Principal’s Welcome Message Once again, it is fair to say that we have had another very busy, yet exciting half term. All our students across both the Primary and Secondary phase have engaged in a range of activities, but most importantly, have really started to make significant progress in their learning. This term, I have been particularly impressed, with students in their test and examination years, their diligence to learning and preparation, both in and out of school has really developed, with many more students demonstrating their ‘Growth Mindset’. Over the last few months, you may be aware of news articles relating to the national school funding situation, with schools across the country having to be careful not to exceed their budgets. Over the course of the year we have undertaken a lot of work to ensure that historic financial decisions don’t impact negatively on our young people, and to ensure they continue to receive high quality education and support. I can assure all parents and carers that this detailed work coupled with the exciting educational plans and work with Greenshaw Learning Trust, ensure an exciting and progressive future for the school. Over this last term, we are delighted to see that our applications to Nursery, Year 7 and Post 16 have all increased from the previous year. From after the Easter Holiday, we will be commencing our ‘Open Day, Every Day’ policy. If you, or other prospective parents would like to pop in for a tour, you would be more than welcome. Last term, as well as students working extremely hard, they also engaged in a number of exciting activities. Red Nose day saw the school raise over £900, 13 different school trips took place across the phases, Lego projects in the Primary Phases were great fun and the Tenner Challenge in Year 7 all supported in further developing our young people. Whilst it is now nice to look forward to the Easter Holiday, I would also like to encourage parents to continue working with young people at home. This can take a number of forms, but includes, encouraging daily reading, accessing some of the online maths and science packages, ensuring they attend relevant revision classes or simply testing their basic arithmetic skills. At the end of this term in the Secondary Phase we are saying goodbye to Mrs Manning, who has gained a promotion and will be joining Bradley Stoke School, and also to Mrs Birkett, who will be going on maternity leave. In the Primary phase we say goodbye to Miss Mills who will be going on maternity leave to have her twins! We wish them all well. Finally I would like to thank all staff and parents for the continued support this term. As always, if there is anything I can help with, please feel free to contact me. I wish you all a restful Easter break. Paul Skipp Principal
April 7th – Last Day of Term 4 10th – 21st – Half Term 24th – Start of Term 5 – Week 2 27th & 28th – Year 11 Photography Exam 27th – Year 10 Parents Evening May 1st – May Day Academy closed to all students 8th – Year 11 Drama Exam 11th – Celebration Assembly 12th – Extended Tutor Time 15th – External Exams start 26th – End of Term 5 29th – 2nd June – Half Term ________________________ SLT Surgeries Please come along to any parent’s evenings and speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This is an informal chance to have a cup of tea and to ask any questions that you may have. Dates: 27th April 8th June 29th June ________________________
Get Over it Campaign – As part of our SMSC programme (spiritual, moral, social and cultural). The Academy will be using a different word each week. These words are aimed at themes and will be discussed during tutor time, along with other activities, debates and student voice. Some of the themes we will be covering next term are; Term/Date
Term 5 – 24th April Term 5 – 1st May Term 5 – 8th May Term 5 – 15th May Term 5 – 22nd May
World Earth Day Chelsea Flower Show Birthday Preparation Ramadan
Some people are…. Environmentalists Cultivating Maturing Planning Fasting
Yate Library Crew Update – Thursday 23rd March The teams challenge was to make a short story with ten book titles which was very fun. We then discussed the recent Concorde Book Award Ceremony, which was very well-attended with 3 authors giving interviews and doing a form of Room 101. The Yate Library Crew had the honour of hosting the event. The winning author was Robin Talley who spoke to the audience via a big screen from USA! She wrote “Lies we tell ourselves” - a really good book which puts you in the middle of a time when there were white only and black only schools in America’s southern states. It is written from the points of view of the first black students to go into a white only school and you really feel how hostile and scary their experiences were. Look out for the other Concorde winners too, and see the display in the Discovery Centre. Our crew also discussed the skills they had learned in doing the Concorde Book Award and shared recommended books that they were reading currently – including Harry Potter, Sea Horse, Young Sherlock: Snakebite, Mind Games, Beetle Queen, Thunderstruck, Sweetest Allelujah and The Last Man by Jeffrey Archer. If you want to join in then put your name on the waiting list! Cakes and guild points too. ______________________________________________________ Earphones Listening to music and wearing earphones in any lesson is not acceptable. The only exception to wearing earphones would be if students is working on a computer package that required the use of sound (Hegarty Maths). ________________________ Year 11 photos These took place on Tuesday 4th April. Proofs will be sent back to us, with a deadline for orders. Please look out for the letter.
