WIA newsletter September 2012

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Academy Newsletter Edition 19, September 2012 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: EARLY CLOSURE On Thursday 4th October 2012 the Academy will be closing early to assist in preparations for the Open Evening for prospective students. Details are as follows: 1.20pm 1.25pm


Lessons end Buses will be available

Please note: Friday 5th October 2012 is an INSET Day and the Academy will be closed to all students.

Message from the Academy Principal, Mr R C Evans At the start of the new academic year, it gives me great pleasure to welcome our new parents/carers to the Academy and, of course, a warm welcome back to those of you who have children who have moved onto the next stage of their „Academy Careerâ€&#x;. Capital Investment As indicated in the last Newsletter, the building work commenced over the summer holidays following the granting of planning permission. Phase 1, which takes us until January/February 2013, primarily involves the setting up of the site infrastructure for the contractor and the extension to C/E Blocks (the Technology Centre). The work has resulted in a number of changes to normal Academy routes, which includes: All access for staff, students and parents/carers is now via the rear of the Academy. Parents/carers visiting the site must sign in at the new temporary Reception Area at the Sports Hall. No parking for parents/carers and visitors on the Academy site. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all parents/carers to be especially considerate to the local community at the start and end of the Academy Day when dropping off and collecting students. In particular, parking has been an issue, especially in the Flaxpits Lane/Bradley Avenue area. Your cooperation in this matter would be much appreciated. There is a separate section on our website (www.trfwia.org.uk) dedicated to the new build, which will be updated regularly with the latest information regarding the building works. Examination Results During the summer we were again delighted to celebrate the examination results of our Year 11, 12 and 13 students in their GCSE, Advanced Level, AS and International Baccalaureate examinations. In addition, large numbers of Years 9 and 10 students received the results of modular examinations. I am delighted to report that our headline GCSE figures were excellent, consolidating on the high standards achieved in previous years. Press releases regarding these results were extensively covered in the local press and reported in the league tables constructed by the national press, including The Times.


A Level Results At A Level there was a pass rate of over 98%, with over 47% of all students obtaining the very highest grades of A*, A or B. Some 75% of students achieved at least an A*, A or B in Economics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, German, Italian and Product Design. Impressively, at Winterbourne International Academy, 8 students achieved 3 or more A*-A grades, including Sam Burville (2A* and 2As) and Joe Bowen-Hall (1A* and 3As). Twins, Jeyvin and Kevin Humar, both achieved 3 A grades. These successes have ensured that Sixth Form students have successfully gained places at a number of the top UK and Overseas Universities including reading Mathematics at Cambridge, History at Oxford, Medicine at Liverpool, Chemistry at Leicester and English at Reading. GCSE Results Results at GCSE were again excellent, significantly above the local, regional and national figures with a headline statistic of 74% of students gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Mathematics. Further to this, 88% of students achieved 5 or more A*-C grades. Particularly impressive results at the Academy include 28% of all grades at A*/A, with 25 students achieving 10 or more A*/A grades, with Kapil Agarwal, James Beavis, Zoe Johnson and Lauren Smith all achieving 12 A* and A grades. In Mathematics (a specialism of the Academy), 82% of all grades were A*-C, with 31% of those being A*/A grades, while in English, 82% of all grades were A*-C, with 24% of those being A*/A grades. I would like to take this opportunity to formally congratulate all of our students on their results which reflects the hard work that they have put in prior to the exams and the support given by parents/carers. Our best wishes go to those students who have moved onto university, further education or employment. In addition I would like to thank all of the staff for their high level of professionalism in preparing the students for these examinations. I hope that these strong partnerships will be maintained in 2012-13 and that next year‟s results will be even higher. I am also delighted to highlight the following exceptional GCSE results in Modern Foreign Languages: Alistair Slater, Year 8 – A* (French); Will Bosquart, Year 9 – A (Spanish); Wesley Hunt, Year 10 A* (Italian). As usual at this time of year we have welcomed a number of teaching and support staff to the Academy: Teaching staff: Kevin Arden Daniel Blishen Olivia Breese Claire Gregory Anthea Hawke Rachael Hope Katie Hyde Sarah Joseph Gemma Lane Kim Langley Christopher Macey Matthew Miles Hattie Mothersill

