Information and examination results 2013-2014
Public Examination Results - 2012 (provisional)
Contents Information and Examinations results | 2013-2014
Key Stage 4 - GCSE Results
5 or more A* - C Grades (inc. English and Maths)
5 or more A* - C Grades
Home/Academy Agreement
Admissions 3 Attendance 4
Key Stage 5 - A Level Results A*/B Grades
A* - C Grades
Overall Points Score per student
Average Points Score per entry
Equal Opportunities
Health 5 Collective Worship
Behaviour 6 Sanctions 6 Academy Uniform
Academy Rules
Destinations 10 Academy Staff/Governance
Safeguarding 12 Conclusion
Term Dates
Home/Academy Agreement The Parents/Carers I/We shall: • See that my/our child goes to the Academy regularly, on time, properly dressed and equipped for work; • Make the Academy aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my/our child’s work or behaviour; • Support the Federation’s policies and guidelines for behaviour; • Keep informed about my/our child’s life at the Academy; • Guide my/our child’s use of leisure time; • Support my/our child in personalised learning and other opportunities for home-learning; • Encourage my/our child’s participation in extra-curricular activities; • Attend parents’ evenings, information evenings and discussions about my/our child’s progress.
The Ridings’ Federation Yate International Academy The Academy will: • Care for your child’s safety and happiness; • Encourage an environment in which good staff/student relationships can develop; • Ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the Academy community; • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child, fostering particular talents; • Teach effectively and establish high standards in work and behaviour; • Help your child prepare for adult life, encouraging the development of a sense of personal responsibility; • Keep you informed about general Academy matters and about your child’s progress in particular; • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the Academy.
The student I shall: • Attend the Academy regularly and be on time for both Academy and lessons; • Co-operate with staff and accept the authority and rules of the Academy; • Be appropriately dressed and tidy in appearance; • Come to the Academy prepared for learning; • Arrive at lessons properly equipped; • Do all my classwork and personalised home learning as well as I can; • Participate in the various activities of the Academy; • Show respect and courtesy to everyone, being polite and helpful to others; • Care for the books, buildings, equipment, furniture, grounds and surrounds of the Academy; • Show respect for the environment and local neighbourhood.
Admissions The admissions policy is determined by The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust and is published annually. Parents/carers of prospective Year 7 students are requested to submit their preference to South Gloucestershire Council by the October prior to transfer. The Local Authority Officers then consider applications between October and March. However, if the Academy receives more applicants than their standard number of 150, then the following criteria will be applied in this order: (i) Children in Public Care (ii) Special Educational Needs Where the child has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities and this requires admission to the Academy requested. (iii) Local siblings (those living within the Academy’s Area of Prime Responsibility and who have named the Academy as a first preference). (iv) Geographical considerations (those living within the Academy’s Area of Prime Responsibility). (v) Geographical considerations (those living outside the Academy’s Area of Prime Responsibility). NB. Children with a statement of special educational needs are placed in schools/Academies through the arrangements set out in the SEN Code of Practice and not through the admission criteria Late applications (including changes of preference) are dealt with only after the demand for places received by the closing date has been met. If places become available following the allocation of places for a school/Academy, the same criteria are applied to late applications and formal appeals, where the number of requests received still exceeds the number of places available. 130 applications were received for Year 7 students entering September 2012, of which 130 named Yate International Academy as their first preference. An opportunity is provided early in the Autumn term for parents/carers with children in their last year at primary school to visit Yate International Academy and inspect a cross section of work undertaken in the various Faculty/Learning Areas. In the Summer term a two day visit for the children, is arranged in school time. During these Induction Days, children undertake team building activities to help them become familiar with the Academy surroundings, meet with their Mentor Groups and establish new friendships. In the evening, parents/carers of the new intake are also able to attend a meeting at the Academy. Parents/carers who move to the area, or wish their children to transfer to Yate International Academy during the course of the year may be offered individual tours. These tours take approximately three quarters of an hour and will not generally include visits to classrooms, in order to avoid interrupting lessons. This policy, we believe, is in the best interests of the students already at Yate International Academy and utilises staff time effectively. Parents/carers wishing their children to enter Yate International Academy should in the first instance contact: Year 7 (September 2013) - for applications before September 2013 the Local Authority in which you live. In the case of residents from within South Gloucestershire, further information may be obtained from the Council’s website or through South Gloucestershire Council’s Childrens Information Service on 01454 868008. Year 7-11 (after September 2013) - Applications need to be made through South Gloucestershire Council Years 12-13 - Miss C Giblin (Federation Director of Sixth Form) on 01454 252055.
