encanto, Esperance, Fiction, Fiesta*, Florida, Geisha, High & Sunshine, High & Magic, High & Orange, Hot Merengue, Iguana, Intense, Latin Circus, Malibu, Oops!, Prime Time, Purple Cezanne, Riviera, Absurda/ Something Else, Sweet Elegance, Roselle, Sunset, Sweet Berry, Sweetness, Zazu LAVENDER: Amnesia, Blue Curiosa, Cool Water, Faith, Mami Blue*, Moody Blues, Ocean Song, Soulmate. TERRACOTA AND EARTH TONES: Coffee Break, Gypsy Curiosa, Leonidas, Matilda. GREEN: Amandine, Green Fashion, Jade, Limbo, Super Green, Something Mint*. SALMON: Movie Star, Rock Star SPRAY ROSES: REDS: Red Collection, Rubicon, Fire King, Scarlett Mimi. YELLOW: Sun City, Yellow Babe PURE WHITE: Snowdance, Vivianne. IVORY WHITE: White Majolika, White Mikado. PEACH: Ilse, PINK: Lydia, Pink Majolika, Hot Pink Folies, Lovely Lydia. BI-COLOR: Red Hero, Salsa. ORANGE: Babe, Mambo. LAVENDER: Purple Sky. CHAMPAGNE: Chablis. GREEN: Luviana CLASSIC WHITE LARGE CALLA LILIES
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E-mail: Phones: (593-2) 3 957525 Oficinas: Eugenio Espejo y via a Tanda. Centro Comercial
GALAPAGOS FLORES S.A. E-mail: Address: Pacífico Proaño # 11019 Tabacundo - Ecuador Phone : (593) 2 236 6386 / 7 Mobile: (593) 99 334 9300 FAX: (593) 2 236 5992 SKYPE: galapagosflores Web:
Plaza del Rancho, oficina 311. Cumbaya
VARIETIES: We define and design customer experiences in flower industry. FIORELLA ROSES An Ecuadorian company that produces and export fresh cut roses of premium quality. We are located in the Cotopaxi province, at 2,850 meters above sea level; which is the best region of the country for flower production. Our portfolio includes over 55 of the latest rose varieties, cultivated under 16 hectares with the highest quality standard. Our roses have been recognized for their large size buds, long-strong stems, well-defined colors and beautiful foliage. The location of our farm gives us an advantage on high productivity, coming into an excellent opportunity for being your main supplier on holidays. Additional, the perfect sort of colors we get on our availability brings you the ideal variety for any occasion. We believe and succeed with our people, designing and developing a new tendency for our select group of customers. Becoming your strategic partner, we will help you to increase your business through a consistent supply of quality roses.
RED: Checkmate, Forever Young, Freedom, Red Unique, Samourai, Sexy Red SALMON: Versilia, Vinci YELLOW: Circus, Bikini, Dejavu, High&Yellow, Isabel, Stardust, Tara
PINK: Aerobic, Amsterdam, Classic Duett, Dekora, Engagement, Esperance, Imagination, Mar, Mayra’s Rose, Peckoubo ORANGE:Cherry Brandy, Corvette, High&Booming, High&Orange, Milva, Moviestar, Nina, Queensday, Star 2000, Voodoo WHITE: Amelia, Anastasia, Arborea, Limbo, Mondial, Pleasure, Polar Star, Proud, Vendela LILAC: Cherry Oh, Cool Water, Cotton Candy, Hot Party, Pink Floyd, Stiletto, Topaz BICOLOR: Aubade, High Society, Blush, Boheme, Cabaret, Carrousel, Corrida, Farfalla, Florida, Friendship, Graffitti, High&Magic, Iguana, Leonidas, Malibu, Queen Amazone, Soutine, Sweetness, Zazu
GLAMOUR FLORELOY E-mail: Phones: (593)2 2127 445 ext -2 Direct Line: (593)2 2792 188 Mobile: (593)9 9946 3035 Web: Panamericana Norte S/N vía a Cayambe (Sector Guachalá) Cayambe,Ecuador
Floreloy was founded in 1997 in Ecuador, taking advantage of countless natural benefits offered by the Cayambe area. Also our company is located logistically near to the international airport “Mariscal Sucre”, which guarantees our delivery process. Our company has been based on High Quality Principles, which became in the most important strength and way to achieve the success, growth and recognition of our brand in the international markets. The Quality of our Roses is based on the quality of life of our employees, who are the heart of our company. Let your clients receive the High Quality Ecuadorian Roses produced by Floreloy, while you enjoy our staff’s kindness and professionalism.
