2011 Rotary International Convention

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Join me at the 2011

Rotary International Convention May 21-25, 2011 New Orleans The International Convention is in the USA this Rotary year, in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the perfect time to not only get in touch with the real workings of your international organization, but also to connect with other Rotarians from your club, district and around Arizona. You will see first hand the workings of Rotary right here in the USA and be able to speak with those affected by Katrina and helped by Rotary. Spend time on Bourbon Street with friends from other countries. Talk with the Rotary Leadership of today or remember the good ol’ days with those who you have worked with in the past. Put your ideas forward with other like-minded Rotarians whose focus is on the Rotary of tomorrow. The convention is the forum for all this and more. You will be entertained as only New Orleans can do it. You will be thrilled by the work your Foundation has accomplished. You will be motivated by the power of the speakers. And you will cry over the work that needs to be done. I will be there as will your Governor and Governor Elect. I will lift a glass with you over our successes and join you at the dinners. We will plan for the future. All of this for the price of admission, which is minimal to say the least. To register, simply access The Rotary International website and follow the cues. You can reserve your hotel, download club brochures, check the schedule and even purchase host tickets. And yes… they do take your credit cards. If you would like to schedule a club speaker, just contact me and I’ll schedule your club. For you President Elects look for me at PETS. I’ll be the one leading the Dixie Land Band.

This is the party you can’t say no to…. New Orleans May 21-25, 2011. Where would you rather be? PDG Ben C. Eubank Beubank@arizonasurgical.com

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