New Student Handbook Academic year 2016-17
Empowering all to excel
Contents Welcome to Yate International Academy Page 3
Extra-curricular activities
Page 12
Our Vision Statement
Page 4
Page 13
Who’s Who
Page 5
Page 14
Our Guild System
Page 6
Break time and lunch time
Page 15
Tutor groups
Page 7
Medical room
Page 16
During Lessons
Page 8
Page 17
The timetable
Page 8
Bullying and Feeling Safe
Page 18
Attendance and Punctuality
Page 9
Page 19
Academy Uniform and Equipment
Page 10
Travelling to and from the Academy Page 19
Academy day
Page 12
Messages from Students
“Empowering all to excel”
Page 20
Welcome to Yate International Academy Dear Students We are delighted to welcome you to Yate International Academy, part of The Ridings’ Federation of Academies. You are joining an ambitious and lively academy which offers extensive academic and extra-curricular opportunities designed to shape and develop you as a future international citizen. You will find that being in secondary education is very different from primary school; however, we have worked very hard to make sure that you do not find the change difficult. Our Academy boasts magnificent facilities for academic learning, sporting prowess, creative and artistic expression and scientific discovery. The excitement of joining the Academy is not just about learning new things, but about making friends and creating memorable experiences. This handbook contains lots of useful information about what to expect at the Academy and you can find further details on our website www.trfyia.org.uk. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01454 333560 or office@trfyia.o.uk. We have no doubt that you will settle into life at Yate International Academy quickly and we look forward to welcoming you in September 2016.
Mr Paul Skipp Yate International Academy Principal
Mr Adam Williams Federation Chief Executive Principal
“You meet new people, make new friends and learn new things – and the teachers are really nice.” Year 7 student
Our vision statement Our new Federation vision statement ‘Empowering all to excel’ demonstrates our belief that everyone should have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We encourage a strong sense of community spirit and student support so that everyone can excel both academically and in their daily lives.
Our values - INSPIRE: The Academy’s core values help influence our aspirations, motivation and behaviour in order to provide an outstanding learning experience that enables all students to succeed.
These values have been distilled into seven key words:
Integrity Nurture Success Pride Innovation Resilience Excellence
“Empowering all to excel”
Who’s Who? In September you will get to know lots of new teachers’ at the Academy and a full staff list is available on www.trfyia.org.uk
Mr P. Skipp, Academy Principal
Mrs N Wilcox, Assistant Principal
Mrs C Ottoway, Assistant Principal
Mrs C James, Assistant Principal
Mrs P Lewis, Assistant Principal
Mrs H Van Dort, Assistant Principal
Mrs T Twinberrow Associate Assistant Principal
Mr J Maggs, Head of Lion Guild
Mr S Matthews, Head of Pegasus Guild
Mrs S Birkett, Head of Phoenix Guild
Mrs S Williams, Head of Aquila Guild
Mr P Bolster, Head of Griffin Guild
Mrs K Barber, Senco
Mr N Ball, Pastoral Support, Key Stage 3
Mrs L Reynolds, Pastoral Support, Key Stage 4
Our Guild System Every student, belongs to one of five Guilds at Yate International Academy. Each Guild is represented by a shield and a colour:
Phoenix (gold)
Pegasus (silver)
Lion (blue)
Griffin (red)
Aquila (green)
The Guilds encourage a sense of pride and belonging. Whilst each Guild has its own personal identity, they all endorse a set of core values that affect student aspiration. Each Guild organises and participates in fundraising events throughout the year to support their nominated charity. You will show your Guild by wearing an academy tie that has a coloured stripe – so if you are in Aquila, your tie will be striped in green; if you are in Phoenix, your tie will be striped in gold etc. Students will have the opportunity to be awarded Guild Points and each point that a student earns will contribute to the overall Guild Point Competition. You can be awarded a Guild Point for demonstrating any of the INSPIRE qualities listed on page 4.