Bicycle Storage If your child is at all worried about storing their bicycle in the bike racks at the front of the school, they are now able to store them behind the technology block if they wish to do so. The area behind the school is open until 9.00am and then reopens after 3.00pm. Bicycles should be wheeled through the side gate and parked up, to ensure the safety of others who may be in the area. _________________________
Fundraising for Patryk In order to push the fundraising for Patryk’s wheelchair, Laura Coombes, a member of staff, will be running the Bristol 10K in May. If you are able to help in any way, then please pop into the Academy and fill in a form. Alternatively, if you are able to help support Patryk’s Journey, please log onto . ___________________________ Parents Evening will be taking place on the following dates: Year 10 –24th April and 29th June Year 11 –2nd March. ___________________________
Year 11 PROM Don’t forget to bring in your money for a Prom ticket. Money should be handed into reception and tickets will be issued at a later date. All money needs to be in by the 15th May. __________________________ The New App If you haven’t already downloaded the new App, you can download through the app store or by visiting ___________________________ Activities Week The booklets are being finalised and will be ready to give out after the Easter Break. ___________________________
Academy Uniform We have been very proud of the way our students have presented themselves in their YIA uniform this year. Looking smart both to and from school as well as during the school day plays an important part in the reputation that our academy holds in the surrounding community. Thank you to all parents who have supported the academy by helping to rectify uniform issues throughout the year. Uniform Policy
What this means
Navy with embroidered Academy logo
Tie Blouse/shirt
Academy Tie/ Guild Tie White (short or long sleeved)
‘V’ neck sweater
Plain navy with embroidered Academy logo Mid-Grey, plain full length to the ankle Mid-Grey, not excessively short or tight-fitting, nor below midcalf, A-line. Non-Lycra Plain black or grey Plain black, low heels and low soles, leather or similar material Plain black opaque or fleshtoned Plain navy/dark colour
Compulsory item. Must be worn every day. During lessons, the teacher will give permission for blazer to be removed when appropriate. Compulsory item. Must be worn every day. Shirts should be tucked in at all times. Students- remember the two strike rule! Optional item as an extra layer. Cannot be worn instead of a blazer. Full length to the ankle. No ‘skinny’ trousers or leggings will be accepted. Not excessively short or tight-fitting, not below mid-calf. A- line in shape. Non-lyrcra.
Trousers Skirt
Socks Shoes Tights Outer garment
No Canvas
No hoodies. Hoodies will be confiscated if worn to the academy.
Strong, for carrying Academy equipment __________________________________________________________________________________________
Learning Workshops During our last Ofsted Monitoring visit in July 2016, inspectors commented on how the behaviour of our students had improved since the previous inspection in October 2016. The inspectors commented that: ‘Pupils behaviour around the school is much improved.’ ‘Pupils are polite and a pleasure to talk to.’ ‘Dramatically reduced the incidents of poor behaviour.’ ‘Lessons proceed more smoothly and pupils and parents are positive about behaviour in the school.’ In order for us to sustain and continue with these improvements in our student’s behaviour we will be relaunching our Learning Workshops this year in terms 5 and 6. These workshops will be focussed on reducing low level disruption to learning in lessons. Students whose behaviour is a current concern have been identified through a variety of different data sets including behaviour data from lessons, information from staff including the SENCO and Learning Support team as well as Parental Questionnaires and Student Voice. Parents will be notified in writing if this affects their child. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
Drama Stars for Module 3 Year 7: David Marasigan and Ella Gaitley Year 8: Max Hedger and Samia Fisher Year 9: Tyler Powell and Rebecca Parker
Sophie Wins Gold Sophie Noble in Year 8 who does Acro-gymnastics with King Edmunds in Yate. She entered the South West Prelims City Championship with her Grade 3 Trio, and won Gold placing her in the national final in Stoke in May. This is a fantastic achievement well done Sophie. __________________________
Brown Belt Katie Dix who has received her 3rd Brown Belt in Kickboxing this Monday, we will all be congratulating her in school. ___________________________
Year 10: Franklin Hardy and Anna Piper-Thompson _________________________
Well done to The Brewer brothers for getting a part in Andrew Lloyd Webbers – Starlight Express. Toby got the part as Rusty, and Max got the part of Dustin. The performance was shown from 27th March until 31st March at the Bierkeller in Bristol. _________________________
Charlie Ashpole was successful in his addition for the above production at the Bristol Hippodrome.
HIRB This term we have been writing Jungle Book stories and Lego poems. SAVE THE DATE: Deaf Awareness Week is the 15th 19th May We are looking raise money for the Hearing Dogs Charity during this week, so donations of cakes will be needed, and money to buy them. This will be happening across the Academy in both Primary and Secondary. ___________________________ Guild Changes During terms 5 & 6 the following tutor group will change guild. 3Y/X1 Miss Ricketts – Lion Guild 3Y/X2 Miss Bold - Pegasus Guild 3Y/X3 Mrs Jones – Griffin Guild 10Y/X1 Mrs Jackson – Pegasus Guild 11Y/X1 Mr Britton – Mrs Wilcox 3Y/A1 will have Miss Beckett as their tutor after Easter.
Hopefully you saw on our website that there was loads of amazing activities going on during Red Nose day with: many teachers getting soaking wet having had a wet sponge thrown at them. The Live lounge went ahead in the auditorium organised by some of our very talented students who entertained the rest of the school with some outstanding performances. Cake sales were also happening, red sweet sales and phot booths. We raised a considerable amount of money and are still counting it. So far we have raised just over £900. Thanks to all the students who organised such a huge range of things for us all to enjoy. ________________________ Discovery Centre Due to school property being damaged, including books and computers. The discovery centre will be closed in the mornings until further notice. _________________________ Balloons Please can you refrain from your child bring a birthday Balloon into school. If your child does bring in a balloon, it will need to be stored away during lesson times.