Attendance Matters at Yate International Academy Yate International Academy is committed to ensuring that all its students receive a full-time education which will maximise opportunities, raise achievement and encourage each individual to realise his/her true potential. The Academy promotes an expectation of excellent levels of attendance and punctuality with the intention of enabling all students to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available. In order to achieve this, Yate International Academy will provide a welcoming, supportive and caring environment, whereby each member of the community is able to flourish. The Mentors and Heads of Guild will promote attendance and punctuality through the opportunities created by the personalised mentoring structures. Students are provided with clear guidelines about registration periods and procedures to follow when arriving late. By law, parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive full-time suitable education. At Yate International Academy there is a systematic approach to gathering and analysing attendance related data, it is then used to deploy effective intervention strategies that promote attendance. Where attendance problems occur, the key to successfully resolving these problems is engaging the student, through collaborative working between parents/carers, the Academy, Education Welfare Service and any other relevant outside agencies. Parents/carers are informed by letter if a student’s attendance drops to 92%. If there is no improvement, then at 90% parents/carers will be asked to accompany the student to an Academy Attendance Meeting, with the Assistant Principal and a Local Governor. At the meeting, supportive attendance strategies for students will be discussed and drawn up into an Attendance Improvement Plan; this may include a Medical Action Plan when medical evidence is produced at the meeting. However, the Yate International Academy will challenge the behaviour of those students and parents/carers who give low priority to attendance and punctuality, and engage the Local Authority Education Welfare Service to pursue a case to prosecution where necessary. The Yate International Academy discourages parents/carers from making medical and dental appointments during the Academy day, unless absolutely necessary and evidence is produced. Parents/carers must book family holidays during the Academy holiday periods publicised in the Personal Planner. The Academy will consider requests for absence for a family holiday on an individual basis. Parents/carers must put the request in writing to the Head of Guild; authorisation must be sought before booking.
Attendance Attendance figures have sustained year on year improvement over the last six years and Attendance/Punctuality will maintain its high profile throughout Yate International Academy. 1
1. Total number of students on roll for at least one session during the year up to and including the Friday before the last Monday in May 2012. No authorised holiday in term time for Years 9, 10 and 11. 2. The percentage of half days (sessions) missed through authorised absence. 3. The percentage of half days (sessions) missed through unauthorised absence.
The Academy Day Registration
8.45am - 09.00am
Period 1
9.00am - 10.00am
Period 2
10.00am - 11.00am
11.00am - 11.20am
Period 3
11.20am - 12.20pm
Period 4
12.20pm - 1.20pm
1.20am - 1.55pm
Warning Bell
Period 5 (including registration)
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Equal Opportunities As an Academy we acknowledge the complexity of our multi-racial society and recognise the need to prepare our students for life in multicultural Britain. The Academy complies with its duties under • Section 76A of The Sex Discrimination Act (1975) • Section 49a of The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) • Section 317 of The Equality Act (1996) • Section 21(5) of The Equality Act (2002) • Section 71 of The Race Relations Act (1976) Our admissions policy, registration procedures, resources, curriculum, pastoral structure, tutorial programmes and use of language seek to promote a climate of mutual appreciation, empathy, harmony, justice, respect, trust and understanding. We aim to develop and educate all students to their full potential regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, culture, physical or intellectual abilities. We encourage all members of the Academy to be equally valued. We recognise that any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying is harmful to both the individual and the educative process. Whether it is verbal, mental or physical intimidation, the object is to cause continual stress and anxiety. References to gender, race, colour, physical attributes and issues of sexuality are completely inappropriate and intolerable. Any incidents should be reported to senior members of staff for action to be taken.
