Brief #12 — Aspect Poster Brief
Rinesh Mistry
Extended Practice Submission
These poster will be following on from Aspect; an exhibition that was based around popular foreign films and their remakes within western cinema.
To design and produce a set of poster prints that will be showcasing the responses collected from the exhibition ballot, information on the films used within and about the exhibition itself in addition to featuring a print related to the exhibition.
Target Audience
Target audience for this brief will be Film enthusiasts, Leeds College of Art Students & Staff, Other Creatives and Printmakers.
1 x Poster Design and Prints
Brief #12 — Aspect Poster Brief
Rinesh Mistry
1 - Research
As the content for the poster will be data and information on the films and the ballot answers from the exhibition, the main body of research that needed to be undertaken was mainly visual research into print design and poster prints. Some research into info-graphics and iconography and how they have been used on posters before was also something I looked into.
Extended Practice Submission
Brief #12 — Aspect Poster Brief
Rinesh Mistry
Extended Practice Submission
7 Sa
mu 七人 rai の侍 1954
1960 nific ent S
Goji ra ゴジ ラ 1954
Yoji mbo 用心 棒 1960
1998 God zilla
1964 A Fis tful of D
n Yo Abre ur Eyes los O jos 1997
2001 Van illa S
L & RE
Rin gu リン グ 1998 MA
Mem M T IM
2002 The Rin g
ento 2000
2008 gjni Gha jini
Ju –
On 呪怨 2001
rna l Aff airs 無間 道 2001
2004 Gru d
ge The
Old boy 올드 보이 2003
2006 Dep arte d
2013 Old boy
15 11
The Last Sam 2003 u
Answ ered inco for 7 rrectl Sam y urai.
The Goo d, th and e Ba th d 1966 e Ugly.
12 EP
Answ ered in for A Fistf correctly ul of Dolla rs
I had aimed to design simple icons for each film as I had planned to have a timeline of all of the films which had been used in Aspect. Each of the icons each started out as simple illustrations of icon items from each of the films. I refined the icons once I had designed them digitally.
Figh t 7 Sa 1999 Club m Cou urai / 七 ntry 人の 侍 of O rigin Answ INF er : Jap A poo OR for M ed incorr an r vil MA Year TIO emen la ectly help : 195 N O to. them ge under N F 4 Dire Ince atta ILM defen ctor ptio ck by S U d th s: Ak n SE emse 2010 band D ir a lv its re Kuro es. Goji cruit sawa ra / s seve ゴジ Cou n A ラ unem nsw ntry ered ploye of O inco for T d sa rigin rr he D mura Amer : Jap epart ectly i to an ed. Year unst ican nucl op : 195 God pable, ear wea 4 Dire Mag pons zilla dinos c to n . testin rs: Is aurifice like Cou nt S hirô beast g result ntry even Hon Yoji s . Th da of O mbo e orig in the cr rigin / 用心 ea inal Cou An op : US ntry 棒 film tion of a A press adap of O Year se d efen tation eming rigin : 196 d th ed Mexic ly ei A cr : Jap 0 Dire of th an p r hom afty a e easa ctor n st es ro or Year play . nt vil s: J y of : 196 them nin com ohn la g e ass 0 Sturg Dire again es to God em a tow es ctor st ea b zilla les se s: Ak n ch ot ven Cou ira K her to divided gunfi ntry urosa by tw Ope free ghte o f o crim wa n Yo the to Orig rs to ur E in wn. in help Cou A : US al ga n en yes / ntry A ngs Ab of O Year This ormous, and rigin re los O : 199 decid was ra jos A ve the fi dioact : Sp 8 es to Dire ain ively ry h rs c t to andso Holly Year rs: need m Rola wood utated s to : 199 have me man nd E liza 7 rema Dire A Fis mmer fin his fa ctor ke of rd runs tful ich ce re ds the lo s: Ale the J ra of D Cou buil jand apan mpant olla ntry t by ve of his ro A in M es Rin r su e o s li men story f Or rger anha gu / ábar y aft fe, but h igin of リン Cou G er it e A wa : US ojira ttan. グ ntry is se suffers A n / d G er odzi of O vere Year torn ing g lla. ly dis an accid rigin a : 196 figure ent a whic part by unfighte Am : Jap 4 Dire nd ys g r h wa d. an ctor Year myste terious s ba reed, pri plays tw s: Ser sed on video de, : 199 o ri ry. gio L 8 kills Dire the st and reve val fam eo V n a whoe e ctor nilla ilies ory fr n s: H ver v aga om th ge. One Sky Cou ideo iews e orig of the inst each ntry Nak it, u Mem m ata inal of O ot nless ento Japa ost iconic her in rigin that Cou nese A se : US weste a town view ntry lf fi A er -i lm can , Yoj rn film of O Year upen ndulgen solve imbo. s rigin : 200 d its orig ed after t and va Am : US 1 Dire inal a A ctor span a vehicu in