Empowering all to excel
Yate International Academy – Secondary Phase Yate International Academy is one of the fastest improving Academies in South Gloucestershire, it boasts some the finest facilities in the region and is proud to be part of The Ridings’ Federation of Academies. Yate International Academy is a unique, vibrant and highly successful learning community. Whilst we are first and foremost a place of learning, we strive to ensure that students remain friendly and cared for in a safe environment in which they can be happy, gain in confidence and be challenged to achieve in all aspects of Academy life. We are passionate in our belief that every young person should be encouraged to raise their aspirations; and have the opportunity to become accomplished independent learners so that they are able to achieve and be successful in the rapidly changing and competitive adult world that is their future. In addition to some of the very best educational facilities in the South West, our Academy provides a learning environment that is rich in encouragement, enthusiasm and a belief in every individual. We offer a curriculum and a pastoral system designed to enrich the learning experience of all our students, whatever their ability. Helping our young people develop into confident, sensitive and reflective adults is fundamental. This is achieved through outstanding teaching and careful support for each young person throughout their time with us. We thrive on strong supportive relationships with parents and carers and passionately believe that students are best educated when parents, students and staff all work in unison. We do not apologise for having robust and rigorous systems that set high expectations for all learners. We have recently embarked on a journey to be an outstanding learning institution and we simply will not be satisfied until we are recognised as one of the most outstanding Academies in the country. I hope that you find the enclosed information helpful as a means of getting to know our Academy and what it means to be part of Yate International Academy. Additionally I would like to encourage you to come in and visit us at any time. We are proud to show our Academy on a normal Academy day in order for you to sample our open, caring and nurturing ethos. Choosing a secondary school is a very important decision but I believe our student centred approach, high standards, outstanding teaching and personalised care, blended with our magnificent facilities will ensure your child has a very successful future.
Paul Skipp | Principal
Values At Yate International Academy we have built our ethos on a strong set of core values which underpin everything that we do. Our aim is to INSPIRE our students to achieve their goals and to develop into young people who have the resilience to face any challenge. You will see the values of Integrity, Nurture, Success, Pride, Innovation, Resilience and Excellence promoted through displays, celebrated through assemblies and modelled by staff as well as being integral to lessons and strongly linked to our focus on growth mindset.
Integrity: Do the right thing. Make good choices, even when no-one is.
Nurture: Develop yourself, your ideas and others. Take care of those around you as well as of your own development.
Success: Aspire to achieve your potential. Understand why you have achieved your aims; celebrate it and know what it looks like.
Pride: P of yours yourself your Ac
Present the best self. Be proud of f, your work and cademy.
Primary to Secondary Transition Open Evenings take place early in the Autumn term. These events are informative for parents but we also welcome visits during the Academy day whilst the students are working to experience the ethos of the Academy and see the breadth of activities that contribute to the vibrant Academy environment. We believe it is important to have an open day every day philosophy for parents. Together with our partner primary Academies, we do everything to ensure students arrive in Year 7 feeling happy and confident, looking forward to being members of their new Academy community. During their time in primary school there are many opportunities to visit Yate International and work with the teachers and students. This enables the primary aged students to experience specialist areas of the Academy’s curriculum and familiarise themselves with the layouts of the buildings and sports facilities, easing transition. As part of the Pastoral system, students within the same family are placed in the same Guild, this allows strong relationships to be developed between staff and parents, which in turn, leads to outstanding outcomes for young people. Students joining from a Ridings’ Federation Primary Academy continue in the same Guild. In the late spring and early summer Heads of Guild and other staff members visit incoming students and their current teachers at their primary schools. Primary school assessment records are used to construct the Year 7 classes with an accurate academic. Early in July the Year 7 intake participate in a series of induction days in order to meet their Tutor group, their Tutor and their Head of Guild whilst experiencing learning in a variety of subjects.
Innovation: Take risks and be creative. Push yourself to try new ways of doing things and explore opportunities.
Resilience: Be happy to learn from your mistakes. Resilience is the having the power to learn from your mistakes and to overcome barriers.
Excellence: Learn from every opportunity. Be the very best learner that you can in order to empower yourself to excel.