Teacher of Science (Physics) Teacher of Music (part time) Teacher of Food/Textiles/Hospitality/Child Development Teacher of PE (part time) Teacher of Science (Chemistry) Teacher of Science Deputy Head of Humanities LA/Head of Geography Teacher of Drama (part time) Teacher of Art & Photography (maternity cover) Teacher of Science Teacher of D&T (Engineering) Teacher of English (maternity cover) Teacher of Drama


Matthew Nunn Willem Ovink Felicity Sweatman Jennifer White Cheryl Voake

Teacher of Mathematics Teacher of Mathematics/Learning Support Co-ordinator for Maths Teacher of Mathematics Teacher of Art (part time) GTP Mathematics

Support staff: Sally Davis Amy Hancock-Martin Lesa Levett Fiona Margerison Melania Rodriguez Gonzalez Nicola Jones

Senior Secretary Admin Assistant for Humanities Learning Area Federation Manager of Resources Admin Assistant for English Learning Area Specialist Teaching Assistant for PE Receptionist

In addition a number of internal appointments have been made: Sophie Bruton Rachel Pound Rachel Szczekala

Head of Year (now permanent) Head of Arts Learning Area (now permanent) Acting Head of Year

I would also like to take this opportunity to inform parents/carers that Mr Grogan, Head of Arts Learning Area, has retired from the Academy. Mr Grogan made a significant contribution to the Arts at the Academy, and formerly The Ridings High School, both through the formal curriculum, extracurricular activities and with the wider community through the Arts Centre. Our best wishes go to Mr Grogan on his retirement. Mobile Phones/Dress and Appearance I would like to thank parents/carers for their support in our new approach to dealing with the use of mobile phones. Already there has been a significant improvement with students cooperating with the rules. I would also like to remind all parents/carers of the Academyâ€&#x;s expectation regarding uniform. In particular, I would like to re-emphasise the expectation regarding skirts, i.e. they should be mid grey, not above the knee nor below the mid-calf, A-line. Further, excessively tight-fitting or excessively short skirts made from lycra-type material will not be permitted. A reminder of the Academy uniform requirements is included in this newsletter. IBMYP Year 7 are the first cohort to start the IB Middle Years Programme this year. Students will study BTEC/GCSE/NVQ courses at the end of Key Stage 4 but the IBMYP will provide students with a range of skills and experiences which will make them more effective learners and citizens. Federation Sixth Form Presentation Evening The first Federation Sixth Form Presentation Evening was held at the Aztec Hotel on Wednesday 5th September 2012. This well attended event saw the award of subject prizes and presentation to the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team. In addition, a new award has been introduced in memory of Megan Eyers who died in tragic circumstances during the last academic year. The first recipient of the Megan Eyers Prize for Community and Leadership was Hannah French.