“Empowering all to excel”
Tutor Groups While you can expect to see some familiar faces in your tutor group, there will also be students from different primary schools - this is a great chance to meet new people! The tutor groups are carefully put together to make sure we have a good combination of students; those who like sport, music, mathematics, reading etc. As members of a tutor group, you will register together, take part in activities, and form friendships. It is very important that you make every effort to get to know others in your tutor group and you should try to get on with everybody. All students must be registered each morning and the bell will ring to warn you when you must get to your tutor room. If you miss registration you must report to the Attendance Officer who will then sign you in, although please be aware that being late for registration will result in a 20 minute detention. Following your morning registration, you will then take subject lessons with subject-specific teachers. These classes will often be with students from other tutor groups so you get to expand your friendship beyond just one group! Your class tutor will get to know you very well and will find out from you and your teachers when you have done well or when there are issues. Your tutor should be the first person you go to if you need help. They can usually resolve your issues or will guide you to the person who can.
You will find out the name of your tutor on your Induction Day. My Guild is: The name of my tutor is: I am in tutor Group: The tutor room is:
During Lessons In learning situations there are four things you should do:
• Come prepared • Start quickly • Listen carefully • Behave respectfully When you arrive at the academy, take your coat off and make sure you are ready for your lessons. When the first bell sounds, put things in your locker and go straight to your tutor group room or assembly. During your lesson the teacher is in charge. In every lesson the teacher will tell you where to sit and will organise the class for any pair, group or practical work. Mobile phones and personal music players, including ear pieces or headphones, must be switched off and out of sight from the moment you enter the room. We promote healthy eating and encourage you keep yourself hydrated by drinking water in between lessons.
The Timetable We operate a two week timetable. Each week you will have 25 lessons. Unlike primary school, you will have different teachers for every subject and classes will take place in different rooms. Very soon after you arrive at the Academy you will get your timetable. This will tell you what subjects you are having on each day and what rooms to go to.
“Empowering all to excel”
Attendance What will happen if you are late to the academy?
If you are late without an approved reason you will be given a 20 minute detention (after school on the same day).
What happens if you miss lessons on purpose? This is called truanting and can get you and your parents into a lot of trouble. Our electronic registration system means that we know every lesson that you attend and every lesson that you miss. If you are not where you should be at any time of the day we will phone your parents, and if that does not enable us to find you quickly and we think you have left the site we will call the Police. If you truant you will be given a detention and/or time in the Academic Reintegration Centre (ARC) to make up the work missed; and you will be placed on Report. If you keep truanting then we will involve the Education Welfare Officer, Social Services or even the Police. Going missing is very upsetting for everyone and so please don’t do this!
Academy Uniform and Equipment The Academy expects students to conform to the dress rules in the interests of safeguarding, hygiene, health and safety, cost and maintaining high Academy standards. It gives you a sense of belonging, saves the bother of having to decide what to wear each day, and reduces peer pressure in having to wear different clothes every day. If you are unable to wear your uniform for a valid reason then you must bring a note of explanation, signed and dated by your parent/carers. Uniform is available from local branches of “Initially Yours” or at www.initiallyyours.co.uk
Secondary Secondary Phase Phase Uniform Uniform
Sports Sports PE kit PE kit
Sports t-shirt, sky blue navy with logo
Academy Tie – coloured stripe depending on Guild
Sports socks, navy with sky blue tops
Shirt/blouse, white (with a firm collar and top button suitable for wearing a tie)
Trainers, Football Boots and shinpads
Blazer, navy with Academy logo
Trousers, mid-grey Skirt for girls (mid-length A-line), mid-grey Tights for girls, black opaque or flesh-toned Socks, black or grey Shoes, black leather, low soles/heels
PE shorts, plain navy Swimwear navy/black
Waterproof Sports jacket, blue with logo Tracksuit bottoms, plain navy
Further information:
Bag, strong for carrying Academy equipment
Hair should be clean, tidy and without extremity of cut, colour or style.
Make-up should be discrete.
Navy V-neck sweater (with Academy logo) Cardigan (with Academy logo) Coat, plain navy or dark colour
PE Kit required:
Long sleeve Academy PE top, navy/sky blue with logo
“Empowering all to excel”
Jewellery is limited to a wristwatch and a pair of small discrete plain studs (one in each ear lobe). No other body piercing is permitted. A lack of co-operation concerning the above will be considered as a breach of Academy discipline.