Curriculum The curriculum is much more than just lessons. It includes the ethos, attitudes and relationships which create the high quality learning environment. Our aim is to provide a broad balanced and extensive curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of every young person and leaves them well prepared for their future. At Yate International Academy we organise the curriculum by teaching our students in seven week modules of work. Each module starts with an assessment of what each pupil already knows and where there are misconceptions. This information is used to inform the teacher’s planning and subsequent teaching. Marking is an active part of lessons, however, in the middle of a module teachers will evaluate each student’s progress and provide guidance for the remainder of the module. At the end of the module, each student will be assessed on the learning that has taken place in previous weeks. We will communicate this information to you in the form of a simple Progress Report. This will be repeated in all subjects and for all modules throughout the year. At the end of each year, all students will complete standardised tests which will be reported in a similar way.
The Secondary Curriculum The curriculum in Key Stage 3 is organised in ability bands. In core subjects students are set by ability and in practical subjects students normally work in mixed ability groups. This enables us to focus our teaching so we can support every child as a learner, challenging them to achieve at the highest level. Students are observed and assessed regularly to ensure the accuracy of their banding and progression through the bands is common. Year 7 and Year 8 focuses on giving every child the widest experience possible across the arts, languages, humanities and technical subjects whilst maintaining a strong focus on the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, RE and PE. This enables students to make an informed choice in Year 9, when they narrow their curriculum in preparation for their final option choices that will culminate in external exams at the end of Key Stage 4. In Key Stage 4 the curriculum for students in Year 10 and Year 11 is a mixture of both core and optional subjects and is structured to allow for maximum flexibility of choice. Most students will follow courses leading to 10 GCSEs although alternative vocational courses are available in. A booklet giving details of all courses is produced and an options evening is held in Year 9 to explain the guided choice process. Throughout their time with us our young people study a dynamic Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship programme. The course is targeted to the age and stage of the young people and supplemented by five focused days across the Academy year. The programme includes a breadth of areas of study from Sex and Relationships Education to International Politics and includes preparation for examinations and quality careers information for each young person. All elements combine to help students grow and become confident adults and future international citizens.
Care and Support Young people thrive in Yate International Academy because they are safe, happy and supported in their learning. The quality of relationships is second to none with staff committed and focussed on the well-being of every child and young adult. When you visit you will experience a positive and friendly environment where staff and students work well together. Every student belongs to a Guild. The five Guilds of Aquila, Griffin, Lion, Pegasus and Phoenix encourage a sense of pride and belonging, provide a framework for interAcademy competition and collaboration, and opportunities for positions of responsibility. All students belong to a Guild Tutor group appropriate to their age range. In this way, younger students have the support of older students with the aim being the shared responsibility for the welfare of all. Whilst each Guild has its own personal identity, they all endorse a set of core values that affect student aspiration: a sense of belonging; a sense of accomplishment; opportunities for fun and excitement; a spirit of adventure; curiosity and creativity; confidence to take action and opportunities for leadership and responsibility. Each Guild holds Guild events where our young people can work together across Tutor groups. Additionally each Guild also has a nominated charity and members of the Guild participate and organise events throughout the year in support of their chosen cause.
“Carrier of knowledge, carrier of aspiration”
“Loyalty and strength; fairness and determination”
“Truth, Strength and Pride”
“On wings with courage”
“To a valiant heart all things are possible”
Growth Mindset At Yate International Academy we are passionate about instilling all of our learning community with a growth mindset. With a growth mind set we believe that everyone’s most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and effort no matter what their starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for outstanding accomplishment and will ensure that all of us view challenges and failures as opportunities to improve our learning and skills. You will see growth mindset in and around the Academy in our displays, tutorial programme and in the classroom where perseverance is highly praised.
Rewards In Yate International Academy we have a range of rewards that our staff use to give positive feedback and reinforce Learning and our ‘INSPIRE’ values, of, Integrity, Nurture, Success, Pride, Innovation, Resilience and Excellence. Staff can provide Guild points for demonstration of each of the values which in turn are recorded, this leads to rewards for individuals and the winning Guild each module. Additionally, students will receive a score of 1-4 for each lesson they attend. This is a way of providing instant feedback to students and in turn will lead to rewarding the best learners in assemblies. We also use all forms of technology to celebrate academic achievement and personal success and will communicate with you by text or email to enable you to share in your child’s success.
