Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
Target Audience
With online streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Apple TV and many more becoming a part of common entertainment platforms, foreign cinema is something which has been receiving increasing popularity within western culture over the past decades. With the growth of social media over the past few years, foreign films have managed to reach out to a wider range of audience than before, evidence of this would be numerous international film festivals across the UK celebrating foreign cinema. As a result of this remakes of popular foreign films in western cinema have also risen in the past 10 years.
The target audience for this exhibition will mainly be film enthusiasts aged 17+, with consideration to the fact that it was held at Leeds College of Art, the students & staff along with other creatives and printmakers are also included in the target audience.
To design and curate an interactive exhibition of alternate film artwork with a focus on foreign films which have been remade within western cinema. The posters/ artwork will not contain anything obvious as to what film they are depicting, in terms of names of cast, title of the film or imagery. The interactive element of the exhibition will be in the form of a blind questionnaire/ballot as all of the artwork will only be labelled with a number as opposed to a description. This brief is a collaboration with Bobby Jones & Tristan Currie. 3 x artwork to be exhibited Promotional materials for exhibition Basic Branding of the event
Extended Practice Submission
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
1 - Bradford Trip
For this brief there were numerous elements that required research, ranging from existing film artwork, exhibition design, exhibition curation, branding and event design. In addition to this contextual research into foreign cinema as a genre, information on the films that were to be used in the exhibition piece and film festivals across the UK was also looked into.
2 - Film Festivals
A research trip to Bradford was arranged in order to visit the National Media Museum. The trip was intended to aid us in gaining a clearer idea of how film and cinema related exhibitions and museums are curated. In addition to this, the trip was to research what else could be included in the exhibition aside from the artworks. The trip provided a great insight into this, highlighted in the image above.
3 - Foreign Cinema & Film Remakes
Extended Practice Submission
With foreign cinema gaining increasing interest within western entertainment platforms, film festivals have also been attracting more interest across the UK especially those focusing on foreign cinema or a specific genre of film. Looking into these film festivals further informed us on the foreign films which we were to choose for the artworks.
Some basic research into foreign cinema as a genre itself was crucial along with research into the most popular foreign films which have been remade within Hollywood and other popular film cultures. The films we chose needed to be fairly well known, both the remakes and the originals especially because we had agreed to include a interactive and trivial side to the exhibition.
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
4 - Exhibition Branding
Having to manage all elements of the exhibition, some research into existing exhibition branding was crucial. Looking at the branding for numerous film and design festivals helped us gain an idea of the type of design and aesthetic we wanted for Aspect.
6 - Existing Flim Artwork
With there already being a lot of existing film posters and artwork out there we had to make sure that what we were going to be designing was different and unique to Aspect. Through using websites like it was fairly easy to get an idea of the trends and styles that were occurring within the designs for alternate film artwork.
5 - Image Stylizing
Due to the decision to design the artwork to have a level of anonymity, the stylizing and design decisions for the actual artwork was something that we made sure we researched into.
7 - Perspective & Projected Imagery
After the trip to Bradford we had all agreed to include a projection based installation as part of the exhibition pieces which was to be separate from the artworks. This was when we came to the idea of using projection mapping. Majority of the examples that were found online of projection based installations were either simple block colours or text mapped onto odd shapes or parts of walls which were mapped to be in the correct perspective. We aimed to use the mapping for something which was tailored especially for Aspect.
This was an important part of the design process and development as all of the artwork would need to look uniform and consistent but would also need to work as individual exhibition pieces.
Extended Practice Submission
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
8 - Concept & Logo Development
The concept behind Aspect was an interactive alternate film artwork exhibition where the artwork was focused on showcasing how different cultures perceive and view everyday life and scenarios and how these scenarios have been portrayed through film. The interactive aspect was introduced at an early stage of the brief and was mainly to give Aspect an edge over the usual exhibition atmosphere. The use of ballot sheets and untitled and anonymous artwork also implemented a good point of trivia and conversation for the exhibition viewers. A few variants of logos were tried, all trying to depict the idea of different perspectives and points of view, in addition to incorporating the aspect ratio which most modern cinematic films have been shot in - 2.39:1.