publi Year for th n create s: Ca sh is s la : h film ing m 2000 r acc meron obst e murder a strang Dire id , a T O g en C acle. e n he R er of pen rowe ctor sy Your t with a ate find ing his w stem to s: Ch sh Cou re Eyes ife w ristop h ntry starr sentful lo is privil ithou elp him her N Ju – of O eged ing th re t his ve olan On / rigin life shor member e sam r. Based 呪怨 Cou A jou : US t-term thin on e ntry le A the rn a gs; ding mem Year of O the d alist m fema ory lo so he ca rigin : 200 eath u le. n hu Am ss bei Koji 2 of an st invest : Jap Dire ysteri n S t ng a yone ig an ctor uzuk the h ou n Year s: G in a ate a m i. ouse s and ve ore V : 200 ys week in w erbin 2 Dire of vie terious v hich ngeful sp Gha ski ideo ctor wing it re jini ir ta s: it it. B p sides Taka mark / gjn Cou ased e which . i shi S s an ntry Infe on th se d pu him of O rna e 19 ems to ca rsues izu rigin lA 91 n Cou anyb use A sh : Ind ovel ntry ffairs / ody or ia Ring 無 of O who Year his b t-term u by rigin 間道 dare : 200 eloved mem s ente : Ch or a 8 D n y g d ir in lo irl. B r south ecto a A stor Year ased ss patien r s: a y bet sa A.R. : 200 on th in fi t sets ween Thei 2 M lm D e on u ir st r obje ruga of th a The ecto e sam ories from his journ doss ctives mole in rs: Gru Waidge e na the Cou are th Keun me fr Hollyw ey to ave ntry e sam police d oo Old ng g La om 2 Alan of O epart bo e: to u, 005. d film M e the dea rigin Mak men find Cou y / 올드보 emen th of A : t ou U a n ntry n S Am t wh to (2 이 d an A o is 000) of O Year super erican the m underco rigin n : 200 ver co ole, After : Kor their natural urse liv 4 Dire and ing a curs p. ea life a ctor who Year e, only being kid n n s: d on d sp is th Taka to fin : 200 n read e that lo working e cop shi S 3 d th apped a Dire ing to The in ck . at h him ctor Dep anot s a perso Tokyo is e mu nd imp izu s: Ch arte her v ri st fin Cou an-w d ictim n in a p exposed ntry d his soned fo ook ower to . of O capto r 15 ye Park fu r l rag a myste igin r in a ri e bef An u 5 da rs, Oh D : US ore cl ous ys. A nder ae-S Year co aimin u is whil : 200 relea e infi ver cop a g 6 sed, Dire lt nd a &A ctor lan M rating a mole s: n in th Mart ak’s Irish e pol 2002 in g a Scors ng in ic Old Japa ese boy South e attemp nese t to id crim Cou Bosto e thri entify ntry n. In ller of O each - Infe spired b rigin other y Wa rnal : US Obse i-Keu Affa A ssed irs. ng L Y e w ar: 2 and au 0 locked ith veng 1 3 Dire eance on th into ctor , a e 20 so s: Sp ma litary 03 K ike L confi n sets ou orea ee n film nem t to fi en nd ou , this t t wh Holly for twen y he ty wood was rema years wit kidn hout ke d id n reaso apped ot do as su n. Based ccessf ully.
2 - Icon Designs
3 - Final Poster Design
As I was going to be screen-printing the poster I made sure that design was not too intricate. In addition to this the layout of the poster needed to be fairly simple in order for it look balance as the main body of content was written information and an image about each of the films. The posters are double sided with a CMYK Image from one of film stills which we used in the exhibition on the back of the info-graphic side. This image had to be split into separate channels and bit-mapped in order for me to screen print it.
Brief #12 — Aspect Poster Brief
Rinesh Mistry
4 - First Prints
Extended Practice Submission
The first set of prints that I had done did not line up as well as I had hoped, but this was simply a matter of practising. I was overall fairly happy with how the posters turned out as I did not think that some of the text and finer image detail would have came through as well as it did on the info-graphics and information.
5 - Final Prints
After having printed a couple the first time round, I gave it another shot and spent a few hours aiming to get some better prints. This final batch of prints turned out much better, this was probably due to the stock that I chose to print on this time in combination with having been out of practice the first time I printed them. The tutors in the print-room were very helpful and even set up the mechanical arm on the printing bed for me to use due to the size of screens I was using. All of the prints are double-sided A2 and are on a mixture of smooth card and heavy watercolour paper.