Wider Opportunities Enriching the learning experiences of our young people beyond the classroom is integral to life at Yate International Academy. We have a rich tradition of after-Academy activities, sporting opportunities, educational trips, national and international visits and events. In every aspect of learning we provide wider opportunities for personal development designed to enthuse and inspire our young people and contribute to the overall character of a lively healthy Academy. Our students are encouraged through the Guild system and by their teachers to be active participants. These opportunities coupled with an inspirational and relevant academic curriculum build the skills and attributes necessary to become resilient and successful learners.
Behaviour We are proud of our effective behaviour system that is designed to ensure students get the maximum learning time possible throughout the Academy day. Yate International Academy use a warning system to allow our young people to correct their behaviour. If students are removed from the classroom they will be expected to attend a detention to make up for lost learning time. If these measures do not stop the negative behaviour, then students will be required to attend a leadership detention. Yate International Academy also has an Academic Reintegration Centre (ARC), this is to provide more specialist support for those individuals who find it more difficult to meet expectations.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Yate International Academy is an inclusive Academy that caters for a variety of needs. All children are regularly assessed and if a child is experiencing difficulties, parents will be informed. Sometimes we may initiate early intervention support, so that students are closely monitored and additional provision is provided for these children to make progress. Where action is necessary for the child to successfully access our Curriculum, this will be met through greater differentiation of tasks, a variety of materials, resources and support from additional adults. Practice in Yate International Academy is consistent with the Guidelines in the SEN Code of Practice in regards to Academy based intervention. Some children may need an Individual Educational Plan to help them meet the requirements of our curriculum. Support from external agencies may include; speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists and behaviour Support. In exceptional circumstances, the child’s needs may be met through an Education, Health and Care Plan. Yate International Academy (Primary and Secondary Phase) also boasts an outstanding Hearing Impaired Resource Bases (HIRB) for students with hearing difficulties. Students with hearing impairment are fully integrated into the life of the Academy yet can also receive 1:1 support and in class support. HIRB staff work closely with the mainstream teachers to allow support for those with hearing impairment and in order to provide every student the best opportunity to achieve.
Communication To ensure that communication is as immediate as possible we utilise all modern technologies and parents/carers are asked to provide an email address and mobile telephone number. Academy Twitter and Facebook accounts are used to signpost information that is available on the Academy website. We believe that it is important to teach our students about the acceptable use of social media and lead by example. You can follow us by accessing our profiles via our website. Our website is kept up to date with the latest news, houses a library of essential information and is used as a forum to celebrate the multi-faceted life of our Academies. Older students can find activities such as revision materials, subject guidance and other useful information to help them with their studies. From time to time, students will be given letters to take home regarding important information or forthcoming events. Occasionally letters to individual students or small groups are sent home as a hard copy by post, but all bulk communication will be by email or as a link to a letter posted on our website. Progress Reports will be sent home with your child after each module. Parent Consultation Meetings will follow receipt of the Progress Report. Emails and texts are used routinely to communicate Academy information or information about your child (such as absence, detentions, Academy closure, trip reminders). Our parent newsletters, known as YIA:Insight, are produced each term and highlights important news and achievements from the previous 6 weeks. You will receive a hardcopy of YIA:Insight and a text or email to let you know it has been posted on our website. If there are brief pieces of news, or reminders about forth coming events event we will email parents a ‘parent bulletin’. SLT Surgery: On the first Academy day back after every term an SLT surgery will take place. This is an informal opportunity to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and discuss any issues you may have. They are held in the reception areas of the Academy and will take place between 4pm and 7pm at the start of each term.
