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On the Cover: Ultra Modern Luxury with a Traditional Flair pgs. 48-57 Photo by Walt Roycraft Kentucky Homes & Gardens September/October 2022 Volume 19 Issue 5 42 10 1828 6 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens HOME IMPROVEMENT 12 HOMESCAPES: Staging a Home to Sell SPECIAL FEATURES 9 SHOP LOCAL DIRECTORY 14 GARDENS: Cave Hill Cemetery 18 FEATURE: Distinguished Deck Design 28 ARTIST: Darrell Ishmael 32HOMESEasyLiving Luxury in Lexington 40 Classic & Contemporary 48 Ultra Modern Luxury with a Traditional Flair GO KENTUCKY! 10 COOKING IN KENTUCKY: The Chalet in Somerset 58 DISCOVERING KENTUCKY: Red River Gorge 58 14 HOME IMPROVEMENT 12 HOMESCAPES: Staging a Home to Sell SPECIAL FEATURES 9 SHOP LOCAL DIRECTORY 14 GARDENS: Cave Hill Cemetery 18 FEATURE: Distinguished Deck Design 28 ARTIST: Darrell Ishmael 32HOMESEasyLiving Luxury in Lexington 40 Classic & Contemporary 48 Ultra Modern Luxury with a Traditional Flair GO KENTUCKY! 10 COOKING IN KENTUCKY: The Chalet in Somerset 58 DISCOVERING KENTUCKY: Red River Gorge

GRAIES ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS Great design is personal. Graves Architects & Planners is the culmination of curated skill and relentless design intention. Backed by more than 40 years of experience, the firm is lead by Principal, Steven R. Graves, AIA and specializes in luxury residential and commercial projects. The Graves team takes pride in making sure the details, scale and functio nality of every project exceeds expectations Jecause design is personal. "ir;' 859.5&4.7-Sff� 3399 TATES CREEK ROAD LEXINGJ:QN, KY 40502 (

Published by RHP Publishing, LLC PO Box Lexington,22754KY 40522 859.268.0217 Publisher: Rick Phillips Associate Publisher: Carolyn Rasnick Circulation and Distribution: Account Executives: Rick 859-268-0217Phillips • Terri 859-806-6123Carpenter• Editors: Rick Phillips, Carolyn Rasnick Senior Associate Editor: Kirsten E. Silven Photography: Walt Roycraft Contributing Writers: Art Direction & Design: Meghann Burnett Printing: Freeport Press 2127 Resier Ave. SE New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Kentucky Homes and Gardens is published six times a year by RHP Publishing, LLC. beSubscriptionsKentucky(sixSubscriptionReproductionwww.kentuckyhomesandgardens.com859.268.0217Allrightsreserved.inwholeorpartwithoutwrittenpermissionisprohibited.price:$24.95foroneyearissues).Singlecopies:$8.residentsadd6%salestax.andchange-of-addressshouldsentto Kentucky Homes and Gardens, Subscriber Service Center, PO Box 22754, Lexington, KY 40522 Ray HeatherHunterRussell-Simmons Kirsten E. Silven HOMES GA R DENS K ENTUCK Y & ~ 606 679-53254395 South Highway 27 Somerset, Kentucky 8 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens


Outside, there is an upper and lower deck open for dining when weather permits, and inside the décor features many interesting items the chefs have collected on their European travels, lending a sense of timeless elegance to complement the impressive woodwork and soaring ceilings.
Popular menu items include the Apple Pandowdy—a mouthwatering dessert featuring Southern Comfort, apples and caramel in a puff pastry (be sure to check out the recipe they shared with us!)—as well as the beef wellington and filet mignon, which features either local mushrooms and truffle butter with duchesse potatoes, or maître d butter and Boursin mashed potatoes.
Courtesy of The Chalet
“We decided to open a fine dining restaurant, and already loved this space and location, since we catered here before buying the property in 2016,” shared Chef Wells, who along with Chef Mazario also teaches culinary arts at the local community college.
Located at 100 Chapel Drive in Somerset, The Chalet restaurant boasts a distinctive European atmosphere and inventive gourmet fare, offering fine dining and outdoor seating in a picturesque setting that resembles a charming Alpine chalet. It’s the brainchild of Chefs Michael Wells and Ed Mazario, who have amassed more than 50 years of combined experience and also own Mulligans at Woodson Bend Resort in Bronston, which lies just south of Somerset.
By Kirsten E. Silven Photos
In addition, The Chalet uses locally grown items whenever possible, working with small local producers like Burnett Farms in Somerset and Haney’s Apple dale Farm in Nancy, Kentucky, to get most of their produce and ground beef whenever the items are on hand. A wide variety of incredible craft beers and highly rated wines are also available.
10 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
“We take great pride in the quality of our ingredients, using only fresh seafood and USDA prime beef,” shared Chef Mazario. “Selecting the best ingredients up front also makes our job as chefs so much easier!”
The Chalet restaurant in Somerset is open Tuesday thru Saturday for lunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and for dinner from 4 to 9 p.m. Reservations are not required, but are recommended for dinner. Call 606-451-9000 or visit for more information.
Apple Pandowy Ingredients: • 1 lb butter • 12 apples, cut w/apple cutter • 4 tsp cinnamon • 3 lemons, juiced • 1 lb dried cranberries • 4 lbs brown sugar • 16 oz Southern Comfort • 1 sheet puff pastry • Eggs for egg wash Preparation: • Melt butter in large saute pan • Add apples, saute 1 minute • Add brown sugar • Add Southern Comfort & stir well • Add cinnamon & lemon juice • Simmer until caramel sauce comes •togetherStrainapples from sauce & save liquid • Cool apples • Cut puff pastry in pieces, 5 by 5 inches • Add 4 apple slices to middle of pastry, bring up pastry around apples • Seal with egg wash THECHALETGourmetDininginSomerset 1 1 A real old-fashioned favorite, Apple Pandowdy is a cooked fruit dessert featuring apples, Southern Comfort and sweetened with caramel in a puff pastry (see recipe).