Creative Arts & Technology Faculty Lead: Daniel Mortlock Contact Details: Celebrations:
Key Dates:
Congratulations to the Year 11 GCSE music class that organized a charity live lounge that raised an amazing £95 for red nose day.
Creative Arts & Technology Year 11 Intervention Sessions: TUESDAY AM: Product Design / Engineering / Food Preparation & Nutrition / Music TUESDAY PM: Product Design / Engineering / Food Preparation & Nutrition / Art / Drama / Music WEDNESDAY AM: Product Design / Engineering / Art / Music
Congratulations to the Year 11 GCSE Art students on successfully completing their first Art exam and producing some high quality pieces. The following students have been highlighted as the students of the module for Design and Technology – Well Done: Year 7: David Marasigan Year 8: Emily Terry & Stephanie Whitlock Year 9: Tia Lewis & Mark Pateeproh & Millie Greenway Year 10: Harvey Pritchard & Beni-Jae Reed & Kai Raggatt
In Module 5 Year 7 & 8 Students are soon to be rotating on to their final discipline of Technology: Product Design / Engineering / Food Preparation & Nutrition and Textiles. Check Faculty Noticeboards for further Details. Reminder: Students that will take part in the Food and Nutrition discipline after Easter are reminded to bring in their £12.50 for all ingredients for food practical’s to be purchased.
New After School Club: What is upcycling? Ever thought about taking something old and making something new? Ever wondered if you could take a product and change its function and purpose? Starting in Module 5 Mr. Mortlock and Mr. Baker will be running an upcycling club where students will get the opportunity to take the old and create new. If your son or daughter are interested in taking part please come to the DT office in G24 and register your interest.
Plea for resources – To help us make this club a success donations of materials and products would be highly appreciated. Below is a list of products that if are no longer needed would be happily accepted: Tables Chairs Lights Wood Tiles Paint Coffee tables
YEAR 11 Controlled Assessment Deadlines: Engineering – Unit 7 Machining Techniques – THURSDAY 4TH MAY Art – Unit 2 – 60% Coursework piece – MONDAY 1ST MAY YEAR 11 GCSE EXAM DATES Photography Exam – 28/29th APRIL 2017 Product Design Exam (2 hour paper) – 26th JUNE 2017 Food Preparation & Nutrition Exam (2 hour paper) – 5TH JUNE 2017 Music Exam – 9TH JUNE 2017 Drama Exam Unit Performance – 8TH MAY 2017 Computing GCSE Exam – 7TH JUNE 2017 YEAR 10 GCSE EXAMS DATES Construction Exam – 15TH JUNE 2017 BTEC Engineering – TBC but will be in summer term 2017.
English Faculty Lead: Alyse Strachan Contact Details: What have we been up to this term?
Key Dates:
With only a few weeks until the first English exams, Year 11 students are focused on their revision and on filling any gaps in their skills and knowledge.
English GCSE exams:
This week, all Year 11 students will have met with their English teacher this week to discuss their progress in English and their priorities for revision. They should be bringing home a sheet which outlines these priorities and a sheet which shows them their current achievement in English Language colour coded against their targets and the amount of marks they need to achieve their target. It should be noted that AQA (the exam board) have not published grade boundaries, so this is based on previous years’ boundaries. We won’t know the actual boundaries until after the English exams in the Summer. All students should be very clear about their revision priorities for English, but if you have any questions or queries, don’t hesitate to email me: . All that remains is for me to wish all students taking exams this year the very best of luck. Keep focused on your goals, but remember to eat healthily, sleep well and relax. You can do this! “I am not what has happened to me, I am what I choose to become” Carl Jung
Monday 22nd May - AM English Literature Paper 1 (Romeo and Juliet/A Christmas Carol or Jekyll and Hyde) Friday 26th May – AM English Literature Paper 2 (An Inspector Calls/ Love and Relationships Poetry and Unseen Poetry) Tuesday 6th June - AM English Language Paper 1 (Unseen Fiction) Monday 12th June - AM English Language Paper 2 (Unseen Non-Fiction) Year 11 English Revision: Tuesday 18th April 10-2pm: All students invited Friday 21st April 20-2pm: NonHistorians invited
Humanities Faculty Lead: Anna Bryant Contact Details:
Miss Ricketts Geography Celebrations This term we would like to highlight the following Geography students: Year 7 - Big well done to all 7HU2!! As part of their unit of work on the Tropics they were asked to create presentations based on research about India. The results were amazing with students presenting a wide range of presentations ranging from news reports to poems and even a quiz. Year 8 - For continuing to work hard though out the year and always preforming to the best of their ability in geography we would like to congratulate the following; Holly Jones, Lucy Adams, Bethany Wedmore, Amy Kraal, Kirsten Owen, Sophie Noble, Louise Davis, Holly Owens, Mason Hawkins, Cody Howells, Daniel Lovell, Aleisha Mainwarning, Ellie Watts and Owen Woolfrey. Year 9 - have been studying the causes and impacts of global food insecurity. Each class were tasked with finding a way of increasing the amount of food produced and presenting their idea to the class in the style of Dragons Den. The following groups were voted as the best solution/presentation; 9A1 - Shelvi Shan, Shimoli Shan, Katie Dix, Emily-May Cook and Holly Britton 9A2 - Gemma Dadds, Trinity Lewis, Julianne Clark-Lewis, Caitlin Mainstone and Rebecca Parker. 9A3 - Sophie Meggison, Evie G Williams, Katie Best and Maya Fox, 9B1 -Taylor Hawkins, Charlie Seymour, Almerio Soares, Dylan Prendergrast. Extra Mentions – the following students are working to the best of their ability in all of their Geography lessons; Alfie Lewis, Peirce Willis, Lewis Swatton, Danny Frankcom, Tom Brooks Neve Ross, Charlotte Edwards, Ozzy Wlaznik, Tom Brooks, Daniel Lopez and Aaliyah Ashfield. Keep up the hard work!!