Variety List: REDS: Forever Young, Freedom, Red Paris, Sexy Red. WHITE: Blizzard, Escimo, Mondial, Polar Star, Virginia, White Chocolate. BICOLOR: Aubade, Big Fun, Blush, Cherry Brandy, Friendship, Gypsi Curiosa, High & Magic, Iguana, Konfetty, Sweetness. ORANGE: Movie Star, Orange Unique, Pareo, Rockstar, Voodoo. HOT PINK: Topaz, Ravel. PINK: Amsterdam, Dekora, Engagement, Pavarotty, Purple Cezanne, Sweet Akito, Sweet Unique. PINK BICOLOR: Carrousel, Classic Cezanne, Esperance, Malibu. LAVANDER: Amnesia, Cool Water, Ocean Song . GREEN: Green Tea, High & Peace, Jade. CREAM: Amelia, Crème de la Crème, Sahara, Vendela. YELLOW: Gold Strike, Skyline, Tara, Tressor 2000, Yellow Coral. PEACH: Nectarine. NOVELTIES: Cabaret, Cherry Oh!, High & Intenzz , Iguazu, Rose Berry, Señorita, Twilight. COOMING SOON: Brighton, Hermosa, Stardust. Direct line. 1.2396.283.740 Skype: roberto.armas.glamour Phones: (593-2) 3672402 ext 105/107
HOJAVERDE CIA. LTDA. E-mail: Phones: (593 2)212 7085 Fax: Web:
(593 2)212 7056 (593 2)212 7081 (593 2)212 7073 CAYAMBE – ECUADOR
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JOYGARDENS S.A E-mail: Phones: (593) 22360-959 (593) 22360-960 Fax: (593) 22360-959 Contact: Lucia Carrión L. Msn: Hda. La Alegría, Tabacundo – Ecuador
MYSTIC FLOWERS S.A. Contactos: Paola Dávila Sales Manager Nicolás Peña Sales Executive Martin Hidrobo Senior Sales Associate
VARIETY LIST: PREMIUM: Amelia, Cool Water, Dark Engagement, Engagement , Fragance Delicious, Hot Shot, Janeiro, Ocean Song, Sexy Red, Spicy merengue, Star 2000,Sweetness, Titanic, Vendela.
JOSARFLOR Ph: (593-2)212-7510 Ext. 112 (593-2)212-7512 Ext. 112 Cel: (593)9-9358-7864 USA: 646-432-5817 E-mail: Web: CAYAMBE - ECUADOR
S PREMIUM: Allert, Amsterdam, Angels, Aubade, Bikini, Blush, Cabaret, Cherry Brandy, Cherry O, Creme de la creme, Esperance, Extreme, Freedom, High Magic, High Yellow, Iguana, Iguazu, Manitou, Mondial, Polar Star, Proud, Red Paris, Romance, Tibet, Tiffani, Topaz, White Chocolate.
