YIA:Insight Newsletter term 2 2016-17

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Principal’s Welcome Message First I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This term has once again been extremely busy with a whole range of lessons and activities taking place for our children and young people. In the Primary Phase, it has been wonderful to see the Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) re-established, with a number of very positive events already taken place. The car boot sale and the Christmas fair were particularly successful and my thanks got to all those involved, I believe this community involvement goes a long way to building a successful school and I look forward to see this developing throughout the year. It has also been a pleasure to watch so many of the children in their recent performances. I have been delighted to see their motivation and confidence at such a young age, and then their enjoyment and enthusiasm in their end of year parties and disco. Most importantly though, the children are now starting to adhere much more closely to our 9 Golden Rules, and it is evident from lessons that these high standards are already supporting even higher progress from our children. In the Secondary Phase, students have also taken part in a range of activities and performances, the most recent of which was a very successful ‘Live Lounge’, held at lunch time, this was an opportunity for young people to showcase their own musical talents. Our Year 11 students have been undertaking their mock GCSE exams over the last couple of weeks, and it has been pleasing to see how the vast majority of them have prepared, revised and completed their exams. These results and information, which will be shared with parents and students after Christmas. Also after Christmas, the Year 10 mock GCSE exams will start. I also wanted to update you with the latest information surrounding the Ridings Federation Trust. As you know from my previous correspondence, in October the current Trust board took a decision to re-broker the sponsorship of both Winterbourne and Yate. Currently, Yate works in partnership with Winterbourne. However, this arrangement is currently being reviewed. Last week, another Trust called the Greenshaw Learning Trust, made a proposal to the Department for Education, to work with Yate International and to continue the good work currently taking place in the school. I believe by working in partnership with a larger Trust who have a greater number of schools, there will be a number of advantages to both our community, parents and students. Larger Multi Academy Trusts will in turn have a greater level of expertise, a greater amount of resources and often experience in working with similar schools. It is likely that a decision will be made in the early part of January, so we will of course keep you informed. Finally, I would like to thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly over the last term. Whilst there are no staffing changes in the Secondary Phase to report, there are a couple in the Primary Phase. Mel Badgery, who is a TA, has successfully gained another job and will be leaving at Christmas and Ms Boyes who is an experienced teacher will be joining us to work with Year 5 and 6 children. We wish Mel every success. As always, if you have any further questions or you would like to contact me, please feel free. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you all Paul Skipp Principal

January 3rd - INSET Day – Academy closed to all students 4th - Start of Term 3 3rd – 20th - Cotswold Edge Mock Exams 9th – Reports sent home 10th – Year 9 Options assembly to students 12th – Year 9 Options Evening 19th – Year 9 Parents Evening February 1st – PSHE Drop down day 8th – Festival of Youth dance 9th – Year 8 and Year 9 HPV Immunisations 10th – Last day of Term 3 _____________________ SLT Surgeries Please come along to our DropIn sessions and speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This is an informal chance to have a cup of tea and to ask any questions that you may have. These surgeries run on the first day back following each holiday. Dates: 4th January 2017 20th February 2017 24th April 2017 5th June 2017

Get Over it Campaign – As part of our SMSC programme (spiritual, moral, social and cultural). The Academy will be using a different word each week. These words are aimed at themes and will be discussed during tutor time, along with other activities, debates and student voice. Some of the themes we will be covering next term are; Term/Date


Term 3 – 2nd January Term 3 – 9th January Term 3 – 16th January Term 3 – 23rd January

Some people are…. Resilient Excel Flourishing Stratospheric

Resilience Excellence Pride Launch of Japan/European craft to Mercury Term 3 – 30th January Chinese New Year Celebrating Term 3 – 6th February 6 Nations Rugby Competing ___________________________________________________________

Fundraising for Patryk Patryk Pajak is a 14 Year old student who has been faced with many challenges in life, these include spina bifida, visual impairments and cancer, but always has a smile on his face, and will not let anything get in his way.


He has been Wheelchair racing for a short amount of time and has shown great potential and determination.

Yate Library Crew (YLC) We are excited to have 2 new members join, and there is currently a waiting list. Our YLC went to Yate Library on 10th November for their regular Challenge. The students discussed their recommended books which included Clover moon, Wild Boy and Fearless and also of mice of men. Crisps and cakes were eaten and guild points were awarded. _________________________

Children in Need The children in the Primary Phase were asked to wear spots for the day, in exchange for a £1 donation. A huge Thank you to all the children who took part in this year’s event which raised £289.16 for this worthwhile cause.

