Rio squawk 07 02 15 final

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July 2, 2015

The Santa Claus Rotary Club

Tempe Rio Salado Meeting Minutes ~ July 2, 2015 ATTENDENCE Members: Patrick de Haan, Ben Eubank, Larry Horton, Geoff Pashkowski, Karen Ingersoll (or was it Linda?) Guest: Nick Rackers – President, Jefferson City, MO Evening Club 7:00 AM: Meeting called to order by President Geoff.  Invocation: Ben Eubank  Pledge of Allegiance: Larry Horton  Four-way Test: Pat de Haan, Nick Rackers (perfectly executed!)

DISCUSSION 1) An update from Ben on Dona’s condition: She is currently still in the ICU, but the doctors may be transferring her out and into a room this afternoon. She has improved greatly since the surgery yesterday and will hopefully be home by Monday! This is truly great news! 2) Charter Night will NOT be held at the Eubank’s home for reasons we can all understand. Pat will check on Aunt Chilada’s at the Pointe as a new venue, and if so, we will most likely be holding our soiree on Sunday (July 19th) afternoon. We’ll let you all know ASAP. 3) Jared Leslie from Squaw Peak Rotary was able to connect with Ben regarding the medical and surgical equipment for Esperança. They will be taking all of it, which is enough to completely outfit the surgery center in Nicaragua and four months of surgery. Wow! Now that’s rotary in action! 4) Karen may have a contact with the Arizona School of Dentistry in Mesa that may be able to offer dental care for the orphanage in Mexico. Ben threw in an additional incentive of a dental chair if the Dr. can make it happen. Yay! 5) Larry reported that Christina Ratto, President of CXR, was selected to attend the Young Professionals Summit at Berkeley in August. Congratulations Christina! 6) And, something that has nothing to do with anything… Karen shared photos of Steve’s “accidental” purchase on eBay. His newly acquired 1963 Buick Riviera.

Happy $$ 

Pat is happy that Dona is doing better. Had a sad $ because he had to get a new water heater. But happy $ because the box has now been made into a Pirate Ship for his granddaughters! Pat said “Karen is competent”. (Just sayin’)

Geoff is also happy that Dona is doing much better. Feels bad about the mess she’ll probably come home to. Ben added that he’s hired a maid!

Larry took a trip to Colorado last week with the Phoenix Police Explorer group. Telluride is beautiful! Also some interesting fallout with the legalized marijuana there… stuff that doesn’t make the news. Really glad that Dona is doing so much better.

Karen very happy that Dona is improving. Had a great Saturday with her granddaughters! Finished off the day at the Sugar Bowl (seriously… what could be better?).

Nick… at the risk of breaking one of the Four-Way Tests – he is happy to be President of his club! (#1 – Is it the truth?) They’ve completed two projects so far. Also excited as his sister-in-law is close to delivering twins.

Ben – IOU $5. Happy Dona is getting better, and he is surviving. Heard a prediction on the radio that, after the next football season, the Big 12 will be assimilated into the other conferences and will be no more.

The always creative Pat de Haan had us each video a short get well message to Dona, which he will edit and put together. Can’t wait to see it! Of course, we couldn’t let our guest leave without the Banner presentation!


ONLY $20 This shirt is Laird Approved!

Remember when Ben visited Kent’s cabin?

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