Varieties: 3D, Altamira, Amsterdam, Bikini, Cabaret, Carpediem, Carrousel, Cherry Be, Cherry O, Clown, Contrast, Confidential, Cool Water, Cotton Candy, Cosmo, Cream de la Cream, Deep Purple, Diddy, Explorer, Fancy Curiosa, Farfalla, Fidji, Fiesta, Forever Young, Freedom, Free Spirit, Guiness, Hearts, Hermosa, High & Candy, High & Exotic, High & Intenze, High & Magic, High & Orange Magic, High & Yellow Magic, Hot Merengue, Hot Shot, Iguazu, La Perla, Lotus, Marilena, Mohana, Mondial, Moody Blues, Nectarine, Nena, News Flash, Nina, Orange Crush, Past Times, Pink Floyd, Polar Star, Purple Haze, Red Paris, Samba Pa Ti, Santana, Secret Garden, Shogun, Señorita, Stardust, Sweetness, Takini, Talea, Tara, Tibet, Topaz, Twilight, Vendela, White Chocolate, Wild Topaz, Zazú and more NEW VARIETIES COMING SOON!!!
GARDEN ROSES: Art Rose, Caralunaa, O’ Hara, White O hara.
ELITE: 3D, Boulevard, Brighton, Carrousel, Connie, Deep Purple, España, Explorer, Foxtrot, Free Spirit, Hallelujah, Hermosa, Moody Blues, Nautica, Nina, Peach aubade, Pink Floyd, Señorita, Show Girl, Stardust, Super Green, Twilight, Tycoon.
NARANJO ROSES Contact E-mail: Phones: Mobile:
Maryluz Naranjo B. (593) 32 266-100/101/102 593) 999 784 581
Contact Carlos Gómez E-mail: Mobile: (593) 999 905 327
Varieties: RED: Explorer, Check Mate, Freedom WHITE: Vendela, Mondial, White chocolate, Proud HOT PINK: Pink Floyd, Topaz, Hot shot, Cherry O BICOLOR: Esperance, Zazu, Twilight, Free Spirit, Capitano, Aubade, Cabaret, Fragant Delicious, Carrousel, PEACH: Versilia, Nectarine YELLOW: Bikini, Stardust, Mohana, High Yellow PINK: Nena, Faith ORANGE: Wow, Rock Star LAVANDER: Ocean Song, Purple Haze, Moody Blues NEW VARIETIES AVAILABLE: EARLY GRAY – ORANGE CRUSH – NINA – GARDEN SPIRIT CONQUISTA
NATUFLOR E-mail: Phones: (593)2 2 314 277 Mobile: (593)9 9 2 117 117 (593)9 9 2 112 112 (593)9 9 4 947 817 Fax: (593)2 2 314 275 Skype: ximena.vizcarra1 natuflor2 Web:
Varieties List: Aubade, Big Fun, Blizard, Blush, Caipiriña, Carpe diem, Carrousel, Cherry Brandy, Cherry “O”, Classic Cezanne, Cotton Candy, Cool Water, Cream de la Cream, Deep Purple, Engagement, Escimo, Esperance, Fado, Faith, Fiesta, Florida, Forever Young, Freedom, Free Spirit, Fidji, Hermosa, High & Candy, High & Magic, High & Orange, Hot Merengue, Hot Princess, Iguana, Iguazu, Imagination, Jade, Limbo, Manitou, Miracole, Mohana, Mondial, Movie Star, Nautica, Nena, Nina, Orange Crush, Ocean Song, Orlando, Peckoubo, Polar Star, Pink Floyd, Priceless, Proud, Red Paris, Red Unique, Riviera, Santana, Sweetness, Tara, Tibet, Tinto, Titanic, Topaz, Tutti Frutti, Twilight, Vendela, White Chocolate, Zazu, 3D
NEGRETE STAR ROSES Phones: (593-3-3) 700120 Mobile: (593) 993710 210 Skype: Web: E-Mail: Facebook: Negrete Star Roses
List of Varieties: Alba, 3 d, Brave, Bulevard, Cabaret , Caipirinha, Cara Luna, Check Mate, Cherry Oh, Creme de la Creme, Deep Purplee, Engagement, España, Estileto, Explorer, Extreme, Forever Young, Freedom, Hermosa, High & Intenzz, High&Magic, High&Twinkle, Hot Merengue, Hummer, Iguana, Iguazu, Limonade, Mohana, Mondial, Moody Blues, Nena, Nina, Paloma, Pink Floyd, Pink Love, Polar Star, Proud, Quicksand, Red Paris, Señorita, Siberian Nights, Sweetness, Topaz, Tycoon, Tyfani, Vendela.