Key Dates: Year 11 Easter revision sessions All sessions will run from 10:00-2:00pm Geography: Easter Holiday - Monday 10th April– Unit 1 May Holidays -Tuesday 30th May - Unit 2 History Easter holiday- Friday 21st April - Sport, Entertainment, Tourism May Holidays Weds 31st May – Sport, Entertainment and Tourism Thurs 1st June – Medicine through time Sun 4th June – Nazi Germany Sat 10th June – Sport, Entertainment and Tourism Monday 19th June Medicine through time Sociology Easter Holidays – Wednesday 12th April The day before the exam!! Sunday 14th May – Unit 1 RE (both specs) Easter Holidays – Tuesday 11th April The day before the exam!! Sunday 14th May
Mathematics Faculty Lead: Stuart Thomas Contact Details: What have we been up to this term?
Pupils should be working through their RAG sheets from the recent mock exam. There are 3 of them!! The only way to make progress is to work on those mistakes.
Hegarty Maths is now being used throughout all Year groups. All homework’s are being set on Hegarty Maths, and we have a water tight homework policy of picking up pupils who are not doing any Maths out of class. Every single pupil should have a password, and should be accessing the online lessons before starting the quiz. Most of the homework would have already been covered in class, and Hegarty Maths is used to concrete these skills so that pupils have a sound understanding of what they have learnt.
Year 11 pupils should be on Paper 3 mistakes at the start of next term. Please can all parents and carers encourage the use of Hegarty Maths at home – pupils who use it make SIGNIFICANTLY more progress!! If you are experiencing problems logging in at home, then please contact Mr Thomas, Head of Maths.
We would expect all pupils from Year 7 – 10 to be doing up to 1 hour a week. Pupils in Year 11 should be doing much more especially at this time of year. All of our pupils will sit a formal exam in Module 6, and they will be given individual feedback sheets linked to Hegarty Maths, which will help them improve and make more progress. Year 7 & Year 8 - Set 1 pupils in both year groups will be given the opportunity of sitting the UK Maths Challenge on the 24th April. Letters will be given to pupils in these classes on the last week of this term. Year 9 - Pupils have just sat a GCSE paper in class. They should be looking at corrections and revisiting topics they did not score highly on. Year 10 - Pupils will sit a mock GCSE paper at the start of module 6. All classes should be busy working on Hegarty Maths tasks in preparation for this. Year 11 - Revision continues on Wednesday’s after school Revision continues in the canteen every morning during tutor time.
Pupils receiving GCSE results after using Hegarty.
Somebody who didn’t use Hegarty, on Results day ___________________________________
Key Dates: 27th April – UKMT – Junior Maths Challenge Get Equipped!
