How can you ensure that Arts subjects are given importance in the curriculum?
Academies have to balance the desire of the teachers and students, with current national measures at GCSE. That said, every student has different strengths, and I do need to make sure that students are able to experience all subjects. I may need to look at the options process or the KS3 curriculum to ensure this. - Mr Williams CEP
Currently extra-curricular activities are not particularly varied or well publicised. How can we improve that?
Whilst conversations are being had with subject leaders about this, currently you aren’t getting a good enough deal during the main Academy day, so I have to make that my first priority. - Mr Williams CEP
How will you ensure the behaviour policy is applied fairly to all students?
Firstly behaviour does need to improve, initially I need to ask myself ‘does the current system work?’ This is what I am currently looking at. Then I can ensure that staff apply it consistently - Mr Williams CEP
How will you raise the profile of the rewards policy?
I’m not even sure what the current policy is, this tells me that it isn’t up to scratch. I can see winners announced via the T.V. screens which is good, but it is important that we celebrate the core body of students that are working hard. - Mr Williams CEP
How will you help to improve the current situation of excessive supply teachers, particularly for year 11? Because supply teachers are organised in the most part very quickly, sometimes within an hour, it is very difficult to predict who will have a supply teacher that day. I am looking at using the cover supervisors more effectively, as these are people who are at least aware of the current systems in the school. Ultimately staff absence costs a lot of money, it is important then that we look to improve the current situationMr Williams CEP
Do you have any plans for the canteen area/facilities at lunch?
There are a few things we can consider such as staggered canteen times, but with a clear system so everyone knows who should be in the canteen and when. We could possibly look to sell more food in each of the areas to improve the queues. - Mr Williams CEP
If you had one goal that you wanted students to achieve by the end of the term what would it be?
Self-modification of behaviour. We need the corridors to be calmer, students to get themselves to lessons on time and for students to have respect for the school that they are in. - Mr Williams CEP
Students are currently confused by the homework policy, do you have any ideas to improve this?
Yes, produce a clear policy that is easy to follow. It’s one of the areas that I am currently working on as it has been mentioned by staff, students and parents. It should not be as difficult as it appears to be. - Mr Williams CEP
You mentioned litter in your assembly – how do you plan to tackle it here?
I believe that we need to create reasonable conditions in the building to allow students to find bins for their litter easily. I personally pick up litter all the time, simply because I care about my surroundings. It needs to be socially inacceptable to drop litter, it is your Academy, your reputation. - Mr Williams CEP
Are there any plans for Easter revision sessions as in the past and what else can be done to support year 11 through their revision?
I have asked the Principals to cost up how much Easter revision would cost. You have to remember we can’t spend money we don’t have. I am actively thinking of other ways of ensuring we can support this to take place though. - Mr Williams CEP