Christmas Jumper Day On Friday 16th December, we are holding our annual Christmas Jumper day, to raise money for the ‘Save the Children’ Charity. Students are asked to donate £1 and in return may wear a Christmas Jumper. Tutors will nominate the best dressed student, who will then attend the Jumper Off and will have the chance of being crowned ‘Mr & Mrs Christmas’. Good Luck. _________________________

Activities Week The booklet for activities week is currently being worked on. Students will receive the booklet mid-January, and then be able to submit their options.

However, in order for Patryk to fulfil this, he requires a customised racing chair. He will be getting classified in February and needs a chair to race as soon as possible. Patryk has huge aspirations to get to the Tokyo Paralympic games in 2020, and the money we are looking to raise will help support him on his journey. We are looking to raise £3,500 for Patryk’s chair, if you are able to help support Patryk’s Journey, please log onto https://www.gofundme.com/patrykpajak-needs-a-racing-chair . ___________________________

Running for Cancer Research UK Sophie and Jasmine Bull, in years 11 and 9, are completing a series of runs (including 10k, race for life, Santa run, Bristol run) and are looking for some sponsors. It would be really great if you could sponsor them for such a great cause. https://www.justgiving.com/fundr aising/sophie-jasminebull

Parents Evening will be taking place on the following dates: Year 7 –8th June Year 8 – 16th March Year 9 – 19th January Signing Christmas Live Lounge Special Year 10 –24th April and 29th June Students from the secondary phase Due to Christmas Lunch on Year 11 –2nd March. visited the Primary phase HIRB this th Wednesday 14 December we ____________________________ week and signed White Christmas extended the lunch break, and to the children, the really enjoyed it. The New App invited students to take part in the Well done. Please log onto: If you haven’t already downloaded live lounge. The students were very https://vimeo.com/195556095 the new App, you can download well behaved and enjoyed listening To see the full length video. through the app store or by visiting to the fantastic talented students www.myedschoolapp.com we have. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy Uniform We have been very proud of the way our students have presented themselves in their YIA uniform this year. Looking smart both to and from school as well as during the school day plays an important part in the reputation that our academy holds in the surrounding community. Thank you to all parents who have supported the academy by helping to rectify uniform issues throughout the year. Uniform Policy


What this means


Navy with embroidered Academy logo

Tie Blouse/shirt

Academy Tie/ Guild Tie White (short or long sleeved)

‘V’ neck sweater

Plain navy with embroidered Academy logo Mid-Grey, plain full length to the ankle Mid-Grey, not excessively short or tight-fitting, nor below midcalf, A-line. Non-Lycra Plain black or grey Plain black, low heels and low soles, leather or similar material Plain black opaque or fleshtoned Plain navy/dark colour

Compulsory item. Must be worn every day. During lessons, the teacher will give permission for blazer to be removed when appropriate. Compulsory item. Must be worn every day. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. Students- remember the two strike rule! Optional item as an extra layer. Cannot be worn instead of a blazer. Full length to the ankle. No ‘skinny’ trousers or leggings will be accepted. Not excessively short or tight-fitting, not below mid-calf. A- line in shape. Non-lyrcra.

Trousers Skirt

Socks Shoes Tights Outer garment Bag

No Canvas

No hoodies. Hoodies will be confiscated if worn to the academy.

Strong, for carrying Academy equipment


Creative Arts & Technology Faculty Lead: Daniel Mortlock Contact Details: Daniel.mortlock@trfyia.org.uk Key Dates: Creative Arts & Technology Year 11 Controlled Assessment Deadlines: Product Design - Coursework Final Deadline – Friday 10th February Food Preparation & Nutrition - Coursework Final Deadline – Friday 10th February Music – Unit 3 (Ensemble Performance) – Thursday 30th March - Unit 4 (Composition) – Thursday 9th March Engineering – Official Unit 1 External Exam - Wednesday 11th January 10:00am A morning Booster session will be held in the morning of the 11th January from 08:00 up to the 10:00 exam.

Celebrations: Congratulations to all Year 11 Art and Drama Students. The Unit & Assessment & Examination drop down day was extremely successful. All students have made excellent progress towards their final GCSE grading’s. The New Construction BTEC Course has continued through the harsh weather and real life experiences of building and brick laying. All that is needed is a cuppa!