Health Illness in the Academy should be brought to the attention of a teacher in the first instance, who will then decide if it is necessary to authorise a visit to Reception/Medical Room. If students seem unable to carry on with their Academy work, parents/carers will be contacted so that they can make arrangements to look after their child at home. Should there be an accident or illness requiring hospital treatment, the Academy will act promptly, informing parents/carers of the steps taken. The Academy requires a home/business telephone number, plus an additional telephone number, for each student in case of emergency. (No student should leave the premises for medical reasons without the permission of their Head of Guild, or in the case of Year 7, Mr Luxton, nor should students contact parents/carers regarding early departure from the Academy without the Academy’s authorisation.) Academy First-Aid Care. The Academy has qualified First Aiders on site who care for students who sustain accidents or who are taken ill during Academy time. However, facilities and resources are limited, so parents/carers are requested not to send children who are ill to the Academy. Similarly, where students sustain injuries outside Academy hours, it is the responsibility of parents/carers to seek medical advice from a General Practitioner or Hospital Accident and Emergency Department. (NB No member of staff is authorised to administer any form of medication.) School Health Service is provided by The North Bristol NHS Trust. It serves to support, advise and assist in health issues affecting young people in the Academy. If a health need is identified, the Academy Health Nurse can offer support and arrange referrals to the Locality Children’s Team or other agencies. This includes a Paediatrician who sees children in clinics. Confidentiality is always observed and information is only shared with parental knowledge and consent. The Academy Health Nurse visits the Academy and regularly meets with the Assistant Principal. A ‘drop-in clinic’ is available to all students. If parents/carers have any health concerns and wish to access the Academy Health Nurse/Services, please inform the Assistant Principal, or the Academy Health Nurse, based at Yate Health Centre directly.
Collective Worship The Academy complies with its duties under Section 70 of the SSFA by implementing a programme of regular Year/Guild assemblies. These assemblies are based on the general principle of concern for ‘fellow men’ which is the basis of Christian and other traditions and they also form a vehicle where success is celebrated and the Academy’s values as a caring community are promoted.
Behaviour Code of Conduct: • We follow the Classroom Behaviour Plan.
• W e avoid moving around the site in large groups as it can be threatening to younger students. • W e leave the Academy site quickly at the end of the day and go straight home unless involved in a supervised learning or extra curricular activity.
• We are on time and have the correct equipment for lessons. • We use appropriate language in the Academy that does not offend others.
Out in the Community
• We settle to work/activities quickly and stay on task to the best of our ability.
Yate International Academy is intent on promoting an excellent reputation in the local community. It is the responsibility of the students and staff to ensure that this is maintained by upholding the Academy ethos in the local community.
• We refrain from eating or chewing when in class or buildings. • W e leave the classroom in an orderly manner and move around the Academy site in a sensible way.
• We agree to follow the Academy’s uniform and dress code.
• W e show consideration and respect to other members of the local community – use please and thank you.
• A complete list of the Academy Rules is available in the student Personal Planner
• We treat local residents’ properties and gardens with respect.
Classroom Behaviour Plan: The classroom has to be an environment in which students are clear about the expectations placed upon them and in which there are clear protocols of behaviour. These are taught and reinforced with students annually, to create consistency across the Academy. It also fosters an expectation that all members of the classroom community should be respected at all times. The Classroom Behaviour Plan ensures a safe environment for student learning; even low level misbehaviour is not tolerated. Students who are off task can expect to be challenged. Staff will then, however, be proactive in repairing and restoring good relationships with students before the next lesson. • We arrive on time prepared to work. • We follow directions first time. • We listen to the person who is meant to be talking. • We keep our hands, feet, objects and unkind words to ourselves.
Movement Around the Academy Expectations: • We move quickly, quietly and sensibly between lessons.