9 - Development & Variations
Extended Practice Submission
The idea of using the film aspect ratio (2.39:1) for the artwork came after choosing the name for the exhibition. The name also tied in well with how we had been planning to design the artwork, composed of film stills of the both the originals and remakes of the foreign films. With the main body of the artworks to be composed of film stills from the two films, many different methods of distorting and incorporating both of the films still images into one artwork had been tried. In the end a half-tone effect was chosen to be used throughout all of the artwork as it was a versatile method of keeping detail and distorting the image to add a level of anonymity.
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
10 - Final Logo Solutions
The final logo designs were initially done by Bobby, which we all sat down and made slight changes to. The final logo was chosen as the subtle flipping of the last letter ‘T” further emphasises the idea of showcasing different perspectives and points of view, along with the addition of the bounding box which further pushes the use of the cinematic film aspect ratio (2.39:1).
11 - Promotional Materials
Once we had established a set method of how we were going to be stylizing the artworks we made sure that this ran through the promotional materials as well to ensure that everything looked consistent. The half-tone effect worked well with the promotional materials and enabled us to have a set colour palette.
12 - Light-boxes
Extended Practice Submission
The use of light-boxes as the method of exhibiting the artwork was one of the main things that made Aspect stand out against other exhibitions, not only because it how was we were exhibiting the artwork but also because we had designed and produced the light-boxes ourselves. This was one of the most important parts of the brief as it was during the production stage of the light-boxes when we found out what was actually achievable for the exhibition installations, this was also something which determined how the exhibition was to be curated.
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
13 - Projection Mapping
The projection mapping installation was something which was considered after the research trip to the National Media Museum in Bradford. This was one of the most intricate installations in the exhibition and was surprisingly one of the most time consuming to get right. This was due to making sure that the projection maintained the correct aspect ratio when played through the media device that was provided, as the actually mapping of the video was done through various pieces of software such as Adobe After-effects, Media Encoder and Mad Mapper.
14 - Installation & Curation
Extended Practice Submission
The installation and curation of the exhibition pieces was another fundamental part of the exhibition. We ran into many difficulties with some of the original ideas we had for how we wanted the artworks to be exhibited. With the help of the technicians in the workshops, mainly Roger Berry, we ended up finding a way around the issues. Which were mainly due to what we could do within the building regulations. The method which we used to mount the artworks further emphasised the cinematic and theatrical focus of the exhibition.
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
Extended Practice Submission
15 - Final Artworks
These were the final chosen artworks that were exhibited in Aspect. I had chosen a paper effect for all of the artworks along with the half-toning of the images as I thought it was a good was for me to express the chosen films tone of voice and was a good method of incorporating both films into one artwork.
16 - Exhibition Photos
The exhibition opening night, went a lot smoother than we had anticipated with a great turn out and the general tone of the conversation being on the topic of the films. We were pleased with the reaction that we achieved especially the fact that many people commented on the level of professionalism the exhibition had as a whole.
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
16 - Exhibition Photos
The exhibition opening night, went a lot smoother than we had anticipated with a great turn out and the general tone of the conversation being on the topic of the films. We were pleased with the reaction that we achieved especially the fact that many people commented on the level of professionalism the exhibition had as a whole.
Extended Practice Submission
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
16 - Exhibition Photos
The exhibition opening night, went a lot smoother than we had anticipated with a great turn out and the general tone of the conversation being on the topic of the films. We were pleased with the reaction that we achieved especially the fact that many people commented on the level of professionalism the exhibition had as a whole.
Extended Practice Submission
Brief #01 — Aspect
Rinesh Mistry
17 - Ballot Answers
We had received a good number of completed ballot answers and it was good to see how many people interacted with the exhibition, along with how many people actually knew what the films were and what people thought they were in terms of the wrong answers given.
Extended Practice Submission