One of the most popular menu items, the USDA prime filet mignon is piled high here with asparagus and local lion’s mane mushrooms, finished with truffle butter and duchesse potatoes.
Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 11
The fried green tomatoes at The Chalet are out of this world, topped with crumbled feta cheese, bacon lardons, micro greens and sweet chili aioli.
The Chalet restaurant in Somerset offers fine dining with a chic European ambiance that is reminiscent of a classic Alpine chalet.
2 5 3 4 6
A popular appetizer, the crab gateau includes lump crab cake, topped with a parmesan crisp and lemon aioli.
Chicken Chalet features a perfectly seared chicken breast, with fromage blanc, roasted red pepper, caramelized leeks and a demi-glace.

When real estate agents talk about staging your home, they’re referring to a method of pre paring a property for sale on the real estate marketplace. Staging is designed to showcase a home’s best assets, impress buyers, and sell it quickly for the highest possible price. Because not all sellers stage their homes, you’ll be at an advantage if you elect to take the extra step of staging your Goodproperty.staging is “a form of visual merchandising that draws on some of the fundamentals of interior design,” said Terri Carpenter, owner and CEO of Sweet T Staging. “Home staging is not the same as decorating. Decorating is about personal style, while staging makes your home appealing to the largest pool of potential buyers.”
By Ray Hunter Photos Courtesy of Terri Carpenter
A clean home shows potential buyers that you’ve taken good care of the property. Ideally, you should clean every part of the house, from the floors to the ceilings—and everything in between. Even the cleanest, most well-organized homes can usually benefit from extra decluttering.
“Home staging is also beneficial because potential buyers don’t want to see work that needs to be done upon moving into the home,” Terri said. “Buyers could deduct the cost for every problem they see from their offering price. If they see too many issues, they may pass on buying the home entirely.”
When dealing with such a significant financial transaction as selling a home, you don’t want to settle for a lower selling price or a longer marketing period than you have to. Staging may be one of the most lucrative projects you ever undertake relative to the amount of time and money involved. Potential buyers aren’t just looking for a structure to inhabit—they’re also looking for a way to fulfill their dreams and improve their lifestyle. Staging can create a more emotional purchase for the buyer, ultimately generating more money for the seller.
The dining room is one of the more important rooms for staging, right behind the living room, bedrooms, outdoors, and the kitchen. Homes without a dining room can take longer to sell, even though many families don’t use their dining room for formal family dinners. If you have a chandelier in your dining room, you’ll want to place the rug directly below it, with the table centered on top of it.
1A & 1B
The exterior and the entryway—which factor into the home’s “curb appeal”—are important points of focus because they can heavily impact a buyer’s first impression. They may even determine someone’s interest in viewing the inside of the house.
aStagingHometoSell 1B1A Need someone to stage your home to sell? Call Terri Carpenter at Sweet T Staging! (859)806-6123
12 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens HOMESCAPES
According to Terri, the most common rooms to stage are the living room, dining room, kitchen, pri mary bedroom, and primary bathroom. Of course, time and money determine the level of practical staging for your home, so she recommends keeping these main factors in mind during the process.

“There is no question that a dark, empty property will not get the same attention as one filled with on-trend, engaging furnishings and accessories,’ Terri said. “Not only does it instantly help buyers visualize their furniture in the space and how it will match their lifestyle, but it also creates a more spacious and inviting room.”
Overall, when you’re trying to make these spaces appeal to a wide number of people, it’s about showing the potential of the room and home while also leaving enough up to the imagination where people will fill in their own blanks to make it suits their taste, their wants, and their needs.
3A & 3B When staging any space, the less furniture in it, the better. There should be just enough to define the space without it looking cluttered or making it difficult to move around the room. A desk, a chair, and an area rug are perfect for a home office in most cases. A bookcase or storage unit will help balance things if the room is a little larger. If you have a few extra pieces you can’t take out of the space before selling, make sure they’re neutral in color and all the surfaces are clutter-free.
2A & 2B A corner fireplace is stunning and a treat to have; however, it can sometimes be difficult to arrange furniture around. All or part of your furniture placement should be directed toward the fireplace. You want to place your furniture so the angles match or mirror the angle of the fireplace and how it extends out into the room. Keep in mind that the primary goal of furniture staging is to create efficient and convenient footpath navigation and access in the living room. Avoid blocking the fireplace with any furniture, whether it’s a chair or a table.
2A 3A 2B 3B
“When selling a home, how it should be presented to others is different than when you’re living in it. It needs to be decluttered, depersonalized, and the décor needs to be minimal,” Terri said. “Buyers need to be able to envision themselves in your home, so remove all the family photos, keepsakes, and refrigerator art. Keep clothes hidden away as much as possible, and make sure the bathroom counters are empty.”
You’ll also want to arrange the furniture to make each room feel spacious, homey, and easy to navigate.
“You may love your orange bathroom, but people’s tastes in colors are very specific and highly personal,” Terri said. “You might think white walls are ideal because they create a blank slate that allows buyers to envision their own décor and gives them an easy starting point. However, it’s actually better to paint your home with warm, neutral colors.”
It is unlikely that a potential buyer will like your wallpaper or custom paint colors. It is best to choose neutral colors, like beige or tan.
Furniture that’s too big will make a room look small, while too little or too small furniture can make a space feel cold.
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Make sure furniture is the right size for the room, and don’t clutter a room with too much of it.
“Try not to use cheap furniture. You don’t have to pay much money to switch out your existing furniture— and we have furniture available to rent,” Terri said. “Either way, make sure the furniture looks nice, tidy, and inviting. You can use throw pillows to add contrast and a pop of color.”
In the living room, for example, seating should be set up to create a comfortable conversation area.