PARENT QUOTES “We are delighted by how positive and supportive the staff and Principal are. My child enjoys the Academy and wants to try things she wouldn’t normally try” Year 7 Parent
“Thank you for making my daughter feel comfortable and relaxed in her new Academy. She can’t wait to come to the Academy in the morning and has really enjoyed learning new subjects. The staff have all been wonderful.” Year 7 Parent
“Excellent Academy for my son. Highly recommended!” Year 7 Parent
“My son has received a lot of support and encouragement from all staff. Many thanks.” Year 9 Parent
“Very impressed with the improvements being made at the Academy.” Year 11 Parent
“I can’t thank the Academy enough for what they have done –it’s been amazing for my children.” Year 11 Parent
“My child is making such good progress – I can’t recommend the Academy enough!” Year 8 Parent
“The principal and senior leadership team in the secondary phase, who all took up their current posts in September 2015, have made a wide range of significant improvements to the Academy. Many of these are already showing evidence of impact, raising students’ achievement and improving their attendance and behaviour.” “Teaching is now typified by much higher expectations of what students can achieve, better use of assessment information in planning and teaching, higher levels of challenge and better feedback to students to help them improve their work.” “Good collaborative work between the primary and secondary phase is beginning to ensure more rapid progress in the early years of the secondary phase.” “Students’ behaviour around the Academy is much improved from that noted in the October 2015 inspection. During lessons changeovers, breaktime and lunchtime the Academy is calm and well ordered. The behaviour of the large number of secondary students in the dining room during a very wet day was impressive. Students are polite and a pleasure to talk to.” “The well-planned series of themes of the week and key questions for discussion in Tutor group sessions have improved students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and enabled them to discuss sensitive and controversial issues.” “Senior leaders have worked successfully to create an ethos and culture in the Academy where students want to do well, feel safe, are valued and take a pride in their community.”
Attendance We expect every young person to attend every day. If they are ill, then contact must be made with the Academy on the first day of absence. For procedural details please see the website. Holidays will not be authorised during term time and unauthorised absence may be subject to prosecution.
Educational Visits, Residential Trips and Overseas Adventures Educational visits can provide stimulus and support work being covered as part of the curriculum. ‘Real-life’ opportunities for our children and young people encourage a greater understanding of the world. Many of our young people have the opportunity to travel the world to enrich their academic experience and prepare them for their future as global citizens. For example, our teachers are very pro-active at organising international trips to further our young people’s linguistic abilities and immerse themselves in the culture in Spain and France. Our older students have also travelled to more deprived areas overseas, such as Uganda and Kenya to support schools and villages and put their talents to the test. During the last week of the academic week we have an activities week, this is an opportunity for students to be involved in a whole range of trips and activities and is always a hugely popular event.
Sex and Relationships Education Sex and Relationships Education is taught throughout the Academy. We believe that effective relationships and sex-education are essential if young people are to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their lives. Please see the website for full details of our policy and practice.
Pupil Premium Yate International Academy supports the progress and achievement of students eligible for Pupil Premium funding through a variety of strategies and interventions, including academic mentoring, individualised programmes and support for participation in additional enrichment activities. Further information is published on our website.
Facilities • State of the art £16m purpose built building • 60 seat Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) theatre • 240 seat Auditorium • Vocational centre with fully equipped hair and beauty salon, workshop and construction yard • All day dining facilities • Photography dark room and digital media suite • Art Multi-media facilities (including ceramics) • A fully resourced Discovery centre • Apple Mac suites • Music suite with sound-proofed practice rooms • Large IT infrastructure including tablets, IPads, IPods and desktops • Contemporary fitness suite • Large sports hall, dance studio, 3G pitch and 4 tennis courts • Stationery shop
The Academy Day Start time: 8.45am Tutor time: 8.45 - 9.00am Lesson 1: 9.00 - 10am Lesson 2: 10.00 - 11am Breaktime: 11.00 - 11.20am Lesson 3: 11.20 - 12.20pm Lesson 4: 12.20 - 1.20pm Lunch: 1.20 - 2.00pm Lesson 5: 2.00 - 3.00pm Lesson 6: 3.00 - 4.00pm (For identified students only)
Homework And Private Study Home Learning is the provision of appropriate tasks that support and extend the learning of all students, whatever their age or ability. It is an extension of work undertaken in lessons and therefore is expected to be of the same quality. It is important for all students to be able to work independently at home to further their own learning. At Yate International Academy we understand the impact of carefully planned Home Learning Activities as an important ‘weapon’ in our arsenal in maximising students’ learning opportunities. Up until our students begin their external examination courses, they are set regular English and Mathematics homework, and expected to read daily and learn spellings and multiplication facts. They will also be set a range of Homework and Independent Learning Tasks in a variety of subjects. Homework is designed to prepare students to better participate in the learning activities in the classroom; to consolidate or apply a skill learned in the classroom; or provide an opportunity to extend or enrich the learning experience. Independent Learning Tasks are given at the beginning of a module and submitted at the end of a module. They are designed to give students the opportunity to research at deeper level; explore different aspects of a subject being studied in the classroom; provide an outlet for students to express their learning in a variety of ways taking into account the needs of students with different learning preferences; and manage their workload over a period of time, whilst meeting a hard deadline. This will prepare students for the learning skills required as they progress through the education system and in preparation for work. Students who are studying for their examinations will receive homework in each of their examination subjects and may receive additional tasks to prepare them for their examinations or to address areas that require further study. In some subjects ‘online’ learning or revision is set in addition to set homework – eg. Revision through GCSE Bitesize; or the use of programs such as ‘MyMaths’. We expect parents, students and staff to work together to ensure that Home Learning is completed well and on time. For any student struggling to meet their homework deadlines, daily study support sessions and homework clubs are available to ensure no student falls behind in their learning.