There is also exam revision sessions scheduled for each Tuesday morning (08:00am) and afternoon (3:00pm) leading up to the exam also, following on from the mock exam results. Art – Exam Unit starts 1st week back in the New Year = 40% of the final GCSE Assessment. __________________________________________________________

In Module 3 Year 9 Students will soon be able to select their options from the Creative Arts and Technology; details will be confirmed on which courses will be available in the New Year. But in the meantime if you have any questions please speak to a member of staff. Year 9 Students are soon to be rotating on to their second discipline of Technology: Product Design / Engineering / Food Preparation & Nutrition. Check Faculty Noticeboards for further Details. __________________________________________________________

The following students have been highlighted as the students of the module for Drama – Well Done: Year 7: Charlie Ashpole & Tyra Rogers Year 8: Max Brewer & Charlotte Trotman Year 9: Luke Sharp & Sophie Meggison Year 10: Alyssa Foster & Cathy Bauman ______________________________

English Faculty Lead: Alyse Strachan Contact Details: Alyse.strachan@trfyia.org.uk Key Dates: Year 11 revision guides have now been ordered and will be available for students to pick up after Christmas. Thursdays from 3-3:45pm and from 3:45-4:30pm is Year 11 English Revision. Come and get some extra support with English! Year 10 Exams are coming up in February. Students should be revising their set texts: A Christmas Carol, Poetry, An Inspector Calls and Romeo and Juliet. After Christmas, Year 10 revision will start with Miss Strachan in F13 on Tuesdays from 3-3:45pm.

Celebrations:          

Congratulations to Ella Carboni in Year 9, who wrote an excellent essay on the way Scrooge is presented in Stave 1. Well done to Don Joseph in Year 11, who has been working incredibly hard to achieve 2 grades above target. Congratulations on a wonderful effort from Sophie Bennett, in Year 8 who never gives up. Well done to Summer Bleaken in Year 11, who has been making good progress in English. Well done to Cadee Martin in Year 7, who has been doing lots of independent study, great PEEs and who has made excellent progress. Also well done to Grace Leppard and Regan Cross in Year 11, who have been working really hard this term. Congratulations to Matthew Chapman in Year 8, who has had excellent participation in lessons; he takes lots of risks and is not afraid to ask questions. Darina Suhajdova and Alice Dwyer in Year 9 also need to be congratulated for their excellent, independent attitudes: their work is always done to a high standard and they are making good progress. Also congratulations to François Taljaard in Year 8, for finally mastering descriptive writing after finding it really challenging. Well done to Maddy Carey in Year 10, who has made great progress this module.

What have we been up to_______________________________________________________________ this term? On 2nd December, the English department welcomed Ginificent Productions into school to perform their fabulous stage adaptation of ‘A Christmas Carol’. Year 9 and 10 students, who have been studying this novel of redemption at Christmas, were invited to attend so the auditorium was packed. The production only featured 3 actors so they were required to play several parts each. The production was fast paced and often funny; a faithful and insightful tribute to Dickens’ novel. I have received some great feedback from the students who tell me they really enjoyed it, and hopefully it will give them greater understanding for their GCSEs in the future. On behalf of the English department, I would like to wish all parents a relaxing and happy holiday, for as Dickens so eloquently puts it: “I have always thought of Christmas time, ...as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.” ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Strachan ________________________________________________________________________________________

Humanities Faculty Lead: Anna Bryant Contact Details: anna.bryant@trfyia.org.uk

What have we been up to this term? Year 12 Sociology students took the opportunity this term to showcase their learning so far by running a market place for Year 10 students and SLT to share ideas around the functions of the family. The students provided a range of campaign material to persuade their audience to support their key sociological theory.

The winning team, as voted for by Year 10’s and SLT, was the Feminist group who spoke very passionately about the inequalities found in some families.

A HUGE well done to all students involved and thank you to Mrs Brookes for organizing it!



Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks. This term we would like to highlight the following students: William Faithful, Charlie Hulance, Bradley Court, Abigail Swatton, Billy Taylor, Cameron Phillips, Stephanie Whitlock, Mathew Chapman, Kian Williams, Joseph Hastings, Joel Stone, Ben Adlam, Jasmine Bull, Taylor Hawkins, Felicity Goodman, Luke Sharp, Abigail George, Sophie Bull, Molly Clark, Niamh Jenkins, Jordan Pearce, Autumn Kiedowski, Charlie Bliss, Holly Britton, Hollie Morgan, Jodie Earnshaw, Grace Leppard, Aaron Williams, Josh Williams, Lee Clarke, Jackson Scaife Katie Dix Franklin Hardy

Charlie Ashpole, Tyra -Shanae Rogers, Emily Terry, Darina Suhajdova, James Iles, Alfie Buet, Kai Dervishi, Scarlett Elliott, Catlin Rose Bidwell, Rhiannon Jones, Lauren Hudson

Georgina Weeks, Max Hedger, Joseph Bidwell, Joshua Bell, Oliwia Grodziska, Kallan King, Molly Thornell-Edmunds, Regan Cross, Jessica Williams, Nicola Giles,

Key Dates: Following on from the year 11 Mock Exams an updated and personalised revision timetable will be sent home to all parents in January. Please encourage students to attend their allocated revision session so that they will be ready to reach their full potential in May/June.

Mathematics Faculty Lead: Stuart Thomas Contact Details: stuart.thomas@trfyia.org.uk What have we been up to this term? Times table challenge All students in years 7-9 took part in the Times Table Challenge in Term 2. Many students showed good improvement from last year and we are now working to improve our times tables before another challenge in term 3. Please encourage your child to be practicing whenever possible! Certificates will be awarded in the final week of term to both the best performers and most improved students. KS3 Year 8 and 9 students have under taken an assessment in the form of a past GCSE paper. Although many students found this challenging, it provided them with exposure to GCSE questions. This exercise will be repeated later in the year. In Year7, some students are using newly purchased concrete resources to aid their learning.

Celebrations: Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks. This term we would like to highlight the following students: Times table challenge, top 3 performing students: Harry Bliss, Holly Jones, Faith Lindsey Most Improved 1. Miya Jones, 2. Liberty Loveder 3. Meghan Jones 4. Emily Jancey 5. Ellis Beevor __________________________________

Year 10 and Year 11 Year 10’s will start or continue with module 3 and will face a past GCSE exam paper this term in the exam hall.

In Module 3: Year 10 exam

Year 11’s will be working on mistakes and topics from their mock exam. They will be also preparing for another 3 paper mock exam which will be on the 1st week back after the February holidays. This will be a similar format to what they will see in the summer and it will be their last practice paper.

Times Table challenge Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9.

All year 10’s and 11’s have been shown how to use Corbert and Barton Maths video clips to help with revision.

Every Wednesday Year 11’s after school maths revision. ____________________________________

http://mrbartonmaths.com/students/legacy-gcse/gcsemaths-takeaway.html corbertmaths.com All pupils need to be equipped for every Maths lesson. This does mean having a scientific calculator not a mobile phone. So please can we have these on the Christmas present lists. Please try and buy Casio (around £8-10)



Key Dates:

MFL – Modern Foreign Languages Faculty Lead: Tracy Twinberrow Contact Details: tracy.twinberrow@trfyia.org.uk What have we been up to this term?

Celebrations: Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks. This term we would like to highlight the following students: Year 7 – Ellie Jeffries, Morgan Robinson Year 8 – Jamie Ferris, Lucy Adams Year 9 – Tae Ashmead, Kelsey Williams Year 10 - Mason Wakley, Lauren Stone Year 11 – Ellie Young

___________________________________ _______________________________________________

In Module 3: Year 7 French – On va en ville Year 8 French – Les jeux de rôles Year 9 French – Les Vacances Year 10 French – Jours ordinaires, jours de fête Year 11 French – Tourisme Year 8 Spanish – La comida Year 9 Spanish – De vacaciones Year 10 Spanish La Gente Year 11 Spanish – La Salud ________________________________________

Key Dates: Thursday 15th December Christmas Market in Amiens!