NINTANGA S.A. E-mail: Phones: (593) 3 269 0004 (593) 3 269 0005 Mobile: (593) 9 973 86712 Msn: Address: Panamericana Norte, Km 10 Guaytacama, Latacunga-Ecuador
Products: Stock double, Stock spray, Statice, Molucella, Sunflower, Bupleurum, Callas Lilly.
We are a business group, whose mission is to grow premium roses for an exclusive market and ensure our customers a pre and post-sales service of the highest quality. We are proud to be trading partners with our customers, which is why we respond with flexibility to their specific requirements regarding our product, and providethe best logistics solutions. For more information please visit
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ROSA NOVA E-mail: Contact: Skype: Phones: Mobile: Direct line Web:
Bicolor: Aubade, Cherry Brandy, Espana, Sweetness. Bicolor Cream/Pink: Paloma ****. Bicolor Pink: Fusion ****, Reef, Wild Topaz. Bicolor Whtite/Pink: Carousel. Bicolor Yellow: Circus. Clear Brick with Cream: Iguana. Cream Pink: Sweet Unique, Samba Pa Ti. Creamy White: Mondial. Cream: Crème de la Crème, La Perla. Cream - Light Pink: Duett, Esperance. Cream Hot Pink: Priceless. Cream Orange: Blush. Cream Peach: Twilight. Green: Lemonade, Jade. Hot Pink: Brave ****, Cherry O, Classic Duett, Cotton Candy, Dark Engagement, Hot Lady, Hot Princess, Pink Floyd, Purple Cezanne, Topaz. Lavanda: Cool Water, Faith. Light Pink: Engagement, Nena****, Pink Love, Pramila, Senorita, Sweet Akito, Titanic. Lilac: Nautica. Lilac – Purple: Deep Purple, Soulmate. Orange: High & Fire, High & Orange Magic, Nina, Orange Crush****, Orange Sky, Rockstar, Santana, Voodoo. Peach: Cumbia, Fado, Natures Cherry, Versilia, Amsterdam. Peach (GARDEN ROSE): Wedding Spirit. Peach Pink: Peach Aubade. Pink – White: High & Candy, High & Sunshine, Boulevard. Pink (GARDEN ROSE): Pink Ohara. Pink-Dark-Pink-Peach: 3D. Red: Sexy Red, Explorer, Forever Young, Freedom, Red Paris, Tinto. Red Ocher Cream: Iguazu. Red Yellow: Optical Sunset. Salmon: Movie Star. Salmon Peach: Fidji. Sandy Cream: Quicksand. Strawberry Pink: Rasberry Ice. White: Akito, Alba, Angels, Blizzard, First Lady, Polar Star, Proud, Tibet, White Chocolate. White – Red: Tropical Dealight.. White (GARDEN ROSE): White Ohara. White Cream: Vendela. White Pink: Cabaret. Yellow: Hummer, Mohana, Stardust, Tara. Yellow - Light Red: Florida. Yellow – Orange: High & Magic. Yellow – Red: Friendship, High & Twinkle, High & Yellow Flame, High & Yellow Magic, Hot Merengue. Yellow Orange Red: Extreme.