Uniform Students in Yate International have a distinct uniform that is available to purchase locally, with branded items available at Initially Yours www.InitiallyYours.co.uk. Year 7 to 11 • Navy blazer with embroidered Academy logo • Navy V-neck jumper (optional) • White shirt with firm collar suitable for a tie • Y7-Y9 Guild ties/Academy tie with gold stripe and Academy logo • Grey trousers/Grey skirt (No lycra skirts/leggings allowed) • White socks/black/flesh coloured tights for girls/grey socks for boys • Black Academy shoes Dedicated sportswear is expected for all Physical Education and Dance lessons. • Navy and sky blue polo shirt • Navy shorts • Navy and sky blue sports socks • Navy and sky blue reversible rugby shirt/Hoody for girls • Navy track suit bottoms • Navy sports jacket (optional) • Navy dance leggings (dance lessons only) Specialist uniform • Navy Boiler Suit for Construction/Engineering • Navy Waterproofs for Construction • Burgundy salon overalls for Hair and Beauty • White chefs’ whites for GCSE Food Technology
Assessment, Support And Intervention All students are assessed on a modular basis. Results will demonstate whether a student is on course for their target grade. These results will be sent home after each module in the Progress Report. For some students, the regular assessment highlights additional difficulties or the need for specific on-going support or timed and targeted intervention. The SEND Code of Practice (Department for Education 2014) states ‘All children and young people should expect to receive an education that enables them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, and become confident, able to communicate their own views and ready to make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.’ This is at the heart of our approach at Yate International Academy. The key principles of the SEND Code of Practice are: • working with children, young people and their parents to participate in decision-making; • collaboration with partners in education, health and social care to provide support; • early identification of the needs of children and the focus on inclusive practices; • high quality provision to meet the needs of children with SEND. The majority of students within our Academies are able to reach the learning aims for their age. Students are identified as having Special Educational Needs when they do not make the expected progress given their age and individual circumstance, or where a learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision. Typically, children with SEN in our Academy have difficulties with speaking and language, delays in learning (particularly related to literacy and numeracy acquisition and application), social or emotional development, and sensory difficulties with sight or hearing. As a specialist centre for the Hearing Impaired, we provide individual and in-class support from trained teachers and teaching assistants, who are able to use sign language and support hearing impaired students in a mainstream environment.
Our class teachers closely monitor the progress made by all students and differentiate the learning tasks to meet the breadth of ability in each class. Group interventions are put in place for any children who need support in a particular area to meet nationally expected progress. Support could take place before the Academy day or during Period 6. If teachers are still concerned, they will ask for specialist advice from the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). The SENCO will advise class teachers how to plan activities to meet the learning needs of the individual. If the child or young person still does not make good progress, the SENCO and Class Teacher/Tutor and/or Head of Guild will meet with parents/carers and together agree what additional SEND support will be put in place, involving external agencies where necessary. The student is central in every part of this process, and is kept informed throughout to ensure their complete inclusion in decision making. The progress of all students is closely monitored throughout the Academy year. If students are identified as needing SEND support, specific outcomes are identified and given for a set number of weeks (usually 6-12). A baseline assessment is taken at the start of the intervention, ensuring progress can be measured when targets are reviewed. If a student makes better than expected progress during the invention, they will complete the programme earlier; similarly if they are struggling, adaptations will be made so the student is given the best chance of succeeding. For full details of the SEND provision and processes, please see the website.
