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December 2023 Special Needs Living Magazine

The ABC's of IEPs! Let’s Talk About ESY Services.


It’s that time of year again… for parties, holiday cards, gift giving, traveling, and celebrating annual traditions. So, why would I bring up Extended School Year services (ESY)? I promise I haven’t gone crazy (well, as long as you don’t ask my husband). Let’s talk about ESY and how it relates to the upcoming winter breaks.

There are several different beliefs about who is eligible for ESY services. For the purpose of this article, we are going to reference the definition given by Disability Rights Ohio.

There is no single criterion for deciding eligibility for ESY. One factor is the regression/recoupment standard. The ODE rules require schools to consider regression and recoupment when deciding whether a child is eligible for ESY. Regression/recoupment looks at whether your child will lose skills due to a break in school (e.g., summer and spring break), and how long it takes for your child to regain the skills when school starts again. If your child loses skills during breaks, and does not regain those skills in a reasonable time, your child may be eligible for ESY. 1

One of the main purposes of ESY services is to decrease a student’s regression after a break in typical educational routines. Some of our kiddos with special needs have a challenging time when routines change or pause for a long period of time. These challenges have the ability to cause regression of learned skills or behaviors.

If you have read my previous contributions, a common theme I talk about is DATA, DATA, DATA. I can not stress it enough, document data to prove the need for services you are requesting for your child’s IEP. For ESY services, it is no different. Take some time to jot down any regression you notice after your child goes back to school. This could look like having to relearn skills he/she had mastered before break. You may also notice behavioral regression after long periods of routine change. I suggest tracking and documenting anything you notice for 2-3 weeks after your child returns to school from winter break. Repeat this same documentation of data after spring break too. You can then compare your notes and see if you notice any patterns. If regression of skills/goals is a common theme, you may want to consider reaching out to your IEP team and requesting a meeting. Most schools hold IEP meetings, to determine ESY eligibility, in April or May. And as always, remember YOU are a member of the IEP team!

If you want to dig further into ESY services, check out Disability Rights Ohio, Ohio Department of Education, or the Ohio Coalition. 1 - https/www.disabilityrightsohio.org/faq-specialeducation-esy-services

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