__________________________________ __
MFL – Modern Foreign Languages Faculty Lead: Tracy Twinberrow Contact Details: To Share: Y7 French posters about ‘Mon Collège’ by Roxy Willis and Seb Scott
Key Dates: Fri. 28th April- Deadline for KS4 Barcelona Trip payments. Total amount to be paid- £450 PLACES STILL AVAILABLE for Y9-Y11 Exams Fri. 5th May- Turkish + Portuguese speaking Tues. 16th May- French reading + listening Fri. 19th May- Spanish reading + listening, Turkish + Portuguese writing Weds. 24th May- Turkish + Portuguese listening Fri. 9th June- Turkish + Portuguese reading ___________________________________________________
Celebrations: Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks. This term we would like to highlight the following students: Tom Parkes (Y10 French) Lucy Adams (Y8 French/Spanish) Olivia Ashfield (Y7 French) Jackson Cross (Y8 French) Star Wynne (Y8 French) Molly Thornell Edmunds (Y8 French) Ellen Bush (Y11 French) Jodie Earnshaw (Y11 French) Norbert Smardz (Y11 French) Aleisha Mainwaring (Y8 Spanish) Emily Terry (Y8 Spanish) Samia-Ruth Fisher (Y8 Spanish) Abigail Swatton (Year 7 French) Jacob Baines (Year 7 French) Maya Fox (Year 9 Spanish) Leah Serle-Sandy (Year 9 Spanish) Evie G Williams (Year 9 Spanish) ___________________________________
In Module 5: Year 7 French: On s’amuse Year 8 French: Voyages et vacances Year 9 French: Les fêtes nationales Year 10 French: Le grand large Year 11 French: Les revisions
Year 8 Spanish: La ciudad Year 9 Spanish: La vida sana Year 10 Spanish: Ciudades Year 11 Spanish: Prepárate __________________________________
PE Faculty Lead: Steve Revett
In Module 3:
Contact Details:
Year 7 - Sports Day Preparation Year 8 - Sports Day Preparation Year 9 - Sports Day Preparation Year 10 - Sports Day Preparation Year 11 - Softball; Rounder’s; Cricket Year 10 BTEC Sport - Short and Long term responses of the Cardio Respiratory Systems to exercise. Netballs Developing Skills and Tactics Year 11 GCSE PE - Revision KPC Written Training Programme Coursework ______________________________________
Celebrations: This term we would like to highlight the following students: Year 11 GCSE PE Congratulations to this year’s top performers in the GCSE PE practical component. Achieving 97% or above of the total practical marks available. Ian Oliviaga Maia Boucher White Year 10 BTEC Georgia Hennessy Shanna Tiley Ellie Hastings
Milo Lewis Sophie Bull
Lucy Phillips Paige Winfindale Callum Angel
Harry Lindsey Emily Fussell
Brodie Shutt Chloe Coleman Ross Jones
Sixth Form Chloe Morley Alfie Harper ________________________________________________
To Share: Football Round up Congratulations to the year 8 boys Football team who made it to the quarter finals of the Football leagues, unfortunately losing away 3 -1 to the Castle School. Player of the season awards to:
Key Dates: 26th April South Glos Fixtures Meeting 9th May Year 7 and 8 Super 8’s @ YOSC 10th May Girls Under 14 Football Tournament @ YIA 16th May Year 9 and 10 Super 8’s @ YOSC 19th May 2017 GCSE PE Examination 14th June Area Sports @ YOSC 22nd June Year 10 Softball @ Patchway 29th June Year 9 Softball @ Downend 5th July Level 3 School Games ____________________________________ Gifted & Talented Congratulations to our Gifted and Talented Graduates of 2017, who have finished their 2017 course. Special mention to Bradley Court and Lucie Goulden who came 1st and 3rd in the annual Superstar competition.
Year 7 – Harvey Jones Year 8 – Jacob Hudson Year 9 – Owen Lingard Year 10 – Harvey Pritchard Year 11- Kane Head
The Physical Education INS
PIRE Wall of Achievement is
developing well, with new students being added all the time. The latest students to be added to the wall are Owen Lingard for Cricket and Leadership; Lucie Goulden for Hockey and Leadership; Grace Leppard and Kelsey Williams for Tae Kwon Do. If you have achieved success in sport and would like to be added then please let your PE teacher know.
Finally a big thank you to all the 21 sports leaders who have helped out at this terms primary school competitions in year 3 / 4 football; year 5/6 Netball; year 5/6 Tag Rugby X 2; year 5/6 Hockey Quicksticks X 2 and X Country. Over 750 primary school students have participated in these events.
Science Faculty Lead: Hannah Rowlands Contact Details:
In Module 5
KS3: students are moving on to their next topics in the rotation. Check the noticeboard for more details Year 10 Biology – Bioenergetics Chemistry – Energy Changes and Chemical Changes Physics – Atomic Structure and Radiation Combined – Energy and Particles Year 11 All of Y11 have finished the course…so it is revision from now until your exams! Year 12 BTEC Applied Science – Unit 2: Learning Aims A-D assignments A Level Chemistry – Chemical equilibria; Le Chatelier’s principle; equilibrium constant; Periodicity in Period 3; alcohol production and reactions; organic analysis; mass spectrometry; infra-red spectrometry Year 13 BTEC Forensics: Unit 18 – A3 and A4; Unit 31- A2; Unit 34 – A2 BTEC Applied Biology: Unit 11 A Level Chemistry: Amines: amino acids, proteins and DNA; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; chromatography; organic synthesis.
Every term we like to celebrate where students have made exceptional progress or effort over the past few weeks.
Key Dates: Homework Club: Open to all ks3 and ks4 students. WEEK 1: Tues lunch (F3) or Tues 3pm (F2) WEEK 2: Tues 3pm (F2) or Weds 8.15am (F3) Year 11 Mocks have taken place the last week before Easter – ensure you are using your personalised gaps to focus on your areas for development in revision every Tuesday – Friday in G7. Easter Revision – check your timetable for the day.
This term we would like to highlight the following students: Year 7 Cadee Martin Tyra Rogers Year 8 All of 8s1 Kelsie Brooks Year 9 All of 9s3 Year 10 Paige Winfindale Kimmy Weeks Lauren Hudson Year 11 Jamilla Hastings Emilio Lewis
Ellie Jeffries Abbie Swatton
Tyler Watmough
Jake Allinson
Kai Bryant Evie G Williams
Kieran Winter Summer Bleaken
To share: In module 3, 14 Year 9 students were taken to a participatory theatre production produced by Kilter in partnership with researchers from University of Bristol Synthetic Biology department, called ‘Invincible’. ‘Invincible’ was set in a modern family house in a fictional future, the performance immersed students in the very possible personal and family dilemmas that might arise as a result of developments in this new area of science (Synthetic Biology). Year 11 are currently using the online revision tool “Tassomai”. You should be doing at least 20 minutes per day, as well as your dedicated time during morning registration. Don’t forget we are running “Toast and Tassomai every TuesFri lunch time.