Regular Progress Reports and Parent Consultation Evenings ensure parents are kept up to date about their children’s progress towards targets. Parents are welcome to contact the SENCO at any point throughout the year for updates, and some meetings may involve parents and the SENCO. Meetings with external agencies and other professionals may also take place when a child has an assessment undertaken by external specialists such as an Educational Psychologist (EP); Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS); Academy Nursing Team; Occupational Health Team and the Early Years SEN Referral Team. The Academy sites are specially equipped to support the needs of all children, including those with SEND. Some classrooms are equipped with sound fields to support children with hearing impairments; Yate International has been been purpose built for those in wheel chairs. Each classroom at Yate International Academy has adjustable desks for wheelchair users. Staff receive regular training and support in dealing with a range of medical issues they may encounter such as asthma, epilepsy and diabetes. Yate International has a strong pastoral care team, led by the Assistant Head with responsibility for Behaviour, Safety and Pastoral Care; supported by Pastoral Managers, Learning Mentors and the Learning Support teams. Daily assemblies, PSHE days and Guild activities also support the pastoral development of every student. For more details and our policies about Assessment, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and/or information about pastoral management arrangements please see the website.
Cotswold Edge Post 16 Provision Cotswold Edge is a new partnership between Yate International Academy, Chipping Sodbury and Brimsham Green Academies and was established in September 2015 to ensure there is high-quality sixth form provision in the Yate and surrounding area. Collaboratively we offer a wider curriculum, leading to vibrant and relevant opportunities for our students. Cotswold Edge offers a superb mix of academic and vocational qualifications, enabling students to select the courses which meet their needs and interests. In 2016/17 there are more than 50 subjects in a range of A Levels, Level 3 BTEC courses and Level 2 courses. Our sixth form students have access to some of the best facilities in the locality, first-rate teaching and learning and close working relationships with teachers and tutors who know their students well. Our aim is for all students to achieve, feel valued, be safe, happy and challenged during their time at the Cotswold Edge. Students’ study programmes are carefully planned to ensure that all learners are able to achieve their goals by obtaining qualifications that lead them to their desired pathway for additional study or employment. Each campus has a dedicated study area for independent and group work, together with an area in which sixth form students can socialise away from the other students in each Academy. Students are transported between the campuses at the beginning of the day, lunch time and after the Academy day. The Cotswold Edge day works in 2 blocks of learning, am and pm allowing easy movement between sites. Students also have enrichment time and follow a programme of study aimed at enhancing the student experience and preparing them for the wider world. Sixth form is an important step between the Academy and the wider world. Our collective sixth form provision ensures a truly personalised programme of support so that all young people can achieve their very best, in an environment where aspirations are high, levels of care, support and guidance are second to none and where excellence is the norm.
Post 16 Students who enter the Sixth Form as young adults within the Academy communities understand the importance of acting as role models. They are expected to set an example to the rest of the Academy community whilst enjoying the privilege of expressing themselves more individually. Ultimately, students enter the Sixth Form to work and contribute to the wider Academy community – their dress should reflect this. The underlying principle for the dress code is that students should dress smartly and appropriately for a working day at the academy.
Contact Details Email: office@trfyia.org.uk Website: www.trfyia.org.uk Telephone: 01454 333560 Facebook: www.facebook.com/yateinternationalacademy Twitter: www.twitter.com/trfyia Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/ridingsfederation
Postal Address Yate International Academy Sundridge Park Yate South Gloucestershire BS37 4DX
Applications to Yate International Academy should be made through the Local Authority for the area that you live and in line with their current process. For those living in South Gloucestershire, full details are available online: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions or through South Gloucestershire Council’s Children and Young People Information Service or 01454 868008
Empowering all to excel