As a side project, Cave Hill is also home to more than 20 bee hives, with the head arborist serving double duty as resident beekeeper. The cemetery’s close proximity to water, as well as its abundance of diverse flowers and plant life, creates an ideal environment for honeybees. Now, Cave Hill produces more than 1,000 pounds of honey per season, bottling and selling the sweet elixir on site, with all proceeds going to support the Cave Hill Heritage Foundation, and in 2021, the light amber honey even won a blue ribbon at the Kentucky State Fair!
“From the beginning, the design utilized and took advantage of the natural terrain, and we have kept that theme alive through to the present day,” shared Michael Higgs, manager of the Cave Hill Heritage Foundation. “We are among the oldest Victorian rule garden-style cemeteries in the country, along with Mt. Auburn in Boston and Spring Grove in Cincinnati.”
Through the years, Cave Hill has always remained inextricably linked to the history of Louisville and Kentucky itself, telling the ever-unfolding story of its citizens through landscape and monuments. Today, the Cave Hill Heritage Foundation is dedicated to providing for the long-term preser vation of this local treasure, working to restore the historical monuments and buildings, preserve the arboretum setting and provide community education and awareness. For more information, visit cavehillcemetery. com or call 502-813-7761.
2 Louisville icon Muhammad Ali was laid to rest here in Section U, near the Twin Lakes Scattering Garden. His final resting place faces east, toward Mecca, and features two granite benches as well as a seasonally rotating variety of pollinator-friendly plants, selected by the Ali family in honor of the late legend’s familiar phrase, “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Here, we can see hibiscus, mandevilla and hollies, as well as ornamental grasses and a tremendous panicled hydrangea.
Hallowed Ground Exploring Cave Hill
“The plantings here are very diverse, so there’s always something to see year-round,” stated Sarah Schaffner, horticulture and landscape manager at Cave Hill. “More than 9,000 trees are estimated to be on the property, and we have already cataloged the common and scientific names of nearly 7,500 of them.”
By Kirsten E Silven
Cave Hill is known for its incredibly diverse plantings, classic architecture and exquisite collection of monumental art, including many examples that are more than 150 years old. The grounds are also home to a variety of historic structures, and a three-and-a-half-mile brick and stone wall encircles the iconic property, while the entrance lodge and main gates were designed in 1880 by Louisville architect William H. Reddin in the Italian Renaissance revival style. More than just a burial place, the creation of Cave Hill also represented a paradigm shift in society as people moved away from a more agrarian way of life and began to embrace industrialization. Louisville legend Muhammad Ali is among the many recognizable names that visitors will find memorialized at Cave Hill; a venerable list that also includes George Rogers Clark, Colonel Sanders and Julian Proctor Van Winkle, Sr. (the namesake and founder of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon).
1 A weeping cedar of Lebanon—just visible to the right in this view—occupies a large sunny area near the main office by the lake. The area also offers an ideal spot for a colorful, pollinator-friendly garden, including two cultivars of lantana, speedwell (also known as Veronica) and sweet potato vine as ornamental ground cover.
Photography by Walt Roycraft ARDENS ounded in 1848 and located on Baxter Avenue in Louisville, Kentucky, Cave Hill is a garden-style cemetery and Level II accre dited arboretum that spans 296 acres and is home to more than 500 different species of trees and shrubs. Designed to follow the natural contours of the land and provide a truly unique aesthetic balance of art and the natural world, Cave Hill remains a beloved destination and serves as a constant source of inspiration and natural wonder for the community.
14 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
Today, Cave Hill is also the only accredited arboretum in the immediate Louisville area and it is in the process of acquiring its Level III arboretum status. Upkeep, as one might imagine, is a very labor-intensive endeavor that actually predates the U.S. public parks movement.
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5 Located just inside the Grinstead Drive entrance to Cave Hill Cemetery and Arboretum, the columbarium is open to the public and boasts a stately façade with a classic feel. Constructed from natural limestone, other features include stained glass windows and handcrafted oak moldings inside. A whimsical bronze fairy statue reaches skyward near the entrance, while visible plantings here include mature taxus, mountain laurel, azaleas and liriope. 5
3 Titled La Breeza—The Good Fairy, this fanciful bronze figure reaches skyward near the columbarium, which is located at the Grinstead Drive entrance to Cave Hill. She is a reproduction of the original work, which was created in the 1950s by Oscar Mattison, and donated by Joyce St. Clair in 2004.
4 Golden wisps of ornamental grass frame this view of the main lake, where two black Australian swans named John and Petunia also reside.

This monumental ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest trees at Cave Hill today, and it’s even equipped with lightening protection after surviving at least one previous strike. The gingko is always one of the last trees to lose its leaves late in the fall, when they rain down in a torrent of brilliant gold after reaching peak color around Thanksgiving.
One of five lakes that can be found throughout the grounds, this tranquil spring-fed body of water lies just below the Twin Lakes Scattering Garden, part of which is just visible to the left. The fountain creates soothing sounds that helped influence the Ali family to select a nearby location for their patriarch’s final resting place, while wood duck nesting boxes are also visible here, and plantings in this area include Solomon seal and native larkspur.
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By Kirsten E Silven
Deck Designs A Step Above the Rest

1 Crafted using premium composite decking for easy maintenance and longevity, with a custom wrought iron railing, this project also features a covered area with a built-in skylight, infrared heaters and both fixed and operable glass walls to provide the ultimate in ambiance and comfort year-round. There are also two gas firepit areas, a fireplace focal point in the covered area, and a spiral staircase (not pictured) leading down from the outdoor kitchen in this rustic yet chic outdoor living space. Photo courtesy of Mega Decks.

“Today we are using more composite materials than ever before,” shared Topolski. “There have been vast improvements over the last five years or so in the quality of what’s available, including authentic wood look, hidden fasteners and fade resisting colors with a 25-year warranty.”
ecks in particular and outdoor living in general are more popular now than ever, with spaces becoming larger, more elaborate and more central to the home, even in states like Kentucky that often experience harsh winters. Whether it’s by incorporating a complete outdoor kitchen, fireplace, hot tub, covered seating and dining areas, a screened-in porch, built-in seating or an outdoor TV so you never miss a game, the custom touches that are available today are seemingly endless.
20 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens SFPECIALEATURE
If your heart is set on using natural wood, just remember it does require maintenance at least once a year, whether stained or painted, and keep in mind that salvaged materials can lend a unique flair to the look and feel of the finished design.
Clean hues with pops of color through accessories and tabletop décor, combined with focal points like a firepit or fireplace will take your deck design to the next level, while teak and aluminum furniture can often better stand up to the elements.
“We enjoy designing unique outdoor spaces that cater to our clients and improve the outdoor aesthetic of the home,” shared Jim Topolski of American Deck & Sunroom in Louisville. “The variety of outdoor living and decking options is virtually unlimited, and the work can even be done in phases to work within budgetary and time constraints.”
Since decks expand the usable square footage of a home, they are also a wise investment and creating a beautiful outdoor living area can even help increase its overall value. To upgrade the space, select outdoor furniture that feels more like indoor furniture and don’t be afraid to mix materials like rood, rope, outdoor rattan, metal and stone to create a current, pulled-together look.
Although decks can be tricky to integrate, they can also bridge the gap between interior and exterior spaces, providing a secondary dining space and the opportunity to capitalize on any amazing views your home may have. And by working with an experienced builder and designer, you can avoid making common rookie mistakes and ensure that your deck and outdoor living areas will continue to provide countless hours of enjoyment for many years to come.

