Graduation Project Guide PartRiham Fakhouri


First AcademicSemesteryear2020-2021


Dr. Riham Fakhouri KnowledgeExperience/skills Accumulation Needed by the country and listed in its future development plans. THE PROCESS OF THE END PRODUCT IS COMPOSED OF Presentation DrawingsProgramCollectionData Jury Introduction The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase 2
Project It is recommended that the selected project is: Should address a real problem in the UAE in the area of architectural design, urban design and urban planning. WrittenReport The Graduation Project is considered to be the students' accumulation of knowledge and experiences throughout their undergraduate education in the department of architecture. Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Introduction The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase 2 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Dr. Riham Fakhouri Building Type Project

TheatreHotel As usual, students were puzzled with the assignment to search and select a project for their graduation. This is a common confusing stage that most architectural graduation project go through. At this stage students usually search for a “building type” such as hotel, resort, art center, cultural center, etc. The graduation project is not a:

Dr. Riham Fakhouri The project will be meaningful to the country, the society and the graduation project. SiteClient Program The graduation project requires the search for the three basic elements of a project: If the three elements are available: SiteClient Then the student can work on developing the program If only two are present; client and site The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri


If there is no client available Site Program
Then the assignment will be difficult: The student needs to look for a strategic or master plan that suggests a project or development areas.
Then the student can look for a site or several site options to compare between them and select the best site for the project
Dr. Riham Fakhouri
The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
If client and program are present Client Program
The student can start from a program (need) that he identifies from literature, readings and knowledge about the society. Or student identifies a site that has potential to serve the country and the society. In all the above cases, the student should not approach the project as building type project! The project needs a “VISION” . A vision of how it will serve the society and how it offers a new and different approach to solve problems, offer opportunities, or change existing conditions in the city and the society.
The student needs to develop his/her own strategy to generate a project
Usually some colleges encourage the students to imagine the client, analyze case studies to generate a program, and search for a site that suites the title and the program.
Dr. Riham Fakhouri
In worst cases the student cannot find a client or master plan that suggests a project
The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
This is challenginga Case

Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Graduation Project 1
One project is to be selected after consultations with the Graduation Project Committee to avoid repetition of projects. At the end of this stage the student is required to present the process of site selection and analysis, building type and regulations, program development and analysis, data and examples collection, and zoning design ideas in the form of a “dissertation” using a scientific report format. collects information, statistics, selects site, and develops the architectural program is required to select 3 project titles for discussion with the advisors illustrating the goals of selecting each project is course of 4 Hours. During Graduation Project 1, the student
Dr. Riham Fakhouri

a one-semester

a student should collect information, select the site, put the space program, and prepare the preliminary design ideas. This step is called: Schematic Design Process (Brainstorm) Vary depending on the nature of the project Schematic Design Requirements Building Design (building organization, size, orientation, image, growth, change). Interior Design (user needs, activities, sizes, relationships, conditions)….Sections Space identification and square meter allocation. Relationship matrices and diagrams. During Graduation Project 1, the student collects information, statistics, selects site, and develops the architectural program, as seen in the next slides Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Dr. Riham Fakhouri

The schematic design stage (process): is usually the first step in a design process that can be quite lengthy depending on the size and complexity of project. It can take months on (an Phase):
large projects. A graduation Project 1 is
Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Analysis of Case StudiesLiterature Review Select the Project Title To generate a programDesktop Study / Discussions “A vision” … solve a current socio-environmental problem, offer opportunities, or change existing conditions. Recommendations Objectives Decision is Taken Enormous amount of reading and analysis. Put a development plan. Select a Title, Focus. Search for information/ photos Visit municipalities and libraries for local case studies. Statistics – Data - Photos Literature survey in books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, and Websites. Examples similar to the selected project. Limit your scope, to execute the project in a short timeframe.Choose a topic you’re passionate about. Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Avoid repetition of projects. Concept/ Methods / Functions/ Construction / Sustainability Comparative Analysis between Case studies. Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Should include definition of functions, activities, utilities, areas, and volumes.
Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Is the research and design making process to gather, analyze, and document relevant information in order to put the base (areas, spaces, relations, requirements, needs….) for the project to launch.
Should respect local (UAE) and international standards
The suitable size of the project ranges from 20,000 m² to 30,000 m² of usable area.
Should achieve the best possible solution to the problem at hand.
Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Should be relevant to the needs of the owner and expected users
Dr. Riham Fakhouri Space programming requirements can be significantly different depending on the type and function of the project being constructed, there are 4 requirements to establish a space program: People ActivitiesEconomyFunctionFormTime PresentPastOperatingInitialEnvironmentSiteRelationshipsQualityBudgetCostsLifeCycleCostsFutureRequirements Quantitative Information Easy to analyze Qualitative Information Difficult because the data is a description from an owner or future occupant. These requirements contain both Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Dr. Riham Fakhouri Preparation of the Architectural Program 1st , 2nd …final spacesolutionprogram Calculate the required areas Relationships departments)(spaces, Read and analyze the requirements/(SOR) Work supervisorsowner/with The program is presented in the form of functions, areas, and relationships The SOR (Statement of Requirements) is a “rule book” that will contain key information about the functional program, such as room and department names, room areas, the function of each room, and the proximity between rooms. It is used only in big projects not in graduationproject Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Dr. Riham FakhouriSchematic Diagram also be known as a (conceptual design): During this phase, the high level design concept is created, which will implement the requirements of complex information. The design concept can be expressed as a functional diagram description, matrices, analysis and drawings, sketches, ideas, mood boards…..etc. DesignPreliminaryStage 1 Types of diagrams and matrices Shows the relationship of activities within an organization Schematic Diagram for Hotel Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Relationship/ Adjacency / Bubble Diagram The diagram tells you about the spaces of the building, their functions, relationships, and the circulation patterns. Drawn based on major zones of the building and the appropriate location of departments and rooms Bubble diagram for a recreational building Bubble diagram for a Collaborative office Types of diagrams and matrices 2 Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Bubble diagram for a College Bubble diagram in urban context Types of diagrams and matrices Relationship/ Adjacency / Bubble Diagram 2 Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Relationship Matrices/ Adjacency Matrix 3 shows how various spaces relate. (Acode to show the nature of the relationship between the spaces). Adjacency matrix for Florida Bank Adjacency matrix for a villa Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Adjacency matrix for a university Relationship Matrices/ Adjacency Matrix 3 shows how various spaces relate. (Acode to show the nature of the relationship between the spaces). Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Adjacency matrix and diagram for a Hotel Relationship Matrices/ Adjacency Matrix 3 shows how various spaces relate. (Acode to show the nature of the relationship between the spaces). Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