Each day it is necessary for you to bring the correct equipment. Items required are: • Black or blue ballpoint pens • Pencils/Pencil Sharpener/Ruler/Rubber/Coloured pencils • Compass/Protractor/Calculator • Useful items: Reading book, English dictionary, English to Language dictionary
Mobile phones, personal music players, other personal computing devices While you are permitted to bring a mobile phone with you to the Academy, please be aware:
• Mobile phones and personal music players must be switched off and out of sight during all lessons, times and assemblies (unless requested by your teacher). • You must not use the video camera on your phone to film around the academy without permission. • You must not use your phone to send unpleasant messages or pictures as this would be considered bullying or aggressive behaviour.
Lost property
You need to make sure that all items are clearly labelled with your name and tutor group. If you lose an item you can see if it has been handed into the Academy Reception during break or lunchtime.
What will happen if you don’t bring the right equipment? You need to be independent and organised. Targets may be set for you to learn how to be more independent. There will be regular equipment checks and sanctions may be applied following a warning.
YIA Academy Day Registration
8.45 – 9.00
Period 1
9.00 – 10.00
Period 2
10.00 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.20
Period 3
11.20 – 12.20
Period 4
12.20 – 13.20
13.20 – 14.00
Period 5
14.00 – 15.00
Please refer to the Academy website for up to date term dates and INSET days
Extra-curricular activities
In your first few weeks you will be told about all the clubs and activities that take place. You will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of clubs at lunchtime and at the end of the Academy day. Most of these are free of charge. Joining some of these clubs will help you meet other people, make new friends and learn new skills which will open up new opportunities for you.
Will you be able to take part in team sports and games?
There are regular inter-Academy competitive activities such as Athletics, Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, and Football. You should always be prepared to have a go at these activities. You can have a lot of fun and who knows, you may find something you really like. You will find out about clubs from your tutor, student notices, TV screens around the Academy, the website, and other students and teachers.
“Empowering all to excel”
Communications for Students and Parent/carers Tutor groups
Each morning your tutor will read important notices during registration. These notices are very important and tell you what is happening around the Academy e.g. trips, foreign visits, Academy productions and events.
TV screens
There are TV screens around the Academy and these are updated regularly with news and events
We regularly keep our websites up to date with the latest news, essential information and copies of letters home for you. You can also access important links to the VLE (Virtual Learning Area), SIMS Learning Gateway and online payment system.
YIA:Insight parent newsletter
The Academy newsletter is produced once a term and tells you all about the exciting things that have been happening at the Academy. The newsletter can be accessed via our website.
From time to time you will be given letters to take home informing your parent/carers of forthcoming Academy functions in which you may be involved. It is important that you return all reply slips attached to these letters promptly.
Text and email
Emails or texts will be sent to your parent/ carers when essential information needs to be communicated quickly. This could be regarding absences, detentions, closures, or reminders about educational visits.
Social media
We use social media to post reminders, announce important information and provide daily updates about what is going on during the Academy day. We encourage students, parents and carers to follow any of the following pages: www.facebook.com/YateInternationalAcademy www.twitter.com/TRFYIA https://vimeo.com/ridingsfederation
SIMS Learning Gateway
With SIMS Learning Gateway, parents and carers can access real-time information on their child’s timetable, attendance, behaviour records and check all contact information is correct for future communications. A link to the SIMS Learning Gateway is available on the home page of www.trfyia.org.uk To request login details please email anthe.evans@trfwia.org.uk
All letters sent home are available on our website under the ‘Letters home’ Section.
Homework Your new teachers will know about the work you have done at primary school and will not be making it too hard for you.
How much homework will you get, and how often?
Homework is set as an extension to the work you have done in class and it will help you to work on your own and be independent. Your planner will be checked at regular intervals by your tutor and will also help your parent/carers to monitor your homework.
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
All students and their parent/carers can use our Virtual Learning Environment to find information about what they are studying and check the latest assigned homework. Teachers often use the VLE to give students access to learning materials. The VLE can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection using the VLE link on the website (www.trfyia.org.uk). Every student will be issued their own username and password during the first week – please don’t lose it!
“Empowering all to excel”
What will happen if you don’t do your homework?