• W e behave responsibly and use appropriate language in the vicinity and neighbourhoods of the Academy. • We wear full uniform to and from the Academy. • We queue sensibly and behave in an orderly way when using public transport. • We clear the Academy site by 3.30pm unless we are attending clubs out of hours. • W e do not travel to and from the Academy with, or hang around in, large groups that may make members of the local community feel uncomfortable.
Sanctions Yate International Academy has a hierarchical table of sanctions published in the full version of ‘Yate International Academy Behaviour 4 Learning’ Handbook (available on request). Low level incidents: usually warrant reprimand, breaktime/ lunchtime detentions Mid Level incidents: may warrant after Academy detentions, internal suspension, Faculty or Guild Report accountable to a specific member of staff or parent/carer interview. Interventions to support improvement will be supported by Mentors and may include ‘Bridging Meetings’.
• We keep to the left when moving around all Academy buildings.
Repeated disruption of lessons will lead to the student being out on a Staged ‘ladder’ Behaviour 4 Learning process, Stages A to E.
• We do not request to leave a lesson unless circumstances are extreme or medical.
At Stage B, C and D periods in Study Seclusion will apply and sessions of Behaviour coaching in the PIC will happen.
• We respect the Academy environment and do not create litter.
At Stages C and D parents/carers will accompany students to a Conference with the Assistant Principal and a Local Governor of the Academy.
• W e observe ‘out of bounds’ areas at break and lunchtime when requested by the Academy Principal. • We play sensibly at break and lunchtime.
At Stage E the Academy Principal will be involved in disciplinaries and supported transfer protocols instigated.
High Level incidents: will warrant careful investigation and will result in periods of Fixed Term Exclusion or even Permanent Exclusion. Sanctions are applied consistently but are considered on an individualised basis. Sanctions range from Academy detentions to Fixed Periods of Exclusion and when necessary, Permanent Exclusion, The Academy is bound by South Gloucestershire protocols and guidelines for Exclusion.
Footnote: • C opies of the Academy Rules are published annually in the Academy Prospectus, are available to all staff, and are displayed in all classrooms. • See also the Personal Planner for:
- Academy Uniform
- Equipment, Student Property, Academy Property
- Lost Property and Food
- Transport
- Breaktimes and Lunchtimes
- Safeguarding
- Rewards and Sanctions.
Management of drug related incidents Designated members of staff are responsible for co-ordinating the management of drug related incidents, offering sources of support and liaising with outside agencies, including the media. Sanctions of appropriate severity will be applied for the intentional misuse of medicines, solvents or illegal substances by any member of the Academy community on the Academy premises or while on Academy trips or visits. Sanctions, up to and including Permanent Exclusion as a last resort, will be applied for: • Possession of any drug with the suspected intention to misuse; • Misuse of drugs on Academy premises (and associating with misusers); • Supplying/dealing drugs for the purposes of misuse.
Academy Uniform The underlying idea is to provide an appropriate, sensible outfit for Academy uniform. Denim material is not appropriate for Academy uniform. Outside garments are to be in plain navy without logos; hoodies are not acceptable. All items are sold by Initially Yours and Any Sports (Yate). The Academy blazer must be worn at all times. The Academy expects students to conform to the dress rules, both in the interest of maintaining a high Academy standard as well as for reasons of hygiene and safety. Shoes should be low heeled and low soled in plain black or similar material; no variation is permitted. Clothing should be in the colours, cut and style detailed in the Academy uniform list. If makeup is worn, it should be discreet. Jewellery is limited to a wrist-watch and a pair of small discreet studs (one in each ear lobe). No other body piercing is permitted. Hair should be clean, tidy and without extremity of cut (neither too short – No.1, nor too long, in the case of boys, not below the shoulder), colour or style. Parental support is expected and essential (see Home/Academy Agreement) and sanctions will be imposed if there is a lack of co-operation. The Federation policy on dress and appearance makes explicit reference to the Federation and Academy’s position on the wearing of religious clothing, which highlights the need to balance its obligations under Anti-Discrimination Legislation with Health and Safety considerations, security and the need for effective teaching and learning.