Send answers to: Yateisace@trfyia.org.uk ____________________________________

PE Faculty Lead: Steve Revett Contact Details: steve.revett@trfyia.org.uk Celebrations:

In Module 3:

Mr Magg’s Class Bradley Court in Year 7 for progress in Rugby Tyler Watmough, Lucy Adams and David Lovell for progress in Fitness for Life

Year 7 -Gym or Invasion Games - Hockey Year 8 - Core Skills through Gym or Sports Leadership or Invasion Games Year 9 - Gym or Hockey or Core Skills Challenges Year 10 - Invasion Games Football or Dance or Hockey or Badminton Year 10 BTEC Sport - Long term responses of the body to exercise. Rounder’s Developing Skills and Tactics Year 11 - Invasion Games Football or Handball or Basketball or Orienteering Year 11 GCSE PE - Chapter 12 Social Factors in sport, media, sponsorship Practical Moderation preparation ___________________________________

Miss Haynes’ class Declan Ashwood, Mason Pearson, and Thomas Broom in Year 7 for progress in Rugby Ellie Watts in year 8 Fitness for Life Evie Leppard and Caitlin-Rose Bidwell for progress in in year 10 Tag Rugby Mr Revett’s Class Liam Cook, Maverick Payne, Tyler Price, and Lucie Goulden for Sports Leadership Connor Scott for progress in Year 7 Rugby Amy Scott for progress in Year 10 Rugby Lucy Marie Lewis & Melissa Phillpott for progress in Year 11 Basketball Mrs Bell’s Class Ellie-Mae Luton, Finlay Best for Sports Leadership James Williams, Mia Shore, Callum Clements, Lucy White and Tae Ashmead for Hockey Ellie Hastings, Chloe Coleman, Kieran Sullivan, Lucy Phillips, Shana Tiley, Georgia Hennessey, Callum Angel in BTEC Sport Mr Mayo’s Abbi Clarke, Rhianna Sessions, Mason Hawkins, Liberty Loveder, Amy Butt, Samia Fisher, Miya Jones, Ethan Mountford and Macy Head for progress in Year 8 Gym Evbie Williams, Dee Young, Daniel Lopes, Darina Surjohova, Robin Dwyer, Alice Dwyer, Owen Lingard, Lillie Mao O’Gorman & Danny Frankcom for progress made in gymnastics


Key Dates: 10th January Year 9 & Year 11 Boys Five Aside Tournaments WISE Campus KO 4.00pm 11th January Year8 & Year10 Boys Five Aside Tournaments WISE Campus KO 4.00pm 9th February Year 8 –Year 11 Festival of Youth Dance at Abbeywood School Week beginning 3rd April 2017 GCSE PE Practical Moderation Friday 19th May 2017 GCSE PE Examination


Science Faculty Lead: Hannah Rowlands Contact Details: Hannah.rowlands@trfyia.org.uk

In Module 3 KS3: students are moving on to their next topics in the rotation. Check the noticeboard for more details Y10: Biology – Organisation and Diseases Chemistry – Quantitative Chemistry Physics – Electricity Combined – Organisation and Disease/Quantitative Chemistry Y11: Biology – B3.2: Homeostasis & Environment Chemistry – C3.2: Titrations, Chemical tests & Haber process Additional – C2.1 Bonding & Reactions/ B2.1 Cells, Diffusion, Photosynthesis Core – P1.3 Waves/ C1.2 Metals Y12: BTEC Applied Science - Unit 1: part B – Structure and Function of Cells and Tissues A Level Chemistry – Alkanes, Alkenes, Polymers, Group 2/7 elements Y13: BTEC Forensics: Unit 18 – A3 and A4; Unit 31- A2; Unit 34 – A2 BTEC Applied Biology: Unit 18 – A3 & A4; Unit 12 – A3 & A4 A Level Chemistry: Transition metals; substitution reactions; complex ions; coloured ions; variable oxidation states; catalysts; aqueous reactions

Celebrations: Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks. This term we would like to highlight the following students; Joe Hollick – effort and determination in science lessons, consistently attempting work above his target track grade. Lauren Hudson – consistently excellent effort in triple science, going above and beyond to exceed her target track grade. Kayleigh Reed and Erin Clayton – for SUPERB attendance at Science intervention/booster sessions.