te asesoramos en
- Creación d e marca - Diseño de empaques - Stands y exhibidores Contáctanos: 0987990170 (593) 2-241199
ROSADEX PBX: (593-2)2138339 e-mail: web:
VARIEDADES: Amelia, Bikini, Blush, Cabaret, Carrousel, Cherry Brandy, Cherry O!, Classic Duett, Cool Water, Creme Dla Creme, Dark Anna, Deep Purple, Engagement, Esperance, Explorer, Forever Young, Freedom, Green Tea, Hermosa, High & Candy, High & Magic, High & Yellow m, Hot Merengue, Iguazu, Jade, Latin Lady, Legend, Lotus, Malibu, Mondial, Nena, Nina, Para Ti, Peckoubo, Pink Floyd, Polar Star, Polo, Priceless, Proud, Romance, Roseberry, Sexy Red, Sophie, Soulmate, Star 2000, Sweet Unique, Sweetness, Tara, Titanic, Topaz, Twilight, Vendela, White Angel, Zazu
40 Mónica Madera monapym (5932) 244- 2772 ext 204 (5939) 9527-3434 1-786-319-4512
N ° 4 7 - E C UA D O R Y S U S F L O R E S
ROSAS DEL CORAZÓN Contacto : OLGA KUKONOSOVA Tel: (593 2) 3957563 Cel: (593) 994156333 E-mail: Skype: salesrdc Web:
Rosas del Corazón is a competitive and innovative company dedicated to the production and export of flowers, is located around Machachi on the slopes of Volcano El Corazón, Pichincha Province, at 3100 meters above the sea. It is in operation in the flower industry since 2008.The excellent geographical location and climatic conditions allow to obtain flowers in lengths between 60 and 120 cm, intense colors and excellent quality, we have 10 hectares currently in production of 50 varieties of Elite roses, 100% Russian Quality, with strict control of ensures consistent quality and consistency in each of the stems of export. In Rosas del Corazón find not only quality but also a responsible company concerned about the environment and its employees. Rosas del Corazón es una empresa competitiva e innovadora dedicada a la producción y exportación de flores, se encuentra alrededor de Machachi en las faldas del Volcán El Corazón, Provincia de Pichincha, a 3100 metros sobre el mar. Inicio en la industria de las flores desde 2008. La excelente ubicación y condiciones climáticas y geográficas permiten obtener flores en longitudes entre 60 y 120 cm, colores intensos y una excelente calidad, tenemos 10 hectáreas actualmente en la producción de 50 variedades de rosas Elite, 100% Calidad Rusa, con un estricto control que garantiza la mejor calidad y consistencia en cada uno de los tallos de las exportaciones. En Rosas del Corazón no solo encontrara buena calidad sino también una empresa responsable preocupada por el medio ambiente y sus empleados.
SACHA ROSE Cia Ltda E-mail: Phones: (593) 998521773 Contact: Ing. Guillermo Bustamante Web: Ubicación: Pifo-Ecuador, 3200 msnm Variedades: Nina, High & Magic, Iguazu, Pink Floy, Mondial, Freestyle, Luna Rossa, Voodoo, Tibet, Esperance, Deep Purple.
SANTA CLARA GARDENS E-maill: Phones: (593)2 2119 201 (593)2 2119 281 Mobile: (593)9 9211 5876 Skype: live:santaclara_gardens Contact: Jhonnatan Salazar Web:
Varieties Normal: Amsterdam, Carrousel, Carrousel Splash, Crem of the Crem, Engagement, Forever Young, Freedom, High Magic, High Orange, High Yellow, Iguana, Limbo, Malibu, Movie Star, Sweet Unique, Sweetness, Tara, Vendela Premium: Cabaret, Cherry O, Deep Purple, Explorer, High Intezz, Iguazu, La perla, Mohanna, Mondeal, Nena, Nina, Pink Floy, Polar Star, Proud, Santana, Señorita, Topaz, White Chocolate.