We strongly recommend all garments are named General Item
Navy with embroidered Academy badge
Navy tie with Gold stripes and the Academy badge
White (short or long sleeved)
‘V’ Neck Sweater
Plain navy with embroidered Academy badge
Mid-Grey, full length to the ankle
Mid-Grey, not above the knee nor below mid calf, A-line
Plain black or grey
Plain black Opaque or flesh-toned
Plain black, low heels leather or similar and low soles
Outer Garment
Plain navy without logos
Bag, hardy and strong, for carrying Academy equipment
PE PE Shorts (not cycling shorts)
Plain navy
PE Rugby Shirt – reversible
Navy/Sky Blue
Football Boots
Plain black
Sports Socks
Navy/Sky Blue tops
PE Polo Shirt
Navy/Sky Blue
Joggers/tracksuit bottoms
Plain navy
Shinpads for field sports Mouthguard Towels for showers/swimming
Protective Clothing Arts/Science/Technology
Will be provided by the Academy
NB. All jewellery must be removed for health and safety reasons in all PE practical lessons. PE kit must be brought to PE lessons at all times. When students are unable to fully participate in activities they will be expected to assist in some way e.g. officiating, scoring, supporting etc. All students should wear sports training shoes in the sports hall. ** Optional Students are reminded that the Academy blazer is a compulsory garment and must be worn at all times. In some circumstances, students may be given permission to remove their blazers.
Academy Rules Mobile Phones a) Use should be confined to before and after the Academy day, morning break and lunchtime. b) The mobile phone should be switched off during registration and lessons. c) There should be no use of mobile phones between lessons. d) The mobile phone should not be used during the Academy day for the taking and transmitting of photographs/videos. e) There should, at all times, be compliance with examination board expectations. f) The Academy will not take responsibility for the security of mobile phones. g) A similar approach is taken to the possession of iPods MP3 players. (Breaches of the above restrictions will result in confiscation of the mobile phone until parents/carers arrange for its collection.)
Cycles/Mini Scooters a) These may be used to and from the Academy provided that they are legally safe. b) It is expected that students will follow normal safety rules when cycling to and from the Academy:
i) Cycle in single file or two abreast but no wider.
ii) Do not cut corners, please pay due care and attention to other traffic, especially at road junctions.
iii) Cycle on roads or cycle paths (observing any restrictions) not pavements.
iv) Wheel cycles along footpaths. (A particular problem where mothers with young children are in the vicinity).
v) One person per bicycle/scooter
c) Students must not cycle in the Academy grounds. Dismount before entry and exit through the main entrance. d) ALL students should keep away from cycle racks except when arriving or departing with cycles. This is in the interest of security and safety. e) Bikes are left in the Academy cycle sheds at their owners own risk.
f) Motor cycles can only be ridden to the Academy by Year 12 or Year 13 students who have passed their test and secured the permission of the Head of Sixth Form and their parents/carers. Such motor cycles must be left in the parking area.
Cars Sixth Form students who are qualified drivers will need to seek the approval of the Assistant Principal and the Head of Sixth Form to gain permission to park in the Academy Car Park. The number of spaces available for parking will be strictly limited as teaching, admin staff and visitors will have priority.
Lunchtime Arrangements a) All students are to remain on the Academy site during the lunch period unless they have sought permission through their parents/carers to go home to lunch. Students must be included on the lunch pass list once they have received authorisation following a parental request directly to the Academy Principal. b) No food should be eaten in any place other than the specified dining areas.