Key Dates: Homework Club: Open to all ks3 and ks4 students. WEEK 1: Tues lunch (F3) or Tues 3pm (F2) WEEK 2: Tues 3pm (F2) or Weds 8.15am (F3) Year 10 Required Practicals: Make sure you speak to your class teacher and you are aware when your class required practicals are taking place (ongoing throughout module) Year 11 ISAs: 11s1, 11s2 and 11s5 Dates tbc…letters will be sent home. __________________________________________________________________

Troy Knowland – working hard to catch up on Applied Science work and excellent marks in recent Applied Science and Chemistry assessments. Danielle Welch amazing determination in presenting her psychology coursework. ____________________________

To share: Take a look at these websites useful for Science revision – targeted at Y11 but useful for any year group: https://www.youtube.com/user/myGCSEscience - myGCSEScience https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqbOeHaAUXw9Il7sBVG3_bw - FreeScienceLessons https://www.youtube.com/user/virtualschooluk - FuseSchool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OWR-2cH11w – Mr Thornton’s “Get that C in your GCSE”

SenCo Faculty Lead: Katie Barber Contact Details: Katie.barber@trfyia.org.uk Provision

What have we been up to? Year 8 literacy students are currently reading a story set around a Talisman. These books are used to help improve students’ spellings, word reading, building of vocabulary and comprehension, through the developing adventures of Zak and Mim. The stories are used to prompt the students’ imagination and support and improve their creative writing. Late last term they had a mysterious visitor in their lesson to help them with their creative writing. The Year 8’s were both surprised and excited. Here are a few of their comments: “The Darth Vader lesson was interesting and I want to learn more about the Dark Master”. “In the lesson I met Darth Vader. It was awesome”.

Year 7s have been screened and tested for literacy interventions. Parents will be written home to and classes will start for the selected students after the Christmas holiday. ____________________________________ Understanding Dyslexia: Selected students have benefited from the ‘Understanding Dyslexia’ workshops led by Alison Carmody, a Dyslexia Specialist. These two one hour sessions have really helped students to understand why they may find things difficult and what strategies they can use in both the home and the classroom to support their learning and other day to day activities.

“I will remember the lesson with Darth Vader forever. I will keep it in my heart”.


“It was very funny and it helped me to visualise what the Dark Master will look like”.

Study Skills:


A Selection Year 9s and Year 11s have been enjoying their 5 week course on how to study effectively. This has been particularly enjoyed by the Year 11s with the lead up to their mocks. More sessions will be put on after the holidays. ______________________________________

Post 16

– Cotswold Edge

Director of Post 16: Tracy Twinberrow – tracy.twinberrow@trfyia.org.uk Head of Post 16: Gemma Davies – gemma.davies@trfyia.org.uk What have we been up to this term? Up and Coming: Year 12 Trip to UWE 18th January – only 25 spaces, so get your name down ASAP! Prom Committee – Please see Mrs Davies to help plan Year 13 Leavers Party UCAS help – Please see Mrs Davies and Mr Castellaro Enrichment activities in January: Learning to Drive, 3AAA Apprenticeships, Pathways and Cardiff MET


Key Dates: Open University Days London Metropolitan University – 4th January Birbeck University of London – 7th January De Montfort University – 7th January Huge well done to our new Head Boy Jeevan Jose, and Head Girl, Jamie Lee Lewis. We would like to pass on our congratulations to you both for being voted by staff and peers for your new venture in helping within the Sixth Form.


University of Derby – 7th January Bedford College – 24th January


Sports Round-Up There were some excellent performances at the annual South Gloucestershire schools X Country Championships with Jack Boulton finishing in 5th place and gaining selection for the Avon Schools X country championships in January. Other notable performers were Kelsey Williams in Year 9 and Ammar Nazrali in Year 11.

In Term 2, 280 Years 5 & 6, and 7 & 8 students from local primary and Secondary schools have been involved in Sports Hall Athletics at Yate International Academy. These sessions have been expertly supported by 30 leaders from Years 8, 9, 10 and 11.

The Year 7 boys and girls both performed very well in their recent 5 aside football competitions. With the girls performing particularly well finishing up in third place.

Boys and girls teams also competed with great pride in the South Gloucestershire Sports hall Athletics competitions held at YIA. Notable performances were from Ellie Jefferies, Tyra Rogers, Declan Ashwood and Jacob Hudson

Year 7 boys and girls have taken part in their first inter guild rugby and Netball Competition with Griffin winning both competitions, Lion coming runners up in the Rugby and Aquila in the Netball.

Congratulations to the following students who have has success in their sport outside of the Academy.

Daniel Ashby in Lion Guild has become National GKR Karate Champion, for his age and belt, at the Nationals in Birmingham, in the process he was upgraded to his Black Belt.