ROSE CONNECTION Cia. Ltda. Sales : (593)2 2365286 Email: CEO: Gonzalo Luzuriaga, Rose Connection is our farm located in the privileged surroundings of the Cayambe Mountain, where ournatural conditions allow us to produce the World´sbest roses due to the altitude, temperature, and Luminosity, among other natural benefits. These natural conditions, along with our productiontechnology result in the best quality roses because of the bright and radiant colors, large blooms, thick stems, beautiful foliage and longer stem length. Every year we invest in renewing an important part of our varieties, in order to always be able to offer the lastest and most demanded ones to our customers Worldwide. Every year we invest in renewing an important part of Our varieties, in order to always be able to offer the lastest and most demanded ones to our customers worldwide. We are also customer service oriented, guaranteeing total satisfaction for our select clients, and thus strengthening our business and personal relations. In addition, we have qualified for important certifications such as FlorEcuador, BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Com-merce) and Ecuadorian & Green. E/mail us to:
E-mail: Skype: Phones: Farm ph: analuzbueno
(593-2) 2896264 (593-2) 2890808 (593-2) 6010735 (593-2) 6018889 (593-2) 2119004 (593-2) 2119084 (593-2) 2119163 Farm Fax: (593-2) 2791245 Web: Variedad/Variety
Normal Blue Curiosa, Charlotte, Engagement, Escimo, Hot Princess, Movie Star, Red Unique, Rossini, Skyline, Tropical Amazon, Vendela. Super Premium*** Acapella, Amsterdam, Aubade, Butter Scotch, Cabaret, Carousel, Cherry O, Coffee break, Cumbia, Epoca, Fado, Hermosa, Finess, Forever Young, Green Beauty, Hearts, High & Magic, High & Orange, High & Yellow, Hot Merengue, Hot Shot, Iguana, Iguazu, Janeiro, Jessica, La Perla, Lotus, Matilda, Mondial, Ocean Song, Peach Aubade, Polar Star, Royal Sphynx, Señorita, Sweetness, Takini, Tara, Tibet!, Topaz, Touch of Class. Premium Anastasia, Amelia, Blizzard, Freedom, Cinamon, Blush, Cezanne, Cherry Brandy, Circus, Dark Engagement, Esperance, Frienship, Grand Classe, Green Tea, Idol / Elle, Jupiter, Kerio, Latin Beauty, Malibu, Purple Cezanne, Sweet Unique, Red Paris, Sweet Akito. Novelty++++ 3D, C’est la Vie, Deep Purple, Explorer, Free Spirit, Garden Spirit, High & Intenzz, Lemonade, Moody Blues, Nina, Ohara, Orange Crush, Past Times, Pink Floyd, Secret Garden, Skyfire, Tycoon, White Ohara, Zazu. NUEVAS VARIEDADES PARA 2015 (NOVEMBER-DECEMBER) / COMING ON 2015 (NOVIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE) Checkmate, Quicksand, Scarlata, Sublime.
SUNRITE FARMS PRODUCT: Roses ADRRESS: Avenida de los Granados E14-947 y Azucenas, Quito-Ecuador EMAIL: WEB: ECUADOR.(593.2)2387-798 I Fax.EX1. 270/271 USA1 866-417-9507 I Fax.(305}735-2132 ESPANA. 34)918-295-222 SALESMANAGER: Marcelo Carrera EMAIL: Mobile: 593-9-99478-897
OurVarieties: Amelia,Escimo,Mondial,PolarStar,Proud,Vendela, Eperance, Malibu,Classic Cezanne, Sweetness,High& Magic, Cherry Brandy,Tara,Mircle,TropicalAmazone, Orange Unique,Freedom, Roseberry, Janeiro ,Shocking Versilia,HotLady,Topaz,Sweet Unique, Sexy Pink , Cool Water, Ocean Song,Sophia,Señorita,Titanic,SweetAkito, Engagement, Alba , Moody Blues , Deep Purple, Tifanny , Santana, Pink Floyd, Orange Crush, Nena, Quicksand.
N ° 4 7 - E C UA D O R Y S U S F L O R E S
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