Complaints Procedure In summary, we aim to settle all differences informally wherever possible. In the first instance, straightforward issues should normally be referred to a child’s mentor. If they cannot be resolved, or issues are more complex, they can be raised with more senior staff and ultimately the Academy Principal. A copy of the full Complaints Procedure is available on request. In some areas, such as complaints against the curriculum, admissions, failure to assess special educational needs, exclusions and child protection, the Department for Education have set down statutory procedures which the Federation and Academy must follow (they are detailed in the Complaints Procedure). In all other cases the complaint will follow our internal procedure and if unresolved will be referred to the Local Governing Body and ultimately, the Academy Trust. Full details of our complaints procedure can be found on our website. (
Yate International Academy Destinations: 2011 Number
The Yate International Academy Sixth Form
Further Education College/Other Sixth Forms
Training and Employment
Return to Yate International Academy Sixth Form Year 12
Return to Yate International Academy Sixth Form Year 13
Further Education
Training and Employment
Left Area/Unknown/No Response
Higher Education
Further Education College
Return to Yate International Academy Sixth Form Year 14
YEAR 11 (15+ Students)
YEAR 12 (16+ Students)
YEAR 13/14 (17+ Students)
Training and Employment Left Area/Unknown/No response TOTAL (Figures correct as at May 2012)
Academy Staff
Miss Federation Director of Sixth Form
Chief Executive Principal
For a complete staff list, please visit the Yate International Academy website -
Federation Executive Assistant
Federation ICT Manager
Federation Commercial Coordinator
Miss Federation Advanced Skills Teacher (English)
Federation Manager of Finance
Federation Manager of Resources
Deputy Chief Executive Principal
Federation Advanced Skills Teacher (PE/Sport)
Federation Vocational Manager
Federation Head of International
Federation Director of Student Achievement
Academy Principal
PA to Academy Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal/Acting Head of Sixth Form
Assistant Principal
Heads of Guild Longley
Head of Phoenix Guild
Head of Lion Guild
Head of Pegasus Guild
Head of Griffin Guild
Transition Leader
Heads of Faculty Ashley
Faculty Leader Technology and Arts
Faculty Leader Science
Head of Sport
Faculty Leader English and Communication
Faculty Leader Humanities
Faculty Leader Mathematics
Tushingham Mr
Federation Advanced Skills Teacher (Mathematics)
Federation Director of Mathematics
Academy Governance The Ridings’ Federation Sponsor Trust C Smith
R S Gibson
M Calver
The Sponsor Trust is responsible for appointing Sponsor Directors of The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust. Sponsor Directors must always form a majority of Directors of The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust. The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust - Directors C Smith
D Hase
I Butcher
Chair of Winterbourne International Academy Local Governing Body
M Calver
Sponsor Director
J Cook
Sponsor Director
G Cope
Parent Director
J Enright
Chair of Yate International Academy Local Governing Body
R Evans
Academy Principal, Winterbourne International Academy – Sponsor Director
R S Gibson
Chief Executive Principal
R Gilbert
Academy Principal, Yate International Academy – Sponsor Director
Federation Advanced Skills Teacher (Modern Foreign Languages)
R Harris
Sponsor Director
E Pattison
Sponsor Director
Miss Federation Advanced Skills Teacher (Science)
M Rees
Sponsor Director
Miss Federation Director of English
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
HIRB Winyard
Hearing Impaired Resource Base
Federation Staff Bates
Federation Manager of Estates and Facilities
Beckingham Miss Federation Marketing and Communications Coordinator Cerullo
The Chief Executive Principal and the Chair of the Local Governing Body are automatically Directors of the Trust by virtue of their positions. Two Parent Directors will be elected from the Parent Directors of the Local Governing Body. The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust is responsible for the overall strategic management of the Federation. The Ridings’ Federation Yate International Academy Local Governing Body (LGB) J Enright
Mrs Chair of the Yate International Academy LGB
S Beddow
R Coleman
Mrs Teaching Staff Governor - Primary Phase
G Cope
Mrs Parent Governor - Primary Phase
K Cross
Mrs Parent Governor - Primary Phase
R S Gibson
Chief Executive Principal
R Gilbert
Academy Principal (Yate International Academy)
A Gould
Mrs Support Staff Governor - Primary Phase
C Hallett
R Mayes
Mrs Parent Governor - Secondary Phase
L White
M Pingstone Mr
J Powney
Support Staff Governor - Secondary Phase
R Westacott Mr
Local Authority
Parent Governor - Secondary Phase
The Clerk to the Local Governing Body N Clark
Special Educational Needs
Discipline and Grievance Procedures
Staff Development and Appraisal
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Staff Development and Cultural Development Appraisal Copies of individual policies are available on request from the Federation.