If this happens you will be required to attend an additional lesson called Period 6 - Study Support. This is not an optional lesson, it is intended to give you an opportunity to undertake additional learning and complete outstanding homework. If you fail to attend Study Support, this will automatically escalate to a Leadership detention which is held on a Friday for one hour between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. If you keep not doing your homework or fail to complete homework in a number of subjects, your Head of Guild will be informed and will talk with your parents/ carers about why you are not completing your homework.
Break Time and Lunch Time You may eat in canteen area, or choose take away and eat in the designated areas. Please avoid eating in the classrooms, corridors or computer rooms. Breakfast is available from 8.00am in the canteen each day. At break-time and lunch-time hot and cold snacks are available, including fruit, biscuits, hot savouries and meals. We are able to cater for all dietary requirements and particular cultural dietary needs. (All meat served by our caterers is Halal). We do not sell crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks and we do not expect you to bring them into the academy as a snack or as part of a packed lunch. You can use our cashless system for purchasing food and drinks from the canteen. Your account can be topped-up using our online payment system (via our website) or alternatively you can pay in cash via the special onsite cash machines. We use a biometric system so instead of cash, you can pay with your fingerprint! The menus are available to view on our website.
Where can you go?
In good weather lots of you will want to use the field. Please be sensible and remember that you all have the same right to use this space. There is plenty of room for everyone and there is a separate area for Year 7 students only. Most classrooms are out of bounds during break and lunch-time, but please check with your tutor.
Free school meals:
You maybe entitled to claim a free school meal if your parent/carers receive the following: • Income support • Employment Support Allowance • Job Seekers Allowance • Child Tax Credit (unless Working Tax Credit is being claim and if annual income does not exceed £16,190) • Support under Part VI of Asylum and Immigration Act 1999 • The ‘Guaranteed element of Pension Credit Claims can be made via reception or by calling the Children & Young People Information Service on 01454 868008. Those that qualify are also entitled to some other benefits such as financial support with Academy Uniform, Curriculum visits and reward trips.
Medical Room In the Academy there is a Medical Room. Staff are qualified to deal with most minor accidents and sudden illnesses. If you feel unwell you must report to a teacher who will make arrangements for you to go to visit main reception during lesson time. No student should ring home directly if they are feeling ill; the Academy makes arrangements for students to be off site or sent home.
What should you do if you are unable to come to the academy?
If you are unwell and it is impossible for you to come to the academy, your parent or carer should contact us as soon as possible and follow the instructions on the answerphone message. Call 01454 333560
What should you do if you need to bring medicines into the academy?
Please collect a consent form from Student Reception for your parents to complete. Your medicines should be left with Student Reception. The only exception to this is if you have an inhaler for asthma. Please do not ask for paracetamol or other tablets – we are not allowed to give you these.
“Empowering all to excel”
Technology ICT Code of Conduct
Our Academy has excellent ICT facilities and software to help you with your learning. We have clear rules to make sure you use ICT equipment appropriately and safely. You will have discussed and signed to show you accept the conditions in the ICT Code of Conduct when you receive your log on details. We use very clever software to monitor your computer use so please follow the rules.
Are you allowed to play games on the Academy computers?
No. If you want to play computer games as a recreation then do so at home. The Academy computer network is there to support your learning. In lessons there will be work to do, and if you use a library computer at lunch time or after school to play games then you are preventing someone else from using that computer for school work.
What will happen if you send an unkind or rude email to someone? If you write rude or unkind words, either in an email or in any other document, even if you don’t send it, our security software will “see” it and take a screenshot. The screenshot tells us the date, time, room and which PC or laptop you were logged into. The Guild Director and your Head of Guild, will look at these screenshots and decide what further action needs to be taken.
Can you keep private things in your user area? No. Your user area is part of the academy computer network and is for your school work. From time to time your user area will be checked so do not assume that anything you keep there is private. Keep your work well organised, properly filed and labelled, and get into the habit of deleting what you no longer need.
If you get emails from someone you don’t know
Tell an adult straightaway. It may be harmless but we will be able to check these out and help you to stop them. Never give someone you don’t know personal details such as your name, phone number or address and never click on an unknown link
Can I get onto social networking sites when at the academy? No, these are not available to access at the Academy
People keep saying unkind things about you on Facebook or Twitter. What should you do?