SenCo Faculty Lead: Katie Barber Contact Details:
What have we been up to? Year 8 Literacy Intervention - Making Sense of our Senses! Year 8’s have had a series of intervention lessons aimed at improving description by using the 5 senses. We looked at adding description to simple objects, by exploring what we could see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Students used lists of adjectives from a ‘Word Mat’ to help them choose appropriate descriptive vocabulary. We moved on to discover what happens if you lose one of your senses….. Students lost the sense of sight by wearing a blindfold. Everyone agreed that trying to correctly identify an object without seeing it was difficult; however, the general consensus was that the remaining senses were heightened and through touch, sound and smell it was still possible to verbally describe and identify things. We were now ready to use our new sensory skills to construct powerful descriptive sentences…… Students imagined they were actually in this picture.
Using careful sentence structure, thinking about adverbs of time and place they collectively produced the following piece of thoughtful descriptive writing. ‘The quiet, calm beach surrounded me silently, as I lay on the soft sand under a palm tree last night.’ Students made the following comments………… “These lessons helped me to know about my senses and today in a lesson I was asked about senses and I was able to do the work.” “I really enjoyed describing the picture.” “I feel I now know the meaning of my senses.”
Post 16
– Cotswold Edge
Director of Post 16: Tracy Twinberrow – Head of Post 16: Gemma Davies – Views: Up and Coming: Year 13 to decide where they would like their Sixth Form leavers meal – to tell Mrs Davies/ Mrs Twinberrow at the end of April Survey monkey to be completed by students on topics of 6th form – please use link below
Year 12 Trip to Cardiff University 26th April – all money to be in as soon as possible. ____________________________________
Key Dates:
Exam dates:
Head Girl Jamie Lee Lewis is also raising money for the South Gloucestershire Police Cadets by Abseiling down the Bridewell in the city centre on Saturday 29th April at 9:30am.
AS and BTEC levels start- 15th May
Please click on the link to sponsor:
All BTEC lessons should still be attended
Higher Education evening for parents 22nd June – 5pm -6pm
Enrichment Topics Coming Up: Preparing for UCAS Personal statement writing Choosing apprenticeships or university courses For any help on UCAS please see Mrs Davies, Mrs Twinberrow or Mr Castellaro
Return for study leave - 12th June
Attendance Congratulations to the following students who have achieved Year 7 Maisie Bailey Charlie Bliss Harry Box Amberley Britton Phoebe Brown Lucas Clayton Karen Dix William Faithfull Amalea Hunt Harry Iddles Ellie Jefferies Autumn Kiedowski Jasmine Lear –Kemery David Marasigan Hannah Nicholas Cameron Phillips Eunice Pizarro Thomas Portlock Tyra-Shanae Rogers Jacob Spencer Year 10 Caitlin-Rose Bidwell Chloe Cottingham Scarlett Elliott Franklin Hardy Ellie Hastings Lauren Hudson Dan Hunt Oscar Jones Thryschia Marasigan Oliver Smith Cameron Starr Alfred Velarde Phoebe Walker Tyler Whitmore
100% attendance since September.
Year 8 Ellis Beevor Sophie Bennett Ella Box Max Brewer Louise Davies Jamie Ferris Lucie Goulden Amy Kraal Aleisha Mainwaring Taylor Penton James Puddy Emily Terry Molly Thornell-Edmunds Bethany Wheeler Stephanie Whitlock Year 11 Matthew Bailey Chloe Beal Toby Brewer Liam Butt Lee Clarke Erin Clayton Emma Headington Owen Ladip Grace Leppard Matthew Mills Curtis Murray Raph Nelson Ian Olaviaga Joshua Pearce Harry Trigg Ella Wallcraft Charlotte Whitlock Jacob Whitlock Joshua Williams
Year 9 Holly Britton Katie Dix Harry Faithfull Millie Greenaway Devon Hodge Joshua Hurst Damion Kidger Madison Leppard Jessie Lewis-Evans Owen Lingard Charleigh Lloyd Daniel Lopes Maya Madonia-Fox Jacob O’Driscoll Rebecca Parker Savannah Paul Emily Port Charlie Seymour Shelvi Shah Shimoli Shah Almerio Soares Chloe Townsend James Williams Year 12 James Heron __________________ Absence If your child will be absent from school, please call 01454 333560, and select option 1. There is an answer phone message, please leave clear details, including name, tutor and reason for the absence.