Teaching Staff Governor - Secondary Phase
I Farnsworth Mrs Appointed Governor
The total number of Local Governors is 15. All Local Governors are appointed by The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust, except where Local Governors have a right to be on the Local Governing Body by virtue of their position or as a result of being elected to be a staff, support staff or parent Local Governor or have been nominated by the Local Authority. The Local Governing Body performs local governance duties at the Academy as delegated by The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust. A Full Local Governing Body Meeting is held three times a year. All terms of office run for four years. The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust has drawn up both statutory and non-statutory policies on a whole range of matters affecting the life of the Academy. These include the following: Aims and Objectives for the Federation and Academy
Single Equality Scheme
Health and Safety
Collective Worship
Relationships and Sex Education and Drugs
The welfare of every child does matter at Yate International Academy and ‘Safeguarding’ is of paramount importance in our day to day contact with children and young people. Given ongoing public concern on the subject of child abuse, and recent changes in the law, Yate International Academy and all schools/Academies are now required to make a report to Social Care Services if they think any child has come to harm, physically or emotionally, as a consequence of possible abuse. Every member of our Academy community has a duty of care to identify the vulnerable and to protect every child from harm, neglect or abuse. All staff, teaching and non-teaching, at Yate International Academy are aware of this responsibility. Mrs Rigby, Assistant Principal, coordinates and oversees arrangements for Child Protection matters and some aspects of safeguarding. Every situation reported, is risk/ need assessed and the resulting actions strictly follow South Gloucestershire’s safeguarding procedures. A flow chart is available of actions to implement in cases of a Safeguarding nature. Any other safeguarding concerns can be raised with South Gloucestershire Integrated Working Team. Telephone 01454 868700
Conclusion This document relates to the Academy year commencing September 2013. Although the information and particulars herein are correct at the date of publication shown below, it should not be assumed that there could be no change affecting the relevant arrangements or some other matter particularised before the start of or during the Academy year in question.
This document is available on request in large print, braille and audio format. Please telephone 01454 862626 August 2012
Academy Term Dates 2013-2014 2013 Term One Monday 2nd September 2013 - Friday 25th October 2013 Holiday Monday 28th October 2013 - Friday 1st November 2013
Term Two Monday 4th November 2013 - Friday 20th December 2013 Holiday Monday 23rd December 2013 - Friday 3rd January 2014
2014 Term Three Monday 6th January 2014 - Friday 14th February 2014 Holiday Monday 17th February 2014 - Friday 21st February 2014
Term Four Monday 24th February 2014 - Friday 4th April 2014 Holiday Monday 7th April 2014 - Monday 21st April 2014
Term Five Tuesday 22nd April 2014 - Friday 23rd May 2014 Holiday Monday 26th May 2014 - Friday 30th May 2014
Term Six Monday 2nd June 2014 Ends Tuesday 22nd July 2014
During the above terms the Academy will be closed for STAFF INSET Please note: INSET days are yet to be set for 2013-2014
Parents/carers are requested to avoid booking family holidays during term time. This can have a detrimental effect on the continuity and progress of a child’s education. If absolutely necessary a maximum period of five days per annum is permissible upon application to the Academy, particularly as assessments are continuous throughout the academic year.
Dr R S Gibson Chief Executive Principal Federation House 17 High Street Winterbourne Bristol BS36 1JJ Telephone 01454 252041 Email
Sundridge Park Yate South Gloucestershire BS37 4DX Telephone 01454 862626 Fax 01454 862627 Email
The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust A limited company registered in England with company number: 6802948 Registered Office: The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust, High Street, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1JL.
“Achieving Success through Motivation, Knowledge and Skills”