It shows the appropriate size for each space in rectangular figures. Effective in showing the comparative size of spaces. Block/ing Diagram 2D/3D 4 Block Diagram forAStudent Centre (2D, 3D) Block Diagram for buildings (exhibitions, galleries, digital libraries, ecology gardens) Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Block Diagram for a schoolBlock Diagram for art canter 4 Types of diagrams and matrices Block/ing Diagram 2D/3D Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Block Diagram for a tower 4 Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Block/ing Diagram 2D/3D Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Block Diagram for an educational center 3D (Section & Perspective) 4 Types of diagrams and matrices Block/ing Diagram 2D/3D Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Example: Hospital In Vancouver Various programmatic elements for a hospital and the relationship with others. there are three different levels of importance indicated by tones Types of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Designer’s meeting to deliberate space programming during early stages of design Bubble and block diagram drawn for space programming Example: Hospital In VancouverTypes of diagrams and matrices Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Attempt Number Pros & ListConsPros Cons&List A4 PagesfromSOR Space program compliance validation attempt by project team NumberAttemptPros & Cons List PagesA4fromSOR Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Final space program by the project team A4 PagesfromSOR Pros Cons&List Attempt Number Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Dr. Riham Fakhouri selectionSite 1 2 3 What would you do if you have more than 1 site? Site Visits EvaluationConsultation Comparing 4 select the most appropriate site 1 2 Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

1 SiteClimateand surroundings108723456911 Neighborhood context Zoning and size CirculationNaturalphysical features Man made features UtilitiesSensory Human and cultural Legal information TheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design IdeasThen you do site analysis based on these criteria Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Dr. Riham Fakhouri Preparation of Preliminary Project At the end of the Preliminary Design Process: A student is required to present a dissertation including the following items: Theoretical Background and literature review: brief definition(s), historical background, and objectives. The analysis of several case studies Programmatic Thinking Approach: The architectural program, diagrams, statistics, functional and spatial studies. Site Selection: criteria, analysis and conclusion ConceptualApproach and Design: design concept, ideas and conclusion Collect Information Select The SiteTheArchitectural Program The Preliminary Design Ideas Phase 1 Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Phase 1 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

The course covers the development of the schematic concept formulated during Graduation Project I, the development of design preliminary drawings in accordance with the architectural design program formulated in Graduation Project I.

Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Phase 1 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
Dr. Riham Fakhouri develops his preliminary design ideas into a full architectural project including architectural drawings, models, and final report. is required to present to a jury committee a final architectural project that reflects the skills and expertise throughout undergraduate education. Project 2 is a one-semester course of 4 Credit Hours. During Graduation Project 2, the student Graduation Project (2) is a Design Development Process
Dr. Riham Fakhouri A Comprehensive Design Complete architectural drawings (studies, layout, plans, elevations, sections, perspectives, computer animations, etc.) using CAAD applications Model of the final project. The Requirements for the projectfinal Athesis : Final report describing all the above design process. The Evaluation is based on criteriathese Design General Aspects: Program analysis and Site fitting Design Functionality: Space utilization and Circulation Design Form and Expression: Compositional and spatial aspects Technical Considerations: Environmental respectability and Structural Presentationstability: Graphical and oral presentations of the project, models and written report Phase Introduction2 The Basic Elements Phase 1 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Graduation Project Guide Dr.
Dr. Riham Fakhouri
General Advices for choosing the graduation project title:
Finally, search in all kinds of diagrams (bubble, matrices…etc.) for ideas and programs. And check in websites like Pinterest and ISSUU (projects, portfolios, books,…etc.).
Choose a site that can add a lot of value to the area and therefore an identity to the city.Think of an intervention into an existing old building and what a remodel could look like. Consider what should be preserved and what can be demolished or revealed about the building and its site Find a place with social, cultural and environmental challenges and propose a redesign. It is usually encouraged for the project topic to be something you are deeply interested in as it is a culmination of all your architecture school experience. So, list all the projects that you have done so far and note for your self what was the most interesting part of each project… That might help you come up with a new topic. Riham
Phase 1 Phase 2
Introduction The Basic Elements

Introduction The Basic Elements Phase 1 Phase 2 Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri

Dr. Riham Fakhouri IV Tarasova 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 463 042046, (Critical Thinking for Architects), 10.1088/1757-899X/463/4/042046. https
Graduation Project Guide Dr. Riham Fakhouri
3 654
References 1 2

Ajman University, Course Description, Graduation Project Course Dr. Yasser Mahgoub, (A vision for architectural graduation project), 2014 Helina Merkeb Gebru, (Space programming requirements representation, analysis and visualization at a large scale architectural firm), AddisAbaba University, 2016


Graduation Project Guide PartRiham Fakhouri
First AcademicSemesteryear2020-2021