I would also like to highlight that the annual Year 11 Federation Presentation Evening is being held this year on Thursday 22nd November 2012 at The Wills Building, University of Bristol. Tickets for this event are now available. The Ridings’ Federation Winterbourne International Academy Donation Fund An Academy enrichment fund has been established in order to invest in your child‟s learning environment at The Ridings‟ Federation Winterbourne International Academy. The money donated is held by a charity called “The Ridings‟ Federation Winterbourne International Academy – Donation Fund”. This is administered by Trustees, comprising one Governor, two staff, and two parents who will ensure it is used to enhance the students‟ experience by improving the environment and/or facilities of the Academy. Students will also have a say, through Student Voice, as to how the funds will be used. I am pleased to inform you that the Trustees have recently made their first allocation of funds to two very worthy projects, namely to The Sonic Arts Club where the funds will go towards equipment for student bands, under Mr Everson‟s guidance. The second scheme will provide 30 eReaders for use with students as part of the Learning Resource Centre‟s (Library) resources. You should have received information about this scheme in the September 2012 Information Pack, and a copy of this letter can also be found on our website. I hope that we can increase the number of parents/carers making voluntary contributions to this scheme to further enhance students‟ experiences at the Academy over the coming months. During the holidays the whole country was gripped by the 2012 London Olympic Games and more recently by the Paralympics. I had the pleasure of accompanying a group of students on 25th July 2012 to Cardiff to watch the GB Ladies Football Team beat New Zealand 1-0 in the first event of the games. Our congratulations also go to ex student Imogen Cairns who competed for Team GB in Gymnastics, finishing in sixth place in the Women‟s Team Final. In addition, a member of our Support Staff, Mrs Sue Sellers, was one of the volunteers at the Olympic Village, a role which received much praise in making these events such a success. Also during the holidays, the Academy was saddened to hear of the death of an ex member of staff, Mr Laurie Webb. Laurie was a much respected and highly regarded member of the Science teaching staff. Our thoughts are with Laurie‟s family as they come to terms with their loss. Friends of Winterbourne International Academy On Monday 17th September 2012, The Friends of Winterbourne International Academy held their Annual General Meeting. The Friends‟ work is greatly valued by all of the staff and students and this group have been able to fund facilities and resources which have made our students experiences more rewarding. Any parent/carer wishing to become more actively involved within The Friends would be most welcome and should contact The Friends Committee for more details. Further information on The Friends is included in this newsletter. Parents/Carers Focus Group As part of the Academy‟s consultation arrangements, a Parent/Carer Focus Group has been established. The purpose of this group is to offer parents and carers an opportunity to become more formally involved with Trustees, Local Governors, students and staff in planning Academy developments. The group consists of approximately 10-15 parents/carers, with representation from each Year Group and the group meets with senior staff approximately six times a year. I would like to extend an invitation to our parents/carers of new Year 7 students to join this group. If you are interested in becoming part of the group, please contact my PA, Jenny Green (jenny.green@trfwia.org.uk).


The Academy was again very grateful to Bristol Rugby for providing complementary tickets for the Championship Fixture against The Cornish Pirates on Sunday16th September 2012. Our best wishes go to Bristol Rugby for the season and hopefully it is not too long before they return to the Premiership. I would like to take this final opportunity to wish our staff, students and parents/carers the very best for the forthcoming academic year.

Mr R C Evans Academy Principal

NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION DATES 2012-2013 For information, the 2012-2013 Academy newsletters will be produced on the following dates with copies also posted on the Academy website (www.trfwia.org.uk): Thursday 6th December 2012 Thursday 31st January 2013 Thursday 14th March 2013

Thursday 16th May 2013 Thursday 11th July 2013

Paper versions will be distributed to all parents/carers who have requested such a copy.

PARENT/CARER FOCUS GROUP MEETING DATES 2012-2013 All meetings commence at 6.30pm: Thursday 6th December 2012 Wednesday 6th February 2013 Thursday 21st March 2013 Thursday 9th May 2013 Thursday 11th July 2013

DEGREE SUCCESS We would like to congratulate the following former Winterbourne International Academy students who have recently completed their degrees: Mahdi Shariff

First Class Honours from The University of Warwick

Jessica Parr

MA in Spanish and Applied Language Studies from Heriot-Watt University


Uniform General items





Navy with embroidered Academy badge


Navy with Gold Stripes and the Academy badge

 

 


White (Short or long sleeved)

„V‟ Neck Sweater

Plain navy with embroidered Academy badge




Mid-Grey, full length to the ankle


Mid-Grey, A-line, not above the knee nor below mid calf (not „Lycra‟-tight fitting style)


 


Plain black or grey – ankle or knee length


Black Opaque / flesh coloured. Patterned tights are not acceptable.