Local Governing Committee Opportunities The school is on an exciting journey, and in September, we are expecting to join the Greenshaw Learning Trust (GLT). When creating a good or outstanding school, it is important there is a strong Local Governing Committee (LGC) that has a range of skill sets, in order to provide both support and challenge to the Principal and staff. To support the move to GLT we are looking to recruit additional governors and are particularly interested to hear from local people who have finance skills. If you are interested in supporting our school on the next stage of its development, or have any queries about governance, please email the clerk ( by 24 April as representatives of GLT will be attending the next YIA LGC meeting at 5pm on 3 May to explain how governance will work in the new arrangements. Enjoy the Easter break! Claire Emery Chair of the Trust
Woodlands – Primary Phase What have we been up to this term?
Bikeability This Term we have another Year 6 Level 2 Bikeability course running from 3rd - 7th April due to the success of the last course. As a result, more of our Year 5 and 6 pupils are starting to get more active by cycling to school safely. _______________________________
Airhop We also had a very fun Year 3/4 trip to Airhop on 28th March. We were delighted to have come 3rd! We especially enjoyed the trampolining, dodgeball, basketball and total wipeout! _______________________________
Key Dates: April 7th – End of Term 4 24th – First Day of Term 5 25th – Year 1 Phonics meeting 9.10am Paralympian Visit We were inspired by our visit from Katrina Hart (a Bronze medal Paralympian) on March 1st, who shared her success story with us, and led us through a rigorous exercise fitness circuit. We haven't yet received our full sponsorship amount, but we're very excited to buy some new sports equipment with it. _______________________________
Bristol Flyers Basketball Team We have also loved having Brandon and Aaron from the Bristol Flyers Basketball Team in for the past two terms, alongside Jenny. They delivered a range of interesting theory and practical PE lessons to Laurel, Sycamore and Oak class and also a very fun afterschool club for all of KS2! _______________________________
Year 5 Easter Visit We are looking forward to taking our Year 5's on our annual Easter visit to St Nick's Church this week to learn about the Easter Story.
May 1st – May Day Academy closed to all students 2nd – Mulberry Class swimming starts 8th – 12th – Year 8 SATS 18th – Class photos 24th – PSHE meeting for KS2 parents 9am 26th – KS1 assembly to parents 2pm 26th - End of Term 5 June 5th – Start of Term 6 9th – Sports Day 12th – 16th – Year 1 Phonics tests 15th – Year 6 Production 21st – 23rd – Year 6 Residential 28th – Transition meeting 2.45pm 29th – Reception class assembly 9.10am 30th – INSET Day July 3rd – Transition week 5th – Year 6 Link day 1 5th – New Reception Stay and Play session 6th – Year 6 Link day 2 12th – New Reception stay and play session 14th – Dads in School day 18th - Nursery Graduation 19th – Year 6 Leavers Assembly 21st – End of Term 6, early finish at 1pm. __________________________
Nursery Nursery Manager: Kathryn Crouch What have we been up to? This term our topic has been Traditional tales, we have listened to a variety of tales including Jack and the Beanstalk and The 3 Little Pigs. We loved re-telling the tales using Masks, Small world toys and Story Pebbles, it was great fun pretending to be the different characters especially the Giant and the Big Bad Wolf. This term we have also taken part in a challenge called ‘Spread the Happiness’, we've taken part in a variety of different activities that have made us happy. We've had a Dance-a-thon, dressed up as Superhero's, ate jelly with a big spoon, and made a mud slide!!!
Next Term: Next term our topic is all about Growing, how we have grown and how plants and animals grow too.
Reception Acorn Class: Mrs Rawlings Cherry Class: Mrs Brown What have we been up to? This Term we have been learning about Traditional Tales, we loved the story Jack and Bean Stalk! The children used songs to help them learn about story structures. We have also spent a couple of weeks engrossed in our whole school topic 'Lego'. We have used Lego characters to learn about Heroes and Villains. The children designed their own characters too. We have been using Lego to learn to add and subtract. We were very proud of our Class Assembly to the parents this week, the children shared their learning confidently.
Next Term: Our theme is 'Transforming'. We will be investigating how plants and animals grow and change.
Year 1 Apple Class: Miss Formoso Willow Class: Mrs Davies What have we been up to? We began with a very exciting ‘Welly Day’ in the grounds of the school, which the children thoroughly enjoyed, and it was a great start to our new topic of Green Fingers. We also began to identify and name a variety of common plants, including garden plants, wild plants and trees and those classified as deciduous and evergreen. The children have been learning songs related to Spring and Easter ready for our Easter Bonnet Parade. They will be investigating instruments to provide accompaniment.
Next Term: Our topic will be up, up and away, looking at weather patterns in the UK and reading maps.
Year 2 Chestnut Class: Mr Powell and Mrs Longworth Holly Class: Miss Kusheva What have we been up to? This term we have been learning about plants in science and maps in geography. We’ve worked on reading the time in maths and different strategies to solve calculations. In English we read the Tin Forest, which everyone enjoyed, and used Lego to create our own world like the old man in the story.
Next Term: We will be preparing for SATs in maths, English and reading. In ICT we will be looking at computer animation and in science and geography we will be looking at oceans and water cycles. Our theme for the term will be Waterworld.
Some of the clocks we made during maths to help us read the time.
