Wia insight newsletter term 3 2015 2016

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February: Saturday 6th – Italy ski trip for years 8-13 Monday 15th – Term 4 starts Wednesday 24th – Year 10 report evening (4pm) Wednesday 24th – Friends of WIA meeting (7.30pm)

Principal’s welcome message Parents and Carers Our students have been working purposefully and with a great sense of enjoyment since Christmas and I have been very impressed by the universal spirit of students and teachers. Year 11 have recently been taking examinations and Year 12 and 13 will have theirs shortly after the break. I want to thank parents for supporting us with our examination students; we know how stressful it is for you. Various revision sessions are available to support students in the run up to the exams. It’s been an action-packed term with much to celebrate. For me, the highlight of the term was the Academy production of Oliver! The musical was played to packed houses over four nights including a matinee performance for local primary school children. Those of you who saw the performance will agree that it was a stunning spectacle with so many stellar student performances in acting, singing, music and dancing. I would also like to pay tribute to the production team, the superb orchestra, the wonderful Arts department and 6th form helpers! Another event that really pleased me was the success of our water polo team in the national championships. We are now the only public sector team left in the competition and we have been invited to the famous school, Eton, to compete in the national semi-finals. We hope you enjoy this newsletter and please check our website and social media pages for even more details about the Academy. Mr Richard Haupt, Academy Principal

Richard Haupt

March: Thursday 3rd – Year 11 report evening Friday 11th – Year 11 to ensure all coursework complete Monday 21st – Guild parent focus group meeting

May: Monday 9th - Year 12 study leave Thursday 12th – Year 8 Report evening Friday 27th May – Year 13 study leave & last day at WIA!

Accelerated Reader in Year 7 & Year 8 If you have a child in Year 7 or Year 8 they will be taking part in the Accelerated Reader Programme - a website that gives students access to over 27,000 online book quizzes. Once a fortnight they will have their Accelerated Reader lesson in the Learning Resource Centre and during that time they read books brought in from home or the LRC. Any student who achieves over 70% on the online quiz will be awarded positives on SIMs. The scheme is excellent for improving their reading skills so any encouragement that parents can give is wonderful. The Accelerated Reader Programme can be accessed at home via the VLE on the Academy website so students can take book quizzes anytime and you can view their list of books they have read.

Transport notice

Meet the new CEP

Network Rail will be making improvements to the Dragon Road bridge in Winterbourne. This work will protect bridge’s users and the overhead high voltage electrification lines that are required to power the new fleet of longer, faster, quieter and greener electric trains to run underneath.

You will be aware that our new Chief Executive Principal, Mr Adam Williams (pictured right) started at The Ridings’ Federation of Academies on Monday 1st February 2016

A temporary road closure will be required to carry out this upgrade. The bridge will therefore be closed to motorists from 9.30am on Monday 29 February until the end of April. Throughout this time, access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained. We will inform you within the next week of the potential effect to our bus routes and times.

We would like to provide WIA parents with the opportunity to meet our new CEP and therefore we invite you to a presentation by Adam Williams on Wednesday 17th February 2016 at 7.00pm in the Auditorium at Winterbourne International Academy. This will give Adam a chance to introduce himself and answer any questions that you may have. In the meantime, keep an eye open for his twitter updates and new video blog.

___________________________ ___________________________ Guild parent focus group The Academy Trust

If you have any queries regarding the Accelerated Reader scheme please contact me, Mrs Whiteman in the Academy LRC. catherine.whiteman@trfwia.org.uk or 01454 252021

Next meeting: 21st March (6pm)


The main focus of the group is to understand how a parent/carer can support the Academy in developing students and promoting the work of the Guilds.

Notices – interactive theatre The interactive theatre is open for year 11's to use at lunch for quiet revision. It is supervised by Heads of Guilds

The Guild parent focus group is a supportive group of parent/carers who meet with Academy staff on a termly basis.

If any parent/carer would like to join the next meeting please RSVP to Nichola.Coles@trfwia.org.uk

Our Federation website provides information about The Ridings’ Federation of Academies, including policies and procedures. We have recently added photographs and biographies of our Academy Trustees. Visit http://www.trfa.org.uk/theacademy-trust/ to see who’s who.