 


Plain black, low heels and low soles, leather or similar material

Outer Garment

Plain navy without logos

 

 

PE Shorts (not cycling shorts)

Plain navy

PE Rugby Shirt – reversible

Navy/Sky Blue

Football Boots

Plain black

Sports Socks

Navy/Sky Blue tops

   

Swimming trunks/Shorts

Plain navy

    

Swimming Costume – one piece

Plain navy

PE round-neck T-Shirt

Navy/Sky Blue

Joggers/tracksuit bottoms

Plain navy, dependent on activity



Bag, hardy and strong, for carrying Academy equipment PE

Shinpads for field sports Mouthguard Towels for showers/swimming

n/a 

n/a  

**  

**  

** 

** 

Protective Clothing Arts/Science/Technology

Will be provided by the Academy

** Optional PE kit must be taken to PE lessons at all times. When students are unable to participate fully in activities they will be expected to assist in some way, e.g. officiating, scoring, supporting etc.


LONDON CAMERA EXCHANGE PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION Two Winterbourne International Academy students have won prizes in a photography competition run by London Camera Exchange in Bristol with the theme of Pets and Nature. Nick Earl came second with a beautiful shot of a singing Robin, winning a telescope, and Jamie Constable came third with a photo of two low flying swans and won a pair of binoculars. Congratulations to both!

MUSIC MUSIC EXAMINATION RESULTS The Music department is very proud of the following students who have recently passed external instrumental exams.

Tom Clark Wesley Stone Skye Longworth Arthur Price-Laney Caleb Kernahan Georgina Yearsley Joanne Rees

Grade 8 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 1

Brass (Distinction) Brass (Merit) Brass (Pass) Brass (Pass) Brass (Merit) Brass (Pass) Keyboard (Distinction)

A big welcome to the Academy from „The Friends‟! For those of you who may not know, we are a group of parents and staff who work for the benefit of the students at Winterbourne International Academy. We seek to do this by creating stronger links between the Academy, parents, and the local community, and also via practical activities such as fundraising. And, as parents/ carers of students at The Academy, you are all members of „The Friends’ too! During the past year, we have raised over £4,000 – our main event is the Christmas Market, which has been a part of Winterbourne‟s calendar for well over 20 years. Other events include a Christmas Raffle, Silent Auctions, and this year we held our second Indoor Car Boot sale, which was a huge success. We also hold a monthly Lottery for £1 and the more participants, the bigger the prizes, so we encourage you all to join. Further details regarding this can be downloaded from the Academy web site www.trfwia.org.uk . Donations to the Academy this year have included funding towards a lighting console in the Arts Centre, dumb bells for the PE department, and guitars and additional music technology equipment for the Music department.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thank you to parents who came along to our AGM on Monday 17th September 2012. Your new officers for 2012-13 are: Alison Bray – Chairperson Jane Harris - Secretary Peter Hinsley - Treasurer Our next meeting will be held on Monday 14th November 2012 and the dates for the rest of the year are as follows: Wednesday 10th October 2012 Tuesday 13th November 2012 Wednesday 23rd January 2013 Wednesday 27th February 2013 Wednesday 8th May 2013 Wednesday 26th June 2013 All meetings start at 7.30pm in the Technology Centre Conference Room (dates and any changes will be detailed on The Friends page on the Academy website www.trfwia.org.uk) If you would like to join the Committee, please come along on Wednesday 10th October 2012. And if you are not able to attend this time, but have some good ideas that you would like to share with us, please let us know by emailing alison_bray@btinternet.com OF COURSE YOU CAN HELP IN OTHER WAYS TOO…… Increasingly companies are making donations to clubs/charities with which employees are involved, as a means of putting giving something back to the community. This typically takes the form of either simple donations, or £-for-£ match pledges linked to specific fundraising activities. Are you able to supply goods/ services that we might be able to use for our fundraising? Do you work for a shop that could offer us purchase discounts? Please email alison_bray@btinternet.com if you can help (please keep this in mind especially with the Christmas Market on Saturday 24th November 2012 fast approaching!) CHRISTMAS MARKET AND GRAND DRAW This will take place on Saturday 24th November 2012 between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Raffle tickets are on sale now, so please get in touch if you would like to buy some. Tickets were issued to all new Year 7 parents at the July induction evening - if you haven not returned yours, please do not forget to do so! SUPPORTERS LIST And finally, do not forget if you would like to join our Supporters list, so that we can contact you about our various social events and involve you in our Silent Auctions. Please can you forward your name and email address to alison_bray@btinternet.com or leave a note with your name and address in Reception marked FAO The Friends.