Year 3 Maple Class: Miss Chandler Mulberry Class: Mrs Tunnacliffe What have we been up to? During this term, we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and looking at their beliefs and rituals. We have really enjoyed researching mummification and even made mummies of ourselves. We have also enjoyed our whole school LEGO topic where we have had lots of opportunities to be creative in art lessons and when building things with our new class LEGO packs. We have used these opportunities to write a range of pieces all based around the LEGO theme.
Next Term: Next term we are reading the book ‘Leon and the place between’ by Angela McAllister. This book will inspire our creative writing by including circus and magic themes. We built famous landmarks using LEGO, this one is the Taj Mahal.
Year 4 Beech Class: Miss Forbes Poplar Class: Mr Holt What have we been up to? This term Year 4 have looked at Ignis, a book about a dragon who looses his fire and needs to regain it, and also at the end of the term have looked at Lego. The children have particularly enjoyed the Lego topic and have been able to make their own Lego environments as well as people. They have then been using their Lego creations to write character descriptions and even our own Lego story.
Next term: We will be looking at the book 'Leon and the place between'. This is based around a magic and circus theme where we will be learning circus skills and creating/describing our own magical environments.
Year 5 Laurel Class: Mrs Brown and Miss Parkhouse What have we been up to? This term we have been reading from the text ‘Pig Heart Boy’. In our theme lessons, we have been learning all about the circulatory system and how our heart works. We have also been learning through Lego and have used it to inspire our writing. We have written formal letters and newspaper reports.
Next Term: Next term we are basing our learning on the book ‘The Man who Walked Between the Towers’ by Mordicai Gerstein. We will be writing a recount, a formal letter and a short narrative. In maths, we will be covering measurement, data handling, position and direction and statistics.
Year 6 Oak Class: Mrs Allen
What have we been up to? This term we have been focussing heavily on the upcoming SATs, practising many key skills. Alongside this, we have embraced our ‘Lego’ topic, designing our own rides for Legoland and writing persuasive adverts to encourage people to visit our new jaw-droppingly brilliant rides. We have also written newspaper reports about creating and building full-sized Lego houses on the school playing field – it was great fun! This week, we are building parachutes for ‘The Great Egg Drop’ – which eggs will survive the Drop of Destruction?!
Next Term: Next term, we have SATs the week beginning the 8th May. Life after SATs involves a residential visit, and the exciting topic ‘America!’
The ‘Great Egg Drop’ challenge
Attendance Congratulations to the following children who have achieved attendance since September. Acorn Class Acorn Class Tyler Peters Esmae Brogden Jacob Pitts TylerRyley Peters Piper Ryley Piper Amelia Sedrista Apple Class LilyWilliam Stenner Farron Danny Gregory Keira Maynard Charlie Spicer Beech Class Katie Ferris Madison Fraser Thomas Goodrich Owen Millard Corey Warren Cherry Class Ellis Bailey Nicholaas Barkhuizen Chestnut Class Ryan Collins Robert-Junior Sivers Daisy Stenner Kain Whittingham
Holly Class Rhyley Jefferies Robbie Vuolo . Laurel Class Juraj Suhajda Keiran Sutton Kain Whittingham Maple Class Katy Lloyd Katie Meggison Harry White Thai Whittingham
Sycamore Class Daniel Blackmore Tayler-Anne Guatieri Joseph Hendy Ethan King Dougie Piper-Thompson Willow Class Freya Green James Lindley Ryan Meggison Harry Phelps Emily Williams ___________________
Oak Class Tomas Brown Keane Goulden Bethany Lovell Cooper Terry Callum Winter Brandon Wood Poplar Class Elizabeth Houghton Chantelle Jefferies Emma Williams
__________________________________________ Local Governing Committee Opportunities The school is on an exciting journey, and in September, we are expecting to join the Greenshaw Learning Trust (GLT). When creating a good or outstanding school, it is important there is a strong Local Governing Committee (LGC) that has a range of skill sets, in order to provide both support and challenge to the Principal and staff. To support the move to GLT we are looking to recruit additional governors and are particularly interested to hear from local people who have finance skills. If you are interested in supporting our school on the next stage of its development, or have any queries about governance, please email the clerk ( by 24 April as representatives of GLT will be attending the next YIA LGC meeting at 5pm on 3 May to explain how governance will work in the new arrangements. Enjoy the Easter break! Claire Emery Chair of the Trust
Mums in School Day On Friday 24th March, we invited all mums to come into school, and join us for the Morning. The morning consisted of a wide range of exciting activities linked around our ‘Healthy Eating’ theme. Activities included: Yoga Quizzes Designing a healthy plate Wake and shake Bench Ball Healthy Lunchboxes Healthy Teeth Signing ___________________
The children we invited to wear Red for the day. The total money raised was £110.05. Many thanks for your continued support. ____________________
Swimming Lessons Mulberry Class – block week – Monday 15th May – Friday 19th May. These lessons do start on Tuesday 2nd May, and continue weekly until 11th July. ____________________ PTA I would like to say a huge thank you to our PTA group, for the organisation of Tea and Coffee during our parent’s consultation, and also with the catering during mums in school day. If you are interested in join the PTA, then please contact the main office. ____________________ Communication Each week a bulletin is sent out via email. If you are not receiving this email, then please contact ____________________