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3 This impressive multilevel deck puts outdoor living front and center, with ample space for seating, including a screened-in area, a pergola and gorgeous views of the surrounding forest. Metal balusters in the railing keep maintenance to a minimum.
2 Outdoor living doesn’t get much better than this covered deck, which features premium decking by Zuri in Weathered Gray that is laid in a classic herringbone pattern for added visual interest. Complete with an outdoor TV, the space also has a ventilation system that was installed above the outdoor kitchen, which is tucked in just to the right in this view, while the gas firepit features a Warming Trends crossfire burner and tempered glass windshield designed to keep children and pets safe. Photo courtesy of Sig Decks.
Photo, design and installation by American Deck & Sunroom.

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4 Exuding style and sophistication, this breathtaking covered deck boasts glass walls instead of deck rails—some of them operable to open up the space even more during nice weather, creating a clean, crisp aesthetic. Outdoor infrared heaters and ceiling fans also assist with climate control, while a skylight provides ample natural light. Ceramic, wood-look tile flooring in soft grey tones works with a spacious outdoor kitchen and bar area that’s big enough for the entire family, as well as a gorgeous stone fireplace that serves as a focal point to complete the look. Photo courtesy of Mega Decks.
6 Sleek contemporary lines and unique shapes define this sophisticated deck, which is designed around a water feature and garden, with expansive views of the surrounding nature preserve. Ample seating areas, a cozy firepit, maintenance-free Trex decking and Feeney railing completes the look. Photo courtesy of Feeney Inc.
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5 This multi-level outdoor oasis offers the ideal atmosphere and plenty of room for entertaining, with Trex Transcend decking in Spiced Rum and Trex Rainescape roofing on the upper deck’s covered pavilion to dramatically reduce the time required for annual maintenance and upkeep. Lighted stairs and perimeter pathways, a spacious outdoor kitchen and dining area, generously-sized spa and two screened-in porches complete the design. Photo courtesy of Trex.

24 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
7 This space is truly the epitome of outdoor living, where the line between inside and outside is almost imaginary, and deep steps serve as additional outdoor seating, along with a pergola that offers even more bench seating underneath, and an expansive screened-in room to keep bugs and rain at bay. A total transformation, this project was completed in stages, with the deck finished first and other elements added later. Photo, design and installation by American Deck & Sunroom.

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With pleasing curves and custom touches, this deck was added several years after the home was built, employing seamless design that includes maintenance-free Trex decking, an outdoor kitchen with mosaic tile flooring on the lower level and a gas firepit with additional seating and an eight-top dining table up top. Photo courtesy of Dream Deck Remodelers.
Featuring a Trex Transcend Spiced Rum and Vintage Lantern deck and rail, this outdoor living space is low maintenance and is designed with different areas that serve a variety of functions, including a Unilock patio and fire pit, a covered pavilion and lower level, outdoor kitchen and oversized dining table. Photo courtesy of NADRA.
A true outdoor entertaining oasis, this project boasts a custom Trex Transcend curved deck, with partial roof, custom paver stone patio, firepit, trellis and extra storage space. A hot tub and a spacious al fresco dining space situated just off the kitchen complete the look. Ample seating Photo courtesy of Deck Contractors.
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Darrell Ishmael began his career as an artist 20 years ago when a friend suggested the two sign up for an adult education class in watercolor. “I was addicted from day one,” Ishmael recalled.
By Heather N. Russell-Simmons Photography Courtesy of Darrell Ishmael Artistry of Textured Movement
Another unique technique is Ishmael’s use of a pressure washer or hose on his paintings. “At various points in the process of layering, I let the paint nearly dry,” he explained. He then uses water pressure on the exist ing material and texture to create pits and valleys, enhance the sense of movement and add an element of chaos to his work.
“It’s my brand,” he said of this technique. “People will tell me, “I saw an HeIshmael!’”workson multiple paintings at a time, moving from one to the other as layers of paint dry on each canvas. “I use up to a dozen layers of paint,” he said. “I use brushes, but seldom will you see a brush mark in my painting. It has to be free flowing,” he explained. This freedom allows Ishmael to be expressive. “I like structure less and less as I mature,” he laughed.
Readers can find Ishmael’s work in his gallery at The Artists’ Attic in Lexington. He is represented by Main Cross Gallery and The Wills Gallery, also in Lexington. He can be contacted directly through his website at
28 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
“My style has evolved over time,” said Ishmael. “I’ve become more creative in my thinking and my actions to develop my own form and style.” Ishmael’s distinct style includes the use of natural elements such as Kentucky coal and river sand mixed with acrylic paint to create texture and movement on the canvas. Raw pigments added to a top layer of varnish, added for protection, are suspended above the paint.
In retrospect, he attributes his artistic abilities to his family’s background in textiles—during his childhood, both his mother and grandmother were quilters. Every night, Ishmael watched as his mother crafted quilts at home. “I loved watching her hands work, watching how she made colors Ishmaelwork.”switched from watercolor to acrylic when his wife, Kathy, encouraged him to redo a painting they owned. “She chose from colors we had left over after our house was painted,” and Ishmael created an abstract work of art. “That is the moment I started using water-based paint,” he said.
Such movement is highly regarded by Ishmael’s admirers. According to his clients, the horses in his work move as the light of day drifts across the room.
1 Copper Sky 30” x Acrylic/Coal/Sand40” 1
Depending on the degree of movement he wants, Ishmael sets his canvas at an angle between two easels. Paintings that display horizontally begin with figures painted vertically. As the paint dries, he rotates the entire canvas and applies water to manipulate the natural materials he painted.
“All the paint flows in the same direction to evoke movement, that’s critical to the final image.”

Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 29 2 Artist Darrell Ishmael with Alpha, 30” x 48” Private Collection 3 Feeling Acrylic/Coal/Sand30”Friskyx40” 3 2

30 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens 45 4 Leading the Herd 36” x Acrylic/Coal/Sand30”5PrivateAcrylic/Coal/Sand48”CollectionGoldRushx48”

Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 31 8 6 7 9 6 Acrylic/Acrylic36”9Acrylic/Coal/Sand30”8Acrylic/Coal/Sand30”7Acrylic/Coal/Sand30”Manex40”Rocketx40”WhiteBeautyx48”SiennaSunsetx48”Mediums

1 With a two-car garage and extra parking spots for guests in front of the residence, this delightful condo is roomier than many standalone homes, with no exterior maintenance and a fabulous central location near Harrodsburg Road in Lexington. The sunroom—an option Jane and Rich Leake are glad they selected when designing the floor plan—is just visible to the far left in this view.

Easy Living LuxuryinLexington
By Kirsten E. Silven Photography by Walt Roycraft

“Great fabric never goes out of style, and high-quality fabrics typically hold up better over time,” Leake shared.
“The condos in this neighborhood look very similar on the outside, but inside the layouts are all quite unique, so we were excited to have the opportunity to design and customize every detail of our new home from start to finish,” shared Jane, who is an interior designer and owns Ivy Downs Interiors.
34 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens B uilt in 2007 and ideally situated just off Harrodsburg Road in Lexington, this remarkable residence boasts 3,400 square feet and feels more like a single-family home than a typical condominium. Homeowners Jane and Rich Leake love its central location and were contemplating building a new standalone home in the area when they found this community and decided a main tenance-free condo would be perfect for their needs as they moved towards retirement.
“We opted to add a sunroom just off the living room when we were designing the final layout of the home, and we are so glad we did,” Jane said. “It gives us additional space, offers gorgeous views of our community’s expansive green space and yet still has such a private feel.”
Other special touches include luxurious River Green granite counter tops with a beveled-edge in the kitchen and master bath, along with plantation shutters, custom window treatments and gleaming engineered hardwood flooring throughout the entire first floor. Jane also selected premium designer fabrics, including Stroheim & Roman and Cowtan & Tout, for custom window treatments and to upholster key pieces of furniture and accent pillows throughout the home.
Offering a sense of freedom and easy living, this condo cultivates sophistication and charm in its design, but also provides that which is perhaps most important in the big scheme of things… A sense of home and place, with plenty of room for the whole family to gather and spend time.
2 Open to the living room and sunroom, the classic white kitchen boasts a cleverly angled island that provides additio nal seating and ample storage, while sumptuous River Green granite countertops with beveled edges, engineered hard wood floors, a Wolf six-burner gas stove and a decorative tile backsplash work to complete the look. 3 Warm and inviting, the entryway has a serene, intimate vibe with a tasteful chair and console to the left and a rich, deep black-toned wooden screen, adding texture and visual interest to the wall on the right. Straight ahead, the hallway leads to a convenient first-floor laundry room, while Jane’s office is situ ated to the right and the open kitchen, dining, living room and sunroom lies just around the corner to the left from this view. 2
With four bedrooms and four full baths, there is plenty of room for the couple’s two sons and their families - including a total of five grandchildren—to come visit, and they often do! The standard, mainte nance-free exterior setup of condo living also leaves Jane and Rich free to travel whenever they wish, without having to worry about taking care of the lawn and landscaping while they’re away. In addition, the home’s open floor plan and expansive feel is ideal for entertaining, allowing them to host larger gatherings of friends and family—even Jane’s monthly book club—with ease.

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The home’s main dining area lies between the kitchen and living room, with a timeless tray ceiling to help demarcate the space amidst the condo’s open floor plan. Jane Leake of Ivy Downs Interiors found this incredible round Hickory White dining room table at market, which is ideal for dinner parties and allows them to seat up to 12 guests at once.
6 Designed to the same specs as the rest of the home and located just off the living room, the French doors that lead to this sunroom stay open year-round, allowing just the right amount of perfectly filtered natural light to flood the space through the Allure by Lafayette window shades. The Cowtan & Tout fabric on the ottoman brings a fresh, spring-like feel to the room, which also boasts tile flooring and plenty of additional seating that comes in handy while entertaining.
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5 Homeowner and interior designer Jane Leake of Ivy Downs Interiors employed a clever use of the condo’s open floor plan, angling the sofa to complement the fireplace (not pictured), and using two chairs and a tea cart to create a sense of separation between the living room and dining room areas.

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Featuring floor-to-ceiling custom built-in storage and the same luxe River Green granite with a beveled edge that is found in the kitchen, the master bath also offers an expansive his and hers vanity and a large walk-in shower with bench seating, while the doorway pictured here leads to an oversized walk-in closet.
10 The second, somewhat smaller upstairs bedroom is used by the couple’s other son and his family when they come to stay, and there is also an area designed just for their little ones to sleep (not pictured), while the crisp black and white toile lends a chic, sophisticated feel to the space and the couple’s wedding pictures add a personal touch.
The first-floor master suite is cozy and tranquil with soft buttery tones and custom silk draperies in a large plaid print. The charming loveseat at the foot of the bed was found in Chicago, while the antique secretary in the corner brings a sense of classic elegance to the space.
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One of the condo’s two ample upstairs bedrooms, this space offers plenty of room for one of the couple’s sons and his family to stay when they visit, including custom sleeping spots for the grandkids in the dormers (not pictured) that also double as additional storage space. The chairs, custom window treatments, pillows and headboard were upholstered in a captivating soft green Stroheim & Roman designer toile fabric that brings to mind iconic scenes of the Kentucky countryside we all know and love.

1 The Lawsons purchased the empty lot in 2015 and spent one year designing this 11,500 square foot layout that boasts six bedrooms, six bathrooms, three half bathrooms, and a finished basement with a kitchenette, a home gym, and entertainment area. This beautiful house combines classic style with contemporary influences, creating refreshing and comfortable spaces.