Your first responsibility is to do all you can to protect yourself by “blocking” anyone who does this or even setting up a new account for yourself. Talk to your parents about what is happening and keep any evidence you have. Report abuse to your internet or mobile provider. Resist the temptation to send nasty messages back.
Bullying and feeling safe Bullying is the repeated and deliberate attempt by an individual or group to hurt, tease, threaten, frighten or exclude someone. Bullying can be physical, emotional, verbal or written. We believe that the following rights apply to all: • All students have the right to learn. • All teachers have the right to teach. Everyone has the right to: • Feel safe. • Be listened to and treated with respect. • Be treated fairly. • Be free from discrimination. As a student you have responsibilities: • To learn and allow others to learn. • To respect for others and their property. • To arrive on time. • To follow instructions straight away. • Not to be a bully. • To inform a member of staff about bullying.
The internet – an inspiring and positive place The internet is an amazing resource which can enable you to connect, communicate, be creative, and learn. However there are many risks too: Conduct: Its easy to feel anonymous online but your online activity forms a ‘digital footprint’ that can be accessed by anyone. Content: Some content is illegal or not suitable for children. Also a lot of information online is not necessarily true. Contact: It is important to realise some new friends made online may not be who they say they are. Commercialism: Keep your information private, learn how to block pop-ups, spam emails, turn off in-app purchasing.
Top tips:
• Always set up privacy settings on sites which hold personal information about you. • Protect your online reputation. Think before you post. Online content can last forever. • Never meet anyone that you have only had online contact with. • Accepting emails or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know can lead to problems such as viruses or nasty messages. • Seek help from your parent/carers and sites like www.saferinternet.org.uk. • Don’t give in to pressure. If you lose your inhibitions you’ve lost control. • Respect the law - know how to legally access music, film and TV. • Conduct research using various soutces to ensure information is correct and give credit when using other peoples ideas.
“Empowering all to excel”
Behaviour What happens if you misbehave in lesson? You will receive a warning (called Warning 1 or W1 for short). This is an opportunity to rectify your behaviour. Please make sure that you do as you are asked, when you are asked. If you do not rectify your behaviour, the teacher will record this electronically on a system called SIMS we call this W2. If your behaviour continues the class teacher may call a member of senior staff and issue a W3. This is called ‘On Call’. When ‘On Call’ comes to your classroom, you may be taken to the Duty Room. If you are taken to the Duty Room you will be expected to complete your class work. If you have more than one Duty Room visit in a day, then you will be supported via a period in the Academic Reintegration Centre (ARC). What is the Duty Room and the ARC? In the Duty Room, you will have the opportunity to catch up on classwork, reflect upon your behaviour and plan to prevent reoccurrence. The member of staff will help you with this process. The ARC (Academic Reintegration Centre) is an alternative provision for students who require additional help to follow the academy rules. Students attending the ARC begin the academy day at 8.00am and finish at 4.00pm and will miss normal break-time and lunch-time with their friends. Students who are successful in the ARC return to normal lessons as quickly as possible. Students who are unsuccessful may repeat days in the ARC, may be excluded for a fixed term and/ or may be sent to a similar provision at another school.
Travelling to and from Academy Some students will walk, cycle, get buses or lifts to and from the Academy. Please remember: • You are a representative of the Academy and the Federation • You must observe all road safety precautions – use the controlled crossings • Poor behaviour will be considered to be bringing the Academy into disrepute and dealt with seriously • If you ride your bike, please obey the rules of the road, wear a helmet and be safe. Please bring a lock to secure your bike. • You are expected to follow the uniform guidelines on your journey, which includes wearing your shirt, tie, blazer and skirt/ trousers properly. If you finish the day in your PE kit you may wear it home. • Once you arrive at the Academy you must stay on site. Students are not permitted to visit the local shops.
Messages from Students about their first time at the Academy... On my first day I thought the Academy was so big, but now I know my way around. Moving classrooms for each lesson is great. Art is great and fun too because you get to make clay models and amazing things. I also like music lessons as there is a choice of what instrument you can learn. It’s not as scary as people think. You will easily make a load of new friends who will help and support you. My favourite thing about being in Year 7 is that they encourage extra- curricular activities such as my best two subjects, Drama and Art. My best thing about the Academy is that I get to be independent. You meet new people, make new friends and learn new things – and the teachers are really nice.