We look forward to meeting you at one of our events during the Academic year!


The Friends of WIA

July 2012

Thank you to everyone who has joined our Lottery - at ÂŁ1 per month, it is great value and the odds are good too! Winners since July 2012 are listed below:

1st The Bennetts 2nd Peter Hindsley 3rd Abi Hill

August 2012

1st 2nd 3rd

Margaret Hanwell S.Coltman Paula Sleight

Many of the Winterbourne International Academy students are performing exceptionally well when representing the Academy or performing independently in their chosen sport. They are really putting the Academy on the sporting map at a national level, and deserve recognition and congratulations. CRICKET YEAR 8 MATCH REPORT On Tuesday 12th September the Year 8 cricket team played their Year 7 final, which had been carried over into September due to the wet weather during last term. After winning the toss, Winterbourne International Academy put Bristol Grammar into bat first, in the hope that our bowling attack could keep them down to a small target. Things started reasonably well with some good bowling from Kieran Slade, Ben Parker, Tom Parker and Tom Harrison, and by half time, Bristol Grammar had reached 46-0. However, in the second half of the innings, with wickets in hand, they accelerated and reached 153-1 with B.Miller finishing 91 runs not out. Winterbourne International Academy were determined not to go down without a fight. Sensible early batting from Kieran Slade and Will Thomas took us to 33 runs before Tom Harrison came in and hit a quick 31 runs. When Kieran departed for a solid 26 runs the game was up, but Winterbourne International Academy finished on a very respectful 112-3, losing the game and final by 42 runs. Well done to all involved PE CLUBS – TERMS 1 AND 2 Monday

Lunch Time

Year 10 Boys football

After Academy

Boys Rugby: Years 7, 8, 9 on the Astro Turf Girls Netball: Years 7, 8 and 9 in the Sports Hall



Lunch Time

Swim club for all Year 7 Basketball Boys and Girls in the Sports Hall

After Academy

Boys Rugby: Years 10 and 11 on the Astro Turf Girls Netball: Years 10 and 11 in the Sports Hall



Before Academy: 7.30 am

All staff/student circuits in the Sports Hall ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------Lunch Time Badminton for all in the Sports Hall ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------After Academy Girls Football: All Year groups on the Astro Turf Lunch Time

Year 9 Boys football in the Sports Hall

After Academy Boys Basketball: Under 18s in the Sports Hall


Lunch Time

Girls Hockey: All Year groups on the Astro Turf Table Tennis and Volleyball: All Year Groups in the Sports Hall

After Academy

Water Polo Club for all Boys Basketball: Years 8 and 9 in the Sports Hall

Note regarding all PE Clubs: All clubs are free to attend. Students attending Lunch Time clubs will need to bring a packed lunch with them or alternatively come to the PE Department and get an early lunch pass. Students attending after Academy clubs will need to arrange their own transport home.

In July 2012, a group of Year 12 Applied Art and Design students visited the Architecture museum in Bristol. They had the opportunity to visit an exhibition that looked at recent and future developments of existing sites in Bristol. The aim of the trip was to link in with current projects and also to allow the students to find out more about pursuing a career in architecture. 10

ICT – Mrs Hucker Last term, Year 7 students were challenged to use the computer programming skills they gained during ICT lessons to design and make a computer game. Students created their games using the programming software “Scratch” then uploaded them to the VLE. Students and staff were asked to try out the games and vote for their favourite. Congratulations to the winner, Travis England-Hewlett, who gained the most votes for his game “High Highway”; and a special mention to Runner-up Kieran Dev for his game “Rocket Survival”. Well done to all the students who entered the competition!