Photography by Walt Roycraft
Classic Contemporary&
By Ray Hunter

“We wanted a fun and simple look as soon as people walk in the door, so we decorated this sizable space in black and white,” Jessica said. “We also covered the ceiling with silver cork wallpaper for a unique textured effect.”
42 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
J oin me in the beautiful Chevy Chase area of Lexington for a tour of the transitional traditional red brick home of Jessica and Tyler Lawson. This beautiful house combines classic style with contem porary influences, creating refreshing and comfortable Thespaces.Lawsons
purchased the empty lot in 2015 and spent one year designing this 11,500 square foot layout that boasts six bedrooms, six bathrooms, three half bath rooms, and a finished basement with a kitchenette, a home gym, and entertainment area.
Jessica and Tyler chose a super high gloss enamel paint called Hollandlac Brilliant from Fine Paints of Europe for the foyer’s walls. Although this is marine quality paint, most people use it on interior surfaces because of its superior coverage, unrivaled self-leveling, and, once cured, durable, porcelain-like surface.
2 2 Jessica and Tyler chose a super high gloss enamel paint called Hollandlac Brilliant from Fine Paints of Europe for the foyer’s walls. Although this is marine quality paint, most people use it on interior surfaces because of its superior coverage, unrivaled self-leveling, and, once cured, durable, porcelain-like surface.
A half-circle driveway approaches the home, and white pillars greet you at the entryway of the rambling classic brick residence with roof dormers. The couple wanted an inviting, casual atmosphere rather than a fancy, fussy feel.
“The interior carries the same themes throughout each room, weaving together bright, light-filled spaces that welcome you in and invite you to enjoy the careful atten tion to detail at every turn,” Jessica said.

One of the first rooms you will encounter is the formal dining room.
Next, you will find this incredibly open and airy screened-in porch. This outdoor living room allows the couple to grill year round, especially while enjoying football season and entertaining guests. The family keeps warm next to the impressive gas fireplace on the far wall and installed gas heaters for an extra layer of comfortability.
“We wanted our home to match our personal style and laid-back approach to life,” Jessica said. “I think we definitely succeeded and are happy to be able to welcome our friends and family into our home.”
Not to be outdone, the home’s backyard is as inviting and comfortable as the interior. The large in-ground pool is surrounded by cozy lounge chairs and a covered patio set. The couple just finished the landscape and stonework in June and is thrilled to host their friends and family for swimming and fun in the sun.
The couple chose to create cased openings between rooms rather than having a completely open floor concept. This structural detail allows for a bit of separation while still encouraging connection and conversation.
3 One of the first rooms you will encounter is the formal dining room. Chair rail molding is a strip or piece of molding installed horizontally around the perimeter of a room, typically installed at chair height. Here, you will notice the custom chair rail design that Jessica collaborated on with Contract Manager Fred Pope.
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This elegant space features non-traditional coffered recessed ceilings with a frame-out chandelier from Restoration Hardware. Along the far wall is a stunning hand-painted mural by artist Kim Comstock. The blue accents serve as a continuous thread throughout the home, highlighting the couple’s personal style.
The light grey paneled ceiling also features chestnut beams with a rich custom stain and another giant chandelier from Restoration Hardware.
“We love entertaining and having our loved ones over,” Jessica said. “This is where we gather around a huge 14-foot Christmas tree for the holidays.”
Chair rail molding is a strip or piece of molding installed horizontally around the perimeter of a room, typically installed at chair height. Here, you will notice the custom chair rail design that Jessica collaborated on with Contract Manager Fred Pope.
As you enter the massive living room, you cannot help but notice the towering ceilings that rise up to the second floor and the Juliet balcony.
Beyond this cased opening is the spacious kitchen with an oversized island perfect for entertaining guests. The enormous island comprises a single slab of Cambria quartz and features a recessed sink. Over the range is a custom two-toned metal hood made of stainless steel and pol ished nickel. It integrates the appliances and lighting fixtures and brings a cohesive modern look to the room.

4 The spacious kitchen features an oversized island perfect for entertaining guests. The enormous island comprises a single slab of Cambria quartz and features a recessed sink. Over the range is a custom two-toned metal hood made of stainless steel and polished nickel. It integrates the appliances and lighting fixtures and brings a cohesive modern look to the room.
44 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens 54 5 The “Keeping Room” is where the smaller,theirplayingtelevisionforitoffrelaxing.ofspendLawsonsmosttheirtimeJustthekitchen,isperfectwatchingandwithdogs.Thisintimate space is flooded with natural light from the wallto-wall window bank, energybeachybringingbrightindoors.

Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 45 6 6 As you enter riseceilingslivingmassivetheroom,youcannothelpbutnoticethetoweringthatuptothe second floor and the anotherbeamsgreyThebalcony.JulietlightpaneledceilingalsofeatureschestnutwitharichcustomstainandgiantchandelierfromRestorationHardware.

10 The home’s backyard is as inviting and comfortable as the interior. The large in-ground pool is surrounded by cozy lounge chairs and a covered patio set. The couple just finished the landscape and stonework in June and is thrilled to host their friends and family for swimming and fun in the sun.
8 This custom bar area sits between the kitchen and dining room and is often referred to as a “butler’s pantry.” Jessica wanted to dress up the area with glass shelves and cabinet doors. The backsplash gives the bar a pop of flair while still allowing the couple to showcase their Bourbon collection.
46 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens HOMEArchitect:CREDITS Tom Wilmes & Associates Contract Manager: Fred Pope Hand-painted Mural: Kim Comstock Custom Coffee Table: Jessica Cull, Design Link Bar Backsplash Tile: Carrie Patterson, Carpet One Floor & Home Exterior Stonework: Richard McAlister Landscape Architect: Lucian Dearborn Lighting Fixtures: Restoration Hardware
Pictured here is this incredibly open and airy screenedin porch. This outdoor living room allows the couple to grill year-round, especially while enjoying football season and entertaining guests. The family keeps warm next to the impressive gas fireplace on the far wall and installed gas heaters for an extra layer of comfortability.
This fun and funky powder room is positioned underneath the front staircase and features an attractive blue wallpaper print and stately crown molding. The Lawsons chose polished nickel hardware and a marble sink paired with a vintage Turkish rug to create a unique and unexpected space. Jessica also framed a vintage Hermes scarf to adorn the wall.

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Ultra Modern Luxury with Traditionala
Photography by Walt Roycraft
By Heather N. Russell-Simmons

1 Randy Ribeiro, along with his wife Sherry and their children Maleigh and Carson, live in this modern, 10,800 square foot home. Designed by Ribeiro, the home is located in the Ellerslie at Delong neighborhood in Lexington, Ky.

