April 2, 2015
The Santa Claus Rotary Club
Tempe Rio Salado Meeting Minutes April 2, 2015 ATTENDANCE Members: Larry Horton, Ben Eubank, Patrick de Haan, Geoff Pashkowski, Corey Bruggeman, Kent Hendricks, Karen Ingersoll. Linda Ingersoll, Sibil Ingersoll, and Diana Ingersoll. (Ding – Ding) 7:00 AM: Meeting called to order by President Larry. Invocation: Ben Eubank Pledge of Allegiance: Corey Bruggeman Four-way Test: Kent Hendricks, Larry Horton (Nicely done, gentlemen!)
DISCUSSION 1) Inquiring minds want to know! Why did Corey bring in a Victoria’s Secret bag? Apparently, while in Tucson a couple of weeks ago, he and Patti found something they just had to get for Ben. And this, is where a picture is worth a thousand words! 2) CXR is planning their Rocky Point trip for the end of April. 3) Ben: “Could I buy some urine?” Said question kicked off a long discussion on that very subject. Sigh… how to digress in a Rotary meeting… 4) District meeting is the end of May. Larry will be attending.
Kent has been learning two-step and salsa dancing! Laird School will be having its 50-year celebration, and then it will be torn down to make way for a new Laird School. Geoff is happy, has some hockey friends coming in to town. Sad $, no air conditioning in his car. : ( Karen is happy that her move from Snowflake is almost over. Happy that Steve is ok after a toxic encounter with a Super Sharpie. Pat happy that the studio he's building in the house is coming along really well. We're all looking forward to an episode of Pat's World. Rock on! Ben - while on the 'boys hunting trip' they stopped at huge fire cracker stand and picked up some fart-bombs. (Yes, apparently there really is such a thing.) His grandson, Titus, set off the bombs in his dad and uncle's rooms. The two of them are now planning revenge! Corey recently serviced the home of a sports celebrity who has to fly out for a game on Easter. His wife is not happy about that. She doesn't like that sports are played on holidays. Corey made a confession… can't report on it though, because it's a secret. Has a sad $ that this season of Walking Dead is coming to an end.
Until next time….
1) Butter is slippery! 2) The buttered side of the toast is top-heavy! 3) Ben is a klutz!
Corey presented Ben with a Victoria’s Secret bag containing a surprise present. No, it wasn’t another set of pink-fur handcuffs, but almost as good. It was a huge foam cowboy hat!
After the meeting, Ben was seen driving south down Scottsdale Road with his hat flapping in the breeze!