Maia Boucher White continues to achieve in her Rugby, Captaining the Gloucestershire under 18’s (not bad for an under 16) in their recent fixture against Cornwall and hopefully in the process securing a place at the South West Trials.

James Puddy for his achievements in Gym, following on from his success at the National Championships he has been attending trainings sessions with the GB squad at Lilleshall National Sports Centre.


Attendance Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Year 7 Olivia Ashfield Maisie Bailey Charlie Bliss Harry Box Amberley Britton Phoebe Brown Isabelle Carey Lucas Clayton Grace Cowley Karen Dix William Faithfull Reece Ford Alexander Gregory Sullivan Hardy Devon Helliker Sophie Hicks Paige Houghton Amalea Hunt Harry Iddles Ellie Jefferies Autumn Kiedowski Jasmine Lear –Kemery David Marasigan Hannah Nicholas Cameron Phillips Libby Pomphrey Thomas Portlock Tyra-Shanae Rogers Jacob Spencer Billy Taylor Tegan Thomas Daisy ward Auguste Wight Sonny Williamson Year 8 Alicia Beal Keegan Beck Ellis Beevor Sophie Bennett Ella Box Max Brewer Kelsie Brooks Kelsie Collins Pet Curle Louise Davies Jamie Ferris Lucie Goulden Mason Hawkins Bethany Helliker Cody Howells Amy Kraal

Year 8 – Continued Daniel Lovell Aleisha Mainwaring Kenshin Medina Katelin Morgan Holly Owens Edric Pang Taylor Penton Tyler Price James Puddy Adam Smardz Paige Stone Emily Terry Molly Thornell-Edmunds Bethany Wheeler Stephanie Whitlock Year 9 Harry Bliss Holly Britton Rachael Coles Katie Dix Harry Faithfull Millie Greenaway Oliwia Grodziska Taylor Hawkins Joshua Hurst Damion Kidger Madison Leppard Trinity Lewis Jessie Lewis-Evans Owen Lingard Charleigh Lloyd Daniel Lopes Maya Madonia-Fox Owen Marshall David McLeod Sophie Meggison Jacob O’Driscoll Rebecca Parker Lloyd Parsons Savannah Paul Emily Port Tyler Powell Jackson Scaife Charlie Seymour Shelvi Shah Shimoli Shah Almerio Soares Chloe Townsend Ellie Toy James Williams Julia Wojcik Dee Young

100% attendance since September.

Year 10 Jolie Allen Michelle Allen Finlay Ball Cathy Baumann Caitlin-Rose Bidwell Chloe Cottingham Scarlett Elliott Bobbie-Jo Evans Rhiannon Fletcher Danial Francis Connie Greedy Franklin Hardy Ellie Hastings Lauren Hudson Shannon Hughes Dan Hunt Oscar Jones Luke Kavanagh Rachel Lomas Olivia Loose Thryschia Marasigan Jack Millman Velisha PassmoreOsmond Anna Piper-Thompson Ryan Puddy Beni-Jae Reed Oliver Smith Cameron Starr Alfred Velarde Mason Wakley Phoebe Walker Tyler Whitmore Nicole Wilcox Year 11 Matthew Bailey Chloe Beal Summer Bleaken Toby Brewer Zoe Bridgeman Alfie Buet Sophie Bull Liam Butt Jesse Byrom Lee Clarke Erin Clayton Jodie Earnshaw Samuel Earnshaw Alex Ford Oliver Hayward Emma Headington Morgan Hill

Year 11 Continued Megan Johnson Don Joseph Kallan King Owen Ladip Grace Leppard Matthew Mills Curtis Murray Raph Nelson Ian Olaviaga Jordan Pearce Joshua Pearce Kayleigh Reed Norbert Smardz Bethany Smith Harry Trigg Elicia Turner Ella Wall craft Charlotte Whitlock Jacob Whitlock Aaron Williams Joshua Williams Year 12 Josh Coleman Jake Faithfull James Heron Bryony Johns Jesse Wlaznik __________________ Absence If your child will be absent from school please call 01454 333560 selecting option 1. There is an answer phone message, please leave clear details of student name, tutor group and reason for absence. __________________

Woodlands – Primary Phase What have we been up to this term?