In addition to this, Year 8 students were introduced to the animation software “Flash” in their ICT lessons. They were then given the challenge of using the skills they learnt during lessons to create a piece of animation based on the theme of the Olympics. Lots of students entered and showed off their skills and creativity in using the software. The entries were uploaded to the VLE and students and staff were able to vote for their favourite. Congratulations to Ruby Smith and Sophie Wood, who jointly created the winning entry! Well done also to Runnerup Hannah Storey. Thank you to all the students who entered and to all the staff and students who took time to look at the entries and vote.


In July, 120 Year 8 students were invited to participate in a STEM Challenge day run by EDT, a national provider of work-related learning programmes. Their mission is to encourage young people to fulfil their potential through careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). Students spent the day in teams, designing and making solutions to two challenges. The first challenge was to suspend a wooden egg as far from the floor as possible. There were material and time constraints and the structure had to be free standing. The second challenge was the „rolling ball energy challenge‟. Again a variety of resources were allowed and there was another time limit to complete the challenge. Students had to release a ball and keep it rolling for as long as possible, ending up in a container on the floor. They were not allowed to touch or blow the ball once released. If the ball did not land in the container, then the time would not be recorded. The teams produced a range of creative solutions and made very inventive use of materials. The final winner was decided from a team that did not necessarily have the best time but was consistent in execution and able to successfully complete their final run on the head-to-head. Finally, students were also given a couple of inspirational talks by young engineers from Airbus and Babcock, and certificates were given to students to mark the success of their hard work and participation in the day. Well done to all!


MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES ...One of our specialisms! CHARITY CAKE SALE During last Term, Miss Henecka‟s Year 9 tutor group organised a cake sale in aid of a school in Ho, Ghana. Overall, £26 was raised, which will go towards buying tables for the school library as well as a classroom. The charity, Kick Start Ghana, emailed Miss Henecka to thank all of the students for their generosity – well done to all involved!

MEXICO TRIP - 2013 The Mexico 2013 students in Years 11 and 12 have been working hard over the last few months, organising a number of individual and group fundraising events. We have now raised over £3000 towards the visit; we sold bacon butties to the staff on the INSET days in June and September and we have to thank The Bread Shop in Winterbourne for their kind donation of the bread rolls. We have also been bag packing at Asda Longwell Green and have a couple of further dates planned for Tesco Bradley Stoke in October. We have also organised a fantastic Welcome Party for the Year 7 students on 27th September. You may have also seen them selling refreshments at Parents Evenings over the last few months wearing their black polo shirts that were kindly donated by Initially Yours who embroider the uniforms for the Academy. We thank everyone for their support over the last year. The visit is due to take place in June 2013. We will be staying with families and will be doing some valuable community work in a small, poor, rural primary school specifically working to improve the outdoor play space for the children. We will also be helping with a beach clean-up project as well as visiting Mayan ruins and colonial cities. If you feel you may be able to help us in any way (donations of stationary items for the school, transport to the airport, cakes for our cake sales etc) please contact Ms Kirby at the Academy.

AMBITIONS 2012: A UNIQUE CAREERS EVENT FOR YEARS 8 -13 STUDENTS AND PARENTS For young people, the process of making decisions about the future, such as what courses to choose and what to aim for in education and employment, is becoming increasingly complex. To help students think more effectively about the future and the decisions they will face about education and employment, all students in Years 8 - 13 from South Gloucestershire schools and their parents are invited to visit the Ambitions Careers Education Evening event at the University of the West of England (UWE) Exhibition and Conference Centre on Tuesday 23 October 2012, between 4.30pm and 8.00 pm. More than 120 different employers, universities, colleges, training providers and other organisations will be taking part in the event. Further information about this event and details of the location will be provided separately nearer the time. On Wednesday 24 October 2012, all Year 8 students will have the opportunity to visit the event and will take part in 5 different interactive workshops with employers. Transport to and from the event will be provided. As usual, the Academy will be hosting its own Careers Evening for students in Years 11-13 and their parents on Thursday 11th October 2012. 12