2 The floating staircase, designed by Ribeiro, is made of tempered glass and steel with ma hogany stair treads.
50 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens 2
“That’s not including numerous townhouses!” he added.
Quality and upgrades are fundamental in Ribeiro’s current home; a modern, 10,800 square foot property in Lexington’s Ellerslie at Delong neighborhood. “I like finding what most people don’t have in their home,” he said. Uncommon luxuries in Ribeiro’s home include a handcrafted ILVE range assembled in Italy, 36-inch refrigerator and freezer and separate ice maker from True Residential; built-in cappuccino maker; 12-foot kitchen island with a six-foot wide double kitchen sink requiring two faucets; floating staircase; over 3,000 square feet of heated marble floors; complete outdoor kitchen; multiple custom fireplaces by Brian Denger; a backyard firepit that responds and reacts to music; and voice command home control. “I can control my shower to come on a certain time at a certain temperature,” said Ribeiro.
B efore he was a prominent builder in Kentucky, Randy Ribeiro was a granite shop business owner and skilled fabricator from California. In 1999, he was invited to Lexington for a commercial building project. Three months later, he was designing and setting tile patterns for builders throughout the city. “I brought experienced guys from California and Florida to work with me,” he said. “We did a ton of tile Twenty-twowork.”years later, expanding his aptitude as a contractor, Ribeiro has built over 160 homes in Kentucky as an independent contractor with Frontier Construction, LLC.
“I always use cutting-edge items,” Ribeiro said, noting the exclusive, multi-dimensional wall system in his home’s primary bathroom. The system is a collaboration from designer Mario Romano and Corian ® Design. Unlike tile or brick, M.R. Walls uses Corian® Solid Surface material to create textured walls for any space.
While many people buy a home with the intention to renovate or upgrade, Ribeiro designs custom homes that require no additional work. “I’m a stickler for quality,” he said. “I include the upgrades.”

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After surveying an empty lot in 2020, “I knew exactly what I wanted before the first hole was dug,” Ribeiro said of starting his current home. “I started and ran with it.” He then added, “My wife, Sherry, gives me the space I need to be creative but keeps me grounded. I can go crazy with design.”
One of Ribeiro’s expectations for the property was to be outside, together with his wife and two children, Maleigh and Carson. “We love to eat outside as a family,” he said. In previous homes, Ribeiro found himself outside at the grill while his wife was inside preparing food. “We were separate,” he said. “I don’t like that.” An outdoor kitchen brought the family together. “We have an outdoor hibachi grill, gas grill, cook stove, sink, cabinets storage and a kegerator.” Now, Ribeiro and his wife bring food outside and prep meals together while their children play in the fiberglass pool. “I love the convenience of this home,” Ribeiro said. “Everything is right here.” 3
“I saw a floating staircase in California, researched it, and decided to build my own,” Ribeiro said of another cutting-edge home element. Working with an experienced engineer and skilled welder, Ribeiro added a floating staircase of tempered glass and steel with mahogany stair treads that leads from the home’s entry up to the second floor.
3 Ribeiro showcased his modern, edgy design by inserting lights through decorative boxes in the ceiling that also add dimension to the room. His high standards for quality in the homes he builds are evident with a six-foot ILVE range, handcrafted and assembled in Italy.
“I like ultra-modern homes,” Ribeiro said of his personal style. “Straight lines, all white with black and gray accents, lots of glass and steel.” Popular in major metropolitan cities, Ribeiro admitted with a laugh that, “Some call ultra-modern ‘surgically cold’.” By incorporating traditional flair to his modern tastes, Ribeiro said, “When people walk into my home, they do not feel it is sterile.”

52 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens 4 4 The 2,500 square foot living room boasts a 60-foot wide fireplace, 12-foot wide doors and a 23-foot ceiling. Each of the windows in this room are three feet tall.

Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 53 5 5 This modern dining room includes a 60-inch linear fireplace.

54 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
677 Ribeiro
6 A double 70-inch linear fireplace separates the seating area from the bed in the open, 450 square foot primary bedroom. hung floating mirrors to set apart his and hers countertops and sinks. addition to heated marble flooring, this luxurious space also has a fireplace and large tub that measures 90 inches long and four feet wide.

“My daughter wanted a teal accent wall and chose the colors for her room,” Ribeiro said. 89
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“The kids have a nicer bathroom than my wife and I,” Ribeiro laughed. The back wall is made of 12 by 12-inch gray glass tile with a leaf pattern. The showerhead is made of two separate foot pans, each one is four feet long. “That’s eight feet of water falling down like rain!” said Ribeiro.

56 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens 10 10 Separating the primary bedroom on the right from the kids’ rooms on the left, this upstairs bridge is approximately 40 feet long and made of engineered flooring with steel handrails and half-inch tempered glass along both sides. 11 Over 1,000 square feet of travertine limestone flooring extends from the home’s interior onto the first-floor back porch that measures 90-feet wide by 12-feet deep and overlooks the fiberglass pool. HOME CREDITS Home Design & Build: Frontier Construction Brick & Stone: Robertson & Turney Custom Fireplaces & Outdoor Kitchen: Brian Denger Plumbing: Bill Potter Tile Work: Romero Gonzalez Carpentry: Mike Harrison Marble Flooring & Countertops: Kevin & Lindsay Guzman, Bluegrass Marble & Granite of Richmond Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning: Service Express HVAC Co.

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Nestled in the heart of the Daniel Boone National Forest, the Red River Gorge attracts thousands of outdoor recreation enthusiasts year-round.
Rock climbers, hikers, canoeists, and campers are among those who come to enjoy and explore this rugged landscape, often referred to as simply “The Red” by its most frequent visitors.
1 Across its steep terrain, miles of towering cliffs line the upper slopes of forested ridges. Along the cliffs, unique rock formations randomly appear as massive monuments withstanding the test of time. Artfully sculpted by wind and water over millions of years, more than 200 sandstone arches and other natural rock features are formed as part of this geographic masterpiece. Chimney Top Rock, Half Moon, and Sky Bridge are just a few of Mother Nature’s most impressive creations that you’ll find here.
2 To quote Daniel Boone, the Bluegrass State’s favorite founding father, “Heaven must be a Kentucky kind of place.” A magical place any time of the year, Red River Gorge offers some of the very best outdoor recreations in the country. Along the banks of the Red River in Kentucky lies a natural wonder 400 million years in the making. Red River Gorge is a place that will make you feel like you are quite literally on top of the world.
By Ray Hunter
While the Commonwealth is home to more wonders than could be listed, today we’re celebrating one of Kentucky’s crown jewels: Red River Gorge, the Holy Grail of outdoor recreation and adventure, the ultimate Kentucky day trip, and buck et-list-worthy experience.
58 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens
1 2
Photographs Courtesy of Josiah Santiago and Gladie Visitor Center

Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday thru Monday. (Closed Tuesday and Wednesday). (606) 663-8100
Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 59
Interested parties can learn about the cultural heritage, unique resources, and spectacular geology found within the boundaries of the Red River Gorge Geological Area and Clifty Wilderness at The Gladie Visitor Center.
“Our goal is to provide high-quality experiences and give the best information we can so visitors can recreate responsibly on the public land that we all share,” Josiah said. “The historic Red River cuts through the Gorge and carved over 200 sandstone arches within the geological area’s 29,000 acres over millions of years.”
Natural Bridge State Resort Park and Gladie
Interpretive exhibits provide a glimpse into the past and convey the wild, natural beauty that visitors seek today when entering the Red River Gorge. Passes, maps, and local crafts and gifts are available at the center.
“All of our trails are pet friendly, and we have five hikes under one mile. No matter your ability or age, there is something for everyone at the Gorge,” Josiah said. “Nothing can hold you back from having an amazing time out here in this natural wonderland.”
“Be prepared to meet and accept nature on its own terms, as well as follow the ‘Leave No Trace’ principles while recreating in the forest,” Josiah said. “The Red River Gorge is a unique and thriving landscape full of a diverse population of many different species of flora and Amongfauna.” the natural specimens you will encounter only in The Red is the white-haired goldenrod, typically found growing along the base of cliffs or on ledges. In areas where the ground is undisturbed, this plant thrives in moist, sandy soil underneath rock shelters. You will also notice magnolia macrophylla or bigleaf magnolia. The bigleaf magnolia is noted for its huge 30-inch oblong leaves, which are the largest simple leaves of any tree indigenous to North America.
The Gorge is the only area east of the Rocky Mountains that boasts as many freestanding arches as a mix of rock shelters, jagged cliffs, natural forming bridges, and waterfalls.
3 In the valleys below, boulder-strewn creeks and streams flow through densely shaded coves of hemlock and rhododendron, eventually reaching their destiny as part of the scenic Red River. These cool, clear waters support a diverse array of aquatic species and sport fish for anglers. In its swift upper reaches, paddlers find challenging stretches of Class I to III whitewater rapids to test their skill. 3
Stay up to date by visiting the Gladie Facebook page or get informa tion by email at
Josiah Santiago and his wife Brittney partner as the Management Team of Gladie Visitor Center and strive to bring education to the forefront of their mission. Gladie Visitor Center is operated in partnership with FIND Outdoors and the US Forest Service.
The area is renowned for its outdoor recreation, offering next-level hiking, kayaking, fishing, climbing, and camping. It’s perhaps bestknown for hiking as there are over 60 miles of mapped hiking trails. For beginners, the Angel Window Trail is positively perfect. This 0.6mile trail winds beneath some spectacular sandstone arch frames. In fact, there are over 200 naturally formed sandstone bridges through out the Gorge. If you’re looking for a hike that the whole family can enjoy, Natural Bridge is one of the most spectacular spots and offers ten hiking trails ranging from a half-mile to 7.5 miles in length.
Red River Adventure rents kayaks ($25) and canoes ($40), including livery service, life vests, and a river map in a waterproof case.
GETTING THERE: Red River Gorge is near Slade, Ky., about an hour’s drive southeast of Lexington. Take I-64 to Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway East. Take Exit 33 off the parkway and follow the signs to the Red River Gorge and Natural Bridge State Resort Park.
Cultural-Environmental Learning Center offer wildflower walks and many other nature programs.

SHOPPING & SERVICES 60 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens

Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 61 REAL ESTATE #1 Top Producer for over 23 years! Suzanne Elliott (859) 806-6234 website: email: selliott@demovellan.comLaura Eaves (859) 797-5822 113 Petunia Court $499,000 Lovely patio home in popular Brannon Gardens has so many upgrades and is move-in ready. Tucked away from traffic noise & surrounded by mature landscaping. Open floorplan with 9’ ceilings, gleaming hardwood floors, 1st floor Primary Suite. Complex offers an indoor pool, ext. building, & landscaping maintenance for easy living! 237 Tahoe Way, Richmond $60,000 Madison County’s newest 1+ acre lot development! Easily accessed from Exit 97 with beautiful, treed lots. HOA fee $200 per year 113 LaFontaine Court, Nicholasville $250,000 Beautiful 1 acre lot backing to a tree line in the new development of LaFontaine. With only 5 one acre lots, enjoy a quiet, secluded feel minutes from Harrodsburg Road off Keene Road. Your dream home will be built by Gale Custom Homes. 3613 Hidden Pond Road $925,000 Impressive and spacious home in the Castlegate neighborhood. Two story Entry Hall with majestic entry door, 1st floor Primary Suite, bathroom, and walk-in closet. 2nd floor has an open loft overlooking the Great Room & fireplace, 4 large bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Finished walk-out basement & 3 car garage. Lots of natural light! I’m honored to have been awarded the Realtor® of the Year 2021 REALTOR® of the Year recognizes those who have served our profession and communities. Agents are nominated by their peers, and the winner is selected for possessing some or all of these qualities: REALTOR® spirit, participation in civic activities, notable business accomplishments and state, local and/or national association activity.

REAL ESTATE 62 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens

REAL ESTATE Kentucky Homes & Gardens • September/October 2022 • 63 Susie Rodes Associate Broker ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES 859-619-8730 homesinlex.comConsistently a Top 3 Sales Producer! 355 South Broadway #804 Wonderful opportunity for an updated condo near all the fun Downtown activities! Two deeded parking spaces! Open floor plan, recently painted with updated lighting & new windows, blinds and shades. Delightful rooftop terrace with pool! $324,900 4650 Briar Hill Road A beautiful home with an excellent floor plan for family life and entertaining located on over 11 acres! Best of both worlds, peaceful country side but only minutes from Hamburg Shopping & Dining! Convenient interstate access makes this a fantastic location! $1,125,000 STUNNING HOME ON 11+ ACRES LOVELY DOWNTOWN CONDO! 2021 BHHS CHAIRMAN’S CIRCLE PLATINUM WINNER!

REAL ESTATE 64 • September/October 2022 • Kentucky Homes & Gardens


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