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April 16 2015

Behold, A Child Is Born… …And Her Name Is Eva!

Tempe Rio Salado Meeting Minutes April 16, 2015 ATTENDANCE Members: Geoff Pashkowski, Ben Eubank, Kent Hendricks, Patrick de Haan, Karen Ingersoll, Sylvia Herrera Guest: Baby Eva 7:00 AM: Meeting called to order by President-elect, Geoff Pashkowski  Invocation: Ben Eubank  Pledge of Allegiance: Kent Hendricks  Four-way Test: Ben, Kent, Karen, Pat

DISCUSSION 1. Pat shared a story of a Rambo-themed bachelor party. (Yes, someone really did that.) 2. Geoff presented Pat with a monopod (selfie-stick). Now Pat can be in the group photos! 3. Kent announced that we are all cordially invited to the Laird School ground breaking ceremony on Friday from 3:00 – 6:00 PM, April 23rd - Spring Fling. Kent donated a time capsule on behalf o f the club.  4. A bit of business ~ We talked about Rio TV, and the concept. More on that in future meetings. 5. Must recognize our special visitors, baby Eva brought Sylvia Herrera to the meeting this morning! To have such honored guests made this meeting one of the best. Sylvia’s baby is beautiful and sweet as can be. And, it didn’t hurt that this secretary got in some serious baby-snuggle time! And, to top it off, little Eva, got her first photo with Santa (and helpers)! HAPPY $$ 

Kent looking forward to the Laird School celebration next Friday.

Geoff is just happy to be here.

And… that's all we had time for! Plus all anybody really cared about this week was ooh-ing and ahh-ing over that baby!

Make it a great week everyone!

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