Pencil case






Black pen Pencil

20p 5p







Exam set






Available from the Academy LRC

Mary’s Meals and the Backpack Project The Backpack Project is a simple way to help children from poor families to get to school in countries like Liberia and Malawi. Very often these families cannot afford to buy basic things like pencils and notebooks, or even suitable clothes to wear to school, and so children miss out on an education. Along with the free school meal that Mary‟s Meals provides, the backpacks help children to get an education that will help them escape poverty in later life. The items provided are: - a backpack, small ball (e.g. tennis ball), spoon (preferably metal) - notepad, pencils, crayons, colouring pencils/ pens, sharpener, eraser, ruler, pencil case - towel, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush (cheap brands are fine!) - shorts or skirt and t-shirt, or dress, and a pair of flip flops I am collecting items to donate to The Backpack Project and would appreciate your help especially with donations of outgrown children's shorts, skirts, t-shirts, dresses, sandals and unwanted school bags and backpacks. I am collecting for ages between 3 to 13 years old. Please bring the items along to Mrs Hill in the Learning Support Base TG1/2. For more information go to www.marysmeals.org.uk/what-you-can-do/backpack-project/

Thank you in advance for your support. 13


Term 1 Thursday





















Friday Tuesday

12 16

October October




Year 7 International Day Year 7 Welcome Disco (6.30pm - 8.30pm) Year 13 Mentor/Parent/Carer „What Next?‟ Evening (Yate International Academy) Academy Newsletter Issued Student Voice Meeting (Academy Council Period 3) Parish Liaison Meeting (7.00pm) Prospective Year 7 Open Evening (6.30pm 8.30pm) There will be an early closure for students (1.20pm) INSET DAY - Academy closed to students Open Morning (9.15am -10.30am) Year 7 and 8 Parent/Carer E-Safety Information Evening

Year 8 Assist Training Days at Baileys Court Activity Centre Friends of WIA Meeting (7.30pm) Year 8 Assist Training Days at Baileys Court Activity Centre Year 11 Post-16 Transitions Day Arts Centre - Rhum & Clay - Shutterland (Year 12/13 Theatre Studies Students) Year 11 Post-16 Transitions Day Open Morning (9.15am -10.30am) World Food Day Rock Island - Young Bands Night

18 October - 24 October IB Visit by Students/Staff from India (TBC) Tuesday









25 October - 2 November

„Ambitions‟ Careers Event at UWE Exhibition and Conference Centre for students in Years 9-13 and parents/carers (4.30pm - 8.30pm) „Ambitions‟ Careers Workshops for Year 8 students at WIA and YIA (12.30pm - 3.00pm) TERM 1 ENDS Non Uniform Day for Charity - Breast Cancer Care (Wear one item of pink clothing) HOLIDAY


TERM DATES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 2012 Term One Monday 3rd September 2012 – Wednesday 24th October 2012 Holiday Thursday 25th October 2012 - Friday 2nd November 2012

Term Two Monday 5th November 2012 - Friday 21st December 2012 Holiday Monday 24th December 2012 – Friday 4th January 2013

2013 Term Three Monday 7th January 2013 - Friday 8th February 2013 Holiday Monday 11th February 2013 - Friday 15th February 2013

Term Four Monday 18th February 2013 - Friday 22nd March 2013 Holiday Monday 25th March 2013 - Friday 5th April 2013

Term Five Monday 8th April 2013 - Friday 24th May 2013 Holiday Monday 27th May 2013 - Friday 31st May 2013

Term Six Monday 3rd June 2013 Ends Wednesday 24th July 2013

Please note During the above terms Winterbourne International Academy will be closed for STAFF INSET on: Monday 3rd September 2012 Friday 5th October 2012 Thursday 15th November 2012 Friday 28th June 2013 Wednesday 24th July 2013 15




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