Key Dates: January 3rd – INSET day – Closed to all students 4th – 6th – Year 1 and Year 2 Phonics tests 30th – 3rd February – Beech Class Swimming

We have been very busy this term with Christmas productions and Carol Concerts, we have also be learning the following; Reception class have been practicing their letter formations. Year 1 have been investigating the Great Fire of London. Year 2 have been learning how to write instructions Year 3 & Year 4 have been learning about the Arctic and Antarctic, they made igloos, learnt about famous explorers in history and also is science we have looked at animal food chains based on polar animals. Year 5 & Year 6 have been learning about the Victorians, their focus was on the book Street Child. ________________________________________________________________

February 1st – Maths Workshop 1 for parents /carers 9am – 10am Class Assemblies Friday 20th January – Sycamore Class Friday 27th January – Mulberry Class Friday 3rd February – Beech Class Assembly 10th – KS1 Assembly to parents/carers 2pm 10th – Last Day of term ___________________________ The topics we will be covering next term are;

Primary Admissions If your child is due to start school in September 2017 it is important that you submit your application by 15th January 2017. Parents/Carers will be notified of their offer by 18th April 2017. _________________________ Secondary Admissions The closing date for applications have passed. Parents/Carers will be notified of their offer by 1st March 2017. ___________________________

Swimming Lessons Beech Class – Block week, Monday 30th January – 3rd February. Maple Class – Block Week Monday 20th February – Friday 24th February, then weekly on Tuesday’s until 25th April 2016. Mulberry Class – Block week Monday 15th May – Friday 19th May. These lessons do start on Tuesday 2nd May, and continue weekly until 11th July. ____________________________ ____________________________

Reception: Winter Year 1 & Year 2: Starry Starry Night Year 3 & Year 4: A Taste of India Year 5 & Year 6 – Ancient Greece ___________________________ Parents Evening Tuesday 14th March 3.15pm – 6.15pm Thursday 16th March 4.15pm – 7pm ___________________________

Attendance Congratulations to the following children who have achieved attendance since September.

Poppy Appeal We have been informed that we raised ÂŁ520.65 for the Royal British Legion poppy appeal. This was the most for any local Primary School. Well done all. ___________________________ PTA I would like to say a huge Thankyou to the newly formed PTA group for the organisation of the Car Boot Sale and Christmas Fair. If you are interested in joining the PTA, then please contact the main office. ___________________________

Healthy snacks. I have noticed a number of children eating crisps and sweets at break time. Can I please ask for your support in encouraging fruit, cereal bars or bread for this time? Crisps etc. need to be kept until lunch and we will be reinforcing this from now on. ___________________________ Communication Each week a weekly newsletter is sent via email. If you are not receiving these newsletters, please contact Joanna.say@trfyia.org.uk. __________________________

Acorn Class Acorn Class Esmae Brogden Esmae Brogden Tyler Peters Tyler Peters Ryley Piper Ryley Piper Amelia Sedrista Amelia Sedrista Lily Stenner Lily Stenner Apple Class William Farron Benjamin Garrett Danny Gregory Freddie Iles Keira Maynard Charlie Spicer Beech Class Callum Ashfield Katie Ferris Thomas Goodrich Owen Millard Corey Warren Ellie-May Wren Chestnut Class Loui Brunt Ryan Collins Abigail Hill Robert-Junior Sivers Daisy Stenner Bonnie Wang Kasey White Holly Class Hayley Dix Rhyley Jefferies Oliver Mason Robbie Vuolo Harry Wilsher Laurel Class Harriet Maddison Juraj Suhajda Keiran Sutton Maple Class Morgan Dark Rhys Jones Alan Kajak Katy Lloyd Katie Meggison ______________________


Mulberry Class Hayley Middleton Aston Peters Summer Williams Oak Class Wil Brogden Tomas Broen Jack Cope Finlay Cross Keane Goulden Finley Hill Oliwer Kajak Bethany Lovell Jodie Perry Cooper Terry George Williams Callum Winter Brandon Wood Poplar Class Alisha Coles Tyler-James Devey Elizabeth Houghton Chantelle Jefferies Lydia Machin Adela-Amalia Niti Emma Williams Sycamore Class Daniel Blackmore Alex Conibear Joshua Dark Stuart Dix Tayler-Anne Guatieri Ethan King Madison Lloyd Ruby Pike Dougie Piper-Thompson Hana Trembling Willow Class Freya Green James Lindley Ethan Luke Amelia McLeod Ryan Meggison Lucas Millard Harry Phelps Evie-Mai white Emily Williams ____________________

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