Cheerleading and Athletics

Griffin guild news

Passport to Year 11 Prom

Mrs Calver and Miss Greaves will be starting Cheerleading club and Indoor Athletics club on Friday lunchtimes in the Sports Hall.

Students in Griffin Guild have been taking part in the £10 challenge this term to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust. Each tutor group has been given £10 to turn into as much money as they can for this amazing cause. 3WG4 have raised almost £200 from sponsored silences alone!

As is the case every year, Year 11 students are not guaranteed a place at the end of year prom. It is organised by the Academy as a celebration of their hard work and good behaviour.

Any students wanting to join these groups will need to arrive at the Sports Hall by 1.30pm. ___________________________ Boys inter guild football results 7A Pegasus 7B Phoenix Overall Winner - Lion 8A Pegasus 8B Phoenix Overall Winner - Pegasus 9A Lion 9B Griffin Overall Winner – Aquila 10A Phoenix 10B Pegasus Overall Winner - Pegasus ___________________________

Notice regarding poorly students going home Please note that students who are unwell and need to be picked up by parent/carers MUST register with the Medical Room where a member of staff will ring home. Students who phone home and get parents to collect them without going down this route will have unauthorised absences on their register.

Tutor groups have also been working really hard to come up with different ideas like making and selling sock monkeys and charity ribbons, providing refreshments at the parent evenings, running a guess-thebaby competition, raffling for a mall voucher, selling hot chocolate, smores, cakes, and much much more! Miss R Makepeace, Head of Griffin Guild ___________________________

So students must ensure they adhere to the following expectations for a space at this years memorable event: 

No disciplinary stage

No serious disciplinary sanctions (isolation/exclusion)

Significant reduction in number of detentions (if appropriate)

Significant improvement in number of positives (if appropriate)

96% attendance in remaining weeks

Highlights online this term

Leanne secures silver

Oliver a success

India blog by Anna Ley

Congratulations to Leanne Baker who secured silver in the ASA National Age Group Synchronised Swimming Championships for the 12-and-under category. One of her coaches is fellow WIA student, Elise Denner.

This term saw the fantastic production of Oliver. There are not enough superlatives to describe the effort and talent of our students and staff who were involved in the show but check out some more photos and the programme list online.

If you haven’t already read this amazing blog by Sixth Form student Anna Ley, then check it out for a real flavour of what our students achieved during the India project!



http://www.trfwia.org.uk/academie s/oliver-the-musical-comes-to-wiathis-week/




Team reach quarter finals

Year 9 make their choices

Year 11 immunisations

On Monday 11th January our Under 15 WIA Water Polo squad travelled to London to compete in the Quarter-Finals of the National Water Polo Competition.

This term, year 9 students had to make their choices about which subjects they will study at Key Stage 4. Some found the decision easier than others!

North Bristol NHS Trust will be coming to WIA on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 February to run the Meningococcal ACWY programme for all Year 11 male and female students.

Congratulations to everyone that took part in the competition, our students played magnificentlywell and proved to be fantastic ambassadors of the Academy.

Well done to the students for getting their forms in so promptly – we look forward to supporting their education and ensuring they reach their potential in their chosen subjects.

http://www.trfwia.org.uk/news/nati onal-water-polo-quarter-finals/

Please complete the forms if you have not done so already. http://www.trfwia.org.uk/news/year -11-immunisation-visit-consentrequired/

http://www.trfwia.org.uk/academie s/year-9-options-process/ ___________________________


Highlights online this term continued‌

Sasha retains karate title

Student behaviour expectations

A fantastic achievement by Sasha Wyatt-Sugg who defended her English champion title in Karate last month.

We have been communicating to students about our expectations regarding behaviour at the Academy, and how we will deal with incidents that fail to meet these expectations.

Sasha competed in the 12-13 age group and this year there were 21 competitors in this national event in Sheffield http://www.trfwia.org.uk/news/sas ha-retains-karate-title/

Details have been put online so feel free to view them in order to support your child in making the most of their time at WIA. http://www.trfwia.org.uk/academie s/student-behaviour-expectations/

Photo’s from recent Spanish Trip As per the yearly tradition, a group of years 8, 9 and 10 students studying Spanish embarked on a journey to Spain on the 28th January for 5 days. Objective ? To improve their listening and speaking skills while discovering and experiencing Spanish culture. http://www.trfwia.org.uk/news/phot os-from-januarys-spanish-trip/

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